BCC Minutes 05/20/1985 W .' .J. - c;;;I ;:t Naples, n"rlda, May 20, 1985 LET IT BE REMl::MtlERED, thðt thu B.,ard "f C"unty C"mmIssi"nIHs In and f"r th, C"unty "f C"IIIcr, dnd aIs" ~cting 8S thu B~ard ~f z"ning Appeal. and ~. the q"v~rning b"ard(s, ,,[ such special dIstrIcts as have be.n cr~ÿtcu acc"rding t" law Jnd havIng c"nducted busIness hereIn, mut "n thIs date at 10:OU A.M. In Workshop SessIon In ~uildlnq "P" "f the C"urth"uae C"mpltlx, J::dst Nd'plcs, r'l"rlCJiI, with the f"ll"wing membClrs pre.ent', CIIAIIIMAN: r'rederlck J. V"SI:I VICE CHAIHMAN: .T"hn A. J¡~t"r Max IIdsse C. C. "Hed" H"llðnd (Arr. 11:00 A.M.' Anne G",'dniqht A1.S0 PRESJ::NT: Jdmea C. Gilas, Fiscal Officer; Maureen Keny"n, L>uputy Clurk; )t')nzllo b. Lu::;k, C·,unty M.:Inðger¡ !:Iurt L. Saund'Hs, C"unty Att"rneYI Neil D"rrill, ASSlstant C"unty Mðnager; P,lJm Brðngacci", Dllputy A.lJsistilnt C"unty Î'lLln,HJIJ(; T,'m C(Llndl1ll. Utl1ltlus Dircct"r; T"m Kuck, Public ¡';"rl<s Aumir'¡str.:Jt·n; Vickie Mullins, Acting C"mmunity Devel"pnltnt Administrrlt"r; I'.nn Mcr.~m. Acting Z.,ning Direct.,r; I>'>n N"rt"n, Public Services Administrðt"r I Tom ,'IcDanicl, Plðnner¡ Pat PickWO')rth, AdministrLltive SlIcretðry t·, the C"unty Mðni.lgtH/ ,'nd NlIncy lsròels"n, Administrdtive Afisistant. COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 6.C. (6) Approval for Collier County IndustrIal Development Authority for the i..uance of retirement rental housing revenue bond. (a.verly Retirement _ Naple., Ltd. project) Series 1985 in a principal amount not to exceed $15,500,000. C"unty Att"rney Saunders stated that this is /I stllndaro pr"ceduru and 15 a requirement by tha Internal Hev~nue Service as the 1nterest "n the b"nds aru tax-exömpt. H¿ fitattld thðt thlli is /I diffurl~nt pr"ject altogether than the "ne that was µrev1"usly appr"ved f"r the C"ll[~r C"unty H"using Flnanc~ Auth.,rlty, but it is the same typo "f pr~qram. He n"ted that th~ davtll"per pðyS less finance charq~s becauSe the Interest 1s tax-exempt which ~,uld make the pr"ject m"re Vlðblu "verall and c"st less. P"'q~ 1 " , ~OOK 087 PAr.E 190 ,;,.....:\~........~......,..'.. J... I.,....'. .,'_ .......a.:..-...~'f,............_...'.....,........\,.~. ._",,'_ ~"......,.,',,.. .....,."'.H, ,'" .--...-,-- -."..-...<"..,"-"-"~~---- '7'" ,p.,..~""___,~~.Ä_" ~m 087 PAGt 191 I',IIY 20, I <;¡( 5 PUBLIC PETITIONS 8' .A. . Mr. William E. Boltsl reque.tin9 appeal ~f Notice to Abate a Nuisance, dated February 19, 1985, under Ordinance 84-63 of unattended growth of weeds and vegetation regarding Marco Ialand, Block 348, Lt)t 13. (Conted from 5/7/85 meeting) Acting C"mmun1ty Dovlfl"pncnt Adm1nistrðt"r Mull1n5 stðted that the appellant was sup~"Bed ~" c~ntðct the Shar1ff's Depòrtment "n tn1s matter ana then c"ntact ner, D~olnq tn~t she has n"t he/lrd fr~m ~im IInd th"ref"re, dt')es n"t kn"w whether he c"ntacted tne ShiH Iff I f3 Depa: ':.,t'lent at all. She stated that sha ~uld try ùnu c"nLact him this d~te nnd ~uld have an IInswer f.,r the I:!t')ard at the regular m~eting. 8.B. pre.entation by J1m Shumake, Attorney for Fun Sports' Entertainment, Inc., res an outdoor music festival to be held on July 4, l~B5 at the Swamp Buggy Grounds. C"mm1ssl~ncr Plst~r qucstl.)ned if tnerQ w·)uld be any alc"h,,11c beverages s"ld "n the premis<!fi, t" ..,hlCII ^tL.nney Jim Shu;nðk~ stðted that he ~,uld like t" be lIble tt') sull alc"h"l!c bevardges, adding that he has c"ntdcted the Department .,f Alct')h"llc I:!.verag~~ ilnd they hilve ð "ne day pormit thðt th"y 101111 lS5U,:. lie stated that the sdl¿s ",")ulcJ be in d c"ntalnod IHut! thùt w.,u10 be r"pea ~ff /lnd security ",·)ule! be µr.,vldo!d by tn8 Shcriíf's Uepllrtrr.¡¡nt. lie stilted t.hclt tnur\;! w·)uld be f""d and T-sh1rts s.,lu, HncJ nil types 0t music w11l be hCdru. C.,unty Managcr Lusk stdto1ej th.:1t under the f>rdinéJnce hIS t')Efice 15 ra<.¡ulrüd tl') Invt!stlYdtl! thO:Sl1 typcs ")( fu!>L1vùlb. Skip Camp, AcJminl~trdtive Afisisldnt t~ the C"unty Mðnilgcr, stateu th"t tltJ Invest1g.:1lUcJ tile L"Sllv,,) ,1no ttl~' p~Llti":1(:r hi1s c.,mpl it!O witt. all the rul~s ðnd regu1dti~n5 ana .:1ppr~val IS rec~mmended dS 10nq ð~ t.he p~ti. 11')ner ¡)(l')vid~S ,. c"i-'y .)( ;:·)mµl ianct' o,,;:ument5 pr i.,r t·, th(' even t . C"mmlss1"ner 11.,sse 'jUeßl1·,ned IL tnls fcstlvðl c·,uld bu twld wlth"ut alc"h.,llc bev~rðgcs, to wnlch Mr. snumaKd replied aEL1rm- "tively, but Ill.! S,lld ttlòt thl!Y w»u1d like tt') hbVl< ,dc·,h"llc bevt'rngcs. Mr. <':ðmp stateo ttlùl the Sher1(('S Uk'pùrtmcnt nils n" fJr',ulem with prl')vioing /] tasK f'HCe: (.)( tho.: Íl.:s:.iviJ1 it i1l·,clll')lic t)CVl:ragL'5 ':He s"ld. C"mmissi"n¿r G.,.,oniyhl slütcd that Lit all 0( thr fk'stivals h~ld ar"und Ct')111er Ct')unly. they have all servu~ ~lct')n.,llc Udveragcs, dduin~ that therd have ut!cn n0 fJr.'blt'MS In th·.! Pd!.:t. Snl! statcO th, ( she c·,es n"t see a pr"blcr.1 1,,'1th tht.!l1'. servl'lC) lJt!cr iJt tIle test Ival. 8.C. Request for ftpproval of a UtIlity Service Agreement between the Foundation for Mental Heðlth and Avatar Utilities, Inc. Util1tids Admin1str~tt')r Crandill1 stated that thy c1t')ßcst water tdcility is stlveral r.1ilt:!!:' awðy Mld il. ....·)ull) lh iml-'raCLicdl dnc. inl~.)ssible t" or1ng C.,unlY w"t~r t., tlh:Jr :.;iI.L'. n(Jcll1q l:::IL t!,lh 1S ðn i III e rim s.) l U l i " n LI n d w n L r. w" l " l i::i u V d 1 1 ,-I U 1<.: l ; I t; Y ,,' ill ¡¡ cJ V L I. ' ) ¡ /,) "" U fJ t." thu C.)unty. 'h" !)t"t,-C tn"t till,'; I:; 11"t t,') "xll:ncJ tht' ErllncllÌ!H' brtHI. 1\(' n"ted tll,;¡t ~'MII ....ill 0" ,..11 t.llL' mCbSU(t'Jllcnts ·)n till' .."ter main a no 1 n ¡¡ t " lilt. ð I. lh..: r c ,) s t iI n ú t II I.: Y ,J CJ I "v ll1 :.J l tll e y \0. I 11 c ~ ;) n ~ c t t .) th" (';t')unty WII{;1l wöl<.:1 15 "'VdI1.:,l;.Ie:. Pagl~ ~ L:Z1 rE:J ~ ...,..~"":';""-:.""';:':--.)'...'-':::~-::-~:,.;'':"::.. ,..; _ ,'¡.iU"h.. _>7.. .;. , ;r. ,.~. '. ,,~'.7 .'~. ,'''": :,,¡.¡.~_.q.q:~~"""-';"".ii¡,;-¡;';f";,",",I).~. -, "....-" .,.-.---- ,. ;¡;;a ~ i'la y 20, 1 ';113 5 S.D. Reque.t by the Collier Soil and Water Conservation District for interi. funding in the amount of $6,735. Ct)unt.y ~naqÐr LUSK st..;It.HI th<lt. ilt. tho tLmOll the refcrftnoum Wd8 o"na, it. was n"t.dd th~t thu Dist.rict may c~me back t., the C"unty t~ osk fl')r s"me expen"eB f"r ISltcrtlt.,H1di tlna .,ttic~ tlqllipment. !>£Im ~r~nqúccl~, Deputy ^"l!Iisti:lnt t" thu c.;~unty Mllnnqor, Atdted t.hat Hn~ aia an int.,rm~l Burv"," ~nd there i:lrfl ^ l£lrqe number ~f c"untl~s th.lt pr"vide the R",crot.ðrlal p"sitl"n and "fflce supplies, ddding that if this ia ðppr~v"d It sht')uld ba d"ne "n d c~ntract basis 8t') tnat they get. iln actual lump sum payment rather th~n setting the ampl"yee U? as a C;.,unty emp1"ycd. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENDA ITEMS (May 2l, 1985) 6.8. (l) Petition R-84-20c, wIlson, Miller, Barton, SoIl' Peek, representing Lely Estates, Inc.1 requesting rez"ning from A-2 and A-2 -ST- to PUD, located between US-4lS Þnd Rattlesnake Hðmmoc~ Road, west of C.R. 951 for 2,892.5 acres. (comm. Dev., (cl')mpanIon to DRI-84-3C, Item No. 6.C.(l)) (C~ntinued from 4/16/85 meeting) C"mm1øsl"ner plst"r øtated thðt he had ~uestl"nfi thllt. hd needed anSw~rftO at the regular meeting, ddCJing that ne d.,us n.,t see any menti"n t')f ;HtC"nc ary w~t'H ~LJµpll!!5, piµ~s being put in, ~r t:1re h'\<l=lrilntf:l. 1111 at,¡tu(j t.hat tlHH~ I" cruuit <Jiven E·)( th'': lano c.,ntributed ft')r rLght-.,f-WdY dnd hu wdnts t., ba sure tnat. the Ut')ðrd Is rCDoy to ilodrttSIS th.,se items. C"mmL lôsl~nur V'H;S <. ue5t i"ncu if th'..!Y dYer c1em·,n,'r.r,1ted the np.ed f"r parcel "CI". t" wnicn Actin') Z0nLng Dirdct.,r McKim stðtdO th~t it hðs n.,t b~en d~n~ In writIng. Ct')mmlasi~ner V.,ss stðt~d tnat thern is ~15~ ß qu~ati~n r~gHrdinq reducing Parcel "RC" fr~m 50 acres t" )U acres. Actlny ¡"nlng Dir~ctt')r ~cKim stat~a tnut there wIll .,nly be )0 dCrtlS f"r c,'mm~rclt1J. comml5si"nt!r V'HIS st..Jtea tll<tt thcro! is iJ pr.,blcm regl,rding what is t'l bu preserved CIS S',);!1C fH!.,ple cut. tr<!