BCC Minutes 08/08/1985 B HI I. --_·_-~··~__~".,_o. .,__,......._ ;&J ~ g:¡ Naple., Plorida, Augu.t 8, 1985 LET IT BB RBMZM8ZRBD. that the Board of County Commi..loner. In and ,for the County of Collier, and al.o acting a. the Board of Zoning Appeal. and a. the governing board(.) of .uch .pecial dl.trlct. a. ha..', baen created acCording to law and having conducted busine.. herein, ..t on this date at 9.00 A.M. in Budg.t Work.hop ....Ion in Building "r" of the Courthou.e Complex, East Naples, Plorida, wit.h the fOllowing .e.bers pre.entl CHAIRMANr. Frederick J. VO.. VICE CHAIRMAN: John A. PI.tor Max A. Has.e C. C. "Red- Holland Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT. William J. Reagan, Clerk, James C. Oll.s, Fiscal Officer, Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, Donald B. tusk, Count.y Manager, Neil Dorrill, Assistant. County Manager, Pam Brangaccio, Deputy A..i.tant Count.y Manager, Lor! Zalka, Budget. Director, and Nancy I.rael.on, Administrative Assistant. to t.he Board. AGENDA I. Review the 1985-86 Tentative Budget. 9100 A.M. Court., Related Agencies General Fund Page 1-36 Page 1-33 Page 3-12 Page 3-18 Page 3-29 Page 2-10 ,,- Page 1-5 Page 3-26 Page 5-23 9.30 A.M. Community Development Gen,ral Fund Special Revenue Punds a. MST General Fund b. Community Development c. Grants, Shared Revenues 10,10 A.M. Property Appraiser 11100 A.M. Count.y Manager Administration 11' .. ..4JI:I...b....~ .w·.............~..\.,.. ~ '~"..'1'i' lJeneral Fund Special Revenue Fund a. Environment.al Science, Pollution Enterprise , Internal Service a. Workers' Compensation Self- In.ured FUnd lOOK 088 PAtt 3'42 Page 1 .. 08B PACt 343 IMPAC'f I'D. tIOunop August. B, 1985 eo..I..toner Vo.. indicated that on August 21, 1985, at 9.30 A.M. there would be . workshop held on impact fees. COORft AIID ULAnD AODCI.. BODOB'l' Budget Director Zalka stated that the total Increase for court. in th.lr requ.sted budget. i. 26.5' and the budget office recO..endation. would provide a 17.8' increa.e. ,Co..i..loner Voss .tated that an increa.e In travel has baen a.ked for which i. con.iderably larger than what was budgeted la.t year. Court M.Inhtrator Bell stated that.- th., judge.'-wr...cu.,..,ln..t.h.r.n rJ~1Ir acces. to their state fund travel and to help fund this, they have a.ked for ^n tncrea.e tn their budget.. through t.he County. He noted t.hat in the case of Judge Carlton, part of that money is baing u.ed to fund travel for his secret~ry to take training In Fort Myer.. Co~missioner Vo.s questioned what. the office equipment I. for Judge Brou..eau, to which Mr. Bell .tat.ed that he hope. to purcha.. a computer for the use of hi. office and all the judges. Co.mi..ioner Voss stated that with the Supreme Court decision regarding the overti.e, the County i. going to have to cut .ervice. or the tax Increase will go out of sight. Hr. Bell stat.ed that this is tì:e only judicial ,circuit where the judge. do not a.k for anyt.hing. tie ;/i:at.ed that the, judge. do thetr own research and the only staff they have t~ ~n: secret~ry. CO..issioner PIstor stated that ~lt of Judge ~rett'.' travel is to I..okalee. Mr. Bell .tated that Judge Tretti. indicated that he would live with $1,300 in.tea~ of the Sl,500 that was originally reque.ted. Commi.sioner Voss stated that the t.ravel to Immokalee t. not in this account, adding that. this account is strictly out-of-county travel. In answer to Commissioner Voss, Clerk Reagan Indicated that if there 1. not sufficient. funds in the judges' tr~vel budget. to keep them up to certification, the County has t.o pay it. Clerk Reagan stated that the budget could be cut now, but. if the judges come back and .ay they need It, t.he County i. obligated to pay. Co..is.ioner Pistor questioned If this reque.t Is for new office equip.ent when the new facilities are aoðifled? Clerk Reagan stat.ed that Judge Brou..eau 1. looking to tie hi. terminals int.o t.he Criminal Justice Information Sy.tem, adding that Page 2 .. - - '~: c:iiI r;;;:¡;) ::;;] ~ugust e, 1985 '1,500 will only pay for the table to put the terminal on. H. .tated that he i. about $15,000 .hort. ae not..d that in the capital Iaprove.ent Program for fiv. years, beginning with n.xt year'. bUdg.t, he I. going to a.