BCC Minutes 08/20/1985 R ';.1,. &ill ., , ~. '. "'1-";~'~ . 4:' i\i4" .,~ ~.", :'\.. ~, f'I\~~ ~ ,~' "'';, ~"1,..) :' ~-""'''''_~'_"'''''''.''''''_''''''-'''_''''''''h''''_''_'''''.'''''''~''''''''"-·'''-'';''''''-'.~''·''··-''';'__~'''___'''''''_'_M>£ I.' ''._'''___''''___,".'.f""....__~,~_"'''''''"._".....,''__.....''1_...'''~...............,___,...... ~, ~, ". ';i:....p,:~(:.....,J~.......:~\.1,~¡tl¡~~til ~~¡...¡J:~.'..,., >~~::-.2~~~. :~- ':....~~~':.::;.\. >'~'~::~~,..~. ,..::4~~..'.~~~:'~~.__._- ;:II~,. .~.,. 'f. ·o""./,,} ::.:~:...", . ~l'i' "J"~"""~ ~.,;;>,.:' .,. ," .JS' .1.,,,.J'.' '. ~" .'+'" . ~~Þ),.~<.., ./ ¡.:,' . f "'~'1t I i~ ,,' iii.1"'.: 'r!£"';"~\V:"', ., ' . ( .......' ~ . ... . ." :J>,'l' ·",~.f íi .,i' ''I ' ...' I~~'. " ,1,,:h",''':'f¡.'·, , t!l1l.U; .,1.': .' . ~,~ <A.. 1~~\ ¡" ~M ,\t, ... A'MINDA' - APPROVID AI MODID t:f,' , "J>j"t. .."" .,'. ':..'., . .' s·-1;·,tt:":':>~CCMlata.loner Piltot aove4, ..00n4.4 by Couil.loner a.... .nd ".' ~,,"d, ,_" "..1.·. "'. ,'. '-, . ...~:I,> ;t'..~· carrl.d anlnl.ou.ly, tbat tbe a9.n&1 be approved a. ..endedt ' ~.,. .. Addition of Item 5C - pro.entation by rinanchl AcIvhor tor· . ~, selection of Underwriters - Added by County Manaqer. J, b. Addition of Item 10C(l) - Recommendation for approval of the Marco Island Community Park priority li.t of dev.lopm.nt - Add.d by County Manaq.r c. Addition of It.m IJC - Di.cussion of SW.dish Re.ource Recover~ Faciliti.. Tour - Added by County Man.ger. d. Item 16D(3) d.leted by County Manager. .. It.m 16A(2) moved to Item 13D for discu.sion by Commis.ioner Ha.... f. ··Later in the me.ting, Item 16D(4) wa.'moved to Item 148 for di.cu..ion by the County Manaqer. . ~'~ . ":?f ft:::I!I ---.--.. __ --';i:: . '.~ ,":~:!¡'/..f..AU9U.t 20, 11185 ø,;;t~. " r~t, '. f' '.. ~. , "', '. ",. . r' ~~.' '~,';t'o"\ M'é"~~ . :..:,"'-!.:-...,:!¿:~...:,} .; , . . ';]},;;.:€;~~. , .;t-' Ite. t2 ' MINUTES OP AUGUST 6, 1985, REGULAR MIETING - APPROVED Co..I..loner Plator .oved, .econded by Co..I..loner Goodnight and carried unanl.ously, that the .inute. of AU9U.t 6, 1985, b. .pproved .. pre.ented. ne. . 3 WALTER -SIIAIDIOII- BOWILL, UTILITY DIVISIO. - RICOGNIZED AS EMPLOYII or THE MONTH POR AUGUST, 1985 Commissioner Voss read a letter and presented it to Mr. Howell in honor of being recognized as employe. of the month for August, 1985. County MAnager Lusk .tated that due to the work that Mr. How.ll did at the North Naples ..wer treatment plant, the County was able to receive the additional 300,000 gallons of effluent. Ite. ... EMPLOYE I SIRVICI AWARDS PRESENTED (~) Commission.r Voss pr.sent.d service awards to the following .mpl oye. s z Sam Rus.o - Engine.ring 10 years Deniae Col.man - Agriculture 10 year. Ite. '5 STAFF AUTBORIZ ED '1'0 PROCEED WITH ADVIR'I'ISIIIG FOR UIIDUWRITlR AJID TO SBORT LIST SAID UNDIRWRITlRS TO 81 RITURHED TO TBI :JIQ\R]) RI '1'U MATIR , SINIR RIVlNUI RIPUNDIMO BONDS County Manager Luak stated that at the meeting of Augu.t 13, 1985, ..',. \" aOOK OS'S PAr,t '457 Page 2 ','-::' " ;) ...................".~,--,""'--,-".."""""".._--,,',...,,"~'''"'' '''..,~,,-'".'._..,,--.- ~,-"'-- '/I ~t~:".-" 11"..... ~~.~~:\ \~~::t>. Il~08S~r,t~58, : '!~~,é '"th.80ard ,.sk,e~ the commi tue", to come, back with a recommendation on ;;~;:(~.,l,.ctlo~/¿fUn4'rWr i teri, addiriil.J.thatbaalcallythe cOØlØli ttee'. "~~;" ~ I ''''~~reco.lÍlenð.tion.waa to 'foUO'lì.Cth. Ic2vlc. of the Unancial adv!ÎÒr.';·', '>\~ìt~i~:M~~~ :~,Þ.r .'wàqnul" pr~lId.nt· of Soúth...t:ern Municipal 80nd~'~"~ltat.ø~,, .j.,.,=t. th..,purpos.·ofthe ...tin9 of the 'committ.. WII to ðeterlllin"~"~~~~"~' ........',,-...., .,:.....,. .' . . '- ", ., '.:.::·fI~·'·, .' .. .. ~ '." -'._''''1- ",:t~"(~ . *?"