BCC Minutes 08/05/1985 B .. < ,~1 ',' , ''''''''L ~.If(f - ~ .'~i~ ).'. t;z: 'Ift:>'< t,~··!tt" LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the 8'.Þard of Cl)unty Cl)mmIssioners in ~;": . and tor' the County ofCf)llier, ancJ alao actIng !IS th.1 Bl)élrd I)f Zl)ning Appeals and .s the governing bl)ard(s) of sucn special districts as have be.n cr..tvd accl)rdlng tl) law and hiving conducted business h~rein, met on this date at ~:OO A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in üuilding -r- of the Cl)urthl)use Compl~x, East Naplüs, FlorIda, with th~ folll)wing mllmbers prasent: ( .. f.' t ~. r } ! ?;1 ": Napl~ß, fl~rldd, August S, 1985 CH"rRPIAN: frt.!o"rlck J. VvS.i VICE CHAIRMAN: John A. PIstor Max Has!>e C. C. "Hed" Iloll..nd Anne GI)·)dnlqht ALSO PRESENT: J~mes C. Giles, riscal Officer; Elinor M. Skinner, dnd ....aur..n KttnYl)n (1:45 P.M.) Df'puty C1",rksl [).')nalu U. LusÌ(, Cl)l1:'1ty I Manager; Kenneth CUY~dr, AssIstan~ County Attorney; Neil ~rrill, Asaistélnt-Cl)unty Mðnþgür; Pðm örðnq~ccil), Deputy Assistant Cl)unty Manag.!r; L<HI zalka,(liudqet Director; JaM: Fitzt'atrick, Budgltt Analyst, Tom Kuck, Publ1C Wt')rks AdmlnlstrCltl)q Jl)lm t:\ol<Jt. \~i.tlor Manðgí:ment Director ana Gaorg~ ~rchib~ld, Transportati~n Oirectl)r. Mil::NDA I. kevit!w tne 1985-!Jó TentatIve! l3udql!t 9:00 ^.M. Capltðl prl)j~ct Funjs I-.)g~ 4· G DlsCUSß [mpact t~es 10:00 A.M. Su?ervisl)r I)~ Eleclll)ns Page 2-13 (Rev.·) 10:30 A.M. Public ~ervices G~neral SppcIal Revenue Funds . _ 11'11 U L _ ru..&_,~ST.,Gen.r.l Fund b. Grants' Shòred Rcvenu~s c. Impr~vement Districts d. Fire C~ntrol Dls~ricts Page 1-17 Page 3-12 ... Page 3-29 (Rev.*) Page 3-37 P<'Iqe 3-43 (R.v. *) P<'IgE> 6-1 p;¡ge 5-16 Uther Cl)unty Funds a. Trust & Agency funds 1:45 P.M. EMS /'laster Plan & EMS Budget II. alticuss Occupational Lic~nsu. (1:30 P.M) II 1. Dhcuss Redistricting lOOtC 088 PAGt 233 Paq e 1 :Il~~·l ''].,:., NOTI:: S ~&>i~~" OBBrm234 ,(;r ,;: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ~~(':'''; Assistant Cl)unty MIH·"9.r Dl)rrill explainf!d th'Hoi! are thirteGn .:~."" - . Capital Immprovement Funds. He pointed i)ut the ml)st significant change 1. t.he creation of l''und 301 which is entithd Capital Improv\·ment Trust Fund for 1986 and 1s proposed to undertake paY-ðs-y~u-gl) majl)r capItal improvem~nts witt! 1/10th of a mill. He said the Budget. Office staff have recommended that the County's share of Federal Revenue Sharing ; ',.~, . Fund also be used for fund. 301~ ...H.e~s~id...tr~~~./I1?'I}~~~!.\J.LJ¡þ..s..!t~q~~ If.!~ a mill r.~ults 1n approximately 1.3 million dollars fl)r nuxt y~ar. He stated that capital funds include increaseo wdt€r man'g~ment activities .s well as an expanded list of road and related improvements that are predIcated I)n the 5th Hnd 5tn Cent L~cól ú~tion Gas TàX as w~ll as an amount in tne budget for impact f~es. H~ said these and correspondin9 projects that cl)uld be undertaken with thbt mQoey w1ll invl)lv~ addi- t10nal publIc hearings and Cl)mment and ð final pl)li;, Jecisil)n will have tl) be maaR bY tht.> bQar<J 'Jf County Commissioni!rs. He stlio projects carried over frl)ln last yedr lnclude the completil)n r}f building "A- renovatil)ns. He saic th~ n~~ In~ncy ~cquir~d ~5 ü r~sult. ~f refunding is in the new tunJ 315. He wxplaind~ thL expanded list of projects, which include tne other bu1Julngs for tn~ Constitutional Offic~r5, are shown in tnat new fund dno somt/ type of funo transfer will nee>:! tl) be enacted sinc\.: the Fi 6cal uf tic.-r recl)mmt!nocd th¡,t tilt: ~r iginal tnl')ncy and the new ml)ney be kept $~pðrat.. Mr. mrdll S81u to.... County Pldndc, cr s<:nt ~t.Jff·s ¡.:rojcctt;C; 5 'i~er Capital Improvement plan tor actlv1tit/5 unoer the jurisdict10n of the County Mélnélgür tl) thl: Cl')mm1SS1l)n, r~cently. fj.. r..:fvrrEü V) P.Jge 4-11 of the tvntatlve buO.,¡tt, Itt!11I III, Unfunded Cilpit"l Proj",cts anù Itxpl.dne!1 tnl')s'~ drc ¡Hoj'~Cts whlc.:n ....~re ru,u",sted ana/or includ,!( in the 5 'iear Plan but for which nl) ml)ney is dvð11able at l/lOth of a f: ¡. I . . ~. ~ ì ~ , I ~ i1 ~ ~ ~ ~ , , I ì \ ( , ? !. ~ ¡ r i i I" ,. ~ ~;. , i , If: f \{ ~~- tf. ~: ~.' ~:: f"¡ ;j ¡. ~t ~. I.:.·... I I I Jlugust 5, 1985 (Mev..) The~e pa9~s have been rüvised bnd ar~ 1n back-up fQlder. - "". mill. He use!1 the first ltEm ~S ðn ~xdmplc, the indbillty tl) fund bik~ paths for n..xt y~år, which will t'\l)t be dble to be fUndp.o as a rrlsult of the creatil)n of Fund 301. In responsl! to CI)mn,lSSloner Voss, I'lr. ()<)rrill saio 1 mill1.;>n dollars was left in th...t rdfunciog fl)r th~ start of a Health lÅIr>artment building, adding, at thL time I')f th~ refunding, Heblth Directl)r Dr. Polkowski requestðd that constructIon on th~ health Department building be deferred unt11 SUCh tim~ as n larger facility cl)uld boi! undert~ken. paq It 2 c::J 1:3 .. ',. " r~ " ~.~ , .1"..;.0" ~ ,t t )' ,.. ¡: . t f 1-·.·,.···.·· ,< ~.:.' ~ f t t f.' f ìJ " I \I f " 1. ': t --..--- .. tŒi1 ;;;;:J August 5, 1985 He said the actual 8tar~ and complet10n ~f ð one-stl)ry Hed1th De~ört- ment facility Js not shown for next year. Commi.s1oner Pistor 84id thAt the Fedp.ral Hevenu~ Sharing aml)unt i. shown as $869,200 which is the same aml)unt as th~ Cl)unty rec~ived thi8 year. He .aid, unless that full amount was put in last week when th~ Legislature fin~llzed the budg3t, it was his unà~rstdnd1ng that Colller Cl)unty nUKt year ~uld I)nly raceiv! 3/4ths ~f the òmount as 1t receivec:1 last. yaar. Uti said this would am,>unt tfJ apprl)X1miJtèly $200,000 loss than the amount shown. Budget Director ~alkd ?'xpldln9d that 100' was put in the tentùtivlf buaget, ..ven though ther~ WclS indicëltion that thl! amount wl)uld be cut by 25\, bf:c,¡use she talked t,> the ~udget Office 1n wclshingt,>n, D.C. ane was lnformdd that thi8 cut could not legally bp. mad~. ~hc said, by law, 100\ 15 authl)r1z~d and 100\ will have t'> b~ appropriatdd ~nd ch~nCdS are next year thore will bo no Federal kevenue Sharing Funds. Commi:,sil)ner V05S ask~d if it would nl)t be bdtt~r FO use the lower figure, ùdd1ng he W0uld rðth~r s~~ the Commiss1l)n reduc,," plans nl)"'? :"15. Za1k3 5¿id tht! federal Revenue Sharing fonds drè In; cap1tJl \which 1S ~ s,>urct:I of funds th1t is I flexibl~ and the pr1pr1t1~S can be changed, but sh~ 3dd~d it was her o?lnil)n 1t 1s liK~1y the C'')\Hlty will be rèceiv1ng th" full 100.. County ~~ager Lusk said that by h~ving tr~ lunds in capital thp. Cl)mmissiQn~rs COUlO bUOgdt accl)rdlngly dnd if tn~ mon~y is not received the project woule n')t be d.)ne, ðdainc¡ that 1s the reason the m,')ney 1s put 1n c~~it~l and n~t ~n ~perðt1nq fund. During the ~nsu1ng discussion, the Cl)nSf:nsus was thôt th~ Cl)mmis- sion shoula look at ¿ recuceo amount of PQSSlbl~ ~eoerdl Revenue Sharing funds rather than h..Jve to reml)vt' prl)jects dt iJ liJter uclte. A discuss10n c~ntinu~d rugaruing th~ thiru floor addition tQ Building "A" and Mr. Lusk s~id the Judges are cons1ùer1ny that the $750,000 listod in th~ tünt~tivd budget Wl)ulé b~ ddd~è to th~ 1 millil)n dollars to b. used for a pl)ssible new bu11ding for the Judges. Commis- ll~ ion~o.s..uqq.8~.d'r.movlng'$150,OOO from the $750,000 pro~sed for Building -A- renovations and that $50,000 be remov~d from the Cocohat- chee Canal Dra1nagt! Imprl)vements. Mr. Lusk recommended eliminatinq an 1tem rather than lim1ting f~nds f,>r the ren~vatil)ns since the $150,000 reductil)n might e11m1natt! constructing the shell of the third f100r of bui!ding "A", 1f the decision is made to p[l)ceed 1n that dirdctil)n. He .aio architucts ~re currently investigating th~ Cl)st 1)£ a n~w bu11ding aa opposùd to renovat10ns and the addition ,>f a tl1ird (l"or shell. lOOK 08B pm 235 Page 3 . ,..',,"",, ',' .fo;.¡;.- It*' .....4,>· I . .,' ,~ -:-: 11.~/_,~' . ,I ~~"',~i,~.;; 08BÐ~236 AUgust S, 1965 ,f;.:N':" In r...pons. to Comm1ssioner Vos., Water Management Dirotctl)r Boldt ilk';'::" explained that the Cocohatchu Canal Drainage ImprovemenLs listed at ~~~[ .$250,000 i.,a thr.. year program for the area all)nq rmmokalee Road 'ij~i "around the palm River area east of 1-75, whlch is Phasl! 1. He said the iI:.....~~: 'SPWMD will part1cipate 11'1 th. cost of structures but tht:Y are not ~¡~';'.: u:-' involved with canal Improvøments. He stated he was nl)t sure he cl)uld '~ g.t everyth1ng in place in order to spend $250,000 for the Cocl)hatch.. Canal Drainage Improvements, adding that he has th~ engineering in another fund. Mr. tusk IJU9?e.ted that the Cl)mmiss!oners cl)uld 1J(1rl!.,...·ft"'·~rf11"'75.. R .1. of the Federal Rev~nu. Sharing Funds are received, the Cl)cohatchee project ~)uld be nutomatical1y removed. Th~ consensus was that the $250,000 Cocl)natche~ Canal Drainage Improvements be r~ml)ved from th~ tentati~e budg~t ana put it in the Unfunded Capital Projects. FUND 302 Mr. Dorrill said t.hat ~'und 3C2 is a UI77 Ca¡;ltë!l Impr,)vtiment Trust based on 5 million dollars worth of bond!> sold in the li1tü 1970's which h~s been ð "catch-all funa". He eKpJaineo tne ~plicln b~y and Clam Pass Parks are in thls fund. l1e said this fund illso includes a carry-forward itpm fl)r the Euperv1sor of ~lccL¡0n's vo~ing-r~lÐted equipment neuds. Commissioner Pistl)r salo tnat htJ hüs rl.qu!stca thút tl1l' Election equipment be brought before the öoard of Cl)unty Commi~slon for - discussll)n. Supervlsor of El"ct1ons ~.')rgan explûin~d thðt tltis ..quipt1cnt is new tabulation equl pm~nt oJnd only the Boa rd of Cl)unty CrJr,¡r,'lissil)nf:rs can own that 1t4uipment. she f:Kplðinrù this equi¡.:'!lIl;:nL hJS nrJthlng to do) with t.he rest of her budget and that shd needs this 1I,·)ney to carry f.,..,ard bltcausc sne is ¡olmf)¡¡t to th~ point. f)f r.dvt:rtislng tf)r i:Jlds f':>r the tabulat11)n equi pment out w,')uld nl)t. be rE'ady t·') ~W¡¡ ro " contract until aft~r Octl)ber 1, 19~5. Cl)mmIßsioner Vl)bS su,g~stlng l~~ving tnr r~yuestrJ aml)unt In the \ 'tntattvtI budg..t ana t.)ke tl)rmlll actIon at II Soard m~ct1:1CJ. De~uty Assistant Cf)unty ~~naqår ur~ngøccl~ søi~ ~und JO~ I)n ~age 4-11 Is also the Clam Pass Boðra~alK and tnerü 1s approxlmðtely $447,000 and th~ cosL estimates Staft h~s rltceiv~d f)n th~ latest route is from 1.2 to 1.5 million dl)llars. Cf)mmissiQner VI)SS said there 1~ apprf)ximately 1/2 million dollars cf)minq frf)~ ~cstlnghl)use Cf)mmunitie.. I pag e 4 lei .:= - -¡;¡;,;.--.... ...-.- IL-a' ~..._~ - iiIJ ~ Augu.c¡t 5, 1985 I'\rB. Brangacc10 Bald that the exact, aml)unt has not been negotiated, AS yet. C~mmiB.ion.r Voss said the County is requesting thðt tho Pelican Bay Improvment Distrlct allow the Cl)unty to use th~ bp.rm 61), fl)r the time bding, the only boardwalk that would be n~cd~d W'>ula be tho rout~ that go.s vast ~nd west. H. said that the home I)wner~ hDVC drl)pped Lh.lr lawsuit ~nd tnæ County should have the n~c~ssðry µcrmlt sl)l)n. Mrs. drangaccll) statedt.he County will al;3o recclve two ùcres of parking from P~lican Hay and tn~y will bUlla tnn faciliti~5 on th~ beachfrl)nt. rUND 304 Mr. C,rrill Iwiu fund J("~ ",c.:s crebt.dd ILlst yedf tl) undtJrtilke thtt Wiqqins Pass navigatil)nal projact wnlch will rcguiru perpetual maintenanc~ plu~ d small iJmount of mon~y allown for ~nginderinq feds. He said the funds w~re creatud from private Jonation~ originally collected dnd from tne tY.>.Jt<.'!r Im¡HO'"ement Funds. Commissioner Pi~tor qutlstil)ned ",hethlH the money should be in this cðpitðl f~nd or 1n ù~ op~r~tin~ fun~, duuing th~t. mdinten)nc~ is operatiny exp.nse in:his opinion? Mrs. dranqaccio s.Jid t~at Staff just carried over thu ml)nhy tnat camh tr0m donations. Sn~ ~xrl~in2d that the Coun~y has tl) provloe d:1otller 550,000 for th::! City of ¡,aplea dock which wl11 ledV~ aOl)ut ~6,OOC tl) 57,OU0 In bo~tør Improvements Funds, which cl)me from tne State boater Heglströtion fp.