BCC Minutes 07/26/1985 S " ~ ~;-:', '''~~!:~j.'~'.¡;ì~'·<~·· a:I - ..-. Naples, Fl~rida, July 25, 1985 '~::"/:," LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that in tlccord<'1ncQ with acti...n takan on Juri., ~;....y~'~~ " ;- .>/, ':';/'" " 18, 1985, th. lioard ~f County Commiuil)nera in and for the Cl)unty of '~¡:',,;..,.,\~' ~f:¡ij Collier met in SPBCIAL SESSION on this date at 1:30 P.M. in Building', " '.1..,~,,'" .,w of the Courthousl) Complex, t:ast Naples, t'lorida, with the foll~'",inq members present: CHAIR/'IANI Frltderick J. V.,sa VICE CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse C. C. wRedw Holland Anne Go.,dnight ALSO PRESENT, William J. Reagan, Clerk; James C. Giles, Fiscal Officar; Maureen Kt:nyon, D'Jputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, C.,unty Manager; Ken Cuyler, Assistant C.,unty Attorney; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Man3g.H; 1.;)0 Z,;dk~, budget lJir<Jctor; M'Hk Thal!!, Purchasing Direct.,r; and N"ncy lsraels,)n, Administrative lIssist-'nt t., the B.,ard. AGENDA I. Rec.,mm"ndðti.,n on Award ot üid 1839, Asbestos Abatement II. R"ad Constructi·)n H~venu!s A. R.,,,d Impa<:t fttes d. Othe r ouogP.t r ssu.;!s II!. dUG1get Issues A. Fair L.tb"r S:;anaards Act b. Other budget Issues IV. ....d Valorem '!.')(E!S A. County-Wide ~. Uninc~rp~[~t~d Areas C. k~ad Cistricts D. Im~r.,vem~nt Districtti E. Fire Control Districts F. Llynting Districts G. Aggregate V. Ad~pt resolution to set tentative millage rates and t~ set public hearing dat~s for the T~ntative Budget. RBSOLUTIOM 85-148 RIJICTIMG ALL PROPOSALS POR BID '839, ASBISTOS ABATIKIIIT, AIID TO WAlYl COMPITITlYl BIDDIIIG - ADOPTID. CONTRACT FOR ASBESTOS ABATIMDIT POR BUILDIIIGS ·A·, ·C·, AMD ·D- - AWARDID TO W. T. STEVENS CONSTRUCTION, INC., HOUSTON, TEXAS, IN AMOUNT OP $298,000 ~urchðsing Direct.,r Thiele stated that the C.,unty has retained the aervicl!!i Ot Tom CorL~h, ð c.,nsult3nt with the ~ur\'..v Group, Inc., to aoOK 0881'A~t 18 Page 1 ".'.'",;"'''',\.,~.W'.'''..<. ';;ß!':~'",," --'/". ~ . . ,;~. --,---_.--~_._._- 101( OB8mt 19 July 26, 1985 prepare specifications for tha asbestos abatement. He stated that only two bids ~re received and the low bid was 5408,000, adding th~t the amount that was originally budgeted was $250,000. He stated that the consultant was ask~d to go back to the low bidder tc renegotiate the price, adding that after nagotiations it was ,felt that it was still too high. He statad that the bids could have been lower if one thing 1n the specifications was addressed, which was insurance. He stated th~t th~ consultant made Lhe specifications as strict as possible to guarantee as much protection as possible for the C.,unty with reference tt) futurE! cll!ims. He state.,] that aftl:'r talking with Risk MJinilClement with reyórd t., in5ur~nce, it was determincd that the County would be paying a l.,t m~re and .,ver-insuring themsdlves if an extrð $100,000 was paid to put thE c.,ntract in force. He stated that based .,n this the other vena.,rs that hbO picked up specificati.,ns, but did n"t bid, were ~ontacted to quot~ with thd chang~ in the insurance item. He stated that B yu.,tes "'cre then received wnich were less than the $393,000 which was the original l~w bidder. He stated that in "rder t., s~ve $100,000 ne Wl)uld like a resoluti.,n appr.,ved