BCC Minutes 06/17/1985 S ::=J r:iEI ~ , \ Napl.., FIQrida, JUn~ 17, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that a majority of the Board having gIven approval and the Clerk having given prQpør nQtice in 4ccQrdinance with OrdInance NQ. 75-16, the Board Qf C~unty Commissioners in and for the County of CQllier, and also acting as tht 8oar.d of Zoning Appeals and as the governing bQard(s) of such special districts as have been croated according to l~w and having conducted business hereIn, met on this date at 1:30 P.M. in SpecIal Se..lon In Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, ~3st N~ples, Florida, with the following membars pr.,sen t: CHAIRMAN: Fr~derick J. Voss VICE CHAIHMAN: John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse C. C. "Hed" lJolland (2:10 P.M.) Anno Goodnight ALSO PRE~ENT: Jðm~s C. Giles, Fiscal Officer, Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerks Donald ò. Lusk, County Managers &urt L. Saunders, County Attorney, Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager, Mary Morgan, SupervIsor of Electionss Tom Kuck, PublIc ~~rks Administrator, Jeff Percy, MPO DIrector, Tom Olliff, ~leet Management DIrectors George Archibald, Transportation Director/ Joyce Ernst and Tom McDaniel, Staff Planners/ Tom Cran1all, Utilities AdmInistrators Don Norton, Public Services Administrators Nancy Israelson, Administrative AssIstant to the Board; and William MCNulty, Sh,eriff's Department. lOOK 087 pm 552 Page 1 ';J' 'J ~ .. ~ . , '1'.,. U It.. f1 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES June 17, 1985 Commissioner Piator .oved, ..conded by Commi..ion.r Has.. and carri.d 4/0, (ComaI.sioner Holland not present at this time), that the agenda be approved with the following changes' l. Item lOß(9) Add~d - Hecornm~nd~tion for acceptance ~f bid ~f the w. w. Williams Co. t~ provide a loader-compactor unit f~r Use at the Imm~Kdl~e L~ndfill. 2. Item laC(l) to be mov{!d t~ 108(8) - D-2 Canal Drainage System f'inJlncing Plan. 3. Item 10C(5) Added - R~commendation for ~pproval of lease agreement between Golden Gate ~ire District and County for EMS substation. 4. Item lOC(G) Add9d - Consideration of "trðnsf~r" of Tigertail üeach Concessionair~. 5. It~m 13H Adòed - Hec~mmenddtion to purchase Golden Gate Estat~s fire Tower £ite. 6. It~m 131 Added - Contirmation of appointment of Mr. Salvador Cond~ to the CollIer ~ounty Housing Authority. 7. DiscussIon re Commissioner Plstor's trip to Tallahassee _ Added by Commissl~ner Pistor. 8. It¿m lOD~ Added - regarding bond o?ti~ns f~r future utility capital projects. Itea '2 RISOLUTIOH 85-129 RI PETITION SNR-85-4C, MARY SHOEMAKER, CONFIRMING STREET NAME OF JOLLY ROAD - ADOPTED Commissioner Voss stated that this is a request to name a street Shoemaker Way in honor of Mrs. Mary Shoemaker's grandfather. Planner Ernst stated that this street runs east and west intersecting with Rock R~ad, adding that the petitioner ia building a house ~n this street and the Building Department is requesting an address as the street has no name. She noted that there were tw~ objections by peo?le who own pr~perty on the street but do not have a hQuse there. She indicated that there is ~ne other home on the street and there is no oOjection to th~ name ~f Shoemaker Way. Commissioner Plstor Stated that there is an alternative name in the Executive S\lmm~ry which is J"Jlly Road and questIoned 1f the two property owners ~bj'cted to Jolly Hoad also? aDD~ (J~¡rPA~[f)f)f) Page 2 , _..........~.._~~ ....... ~--,. -'. '. June 17, 1985 Planner Ernst stated that the property owners were not contacted regarding the name Jolly ROlJd, but they dId ~bj.ct to Shoemaker Way. Co..i..loner Pi.tor .oved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, (Co..i..ioner Holland not pre.ent at thl. tl.e), that Re.olutlon 85-129 re Petition SNR-85-4C, Mary Shoe.aker, confir.ln9 the atreet na.e of Jolly Road which run. east and we.t Inter.ectin9 wltb Rock Road b. ~~~ptc~. o\II'c,. Planner Ernst questioned H the Board wanted to make a ruling i~:}·:, reqarding not naming a street after an individual or someone that 18 'i·"'~ec".ed, to which Commiuioner Voss stated that this hu been the ;;":.. ·consensus of the Board, adding that anyone can Come in with a petition I'· to name a street after a person but it is preferred that the street not be named after Someone that is still living or that lives on the aOOK 087 PAGE 557 " street. pag e 3 ~ .......~.. 1 r:~". 'j";! ~." E.3 --¡... ;. .,.., ,,'" ç;'. . ','I; t~J , \.r "~;' ,~ I YI\.Og7 mt 559 Juno 17, 1985 SPECIAL ONE-TIME IHTERPUND MOTOR POOL DEPRECIATION BILLING AND ANY ASSOCIATED BUDGET AMENDMENTS - APPROVED Mr. Tom Olliff, Fleet Manag~ment Director, stated thðt this request is to authorize a special one-time interfund motor pool depreciation billing which is necessary because the previous fleet manager purchased 32 vehicles in the fIrst quarter of this fiacal year with only $59,000 cash on hand for an expendituce of $233,000 which left the motor pool fund in the red for approximately $180,000. He stated that the motor p~ol billing has been re-established .~ that the situation will not occur again. He noted that the funds that are set aside for replacement costs have been put into a sepörate sinking fund so that it cannot be used for ~perati~nal c¢sts and cannot show up in the red. He stated that his request is that the lict of billngs to the sepacate funds which is included within the Executive Summary be a ppr¢ved. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by CommIssioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, (CommissIoner Holland not present at this time). that the special one-time inter fund motor pool depreciation billing and any associated budget amendments be approved. Item 14 REVISIONS TO ORDINANCE 83-50 PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION AND REGULATION OF OPERATORS OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY _ CONCEPTUALLY APPROVED AND TO BE ADVERTISED Fleet Management Dir~ctor Olliff stated that there ~re certain areas of this ordinance that puts the County in a situation of possible liability, adding that the first is through th~ inspections of the taxicabs dS the County does not hav~ the trained personnel or suf.ficient equipment to do the Inspections. he noted that the second arêa is that the County is issuing permits to each operator of a taxicab operating within the C¢unty wnich is done with a records check thro~~h tne Florià~ D~partment of Law and Enforcement. He stated that the ordinance only establishes that if a person does not have a felony ~n his record, h~ C3n be issued a permit. H~ stated that in many cases a driver will have 14-15 misd~m~~nors and according t~ the ordinance, the County has t~ issue th~t permit. he noted that restructuring would continue t~ contain the rate stcucture which was a primary intent of the ordinance, adding that this would be ftnforced through the State through a metor inspection that tn~y will do annually. He noted that Page 4 .:=J c::::J [',¡.,; ] --.-- ".:..:.' ~'L"" [,,, j ~ ::::::J June 17, 19B5 this was done by the recommendation of the Tax Collector, the Risk Manager, and tho Sheriff'. Uvpartment. Coamissioner Pistor .