~s. Cl)mmissioncr Voss dSK~a lí a Capital ImµroVlment fund Cdn be used for maintenance, and Fiscal 0fficer GilDs said th3t is not the purpose of ð Capital Improvm~nt fund, adding that fund i5 for cdpital projects. H. said In the ~3st capltdl proj~cts have bc~n dufindo as Itcms over $25,000 and havlng a lifo in exc~SS I)f fivp y~ars. ~rs. ørangaccio said that the funds under Jiscudsion could be trönsferred tl) the £nqin~ering ~udqQt since th~t uep~rtment actually c~ntracts fl)r any dredging that would nave to be done. She said the lTI Wi~~ins pus.fr?~e:.ct wa~c.:?m~!.,!..~!~.,.th.~s.,)'ear but there will be a need to do dredglng work on a yearly basls and pl)ssibly ml)ve markers. Mr. Giles Bald if the Commission regarus the work as maintenance the funds could be reclassilled as a Special Revenue Fund. rUND 305 Mr. D'Hrill referred to P.:'Ige 4-10 of the tentùtlva budget, the oriqlnal Just:iclJI Cente r Bond Funds, ,.,here d list of proposed projects a r. s h o...,n tl) !:>e unaert<.lkdn nlJlxt yw a r . Hoa explained it is th" h.')pe of the t>ta f f tl) bring the current pril)ritles to the lioùrd during August. 10Dl( 088 PAIi[ 237 Pag. 5 ",~' r¡l'.. ~;,~. ," ·.~,"r,<·' \..:~ H~;;. · .;; 088n!1l.23S AlIgus::. 5, 198!¡ ~Y~:~H. said it i. also hoped Jud9..' question o£ whether ð new buildinq or ~i£t;5"~~p.nded bulldin9 could be built or whetner tht! Cl)unty should stay wlth :'~''''''''. the orlginal plan to renovate Building "AM. he said t.ile. asbestOs ~:~.., 'r~ml)val is currently being undertakun in Buildings "C" and MI)" and it ~'J'itW! I ,~,_', 'i~f ,.~aa, hb opinion that Building MCM wIll be a tl)p pril)rity as will the ~f.·war8house since they are nl)t dir.c~ly affected in other needeð renl)va- , tion work. In onswer to Commlssioner Hasse, Mr. ~rrill explained that when Staff last met wIth the Judge. they mentil)ned a n~w building as a possibl1lty and reque.ted Stðff to expll)re it. He sðld the ßl)ard of County Commissioners has not taken any action on itp~w.. I n T ..~ ~, Mr. Luak said that the additional monp.y in thu tcntative budget iu for a shell for a third floor on BuIlding "A" bllt this item is on -hold" since the Judges have tHlked about changing th~t project. Cl)mmissil)ner Holland aßked is th~ 3th floor of Building -F" is necessary ðnd Mr. Lusk reaponodd thbt 5t~ff hðs buen 80 involvRd wlth Building "A- and the 8th floor was part I)f that I)riginally anå It is hard to answer Commissioner Hl)lland's quebtion. Hp. explaineo the 8th floor is going tl) have to be utiliZdd with the space prl)blems the County ndS but the wðY it will be utillzcd is th~ proble~, at tnis po i n t . Commlsaioner Holland ask~d, if tne Ju~g~s cl)nvincp. the Cl)mmission that a nww buIlding woUld be more feasible than to renovatü ~ul1din9 MAM, whal Ioo':)ulc: nappen tl) tn~ sp~ce in ~ulldinq "1,"7 I':r. 1.usk said the Cl)mmlss10n would hav~ to find ml)ney tl) r~novdtc that building ig order to utilize it. Hè said tht Jud~QS r,uqgCßt~d th~t buildlng be us~d for the Health Department, however, it would Cl)st apprl)xll11õtely 2 millIon dollars to get the buildln~ re~~y fl)r that µurpl)se b~CðUSC 01 all th~ plumbin9, etc. Hü sald as sO:>l)n itS th~ archl~~cl¡" pr·)vid~ prellminllry figures Staff will ~~ed to bring th~ dubjcct to th~ ~~rd I)f Cl)unty Commissioners for dirdctlon. Mr. ~rril1 Sðld the arcnltc~ts will be here on ¡¡¡!:I/S5. Commissil)ner Plstl)r sélid he W~5 sure th~t thd Htn fl~or is needed and it was his oplnion tnat the renovation of the 6th floor should be l~ft in tne tentdtlv~ budget. Commissioner hollano aSked if the decision is mJd~ nl)t to compl~te the 8th floor would the money designated Cl)r that pUrpl)Sd have to stay in the fund ana not be able to be used, ana Mr. LUSK sald the ml)ney could be used elsewheru if tne Commission~rs wanted to 01) so. Pðq8 6 r::::I =:::5 - -w.....r...,.-_."-~..¡ '-r' "',"*",1. '~""""""",,,:v.~ ',' .,.".., ,.~,¡.;--_._.:--; . ·-"'J1"ôi--;.~,,~i~:... .. ta'J ~ August 5, 1985 Durlnq the continued diSCUS. ion, Mr. Lusk explaIned that the Judge. iliad. a pre.entation 1:WO or three months agf) ruquestll'y 'HJdl- tlonal apace because, withln the noxt three to fIve years, there wl)~l j be two new judges. H. said thu Juàges prcs~ntly h~ve 12,000 square ~eet and wl)uld go to 24,000 square fet!t witl) I!n addltil)nal 12,00 SqUð; feet provided with the shell on the thlrd flf)f)r. He said ft')r this reason the architects have be.n ob~ain~d to loo~ at this situation. FUND 306 Mrs. Hrðn~accio referree to the figur~s sh0~n in fund JOG fl)r Parks which were based on Staff's best estln~t~ in April 19D5 of ~h~1 wl)uld bo spent tnis fiscal Ydar and whdt would bè lcft next y~~r. Sh~ gave the fl)lll)winq aml)unts fl)r 3ach parK site: East Naples Cl)mmunlty Park $1,294,00~ Golden Ga~e Community Park $1,014,000 North Naples CI)mmun1ty Pðrk $1,UJ1,500 Immokülee Commun1ty P~rk $1,000,000 MarCI) Lsland Co~munity ParK $1,000,000 Mrs. I3r~ngacc10¡sala the è1ffcr~nces between what is shown in tr., tentative - budget dndi tnc abl)ve- fi':lur~s Is what th~ Bl)ard I)f County C.)mmissioners approv~d in tho! Spring of 19U4 to bring tne siteI'!! up tl') compara~lv.. level. Shl.! ~xpll!int!.a thiJt $572,42~1 is l~ft tl') p.1Y f.,r engineerin~ costs to th.. C.,unty's engintHHing firm and the Public !o/.>rk' Department. ~he said that subtotal .,¡mt')unt is $5,9:)1,92~. She said Staff estImates there will be $270,YI5 fl')r interest next year whic~ w~uld rdsult in ~ fund tl)~dl f)f $6,2]2,~44 tor this ye4r and nvxt yeÞ.. Mr. Giles said th^t the interest rate is apprl)ximately 8.4', but he pointed I)ut he dId not Knl)W wh~t rdt~ :>tiJtf used for their comput.,·· tlons. Mr3. Brangaccio Raid that thH interest has been placed in a R.s~rve tl)r Capltal ~und b~caUge it dl)HS n~t imp~~t the cl)nstruction ~c the engineering cl)sts. In respl)nse to Commissioner G'codnight, "'Irs. Brangaccio said th.1t Staf! estimated that $625,500 Wl)uld b~ sptmt this year, but in reality . J J~ l ~IU T.............,...I....,.,.. .... .. ., . only $321,000 has been spont on the Immf)kaleü Cf)mmunity Park this y~~t to date. Mr. Nortl)n said it was his understandIng that projectil)na f0r Part 2 of Phase 1 are inclu~ed in the figur~s. Mrs. Urangaccio salà Staff wl11 bring a budget amendment back to the Board during the first part of October, 1985, adjusting the park figures upward. FUND 307 Mrs. ör~n9accio referr~à tl) Pdqe 4-l1 ana explaln~d that the aml)unt sho~ of $458,000 is nl)t correct, adding th~ I)nly aml)unt the ;;; 088 p.\Gr 239 Pa9~ 7 ~'_'\I'.....",.)'t,'-' '-, ,"~'>:-.-~'.~; -." .~ ' . ",1~~" ..,,:'k'::_ 08BfJSl2!O Au']ust 5, 19t1!> ,~"::;,~'\'County has 11 $235,223 which as.Ullle. thðt the $150,000 transfer from ~,,:",.rund 301 ia, ~pprov.d in the Unal Budget H'Hlongs in S·Jptember. She '".r";' ".aid Staff planned to come back to the Board during the fiscal year to :Ç"'obtain Board directlon abl)ut placing the I)lder library building on .",.!reo Island for surplus property sale. She prl)pl)sed to hl)ld bliCk' on this possibility and said Staff would cl)me back fl)r the nee:'ied funding in next year's fiscal budget and actually obtain the I)ther $223,000 thrl)ugh the CIP mt llage next year, sLice there is an I)n-going lid .\, valorem millage now. She said' thé"'år(:;hHC!èr'w{ír-ê~è"'~t,,""LÐìe Board in two or three weeks with which Tract to us~ for the librllry. She said the additIonal money will bø obtdln~d ~ut of next ytiar's capital budget for the new building. In answer tl) Commissioner Hasse, Mrs. Brangaccil) said nl) money will be spent unløss th& old building lS sold ano that the old lIbrary has been appraised for ~210,OOO. rUND 308 ~rs. Brangaccio explained thia tuno ~tðrl~d Wilh $2UD,OOO in dune grbnts for f"ur projects, however, I)nly two projects dro cl)ntemplated, nQw. She said lhis chdngc wl11 be 11,¡..:rd lit thl: bce; me"ting on u/5/8S. Sh.. said tha ::.tðte lias approved the cnange ant: the cost of Lhe restoration is such tl1at I)nly two prl)jects CiJn bt! cJO:'lél froM thot grant /IIoney. Mrs. brangaccil) rl:~ort~d that Tigert~11 ~"rk will be co~pl~t~d in August and tiu.t t.iI" AlIstr^l illn Pines ðna :sam. f'lf the 0thtilr nf)n-nlitlve vegetatil)n has baen clear~d and restructuring of th~ landsc~ping h~s bugun with natural formatlons bein9 installeà. She Sdid bl)ara~alks will be cl)nstruct~d I)vtr tQ tne b~ach. Sn~ sil~ S~Lff ~ ll bring a budget aml:ndment on 10/I/B5, tl) change the figures to rEflect thls work. SI1~ saiu tn~ progrcs~ hbs been ~xtrdoraindry. fUND 309 Mrs. ~r~n9accio said th~ ml)ney in thlM fund orlginal1y was $90,000 in approximctely lYUl or 19b3 and was part of d 1~1~1 settl~münl I)n Cl..m Pass; lh¡¡t the rn~ntlY is s¡J~c1flcidly tll'Ó l') Lilt CliJrn PdgS boardwalk, ünd is In the reserY~ accl)unt. 11 """"" rUND 310 Mr. [»rrill ~xplain~d tn<lt this w,;¡s ttJe ·,ld fund based on Lt¡. 1\;76 us. of the County's 80\ of the 5th and Gth C~nt Gas Tax. He sald bl)nds were sold fQr that work ana the money WòS uscu t() do Ai rprHt HOðd, Golden Gate Parkway, and ~ðntð ~rbara ~oulevürd as well as other Page 8 e::::J - :::::2 '~,.' :,....;'!'~~....'.~;.'" '.~.;. -~""-""~-:'~~-..---A......~ -.....::T,. .r,<ifIf~ .. ., L...~ , -.'---.- ."'. j' August 5, lSø85 He reported the original bonded worl; has been completed and, no projects are shown under the 1)10 _l)nO fund for n~xt year. projects. therefor.., rUND311 Mr. Dorrl11 said this fund ia th. Capital ImFrov~ment sida of the Transportatlon Uepartment and the money cl)m~s from the 7th Cent GaR Ta~. He said a?prl)xlrnatøly 1 million dolldrs will b~ trdnsferred tl) C~pital Imprl)vemønt Prl)jecta, primarily the Trdnsp~rtatil)n uepartm~nt Road and bridge Sectlon. DISCUSSION RE FUND 312 Mr. I):)rrill s/lid tnuI fund WðS cr.·,¡tItO 1n l!.JùU Hnd tn, amt')unt shl)wn is fl)r general Improvemvnts ass·)ci.Jted with G0lden Gatt! 8()ulevðrd. He s;¡ic thls lß gð3 tax ml)n!!y Whlch :1<15 c~)n!>tructE:l1, either partlally I)r in full, Gl)odlette Rl)ad, a portion of the Pine kidgu Rl)ad prl)ject and will cl)n.'Hruct th.~ renlainder I)f thp. new Goldi!n Gate &:Iule- vard Hl)ad where cleating and grubbing 15 currently being done. Ho , explained_ the amount; shl)wn is anticipðtl;!ó to complete the Gold'!n Gate Bl)ulevard project ne~t year. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Transp'Htation Direc~l)r Arcr.ibalc ~uld this mon.. y Is thO! C0unty's portion of tne 9th cent gas tax subje~t to an ðgreement bet~een the Clty ot Napl~s and Colli~r Cl)unty. HI! söid the C~unty will contlnue to receive the gas tax to pðy otf the oond~ with the pay-off period being apprl)xlmately twenty-five years, adding th3L five years hbvß trans- pired. he sélid this ~ðS tax was subject to an ùgr~~ment betwedn the City and County ~h~rain certain roads would be improv~o that would benefit both entitIes. Commission~r Holland said those rl)ads wer~ ColJstland Bl)ull.!varct, Plne Ridge H.')ad anc Go.')dlt.:tte k')dd. FUND 313 Mr. Uorrlll explaln~o thiß fund is wnerp the bulk of next year's Transportation Department work is prl)posed to be dl)ne. He sald it is not bJndef WOrf~yb~~..r..ðt!:~,r"4~~~~~' ~t\e 5th and 6th gas t.JX and the excess amount of the 9th cent gas tax over what is needad for debt service that Mr. Archibald previl)usly menti~nQd. Commissil)ner Pis tor said this 5th and 6th gÐs tdX is not the optional gas tax, with which Mr. Archlbald agreed. FUND 325 Mr. D)rrlll referred to Page 4-12 ~hich r~latc5 to water ~~nagement and explained this is the ad vall)rcm ml)n~y cl)llæcted to undertake thæ three projects listedl engin~ering ft')r the Cl)coh~tchl;!~ Canal Improvements, which ho said ~ven though thd project was earlier 'Oft 088 PAct 241 Puge 9 ';."·.~·';.i.JY.\,~,,,.~. .../, _....