that w,,~ld r~ject the bids that wcre rcceived and t., w~iv~ tnc competitive bidaing and to direct staff t., neg"tiðt~ with thr l~w bicdur that is most ~u811f1ed. H& stated that W. T. ~tevens practically meets everythiQg that was in the ·.,riglnal specificati.,ns and th~ consultant has workeo with h1m in the ~aSt ana there is no problem meeting the tight sched~le for ~uild1r.gs I ·C· anò "UN. Ccmm1SS1~ner Go.,anight stateo that sh~ f~€l~ lhac this is the best w~y to go and will save the C~unty scm~ m.,n~y. Commifis1on~r Pist.,r stütco that if t~lS hdS to b~ j"n~ legally, then h~ feels that this is thti best agreem~nt lhat has bðen received. C.,mmissioncr H~ss.., ,,!uo:!stionl:d if th~r., is any b.,nding thet Wl)uld inaicate that this ~ill be finished in cimd, t., which Mr. Thiele stated tn<.t tnt; p'i!r formanct.' b.,r¡a Will De rt.:Cc1VCiJ ill a few Ò,lYS and t~er(: is ð penalty clause .,t SlUO a aay for cacn adY that they br~ late. He stated that their pdSt history is cxc~ll~nt. Commissiontr Holl~nd stat~d that he feo:ls that a pen~lty of $100 a day 15 to~ small for ð job this size, adc1ng that hQ f~cls that it Wl)uld be wi~~ to increase thd penalty clause in ora~r t., assure that the job is o.,n~ on time. Purchasing Dir~cccr Thid!v stat~o tnat if thd penalty clause is changed, tn~ contractor would h~ve t., be given the opportunity to Pag" 2 - !!!!! I!!I!I " .~,~~ ..~~~:i:¿Si[:~~~'tl·~~~:;~.~~fl,¡;,*,""-~!5~:,,:'':::~7;7~:·:r::_~ ':·_,'~:·~::·;.f~"~~" ,'~ ;";'.' .. '-"-'."'"""f -- IIiiI r== Julï 25, l~ß~ decide if they will h~n"r the same proposal. Commis.i~ner V~ss stated that it c~ula Þe left that Mr. Thiele c~uld negotiate for a hiqher penalty clause, adding that it will undoubtedly c"st the C~unty m~re. purchasing D1rectcr Thiele stated th~t there is ~nly a matter ,,£ a few days that everythIng has to be cleaned anó then there is a f.w days for the actual abdtement. He statud that at this p~lnt there is a peri~d of aÞouL 4 days where the dust has t., settle so that they can d~ t~~ting und then if the testing d~os n~t show right, tney h~ve tc all~w a c.,uple of days t" g~ back and reclp~n. He statea that their past ~crformance sh~ws thut thay can d., the work, adding that he r~c.,mmenós that the C~unty not je.,pardize the situation. t:~mmi ssi.,ner fjo')ll.:!nd stated th¿t he W':)uld lil<e t., have so')mo preview "f tnpse matters before they go this far, because n.,w it is too late t" do anything if the time schedule is t., be met. C.,mmissi.,ner Voss st~ted that in the future specifications c~uld b~ made aVdil~blp t" the C.,mmissi.,nors. Commissioner Hasse .oved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-148 rejecting all proposals received tor Bid '839, Asbestos Abatement, and to waive competitive bidding, be adopted. Co..issioner Hasse ~Yed, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor and carried unani.ously, that a contract for asbestos abate.ent for Buildings wAw, ·Cw, and ·DW be awarded to W. T. Støvens Construction, Inc., Houston, Texas, in the a.ount of $298,000, that the Chair.an be authorized to execute said contract; that all agencies be directed l~ fully cooperate in adhering to scheduling of work in August and Septe.ber; and that the riscal Officer be dlrectod to proce.s the necessary budget amendments. '00( 088 par.t 20 ','i: .-..,,"__'_ - .. ~ . --_ .."'