\":h.th.r:~tt wuit\ ''t.h.'CountY'1 but'lntei..t toproc..ð with. "'~~'::,,:L.:..:,:,~'~: ~:~~.tI.qOtiated 1118 or a competitive u18 and hia recommendation ia th~~'Æ,::t;,!..;,; ~,~,.... . the County proceed on a neqotiated lab bad. for .ev.ral reason.. ;:'He'!~,;" i ~;;;. 'Itated that the County ia talking about consolidating all the water and";'~ : .:T,,'" i')t~,~.- ¡ ..w.r districts into one district, which is going to require a ~,~: refunding of the outstanding debt, which ia very complicated at a.'; r:~ conq:¡etitive u18 because the iasut ha. to be sized beforehand. He . h>~' ""'''-'\ IItated that it is very difficult to size an issue beforehand and if the,.iS!; '"",,,. County waita until the laat moment on a .ealed bid baaia it ia hard to ,:.:_ determine what the interest rates are, the size of the bond i.sue and .. the fact that the market is volatile. He .tated that on a negotiated sale the County can pick and choose when they want to go into the market. He stated that he is recommending that the ..lection committee proceed with the advertising for an underwriter. He noted that the rec~mmended time frame is that an advertisement be placed in the newspapera next Tuesday with a response to be received on September 6, 1985. He stated that he is asking for c~nfirmation of the recommendation. He stated after the committee receive. the propo.al. from the underwriters they will begin the .election process and then brin9 back a group of underwriters for review. He stated that after the underwriters have been selected, then a price would be negotiated for the bonda if they are sold. He noted that there are a number of fees that can be negotiated. Commissioner Pistor questioned if it is economically .ound for the County to refinance the FmHA loans, to which Mr. Wagner stated that he has not done a computer run to .ee if it is economically feasible, adding that whether rate. g~ up or not, it would not cost anything to consolidate the system. He stated that an analysis of the market will be done to determine the savings, if any, that can be generated on tho consoUdation. Commissioner Piator stated that if it ia not 90in9 to coat anything to refinance the $4 million, would Mr. Wagner put that in writing? Mr. ~gner replied affirmatively. Clerk Reagan questioned if it is possible to have a rated issue on ~ '. J-" .. ., Auqust 20, 1985 ,'1 Page 3 .. - - -"''"'. ,~""~.......",-..,-">~..-,,,, ""''','''-'..._..'''...,',''....''.~"'',...-.. .._".;.>""'....,,,;.\"""',.,.,-.""'-~""""-""~-""" -- "'<", '.,",;.>,;1': '''~;',;:if'''' ',U¡^ .:~.~}" 't'- ¡",' . ':~~.;,::.:~'.;f~~~~..., ..~.. '.:. '.., GiiiI iii &I , . ~ t.i,,:,;.~, ,~.." ~Ù',""t--"t;i. \ , t~~:;'~~', ,'" :1', '. Auqult 20, 1985 '1;'~4.~"·'~' ;r", , ,'I.,,"',. . ~.;:.itr··¡1~an.c¡otiated ..ue;o! thh ,he instead of an insured hsu.? 9I~.,. " :.,.,.,~,'.;~~,>~;;.~, '~.,;··,.~M" t.,.~.' Waqn,. e, r 'r.,epì~ed ,atu rlllat,l~e,lY ,'adding that the county,' s "..€.~, rf;, ~~:an~h,!-..r.y~teÌII' h·mature eno\J9h so that an invutment <Jud. rat1~,?,~~ '1If:.~~1eoUld b~luceiv'd.' . ' '. .. '.:\' q~r~;1.i;:,~! .~~;,.,.~', ¡ . > Clerk Reac;¡an stated that the County has always had insuud'1aSu,.,. ' 'and thty have not gone for an S&PtMting, but due to the faet¡that'~h.~ .' _',.' J'f¡.~ County is not sur. what she the refunding will be, the insurance '., '" ',¡ premiUll\ h going to COlt the County somethinc;¡, addinc;¡ that it will not ¡J;ív",~,1~ be a direct wash with the $22 million refunding issue. ,¿~.. Mr. Wagner stated that the insurance premium will coat on the new':"";~';;8 money, bu t on the re fund i ng money the County will be able to take that :ë'I..