BCC Minutes 06/03/1985 W --...-.-' <~... ,. ;;¡¡¡¡¡ .. ~ ,. Naples, Florida, June 3, 19B5 LET IT DE RENEMRERED, that the Poard of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeal. and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as ~ðve been created according to law and having conducted husinea~ nerein, met on this date at 1:30 P.M. in WorkshopS...ion in Building tlFtI of the Courthouse Complex, E~8t Nñples, Florida, with the followino members present: CHAIRMAN: Frederick J. Voss VICE CHAIRMAN: ·John A. Piator t-1ax Hasse C. C. tiRed" Holland Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer: Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk: Donald B. LUSK, County ~ ¡lnaqer: Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney: Neil Dorrill, Assistant County ~'anager: Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manùger: Tom KUCK, puhlic WorKs Administrator: Vickie Mullins, Acting Com¡¡,unity Devp.lopment Administrator: Ann McKim, Acting Zoning Director: Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator: Tim Vanatta, Parks & Recreation Director: and Nancy Israelson, Administra- tive Assistant to the Board. WORKSHOP AGENDA JUNY ~, 1985 - 1130 p.~. pre..ntation of Final Resource Recovery Feaslcility Report Assistant County Manager Dorrill explained that HOR was retained to do the initial technical study to determine if resource recovery was feasible for Collier County. He saiò the Solid Waste Citizens Advisory rnwmittee has compiled, reviewed and approved th. summation of the final report on this subject to the Board of County Commissioners. He said the next step, if the Commissioners agree, is for Staff to prepare the technical RFP to receive resource recovery proposals for evaluation. Mr. Red McCormick, of HDR, stated that Mr. Jim Andrews, Project Manager was present. Mr. McCormick qave a slide presentation regarding the Resource Recovery Feasibility Report. He said HDR has determined that a 600 ton-a-day facility would he needed in Collier County to be operating at capacity in 1995. He said electricity is the market for Collier County and the firms to sell to ara FP&L and Seminole Electric Corporation. He said the present landfill site was evalu~ted and HDR reccmmends purchase of additional land adjacent to that f.acility for future use. He said if Collier County decides to go into the subject of resource recovery, an adequate waste supply, a project site, energy market and implementation agency are needed. He described financing options ranging fro~ General Obligation Bonds, ~enerally not used, to &OOK 087 PAGe 3'65 Page 1 <to....""'- ...~...,._....---",. ',.. ........".. . ',. ~ .--....,. . -_--............ '.J._-¥, ,,'...ð f"~"'~ 'Õo~ 087 pm 366 June 3, 1985 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds and private equity funds. Mr; McCormick said HDR recommenðs that the County prepare an RFP to allow both puhlic and private ownership arrangementr that these RFP responses be accepted from sound commercially viable and reliable technologies and evaluateðr that a risk assessment be formulatedr that negotiation. begin with FP&Lr and that the County investigate acquisi- tion of additional land at the landfill site. Commissioner Pistor questioned the length of time before a facil- ity could be operating and Mr. McCormick said that five years is the typical timetable for such a venture. Commissioner Pistor expressed the opinion that the $58.00 tipping fees are excessive and Mr.. McCormick said Tampa is coming on line with 545.00 per ton tipping fee and Pinellas County ~Iill be close at $30.00. He said the only way to 'know what the tipping fee will be is to i~sue the RFP. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. McCormick said that the degree of reliability of ð resource recovery facility is R5'. He briefly described the fluidized bed incinerator and said this technique has not been used long in the United States, however, it is used extensively in Europe. Mr. Dorrill said at the 6/4/R5 Bce meeting Staff would be asking for direction. lie said he would indicate that Collier County will hllve to guarentee so many tons per day of waste which may result in evenu- tally having mandatory collection to accomplish this. He said it will be necessary to simultaneously to begin to negotiate with major power companies as well as puttin~ together the ultimate service contract and the various provisions and clauses for punitive ðnd liguidate~ damages in the event that a vendor canilot meet Collier County's reauirements and the County has to go to tho landfill. He said Collier County's landfill won the DER Design Award of the Year in 1977, when it was opened, for a modern sanitary landfi]l. He s~id now the landfill will not meet the first reauirement of the current regulations in terms of protection of ground and surface water and leachate contrCll. He said the operating cost for the landfill un~ t~e n~w reauirem~~~~, wi~h liners, protection and trel'ltmF.:nt of lea,:ha. ;": - 1 be I'IjJproximè'ltely $16.00 to $18.00 per ton and if consideraLion iÞ ~~ven to the addi- tional land to the west the costs may be as high as $20.00 a ton. He commended the Citizen Advisory Committee members for their efforts on this subject and thanked them for their devotion over the past two years. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 6.8.(1) . Petition PDA-85-1C, Bill Vinea, representing Lely Estates, re amendment to Barefoot Beach PUD, located along northerly 2 ailea of beachfront in 'Collier County at we.terly end of Bonita/Beach Road, to increaae numbe.c of units froa 499 to 713 and a.end site/plan. (Cant. from 5/21/85 meeting) . Commissioner Voss announced this petition will be continued. 6.B.(2) Petition PDA-SS-2C, Bill Vines, repre.enting Lely Eatate., requesting an amendment to Barefoot Beach Condominium PUD (Cont. from 5/21/85 ...ting Paqe 2 ~,n .~, c::J ~ ~ ----~:... ~ r.¡¡;;) Ø!I ~ June 3. 1985 Commissioner Voss announcpd this petition will be continued. 6.8.(3) Petition PDA-85-4C, Agnoli, As.aad, Barbar , Brundage, representing Avatar Propertie., Inc., requesting a.end.ent to Green Boulevard PUD, located on Green Boulevard, ea.t of Santa Barbara There was no discussion on this item. 6.B. (4) Petition PDA-85-5C, Wilson, Miller, Barton, 8011 , pee'k, repre.enting U.S. Ho.e Corp., requesting ..end.ent .to Ordinance No. 81-68, Foxfire PUD There was no discussion on this item. 6.8.(5) Petition R-84-1lC, Dr. Neno J. Spagna for Edward A. McCarthey, request- ing rezoning fro. A-2 to PUD for prop.rty located on US-4l, north of the Hitching Post known a. the Vincentian "PUD-. (Staff i. requesting this itea be continued until 6/18/85) There was no discu55ion on this item. 6.8. (6) Petition R-85-2C, Grady Minor, representing Anton Steiner, Erich Faea, and Roland Stierli, reque.ting rezoning fro. A-2 to PUD for 78 + acre. 'known as -Regent Par'k- located between Four Seasona and Edgewild Subdivi.ions, .outh of David C. Brown Highway' 1/2 .ile east of Airport Road Commissioner Pistor questioned this petition and the next petition because he ùid not read that the County would be acc~pting the s~wage and water treatment plants and requirinq the developer to operate them for hire. Assistant County Nanager Dorr1l1 said he was i3ware of the problem and stated t}lere are provisions f-::' the C'-Ounty to recy'!! re the developer to enter into agreements with t..~ ~"L~ntv to dedicate the plants and lines. Utilities Administrator Lranu..Ll ~~id there may be poor wording on this subject. Mr. Dorrill ~a~ò Staff will reword this petition to reflect the requirements. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Acting Zoninq Director ~cKim said most of the lots are 100' to 125' deep. She said the 75' width would allow the developer to qet 2000 square foot d~lelling units on the lot. 6.B.(7) petition R-84-48C, Agnoli, Assaad, Barber and Brundage, repre.enting Naple. Land Co.pany, Inc., requesting rezoning fro. A-2 and A-2ST to PUD known as Woodbridge located at the northwest corner of the for~ar E.erald Lake. PUD Commissioner Voss asked for clarification of thp. 100' easement deletion of 100' right-of-way. Acting Zoning Director McKim explained tr.iø refers to the north side property boundary line for what used to be the old Emerald Lakes project. Public Works Administrator Kuck said along the north 100' therc is a sensitive "ST" area and the Transporta- tion Department has proposed the location of the road because of this ~O~K 087 ø~r,~ 367 Page 3 " ._..._...-......-........,......_,~ -', ......-.._"",.."._~-"..._...,- .J ..-~--_.....- - ~~ 087 w·t 368 June 3, 1985 ..nvironmentally sensitive land. 7.1..(1) Petition V-BS-7C, Sherry Dampier, requesting variance from maximu. size of que.t hou.e locateð in Cor'kscrew Sanctuary Commissioner Goodnight said ft guest house is the only option to allow Mrs. Dampier's mother-in-law to move near them so they can ta~e care of her and she asked for consideration of this request. She said the property is five acres and the petitioner wants to move a travel trailer on the property for use by the mother-in-law. Commissioner Voss said the real problem is the percentage of the guest house in relation to the trailer in which the petitioner lives. 7.A.(2) Petition V-BS-BC, Dr. Robert J. Landy, requosting variance from parking require.ent for preschool child care center There was no di8cussion on this item. 7.A.(3) Petition V-8S-9C, Bruce Dally, requesting variance from front yard setbac'k for the south 180' of Tract 154, Unit 28, Golden G~te Estates Commissioner Hasse asked if deed restrictions have any affect on this petition? Acting 7.oninq Director ~cKim said that Staff does not look at deed restrictions. County Attorney Saunders expl^ined the County could approve this petition but it still woulë he subject to deed restrictions and the property owners would have to take a civil action to enforce them. 7.A.(4) Petition V-85-10C, Allen Displays, Inc. representing Family Dollar Store, requesting variance from the sign ordinance to erect a sigll for their .tore located on the northwest corner of SR-29 and Immokaloe Drive There was no discussion on this item. 7.B.