__v _ , ,... . ~\___1~~~(~,,~~~ .. ., 'U~ 088I'AGt242 ^u~ust 5, 19t15 removed the engineering would atill be undertak~n in anticip'tion of r~turnin9 tho project to Fund 301 the fl)llowing year; th~ U.S. 41 Outfall s",a1.s, and the Golden Gate Estbtes Célnal accesg boat ramp. Water ~nagement Director boldt sðio there will b~ two boat ramp. and explained that two have been cl)mpleted in GQlden Gate City. In res?"nse tl) Cl)mmissloner Pistor's question cl)ncerning the possible approval of the Optional 5th and 6th Gas Tax, Ms. Zalka said that mon_y ls shown in .und 3l3, a res~rVE I)f 2.1 million dollars of whleh $1,054,000 would come from the 5th and 6th-Cent LoI:'1!I1"'Opt1'~I'It1C111IJ" '.., and $1,000,000 from the impact f.... She stated thi~ reserv~WI)uld be be used for future capital projects which includes s~v~ral unfunded projects in the Cl)unty Five YMar RI)3è Cl)nstructi~n Program 11steo in the back-up folaer. !'Ir. [.JI)rrill summarized by stating thclt tne tl)tèll amount shown for appropriations next year tor ðctual work und rescrv~ for all funds is approximately 3~ mil1il)n dl)llars with the m~j~r p0rtion to be Lssoci- ated with rl)ads ana cl)nstruction of new buildings. H2 s~ià that the Utility Capital Projects will b~ discussec s~µdrdtuIy bccausü I)f the ente£prise nature ~f that funo. Ms. Zalkd said that the Qn¡y budgLt Cftic~ rLcommcndati~n for the capital funds Is, if thE: bl)<lrò I)f C~unty C·)mmissioners ",antec to reduce ao vall)rem tdxes, one optll)n ~uld bç tl) us~ gas tax mon~y, 3 cents of the new local option gas tax fl)r malnt~nonce ana 3 cents (or c~struc- tion. She Haid the n~t ~tf~ct ~)uld bu tn~ r~auction of res~rve fl)r future constructiQn by $5aO,OOO. ~he sai~, at this p0int, the 5th and 6th c~nt loc41 optil)n ;as tax, lmpacL feus and dd vrlor¿ffi ldxes üre in the budget and a decislon will hav~ to be m~de as t~ how these projects are ~o be funced. It was th~ cl)nsensus of the ComMissioners, ~t this point, to IJðve all tnrce I)f the abl)vü-m9ntioned rev~nue sources in road constru~til)n. SUPERVISOR or ELECTIONS BUDGET - APPROVAL FOR MRS. MORGAN TO INCREASE HER BUDGET BY NO ~ORE THAN 5' Supervlsor aÎ 1.1l..'ctl·JrHI mrg¿.n stater. thdt " c~u¡.>l" ?f Yt!arli lIgo h.r d.pûr~nent began revi",wing its ayuipm~nt ana the present equipment is nl)t cllpabl~ of extenoins t¢ meet ¿II tne neCC5 of the County as the population incr.aHes. She 8l1id there 15 a P~ssibl11ty of f.l)ur vt'!ndl)ra for this equipment wlw havl: been certified in th~ btdtt:, instt¡ad ~f only one, adding she Wl)ul0 bring Inf~rmatil)n back to the bl)ard of County Commissioners, et ð løLcr date, for th~ re~uirec tabulation Page 10 c::I - t=J ':~~ 1 .....-.r W-~I" ¡;;.: -- . ,:~ J-' .. i1iI c:::::I August 5, 1905 equlpment. She said the Center for Publ1c M~nðgement, dn arm I)f the ,..St.ate University, is willing to do work fl)r her in preparing bid apecificatil)ns and evaluating the bids, hl)wever, I)nly the Bl)ard or County ComMlssioners can award that c~ntrðct. In respl)nse to Commissll)ner Hasse, Mrs. Morgan said the new equip~ent sh~uld nl)t have Coo great an impact I)n her personnel, but w~uld ma~e life easier at election time. Shtl said thlt new .qui pment w~uld enablH the tabulation of data tl) be dl)ne I)n ð CkT insteao .)f puncninq Cdros and w)uld be less time cl)nsuming. Mrs. Morqðn said she ðpprttc1.1ted th.:: wo')r .; ,'-\$. Z¡¡lk¡¡ did, hl)wtlvcr, of all the counties Involved in the materiøl she gavo the CQmmis- sioners, Collier Cl)unty is two timws larg~r 1n terms at l~nd area. She said Cl)11ier C.')unty has tilt! l~w"st density per sfluare mile I)f the counties listed by Ms. Zalka. She said that thü PQPulsLil)n figure Ms. Zalka use~ 1S the figure she used in calculating the ~lectlons Department salaries ~I)r the comlng year, h~)w~vp.r, it is I)n~ year btlhind since the State has issued material stating that the CQunty has a populatiorf I)f 115,000 people. Ms. Zalk<l p~inted Qut .111 the c.)unty populat,',on figures a~e one y",ar behind. t1rs. Ml)rgan said not all trle counties cl)mpared ¡r~ as s0t'nistlcated ~s Collier County. Sh~ explained when she b~ca~e the Sut'ervls~r of Election sh~ began phaslng the work to autl)mat~ the office ~nd currently her departm~nt is one phase aw~y from what she hl)p9s will be th~ final phase In the data processIng bu~get. Commlssionar Pistor said th~t Collier County is th~ s~cl)~d largest County in the Statü, however, over 50\ ~f th~ County is owned by the Fed~rai Government and thare are nl) voting booths in sl)m~ of th~ Evergl~des area. Mrs. Morg!ln said there wer(1 t.)UC pr~cincts when sh~ tOl)k office ~hlCh hav~ been cl)nsolidat(1d tl) on~. CommiSSll)n~r Pistor said the size of the area I)f Cl)lller County has nothlng to dl) with the comparison of Cl)st per resident which Ms. Zðlk~ prepdr~d. Mr8. Morgan ....i~.one-h.lf~h.~r.a'ofColller County was removed, as Commls- sll)ner Plstor suggested, that would make Colli~r County approximately the same size as Lee Cl)unty and thl!Y are still five times as dense as Collier Cl)unty is. Shv said'that L~a County h3s 130 plus precincts and Collier Cl)unty has 74 precincts. In answer to Commlssll)ner Voss, Mrs. Morgan explained the primary r.ason she requested addltil)ndl employees has tl) do with the Garcia versus the City of San Antl)nil) and the oVt!rtim~ situalion. She stated '001 088 PAGE 243 Page 11 '-'-.À ;; 088!'A'4244ø- August 5, 1985 that over 2.80 hours of oyvrtime was comµileu in her I)ffic~ last y dl1rinq the election cycle which at tlme IInd I)n",-hùlf rates would ai>, to, two persons. Commissioner hass~ requested clarlficøtioò I)f MS. Zùlka's information that the Elections ~ffice employees have rec.ived an l' incr..... Mrs. Morgan said that during September, 1984 the ß-)ard ,) an adjustm.nt to thelr employ~es and she was unable to do this, at point, due to her d.partment being involved In elections. She said after the election cycle was cl)mpleted she re-evaluated the SCl)pe r her positions, which is done after each mðjór election cycle, to s· ,....j' . _.'·..."',....,·...'...........,.,.~w .,I*' r _' the ptJsitil)ns are properly describod, not only as tl) functions per·· formed but the level. I)f responsibl1ity. She said she found that v number of her staff were being underpald in terms of cl)mparable jo' wlth oth-.r departmt'nts, somp of wtdch ar~ withln the Board of Count Commissioners employees. Sh6 gave an example of ð pl)sition to colI, money ðt an entrance to a parking l~t which h~~ ð starting salary 0, $4.40 an hour cl)mpélred to her paying $3.00 plus for sl)me of her employees. She saId it W48 her I)¡.>inion th,3t the hVéls of respl)ns: bl11ty "nd wh<'lt Wl)uld impact those si.llélr ies are nl)t c·)mparablE and, reRult, when the study WðS cl)mplettec', tho'! doju~tJ1'¡énts were tl) hl:r s salary and that came tl) an 18\ incr~as~ on the average this yebr. "I~. Zdlkd said thdt CI)Un~y-wldE-: tne rðis¿s have b(:en apprl)xim., 5' ð year ana she qU3stioneo wheth~r anl)ther 5* next year should b~ given to Mrs. ~Jrgan's ~mployees slncc th~y ruce1ved l8t thlS y~ar. Mrs. Morgan ¡:..ointed I)ut thal her er.1ploYIH's were behind 1:1 salaries six months. Cl)mmisslon~r G~odniyht seid the most important thing is the f~ that Mrs. mrgan brl)ught her salcHies up to tlH standards that the: of th~ County cmplr,yues h.:.ve. ~hp silid. in trYlng tl) put h~rself I, IImployee I-'l)sltion, she wl)uld feel she was b\)lng "picked on" If she nl)t allowt<d tl) rcc.tiv.:: 5% Incredst.' just bec¿¡us(! h<:r sðldry had bu.n the year befor~ and it was rais~d to standards. Sh~ said there is anl)lher Cl)nstitutil)nal Offic~r 1n the samp situ~tlon. In respl)nlie to') Cl)mmissil)ner I'l~r, Mrs. Morgan said it she hac; pay the overtime rates for the 2VbO hours sh~ calculated it ~~uld bè chaaper to have two positll)ns at straight tlme than to pòy overtimc. Commissloner Pistl)r lIsked, if ~ rs. Mo)rgan's o€'partment I)nly worKed t equivalent I)f one more person, why was sill: rcquesting two people? I' Morgan said that sha could I)nly nirto one ¡:~rsl)n and if she found s~" Pa,:¡' c::::J .. - -.--------.- -- 'ov,*" ,...,-, ,',:1 .. ,,;.~ ;~. ,~ >.... ~.' ~',i :; '.~:i ,.".) I . '.'- - r:BII i:::1 AugU5t 5, 1985 n.ed~d an extra person sh~ would cl)me back and reques~ funding for that person. Commi.sionor H~llðnd asked If the 2080 av~rð1e ol)ura púr dm~ll)yee takes into cl)nsideration holldays, si~k time or vacatil)n tlme, and ~rs. Morgan said it did not. Commissioner Hl)lland sald 1f those factl)rs are conøidered it was his opinil)n there would b~ about IBSO tl) 1~75 hl)urs per p~rson in Mrs. ~')rgan's departm~nt. Mrs. Morgan sald 8h~ budgeted fl)r two elections this year, the first primary ~cheduled fl)r ~/2/a~ and a runl)ff primary ~n Y/30/BG, adding throlJq:1out th", nistl)ry of CollioJr Cl)unty therG h,)S always bt!en /I runoff electil)n. She ~xplüln~a sne die nl)t ir.çlud: any m~n~y for special electIons, such as d quest11)n bding placea ~n the ballot for an incorporlltil)n lssut! or subsec¡u!nt otlectil)n to !!l,!ct cay officials, i'lnd if such elections dre scn~duled there 15 no m~n~y includeu tl) acquire th!J ne.ded suppl1~s. ::it)\.! stllteO tn.:lt the Ci ty of loples pays for their supplies but 50meond ~uld hdve to prl)vide the monay in the beginning I if tnure was an incl)rporatil)n. She sdid th~r. are nine emploY9us, including-herself, w~lcn is tile S3me number a:3 when she tOI)X I)fflce. She said sh\.! has ~'oo")! part time pel)plC! currently, ho....'~vcr, betl/een the \ two they 00 not ~xceea 30 hl)urs. R9spl)ndiny to Commission..:r 111')11ano, Mrs. mr<pn ~xj)l"dned th"t there has been lO~ gr~wth 1n n~w Vl')tdr r~cl')rds evury year she hns been in I)ffice, excotpt tor 13st yotar wh~n there WdS ð 20% grl')wth du~ to the preøidentlal election. ::ihe pl')lnted out that Collier Cl')unty has a higher percent I)f tne total popul~tion r~gistered tl') Vl)tP. than dl)es tee County. Commissil)ner Pistor askod what th~ ~5,OUO requ~3t for contractual services includes and Mrs. Ml)rgan explaineo that item h3S to dl) wlth 3n .~timate as tl) l~gdl expenses. ~h~ said Sh~ has us~d the County ~,ttorney'o I)ffice In a number of situ,jtll')rls, htJ>/aver, the doard pay» hls salary and his first I)bligation 15 tl) the Cl')mmlssil)n. She said _.l'tk.c;.....y..b...oll....inatanc..wh.n the Boa rd I s interests and hers might not b. identica). and In that <.:ase she would use outsidll legal as.lstance. CommissIoner Pistor rccommended that $5,000 be delet~d frl)m the Elections Budget. ·~rs. Morgan said if the CI)mmi5sil)n cuts lIonay from her budget it would be her responsibility tl) decide whicn i tern to cut. With regard tl) offic~ dupplies, Mrs. mrgan said th~ supplies shown are to be purch~sed I)ut of the next fiscal Yí:ðr, 3dding th:;¡t she aOD« 088 ~ACt 245 Page 13 t r r t , ~'" ¡"w.. .~ .~ ".~'~-M , ·::,l~) '."f¡ >.\) ::~'-~ . -~..;,¡ ~l -~\~ "'~ , ,~ ':~ ;·,'·.i-~ J~ ~~ ,~; :J!'.'!i~ .;. !~~: ,:,~ _.:::~-~~. 'Î:j. "d1 .,~ J~ "'1 ~ ",~ ,~ 1 :~~ \~~ . ~lj ~. I i I . t l i' t 1 ~. '.ID~ 088'.\~t246 August 5, 1~f 5 ttle. to acquiro those items that will be consumðbl~ and will be the ..me from year to year, .u~h as badges for poll workers, affidavits ~tiliz.ð on Election Day, self-adhesive labels tl) be affixe~ to all ballots required by the ~tate now, and mailing labels for people who require a list of registered voters. She said th~t ~r., hós included transfer cases in her bud;cl anå ln I)rder to try and offset part of the expense she will try to sell those cases nl)w used. She said the new ballots are a different length. Cl)mmissioner Pistor said there was 25' of Mrs. Morgan's budget left as of 1/30/85, according to a printout he ..~,.. HI.