BCC Minutes 08/06/1985 R .. IZ5iI c;¡;; . Napl..!'!, n.,ridl.l, I\UqlJRt 5, 1985 LET ,t'r 8£ REMEo'HIEHED, that th~ Bt).ud 1)1: C.)unt.y Ct)lßmiss1l)ners in and for the County of C"lller, and alsl) acting ,:,,¡ th:. I)t)i'lrd I)t Zoninq Appð.la and .. the governing bl)ard(s) t)f sucn sp.!c141 districts as have been cre~ted ftccl)rd1ng tl) l~w and h~vinq cl)nductad businp.ss h~rt in, m~t. "n this data at 9:CJO ~."ì. in REGULAR SESSION 1n Building "1"" 1)1: the Cl)urthl)ui')/:I Cl)mplox, East Naples, f1"r.idl" ·...ito tn,> !;.-)11ow1nq mp.mb~rs pr.sent¡ ., CMI\IKM,\~~: Fr"oo:rick J. Vt'J....s VICr.; CHAIH~ AN: Jt'Jhn A. Pistt)r ~i¿¡X ¡¡'1RS", C. C. " RO!d " 1JI)11anJ Ann::! G<>t'Jdnight AL~O ~~E¿~NT: William J. Hëdgdn, ClarK; Jam~s C. Gil~N, Fi8c~1 'Jfflclitr; t.lln·)! ,·1. ::i~¡ ¡Hr "nc. ·,¡Ur":ln I\'~ny,)n (1:45 p.J';.) Da¡Juty CloHKs; K"niu,tO Cuylbr, 1,55015t.1nt Ct)unty AtL'Jrn~y; CrJn,;¡ld d. Lusk, CQuncy Nañ:~g..:rl ¡~ell¡ li"rrill, ASSlStc:nt C')UnlY IYiI;n~gi4r; Pam Brûngaccll), I D,¡puty Ass1st:::nt C"upty ,"anc)':¡'H; fI.nn j'lcK in., 1'1.lnner; 'j'om ,"IcD.in1dls, Plar.nvr; TI)!1: Cr<lnaól:!, (;tlil;:'l¡,S !\.:;;ninlsLl,:¡;,H; To,]' .~uck, ¡'u:':>llc \~I)rkl'l Ajministr~tQr; J~ncy Isr~clAon, Aa~ln1str~t1v! ^5oSl~tant to th~ ~"ðrd ànå, Co.¡.¡t. :>am oJS5o, ::r",rlt£'$ ÍJ~po;r:::I,~nt.. I r Jl ...d 11"-. L .....--........ .......,.."'... ,~ aOOK 088 PAGt 268 Page 1 >~. ..~ ".;; ';~1" "', ~ .A' .. ~ c:::a '. .....,,'..,.t ,. " I'.ugust 6, 1985 . .'!'a¡Ht ·11,..", . ~':,::', :t te~:,~t:i~\;"i:~':,;,:"~~~;,..'; MJIND1t - ; A'fROVlD AS AMENDED CO..l~.ton.r Haa.. aoved, .econded by Commiaaioner Piator and carri.ð unani.oualy, that the aqend. be approved with the following a.endment.' A. l38 - 01$cussion ~n ~~urq~ncy ?èrmlt fl)r drlV~(S ~f Airport Mini HUB - Addea At r~qu~gt ~f Commisgi~n~r VI)ss. H. GC5 - Ordin~nç~ r~ D-2 Canal Ai')~s~ssm~nt. ~t~(f r~Gu~~ts th18 item tQ bJ cQntinu~c unt1l ~/27/95 lnst~~d of tJ/20/85. C. IGA2 - I'It)v~d t" U:/\2, Pet. 'l'rl-~l.-.1LC, t:oI:Irl V¡'f\I/l'" tt:mp<:>rùry rvsiJ~nce p~rmit - keque3t~d by County N¿nJqer Lusk. ù. ll;A4 - .1<:>V,HJ t·) IJA::, ¡'·Jt. TK-tJ4-22C, 1"rt:d L. Kight, temFJ"r¡¡ ry r~sidençl. pcrmi t - I.equ<!sted by Ct)unty ,.,dno!\q..!r LU5k. 1:.. l';¡t,:¿ - M',v.".. ct) l,C. ro: r¿slqn",tl'Jn t)f 11.~ rk LdliSQn frt)m CAPe - Hcyuusted by C~unty .'1äneqe r LU9K. , f. IGd2 - ,'II)V't;~ V) ;,(¡il, r,.. i-'Urt:hl.s~ ~CJrt,ùm(!nc. ·.l1th Jl)hn and Ir3ha Slezak for vacanc parcel on Randall Hl)ad tor fir~ ~)tc~t~w.r - He~u~sted by Ct)unty Man1g~r Lusk. \ To:e. 12 PROCLAMATION DESICNATING WEEK OF MARCH 9-16, 1986, AS -HOSPICE GOOD SPORTS WEEK- - ADOPTED Coaai..ioner Vo.. moved, seconded by Commia.ioner Piator and carried unaniaoualy, that the Proclamation designating the week of March 9-16, 1986, .. -Hospice Good Sports Week" be adopted. Mrs. ~atrlcia Putnam,· Dev~lt)pm~nt UlrdctQr of Mt)5opice, thanKed the Ul)ðrO I)f County Ct)mm!l.siQ~"rs fo~ ~n.. Prl)çli!mð::i"n inr.1 sUl'p"rt thEY have always .n¢~n fl)r this '?r~~nlzatit)n dr.~ ~~scrib~c. its activities. r.Il1 If I .l . III ~~ .... _ If" ................ , . _ aOOK 088 mt 278 Pc'!ge 2 .. c;.;:; ;;;a AUqUSt 6, I!:IU S It.. 13 EMPLOYBI SIRVtCR AW~RD8 (PERSONNEL) - PRESENTED Commi..1ondr Voss distrlbuted th~ f"ll~wlng Empl"y~e Service Award., Edw.rd Torronl - Pdr~8 , ~ùcr~"tion Felix H.yn~»" - koad ~ Sriuge William ~pancer - EnginL~rlng Jdr"nimo Salas - H"lid & eriagtl 10 1C1 ~ 5 y~(1rs Yù,:¡r3 y~e.rb ya,H!'\ (abR·.n¡;) Item 14 DISCUSSION R& ROAD INPRASTRUCTURE IMPACT PEE COMMITTEE REPORT _ WORKSHOP DATE FOR THIS ITEM TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER ,'\r. CllJ:,for.:: ~"rksa,:ll.:, Cn,drm.)n .)t L:l~ ¡';t)~o In[rastruct:ur" Im¡:act F"" Commit.tee, t'xplûin.HJ tndt thl: re¡.>t'Jrt lSSUttC by this Committ:EH! cont..lns mu.:h intt)rmil tlt'Jn .,r.:.¡ crJncluJ >~5 Wl tn tl1[C~ n:'C't'JJnI1t.od.1t ¡t'JnB. He sald a shortf.ill of !pprox lm3tl:ly 54,(JOll, ClO:1 ¡:t'!r year [t'Jr the prrJgL·l'!n. .....:IS id:tntifieo. hc' !;.'ld ttlè C.olllf!1ittl''! It'Jt'Jj.;cd .:It b~tween fittttttn and t:w~nty metn~~~ of g~rcr,:¡tìr.g 1dcit¡t'Jn~1 r~Ycnue 3nd n~rrow~d th~m to thr~e met{lt)us u~,'m'ln; to t,,; t.Jtr, t(';'>l;Jl~' dncJ..itnln '.:h~ pu!vi~.... of the , Þ':lard "f Cl)unty ct'J(;1I;1¡Ìs5oll)ner.5. tI~ C!x,-l.:oìn..u that inft'Jrmatb:m us~d by th~ commlttc:t: mel"o~r;'; .....IS .,:n·.¡n,cc] [[')/n tn~ ,. ~(¡ Jna ::'~i.,[f on .,hilt t!ta rl)dd n~wdß for Co Iller C.,untf w1uiu o. .,ver ~ L~n y~ðr prt'Jqr~~. he rt!p.)rtco th.1t, ùt...,r ~CJur ~l' ;t111.JS, tile <Jrou" ,H r..,(,J t'Jn iI snort..f.:dl ':If ~4U,UOCl,CO(J f"r thd n~xt ten y~..Ir9, and ddueu 1t wc)s the gcncr~J c"n- st:nsus rJf c:nc memb.i'rs tn.¡t rO..;:J ,na lntLn..r.;:i,1 :.t1'JuLu o~ funu~d by o.In .:JO valor~m tilX 3nd since all citiz~n3 of Colliar Ct'Junty ~nj.,y th~ us~ of th'! roads it ::;n':luld (J: d c~)u:1ty-wi<1p. r~sprJ!l;>iLJ11 ity. Mr. uarksdd1~ Sðlj tner~ was ð uilcm~j as tt) ht'Jw tt'J dllocatu qrl)wth n'tftds V'H5oU.r. ;:t'Jntinu~~ ·n '"xI.:.ung n<:'.·05 ùneJ ,·ight. IndicotS W'.r~ revi~wea tt'J ')Ocain ¿ perc.:nt.~'.;t! ,)[ t¡]t)!>e ';:05t5 tnnt c·'LJld lH' ,¡ttr1buted tl) gro~tn ana d pBrC~nt~~c t:h.Jt Ct'J~lU be ùttrlbutðd t., current n~3dB. He expla1n<.td äll but t·~) metht'JU5 were eliminated an~ ~ ct'JnsenSUB was JJln l"4xQø~ þV A~9I1HII¡',t.t..... to .aver4<j e those tWO meth·)ds which resul ted in a rt,!commend~t1on that 42~ .,f the snt'Jrtfall sht)u1d be palo through the curr~nt po~u1atit)n of ,d vdl"r~m tdX~S ðnu ~a~ w~s ~ttrlhuted to growth. He explain~o th~ metht)d of ðcni~ving the5~ ~ercent~g~s was t"t:..::ned by diviuiny tJ&t! ,· mount t)f tn,:, Currll1l :mm~oi.:lte rOiJO n3t1d¡¡ by tne tl)tal rO~d neeos In 19~5 which re~ult~a in 22'. H~ s~id, c~nsid- ~rin9 thac curr~nt nou~~nl)lus tl)day v~rSUd :~t~l ht'Ju~eholcs ~dS 02\, th~ ðVer.lg~ lias 42';, 3nd 3CCled If tl1osl! numb.Hs ðr;! <,pplieo tt) lI:h~ So; 088 PACt 280 P.lqe 3 :: r "~( " .. 088,.tt.281 I.ugust G, l!lSS dollar valu.s, the C"mmittec kcpl)rt lnrl1cI)tes th~t the ad vitlor.m p,,>rtion wnul(1 requlr~ .lSJ rnll1S tl') raitH' thllt pl)rt1t)n of thrt money wl~h an imp"ct fe. of $265.00 per unit. H~ saio tnis is anly a~~lyln9 "the impact few to residential unit~ and tndt the gr"u? dici not go into a lIIethod of distributing the tot<11 am.,unt of impact fees thrl)uqhl)ut new comme rc Ie 1 c.)ns t ruc t 10n. He Sll i d the im¡JlJc t fe c WI') ul d bo! 1"..,,,, r if the total coat were distributed through commercial and residential unlta. ,'\[. Ha rkaoalc. said that thé lü:port conclud.'d that th!t gas"l1ne tax, strictly a us~r-ba~cd tax, w~s the bKst method of funding the County'. road needs, adding that the members ar.· awar.·,.thl...t...illrlf UJ State controlled process ":td the Rl:!port recommenced thl!!t the B.-:>ard "f County Commls:uon.!rs ::IeLk ncI. tundin,:! rwurc..s U\r'1u')h the LfI!g1øla'!:urp by increa5ing the gdS tax. HI:! pt'Jintea out tnðt th~ St~te has author1zt.'c; ~n !!ddltlor,~l tv,) e"nt5 9dS t..¡y. ~JnCL tne: Ro:-?t'Jrt WJlO 1ssuc,1 and that revenue WlIS n'1t 1ncludea in the Hept>rt. ",r. dðrksdal" f;"lC ,; nt)til~r [I;:c·1nllnenOðti·)n.t'Jf the (,;.,mm1tt~" was f'Jr the lY.)ard t<:> shift tW'J <:>f t ¡... current 4 Ct'nt G.JS vption '¡'ax, now usod for ro~d malnten~nc{, to çt'Jn5trUCtlt'J~ ~nQ r...pl~c~ It w1th ~o v~ll)rc;:m tax to be us\!o t'Jnly f,)( m..1r,tcn;lneè: wnlcb "",ulc =')st .1045 mills. ¡'.r. b.Jr~soo!ll(' r:q;,lZ:lr."C ':.J1<>L tn', tnIre. rcc'1r,'m~H:d¿~it'JJ\ ',I/"'S f')r ttu,' C"unty to:> ðC·)?t" ~ldn ....nlet' "",')ulo be ð c'1r.,blnatl',:'\ t'Jf ,:d Vdl·Hen. tax anå 1mpùc't fto,.,s f'Jr cutup gr,,,¡:/\ i.,no tn\' V,tlsl r.,lll.:>;,)'_ woulc.: bo'! .321; mills. ,. . .v ."~' -.::r In r(:sp'):'\~' [C) :"t'Jr'lnlSS¡C,nLt v·Js~, .~r. ~,'rKR:L-l'~ ~,,1c :115 C.t'JmIll1ttet' dic.ì not cl)ns1c~r 'ny lont-dCt fc.; '1n ,¡,,)t,:ls Jnc ·JUSint.5s~s. Ia{ stld th& members .:lid n·)t oiscu,G tn,' ;:lstrILutlf)n ·)f Ln. l:np"et f!:·! ;'!: ..35 o·)r,( 1n tho! preV1.,uR Impdct Ì't~i.. :;tUJY. n~ 5¿lc t~lt. C')n,rr¡l~t(è m'!'rr.tJt!rs p"int('d I)Ut in 1':5 1"02 pt'Jrt t!¡"t tr".y ;11(,) n,)t r~Cf)nm'::no ~n lm¡.¡"ct. fet: solely "n rwsl0~ntl~1 units ~ut m~r~ly listcu tnPlr r~cf)mmt!ndatio~~ tl) sh<)\or an 1nedct't I.,,, C)I ...i."l tll~' "JllCJur.~ ..·)ule. h._. In an'JWdr t'1 Ct'Jmml6S1CJlIlr h,~0;5'~' ",r. ~¡o,rKfi(]ðl~ .0;,1:1 th~t nf! reðd Dr. Pt:tc'rson'/i ,¡no ~,r. "1<.:n,H;.Jbt'Jn',. r"in·)rlty r"'p"Hen l,r,icI, w··r.: suurroir- tt!d atter the Infr~structurL Lommlttu2 lssued t~e fln~l r~pt'Jrt. c.;l)lOlT;151iI'1n",r l'l.stC)( f.,lC tl;" ~tr,tl p..»s,.:; ;:¡ 1,... ..'l\lC¡: WCJuld p1è.c.~ rcrst.rlctl"ns ,)n t.h., us" .,r dd vðl.,rca, tax.:!; ft'Jr rr)ðc1 'jr,d l>riC'gc and Nr. Þ.1rkso..le !;.;.id n,·: (¡"O ')nly iH:C .1 dO·)ul tt:IS 1"\0 r,n S/~/()~, but it wa£ hi. unáeratandlng tnðt tov çounty c·)uld not l~vy J sp~ciðl tllX for th~ R"ad and t'rlc.y': éunc, ho)w.!""r, ttll (;t)unty c",ulu still lotvy J tax tl) toe C;.nercll rune, with which Assist.ant (;t'Junty l,tt.,rnt!Y Cuyler agree:). 1'.19- 4 =:I =:I .. i '" _._~0!òI&."'~ p !.::..~....,-~ . - .. __........./>-<1. .. eJ;J c::;a August 6, 1~85 The following pArs"ns sp~k~ in opp,,~iti"n to Impact fees siting sucl'l f... ßre unfair, ",",uld discourago bU!lir1l Sh:S tt) It'Jcatc in C,,11ier County, WQuld make it difficult for Yt'Jung pet)pl~ to "wn homes, ,no sU9geated othcr 6t)urc~s of r~venUQ such as 3 County ðutomobil~ tags Mr. T"m Shields, President I)f Ct)llier C·)unty tsullders , nd (;t'Jntrllct.,rs Ass.)ci¡¡tlon. Tape '2 Mr. Arthur DdVis, m~mb~r of Ct'Jllipr County duilders ~n~ C,)ntr<lct'1rs l\sst)ciðti'1n. I"Ir. t:llll ';:;trJO~, t'Jf Ct'Jlli...r C.)unty Build.:!rs ",no Ct'Jntr.;¡ctrJrs AIiSr.. Mr. J))n ';,Hbll(, member or t.hd Infrastructure Impc)ct Advisory Cl)m- IlIltt"f~, wr..) <.1ir.aqr~ed w¡tn th~ :11ctht'Jd'1l.,gy u.',,;,>o by that Ct)mmitt~e to r...ach t~e Jfor~m~ntiondd ~erc~ntllq~s and ~XFlrlin£d nis ct'Jnput~tlon which rNsult~d in . SO, to be p<lid by curr~nt resid~nts 3nd 401 t~ be p~io by future resld,¡,nt:3 1nst"ad ,)f tho Ct'Jmmi ttl'(:' ß rpc'1mmf)nd,jtion t)f 58\ <lnu 42\, and he said with thQ 5th dn~ Gth c~nt glls tax the r0ad ~~ea5 for :h& n~xt fiv~ YAdrs ~~ulo be mdt. Mr. p't)nclld oel1, mei:1ber t'J1 tl1,~ :~aplds Ar;!d :;s.,ard I)f Rp.alt.,rs. !Jr. Flt'JyJ Pet.,rsrJn, mf~'11b~r r)f th.:! Infri.Jstruceur~ ImF'c)c,: Advisory Cr)mmiu!.!,·, stat,.d ft'Jr t:Jt! r<?ct'Jrd that 01" wi t lOr.~w lIilS minority r~~0rt but ~Gd~n tn~ pßrc~ntag~s sht'Jul0 h&v~ ~een ~fpll.d tt'J th~ t'1tai S4U,JUU,UDO sht)rtfall instaad t'J t :; J U r () U (; , U U G i: S the h ~ F") r: S t iJ t f: G . \ Mr. B,¡¡rl<sdal", sai(1, (u)m .:; p",r:;l)ndJ stan,¡po:>int, in revi~winq the tc:ntativJ bUd·~..:t an':: '.Il? llV~ y,;,,[ "J.;],') or';'9rc,,~\ ,,,,d cor:s1c:"ring the rev.nu~ st)urce thðt 15 C)vðil3bl~ witn thÐ 5th ~nd 3tn C~n~ Optl.,n Gas Tax, lt WdS h¡~ t'J~inI0n th]t tn¿r0 wl¡l be sufficl~nt funas witho:>ut l~vylng any ,~:J valorem tüx t'Jr i.n¡Jdct f~(: t·) funa the rr)ðd program f"r the n",xt t.hree! years. h~ sU<]L)t:st<?Q w"ltlng tt'J .,>ee what funds ar~ gElnerat<1d by the 5th and ilh C~nt Option G;o;s 'fax ~nd review the subjeCt during the ct'Jm1ng y=ar in oJrder tt'J ~bt~in tho C0rrect perccnt^g~s ðnj c)verllges "nd th..:n the (;t'Junty can' impl'¡lnent d r'1"d pr'1yr~m basùcJ '1n f'-cts. .,.. Siud en.: jJt'J¡.;ulation incrc.:.:.sc tro:>m 197ö t.) 19d4 is approximðtely 7U,OUO WhlCh averagp.d 13.45 per year 3nd from lYbS tt) 19~5, thd peri'1Q which was ct'Jnslderud in tOt: C.,mmittd¿ Re~ort, there was aeeF~~mi~~~~'~~me ,70,000 increase considered with an average incre,¡¡se of "nly &.4\ compar~d wit.h th~ l3.4' for the prior 14 YElars. He sðid during th~ 14 year perit'Jd there was 3 cents f"r the maj"rity of th3t peri.,d and ..In aOditionoJ'l ~t¡¡ cant w¡¡::¡ ilp¡..roved by refnr~r.dum. He stèlted, slnce th..t ti,i\t:, an aaditit'Jnal ,) cp.nts of ~as tax is clvail.tble I:t)r rOoJd ct)~Structlon which is ')v~r GOS¡¡ m·)fe revenue in the rt)dd con- structi"n program dS why hd nðs ct)ncluo~d this yea r. ~ppOSej to only 6.4~ yrt)wth in pt)pulati~n which is thEHt< is n'1 n'?':Id fOl endCt!11.int t'Jf an impùct fec aoDK 088 PA~[ 282 pag.. 5 ., )" "',It" ;~'~.:'~ ti:- ,;~ ß: \Jr," 1_; _~ ,1- "1' \~ ,,~, ·~I~~ p~.,. , . OJ '\ i ~ :: ~: Ìo::.:' .~ aÓD~' 088 PACt 283 . 'I'ap.·f3 AU'Just r., 19~5 foJrs. Mlirjorit:' Joaar uxplaintlCJ she att(:nd~d tnoi! lasl fc'ol mt:llt.1nga of th. Infrastructure Impact Advisory Committee in place ~f ~r~. Westman wh" røpre~.nted the League of ~omcn Voters. She snid, altht)ugh shß WAS speaking this date as a private citizen, she disbgreed with Mr. Barksdale that t.he pres~nt prop~s~d buogct provides ~dequatu funds for roads without impact fees since it was her understdnding the budget repr...nted a 28\ ~a vd]~r~m property tax increase unles8 $l,OOO,OOO of impact feu was built into it., She. poi~t~.