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Holland not pre.ent at this time), that revisions to Ordinance 83-50 providing for registration and regulation of operators of motor vehicle. for hire within Collier County be conceptually approved and be advertised. Item IS HOLE, MONTES , ASSOCIATES SELECTED AS '1 FIRM RE THE NEGOTIATIONS OF A CONTRACT FOR AN ENGINEERING REPORT FOR THE NORTH NAPLES ROADWAY MSTU _ APPROVED Assistant County r~nager Dorrill stated that this item will be d~ne by secret b~llot and th~n given to the Clerk, so that they can be tallied. he stated that when there is a clear majority, the Staff needs direction to negotiate ~ contr~ct and fee proposal with the 81 ranked firm. fie stated that if tney should be unsuccessful, they would advise the Board and tnen neqoti~te with the _2 firm. Fiscal Officer Giles tallied the votes with the '1 ranked firm being Hole, /o'r)ntl!s {, Associates; #2 firm being 'l'/ilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc.; and '3 firm being Flood Engineers. Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Holland not present at this time) that Hole, Monte. , Associates be selected as the II firm, Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI , Peek, Inc. as the '2 firm, and Flood Engineer. as the 13 firm re the negotiations of a contract for an engineering report for the North Naples Road MSTU. Ite. 16 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF DR. JAN-ERIK KIGNELL TO BE RETAINED TO PR(~IDE AN ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF THE CIRCULATING FLUIDIZED BED RESOURCE RECOVERY TECHNOLOGY NOT TO EXCEED $3,000 - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Ruck stated that thIs Is a recommendation that the services of Dr. Jan-Erik Rignell be retained-to provide an independent evaluation of resource recovery using a circu- lating fluidized bed combustor. He noted that this will be necessary prior to financing a project of this type whether required by our fin~ncial sourc~s or those of a turn-key or full service proposer. He noted that the estimated cost would not exceed $3,000, adding that this will be done in Eo/rope and Sweden. Co.mi..ioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commi..ioner Ha..e and lOOK 087 mE 560 Page 5 , ,....'-~... --_.~~--.~- , '.':\ no' . Junlt 17, 1985 lOOK cm7ltrt~JM. (Colllmiadoner Rolhnd not pres.nt at thia time) that the prof...ional ..rvic.. of Dr. Jan-!rit Kign.ll be r.tain.d to provide an engin..rlng analy.i. of the circulatinq fluidiz.d bed r.sourc. r.cov.ry t.cbnology not to .xc..d $3,000. It.. 17 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR TOE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN FOOT AHD COLLIER COUNTY FOR MASTER PLAN FOR THE IMMOKALEE AIRPORT _ APPROVED Public WOrks Administrator Ruck stated that in August of 1984, the BCC made application t~ the FAA and the FDOT for funds to develop a Master Plan study for the Imm~kale. Airport. He stated that in January, 1985, the BCC agreed t~ a Joint Participation Agreement with the FDOT and on AprilS, 1985, Staff receIved notificati~n that the JPA had been executed by the FDOT and that funds has been set aside f~r the County's use. He reported that on April 23, 19ß5, the R~al Property Administrator received n~titication that the FAA h~d ruled out the use of federal funds for Immokal~e due to the low yearly traffic and the small number of aircraft based there. He stated that on AprIl 29, 1985, the FDOT office in Ft. Lauderdale ~ffered to bUdget, for their 1965-86 fiscal year, an additior.l $25,000 which Collier County would be required to match 50/50, adding that such an agreement would require the FDOT and Collier County to make a Supplemental Agreement for the original JPA. He stilted t.hat the 50/50 plan would allow the Master Plan to be completea anå t~ continue airport improvcments with an updated c~mprehensive plan for development. He stated that he is recommending approval of this item. Commissioner Goodnight stated that proviåing year-r~und employ- ment, which the Master Plan will do after it is c~mpleted, is one of th~ main objectives of the citizens group in Immokalee, adding that this is something that is needed t~ further industry that comes in to the Ai rpor t. Commi.sioner Goodnight moved, second.d by Commis.ion.r Hass. and carri.d 4/0, (Co.missioner Holland not present at this time), that the Suppl.mental Agr...ent for the Joint Participation Agr.ement b.tw..n FOOT and Collier County for a Mast.r Plan for the Imaokalee Airport b. approved. Page 6 .~ G:J r::::z:J . r::;"I &;;;I ~ June 17, 1985 RUOLUTION 85-130 INDICA'1'INQ IR'l'EH'1' 'l'O LEVY '1'DI 5TH AHD 6TH CER'l' LOCAL OP'l'ION GAS TAX UPON IVERY GALLON or MOTOR rUIL AHD SPICIAL rUIL SOLD IN COLLIER COUNTY, ErrECTIVE 9/1/85 - ADOPTED Commissioner Voss stated that this does nQt mean that the tax will be passed, but if there is not a resolution to this effect by July 15, 1985, then it cannot be don e.- He stated that If this resolution S. approved, then during the budget hearings if it i. deem~d neCGSSðry to have the tax, it C~n b= done. ke noted that there has been a changÐ due to the legislature, adding th!t th~ gasoline tax will now bø collected from the retailers instead of the wholesalars. Mr. Lyle Hichardson statod that this tax is hir, adding that he hop.. that if this tax is passed there will be some type of restriction so that this money would be used to build roads as opposed to m~SntalnIng roads. He stated that he highly recommands that this resolutIon be adopted. Co..i..ioner Hasse .oved, .econded by Commis.ioner Pi.tor and carried 4/0, (Co.mi.sioner Holland not pre.ent at this time) that Re.olution 85-130 indicatIng intent to levy the 5th and 6th cent local option g.. tax upon every gallon of .otor fuel and special fuel .olid in Collier County, effective 9/1/85 be adopted. lOOK 087 PACE 564 PaC) e 7 ..................i_~ t=J c=MI c::::J June 1,}, 1 ~l! 5 Itea U ROAD INPRASTRUCTURE IMPAC~ ~E~ COMMITTEE REPORT - ACTION DZPZRR~D UNTIL PIRST MEETING IN AUGUST C~mmissi~n~r VQSS gtùtud that h~ h~s bden thr~ugh the report twic~ dnd ther~ 8re several things thdt h~ d~~s n~t understand, ~nrl1ng thðt II, Io':luld 11i<..: t" S~i! i)ctl·,n d",Ù~rred until Lilt: flrst. ",,,~ting in August. ~ statlltd th3t it is d v~ry co~µrl!hlltnsiv~ r<!p'nt. Co..i..ion.r Has.. moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Holland not pre.ent at this time) that the Road Infrastructure Impact Pe. Committ.e report b~ d.ferred until the first meetIng in August. Item 110 D-2 CANAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM FINANCING PLAN - APPROVED. STAFF DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH IMPLEMENTING THE STUDY'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD AUGUST 6, 1985, TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE CREATING A TAXING DISTRICT ~atQr ~3nay~n~nt Director ~Qldt ~t~:ed th~t ~s n result of th~ flood in Gold~n Gate City in Scptomb~r, 19J3, a compr3hensiv~ drain .'3tuoy '...as µert~rmcd. He st.Jtco th!.t tnls r ~PQrt w<.l~ con.;) as oj j~int. v~nture bctweë!n ttole, I"!~ntt!s and JOhns"n Enqin¿erinq ,1n:': '...as pres'Stnted t" t:he ::.CC in Nt')vp.mocr, lS1d4, ~t wÌllcn tir.w t.h" 8"iHÓ 3cco?ptl:!d the plan and staff was airoctad t~ qiV8 tn~ugnt t? d financing plan ft')r the ¡.