Agenda 05/08/2018 Item #16K105/08/2018
Recommendation to award contract #18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal
Support, Inc., and to accept the exemption of competition.
OBJECTIVE: To ensure the availability of court reporting services including recording and
transcription of depositions, meeting minutes, testimony for court hearings and other similar services.
CONSIDERATIONS: The County, including the County Attorney’s Office, uses court reporting
services for multiple purposes including to transcribe depositions, trials, arbitrations, and administrative
proceedings. Court reporting services are also used for advisory committee meeting minutes including
the Collier County Planning Commission. Court reporting services sometimes also include videotaping
The County posted Invitation to Bid (ITB)# 18-7302 on February 6, 2018. The County distributed 1,770
email notices to potential vendors, thirty-eight (38) solicitation packages were downloaded, and staff
received only one (1) proposal from U.S. Legal Support, Inc. (“U.S. Legal”) by the March 7, 2018
deadline. Because U.S. Legal’s proposal did not provide all the documentation required by the
solicitation, however, Procurement staff determined the proposal as non-responsive. U.S. Legal Support,
Inc., is currently under contract with the County and has provided satisfactory court reporting services to
the County for several years.
Notwithstanding the technical deficiency with U.S. Legal’s submission, Collier County Procurement
Ordinance No. 2017-08, as amended, allows for an exemption from the competitive process for legal
services at Section 8, subsection 7, which includes:
“. . . retaining services of law firms or other outside counsel for any reason, expert
witnesses, court reporter services, appraisal services, trial consultants or similar persons or
firms deemed by the Collier County Attorney as necessary to address the legal needs of
Collier County, together with document management and production, legal research, and
information technology products and services.
Based upon the exhaustive attempt to reach out to a large number of qualified vendors and U.S. Legal’s
prior history of providing satisfactory court reporter services to the County, the Procurement staff
determined that it is in the best interest of the County to exercise the exemption so as to maintain
uninterrupted legal services. Therefore, staff recommends that the Board accept the recommended
exemption from competition and authorize its Chairman to execute the attached court reporter general
service agreement.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for these services shall come from each individual using department’s budget
as services are required. Historically, the County has been an average of $44,000 annually,
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this
Executive Summary.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority
vote for Board approval. -SRT
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners award contract #18-7343-WV -
“Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc., authorize the Chair to execute the contract and
Packet Pg. 1104
accept the waiver of exemption.
Prepared by: Scott R. Teach, Deputy County Attorney
1. Agreement #18-7343-WV (PDF)
2. Exemption 167 - US Legal Support (PDF)
Packet Pg. 1105
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.K.1
Doc ID: 5424
Item Summary: Recommendation to award contract #18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services”
to U.S. Legal Support, Inc., and to accept the exemption of competition.
Meeting Date: 05/08/2018
Prepared by:
Title: Legal Office Administrator – County Attorney's Office
Name: Debbie Allen
04/19/2018 2:56 PM
Submitted by:
Title: County Attorney – County Attorney's Office
Name: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow
04/19/2018 2:56 PM
Approved By:
Procurement Services Opal Vann Level 1 Purchasing Gatekeeper Completed 04/19/2018 3:20 PM
Procurement Services Ted Coyman Additional Reviewer Completed 04/23/2018 3:23 PM
Procurement Services Sara Schneeberger Additional Reviewer Completed 04/23/2018 3:38 PM
County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 04/24/2018 4:03 PM
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 04/24/2018 4:28 PM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 04/25/2018 10:30 AM
Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 04/25/2018 10:35 AM
County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 05/01/2018 9:45 AM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 05/08/2018 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 1106
# 18-7343-\ ru
THIS AGREEII|Ei{T, made and entered into on this: day ol Z0_, by and
between U.S. Legal$upporl, lnc.
aulhorized to do business in the Staie of Florida, whcEe business address
is 363 North Sam Hou$ (the
"Contractor") and Collier Coun$, a politicalsubdivision of tfre State ef Florida, (the "Countt''):
1.G-j year period,
terminating on three (3 ) yea(s) from thatdate or untilalloutstanding Purchase Orde(s)
issued prior to the expiration of the Agreement period have been completed or
The County may, at its discretion and with the consent of the Contractor, renew the
Agreement under all of the terms and conditians conlained in this Agreement fortwg {2 } additional one (l-*} year(s) periods. The coung shail give the
Contractor written notice of the County's intention to renew the Agreement tenn prior to
the end of the Agreement tenn then in effect.
The Coun$ Manager, or his designee, rnay, at his discretion, extend the Agreement
under all of the terms and canditions mntained in this Agreernent for up to one hundred
and eighty (180) days. The Coun$ Manager, or his designee, shallgive the Contractor
written notice of the County's intention to extend the Agreement tenn prior to the end of
the Agreernent term then in effecl.