<L?"\t;..j;J:I,a.þ-o~. ~a~ ,5'~ years C'3111er CrJunty h~s hilc steady gr'1·...th ancI it has n0l provio4!'d enough reserve funds to take Cdr~ t'Jf th~ c~pital improvements that art:' neea~d ana the Ct'Junty is b~ginning to usa bo~ding ~nc loan funds and increasing th~ buró'"~ '1n ';.axpaycrs to CiJrry tIlt: interest t'Jn tne;, b'~nCJs. She sðia it is lila," 1t'J r~(;')gniz~ t,t,at tile grt'Jwt~) 0f. Ct'Jl1H:r C0unty ""ill not pay for the nec~ssðry cc)p\tòl improvements.and that a r~ason~ble balance sbrJulc.i b~ r..'dCCICU D<?tw,","n impact [e,-,s, ao val.,rf:Rt t.::.x, ¡,nó gas sales tax to prt'Jvlue th~ nc~ds. Cl)mmir.si,)n",r V'~ss G,olc; th~.t ¿, f'~LJr-ldn~ nighw,;¡y 11'1 (;olllt:r CI)unty COJ;lts appr·t)xLn¡¡t.dy ~l,OOO,(;úU ò lI,il.., bnu tn",r~ is nrJ way thdt .1mt'JUIlt. of mt)ney can b" t;;'I<,cn r"ut rJt tr,·, G..-nLc"l ¡".Jno. He suggzst~ci thät tht< boarc accept tilt< r~¡Jl)rts tn.lt hay; :Jb!n giv~n ilnd j{ep.fJ in minu all thi; st.att:m..nts maot: ,~n(] th¿¡~ t.~~ su:>j'.(;t lJ" ...··'rk6ht'J!Jpea Q,ft'Jre tn~: final budget is approved. Co~iasion.r Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the Boaed of County Commissioners workshop the Road InfrAstructure Impact Advisory Committee and the minority reports at a date to be announced. At Cornmissit'Jnl.r Plst·)r's !':.uggcHt.i'):1, I'ubl¡(; .',·)rks ..,dl~lr.lstrat·)r Kuck and 1ranspl)rtLti~n Dir~ctor Archibald gave a slia~ pres4ntation shl)wing thti detlcits in th~ r'1a~ syst.m. Mr. Archioalu s~iG th~t th~ current rt)ad system is a gt'JO(] system, ht'J"'Mver, in '1nly D faw years the r"~o system tnot ~ill U~ n~cc;~a .,;ill b~ subst~ntiølly cit(¿r~nt from tnE: current roac system. hc s<lio, thc:refr,rc, ::itäff ie 10t'J~-<i:1g toward mc~ting th... It'Jng-t~rm n~eas ~y planning n0W. Mr. KUCK sði~ thdt Slatf has ioentifiea a total of 57.5 million a"llar ~xfJenditur~s in rOdO nøecs to Keep current which he c~pldined was indicatt:d I)n the top line of th<? bðr yrdµh sho'.,," by Mr. i.rchibald and is baseà on prt)jecting thE pr~j~cts ~vcr t.he n¿x~ t~~ years for the cash flow requi rea. ·Ir. Kuck expli:lined the bottom line I)n th~ graph Pa9t 6 -= - - ~.,,;~.....-~- ,....---..-..' I " ~...t................_ .~ _..-~...~....,..~._"...-_.. .',' JlML /1 ~. ~. ~:I ..,.,..!, - ~ ~ Au.¡ust 6, 19<35 indic~t.s the current r.vønuo avail~blQ frt)m gas tax, not including the ad~it1onðl 2¢ "ptional, and 3t thu ~nd of ten Y~ðrs the pr"jecti"n is for a total reVtinue of approximately 33 million dollars and n~eds of 66.5 million wh1ch results in d shortfall of approximately 34 million dollars. He said 1n th~ next Y~dr or tWI) ch~r~ will not be a largn sh..,rtfall, howltver, th! sht'Jrtf...ll bec;o::.mes ldrg.::r .HI thE" pnd oJ:' the ten ye^r period is ~~proached. Mr. Arcn1bald øxplainJd tnat th~ graph depicts tnat Co111.r County is going from ~ rurJl rOJO system to ~n uruün ro~J 5ystem ~nd during thoJ nltxt I)ne tt) thre'" ye¿¡rs thtH,; '....111 n·)t O~ ê.I cris~s, nt'J·...~v.H, in five to ten Y!l/lrs th,¡ c<)unty woula hewe d crises. tie sI1t'J....eo a chart wnich Sh"WH tho doditlan of tO~ 2 C~nt Option G~s Tax and t!xpla1n~d that will m~dn the shortfÐll will be r~jucea by approxi~dtely $l,OOO,OOO a year. I;(! gald th.. lon::¡er th'J County w,dc.s t'1 provide solut1t)ns to the r'1ùo nued5 ~I)re money will Od needed ann if five years passes beforu therd ~b ~ny ~iScu3s10n clbout tn~ n~.d for aa valor~m tax t'H an imp'!ct fe(~, th~ impdct fee wIll b", much hiqher -::.han what has bl!en mentioneu toiô d~t~.! l . ~r. ArchlD~ld ~~pldln~c tn~ IÐSt Jid~ram dapictlnq th~ aaditil)n of a small impact f~~, 8~ this t L!le, .~nd ':laic¡ thl:! It'Jnq-term needs ·...Quld be pract1céllly IP.::t. Mr. KUCK ~0aca tn3t tnd chJrts ':In~w r~dj ct'Jnstruct1Qn ct)sts ~vcr thr next ten years b~Sdd t'Jn tt'JUdY'S aol1ars an0 thu ravenue is based on currënt cr..nsumption 0f qøsolin.~ ¿Stl,~,)t0d <It .,C 'nillirJn gallons plH Ydiir In Collier ct'Junty. He said infl"tio::.n t'Jf r')clL1 Ct)Sr.S versus incrcas..d gas ct)nslJ.~\¡.¡ti.)n wt'Julo 'JftSèC. th¿ms"lv~s rJV'H tho:! next ten y~~rs. h~ saio the County sht'Jula acdrlss the prt'Jbl~m of thl;:! shortfall in tne rOoid prog.'c1m '')VIH t:n" n~xt YdDr. lie! s..\id tOd committl'l.! r€:com- mended that whatever pl~n is ad0pted, thdt a Committee should be formed to r~analyze thd sltuation t'Jn ð two to tnr~e yeal basis to make any II" necessafi 1 ad~~: tmen~.. t?" t!:=._r;",~.,:.:...,...", ." Ite. 15 PETITION PU-85-9C, NAPLES FLORIDA CONGREGATION OF JEHOVA'S WITNESS,. INC. RE PROVISIONAL USE -1- OF ESTATES FOR A CHURCH - CONTINUED TO 9/24/85 Co.-I.sloner Hass. .ov.d, seconded by Commissioner Pi.t~r and carried unanimously, that Petition PU-B5-9C, Naple. Florida Congregation of J.hova'. Witness, Inc. regarding Provisional Use -1- of Estate. for a church be continued to 9/24/85. -- 088' PAG£ 284 Page 7 aODK t~ ,\t ~. ~ >" ,. 088 Pa&t285 ·"RICISSI 10122 A.M. RECONVENED I A'.Iqust '5, 1985 10135 A.M.*** It.. f&. ,~ORDtNA»C115-35 AND RESOLUTION 8S-165 RI PETITION PDA-8S-7C, WILSON, MILLaR, BARTON, SOLL . PEE~, REPRESENTING BARNETT BANKS TRUST CO. I RI AMEHDMIM7 TO BERKSHIRE LAKES PUD BY AMENDING MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION FROM 12.1' TO 11.2' - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS L'9al n¢tice having been published in the Naples D~ily N~ws on July S, 1985, as evidenced by Affidav1t of PUblicati"n filed with the Clerk, public h~aring WdS o~enp.d to consiá~r Petition PDA-8S-7C, filed by Wil.on, Mill.r, Bartl)n, SoIl and P..k,· r.pr...ntlnCldl.rn....ts..øank....l tOl Trust Company, requestinr) an amenament tl) Berkshire LðKf'lS PUD by amending the mininllJm fl'1t'Jr E'levatlrJn frt'Jm 12.5 ft'et to 11.0 fe~t for prop~rty locat~d weRt of ~.H. 951, east of ^ir~t'Jrt ROdO, north of Oavis tY.>ult<v/lrd and ~I)uth .)f (;I)locn Gatt< I'drl<w~y in b~ctit'Jn!:< 32 and 3:>, Township 49 bt'Juth, R~n~~ 26 East bnu &øction 5, Township 50 South, Hdng. 26 J::ast. ¡'ldnn~r Mcl\lm ~xpld1neo tt',;;- ptt.iLion",r is ilsking t·) .JmE!nd the ~erkshir~ Lakes PUD anJ úcv~lopmbnt Ordtr mini~um fl~or ~levation fr"m l2.b tt) ll.a. Sr.", said 'JUl In", t.hc· wfH prr):::t.:S5, tr,. ~outn Fl·,rid" keqional Planninq C,>uncil r<:!co)rn;n-::nd..:!ü tn.. roin Imum il'1t'J[ Elevati?n fl)r this dev~lt)rmt:nt De l¡.iI fet'l t·)[ flurricc::n.: prrJtucoon CU.J$'):'I&, wl.ich is greater thlln the r~4u1 rem"nt l>y ~0uth !lrJr iad '^atr:r "..;¡nagem~nt District, the Collier ~0unty ~ðtLr Mdnu1um~nt Departm~nt 0r thw Building Dltpdrtment. ::.tH! S,)lC tnt! \·wtl.!r "',inÐg'~mt;nt Úèpê.rtml.!r.t W<)c (~d wit.h thu '-tttiti'1ntr v) cHvLlt'Jt, UJ\: ;;lIrrr.nt lönéIUII:1" in tho;! 1'r-¡:;11cøtl,>n 3S followfI: Thlt applicant sh~11 use minimu~ f100[ clevbt10n ~s r~Quired by tho ~t'Juth Ploridð ~at~r ManegE'ment Lirector, tnc çt'Jlli~r County ~.ð t._ r "~nð':jemE'nt Úb p" r tm.,nt ùnd ~h~ C,:11 1 1£ r C'1ur,ty ~~ilolng ~e~Drtm~nt but in no cðSL less th~n 11.2 f~.t, N.G.V.L:. Mrs. I':c¡';ll11 .i.ll<J the ~/,PC r ...:"n,;:!'.'nocc J¡'>~Jrov,11, frJllrJw¡ no:¡ ttlC 1r 7/lë/6S public ht:drln·J >iubj¿ct tt'J tilt ò!:>o)vr VUebELj'. S~I:: s~id the t)rðinancl.! ðnn re~t'Jlu:1on 1n t.~~ £xccut1v~ ~u~m.;¡ry a~t~o 'i/3U/J5 has ð f/:lw f"rmat proDlems, wnich .L.'ssi:H.!1nt Ct'Junty AtuHn.,y Cuyl.'r explë.int:ô have beon r~'s01vea. ",r¿c. ~lcKir.1 5<'.lU :,t...ff rccon"'.I'~na6 <lpprt'Jvc'l subject to the CAPe sti¡'>U1dti·)n. Mr. 'rom Peek, of l\il8l)n, I"1ll1er, bðrton, boll ¡¡nu l>eëk, repr.senting th~ ~£tition~r, t'J(Ï~r~ô to &n$wer ~ucstit)ns. nl.! resp,>nded to C"lIImissi"ner 11..ss.;!'s c"nce:rn JbrJut rec.:nt (It'Jt'Jding in foxfirc page 8 -= - - ....~~,~....- ._~ """1.:.- ,U'''.)., .. ~ ~ ~. Auqust G, 1935 IUbdlvilQn by 8tatin9 that at no timt w.r~ any ht)m~s fl"l)ded ~nd that ·,:.thh d.velopnent W'>uld hav... n" boaring .,n that. situati.,n. He add that .Tropical Storm 8;)b was an unusual !S1:t)rm In that 12-1/2 inchfla f)f rain, fell In a relatlvo1y ah"rt p~rll)d ~f t1me. H~ explain~d that. if tht improvements r.c~mm~nded by the f"rthc"ming District 6 plan undertaken by the 8i9 Cypress Ba8in þ¢~rd arc f.,llow~d, much ~f th~ fl""din~ pr"b1em8 c~n be all~viated. ~r. ~11l Vlo~~ sald n~ w~s present tt'J sp~ak ~b~ut th~ rUc"mmQn- datl"n I)f tho S.,uthwest norlda kegl1)nùl Pldnning Ct'Junc1l which aSK'3d for. 9reatftr elevéltil)O th~n tht)Sd r~4uir~a by th~ '1th~r thr~u 5g~ncies involv.rd wh1ch ne sI11u was an unr'~(!sl)n.1blf: sltuatil)n. Co..i..loner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unenl.ously, that the public hearin9 be closed. Co..i.sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Co~lssloner Holland and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 8S-l65 re Petition PDA-85-7C be adopted, and that the Ordinance be adopted. Commissioner Pistor moved, ..conded by Co.missioner Has.e and carried unanimously, that the o ! Ordinanc. a. numbered and entitled below with the .lev~tion at 11.2 I feet be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book 2l% ORDINANCE 85-35 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 83-46, WHICH ESTABLISHED BERKSHIRE LAKES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AMINDING EXISTIHG BERKSHIRE LAKES P.U.D. BY AMENDING SUBSECTION HURRICANE PROTECTION % PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE THE 8.02P IL 1 .. I ..J. J I ~ll ..... .................... _,.4,~t· ... .... "'" J J lOOK 088 PAI;L 286 1249- 9 "" "'.""'~- ..:< ~:~~ I . ~ :A,'"':';-~Zi :'r'~li~f} t.ot~;" 1-_ . ,t J ß8'8 p~t289 .Jo.u9ust li, 19&5 Leqal n"t1ce having been publish~d in the Naples Dùily New. on JUly 5, 198~, a8 evidenceò by Affidavit of Publicati"n filed with the Clerk, public hearing WðS ~peneo tt) consider Petition R-85-5C, filed by ViM. and Associates, ulpresent.1n9 Cal.i~...1."d,u.~t:r.1,t'-w...q~~ from RSF-4, R,.IF-G, RI<¡f-12 <1nd C-4 tt'J PUD KnrJwn Ð!'; Condominium motlll, locätl!d in thE s'1utllwest quedr;;¡nt '1f I-75 ðnd SH-95l in Sccti"n 34, T rwnship (iç South, Hðnqe 26 t;Ðst. Ylannær .~~im Inci~Qt~a thE locbtlon ot thiS prop.rty "n a map and explðined thll rjbjllctiv:: t'Jf this ~etiLion' is t?j confltruct ð condominium mot~l, containing on~ ana t~ ~~arOQm Lr~ns!ent dwtlliny units, office space for administration, ana t~cilities ('1r project mð!nt~n~nce, on the 27.05 tcres, dl f, ;r.,JximulII ¡., nRity t'Jf l~.L u~.lts per .:;cre. Sh!! F.:!I!ò St~ff and all apprt'Jpr1dt~ Lt'Junty AgencIes r~vl~u~d thiQ petlt!.,n and recommena~c bpprt'JvL¿ SUbjLCL :0 t~1 twt'J 3ti~ulflionh In('lc~tnð ~n th~ ~x~cutive ~umm~ry d~t~a 7/30/~~. Mrs. Mcj(irr, !:Iðlt! lh... c,\PC rl';;·)IT¡r.'Cl;:¡t:¡; rlp¡.rt'Jvr11 l'dlo\lin'j tnÐir public h.dring t'Jn 7/1~/~~, ~ullj(!ct t~ tnL tW0 St~tf stlpulðLl0ns plus I)ne that hns the provl¡'¡l'1n In:H t'J:11)l tull tW)-':H".::rQr)n, ·Jnl.:..; may. o. sola. Ownfirsni¡- mðy nt'Jt run wltL tn!. sin-31(, oedroom units. Tape 14 , .~RDIMAMCI 85-36 RI PETITIOM R-85-5C, VINES AND ASSOCIATESL RIPRESENTIKG CALIIHDUSTRIES, RE REZONE rROM RSr-4, RMr-6, RMP-12 AND c-4 TO PUD ~MOWN AS CONDOMIHIUM MOTEL, IN THE SW QUADRANT OF 1-75 AND SR-951 - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Comn,iSS!l)n(H I'I::it'jr c)Skt:Cl'~ Vine:ò if t[lO; p~titl')¡,1~[ d~finilely understood thðl h~ cann'1t sull slnyl~ units? ~r. Vines s~i~ thcre 15 nl) problum, dCC11n9 Lh.,)L tll15 ¡..r')j(,(:: is ;\ ct'Jnv"n:i'1n"-l !nt'JL.d bnd tn£ only thing thbt is rel~L~J to h c'1n~t'J~inum ft'Jr this proj~ct is t.h~ meth.')(J "f t)om",rship. H.¡ Si'! 1U tnf· uni ts .!Ir~ d. signt:d srJ tnl!t tl/') bedro"m units eQuId be cr)nv.:rtt!c t'j LWj units, t!dch ~ëvinq ¡; bath. Coami..ioner Piator .oved, aeconded by Commissioner Has.e and carried unaniaously, that the public hearln9 be closed. Co..laaloner Plator DOved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanlaoualy, that the Ordinance aa numbered and entitled below b. adopted, subject to stipulations, and entered into Ordinance Book No. 211 pa gill 0 -= - - .,......"Iw<' )".;.... ..,'It;} <.,;"ý¡";"'-' _f'r': ",¡:ît"'"',j' ,.- aïiiJ g;a AUCJu.t 6, 19fJS .' ORDINANC~ 85-36 AM ORDIMANCE AKENDlMO ORDIMAMCB 82-2 THE COMpnEBENSIV! !OMtNO RlGULA~IOMS POR ~BI UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, ,,·rtoRIDA BY MIMDINO THE ZONI"G ATLAS MAP NUMBERS 49-26-8 BY CBAMGIMO THI ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HERIIN DESCRIBED RIAL PROPERTY PROM RSP-4, RMP-6, RMP-12 AND C-4 TO -PUD- 'LANMED UNIT DIVlLOPMENT rOR A CONDOMINIUM MOTEL FOR PROPIRTY LOCATED 1M TBI SW QUADRANT or 1-75 AND SR-951 AND PROVIDING AN ErrlCTIVI DATE. 11 J. Iff t L U J ., ~ _..........".