~s d0wn ëlnd tllen repl"nt which 15 n'>t d WdY t.) c"rruct the sltuL,tl·,n tnat ·,ccurro!u. fld !It.:stcd that t!1'!r~ sh.,uld be a b~tt~r way t~ hdndle this, like hÐving a b.,nd "r s"m~thIng. ACting Z0nlng Diroct.,r MCKim stdted thðt thi~ 9h~uic1 be addressed tnr"ugh t')r(jLnLlncc rath~r tnan a sp~clfic c.:ss~, aoding that thure are penalties In the 0rdlnanco! but n"thing 111 the "roinanco! t., preserve trees. Ac~ln<. C;"rnmunlty Duvel"¡;tT\unt Admln1strdt"r Mullins statdu that th~[~ is currently an .,rdinance for pr"tdctlng tredS ana shu Is in t.he prt')cess t')f udglnning tt') act.lv~ly enf"rce the ~rdinðncc, lidding tnat it will als-' b.. updilted in tho very near future. She stilted that In the next buaget YULlr she is dlst') ruquc3t1ng a acvel~p!1cnt Ins~4ctt')r t"> chock Int" tn~s.. matters. ,"Ir. L.l.Jrt"n of \~ils.)n, Miller, ¡jart"n, 5·,11 Ii. P'!(lk, st.:lted that II vast maj"r 1 ty "t the wetlanrjs .,n the si te lIave been f iold surveyed, ddding thdt they dre jurisdictit')nal by D~H anu ~n dn eff"rt t.., v~rify whure thu wetland~ ~r~ s., thdt planting c"uld be dt')ne ar"und them, ne dnd represuntdtlvcs 01 UEK w~nt t., the fiüld to m~rk them. Ho! stated that this Includt!s ab.,ut !;IO,.,1 tt1e wctl.:lndS, .:Jdding that tho demarcati"n Is g"lng t" be very visible. ¡'ðqa 3 ,oaK 087 pm 192 .~ . ..·..~T . """I"*,'I'!'~ -.--- ..~"",.."'....__...~~~ aOOK 087 PAGC 193' Mð Y 2 ( , I 9 8 I) C"unty Att"rn.y Saunocrs $t~ted that the tree and scruboury ordInanc~ pr"vIdes t"r a p~nalty ~f up t~ ð $500 flne per tree. 6.8. (2) Petition R-84-38C, John PorzIol requesting rezoning from A-2 , A-2 .ST- to A-I and A-l -ST- for 20 acre. located south of David C. Brown Highway in Section 1, T485, R26E. (Com.. Dev.) (Cont'd from 3/5, 3/19, and 4/2/85 meetings) C.,mmiasi"ner fllst"r qU'll:lti"ned why fn:'.,ne Wo)ulù wèlnt t" change ttu~ z"ning from A-2 to A-l, t" which Acting Zoning Direct"r McKim stated f"r tax purp~S.B. Mrs. McKLm stated that the County ~nv1ronmentallst is WO')rklng with the pet1tl"ner regarding the trees thùt were cut., adding that they were cut out ~t Ign"rdnce ~s he intenoHd to f~rm the land. 6.B.(3) Petition PDA-85-le, Bill Vines, representing Lely Estatesl requesting amendment to Barefoot Beach PUD, located along the northerly 2 miles of beachfront in Collier County at the westerly end of Bonita Deach Road, to increa.e the number of units from 499 to 713 and amend the site plan. (Comm. Dev.) Ct')mmlssloner Pistt')r stated thdt t.his Is ant')ther new devel"pr.lI~nt ana he h"pes that there dr!! plans t"r 5ee"nnary wdter lines. [~re hydränt8, etc. Assistant C.,unty MdnllglH O"rrlil StlltHCI thät thi5 Is an existing PUD und h~ d~es n"t kn"w what c~ndltlt')ns ar~ In the "r1g1n3l PUD. Acting ,,,nlng Diruct'H ~le¡'lm stiJteu thi:!t. the mlìin ell/Jnge is density and type ot unIts. andlng that tney are g0ing from single tamlly t~ attacheO sIngle fdmlly dn~ apartments uµ t~ 6 st"r1es. Sh~ n"ted that Stdtt Is rec"mm.:nclinq iJ t"tal "t 609 units. 6.B. (4) Petition PDA-85-2C, William Vines, representing Lely Estatesl requesting an amendment to Barefoot Beach Condo PUD, located at the NW co~ner of Barefoot Beach Condo PUD, at the westerly .nd of Bonita Beach Road to reduce the number of dwelling units permitted from 220 to 110. (Comm. Dev.) C"mmlss1oner Plst0r 5tdtcd that thIs is one whure the c"nc0mlnium~ dr~ being reOueed ðnd th~ bUIldIngs will n"t. be as h1gh. C"mlnlssi"ner "asslc' qucstl.,ned if P,Ht .,t this hdS been oes1gnlltt:d C"unty profJcrty t~r oJ p.Hklny iJr(;:(I, tt') ~lt\1Cn 1"1(5. McKII" rep11uj afflrmät1vely, 5tdt.lng t:1dt ther\! is à strIp tnðt 15 f~r ñ C'''Jnty park, but the l"cati'1n ~l tile pLlrK1ny has n.)t yet h.,'ln ::~t~r~,ined. 6.C. (1) petition DRI-84-3C, Wilson, MIller, Barton, SoIl, , Peek, representing Lely Estates, Inc.1 requesting approval of a Development of Regional Impact for property located between US-4lS & Rattlesnake Hammock Road, west of CR 951. (Comm. Dev., (Companion to PetitIon R-84-20C, Item No. 6.B. (1)) (Cont'd from 4/16/85 meeting) Tnerl.! ...as n') d1seUSS1·,n o:-n tIlls itcm. Page I r=:1 8~I1 ~ .,..~~r,~-· :;-T::·;,.·..:. '~....:t~~~~....·,........ !",:, ~, .,,-.r.'t.". '"':'...·.L"'~'.. .' ", ¥'..1,~t:~.}..;..;..1~,_u",.(;~,.....':...,.,.~",:;'';;1\,r.':.")1.;:å~ ¡~,I.;:~-~-:~:r=:rr:!M, ,'J:.'.;;::'-- ~..' ,~""><',~òI,I.!",\;- " . .~'. ..)' . _... .__.. ,.".....-.._.'..~.:t¡..~.....,""-:""'d.....,'~:~,\~~~~: ,¥ .-:..,t~.... ..., ~.._, ,'.. ..\1'<1- ~,.';l',,\ . ."'.,,-~_. ,'" ....~.~_...,-"..~,~...,.,,"~,---.,".... ... ;¡¡;a ¡;,; :-lilY 20,1985 a.c. (2) Adoption Building mutingl C.,u,.,~y Manager Lusk .'Hated that T·,m ~hleld "t tha C"ntroct"r's LIcensing Ass.,ciati"n cðlled 111m tlno ðSkt!d ttl/Jt this icum be c"ntinucd f" c tWO') wile 10"1. of . neW ordinance amending Section lOB.2(c) of the Standard Code, 1982 EdItion. (COIUI. Dev.) (Cont'd from 5/7/85 7.A.(1) Petition FDPO-85-V-2, Robert ". Powelll requesting a variance from the minimua base flood elevation required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance on property described as Parcel 9, of unrecorded George Richmond Plat (3388 Dominion Drive). (Comm. Dev.) Pl,1nner McDanif:d stdteu th~ ~fJplie,lti·'n Indicates what the petiti"ner wants t" d." adding that th~ unusuðl part is thnt he buIlt It bef"re he appliPoo [t')r the vLlriance. H~ stl1ted thJt thp.re ~,uld have been justifiCllti"n f.)f a llilrio1nce. Ht! ¡,.,ted thllt the after-the-fact ptlrmit fee 1S [t')ur timcs tne l.Hiec.,f the µcrmlt. C.,unty Mändger Lul:lK statP.d thllt if the permit is n"t gr,~nted, then the building .,r 5tructurc has t~ be tt')rn d.,wn. Ç.)mmissl.,nor V.,!;S stðtcd thðt it is hlird t., maKe s"me·,ntt ::'eðr it d.,~n, but LI stiffer tine ct')uld bu imposed. C"unty Att.,rney SLlundurs stated that the "rdlnance c.,uld be cnänyed t" lndicate iI mdXlmum tin~ "t 5500 "r 60 days in jail, but that w.,uld be the mllximum that the C') l1mlssi·)n c·)uld g" as far as d fln~ is c.,ncurncd. lit:! StðtttO that thl: per;nil fee c·,uld bu made higher, but it ~,uld have to be justified, dddlng that the after-the-fact perm1t fee e"uld be increased bUl ,n s',m'! ¡'.int it bcc"mea II flnt:!. Hc st<.ltcd that if thd duelslt')n is for denial, then toe structure ",.,uld havl! tt') be rem.,vcd and this w)uld maK~ lh. public ~"'ðru t')f such situati.,ns. 7.A.(2) Petition V-84-28C, Forrest L. Harmon, requesting variance from the A-l -ST- requJrement of 5 acres to l.16 acres to construct a single family residence. (comm. Þev.' (Cont'd from 1/15/85 meetIng) Acting Zt')ning Dlrect.,r McKim stated tnðt the petitioner is requesting that this item be ct')ntinued ðqain, adding that she is ·.J;Jiting f.jf :1 letter 'ù'L1c~ '..'ill ~;¡dicòta thë dcJte. lO.A.(l) Request for a pUblic hearing date for Petition DRI·S4-5C, Pine ~ir Lakes Development "f Regional Impact located north of Pine Ridge Road, west of Airport Pulling Road and west of Tall Pine. Subd~vision. There ~as n" discussion .,n this item. lO.A. (2) Petition "P-B5-3C, u.s. Home/Rutenbecg H"mesl the rear yard setback for Lot 6, Block C, Unit Thuru ~~s nt') discussit')n ')n this item. requesting a variance to I, Foxfire PUD paqu 5 'DDK 087 w.l194. ..»;..~~.,"<,~,.---~---.- · '.:'H, t' ..~~'. - .......... 'on 087 w,t 195 fI.a y 2 0, 1 9 8 5 Conaent: 16.A. (1) Reco...ndatlon to approve 1e9al advertisement for Plannin9 and zoning Director C¢unty Manager Lusk stated that this itom 18 g"lng t" be rem"v~d as it is a duplicati¢n. Commlssione~ Pist¢r stated that there are a l"t "f items "n this aqunda that are simply r"utlnd, Jòr.ing that all "f these things sh"uld be put under ¢ne item St') the agenda W-:luld n¢t be as long. C"unty Manager Lusk stllted that fivu items are going t" be removed, addIng that hø set up Ð p"lIcy that is stricter than what the CQmmis.lon had. He nQted that the Purchasing Director misunderst"od and he started bringing items tQ thw C¢~mission that were bel"w $2,000. He stated that he was trying t" make a p"licy that stnted that anything that was "ver $2,000 w"uld c"me tt') the CQmmlsslon and th~ Purchasing DirectQr th"ught that it was anything Qver $500. Assistant c"unty Manager D"rrlll stated that it might bo In "rder t" c.)mpilo purchasing items "nt" "n r E:xecutlvo ::iummary as it will be a routine Item. C"unty Manager Lusk stiltud that th~r~ is a purchasing "rdlnance being reviuweó by the Ct')unty Att~rn.y, adding that part "f the pr"blem with the prcstlnt IJ.'licy is thllt thørlt Is inturprvtatj,)n thllt t..nds t" 9" back and f"rth, addinl) that he h¢pes that within the next tw"> mvetings there will be a new purchasing "rdlnance. lie stated that the C"unty Clerk is a15" reviewing the "rdinllnce. PUBLIC WORKS AGENDA ITEMS (May 2l, 1985¡ lO.B. (l) Recommdation to award Bid '800 - Annual Tire Bid Public WOrks Administrat"r Kuck stated that Cash~lIn/Stiehlman listed "n the bid tÐbulatiQn is ^irIJ~rt Tire, which is under new "wnershi:> and new management. lO.8.