>roject it.';elt. lip. n·nt!d tI..lt tht;¡ t~:~l co):<;t "f the pr.,ject w"ulo oe opproximately ~2,~OO,OOO. He stated th~t th~ financing plan was held up dun. to the Vin~Yùras µroj2ct, adclng thùt th~ d~v~lo~ers of VinuYIH;jS have <lgr"'ed to tdi<tl care of certain ¡.;~rtions of the project tn~t ,Jr.,' ...ith1n t:.h·;nr ~r"p'.lrty ,)nu trl~'1r rè:"¡'¡<);)!:Iil)illty. IJ" t1tbt~a trhlt hu 1S :¡,'w r~commenrJing th"t tn~ O':'l:ilC c<)nce Jt of tnl' fìn<ll1cing plan be bcC~pt~a, aduing that other than th~ other projoct costs which can be ~btained fr?m the Big Cypress ßas1n, R~äd Imprt')v~ment Funds, ~£R, and private oevelopers, thdt the remain1nq cost~ b~ split on a 50/50 ratic between the general Capital ImprovE-ment F'und {325} which is a C',unty-.::et-large fund élnd a SfJcclal taxing district th,Jt WQuld be set up f~r this project ~nd other projects of th~ same ndture. H~ statsd tb.1t the speci..11 t(,jxin;¡ u1strìct ",",uld incluc>.I thr. wht')ltJ bilFlin .1rOi) whicn is Jround 25 syuare miles and ~t')uld incluoe nil the lands, the PUD'¡,¡ .:Ind ttle pr"p~rti~s c"ntain~d .dthin tnat t<)tl11 Oraindgil basin or b~nefltted ~rea. aODK 087 PM;! 566 Vag·J 3 +w. Q87 PA~: 567 .:IlIn,? 17, lY~~ 'rhtl tol1l')wlng peojJh. SP')kc in OPµO!:lili'Jn to tlu. S¡:t!cial o'Issessment citing the tact that the canals 1n Golocn Gate arc being used to recharge thp ðquifer for th~ bntir~ C~un~y/ that th~ County r~lpaßeð tho origin~l aevclop~r of GoldUr. Cat~ trom its remaining water management liaoilities/ that the box culvart at the ann of pine Ridge Rood Extension WÐ3 unaerdesigned and whoever was responsible for that should ba reponsible to rp.d9sign ar.d r~con~truct it/ lack of previ~us maintenanc~ of the can~ls when people were being taxed for its lack of benefits for Gola~n Gnte resiaents; end duplication of taxes: I'lr. Guane Uillington Mr. JOe! Grimm 1'1r. f<lcr./lrrJ !:H,wn ~r. G;,¡ry !.iar.~a Tape '3 Co~issioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the D-2 Canal drainage system financing plan b. approved and staff be directed to proceed with implementing the study'S recommendation. Public h~aring to be held August 6, 1985, to consider an ordinance creating a taxing district. Itell '11 ACCEPTANCE OF BID OF W. W. WILLIAMS COMPANY TO PROVIDE A LOADER- COMPACTOR UNIT FOR USE AT THE IMMOKALEE LANDFILL - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $126,000 Publi= ~orKS Administrator Kuck stated tnat this i5 II recomm\:.naatlon to fJurchas~ thl:: J:.o-",aq >·ooel ¡.; <:51 pl(.'ct' of equipment which w"ulo re¡;.1'lce the 1;175 C'Ilcrplli,'r Ij,,j¿ c:"mj:>lIctor purchased used quite ;,¡ fe\o. yeé.lcs '-'9'J. Hi: nl')t.<:ò tn.:.l U',';rl 1s ...150 " 7 cubic Yèlra van ana tracK i.,,,acr US,,(1 dt tni:; facility, ,!{Jc:inc¡ lllGt th\! n'!w machine has ln~ CdpdD111tY to ~~rtorru th~ functions 0L ~¡l thr~~ pxisting rnachin~s. HE Stdt~a th~t tunJs dre aVb11Jbl~ for to is µurchasf, ~dding that thd purchas\! ¡:-rico] plus trño"-in 15 Sl;/¿;,(Jlu. Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that a loader-compactor unit for use at Immokalee Landfill be awarded to W. W. williams Co. In the amount of $126,000. Item 112 BID '816 FOR COMMUNITY CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS - AWARDED TO UPJOHN HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000 AND BID '824 POR COMMUNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY - AWARDED UNDER TWO CONTRACTS (A , B) TO UPJOHN HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,560 AND TO MEDICAL PERSO~NEL POOL IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,560. L~C al notice having been publisnea in the Naplus Ddily News on May 23, 19E5 an~ MbY 25, 1~t~, as eviaenc~a oy Affiaavits ?f publication pagc i1 -----, .._.J CJ c:::J ¡:;.:;J - ~ June 17, 1985 filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '816 for community care for disabled adults and for Bid .824 for community care for the elderly until 2:30 P.M., June 7,1985. Public Services AdmInistratQr Norton statvd that these are two grant a~ðrds that have been received, adding that Staff is recommending thdt. the disabled adul ts c.ue bid be awa rded to UpJohn HfJalth Ca re Services and that the bid for the cara for the elderly be splIt in half bet~en UpJohn H~alth Care Services and MedIcal Pcrsonn~l Pool, adding that he feels that this would be the best coverage. Comai.sioner Holland aoved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unani.ously, that Bid '816 for Community Care for Disabled Adults be awarded to UpJohn Health Care Service. in the amount of $20,000 and that BId .824 for Community Care for the Elderly be awarded under two contracts (A . B) to UpJohn Health Care Services in the a.ount of $34,560 and to Medical Personnel Pool in the aaount of $34,560. Ite. 113 FRIEDMAM MCKENNA, ARCHITECTS, TO BE HIRED TO DETERMINE WH~TRER TRACT -D- OR -E- SHOULD BE USED FOR THE PROPOSED MARCO ISLAND BRANCH LIBRARY Public Services Administrator Norton stated that this Is a request for the authority to construct a libr~cy on ð particular site, adding that there are two sitos that are possiblliti~s. He stated that one is Tract "D" and the other is Tract "1::" which was recently donated by the Deltona Corporation. He noted that Tract "D" is 3 acres and Tract "E" is 1.5 acres, adding that ~taff feels that Tract "E" would be most appropriate for the library ~ite which would allow a 5,000 square foot facility and still allow room for another 4,000 square feet in the future. Ho noted that h~ is recommending that Tract "E" be the site for the library. CommIssioner Pistor stated that jf l-1/2 acres behind the present library was nQt satisfactory, how could l-I/2 acres be large enough for a completely new library and how will setbacks, landscaping and parking be tak~n Cdre of in that aréa? Public Services AI;ministrator Norton stated that Community Development have reviewed the plans and they have determined that there" is sufficient room for the needs on the l-1/2 acre parcel. He stated that the current site has the problem with regards to the flood plain requirements, adding that there would have to be a rdised building in order to expand to the rear of the property. He noted that the new aODK 087 PAr.t 568 Page 10 -- - --'-- .----...,-.---... -""---~'-- 10DK 087m!569 June 17, .l~a5 site is cdhtrally located and next t~ the community ~ark. Commissioner Pistor stat~d that he d~~s not und9rstand why the larger site, which would leave room for expansion and parking, iß not acceptable. I'1r. Norton stated thélt he huls that the 1-1/2 acrES woula be the most appropriate use for thu branch library, adding that in the future the County may have Some oth~r need for th~ 3 acre sitv. Commissioner Hðss~ questioned what hdppens to the current building? Mr. Norton stated that it would be available for sale. Mr. Norton stated that the total cost of the project w1,uld be approximately $456,000, adding th~t there is seo,aoo availnble through a çrant and another sau,ooo which w~s pl.dg~d by th~ County. He stated that there are t"-" IJ"ssibla purchascrs to tak.'