-'. ..:.'.....:.:i..:r.ü~":l,. :-"'\(. ,"_:~:...~,,'. ," page 3 - - aa July 26, 193!> RESOLUTIOW 85-149 ADVISIWG PROPERTY APPRAISER or PROPOSED TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATES AND DATE, TIME AND PLACB or PUBLIC HEARINGS - ADOPTED Cemmissioner VQSS questl.,ned why r"ad imp~ct fee& 15 ~n the dgend~, ddding that this special me~tinq w~~ "nly t~r ad vðl~rr.m taxes. dudget Director zalka stated that the ~CC requested a discussion of impact faes before setting tha ad vðl~rem rates. Commissioner V.,ss stated that there has been a majority and ð mln~rity report, a~dinq th~t th~ majari~y repQrt ~f the Infrastructure Cemmittee showed that 71 .,f the annual incr~ase in the assessed valu3tl.,n was ou~ to n~w <:~n&lructIon ~nd .,n th,t b~8I8 the impnct fee was calculated te b~ ~265 per unIt which w.,uld pr.,duce $11,400,000 of revenue OYdr the ndxt ten years. H~ stated that the minority rep.,rt calculat~s that tilt! impact fae w.,uld be $771 per unit and WQuld producn better thJn ~l7,OOO,U00 over the n~xt ten yp.~rs. He stated that the dctlllll incredse 1n ttH! ðsso.>ssed valullti.,n over the past two years has oeen about :'i, not 7'0, ðdûlnq thðt if tha on is us~d insteaa "f the 7\, the impact f~~ woulù be Increased t., S3~2 per unit which w.,uld pr.,duce a little .,Vdr flS,00J,GUU In cnt! n~xt tun YddrS. he Rtated th"t befQre IIny action is t~~dn "n the rOdd I~pllct f~es, a better 10"k sh.,uld be ti1K<:!n .:at; the rl<p')rt5 'lne ·.nat. they "re b.Js<.Jo o:¡n. 3uoget Dir~ctor Zalkð stðt~d that th~ tentative budget ò.,es comply with tne Inten: or the r~c0m~~naations .,1 tn~t committee, bflcause their røc"mmendatl,)n was to levy ~ series of tilX~5 that w')uld provide an aOditiondl $~,OOD,00U on an avpraqe per y~ar, adalng that within the first year it would O~ ab"ut $3,500,UOO. She note1 that the tentative buoq~t a.,as ~rovide SJ,J5U,UOU more for r03d c.,nstruction dnd it d.,es It i.)y recognIzing :>l,OUO,Oou fr"m r.,ad impact fees, $1,054,00U from the nltlo local .,pt1o~n filth I'nd 31xtn c':!nt qðS tolX, ana ðnr:>thfH $1,300,000 from increased revenuus o:¡n t;xistlnq qas taxes ana other revenue sources th~t IS used for road c.,nStructlon. C~mmissi.,ner Pistor staleò that all these figures are based on assumption ùnd they ard unkn"wn fact.,rs, adding that he is skeptical ab~ut including a certain am"unt in the buaqet '",hen it is n.,t kn¢wn how much it will be or if these impact fees will be approved. a'~qet DIrectQr Zalka stdted that the revenue frem these sources 15 ~ppropriated in ! reserve for capital ~utldY, adding that if these taxes ara not l.vied, it Wt:Iuld be reduced for futur,; t:apital "utlay. Com~lss1~n~r ~iGt"r indicated that the C.,unty is n"t in ! good positl.,n t., be meJdlinq wlLn the r.._rvw fer capital .,utlay when thesa aoO( 088 PA't 22 Pac¡ Q 4 '-'~'1 ~~<~,': '~~~J~~'~~"~:,~~~ ~"-'·~;';\{~~I.'";' ~"',t'·,·:'~ ·* 088 ""t 23 July 26, 1985 ,..: roads have to be built. ~udget Direct~r Zðlka stateò that if these are t~ b. added, it would increase the tAX increase by 5\ on a million dollars. Commis.ioner Pistl)r stated that this is on the t~ntativ8 tax increase, adding that after all the amounts have been leeked at, the money may be abl~ t~ be found in another place, ~r wait until the impact fee and the fifth and sixth cent tax have been passed and are a