\f,¡\~ into calculation in Itructurinc;¡ the ..crow 10 that the insurance costs·· ":I;;~. on the refunding alone should be a wash. "':"'$~: " /.:' t ~j Clerk Reagan stated that the County should be very cautious In how'" much debt they are going to occur, adding that it is not for the sak. of consolidating tho.e districts but for the sake of the debt service in the County. He stated that the single largest increase in the County in the past five years has been the debt service. Commissioner Voss stated that this i8 not a direct debt on the County as such. Clerk Reagan stat~d that this is not a direct debt of the County, but the Commission is ex-officio of the water sewer district, adding that he is not concerned about the general fund. He atated that he has the .ame responsibilities as the Commission to the users of that fund and he does not feel that there is a separation there. Coaml..loner Hasse .oved, .econded by Co..lssioner PI.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, that Staff be authorized to proce.d with the advertising for the underwriters and to shortlist the underwriter. to be returned to the B~ard re the Water' Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds. Ite. IS ORDIKA»CI 85-44 RI PETITION PDA-85-6C, VIKIS , ASSOCIATIS, AMEWDIaG PARK SHORI PUD TO ALLOW FOR LOW-RISI RISIDENTIAL STRUCTURES _ ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 19, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of PUblication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PDA-85-6C filed by Vines' As.ociate., repre.enting Park Shore, to amend the Park Shore PUD to allow for low-rise residential structuro.. Zoning and Planning Director Pettrow stated that this is a request to amend the Park Shore PUD for low-rise residential structures and , ' ïõ; 08'8 'At:! ~59 paqe .. , '., r~ ~ ~ .---..--- ~:/.'~;" ,C:" 04~~í " '-< ~'. " .... ,.~}~;::..;:,~.,: ~!'-,.".' :~ t:;'~~;;Î " ',\. ,. .,' ~ ~;.; '<f';', ':~~::~~f,~¡, ',':t;þ.:'. : '~f!K:~~~:~~~.~~" " . )f:" 1',~:~l.,';).'U9ust 20,1985\ '(~:~.~ir ·'rtlated devdopaaent .Undardl. ' He noted, that the .ubj.ct property lIii,. ~'o'C~t.d;"lk'ûn1t. 2 årid 50! Párksh';;r.~ northo~'Horhon way/'andáõut,'1i .:~t.,¡..r,,';.-;:,~-!t~;j~;'';;'''-'· "":'f<. . \,' .,.. .. ,~',' ;-, ( .~ ";' ':': ' "-; , '. ..~,~:-.. ·\-'t.-:~ ~~ol s~a9.te brlve along Gulf Shore Blýd. He .tated that the p.tltlo~~~¿ ~" /·rh Ptó~oa1n9 to amerid the Park Shore pun docl.III.nt to include clust.i>'<"... ·t:·~lri9l.~"aml1Y or two-family r..identÍa1 fot Lot 126 only. HI not.~,,:.r.. :~~'/", "' >,'that it 11 pre..ntly zoned PUD with condominlt.1'11. located to the north ',~ ,,'ú~, , :... ..,~'¡o.-¡' \ ,and south and to the east are I1nqle family dwel1inq units, adcHng that·:'t·~;. the propo.ed amendment to the PUD document i. in compliance with the . Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the amended document has been provided with changes coverin9 clusterin9, setback provi.ions, and d.nsity, and changes will apply to Lot '26 only. He noted that three letter. were received in opposition and two letters in favor, adding that Staff and the Plannin9 Commission recommend approval providing that the documents are in order. Mr. William Vines stated that this is necessary language modification to accommodate a proposed change in the traditional pattern of Park Shore beachfront lots. He stated that to date everything on the beach has been elevated apartments and on Lot '26, a development proposal has been prepared for a small number of low-ris. cluster villa-type units. He noted that the existing PUD document did not contemplate that kind of development and therefore, language change is necessary to accommodato that. He stated that among other things, the detailed