BCC Minutes 06/17/1985 W ~ ~ Ia ~ Napløs, florida, June l'l, 1905 L~T IT 8~ REMEMüE~tD, that the Chairman hßvinq issued th~ call and th~ Cl~rk havinq q1ven du~ n~tice ~s presccibwd by Ordinanco H~. 75-1G, the 50ard of County C~mmisaioners in and for thw C~unty ~f C~lli.r met in Mork.hop S...lon on this date at 10'00 A.M. in Building "F" of the Courhouse Complex, I::.ut Naples, n"rido, with thw f~ll"winq mellb'Jrs prosent.;: CHAInMAN. ~'r"ldo!rick J. V"s. VICE C~AlkMAN: J~hn A. Pi3tor ,'lax lIass. C. C "ht!d" H~ll¡¡nd Ann" G~~dniqht ALI>O P¡{EZI::¡~'l': Jllmes C. Gihs, .'iscðl Officer¡ I:;lin~r M. Skinner, O"puty CI~rk¡ !:Iurt L. Sdund'Jrs, Cl')unt)o' Att"rn"y; o.,n.llC1 LUSk, C"unty Manager; ~el1 ~rrl11, Assißt~n~ County Man~qer; 1~omas Crandall, Utilities Mß\inist.r,jt~r¡ T<,)ß\ KU<':k, Public I\<')rks .'\Jminl!:1trétt~r; and Nancy Isr3eIS()n, Admlnistroitlv.! AsSlst,'1nl t() thod 8')dro. AGENI:A I. Pr~s~ntati<')ns by sn"rt-list~a consulting o!nq1neers for the j'.,'lrth Ndplt,s !<<')dÜW'y ,"IS'íU. 2. ~ISCUs5ion of ~ l'dse/purcnð3~ of ð County q~lf c<')urSe. 3 . L11 s c u s;¡ i ( not t t,.,. ','¡"':: P. r l"rl" t ~ r PI cJ n . 4. DiscuSsIon of b<')no options tor tucur~ u~ility c3pital project:>. Tap. U It... U PRESENTATIONS BY CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MSTU PUblic \'works .A.dr.'1inlStrlttor KUCK 'i!:qJl..1n.d .,n ~!,Hch 19, 1985 the HOdrd "t C<')unty Con.miSS1"n.,rs "'St¿blish:~( i! N')rtn "",¡plea MS1'U by Hesolutl"n US-13. n~ ~~id tnd Jt)arj drproved a $el~cti"n C<')mmlttee of Gaorge Archibalo, Neil Dorr11l ~na hir.'1sMlf t" ddv~rti~~ and rUVIew th& r.commendati~ns and short list the consulting engineers tor this project. He said the first firm chosen to mak~ II presentation this date is floOd EnglneerS-ArchltectS_~lanner.. FLOOD ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS_PLANNERS Mr. Dan D~e8, Hegionðl Manag'H for n')od E:nqineers, said on May G, 1985 nis firm delivared c<')pies of the ~t~t~ment of Qualifications to Staff and hù distributed copies "f same to thp. Commissi~ners. He s~id uarrtt.l1 Niinc,', Jdck IY>ssermdn, r..sponsible f"r Ufllity Desiqn, and Mr. üob !:ieIf, responsible for lIighway Design, of his firm were present this d..te. BOOK 087 I'ACE 545 Paqe 1 - -~~~'... .--.--.,-.---....--.--. 'ODK. 087 mt 546 June 17, 1985 Mr. Døe. reviewed some of the work experience his firm has performed for Collier County including desiqn only for the Kelly/ BaY·hore Road project; 1-75, 5 mil.. of four-lane design with drainage ~ftalysis; Pin. Ridge Road from Airport Road to 1-75; and Golden Gate Parkway, from Airport Road to 1-75. ~ . Mr. Dees showed an enllHgeå p!lQr.Q\lCøph of the aut.;1cc:: r-:STU ~r~~ which indicated the ·ST" areas and explained his firm 1s familiar with the so11 patterns due to past work in the area. He said his firm would look at the least cost location for this project because it wil~ be paid by property owners. He referred to an enlarqed photograph of the on. square mile of the area where ·ST· area. are located. He said he would look to the firm's Environmental Consultant to map the habitats end determine jurisdiction. He referred to Figure I of the handout which lists jobs of DOT qualifications by 'area classes where he hiqhlighted those jobs for which his firm is qualified. ...., ;, Mr. Dees ref~rred to the desiqn schedule which Staff has stated is detailed and adequate. He said the schedule indicates the first phase would be completed in 3-1/2 to 4 months with adequate reviews by the Staff and allowing for public hcarinq. He òaid the design would take approximately twelve months durinq which there are three one month periods for review. He said his firm has ð stronq construction mðnagament staff. He said the last project his firm completed came in on schedule and a, bulow original bid. Mr. Dees said his firm does its homework and has talked with Attorney Pickworth who is preparing an ordinance for another assessment for the County and who said he would be willinq to work with his firm on this project. Mr. Dees said his firm can be objective since they are not doinq any