ruli ty. C.,unty Manager Lusk stated that if the ad valorem tax is added on too, it will increase the options in ~eptember te decide whether the tax will b~ ad valor~m or impact. He stated that if the Commission i5 willIng to advertise a higher rate then this could bp. dl)ne. Budget Director Zalka stated that she would n"t rec.:¡mmend advertising a rAte higher than IBt. She stated that if this tax is added to the ad val.,rum tðX, it would increase it t., 23%. Commissioner Voss stated one way or anether the roads have to be built, and the money will have to ceme from either gas tax, impact fea, or ad valorem taxus. Commlssi.,nt;r G"oanlght stat~d that any maj.,r daveloper that has a PUD or a DIU is pDying tlu'ir fair snart! f.,r the road!>, addil.q thbt tht' small c.,:)tract.,r is not 00il1':/ it and the r"dO impðct, fo:c ....ould tak'<! care of that t., m~ke sure that cv~ry.,ne pays their f~ir share. 1 Commissioner H0l1dna ~tatt!a thùt ht! is "pp.,sed to iMp~ct fees, I adding that when a home i~ built it is put en the tax roll and , connoitcti.,n fees nav" t" be palo, addlng th/lt tr.cre ii'S a big exp"'lIso:! te start with. Commissioner holiand questioned if it is legal to pUt this money on the ad val"rem tûX bill "r en r040 c"nstructi.,:) .,r maint~nanct:1 He questioned if there is a limlt as t., ....hÐt the C.,unty can d.,? AssIstant County Att0rn~y Cuylcr st~ted that the C"unty has the option of includlng this feu lnt., th~ tentative millage at this point wlth rcgard t., r.,aa lmpûct te~s or ao vblerem tðXUS. Commisslon~r Holland stated that the fifth and sixth cent optional gas tax 15 t., ~" tor n~. c.,nstructi.,n. Commissioncr Voss stated that Mr. Archlbðld indicated to him that th~ Inst regulation regarding this m.,ney 15 th,t it can be used for roads, wnether it is (or new c.,nstruction or roao mAintenance. 'tronsportèltl'):) lJi rect.,r Archib..ld stated thèlt e.ll the g1ls tax '~~ll~ing the optional gas tax, can be used for transportatiQn pur?Oses Page 5 - !!Pj .. . ,:,.'..r:-r..,' ~. .\\~~~.; .: ~). ~'.'-~:>;¡;-Jr~~"'!!-.~Io:~':'~ .. ,,,,,,,,,~,,,"1:"':;--:~ê- . ~~-, ''''',¡,''''''t"" "·;::a>~1.',.,,,;:~' ......~. " _ ~'~.¡' ~_, :..d'¡:¡¡ii."?~)I_,.:,l~~,~:'~; ,,- " .". ',' '~'.' ......_,.... ., ..,..... . tt~;;.."r.::,..,...,:..." ......_~~...'OV', "', - .. c::I July 26, 1985 which allows the C.,unty te use the revenues for ~any transportation nlteds. In 3nswer tl) Cemmissi.,ner Holland, Mr. Archibald indicat~d that the County receIves 8¢ in t.xes on a qall,n I)f gasoline. Cemmissioner Holland netdd that with the additional 2¢ tax en gas~line, thin should be enough te handle the maintenance of r~ads. Mr. Ed Smith st3ted th~t he was very $urprlsed to see this item on the ag~nda as this meeting ~dS simply to set th.: ad valorem tax rate. H~ ~tdted tnat thl~ impdct fee affects the c.,nstruction industry which, is .,nð .,f the principle em~l.,yers of pe.,ple in C.,lller County. He stateo th~t this is cons ide rea a v~ry seriou8 matt~r, adding th~t this item should not have been put .,n the agenda without being advertised properly. Budget Uir~ctor ¿dlka stdted tn3t with ruferencu t., the Fair L~b~r btanaards ~~t, tnp. t.:ntùtive buaget "*"uld cover the necessary overtIme except f"r t~. ~n.:ritt's u~pùrtmp.nt. D~puty Chief hunter st~ted tnat there 15 tne Guesti.,n ~s te 1o'11"th';!r Lh~ ::in.rlti',. ¡.)t!partm"nt: will be affectea oy tho: F~ir Lab"r ::it3naards hct at all. H~ stated that the .,vertime will C.,St dpproxifi1dt<!ly $'/ól, COli ùGdl LI')õ'ldl whiCh is odsed "n assuropti.,ns as t., ho~ the Act will affect the Sheriff's Dep~rtment. He stated that the civili~n empIoyeds dnd c.,rrcctlonal officers are aff~cted by ~age and riour, adding tnat tne ,)nly .,nes that wert? net affected previously were the certified p.,sitions which c.,nsi~t of invt?stigators and r"ad patrol people. Commissioner ~)ss Sl~L~d that th~ l~w enf.,rcement .,fficers are alr~ady paid 10. over salary, and questi.,ned If the 10\ is recognized in tht; $76l,U\J07 De¡:;uty Cnief Hunter stdt~d t.h<lt this Is n.,t a pr:>rti"n "f that figure, adding that this is extr~ ~~ynn~ the original budget. He stated that the lUt is rec"gniz~d ~s an original salary adjustment th3t occurred approximately 10 years ag., which was given t~ the certified pe.,ple. He stated that under the time and a half, he Wl)uld assume that the lO~ will be absorbea as a true salary adjustment and the time and a half will be paid. Commissioner Plator questioned if the 10_ is t., be includ.d as a 40 hour week or d 44 h"ur waek, t., which Deputy Chief riunter stated that the .,vertime would be paio after 44 h.,urs, if that is ~ssible accQrdlng to Wage and ~,ur standards. lODe 088 rAGE 24 Paqe 6 '. ," ~.- ,'~!. .... "" ,: .", . , ;,~' ':~~~~~r:'::'~,.., ......_~,,--. lODe 08B,.~ 25 July 26, 196~ Sheriff Hoger.. stilted that in figuring the overtime, the f?ur hours and the 10\ were taken into c~nsiderati?n. ~~ at~t~d that within his budget, he WQuld be able t~ handle the firEt four hours, but any I)vertime after that """uld hðve to be èln extrl! which figures .,ut t., approxim~tely $761,000. He .tat~d that if this law passes, this is basically the amount of m.,n~y that will be needed f.,r the Sheriff's Department for overtime. Commissi.,ner Goodnight question6d if the Fair Labor Standards Act goes thrl)ugh And the Sheriff's Department ia nl)t exempt from it, will the $761,000 b~ en.,ugh to c"v~r the overtime that is needed, to which Sheriff R"gers indicated that he h.,pes this w.,uld be en.,ugh. budg~t lJi rector Za H./I stateo that she WQuld suggest that thE.' Sheriff be encour"'geu to re( uc-. lilt! amount .,f overtime by the use .,f the additional d~putles thót havrl be~n budgp.t~d dnd by using deposi- tions for c"url cases instead .,f having the officers appear in court, adding thllt UJ'!!rc is also W.lYs I')f reducing the budget through vari.,us management as~ects. ~he not~d that if this am.,unt is added to the budget, tht: "veralJ. incr"ðst in the bu~gPt W':Iuld De 21.7\. C"mmlssi.,ner Pistor 4u~stl?nrlC if there l~ g.,ing ::0 be a problem with thrl "'Jcrtimrl I"r 1::~1t>, t" ...:11cn e.,unty Manager LUSK statt'd th"t it is incluoed In ::heir UUG'Jt!t. County h1nllg~r LUSk stdt"d tr.t\t h'~ t;ó5 answers .,n this m/llter. He stdtcd th/lt ~r. not been dbl~ t" gtt el",~, th4r Lab.,r At::ornO;?y t .for thl! (;rJunty, wi 11 l)(.: <it tllP (;"urth.)u&~ 1n cJu"ut ù' w~..k but t.here arE ð l.,t of quëst.ions that n~ h~3 n"t be~n abl!' t., <'Ins",~r .)r.d the tK!partment .,f Lah.,r nùs nl)t. D~"n aDIt. t., Dnsw",r tneml cithl!r. !:judge:: L'irector Ül1kê\ stilted thùt sh~ w"ulc: liKe t., discuss the reserve f.,r conting~ncl~s, adaln~ that th~ ~n~rlff has selo n~ is not requesting IIny changes in ~is budg~t provicing that the ace is aware of a p"tenlidl ne..d tor rcs"rvI:. Sn:: stl~t"d tndt sn.. fetdS thdt'. it ....,uIc1 be wise t., l.,.,k at the reserve f.,r contingencies which is included in t:he to;?ntativt: buoql;t. Stl" st,H'~O tn~t in ¡ðst yt!