~.. .......',....."" '001{ 08'8 "A~,~ 290 Pð911 11 ."' t.', '".J" "!"'"VI.':\fIi¡ ">:;}.'", , . ~ , "":~ .;.~~ .'~':: ,: '.'~!.!", " ~ ~. ;~~.,,, ~.; "'Cl.'.,' { ~':¡ ,')t', ".; ~">~ " 1 i .~ '1 ~ j J ~... " '",-.. FäiJ' ~ . . fm{i AugUBt .j, BU 5 ,Ite. 18 P!TITIo. R-85-6C, GIORGI L. VARNADOB, REPRESENTING ROGER BUDNY, R! A RIZOHI FROM A-2 TO C-4 - CONTINUED TO B/l3/B5 C~mmissi"ner Voss ~x~re8ß~d his opinion thJt It is unf~ir t" tnd public f~r cS peti ti"notr to r"'\iutlst thClt a peti tit)n be c.,nt.inuod after it nas bw~n advvrtis~d sinc~ a mem~~r t'Jf tna public m~y ~ttHnd ~ meetin~ with th~ intdnt to spaak t'Jn dn 1~5UH thdt uv~ntually Is pt)stponed. Co~is.ion.r Pistor moved, ..conded by Commissioner Has.. and carried 4/1, Commissioner Voss opposed, that PetJtil)n R-85-6C, Georg. L. Varnado., b. continued to 8/13/85. P13nner .',cl<1m LJxpldin>!:l1 tho c1rcumst!lnc>!:s th,1t accur wht:n p~titions .r~ reyu~stao to J~ co~t nu~rl stJtin~ t.n't z'1m.tim.~ ie 3ffl)rd. eim... ft'Jr tOe PQtitit'Jn~r t'1 meet with St~[f dnd røs'1lva c,)mpliclltit'J:13. Item 19 ORDINANCI.B5-37 RE PETITION R-85-7c, INVESTMENT PROPERTIES CORPORATION, REPRISENTING DONALD ~. JONES, RE REZONE PROM C-4 AND C-l TO C-3 FOR A SINGLE-STORY RETAIL CENTER ON THE EAST SIDE OF US-41 AND NORTH or SHADY REST LANE - ADOPTED, I SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS, PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ACCEPTED Legal n·)e\c~ l...vlng b4<-=n l1û:.>ll.q~I?(1 1n tn.1 ~1I~l"N ::;aily :--'''W5 an July ~, l~~~, ûS YV1J.nc~a by AtfiG_vit o( PUJli~dtion fil~d ~lth the ClerK, ~ubli.; heilnng '¡ös ·)pen<:.:J L'1 c·)n,ud",r Petitit'Jn k-85-7C, filad by Invescm",nt ¡>r.:>p"rt1(;s C'1fF-,)r,"LUJn, r..-µrL'stdlt:lr'1 l,;..,n,,10 r. J'1neH requesting cdz'1ning frt'J~ C-4 3nd C-l to C-j for y slngl~-story ret~il Cttntef on tne east Sid'l! ,)( U.S. ~l n·)rLO·)t :.ìh,'.::Iy f<')8t l....n'.! in ::ittct.i,>n l5, TOlimlihip 49 ::;ou~h, k!lng,¡ 25 I::;¡SL. Plann.:!r /,¡cl<lm :;_1..:1 Lt1~ rJbj'èctiv~ r)f tr,iS p"titi'1n is t'> ö;;:vcl'1p the proporty wit.h d r~tail c~nt~r spdc1al1zin~ in m~rcnanolse ft)r the h"me. Sne eXlJlóin!!d 5edff and .111 appropriãte Ct'Junty Agencies reviewed this petition ~nd recommend apprQval subject to the stipulations ~ av£ l"u T )¿ß 1 J .. 1. .........."'. ."....."""_... ~ ~., ~ . d~ta ¿ed t)n the Executiv~ Summ~ry dated 7/30/G5. Sh~ said that the CAPC rec"~~ended appr~v~1 ðft~r thair 7/1~/85 public h~ðring subject t" the Stùff's stipulations an..;! ädded tne sti?ul~tit'Jn of ten I)f thd 54 space. shown on the sl t.. plan as 1.-lndscap<td sh.)uld bt:! paved. She otxplainllld thdre is d Petitit'Jn;;r's Agrc,¡"hl.tnt fr¡r thtsa I'Itipuliltions. In respon!òe tt) Comm1slOi·)ncr Pist.)r, .'rs. Ì'lcKim said t.hat the rda."n for thv rVYUdbt t,> C-J is that thurn ~r~ !lajacent r~siddnts tl) ;~ 088 mE 292 Page 12 - ~.., ... ',; . ,,,',, :1. ,§ ~;1 , .;~ ',i .' ;, 'þ 341 ,~~ ::~ i ..1 ] ~t " 'I~~;·' i,:" . !~/ _. , t.:,~ 1 aOOlL,.oss,AGt293 Augußt 13, l!l85 . .;:r , ",.. .r',"', ,.fd>.~ -. . ' ;;':';"tbflÌ:property and Staff recommended the z"ning that but cl)rrupt'Jnda t4) ..iI;, .' <, '. ....~t ~, ',~"" that property. ~1~·.' -~ ":'~'~CO_1aa1oner ,htor IIOved, .econded by Cc.IDlDi..ioner Hu.e and ~.. '. c.,!r.~e~..,unani.oUalY, that the public huring be c10.ed. }~¡:Ù' ~ -,Co_is.ioner ,i.tor IIOved, .econded bl' COllJJ\lhsioner Goodnight and \...'~~' 'carried unanl.ou.1y, that the Ordinance u numbered and entitled below '~: be adopted, aubject to stipulations, that the petitloner'a Agreement be r ~~ accepted and that the Ordinance be entered into Ordinance Book No. 211 ."'-'" .'-''WI' -.1.1 ORDIIlAJfCB 85-3',.~. '·"'"'-1 111 '*'_ Il. ,." 'IT AM ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS rOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OP COLLIER COUNTY, rLORI~ BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS M~P NUMBIR 49-25-5 BY ClANGING THE ZONING CLASSIPICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED RIAL PROPERTY FROM C-4 AND C-l TO C-3 rOR A SINGLE-STORY RETAIL CENTER LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE or U.S. 41 AND NORTH or SHADY REST LANE AND BY PROVIDING rOR AN EPFECTIVE DATE. Page 13 ., ~ - ",,.¡¡, I.,:. Augu!!t t5, 1985 .7;':' It~.J188P1q 295 ORDIMAMC& 85-38 PROVIDING rOR ~HE 5TH , 6TH CENT LOCAL OPTION GAS ~AX UPOM IVlRY GALLON or MOTOR FUEL AND SPECIAL FUEL SOLD IN COLLIER ~OUMT!, IFr&C~IVI 9/1/85, rOR AN INITIAL PERIOD OF POUR YEARS - ADOPTED, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - APPROVED Leqal notice having be~n published in the Napies Daily N~W8 on July 18, 1985, .. ~vidunced by Affidavit of Public~tion fil~à with the Clerk" public ht~rin9 was "pont:'d t" conuder '1.1 prop<',sed ordindnc. providing for the 5th .nd 6th l:ent Local Opti"n Gas 'I'ax upon eve ry gallon of mt)tor fuel and sp~cial fual st'Jld in Ct)llier Ct)unty, effective . '''. ,. '~""""""_''''''''''''''''''''''''~·'''~.'f~IUfL ,. }fa. L . J . 9/1/85, for an initial period of four years. Pu~lic ~rks Aoministrntor Kuck said the objectivp. I)f this ordinance 1s to prt)vide ~dditionðl gal'> tax revenue for the Five-Y,ar Secondary t<'1~!J Progr.3rn by ,,~t'J¡:.tin\J <'In t'Jraln,1ncc wtlict¡ wl'Juld prt)vide for the 5th and Gth Cent Local 0pti'1n G~s 1ax fúl10wing this public h.aring. lie said btaft reconlln...nds ~pprovnl to hel¡.> µrl')vidP for tn~ ~hortfall anticipat~d 1n th~ road building system in Collier County. I',f. Ht)bert ~llnn, rc¡.>r~.s"nlin<; tn.:: Naklel> Ar...:t Chamber t)f Comm~rce, sup?Orteà thi3 t'Jfdinðncp. ...r. l'ht'Jmós Kttiutus, ( ';ir~ct'H '1f the ~I,~rc") Isiand 'ï.1>cpflyerl" MSOClat.1t)n, ¥!:,OÄI in t'JP¡;t'JSlt:l0~ t'1 ttH! ¡.>rt'JpoRed ordinancf! bCCllUfle "f thtl unfair burden t.o ¡Y,ðrC'J liii<.lnu t"X¡."y.:f& ....11t'J ...oul~ n')t d.Hlve ðS qr..t ð b~nefit fr'1m tn~ mon~y ~s '1thcr C'1unty r~6id~nlS. h~ suggested if tht: ordin"n~e is F"ss'!'c'; r.n....t è p'Hti'jr¡ t'Jt th~ mon1Y b~ applit:c 1:" the liab1lity recently ~ssum~o frt'Jffi :cl:ond Corp'1fdt~0~ for r~habl1itðtl0n t'Jf the st[~~lS nf ~~rco lsldna not pf~vit'Jusly acceptvo by the Ct)unty. H.: sLid tn~ p~t'Jpl" t'Jf ~~reo lsl~no h~ve ðlready p,10 thi& "bligðtion .)ne" in UH· ¡.;urcj¡¡;s~ prlce of th_ IlJnd bn:J unlf:ss ftly"nut is provio..d .[(H it t/lt1 resio"ntR ct'Ju}(j b" ft'Jrc.HJ t:o PdY tw1CIt for th~ str~~ts invo1v~~. 'fr.:.ns¡;-'1rt.::tlt'Jn Iii rECVJC I\rcLib.:1à po:;t.l(j ~ cnc:.rL c:"picting the Dreakdown t'Jf gas tax"s ¡¡nd ,:;<¡..I<\in~u tOdt c,}lli.~r (/Honty gt:ts ¿ r",lativL'ly 5.'11011 "mount. ,;¡f tn,,> tt'Jté'l lPS t¿,,(. t¡;, said tht· Ct'Junty r.ct:iveg e c~nt5 out '1f 23 c~nt:5 ana in r~y~rd tt'J tnp hareo 1slano .ituatit)n, n~ nott1d th~t the. Ct'Junty is sp~nding mODC) o~ b.~. 951 1n r.qara t.o th~ rignt-of-~dY ~na ht'Jptifully tn~t: ~t'Jn~y wl11 bu r~imbursed. Coaai..loner H.... DOved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unani.ou.ly, that the public hearing be clos.d. Coaai..ioner Pi.tor DOv.d, seconded by Commis.lon.r Ha.se and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the Ordinanc. a. numb.red and entitled below PQgfJ 14 " .:I - - .s t., ~' ,......_...4>1 _.~. .. ~ ..... c;;1 Auqust 6, 1985 be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 211 ORDINMlCE 85-38 ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 336.025, FLORIDA STATUTES, PROVIDING rOR THI IMPOSITION OF THB rIPTH AND SIXTH CENTS LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX UPON EVERY GALLON or MOTOR FUEL AHD SPECIAL rUEL SOLD IN COLLIER COUNTY MID TAXES UNDBR THE PROVISIONS or CHAPTER 206, FLORIDA STATUTES, PROVIDING THAT SAID TAX SHALL BB EPFBCTIVZ SEPTEMBER l, 1985 FOR AN INITIAL PERIOD or FOUR YEARS, PROVIDING FOR COLLECTIOK AND DISTRIBUTION or THE TAX AND PROVIDING FOR USE OF REVENUES, PROVIDING SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Item III ORDHIAalCE 85-39 CREATING TilE NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK MUNICIPAL SBRVICB TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT - ADOPTED L";¡ðl p.·1tictt ¡LIving U\!.Jn ¡;ul)lis~"<.: In th.,. 1'/,1[-1.." Dd11y IHws I)n July 18, 1985, ..IS ~vid~nced by A([ldJvlt o( Publi~Jtion tiled with the CldrK, public hB,;¡r1ng ~ðS o~~n~ð to consider M prt'J~0sed ordln4nc~ tl) creùt.'* t.hp. .'aµlo:ts Pr'1ducti)n par" j',lJnicipól S~rvl::·1 Taxing .Jnd tlanefit Un i t. f'uclic '\')r,,1> "j;1\inl!';tr.lt.,)f ¡~'J~k .,;(pl.Jln\!cI this trlxin':j unit w.)ulü proviu,* tunes for tlla ¡H,d l,':lln,HY dn.:¡i¡¡,H:!rin.,¡ r( pt'Jrt.. H~ '*xplain!!d thüt t'Jv>!r the: p.ISt nlne or t':n ,n·,n! :1.\:; tn.: C'1-'!;':;y h..s ',o/<)rr:¡;¡j wi Lh art'.I propl1rly ·)....n..rs r.q.irding t:1e ir,l .r,)V :m~nts to troll> .Jr.l.: ~ertain1nq tl) drüln'ç!, !h:I¡"r ,,:1J ..· l;..r 11n,';O. Ii·; s.uJ UI;, ooun':JljriU5 of the prQpa~ed unit ar~ ~n the n0rtn, M~rc~ntil~ Av¿nu~; t'Jn thd iast., tha Suction Lin.,; .)~¡ th~ S'Jutl" Ji.Joit'J Ht'J '.j dnü on Lhe ....t.·!;t, 1\1 rpt'Jrt Rt)3.:1. Hit e:q;131n!d ð que.'5t.ìonn,11r¿ 1ooI5S Sl'nt t.) those pr.)pl:rly t'Jwn.!rs inv'1lv'!d and ·)f 274 senl, 125 rt,)sfJ·)nd~.J with!:l(; ln f"vor an-:J ^ú ~g¿¡in,..t which represents J tWQ-thirds r.1àJt'Jrity·in f"v')t'. 1i-3 sa1.j of th~ 4::; QP¡Jl)st:c 33 Cð¡;¡e frt'Jm ct'JI"C');1\inlUm ',,"n~r$. Mr. Kuç~ 5d ü ~tdff rcc~mm~n~s ðµpr~v~l t'Jt the $YD,COO C'1st which represents 2.5 mills for t'Jn.. year t~ cover th~ prel1minary engineering C"sts. ""'IJ]I L If lnl Jn~w~ r I .. _........................-~..,. to CQmm[s~i0ner Pistt'Jr, Mr. KUCK ~xpl~1n~d the area on the ~~p he qu~stit'Jn~d 1s Serv~d by a priVdte ~ew~ge trc~lm9nt pacKage pl..nt. ~r. DJn Arnt'Jla, drea rCöident, ~PQ~e in iav'1r t'Jf the prt'Jpt)sud Qrd1n3nce ~no the improvements that WQuld result from creation of tha d l.tr ict. lie Sð.ì (; tn.. ir.¡pr')V""I1'!nt.'> Wo)ul U ..nC')Ur.1;¡" n~w business t" ~ßtao11sh in ~olller County .\ttorn~y f)'):\/lld f'lckl"·)rth S.lid he is counsel f.J[ tn¿ prop'Hty i.; 088 P4r.r 296 paqo 15 · ~~.. 088 ntt 297 AugulJt 6, ll#ù 5 owners association in th. area and this ordinanc~ is slmilar t" the on~ createð r"r the Pine Ridge nrea. Co.-l..ion.r PI.tor aoved, ..conded by Commi..ioner Ha..e and carrl.d unanimously, that the public h.aring be closed. CODaI..ion.r Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Commissioner Ha... and carried unani.ously, that the Ordinance as nu~bQred and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 211 ORDINANCE 85-39 All ORDIIIAIICB CREATIIIG THE' NAPLlS PRODUCTIOV"""'Í'ARt"1UJ'NtetP~' SIRVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT, DESCRIBING THI LANDS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIT AS GENERALLY ALL THOSE LANDS IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANG! 25 EAST, LESS CERTAIN LANDS ALL AS MORI PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR A GOVERMUI(" BOARD OF THE UNIT, PROVIDING FOR THE POWERS or THE UNIT, PROVIDIUG THAT THE UNIT KAY LEVY AD VALOREM TAXES ON REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE UNIT, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION or ASSESSAB~E IMPROVEMENTS, PROVIDING rOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTIES, PROVIDING rOR THE ISSUANCE or ASSESSMENT BONDS, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS EITHER THROUGH THE AD VALOREM TAX COLLECTION PROCEDURE OR THROUGH FORECLOSURE, PROVIDING THAT ASSESSMENTS ARE A LIEN ON PROPERTIES ASSESSED, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. 112 ADVERTISEMENT FOR A CONSULTANT TO PREPARE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING STUDY FOR NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK MSTU AND ESTABLISHMENT AND MEMBERSHIP OF CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEE - APPROVED ~ I Commi..ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commi1siQner Holland and carried unanimously, that the request to adverti~e lor a consultant to prepare the preliminary engineering study for the Naple. Production Park Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit be approved and that the me.bership of the Consultant Selection Committe. be: Mr. Tom Crandall, Utilities Division Administrator Mr. Tom Kuck, Public Work. Administrator/County Engineer Mr. Harold Huber, Engineering Director Ite. 113 ORDINANCE 85-40 AMENDING ORDINANCE 78-l6, ANIMAL CONTROL - ADOPTED Lf'gal n'Jtic<! i;Dving been ¡:>ubl1shcd in th'~ l\ðpleR Daily NeW3 on J~ly IL, 19&5, as ~viacnc~n by A[fic~vit .,f Publicðti~~ tiled with th~ Clerk, public hd~ring WbS "P=~co to c~nsider ~ pro?'1scd ordin~nce t" amend Orcinancc 7~;-IG, the Anin.ð), ct)otrQl Orùln~nc(!. Public bervic~s Administrator Nt)rton ~xplain~d thet this rrt)poseri Pagu 16 e:::1 - c:::I J.