~ for c.rtaln funding for all tho.. Ite.. that are tak.n out for a five year progra.. Budget Director Zalka stat.d that .h. was told that this $1,500 was not for any specific item but was put. in the budg.t. in cas. .omething was ne.d.d in offic. 4qu1p.ent.. Commisstoner Hasse stated t.hat there 1. a $2,000 difference betw..n t.h. tent.ativ. budget and what t.he Budg.t. Direct.or r.com.ended, adding that h. would rather give theM t.he $2,000 than have th.. back during the y.ar asking for more. Co..issloner Goodnight stat.ed that. Collier County Is going to have to have so.e type of ~apital Improve.ent Plan impl.ment.e1 thl. year or In the next year or two to be able to do everything that should b. done. adding that. she can understand the n.ed to connect int.o this terminal. She noted that. she would rat.her work toward the $15,000 rath.r than t.he $1,500. She stat.d t.hat the $1,500 should be tak.n out of the budget with the understanding that t.he County will work toward g.t.ting Juùge Brou&.e~u a terminal. Commissioner Pistor quest.loned how long t.he .ecretary Is going to Fort Myers for training, to which Mr. Bell st.ated that there are two ..cretaries going and it will be for the balance of t.his fiscal y.ar and part of n.xt fiscal year. Commissioner pistor st.at.ed t.hat Judge Carlton should rec.iv. the $1,000 for out-of-count.y ~ravel, Judge Trett.is should r.c.iv. $1,000, and Judg. Brousseau should be cut the $1,500 for t.he office equipment. Commi.sioner Hass. st.at.ed that Judge Tret.tis i. willing t.o tat. a voluntary cut of $200, adding that he could go with to.he $1,000 that Co_i..ioner Pistor has recommended. Commissioner Holland quest.ioned jf the additional increase In out ....~~\W~y~.~~!!*_r,.ff.~.~.".th. reduction of the State, to whicn Mr. Bell .tat.d that the Judges are fearful and have ant.icipated t.h. cut which i. part of the increase to the County. Judge Trettt.' s.cretary stated that Judge Trettl. would like the $1,500, but if that ts not possible he would be willing to accept $1,300. Coaal..'on.r pl.tor .tatad that he would okay $1;000 for Judg. Carlton and $1~300 for Juðg. ~ett's and take out the $1~500 for Judge aOD~ 088 PAGt 344 ,.^--,...",~"".""""",,--~ Page 3 .l1\li( OBBnr.r345 Aug·.1It 8, 1985 .rea.....·. offtcë equIpment. " eo.a....on.r Vea. 'ndtcated that thl. I. the general con.en.a. of the Ioard. Coaalssion.r Vo.s .tated that the Public Defender'. .ctual phone expan.e In 1984 w.. $4,500 and this y.ar to date it is $3,700, He .tated that he is ..king for $8,300 which I.- a large increa.., 'Mr. Steph.n Scott, Finane. Officer for t.h. Public Defend.r. office, stated that wh.n the budget was mad. up, it was d.t.r.ined that 't'> . $3,600 wu us.ð during the Urst' 6 .ònt.1t....õt·'t'fie-yëår-w1:lcFt·.ridí.t--.1.tll1:ft1 r U.ed to d.t.r.ine the yearly amount n.eded. He .tated that DOn.y was allocated for rat. charges and increa..s in service f.... BUdg.t. Director Zalka stated that ahe is recommending a $1.000 r.duct.ion ba..d on what has been u.ed to dat.. C_~.i..toner. Pi.t.or, Goodnight, and Ha..e indicated that th.y would b. willing to reduce the telephone budgét. for t.he Public Def.nder to $6,300. Commi..ion.r Holland .tated that he would not. reco.mend below what the Budget. Direct.or t. recommending. BUdget Director Zalka .t.at~ù that she would recommend a tot.al of $7,300. Aft.r dlscus.ton, It was the general con.en.u. ~that the Publte Defender'. budg.t for telephone. be reduced to '7,300. I Co..i..ioner Vo.. .tat.ed t.hat. hi.torically t.he !account.. for po.tage, print.ing, miscellaneous, offic. suppli.., ,nd copy ch.rg.. have not been u..d, and que.tion.d why a larger amount is being budg.ted? Mr. B.ll .t.ated that under t.he Wlt.n... ~~nagement. Program, one girl runs the office and she performs a valuable .ervice. He stat.d th.t the budget has be.n built. baaed on antfctpation, adding t.hat the Witne.. Management. Program may be able t.o live with the Budget Officer'. r.commendation in those cat.egories. He .tated that there is .o.ething that doe. not appear in the budget which I. the fact that this offic. is a revenue generat.ing office, and by .ending subpo.na Infor.ation relating to cri.lnal ca..s to Tallaha.... along with the required reports, has gen.rated revenuo. of about. $45,000. He stateð th.t h. a.klng that this budget be amended. He stated that the $4,160 expand.d servic. reque.t was for a half-tl.e po.ltlon for the next fiscal ye.r. H. referr.d to the Victim Witn..s prot.ection Act, indicating that the Stat. and the Witn.s. Manag...nt Program offic. has -----.. Page 4 - - - --" -'-" "---,~.