(2) Recom.endation tn award Bid No. ~08, median curbs, storage lane and traffic separator on Marco Island Public \,;·,rl<s l\d",in1strélt~r Kuck stated that thls will c"mpJete the stlctlt')n ¢f N"rth C.,lller blvd. thðt will c"me t., where S.,uth C¢lller Blvd. begins. Consent: 16.8.(1) Recommendation to accept quit claim deed for additional right-of-way related to Seagate Drive Road widening project Thdre was no') alflcusslon .,n this ittlm. 16.8.(2) Recomaendation to approve the purchase of a traffic signal controller for the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard Page (j ~ f'~!~~r¡j ., .. >'.' .' ·r· ~ 0......,.____.-. . ~~~",::--:~;;A 'I!..'~~"-.¡o)¡'¡¡¡'''''' ~~~,,~.1"', ~...~,......._.11\:,'~' .'....-.~'..,.;'\r,.,th.¡...,.,. ........-'.. . -'-,þ........" '. . .. _.....,. \.._..1:·1 ,·...1·:.;·-- '1'-' J 1.___.__···.. ..---.-- - """.-----~---~"'-='-.-.'... ,---- .. c::;.1 r:;.& May 2U" 19~5 Ct)rnmissi"nør lIðlue stÿted that he tht)uqht the c"ntr"ller IO/lI. "n, tQ ~hlch ~ubl1c ~rks Admlnistrat"r Kuck stated that this 18 an after-the-fact request and he sImply needs appr"val f"r tho rect')rds. 16.d.(3) Reco..endation to approve the purcha.e of traffic .ignal pole. for the inter.ection of S.R. 84 (Davis Blvd.) and Lakewood Boulevard PulbIc ~rks Adminlstr~tar Kuck stated that this is a hIgh prlarity Item t')n thu list as f~r as traffic sIgnals ar~ c"ncerned, .:Iddlnq that those are cancrc~e p"l~s. 16.8. (4) Recommendation to approve purcha.e of nuclear densIty/moisture meter Cammlss1Qner Pist"r qucsti"n~d ~hat this is fQr, t" which Public "t')rks Admlnistrðt.)f Kuck stðted thllt It 18 t" take density tests"n the r"ads as thv limvrt')ck base Is put in. Asslst~nt County Manager Dt')rrlll stated that It determines c"mpactlt')n ratvs and thv County v6ciflei thbt tho c.,mpacti"n m~ets the design. 16.8. (5) Recom.endation to execute deed(s) for burial lots at Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Thvre was n., dlscuSS1"n "n this Item. 16.8. (6) Recomaendation to approve Excavation Permit No. 59.214 - ·Ridgeport Lake.. - (Ridgeport Plð13 Shopping Center), SectIon ll, T49S, R25E, northwest corner of the intersection of Airport Road (CR-3l) and Pine Ridge Road (CR-896), bounded on the north and west by ·Pine Air Lake.· PUD PublIc W"rks Administrllt·)( Kuck stateO that this excallatian permit Is part t')f the water mandgvment plan. 16.B. (7) Recomaendation to award Bid 1806, dozer and front end loader for Public Work: Public Mrks Admlnistrdt.)( Kuck statud that these specs wllre the "nas that were re-wrltten ðnd ended up saving the C"unty ab"ut $3,000. He n"ted that this equipment ~,uld be useO by R.,ðd & Bridge ð]l "ver the C"unty tar swale restarlltian. 16.8.(8) RecomaendatiQn that the Board of County Commissioners reque.t the South Florida Water Management District governing Board to establish a District FIeld Engineering PosItion in Collier County Public ~rks Administrat.)( Kuck stated thð~ this pt')siti"n Is far a full-time engineer that wauld '"'HI< cl.,sely with the S"uth l"lorida Water Manðgment District and give them more supp"rt In the Caunty. Page 7 IOU 087 P~r.t 196 ,,~""" -.......... -- ..." ,....~ .___..........,...... .,._'.-......_~ ......c:~..~."....¥,.~..ro....- -... ..,.... ··\IT~'~~·:.. ',oø 087 mot 197 Ma y 2 0, 1 !:I 8 5 16.8.(9) Recommendation for final acceptance of Kings Lake Unit Four, Phase Two There was no discussion Qn this Item. 16.8. (10) Reco...ndation to approve construction agree.ent with United Telephone Company for undergrQund conflict resolution on the Kelly Road (Bayshore Drive) I~provements project Public Works Administrat"r KucK stated that there Is c"nflict wIth United Teleph"nu and "ne of the Utilities Qn Kelly H~ad, addIng that the C"unty will build a conflict box under th_ c"ntract t" relQcate, the UtIlity ~nd will then be reimbura_o for the ct')s~ "r i~. 16.8. (11) Recom.endation to approve the acquisition of right-of-way for the extension of Santa Barbara Boulevard between Radio Road and Davis Boulevard Thure was n" dlscussi"n on this item. 16.8. (12) Recom.endatlon for approval to retain consulting firm of Flood and Aaaociates for engineering analysis relative to condemnation action on P«rcel llS, Pine RIdge Road Extension C"mmlssi"ner Voss questi"ned 1[ the C"unty has to g" to c"ndemnatl"n"n this Jrt')perty, t" which Public works Adminlstrat"r KI Ck replied affirmdtiv~ly, adding that he d"es n.,t Knt')w what wIll transpire in the n~xt ct')u Jle t')f months, but this matter has nt')t y~t been res.,lved. 16.8. (13) Recom.endation to authorize rentàl of Case Loader Tractor for Road · Bridge There was n0 discussit')n "n this item. 16.B. (14) Recommendation to approve attendance at professional seminar by ChIef, Secondary Roads Section Public Ì'f')rks Administrator Kuck stateo that he Is rcc"mmendln'J thi.lt ty,)t,) Juntunen, wh" is In ct1iJrge .,f .,vcrsct:;ing r"ad constructi"n proj~cts in the am"unt .,( $~-6 millit')n per y~ar be iluthoriz~d t" atlena this seminar. NON-AGENDA IT~MSI 1. Discussion reI thft acquisition of additional land adjacent to the County Landf III PublIc'WHkS Administrat.)( Kuck stéltec1 thilt if the landfill Is c"ntlnued as It is nt')W, there is a life span of 12 t" lC years whIch can 00 Increaseo 4uite a bit by g.,lng t" rUSQUrC6 rec"very, but in the It')ng-range, even with resource rect')very, the existing site w.,uld be used. He sta.ted that if the addlti"nal land was purchased, the landf1l1 c"uld pr"bably gQ tor 40-50 years ðno p08ßibly up tt') 100 y~ars Page 8 c::::J ~ ~r..1·RI·:~1 --' ~ --~.__.~_... _...~-- t . .,.~ -..-- .... -..---.-..--'''--'- , r= t::;I t:.;;;] N.:IY 20,1985 with fdS.,urce recovery. He ~"teø that there will pr~bðbly be ð lImited tlme that this pr"perty will be i'lvall<1ble i'lnd he W">uld l1ke dIrecti"n fr.)m th. U"ard as to wlletnfH tlh'Y ·...·'uld like t·, purChase this pr·'perty or not. He øtated tnat he hus h~ðrd indlructly that the pr~p~rty lø going to be .old for $3 mllli"n dnd with ð 20 yeör c"mmitment at 9\ intereat, there ~)uld be d commitment of $300-J50,000 a year which would reflect i'lb"ut a $2 ~ddIt1"nal cost to the tipping feas per year t')ver a 20 y.ar per1"d basud "n the present volume. Hit stated that with the nolw DER regulatIons, there will be .1 '.ubstantl.:\l increase In the tipping faes t" meet thu1r rtl4ulrlolments. lit, stat..d that milndùt"ry c"ll~cti"n 1a g"ing to navat" be l"oked at. Assist.:lnt County MJnaqer D"rrill stated that before the acc g~es on vacation, the f1n~l res"urce racovery report Is qoing t" be w"rkahopped at a special W?rksht')p. He st.:lted that there are gt')1ng t" have t" be a l"t "f declsi"ns made this summer reyarding th~ 'andflll act1vities, adding that all the cells have t" bu ab"ve ground level, have t" be lined, and have tt') hi'lve certain fill requirements. He stated that those are dll new D~R rul~s th~t are Imp~sed ~n all landfills. He n"ted that there are gt')me pr.,blems with neW legislation on the cl"slng "f t')ld ldnaf1ll~, in pilrtlcular, there Is an ~ld landfill 1n Imm~kalee thùt has nt')t buen used for tw? to three years that Is g"lng to cause s.,me prt')blkms if the C"unty has tt') spend several hundred tht')usand dollars t., construct the new UER imp"sed m"nit"ring wells, etc. He stated that rest')urce r~covery, aoditi"nal landfIll sIte, mandat"ry c"llectlt')n, aramatic Increases in tipping fees are all gt')ing tt') ~e 1ssues this summer. PUBLIC SERVICES AOENDA ITEMS (May 21, 1985) 10.C.