~ oon...._ __.....- ,-.::--- r l .. ;¡¡¡;a œm1 fill Augunt Ii, I~B5 ordin~nce chan1es tho vðccinJtion peril)d tt'J curr~nt. inStead of ycarly. Ii.. .dd th.t Borne 'Jf th" v.1ccinati<Jn serums have a l"nger life, up to thrae years on som. occasions, and this chan9* ~uld 4l1ow f"r the animal Q«n.rs to only have tt) r~-vaccin~tc as ndeu be inatQod "f yearly .a i~ now r.quirec. He said the t)th~r change w"uld mp.an that adopted enimals could b~ v~c~lnat~d by th~ own~r'8 cht)ice of v~tQrin8rlðns In.t..a~ of having tt) be vaccinðtud prior t<J lcöv1nq the Animal C"ntrl)l DIJ pa r tm Ii n t . CO.Ai..loner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Goodniqht .nd carried unani.ously, that the public heering b. clo.ed. Comaiaaloner Ha.s. aoved, .econded by Co..i..ion.r Pi.tor and carried unani.ou.ly, that the Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 211 ORDINANCE 85-40 AN ORDINAMCB AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 78-16, THE COLLIER COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTION TWO (B) TO PROVIDE THAT EVERY DOG AND CAT OVER SIX MONTHS or AGE SHALL BE CURRENTLY VACCINATED RATHER THAN ANNUALLY VACCINATED, AMENDING SECTION rIVE (A) (1) TO DELBTE THE REQUIREMENT OF VACCINATION PRIOR TO RELEASE or IMPOUNDBD ANIMALS TO OWNERS, PROVIDING POR AN EPPECTIVE DATE. Ite. 114 ORDINANCE as-oil REGULATING CONSUMPTION OP ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND DRUGS BY MINORS AT ·OPEN HOUSE PARTIES· - ADOPTED Lagal n"ti~e n~vln~ be-n pU~lISh·d in :0/:1 Ndp1es D~11y Hews "n July lö, 1~B5, ðS cvlaenc~a by AftlCaVlt "f Fublic~tion filed with the CI01ri<, puOlic .'1o:1lHing was '1r,~n"!d C/1 c·,nSlc<>r d pr"f,l)s(¡d ordinancd regulating c<Jnsumpti~n of ~lc~holic b&Verdges 3nd oruqs by mlnt)rß at "O~~n HOUdU P~rt¡~s". Assistant C~unty At.tt'Jrn.y Cuyl~r ~xp1~¡n4n chis ordlnanc~ W~8 draftlla dt tne dir~ctl'1n f)t ch>~ bOdrd t'Jf C'1unty Ct'J¡nmissl0ners and would prohibit consumpl.l'1n by ;ninl)rs lit oµun ~¡')Ul>'" p.:Jrl.l.:s I)f alcohol :snd drugs. Commission'H Voss c·,mmenteò he ræce ives letters of support f"r 'J al!t p·~.t:opo.ed.ocdinanc., .daily.·...,- ,,,. The fl)llowing persl)ns spt'Jke 1n f~vor of th~ ordinanc~: Tape '5 Mr. l:3i11 ~a rt.t'Jn, wh'1 j10intcd '1:.Jt. tho.':. ö!c·,h"l .1ltJcks y·,ung pe"i-le D)r~ serv~rely th.:Jn adults. Mr. ~illidm P/Lur..on, JI., P'~siJcnt 1)£ ~~~les Inform~d Parents, Lnc. whl) ~resented a p~tition, ~xhiÞ¡t A, with 759 signatures in favt)r ot the pro~Js~d t'JrJina~ce. I'Is. ",Ul; Cordl'r, of T35K f',nce t'Jn Dr~ dn::! Alct'Jhol "bus.: ~IS. SUJ ,'II1rroO/, t'Jt ¡V,otn<!Cs Aq:l1nst DrunK L.rlVl:rS (I'I/~!)D) ãõ; 088 PAr.l 298 Pa<,¡c 17 ....,.. lOOK 0881'AGt299 i\ugust 6, 1935 ~r. R"nald ll. ~Lll, "f Wapl~8 Intormed PMrents CODBi..ioner- Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Commi.sioner H.... .nd carried unanl.ou.ly, that the public hearin9 be clo.ed. Co.-i..ioner H.... aoved, se~ondeð by Commis.ioner Pi.tor and carried unani.ou.ly, that the Ordinance a. numbered .nd entitled b.low be .dopteð and entered into Ordinance Book No. 211 ORDIN~NCE 85-41 AN ORDINANCI REGULATING CONSUMPTIOM. OF ALCOHOLIC._BEVERAGE~ AND DRUGS BY MINORS AT ·OPEN' HOUSE~ PARTIES~PRÒVtDING DEFINITIONS, PROHIBITING OPEN HOUSE PARTIES AND PRESENCE OF MINORS WHERE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR DRUGS ARE POSSESSED OR COMSUMED BY MINORS, PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS, PROVIDING PEN~LTIES, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE, ~ND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .1:'0, II Ite. US PETITION SMP-85-2C, WILLIAM DAHNKE, REPRESENTING CONCEPT TO COMPLETION, INC., RE SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR WOODLAKE WEST CONDOMIN- IUM, - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO AMENDED ELEVATION or 9.0' AND STIPULATIONS Ldqal not1ce having o~.n ~ublI5h.o in ~hM Napl~s Jc)ily Haws t'Jn July 21, IY¡¡S, .!oS +!viul:!'\ct'C' by í,f{!c;,lviL '.If PUl.dlciitlt'Jn flIed with thtf Clerk, public hearing ~~s t'Jpcn~a to c~nsl~cr P~titt~~ ~MP-85-2~, filed by "'illl..'m I).Jhnkc, rq;;ru;~ntir,g (t'J~,cq.-t l') Ct'Jnl,.-letlt'Jn, inC'. r<:gut-stlne; \ Subdivisit)n Master ¡·lan !.pprt'Jv,31 {')C ~,,)t'JolaKe \~(:st C1nc't'Jmlrllum, I apprl)xilr.ately 1/4 mIl.;) ...)st of :>t\-~5j dr,:': nrJrth '1f Pl)rt-Au-Pr inee Sr,, ult:Vc'Hè in N... 1/4 ",,,,ctit'Jn l~, '!''1w:1ship 51 ~')uth, k.:JI'\CJ'~ 21j ~aSL. I P13nnar McKln. ,"x¡..l,,¡n.:>c. th·~· [Jurµos'" of tr;ls p.,tltirJn is tt) Subdivide t.h... prl)p"rty int.·, 11:: mobil" r,r)OI'" l-,t:¡. ShL 5,-.i:::l ::it"ff and all dpprt'Jprlate ((Iuroty Ag,nci"s r0view'"u tt",; fJLtiti.)!'\ !;ncì r",crJr.\ln.¡,nd api'roval subj"ct trJ t.no; ~ti¡Jul¿¡tirJns r)u¡;lin\.c '1n tt,¡" r.;x"'l:uLiv¡, SlJn:mary aotted 7/31/t.'.J. Sh~ SidC tl1"t tl '~ C·\PC h.de tt'"lr public baring t'J1'\ 6/20/65 6nc: rec'1mm"no£..: <1pprovul subj._'ct t'1 _tùff -;t I¡Jult:t.i"Jns. .-,r. iÜIlH!~ u.JnnKr., reµr!SLntlng C'11'( 'pt ~_t'J C,)mF10tior:, [nc., .xplð1n~d his firm is tn~ pngin¿er ft'Jr tnls project. H~ Jisµlðye~ ~ drD..lng 5/10''''lng thL ¡¡,I f .)C clI~n':l¡'s rF., u.:stl:', IJY tnl; CA~'(. ¡-¡.; :,ò i-:: this project is (4 ;,cr¡,s "nQ u1ffl;r!'; fr')r.: mt'Jbllt ht'J"t' p",rks in tll,1t Ü,e units uill þ" ')n concr~tc !JdOS bn¿ will contrlbut¡, tt'J tnø Ct'JunLY's tax base which 15 n"t thl; usudl cas~ with mt'Jbil~ hom~ pðr~s. He ~uld an a acrl:l laKe 1& prt)F"scC; i:nc: ne uo,;.:icribpc the art:(\S "f sC::W':Jr.lss thdt wl1l be pres~rvt:d bt the extre~e edstcrn .:>nd of th... project. He Bald "nc ~rea I)f thv slt.:: has n')t rldO v"C t'tdtiO:1 for mi'lny YE'3rS "nd "fter ct)nsultatll)n w1th prof~sslonals the plan 18 to plant species that will 1'119' l8 1::1 - - - UI n I r ~ , J -,",~.~»«"~".,~.~-,--,..,_.,,~~~~^.._".". fE'IiI aiiE1 r;.;.ïI "UgU8~ 6, 1985 survive in that area. He øaid th~t the County Envlronmentaliøt will 48siat the devulop~r in choosing tho~e plöntÐ. Hr. Dahnke Baid the petitioner ha~ ð~re~d tl) doad-~nd "ne r"ad via.· a cui ð9 sac in ~hat area. A discussion follt)wt!ð r"'gllrdlng the ":lp.wJtions t'Jf the units and Mr. Dahnke aqree1 tQ Cl)mmi~sioner Pist·H'S s~qftl5ti,)n thè:lt the _l"vati"n OQ at 9.0 f~~t. Co.-i.sioner Pi.tor moved, ..con~.d by Commis.ioner Ha..e and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be clo..d. Co.-i..ioner Ha.se moved, .econded Commissioner Pistor and carried unani.oualy, that Petition SMP-85-2C, William Dahnke, be adopted subject to the stipulations and at the amended elevation of 9.0 f.et. Ite. 116 ORDINANCE 85-42 CONSOLIDATING THE CURRENT CONTRACTORS' LICENSING ORDI- NANCE 78-2 AND NUMEROUS ORDINANCES WHICH HAVE AMENDED EXISTING CONTRAC- TORS' LICENSING ORDINANCE - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO AMENDED SECTION 1.3.3 l.<Jgal nl)t1c.ê l1.iVing :)('r~n ¡Jubli¡;;hH1 lr, t:¡... NapLHI oðily N!w.s on July IS, 199~, PS ~vld~nCa1 by AfC1Cdvit of Publlc~tlon fil~d with the cle[~, publlc ~~arlng w~s "pan¿j t'1 ct'Jnsld~r ~n '1rJin)nce ct)~oli~~ting tl1.. current ContriJct'1rs' Ll:;~r.sing U'<Jincln~o:! íJ-l. ;!nj numert'Jus ordin,incp.s wtllc~1 :lilva ~rnen(1f'd t;1-=: t!xlscing C)ntr.:;ctou;' Licensing Ordln/)ncrl. AS5iøt~nt Ct'Junty Attorn~y Cuyl~r ~xpl&in~a tnu pr~~oscd ordindnCQ con;¡"li,,~tll,ij dt>pco;(irr:J~~ly lU dl1\\lnJIII!!ntS thùt. f¡,:,vt! bèan mad", to Orainanc~ 7~-2 I)vÇr tOe last fivL y~.lrs ~nd that th"~e ch~nge~ are l!stl3d on thef £;,(t:cu:iv~ ~uinm'HY dat~d 7/Jl/JS. lie sald th¿ "rainance w"ulli rupeÐl Ordln,jnc·~ 7d-2. Tape '6 Mr. br)11 -r.,·...lt!, Ch,J1:nt¡n .'1 '.hd Contractf)rs' Licansing i: t'Jèlrd, d~scribed the """,rK d·,n" by tnc ;1\t!mb,~rs t'Jf th" S",~rd o·...p.r ro!cant months to const)lidatt! t.he d;1\,:tndm¿nts IInJ mdke this II mt'Jre w.>rkllble ordinanc9 · J ~~~~ea ~ar~ 'inemb~"'rš. J Hê~Š3id the C:'"tractors' Licensing BI)ard recomm.nd,ij dpprov.:.l of the oraln~nc~. Commisslt)ner Holland referred t.o Suct.ion 1. 3. 3 dnd s~gest:ld th.1t item be changed t.o .:1110.-1 no permit f.,r """'rK that c·,sts $200 inst1!ad "f the $100 ract'Jmmenaed. Aftor discussi?n, Mr. Tt'Jwlo! said that the C·)ncrllct"rs' l..iCi!nSlng 6.)ard woula hay," n,) .,bjðcti"n to chis chanq.. Mr. Ll,'yeJ Z'J¡:1F~ld~, Prt:sldent t'Jf th'J E.l!!ctrical C"ntract"ra "f '~dp1es, s¡:>.'''t! 1n t'voJr ,)f th~ propr)s~d t'Jrdinc)nce. ,. k} ,,< ~,,". I·'···········.·.· . . . .~.,: ,-~ ~~" .. aool( 088 PAG[ 300 Poqlf 19 ,};,\ ~¡'¡.'. _ "",,:,. ..~"'.-I,...,..;¡_.~. "''''_ . '.' " .""""'", ~,~~.' i!, ..., 088nQ301 AuguI';t G, 19!!5 buildin9 Director \o;o"c1c"ck .0510 hI'! had n" ¡.>r"blem ~iith tht: chanqe in the aml)unt of monvy wher~ permits would be rcyuiraù but. h~ wonaerœd .if the aul1ðin9 Code Wl)uld bo in c"nfllct. ~1r. CuyltH uid this c"uld be resolv~d and w:>uld pr~sGnt nt) probl~m. Mr. Towle resp"nded to II question by Mr. ~umF~lde by explaining that the n8W ordinanco w:>uld issu~ n journeyman's card, n"t to be confused with II Competency Card. Co_i..ioner Pi.tor DOved, ..conded by Comai..ion.r Holland and carried unani.ou.ly, that the public hearing b. clo..d. :,r:"',' ',: Co..i..ioner Holland aoved;' ·...è~~d~d··bÿ-é=l.~ion.Jr pr~to~ ~rid carried unani.ou.ly, that the Ordinanc. a. number.d and .ntitl.d below be adopted, .ubj.ct to amend.ent of Section 1.3.3 providing for $200 in.tead of $100 r.garding work per~it., and .ntor.d into Ordinanc. Book No. 211 ORDINANCE 85-42 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY IN CERTAIN BUILDIWG TRADES, PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS, LIMITING THE ISSUANCE or BUILDING PERMITS TO COMPETENT OR EXEMPT INDIVIDUALS, REQUIRING IDENTIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS, OEFINIWG THE TRADES FOR WHICH A CERTIFICATE or COMPETENCY IS REQUIRED, PROVIDING FOR THE DURATION OF A CERTIFICATE or COMPETENCY, PROVIDNG FOR FEES, PROVIDING FOR A STOP-WORK ORDER WHERE A CONTRACTOR DOES NOT POSSESS A CIRTIFICATE or COMPETENCY, PROVIDING AN APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY, PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR THE ISSUANCE OR DENIAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR A qERTIFICATE OF COMPET&NCY, PROVIDING FOR RENEWALS, PROVIDING¡FOR INACTIVE STATUS, PROVIDING FOR APPROVED EXAMINATIONS, ~ROVIDING rOR RESTRICTED SPECIALTY LICENSES, PROVIDING FOR AI CONTRACTORS' LICENSING B~ARD, PROVIDING FOR THE OP£RATING PROCEDURES or THB CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD, PROVIDING FOR APPEALS FROM THE CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD, PROVIDING FOR INITIATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS AGAINST CONTRACTORS, PROVIDING FOR STANDARDS OF CONDUCT, PROVIDING FOR PENALTY, CONFLICT, SEVERANCE, REPEAL OF ORDINANCES 78-2, 78-13, 78-54, 78-55, 78-66, 79-02, 8l-7l, 82-78, 83-37 AND AN E!'FECTIVE DATE. Ite. U 7 RESOLUTION 85-166 RE PETITION FDPO-8S-V-3, SOUTHERN GULF PROPERTIES, RI AFPROVAL OF A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED Bt FLOOD DAKAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE AT CHATEAUMERE ROYALE CONDOMINIUM - ADOPTED L~g¡)l notice navir.g b~en puhl1sn~d in th~ t<dples Ddly Ì'I"....S I)n July 2l, 1965, as eVldenc~d by tff1d~vit of Publicatit'Jn filtù with the Cl~rk, public h~arlng W~~ '1p~n~d to c.,n~laer Pe~ition FDPO-~5-V-3, f11ed 'ay Soutnt'rn Gulf I-'roportl\:R, r!qucsting 'f.'prollal of a veriðnct: Pag~ 20 -= - - ,........¿. :,~. ,--"",~...........~~,,,..._....--.._-_...." ... l1li BI ¡¡¡¡¡;¡ ,........ " ,~~::. ~"" :{~:," Auqu.'It 6, 1985 AiiÈ;r,,:·f~,~m the minimum baa.. flol)d elavatit)n required by the Fll)l)d D"mage 1f... w1",. Prevent.i"n Orðin,1nCQ at t'hateaum.,re R"yale Cl)ndominlum "n pr.,perty .,.. .., , ':t.i..,:,¡ de.cr1bed liS t'arcel H, Unit 1, Pelican Bay Subdlvlsi"n. ~.,".', P1ann.tr McD<ln1e1 oxplalned t.he request for this vðriDnce is due t" " ';'; a need for p<>"l baths tit an elevation of 8.5 fnt !\IOVD inst9ad "f 12 ~~ foet NUVD ~s r~qulrud. H~ sÐld this rcqu~st in slmil' r t" .,th~rs th&t ¡. havu boten ·'pproved by tho ¡"'.Hd of C.)unty C"mmlst!i"ncra wh9n thore hÐS bewn II c~nflict pres~nted by ~h~ St~td rlu~lth Cod~. Co.-i..ioner Holland moved, ,.conded by Commissioner lias.. and carrl.d unanimously, that the pUblic hearing be clo.ed. Commissioner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner Goodni9ht and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-l66 r. Petition FDPO-85-V-3, Southern Gulf Properties, be adopted. r L II till I 1<1 r LA tt II. JA~ .....9P,H...··..'....·..." tDOK ()~~PAr,E~~ p/)g-1 2l ~;1" .,;w,...". .'..;.....;., '''',".' .~" .~ -q...".............-."......,," ..~.,..,..~,.."~.,.,-~' "~-..,"..' ...,... I r t i [ i f¡ i,ugUlH ::., 199~ .. 