-.,......,.;<,~-- ~ t:::3 ~ Augu.t 8, 1985 to hand-hold a vieti. witn... of crim. ~hat has b.en .ubpoenaed into court. H. not.d that th.y are provid.ð for from the ~m.nt the proce.. begtn. and .ven after the ca.e Is clo.ed. H. .t.ated t.hat h. can liv. wtth the it... that the Budget Dir.ctor i. r.comm.nding but he would llk. the bud¡~t incr.ased by $15,000 to hire a full tim. per.on to a..iat the Witne.. Manag.ment. Program office for help under the Victim Witn... prot.ct.ion Act. In answer t.o Commi..ion.r VO.. regarding this program, Clerk R.agan .tated that. s.veral year. ago th.re were no wltn..s vlct.1m progra.. in the Stat. of Florida, adding that after being in t.h. JUdiciary for a while, he saw enough vi~tim. and wi tn..... walking around the courthouse wandering and lo.ing their place in court, and watching a rape victim come in an look at the defendant. He stat..d that h. .tart.ed a Witne.. Victim Program which the Commi..ion was not happy about funding, .0 they did not fund It at that time. H6 stat.d that h. did not have .pac. to house the program, but h. was able to talk .o..one into giving him a good price on a trailer. He noted that the State of Florida heard about t.he program and they granted a ..all a.ount of money to run the program, a. he was using volunteer. ~t t.he time, becaulI@ h@ could not 'JOlt IIny funding for it. He .t.ated that the Gov.rnor recognized It as a model program and a.ked the legi.lature to make it a law that every County shall have a viet i_ witne.. sy.te.s program In t.h. Stat. of Florida. He .tated that to urge the Countie. to do that, the State said t.hey would pay a portion of the witne..' f.... He .tated that if the program is not run, t.he County has to .)ay all the witne.. fees. He, stat.ed that last year the County sp.nt around $55-60,000 in witness fees and t.h. Stat.e paid around $42,000. He not.ed that it al.o costs mon.y to run the program and it th.re is clerical ti.. and h.lp only one .ubpoena will be i..ued and then the person will receive a 1etter each t.ime that the case is continued or t.h.y have to appear again. H. not.ed that .he doe. not have the time to I..ue the 1m ~.~tln "Q.~~..n...~h.,.Stat. Attorn.y'. ofUce say. ta.ue another .ubpo.na, H. .tated that if that portion of the progra. i. not fund.d, the work .nd. up in hi. office and it co.ts more money. H. .tated that th.r. i. also the victim to think of, adding t.hat it 1. a good progra., helpful and humane. H. stated that the program is deflnlt..ly need.d. It wa. the geaeral con..a.u. to .acr.... the budg.t by '15;000 for .. add,ttoaal poe'tlon. Mr. Bell .tat.d that th.re will be a need in t.he budget next y.ar aOOK 088 PAtl 346 Page 5 bU. WId. '-1 OS'8PACt347 Augu.t 8, 1985 for po.tag. and fr.ight of $2,500 a. the l.t.t.r. will b. ..nt out If th.r. i. going to ba addlt.lonal h.lp, He .tat.d t.hat. h. could go along with the r.duction. in printing and binding, ai.c.llaneou. ..rvlc... offic. euppli.., and copy charg... It w.. the .eDeral COD..n.a. to k..p f2500 fD the poeta,e an4 fr.'tht ~,et for the .'tn... naøa,."Dt Depart..nt, Budg.t Director Zalka .tated th.t this ..an. that there will be a r.ductlon of $2,200 and .n incr.... of $15,000 which will ba a net In~re... of $12,800 which h a~~~...$.~:,~,?~.~~~~~n .wh!t, wUl?'Iu,u..t.d an the t.ntatlv. budg.t. Sh. .t.t.d that the r.v.nu.. from the program go Into the Cl.rk'. fe.. budget to offs.t the cost th.t t~. CI.rk'. off.ce h.s, whereas the funding of the prograM Is in the Gener.l Pund. CI.rk R.agan .tat.d that. this mon.y go.. back to the County, adding th.t h. pay. the witne.. fe.. anð then h. bill. the Stat. and the Stat. ..nd. It. back and the .xce.. goe. b~ck to the County. Co..is.ion.r Vo.s questioned if mor. ~onatlon. could ba obtain.d for the N.pl.. WIldern.s. Program? Mr. Rob Garby who run. the Naples Wild.rne.. Program .ta~ed that hv contact.. the Board of Realtor., Chambor of Commerc., Jayc..., church group., etc. for donations. He .tated that in the pa.t he h.. r.c.iv.d $6-7,000 but he i. trying to expand the .ervlce. by'incr.asing the number of people that attend the wilderness experle"ce.. He .tat.d th.t h. i. In