design work for any devel()pers or realtors In Collier County and can give an unbiased view t()ward determining the location Rnd cost and recommending an all~cation t() the owners. Mr. Dees said hIS firm Is eager to please, prepare a complete report and is service ()riented. Responding to C~mmissioner Hasse, Mr. Dees said that the area to which he referred is divided into about 50 owners and it i8 easier to work with one or t~) owners. In response t~ Commi~sioner Voss, Mr. ~es s~id the design work would be done in f'ort Myers for this project. He showed the Commissioners an example of the computer layout of the type of work that could be aone by his firm. HOLE, MONTES AND ASSSOCIATES Mr. Stanley Hole, of HOle, Montes and Associates, complimented the Staff on their choice of the three firms chosen and said anyone of them were qualified to do the job. He said Mr. Montes was present this ·date. He referred to two diagrams of the project area. He said the reasons hi8 firm should be chosen were that it has a team of road engineers with three years experience with the County Staff on similar Page 2 r=J r:::J r.=J ......--......, #-,.~.~ .....,....4. ~ all ~ Jun.. 17, 1985 projects, hi. firm hðs knowledq~ ~f the aroa& within tho b~undaries of th~ MSTU Ðnd hie firm ha~ had a year's exporience on this pr~j~ct S~ fa r. " J I Mr. Hole relatwd his firm's exp4lrience wIth the C~unty ~n the O~ld.n Oato parkway pr~joct from Airp~rt R~ad t~ Santa Barbarß 3.)ulevard and th. Pine Hidgl! k'l03d pr~ject and said the sam", team WOUld be ablo t~ Io">rk f.)n this pr<:ljec t. Mr. Holu said nis firm h~s survðY~o all th~ lano withln the boundarios ~f this project'~ area and ~re familiar with the soil and ·S·C" .Heas. Hot expldin!!d tl..Jl I to 1-1/2 y~ara aq<') Mr. Jay Smith co)mot ~., his office ..Ind described the pr.,jotct ¡]nd asked h<:l'''' his firm w.,uld engin4lcr s~ch a project ann th~ rccommenojti<:ln W~8 mdd41 t<:l go with ð ~U;TU District. lie said his firm hAI'> boen lnv()lvcd fr<')m the beginning ~nd is familiar with thv pr"ject. Tape '2 Mr. Ht:lle sala his firm c<:Iul( do ~ 9<:1<,)C1 j<")~ f<:lr tIle C.,unty and requested conslderati.,n f"r the pr.,j~ct. WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, INC. Mr. ~ill B¿Hton, <')f Wll.3<')n, ~liller, Bart<')n, ~oll and Peek, Inc., s,lid ,"Ir. 'lorn Peuk \o,/.Hi pr"'h';1t thls C:-Jtu. lie exprHR5ed JPl-'reciatI<:1n for being chos~n one ot tne thr~e firms tor c<')nsid"rðtion t)n this ¡;r~ject. He explained nls ilrm's exp¿rier,=e Wlth tne C"unty in the past "n pr~jects like th~ Willouqhby Acres, ~elly/baY8h<')r~ Hoad projects, Jnd Pine Hluge HOdO. He expl~in~d ~t ~GO property 0wn~rB ~n ~n~ pr.,joct only ten had qu!stlons r~gar~ing thèir ddsessmènt wn1ch ~cr2 quickly rèsolved. he SðId nis tlrm hdS hdj exp~rI~ncB In a:>sessment ðnd apportionmen t. Mr. bart<')n sald il1ld firm s.:cs thÅ“ water rnilnðg'~ment aSt'~ct as imp"rtant. He said his firm hils had experience with wells In t~e meoian strips. He refcrrl!d to /In !xhlb1t with his finn's tr.1ck rec.,rd ~n pr<:ljects with the Goocletta/~rank and ~ill~uqhby Acro!s project coml ng in 1t/&5 than budget dno the Ma rc., IsIDn.:! Pn.:1so I ,) t 21 over budget. He said his firm has the manpower /lv/ltlable t~ dt) the job, pointing <')ut that J.,hn ~aLul¿ d~sign"d the G"<')~I~tte/frdnK ROdd Pr~j~ct and would be on this projer.:t. HespOndlng to C<:lmmisslon~r PIst<:lr, Mr. ~~r~on 3did that his firm was "nly involved in the water system an KellY/Bùysht)r~ R"ad. He said his firm has a sophIsticated computur syst~m capùblu of carrying out work exp.diti~usly. He explain~d the reasons the oroposad road was not dr.:lwn with ð 90 degroe angle ili uu.! to the modèr<ote speed the traffic will travel on the highway. Mr. Bart<:ln asked f"r c"nsId~r3tion for his firm on this project du~ to experience, familiarity with tne area and manp"~er. DISCUSSION OF A LEASE/PURCHASE OF A COUNTY OOLF COURSE Parks and Recreation Dir~ctor Vanattd reviewed the work that has been done ~n the proposed County golf ct)urse. He said thøt pro~"3a18 from Qf.)lden Göte Golf Course ùnd Lely Hibiscus G"lf Course were dis- CUSSed and brought to the Ad H<')c C<:Immittoe which die not mak~ a recom- mendation tf.) th3 Purks and kecreation Advisory ~o Jr!:. HI.! said the aOOK 087 PAr;r 547 Paq 41 3 . ~-_.,--- -"--'-~ . 