088mt305 It.. U8 RESOLUTION 85-167 RI PETITION V-84-28C, FORREST BARMON, RE A VARIANCE PROM A-1 -ST- REQUIREMENT or 5 ACRES TO 1.16 ACRES TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE PAMILY RESIDENCE ON PART or BLOCK 1, UNIT NO.2, UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION, KENTUCKYANA ESTATES, OCHOPEE - ADOPTED Lttga1 Mtlce having bun publ1sh..d.Jn...t;t)&,!'i9..I?¡,....yf)jY....1:j~r' ,~D J I 1111"1 ' July 2l, 1985, as evidenr~d by ~ffidQvit t'Jf Publicati"n fileo with the Clerk, public tlt>"rin'3 \"<'~ op'!nA(1 1;0 con:;¡lo'!;r Petiti"r. '-i34-2~C, filtlò by Forrest hcHn,on, requ~sling II Vdrl.'nCf' fr.,m 1,-1 "bT" rtl4uirtoß¡ent of 5 acr~s to 1.1~ ~cr~s to ct'Jns~ruct d slnyl~ fdnily ruS10enCi "n pftrt "f Block 1, Unit ;"¡o. 2, Unrecord.d ~utJjl,i~ï'1n, K?ntu.:!<.Yélna I::states, Ocht)p.,¡e, C,,1li~r Ct)unty, Fl·HiC1è. i'lClnner \',cl\irn Su1.:) tlHS p,~titi0n r>:flrs t', ttJ>' cequirem..:nt rJf ~ 8crcs ne4ded t'1 bui1C1 d bin~le f~mily ht'Jm~ in this are~. Shp ~~pl~inva thdt th.) prrJperty i£ j·)c..t(,,: witllin ¡:h~, tj1,:; CYPP·SJ:i I'r(H;'.HV~'. ::>n<! /I..io th~ SUbj6ct pl~pirty was 0rigin~]ly ~6rt of 6 laryer pdrc~l until Mdrch, IS75 ~h')n it w~s Q~LO~0 ~n~ ~0J0, Sµ11Lt1n~ th~ lurqer pdrc.l and cr<!.:Jl.ing " non-c'Jr¡ft'Jrm1I\y j,')L. ~n~ :::;.da ....n(; Zt'Jning ûrd1rdnc!< dO'=lpted in íJCL,)!:;..if, 1~-,4 r"gu1reú ;) 1:\ll~imUl;1 '1f 5 ë;crt::;; t/J buile ¿; single tamily t\t'Jme ir ~n JyriculLur~l jiAtrlc~. She ~xpld1nec t~~t ~r. !i¿l rlTlt'J!I r,,-,.;ur ;:h6 1';,=,0 ::.h: ¡:: u,¡;(; r': y l! f t" r 1 S ;;. .. no ~ n¡¡. f:Jr/J¡Jt: r t y i ß '111 thi' priorit.y list fIn t'cguisltl/ln tf) tl1" ¡;i~ c.;ypr"'~s :>rt;S~rVf. Shl said that ¡;t~ff f'1und nt'J ~1,"rC"llif-' ",..;U.l.S Fl[\(. reC'1i¡"~':!nu¡.; C:",n1d¡. P"titit'Jn"r r·t'Jrr'.'s~ lI"rm·:H' gavE:! J ~lutðilt'C: history Ilf ~is invo1v¿m..,nt ...'itl. tn,~ Dui](lln'J .){ LlL r,'n¡:uçkY,1n,~ ::'ujclvis1f):1 ",hicll "",JS subsðqu~ntly taK~n 0v~r Dy tn~ rea~ral G0vLrnm~nt in th~ cre~tion '=If the ¡,i g C Y f- r € s !; P r t: S € r v t.. i1~ ¡; ~ i d t II ,") L Ü, ~oI,3 r. <: r 1 i r." R h ¿, n " ~ 1 n s :; ò 11 ~ d ...n r e ù i 50 C OJ n n ,~ c t.. d 3 no:.:, d 1 t n oj ug tJ t h.. ,,¡, r K :; t r v i (; e h i.I S t r alII" r s acrrJss the str<.:r.t uR1ne¡ ttle \..ìt..r 1111'·5 h~ in5::.¿11l'(~, hi: t~¿s bt'en un,1blt: t'1 nðVl tl (, US;? .)! tnt),..... 1 in.-s f·.,r ..."lE:r trJ hi!' prt'JÎ'erty. He; '9Xplll1nad 11~ n«s no 1nto>rotl,);) ·11 bu¡l',lng ,)n tÎ1~ II,:: but rn~rt:ly Is trying to rMc"u? $'1me of his It)søes b~ incr~asin~ the vLlu~ "f his prl)p~rty. Mr. E'r.1o J. 1'dgiHgrt.'n, Superinl.endf:ont, big Cyµr>:$s ¡;atlon¡.l Prtis~rv~, spt)ke ln ~µp~siti"n 01 tnis ~etition citin~ th~ prec€dent that \ooi(Julo b... H~t f"r the' remoinlng ~!>U p,Hcels yet t" bt' ,'bt.:lnea by tne fo'eden:ol Governmt:nt, :>63 t)f which cHt' less th..n 5 IIcres. In resp"nsIit t.., C..,mmiÞsi"~èr hl)llùno, Mr. fðgerqrf-n ~xpl~1ntd that the1Preserve d~~s hav~ t.roiler3 o~ nellrby propr.rty for u~e ot pftr~ PI\<; " 22 ~ - - - L..o , t I I l r;;;;I &lID ;;::J '~-':! >', AUi~Ullt G, 19D 5 .. ,~{." - ..- ';;,;, ',;'p.uonnel. ',;.;(~.¡ ',: , . '.. i: .';!" "".,,:;;, .,. ,CQmmi.sioner Hl)llðnd said he h.:ld mixed "motions conc.rrning this :~~~~p~tltion since the 3i9 Cypross Nàtional r8r~çrve i~ allt)wud to u.~ th~ ~,~:·~'·p'rop.uty in .:I way d,¡nhd to "thers. , ", Mr. H4rm"n Jxphinad that he had at lUðRt $lS,UQO ....:¡rth of fill on ~; th~ pr~p.rty y~t h~ has "nly be~n t'Jff~r~rl $3,50U for the proFdrty. ¡' Tap. 17 Commll')~i~n!r Holland Auggasced an exemption should bQ mad~ considcrin~ Mr. ~armons' cast of fill ,nd tnat water ~nd su~~r i~ aVð11able tt) ~djðc~nt lots. Mrs. McKh1 said tn.!Jt tnlt petition~r cr,,<stea ðn 1110:lgal lot by splitting it 3nd øa1ling it oriq1nally. Commi..ioner Holland moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Ha..e and carried unanimously, that the public hearing b. clo.ed. Com.is.ioner Holland moved, .econded by Commi.sioner GoOdnight and carried 3/2, Commissioners Vo.. and Has.e opposed, that Resolution 85-167 re Petition V~84-28C, Porrest Harmon, be adopted. . fl. lÐ n.J...d "fU'I J V l!r. ...........~....._t' "'''''\ aDDIt 088 PAr,{ 306 PAge 23 .~ ~ :. "':)~7~¿ , '''';·.··íi',·· " ,?i¡,~,. . . ¥" , .~;~,' ·~,~t,~;: I I l ra'iI ŒSJ ¡::;;;¡;þ AugU3t Ij, l!id5 ..... R.c...s 12120 P.M. - Reconvened, 1145 P.M. at which ti.e Depucy Clerk Kenyon r.placeð Deputy Clerk Skinner ..... It.. 119 PETITION V-85-16C, KEVIN STONEBURNER, RS A l5' VARIANCE or THE REQUIRED SIDI YARD SETBACK or 40' rOR CONVENIENCB STORE WITH GAS PUMPS - DENIED Legal nacice having been publiMhed in ~hh N~~las Daily ~~wa t)n JU1V 2l, 1985, as evidencœd bV Affidavit ~f Public~tion filed Hith t~e Clerk, ~u~lic henring w~s t)p~nda ta consid~r Patiti~n V-~~-l~Ç, filnd bV ~evln Stanebur~er r~qu~stlng a 15' VðrlJnc~ at thH r~quir~d ~idc yard s~cb"ci< ')£ 40' for.¡ c")nv..nil'nc~ strJ[~ with '~!lS pu.nps. Planner McKim stdt~d th3t th~ t'JbjEc~ive IS to build !I c~nv~ni~ncc St'He \dto C¡da ~um~s, ..ouing tl1"t it is [tHlulreo t'1 mr!..!t tn-r:. sa:n" d\1vcl')¡:'1tent standards u~ ,)n lIutt'JO!t'Jbi 1,_' s~rvi,"'J scation. She s~atfJd that in this cas.., tn<? ~rr)f>.Hty is Z'1:1~ù C-5 and thL re:¡uir.~( Ride! yard Ð~tb~cK (t'J( d convenitncu st'1r~ µlth ~dS pumps i5 40 t.at. Sn~ st~ted tnðt tht' r')'-Iuir~o .'3iq:~ y,1rd !3etb..ck f')[ ,111 .JtI1~r us.,s in th¿ C-5 dil3trlct 150 2~ t~.,¡t .~nú th~ p~titi')r."r is r.' u~stin'3 ,} II,Hiane'" t') all')., t.ni:' :;.)nv.)nidne¡, stt'Jr" t·) L:- -':'):1.5tru..;t~CJ \lith d 20 foot S'JtbùCK. ¡ tih~ nt)t~J th~t nt'J spt-.:ial Clrcumst~nc~ t'Jr ~ hdrJsni? W~~ f')und, dnd th~r~for~, staff rec,mffi~nds Jlni~J. I'lr. Jt'J~ òoggs ')f ¿ruc" GrPln 50 A::;5,)ci<.Jt·Js, r~pr"sentln'~ ¡(IiIVln ¡)toIHourn=r, St..t...o to...t :I,¿ si:~ tn..t is pl"nrdo is r.:!.J.ativ~ly n.3rr<')w in cI)m¡MrisI)11 wIth the fr')ntag," d.).,') Air¡;'1rt :{')òU ¿¡na in t'Jrd\!r to r.1dke that building c'1mp1y ~ltn tnE r~4ulred SCtb<.JCK.5 tor d ct'Jnlleni~nc~ 9tt'Jr. .,ith gas pumps, the bull<Jing ·....ould hall'" tt'J b", ..hift.:!d whicn w.)uld creat\! .. difference in th","p.¡rkin',j ~na [;,~vt:r"ly limit the vi,¡w t)f t.he gas Fumps. He stDt~d thJt t'Jn! of th~ requlr~mlnts f'1r gas pumps is to h.Jv~ J Kill s",lt.::h, ddaing tl1.:::: iL ·..nul¡; n·)t (.I.') much '3t'Jl)d t., h.:Jvé! ¿¡ kill switch if tn\! pumps c·)uld n')t be seen .:Ind S')rn~t'Jn<: nad t.) ;¡ctu.dly run into the builõing to havp. SO,lIèrJnt: thr.)',o/ tl1e s....itch for tl1':.'. pumps. l1e stdto.:å thac by being able tt'J 5f:e th~ ¡Jumps it wI)uld reduce theft and .1ól,~JJ'lJ4!mþrð~e t'hr~elílrn""51>pê·å·{äñ'è:'e.'" He not~d that he is rec;uuting t.hll setbacks dS in tht! c-5 z.)ning. He rep':>rtí!d that tht! prt'Jperty t" the <Nst is .;¡ used car ù'::al\!rsi1ip dnd thf.:rt! ar" no buildinc¡s that c'lri:! withln fifty f.:!i:!t St'J there is no impdct t'Jn anotni:!r buildlng by m"ving c1v~er tl) the proptlrty I1ne. Commission~r Vt'JSS SLdtl'!d tlldt t·) vi..w th:! pu.nps, tho, bUllc.lin..;¡ c·)uld boa rotated. Mr. !:Ioggs st.1ted that this Wo)uld crt!at'1 more of a ;;;; 088 PAr.! 310 Pac;¡~ 24 ..-".-,---..-~.._---"~ " _._._~.~,..,.,."..,. ì ~, ! f c r f f i I l ~bº~"~3n August S, 19b5 Mr. ti'.Þ998 indicðt~~ that tnGre ør~ tWt) access p~lnt~ "n ^irport Roed and one "n Davis Blvd. he nt)ted th~t this building Is bøsicDlly the same as the other bUildings that have been put up by ~r. Stoneburner. Commissioner Høss'l: qu.:sti"ned If thls is a heavy usage of this property, to which Vlanner McKim stateö that technicølly what is being proposed can be fit on th~ property and Staff fe~ls that the setback requirements can also be met. She stateð thar-t~~·ð*'~ri t~~WrrfMtnt. may have tt) be changed, but the I'1t is ldrge enough t" ¿ccommodate what they ör~ prt'Jposing. Mr. B'.Þggs stated th~t in dooit1t'Jn t~ th~ s~rvice statit)~ anc th~ c"nvenience stOlt:, thtHe ~JÍll .::1500 l>d a ç:ar rental. Comml SSiOIl'H Vt'JI:;S stiJted tllat. it It'Jt'J)o; 1 ikli tht!r£ 18 ~nougn property if the building~ tre re-orl~ntéd. Mr. c,,'Jgs I>L<!ttHI thn tnt! t'Jnly wc:y th" buildiny W?,Ücj fit on tnft property 15 if it wer~ movEd further to the e3st and to~h the pumps ",.,ule not be visibl<: trt'Jr.! tllle buil:,Jinq. Ho;¡ 5tatej thht h,¡ dOf:s n"t wdnt t~ do t01S b~CdUS. t'Jf sdf~ty fa=~t'Jrd ~itn rfgard to th~ kill swltch. bd n'1t~c t!I.JL Ln~· pumps n,r,:L th··. ,T.ininum re'iuirt::TI:i!n'~ c)nd th:! proposed corner location Is tne h0S: ~lac~ t'1r them. Pl/inner ,.,çKim st"tE-C to.Jt rn'!r,: dl" ,1 c·)uplp. ~f w.'!ys thllt the problttm c"uld br- sf)!\'2d .'!nc still mCR: tne se;:b(lçk wi tnout cauJdn:; b hArdship, ",hicn i!> wIlY :>toii 1,., rcc")lnmei'lding à~nl:ll Coami.~foner Pistor .oved, s~conded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani~ously, that the public hearing be cloaed. Co.mia.ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Petition V-85-l6C be denied. Item '20 RESOLUTION 8S-l68 RE PETITION V-8S-17C, MARK FINGER, AGENT, POR NORMAN T. SESSIOM, JR., N.J.S. TRUCKING, RE VARIANCE OF l7.47' OF FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT OF 50' - ADOPTED L~Ydl nOLice ndvln~ Þ~~n ~ublisha~ in the Naplcs L~ily News on July 21, 1~¿5, ~s 2vioœncec ~y ~ffio~wit of PubllC~tiQn f11~u with tnu Cler~, ~ubljc h~aring was I)pen~c t" conRi~~r Pptition v-~5-17C, filed by ""orman '1'. ~~ssit)~, Jr. N.J.S Trucking, r~C uI::Rt1ng ð varl/!nco! of 17.47' ot frf)nt yerd setbacK resuirement of 50'. Planner I'ICK11n stöted thH thE- obj~ctlvt: f)f this petitit)n is to build ð 60 x l2U t~ot building ~nd grant ~ lO f"ot /:Iaament to the PiUJÐ 2S ., .. - ~ Ii ! i I It. .. c=2 r::;a August ", 1!18S Imm"kaleo ~ater Diøtr1ct. She n"t~a tOat the subjuct pr~PQrty is z"ned -1- Induatridl, adding thdt th. fr~~t Y4rd ~.tbnck ls 50 fuet. Uho n"ced that the pr~perty is a corndr lot and therefore, has two fr"nt yards and t~ side yardll and th:¡ petitit'Jn~c is requ'J:'JtinC) a varianc<I from ~ne of the frt'Jnt yard 8etbac~s tt'J allt)~ th~ sizu '1f the buildinq h~ desires t~ be built ana t~ al1.,w him to gr~nt a lO ft'Jot e~s~ment tQ the Imm"kala\:JNater LJistrict. Sht: S~i1t;td th,J:: cec.Jusa ;u! i!i givin:;¡ cI lO f'1ot ~3s~munt tt'J th~ Im~)k~]cø ~)t~r District, ~tÐff ~OE5 fino) h4rd3hlp tor that 10 fe~t th~t ~~ i. giving u~ of hls prt'JpHrty and 111 ruc~mm!noing dppr~vdl '1f th~ varionc~ of 10 £u~L. ~ne stated that the p..t1ti~n'1r i~ r..!qu"stiny 17.47', ~dcJlng t.h-lt th..! addition"l 7.47' staff d"i!S nt)t finO /1 .Hr::!';i11fJ ft'J[ c¡n'-l ~h...r"ft'Jre, .it'J n/lt r..Jc,,>mmûnd !3ppr~vlll .)! thJ aOdlli·)nal frJ,)t,jY'::. :òm, stùt"'d thJt if h~ mùt his srHb.:lcks on ttH pr"perty at thi~ !-'1int dno m",t t¡¡~ fifty ft'J,'t set;'ä..:k, ;1':! Wo)u1d "nly btl o1LJl'j tt'J ouilj:. 1.i.2' buil::dng, JiJcing thJt if the 10 f,,"t S~toack is g'v~n tt'J the 1,d~0køl~. ÄaL~r ~i~crlct, it ~ill rQdU~d the bu11.:1ing 3:1·)tner .~(J': ,no1 :"'t,¡tt f..:l~; t,"11t nJ, th'1re:f"r..!, h1.ls .1 hardship oy giving tn",c ....,E:;'ìl?n':. J:1d ",h.?ul:J D;' ;dlo,.¡<!o tt'J ~ncr~.!Icn intr~ th2 Sl.:tbdck ar~a ':)y 10'.\ Sh", .'HCI':.cu thut lf tn\.. po:)tit1,)nf:r has th" 120 f·)·)t buildiny, htO \"),uld ·)nly ..,nc U;J with.. .!2.5' S~tOðck lnnt~.sd t)f a 40' :;;';!tb.3ck. 3h":'.it:,ti!d Cld: wlth,jut ~i!Y c'J:1sider,3ti,)n t'J1' ::ht< ~.!II"?lnQnt, there ,IQUleJ stlll Ul ð 7.47' ·JJrl,;nc·! r",~u1r'.a. ."Ir. :....JrJ( Fin':J"[ "~f I;'¡f-J.~)i ::.t",,,1 pr,,>duc::5, rtopr",l')t!ntlng tilr t-I~til:ion9r, st..lt'J~ cn..t h~ '':,In builQ iJ builr¡ing ÕO Ee!!c wid« by ll2 feo/t l.)ng by putti:1g it on the ti.!xlstlnq ¡.:rQf.'"rty 1In!!, ,¡(~ding that thd Qwntr \/Qul J 1 iXe! t'1 ::>u ¡ 1\.1 'c) 12(; f·,.)t bu i lairq, hrJ·,;'!vdr. He stated that the Immt)k~lQ9 ~'':.\Jr Oi~trict would lik~ tQ nav~ an ð~sement goi~g tnr·,ugh thf' ¡Jrop.~rty s·) tney '.tn rUi! th" "'~lc,r 11n"5 f~r thl> n'tw watur systl"m. He stc1té!d that the dOj,)ining pit!ce t'Jf property is t'Jwn.~d by the ~tlJtf! ano tnereì·)re, th'1 lmn;.)köl~.. ',,'I tpr ¡,,;i¡;trict Io't)uld like to have! the lO f""t t:!Clsemcnt ·)n his pr·)perty instead ,,1' having tl) g'1 thr~ugh r.ll.v1n .J. I L'I L \ ~._t.1i"'W"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''·'''·' ,.,- r , . '. tne 5f~te tor an eaSdment. H~ stat¿d that ho d~~s not mind giving tha lO fut up, but hI'! .,.,ul{~ like tt'J bullc; tn'! 120 foo:: building. He stated t.!Ht thti.!re is nt'J ·)no.: bchina th;! rr~I-'!rty, aoolng th.Jt to~rc Is II canal there Clnd th~ pi1v~d rt'J,2J th.Jt is lr)C;.JLeû t.ller;! IS us.,d very 1 ittlot an.:l tt1~ rest i:> ul'·;~"\I;!lop,,(1 pr'1Í'ùrty. ,it: stat::!d th&t hot I,ants t~ buila d small ~fficð building. rt~ n<1t.o that h. is willlng to give u~ t.O~ daSumdnt anu still ffidintJ1n 1t. Commlssionør GO'1onlght sC.!ltdd th~t tn~ County i~ in nugt'Jtl~t.i~ns IODK 088 PAGE 312 Pilq e 2ñ ._.