ch.rge of this program an~ It i. a on~-man program, H. not.d th.t h. could live without the $2,000 but he ~ill be a.king people for help to continue the program and expand It. eo..i..ton.r Vo.s que.tioned the .alary, noting that it .how. an Incr.... of 14', adding that. the County h.. determined that. 5' .hould be the incr.a.. throughout the County. Mr. Oarby stated t.hat in the past 9 year. there have be.n . number of wllderne.o director., partly due to the .alary. Co..a..loner Ha... questioned If he ts provided with. v.hlcle, to Which Mr. Garby st.ated that he u.e. hi. own vehicle and gas, adding th.t th.r. is money in the budget for this but there i. no ..ch.nls. to get the money. He stat.ed that he al.o has que.tlons r.garding who is li.bl. If h. was in .n accident. while traveling with th..e young peopl.. Budget Director Zalka stat.d that the money has ba.n r.lmbur..d tn pr.viou. year. and It simply requires form. to be filled out. Co..I..toner VO.. .tated that in order to re.olve th..e probl..., Page 6 - - - '.'.-. .....,,-; - .- ... " .. t3iJ t;¡¡) Augu.t 8, 1995 Mr, Oarby .hould .peak with the Risk Manager and with the CI.rk'. OfUc.. Pi.cal Offic.r Oil.. .tated th.t th.r. ar. cert.ain form. to fill out and hi. offic. can h.lp hi.. Com.i.ai~l.r Goodnight .t.at.d that she would lit. to approve the 14' incr.... in .alary, but not the $2,000 for the expand.d .ervic.. requ..t. It va. the ,eneral con.en.a. that the .alary be IDcr.a.ad 14' for the .apl.. .'ld.rDe.. D'rector. Commt..ioner Voss stated, with r.ference to the Operations and Maintenance budget, it indicate. that .xpenditur. infor~at'on for building improvement.s i. quest.ioned why the ~oney is still being budget.ed? Mr. Bell .tated t.hat. there is so much pending at. the courthou.e that this money was put in there for a safety valve in cas. a trailer was needed. He .tated that he would not quarrel about the sugg..ted r.duction in that account. Courtroom the historical not baing u.ed eo......on.r P..tor .tQted that h. would .ugg..t that the Whol. aaount of '3;500 be tatøn out. Thl. wa. the g.n.r.l con..n.u.. Mr. Bell .tat..d that h. agr.e. that this should not be funded at this ti.e, adding that Judge Hayes fe.ls that the five judges .hould have a r.cept.ioni.t t.o answer t.he telephone.. Judge Carlton'. .ecretary stated that Judge Haye.' Qntention. are to ke.p the telephone. covered at all t.imes. She state(1 that it i. impo.sible to have the telephone. covered at. all times now, aa there are vacation day., sick days, lunch hour., t.he n.ed to copy pap.r., et.c. In answer t.o Commls.ioner Vos., Judge Carlton's .ecretary .t.t.ed that all the secretarle. have t~ go to lunch from 12,00 to 1.00 P,M. a. this i. when the jUdge. go and when the judges are tn, the ..cretarie. n.ed to ba in. eo......on.r Vo.. .tated that thl. .. .o..thin, that could walt a ,.ar, It wa. the ,.n.ral oon..n.u. that the poeitlon of a full-t'.. ~.ôi...t·"'1Þê...a.1etad frea thh year'. bad,èt ~ Commi..toner Voss .tat.ed that the next. budget i. the Stat. Attorn.y'. and there t. a recommended reduction of $1,000 for t.l.phon.... Mr, Bill Mill.r, Ex.cutive Director, State Attorney. office, .tated that th.r. are extensive inve.tigatlons going on at the pre..nt time and the co..unicatlon that i. needed in conducting the.e .øø~ 088 PAG[ 3'48" pag. 7 -_."'-""'''''''''''''''~''"' and aOK 088PAGt349 ... August 8, 1985 Inve.tlgation. is exten.ive. Re .tated that he has no prObleM with the Board reducing the telephone. by $1,000 if they allo,,' hi. to CO.e back and ask for that additional $1,000 If It is needed. It va. the general COD..n.u. that the reooaaendad fl,OOO raductton for t.lephone expen.e be left tn the budget. Mr. Miller stated, with reference to the vehicle that the Budg.t Director i. recommending be cut, there is a need for such a vehicle a. the one that he want. to replace I. a 1981 Pontiac that has 75,000 .Ile. on It. He noted thot the investlgatoru put on IIIOre than 1,000 .Ues per IIOnth and the mileage that liì"put'~;"~~~h1cle is n~t "the actual motor mileage as a lot. of these cars are constantly running when used at stakeout.. Commis.ioner Vo.. .tated t.hat. he feels t.hat this is one place that could be cut, adding that he should wait anot.her year. Commi.sioner. Pistor, Ha.se and Goodnight agreed that thi~ vehicle could