site plans for any low-rise cluster development like this will be submitted to staff and have to go through the County's development plan review process where it will be subjected to the normal test to make sure of adequacy between separation of buildings, landscapin9, open space and all the other aspects of the plan review process. Commissioner Pistor questioned if this would reduce the density, to which Mr. Vines replied affirmatively, adding that there could be around 154 units built and only 28 are proposed so there is a major density reduction. He stated that one of the requirements of the Planning Commission is that density reduction ~n Lot '26 may not be transferred to other areas. Mr. O. J. Schuessler, 4001 Gulf Shore Blvd. No. stated that the agenda does not indicate that this development is limited to Lot '26. Mr. Pettrow stated that the amended PUD document states that it will be limited to Lot '26. Mr. Vines stated that the petition was filed and during the course pag e 5 ,. l1li .. a= --~,~ '~''''',","...".,_.""-,, .",~"..--'~...,..~''',",- '" ..."","' ,,..,, ' ., _'...____ 1111 1,.~ ,. , .".'''''t. ,1. " ~"- '., . ......"----- " ...-.. , I. ,'., IiiI I ~ -.-" .-. ....... ..-- ,~"'... , '.~~:\, , 20, 1985 i!~~,:jO'f proe..s there wu language mOdlUC:::::~~ He noted that the ~W~':I.Ir\~ertlon of 11mitatlons of L·tt '26 and the prohibition of den~lty , . '.~' \ ~~,~·.tan.fer is'a part of the language chang. that has taken place trom th~ ;~~;-·,:;,;tim. the' petition waa originally fUed untU today. He stated that i~~" /;;'1';\'; 11 in the modHhd petition. ,,;~t ~0ì Commissioner Voss stated that the PUD document state. that individual lots within Block 12 may be developed to a hlghor or lower!, density than 25 units per acre, so long as the total dwølling units developed on Lots 1 through 29, Block 12, does not exceed 25 units per acre and provided, hO'",ever, that in the event that clustered low-rise dwelling units are developed on Lot '26, the unused density on Lot '26 may not be transferred elsewhere. Commissioner Pistor stated that according to the wording there is still a possibility that the petitioner could revert back to the original zoning. Mr. Vines stated that this is true, adding that the base language provides that density can be transferred, but with the proposal for Lot '26, the density transfer is eliminated. But, if for some rwason the low-rise development fails, then it is subject to the basic rules. Co..i..loner Holl.nd aoved, .econded by Co..i..ionor Pi.tor and carried un.nl.ously, that the pUblic h.aring be clo..d. Comai..ioner Holl.nd aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner pi.tor and carried un.ni.ously, that the Ordinance .. nuabered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book Ho. 21. ORDUIAHCI 85-44 AM ORDIIlAllCE AKDIDIHG ORDIHAllCE 78-29, TBE PLAIIIIID UIIIT DIVBLOPMEMT DOCUNIHT POR PARK SBORI UNITS 2 , 5, BY AMIHDING SICTIOII l.c., GENERAL DISCRIPTION OF PROJICT. AMIHDING IV b. LOTS 1 THROUGH 29, BLOCK 12, PROVIDING AN IFFICTIVE DATI. Ite. . 7 ORDINANCI 85-45 RI P!TITIOH R-85-l2C, Q. GRADY MINOR' ASSOC., AGIH'r POR AllTON STEINIR, IT AL, RI RIZOHING FROM A-2 TO PUD POR -RIGENT PARK- LOCATID SOUTH O~ IMMOKALEI RD. AND lAST or AIRPORT RD~ - ADOPTID Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 19, 1~S5, AS evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearin9 was ~pened to consider petition R-S5-l2C, filed by Q. Grady Minor' Associates, Agent for Anton Steiner, Erich Faes, and Roland Stierli, requesting rezoning from A-2 to PUD for Regent Park which i8 to be located south of Immokaleo Road and east of Airport Road. tODK 08B I'AGl461 Page 6 ~~.'" --"....._,........',.,"_._""~,...,'~.."'''