> .....V'\- ",....................,... - l. - J J . J 1 JT II _. recently receivod, and Mrs. ~rqan explain~d that a n~~ber 1)£ the things on her list have been committed since that date which amounts tl) approximately $15,000. Commissioner Plstl)r said that ~rs. MlJlgan h~d $200,000 l~ft ~ver and aftvr paying h~r salaries he estimated that Mrs. ~organ would have alml)s~ $80,000 that was nl)t cl)mmltted and if $1~,000 is subtrðctcd th~t would be a carry-over I)f apprl)ximately $75,00C (or her department. Mrs. Morgan said she dld not know if sh~ would hav~ that ffiuch left and if she was able tl) effect a sdle I)f the transfer cases that ml)ney w·')uld go into the County's Goneral rund anu ~')uld pro~r-bly o~ly amount tl) $3,000 or $4,000. In ë:nsw,¡r t<:> Cl)mmission..r VI)SS, /',rs. /',<:>ryan SiJIU that ner rèquest for two now pel)ple amounts tl) $2ö,86d and the two positionð wert! at two different rates so the benefits I<o':Iula b., base" ,)n tr.i.t. Commissioner holldn~ asked, it only I)n~ p~rson WdS hlr~o and that plllrllll)n was unable tl) supply thu n..eCJ,"d tltlp, aid slIe hdv~ I)lIertime in her budget for thdt? Mrs. ~lOrgan res¡J-:>ndcd sh" did r¡l)t. hhe said that Stat.e law does IidY Lhat sr... ......,uld h.iVI< to pay time IInd .\ 11,,11 frH I)ver- time and th~re ls an unusually amo~nt <:>[ stress hcr ~rnployees endurc during ~lectlon cycl~s. She s~id it ~~ula ba norc b~n~flciòl (or ~ll of hcr employees if they dio not hbve to ~orK ov.,rtimt, th~rt!fl)rc, she r~quested two persl)ns. ktlsp.)naing to Cl)"'missìr,n~r I.lssa, !'\r. (Y,rrill ~"jd tb... C,')unty dl) u nl)t cnarg.. a~y particular ty~£ of rcnt f-:>[ olffercnt departments ~ut there are sl)ma 6ssocliJteo char9~s for el~ctricity ~nu so f<:>rth. Mrs. Morgan .aia thðt she haR l.dectrlcity ctliJrges íncl)rt.'<:>rêned in her budgot but she does noc hdV~ ~ny Idub of how much that will be. C.,mlnissioner ¡.>istl)r suggtlst.ed that Mrs. i',l)rgan b~ requested to remove $14,000 frl)m her budget. Mr5. ~)rgan usk.,d If the Commission wo:>uld bit wl111n:¡ for her to hold her bUCl.,¡ct tl) a 5\ Increase? Sht: sald Page 14 c:::3 - - ¡~~". 't.::-- J :L__.........~...~ - ....- I . -, ..,,-, ... œ;¡¡ ;;;ï1 ¡, !J';-;-' ~ - <f~, ~~'<:':-'i; August 5, 1985 If ,',her budget last year was $SOO,2B4 and If 5\ were added tQ that figure #;.:,,/. her budget reques~ would be for $ S25, 000. S,H! Sd Id that W/)uld mean she '~~:' ~uld be meetlnq II 10\ grl)wth rate with I)nly a 5\ increase in her budget a. opposed to h.r requ.sted l3.5~. Ms. Zalka said Mrs. Morgan's suggestion would mG~n she would [.~U.:: e ~2~:oOO incr~a.. Inst~^d I)f hMr orlginal requ~st fl)r $67,727. Responding tl) Commissioner Pistor, Mrs. Morgan said th~t if ehe has a carry-over it ~uld automatically go to the ßoard. Co..i.sioner pistor .oved, soconded by Commissloner Voss that the Board of County Co.-l..loner. approve the supervisor of Election. Budget to increase not .ore than 5\. Commiasil)n.r Hl)llanù ~xpress~a his o~inion thJt the ~aro is making a judgment call of $9,000 or :;;10,OOG when Mrs. .'y,¡rg,1n consurvativdly estimat~d a n~ed for 2400 hours overtlma and she is b~ing requa~ted to cut the budget. He said he askQd fl)r a copy 1)£ the job descriptil)n tl)r the ~udget Director and W3S told by Cl)unty Manager Lus)( that tho! dudc¡ut ¡DIrector worÌ(s fl)r the øoðrO of C.')unty Commis- sioners. -He said ~cbl)rdlng to the job descriptlon the Budget Dlrectl)r worKS for th~ C.,unty1Manðc¡er and n~ did not thinK the Commisl!lloners could l¢l)k at the information distribut~o to them over the last two or three weeks and maKe a juJgmant call to regu~st a reductil)n in on~ of the Constitutional Officer's budget that cl)uld result in cl)sting the C¢unty considerably n1l)re. He reforrl!d tl'.> U',e cuts that h<'lvlo bt:en recommended I)n sp~culatil)n ~nd stðteu It nas be~n polnted ~ut that Mrs. Morgan has normally purchased supplies fl)r th~ year and added he did not think there has been ,ny w~stc in her d~parLment. He said he cl)uld not see request1ng this reductil)n wlth~ut ml)re Inf~rmat~on. Commissil)ner ~)SS said Mrs. ~)rgan has said she cl)uld cut the money. Commissioner Pistor said Mrs. ~ry~n Is willing to suqgest that . ~h.lIIl"1u:.d tr~ and J¡~I{~u...!!-~...).\..~ncrt!as<! in her budget instead of 13.5\, adding the Cl)mmlssion n~~ds to find ml)n~y that can b~ cut frl)m tne overall budget. Commissioner Hðsse sai~ he was willing to dlscu~s this budget further, however, he could see the pl)ssloility of cuttIng Mrs. Morgan's percentage in half and gIving her som~ It!ew~y which WlJuld bring her request to approximately a 6' increase. Mrs. ~rgan said if the Commi~sil)n~rs ~,uld flnd her suqg~stil)n acceptable she ~uld dl) her best to live with it, hl)wever, if she qot åõØ 088p.\<;! 247 PAge 1S :;;; OBB,,¡r;r 248 August 5, 1985 into a position where she absolutely cl)uld n~t d~ that, she w~uld hove to o/)me back tl) the Commission for ml)ney out ~f CI)~tlngencieli. . The conaenaua va. to approve Co.-ia.ioner Plstor'a .otlon vith Co.-l..loner Holland atating he did not .gree because he thought the Board vaa forcing Mra. Morgan into ao.ethlng that Is not fe..ible. Mrs. Ml)rgan askeð, s1ncü Ms. Zalka's budget ~rk is cycllcal 1f she fl)und that extra help was needed next year at electil)n time, wl)uld it be possible tl) tap th. Cl)unty's budget pers~nnel for assistance aince they are used to overtll11et 1'111. ¡..l;'., "cd.ù L1,..,...¡"'u~"'yJ!.!I_U1;'. her bUdget for overtlme, either, and she ~u~gEsted mðY~~ ð pørsl)n should be added to cover fl)r ~vertime. PUBLIC SERVICE BUDGET Publ1c Services I~rninistrat~r Norton ~xplain~d thbt the budget lssues as far as the Public Services Division ðre concerned, fell int~ two of the fivp ~ril)rity breas th. Cl)unty Mdnager héls lõentified for the next flscal year, Health and Safety and Culture and Recreation. He referred tl) the agency SUITIr,òilry on Pdge 1-17 and sl'Iid the increasp indicated tor th~ tentatlve budget is 13~ from the current ye~r's budget t~ next Y"dr. "~RaieJ th.is r~su1t6 in ,¡ flgur" r¡f l'If)t.Hoximat'dy B mil.Lil)n dl)ll...rs 1:1) ~.3 million ol)llélc,,;. He ,'xpl"ine:o th" mðjl)r bu: get issu':l is $3RO,COO to l')Pf"rdtl: thr~t' Community P"rks fr,r a Pdriod I)f six months, since the Immokalee, G~lo(n G~tc and ~octh Naples Parks are ant.icipùteo tl) be cr)mpletl:d approxlmo'ltely h1\lt-way into l~d.6. H<! explalned the bre~kOown as $2~I,OûG for oper~tion ana m~intpnanc~ which comes out I)f th. MSTU ana 5130,UOU for r~credtion su~erv.i5io~ whlch cl)mes f rl)m the Gene r a 1 l"\md. Mr. Nl)rton statec an ~~dlt!Onal ALS unIt is pr~~osè: for the East Naples )is~rict at è1 Co')st I)f apprl)x imðtl:ly ::>240, OOU. II~ saio there Is 4 pro~l)sed volunteer basic lif~ supp~rt ScrVlC~ ambulance f0[ the Everglades City ~nd O:hopee area at a Cl)5t of appcoxim~tcly ~15,OOO. H.a explain~d there is a pro¡.¡osed $&~,OUO incrr<lse f~r th'= n-=w Crisl!" Stðbilizat.lon Unit tor the M~ntal H~alth Ccntdr, dn annuhlizcd cost; éI proposea ¡~t:sed mE.dlCðl "xamin"r fi:ac.ility, for r"'n')V~tlO:1 ¿,nd f'qui~ent at. a preVil)U5 fun~rdl home at a Cl)st of $&1,000. ne mention¿d the new Cl)lllcr Cl)unty fi re ~IST which 1s all of tnt: remElin.inq tJrl;é¡ outsldt. ~C existing aependent ana independent distrlcts and salu the taxes gvnerated hy thnt dlstrlc~ ar£ projecteù LO be $2l~,OGU. Mr. Norton saio the Publlc ~erVlces Oivisil)n is r~questing funding for 173.5 pl)sitiona. I~ said th~re is a C16,OOU increase In th~ Public Page 1 G c:::J .. - ~.....-..~~ -"-y .. ~_."""---''''''''_'''.~''''''''.''''''T'''."""",,,,,, , . t I ~......~ .. c::;1 eä;;1 August 5, l!l85 &drvicea Dlvision which is . 5i pcrsonal services increase as well ~~ an increase for the Depreciatil)n Accl)unt fl)r the v~hiclo suctll)n, wh , Is a charg. for the coming fiscal year. In rusponse tl) C~mml.ail)ncr ~)ss, Mr. Norton explainea that th depreciation for vehicle. in the past was nl)t chdrgcd dB it is bel~J chargrJd nl)w., Ms. Zalka stateo th3t th'~ m,)tl)r pl).,l rates W'Jrc M)t hl enough lu covor depreciatil)n and that Is why vehlcles ~av~ nl)t bcen replaced in a number .,f y~ars, sa this has b~en adjusted County-wid~. Mr. ~orton sald thrt oxlsting level of services in Vetcr~ns ol!rvices will be maintalned with the rc~u~st~d 5% increase. He said th~r~ is a 5' Incr~4se for th~ Youth Gui~ðnce Depðrt~ent plus some ~ddltil)n~l funding for 8nl)th~r unit which i~ besld~ the existing unll. He explained there is a vacant building next dl)or ana for approxlma~_ , $ 4, liDO ?e r yc!ar thl! C()un ty Cd n Poxp.! no t,) twi ~t tne 5 i Z J I)f the cur re:, locdtil)n ana thls will allow J place to hav~ tne County's summer prl)gram.J:i well ,15 ~')Un5~111n(J s~sslons ff)r th... y,')uth served. Ho! a",; thEre arc 700 peoFl~ being scrve~, howuver, tnarE wll1 be n., additlo~ - i stùff. Mr. Nl)rton rèfdrred to I,n i.11d 1 C0:1tr·,1 wtl.:!rè' .îe ho'ls il sti'ndard increase plus fundinc,¡ for two 3dditi,)nal rùdio!>. In .Jnswer to Commissil)n~r V?ZS, Mr. Nort()n s,Hd th',Ht:! is il rE:qu¿s,; for ð p"rt-tim~ clerical ptHS?n to go tl) a full-timo,! position in this department whl,:;h wl)uld allüviato I)¡II! ·')f the Animal Control Officers tl) give him ml)re time to enfl)cce the ordinanc! and qenpratd revenU~3 back to the CI)Unl; abov. the amount it would cost tl) Incr~ds~ the positil)n from part-tlm~ to full-time. He explained he would pref~r to have a recepti()nlst answering th~ telephl)ne rilther thdn ~n ~n m~l Control Officer whl) is being paio a higher r3t~. H~ clarifi~d tnat the requested aml)unt fl)r Animal Cl)ntrol dlSI) includ~s 3 $lU,oou r~qu~st for additional cdges th"t go on pick-up trucks. Hë! e:<plained 'staff has worked with the Veterinary s.,ciety and Stdff is trying to take the $10,000 out of the 11 II n L 1 aL J IIII~",.H'"'''' "., . ~Io ~rust Fund which is ml)ney generated by th~ N~uter/Spay Progr3m, Su th~ amount that is recommended for fundiny Is rCduced frl)m the current service request. Cl)mmlssioner VI)SS pointed o')ut thdt lüss r'~venue is btdng shl)wn f.-" Animal <,;.,ntrol than previl)usly shf)wn and Ms. Zalka explained the aml)Unl was probably over-estimated last yedr. Mr. Norton stðtl!d the fiqure currently sh.,wn is ð ml)rë! accurate figure proj~cted for next year. Deputy Asslstant c.,unty I'Ii'Intlger I:Irdngac.;ci() s,~id that the $4,000 la~~ 088 p.4Gr 249 Paq. 17 .....~.,.._--_.~---".. .. .-- .....-.. ....".... ,.. .~.--.-.II"..., " ,,'Ok 088I'AGt250 August 5, 1905 , revenue f¢r the expanded s.rvice r~qu~8t i8 the additil)nal '4,000 being projeèted if the deparcment 1s able tl) gl) tl) D ful1-tim~ clerical ~81tion 8¢ th~ Animal Cl)ntrol Officer cðn be ~ut in the field. MS. Zðlka co~~ented there arv slight r~Juctions f~r ^nimals licences and for contrlbutlona from private s~urces. County Manager Lusk referred tl) letters that the Commissioners have recently recaived from thll VetElr1nary s,.,c!ety cpposing the USII of money fl)r the previously mentioned cages and explained that Stðff 15 negotlating with the soclety ana ther~ may be II chance the members wl1l , ,,",' .'..,_.,'~'"..,..~,""'...'_....... _.._·..t.....1 '1'.¡¡O¡" .' be willing tl) use half th~ requ~sted aml)unt. He e~plaincd that the AnImal Cl)ntrol budget may be chang~d depenctn'~ I)n t.