(l) Recommendation to consider purchase of the Lely Hibiscus Golf Course Parks & Recreatit')n Dlrcct.,r Vanùtta stated that tWO') t')f the m~mbers of the ad-hoc c.)mmi ttee vt')tt!(j t., purchastI thu g.)lf c':'Jrse, .,ne v·)ted ' n"t t" purchase It, ðnd thrue membtlrs v"ted "N,," unless the County was in 1\ pt')sitlon to subsidize any financidl sl1t')rtfall. HI! stated that this recomm~ndðtl"n was taken tt') the Pilrks & Hecre.:ltl"n Advist')ry ~"ard and they vt')ted unan1nl0usly n0t t" take .:Iny actl"n "n purchllsing It g~lf course at this p"lnt 1n time. He stated that they did want tt') keep the ad-h"c ct')mm1ttee actlve t~ It')t')k intt') t')ther alternatives and tt') investigate possibly a leasel?ur~hasc .,r any "ther v1.:1ble opti"n. C"mmissi"ner Hasse stated th<lt hd w.,uld like t" hllve him l.)"k deeper Int" leasing the G·,lden Gðte gt')lf course. He stated that he finds most t')f the gt')lf courses are being put "ut to c"ncessl"naires which shows that they are n"t pr"flt making. c"mmissi"ner V.)ss stated that this dep",nds "n thc g"lf c"urse and the way tt') d" it Is tt') hðve s"me"ne else managc it "ther than the C"unty. He stated that the g"lf c·,url:le in G"lden Gate Is t"" expcnsivo when tho c"nditlon "f the ct')urse Is taken Int" c"ns1dcratIon. C"unty Manager Lusk stðt.:d that the pe')pl~ In Lely W'>uld consider the addltl"nal piece .,f pr"perty but ~,uld rilise the rent some, adding that they dlst') talked In ttlrms ~f d thrue y.:ar ltldSe with an .,pti"n tQ purchase. He nt')tea thdt a lease with an t')ption t" purchase Is got')d f"r the c"unty because in the first year If thert! is m.,ney being l"st, then the C"unty has no further "bllqatian so it woulø "nly be subsidIzed f"r the fir stye ð r. C"mmlssioner V"ss stc1teO thÐt a l~as" with "ption to purchase Pug. 9 aOOK 087 PAGt 198 . .'. . ............L___..- r. o .µ. ..~_.~......-." "'~. ~--,,,. ~.~ ._.-~-",..,.__...-~ · ~. ... o··~'-'--"'afII'III" ". I~ ~ JIll L J - r--4- ......................... tOOK 087 w,r 199 MlI Y 2 0, 1 9 U 5 ~uld be a g""d idea. Cou':'ty Man..qer Lusk stateo that the Parks' RAcru.Jtil)n DIrect"r 111 lookinq f"r directi"n at the regular ~CC meeting as t" whether t" investiqlte a leas. with t')ption t" purchase ty"e sltuatI"n "r whether to buy the Lqly HIbiscus golf cl)urse t')r any "ther alternðtIves the BCC ma y have. lO.C. (2) R.c~..end.tion tu establish a year round parking fee at Vanderbilt B.ach parking facility PUblic Services Adminlstrat"r N"rt"n stated that he is asking for an extensi"n of the parking fees at Vanderbilt Beacn parking facility to match the ones that ar~ at Tiqertail. He stated that previ~usly It was Approved for "nly 7 months of thd year t" charge a parking fee, as if it was staffed Yllar-r"und, it w<>uld n"t be a f",sibJe "peratl"n. He noted that there has been a c"ntract w<>rked "ut with the Seni"r Employment Pr"grðm, wh" is sup~lying the Ct')unty with lllb"r for a "nu year basis. Hv stated that they are "n staff and at the filcillty and they \oo»uld like to let them c·,llect the rofe [or the remdindtH "r thtt year. He stated that there 15 nt')t a need t" charge, but if the pe"ple are there they c·)uld c"llect Bnd it ....,uld milke it a m'He profitable operation. He stated that the one year c"mmitment wt')ula run "ut next year ar"und April. Consent. l6.C.(l) Recommendation for approval of a budget amend.ent for construction of a replacement dog kennel at the Immokalee Animal Control Center Public Services Administratt')r N"rt"n stated thilt this Is the kennel In the Imm"kalee St.,ckade area, adding that there 15 currently a temp"rary kennel which Is ~pµroxim~tely Y years .,ld. He stat~d that he is asking ft')r ðuth"rizatit')n t., use appr"ximately $2(,500 to build a replacement kennel, "ne that meets all the specl[lcati"ns "f the Animal Ct')ntr"l Department and thtdr needs In the Imnokalee aretl. He stated that this is bilsic/llly ð satbllite facility. l6.C. (2) Recommendation tor atatf d~termination of individual social ..rvices cases requesting assistan~e for hospitalization, in lieu of the Board of County Commissioners Public ~urvices Administrator ~ort"n noted tnat appr"ximately ~t olvery .)ther mC?etlng, ttll<r~ lire s"clal sf?rvic~ cases thllt ðr(: br"ught bctor~ th~ b"ard .!Isklng ft')r appr"val ft')r h0spltaliznti"n ðno a"ct"r service f~es ft')r Indlgents wh" cann0t afft')rd t" pay. He n"t~~ that this Is a[ter the so!rvices have been rendered, ~ut m"nies hav~ n"t becn paid t')ut until the bec gives ðpprt')val. He n"ted that this hðs been researched and there is nt') legal t')bligati"n that th~ BeC noeds t" see thesu Cdses each timl<, adaing that essentially th~rc is Ð blanK~t approval when the buaget Is appr"vQO f.,r these ly~es Q[ cascs. He n"led that the Cðses lire c"nfioential in naturt:: ilnd, theref"rt:, there has been very little discussi~n. Nt: statt:d that it Is n"t necessary t" nave thcse casus lJ...ougnt bt:toru tne I3<":C and he is requestinq stðff auth"rity t" ~pprov~ these cases unless they exceed $5,000. He n"ted that rn.,st "f :..:.e cases fdll b(!twecn $3-4,000. C~unty Attorney Saunaers stated that this c.,uld bp. taken "rf the Pa gel 0 t!!!J ~:J ' . ',.~ . .......~..- þ~"",,'1 .. - ,-0 _________ ----~-,_...'--...---~_.- , .. c:ii:iI ~ /'I., Y 2 0, 1 ~ 8 5 c"nsent øg~noø and he ~,ulo prepare d res"lutl~n reqardlng thiS mattur. Ct)mmlssi"ner II" 11 ana stat~o th..t h., ~)ulcl Uk4r ti) see this item taken off tne ct)nsent ag~nda and put "n the regular agenda becausø tnere are reaSi)ns tnat these cnueS should c"me bef"re the ~oard which ~lll be dlscussvd and a decisit')n can then be made. commlsslt)ner Ht)lland stAted thAt he ~uld like the C~unty ^tt"rney t" h"ld up "n a re~"luti"n until after the tloard taKes actl~n. l6.C.(J) Reco~endation to aut.horiz. purchas. of photocopy equipment for the AgrIculture Departm~nt Vublic Sarvlces Administr,:¡t"r N~rt"n stat~d that he w~uld raqucst tndt thIs Item be removed fr~~ th~ c6nsAnt agenda t" the regular agenda as h~ Is requesting an addlti"nül rec"mm~nd~tJ"n th..t IR n~t "n thu ~xecutive Summary. He stateO that he Is re4uestlng authorization f"r the Agriculture Depùrtmentt" purch~se b new ph~tc"py machine as their's is 3 yearH i)ld, they have a hiSn v"lume "f c"pylng, and that the m"ney is dvailable in the department. He said that the Medical lxamlner has requested ð copier In his budget f~r next year. Mr. N~rt"n rvpt')rted that this m~cnine ~)uld still w)rk ft')r ð d~partment that dt')4rs n.n have ð large number "f c"ples and It w"uld be his rec"mmendatl"n that thv HcC approv~ the transfer "f the "ld m~chine tl) thu ~~dical ~xdminer's Departm~nt to save m"ney. 16.C.(4) Recommendation for approval of contract with Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for grant of Florida General Revenue Funds for us. ir. providing services under the Community Care for Disabled Adults Program. Public 5ervicQs AUminlstrat"r Nt')rt"n stated that this requIres a C.)unty match of 10\ which Is $2,222.00 In this caSI;: and will be serving appr"xlmat~ly 20 dlsableo adults and the State's share will b~ ð $20,000 grilnt t" thu Ct')unty. l6.C.(5) Recommendation to purchase limIted source fir~ equipment Public Serv1ces Administrator Nort"n not~d that t~is is t" purchase vari.)us items .,f fire equl[1I11ent for th~ Ocht')pt!e fo'lre District, adding that they did n"t g" t')u~ t" bid b~cðuse there are ð Ilmlteo nl.mbcr I)f s·,urcóls that pr"vide this eyu1pm~nt and thure Is a nead t., get the truck .H uIPPIiQ as st')I)n as- p"sfilble. he stated that he obtained four qu"tes and hli is rec"mmendlng the It')west qu"te "f $3,010 t" bo appr.)ved. l6.C. (6) Recommendation to award Bid '805, replacement ambulance for primary servic. area of Immokalee Public Services ^drnlni5trator I'<'Hton stated th.:lt this 15 a re~lùcE:m...nt vehicle, d typ" II ViJn, t~).3t is $27,150 which is curr,,¡ntly bUlJgeted. HI:! :ätatca th~t it is an altern~tl.1 tHC, a 19!i4 vó:h1c1e lnHtead I)f 19B ( and is an AtS unit which 1s to basically rl!plùce the "n~ that is In lmm"kaleól that is g~tLing old. H~ stat~c that tncre dre tlvu oi~ferent l"catil)ns In the Ct')un~y and thert! arc 7 "r 8 A1.S units ana a ct')uple "f bLb units. C"mmlssi"n~r "t')llanc stateo that ne h~s seri"us mlx~d em~til)nS .paqe 11 'OOK . 