1m U~ I ~m ~4.M June 17, 1985 ',:¡.. Parks and Recreation Advisory ß¡)ard asked Staff to go back and ne90- I~, thte with the Golden Gate Golf C-:>urse people and for this ruson he .t-'. II w:a.' requuting additional time on this subject. ~t:"~"'··' ., C~mm1a'sioner Hasse agreed more time could be used to qood benefit. äf¡,;.., Mr. Van:ltt~ ::~1~ that ð nttw VOlJllibility ot leasinq the Golden Gat. \,.'~ swimming pool has come to light. ,i~, ' ·~Ii:. In response to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Vanatta said that Staff ,~~:,CO~ld neqotiate upgradinq the Gol~.n Gate facility. :1.;1 Jt' . ,~ Responding to Commissioner Plstor, Mr. Vanatta said that there Is no equipment involved in the Lely Hibiscus offer and Staff has reviewed and evaluated the Golden Gate equi~ent. Commissioner /Jolland agreed Staff should have more time to consider these prQPosals. DIsaUSSION or THE WATER MASTER PLAN Utilities Administrator trandall said that two months ago Staff came to the Board with a Sewer Master Plan. He introduced tolr. Tom Taylor, of Hole, Montes and Ass~ciatesto show the boundaries. Mr. Taylor referred to a map and explained the areas covered by the water r~ster Plan that ranges from the County line In the north to the Marco kiver. He said the original plan was four miles east of cR-951 and would now extend one mile to the west and include the Isle of Capri service area. Mr. Taylor said his flrm believ~s the ultimate 16 mgd plant will not be adequate. He said the agreement with the City of Naples expires in 1989, at which time the C~unty will t~ke over the Pine Riege Road pumping and storaqe area in exchange for the C~unty constructinq another water tank for the Ci ty service. IJe propoS~d a new wèlter ~reatment plant in the northern area of the County. He said his firm projects that the County will noeo Ðbout 24 mgd &nd the Golden Gate wellfield is propos~o to produce 16 mgd so there would be a deficit. He said ~issimer and Associates made a report in 1982 which showed there is adequate water in the north end of the area and would be capable of being used for potable water. He said water quality studies were recommended to be done. He said the South Florida kater Management District h3s prepared 5 draft ()f a water aSRessment report which indicates this is a Possible potable water source. He said this would give the County m'>re flexibility with two water fields in the event of a water shortaqe when the two wellfields could be lnterc~nnected. Mr. T~ylor said the Utilities Divisjon is working on rezono petiti~ns and recommendinq certain water tank sites. He said a water -tank si te was granted ~n The Vi neyards. He said that the Master Plan only Covers about 1/3 of Golden Gate and eventually Avatar Utilities or possibly the C~unty may serve the area ~n the Vineyards project. He s.id Staff i5 investigating acquirinq a site at Wigq1ns Pass and the Vanderbilt Beach Road area to alleviate problems in that area. Mr. Taylor said the objective is to obtain Board approval on the area delineated on the proposed service area in order to proceed with the actual assessment of the 1980 report in determininq where Page 4 C:=J r::::J ~ .-. '---'-" ~-~._--._-----_.- ...._,,-----_. -----..--"".- '.:I 14 I " . ':¡ ~ ¡ -, ¡ .. I I ' i I i . ¡ . 7, j ¡ í ! .. ¡ ~ ! ;., . ~ ì I I 4 ~ c:::::J r= ;::::J -', n~.... -- ~^. June 17, 1985 improvements to that report need to be madd. He said this Master Plan meets what the Comprehwnsive Plan states is the urban dev&lopment area and is c~n8istent with the Sewer Master Plan in tho south area. 