~e typw of ÐgreemEont that coula be reachea in this matter. Mrs. branqå~cio ~xplaineo the ordinance reads that the excess funds frnm th~ NE:ut~rl~g and spaying Fund can be brought (JVf!r t~ nffset .)pera"ting Cxpf?nses ûrd Staff hl)pes to be able to purchase one cage inst~)d of two. Mr. Nl)rtl)n explalned originally thê ~~dicðl Ex~mlncr requested an addltil)nal $40,000 to Increasc thl! Associ3te Medical ~x~miner positlon from I)n~-nðlf time to full-time, nowevcr, this is not b~ing recl)mmend~d in the tentative buog",t. He said the increas~ sho~n I)f $80,000 is fl)r the prl)poJsad r~nl')v...tlo:1 rJf tn'> fun·~r.,l homo;, f~cil! ty and equipping it. Commlssion,¡r Voss pl')lnteé I')ut this lncr".!.Jse w,)uld l,¡e ev·.:ntudlly cl)mpen- sated by ð greatly reduceo rental coSt. Mr. NI')rt0n 5ald tne rent fl)r the pcoposèd facility 1s $15,OCO ~~r yenr ~nich wl11 De ~PFrl)ximatcly 2,000 square f..et "nd I:nll> .:.rr/Jng",m~nt is be in'] conslCjercQ bS ,; mt!aium term solutil)n to the problem 1)[ approxlmatHly ten y~ars Þefor~ a larg. Medical I:;xamincr facility w¢uld 0(' nccd·:d. ¡,'" ~;;Jid Ü.,: larg.. majl)rity of the e~uipment wlll b., ubcd for m.:!ny yeilrs 3n:.l n.ost cr)ulo b~ mov'!'d if tOot need ..HOSE<. I',r. NrJrton sðid th"t L'r. PolKo~sf;i .::n(j ~ mcmber (Jf hl~r StaLf wrre present to respond tl') questil')ns regurdin~ tnL Public H~alth S~rvices budqet. He cxplalnco thl:lt th~ requcstç.o i!\or..:y is th~' ,'>ðW>' fundin:,¡ as the current y~ar, adding thdt I:he tentativ~ bUj~Lt Sh0WS $GO~,OCO and thO) liua:,¡et \,;ttic.::: recl)mm~nds $~!:':I,O(JÜ. lk s..da lh~ diffl:renc\! is because I)f the loss I)f three vehlcl~s in t~at dcrartmenc. Ms. Z.J.IKð explaine::d that tilt' usage of all ttl': vcniclüs in the ~tor Pool was reviewed and the ten l¿ast us~è vehicles were identifled and the Slze of the fl~~t was rt!commendeo to b~ reduced by that numb.r. She said as d v~hlclc 1s neeacd it could be us~a thrl)uqn the Ml)tor pool center fund, so th. funds ~ssociateo with that r~auction w~r~ removed Pðgu 18 ~ t:::J - ~-. -,--"._~ --- ./'O",....~" "-,._"......~--,.,....----"t"~". -.. - ~ .. ,. ;;Q1 August 5, 1985 in the Budqet Office recommendðtil)n. She said the tentative budget do~. not h~ve that reducti~n and this ~uld be a decisll)n based on further information on the actual usage of the vehlcl~s. Mr. Lusk asked if the three vehIcles hove b~en turn~o I)v~r t~ the Fleet Management Director, and /'Ir. Rl)qer EVlons ~f the Health Department respond.d that t~ have dnd the third ~ulo be returned this ddte. Mr. N~rtvn said as the .ssigndd v~hicl~s dr~ t~ken dway fr~m thø department the department will h~ve tl) Incr~ase their utillzð~ll)n 1)£ n~n-assign~d Motor Pl)ol vehicles. Mr. Evans sdld that it WdS hls understdnJing that th- difference in Cl)st associ~ted wlth the buo9~t is wlth tne thrc~ vehicles being r.turned. He said that this ch~nge ~il1 n~t r~sull In ~ reductil)n in operatIonal Cl)sts becaus~ of the return of th~se vdl1iclus. He tlxp1.1ined instead ~f ¡Hving the vPhlClHs "v,t11able üach day the Health Department Staff members will hav~ to dCC~~S ñ vchicl~ fro~ the Cl)unty Mot~r PI) I) 1 if on£' 15 availiJble. Hot sa1d, assumin.J a vehicle is avail- able most ~f th~ llm~s when n&eded, the utl1ization wl1l n~t ch~nge and the dollar impact ~n; the O~pdrtment :; budget will. ItsslJnl1dlly, be the same. He saId the S~O,OOO olfference is simply on papcr and In \ actuality it will nl)~ I)ccur. Mr. Lu.3k said tl.oitP! ::ihl)ulJ bt! d chHIY\: dinc" tn¡¡ r.::commcnuDtion from Flevt ~~nðgemQnt was Cp.cause tnù v~nicl~s wer0 being under utl11zeo. H:} sa10 tne rip-alth De¡:.;artment."", p¿;ylng for iJ vehicl.. full-time dnd It w~s nl)t being usee full time, so n~w tna Health De?artment will only pay fl)r the v~hlcle ~hcn it is actually being used, which sh~uld result in a r~àuctll)n. Mr. I:;vans said th.Jt the ilealth Depðrtment pays for v~hlcles as 3 functi~;1 .')f milf'!agc used !lnd hare Is an actual milea9~ rate, ~t 23 cents per mile, plus an addi- tional aml)unt tl)r the venicle t~ cov~r deµrecl~tion ~03ts for which many other departments ilre charged uµ-front. He explainod that part 1)£ the d-:!wn-timr. of use for the vehiclt!s resultüd from an ðttritlon I)f one JI ð$ thQ f~~Q.Ð~T~~.-tor_~n extended period of time and that position has now been filled. Mr. Lusk said if the Health Dep,Ht~ent c'Juld justify full-time use of the cars there ~,uld not have been a request tl) turn in the car. He .aid ori91nally 14 cars werö t~ be returned ~nd the final c~unt Is 10 duu to people shl)wing the cars ·.,.,uld b., used for reasons similar to what Mr. Evans just described. Mr. Evans stilted that there WdS no prior indlcùti~n I)f actl~n and aDO( 088PACit251 Page 19 ---.....-....~._- I, ¡; ~~~~j.~. ,: . , ~~~"., 'IlK 088 nr.t 252 -.'''., ~" ~~:.~::..th~ He~lth Department just ~.,"YehlC,h.. He repeated his te!;, ':·dlffe~enc.. ~j,i',,"" Ma. Zalka said thoil Health Department will P.:JY the full insurance ~\;;':."\.nd rdated charge. under the new procedure 81) there will be a differ- \.... "",,1. . , ence, but conceded it might not be the full $10,000. Shti suggisted the Fleet Manager and Health Department ~taff Bh~uld confer I)n exactly hl)w the vehlcle. will be used in I)rder to determine the exact saving. Mr. Norton explained that,n~~.~. ye~r..._~':1!1",s~~=.",e~~~l,.",f~fu~I)~r:-J g UL" a.slgneð vehicleS is 50 cents rather than the currt:nt 26 c~nt~ a mile. Ms. Zalka sal~ the increase is due tl) covering the depreciation, insurance and fixed ~I)sts that the assignLu vehiclas Hre charged. Commissioner Hollano sald if a Cdr was us~J half-time ðt 50 cents a Augus,j 5, 1985 received a memo one day to return the thrfte opinion that ther& will nl)t bo a $10,000 mile it would result in the same amount. ~;r. Norton said if th~ Hu~lth Department goes back tl) assigned vehIcles it 1;1~ght be pl)ssible ttJat the budget request ~ul~ lncrease due tl) increased d~preciatil)n ~xpunso of the assIgned vehicles. In resp"nsi tl) C,>mmissL'Jner H<:>lland. 1''-'>. Zalk~ sðlu tnat the person who has an assigned vehicl~ is charged d ml1e.g~ charq~ plus $17.76 for dcpruclatlon ~no nnotn~r ch~rg~ foe ¡nSUrðnc~ üno wn~n someone uses a Cdr only I)ncu in ù while, th~y do not PdY fl)r Insurancc for the entire yw~r but only 50 cents whIch =ov~rÞ th~ cost I)f insur- ance, tn~reforK, .v~ry~ne whl) uses tne vehicle ls shðrinq th~ C?st for IS vehlcle for tn. inti re y,¡ar. /'IS. Za lKa sa iò tht!rtl proo¡¡bl y WO'>ulu be . rvductil)n in tot' $10,000 and this wl)ulc: ne",<1 1.0 bE' rt!vi!!wea. Mr. Evans s6io the adcitlonðl aml)unt p~r mile was n~t ant1cipat~d by the Heðleh Departmt!nt <lno tllis wl)uld further rt!duc!! ~I!'I. ZalKI',' s auggesled reouction. ~Ir. N<:>rtl)n SU'i!g"st"d ~ti,ff furth,r "n"lyz~ the $10,000 recommJndation and bring th~ lnform~tion back to th~ board. MENTAL B!ALTH DEPARTME~T Mr. Nl)rtl)n Qxplèlinea therc Is i.I r"..¡u"st f'Jr less than 5~ in thi Mental Health D-.!partment but tn~rt! is S8Y,000 fino...n tor the new ¡;,tèlte Crisis ~ti:lbllizatlon Unit part I)t wI¡i.ch is I)perdUn':!. foIr. Nortl)n referred {;I) tIle <.;.)nqregate ~Iedls Pr'Jgr"ò1\ 3nd t!xplained this 111 th(t 'lri-County SeBll)( SCrV1Cir.S and th...y h¿,vc rCI.¡u.?stt.'d ð $3,300 increase in .xpanded sürvices; S~,GOO fl)r finishing the insiae I)f th~ Senior Center curre,ntly being built in Immokall:e, and $2,000 fl)r the Congregðee Meals Program for the Everglades City ðrea. tt!! sald the tentative budget I)nly includes the $2,000 r~quested for thl: Everglades Page 20 ~ .. -= - ,-.............. t'~~· . ' . ~ .\~~;·-L"~..~~",t)""A ,:1 '''. ..._..:, - 5"'JJ r:::1 (*:';~:~';~'.'''''~ ::;;;..;.....,. " ' August 5, 19fJS ,~/ :),:. Ci ty C,ngugat. Motel. and the $5,000 requt.lst was r sml)ved bt!cause the :~:':~t .,;·:; SOard of County Colllml..1oneu approprhted $25,000 pr.,vil)usly for the .' ~..\, i ,~~~<'complet1on of that facillty as a match if the Immt)kale<ii c1t zena can ",~'¡;",;;ì'à1.. their own $2S,000. , In rospons. to Cl)mmissif.)ner Holland, I<,r. LU!Jk explalned that the reque.t ff.)r Conqreqata Meals i5 only for meals, ~nd the $25,000 approved was tor the building. Ho said the $5,000 request was fl)r Addltil)nal furn1shings fl)r the bul1dlng. HOSPICE BUDGET Mr. N-:>rtl)n said thoit tne Beime amfJunt..5 the curr.,¡nt. year I)f $6,000 has been requ.,sted for Hl)spice as well as ~n exp3nd~d r~quest I)f $4,000 fl)r a part-tim. ~mpll)y~e. Ms. Nina Carin, Hl)splce Dir~ctt)r, explained that last Ydar the Commissil)n granted thls I)rgani zatil)n mt)nt!y..nich was used fl)r mileage fl)r the nurses dnd sl)cial Io':)rkcr trJ servt! t'dticnts tnr,)u1hl)ut Cl)llier Cl)unty. ::it1e said t'11s year Hl)spicd has a budget of approxlmately $240,000 Dnd the bot)kkecpinq is dl)nd by v01untcers. She s~id it is felt th~t_a hir.,d Staff pcrsl)n 15 naeoco to monltor the requests coming from the cl)mmunlty. Sne sdio H/')spic~ 15 t0tillly c0mmunlty supported and no char~c Is madü tl) t.he pel)p19 ~erV"d, ~ddlnq that 211 pCl)ple w~re served during the 2-l/2 y~ars thd orq~nizdtion h~5 0µcrated. Sh~ said one-third of the pat19nts art! ovp.r 65 1nd t~o-th1rds dr~ in thd 33 to 65 Ydar dge range. Sh~ said HOSplC~ 15 lic~ns~d uy Hk~ ûno Sp.rVdS all of Cl)lller C.)unty. In respl)nse tl) C')mmlss1on~r Hasse, sht! I<xpl<'1inltd tha patients dre servtld thrl)ughl)ut the cours~ I)f ~n illness, at thv time 1)£ death ftnd thrl)uqho~t the ber!~v~ment p~rl0d I)f the family fl)r one Yo!'ar. It was the consensus ~f th~ 'Cl)mmlSS1~ners th~t the $4,000 rltqu~5t ah~uld b. funded frl)m Reserves. FORESTRY SERVICE Mr. N¢rton sald this budget requ~st is fQr the regular annual ..f3.,OOg" contr".ac~ ~H.ò...ißI!.,.§tðt:e.,~orester, for providing forestry services ,..; to residents I)f CI)11ier Cl)unty. He said the request does nl)t include any acquisltlon of land. ~URIST DBVILOPMENT COUNCIL ,\/~ to'~ :,:\ ..¡ , J~"*~ :':....:~. ·~f ! , 4'; i ....'.... ~ t ~ I . i I f Mr. N¢rton said that after the $5,000 r~quest for Tourist Devwll)pment Cl)uncil was made approximately $300 was used fl)r travel purposes by the Vice Chairman and I)n~ other m~mber of the C~uncil, theretore, thd r~qu..stod budg~t is $4,700. IÕR 088 PA{'~ 253 paq e 21 .." - #":" "'. . toK 088,AGt254 AuguS":. 5, 1985 ***RICESSI 11140 A.M. RECONVENED 1 11148 A.M.··· COLLIER eoUITY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ~r. Rich ~cnderlon9, representing the Collier ~I)il and ~~ter '~Qn.ervatlon District, explainvd thls requ9st is concerned wlth approximately $15,000 for a five year perIod tl) undertake the 8011 survey which would begin in the Gl)lden Gate Estates area. H~ said the benefit ~uld be tl) help the h0mel)wner ll)cate prop~r position for hi. house ,as well as wher~ 8p~tic tdnks can best work and wh.re they shl)uld not b. placed plus prl)per site I)f wells. Mr. Lusk said the Staff recommend"d,."J.e~q'yi[lc;¡-i.¡.Q....09Q...p~ht9r ,iÞ..- 'so11 surv.y. Mrs. Brangaccil) sald it was Staff's underatanding that the Collier Cl)unty Sl)il and Watcr Cons~rvatlon District has $88,000 from the Federal Government for the solI survey ðnd that the Cl)unty's additional $15,000 was to glvc l\ thr!;e mar, crew rrlther th.!ln a twt') man cr~w. She said in May the Board of Coun~y Cl)mmissioners only cl)mmitted tl) funding d sMcretaridl PQsition ðno QPurdtlnq exp~ns~H Hnd did nl)t commit tl) a Hl)il survey 1n the futuro. Commission~r Pistl)r said it WðS his unjecstclnding tnot whl)ever benefir.ed frl)m thIs servlce woulo PdY for tne servlce and all the ,. .:,;r· I.:ounty WdS tl) pay ....as the t.....') ltp.ms :'1r5. Brang¿)ccio mentioned. Commlssit')M!r \/1)8S sdia thðt when this depörtmE:nt was I)rlginated the Commisslon was dssur,,:: thdt no (,,>unty money -.nuld ever be requlIsted, except for the secretßry. /".r. Ht!nderlong sale I,,,, W<lS nl)t b~glnnin~ and he dId not undecstdnc Coun1;y, hl)wevE:r, It is n·')t .)typic.]l the State for local qt')v~rnem~nts tl) I Invl)lved in this:program at. the tht! inltiel commitments of Col11.r wi th th'~ ó2 ci~ttictB thr()U<]hl)ut work with th~ secretclry and th~ op6ratlng expenses I)f tnt! service dS ~:ll (IS maKe ð contrlbutll)n tl)....