The Contractor shall commence the work upon
Notice to Proceed,
3. $TATEMENT Of WORK. The Contractor, as a f]sole souroe, f, single sorrrce, an m
exernption and shall provide/purchase cou$ reporting seryices including recording and*
transcription of depositions, eeeJing minutes, testirnony for court hearings. etc.
in accordance wtth [!] the terms and conditions of this Agreement ffi Exhibit A : Scope
of Services, attached to this Agreement f, fxninit A - Scope of Services, attached to this
A9REEIIIENTJERM. The Agreement shall be for 4 llree
commencing [] upon the date of Board approval or I on _
Agreement and Contractor's proposalrefened to herein and made an integral part of this
Purchase Order
Pagc I oflT
Ccrrcral $ervic& Agrccmcnl Nor-$olicituion #201 ?-0{X tV*. t t
Packet Pg. 1107 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
3'1 This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties and anymodificalions to this Agreement shall be mutually agreedi.rpon in writing by the pa*ies,
in compliance wilh the County's Procurement Ordinince, as amended, and procurernent
Procedures in effect at the time such services are authorized"
3.2 The execution of this Agreement shall not be a commitment to the Contractor toorder any minimum or maxirnum amount, The County shalt crder itemslservices asrequired but makes no guarantee as to the quantity, number, type or distribution ofitems/services that will be ordered or required uy tnis Agree*eni. ''
I ffre County shall pay the Contractor for the penformance of this Agreement anestimated maximum amount of tq \
per County fiscal year, based o 'i;=.n"ad,
attached hereto and the price methodology as drfined in Section 4.,1. paymentwill bemade upon receipt o1 a proper invoice and upon approval by the County's ContractAdministrative Agent/Project Manager, and in compliance with bhapter 21s, Fla. Stats.,othenruise known as the "Local Govlrnrnent prompi payment Acl,,.
F. T.n." loryty shall pay the Contractor for the performance of this Agreement based onExhibit B' Fee $chedule, attached hereto and the price methoOoiogy as defined insection 4.1 . Payment will be made upon receipt of a proper invoice an-d ,pon approval
!y the CqultY's Contract Administrative AgenUi:roject'Manager, and in comptiance withChapter 218, Fla' Stats., otherwise knowias lhe""Local Goirernment prompt paymenl
U rfre County shall pay the Contractor for the performance of this Agreement anestimated maximum amounl o{ /q \
per County fiscat year, based o ilAilp7#jgffered by the Contractot in response to a specific Request for euotation and pursuant toPrice Methodology in section 4.1. Payment will be made upon receipt of a proper invoiceand upon approval by the County's Contract Administrafivb *genUnoi"rt'fr/unrg"r,
"ndin compliance with Chapter 218, Fla, $tats., olhenuise known as the .,Local GovernmentPrompt Payment Act".
4.1 Price ltdethodology (as selected below):
I Uurnp Sum (Fixed Price]: A firm fixed total price offering for a project; the risks aretransferred from the County to the contractor; and, as a buiiness pr"iti.* there are nohourly or material invoices presented, rather, tire contractor must perform to thesatisfaction of the County's project rnanager before payment for the fixed price contractis authorized.
ffi time and Materials: The County agrees to pay the contractor for the amount of labortime spent by the contractor's employees and subc6ntractors to perform the work (number
Cien$al Servicc A grfeinenr Ncn-Sol rrr[at Lon rl ]0 I ?.(]04, U"r&
Packet Pg. 1108 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
of hours times hourly rate), and for materials and equipment used in the project {cost ofmaterials plus the co.ntractor$ markup). This methoobtigy is generalty;ed ii pro.i"cts inwhich it is nol possible to accurately estimate the siae otitie pioject, oiwhen it is eipectedthat the project requirements would most likely change. As a general business practice,these contracts inctude back-up documentation of cists; invoices would include numberof hours worked and billing rate by- position (and not company (or subcontractor)timekeeping. or payroll records), mateiial or equipment invoices, and other reimbursabledocumenlation for the project.
I unit Price: The County agrees lo pay a firm total fixed price (inclusive of all coets,including labor, materials, equiprnent, overhead, etc.) for a repetitive product or servicedelivered (i.e, installation price per ton, delivery price per paciage or carton, etc.). Theinvoice must identify_ the unil price and the nurnber of units ieceived (no contractorinventory or cost verificalion).
4'2 Any CounlV ry9ncy may obtain services under this Agreement, provided
sufficient funds are included in their budget(s).
4.3 Payrnents will be made for services furnished, delivered, and accepted, uponreceipt and approval of invoices submitted on the date of services or within six io; monthsafter completion of the Agreement. Any untimely submission of invoices beyond thespecified deadline P€loj is subject to non-payment under the legal doctrine of *laches,,
as untimely submitled. Time shall be deerned of the essence wiih respect to the timelysubmission of invoices under this Agreement.
4,4 [ Travel and ReimbursablE Expenees: Travel and Reimbursable Exprnsesmust be approved in advance in writing by the Coung. Travel expenses shall bereimbursed as per $ection 112.061 Fla. Stats.