___",'','"'"...",o> ',~e,"~'"'.,,'·_"',._"____...._""..,_" -- ,,\. ...' 'Ir-:.,.,. ,.ì,,·~ ''''':- ~;i~· f!~'. ! ~ I' ' ~~ ø¡;:! ..~, ' ~"':'" ' . fft~~~' : :,' i " ,~~)'K' 088ni462 AUgust 20, 1985 , 't. '." ¡¡~,~:'~ .r\~, zoning~nCl ,Pl~nning ..~~r~fto.~~~~~ttr~w .uted that this P.tiUoft;~:wa,~':.;::::t '·"~,pr".nteCl",ln Jµne .ncLwu ðenl.d; adding that It II now being rehear~.Jf"~·· ';~', ~',' ,'... "'" ",',', , >,,' -.~ 4t'\.Í'Ioted that th.· orlginll1 PUD document hu b..n chang.d to connruct,~::', .'::<'~'''Ï'',>:., .'. . " ,;~..t'.¡f'~'P' ,'466unlt. instead ,of 469 which ",ill b. 121 single family and '345 ,,,,;';~;"" ;J:':~~Ùl";hml1Y units. He not.d that the minimum floor u.a h.. b..n ~~~{~ ~r',:~~ub~tanthl1Y incn...d and other minor chang.. have been incorporât'ð~~::~?~~I'> ' ~~: ,.H. not.d that Staff and the Planning Commhsion r.comm.nd approval with' .~:, ';~. the .m.ndm.nts. H. stat.d that th.re wre no letters of opposition , ,"A, ~~~: received this time. . " .;~ 'ì~. Attorney George Vega stated that there was some opposition last ":"'~ tim., adding that since that time there wu s.veral basic chang.s m.d. 't.,~~ and there has been a meeting with Four Seasons and everyone is now 'in~::¡'. approval. He stated that the lot sizes have been increased with the ~~ average lot being 80 feet wide and 130 faet in depth. He noted that the floor space for single family was incr.a,ed from 1,200 square f.et to 1,600 square feet and the multi-family from 750 to 1,000 square f.et. He reported that the density has been decreased and there is no objection that he is aware of. Tape 12 '. ;. ,;""~:r'" """':"""': ........ ~, ,'....~.,. ,f.,... f " ....~i:;t". .,~~~, 5--,"\'''' ''1, , ' -¡., .' .we , . ., ;;'" , . L" , ~J Co..l..ion.r Pl.tor .ov.d, .econd.d by Com.l..lon.r Holland an4 carried unanl.oualy, th.t the public he.rlngb. clo..d. Co..l..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econd.d by co.-i.sioner Holl.nd .nd ~.rried unaniaoualy, that the Ordinance .. nuaber.d .nd entitl.d b.low b. adopted .nd entered into Ordinance Book No. 21, .ubject to ...nd..nt of tb. PUD documents ORDINAIICE 85-45 AN ORDINANCE AMINDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THI COMPRIBINSIVI ZONINO REGULATIONS lOR TBE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUVTY, FLORIDA U MIlfDllIO Tal 10111110 ATLAS .....P .UMBER 48-25-7 It CBANGIMG TBI lONING CLASSIFICATION OF TBI BERlIN DESCRIBID RIAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO -PUO- PLANNED UNIT DIVlLOPMINT FOR PROPIRn KNOWN AS -REGDT PARK- LOCATID ON TBI SOUTH SIDE or DAVID C. BROWN HIGHWAY AND 1/2 MILl EAST OF AIRPORT ROAD IN SICTIOH 25, 'I'OWNSBIP 48 SOUTO, RANGI 25 EAST, AIID PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVI DATE. Ite. 18 RBSOLUTION 85-175 RI PETITION FDPO-85-V-4, ILENE STAIILEY, REQUESTING A VARIAMCI FROM TBE MINIMUM FLOOD ILEVATION AT 5437 BARDIE ST., NAPLIS MANOR - ADOPTED Legal notice having been pUblished in the Naplea Daily News on August 4, 1985, as evidenc.d by Affidavit of PUblication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition FDPO-85-V-4, Page 7 -=:I - - "';'..'...''".,.,..-',_..,.____""_.,....._O;¡'~__""'...."'",,>'A_,,';.""'".,,,,:'"'_,,_,..,..""_"___..,~;',"""._,___""'_""_-_i""_""".'"......'''_'",."_""".",__.~,_~"__,~"'",~",,,,,,'",""_'"'''' , ~JI!'!l(¡'" :.,,",'" ' . ,'~,. "III""'I_~M"" '..', '. . ''';';''':':''W~I!'J:.'.I!'!''t~JI!ìG;'··7.....:,}-'1!l-{::'·~ ,~,' .. ""'~';C""~':'''''' '!," "'.'::,:~, ,..,.. ':¡;;>,.,;;iÞ¡;?~ ~~~:':;,'·:~~.~'f~£~~~~~f-~~-;-;::~;;~'·~;;;,,: '," t:~~~'::..~~~ ~~- ~ ,\~: -., _ ~~~~.'f .œ,.."ft... .,'f:.\....'. 't,,· ,"",t.,.., '''4Þ.t1 '_~'f4.,'f , ~'t-. "i:,..,..,-·'!t'~~M~' - <"'1. ~ '~ 'if> ~,. . r·,;;,.',t.:.