ðrd the soil aurv~y. He said ø list of ~11 other Cl)unties in the St~te who') have had the fiurvaY ha~ bE:en I)btdin~a and the nVfrùqe r.l)ntributlt')~ nas been öpprl)xlmat~ly $20,000 on d per Yrlór bùsc. Mr. hendllrlonq cl"rifiEid tnat ttl<~ nüw Ll)c,'¡ Gov..rnment Comprehen~ive Planning and Lanu D"v~ll)~menl nct that ~dS p~ssed by th~ Lugls1alure tllis yc¿.r man<J<1tu; th,lt th\! Countlt.s wi 11 sholo' on their land UIUI maps Wtitlanos and thf.: soil survey wl11 d·) thi,. and will help .h,'.... the fl""-"'ðYS ana .,hert. erùinage-lo'ðY plItterns shl)uld be located for lhe purposes of future canals I)r draina~~ basin im~roYements. ~r. Lus!\, polntt!d I)ut tne Ct')unty will still r~co!lYe the 81)11 survey. Commissioner Goodnight said that the Cl)unty wl)uld probably be Page 22 ::J r- -,·1 - .""e":w:r:~,..t",.;.., _..~u ~~I~,A .i. ¡;;,;.~ : - ...... ._- , ".';:"~- '''<I''~'''' ;>~.........~ . .. ~ c;:; Augus j 5, 1985 put on 5 waiting liat for the sl)il survey bec~use th~re w~uld n~t be any County funda to help with it which ~uld indicat~ th~t th~ Cl)unty i. intere.ted in having the survüy. She s~ld this mi9ht mean the survey would nl)t be done fl)r several y~ars, with which Mr. Hend~rlong agreed. he .aid therv is a prioritY list similar t~ th~ C.A.H.L. Program and those Counths that sh·,w more etfort in terms I)f support ar~ raised in priorlty when a tuam becl)mes ~vail~bl~. H~ explainod th~re is ~ team that is sUP?l)sed to b~çome available b~ginning January 1st önd ml)re resource can be ffil)Vae intI) a C~unty If there ls same ~ssistanc. frl)m that c.,unty. Cl)mmissioner Voss nl)tcd thðt th~ County is In the pr~cess of updating the Cl)mprehensive Pl"n ~nd he dskeu if this infl)rmatil)n wl)uld be helpful in that regard? Mrs. Brdngaccll) ee~pl)nded affirmatively and said that it ~uld b9 useful for th~ ~ater quality progr~m that will be created In th'3 Envll)rnm,!ntéll Pollutlon Section, n·')w~vcr, sh!! explained her h.sitatil)n 18 because the 81)11 suev~y will stl1l be dona and the Comprlihenslv. Pl"n Up::tatIoiS will be c¡'')n~ in l:Jd6 and 19J7. She said th~t in a couµle of bther Countl¿5 sh~ h:;ls n0t1cc<1 that ·",hen thc1t extra . I pl)sition is funded, ~hen aft~n th~ County finds th~t is a recurring I expense. \ Commissioner Goodnight "xpliul1ed it ',",as hee und~rstdnding 1t ~uld takd fIve y~ars to complete the survdY 1no for fiv~ y~ars the District will request the ddaltianal $15,00J, hQ~~v~r, dtt~r thøt time that aml)unt ~uld n·') longer be r ~<. U~5tCCl. Mr. W>wðro ïamlltaki, of the s,')i] ConservaUon Servlce, stated that his Department '~uld estab11sh a flve yedr contract with Collier County at an Dml)Unt based .,n dn d'credge figure p~r yt!ar, possibly 20 cents per aCfa to be back chargee. lie 5a id 1 f the surv"y t·)ok l·)r.ger than five )'. oS r 5, h 1 S D'i! pll r tm", n t W<) u 1 d 5 t.) Y wit h t h ~ t con t r II c t. Mr. Tl)m Jl)nes, of trle soil c.m,serVJUon Servlcc, st"t"d that U. S. G. S. did a detailed reconnaissance many Yê.drS ago dnJ thü mapping W.::IS very wide spread and general. He explained the different prl)cedure II !!'taP" M~ usea-C~f1ì""'soî)lri~a'stigat'i;'n going to a greater depth than previl)usly dl)ne. In respl)nslt to Commissiont!r H.1Sse, Mrs. Brðngaccil) f'xplained, re9arding the ques~lon pertaining tl) water t'l)llution that was apprl)ved by voters last yaar, the langudge 18 limlted to the impact I)f. sewaqe ana sludge displ)lIlIl on water quallty and thl)s~ monies c·,uld not If!gally be u.~d for the su~ject unoer d1scu.'3si.,n. a~-~~ 088 PAGt 255 Pag" 2 J ,,">. T -r.., .~ .' .".': ~ ":,~··I·,,.,..~:..r-;;:~. - ~/ < ,1~'}" - Orm,.r..f.258 ,~.; '* 00· '~¡:":,:',, COlllmiuioner "~... "f;" able to point out area. that will be go·,d for citrus dov~lopn~nt, :$::'"" .adding th.r. 18 interest in having citrus grl)wn in Collier Cl)unty a1nc~ :~";. "'that industry is lIIoving from the central part I)f the Stlltl:l. She stated .~!.' fÌi':' that thu agriculture communlty feels vcry positlve about this ~.. ðevelopnent. ~ Commi.sloner Pi.tor asked if th~ person who sold his prl)perty to the citrus industrles and who would benefit could not pay fl)r the survey? Commissioner Goodnight aqreed, however, she said the County is already paylng two people to lo(\k' over" property;' thl...dat...,..to-r-'ctt1"U.1."lr World, a division of Dl)nald Duck Or^nge Juice Cl)mpany, which will probably take all day for pl)sslble purchase ~nd she ask~d if thls was not a waAte of Cl)unty employ,es' time for them tl) check the property whon it would I)nly taka ð few minutes to,I)bta1n thc lnfl)rmðtlon if there was a mäp aVðllab1e thðt woulJ I!ssist thl::m to do U1C needed work? Commissil)ner l101land pointed I)ut tnot tl1~ '61)11 survt!Y wl11 be able to be used by the wilter po!lutil)n pers.)nnel 130 it W">uld not rndtter if the mon~y is taKcn frl)m I)ne µlnce 0r another, bac~us~ it will b~ the sam~ needed r~seðrch. Augus,:: 5, l~85 Goo-inight said the 51')11 survey wi 11 hdp Staff to be "'r. Hcndo1rll)ng said thl!t tnt: 5011 survey will furnish Inf0rr:'lðtio:'l In a mor~ timoly manncr and tnuro will b~ approxlmatßly)ne yedr's delay tl) complete tne survey if th~rc dr~ no Jco1tion~1 funds to support the effl)rt. h~ s~ld tnat he discussed lh~ soil survey with Plenn1ng¡Zl)ning Ulrectl)r P~ttrow, whQ h~s h~~ extcnsive experience with thls survey, "no he said I)nctJ thtt survey is complete:! Staff w0uld be eble tl) ml)ve Intl) a oigltizlng lc!lno-slClt prl)griJm ...h1Ch '.....,uld ena:J1e Staff to establish dn antire urb~n ~nalysis I)t the land uscs. H~ said thls computer1z~o program 15 grebtly enh3ncec througn th~ ass1st~ncc 1)( the survey and is alml)st i~pl)ssible to dchievt! without it. I'Ir. Jones sa id tho! c5tim,~ l10n tll<.lt th~ :0;,')11 surv'"y .....)111 G bl.. completed In five years w~s d~rivcd bðS~d 0n C0un~y support and &tßte fundings. he: expl"incd th~' ~to CE fundHI ~ l, (,8:;, coo ErH u~;¡ St,ìte-wiåe for SI)i1 surveys ana hlS I)ttice bðS~S their pr0j~ction on n~ving a thrwe man ::r.w. After furthcr discubsion, It W~fi the CQnscn~us 1)1 tne Lommis- .ioners that $15,000 cl)uld be taken 0ut o£ heserve fl)r Cl)nting~ncy lor the s011 survey prl)granl wlth Commissionl.'r h..ss.: .')pprJsed b-:.cause he SJici he did nl)t see the trem~ndl)us benefit of the program. ~ag(> 24 ,c,' .'-.f ,pi:, II::! r:::::J -:;~~ 'it.~ ~" ti, ~ 'I"~ - 1",',.." . ¡';;¡¡¡;--'--:-:- -.-,-.".."...-,- ·...--- IiiiI ~ c:I "'.~, August 5, 1985 ..... Reo..sl 12110 P.M. - Reconvened. 1145 P.M. at which ti.. Deput, Cl.rk ~enyon replaced Deputy Clerk Skinner and Coaaiaaion.r Holland was absent until 2.25 P.M. ***** OCCUPA~IOHAL LICENSIS MS. Brenda Wil.,,", Chdrman of th'J Leqislativa Overview Committe" for the Chamb~r of Commerce, stated t~dt th~y have 3 di1~mm~, adding that they wlsh tl) both fully 3upport prop~r eC0n0mlc ò~v~lopm~nt and to he lp at imula te cuI tura 1 cI ellto 11) pmen t. :)h~ n,)t~d t ha t th e Ch amt.:>e r I) f COlllmorcG cl)nslderl the recently ¡:><lsl><!d St.¡tl:1 Act. whlCh permits .:In increase in I)ccupacional tax as to ~€n<!tlt Doth the symphony and economic devell)¡:rnent, as IIn l)?p'Htuni ty t,') e:nhJncc th"!S~ tWI) key cl)mmunity arÐas, but unfortun~tely the Act untdirly singl~s out a very n.rrow taxable gr·,uµ tl) supprJrt these two i:np.')rtant beneficiarIes. She noted tnat is qu!!stionnðire W,1S distribut~J i'lnd 2]7 r'~sp':>ns<!s were rec~llved, a~ding thilt 70\ of th·')s" ·..er<, dgidnst the prl)¡.;osition. Shot at..tvd that a forum with bl)th ¡.;rt) ana c':>n prùsl!ntdtion was htild and a straw votd was tilken,l.,l th Jp¡.Jrl);dma tely ï:H in favor of the prop/)- sitll)n. ~hd rup"rted that <ltter c"nsidcratil)n by thp. Bl)ard <')f the I taxatIon tairn.sf;, tn!! lmp"rtan::e ·,f the issu'!, and tho:! many sev~re nœ~ative resp;:¡nses that were reCüiV\!á, ::~e Chamber I)f C'')mmcrcl! rdcl)mmends ~hilt the C?mmls$i?n vol~ "~0" I)n t~e pro prosed occupational license fee increase for this pJrticulür budgetdry year. Sh~ stated th..t lrrespo!ctlv.· ,)f the /)utcom.. ·~f th'! bUd'l"t issut:, the Ch.imber I)f Commerco! recl)mmends lnrde dc_ions¡ first, that the Commissil)n µrl)vide professional and findncl.Jl supp,nt to th"! I::con/¡mic De'lell)¡:rnent Council which strives tl) provide b~siness stimuldtion to ðll county residents, adding th~t the pro~s~d $20,UOO EDC SUbS10Y shoulu remRin In the buaget; thlt secl)nd is theH the com,'unity s:I,')uld creatd <I cultural center with ~asy ~cce$S fl): ~ll d'''d reslu~nls; ~nj th~ third 15 that the current I)ccupationðl license fee DchÐdulc Ghould be revi~wu<J tl) .ake it more cquit4ble. ~ne indic~t..a th&t the ChJmber of Commerce ~.~.~~rW. .os~j9~~~o~.lp ,in the future regarding any dvllberations about these issues. :~mmia8ion~r Pi~tl)r ßtated thst If the tax was raiHed 20\, a lot of business.. would pay an ~dùltil)nal $3.00 for a l1c~nse and 50' W?uld ~e to support th~ ~DC and the I)th~r 50~ wo~ld b", to sUPPl)rt lh~ philharmonic orch.strl, and questioneo if that W<'>uld b,¡ ulHeðsl)na!-lle? Ma. Wl11il)n st'1ted thal the ilmount tJ,~t 15 involved Is nl)t what the d.cl~ion Wð. ~ad. ?n, adding that it \oId5 mad. on the fact tnðt only a ao~K 088 P~G\ 257 Pa~.. 2S I',·,·,,·,r,·.,',,'" .~, . " . ,~ ! ~ W ... ' . ~ l:I . ;"'~~.,...,.,,...'.¡t: , . ,,"',. ..... 0<#' ......" ...' "~.' ,~".,...,,,...',,- ¡OOK 088~lGt25B Auqus: 5, 1985 ,~all töxable group are the onða that w~u1d be paying ana it will beneflt th. community rt large. She ~tøt~d that the community at Ibrge should be supporting th.s. things ~hlch are gre^tly needed for the 'êolllmunlty .and are important. She stated thJt the Chamber of Cl)mmerce f.els that this monoy should come frl)m the general ruvenues that comü from the whole community. Commissioner Voss stated thélt he has had sevcrtll pe"¡.>le c<:Ime to him and say that they did nl)t like the syrnphl)ny, but if this tax were to produce country music, they ~uld be for it. He stated that not everyone 1 h.s country music 4Ind not ,evuyone..l ~ke."...,;h,....!lY!!\.Qb.9.1)¥-.4~ t~ J 111 ' single out thll1 symphony is nl)t right in th.dr minds. He ..tated th~t he is surpised th4lt the Ch~mber <:If Commprce took thls posltion. Mr. mas Obley, Ch.:drman "f the Chúmber rJf Commerce, sttlted that most I)f the re~~nßeR from the µc<:lpl~ wer~ that this is ð community wide endeavor fl)r tlo") vf:ry ussful ilnd importðnt l!:ösues and tr ls Is nl)t t.he way to fund them. III! stated that the ChamQcr of C,)mml1rce feels that the budget for the I:.:OC sr.oulo b!: funoed 1>1> prl)p·')sc:o, but with respect tl) III symphl)ny It shoulo bd supported ocrrJlSs-tht:-O',)drd by tht: commun 1 ty. Plr5. lIyrll Uaniels. Presiuent of tr1i" f',JfJlp.I>/l'ldrc.') Philr...Hm,:.nlc, stated that there is " vary cl·)ge tie oet..cün o:c,')ol)nlic Clt:llvloprnef\t and culturöl devf:lopnent anc it mEcans gr,r,o Dusin£css. ~h'1 noteo that th~ symphnny is it the hu~ of I)thftr cultur^1 oellPlopment. She reported that they dre the vnly drtS ~rl')up th'\l has :1 p.:;yr,')ll rll 62 .·ith " budget of $150,000. shtl notec tt1t1t th.:y will n,')t filii ,;ithout funds, but it is A very difflcult };itu~tl·Jn. Sa" st,nee: tn.'lt ·,)lJ~ of tnfOt $l60,OOO, the buslness cOl1lrr,unity ,:¡upfJorte() th2m by IND.Y I)f $10,OCO ðnd the St.:lte by $~,OOO with tn" reOldlnd<.r cOI,Üng tram thc' ¡:rlvûte s¿ctor. She stated th~t wlt~out " symphony, thE iU~3 of ~ cultural c~nter would be in the futur~, aooing thdt ~~f"r~ d :ulturul center Cdn be buill there has to b'::l 3 strl)ng gl)ing symp~?ny. Sn~ stated that the ~lUrvey that W3S aonl! by the Chdmbcr at C.)mmèr::·. ?oes n,)t 11,>10 ð gre,lt d';'ôll 1)£ weight as t.here are filler 1200 p'!'>rle thë>t bel,')n'j t·) the Cn¿mbcr of Comme rce and I)n 1 y :2 37 r liS p.)nocd \;0') t h<. sur 'h' y. C.)m:nissil)nEor Vr..ss 8tdtèd tn,lt th. i1>5Ue is not \/hcth~r ...." need the symphl)ny, but wh..th<>r or n"t thi' lncr","se In th~ occupo>tlon.:\l licenst: fees S:1f)uld be imposed, lidding that therc is d strong r~commendè1til)n fro~ the Chambf'r "f Commerce nl)t to do so. Commlssionlllr Goodnlgnt statt!d thùt she hac. recell1ed numcrl)us calls ~aqe 26 r::r.:J c::::J - ..'