(1) Petition PU-85-5C, Central Fellowship Baptist Church/First Baptist Church, requesting provisional Use "I" of the Eatates District for a church located on the southeaat corner of 25th Avenue SW and 39th Street SW, the north 180' of Tract 143, Unit 28, Golden Oate ~states Commissioner Pistor said the principal argument for ~his petition concerns traffic problems. He said he talked with the Engineering .Department to see if there was a solutio9 and if the petitioner might contribute to that solution. He said the Traffic Department hopes to have something on this petition for the:6/4/RS mpetino. 10.A.(I) Status report on and request for direction on amending Section 7.10 of the Zoning Ordinance which permita the temporary utilization of a mobil~ home, motor home or travel trail~r aa a temporary residence during conl5tructic~ of the principle t'.sidence Commissioner Voss rcferred to a statement in the ExecutivE: Summary Page 4 i'~;"'2T~~] ,~ E::l c:::J -,._-_.~._-- - ~.... ---r-~ ..,.-, ,..---.-,--...-.-- -". ~ Iiii1 .. June 3, 19R5 reqarding insurance that coUld be purchased by a property owner to protect building materials and said he had asked the ~isk ~an8ger to chec~ into that since there is 80me '~uestion on coverage of the theft of mater 18ls. Commissioner c~odnight said Staff and the Commissioners have bent over backward to try and help people in the Estates build their homes. She relnted a conversation she had with a ~taff member who was told by a property owner that it would take 2-1/2 years to complete her home and that she would use Mrs. Tippler as an example to ðchieve that amount of time. She said she felt the best thing would be to no lon~er allow temporary residences because th~re is too much ahuse of the practice. IO.A.(2) aecommendation to create and fill a Planning Technician's p;Jsition within the current Planning Section of thb planning/Zoning Department Acting Community Development ^dministr~tor l-1ullins stated this request is only to handle what is a crisis situation ðnd that she would b~ coming back again for further personnel. 10.A.(3) Petition MP-85-4C, James Vensel, repre.enting Suburban Enterprises, a joint venture, requeating Master Plan revision for Golden Gate Villa PUD Acting zoning Director McKim said the petitioner is proposing to amend the Master Plan and not any language in the PUD. She saið the petitioner is coming in under affordable housing. 10.A.(4) Discussion of the status of Collier County's Artificial aeef Construc- tion Project and request for direction as to future artificial reef act! vi ties Acting Community Development Administrator Mullins said that Natural Resources Director Proffitt is ~. 'r~red to show slf~~d on this subject at the 6/4/85 meeting. 10.A.(5) aecommendation to rescind Emerald La'kes Development Order No. 82-1 There was no discussion on this it~m. Consent. Agenda 16.A.(l) Petition Ta-84-15C, Patti A. Rylands, requesting the second and final three aonth extension of a teaporary residence perait to utilize a mobile hoae during construction of a principle residence on Tract 56, Unit 18, Golden Gate Estates There was no discussion on this item. 16.A.(2) Petition TR-84-12C, Larry D. Bensyl, requesting the second and final three month extension uf a temporary re.idence permit to utilize a aobile hoae during construction of a principle residence on Tract 86, &D~K 087 W·t 3'69 Page 5 .............. 'T..................~·. \__ /........" ·,·'··..í..i.,¡,.......· ..' ~þ~:> ..-.:.":1....( . .', &OOK 087 PACt 370 Unit 7, 'Golden Gate Estate. There was no discussion on this item. June 3, 19B5 16.A. (3) Recoamendation to approve revi.ed Part II of Section 8, Annual Contributions Contract County Attorney Saunders said Staff is reviewing this contract. 16.A.(4) Re.olution providing for recession of Re.olution R-B5-46 an~ Lien No. 85-10, S.R. Elferdin~, willoughby Acre., Lot 348 There was no discussion on this it~..¡. 16.A.(5) Petition SNR-85-4C, Mary Shoe.aker, requesting .treet name approval for &~oe.a~er Way which run. ea.t and west, approxiaately 1-1/2 aile. .outh of David C. Drown Highway, inter.ecting with Rock Road Acting Community Development Administrator Mullins said this reauest involves a road presently "called Sandy Lane anà there lire three such named streets in Collier County. Commissioner Voss said he feels strongly that roads should not be nnmed after living peoplp and he requested this item be place~ on the regular agenda from the consent lIgenda. l6.A. (6) Recoa.endation for approval u~ pay.ent of an IBM PC Computer for the Natural Resources Management Department There was no discussion on this item. l6.A.(7) Reco.mendation to authorize and appro'- :~'IIpor~ry replace".