Reimbu sharsements Il be at the rates:
Mileage $q.44.8 per mite
Breakfast $6.00
Lunch $11.00
Dinner $19.00
Airfare Actual ticket cost limited to touiist or coach
class fare
Rentalcar Actual rental co@
st?ndard-size veh icles
Lodging Actualcost of lodging at sing6-Gupanc[raG
With a ccn nf nn ffrnre ihen rl,'t (n nn nar aialrr
Parkinq Actuat qg$t of parking
fgxr or Airport Limousine {clual cpst oleither taxi or rft;rilimAusine
Reimbursable items other than travel expen$es shall be limited to the following: telephonelong-distance charges, fax charges, photocopying cnarges and postage. R?imbursableitems will be paid only after Contractor has'froiiceo iti receipts. clntractor shall be
$enerat Seryice Agrcrmenr Non-soliciuarion rz0t 7-004 (yer&
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Packet Pg. 1109 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
responsible for all other costs and expenses associated with activities and sollcitations
undertaken pursuant to this Agreement.
SAI.ES I.AX. Contractor shall pay all sales, con$um*r, use and other similar taxes
associated with the Work or portions thereof, which are applicable during the performance
of the Work. Collier Coun$, Florida as a political subdivision of the $tate of Florida, iE
exempt from the payment of Ftorida sales tax to its vendors under Chapter 21?, Florida
Statutes, Certificate of Exemption # 85-8015900531C.
N9TIC?$. All notices from the County to the Contractor shall be deemed duiy served if
mailed or emailed to the Contractor at the fbllowing:
Company Name:
Authorized Agent:
Attention Name & Title:
U. S, Legal Support, lnc.
363 North Sam Houston Parkwav, $uite 1200
All Notices from the Contractor to the County shetl be deemed duly served if mailed or
emailed to the Coung to:
Board of County Commissioners for Collier County, Florida
Division Director:
Division Name:
Ad min istrative AgenUPM :
Jeffrey A. Klatzksw
The Contractor and the Coun$ may change the above mailing address at any time upon
giving the other party written notification, All notices under ihis Agreement-must be in
NO PA8THFR$Hlp. Nothing herein contained shallcreate or be construed as creating a
partnership between the County and the Contractor or to constitute the Contractor a$ an
agent of the County.
PERMIT9;,!-!$ENSES:.'IAXH$. ln compliance with Section 218.80, F.S., att permits
necessary for the prosecution of the Work shall be obtained by the Csntractor, The Coung
will not be obligated to pay for any pennits obtained by $ubcontractors.
Houslon, TX 77060
County Attorney's Offi?e
329$ East Tamiami Trail, $uite 800
leborah D. Allen, Legal Office Administrator
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Ceneral $crviee Agreemmt l.lon-Soliciration #201?-00,1 (Ver. I )
Packet Pg. 1110 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Payment for all such permits issued by the County shall be processed internally by the
County. All non-County permits ilecessary for the prosecutlon of the Work shall be
procured and paid fbr by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also be solely responsible
for payment of any and all taxes levied on the Contractor. ln addition, the Contractor shall
comply with all rules, regulations and laws of Collier Coung, the $tate of Florida, or the
U. $. Government now in force or hereafler adopted. The Contractor agrees to cornply
with alllaws governing the responsibilig of an employerwith respect to persons employed
by the Contracior.
NO IMPROPER Utq. The Contractor will not u$e, nor suffer or permit any percon to use
in any manner whatsoever, County facilities for any improper, immoral or offenslve
purpose, or for any purpose in violation of any federal, state, coun$ or municipal
ordinance, rule, order or regulalion, or of any governrnental rule or regulation now in effect
or hereafter enacted or adopted. ln the event of sush violation by the Contractor or if the
Coun$ or its authorized representiative shall deem any conduct on the part of the
Contractor to be objectionable or improper, the County shall have the right to suspend the
Agreement of the Contractor, $hould the Contractor fail to correct any such violation,
conduct, or practice to the satisfaction of the County within twenty-four (241hours after
receiving notice of such violation, conduct, or practice, such suspension to continue until
lhe violation is cured. The Contractor further agrees not lo commence operation during
the suspension period until the violation has been correcied to the satisfaction of the
TERMINATION. Should the Contractor be found to have failed to perform his services in
a manner satisfactory to the County aB per this Agreement, the County may terminate
said Agreement for cause; further the County may terminate this Agreement for
convenience with a thirty (30) day written nolice. The County shall be the sole judge of
ln the event that the County terminates this Agreement, Contractor's recovery against the
County shall be limited to that portion of the Agreement Amount earned through the date
of termination, The Contractor shall not be entitled to any other or further recovery against
the County, including, but not timited to, any damages or any anticipated profit on portions
of the services not perforrned.
NO Dl$$nl[t'tlNATlOS. The Contractor agrees that there shall be no discrimination as to
race, sex, color, creed or nationalorigin.
INSURANCE. The Contractor shallprovide insurance as follows:
A. m Cofnlnercial General ,LiFlility: Coverage shall have rninimum limits of
$ 1,00qr000 Per Occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate for Bodily lnjury Liability
and Property Damage Liability. This shall include Prernises and Operations; lndependent
Contractors; Products and Completed Operations and Contractual Liability.