(H'S aa.,?ted bUdget tht; rest!rves tor c.,ntlnqpnci~H W]S $1,7~7,OOO and the tentative )u~get for n&xt YUù( 1S -1,~OU.ouu. ~nt! nl)t..d th.)t s., fðr this y~ar only about half has been spent, a~ding tnat it is pretty clear that with Sl,9UU,OOO 1n next y..ar'~ buJgEt, th~re shl)ulc be ð q.,.,è res~rve. ~he stated that anythlng Iltft over from this year's budget ~,uld b~ aOditi.)nal tor next Yti,1(' 5 buaget and ttldt shO;? WQuld lik'~ t? rt'c.,mmend that the tlce ¿ d"pt tn.. tcntðtive Idllaqe rate as pr.,p"sed in the Page 7 - ~ I!I!I!I ,~ . r '>.~ ~ .,·':::~;~~_:;~.~~~_,;;v;~,-:----,,:~,,~<~:~·_77.;-:-·-->-~"-";-"'~i' '-'~.: .i~'.,,'" '~" " t·'" - .. == July 26, 19t 5 t.ntative budget. Commissioner Pistor stðted th,t if everything is taken into conaiderötion the C"unty-wide tent~tive taxes ~~ulo heve to be $26,621,579 which would incIuae thif impact fees and the additional gas tax. He question~d tne availability of tha money for th~ road pri~r1t1es. Trðnsp.,rtðtion Director Archibald stated shows that there are a l.,t of road priorities for a nu.lIt,.:r of Yt!dOI dntJ IldV,! bCl<n untunè~d. thðt thu five year plan that have been priorities H~ stated if these roads öre n.,t built or maintained, the C.,st goes up each year. Commissioner ~ist.,r st~ted th~t the C.,unty is faced with incruased dllvelopment and the c"nstructi.,n pe.,plt: a" n.,t want an impact fee but the roajs h~vc t., be built. ~r. hrchibalc stat~c th~t there is ~ two-f.,ld pr.,blem, ene is to conti:'\Uc t" .T,aintain it r"Jd nt!t·....,rk that is increasing in the number of miles dS ~ell ~s Incr~dslnq jn ~q~, ~ddlng th~t at thfl sðme time there is a road net~)rK t., b3 bUIlt ana the funds have t., be available to maintain dn Il1crl::,u3in-; r')J,: n~tw"r ( c:nc t., I!xp.tnd the n<!!twork that exists. H~ st...teo that Ì1e Jetir.itely needs the $3 milli"n. He stated that he 15 tryin~ t" =.,~e u~ wltn pr"grams that w1l1 pr"vide the road systv,n and ¡novice it r.,dO n"t'....HK that will keep up with the dt:manès, !lading tnat the pro~l~ms In 0tn~r C"untle~ ~re fr"m r.,ad pr"grams that fell benind. he n"teo th~t to =dtch up costs many milli"ns of d.,llars. Cemmissi<1nt:r H.!sse st,)tO:!d that he would g., -"long with the percentage that öu~get Director Zalka is proposing or a little more. C"mmissioner ""llano stðt~d that he does n"t f~el th3t the tentative bUdget should be incre~sed much, ~dding thðt hd feels th~t there are cuts tn~t c~n b~ m~C~. ~udg~t Direct"r ¿3lka ~tat~û that t., Include the gas tax .,ption and the impact fees, the tentative budget would be a 2H.l\ increase whicn is what W0uld be mailed t" th~ taxpdy~rs. In answer t., C.,mmissi"ner Pist.,r, ~udget Uirector Zalka stated that she would su~gest that the $761,000 for the Sheriff's I)vcrtime be taken frl)m the Heserves fer C"ntingencies and that the Sheriff try to r*duce tne am"unt of "vQrtim~. Commissi"ner h<11ldnd questionea if any cash carry forward h~s bden taken into cons1ddrati.,n, to which Ms. laIka stated that there will be $3.