087 W,t 200 t1Hi1 ~it ~ ---....- .--..,.... ,~...,,,._-<~._-- ---.. ......,.,......,-~._... .-....... .~.............. -_....-........-,., "-' ...- -""'. <', A'i,.~; ,,, ',' 087 p~~t 201 rr,,1 'i ~ 0, 1 ~ ~ ~ al)o')ut Sf)me ".c th", types of sltrvices that the Ct')unty pc:rfo')rl.,s. He stated that abf)ut G~-70\ "f th~ runs ard n"t omergency runs. H~ stated that he dId nt')t understand why the A1.S units have to be sent f)n a run that i. n"t an ",m~rgency. Hv stated that he understo')"d that Jmm"Kalee WðS Q.)Inc;¡ tt') put in a van t" back up the At.S unit tnat is there. lie stated that there sh"uld be one unit in the C"unty lo')cated in East Naples that c"uld fill In fo')r the f"ur areðS as a backup. H~ stated that he has been assured that a HLS unit Wt')uld bioi used f"r bacKup rather than an ALS unit. Public Work~ Adminlstrat"r N"rt"n stated that thIs w"uld b~ the roplacement for the existing At.S unit that is there n"w, adding that it is simply a new unIt for the "ld "ne. ABslstant C"unty Manager D"rrlll stated that there Is a big difference between tho type IJ, t.he 8LS unit, the A1.S unit, IInd the van. Co')mmissl"ner H"lland stated th~t on the n~xt ~'rksho')p he Wo')uld Uk", t" discuss the p"sslbility "f r,eg.,tlatlng with the h"spltal to') take over th", ambulance servic,", f~r C"lllar Ct')unty. He stated that th~y are in charge of training the paramudics and the ~MT's and they have Indicdt",d that thuy ~rc willing try discuss it and it w"uld be do')ne for n lot less than what the Ct')unty is now pilying. Mr. Nort.,n stated thðt the =.,rrect figure f.,r this unit is $2ú,554 and n"t $27,150 lIli indicat~d in tha ~xp.cutlve Summary. l6.C. (7) Recom..ndation to reclassiCy two positions in the Parks and Recreation Department Public Services Administrat"r N.,rt"n stated that this Ite~ is in regard t" a maj"r reorganizati.,n that the Parks & Hccreatl.,n C1r~ct"r has prop.)sed. III! n.)teC1 ~hilt he w.,uld llk~ t" have t...." positi.,~s reclassified. lie rept')rted that the p",sitit')n t')f Assistant Parks Direct"r, who Is MurdO Smith, should b", reclansified t" Parks ~uper- intendent which more clearly describes his j"b, adding that he Is recommending a 5\ pay Increase. He stated that the 5ec"nd p"sitit')~ ft')r reclassification is for Dan L.,ubl~r, Recreati"n Assistant, which shnuld bt r~classitieo t" Parks & Hecreati.,n C""r~lnat~r and the salary sh.,uld be at entry level ft')r that p"siti.,n. 16.C. (8) RecQmmendation to change the title of Youth Guidance Supervisor to Youth Guidance Director Public ~arvictfs Admini.tltlllt"r Nt')rt"n rep.,rted that lIb"ut t....'·, YtfarR ag" when th~ LGF5 syst~m was first implemented, thtf entire t')peratio')n was re"rCJanIz~d unut<r ttl~ C"unty NanðgE:r and in att<tmpt tt') d" this, lit.! r*ct')mmended that this p"siti.,n be titleo a Supervis.,r rather than a D~pðrtment Direct"r anu th~ p~rson functi"ns as a Department Diruct"r, theref"re, he is recommending that the p"siti"n titltt be changed fr"m Y"uth Guldanc~ Supurvist')r tt') y.,uth Guidance Uirectt')r. Me stated that there is no salary aajustm~nt involvea. l6.C. (9) Recommendation to approve legal advertisements for Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians C.,unty 'o\:Jnagur LURk inaicùted th.JL this item Is btdng re:T,~v.H':. UTILI'UES Pagt:' 12 ~" ~ ~ ~ ~-'_. '-,'". _.--~----.--"""'- r.' ~'.. .-,' yor."·'" .~ .,. ~_"I..~:~A-.,..~·.· ',.... ,'"',1""'.·' ~_o ---.----.--..- .- r:&;I c:::;J May 20, lYH5 ACENDA ITEMS (May 2l, 1985l - Consents 16.0. (1) Reco..endatlon to enter into ~n agreement with the developer of Windstar regarding the Interim on-site sewage treatment facilities Utilities Ád~linistr.H.,r Cro1ndall stated that this is II standard Agreement excopt ~hat ~indstdr voluntarily agreed ft')r the C~unty t" t')wn tnd ~~w~ge ~reðtm8nt plant ~l~", ^nd with an t')µti~n ft')r them t., purchase it bacK at the time thilt the C?unty supplies service tt') them. He stated that the lease ùgrcement Is f"r $10.00 a year ana t,) purchðse it back wlll c"st ~1.00. 16.D. (2) Recommendation to authorize purch~se of Utility Division Filter Gand Utl1ltie~ Adminlstratt')r Crandall sçated that there are tw" suppliers ft')r the typ~ t')t ~dna th~t Is neadcd f~r the perc0latl"n p0nd clnd this is the cl.,s~st. tte stlltcd th.)t thiß is ù filter type sand that makes clean nnd sh~rp udges and ~ach piece i5 an Individual piece s" that thuy ~'n't cling together "r cl"g easily. l6.D. (3) Recommendation to purchase sole source fabricated splash guards for the Utility Division County M.1naglH Lusk st.Jt.~d thdt this ittlm iß being rem"ved. l6.D. (4) Recomaendation to accept the water and sewer facilities for Bentley Village Utilities Administrator Crandall stdted that this is f"r the 3500 feet of water maIn and 2HUO feet t')f sewer ffißln. C"unty M.:Inager Lusk stated that there needL t" be s"me dlscussi"n regarding what is going to be dt')ne as far as the agrueme~L with the C.)mmlssl"n regarding being able t" tie Int., th..: sewer pl...nt. lip. statod that he w.,u!o h.)p.: that a declsi·,n c·,uld be made regarding 8cntley Village, adding that they ~,uld like t" pay s.,me m.,ney that could makc It faster ft')r the County to be able t., install lines up tt') Imperial Golf. Ho stated that the figure .,f $lOO,OOU was dlscufised t" be used s"lely f"r the purp"se "f that line g.,ing to Imperi,IJl G"lf and if thðt is tho ç.)nsideratl"n, they W',uld b~ able t·, tic Int·, the s..:wer plðnt n"w. He st~ted that this wt')uld solve Bentley Village's pr"blem ðnd the c.)unty' s problem. IlEt stated th¿¡t he WO')uld h"pe the Ct')I.,missI"n wo)uld c~nslder this serit')usly, adding that he w"uld like to have this ~n the rcgulðr agend5. In ilnSW'4r to C~mmlssi.,n":!r /lasse, C·,unty Managcr Lusk stated that If the DEM d"es n"t give the Ct')unty the addlti"nðl 300,000 gall"ns addit1"nal cdpaclty bef"re w.,vomber, it W')uld tðX the system. He stated that he d"es n"t see any reast')n why the DER will nt')t give the additi¢nal 300,000 gall"ns capacity as the pcrc p"nds are wo)rklng pr"p~rly. He n¢ted that if the perc p"nds continue Wt')rkIng f"r the 60 day perl"d, the permit will be t')btalned. C"mmissi.)ner V"ss stated that hit will talk with Palm RI'/lIr agaIn ab"ut watolrinq theIr y"lf c·)urse. He questi.,ned if the design of the PDqe l3 am 087 PAGt 202 - ~- JI '......."'_. " .... -."...... ..,-....._-,,".~,.... ..- .... 11.._~·_-.' ..................__ ..... a,. .................. . ..,- <.".,. .-~_..--"..~. .-.