.....: -:o)r,,,-,' '-¡';';;' -.. -,---:- ....~"',.'~ :,"j --- ,.::.' ~- ...... " .. ~ August 5, 1~85 on the mat.ter, addinq that the Chambor of C()mmerc'! made a g.)l)d po:Iint that a certain ~roup of people are b~ing ask~d tl) pay fl)r somœthing that everybody in C"llier C()unty Wl)uld bencfit frl)m ñnd enjoy, adding that because of thls, she fe~la that th'! I)ccupdti"nal lic~nse flies Shf)uld be l~ft as they ar~. Cl)mm1..10ner P1stl)r st~tcd th3t h. fculs that if the laglslatur~ hdQ such a feeling ~o~ut the culturcll c£nt~r, th~y shl)uld have madu the la~ effect1v~ fl)r all 57 c0unti~s 1nStd~d ~f JUSt 4; Dade, &rl)ward, ~nroe and Collier. Commissil)ncr Hassu st~tao tn1t u cultur~l ccntur such as this I)n~ is imporcant f()r th/! cQmmun1ty ciS well as the cultural backgrl)und t)f thtt pdople, but a 5111.311 group of bu"lnufis p(Npl", snould n·)c be the ones that have tl) p~y for it. Cl)mmissionC'r V')SS stated thit th2 budgat ()fficer has h'::!r I dirltctil)n, adding thpt thia occupational licanse fae increase will nl)t be includ ad in th-! bUd'3et. I County Mdn~gur LusK st~teO thdt h~ ~uld llke to tell the Tax , Coll~ctor to go ahe3d and print th~ occupation~l lic~nses, tl) which CommisslQn8c Voss direct~d him. C"mmiaslonur Voss stut~d that this 1s not I)fflci~l ~ctil)n, but the aUdg~t Director h.3s ueen dlractEO to excluoQ any compensatil)n frl)m that st)rt of a tax fCl)m the buag2t productil)n. County Mùnagar Lusk stated thdt th~r~ will nl)t be any action nc.dvd as the fees will no~ be increasud. SOCIAL SERVICES 8UDGET Public Services Adminlstrat?r ¡<ortl)n stated th",t .;h~ Sl)~lal Servicds bUdget snows CI slight Incrèdse whIch 15 rèlated tl) the 5' personnøl s~rvlcès increase as well as the o~uratlonal cost, sucn as depreciation t)f expenses, that has already been discussed in other U IJr~tP8r'tIB.nt~~1)tec"'t:hat··Soc1al ~ervice5 had requested $18,883 as an expanded service which Includ'!d an assigned m.,tl)r pool vehicle for the Directl)r and an aaditivn.31 $4,000 for sh~lter Expenses. He stated ~hat in discusslons with the Ct)unty Manager, It was decided that it ~uld be best tl) fund half th~ $4,000 for th~ shelt~r üxpenses ~nd n"t funJ thv vdhlcle dnd the only increase, therefore, would be the $2,000 for thu additil)nal shelter f.,r the indigents. H.!..R;ARY BUDGET Pub!lc ~ervice. Admin1strdtl)r Norton stated thac the ~xpðndad survlc. ruquest by the Library was substanti~l, adoing that it was lOOK 088 PAGt 259 Page 27 .. -:.;, ...-~ "~\01{~ ~>."..~.~ aODK 088mt260 fluqust 5, 19::5 $74,858 wh 1ch 1. Incl ud i ng br 1n91 ng ha If tht: r ,¡mð in 1 ng ernpl "yees f r<:lm Ð 3S hour ,W)rk _elt tl) a 40 hour """rk w:!o!k. He stateJ that th'!rt: 18 also the general increa.e in fringe benefits, m~tor p""l c"sts, etc. he . ' ~oted that 1n the expanoed servlcea he had recl)mm~nded $lO,OCO for A library b.st seller rental col1ectl1)n and wl)uld g~nerate approxlmately $18,000 worth of revenue. which would actually be a prl)fit obtained. He noted that there 1s $7200 f<:lr a phl)t<:lcopier C"f the ~1brdry headquarters and an increase for the Imml)kdlee page frl)m part-time to f ull-t 1m.. , Library Di rector Domer.lOt sta.te,d...t,l~at, ~~!.~.s,ka,.!¡,~!....o.!..~D~~~q,,'b~ U employees from 35 hours tl) 40 hl)urs a week w~s sl)mething that the Commission vl)ted I)n in 1983, adding that a plan was apprl)ved to chðnge the employees so that they Wl)uld be in lint! with I')ther cl')unty empll)yees. Hoi statea thdt OUl to the expo!nsp. ¡nvolvl'o, it Wdlò d<!!cioed to do it over ð period I)f years. Commissioner Voss stdt~u that it ðppüars ~hat the Budget Offlck recommendation and the tentative budget is 1n agreem~nt, addlng that if there is no objtlctil)n, the tt'nt./ltive budgf,t StdYS as 15. PARKS , RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET U'L .__.to". ., Public Services Administr8tl')( NI')(to~ statcò th~c tne 1ncredse from the 1984-85 ao.)pted budget 1')1 $uJO,!J43 trJ $975,73J for thü 19B5-SG currtlnt st!rv1ce requpst is du.: to th" Marc.;> 18l.:¡t\ü hd';:C,~::!t Club personnel. ~& stated that he w111 have a report on the Marco Island R.scquet Club SI)<:In, as It 15 lJt:ttt!( than what Wd,'> exp..:ctc.J. Cl)mmission~r VI)SS sti:tteu th<lt ::ht! rEcru,H.i·)rI posltll)n 15 not recommended becduse th. p.:¡rKb dru nl')t (~ðdy. Budget Dirwctor ZðlkJ stated tnat this is pdrt of 1::, aJdlng tnot thltre were also redu~tl'Jns In tile tl')tûl iJrT I')Unt 1)[ stùfl tll.:¡t 10/01> requtlsted. t1r. Nortl)n statloo th.Jt Uw things tnz,t w~re inclucL'd in the expand.eo budget prl)p,)sëd is th,¡ estabLshment ')[ i! 7 d"y pt!r wet!k recreation~l prl)gram tor thc thre~ p.Jrks that will be i~ plac~ far half of the next fis::bl yeèJr; $6,00U Cor .~umlOer (p-crt,;<Jtll)nul progr.;¡mmlng; toreman poSltll):']¡ tl.,) Vèl!i..:l\;s, ¡J.JrI;5 su¡.¡<.:>rvis¡i)n pcr't>"rlng fl)r the new parks to come on line; $2,000 lncrt!ilSC in c,')uftIlI')US", gr.)un::is maintenance budget; ðnd parks ,nd r~Crei!tll')n ðO~lnistrdtiv~ sectll)n fl)r , tin IBM PC WhlCh the budg."t I)ffice r<1commended not bt! lncludtd. Me stated that thE.rc WðS à lot 'Jf cuts from the r.'qu"st.,d expðnd.æd service budg~t, most of which drt! bssocièJted with the two parks thùt ar~ not Pag e 28 r::::I t:!!3 - " " " .;!":~¡;d:\ .' ¡,t." t, ~ ...'.;.,,' t'./' ,,' " : "t '';:'':,." ~ "'J'''t'_::' t:i'ii:2 rd::I AU'Just 5, J.98S qolng to com. on line next yeor, which is E~st Naples and Marco Ialand. County Manaqar Luak statod that he fe~ls th~t whon th~se parks come on line, it Is better to start I)ut with ð smaller staff and add ml)re people, than it i. t~ bo overstaffeù. Com:niss1l)ner P1stor stated that his c·')nct!rn is that if durinq the year, ther~ has tl) be ml)re staff add¿d and th~re is nl)t any money, th-.n the Cl)unty haa a problem. Cl)unty Manager tUSK stiltvd th,1t by th.~ t1m(~ the paO,a arù I)pen, 11 new budget year will nl)t be that far aWdY And th~y w~ulå wait a c~uple ml)nths to get new pers~nn~l. /'Ir. No)rtl)n st....t.::d th,)t thl.!ro w·)ul d CQ r)nl!' full-t im·) ;M intenðnce person statll)neu at each of the thr~e parks th3t will be coming I)n lIne I1nd one-half recreatil)nal type pr~grammlng pu~pl~ that will b~ staffing each I)f tnl)se parks so thðt it can b~ d 7-ddY ~per~til)n. ~udget Dir~ctl)r,Z~lK~ st~ted thðt she recommends th~t the lay~r of supervision for the pew parks be cut. Parks & Recr~atrl)n Dlr~ct~r V~natt~ stdtl!'O th~t ~~. Zalka is referrIng tl) an ðddi~il)ndl rorem3n II pl)sitlon. Ms. ZalKd st.atec th.Jt tht:re is tr..! fonman II posltion ,"Ind tWo) v..hicles. ¡)he stat\ (; tn;¡t ~n~ v~hicle 15 t')r tno:! rOrl!'lndn II and questiontld ",hat the otl1~H vehicle w~uld b.:! for'? /'Ir. Vanatta repl1e::l th.Jt it w~ul0 be f')r tt)E, Superlntendent. He not~d that there was als~ some yu~stion r~gdraing the new computer, addln9 that they hav~ an Appl~ 11 cl)mµut~r ..t tne presunt time whlch i. !lbout 4 years I)ld and d n~w Ibl"l PC Is nt!",do:!d. H~ 5t~tt!d t:1ðt he WO)uld rather have the cl)mputer th~n the r!qu~5ted additional hðlf-tim~ pl)s1tion. Ns. ZalKèI stateU that the c')mputer is in<.:luo~d in the ::entl'ltlve budg~t at this time and m~5l I)f the diffcrenc~ is In the two) v~hlcles and the foreman. \ IT . I "~IUII..NOA.~I.'.~'Iue.tio:\ed if what is being discussed is the $l,llO,Ola in the tentatlve bud~et I)r the $1,034,457 in the budget office recommendðtil)n, to which Ms. Zitlk~ statt'd that the question ,i8 the dlfference between the tWO) figures. Ms. Z!llka stated that th2 I)ptions art< ,...h~ther the two) \/o!hlcles and the foreman position is needed. Commissil)n4tr V.;¡ss stated thdt tha pdrks can:'lot be I)purdtc!d wlthl)ut the foremsn. Mr. V~natt. stated thdt h~ is rùqu~sling Ðn addlti,):1~l Fl)raman 11 aOD« 088 PAr.! 261 Pag. 29 '" F .~,~. :' "",,;.' Q88,¡Q262 AUIJust 5, 1985 ",Which ",111 gi.... II total of two ~'oreman II, which will b~' split up so ~hate.ch on. will be in charge of half th~ C~unty a~ð th~rc is a Parka Sup.rvi.or and CI Parks Superintendent over those \:100 fl)remen. Comlllssioner Voss stated that he f~els th<lt tha Cl')mputer is need.d, but an add!tlonal fl')reman cl)uld wait untl1 n~xt year. Commlss1oner HaslG stated that the parks ar~ not on line y~t, and questioned why the additional foreman is needed at this time? Mr. Vanatta stated that he Wl')uld need tha foreman when the parka come on llne. . .' "'..''',..,..-...,..........- ....... -- A J...., 'III . J J. r r .1.l_ County Manager LIJ'3K st,1ted that if the C~mmission d¿cided tl) add the foreman, it cl)uld be don~ fl')r n six ml)nth p~rll')d. It was th~ general consensus that th~ computer b~ left in and the foreman be hired for the last six ml)nths,l)f th~ budget year. AGRICULTURE DEP^RTMENT BUDGET Public ~ervice Admlnistrator N0rtl')n statcd thùt thE Agriculture Departnlent has a r~qucst for the 5~ personnel s..,rvices and an cxp3nded s~rvic~ request of $2~,OOO for an additl0nðl PQr50~. H~ not~d that durIng discussions wlth the County MDnag~r it was decid~d that tnis position should be r",Óucej tfJ <, h'JlE-Limt:' p,')sitil')n, ...hien ....·I)uld roiàuce the total budgct by approximately ~11,50U. Ms. Zalka 5tatod thdt her recommendat10n i"! to cut I)ut thL part-time position. Commissioner Vo')SS ;,juest.iont:(J if tnl~ Ajr icul ture Dir¿ctl)r c·)ulò g~t all)n9 withl)ut the part-tim~ positll)n, to wnich he re~lieo n~gativ~ly, adding that he has I)nly requ~st0(J an additlon~l 4.6\ incr~as~ this year. he stdteò thht ha has =ut out cv~rything that is posslble. Commissil)ner V'')SS stJt'l'O tnélt 1f no 'In·? dii!,lgr':d¡ with thü 4.1i1a incr.ase, the generól co')nscnsus is th~t the Agriculture Department'S tentative buogct stuys oS is. MUSEUM DEPARTME~~ BUDGET Public S~rvic~s J~minis~r~to')r ~..,rt0n 5t3tcd that theru IS ~ $3,000 request for ðn ~xpanaud service whicn was for an oral history prl)qram, addlng th!llt It was o'.:'cided tnat th~ bt:st. way tl) hðndl~ this W'Juld be tf) have the PurchasIng l)epéJrtment obtain the VCH ~quipment that is requ.sted and th~n 106/1 it out to vc'lril)us departmünts. He noted, therefore, that the $3,000 is nl)t incluoed in the tentHtive budgp.t. PARKS , RECREATION DEPARTMENT (UNINCORPORATED AREA) Ma. Zalka atatea that since the malntl!nance aspect I)f the new Page 30 iff...'.', II\,'··,','~,··,.. ,\ ", ~ , I rrt' II!'::!] 1:5'! - --"-' ~.,{'":'."!,............-- ." ~~..;, r'"T+- ___ - r:r;:J t:::3 " August 5, 1985 park.. w..s discussed under the Parks,: Recreatil)n budgltt, perhaps this budget in the unincorporatwd area cl)uld be appr~vud at this tlme. Commi.sioner Voss stotod that if no ~nH I)bjects tl) th~t budget, it remains the same. FIFTH AND SIXTH CENT OPTIONAL GAS TAX Commi.sil)ner VI)SS stated that in th'" currflnt budg\!t, ther':! is the 2¢ gas tax tl) be used fl)r rl)ðd cl)nstruction Ðnd thd quastion 15 whether it 18 left in or nl)t. Ii!! atatltd that if it 15 no')t l\!ft in, than thore arot tloQ opti.,ns, which 1re n·)t to') bulll1 tne rO.Jds or fln~nce th<lm anl)ther,way. Ho statEd th~t whe~ sorneon~ us~s the road It in because a vehl cl e ha s bt'!o!!n purchased, '....n i c h he 0,) 5 pJ i d fo r, antj tn", rl)/lds sh~ul d bu paid fl)r the s~m\! way. he stated that nl) I)nc lIkes to pay tÐxes, but it seems tnat tnis 15 , ll)glcðl ~JY. ~! not~j that there is 3 trem~ndous n~ed in this Cl)unty fl)r J~diti0nal rOðds, Jdolng that he feels that there is po 31t~rn~tivo!! but to i~po5e th~ additlonal 2¢ gas tax. Commissil)n3r GO~~niqht statea tnJt she a users f~e, is th~ ~nlY f~ir way to do') it. HJSSe cl)ncurred. Cl)mmlss11)nctr Hollana st,jteu U',lt he h..s !:\lXl!U emotions dS there are a lOt of people that use th.. roads, but do no')t h,jve autl)ml)biles, ddding that thltrlt al~ p~o')p10 tnat r~yulre ~œrvices anO do nl)t buy gasl)line. He nl)ted that he feels that tne State is using the ml)n~y fl)r other things rath~r than 1n th~ ro~a buildin1 areas where it Is ml)~t needo!d. f~~ls th~t th~ gas tðx, as Co~mission~rs Pistl)r and Commission~r V·)SS stJted thiic n¿¡tI0n;:¡11y the aver"ge vehicle is driven arl)und 15,OCO n\ll.!s p..r y~dr and if thl:! èlv~rage consumption I)f gasolinv is 15 mil~s per ~al1on thdt Is a thousélnd ga111):'Is of gasolir.e per year and if th~ tax I)f 4¢ per gallon is ~dded, that is $40.00 a year and that is nl)t a detriment to the av¿rage p~rso')n that drives a lU J ra.r îU. I l r 1 II. · ..