.:! ov..r the current libr6ry, adding that one is tnp. Marco lslund Art Leagua and the other is the Shpriff's Uvpartm~nt. He note~ thbt the propurly has b~en appraised at S210,000 and he is estimating S200,000 for revenue and there is also dpproximötcly $5,000 int~rest tn~t h~s been accruing. he stated that this a¡n·,unts t'J a shortfðll ot :"93,000 whicn ne woulc ask to come from th~ Gønural tuna tor th: compl~tion of tn. f&cility it the present buila1ng is solQ. Commissioner P!stor Stdtc"a tl¡:it nt:- und,'rstanc:s tn,lt tn~ Iv.arco Island Art League ao~s not w3nt to spEno that much ~oney tor the building lIna that tht:y ~15'J ill..:l that they sh.,uld bl1 given the option to receive th~ building fr~~ ot cndrge ð~ th~y contribut€J a lo~ af money tow~rd it when it was built. He nOlea tnat h~ understands that the Sheriff's D~partment is not inter~sted tt 611 in purchasing it. Libr~ry Director Demarest st~t~a that the lana ~HS donntcd by Deltona, adding th~t thp tunds for construct1on cðmc trom ð var1ety of Sources. H~ stdtec tnat Som~ of the ~on~y was rdis~d an Mdrco Island, but tnere was also money from th~ G~neral ~uno tn~t was used for th~ construction of the; builcl1ng ilg well as lTIon,'y tj¡~t ¡":l5 mad~ av~ilabll' from the Friends at the Library of Collier County, Inç. which is H county-wice organiZ!tlon. He Statea th~t ~r¿¡ct "E" 1S a good location for tne library, adding thJt n~ nDS also been essurcd by the Real Property M~nagem~n~ 0~parlment that tho bhDtift's 0cp~rtmcnt Is interested in the ~x1stin9 library sit~. Mr. Norton Dt~t~d that thd other issue is th~ selection of ðn architect for this purpose, adolng that he 15 recommending Friedmnn MCK~nna of 'lamjJd, H ':JC10ê1. Pago 11 =:J CJ r'~'·;] I --.-. c:::J a;;;a t=:J Jun. 17, l!lS 5 Mr. ~.mareSt Stated that 1ny addi~ion ~~ the present site ~uld have to bo bUllt ~t 13' an~ tn. currdnt builaing i~ ~l ~ . H~ stated that it W<)uhl hc1ve t·) h~ve ttlevat"rs ~r rirnps and tied to) the current structure. H~ St~ted thdt ~h~r~ is ~n ~aú,ooo feooral grant punding, ðdding thLtt the c,,>ncltit)ns f,,>r tht1t qrllnt .~dR tnllt the building wall to) commenc. c')n.gtruc::io)~ nearly 1':' t:1,,>nths ðg'). !"Ie "'tl1t~d th:,it Itf'! ci,)'ls n"t know how much l"ng~r ~. can ",,>la "nto tnat grant. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Friedman Mckenna, Architects, be hired to make a recommendation regarding whether Tract -E- or Tract -D- should be used for the library site on Marco Island. ASßlstint C,,>u~!i .~n6~~r L~rrlll ~U~stlyned wn~: ~Qur~¿ of funoing w.)uld pl!lY .!n Jrcnit::~t to consLJcr tho! ::101') .~.Hct:ls, to:> 'lIt1ict1 j~c. :-Iorton ~tüted th~,: the tùr,,,,s tnat ,re ;:urrf..ntly c.'JJ11cJ::>lo: Jrc th.)slt that iJr'1: 1n t!¡.J \.:.!¡:'l::dl !r.1i.;(rh'~m~nt ¡une (307) of Z6u,oO( f'lus So:>m", intar!~st. 1·lr. I./)r(111 c.U.3:1·)no:d lf ë:1r,S" (U:1CS ur~: "v,¡il¿bl~ f"1" <!ngirh:!~rl~';;, oé!sig.Î ';:1.:1 ,Ircr.l:lic:ur,:¡l f~e.1, :,..) IInicn ¡':r. ;'¡t)rton repliaa éi f fir ::tö t i '" ;: 1 y . ,·Ir. ;.·n rills:,.:: ~c tr.,;:: .:: ¡::,:.rt)v.J 1 0 f tr,,,, pr.) j ec t up tt) n.)w a ',es nt)t in any ~dY ~~~rQve t~~ ~xpan~~~ ~~rvice r~~~~st ~ujçet ft)r thw ~arco Islana t;;r~.-;c:n i..ib:..r/ :.'1.1t .i.,> O·Ht 'J! tne ¿:(rcutiv~ ::~mmdry. Itell 114 BID '813 FOR HISTORIC SITES SURVEY - AWARDED TO FLORIDA PRESERVATION SERVICES IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $7,400 L~g~l notic~ navi~g buæn PU~11Sh0a in tne N~plds ~üjly NdWS on May 3, 1985, as ~vio~nc~c by Affid~vit of Puoli~ùtit)n fil~d with th~ Clerk, Olds Wl:!re :.,¡c",ivt<~ ffJr 01" ;~13 f·): I:ls¡:t)ric ~it"'S :urv"y until ?-:30 ~..v~., Junl:t ¡ 2, l~d:. f'uDlic: :::¿rvic¿s :·.-.lmir.15trê¡t?r ¡',,>rt'Jrl .,>:.at-:,J t::at 1"1.: is 1.~t)mmendi~g the st)le bidacr, ~1,,>rld3 PreservQtion Services, to provide the historic site surv~y which h~s badn prtviQusly 3pproved. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Bid '813 for Historic Sites Survey be awarded to Florida Perservation Services in the amount of $7,400. &OOK 087 r~~! 570 Page 12 ._~._".__.-- .J. J ~ ........-.."..-.-." ~V·' '< IOIlK 0871'''~ 571 'L;;, Ite. U5 ~~:" fi £:, ~~.> ~,: June 17, 1985 LEASE AGREEMENT FOR THE GOLDEN GATS EMS SUBSTATION - APPROVED Public Services Administrator Norton stated that this item is ' simply a contInuation lease, adding that he Is asking for ~pproval which will be good through next fiscal year. He stated that the rent is $250 per month. ',,' Co_issioner Hasse aoved, seconded by COtllllissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that the lease agreement for the Golden Gate EMS Substation be approved. Page 13 h~'\'1 E'\¡;':'~<,;] ~ ~ ._-,....,.__..~.~<_.. ...~- .-~_..---- -- "-- ......- , , .. ~.. ,."-- r;¡;;;J .. t:::J Juno 17, 1985 Ite. 116 TRANSFER OF TIGIRTAIL BEACH CONCESSIONAIRE CONTRACT PROM MR. ANGILERI TO MR. NELSON - DENIED Public Servic~s Administrator N~rton stated that ab~ut a month 3gQ he received corresp~ndence from Att~rnftY ~n Pick'~rth, representing Mc. Nelson, who ~anted t~ become the conc~ssionaire at Tigertail Beach. He stated that Staff foels thdt the County sh~uld not all~w the tranllfer of the !;'jntract, ddding that if Mr. Þ.ngihri wdnts out of the contract, the C~unty sh~uld go out to bid again. County Attorney ~auna~rs stäted that th~ contract indicates that thcre can be no assignment to another party withQut the authorIty Q[ the Commission. ~ r. N~rton stated thðt the primbry ct)ncC'rn is to keep Mr. Angileri as the concessionaire, adding that if he is not interested then Staff could go out for bid. Com.Iasioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanImously, not to transfer Tigertail Beach concesnlonaire contract from Mr. Angileri to Mr. Nelson and, if Mr. AngIleri Is no longer interested, that bids be let. Item U 7 COMTRACT TO BE NEGOTIATED WITH HOLE, MONTES , ASSOCIATES, INC. RE DESIGN, ETC. FOR THE PALM SPRINGS SUBDIVISION WATER AND FIRE HYDRANT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - APPROVED. UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR TO PURSUE FUNDING OF THIS ASSESSMENT THROUGH A SEVEN YEAR NOTE UtIlities Administrator Crandall stated that on November 23, 1982, the Bce adopted a resolution creating the special assessment district, adding that in January, 1984, the acc adopted another resolution establishing a committee for the selection of consultants for this pro j ect. H.. no ted lha t proposa 1 s we re rece i ved from 12 cf)nsul t i ng firms and no furtì,er action was taken by Utilities. He noted that since that time an Engineer of Record was hired and it is his recom- mendation that the consultant Engineer of Record be used to design this project in order to move forward with it. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasae and carried unanimously, that a contract be negotiated with Utilities Engineer of Record, Hole, Montes, Associates, Inc. re design, survey work and on-site inspection services for the Palm Springs Subdivision Water and Fire Hydrant Ass.ssment District and the Utilities Admini- strator pursue funding of this as.essment through a .even year note. IDOK 087 mE 578 Page 14 ¡ , , I, 1 f t t f i I, ¡ ~ 1" lOOK O~7 PAr.r 579 It.. '18 RErIMAMCIMC AND CONSOLIDATION or WATER , SEWER UTILITIES INTO ONI DISTRICT - APPROVED Juor17,1985 UtIlitIes AdmInIstr~tor Crandall stated that this item was dIscussed during the workshop session thIs date, adding that there are many capital projects that need funding and he n.eds clear directIon from the BCC on future funding of capital projects. Mr. Gary Akers of Southøastern Municipal Bonds stated that an analysis was put together on the outstanding water and sewer revenue bond issues, adding that there are six outstanding issues which are broken down into various service Dreas for water and sewer. He stated that thore are basically two alternatives for future financIng, one is to consolidate the sewer services areas by refinancing outstanding sewer bonds and the second alternative would be to consolidate all water and sewer by refunding the sewer revenue bonds and the water revenue bonds that are outstanding. Tape t4 Mr. Akers ref&rred to the report indicating the sewer revenue bonds that arp. outstanding and the sewer and water revenue bonds that are outstanding. Commissioner Voss questioned if Willoughby Acres payment schedule would go up if the bond Issue is refinanced? County Attorney Saund!rs question~d if the rates would be uniform throughout the utility? Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that if it is changed the monthly water and s~wer rate would be constant under the proposed plan. Mr. M:Jhler stated that the bonds can be refundp.d without ,ncreasing the monthly rates. He noted that there may be more funds available even with a higher interest r~te because the water and sewer would be consolidated. Assistant County Mänager J)'Hrill stated that tnere has to be mone~' in an escrow account with the Farmer's Home Administration money which is actually a penalty and is one disadvantage of operðting multiple water and sewer districts. He noted that if Commissioner Pistor desires, the motion could be made subject to the fact that the Willoughby Acres rates will not change due to refinancing. Mr. M:Jhler stated that he does not feel that there could be a statement mado that there will not be an increase in rates. He stated that even the current rates may go up with or without consolidatIon of Page 15 CJ CJ c::J ¡ r r ¡ r ~ l' , , f . 1 I f I , I ~ , t f r ¡ ì ¡ t ~ ~ î ¡ I I t. , ( I r:e:J .. r.:=J Junll 17, 1985 the bonds depending on a review for a rate increase based ~n cost of services. He stated that the County has to stablize rates throughout, but initially up~n refunding of the bonds, there will nQt be any increase in rates. Mr. Akers stated that based on the refunding itsollf, there lire sufficient reve~ues in ~ervlce Area "A" to refund the sewer and the water revenu9S are healthy. Commissioner V~ss st~ted that by refin~ncin9 it will n~t cause people who now have bonds fr~m ~armer'~ Home Administration to have their rates incrtHlsed, to which ASs1.itant Cou~ty Manager Dorrill replied thðt this is corr~ct. ^ssistdnt C?unty Manager Dorrill stated chat tho CQunty has not had a sewage rate increase in fiv~ y!ars and there mayor may not be one next year, but if there 18, it will bG across-the-b~~rd and CQunty- wIde as opposed t~ any particular district. H9 stated that if they are going to be o~nea ~nd oper~ted it should be done on Ð regionðl scale. UtIlities Administrator ~randall stated that he is asking that the financial Aavisor, tne County ~tdff ana thl:: County Attorney bo authorized to proceed witn refunding of the County's ~utstanding sewer and water rev.ænue b"nds f?r ~hl:: purp?SI:: "f consoliaating all service areas except for the M~rc" ~ater and Sewer District and G?odland Water District, subject t" ~pprovðl of ð bo~o res"luti~~ ~nd sale "f refunding bonds by the Board. Commissl"ner h?llan~ qJ~st10nud how the County can justify borr"wing money if it is n"t kn·,wn ""w mucn is going to be needed? Assistant County ~an~ger Corrill stated tn~l tne financial advisor Indicated that the m"ney is predicated on a 9-1/2% interest rate and the bond market is low~r th3n th~t too~y. Commissioner Voss statðd that if ther~ is going to be Some assemblage of "ro=r in this C"unty on wat~r and sew~r, they aro going to have to be consolidated. He noted thdt if additional plants are going to be built, it cannot be done under the present structure. Co.missioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/1, (Comaisaioner Holland Opposed) that the County proc.ed with the refinancing to consolidate th. water and Sewer utilities Into one district. ..... Recess: 3:30 P.M. - Reconvened: 3:45 P.M. ..... &OO( 087 P'\~r 580 Page 16 f t, , ! ¡ ¡ I . ¡ t ¡ I ¡ , ~ , i: \ f ~ [ ( f ~ ¡ I ¡ f ¡ I I 1 "...'.'.,.........--.-..".""'.-... lOOK 087 PACt 581 Tape '5 It.. 11' INSURAMCI CONSULTING CONTRACT WITH B. W. SIVER' ASSOCIATES '1'0 BE CANCELLED 9/1/85 - APPROVED June 17, 1985 Co..issioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Haase and carried 4/0, (Co.mi..ioner Holland out of the room at thia time) that tbe insurance consulting contract with E. W; Siver, Associate. be cancelled 9/1/85. It.. 120 PISCAL YEAR 1985-86 PAY PLAN - APPROVED County Manager Lusk stated that the Personnel Department conducted an annual salary surv~y to determine if the County's wages bre competitive and will attract qualified employees. He noted that this year the survey was expanded in scope to include four separate surveys coverIng 160 positions. He stated that certain recommendations were made for certain positions in ord~c to change th~ salary rðng~ to be able attract the right type of people. He stated that there is great difficulty in hiring Mechanics 1, II, and III and the s6lary range needs to be changed. Poe noted that thIs is to keep the positions competitive so th~t the County is able t~ hIr~ yualified p~ople. He reported that these positions were compared with Lee County, Charlotte County, Banks, private firms, and the City of Naples. Co.missioner Pistor .oved~ seconded by Commissioner Goodniqht and carried unanimously, that the Fiscal Year 1985-86 Pay Plan be approved. Page 17 c::J E:!J " . r-T.r.\, Wi, : ~ .;..' r i 'i ¡ I I ~ - ~ Jun... 17, ,,!;tJ5 It.. f21 COUNTY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT AND rEE WITH INTERARCH AND HUMPHRIES' ASSOC. AS A JOINT VENTURE FOR RENOVATIONS or BUILDINGS .B., ·C·, ·D·, AND ·G· AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WAREHOUSE - APPROVED A!lsist<Jnr. l:"unty 1'.anZlger ¡;'Hrill ~tato!d t~I"t this is t''"'" It'''I1~, -:In,) being IV¿3 .:on~ ,)nc b,dn'J l( r:~ '.~hict1 Jre: c;:;s..:ntl¿1l1y tll;': Slim!! it"ms. h.. st¡¡té1d that dechitac:ts ''''!:IeIJ 1nro¡.rvl!>w,'d f.,r tiuilding!'; "~", "c.;", "0", dnd "G", clddlng t,l..:t tr..: r':l:'"j!,::nQnuJ1:1,);'\ Is f'H' ..1utnfHl<:atl,):\ to') neqatiato ~n agrea~dnt with Lntcr~cM dnd Hurnpnrle~ & A~~0ciat8H, ~ jo')int VtinLure. ¡,'I rc'gu,.st'!(:J :n,,: in 0rÜ",r ¡;,) .'XPI!dlt..: tho? j.)b .)n ttH. subse..¡uent !:iulldln-1S "b", "1.:", "u", dnd "~:;.. tn.Jt t:'l~ C.)unty folðn3ger b.,¡ &uthorizud to ntl9·')t1.::te tll;:: c·'mtro:::.:t ;In:.! tn·: r:t!.. µl'fJ~.,¡¡.'l ,1nd i!3su,~ the~ dn Juthorizati0n to µr~l:~~U SU~.dyu~nt ~,., fln~l dpproval tMat th~ 8CC ~111 qlvu ~[tGr Vdc~t10~. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carrie~ unaniMously, that the County Manager be authorized to negotIate a contract and fee with Interarch and HumphrIes & Associates as a joint venture for renovations of Buildings ·B·, ·C", ~D·, and ·G" and the construction of a warehouse. Item 122 COUNTY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS UNDER $2,000 DURING THE BOARD'S VACATION Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the County Manager be authorized to approve consent agenda Items and Budget Amendments under $2,000 during the Board's vacation. Item 123 PROPOSED TIMETABLE AND FORMAT FOR THE REVIEW OF THE 1985-86 TENTATIVE BUDGET - APPROVED 13 ud g ~ t U i r d c t 0 r <:3 11<. <J s t" t t: d t:'1" t t r, 1:. d. (; u:n... ~ ,J 0 1 ¡; t ,) 1.. t t ¡ '! Commissioners know what to') exp~ct when th~y co')me ~dck trom vùcdtio')n, adding tnat tht<re ·....111 bo: a ....)rks; I'Jj.J on July 24 t" prl1s,¡nt (In I' v...rview of tho) budget ~nd tLlXUS .:Ind ')11 JlÁly 2:5 ther", will b<:! (¡ SfH,ci,ll r.1deting to adopt the maximum tax r~t~s. Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the proposed timetable and format for the revIew of the 1985-86 tentative bUdget be approved. &OOK 087 r~~r 588 Pl'lq'~ lC ..-.------.- -'_., " '~~'"","-"".._.....,,~"'..._.,._'" aDDK £]87 w·r 58.9 Item .24 Juno 17, 1~/j5 $25,000 INCENTIVE FOR CONSTRUCTION or A COMMUNITY CENTER IN IMMOKALEE TO ASSIST TRI-COUNTY SENIOR SERVICES OF IMMOKALEE - APPROVED CONTINGENT ON MATCHING FUNDS CONTRIBUTED BY THE COMMUNITY AND IN THE BANK PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Commissioner Plstor statud thAt this r~qu~st is s¿tting a bad precedent and it ~25,000 is givðn to lmm?k~lee, h~ is going to insist that $25,000 be giv~n to the oth~r districts. Mr. Paul Martin, President of the ~oard of lmmokalee ~ervices, Inc. stated that Tri-County ~~nior ti~rvicus ix operated in thre~ counti~s ~nd provio~s ~9greqata meðl sites ~nd other prQ~rams. He stateo that therl' l~;¡ ': rê1nt fror., tl,.., !r;¡o<.r.:il g,)vcrnme:1t ",Lien will allow d s~niar sLrvie~ multl-purpos~ cœntcr to be built in lmmokalic. He said tn.;lt ¡, sitl' th3t n¡;.s bc~n oandted on ¡¡"b..,rts AVflnlJt. by thlt Chamber of t:ommerc~ .;¡[ ImmOk.,llt:!t! on a ll)ng-t~rm leiJst! basis. HI: noted that tney novo.! tl1L' funQs tQ oul1d this ct'nt..:r, but thi:'~ w')ul¡; lik>: tr~ raise dOulllon~l tunds to providP [or tne seniyr serviccs 3S wbll as to prOVl00 an ærea l0 hole v~rious civic :nd ~oci~l ~vFnts that o=cur durIng the ycõr. he St3tea that tnls is ~ golce" opµortunity, aadlng th,ìt tn'~re i5 1~1l.,ugh morkY c·, ~uilCJ ~ fè}cillty .,t i'Jb.,uc 3,eOC sq. ft. he stateù th~t thclr goal is co r~lS~ 575,000 to nðV~ ~n ~doitionðl 1,500 rJr ;¿,uOO Sl~. tL. of 'Jj)<:n us.;.blt: s¡Jac.:: f'H d,~!'lc.~s, ðuctions, etc. Ccmmlssioner G')':,dni'~nt st<1tea tnat on';: ('i. trl~ rt'o'1sons that sht; is lm¡.>ress(;;o is tniJt in tn" r"r~ piLle. t,1(·r(. is .- pier. far.. c.,ml1lunity center, out it was put inLO tne third ~hnse, aoning tlldt if Immokðl~~ n.1S th.... ,)¡.>p0rtullity tr) rt::c...lve :;;25,0(;U from tl:',: Cour.ty, th..n th"r~ \<dll be a cOlOllluni ty cenc.t r '"mien viill cut th", p.:~rKs tU:lds do¡.;n. Sh~ no:>ted that thIs .,it'(';f; .)( l~n,-, is .~aj,1ccnt t., th.. p,lrl;. bh," sti:ltecJ that. this mon~y woula n0t be Ylven to ImmQkal~~ unluss tn~y Ci'Jæ~ up with the matChing funo~ :.Jne U,...t thlS is ¡¡ Stqè in tno.: rlqht directirJr.. Commission~r ~istor st~tca th~t to:> aSK tnd C~unty to give any kind of ~QnQY viii 0nly indicat..., to tht otho.:r districts tn~t tho.:y coula comw in .:Ind n,,;k for méJtching funds for " cOl11munity c0ntLr. Cr~l11missi')n"r GO'Jcnlqllt st.,ted that in 1962, it W'"S d~C'lo~'d th.::.t there w')Uld bt:' five .:Irea pùrks, adding that only ~3 milliQn was asked for kn·,wing that the Jùrks would not bo.· c"mplct(.cJ wit:' th~t amount of money. Sne stated thût this community center i3 on th~ list ror parks tlnå on·~ way 'H ¡;n')thùr, Imll\rJkülc~ \0.'111 g'.!t th£.: c"nlmunity c.'ntE'r. She stated th~t this Is a unique opportunity. r:r. "....rUn stëtee that it th.... Count.y giv..s :;;25,000, they lire going Page 19 ~ J ,-- L...J r:::J _---........... n.·.._'.. ........'~. ,,-.--.- --.._...- ~ - ~ June 17, 1935 to cry and raisH an ~dditi~ndl $50,000, so th~t ther~ will be a t~t~l of $175,000 t~ build ~h& commu~ity c~nter. C,)mmissiQncr Vos~ sClIt.ed th.,t hll thinks that this is d rare op¡Jortunity. Co..is.lonar Holla"d moved, seconded by CommI.sioner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Pistor opposed) that the $25,000 Incentive for constructIon of a Comaunity Center in Im.okalee to as.ist Tri- County Senior Services of Immokalee be approved contingent on matching funds contributed by the community and in the bank prior to construction. (tem 125 GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP PROGRAM - DEFERRED TO 6/18 FOR ACTION County Manager Lusk stat~d that h~ wo)uld recommend thðt the Florida InstItute of CQvernmen: dt Edison Coremunity Co)llag~ in Ft. Myers pri!!sent the g.)ê;} sp.tti:1g workshop. lIe n·)ted t.hat Florid! State would have travel ~no ov~rnlght motJl ~xpenNes. Commissioner HaS5U qucst~oni!!d if both c~urses 3ru th~ Sdme length of time, to ·.,¡hich ç,)u:"lty M'3nóc:':!r LU5K ståci d tnðt hI;! thjnks that ':.he courses are Þ3Nically th~ sam~, ddding that the Deputy ~ssistant County Mlin,¡ger WQrked on Lr:is it.em dr::1 it (:.)uld b" postponed until the rfOgular meeting if tn~re år~ questions. It was the general consensus that thIs item be deferred until June 18, 1985, for action. Item 126 BID 1817 FOR WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS FOR CHILLERS AND COOLING TOWERS _ AWARDED TO MITCO WATER LABORATORIES, INC. ACCORDING TO BID PROPOSAL Lugal notic~ haviny been puolish~d in th~ Napl£3 D~ily N~ÑS on May 13, 1985, ~s evid~nc~d by Afíidavit of PUblication filed with the Clerk, bids wera receivad for aid '817 for water tre~~nent chamicals for chill~rs and cooling towers until 2:30 P.M., May 29, 1985. Assist;.¡nt Coun~y Managcr Docrill stated that he is recommending the sole bid rdceivdd which was bid on a unit price basis, adding that it waS verifiud th~t they were reason~ble amountR. Co.missioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner HasBe and carried unanimously, that Bid 1817 for water treatment chemicals for chillers and cooling towers be awarded to Mitco Water Laboratories, Inc. according to the bid proposal. lOOK 087 PAr.r 590 pagtt 20 .-........- ".,,,-. "-,,.. ~-~"--.-~.-~.- ~_...." "-~--~... ,.. " -,~.-~..,---~_._,' (. ! I .. 10M' 087 PAG£ 591 It.. '27 ROH-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND DELTOHA BROADCASTING - DEPERRED TO 8/6/85 June 17, 1985 Commissioner Piator stated that he would like this item postponed as there have been several questions brought to hi. attention and he needs to study the matter further. Co...s.lon.r plstor aov.d~ s.cond.d by Coaal..lon.r Hass.; that thl. It.. b. postpon.d until August 6~ 1985. Mr. Mark Simmons of Deltona Broadcasting Company stated that the franchis. has nothing to do with Marco Island, adding that it is strictly for the Marco Shores area. He etated that the franchise is simply to furnish customers with home box office and a franchise is required for this. He described the system that would be installed. Tape t6 Commissioner Voss questioned if the franchise is similar to Palmer Cablevision, to which Assistant County Attorney Cuyler stated that it is similar to Palmer Cablevision and is the same franchise fee. Upon call for the question, the aotion carried unanlaously. It.a '28 SPECIAL BILLS REI.ATING TO 1985 SALES TAX REPUNDING BONDS - APPROVED. SPECIAL BILL POR SHERIFF' S DEPARTMEN'l' FURNITURE FOR NEW JAIL IN AMOUN'l' OP $141,688.30 Co..I..loner Plstor aoved, seconded by co..ls.loner Hasse carried unanimously, that the following .peclal bills relating 1985 sales tax refunding bond. be approved. Nabors, Giblin , Steffens - Bond Counsel Fischer, John.on, Allen' Burke Ernst , Whlnney Northern Bank Note Co. and to the $59,961.72 45,000.00 6,000.00 4,359.84 Co.alssloner pistor aoved, ..conded by Coaalssloner Has.e and carried unanlaously, that the special bill for the Sheriff's Departa.nt furniture for the new jail in the aaount of $141,688.30 be approv.d. It.. .29 ROU'l'INE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 8l-1S0 the following checks were issued through Friday, June 14, 1985, in payment of routine billsr Page 21 ==:J EJ ~ !...o....:L...J ~".... --.