- . '001 087 W,( 203 M... Y 2lJ, 19 k ~ tertiary trltatment is still in prt')cllss, t" which Utilities Administrator Crandall replied atfirmativ11y, adding that the desIgn will take an"thør mt')nth t" c"mplete. C"mmissioner H~lland yuestl"nuo wh~ is d~lng the design, t" which UtilIties AdmInstrator Crandall replied PKC. C"unty Manager Lusk stated that the sewer plant is built f"r a 2-1/2 mIIII"n gall"n capacity and right n"w it is treating 1-1/2 million gall"ns, addln~ that when the aooiti"nal 300,000 gall.,ns c"mes thr~ugh fr~m DER and Imperial G~lf gives the c.,unty a mllli"n by running the line, the efflu~nt can be taken care "f within thu next 12 months. He stated that if the C"unty wants tt') g~ abt')ve that 2-1/2 milli~n gall"ns, the expansi"n of the pl...nt needs t., be dealt with. Hp. stated that there are nlrelldy pl...ces t" put the affluent n~w, addinq that there Is nt') ne~d f"r anything .,n a temp~rary basis. Commiosl"ner ~~lland stated that It would help if additi~nal places coulo be ~btalncd C"r the efflue~t. C"unty Manager Lusk stated that H th'ue Is adcHtional places f"r effluent the p~rc p~nd5 ct')uld be r~5te~ mt')re and the plant could als" be expanded. Utilititts Administrnt'H CrancJ"ll stated thðt DEB still m,~intains the cut-~tf Issue lInd they have autht')rity to fine the C.,unty if the C"unty is in vlo1ati"n. He stated thðt there are 6 .,r more devel"pers that wish t" c"nnect t" the C.,unty and have pllid system devel"pment chargeü In Sew~r Area "A" anu thuy-may .,r may not be pleased with the County pr~vldlng sewage treLltment (or bentley Village bp[~re it is pr"vlded t~ thom. C"mmissi"ner V"SS ilSkecJ it the "tIHH oJcvelt')p..rs currently have un alternðtlve, to which Utilities Admlnistrütor Crdnd~ll repliecJ affirmatively, ðdd1ng th~t bdY f"rest, ð c"mmercidl building in Naples Park and Green Tree, all reluctantly built their plant. C"mmissit')ner Voss stDtea that if the others have dlternÐtlves, the pressure Is n"t there tt') do s"mething quickly. Utilities Administrator Crandall staL~d t~at the same thing applies to Bentley Village, ddding that they kn~w all along that there w"uld lJe a pr"bability tn.H the C.)unty would n·n be able t~ serve them. commissit')ner Ht')lland 3tatea that bentley Village p~id system developnent chlHges, adding that hI: th1nKs that s", ,c pe,'ple múy have been sht')wn preferencc in the North Naples area. County Attorney Saunders stated that he l""ked at the rec"rds to detcrmine if bentley Village was t"lo bcft')re they got their building permits that there may n·'t bt! sewer StHV1CC available t·, tnem ana tile rec"rds indicate that th~y wcr advised of that. He stated thilt when c"nstructi"n was started they ;".H'W that servic.:J may n.,t be nv.1ililble. Commissi~ner Hasse quefiti"ned what c.,uld happen in this situation, to wh1Ch C.,unty i"oðno'lgcr Lllsk sLatea that the plant tn.:JY nt')t bl' meeting st.andðrds. County At.t"rney Saund~rs stated thðt .,ne problem is that the plant c~oJld be "ver capacity ðnd the fln~ that the DER ct')uld levy, which is a pr"blem that ct')uld be resolved. Als", an.,ther problem Is that the develt')pcrs were tt')ld thðt there was n" capacity in the plant and they had t" get alt.:¡rnatlve sewdge treÐtment and they c~ulcJ c"me bdCk ana say the c.,unty had cajJdclty beccJuse bentley Village was h"·'Keo up and If the c"un~y l1òd capacity there ....ere ccrt.aln aevel"pers ttlÐt ....)uld feel that. they Were first in line t" b~ ht').,ked up. He stated thnt they ct')uld arque that tht:y haa tt') pay ð certain am,,\.:;1t t"r thtdr plant anCJ tney mðy ~eek reimburs~ment Lor those c"st::;, adding that he dt')cs n"t knt')w if thcy W'">uld hèlve ilny dbility t" j., that. He n,)t.,d th6l there are "ther ddvulopcrs that have paia systcm devel"pment charge~ and hðve been on temp"rðry systems ana th..re may be arguments that st')mething was Page 14 t::::] ;:"""""j 1'- .~~'..... fII!!IIIIIiIIII ~ f"~;>,..,-.."....~.,..........~" '--~-""'.~'''''.~' ~"..- .........,;, -.....- t..::::.~.-.'T"':"""I':r1":~~1""1'" ._.'. 4 .. Ii.. ... . .. . , "'~.~ ~,..-....._,..".~.."._.- .. Ei£I c;¡¡j1 Ma y 20, 1 9 8 5 sold t" .omv"nv .1... when tl1wy sh"uld hAil. be..n first. lie ::t:ltcd that he wanted the ct')mmissionvrs t" know that there Arc a lot "f thIngs that ~"uld happen änù the C"unty could end u~ in d ldwsuit. , Assistant County M4n~gQr U"rrill ßtatod that thu plant is Wt')rking better n"w than it ever has, adding that treatment quality Is buttur dnd rep"rtinq is b~tter, ano It 15 tIme for tha DER t" rec"gnIzo that. County Manager Luak stated that ~..ntley Villagu Is already "n line and if they dru not to remain on line, they need t" bu t"ld lmmediat~ly ~a th.y will need t" pr"vide off-øite facilIties. A8øiatant C.)unty Manlt': or DoHrlll statou that all "f the deßign drawings have been subm~tted to ~lt')rida p.,wer and 1.ight f"r the pipeline for th~ easement that needS t" be run n"rth f.,r the Imperial property. He stbted that if the easement i~ obtained, the pipeline will be put "ut f"r bid dnd thun th~ pipeline will be instðlled whIle the final design f"r tho filtering dnd thu p"ät chlt')clnatl"n for the treatment pr,)cess is biting o.,ne s.) thllt thlt '..., will run c~ncurrently. COUNTY MANAGER AGENDA ITEMS (May 21, 19B5) Consentl 16.£.(1) Reco~endation to authorize IBM equipmont for upqrade in the Community Development Division. There was n" discussi"n on this Item. l6.E. (2' Recom.endation to authorize 801e source purchase of parts to Trane Air ConditIoning Chiller, Building .p.. C"mmissit')ner Vt')ss 4uestloned where this Is, t" which Assistant C.,unty Manager Dorrlll stated that this is part "f the existing c.,oling t"wer that Is hehlnd Uuilùing "A", c!lç ding that thiH Item Is being removed because it is bAl"w $2,000. 16.£. (3) Recom.endation to authorize purchase of 2-way radios from state contracts. Assistant C"unty Manager D"rrlll stated that this is tW"> radið items, "ne Is tW">-way r~ol~s that are replacement items that w~nt int" new vehicles liS they wer~ acquired. lie st.JteO that this ·,n<l1 deùls with state c"ntrðct purchases and they are replacement items f"r ~MS vehicles. H~ n"ted that all the service is generally d~n~ here In Naples, adding thilt s"metimes when you buy on state c"ntract, it Is bought thr"ugh a l"cal deöler as they are listed as the stat~ c"ntrðct approved ..,urce. 16.1. (4) Reco..endation to authorize sole source purchase of 1985 City Directories. c,)ur..;y Manager V.,rrlll ßtðteÇ that th~s ItclI1 is bcing pulled as It is less th,:¡n $2,000. p^g c 15 ~%,~ 087 p~r.t 204 , ,,' , ,'_r _,~._, '",..~,.~, __. _._~"'~._- ... ~ .., t,:· ~.... -~""""".'''. ..,..,.1111.......,~.."·~---·..,,~~.......·--- ~~;~ ~...1~.' m~ 087 pm 205 Mil Y 2 0, 1 9 ¡¡ 5 16.£.(5) nGcomø.n~atlon to purchaaa sol, aourCQ firchou~Q vidoo training ~y~tQm for I.le of Capri Fire Department. . CommiasIonar Pist"r stötvd that this trainIng system c"uld be put in the library t" be used f"r a foe nnd the C"unty c"uld get their m~ney bDCk ~n it. Public Services Administrator Norton stated thllt thIs in the "nly fire department in the C"unty that is strictly a volunteer fire department, adding that th~ C"unty is actually paying f"r a series "f lO "r 15 tapes whicn is a trllinIng package. He stated that the TV t" be used and the VCH are Actually n"t g.,lng t., ct')st anythIng. He stated that this training system is n"t f"r t')ther depllrtments, addiny that it is basically f"r volunteer type training. He stðted that he ~,uld check with "ther departments and if it is needed "r they would like to show the tapes, this c"uld be done. 16.£. (6) Recommendation to instruct the Fis~Al Officer to proceed with payment to satisfy an outstanding invoice for the purchase of a replacement tele-communications radio for the County Manager's vehicle. Assistant c"unty Manager Qt')rrill stated that this is II cðse where the County b"ught over a y~ar ag" a used vehlcl~ ft')r the C"unty Manager's use, adding that the f"rmcr C"unty Manager's vehicle hðd II radio In it and rather thðn c"ntinually m"ve radl"s from "n~ cllr t" the next, the radit') stðyS with the car IInd this is II replacement radio f"r the cðr that is assigned t" the C"unty Manager's office. 16.E. (7) Recommendation to instruct the Fiscal to satisfy an invoice for sodding and Immokalee Courthouse Complex. Assistant C"unty Manager D"rrl11 stated t;-¡at this was d"ne by an existing ct')ntractt')r that was ~ss"cla~~d with the Justice Center, adding thllt this was paid f"r with a separðta purchilse requisition and it i~ ovor the new am"unt that was established by p"licy which 15 why the item Is t')n th~ agenda. Officer to proceed with payment a sprinkler system for the l6.E. (8) Recommendation to instruct the FIscal Officer to proceed with payment to satisfy a purchase of hospital beds for the Sheriff's new jail. Assistant C.,unty M3nMJer D'Hrill stattld thllt. this Item and the next "ne arc s"le i'1urce Items f.,r the new jail. lie stilted thðt In edch case they received pro¡:,.)sals, adding that "ne deùls with h"spltðl beds ðnd the "th~r d~dls with cl"sed circuit televisi"n cameras f.,r the new jail. l6.E. (9) Recom.endation to instruct the Fiscal Officer to proceed with payment to satisfy a purchase of CCTV cameras, monitors and accessories. There ~dS n" dlscuss10n regarding th1s item exc~pt ft')r Whðt. was menti"ned in th~ previt')us it~m. 16.