B. m Busins$s Autp Ll,flblll,tvj Coverage shsll have minimum limits of
$ 1.000,000 Per Occurrence, Combined $ingle Limit for Bodily lnjury Liability and
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Ccner*l $ervicc Agresmert Non-Solicitatio,n #?01?-ff)4 (Ver. I )&
Packet Pg. 1111 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Property Damage Liability. This shall include: Owned Vehicles, Hired and Non-Owned
Vehicles and Employee Non-Ownership.
C. ffi Woffgre' Comoensation: lnsurance covering all employees meeting Statutory
Limits in compliance with lhe applicable slate and federal laws.
The coverage must include Employera' Liability with a minimum limit of
$ 100,000 for each aecident.
D. m ProfeEslpfl,$l LiaFilitv; Shall be maintained by the Contractor to ensure its legal
liability for claims arising out of the performance of professional services under this
Agreement. Contractorwaives its right of recovery against Coun$ as to any claims under
this insurance. $uch insurance shall have limits of not less than $ 1,000,000 each
claim and aggregate"
f . [ : Coverage shall have minimum timits of $ per
$necial Roguirements: Collier County Board of County Commissioners, OR, Board of
Coung Commissioners in Collier Coung, OR, Collier Coung Government shall be listed
as the Certificate Holder and included as an "Additional lnsur€d" on the lnsurance
Certificate for eommercial General Liability where required. This insurance shall be
primary and non-contributory with respect to any other insurance maintained by, or
available for the benefit of, the Additional lnsured and the Contractor's policy shall be
endorsed accordingly.
Current, valid insurance policies nreeting the requirement herein identified shall be
maintained by Contractor during the duration of this Agreement. The Contractor shall
provide County with certificates of insurance meeting the required insurance provisions.
Renewal certificates shall be sent to the County thirty (30) days prior to any expiration
date. Coverage afforded under the policies will not be canceled or allowed to expire until
the greater of: thirty (30) days prior written notice, or in accordance with policy provisions.
Contractor shall also notify County, in a like manner, within twenty-four (24) hours after
receipt, of any notices of expiration, cancellalion, non-renewal or malerial change in
coverage or limits received by Contractor from its insurer, and nothing contained herein
shall relieve Contractor of this requirement to provide notice.
' Contractor shall ensure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance
requirements that the Contraclor is required to meet,
13. INDEMNIFICATION. To the maximum Extent permitted by Florida law, the Contractor
shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Collier County, its oflicers and employees from
any and all liabilities, damages, tosses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable
attorneys' fees and paralegals' fees, whether resulting from any claimed breach of this
Agreement by Contractor, any statutory or regulatory violations, or from personal injury,
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Oenwal licrvige Agrr6ment Non-SoliciBtioI ri20I ?'00a (Vcr, I )&
Packet Pg. 1112 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
property damage, direct or consequ*ntial damages, or economic lssg, to the extent
taused- by the negligence, recklessne$s, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the
Contractoi or anyonl imployed or utilized by the Contractor in the performance of this
Agreement. This indemnification obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge- or
reluce any other rights or remedies which otherwise may be available to an indemnified
party or person described in this paragraph.
This section does not pertain to any incident arising from the sole negligence of Collier
13.'l The duty to defend under this Article 13 is independent and separate from the duty to
indemnify, anO tne duty to defend exists regardless of any ultimate liability of the Contractor,
County and any indemnified party. The du$ to defend arises immediately upon
pres"ntation of i claim by any party and written notice of such claim being provided to
bontractor. Contractor's obligation to indemnifo and defend under this Article 13 will survive
the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement until it is determined by finaljudgment
that an action against the County or an indemnified pa(y for the matter indemnified
hereunder is fully and finally barred by the applicable slatute of limitations.
. This Agreement shall be administered on behalf of
ntv Attornev's Office
15. CONFLICT OF INTEBE-$?" Contractor represents that it presently hes no interest and
the performance of services required hereunder. Contractor further represents that no
persons having any such interest shallbe employed to perform those services.
16,COMPOUENT ?ARL$ pF THI$ AGREE*IEI{T. ThisAgreementconsists of the following
ai futly a part of the Agreement as if herein set out
verbatim: il Contracto/s Proposal, f, Insurance Certificate(s), E Exhibit A Scope of
$;il;;;, B ixninit B Fee $chidule, n subsequent. quotes, and n other
17. APPLICAB-JLITY. $ections corresponding to any checked box (I) expressly apply to the
terms of this Agreement.