-';-¿ '\',\.,.. ",~.!}~.~j(.,;?,~\,;~;"",: . "<,' "','1,;""" . ...;i¡'?!J~!:i:,;:~·!,:' ," ,'''' ':.''')~,''1i ~Y:1\~~'~ ..~, ~ . J .:t,.,. 'I, " , ,) ~'< V ~,. ~~ ,";::,"1i ~~~i~'~~.;~'b~::~'f,';.:' ~~ .,"',-,..{".' "'¡": _~.·:1~~~: ""~;"'f1t,tNi'''''t4j.'. '.,*~' t. ~J ~;.-;·i.;:)I¡'.,.,.~:""; I 1. "":!'f(.J'!!'. t'.- ,'""~4. "'..":.~ ,~" ( ,( I" r, . . :' i " r ,~""';.;' -/ ¡\::;¡'.I¡: ÞJff"b : J .' F ~ ¡ '~ " t ~l.,iI)¡...r ('f- "',j, t:¡:~ ...: ", ~ ,.~~-.o: .~.;J;'",. ':f~.¡;' ". ,. ,,/ '~'<. , ~ ,J,. . ,.., .,'4. ~,...\i(·~R,:' l '''''t''''- "". ~,).."~.~/ . ',. 'it' ¡" '" ' ,"" ·"'...:.::wltt,,,, "'. ,. M' ". ' rff ".:!, ,'f :,,,,"'.¡>oi 1",I!'f1'; c:',1tJta:_, '~, IJ'~"'" . ' ~~ ..... jjIW;'i;,\',.....Au¡¡,UÎt:~ 20' II,; 198 5 ¿ ..., '.' ';... þ",<;'J!þi(. ',~ "\ ~'J!.~-:".Þ' ..... ," "'t ..t-F "'~"'ri~'i"...." ,/, ~ ...".¡,¡ ~ti~~~:~m;í~:~~1~;~~~~~.x;~:::~:~:1:n~~:"~~:~~:'~;~~l~'"..'" , . op'H.f'iÍÎ~'i1b¡éš·~'h"5431rHi'r~ìí":Ît~ht? t:ot,' '27; Block '13,' Na~pf... ~'::(~';:~d:;1" t:õ·' 1 ;,;¡,/I,b' ~i '1"" ... '.'. ~' '1;~,:' '...."k!j~' '" ¡; , 1'.~. ,''íi~' I<i:r/ .,f'" "t.^ g t n I:IÚ ... V ."on., ",' , '. ,,', 'r. ':f,:\;;f:tôn":t\g'~n4 PlÎnning '01 r.cto~ "p~ttrow' atat.ð, that MIl.' st.a~1e)t~·!{· :s,:tequ..Ùng' 'approval of approx 'Imateiy"'3·' trorit'the'!åln 1iii:.Î1l 'tioò·d;'.~,;"':).t...;,~.~ ':':':"'levatlon reqùirement, adding that at the Ume of constrúction~,"{~·:. ~·,.:,.:':\'appuentlY the benchmark thatwu' utilized wi. lncotr:ec't" and thë"t'H'jt¡,.",. ,'" ..~., '.¡, , . .-' '.'".\'~ :)"'.' '~~;1~ ;.'~:;.. floor was, therefore, poured about 3- below the minimum flood aleva-,' ¥{' Hon.· He stated that under Section 18, (7) (a-m) of the flood damaqt': prevention ordinance, thera is authorization to approve this type of petition. Mr. Lincoln Stanley stated that the person that laid the house for him made a mistake ot 3- and he is asking tor approval ot this r eque.t. Co..iaaioner Piator aoved, .econded by Couiaaloner Holland and carrie4 unani.ously, that the publio hearing b. clo.ed. Co..i..loner Pi.tor aove4, .econ4e4 by Co__is.loner Goodnight an4 carried unan1aously, that Re.olution 85-175 re Petition rDPO-85-V-4, Ilene Stanley, reque.ting a variance fro. tbe .Inlau. fl~o4 elevation at 5437 Hardee Street, Naple. Manor, be adopted. am 088 PAr.t 463 Page 8, '''''__''_''''''"¡",__~,'_',~,JI'_'''''''''''>;>''_Ol-t,,W~''.~_''''''';'_''''''_-'f"',...._'"_,_...._~''''..,'''''',,...''''''''''...._..,_.,'''.','''''''',.....;;','''''','''»<",+'""""""",,,,",",~.',.~,,;,,,,,",_,,,,,,,M""""'"'" , __'".-,-¡."tr: {~' . ,,~...~,~ '·k,~..,..t~? 1,~~ ! ~'. .... ',' !fl.: <:" - :tt.,',,<.l~~ft'o'·' '..' "'-'~'~'f'lirïliiiJ';""'" .."" ....., .,-...,""" ~1 ,.' ,f': V: ., t,i' ;;.,. ",: ~. '¡!~~"~466 _"".at '0, 198. ~7..-l·:J"~" "h IJ~ . ,~RÎÎÔï.vrlo. 85-176 R& PI'I'I'1'I011 PU-85-loe:, MARCO IBUdID 'IRI COII'I'ROL ~r~DIS'l'RIC'I' RIQUISTIIIG PROVISIONAL USI or 'I'BI RSP-4 DIS'l'RIC'I' FOR A rIRI .," < ITA'I'ION LOCATID ON MANGO AVlNUI, GOODLAHD BIIOBTS - ADOPTED "'! ""., . Zoning and Planning Director Pettrow stated that the Marco Island rire Control District Is requesting a provisIonal use under the RSP-4 zoning distrIct for a fire station for property located on Mango Avenue in Goodland Hei~hts. He stated that Staff and the Planning Commission are recommendIng approval subject to stipulations which cover environmental concerns, historIcal archaeologIcal concerns, and the drainage plans to be submitted. He stated that he has received no adverse correspondence on this petIti~n. Chief Jackson of Marco Island FIre Control DistrIct stated that other sItes were researched and none of them were