____........r .._.,....._......... - -----..........~.¡þ/ -~~. -:._......"T"'.-- , ! ~ t i I i I e t ! I ·088 rAG! 313 August 5, 1985 . .wlth the IromQkale~ ~at~r ðnd 5ewer District, which is an independent ~.. district., tl) put en extra wlltt.tr tank. ot thu Ai rP'1rt 51) that the ~r.a.ure can be incr....d 1uring the seüson in the ar~b wh.r~ tha packing h~~so. ar.. Sh~ Itated th~t th~ Imm~kdlee Wat~r DlslricL ia a.klnq for a lO f"ot easem.nc s" that the syst.m can be run through the property. She stat~d that sh~ look~d at tho pr"perty and this building would be on a8S~t. to che areð. C"mmissloner Plator stal~d that sI)me t)f th/:l truck~rs would be parking their trucks there or beside the building.~CO~miaa1on.{ m Goodnight indicitted that th~ pi:1vec r"ad 1s n"t lärge uno ugh for a trbctor trallltr. cornmi~sioner Voss St~l~d th~t Staff hbs ino1cðteå they are willing to giv~ th~ lO foot ~~sem~nt, bul 1f tn~ eÐRem~nt. w~r~ nt)t th~re, a 120 fool ouilding eQuId nt)t be built thèr~. Mr. f1ng~r slated th¿t Ill, is t.rying er) w~t:k wlth the Cr"unty by ~ivlng them the lC f00t ~ðfi~m~nt. C(¡mmu;.o;i.,n':H V(JSS stëlt"c; tb;:¡t G'~dff 1& [t!c.:¡n; n~nd1n'J thee a lC fl)Qt vdriance b~ grdnt~n ~nicn is whdt is btin~ glv~n up in th~ WdY of an ota8O/mant, but. if that ",f,semt!nl \-J.îfi nt'Jl invt'Jlv.:a, the builainq ct'JulC1 n"t be buil t. Mr. FUiger btf,tcü ~nDt ::h( '!th"r "/.1,7' is tl) m,~ke tn.;. bul1clin<; more feaslblE to build and it is ~ metter .,f pconomics. in ilnsw<:r trJ CrJml"is:.it'J:I",r HassI:! r('g<,rdlng making thlt bL1lld!ng widtH, /'Ir. ~'lngn st,¡..,t'.!:J t:PJt If tllðt wag .;::.)n'_1 th", r~rking w·)ulJ bit cut c.)·..n. Tape fl' COMmissioner h~lldna stdtl~ th6t COMmi~sl~ner Plstor's conC6rn W~~ that tn... 32 tt:èt ·)n th''; S·)utLl sidt .,t ~nL: ~r'1t-"Hty ",,)uld Do: use::! f~r perkln':). Mr. fingc;r ir.dicéttt:-G tn;;t t;115 wr,ulC: be t qrdr;s~j (,r/:l6 ane: would nt)t o~ used f"r p~rklng. Comel..ioner Holland ~ved, .econded by Commi.sloner Pl.tor and carried unanlaoualy, that the public hearing be closed. Commi..ioner Gaodnight moved, seconded by Commi.sioner Holland and carried 4/1, (Co.missloner Plstor opposed), that Resolution 85-168 re Petition V-85-l7C, Mark Finger, Agent, for Norman T. Se..ion, Jr. N.J.S. Truckln9, requ..tln9 a variance of 17.47' of a front yard ..tback requlre.ent of 50 feet be adopted. Pa9·1 27 ~ - - ,,---.-..,.-........----...-- .11)1 I ~n' f 1;;. . I ,ift 088 PaGt 317 ltea 121 ~::~~~CgijR~:~ :: ~Ei~T~~=I~Ñ~~-5:CÁ :¡g~:~DB~~rB~¡g:~ÝA~P~f~BACK TO BRBef A SIGN - ADOPTED August c., l~tJ5 ,. .;..... ..~ Legal noticù having be.n published 1n the Nc)ples D~ily N~ws on July 2l, l!l85, as evidenced by Affidavit t)f pUbl1cati"n filed with thu Clerk, public nearing was openoa to consider Petition V-aS-laC, filed by Richard aarthol"m~w, representing NaplEs Christian Cnurch, requut1ng a lO foot vðriance t)f a..~.~.q~.i.r.~..~...~~!.o,t)~ f.~o~,;.~ar.d ~Q;'-bac~, Jl IIINJ tl) erect a sign. Planner r~Kim stated th~t thd "bjective "f this p~tltion is to locðtc the n~w church sign five f~£t fr'1m the frt)nt prt'Jperty lino. She notvd t03t lne SUDj~:ct ¡..rt'Jí,l.:rly 16 zt)n~c} k5~-1 anj th.. sl<.Jn 1s requirecl t" hðve d 15 fOt'Jt front yaro s~t~acK. bh~ indic~tad that the pr"p~rty has c semi-circ;u1~r arivÐwöy anc it is b~tw~~n_thls crlv~wðY ~nd thÐ road that th~ church ~ish~s t'1 loc~tc th~ sign. Snc reported chat a 10 inch d1ametf.:r trdd lS ~JS") l'1cr,tt;.] ..iulln thlS art,,¡, wt.ich tne church .",.,ulC: l1Kc t') SdVd. ~nE n·)t¡.,c tlidt t:¡o.!Y ft'·)ulC: 11K':.' tt'J have tht: sign mort! visibl~ in rel"tion t,t'J tlo~ tree, ac;~!iny tnol ~tdt! die" not flnj any nllrasnip ,)r 51'..cièl ClrCU;1\~tllr.c" ",nc., tner~lJJr"!. r,H:olllm(,·nds òt:n1111. CrJIII1!11SSIOn'H ¡'ISt'Jf !;;[rlt.t!.:J tl:.,L i~ to': sign ',;;",5 /T'ov,::I to tn. ,",ide a lit:tl~, it .....Juio I.>¿ m·)r¿ vlsibl"" .:Iooing t/lilt ....It.'')ut glving the vt.riancE' It 15 P')SlIltJlL t,t'J Jnt'Jvt.: th,< 5iC;r. t'J :. ::iiffert.'n:. ~l¿;c'!' I'lr. ¡Üct¡¡..rc bðrt;¡rJl'1:!1j",. r~~rf'!'':)r,ti;1J "d!ÛrS ChriF,r,i3n Cnurch, stClted tndt i1 no, C'1n\I,ll!:s wiln tne ¡nnir,,; at ¿, l~ !>~tD.;¡ck, h.,. .,rJula bo! 2-1/2' int·) th" se,ni-clrcl..> '11 tn.' :Jriv~'¡ðY (In-.:, th'Ht:1I)rp., he ....t'Juld like to movÍI t/,..- sign tor",.; ta r..",.;, r'.: trIo:! 8tr"..t.. h~ s¡;"t..li :h..t dt tnrl five f·)ot setCClcK it '..,)ulo .).: vi:,i:)H trt'J;¡; lht:! n'Hth <!nc ,Hi:) lht, ¡sr)uth, ana ðt ðn ~ f00t detb~cK, it coulc b~ S~t·n from ~oth óir~ctlons if th. tr.lte is trlmm,.:o, rJth..rWl!'t' tll.., tr'~o:- w·)ulc hðV-:! trJ b(, dist:r·)yad. H~ statoia that if it w::s !Tit'Jv,,(1 t.) ·)n" <;1c." t'Jr tr.o:: rJt.n"!r, lt ct'Juld "nly be.: sl:'en fr".,! 1)11" cir.-ctlt'Jn. Ct'Jmh,isl>it'Jn·,r \¡·)SS 'Ju<:sti.)ntc. hr", hlgt, th~ I>ign j~, tt'J ..nich !"Ir. ollrtholt'JIO.~"" St<1t".;; tinl it w"'~ ,/-I/;t, t/ '!t. c"m:oilis1t'Jn':!r \¡·)SS yU"~SL1rJlI<';U 1f tn" branch.,s .,f thl trut CI)ß,d dl)\In that 10...., to which ~r. ~drtholomr. r~pli~J rlflir~~llv~ly. PlëlOnt:r MChlm ¡.;r~sLntt.:a sonUi µicturi..s of tne church crea which indicdlud thM glOner"l It'Jcðlil)n of tn~ existing tret' ¡¡nd sign. Commissioner Voss stdt~d th~t lhu palrntlttt'J that is neür th~ trvd P&gf.: 21:1 11:1 =::= - .~'".;,'t''''-'''_ ¡;¡¡¡,."".' ,..'.' IIi1 E3IJ r;;:¡; Auqullt 6, 1985 1. th. probl~m ~nd n~t tn. pine trsft. He nl)tud that the p~lm~tto tre8 , could be trimmcad. C~mmlssi"n~r Ht)lland qu~sti"n~d if 3 feot Wt)uld b~ .atisf~ct~ry, to which ~r. Barth~l~m~w taplled affitmativ~!y. Comai..ioner Holland ~ved, .econded by co..i.sioner Pi.tor and carried unanlaou.ly, that the public hearing be clo.ed. In ðnswar to Comm1ssionar pistt)r, Pl~nnar McKim ßtðt~d that the C"unty is fac~ò witn J tr~do-off w1ch rcfer~nce t" qr!nc1nq a v~riance 9t sav1nq tho! pin!! troe, ¿¡uding that this 15 up to t~111 C·)'tIm19Si.,n. ~h-! indic.tad tha: this c0u11 be cQns1dcrdd ~ hclrdship ~nd it is usu~lly requastad th~t tre~s O~ saveo if p"s&lbl~. Commi..ioner Holland moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Petltion V-aS-laC, Richard Bartholomew, Haple. Chri.tian Church, requesting a 10' variance of the required 15' front yard .etback to erect a si9n be reduced to 7' and that Re.olution 85-169 be adopted. ~ . I ... 1..4........-..~~fI't.~~"'.."'...". 'V'"'' .DOIt 088 PAr,! 318 P,.~c: 29 :~ . , .... ..... nay, :~~::':D'~· UOO PACt 321 ;¡;;:u.. 122 t .....,'. . #:·,/':,\RISOLU1'IOII 85-170 RI PETITION V-85-19C, ORTHO AND GERTRUD! MAYS, ¥.: '-it:,. 3' VARIANCE or THE 30' REAR YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT - ADOPTED ','H "'~ AU';¡Uß~ 6, lS8!1 RI A 'It·· ' Legal notice having been published in th~ Napl~s ~~ily N~ws on July 2l, 1905, a. evidenced by Affidavit of ~ublication flloo with ~h~ Clerk, public hearing wes "p~ned t" cl)nsider Petit.i"n V-S5-1~C, Ortho ani) Gertrude Mays requesting a 3' v.Hi¿;¡nce of the 30' rE¿;¡r yt.rd setback requirement in Imml')kalee. '."<d' ,..';.........,"...~-- ' II "_J~ Plann~r McKim statl>d thet the "bjectivc t'Jf this pH tl"nis tl) buila ~ l2' x 20' ¿;¡uditi"n to ün existing h'1use. She nt'Jt~d that thu subjec~ prop.Hty is zrJned RMf·-G, which rltqulrcs ð 30 f'1rJt r..~r yare! setback ana tne prt)posfd adalti,," n~s been built ~ith no p~rmit but is not completeo y~t. ~n~ r~portca that tn~ ¿udltion ~ncroacn~s 1ntt) th~ required setback by J t~ct. Sh~ st~t~D that t~er~ is nt) hardShip t" 9rant a v"riance t;~C"pt tt;:lt the building dl)ê'S exist {¡nd, tneref·:>rt, Staff is r~ct)mmenaing a~ni~l. Commission~r ~I)~dnignt Stðt~G tnat tn~ prt'Jb¡~m iz the l~ck of knowing wh..lL is going t'Jn, ':''.J:lin':] th..t ~n<. rE.3S,)n th..:: tht' 3cèlti"n ~"'s built was bt.'CdUS<! r.r. ~ViYb ;:,)ul(' r,'Jt us'', th·~ rCfltrr>'lITt lr, ::.ne nt'Jus(. becausÐ it 15 It'JO sm~11 dn~ he is ~ic~ ~nc n~L~S ~ 1~r1pr rO'1m. bna stated tnl!t tnis it; è.n rJlu s';ctirJn '1f V,..n /J,,':; th,: .>JCltl'1f. \1"'S ",du;,::! on t" the back t'Jf the h~~sc. ~h~ St~tbJ tnclt n0 0nu 1n th~ ar~t I)bjltcts tl) it. In anSWdr (I) Ct)r.-,¡nisslt'Jn"r h¿;ss..., Plannt'r ~'C¡';lm St"t..c ';t'..1t. t.lI:! additi"n is n"t comFl~t~a ~no It will ndV~ t.o U~ ouilt dccarulng to c"de wh~n it 15 lnsp~CtbC. Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Hass. and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing be closed. Co.-i.sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 85-l70 re Petition V-85-19C, Ortho and Gertrude Mays, requesting a 3' variance of the 30' rear yard .etback requirement be adopted. Praql.t 30 ~ - - 'J~".' ~ _I.;;:",:,,_~...~ .1 -~ , -. 1111 ' , '-"_."'"~-"-".""~.'~"""-"""-"~'-'-"""-'",-'--'-- .. fD1 ~ Au': ust 1;, 19.;5 - It.. 123 MASTER PLAM TO REMAIN AS PRESENTED FOR THE MARCO ISLAND COMMUNITY PARK BUT TO BI RETURNID TO PARKS , RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD TO PRIORITIZI ITIMS AND TO BRING BACK TO THI ace IN TWO WEEKS Public Services Þ-dministréJtt)[' N"rt.l)n at.Heo that fo11t)'II1n9 the d~f~~t of the ~~rcl) Islane Ct)mmunity PJrk r~ffr~ndum, th~ sub-committee met and vot~d unanimously It'J r~Ct)m~~nd dis~pp['l)vðl of th~ existln9 m~~ter pl~n it)r th~ p~rk ~n~ tl) ql) t~ tnQ P~rK~ & H~cr~ðt1t)n Advis~ry 1);).1 rd and r ..cr~l11mel1d tll;. t thClY rt?co):nlTò·mJ tt'J t:h. I3Cc ~ n.:. t tì,.] ra b!/ .:: new mallt.cr ¡.>lan jofv~lt'Jpl'd f,,[' lh'~ p..,rK .siL'". :1" st;;t.":'1 tn3l this is ,sl!Ientially \~h~t ':>t"tf is r·~ç')mi1~r.C:lnJ. Th~ fl)ll~~jnq pLo~l~ $µ~k~ In t~vor o)t ~ mHM~er Finn, citin~ tnu nee:) for ,,¡ (.:.)mmullity f.l.~rk \Y1C.~I·)ut "ny Curt~cr d.ddY; Lhl! ne¡.¡(J f'1r ,1 t"t lo:, cl)mmJnit.y c~nt~rls~f0ly ç~nt~r, ~ctivici~s t0r dll ~ge gr?u~s, and a cov~red r~cradti?nal fdClI1:Y: ¡<,jr"n Yu.>k~lti,'i, ri.!¡..r",~,'nting tno! """tn,!!!> ·)f :'\arcr) :lub, pro·ßentec! d petlt10n ~ltn 125 slgnatures ur~in~ the Cl)m~issi~n~['s to ~rl)creo with tn~ ~XiRtlng Magt~r ~l~n. yo. i III -1iT1 S t e ð r n '"; , K'!t.ny .jt dr.k PI) I) 1 ~ :>t,..¡t.!\nl';nt .')f kL:hllr::1 ¡ ,~tJ,:riin rc,1d by '1r. T')la C"lfu" ¡ojr. 1. 1::. I:.vi'lns inLiicdt~d chat tih; pörK Hit~ ,>h·)uld bot 9rdded Clnd ')r.Jsst!d 0nd tn" ,Jlt.ct; "n;;l."::""'" Tap. '9 In anSWdr t.) ~t'J;r,missl')~"[ V·.,~;¡". ,':r. P',"'K I)f ·..,ils,)n, I~ill~r, ððr;:')n, .jt'Jll .. P,J"k, lnc., st,lt.r,' tOde t:"¡,! "vf.:rag~ ~levatlt'Jn of the park site grl)und IS 7 teet Ib0V~ 5~a l~v~l. Commiäsl~ner V'1ss ßtðt~= that ~ht!r~ ~~ß m~nti0n '1f ~dking i snL1t*r tor ð hurricane nn ~nd p~rk slte, acalng thjt tn," prt'JÞlem is that if th~rd is a nurrl=~~e ther~ will ~e II surge of 3t least 10 feet ana ",ith ~ six f"ot '''",VI:, it ¡.µ)uld ,TIdkd 1$ f"t?t which ;:It an¡.¡ th'.lt tha buildln9 ~)ulò have to b'· huilt lLJ t·~~t In :h~ .:dr 1:1 .)rdèr t.) h, ve IIny tY~d of sdfuty f~ctt'Jr. H~ st~t~d rn0t rid (I.ls that th~ t'Jnly safety fact.o C ()n .':<1 re" 1 s 1..lnc1 1:.. d VC) cu., t i·) n. Mr. P~vk indicattjo thJt a ~aintt nance building wll1 bt! needed and II r ~ç '~~~lIQ4Y.l_~.bft.,built, on pilings, which will be morE) expensive. Parks & Recreatio:1 Director V~ndtt~ ctjfcrred tl) the existing I'Iast~r Plan, ~dding that th,} Parks & Rec['~atlt)n Adviso)ry òoard and the sub-c"mmitt~e has rccl)mm~nded that tne 20,000 s~uar~ fot'Jt civic cencer b~ taKen t)ut and tn3t the arJlnage ditch nl)t b~ clos2d at this lime wnich ~uld .'3ave an dooitit'JnJl $lOG,oOO. He) stat':!d that thi) tl)tßl ,>ite dðvvlo¡:xnent E'stimate is :'>J7J,GOO and tnf:! remainins facilitlcs worf:! th;:·n a·;o~ 088 PAGr 324 p¡qt· 31 ~ .......",.......... ~~..-".,.., -..... ,.,.,.., ¥- '. ,00( 088P1Gt325 August G, 1985 listed ,is in the t'..,sur Plan, less the civic ct!nUr. lit: stated thl.lt .v.' triad to .der.s. the idea ~f a bigger ßqutr~ ft)~t~ge multi-purp"se 4ndooJ facility, noting th~t th~re could be threQ t)ptlons, "ne at 3,500 square feG~, on& at 5,000 square feet, and "ne at 7,000 square feet. he noted that ell t.he facilitids, using the 3,500 squðre f""t building pIus $373,000 worth ,)t slte d\!velt)pnent, como1S tt) II total of $l,03l,500 which i8 a shortfall "f $3l,500. He st.ated that with the 5,000 square foot b~ilùing the total ~Ju1d b6 $1,144,000 with ð sht)rtfall of $144,000. He statt/d that on t~~,..~,~.?0,~~~u~r.Ia",~~~.~.