SUBJECT TO APPROPRfATIOI{. lt is further understood and agreed !V and between
pRoHtBfTfoN or GFT$ TO COUNTY EIiP!?OYEHS, No organization or indivldual
item of value to any County employee, as set forlh in Chapter 112, Part lll, Florida
Statutes, Collier County Ethics Ordinance No. 2004-05, as amended, and County
Administrative Procedurb 5311. Violation of this provision may result in one or more of
the following consequences: a. Prohibition by the individual, firm, and/or any employee of
the firm from conlact with County staff for a specified period of time; b. Prohibition by the
Page ? of l?- SentralServiceAg;cemenrNon-$olicilsiion#?017-004tVuf) ffi
Packet Pg. 1113 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
indlvidual and/or firm from doing business with the County for a specified period of tirne,
including but not limited to: submitting bids, RFP, and/or quote$; and, c. immediate
termination of any Agreement held by the individual and/or firm for cau$e.
20. Cq!{qLl4NCE WITH L},W$. By executing and entering into this Agreement, the
Contractor is formally acknowledging without exception or stipulation that it agrees to
comply, at its own expense, with all federal, state and local laws, codes, statutes,
ordinances, rilles, regulations and requirements applicable to this Agreement, including
but not limited to those dealing with the lmrnigration Reform and ControlAct of 't986 as
located at I U.$.C. 1324, et seq. and regulations relating thereto, as either may be
amended; taxation, workers' compensation, equal employment and safety including, but
not limited to, the Trench Safety Act, Chapter 553, Florida $tatutes, and the Florida Public
Records Law Chapter 1 19, including specifically thcse contractual requirements at F.S. $
I'19.0701{zXa)-(b} as stated as follows:
Comrnunication and Customer Relations Division
3299 Tamiaml Trail East, $uite 102
Naples, FL 34112-5746
Telephono: (239) 25?-8383
The Contractor must specifically comply with the Florida Public Records Law to:
1. Keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perfonn the
service.2. Upon requesl from the public agency's custodian of public records, provide the
public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be
inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed lhe
cost provided in this chapter or as othenvise provided by law.
3. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public
recordg disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law
for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the
Contractor does not transfer the records to the public agency.4. Upon completion of the contract, transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all
public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public
records required by the public agency to perform the service. lf the Contraclor
transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the contract,
the Coniractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or
confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. lf the
Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract,
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Cencral Scrvitc Agre€ment Nsn-Solitiution f?0 I 7-004 (Ycr
Packet Pg. 1114 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
the Gontractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records.
AII records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency, upon
request from the public agency's custodian of public records, in a format that is
compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency.
lf Contractor obsarves that the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, it shall
prornptly notify the Coun$ in writing. Failure by the eontractor to comply with the laws
referenced herein shall conslitute a breach of this Agreement and the County shall have
the discretion to unilaterally terminate this Agreement immediately.
encourages and agrees to the successful Contractor extending the pricing, terrns and
conditions of this solicitation or resultant Agreement to other governmental entities at the
discretion of the successful Contractor.
PAYMENT$ WITIIHELO. The County may decline to approve any Application for
Payment, or portions thereof, because of defective or incomplete work, subsequently
discovered evidence or subsequent inspections. The Contractor may nullify the whole or
any part of any approval for payment previously issued and the Contractor may withhold
any payments otherwise due Contractor under this Agreement or any other Agreement
between the County and Contraetor, to such extent as may be necessary in the County's
opinion to protect it from loss because of: (a) defective Work not remedied; (b) third party
ctraims failed or rea$onable evidence indicating probable fling of such claims; (c) failure of
Contractor to make payment properly to subcontractors or for labor, materials or
equipment; (d) reasonable doubt that the Work can be campleted for the unpaid balance
of the Contract Amount; (e) reasonable indicalion that the Work will not be completed
within the Contract Time; ($ unsatisfactory prosecution of the Wo* by the Contractor; or
(g) any olher material breach of the Contraot Documents.
lf any conditions described above are not remedied or removed, the Coung may, afler
three {3} days written notice, rectify the same at Contracto/s expense, The County also
may offset against any $ums due Contractor the arvlount of any liquidated or unliquidated
obligations of Contractor to the County, whether relating to or arising out of this Agreement
or any other Agreement between Contractor and the Coung.
I CleeN Up. Contractor agrees to keep the Project site clean at all times of debris,
rubbish and waste materials arising out of the Work. At the completion of the Work,
Contractor shall remove all debris, rubbish and waste materials from and about the Project
site, as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and surplus
materials, and shall leave lhe Project site clean.
The Contractor shall employ people to work on County pmjects who are neat, clean,
wellgroomed and courtsous. Subject to the American with Disabilities Act, Contractor
shatl supply competent employees who are physically capable of performing their
employment duties. The Coun$ may require the Contractor to remove an employee it
Page 9 of l?- Ccneml Seruice A$reemalt Non-$olicitrtion fl0l?-004 ,Urr.,&
Packet Pg. 1115 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
deems careless, incornpetent, insubordinate or othenrise objectionable and whose
continued employment on Collier County projects is not in the best interest of the County.
n }I.YARRAHIY. Contrastor expre$$ly warrants that the goods, materials and/or
iquiprnent covered by this Agreement will conform to the requirernents as specified, and
witt tie of satisfactory material and quality production, free from defects, and sufficient for
the purpose intended. Goods shall be delivered free from any security interest or other
lien, encumbrance or claim of any third par$. Any services provided under this Agreement
shall be provided in accordance with generally accepted professional standards for the
particular service. These warranties shall survive inspection, acceptance, pa$sage of title
and payment by the County.