acceptable except for this one. He stated that the maIn reason that a statIon Is needed is due to the response time, adding that the people in Goodland raised $18,000 for this piece of property. he stated that the station would be manned wIth volunteers and they plan to build a two story statIon wIth the engines housed on the first floor. CommunIty Development Administrator MullIns stated that there are some diffIculities with the flood elevation for thIs sIte, adding that there will hav. to be substantial fillIng done on the site as the fire engines cannot be h~used below the flood elevation. Chief J4ckson stated that they are planning t~ bring in fill for the fire station. Couis.ioner Pistor .oved, .econded by Co.-issioner Ba... and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 85-176 re Petition PU-8S-l0C, Marco Island rlr. Control District r.questlng provisional us. of the asr-4 district for a fir. statIon located on Mango Avenue, Goodland Beights be adopted subject to stipulation. contained in the rindinc¡ of Pact and the Petitioner'. agreement. Page 9 .. - - "1 __,,'g.._-<i. -"--"-"'--'-"-''''''''''--';--'"--_.~-" """,,-,,-,,".,_.~----;-- .". ..',.":',; ,·1,·~ ,~:);,.." .~~;~; ¡¡¡¡ .,'''..'...''\ôt''~,' . '"';""~,' :. '.' ,..~,_:~:t.,,',' '- ';-,", .~.. ..;:,'f'O,1',oo".,:,..,;::.'.. t'¥t/;'(' " ·:;tl\l< _J ,J" .' I, L "",'{', '. ·J\'fIiJ/Î :. ";'I~';~:;;1:2;"i;' 7' ;~.~.j ", ,; ¡::;a 'Ìt~ì~~~!t~Fr' · ": ." "~~?~.. 2~., 1985, ;:;,~:;;,.€~~' ;" ~ ~~tt' 1i('\a!-..,,, þø(H....., "'t'\" '''- <'~·.r~/I' "";~"';;:,.; , :,~'.nIn,*' .v-a5-14C, RUTB rnLD, RIQUIS"IMa PROVISIONAL UBI wE- or '1'1Ii::.>' ;,.;.\,,\,..,-1 DIS'l'RIC'I' rOR A CHILD CARl CENTIR rOR PROPIRTY LOCAUD AT 114 ,:,..~¡~';, ~~\,:','CAR!I.INI ROAD - DINUD ' ~~.'; t:,~P;~ 'Zoning and Planning Director 'ettrow stated, that this petidon >T.:,~~, *::1" tor Provisional u.. ·e- of the r..idential dngh family zoning. ,.i;~£;, ¡r,v" " ,'. ::;l": 4istrict for a child care center at 114 Caribbean Road. He stated a petition was submitted in December, 1984, and it was recommended approval at that time, but due to the opposition regarding noise, traffic and a deed restriction setting a precedent, the Board denied the petition. He noted that in June, 1985, Ms. Field submitted a petition indicating that her child care center would not set a pre- cedent and requested that her petition be reheard, which was approved by the Board. He stated that it is now before the Board again for approval, adding that Staff and all county agencie. recommend approval subject to the conditions in the Executive Summary. He noted that there were five petitions with SO signatures against the petition and 11 letters against it wIth 3 letters being proponents of this provisional uae. Ms. Field stated that she does not wish to harm Pine Ridge Civic Aasociation or Naples, adding that each cas. sh~uld be taken ..parately and judgeð on its own merit and she doea not believe that this provisional use would set a precedent. She indicated that she has lots of grounds for the children to play on so that there is not going to be excesaive noise, adding that she only "'ants to have 8 children. She indicated that she is willing to have in her deed restrictions that this home will not be sold as anything but a private home. She stated that this would help her financially and she ia asking for approval of this provisional use. Attorney Cardillo, representing the Pine Ridge Civic As.ociation, stated that this is a question of exceeding the normal five children as being an improper use of the property and the Pine Ridge Civic Aasociation believes that it ia. He stated that the Board previously voted this matter down and he i. requesting that the Commission be consistent and vote the matter down again. Rev. ~pes stated that he does not feel that statements regarding noi.e and traffic are fair, adding that Ma. Field i. providing a service by caring for children at this nursery .chool. He stated that if he felt it was detrimental to the pine Ridge Civic Association or Page 10 - .. - ___w""'...... - _'ø__..._,...