~I." for tha Coa.tal Zone Manage.ent A.sociate positiol ;,~ . "·¡e DER Cvntract, No. CM-97 There was no discussion on this item. NON-AGENDA ITEM Di.cu.sion re redistricting Assistant County Manager Oorrill sai9 Staff ;s ð~sirous of direc- tion on how to proceed with redistricting~ Commissioner Holland asked that a special workshop be scheduled for/this item. ¡ Acting Community Development Administrator Mullins referred to a map and said the orange areas are the new t>oundaries for the districts. She explained how Staff used a coding system to set the boundaries and said the u.s. Census of 1980 was used because it was the most recent one. She said geocells were used and each geocell consists of approxi- mately thr.ee to five square miles and thp. number of housina units ann number of persons livino in those units were considered. She said the criteria used was monthiy d~ta for Novemher, 1984, that qach Commis- sioner re8ide~ in the district, maintainina 5 districts, and eaualiza- tion of population ~ithin ~ðch district. She ~xplain~d the use of the Page ñ ~~'~~;\\'~ ~ ~ c:::s - - ~---~- _._-~ ----- . ¡ ~ ,.............,....~.~ --, ,'.'1,;'. ';oNJ...;;....;..;'~:i7',.~..w'.J,,~ -'" .·:';'...f.~i;.:,i"" ~;.. .~~...-~'" ----- ..... ATR ~ June 3, 19·85 co~puter to pull geocells fro~ other districts to eQuali7.e population in each district. Commissioner Holland said there were char.ges in $~veral districts that cause doubt in his mind. Commissioner Voss said precincts are changed bp.cduse of the number of people. Supervisor of Elections t-1organ pointed out that precincts are baled on voter population. Commissioner Voss agreed there should be a workshop on redistrict- ing and by consensus the Commissioners agreed to do this following their vacation. PUBLIC WORJ(S 6.C.(2) Petition AV-85-Q04, Westinghouse Co~~unities of Naples, Inc., request- ing vacation of the ten {oat side ease.ents on Lots 1 through 4, Bloc'k "D", Pelican Bay Unit 4, ~o petitioner may build across and up to interior side lot lines Public WorKS Administrator Kuck said the petitioner wanta to tùke four lots and build three homes. 6.C.(3) Petition AV-85-003, Collier Development Corporation, requesting vacation of the ten foot rear ease.ents on Lots 3-12 and 16-25, East Naples Industrial Park, so petitioner may build across and up to interior rear lot lines Public Works ~dmini~trator YUCK said this petition would give. the petitioner more flexibility. 10.B.(1) Reco.mendation to reject all bids to close the Eustis Street Extension sanitary landfill in IlIIIIokalee (Bi~ \':'!. J9l \ Public Works Administrator Kuck ~ðid b~:= were tñken on closin~ the Eustis Street Extension sónitary l~ndfill and they were $140,000 more than Staff anticipated. He said Staff recommends rejecting all bids and Staff will work with DER to mo~itor this system. Consent l6.B.(1) Reco..endation to postpone the establishment of a ~oad Improve.ent E!!!!ict in Sections 35 and 36, T48S, R26E There was no discussion on this item. 16.B. (2) Reco..endation to execute deed(s) for burial lots at Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens There was no discussion on this item. 16.9.(3) Recoaaendation to approve a list of qualified ~ppraisers 087 pm371 Page 7 &DOK .. ~ . ..........................._...-........,....... ~....... ~.' ,.."..-¡._.. ¡J~.. . ,".. .. ~;'- ~"''''1:~\ ~¡~I- . ~.~} . .:&'t.., ....,... .........,.*" -,?;,,:: ,~.~;~.-"~' !.~" ¡;¡;:"-'::... ~.;.; 'OQI'. ~.".¡.., ~:...,... -"., ~-:~..' . 16 .B. (4) ~1;' Reco..endation to accept the co.pleted construction of Santa Barbara ~~. Blvd. i.prove.ents (Radio Road to Golden Gate Canal) in accordance with ~r. Bid No. 715 i~· ~: ).~ ~,,~' 087 r~~!: 312 There was no discussion on this item. June 3, 1985 In answer to Commissioner Hasse, ^ssistant County Manager Dorrill said that Staff is recommending acceptance of the wor~ that has be~n done on Santa Barbara Boulevard. He said there was some questions about the various types of material used, adding that the State did some of the wor~ and the County did some. He said Transportation Director Archibald issued a report that the different materials are in accordance with the original designs anù Staff recommends acceptance. Publi~ Wor~s Administrator Kuck said that material used as overlay on an existing road is different than new road material. 16.B.(5) Reco..endAtion for preli~inary acceptance of Pelican Bay Unit Four, Phase Two There was no discussion on this item. 16.B. (6) Reco..endation for preliminary acceptance of Laurel Oa'k Drive from U8-41 to Station 8+82.04 and Ridgewood Drive fro~ Pelican Bay Blvd. to Laurel Oak Drive located in Parcel "B", Pelican Bay Unit One There was no discussion Qn this itøm. 16.B. (7) Reco..endation to approve an incrèase in purchase order No. A1506 in the amount of $5,500 There was no discussion on this it~-. 16.B.(8) Reco.~endation to execute lease for Huey flo~ard at the Iamo'kal.e Airport There was no discussion on this item. 16.8.(9) Reco...ndation to reclassify a present equip.ent Operator III position at the Napl.s Landfill and promote the present employee to Fore.an II There was no discussion on this i tern'. I i leaae a9ree~ent for Sheriff's 16.B. (10) Reco..endation to approve and execute North Naples Substation There was no discussion on this it~m. Page A ~ ~·.~"'·""'~11 f.ii..:. .",.) .;;,r ,,'-:.\ ~."""'.' ~ --~_. .