__....~-'''~'._.....,..' ~''''''''"'' ^"""""',,,,'" ~ Ell! ¡;;;;;;;) CHECK DESCRIPrI~N Junlt 17, 19t15 CHE::I< NO~. A..IOUNT Vend"r 129377 - 129044 15212 - 15793 $ 2,55J,lJe.16 25l,llO.lO 8CC Payroll Item '30 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 8S-~9~1 85-296/300, AND 85-302/308 - ADOPTED Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 85-294, 85-296/300, and 85-302/308 be adopted. Item '31 RESIGNATION OF KENNETH GOLL - ACCEPTED. ACEY L. EDGEMON, SR. APPOINTED TO THE ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE UNTIL l2/3l/86 CommissIoner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the resignation of Mr. Kenneth Goll be accepted and that Mr. Acey L. Edgemon, Sr. be appointed to the Isles of Capri Fire Control District Advisory CommIttee until 12/31/86. Ite.. '32 DISCUSSION ON AUGUST l3, 1985, RE UTILITY IMPACT FEES <.:ommlS5ionHr Pi~t')r !>tJt<:):j t:¡,;L he Ins 1:.3:: g~iL:I '" i.~w c·]lls in ~r~dS whert! ~rlvdt~ c0mµ~ni~a ~re stIll o~&r"'ting tn~ utilities, but bCCJus~ th~y ar~ in ~ Sdw~r district or water aistrict, the County charges impnct fe~s t~r n!~ ~uil~lng anc at the 5~me timu the opar~tor of tht! UtIlity i3 Jlso cngr~ing i~~act fæes ~hlCh mC3n5 that s"me bUIlders are being ilsJ<-:!d to ¡J~Y twi.::..... rid !:It,Jt....d tìluL t;l':: C"unty is n"t prl:lpdrdd <It tuis time t" túka ',vor thosg st!rvic9s, adding th<lt .i.)mething sl1"ula O/~ ,;f)n!:! Sf) ChJL tho,; buill..,rs nre n.,t having to p"y twice. He noted that tne ~uiloin~ Ddpdrtment cannot issu~ a building µ'.1rmit until clll impact íu~s àr~: pi1iLJ, wuich cr<!ClttiS ,1 h<lrdshiµ. Cf)unty r'ianager L.USK Stat'~d ttJdt some p<!f)pld ¡nay be dl')uble charged, but it is Itlgitimðtc, adCing that. ¡¡s "n Ioxùmple, E'oxfira was chdrging an impact fee bec~use ttJey were having t" pay for the expansi"n of tht!ir plant dna Lhi! <':',unty W'IS also chdrging an impact fea t" build /I regional plant witnin th~ next fiv~ years, ~dding that there arp. two diff&runt collections tlut th~y .HC: y?ing in tW') difft.rent plùccs. Hd St~tdd thãt if t.l~ ~":'Jnty is going to have d regi"n"l SI:II.¡er systolrll1, the im~ùct f~e nea~s to be c?l!uctcd ana if thu dcv~lf)per is charging imp"ct f!:ldS tor th~ ~rop~rty that is b.,lng dev.,lopad, it is bdcduse &001( 087 rA~r 592 Page 22 ....~"""',.,.._............." '..... 0"',.""._ ,.,~".~",..<"".,.__r. 087 r~r,r 593 there is a cost inv~lv~d in ~xpanoing th~t ßewer plant rIght to git th~ rnon~y ~~ck through ImpDct f~es. Commlssi~ner Pistor statød th~t some type of June 17, 1935 and thl/Y hDVt: ð long-range pðymont dcvelo~~r ù~a~ n~t h~vp. t~ pay sch~aule coul~ ~~ s~L up ~o thct th~ thi. am~unt all at onv time. County ~~nager Lusk stated that this could prtscnt a probl&m when the developer has an area built out and then leaves town, adding that this would th~n have to be collected from the individual homeowner which puts ~n undue burd~n on th& h~meowner. CommiR51on~r Pist0r ~tðtcd th~t the County is not coll~clln9 from the dcv~lop~r, adding that th~ ocv~lop~r 1s coll~ctinq froM the individu~l bnd tne County is collecting from the Indlvldu~l, also. H~ stated th~t with the Impact fee that thQ County is cn6rging, tne C~unty cann~t even glv~ 3 dat~ as to whEn the servicé will be av~ilable to th em. U:l1iti~s Aaministrator Crand~ll st~tea thuL thlS ~áS rt:view~d Ht the time tndt thh ordinance WbS pöss~o ~nd it was determined thöt thlR was the oest way to yo, Rd~in~ th~t if tner. erE furthLf quvstians, tn~ Commission~r~ c~ulG Sbt u~ c worKs~~µ. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that utility impact fees be discussed on August 13, 1985, and a workshop set up at that time if necessary. Item '33 JULY 30, 1985 TO BE FIRST BCC MEETING FOLLOWING VAC~TION Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Has.e and carried unanimously, that the first meeting after the BCC vacation be held July 30, 1985, and weekly thereafter. Item '34 LIGHT SHIELDS FOR WINTERBERRY BALLPARK - APPROVED Commissi.,n'H Pistor lndicatt!o that é! lergo: surn ~f money \1<15 paid to IHJnt up th~ ballfield at ...intt:rb(;!rry P"ri-;, ë,d.:11ng thnt th"re h~vë: been compldints that tncs€ lights òr~ shlnlng 1nto the homes in th~ ( rei!. He nr;t(¡d tllat for ~2, 700 $i\ilòlos c.)ulc.i be put .)n the l1ghts that m~y cut down on th~ glart:. h~ stated that he would like to 3e~ the shit:los installp.d and rp.-dlreCt som~ .,t the lights. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by CommissIoner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that light shIelds for Winterberry Park Ballfield be installed. PagE' 23 :....~ c::IJ ~ ~ r__.~. ....,"~"..-..."~-- I!!!I ~ JUM 17, 1~!:s5 It.. '35 AMBULANCE SERVICE IN EVERGLADES CITY TO BE DISCUSSED DURING BUDGET HEARINGS Mn. Çyn~n1ð ~l~ughter ~t ~verglaùcs City stated that the p~~plo in Everglades City ~re ð long way from a doctor or a marlicdl tacility aA w~l) AA b.1~~ a Ion; w~y Ecom an um~ulanca. ~h~ 3=o=~~ tnut they havft to dep~nd on ~n ~Md unit t~ service any m~dical ~merq~ncio3 that they hav<'!. 8nti n·)t'3d thn 1£ thu C·:)unty W0I3 divided in halt accor:1ing to s'-:iuare mil~,lgt!, half the County ""I)ula ba witi1.)ut clmbul~nc,! .1E'rvice. Snd ::IL",t...c; that tn.- 0:.:11.,¡,)("... l'i r\! Dist.rict r'~SéJ')nd~a to JJl t:.,lls fco:.om M,'y 1, 19134, to May 1, 1~B5. Shll r'J¡J'Ht;t(J thiJt durin') thp. month ot April th~rc w~r~ 27 transports; l~ oL~ ~nd ~ AL~. Sh~ S~&t~j that the officidl r~cord is not an dctuoll r~fl~ction ot the n~eó that is there. ShoJ H.,ted th~t. it tat<':!S so l·):'\g to ':/::: an ,)muul,;¡nc<: thwt p....,pli! put the injured in th~ir cars Nnd drive them to Ndpl~s ~hicn is dangerous. She indicat~d ln~t th¿rc JCU sHv~ral volunt~~rs that go out night dnd ddY to ndnal~ meaical ~~erg~nci~H. Sh~ st~t~u chat lh~ p~oµle ~r~ not üø~ing t.h~ County LO ~~ ~v~rytninq, ~~aing thbt ~n~ sugg~stio:.on h3S be~n tn~t if a JL5 unit 15 Suppli~d to iVergldoes City, 1t coul~ Þe oper4ted by the p~oµl~ of ~vergl~d~s. 3hd not~u thJt tn~rH ~rc B.v.rðl certified :;,~T'S in t:lrl ,;,rl!d thdt woulu b~ ·..111i:1g to lIolu:1t,¡,er for such ù Ci>use. Sh<: 5tãtec thút wh,"n ...or/( st,;¡rts on tn,.:! bU(1g()t, she is asking that the ambulance nC~d for Ev&ry13dd5 City be tak~n into consid~r3tion. 5h~ pras~ntod ~ petition w1th 325 signatur~s indicating the n~ea tor a:1 ambulance 1n Everglad2s City. Commissioner Pistor stated that he would suggest that Ms. Slaughter contact Mr. Greenfield and Staff to discuss and understand the requirements of such a need and then Staff could present this matter to the Commission at budget time for consideration. This was the general consensus. Item '36 MESSRS. KIRKMAN, MELONE, JONES, LAMENDOLA FLETKE, KUHLMAN TOWLE JACKSON AND WOLFORD REAPPOINTED TO ONE YEÅR TERMS ON THE C6NTRACT6RS' LICENSING BOARD - APPROVED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Messrs. Kirkman, Melone, Jones, LaMendola, Fletke, KUhlman, Towle, Jackson and Wolford be reappointed to,one year terms on the Contractors' Licensing Board. &OOK 087 pm 594 paga 2;: "",.."