~ million cash c~rry t"rward '1n the gen1ral func. fiscal 0fficer Giles stated that each year there Is a discussion &ooc 088 ,.a~ 26 Page S . ~ ,'v ;~,~:' -;It:fk~ ~~~:' ,!:~'~,~;~~L',," , ._;~ ,;,~. ., . ,'.,' ;'''J;";' \~} H~;';~.~;¡~i-~6.i..~ ... 088'1~ Z7 July 26, 1985 fI':" '., u<¡ardinq contingencies verauS ouh carry forward, adding that what is, "';>:C.:, ~bein<1 'budgeted is various revenue. plus cash that is available in the t:~.. ':' 'bank which is the cash carry forward as _11 as continc;encles. He ~';':.', 'stated that a portion of the cash in the bank that, is expected I)n 'Octl)ber 1st, plus revenues that are expected te c.,me in during the forthcoming year, is being held aside for un~sual circumstances that may arise which is what is called reserves. He stated that it ia easy to get it confused with carry fl)rward, adding that it is an appropriation of carry fl)rward and other revenues. Cosai..ioner Pistor ~ved, s.conded by Commissioner Goodnight, to increa.e the t.ntative budget from 18' to 28' maximum. Co..i..ioner Ha..e .oved to amend the .otion to 25' increa.e. Motion died for a lack of second. Cosaissioner Holland .oved, seconded by co..is.ioner Has.e, to .mend the .otion to reflect a 20' increase. Upon call for the qu.stion, the .otion failed 2/3, (Com.i.sioner. Goodnight, pistor, and Voss oppo.ed). Upon call for the que.tion on the original ~tion, the .otion carried 3/2, (Co.mis.ioners Holland and Vo.. opposed). Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econd.d by Com.i..loner Goodnight and c.rried 4/1, (Co.-i.sioner Holland opposed) th.t Re.olution 85-149 advi.ing the Property Apprai.er of the proposed tentative maximum , .aill.g. rate. and date, ti.e and place of public hearing. be .dopted .nd that the SUmaAry of Ad Valorem Millage Rate. .nd; the Summary of \d Valorem Tax Dollars be .mended to reflect a 28' incr..... bu~qct Direct.,r Z~lk3 stated thðt sne Wl)uld assum~ tnat th~ Incr~ase will b~ levied in the Capit~: Improvement millage rate, to ,.,r-.1ch tller~ ...."'5 d gf:n~ral consensus. pag t! 9 - r!I! - "'...... :;~'\.(~'4;' ....,'··,·,·.,..'''«_'''''''''...;O':~t ~. , ':~?~'::i:~:;f\~#~i(;;.1~·~::r~;~~f¡:_~~· ..---..,._'",''''~'' .,.,.."-,~,"","......"..,,.,_.-,- :(~ ,'. ':,~,t~~ .,~:'t~ ~:;'a·~'·:"·~.'·:·'·· ,~.,.¡, . . ,> 'to '~u:.'~~ ":~4J~ '",;2 ,:,;,~,,:;t , ·".,.rylf :~:I!" "t~;., .',.'... ..~.. '~\.{' . II' .. . 11)·... ".' , ~,~;"";;~ ':, ~~:;"DDC 08BrAcI: 35 July 26, 19115 ~~. . * . * ~?:",-el" ~'., ~'_" Thertl beipq nl) further business f,)r the Qr)r)Q of the County, the ~~\. muting was ÐdJ/Surned by Ordar of th& Cn31r - 'l'1mez 3100 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI ~OARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ,.:tt {! If! VOs.. CHAI."^' ATTEST: , W ILLIM1 J. Rt.:AGAN, CLI::RI: ";Z¿'lJA' .- ,'iIJ. ", --,. 4i.~.' ('...- ~ .1""1 .:. . ,:,~""",~4-' - ey.C . \' \ \. \. 't/. ,. !h~~f n;i'nute! aÞpr.,vt:d by the ~CC on ~/.J, /?'.5- -::', ,I'..1.~J'" ~ a~~~~ ~t!d,~'~~ or ~s c.,rrected ., .... ,- , , ,to - . , " ", I ~ M : J ~." ' IÌIIÏII œm ,.,~~ ,,' , "~'~;,.;~,,,:,,-;:;,,;~~~ æ;-{~~~' ., " to"'-, ."..,..,..,.,,-.J ,'~''''_': '.,....,"'«>.~..-,...,~~,~ ,""'. "r!!, ,!~ ~ '/} .\..,.,,1. .4rJt:,·....._~"1'r.·~...,,'~;..1'!· ..... "-:.'·"··f. '.......'..·.'I'_..'''....·~.;:·:..~.f!i. I!!!!i '. 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