~U11dT~~9' iT ~ullùJI tIJf' be $525,000 for the ~nt1re fðcil1ly with a total b~i~g $1,294,000 "r a $294,000 sht)rtfall. "'" nott:d that this is tht:! proble:n h", 1s d·u;ling with. In ðn5w...r to C~;nm1s~il)l,'_r rhUU(;, ~\r. I',,(k st.Jtcd Ü,ilt t.h'! purpos" of th~ drainag'" ditch is for the storm wÐter retentit)n for Unit 25 which lie!:> nt)rLh 1)£ In'.! sit.ti. ~¡,:. stütUI that tne b"ttt)m width of the ditch is approximatcly 3~ f;)·.'t, tr¡~ sic (, slopt!s ar3 :J to 1 and the t~p width is ?i~t'Jut :. S t e.:t ilI1"; it triJnsf:J"rtl> tr¡o,: ,I/J ter frt'Jm Urll t 25 whictl ct)mes uno",r the stre':: o.,...n :t'J th·? n,d1n :J0<1Y r,f tÌlt; Ibkf:. tIe nt)led that. the futurd .i·)uld tJ.- to put ã ::;·')u;'le rur. "f ct'J!lcret., pi¡:.<: fro:n the st.r~£t to the lðK~ dnd cover it t)vur t~ utilizr th~ 3[t'Juna on top ~s ~ p~rking are~ ~n' QP~n pldY ~r~n. ~r. ~Hek st~tea tn~t h1s recommen- dation tor a mulLi-pur~os~ lnG~0r fdcilicy iß b mlni~u~ t)f 5,000 square fblitt. h~ oescrib~d tn~ l~Yt)ut of the ~xiSting M¿st~~ Pl~n ~ith t.ne facilitius tnot dr~ t.t) ~~ incl~a~u, noting th~t the ~ctive pl~Y·br/:lc w~uld oe on tta. Wt!st an.:: tne !lUltl-.,uriJ"s~ inc;rJ,'Jr fa;ility 0:-: th~ I!dSt. ~ommissioner Pistt'Jr stut~j that it õppadrs tnat ~lmt'Jst ~verything t2XCð¡:¡t tt'Jr tht: c.:.:nmun1ty cent. r õn-.: 1:.11..: 5wir.,::liny ¡:..ool ct'Jula b", built, noting tllõt if tn" [cft:r~ndum :1,:d p';:5~.'d, ,,~2.1 .:Iilli~n cOlllmunity Cl:nlt:r crJuld hdv,' o(;",n lJuilt ull'; tr,~ 1='",0; \o'·)ulc; h,:':"l; been lhlsic.:Illy complet:!c.. ~::: stal:.E:ú th¿.¡; if th..:: ~,,'.¡ster 1'.1;:,n r~.nr.ins .IS Hi, tile Pcrks & R..creät1on I\c;vist'Jry bo:...rd cr,:..la f,ri..,ritizt;. tn~ iLems th.:¡t ,,¡re in lI,~ plan in or(Jer t·) C'h.'cioe wnicn itL'ms s:vJulc D·? !::>uilt tirst, Gep'~nciing on ho~ f~r t.h~ ~0npy yo~s. Comß,lssi)n'.:r V,)SS Sl';'Luj tnat it n.:eos to ~e d'~.:1o"d if the C:ommissit)n g(H:S <.J1l~c.lC witll thé' t.;xistin':J ~.ðster ¡.oldn dS t'Jutlin",j or n"t.. Mr. t~rb S~~~ge, rn",m~er of ~n€ sub-ct'Jmmitt~3, Stdtea that th~re are ¡nixed f...el1nq!'l 0111> tt) tht· s~u¡¡ru ft'Jotllgc ·)f th.. mult.i-purpt)s& indol)r facility. h" stðted tn"t if this building WtlS ehvo1teu, tIll.: gr"und level unatirne~th ttat builainq ct)uld dlso bd utilized for r~cre¿tion "'..ga 32 - - - II..,~~~, t. --,,~ (;II t3i1 ;¡¡;; August 6, 19135 'purpos... K. stated that the t"t l~t and th~ basketball was cl)nsidered tl) be . high pri"rlty it4fm .s w..ll dS the lnult1-purpl)u build1nlH the .ub-commlLt.~ was str~ng in the idða of n~t filling in the ditch at this tim~1 that tn~ footbðll field should bo a full giz~ f~"tball field and that th~ maintenanc~ building is also ~ n~cessity. H~ st3t~d that the numb~r of facilitlas ðrou~j th~ l~k~Dld~ could b~ bu11t an ~hQ m"n~y 15 aVðilðbl~. Tape 110 ,"Ir. ~mil'~ly, ~L:.rc.) 1s1<ln::1 rJr.io,:rot, indico1t·"à t.JJl!t t~h:r~ 8h·)uld b.. a 920d~sic ~uiloing ~n1cn would C0~t l~~R tq build And l~~s tt) mðintðln. M~ s:~t~,j thaL th~ øwl~ming pt'J~lD ~n1 fo~tb~il fitJ~s ~r~ not. n~edua, Out ~ fJn~ libr~ry l~. ~Ir. P'dl! (' inaicc)t~<J tlldl this tYI)" of building W<1ulc: be vf>ry ~xp!n81Yd with r~f~r~nc~ to dir ct)ndltionlng It. Comaissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Ha..e and carried unani.ously, that the existing Master Plan for the M~~co Island Co..unity Park remain a. i., but that it be .ent back to the Parke' Recreation Advisory Board to prioritize the facilities and to return to the BCC with said list in two weeks 80 that it can 90 out for bid. Itell 124 REQUEST BY SHELTER ISLAND POR REFUND OF IMPACT FEES - PETITIONER NOT PRESENT (NO DISCUSSION) <.:ounty ;>¡.;;,n>C t!r LIJsk indicdt!:(J tn)t t'H! rl!::.:lV':C .J rt\;:mt) fr~r.\ Mr. Ch.Jrlss I.. ~è1um""y r"yUJsung tl1d~ ...tJt:lt\H !5L1nd recldvli a refund of t:h~ir imp¿ct I:ees. tip. n'Jt..c.J thaL hi~ secl.,¡tûry E·~nt ¡¡ lctt..r Indic~t1nq that tn~ it~m ~)uld be placrld t'Jn tn~ bqend~ ft'Jr this date and that Mr. Shu.nw3Y's ¡H..!st!n::!! Wc1S r·~4u,·st·:d. Co.mi..ioner Voss indicated thet there was no one pre.ent to dl.cu.. the .atter, therefore, it would have to be placed on another aqenda if reque.ted again. Ite. 125 r J II I L' M. J r1 ....f4........"., ..,.....~.. . ' . PUBLIC HEARING DATES OF 9/5/85, AT 7100 P.M. BEFORE THE CAPC AND 9/23/85 AT 7s00 P.M. BEFORE THE BCC RE FINAL ADOPTION OF THE BIG CYPRESS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN ELEMENT OF THE COMPREBEHSIV! PLAN - APPROVED I'Is. ~ri:>¡¡r.;¡ C;¡cchltJn.., :>t.1ff I'lélnn':-r, atato::.j t.hat our1ng the 1933 leqisl~tivtI $otssiQn, Ch,1n;¡,¡>s WIH", maJ" which rofyuir'!d thlit C·)unty tQ dd~pt ~ big Cy~r~$S Ar.3 I)f Crlticðl St~t~ CtJnc~rn ~lemcnt as part ~f thl;tlr co¡nf)f!:h(:n~I'¡'l p13n an1 that t.h1s ¡;.lan be appr"vi!d ::>y tho ao~~ 088 PAr.t 326 Pt!lqlot 33 -_.~---- .. . -----~ . I ;,; ,...~"... 088PA!:t 3Z1 ,~'í.,.,>.·D.partm.nt of Co)mmunity Affairs. bhv n"ted toat. ':'t".J):... '. , ::,),': ,pupa red and the Collier C"unty Plllnn1nq Agency hða hwld II public , ", :hearing And it tHIS been reviewed by tho btate DillfJ.Htment. "f C"rr,munity Affair~ and the R.~i"nal Planning C"unc11, adding th,t it i. now ready for final publlc hearings f"r adoption. She st~ted th~~ Staff is requesting that t~ avening public hearings be held, t.h~ first which will b41 heard by the Collier <.:"unty Pll!lnn1ng'Agency on Sept~mber 5, 1985, at 7:00 P.M. and the socond to b~ heard by th~ BCC on SQPt~mber 24, 1985, at 7100 P.M. . ......,..-.. ...,1.......... t .. A.... . .....11 øl1 Lt 11 IIU ,. 1 JJI _~ C"mm1ssioner Got'Jdnight indicated that she cann~t mÐke Tuesday evening mect1n~s, thcref"ra, the gtin~rðl cl)ns£nsus WðS to have the moeting on ~eptembur 23, lye5. at 7:00 P.~. Co.-i.sioner pistor .oved, seconded by Comm~.sioner H¡lland and carried unanimously, that the public hearing dateø of September 5, 1985, at 7s00 P.M. before the CCPA and September 23, 1985, at 7s00 P.M. before the BCC regarding the adoption of the Big Cypress Area of Critical State Concern Element of the Comprehensive Plan be approved. Itelll 126 Þ.uguSo; G, 19:::S this d"cumtnt W1S PETITION TR-84-l8C, KARL VANWIE, RE FINAL THREE MONTH EXTENSION FOR TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - APPROVED. PETITIONER TO BE NOTIFIED TO REMOVE SAID MOBILE HOME WHEN SAID PERMIT EXPIRES. C<Jmmissit'Jn,H l iSt.'lL St",I..,;{:. til"'t. the tt;&nt"Jr"ry p.~l" insp-.:cti-:J11 WlIS m.Jdt; .)1'\ h'lrch 12, 19",5, ilrlc. nrJt;ling ~ls'" h¿i> be..n c1"~t:. û",put,y r.si>ist-¡nt C,)unt.y :',,,nü':It:r dr:.ng!.cclo :.tdt.~d tb,;t th,.¡" p"tlt.ioncr ndS 61yr,c:C1!J ('f)ntr;,C't ....itl~ Jlr.\ ".;ll..,.·r t!f):II,';" II'Jt:.in'J tllP-t tone h"m" sh'Juld bt; r~aJy witoin Ul': :3 rlonti, p.Hlt'Jd thlll ¡,1r. Vi:o-..1Í¡¡ st:.ill has. (,;t),n¡..lSi>l-:.n"r eistrJt .n'::lctL,,(J Lt.:,\.. U::: ¡.¡r,;vit'Ju:, :xt,,,nr:;lrJII \:xpir~d "n J u 1 Y ;¡, 1 9 ~ ~ :;¡ n . j, tt, E: r l f rJ r ", t rj is" X t iHI S i ,H. 10 i 11 I, ;( P i r ~ t'J n llC ll) b c r 3, ,lS¡;!j, ...hle;, is It:Sf, :nalì .~ ",,):11:.01> lr.)a, :1t'J,;. C"n,mi"¡sit'Jn.,, <.orJC¡l1ynt st.>tf'U tiJut to>: sa'i!'; I..r.in,1 sh'luld be do:'n(: wi t.h tins p"rmi t .,50 Ioi tr. UI'.;' .)Lh'. r5, 11,1ting tlut wn"n ,>I'..yt'Jn~ g"t.s t.hui r lö9t t.hr..H: m'll1tll o:xt~rd>1t)n, ttJ"y s:,'H.;IJ 1.Jt1 m"i.~ù d c(·rtifi"c.. l"tt~r indiclIt.lng Lht'L Lt,\.; '.;I"i1-.:r !,,; "X¡"fct~,(j t') b~ :nt)v,,::: ,:L trio; t'''Id "f trt': thr¥~ m"ntn tlmd. Coaaissioner Has.e ~ved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, (Co.missioner Holland out of the room) that Petition TR-84-18C, larl Vanwie, requ..tin9 the ..cond and final three aonth exten.ion of a temporary reaidence permit to utliae a mobile home on Pa9~ H -= .. - '. , LI>Ø ",,,~.",,,..,,~~..,-- .. =m ~ AU'Just 6, 1985 the 1180', Tract 67, Unit 25, Golden Gate Estate. be approved and the petitioner be notified that .aid .oblle home will have to be aoved fro. the property when the permit expire.. ne. t27 PITITIOM TR-B4-22C, PRED L. ~IGHT, RE FINAL THREE MONTH EXTENSION rOR TEMPORARY RESIDENCI PIRMIT, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - APPROVED. PETITIONER TO BE NOTIFIED TO REMOVE SAID TRAVEL TRAILER WHEN SAID PERMIT EXPIRIS. C<1mlOibsi'::In~r PistrJr inoicctt\!d tho¡¡; I'lr. Kl,;¡nt'l> LJl:;t ins¡1i!ct.ion wall .I t.unµt)rctry rJ.)l~ in:;;)l';cti,m rJn "'JY 1'7,19:1<;, ;;,dr¡inq to"t. t.r~~ s'Jm-: t;t11ng 5ht)ul~ be d~ne wi!;n this µ~titit'Jn ~s ~it.h th~ pr~vio~s ~nd. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Holland out of the room) that Petition TR-84-22C, Fred L. Kight, requesting second and final three month extension for a temporary residence permit for a travel trailer on the SlSO', Tract 65, Unit 14, Golden Gate Eatate. be approved and the petitioner to be notified to remove said travel trailer when said permit expires. Item 128 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS BY C.M.C. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO SEGMENTS or DESOTO BOULEVARD AND GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD - APPROVED rr¡::r.spt)r::'3tl.)n I.; I r~ct'Jr ...rcnib,:ld se·: t.~(J t.n.)t o:h1s It:;:m oJa1s .....ith tnu r..:c"n<;tru.:t.ing Jnd ,hiving ·)f J.:~::i,)t·) ðr)ul,,¡vðrd fr0!T, A111'3c)trH All.lY t<1 ",)lo"n (,ì",t·. ¡;J.)ul.··Vilrc;. ¡., n,)t':!a thJt d ::·1ilLr"C!.t'Jr is :::urr·.~ntly "",,,rKing ;tnd ro!stt'Jrln'J t"Jrt.it'Jns ·:.t t~I(~ [t'J¡ d t:v,t hd'J'.1 bc!en d.,,".qed in hauling mdt,Hlctls t;'J tll·~ 1"or(,] rl!St 'frelck. He n·)tud that. whun his ....)rk is c~mpl~tad t;here may be ðn9 Aegm~nt of UeS~tt'J ~~ulavðrd, immediately sI)uth .)f G·)lden (,¡t" l:-t':>ul"'J,jro, t.ut rr,,'y b" left u:'\¡;dvoòd Dl'C;.USQ th3t s~gmllnt t'Jt =.I)"! (t'Ja:¡ ",...5 :,\.,t pé!Vf!j hl'ft)rc~ th~ [J[t'Jj·,ct stdrtt!d. HI!! sLat3d tn..Jt tt) 3ssuru that th9 !0",~ lS not lefL .iLh t'Jn~ s~~m~nt unpave:J, t.,'J Ct)ll1~r Ct¡[jj·?réH;10n h':ls sug:.J'!~tP'j thõt the (;rJunty ct'Jnsider dtl.tlng S<1mu t)f their rllpðving '~rk at th~ st'J~th ~nd ~f D~S<1~" '. "If 8'->(1fp~afð anã'11ië-th'at-'nióney t" b~' put against the r"ad ct)nstructi"n wt)rK at t.h~ nl)rth t!nd. h~ Rtated that wlth the m<1n~y that th~y wil1 put lnt." th't s~g~Gnt. of thi rt'Jad and wlth th~ m.,n~y thdt th~ C~unty w11l put lnt" it, it Wt?uld bp. 3ssur!'d thdt tlb! entire length ~f D~S"t" lj"ul~v.Hd h.)m Gt'JI~~n Giltt! b.)~lt'vllrrj t" l'.1l1.Jðtor All~y .......>uld bit "ither rt!surf~ced, naVF no pðvøm~nt on it, 0[ be pnvdd and still be in fair !l1I.'¡.¡e. H~ nt'Jt.'(j tt./Jt. thert! .5 I)n.' .'5rlgm~nt r)t c.;t)ld¡}n ~clt·) Bt)ulev.Hd tlloit tht! c.)n~r.-¡CVH did t,,~r uj;J in h<iul iny md t,~r iül t,) th~ 1'·t)rd Tt/!lt aOOK ()~~PAG[~~~ PaJ/~ 35 _.._-_..~_.- .._._-~.",,~..,.-y ,..,,- I. 088 PACt 329 . \'r' '~ ~' ·'"..1ncl<, ~,. ¡'''~''#;:'' .. ·,t'\·~;1¡;~,that. He nl)hd that thIs 18 only a ugm.nt that: rUM fro", Do.IS"tl) .~:~._,.., s..,ulevard to thu west abl)ut "ne-quarter of .... mlle I)n G"lddn Gat.. : ,,,~,". ·Boulevard. He atcltdd that thlf rcmllinder of Golden Gl1ttt bl)ulttVðfó h~_a ~,~:"J,be.n patch.d ....'h.r. the c"ntractor damaged the road. ih;: ';, Co_ia81oner Piator .ov.d, .econded by COlDllia~loner Goodnight and 'J.~'''''(~ carried unanl.ou.ly, that the road h'provem.nt. by C.M.C. Development Corpo~atlon to .eg.ent. of D.Soto Boulevard and Golden Gate Boulevard , be approved. ;·t" Ite. 129 ~"'¡/"" ; ^., ." 'H ,.,._............... ~"'t. LI" r'.1 I' 1 r J ï _ r 1 111. I ':~, PURCHASI ACREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND JOHN AND IRENE SLEZAK FOR " A VACANT PARCEL OF LAND ON RANDALL BOULEVARD FOR A FUTURE DEPARTMENT or FORESTRY FIRE STATION AND FIRE WATCHTOWER - APPROVED J\ugul'lt 6, lS85 'but he i. In the proc.1III I)f uconl'ltructing tho b¡11i14 .snci pavin9 Assist.tlnt: C;t)unty ,'lena-3E:r [)t)rrill sti.lted thl1t this IS thO! final action on Lnt! purch~sM t'Jf t.hO! ~-1/2 ðcrw~ an Rdnd~ll ~oul~vard fl)r thl Department t)f ~'t'Jr<otHtry tt)wer ,\it.e. tho stated t;hllt there is a signed pUrchtise cl)ntract from th¿ ~~oplc that own th~ p~rc~), lIooing thut th~ only stipulations dre toat tn~ County µãy th~ n~cussdry pocket Mxpens8s to cl~se on th~ propùrty dnd tn'L th~ ?rt'J~~tty clt)s( ~ithln 30 days. He stJteC: that lit! 1¡¡ rect)mm~nJ i ng f inal o!I~prt)v'11. Co..lsaloner Piator moved, .econded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanl.ously, that the purchase agreement b.tween Collier County and John and Irene Sl.zak for a vacant parcel of lan~ on Randall t Boulevard for a future department of Forestry Fire Station and Fir. Watch~ow.r be approved. Pa<;e 35 - - - .. ~ --r--- -...""..."