£.(10) Recommendation for modification of Community Developaent Ad~ini.trator page 1 G ...... ~ ~~ rE~ ~N~2'1] ·-r _.._~- -~_. --~-, .-- "t '. "......,_....,.~~._"'.,.- '- E:;I ~ .,.... 11/1 Y 2 U, l!HI 5 position description and salary qrade. County Manager tusk sta~ed th~t ~b"ut 3 "r 4 month8 ag" IIn"ther p".iti"n was recla.si~led. He n"ted that In C"~munity Oevel"pment th~ ~lannInq Oirect"r'g j"b IInd th~ Z"ning Dlrect"r's j"b was put int" one positi"n as d Planning ~nd ZonIng Oirect"r ðnd the qualificati.,ns were r.dsed. lilt stated that tilt! t~chnicill piHt ~f c"mmunlty D~velt')pmp.nt is in the Planning and Z.,nlnq Dlrect"r, adding that there is nt')t II need t., pay ~35,OUO II yellr tt')r II Planning and Zonin~ DIrect"r ûnd then tllKe II C"mmunlty Odvel"pment Ulrect.,r ~nd expect tha same k1nd "f qualiflcati"ns with ðn"ther big sllldry. H~ stated thðt this Is duplication and it is nt')t netlded in th~ Ct')mmunity Development Dl rect"r's jt')b any l.,ngur. lie n.,ted that he .....'uld rec.,mmend thi:>. C"mmissit')ner Holland stated that h~ w·,uJ1 like t" st:!e this matter put ?n th~ rRgul~r ag~n~,IJ. l6.E.(1l) Recommendation to repair public address/recording system in Boardroom. There was nt') discussi"n ·,n this item. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Discussion of East Naples Water System, Inc. c"unty Manager Lusk stated that It Is tlmv that there was /I dlscussi"n "n this mbtter, adding that the last directit')n he received was t" hllve iln appraisal dt')n" and ......,rk ~.)wllrd the purchasing .,f the I::ast Naples Water and S~wer Systeò... lie stated that the appraisal 15 d"ne bnd they ilre aSking $12 milli"n, adding that the appraisal sh.,ws that it 15 W")rth betw~cn $4-5 mlllit')n. He stated that the real pr.)blem with purchasing the system Is that tho cust"mer base could only supp"rt ..Ibt')ut a $750,000 b"nd issue:!. He rep'Htcd that in ·nder t" purchase It, the C"unty is g"ing to hllve t" find $3-4 mllll"n s"meplðce else "ther than the system, adding that the County cann.,t rea~ly buy tha system as tho! m"no!y is n.,t there. lie 5tatQd thaI; the C.)mmis5i.,n net.1~ to) give him new dlr~ctIt')n. C.)mml sslo)ner Vt')ss stated thðt this 1 tem sh·,uld be put "n the nlJxt regulðr agenda. c"mmissi"ner ¡¡"lland questi.,ned if this sh.,uld bu br"ught up with the litigation that is µending, t" which C"unty Att"rney Sðunders r~plldd ðffIrmatively, adCJing that It has iln impacL on the 11tlqati"n but it is an issue th....t nel!ds t.) be res·,lved. H~ stated thilt if the C0mmissi"n is not going t" purchase the sysLem, he n~cds t" kn"w s" that the lltigati"n can prt')ceed with that kn"wledge. C"unty Mðnager Lusk stated that It als" has a rual ûífect as t" the mastdr µlan dS this is tha centr~l area in the J::ast Naples area, adding Lhat the County either plans around it "r plûns with it. 2. Discussion of property located next door to the Courthouse. C"unty Manager tusk stated thilt thure has been .3 discussIon ab"ut the proµerty behind the Texaco) stati"n f"r quite s·)me time. lie stated that s"me "f tho discussl"n has buen that II buil~Inq ct')uld be built and the County c"uld lease the building and the property. He n"ted that thlJre has als" been disCUilisi.,n ab.,ut purchasing the pr~perty. lie stated that the C.,mmiusi"n needs tt') reðlIze thðt the County does n"t need a leased building, adding that the pr"perty dt')8s not need t" be leased, it n~~ds tt') be purchased. He n"tad that the County d.,es n.,t Page 17 aOOK 087 r~r.t 206 -_..~"............-_..._"'_..._-- ......-'" _...~~....~....-.......--~ - .- .I-~ 9.-........~~r :-¡"""~~. 'OOK 087 mt 207 Ma y 20, l!;/ U 5 need it t"r the next five t" seven year., but after that it will, definitely be needed. He stated thüt thv purch.:ls~ price hös been discussed at $2 mill!)n n~w and in tho futuro it will be a l~t higher than that. lie stated that he has t~ld the pr"FJerty owners that the C~unty is not goIng t" buy the pr"p~rty ana there 1s n" rea."n to lease it n~w. He stated that tho reas~n it is n"t being purchased n"w is that the Ct')unty ð,e. n~t have the m"ney to purchase it. lie stated that there are nine acres available. C"mmlssl.,ner H~llðnd stated that he ~,uld like thv c"mmi5s1~n t" reserve ."me d~cisi~nB "n that until the time "f budget hearings. County Manager Lusk stated lhat the people that ~wn the property are getting ready t., ddvelop it ~nd they may n"t want to wait until bl..dget time. lie stated that any development thot is put ~n that pr~porty is g"ing t" make It mðte .xp~~$ive. He stated that 10 years from n"w it is gt')ing t" c"st a l?t m~re even if it Is developed and at that point, it ~,uld mean tearing down buildings. BO.\RD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEMS (May 2l, 1985) l3.A. Discussion of possible reactivation of the Collier County Historical Commission. (Comm. Voss) (Cont'd from 5/7/85 meeting) C"mmlssl"ner V0SS stat~d that he br~ught this item up because "f the Centennial, I!dding that it ~lght be 'Iell t" have the C"mmisRl"n re-~stablished and ~)rk with the City. l3.B. Discussion of expansion of Cablevis'on facilities on S.R. 9Sl. Voss) (Comm. C"mmissl"ner V"ss stðtcd that Palmer Cablev1slon has s"mOl pr"perty on ~.M. 951 and they µldnned t')n putting their entire oµerati.,n out there and was tolo thðt they c"uld nt')t d" it. Assistant C"unty Mdnager l)t')rr111 stated that cust"mer service will remain dt')wnt"wn and the rest of the "peratl~n wt')uld be m.,v~d t~ S.H. 951. Acting C"mmunity Dllvel~µnent Admin1strat"r Mullins stated that the land Is z"ned Agriculture. c"mmlssl"ner H"lland statee that he ct')uld n.,t. see thlJt It W?uld hurt that much t., c.,nslder this. l3.C. Discussion of Program Proposal from Florida Center for Public Management. (Comm. Voss) Commißsi.,ner V"ss Indicated that he had a letter from Fl.,r1aa Center suggustlng that th.:y w.,ulo put ·,n å prt')grðm toH the C"r..mlsfòi"n, adding th3t it seems like a rca50nabl~ thing. C"unty Manager Lusk stated thðt he hðS talkea w1th Jerry Maxwell fr"m Lee Ct')unty and ne saia thðt Floriaa Center dt')es a g""d jt')b, but it is g"ing t., c"st $2,000-$3,000, ðdding that a privata c~nsultant could als" be usee and tht: ¡Hic,: is iib"ut the samt'o He stated that it is ¡, gO~d thing for th_ C"mmissl"n to ot'), but ther~ are als~ other pr"gram~ and "ther alt~rnatlves besides this "ne. 13.D. Page lö ŒE3 ~ - E¡~~,¡,¿;J --...-.-.,.- '-"11'"'"' ,<..~.. .,~,~. - >-. ---.,.-......-.-- .- ...-~- .... ....-.- ". ~...... r . r -------_._-_.,.._.~-_.- '- c=a t::.:J ~d 'I 2 0, 1 4 A C; Aqreement for transfer of Ma~o Island ~ibrary Site and acceptance of roada from Deltona Corporation. (Comm. Plator) c"mmissI"ner Pist~r stated that tho c.,unty has the deeds and Dolt"na is ready to turn land t')ver t" the County, adding that some will be usod f'H the LibrJry sIte ðnd it seems like ð g".,d Idea t" him. 1\0 stated th3t In exchange for that, th~ c"unty Is agreeing t" take "vcr the c"nctruction of tha r"ads and bring them up to Ct')unty st~ndard5. County ^ttt')rney S~undQrs stilted th~t there will be ð few items that will have t" be di5CU5S~d dt the r~qulðr meeting, adding that the C"unty is q.,lng t" try and obtain tltlu inaurancu and the appr"val may have t" be ~ubj~ct t" d claar tltl~. NON-AGENDA ITEMSs 1. Discussion regarding planø by lne School Board for a site Qn Golden Gate Boulevard. Commissioner lIasse :>t.¡tcd that tha.Scho·)l ~·'ard h.'s purch:;lscd lùncl "n Golden Gate ~oulevdrd appr"ximately 1/2-3/4 mild east "f S.H. 951. He statud that there was 2U acres purchasud and s"me of the p~"ple in G.,lden Gate J::states are upset beCduse their prt')perty Is immediat~ly adjacent t" It? H~ questlt')n~d how the Sch"ol tloard can purchase pr"perty ft')r Scho"l purpt')ses and the County dt')es n"t kn.,w anything ab()ut it. He st"ted that th~ Sch""l U·,ard is als., discussing vacation of 1st Avenue S.W. which is just b~f.,re the second canal g"lng east "ff S.H. 951. Public 'fnrks Adminlstral"r KIJck IitiJted that s"m~"ne fr·,m the Sch""l Bt')ard picked up a pacKage on what pr.,cedures t" f~ll.,w regarding a vacation, ac'':lng that they h.