wait. Commi..ioner Holland stated that he thinks that there should b. another car purchased a. the County pays for the repairs and with that type of .ileage t.here will be repairs. Co......on.r Yo.. atatad that the aajortty of the Board feel. that the Stat. Attorn.y'a off.ce ahould wa.t another year for a ..h.cle. ..... ..c.... 10.20 A.M. - Recon.ened. 10.30 A.M. ..... Jilt PUSD'I'A'I'IOR BY Jl:COIIIOMIC DBVELOPME!n' COUNCIL Mr. Al McCloud, President Elect of the Collier County Economic Development Council, stated that the purpose of this council is to pro.ote the economic development and growth of this county, adding that he I. asking for the Commissioners help. He stated that they have a budget of $110,000 for 1985, but those funds will be cut back dramatically to about. $70,000. He st.ated t.hat the majorit.y of the fund. come from the Private Industry Council, which was about $45,000. He noted that the ot.her SOIJrCes of funds were from fees from membership which was about $33,000 and from fees generated from issuance of Indu.trial revenue bonds which was about. $32,000. He stated that the grant from PIC will be cut back and, in addition, the indust.rial revenue bonds will pr~~ably not be allowed in the future or cut back dra.atically. He .tated that he Is requesting $20,000 to compete on a national level in order to get qualit.y industry Into th. ar.a. Mr. Res. Obley stated that he doe. not want the Co.mi..ion to eon.lder the negative recO..endatlon on the occupational tax ~hange that was pre.ented by the Chamber of COmmerce, but he would like the Page 8 - - r:::= - ~JI:, ,_ .__] - .,.__ &....;. " n,_ 4>1>. 1iEJ ffj¡) ~. Auqu.t 8, 1985 Co..iaaion to con.id.r the request for funding that the BDC has .ad.. Mr. Jack Humphray stat.d that th.ra ar. . numb.r of n.w companta. th.t hav. be.n brouqht Into tha ar.a that the BDC h.s work.d witb which t. ..ploylng ov.r 100 people. He st.at.d th.t tha objectlv.s ar. to atabillea the econo~ and produce y..r-round employment. H. not.d that the d.v.lopm.nt of high-t..ch industrle. will also k..p the youth in the ar.a. Ha noted th.t the $20,000 r.qu.st is considerably l..s th.n if t.h. County .et. up their own department and staff. County Manager Lusk st.ated t.hat he has looked at economic d.valop..nt as a r.al lnv.st..ent because all it takes is on. company to mov. to the area and the Oeneral Fund will receiv. the $20,000 back, He stated t.hat the only reason it. was taken out of the budget I. because he hoped to receive It through the occupat.ional licen.. f..., Co.mtssioner Goodnight stated t.hat. her district ne.d. year-round .mployment, adding t.hat. she feel. that the money would be well sp.nt. Commlsstoner pis tor st.ated t.hat he has no objection to the $20,000, adding that he hopes that it is t.he ~aximum that the Commis.ion has to cpnt.ribute for a few year.. Commissioners Hasse and Holland stated that th.y had no objection tC' the r.quest. Coaal.slon.r V~.. Indicated that the gan.ral cons.naa. I. to coatr4but. '20,000 to tha Econo.4c Devalop..nt Council. COtOrolfITr DBVBLOPMBII'I' BUDGE'!' Budget Director Zalka .tated that. the Community Dev.lopment budget start. in the General Fund, adding that. the EDC has already been discus.ed and the only other consideration on Page 1-33 of the budg.t i. the annual payment to the SWFRPC and the Reef and Marin. Program wh.re $100,000 i. being provided to maintain the commitm.nt th.t was .ade in prior years to the program. She .tated t.hat t.he bulk of the Community Development budget. is in the the Special Revenue Fund which i. on Page 3-18. She .tat.d that the MST general fund pr.viously provided a contribution to the Community Developm.nt Fund, adding that -h1..,.-.í"the'''f''Ý.nuei''ln 'the 'Co_unity Development Fund .xceed .xpen... and the contribution i. not ne.ded and they can pay back tha unincorporated ar.a fund. Sh. noted that. any savings that c.n b. gener.ted in the Communlt.y "Development Fund will reduce ad valorem taxes for the unincorporated area which is now at . 28' Incr.... In the tent.tiv. budg.t. Community Development Administrator MUllin. .t.ated t.h.t, historl- aOOK 088 PACt 3'50 pag. 9 4..ø,.