~_.._.._--_.. ~,~:;""-d:lŒ~~~':r.,ìI.;.....t.':~'V·1 ·"~~'¡.'~~.~~.k;';) ~~·",.~~~;~,:,:,'Œ~~.,k':,'!¡~· ._... ,.,,:,~, ... ,'t I"'~.''';'_ 'l'~I;'lt~.w_:".~:~1~.. ~~,,~.~.{~_~:..~~:,t:Q, _~.::: ...4~~;~;'::£.~~';"'~ -..-----...-.. .. ,.,r-- mal ¡;;:¡:¡ ;;¡;;) Jun'.!! 3, 19A5 PUBLIC SERVICES lO.C.(l) Request to support the Health Depart.ent's efforts to acquire an HRS Health Depart.ent Engineer prior to July 1, 1985 Responding to Commission~r Hasse, County M~n~ger Lusk said Dr. Pol'kows'ki, COunty Healt~ Director, is proposing to use contingency funding for this position. Dr. Polkowski said she is not loo~in~ to receive any monies for this position now. She distributed copies of a breakdown of the Health Department Engineer's duties to the Commissioners. She compared Collier County with Sarasota COunty in terms of activities carried out and said that Collier County has 75~ of th'.!! ^ctivity levels of Sarasota County and Sðrasota has four Health Oepartment Enoineers. She cxplained there are ~ number of complaints camino from swimming pool installers because of the delay in permitting swimming pools. She said pres~ntly Environmental Healtr and Epidemiology f-taff are covering this facet of the department. She said Florida Statute 154 states Public Health Services may include 10~ County an~ 70' State funding. Commissioncr Holland expressed concern about the money situation. Fiscal Officer Giles ~&Ked if Dr. PolKowski ~id not have balances from previous years? Dr. PolkowSKl respondeò affirmatively and said trat money has to be spent on public health services. A discussion followed regardinq the referendum on pOllution control and Deputy Assistant County Manager ~ranqaccio explained the referendum centered on wastewater treatment plants and their aff~ct on water quality in Collier County dnd the referendum money can only he used to d~v~lop monitoring 0~ treatment pl~nts and water nuality. Commissioner Voss Sðld the intent of the referendum was for control of pollution of potable water but that was not the way it was approved. He s~id the County will havp to go baCK to the vot~rs ~nd ask them to use the money for all water rroblems. Mrs. Brangaccio said the County 1'01· ~;0r Directr:'~ beg:.m Hork three weeKS ago and when the ordinance ~~nuir,·l t~ put this subject on the tax rolls comes back to the Commissicners on 6/l8/85, Staff will give a status report on what he has been doing. She said ~fter the Commissioners' vacation, Staff will re~uest direction and priorities on how the Commissioner3 want the water pollution progr~m to be developed. Dr. Polkowski said there is R ne~d for overall coordination of the different agencies involved in different ~spects of the environment in Collier County, which would be the job of the County Pollution Control Director, as well as reviewing existing laws and ordinances in terms of sÐeing what may need to he done locally and developinq environmental studies. Consent l6.C.(l) Recoaaendation to approve a "Short List" and authori~ation to negotiate a contractual agree..nt for a Marco Island Branch Library Architect County Manager Lusk said there are two pieces of properties and he aODK 087 PAG[ 373 Page 9 ~_' r. ~ '. . Þ' ..\......._........."_ ..... . ~-,~"'-""_.."-,....,...,..........- ~.,..-.,qft'~, . .~- - .. . ~,;...¡ ~"~f~'¡ . <..! ~.' , '.,.. -" ,. ' . '. :,,~,,¡, '''1i~.i,~. . :.;f;:':;: . ~¡.',;.> ~~~:i.: ~::."- 087 P~';l 3'74. :,:« toG~ ."?rr)·· June 3, 1985 'f~::: asked when the decision was made to use one piece for the library? ,il" Public ¿~r....ices Administrator Norton said that ðecision has not been ~ade, adding. either parcel would be suitable for the libarary. 16.C. (2) Recoaaendatlon for approval of amendment to grant funding under the Coaaunity Care for the Eld.rly Program There was no discussion on this item. l6.C.(J) Reco...ndation to ent.r into a project agr....nt with the State of Florida, Depart.ent of Natural R.sources, for the develop..nt of øåples ~icipal Doc); Public Wor'ks Administrator Norton said that $56,000 will be used this year for this project and the balance would be $100,000. Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangac=io said this money is from boater registration fees and that $56,000 will be received this year and $50,000 is committed to the City of Naples. She said Staff will be bringing ^ proposal to the Commission for changes that can be made in boater fees. l6.C. (4) Reco...ndation to enter into an agree.ent with the Collier County School Board for the use of school bus.s in the 1985 County's Su..er Program There was no discusr'on on this item. UTILITIES Consent 16.D.(1) R.co.mendation to approve a budget a.endmen~ ':~r the movement o} capital funds fro. r.serves to be expended for L ~f~' .ously approved engin.ering contract Utilities Administrator Crandall said this is for the Im?erial Golf Effluent Project. 16.D.(2) R.co..endation for acceptance of the sewer facilities for Wiggins Bay Subdivision There was no discussion on this item. / 16.D.