Contractor further warrants to the County that all material$ and equipment furnished under
the Contract Documents shall be applied, installed, connectsd, erected, used, cleaned
and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturers,
fabricators, suppliers or processors except as otherwise provided for in the Contract
lf, within one (1) year afterfinal ccmpletion, anyWork is found to be defective or not in
conformance with the Contract Documents, Contractor shall correct it promptly after
receipt of written notice from the County, Contractor shallalso be responsible for and pay
for replacement or repair of adjacent rnaterials or Work which may be damaged as a result
of such replacement or repair. These warranties are in addition to those implied
warranties to which the County is entitled as a matter of law.
f, fgStS lNp tNgpfCfloNg. lf the Contract Documents or any codes, laws,
requires any pcrtion of the Work to be specifically inspected, tested or approved,
Contractor shall assume full responsibility therefore, pay allcosts in connection therewith
and furnish to the County lhe required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. All
inspections, tests or approvals shall be performed in a maniler and by organieations
acceptable to the County.
[J pnorEcnoH or wonx.
A. Contractor shall fully protect the Work from loss or damage and shall bear the cost
of any such loss or damage until final payment has been made, lf Contractor or
anyone for whom Contractor is legally liable is responsible for any loss or damage
to the Work, or other work or materials of the County or County's separate
contractors, Contractor shall be charged with the saffre, end any monies necestary
to replace such loss or damage shall be deducted from any amounts due Contractor.
B" Contractor shall not load nor permtt any part of any structure to be loaded in any
manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the
Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it.
C. Contractor shall not disturb any benchmark established by the County with respect
to the Project. lf Contractor, or its subcontractors, agents or anyone, for whom
Contractor is legally liable, disturbs the 0ounty's benchmarks, Contractor shall
Pagc l0 oflT
Ocneral Ssrvicc Agrcemenl Non'Solicitalion f20l 7404 (Ver. I I
Packet Pg. 1116 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
immediately notify the County. The County shall re-establish the benehrnarks and
Contractor shall be liable for all costs incurred by the County sssociated therewith.
SUBMITTALS ANq .SUBSTITUTIONS. Any substitution of products/materials form
specifications shall be approved in writing by the County in advance.
gHAllgF$ lN THE WO.RK, The County shall have the right at any time during the
progress of the Work to inoease or decreage the Work. Promptly after being notified of a
change, Contractor shall submit an estimate of any cost or time increases or savings it
foresees as a result of the change. Except in an emergency endangering life or property,
or as expressly set forth herein, no addition or changes to the Work shall be made except
upon modification of the Purchase Order by the County, and the County shall not be liable
to the Contractor for any increased compensation without such rnodification. No officer,
employee or agent of the County is authorized to direct any extra or changed worl orally.
Any modifications to this Agreement shall be in compliance with the County Procurement
Ordinance and Procedures in effect at the time such rnodifications are authorized.
AGREEMENT TERMS. lf any portion of this Agreement is held to be void, invalid, or
otherwise unenforceable, in whole or in part, the remaining portion of this Agreement shall
remain in effect.
ADDITIONAIITEI1IISI$EByICES. Additional items and/or services may be added to this
Agreement in compliance with the Procurement Ordinance, as amended, and
Procu rement Procedures,
DISpUTE RE$OLI TION. Prior to the initiation of any action or proceeding permitted by
this Agreement to resolve disputes behreen the parties, the parties shall make a good
faith effort to resolve any such disputes by negotiation, The negotiation shall be attended
by representatives of Contractor with full decision-making authority and by Coun$'s staff
person who would rnake the presentation of any settlement reached during negotiations
to County for approval. Failing resolution, and prior to the cornmencement of depositions
in any titigation between the parties arising out sf thi$ Agreement, the parties shall attempt
to resolve the dispute through Mediation before an agreed-upon Circuit Court Mediator
certified by the State of Florida. The mediation shall be attended by representalives of
Contractor with full decision-making authority and by Coun$'s staff person who would
make the presentation of any settlement reached at mediation to County's board for
approval. Should either party failto submit to mediation as required hereunder, the other
pafiy may obtain a court order requiring mediation under section 44.1A2, FIa. Stat"
VENUE. Any suit or action brought by either party to this Agreement against the other
party relating to or arising out of this Agreement must be brought in the appropriate federal
or state courts in Collier County, Florida, which courts have sole and exclusive jurisdiction
on allsuch matters.