................... :§! . ;5/>!' ·:i~ .' ....1' ...':~..':;,~ :',~- ~~. J1. SIiJ a¡¡g ;::; AuqUl\t 'i, 19']5 TV CABLE rRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH DELTONA CABLEVISION - CONT'D 3 WEEKS Assist.llnt Cl)unty Att.ornt!Y cuyhr statltd that h. ne~d.J " thre" week continuanclI on thlø It'lllO, aóa1nq that h~ i3 still rt!soorching st)me of the leq~1 b~und~rills. It va. the general consensus that this item be continued for three veeks. Ite. '31 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pur3~~nt t~ H~st)lut1~n 81-150, thd fo~1~w1n] ch~ck~ ~dro lssu~d thr')lT., 11 1'r ld..:>y, AU-;¡US'o 2, 1 ~d:, i:ì pJy¡n'~nt 1)£ r·'H..:in,' bills: CIIECK ;:)[:;~~j\IP'rlJN C:iI::Cr; ;"OS. Jl,MOUN'r Vrlnàl)r 131::;17 - jJl[lJí $1,J4G,4J4.UO Ite. '32 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 85-367/369 AND 85-371/377 - ADOPTED Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 85-367/369 and 85-371/377 be adopted. ~'1sc,d. vtficê!r Gili!S ,.;t..L.:u tIL.L ttn Cl~rk':> r~t'·)rt lI'H:ludes ) 9-t:\t)ntn r~ìJ,)rt ·)n t.ì~ B-:I.ïr:J t'Jfh'r...tl:'Hj C jn~s In,; " r~"l)rt (.n tnd Justic", Co:nter pr,)jt!ct ,o;p..naing UH'Jugn J...,),! 3lJ, 1';'>:". It was the general consensus that the reports be accepted. Ite. 133 PAUL D. JACKSON AND MARIO LAMENDOLA - REAPPOINTED TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEAL FOR 4 YEAR TERMS WITH EXPIRATION DATE or 8/9/89 Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Paul D. Jackson and Mario LaMendola be r.appointed to the Board of Adjustments and Appeal for 4 y.ar terms ff with an' l~~I:'..!¡~.?!!,..~.a.~~.,.?"f "Augu.ct ,9, .1989. It.. '34 EMERGENCY TEMPORARY OPERATOR'S PERMIT FOR DRIVERS OF AIRPORT MINI BUS TO BE ISSUED ONLY UNTIL REPORT COMES BACK FROM TALLAHASSEE - APPROVED Ct)mmis~It'J¡"H V,)f.¡S ...tót":J th.H h~ r~cë:iv(,:J ð c.,ll fr·)Jn tnc "w!u:rs "t. tna Airpt)rt I',ln1 tlUR ~"rIl1C.:', :id:Hn-) tll'lt tWt'J ori'l"rs hðd ~., bl'! li11d ~ff b~C3US'! th~y ðr.. fJvo,!r i!5 "n<J t.h'" InSuf,Jne.. ç"mp..ny r..fuxeu t" in:'Jurll th.¡n" ·,oIni.:11 is :Jrl1n,; ¡Jur.3l,o;od. (¡c nl)ti'lo tr.;¡t in t~VJ n,e",ntim9, aOOK 088 PAGE 332 PI1~1t 37 el" , C'r,": ; "~:::". 088m333 , August 6, 19C5 :;i':.{,...'<two other órivars 11.1Q to b" bIr.d and ¡JÐrt of thi ordln¡nc~ states that ,~,!··;j~th. drIvers heve t.o b" fingerprinte-d and D rE-f'ort hdS t" b~ received ~~;:;;·"."Þc·Ck from T"lhh"ssee which tak.:s t...,.) to three weeil-s. H~ not..a that '4.~' .': '7"; . the owner is in e situ,ni"n wheore th~ buses cann"t be run unles.. thto t _"'\ '... COllllf,issionerll issue a tcmp<Jrary operator' 8 l1censol f"r tht': two n.w driv.rs pending ~ recE-lpt of the r'p"rt t)n th: flng~rprint8. H~ atat.d that h.e is ..king that II temporary tÐxicab operator'" permit be issued to Hob~rt and Shirley FIfer to be valid for 30 days. Mrs. Margaret huida, ow~e.~...?~...,~,~.w.:.~~U t~il~fr..~~s lSe~vicl·~ "m I 11 Inc., stated thðt these p60ple are mid tQ l~te SO's and th.y h~vp liv~d here more than six mt)ntns. She stat~d that th~y made a favorable impressio~ with her. Commlssil'Jncr Vt'JSS 3t:..te~ th¿t if :;¡"m...·)n" Knl)....s th"y an: gt)ing ti'J be fingerprint.ed to cht.lck. for ¡¡ rocord, Lh~y must. h..:v.. .. clE;ar rec"rd. Mrl'\. PerótIda stuteC: tht.l th"8~ pl'l'J¡..lt.' .....,ul.d nt'Jt r;pend ~50.00 e;::ch if they were going to lQs~ it tnrt'Jugh finqerprintlng. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carri.d unani.ously, that a temporary operator'S license permit be issueó to Robert and Shirley Fifer to be valid for 30 days from the date of isauance or until the criminal background report on the people have been received by tbe County's occupation licens. Department, whichever comes first. \ Mrs. PereId", 'llI,:stir,n"u h,>w t:lt· v\.:cup"tll)l\¡¡l LiJ"nse ,)"pjr~m'1nt ¡ k n "'" S t hilt t n 1 S ¡¡ .: tit) n h n 5 b.. '! r. t 1\ k I' n, t·) '''¡ 111 C !'I ",S S 1.1 t 1\ n t Ct) II n t y M~nager Ct'Jrrill bti\te~ tn&t Uetw~!n tn~ C,>unty ~~nø9tr'c t)Lf1cL anc his office thls ..ill b~ t'¡I(I,n car., t'Jf, ,'áCJlny tnðt .1" Wlll exp.,ct tnl'lt <Ill other ftlltn;~nts of th!:: ",.>pl iCi 1.1 or, Ol:! C')11p} 1".1 ....ltr.. It.. 135 MARK LAWSON'S RESIGNATION FROM CAPC ACCEPTED AND MR. JAMES STACKPOOLE APPOINTED AS A REGULAR MEMBER TO THE CAPC Comaissioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Commi.sioner Holland and carri.d unanimously, that Mr. Mark Lawson'. re.ignation from the CAPC b. accepted and that Mr. Jame. Stackpoole be appointed as a regular ...ber to the CAPC. n.. 136 NO 'URTHER APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE TO THE IAPe, THE CAPCb AND THE CCPA UNTIL THE FUTURE or ALL THREE BOARD'S HAS BEEN DET8RMINE C"mmibsloner Pislor sløt.~d t.hat ne ~)ulù liK~ to hold t)ff on any furth.r ðpp"lnt~p.nts tö the IAPC, thu C~fC, ~nd the CCPA until th~ Page 38 -=:I c:::!] - .-~~- . .- 118 DB t:Jiii1 "ugU~: 6, 19¡ 5 "C~mmi.si~n has had ~ ch~nco to discuss the futur4 "f th~ße b~ard. 3nd the po..ibility of naving "nly tha CCPA. K~ nl)ted tnat th~re i8 nl) 'nøed for the CAPe and th~ lAPC, ~dding that the CCPA w~uld h3nale it all which woulcl b" in c.)mpl i&nce wi th th1 :,;t:i1tlll l¡\w. Coaai..ioner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co~I.8ioner Holland and carrl.d unanlmou.ly, that no further appoint.ents be aade to the IAPC, the CApe, and the CCPA until the future of all these board'. has b..n detenlined. ***** Co..I..loner Pi.tor aoved, s.conded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that the following items be approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agendaz ***** It.. '37 BUDGET AMENDMENT UNITING DUNE RESTORATION FUNDS FROM 5 PROJECTS TO 2 It.. 138 PETITION TR-85-6C, JOHN M. DAVIS, JR., RE FIRST 3 MONTH EXTENSION or A TEMPORARY REaIDENCE PERMIT (Wl80', TRACT 27, UNIT 19, GOLDEN GATE EST.) It.. 139 BID '840, RE LITTER CLEANUP FROM B , J EXCAVATION, INC. - REJECTED It.. 140 DISPENSING SITB ACCESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN OLEUM CORP. AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES See Page .33? Ite. '41 AMENDMENT OF CURRENT LEASE AGREEMENT FOR EAST NAPLES COMMUNITY PARK rOR ADDITIONAL SEVEN YEARS AND FOUR MONTHS WITH COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Se. PageS' .339-3¢ð It.. 14 2 ~ J DUPLICATB 1AX CERTIFICATE NO. 1411 TO WILLIAM J. PORTER Se. Page 3 ~¡I It.. ... 3 ACCEPTANCE or RESIGNATION or MR. GILBERT WElL rROM THB CITIZIH'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE OP THE SûUTHWt~T PLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL aDDII: 088 PAGE 3'34 Pclge 39 "-'~'--'''~'"''''''---. ..._.'~""~"".",,,,., .-.''''~--''- ¡¡ ~paq335 AugUl!\t G, l!i3!i _UÐGt! AMEMDMIHT TRANSflRRING fUNDS INTO BUILDING "^INTENANCI APPROPRIATION 175 IN THE AMOUNT Of $45,000 It.. 145 MISCILtANlOUS CORRESPONDINCE PILED AND/OR REfERRED Thdre being n~ obj~ction, the Chnir directed that thb following miscellaneous correspondenco be filod and/or r~f~rred to the various departments .. indicatvd belowl .._.>",..........,.. lI.t... nl..I ,. , _ ~ 'I r f r 1. Letter datea 7/22/f..5, frr;m Ci ty Clerk Clu"n, to Clcrk R..,g.Jn, ~nclosing cert.lfi~G ct)py of Ord. a~-4771 re annexation "f LI) t 5 1 7 & 1 ¡; , N~ r t h ;",1 P 1 " S £.1> t iJ t E. R . )<. C : 1'1 r. C" 1 ° i n g , l'i r . C.H 1 to n & ~I r. "IC l)ù n i eLf i It: d . 2. ~1;:r.1or.;¡n~um uat.:", 7/11/6::', fe.)m. Jl'dr¡t C,:.mmIttut' t'Jn }niorml1ti"n ~~chnology k~~t'Jurces rL plannIng funds for intugrðt.~ systE:r;\s. ):c: r'¡r. S,1ulictl;rf>. Fi 11td. 3. Lr.:tter dðtco ú/2ó/~:, tr.,m hneni" "'¡lian, pnsictent, Delt"ne Utllitlel'i, Inc., o;1\'lng n,:.tic", .)f .:Ipplict1tion t·, 1"1~rio: I'SC fur Crrtific~t~ 0f Auth~r1zðti~n t~ prov1de watcr services, (G.).,·:Jl.:lnc: r'.Ito:,r L15triCt) ..r.clr;óing ':Xillb1t ·)f lU': o11 c~scripti~n. fl1~d. ~. ~'-!mr..r'-.r.;:¡U;I: ,-",t<.'¡" í/~7/d:, (rt'J,,' ['.VI'>lrJn rJf h,"tirll{!',~nt giving notlíic~tll)n ,:.f ir.;;:rHt.:.ct .:;.;,;;1.;.1 s·!curlty l'Iumb"r fr;r J"SI. h"rn.:;no,::l. X~: P'2rst'Jl"'n:l dnd ¡;>"yr.,11 úup"r¡;mlontl:l. ~·il..a. \ 5. Lt'tt>;r aat.~Q -i/l"ì/\J:>, frt'Jm Jt'J:ìn LeGrf.Jve, i>IJrt. t'Jf Co')r:llI'unity 1\1.tclrs, r( r.r,.. Lr;~¿l G·)\'"rI\IO",nt. Cr;IT'¡Jrel\..n$ivt< Pl¡;nni,,<.J 41'1á Lðnrj l.Ievo;lr;p;nO;!nt hlgulütl·)n ..ct, Flu!:; C·)fJl.f1l of pt<rtln\!r.t Acts. xc: ~r. Lu::.:<, ~,t'. S!.unrh,rr; "n<J ~:rs. br...ngl'cci/). Hld. 'j. Lettl:r a..,t"u í/l'¡/o>'." fr">m ~)u:¡1"'5 L~i's, Ct'Jmmunity Reaavf!l- opm:>r.t AiJ:;,ini!:;tCé.tt'J(, [)t;pt. (It (,t'Jm,Junity I·,tf/drs, r{: Contract N/). ()t,-LG-5~-ú~-l.C,-(,1-~·L:.':, .J;¡ë, V1SJt. OJ! 1'.1". (ò.·dd V) r.¡r;:1Ìt/)r ¡'lrJf1~d ~.n...ll C1tl'~s (omi:lUnlty l;èv:'lt'Jpm~n';: t,l-:"ck GrZlnt Prt')gr.~ítI. >::': ¡'::3. ~'11.i.l",:¡ :15():-I. Fll(.~. 7. L"t¡;'ut C¡¡t~c 7/1~/',;~, tro');l. J"nn L'r:Gr·)\'e, ûtpl. of Ct)mmunity ^[t~irs, rL ct'JMwunlty U~v~10µn~n~ dll)~~ c~Lnt CQntr...c= ~t). ~J -L·";-~3-(¡Ç¡-~1-(.1-,¡j.:. x;;: !':S. ,,111iJm!'òt)r: <:rid .v:r!'ò. crüngóc:i0. ti1:~. é.. c.;t)¡.oy t)f n"H ¡rJr.;nUI.H', dat....;] 7/1':l/ò'.J, frrJ,n Lowvid \'>0. ì".':Irl.., Þ.ct.lng Clii.d, tlur. t)f V./!st'iW3ter ~,.Jr,ägt'm¡;nt and Crllnl, DI:;H, r~ co')n!;¡trlJctl';';¡ gr.:.¡¡,,!. proCJr..m f·}( W,lst.:\;:,tcr tr~.:tm..nt w.')rkl!\ rult<, plus copy ot cnapt..:r 17-5U. xc: Mr. CrliC\dnll. Hled. !). Lo1ttl;t t't:CtcIVí'O 7/22/dS, ft,)n, [;/)u'j1as L. ~'ry, ~.nviron. :;U :J"I., Ut:k, tlncl'J!unq sn"rl ':'o')rm 3PFliCiltit)n f'il'! Nt). 1110S~595 f~r ar~u~~ anc fill aCLivities. xc: Mrs. ~yllin~. t'ihj. pa;... (0 -= c:::!3 - _~. .1..._ .............,. '.0._' ~.,.~ -~'..._-~. ~--,,"",- CIIiiI em ;;a " August G, 1~8S 10. C"py Qf ~ublic n"t1ce r.ceived 7/26/85, r~ ma~ting of ~and Acquiø1tion Sølection C"m. t)n 7/30/85 in T~llah~ss.e. xc: Mrs. bctlngacci·) Dnd /'Irs. ,'Iul1inR. HIed. 11. c.,py "f letter ðatl!d 6/13/£'5, fr,,;n EHlen,' J. Wi llL.hns, LlJnd Hec"rðs ~pp'c., duro of C"ðstJl ~nq!neertnq ~nd Hequl~tion, ::>!IIR, to GeorCJtI Ii. 1101 rman."n, floll!, "'ont j21 & 1'\8s"c., eø ~pprov~l of permit teänRfer ~nd copy of P~rmit fl1~ No. C~-GJ 111, ne\" Pftrmltte.. ;"¡'11èort 1'r)w·.lrs D"v'~loµl'<Jnt CrJrp., plus c"PY '1f l.,tt,H Oðt"cj '1/18/;5, fel)m ~lR.,-lill1'.1tns tt) Hlchl1rtl C. ~~nt, M~rHnt)n, Sawy~r, J~hnst.,n, Dunwody & Col.. XCI Mrs. I'lullir,'S Hnd lJr. Pr.,l:fltt. I·'il~a. 1'),. Co:>py of m':-.nortinaUln dat¡'d 7/,~2/iJ5, frt'Jm l"lst'<;l O~~i::"r Gll~s t:., ~;o 11 ~1 Mi Ii C'! Û i e ~ c t. '1 r f HI " Y P J II f; CO P i. t! ,0; I) f Fin ~ n c i III St~t.mrnts for p!rlQ~ ~nj~Q ~/JO/R5. Fi1~d. l3. ':;"'i?Y rJt 'n~mor( ndum d:.t'HJ 7/2'),/'j5, frt)ffi r'lsc;¡l ()fflcHr Giles to uçilill~s Aamlniscr~cor CCBncJqll ~lus ct)~ia~ of Fin~nci~l :';:<.IC~II....n':s i,..,c ¡:.~r¡rJr '~n;':"u ~/JI/Jr:-. l:'il':l(1. 1 .; . L., u: <:! r IJ iI C ¡~ (J ï /2. :, / " ':J . t r ð;n .,.) y n.: ):;. Dd 1 L r Y, I;;x e c . ¡;; i r . , .:ï...FRPC, (,¡ L,"ly - A K'390r1: Ct)lomunity, n.)tlfying r)f revi"!wof :Jk¡ by St::'ft ,1nu ft'J'JncJ t,) !Je- c.,;¡o;l!;t-:nt f'Jr pr.,j~c:; ...itn C.)uncil'o; K\!gl"lIdl ",.¡prlrr: -!'!!'1¡J i<...c.)mm~ndðtlr,ns, plus c<)PY I)f .rac~mm,nu.1tiona. ~c: Mrs. ßr3ng~cc10 dna Mrs. ~ul1in... 1"i .lea. 15. Ct'J¡:l€S .)1:' ",lnutcs: ~'il.,d. A. Library "avis)ry b·)¡~r':.J, >/27/35. b. CA~-: 1, CCI>,\, 7/1v/·J~. ,;¡lu:. ;q\,.nco) 1'1/1/;;5. 15. L~l:l"r ::c)""a 7/1')1'.:.5, fc'1~ ";.lyn~ to:. ¡;.ÜLCY, Ex...::. vir., Sf·.\rtK, r.: AtJ,:ili¡;')C10" Lt'Jr D,~V<d·)f-'T1..nt Ai)prov.Jl, CKI ·iG-.!~6<:-<: 3 (h. r k1inds), f'ncl');;lng cn,., 1 r ...sstl~smt!n1: "f pr"j,:ct. .:c: ,·¡rH. t:lrûl1j/lc,~io ,,:'\:J ,·,rs. !'Iullins. ~·iled. l7. L'lt:ter jdt'!d 7/l:J/S5, frt):T\ "dyr¡.;! 1;;. Ualtry, I:.x~(". Dir., 5Wr'Hl'C. rt r'~sch'~"U.lln;¡ ,)t "ublic h':!~rin(J r01 DfU ;)?-3;)8'-49 (Pin.~ .>J.r L03Kes) :15 1'1!111ninq C·)uncil h.:.'Hing h~s been sch,.-:JU.l,'J ft'Jr ',/19/'\::. xc: '''rs. "'u; Ji,L; '1:"\11 ~lrR. 1·\cKil:l. r'11ea. .:;. lò. ... "I:- 19. 2 O. Copy .)f ~~t'Jticc ·)f Pr,)prJS"!C ,ì1ency ACClt'Jn, ¡jt)ck'Jt Nt'J. €S0155-rl~, Ocd~r Nt). 14ó25, Issued 7/24/~5, allowing rdte ~dj~~J),t..tOJlllow,recovecy of regulatory assessment fee. xè: Mr. Saunders. Fil<td. P~tltion r~c~ivtj 7/'),4/05, r~qu"s"ing spocial h~ar1ngs "n redlscricting. xc: Mr. Lust<. Filed. Notic~ I)f S.tt1empnt H~~rln9 rec~lv~d 7/24/05, fr0:T1 ri~na.rst)n, fr3nkl1n, St~rn.s ~ Ht'Jlt, rw Cl~lmJnt C.lrol IH~m<,nn <l\rJrk':.rs' C.) ~p...'nS(\tl·)n). xc: ~Irs. Kynd~r~ 5nc /'1r. Lunt:¿. tilito. . . . . * lOOK 088 PAGE 336 Pl1g c 4l . _.·'-"'."_U""'···~_~·.·~__·~~~~""··"" ~.,"... ~(.~: I,. .;,.>.. \t;;./;;\:~' nO'OUdtYtt., AUgust 5, 1985 ;'" C'" ~n9 no) further business for th,) C""(J "f the: Cl')unty, th~ ;..~ ,J. . ... 1II..t.in9 was ðdourn:¡d by Ordt:r .)f the Ch.sir - 1'1m(:! ~tOO P.f<¡. . , BOARD Of' COUNTY COMMI!:ISIOI'IERSI BOARD o¡ ZO~lÑG APPE~LS/EX OfFICIO GOVERNIÑG ~OhRD(~) OF SPECI^L DISTRICTS UWDER ITS CONTROL ,",ul!j'¡1f! VO"S. CHAI..... ,., "'..~....¡..__ "1;".4 .l.U I LIlt IL '.~t'''-I1',\ ":,)~,. ' .,,,, ATTEST I WILLIAM ,\\~ ,',.... CLERK - - . 6J,c '" . rJ~ ~~~/,?r ab crJrrt:ct~è PI! q e 4 2 lEi .:I - L;.;;' . .,.~. .___~ J_ II