__ 'oj" ~,~,'~~,~1f.j~" --, iã'1 .....,. _ 08B~tt3"51 August 8, 1985 cally, revenues have been higher than what hao been budget.ed, She atated that revenues in Fiscal Year 1983-84 were 33' higher than what. .wa. budgeted and this year's revenue. are already 104' above what was budgeted, She .tated that intere.t In 1983-84 was budgeted at $14,000 and the actual was $68,000 and carry forward for 1983-84 wae budgeted at $263,000 and the actual was $801,000. She .t.ated t.hat. thl. year'. budget attempt. to truly relate what I. anticipated to b. the actual budget. She noted that revenue. this year are being reported under the generating depart.ent .0 that each .ection and each department can accurately be a..e..ed for per formance and - fiñà¡,ëràí . tan'dÀng . J She reported that no ad valorem .upport i. being reque.ted during 85-86, adding that next year there .ay not be a .igniflcant carry forward and therefore, Community Development may need ad valorem .upport. She .tated, al.o, that. the Divl.lon mu.t. retain adequate re.erve. to support .ervice. to be rendered a. a re.ult of the u.er fee. paid. She stated that. revenue~ have increa.ed approxi.at.~ly 80' and expendit.ure. have increa.ed about 45\. She noted that t.he four new e.ploye.. that are being reque.tediin the new fiscal year i. not any .ignificant change fram the pa.t hi.tory of t.he Dlvl.ion. Commls.toner PI.tor .t.ated that he did not under.tand why t.he Co..unity Development Divi.ion needs to have any re.erve for contlngencie.. Deputy A..i.tant Count.y Manager Brangaccto .tat.d that the o Division i. a .elf·..upport.ing fund an1 the re.erve for contingencies would be next year'. ca.h carry forward, adding t.hat.,· In t.he tentative budget $788,000 1. being tran.ferred out of Fund 113 into the MSTD which is why they do not need ad valorem .upport, but it will not be available next year. Budget Direct.or Zalka .t.ated that the Budget Office recom~en- dation i. to have a re.erve of $50,000 in.tead of $100,000. She atat.d that fund. fro. the General Fund re.erve cannot. be u.ed for contingency ~becau.e ·tt~ts frea a different tax ba.e, adding that the Oeneral Fund ts a county-wide fund and the Community Development Fund I. the unincorporated area, so they have their own contingency to refl.ct,that different tax ba.e that they are a..e..lng t.o fund the. a. well ft. the fact that they have their own revenue. and it I. appropriate for the. to u.. tho.e revenue. rather than the County Commi..ioner. re.erve for contingency. She .tated that. she i. recommending $50,000 rather than $100,000 in order to .avø ad valorem taxes for t.he unincorporated area Page 10 - ~ - j 1:>-- L:,;:" .~,'-';-'''-', ~ œŒJ L:::J August 8, 1985 Which would .e.n . tax d.crea.. of about 2-1/2'. Deputy As.i.tant County Manag.r Brangacoio .tat.d that th.y could 11.. with the '50,000 this y..r .. long a. the Soard und.r.tand. that they may hav. to coal back next year for að valorem .upport, County Manager Lu.k .tat.d that he think. for a 2' diff.rence, it i. worth k..ping the $100,000 instead of the $50,000. It wa. the gen.r.l cons.n.u. that '50;000 be left en re.erY.. la.t"d of f100;000. Commission.r Voss que.tioned why there has to be strictly weed in.p.ctor. and why the other Inspectors could not do the sa.e thing? Community Dev.lopment AdMinistrator Mullins stated that the other In.p.ctors do report complaints that they see, but inve.tigating the weeds is a unique po.itlon, adding that they have to ....ur. the weed and be sure that they have t.he right lot., re.earching for the proper owner which takes tiMe. She stat.ed that there are 6 Investigator. currently and they are now operating on a compl.int. only ba.is and th.n they continue their patrol. She stated that If they have to do the we.d investigations, they would not be able to patrol properly. Co..is.ioner Voss stated that if the County was to rely on co.plaint., they could still get by. Commi.sioner Pistor .t.ated that he feel. the inspectore could notice a few violations. Commissioner Holland stated that there are a number of calls received regarding the weed ordinance, adding that it was determined at the ti.e that this was set up that If inspectors were needed th.y would be hired. He stated that now that. they are needed, they are not put on bacau.. of the budget constraints. He noted that without the.e people there will be overti.e and the County wiLL end up paying anyway. County Manager Luak stat.eð t.hat the County either creates another po.ition or they pay the overtime. Com.unity Develop.ent Administrator Mullins .tated that with the staff that she pr.sently has, she Is operating adequately, but nothing JIf J~ré"'. 