-...-.....-." "....' . TranGportation Director Archibald stat~d thdt there are two things b~ing talked about, I)ne 15 the rl)adway system and tha I)ther is financing that ro~away syst~m. He referr~d to a chart that showed the am~unt of taxes that are a11ow&d pur gallQn of gas, the government body that ends up receiving thnt gas tax, the 3ml)~nt .,f dl)llðrs that results from the allocation I)f that tax, and the miles of roads that those do')l1ë1rs go against. Hd stated that in Collier Cl)unty, tha County is ~t~ body that has tnp. responsibility for not only tne drteriJl rl)~d 'OOK 088 PA(,t 263 p! ;, e 31 ,". --I I , .~ "J,. ...~ '," " t I 08B PAGt264 Augus;; ~, 1~85 ....-. :':.: .ystem but a1sf) the grl)ss number of miles of rOdc.:!S. Hj! stated thet 'J~h.~~ ðr~~.pprðx1m~tÐly 1350 miles 0f roød8, m~ny of whicn ~r. artwrial ,'4 ' " ~nd .econdary roads that mak. up I)ur network th~~ has t~ be financed 'for both maintenance and construction. H~ stated that this does not 'inc1Úd the anticlpated new roads. Commissioner HI)11and questionud how the p~rccntago is workúd out that the Cf)unty and the City receive? Mr. Archibald stated that by law the formula is udäed upon the hlstoric transportatlon expenses over the prlor five year period which means that if'the City has only'Ùo";nÍf;;"'~i7o"':d";"b~t"t::b~e~ r.L,..ILJJII sfending a lot of money on them and the Cl)unty has 1350 miles I)f rl)ads but has not been sp~nalng as much mon~y dS the City, than th~ Cl)unty gets leøs. He stated the City nas b~en sp~nding apprl)xlmate1y 20% for \:heir rl)ad system anO the Cf)unty, in turn, hds ~pent I. re1<,tivoly smè:lll portion for the aml)unt f)I r')bds th.:Jt it has. /it. stð~ed that miles of roaos that tht:t Cf)unty is res~')(1I:iiollo. for il:i n'Jt t.:lk",n intI) conslaeratil)n. He stated that th~re is ~~f)ut ~5 millil)n ~armarked for road construction "no I)nly d~out $1 millio:'l is going into rl)ad maintonance, aoding that th~ dQll~rs pur mile that ar~ being useo for road maintenance lS r*lativ~ly smAll compar6o to th~ n6t!l)nal average. budget Dir~ctor Z~lKd SL3LUO that tne t~ntðtive budg~~ includes (¢ fl)r construction and 2ç t~r mðint~n~nc~ of the G¢ l~cDl ~?tion, adding that che B;.Idqt:t Office r~c'')m.nlnd3tion is il)r J.. rl)òd maintf!nancl;: and 3¢ road construction in order tf) r.Juc~ reliðnc~ on ac valorem taxus. Cl)mmlssioner Vf)S5 state~ thdt the cor.s~nSU$ is thdt th~ additll)nal 2¢ gas tax should be add~d. Mr. Hubert AlL~rd ~f till: 'l'rdns¡:>ort¡,tif)r. ::'.)mmlttu<: f'Jr the Cnamb&r of Commerce stated that the Chambur feels very strongly that all the 3rd and 4th cents should be use~ for C~Fitol road funding dnd nl)n~ for maintenanc~, addin: that it Is fllt that the mølnt~nÐnc~ snould cl)me out of ad V¿lorem tax~s. Cl)mmlss1Qner Voss stdt~a that lh~ N~~l¿s Civic ASsOçl~tion sent a letter which incJlcdteo tt.~t thO:! prf)~I)Sed fiftr. ind sixth clnt gils option be approvud ~o b~ us~d fl)( n¿~ rOdd cl)nstructil)n. County /".anùqt!r Lusk stat!::cì that Ln. hudgt!t reflects th., fifth and sixth cent to be used for cl)nstruction. Budget Director lalkJ stated th¡¡t thE: first two cents are set in the budget cor maintenance and th~ other four cents for constructIon. C"mmisaiO:lnElc Vr.tss stated tt.at the Ch.1mber of Commerce position is Pa 9 e 32 - - - - .""1"',.......,.,..1\'l1li'" . T....__ r.:. ~~.......-....¡'"":'~- - - .....- '" t c.t ~ f, í /, I I [ . J F \ i , ~ ! I ~ -. .. íí'fi,-::",:""'J r.;:J August 5, 1985 ~that it should all be used for n~w cl)n~truction. Mr. Obley stated that ad valorem taxes shl)uld bœ increased to cover maintenance. Commi.sioner Voss stat~d that the philosl)phy is that tho pe.,ple here now are thv on.s that c~used m3intenance tl) be nocessary and, therefore, they p~y. Mr. ~liff B.:Irksdald stattSld th,)t this \~~s 1.1150 the cl)nr.l~nsus I)f the infrastructure c.,mmltt~~. Cl)unty l"\ðnager Lusx. s::.3t',:d th3t his r.Jc.)mmo:!nú¿¡til):,\ w"s trJ use the first two c-'nts tor m,Hnt!?n.1Inc,: .:.nd tho:, LJudget Directl)r' 5 recomm~ndatll)n was tl) us~ th~ first thrce cents, adain~ th~t h~ boli~v~. that tho fair~st I)f all t~x~s is tha g~s tax dnd, b~CðUSÐ It is a fair tax, it r~fl~cts who cre~tes the ddmd~~s and who C~U8es the maintenanc<e to the rOde:, which 18 thH user. tic st<J¡;..d thøt nil' ......'uld nl)t like tl) se~ ad v~I"r~m t~kø a h~~vy l~JO El)r m~lnt~n~nce. Budget uirector :¿,11K, stat¡,d that .Jd v~l'J!~m t¿¡xes .3r.: already paying i2 milll~n to} ro~d m~int~n~n~~. . Mr. Cliff darKsllð1" ~t...ted th.:lt tiler'" is $700,000 In .3J vall)rem tax which is unOer ~~e four MSTD Jl$trlct~ which ~rc fl)r local rl)3d \ , iTlaint""nðncc, addlng that n"ne I)f that 1S Included in tho:! drterial road systœm. .ia stateo tbdt far th.J secrJ;'Id~ry .amJ th..: iHt:t,!rlal rl)üd systflm, he is nl)t aware of ~ny ~d valorem tax tn~t is leviea this y~ar fl)r maintenanct.. Budget Director Zalka stdlo:!U th~t the s~les tdX is being uSdd ~hich can be used for general pUr?~HeS, the sðme as ~d vall)rem taxes CAn be USftd. ~hy st3ted that $1.3 milllon "f sales tax is f~r r~ad and bridge maintenance. She st~ted that these g~nerdl revenu~s have the same effect as ae valorem taxLs.' Sne stdt~d th~t the Stat~ Legislature ha» withdrJ'wn the Rl)dC & Bridge tßx, and thurefl)r~, it cannl)t be lovied. She stated that it w.as raplbced ~lth Sales Tax. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BUDGET AND MASTER PLAN ._ U T 14t:1~~e'n"AdmlnistratorNl)rton 'stated that there is $421,000 worth of expanded services for next year. He reported that this consists of an East Naples ALS unit, an additiondl billlng clerk, ã training program, and the vólunteer BLS unit fl)r the Everglades City area. He nl)ted thðt the ~~~ master plan is dssent1ally a three y.ar pl~n and is very closüly related tl) the budget. ~m_rgency Medicðl Services Director GreenfIeld rüfurred tl) an ovwcn..d map IndicatIng that C~lller C~unty 1s over 2,000 squ~rQ miles. &ODK 088 P4r.! 265 Pðge 33 I .. -----.. ; , I . l , ~ ,{ . , r . ,~ ~. :1 ',', ,I ~,. "! ,., 1 :. ~ '.:, . ~" , .': ¿' a~OK 088'AC[~6 August 5, 1985 He referred to~~e five districts thðt th~ units operat~ in/ Imml)kalfle .unit 50S, North Naples t'lte Cl')ntrol District, Unit. 503; Cit.y I)f t-:t1 pI NI and a portion of the ~8t Naples Fire Cl)ntrol Uistrict., Unlt 501; combination of Golden G^te tire Cl)ntrl)l District and tl) the ebstern boundary of Collier Cl)unty which ~ncl)mpasses several hundred square mlles includinq Alligatl')r Alley, State Rl)ðd 29, and Ochopev and Carnestown area, and Marco Island which Includcs everything east of SR 9S1 to t~. county line along U.S. 4l and Everglades City, Unit 502. He stated that a year ago, he started looking at th..Count~~in-t.t...oir I ..J master plan, taking intI) considorallon the dl/gr..ot 01 call demands in specific areas ~nd the size I')f the cl')mmunity thðt is belng Cl)ver~ò with indlvidual unIts. H~ stat~d thðt during thv last y~ûr the request for service has been ¡ncr~~s¿d by I')Vèr 1,000, calls, Boding that ml)st of the calls have happened during daylIght h0urs and hdve beHn in the ml)re dHnsely popul,]teo areas. h.. 5t,H(d t.~ðt in tn~ t!.:Istern part of the County, the helicl')Ft"r hðs be~n dep~nd~d upon. He st~ted that he is recommending that. ~notner ALS unit b~ doded tl) the East Nãplt;S Flrf; Contrt)l Dist.rlct wlth th: op')r~tif)n"l lorriVJry bc!ing as far as the! edst.ern cl)unty lir.,¡. he ~t<lt"C thùt ....ittl thiS m<'3t"r ¡-l!ln tht!re would be six basic dIstrIcts with i sevlonth bt:in-,3 the v')lunteer prl)?"sld for the EVt!rglðd~s City ar.:a. i1C st.ltoa that over dOi of the tran!;p<:Ir- tation out I)f most of tht: art:dS in ~v~rg16a~8 i!; Od3lC 11t~ support. he stat.d that this is th~ entIre picture 10r tn~ next three ye~rs for the grl)wth rel..t.t.(J plt-r., daolng th¿.l tn", :':0"", ch,)ngt's woula nl')t really change. he stbt.eâ tnðt tnt: k~y tQ tho. wholt: syst~m, t,(lng basically to be ðbl~ to stay with the ZQn¿s ana bt!lnj dole tQ Q~~rat.: ¿fflcicntly in the e^stern ~I)rt.ion 1)1 th" (Qunty, is hi~hly a~penGent uPQn the integrity .:of t.he n",lic'J¡..t"r prO,:¡ra;n. Ii" 5tc;ted thH. ðb tn.. Cl)unty grows fart.her eastward, th! ne"js Cdn be m~tchect I')r mt:t withQut add1ng addlti'Jnãl grour.;,: units in th·')s~ art-...s. Ik st"tt:O th>Jt tn· !::ilst Naples Unit would b€ bllsed Jt th,' tu:adgu¡¡rt.'rs c'Jmplex, ad:Jlr.g tili.t t~t, c£.ll density is ~rimdrjly frn~ Lcly LOWrlrd tnt: City of NÐpl~s. Commlssil')ntH Holl..nd stClto.u th¡ol this ....,')ulò be a multl-¡Jurpl')se b~cKup in.t~ðd 'Jf JUSt tor ~4St ~d~lt.s. /'Ir. Grt:eníield stdted thllt this "''Juld :,C accuròt" ¡¡nd it is necessary tl) keep in mir.d that n'J unit i5 a fixt:d unit, adding thbt all day long thp.... unl ts arc n,OVln\; in-between in k~')i ll).:::a~iolls. H.: statad that this gives a ffiQre enhanced syst~m tl') back up the brother aistricts as ~øll as the Cl)unty'R 'Jwn primary distrlcts. Pðqe 34 ....,.;"'"t~--. _ ~""'.",.. J 11.'--- '1;;.; - Jl.~ . Il -. - r .. -= - ':,'.'~. ,.i.,',. ,2',:',:':" .~, !~~:~;·l~'~~.. '. '.ii, : .:~ ..~. '',¡J~.'' t:~'·. ~,1f.:~~,;:\ :, ~.ß~\ '.....if::l' ,"¡ þth:~~'''''''~ ' ,,,...~'II', unit ~;"'~¡;" '~" f....~I.." ·~~6? ¡:¡¡a c::a August 5, 19B5 Commis.ionor VOl. .tat4td that: t.here is nl) question that anl)ther is needed in the County. Commi..ioner GOf)óniqht stated thðt this p13n is what lS n.eded and the combination of the n.w unit in East N~ples and the vl)lunteer unit in Everglade. is g01ng tQ solve a lot of probl~ms. Commission~ra Pistor, Hasse and Holland also agreed with thd n~w plan. Mr. Greenfield stat~d that as far dS pGrsonn~l, he is looking at 3 paramedics and 3 EMT's and a billing cl~rk In th~ h~adquarters I)ffice who will handle sch4tduling as well ðS billing. Cl)m~lssi.,n.r VI)SS indicðt~d that th~r~ is a g~nHral consen~us to 91) with the ma~t~r plõn and th~ tdntdtive budget. Mr. Jim aillm,n, Chairman of the EMSAC, stated that this plan was e prl)duct I)f th~ advisQry bl)ard and the flgures I)f the plan ~crc predicated I)n the fact that thcrw will b~ an aggr~sslve helicl)pter operatil)n plan put intI) ~ffect, rJth~rWl::;': tli-: number I)f ground units ~uld not be realistic. Cl)mmlss1l)n:H tt~11llno qUèstil)n,,,d if th0 3amc numb~r "f units that I are bein9 operdt~d ~I)W ~r~ th~ Sðm~ tn~t w~r~ being I)pgrated four years agl), to which ~r. qre~nfl~ld r~~lidj aff1rm~tiv~ly. Cl)mmissil)ner ~~stor ,':it3teo that th¿ h~llC( ptt!r d1scussil)n ·...ould be coming up ùt ð Idter dat~. REDISTRICTING Cl)mmissil)ner V?~S stat~a that this it~m should be held I)ff until S.ptemb~r after th. bud~et s~~sil)ns ~ave been handled. * . * * * 'l'her" being no furthwr bus1n~s!'l for th,* Gl)oa I)f the Cl)unty, the me~t1ng was adjourned cy Order of the Chair - Tim~: 3:35 P.M. il ,JI _ _ II J ......41 *""""_......... ··""·,N.~..,<I··· ao~ 088 PAGt 267 Pð9'¡ 35 ~"~,¡)¡¡I~'"'tt:r;" ._,," .;,..,.,M..·......"··,·...,.,,..'"··,