'rap. '3 In anSWdr to Commission~r Pi8tor, Mr. Taylor said that the SFWMD said that capacity from the Coral Ridq8 Aquiler i8 about 30 mqd. Mr. Taylor said he discussed the situation ~lthe area ßerved by _ _ Marco IJtllities with PRC C~nsultantll and, since the water supply is off the 1al.,nd at tllc borro\o/ .plt.:: at S.R. 951, it muld be m.,ra prlY..!ent t" take the water plant off that ait~, treat thd water off Marco Island, use the existing raw water main Dnd turn it into a treDted w~ter main and pump water to Marco Island and use st~rage tanks on Marc~ Island. He said this ~uld be batter than moving the seWer plant off the site. Commissioner Pisto~ asked if some of the equipment on Marco Island could b~ used for t~rtiary treatment of Aewer efflu9nt and Mr. Taylor said it is not redlly the type that could be used for that. Commissioner Holland said a supply 3bout 2,000 feet in depth has been discussed that ~ula require a littlw more treatment and is far less ~f a problem to put into pot~ble condition than the reverse osmosis thdt Pelican Bay uses. He said this should be investiqated before a lot of ~rk is done. Hp. said there are many ar~as that depend on res~rvoirs and that Collier County has a lot of runoff that could be used in this manner In Port of the Islands. Hp. said this possibility sh~uld be included. Mr. Tr.lylor said he would check into the 2,000 foot depth situðti<1n. ,He said there is a lot of watar in the Port of the Islands area but he was not 5ure it could be feasibly permitted but he would look into that. Commissioner V~ss asked if the SFWMD report has been received and Mr. Kuck said he had not seen it but would get copies to the Commissioners when he r~ccives It. DISCUSSION OF BOND OPTIONS FOR FUTURE UTILITY CAPITAL PROJECTS Utilities Administrator Cranddll introduct!d "Ir. Gary Akers of S~~theastern Municipal Bonds to addre~s the capital prQjects. He said Mr. Davie: Fi scher was present, also. Mr. Akers distributed an analysis of the outstanding debts the County has which has been put together to determine the options for financinq future water and sewer improvements. He referred to paqe 19 which is broken down into proposed sewer improvement and pr~posed water improvements. He said on Page 13 is a summary of outstanding utility debt within the County. He said under Section .A" th~re was an original issue of $2,849,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds in Sewer Area ·A. and there is now available revenue from special assessment le.wing a net outstanding ........ balance of $549,000. He said there is a Willoughby Acres Revenue Sewer ,....',,:. Issue and a willoughby Acres Water Issue, a G~odland Water ISSUQ and th.:~~: C~unty District-Wide Revenue Issue. He said one complexity is that all ;~~. . the financing, at this point, exc~pt for the larger issue has bQen done '. by service area. He said it is n~w being discovered that the service' areas overlap. He said the alternatives arc to continue financing by service area; to consolidate all sewer issues and have one financinq for sewer issues to be sewer revenue bonds; or to consolidate all the sewer, and aOOK 087 PACE 54.9 Pdge 5 _.._~_......~~-...,..~-- "',. , lOOC 08'7 PACt 550 June 17, 1985 in one financing base. He said the final alternative into one water issues into one combined financinq . many other counties have consolidated as .í ,'financing base. ~ 'ill ' '. .iAoU<,...., Mr. Akers referred to paqe 14 which is a summary of where the ,;'~::. County is at present with the total debt ~utstånding of $3,854,000 for sew~r and $22,237,000 for water. He said consolidation of water and sewer into one issue would result in $21,365,000 1n outstandinq bonds. He said the maximum annual debt service 90e. down from $2,001,000 t~ ..~~ $2,000,065 and the debt service over the life ~f the bonds from ~,~ :,~'" $ 6 3, 000, 000 to $ 55, 000, 000. ~:{ ¡I .. Mr. Akers said there are some improvements c~min9 that will need to be financed that will require refunding such as improvements for spray irriqation in Sewer Area "A·. He said the reRolution authorizinq the outstanding bonds has to be looked at which requires there be coverage of averaqe annual debt s~rvice which must 'be met on the outstandinq bonds plus proposed bonds. He said this is basically impossible to meet that test so it means th~ County is required to refund or payoff that debt. He said there is more