ûicated it Wo,uld b~ mt')nth bef"re they w"uld turn In (In 3pplicati·Jn. c"mm1ssi.,ner Hasse questi"ned if the Scho·,l !:3·,ard needs a pr"visional use ft')r the Sch00l, tt') which County Att"rney Saunders stated that he did nt')t bulicve 50. Acting Ct')mmunity Duve101~~nt Administrat0r Mullins stated Lh~t she WO)uld have tt') check t" sue If It Is purmittl:a or ù pr"vls1.)nal use. Commissi"nor H~5se 5tilt~d thðt he wt')uld lik~ to see this item put '''1 the next regular meeting. C.,unty Att"rney S3unders stated that he WO)uld checK lnt., the matter reg¿Hùin(~ whuLl\tIC tt\~ :;ch~"l ~o.Jrd nCl!dg a ;_'r',vi"\,'n~l use.,r a ~oning change, but he is 0f the understanding th3t the Sch".,l B0ðrd d"es nt')t have t., have that type "f approval, but they mdY d" it as iI matter "f c"urtusy. 2. DIscussIon on CommissIoner PIstor's motIon regardin~ workshops. Commissioner Pistt')r 5tðted thðt Ct')unty Manager Lusk has s"me Ideas on tho matter. C"mmlssi"nur G0t')dnight stated that her ideð w,uld be to g., back t., weekly meetings and tl~ve a wt')rksh"p ~ach M.)nday beft')re the meeting. c"mmissioner Voss stated th~t he d"es n~: want t" tie the Staff up f.)f tWO') days in a r·)w. C"mmissl"ner Plst"r stated that there used tt') be ~)rksht')ps prIor to a meeting but t')nly the items that the C"mmissit')ners had questi"ns "n were put "n the Wo)rksh.,p agenda. H~ stated that St;:¡ff \~as IIllowed t" put items "n the WO)rksr.op agenda also if they needed to bring s"methlng up f"r dlscussl"n. II" stdted that the po:llmin.1ry agenda could b~ used t" check "ff the Items that need to be discussed and then a WO)rkshop agenda could be prepared fr"m that. paqe 19 &OO~ 087 PACE 208 ~ .. - -~....__... ~.. --,..-...._~.~..._..~~......'---,...-~-----.-~~~* --~~ .___~_~.1 _.._. . . ""..~..~---'........-,..'~,"- ..--,;. ;--- ....~. .~- \ I' 'OOK 087 PAf.t 209 .. . >.- -- MlI Y 2 U, 1 ~ e 5 c"uñty Mðnager 1.usk. st.ated that this w·,uld help staff. If they were n"t needed f"r th~ ~)rk.sh"p t" dIscuss any "f th~ lIgenda Items, there w-,uld be n" need f"r th~m t., attend. He stated thðt there w"uld be a Wt')rkah"p each M-)ndðy pr"viding It Is necòl8sary IInd then the regular meeting on Tuesday, addinq that this c"uld b~ the first f"ur Tuesdays. He n.,ted thðt this Wt')uld n"t start until July ðfter the ~ard's vacðti~n. H~ stated that he w"uld put it on the ag~nda f"r the next mtletinq. COUNTY ATTORNEY AGENDA ITEMS (May 2~1985) I 6.C. (3) An Ordinance am.~dino ô~ction Two Ol Ordinance No. 85-2, which relates to the construction, 'reconstruction, rep~ir, ðlteration, projection and prolongation of seawalls and revetments. (County Attorney) c~unty Att"rney Saunders stated that this Is just an ðdditlon t" the seawall ordinance that was passed last y~ar and pr"vides that if there Is II fðl1ed seawall, it is a nuisance ðnd unldwful not tt') replllce the seawall and 015., t., rem0V~ lIny_rubblc that has been generated. 6.C. (4' Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 76-71 which relðtes tQ the regulation and franchising of water and sewerage systems and bulk water utilities in Collier County, FlorIda. (County Attorney) C~unty Attt')rney Saunders staled that this is an "ld ordinance that deals with franchis\.!s and slitting of (iltllS, ðddiny tndt Ult: bulk t')f that ordinance WJ:> replaced with thO! nl!W CCUHRb ordinM"\ce. He stated thðt he 15 ð5Kinq that Ordinance 7~-71 bu rcpealud in its entirety as thure 15 n')thlng In thi:lt .,rdlnat1Ce th.Jt Is relied u¡J"n any 1"n<Jcr. In answer t" Ct')mmlssioner Ht')lland, C.,unty Att"rney Saunders stðted thllt the CCUkkd has n"t been o.)ne dWdY with yet, but the jurisdlcti')n t" regulbtu d utility h¿ s been turn.::d ·,ve.. t" tho.! P5C wlÜch also Wt')uld el imlnatll! the nceCJ f"r Ordinance 7~-7l t')r tnl.l CCUHkU "rdlnanc·,. C"mmissioner Ht')lland qUl!stioncd wh., is in charge ,,[ granting "r dunying a franchise, to which County Attt')rn~y Saunders replieu the public Service Ct')mmlss1t')n will regulat~ serviç~ dceðS, rates ilnd regulations. C"mmissioner Holland stated thnt the Ct')mmissi~n is glvinq up all authority that th.:y ;TIay Ilóvl: ':In whcther or n·,t ð pers·,n is franchised or n~t, to (1" husincss in C·)llier C·,unty. Ct')unty Attt')rney bilunders stated that the Ct')mmlssi"n is eliminating their jurisdiction tf) regulðtc a franchise in tile rervice areðS "f the public utility. He stated thðt the public Service Commlss1"n n·,.... will determine the franchise and fnmchise areiJ. HH n"ted thòt when the resaluti"n was passed severdl weeKS ag" turning the jurlsdicli"n aver t<:> thtl Pu::'lic s~rvice C"mmisslon, tn",y were at tt\Jt time. v.::st..:'d witll th~ autht')rity t" grant frðnchi~~'s dnd exteno service aruBS to all water and swwer'utilities "f the C~unty tlxcept gt')vernment t')wned and operated utilities and th<:>stI utllities that. were small cn.,ugll n"t to Uti i n c 1 Ud e d . 6.C. (5) Ordinance .~endin9 Ordinance No. 75-16, to provide for electIon of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. (County ~ttorney) Pðgc 2U ~ ~. ~ L:J '·1_' -:~~-.,...~ , ,..':".:":r¡;-...,.....,'--,.c-. '"",.... ...." '...,.." ,", --.-.-.."......¥. .. SIiI ~ ~ MaY iv, 1985 F C"unty Att~rney Saunders stated that sevoral m"nthS ag., he wa~ directed tt') amend Ordinancø N.,. 75-1G, adding that thiR ~rdInance prt')vidOs f"r the el¥ctl"n .,f the Chairman and Vice chairmðn ~n the Third Tuesday after the first ~'nday in N~vember, adding thðt the ~rdInance a13~ providdS that the Chairman and tho Vice Chairman serve at the pleasure ()f the jj,,¡HO ~f C.,unty C.)mmissi"ners. HON-AGENDA ITEM (ADDED FOR DISCUSSION) Space for Judges C"unty Mdnðger Lusk stated that he met with the Judges the ~ther day abt')ut Building "A", adding that they want t" c"mpletely vacate Building MA" during tho rem"dellnq. He stJted that thoy want t~ rent "fficu sp~ce ana hüve s"me trililer~ ~[t')ught In for temp"rJry c~urt- r""ms, adding thot he s~~gHst¿d that they g" t" th¿ 8th £It')or. He ~t~t~d thnt s"methinq is g~ing t" have t" bd d"ne to the 8th fl""r and 1£ the juòges went t" the ôth (It')t')r, It-....'ulc: mrHln tlnishlny thtt bathr""ms, µlastering the t')utside walls, installing air c"nditi"ning and Installing a cheap carpet. He stated that the partiti"n ~dlls Wl')uld be s.,undpr.,,,f dnd c.,uld be moved drt')unc.l t·, set up three ct')urtr"t')ms plus their t')ffices. H~ stated that this w~uld ke~p them "n the c"mpl~x and save the Ct')unty money "n rent, ~dding that "nce 8uilding MA" is finished, thdY cðn b~ m·,vcd back. HI.! n"ted that at that time, the walls c"uld be ta~en d"wn and the carpet pulled up and the type "f walls ....'uld still be aVðila~le t"r whatever design the 8th flt')t')r needed. He n~tud that everything except the carpet 15 included in the $4 million bt')nd issue. As s 1 s tan t C., u n t y Ma nag e r jl) r r i 11 s t d t e d t hat 1 n e x pen 5 i v e c"mmerclal carpet c"uld be "btalned f"r ab"ut $4-5,UOO which w"uld be less expensive than m"ving the "ffices from the complex or paying the rent. He stated that the Sheriff has c"ncerns ab.,ut m"vlng the pris"ners up and d"wn to the 8th fl""r, but the Sheriff Is alst') g~ing t" have problems if the pris"ners have t~ be movpd fr~m trailer t~ t r aile r 0 r "n and "ff the c., m µ 1 ex. lie s tat t! d t h 1\ the h ¡) s S t,) f f WI') r k 1 Ii q up figures as tt') what the c~st will be and he will bring th"se figures bacit t" the I3CC oef'He vacðtit')n time. 1\/3 stated that he has been given an e~tlmated constructit')n time f~r the 8th fl.,t')r of ab"ut 6 weeks. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 There being n" further business f.,r the G"t')d .,f the C.,unty, the meeting was adjt')urned by Order t')f the Ch~ir - Time: 12:25 P.M. aOOK 087 m¡ 210 Pdge 2l .' f' ',..:, ,."........., , '". ~..~,.,._-_...-"--