1 __ l .. l~...,_" ......- ,.... . ..".... It Woe the ganeral con..nau. that the po.eteon for . weed In...t,gator be Included 4n the budg.t. M.. Brangacciv stated, with reference to the Development. Com- plianc. Investigator, it is an interesting po.itlon. Sh. stated that .. of July 25, 1985, there were over 100 POD'. ?rov.d in Colll.r County Involving 21,000 acres of prop.rty ft~~h 000 dwelling unit.. aOOK 088 PAGE 3"52 Pag. 11 -.--~..~.... .... ._ _...~,____...H.. _ 088I'Act353 August 8, 1985 She atatad that the r.pid growth of the area has made it .uch that there I. not an Individual in the Community Development Division . currently to allow for .onitoring of the construction activity at the POD and to insure th.t t.he development stipulation. that the Board placed on the PUD's are being followed. She stated that this Is what thi. po.ition I. for. She noted th.t It Is funded within the budget and al.o reco..ended by the Budget Officer and the County Manager's officie, County Man.ger Lu.k .tat.ed that an average In.pector doe. not know that the Board u)ced for a c.rt.~"'i'~· n~;b;;-~f \7;::' to be placed in 1 1 certain ar.... He st.at.ed that they cannot specialize in PUD's, adding that If the County wants to enforce the conditions that are put on a PUD they need a person t.o do t.hi.. It waa the general con.ea.u. that ao.eone be h'red to 'n.pact and enforce the POD'.. Com.i..ioner Voss questioned t.he purpose of the $100,000 that is ll.ted for Community Development renovation.? Ms. Brangaccio st.ated that. Co.~unity Develop.ent I. on the fift.h floor in a s.a11 space and they are going to expand Into part of the Utilities Divi.ion which i. moving t.o the Personnel Department, who in turn ha. mov~ to a trailer. She .tated that even with this space It will not be enough. therefore, they would like t.o g~ with t.he modular concept.. She .tated t.hat if thl. money is left in ~e Communit.y Development Fund, it could be paid for out of these :fund. rather than coming out of the Criminal Justice Center bond mon.ý. She st.ated that thl. would not be an increa.e in ad valorem taxe.. Commis.ioner Pi.tor .tated that they are supposed to look for way. to reduce the tent.ative budget. Budget Direct.or Zalka stated that any reduction. in t.hi. budget would be transferred to the MSTD general fund which i. ad valorem supported and would therefore, cut the ad valorem taxes by 2.51 in the unincorporated area which would bring It. down to a 23' tax increase, eommi..loner Voss .tated that the modular ~ype of partition. are more expensive but at least they can be moved from one office to another. Co..issloner Goodnight stated that. It would be money well spent and Commissioners Has.e and Pist.or stated that they would like to see it cut $50,000. Co..unity Development. Administ.rator Mullins stated that. $50,000 Pag. 12 .-s - l1li ,....-~... .,.._,.......,........ L;,;7" ,-.- --'- r tiJ ~ ~ Augu.t 8, 1985 will not do the job, COm.I..toner Rolland stated th.t h. would l'~e to .e. it cut to f50,OOO and le.. expen.ive furniture or partition. u.ed. M.. Brangaccio .tated that she could come back to the Bo.rd with .o.e'preli.in.ry figure. in the n.xt coupl. of w..ks. I~ wa. ~he vener.l con.en.u. ~h.~ thl. ite. be held In abeyano. fol' two ....k.. A..i.tant Deputy County Manager Brangaccio stat.d that. there are two prof.ssion.l l.vel positions that were approv.d which will take 4-6 w..~. t.o .dvertise, .dding that she would like aut.hori- zation to work wit.h Personnel on t.he job d.scription and the adv.r- ti.ing for the long-range and curr.nt. planning supervisors positions. PItOPBItft APPItAIIBR BUDCIB'1' Property Appraiser Colding st.at.d t.hat. he doe. not under.t.nd why h. i. b.ing ask.d t.o withhold a portion of t.he pay incr.ase until May, adding th.t h. will not. go along with that. He stat.d that hi. .taff n..d. the incr.as. and he has prof.ssional h.lp that. i. educat..d 1n th..e fi.lds. He noted t.hat h. has sp.nt money on .ducatlng thes. people and he do.s not. want. to lose t.he p.opl. b.caus. of .al.rle.. Re .tated that h. had a st.udy done by Cody to upgrade his people to corre.pond with the Count.y and t.h. businesses in t.he County. H. stat.d that on the r.serve for contingency, he had $3,500 in th.r. and he thinks th.t it should remain. H. stat.d on tn. ite. ref.rring to telephone. for $1,050, h. pays for nis own t.lephone and has no id.. what this allO'rnt is for. Budg.t Dir.ctor Zalka stat.d that th.s. are charge. that are going again.t the budget by U.e Finance D.part..nt. Co_i.sion.r Voss dir.ct.d Fiscal Offic.r Oiles and Purchasing Director Thiel. to check into the t.l.phone charges. !b.l'e wa. further dl.cu..lon regardlnv liability 'D.aranc.