than $2,000,000 in accumulated reserves against that debt which is restricted and cannot be used for any other purpose. Tap. '4 Mr. Crandall said there is more in reserves than the County should have and it is being advised that the debt should be repaid. Commissioner Pistor pointed out the FmHA loans are at 5' and any refinancing ~~uld be a higner rate. Mr. Akers said the County would make money in arbitrage but th~ reserves are required to payoff the bonds. He said there is a parity provision to be met in order to do the second bond issue. Fiscal Officer Giles said the parity provisions are the primary reason for refinancing the FmHA bonds. He said the water issue sh~ul~ be investigated thoroughly. H~ agreed to investigation of the sewltr refunding. Mr. Akers said the most c<')st effective r~funding is a combination of water and sewer issues. Commissioner Hollanå said that the proposed sewer districts is almost $39,000,000 and approximately' half of that Is the East Naples Sewer District. He asked whùt will happen as far as fairness with different sewer districts? Mr. Crandall saiå he was rp.commending that the sewer districts be combined and the cost spread over tne entire County residents. He said the C~unty is so limited trying to come up with a fo\aster Plan that fits districts. He said the proposal is to build a plant that is expandable that will not stay witnin the boun- daries of certain areas and that will stretch out. Commissioner Holland said he could foresee a fight aqainst this. He said Brookside is sitting on rock and the cost is alm"st prohibitive to put a sewer system in there. He said to spread out that cost would create problems. County Manager Lusk said the cost that would be shared would be the sewer plant which he thought was fair and equal. Commissioner Holland said the Commission should wait until Consoer Townsend's report is in to act on this subject. Pa9. 6 C=:J i . J CJ . ._.'.._._~.- ~~- c::::J fill ~ June 17, 1985 Commissi~ner Voss said that sewage affects tho entire C~unty and i. a County problem. Mr. Tom Taylor, of H~l., ~ntes and Associate., explained how Sewer Area -A" has been seqmented to include part of Sewer Area -8-, cutting out the bottom part of Sewer Area -C- and includinq it in Sewer Area ·D·. Commissl"n~r Holland said the acquisition of the various utilities sh~uld be firm before decisions are made. Commissi~n~r Voss pointed ~ut that the parity conditions cannot be met on individual areas. Assistant County Manager D~rrill said now there are Sewer Area -A· employees and equipment owned by Sewer Area "A" and it is a difficult way to run a utility when there are employ.es and equipment that theoretically cannot be used anywhere but in one area. He said neighborhood customero are not going to be expected to subsidize pLlrticular isolated probldms involving lines. lie said certain costs such as 9mployees cLln be paid for by customars. Commissioner Voss said what Mr. Akers is telling the C~mmission is the only way to take care of the water and sewer system in Collier County s to eliminate the financing set up for individual districts and consolidate them because th~ parity cannot be met in individual districts. Mr. Akers agreed. Mr. Akers said on Page 18 of the report therc is a direct comparison of a refunding t~ the ~utstanding water revenue issue. He said there are existing regulations reqarding refundinq and the issue could be refunded at a lower annual debt service than the outstandinq issue. He said the difference is ar~und $25,000 a rear and ov~r the life that is $694,000. He explained that proposed egislation would eliminate the ability to advance refunding next year ~hich would make it imp~ssible to d~ this. He asked the Commissioners to keep those two fact~rs in mind. Tap. 15 Mr. Crandall requested that this issue be added t~ the afternoon agenda to which the Commissioners agreed. " * * There being no further business the meeting was adj~urned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:05 P.M. BOOK 087 PAG[ 551 Page 7 ..--------- --~.._-~- . .. ..""" ·,.~...<u,"__'.._.:.,.;,....._'_