-..~,,,-,.~. '. ' 'ODK 087 PArol 595 It.. '37 PETITION R-8S-2C, REGENT PARK, TO BE ON BCC AGENDA OF 7/30/85 TO SEE IP BOARD WANTS TO RECONSIDER .Jun~ l7, 19b!¡ Commissioner Pistor stÐt~d that wh~n this petition came b_fore th~ Boacd, thœ surrounding property owners objected to the size of the lots, adding that since thðt time he has been told that the devuloper has redesigned and enlarged the lots and has agread to the living units not being less lh8n 1,000 squar~ feet. He stated that the people in the surrounding development are satisfied that their objections have been met, údding that IH~ is suggesting thi!lt thi~ pt'tition be reconsidered. He Rtðt~d that roe is asking that th~ time limit of one Yllàr be waived. Tape '7 County Attorney ~aund£rs Stðte~ that if tn~rE Is going to be cnang~s it W~uld hove to go back through all thu n~cessary agencies ano tnen b':'CK to the bCC, dcwing th,Jt hI! ....Hl!cJ sugg!!st tnë:t this item bt: a~vertised tor th~ next àgen0~ to a~tcrmlne it the ~odrd w~nts to t~ke actir)n Lo ] <:c.,nsld~,r ttl·. µc:.Lition !lnu wI.ivu tllc' on~ Y~Qr timl: lLnit.. Commlssio"er Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Petition R-85-2C, Rogent Park, be put on the July 30, 1985, agenda to determine if the BCC wants to reconsIder sam.. Item '38 GOLDEN GATE ESTATES FIRE T~~ER SITE TO BE PURCHAS~D AND NOT TO EXCEED $12,000 - APPROVED Commissionur h~ss~ Stat~c that th~ UÐpartm~nt of forestry will inst"ll a fire towar é.ln(,¡ d building for t.he County if tll~ County ¡;.urchiJses a sit<: in :';')lCh::n G.JLc I:.Stdt'òS. r~ stlJtE'CJ th.~t thl! Corkscrew Swamp ~anCtudry i~re Department will mQV~ ~ unit into the S~ction that Is purc:has",ù. H" Rt.:.tlw th,~t. t!l" pr~¡J~rty th'Jt h~ is lIl:Iking to bt: purcndsec for SUCh a uSe is 5.5 acres <lnu is l~cAteJ off kand~ll blvd. nUdr Irnmo:C:llt.'e t\');Jc. . tI~ I;t,):"t:(¡ t.h.u this druü n""~cJs fire protection, loading that th~ State is g..)ing to furnish most "c thO! I2quipment and th~ bUildi:..,. ..: rJ\1 t.)\>'" r. tit: steltcc th...t this piece Qf pr·) pc r t y will C';'St approxim<Jt'11y $12,000. Assist.ant CrJunty I" (jn~ger Dorr1l1 statllå that the Division of Forestry lidS submittlld a rcquest to the State for the mon~y for the ~quipn(,!nt. HI:! not(?d thaL the day tnat this itcm was worksnoPPE:d, it was indicated thùt thll County w·:¡uld try to acquire a Site and least! it back to the - ~vision of Forostry dS an inc~ntiVQ to put Ð miJnncó rängcr l:'a9:! 25 c:J Œ:J ~ ~ J ._.~ .. r::::::1 JunQ 17, 1\>85 statl~n anu to~~r at that location. C~mmissl~n€r H~lland statud thðt thi~ Is in th£ ~ig C~rkscr~w DIstrict out is g~lng to serve thG portl~n in Goldwn Cate Estatas that is nt')t in thœ cistrict at ,~ll ana that th~ County has an obligation at this time tt') s~rve. In lInSwul' to) Commissl~n~r V~ss, N.sistant C..,unty :>!anDger Dorrl1l stûtQd that if tna Ct')mmission Wantð to ~ursuu th~ c~ntract with the condition th,~t tn':! Divisl')n .~t ¡"t')restry C"ITI'~ u~ \'ilth th(~ m.\npower, thIs COUld be dona, ~ut this Fiuc~ ~f pr~perty is ~n ~xcell~nt price for 5.5 acces. Ha stat,"<.J th.5t S12,QOO f'H tnis ¡)r~pùrl:Y ~)ulct be ø q~od lnv.:,;¡tm",nt f~r t:11! C')U~ty <,v;!n if ..I: ';~m" ¡:¡rJinl in th~ fUtur" the C~ unty ~~1:J i t ~c.:·.:k t~ Lilt< d rA! D!. :>trict. C~mmisfii.'ner d.~ssc; St3t~(J thelt fin "'¡Jr'~rtunity liKIi: this t" protect th~ p~opl" in G01o~n G)tE tWLdtrH ~lus t:n~ surr0un~lng ðr€~ is OI u tm~st imp~rt.lnc~·. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by CommIssioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the Golden Gate Estates fire tower site be purchased in an amount not to exceed $12,000. Item '39 CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT OF SALVADOR CONDE TO THE COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY - APPROVED Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimouSly, that confirmation of appointment of Mr. Salvador Conde to the Collier County Housing Authority be approved. Item '40 COMMISSIONER PISTOR AUTHORIZED TO TRAVEL TO TALLAHASSEE RE BAREFOOT BEACH REZONING AND 95l ROAD CONSTRUCTION CommiSSlt')n~r Plst~r SLJt~c th~t soma items hav.. come up within the "<1St f'~'" wC!r:!ks ~."\dt c.;·,ul,j :;~ .:>1' i::t?"rt.Jnc.;" t~ tn~ Ct')unty, ¡:..lus c~rti1in thin'Js nave g..n'~r"t..,c. Critl;:l;;m, ,lcaing tllo)l h¿ haR b"..n .!SKitCJ by quite d f~w p~ople to mðk~ a trip to Talldh~ssee to visit with c~rtðin people. He stat~d tha~ on~ of the ilums hilR to d~ ~ith the ~arefoQt Beach rezoning .and anot:HH ,1as to d~ with road c~nstruction of S.H. !:IS1. II\! stated that he wa,i intormea th.:;t h~ \<o'~ulà n~,~d b"ard approval for this type of trip. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that Commissioner Pistor be authorized 'to travel to Tallahassee re Barefoot Beach rezoning and S.R. 951 road construction. &OOK 087 rAr.[ 596 l'ctge 25 - -_....~._--.__....".- ----'-"'"..,.,~...---"...~""_........_-" aOOK 087 rAr.r 597 Itell '41 Juno! 17,1905 PURCHASE OF UNINTERAUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY PROCESSING SYDTEM NOT TO EXCEED $55,000 _SX~~~~vtgR THE CLERK'S DATA COlII\issioner PIstor lIoved, seconded by Commission.r H.... and carried unanillously, that the purchase of an uninterruptable power supply .ystem for the Clerk's Data Processing system not exce.ding $55,000 be approved. Item '42 HRS CONTRACT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS BETWEEN THE SHERIFP AND THE BOARD AND BETWEEN THE BOARD AND THE STATE or FLORIDA DEPARTMENT or BRB _ APPROVED Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that the HRS contract for .ervice of proce.. between the Sheriff and the Board and between the Board and the State of Plorlda Department of HRS be approved. pagc 27 ~..' ~ ~ ~ ~,,~~ ..-..~.....--.-_--_.....,,---,- I -_..... .---.._-~- ¡dWm OS? r ,~t 611 June 17, In::. RESOLUTION 85-132 CHANGING PRECINCT BOUNDARIES WITHIN THE COUNTY AND CREATING SEVEN ADDITIONAL PRECINCTS - ADOPTED CrJIf,mi!;si'Jner ill')lland qU.!'$tirJnt:c1 if changin'::J the pr(!cinct bound"t!,," Cl'\uld "'<'lit until tilt' rp.c1illtricting 11:1 done, ~rJ which Supervisor or E'h.ct.ions ~I')rg¡¡n stut'!lC that. it couló, but unløss th"rv is singh member citltr1cts it will nt')t mattur and that wIll flot occu, be:fore 1960. She st.ated that this is ~"'I:1ng changes to the indivIdual voter reci')rds and mailing out n~w materIal which will consist of ab?ut 20,000 voters. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-132 changing precinct boundaries within the County and creating seven additional precincts b. adopted. PÐgO 28 c:s!:I ~ ~ ~ ~ ¡¡;¡;;:J June 17, 1985 . . . . There being no further busines. for the Good of the County, the .eeting 'was recessed at 5105 P.M. by Order of the Chair until June 18, 1985, at 9100 A.M. BOARD 0' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX- OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL F'ED"~~OSS' CHA'.... ATTEST 1 WIL~QrIJMAGAN, CLERK .;:: . ,'."..... ,t'C .... , . . " ¿. ""/~ ~.. £)c '" . tho BeC on ~"'-J..ð./?J>.r as correcte~ . '"",. .. '1 _ :'" . r -:. . èse, lI1.inut,..: ~pproved by ,.. ,~... ~ ~···pre..rtt'éd. ~ or I' . . II ~. _,~ ',' ,.. ~ . " . 'f! ~ II \~, , . t ' Page 29 aDOI! 087 PAr.r 630 .-."."...-....-..