(J) I R.co...ndation for acceptance of on-site sewer and w~ter facilities constructed to serve Riverwood East Unit 2 There was no discussion on this item. Page 10 ~,.".;. ~ ~.. ~ ~.'.'."". ~ ~_........ ._..~.. ,11'....4-.-..,0 ....,'ot.., -,-'~''é''''''''"~ ~"~....>:~.,", .., \., ..',,~, ....~~""~., '-~~"~;i'j,.,,;.~;'~.7,~·;:;:A.· .·._-·,.",-_,~o,:c. ,.\.._;t :. --. -.---....---.- .. .. ~ June 3, lc)8S' . COUN'l'Y MANAGER 10.E.(1) Reco..endation to confirm the appointment of Mre. Vickie Mulline as the ~o~unity Develop.ent Aðainietrator County ~~nager Lusk said this is in line with the ordinance to confirm division directors and does not havA to be advertised. lO.E.(2) Reco..endation to execute contracts for architectural servicee between M.J.S.H., Inc. and the Board of County co.-i.sionere for the proposed Health Service. Building COunty Manager Lusk said the numbp~ on~ priority is Building "A" and an ðrchitect is cur.rently designing that buiJding, how~ver, a' problem has arisen with the judges. He Haid he spoke with Judge Carlton and he understands why there wi,ll be a delay of ^ couple of weeks in this project. He said Stdff advertised and received proposals for Building "CtI and the deadline was extended at the request of the Constitutional Officers involved in hopes that a local architect would bid. He said the advertising also includes Buildings "8", "e" and tlD". Assistant County Manager Dor~ill said that Staff intends to issue RFP's for the warehouse because Staff does not feel the warehouse is worthy of having an architect design it. Mr. Lus1< sl'Iid that the eighth floor of Building lOP" is tied into Building "A". Mr. Dorrill saià that on 6/1P/8S, Staff will have a schedule showing the construction ~nd design timetables and budgets for each building. ~ommissioner Holland said he would like to see thp. çonstruction proceed in an orderly [ashion rather ·l.~n having six diff~rAnt projects underta'ken at the same time. Mr. Dorrill said that the asbestos has to be removed before any of the other work can be accomplished. Dr. Polkowski said that the proposed 11,000 square foot health building is not adequate. She said that the department's current needs are approximately 13,SOO square feet. Mr. Dorrill said if the Board elects to go the ad valorem/capital improvement approach that has been discussed, the h~alth builðing will be one of many capital improvement projects that will be vying for that money. Fiscal Officer Giles said the County has a time limit on getting the construction done because of arbitrage. BOOK 087 PAGE 375 Page 11 " .....¡:,. ~ ". .,'.....·..-,'·...____··..,.·_~~T ..........~ aOcCK O~7 P~G[ 3'76 ons'hf. June 3, 1985 16.1'.(1) R.co...nðation to award Bid No. 811 to Heavy Duty Hydro Blasting, Inc. for a water pr.ssure cle.n.r Assistant County Manager Dorrill said this item would eliminate having to rent a water pressure cleaner. 16.1'. (2) Reco...ndation for reclassification of maintenance personn.1 to accom- modate incr....d r.sponsibi1ities of Building Maintena~e Department Assistant County ~1anager Oorrill said with the addition of the new Justice Center there are some very ao~hi8~icated air conditioning systems and this is a reOu~8t to promote an employee ,who will be an HVAC mechanic. He said the second request in this item is the need for a painter position. Pe said the Building Maintenance Department has never had a position of painter, however, there is a trades person who does most of the painting and this request is to fill the vacant painter position. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 13.A. Recomm.ndation for appointment to the Solid Waste Advisory Committe. There was no discussion on this item. 13.B. Resolution re SO-bed satellite North Collier Hospital as proposed by Community Health Care, Inc. and the Naples Community Hospital Commissioner Voss said that Naples Community Hospital has applied to move SO of the beds they are currently allotted to the ~orth NapIer Health Facility for a satellite ho~,',."l.. He said the-'· ;,j',e the permit for these beds but have not used th~m. Commissioner Holland said the Boar~ should en~orQe this reouest and Commissioner Voss agreed. NON-AGENnA ITEM 1. Discussion re Naples Community Hospital running the a~bulance service in Collier County Commissioner Holland said his discu:! sions with Community Hospital 'personnel had indicated it would be two ~ears before they would be in a position to do this. r . i Commissioner Holland said he received a call that asked whether the County would be interested in having a privnte company provide non-emergency transport service. He said he told th~m the only way to accomplish this would be to petition the ~oard of County Commissioners. A.ssistant Cùunty Manaaer Oorrill said that the County rEcceives approximately two of these reouests each year anò the people first petition the ~~SAC. Page 12 ~~\r;¡';1 --- !~~~~, ,.j g;ii4:<i8 .-- ----.---.-. ~ ~n:·'1-:r;!'""'I~~ -.. 'h,.iI-t,,· ,k"} ...·~i~H;'.:..