I Xfy pfnSgryUeU. The Contracto/s personnel and management to be utilized for
this project shall be knowledgeable in their areas of expertise. The County reserves the
right to perform investigations as may be deemed neces$ary to ensure that competent
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Gcncrsl Servicr *gtsemfir Non-Solicirntiofl #201 7'0O4 lVcr I )
Packet Pg. 1117 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
per$ons will be utilized in the pedormance of the Agreement" The Contractor shall assign
as many people a$ nece$sary to complete the services on a timely basis, and each person
assigned shall be available for an amount of time adequate to meet the required service
dates. The Contractor shall not change Key Personnel unless lhe following conditions are
met: (1) Proposed replacements have substantially the same or better qualifications
and/or experience, (2) that the County is notified in writing as far in advance as possible,
The Contractor shall make commercially reasonable efforts to notify Collier County within
seven (7) days of the change. The County retains final approval of proposed replacement
ffi nGne rfiarNr srarqtNe . The contractor's personneland management to be utilized
for this Agreement shall be knowledgeable in their areas of expertise. The County
re$eryes the right to perform investigations as may be deemed necessary to ensure that
competent pertons will be utilized in the performance of the Agreement. The Contractor
shall assign as many people as necessary to complete required se rvices on a timely basis,
and each person assigned shall be available for an amount of time adequate to meet
required services.
ffi Onpen Of pRECEDENCE. ln the event of any conflict belween or among the terms
of any of the Contract Documents, the terms of solicitalion the Contractor's Proposal,
and/or the County's Board approved Executive Summary, the Contract Documents shall
take precedence.
n o.RoER OF PRECEDENCE (qrant Fundgd), ln the event of any conflict between or
among the terrns of any of the Conlract Documents andlor the County's Board approved
Executive Summary, the terms of the Agreement shall take precedence over the terms of
all other Contract Docurnents, except the terms of any Supplemental Conditions shall take
precedence over lhe Agreement. To the extent any conflict in the terms of the Contract
Documents cannot be resolved by application of the Supplemental Conditions, if any, or
the Agreement, the conflict shatl be resolved by imposing the more strlct or coslly
obligation under the Contract Documents upon the Contractor at County'a diseretion.
ASSIGNMENT. Contractor shall not assign this Agreemsilt or any part thereof, without
the prior consent in writing of the County, Any attempt to assign or otherwise transfer this
Agreement, or any part herein, without the County's consent, shall be void. lf Contractor
doe$, with approval, assign this Agreement or any part thereof, it shall require that its
assignee be bound to it and to assume toward Contractor all of the obligations and
responsibilities that Contractor has assumed toward lhe County.
SECURITI, The Contractor is required to comply with County Ordinance 2004-52, as
amended. Baekground checks are valid for five {5) years and the Contractor shall be
responsible for all associated costs, lf required, Contractor shall be responsible for the
costs of providing background checks by the Collier County Facilities Management
Division for all employees that shall provide services to the County under this Agreement.
This may inglude, but not be limited to, checking federal, state and local law enforcement
records, including a state and FBI fingerprint check, credit reports, education, residence
and employment verifications and other related records. Contractor shall be required to
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Generul scrviee j\greemenll.,ron-solicir{rionf20l7"001 tvcr.rr 6}
Packet Pg. 1118 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
maintain records on each ernployee and make them available to the County for at least
four (4) years. All of Contractor's employees and subcontractors must wear Collier County
Government ldentification badges at all times while perfomring services on County
facilities and properties. Contractor lD badges are valid for one (1) year from the date of
issuance and can be renewed each year at no cost to the Contractor during the time
period in which their background check is valid, as discussed below. Alltechnicians shall
have on their shirts the name of the contractor's business.
The Contractor ehall immediately noli$ the Collier Coung Facilities Management Division
via e-mail (Dl-FM0P$ whenever an employee assigned to Collier
County separates from their employment, This notification is critical to ensure the
continued security of Collier County facilities and syaterns. Failure to notiff within four (4)
hours of separation may result in a deduction of $500 per incident.
38. I SAf gfy. All Contractors and subcontractors performing seruice for Collier Coung are
required and shallcomply with allOccupationalSafety and Health Administration (O$HA),
State and County $afety and Occupational Health $tandards and any other applicable
rules and regulations. Also, all Contractors and subcontractors shall be responslble for
the safety of their employees and any unsafe acts or conditions that may cause injury or
damage to any per$ons or property within and around the work site.
Collier County Governrnent ha* aulhorieed the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (O$HA) to enter any Collier Coung Facility, property andlor right-of-way
for the purpose of inspection of any Contracto/s work operations. This provlsion is non-
negotiable by any division/department andlor Contractor. All applicable OSHA inspection
criteria apply as well as all Contractor righte , with one exception. Contractors do not have
the right to refuse to allow OSHA onto a project that is being performed on Collier County
Property. Cotlier County, as the owner of the property where the project is taking place
shall be the only entity allowed to refuse access to the project. However, this decision
shall only be made by Collier County's Risk Management Oivision $afety Manager and/or
Safety Engineer.
(lntentionally left blank -srgnafure page to foltow)
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eener$t Scrvie{ Agreemsnt Non-$oliriurion #2017-004 rv*.
Packet Pg. 1119 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, have each, respectively, by an authorized person
or agent, have executed this Agreement on the date and year first written above.
Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts
Contractor's Witnesses:
ctor's First Witness
Andv Solis, Esq., Chairman
U.S. Legal Support, lnc
. . Sionature{( [t tru s. E fitrt-+ , Vf e e f0Ly N{1} t$trt*od tType/print signature and titlet
tType/print witness namet
Approved as to Form and Legality:
County Attorney
Print Name
tType/print witness nameT
-&.^'* b *S^^^*}.
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Oencral Servrce Agreement Non-Solicitation #?017-00.1 (Vcr. I )
Packet Pg. 1120 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Exhibit A
$cope of
El Services following this page (pages I through I )
f tnis exhibit is not applicable
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Oenerol Servicr Asf,ccmfi t Non-Sol rc rtatron f 2U I 7-fiX, "(;}
Packet Pg. 1121 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Services may also include transcription in all forms, whether it be live lestimony, video
testimony, audio-taped testimony, or other format and marking of exhibits. Additionally, the
successful proposer$ should be able to provide acoess to video services for depositions and
related matters.
Contractor(s) shall provide Court Reporting Services as needed for Collier County with the
following minimum requirernents:
1. All persons performing Court Reporting Services shall be certified Court Reporters as
per the requirements of the State of Florida. Copies of such certifications shall be
submitted with the proposal documents.
2. This contract shall require availability of the Court Reporter(s) during the hours of 8:00
a.m" and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, $hould there be a requirement for a Court
Reporter during times other than these hours such as evenings and/or weekends, the
additional cost, if any, of such eervices shall be ldentified in the Fee Proposal.
3. Selected firms must provide transcripts in both hard copy fonnat and via email.
4. The County reserves the right to order such servicer as may be required during said
period, but does not guarantee any rninimum or maximum to be ordered during the
period specified. The Coun$ shall make every effort to utilize the firms on the
resultant contract for all work performed within Collier County, however, the County
re$erues the right to use alternate firms in the event unforeseen circumstances arige.
Likewise, the County may engage other firms as required for services outside of
Collier County or outside of the State of Florida.
Packet Pg. 1122 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Exhibit B
Fee $chedule
H following this page (pages I through I )
I tnis exhibit is not applicable
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Orocral Servicc Arxceffirnr Non-Soliciudon fl0t7-004 (Ver, t )
Packet Pg. 1123 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Fee Proposal
Pricing shall be inclusive of all costs and shall be full compensation for all services, labor,
tools, equipment, local travel (wilhin Lee and Collier County) and any other items required for
project completion and/or completion of services.
Travel expense$ outside of l-ee and Collier Coung shall be reimbursed as per Section
112.061 Fla, Stats. Fees for other services may be listed by firms in addition to the
categories below.
Expedited turnaround time isffi oays
Court Ranortins Services RatelFes
$tandard rate per hour
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
$ 75.00
After hours rate per hour if different from standard rate
(example: nights, weekends, hours outside those lieted
Appearance fee
(first hour rate if anplicable)
$75.00-first hour
$55,00- each additional hour
Transcript fee {oer paqe)$4.00
Expedited transcript fee (if applicable)10olo-9 day expedite
lAAo/o-1dav exoedite
Additional Services RatelFss
Videotaping-$tandard rale per hour
Monday throush Friday. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 o.m.
$200-first hour
$95.O0-each additional hour
Afrer houre rate per hour if different from standard rate
(example: nights, weekends, hours outside those listed
$200-first hour
$95.O0-each additional hour
Cost for digital formattins of transcriots $0
Expedited Video Turnaround s75.00
Packet Pg. 1124 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Other ExhibiUAttachment
fl following this page (page$ _ through )
E ttris exhibit is not applicable
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ceneral servicc Agrermcnt Non-solieitarion#?017-004,o*,, &
Packet Pg. 1125 Attachment: Agreement #18-7343-WV (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)
Requester Name:Vendor Name:
Division:Item / Service:
Budget Year:Anticipated Cost per Fiscal Year:
Description of Purchase:Enter a description of the item(s) items that will be purchased under this exemption.
Purpose:Describe in detail, the purpose of the requested item(s).
Exemptions from the Competitive Process
Jeffrey A. Klatzkow US Legal Support, Inc.
County Attorney Court Reporting Services
2018 - 2023 average $44,000
April, 2018 - April 2023
Court Reporting Services
Provide court reporting services for legal proceedings (deposition, hearings, trials, etc.), advisory board meetings, hearing examiner meetings,
Jeffrey A. Klatzkow
KlatzkowJeff Digitally signed by KlatzkowJeff
Date: 2018.04.03 11:00:58
Sara Schneeberger
Digitally signed by
Date: 2018.04.04 14:24:10 -04'00'
Catherine Bigelow
Cat Bigelow Digitally signed by Cat Bigelow
DN: cn=Cat Bigelow, o=Collier County
Government, ou=Procurement Services,, c=US
Date: 2018.04.05 16:14:58 -04'00'
4/1/2018 4/1/2023
Packet Pg. 1126 Attachment: Exemption 167 - US Legal Support (5424 : Award contract # 18-7343-WV “Court Reporting Services” to U.S. Legal Support, Inc.)