~ with the Veael'al COD.en.u. being th.t the Budg.t Director aDd the Pl'operty II -wr....I'"..~~l..th. utter. ,.........-. Co..i.sloner Goodnight .t.t.d, with ref.rence to the salary incr...., .h. f..l. that. to be able to keep the .mploy.e., th.y have to be brought up to standard. and still rec.iv. regular r.i.e.. It wa. the vener.l con.en.a. to l.a.. the aoaey In the budVet for the .alarle. ao4 the contingency. aOOK 088 p~Gl35! Page 13 .,......i./1,. ',," IODC 088 ,,~355 comrrr DDGBa ADlCtllIrrM'1'IOII County Manager tu.k .tai.d that the que.tton h.re t. w~eth.r the Co..i..ton want. to .aintain the pre.ent helicopter, purcha.~ a new beUcoptar or get out of the heUcopter busine.. .ltogether, n. ....:oted tbat he feel. that a new helicopter can be put off for thl. year, but In the future the que.tton i. going to have to be dealt with. Co..a..toner pi.tor .tated that at this, tt.e, nothing can be charged for the u.e of the h.licopter. There wa. general discu.slon regarding the helicopter and who it w.. designed by and cerd Ued by... well"a., d&.C~,..~oA.P.w.'.P."~\~ ItIIIf civilian part. for all the .Illtary p.rt. in order to make the helicopter certified airworthy. EMS Director Oreenfield .tated that it would co.t over $1 .illlon to replace all the parts, adding that the helicopter i. airworthy but It cannot be cert.ifled airwort.hy because it doe. not h.ve civilian parts and therefore, the County cannot charge.for t.ransport. with the heUcopter. Co..i..ioner vo.s .tated that he did not t.hlnk the County .hould buy a new helicopter this year. co..I..ioner Goodnight. .tated that .he think. t.hat the County should lea.e . new helicopter but budget constraint. will not allow It thl. year, adding that In the fut.ure a h.llcopter .r.te. I. .o.ethlng to look at for the long-range plan. She .tated t.hat for this year the I County .hould cont.inue to .tay with t.he one that th~y have. co..is.loner PI.tor stated that he would like ~o know what the helicopter would be sold for In the fut.ure, adding that there i. a lot of money being .pent. for maint.enance. Com.tssioner Holland stated that It take. ti.e t.o look at a half-million dollar inve.t.ent and he i. not ready to make a deci.ion on this item yet. After furth.r d..cu..ton regardtftt the hellcopter~ tt wa. the ,.n.ral con.en.u. that . new budget on tbe helicopter be brought back to the Ioard; a. the pre.ent one wa. based on a n.w bellcopter; fuel; ..'ntenance, etc. BllVIROIf'"I'IAIITAL 8CIBIICB . POLLtJ"1'IOII COftJU>L BUDGB't' Augu.t B, 1985 Budget. Direct.or Zalka .tated that S327,000 of ad valorem taxe. repr.sent. 1.6' of the tax Incr.... which was . voted .Illage r.te. Commi..ioner Voss stated that it is obvlou. that all that i. needed .t this ti.. is considerably le.. than the voted rate and that P.ge 14 -=s - - -"', ,... . t;..;:-. _._.._ L "~l . ."~ ;..,~:: ".,~\':I" :':;':"~~' Budget Director Zalka .tated that this fund was .tarted thh year.·'·'~: ~~ ~., and the .ajor chang. is that a safety officer Is included a. an . ,'¡o, '.;1\- expanded .ervice reque.t Which would ba funded out of the billing. fro. that fund. eo..i.sioner Vo.s .tated that a .afety officer will pay for It. .alary .everal ti.e. over. It va. the general con.en.u. that th,. tentat'.. budget be appro.ed , . :," .. E&1 ~.. :..--- c;¡a . r:~..--:- , _.. ...e;:. . Þ,\.(. '.~: Auguat 8, 1985 .\. ~":~;... all, that .hould ba put in the budget, ~11C ~~ :Ir."j, - I, , , " ~4~~ ' . It va. th. 'eD.~al COD.en.a. to adopt the tentat,.. bad,.t. wo....·' CClØD'IA'I'IC* aa.J'-I..UUD I'OIID . . . e There being no further busine.. for the Good of the eounty, the .eeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ti... 12.25 P.M. . ~. L . .4 ~.................¥w.....,...... ...,...... ", " ",,' IOO { OS8 "AG[ 356 Page 15 .".~ t! .