~,.,~,. "'---. ~ ~ ;;II r;', '~~ June 3, 19R5 Commissioner the Commissioners his understanding go to the EHSI\C. amended. Polland s>.l.id he thouqht Gllch a recuþ.!lt should come to before qoing to the EM~I\C. Mr. DÓrrill ~aid it was there is òn ordinance that requires these r~quests to Commissioner Holl~nd said the ordinance could hc Reco..endation of Appraisal of Extension Office Property in I~.o'kalee Commissioner Goodniqht asked that this item b'!! added to the I'Igenda and refcrred to her memo explainin~ it, which she sent to the Commis- sioners. COUNTY ATTORNEY 6.C.(1) An ordinance a.ending Section Two of Ordinance No. 85-2, which relates to the construction, reconstruction, r.epair, alteration, projections and prolongation of seawalls and revetments There was no discussion on this item. H.A. Reco..endation that the Board, through resolution, formalize County Policy with regard to the support and legal defense of .embers of Advisory Boards, Quasi-Judicial and Regulatory Boards There was no discussion on this item. H.B. Reco..endation for execution of a Satisfaction of Lien and direction to the Clerk to record la.e in the public recorda There was no discussion on this item. 11.C. Reco..endation for consideration of a pr~OO,,~::i^ ,ttle':\ent agreement ter~inating litigation and setting forth rlghts ðn~ obligations with regard to the structure commonly known as tne Ÿolden Oate "Mini Mall" Commissioner Voss said the problem with this item is with the Firp Department. County Attorney Saunders said one issue is compliancc with exist- ing fire standards which could b~ done by installing a sprinkler "ystem or installation of a four-hour firc wall through the middle of the building. He said the representatives of the Firc Department will be prösent at the 6/4/85 meeting to explain why this is needed. Assistant County Attorney Cuyler said he has not had an opportu- nity to check on ~nat it would cost for the water tanr. Commissioner Pistor mentioned, or to bring the water supply line from the County plant but he would have answers for the 6/4/~5 meetino. NON-AGENDA ITEM 1. Proposed settle.ent of GAC Liquidating Trust V. Collier County, Case No. 82-0394-CA-Ol-CTC BOO~ . 087 pv.~ 377 PagE' 13 .--.-..... w --..-~..-......_- ,or,.:...~~~.. .... ! ..," ;'JIW3:,f;t?:m"'f.~tþ 'OOK 087 w.e 378 June 3, 1985 Ooünty Attorney Saunders said the County has receiveð a proposal for the possible settlement of the above case and that Mr. William Barton was pre~ent to outline it. He said if the Commissioners feel there i. sarno merit in this proposed settlement, he would meet I~ith Attorney Varnadoe to prepare a settlement document. Mr. Guland, representing, Agro Development Corporation, said this company deals with projects of agriculture and development. He explained the firm started negotiating with GAC about two years ago and agreed to purchase 1/2 a section of land. He said the propGsal is to cluster part of the denisty in one section and agricultural dev~lopment for crop vegetables with drip irrigation on the ot~er s~ction. He said Mr. Darton presented the plnns to Staff who werc in f~vor of it, however, this would not solve the lawEuit with GAC and the County and the proposal was not approved. He sai~ in prder to approve a proposal it would be necessary to sign a contract with GAC wit·h all four sec- tions of land in order to bp authorized to resolve the lawsuit. He said he purchased four section~ of land and signed an agreement with GAC so Agro Development Corporation is the contractual olmer of the land and have full authority to settle the lawsuit if agreement can be reached about zoning and the concept for this project. Mr. Guland said that the company wants to separate the aoriculture area from the d~velopment area, to introduce citr~s groves in the agriculture area and to cluster the residential ar~a near the David C. Brown Highway. He said this will result in a better agriculture plan and a better plan for housing. He said the first phase of the developm~nt will be the agriculture portion. In response to COml!1i6S~üner Voss, ~'r. Guland said that drip irrigation will use 20( of the water that would normally be used. He said drip irrigation not only conserves water but no extra water from canals will be neE:àed. He ~aià Aqro Development Corporation has hl'lð experience in this type of technology. Mr. Flarton referrec1 to a posteò _. c." pIa'" and indicJt*,r~ the agriculture areas which will comprise het 21.")' an~ 60' of the total area. He said the developer proposes a low del''':cy residential project for the balance of the property. He said the property is surrounded hy the Golden Gate Est~tes area and aqriculture nnò low density sinale family have purposely been planned for the property lines for compati- bility. He said there will be l!1è1ximum two storie!\ for the tOl·mhouses. He said approximntely 2,100 dWE:llino unit!\ are proposed for tne four sections which is èI gross denisty of approximately .75 units oer ~cre. He said commercial will be provided under the 5-2-1 rule of the Compre- .hensive Plan. He said the developer r~co9nizes the ~eed for a school site and a fire station site. He said the developer is interested in ·the possibility of dedicating land for a/County fairground site. He said all of the residential areas will h~ve central water and sewer services, with the exception of one and'two acres where septic tan~s may be used. He said the stormwater management would follow the ~~iMD requirements. ,He asked for auidance from the Commissioners if this project appears to provide a viable opportunity to settle the lawsuit. County Attorney Saunders said trois projrct would be set up like a PUD·so the zoninq would he locked in, to which Mr. Parton ðoreeå. He said the developer proposes to brin9 J::oáck 1'1 more detailed ~'~!:'ter Plan to the Commission. Page 14 ~.'j r:l c:> ".j' ~r~:~~'~ .- .. ._._..._~" ~~ , --:"'7';.:-:1.:"' ",.--;--~"-:'-_... H ._.... ...."..".".".~~.,;...~....,"'" .---.... ..-...--...-.... ..._--.......... ;¡¡¡¡;¡ l1li ~ June 3, 19A5, Commissioner Goodnight ·said the .lawsuit is secondary and that what i. being proposed, in her opinion, 1s id~al. She said thp. ~griculture. Extension Office is debating what cOl1nty will be th" number one a(2ri- culture county and she said she would like to see ImmoKalep. b~ the head of the citrus district and this type of project is necessary to achieve this. Commissioner Hasse said he concurred with thp. aqriculture part but that he had some concern about developing with the concentration of units. lie said hI! wl,ndered whether the development. is occurring too rapidly in Collier County wherein the facilities do not keep up with the development.. . Mr. Barton said it would not be the COunty's obligation to provide the utilities, adding the water woulù comr from the Coral Pidge Aquifer. H~ said th~ effluent would be used in drip irrigation. Mr. Barton said this property was 'zoned for A,OOO dwelling units prior to the DRI procesß bp.coming effective ònd there may be a Bin~ing Letter of Intent regar~ing this. ~r. Saunders said if there is no Binding Letter of Intent and the develop~r has to c¡o through the DRI process, whatever the Bo~rd decides on this project will not alter that. Commissioner Holland asked what the build-out plan is and Mr. Barton responded 15 to 20 years. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Darton said that properly treated effluent can be used in drip irrigation and it can be used in spray irrigation on certaiD types of crops, such as cattle crops, but not on crops for human consumption. Commissioner Pistor 5aid this is a good project and the r~duction of density in this area would solve some of the problems. He recom- mended that the project be brought before the poarò and that Staff be dir.ected to work out the details. Mr. Saunders said he would prepaI:(: the '.:~.:::uments necessary to procceð with this project. Mr. Barton said he expected the work could not be done before the first or second meeting in August. NON-AGENDA ITEM Discu.sion of Fee. to Arbitrate American Ambulance County Attorney Saunders said agreement h~s been reached to split the arbitration fees between the County dnd American Ambulance and he requested this item be added to the 6/4/85 agenda. BCC Dr... Cod. Commissioner Voss said that the Commission once before deter~ined that the dress code during the summer would be sans jacKets and sans ties and he proposed this practice be followed. Dl.~u.sion re 6/13/85 WorK.hop County Manager LUSK asked that the 6/l3/AS workshop be changed to ~ODK 087 PAGt 379 Page 15 ",' .. ____..-".,m,.'.""'<_M'· __....~..,,_"^"","~ \jo :'. oJ.,' " , I .~, , '........... ';:A,\:' ... . ¡. I: ~<:.- ',' ~\~ 'of . . , . ..,. ~ .. ,:'!~ , .. >, "'~0¡::";'~,,; J~ ::;.:.(. f;:~:~ V'.~ :~', . ,~1.:' ';DK~'087 PAGt3'80 ,~'>:"~',.,,, June 3, 1985 ;;~~,,;;6/i4/85 ai~ce there is a program developed by himself, thft. Lee C'.ounty ,.,~.~,;,\Manager and the Charlotte County Manager for department heads and =~;'r,cUvhion heads for 6/13/85. Assistant County Manager Dorrill said ~.;~.,.'¡Staff would checK and set the time for the workshop and inform the ..:})~' " COlll!lli.sloners. Irj"""'''' ,. \'- . ''':: aevi.ed per.onnel Rule. and Regulations /.1;;;t:~'" ~f~':' County Manager LusK distributed copies of revised Personnel Rules ~f... and Regulations and said these would be considered at the 6/18/85 T3CC /::. lIIeeting. He said he intends to develop a handbook for the employees ~.. incorporating the rules and regulations. He said he had met with a ~ group of employees and given them the revisions and asked for their input and he requested th~ same from the Commissioners. He said one revision is a Civil Trial Board to hear appeals for employees who have been fired. A short discussion occurred regarding sicK leave with Commissioner Voss expressing the hope that abuse of sicK leave can be stopped. * * - * There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:45 P.M. ¡ I / ; I :.." ~':. ,....~, . '~-:\.\ ~~':...':'. r ~ .... ~>:' 'f!'x:··. .. ",.....,..-,' , ~. ;:~' :1 ~>'l ... ¡t.':',f/' .~ -!Jo", ,. Page 16 IS3 ~~d ~. ,",' ~ .."...;..- :../...,:f;ÞI;... ...~ ,-;IÎII'_."..,......A·:..·;:. "I'Î~,......,;...........;.':,..~,,,:',,.... .~" "