-,,.,....,---- ,$ .: r -"t" ._~: \,~ ~ i<l~";'~~~~ , , .. ,-,' ~~' -.., -- .-, -- .. .~ -....--- ;",\', ·~~ò-.,~" I~". ,,'. August 20, 1985 .. ~~'}~~e' ue~ in which he BY", he would Þe oppoud to It. He .tated' th.t~~' , '~'~;~,~e'CSo.~not ~e~~ t~~t this' ~chool would. ut a preceðent In anywa~~,. 'f,'.,,:.f~~ '( ',:1" \:'."."~. Mr~'Thomà.' Ru..ell, Director of pine Ridge civic A..ociatlon,J,;~:~';: . "~,,<,, .tated~ that the Pine Ridc;e c1vic A.sociatlon h against this " , ~\. provbionlll use. He stated that they would Uke to keep the ar.. .. it !.;' II and he is ..king that this petition be denied. ~~'~ "ape . 3 ';i;~:,:, ' " Mr.. El1e.n Sharp .poke In opposition to the petition. Ms. Vanette Shillin stated that it i. her house that receive. the noi.e from the children a. well as the annoyance of the additional traffic. She presented a petition that was circulated in the pine Ridge Area with 87 nam.. that indicated It was felt that a day care op.ration would affect the atmosphere of the area, create ðdditi~nal noi.e and reduce the property valu... Commissioner Voss stated that he has had several letters from people in Pine Ridge on this matter, adding that he feel. that the wishe. of the people of Pine Ridge have to be taken into c~nsideration. Commi.sioner Has.e stated that he visited M.. Field'a h~ua., adding that it is maintained as well as any other home and better than .ome of them. He stated that she is to be commended on what ahe i. doing, but it i. difficult to go against the zoning that is there to protect the residential area of the community. Commissioner Holland stated that he has read the recommendation from the Staff and CAPC numerous times, lookod at the area, ha. heard mentioned many times about not allowing spot zoning, and there i. not one place in Pine Ridge that the zoning has been changed and with this thoU9ht in mind, he has to go along with the people of Pine Ridge and deny the provi.ional u.e. Co..i..ion.r H.... .oyed, ..conded by co..i..ion.r Bolland and carried un.ni.ously, th.t P.tition PU-85-14C, Ruth Fi.ld, requ..ting provi.lonal u.. -E- of the RSF-l district for a child c.re center for property locat.d at 114 C.ribb.an Road b. denied. ..... Rece..1 10110 A."~ - Reconvenedl 10120 A~". ..... It.. III COUIITY AftOlUln DIR.IC'l'&D '1'0 WORK WITH JIB. PERBIDA/SOUTB WEST FLORIDA RBGIOIllAL aROUIID TRAIISPORTATIOH ASSOC. REGARDING ORDIHMlCB 83-50 (TAXI CABS) MID BRING A REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD IH 3 to 4 WIlKS Ms. Marq.ret Per.ida of South We.t Florida Rlqional GrQund Transportation Association stated that this ofqanization was for~.d ;O~K 08'8 PAGr4 73 paq. 11 ."."~,._";'~"",,,,_OII'" ;..r',. , ~~, .. :'. ¡¡¡¡¡,,:'., ~ ¡¡¡) ;~; 'Jo.". '~¡;<, no'O '171 AU9u.t 20, 1985 ,. UOO PAtt 'i 'i." . ~r:(ftC.~tlY to protect and upgrade th. quality' and prohsa1onaUII1'II of :'::,::,,:CJr9urid transportation ,operation. within the County of Collier and ".~~/;.f~~t,iY.~,n9>areu. She referred to the packet of information the .'r.,; ~~,~C~..l.~lon~r. wer. given and Ordinance 83-50, noting that und.r S.ctlon" ,\':;:'i'è~'~':"~'at(;.~' th.rt .hould b. Inurt.cS that extra pa...nger. .hou1db. ' ~"'>';:". ,..."..0 ~;' ,"òharqed $1.00 per puunqer rath.r than $.25 III the preunt ordinance"· 1:.:..~t.i.:;~I,' ..' atate.. She stated that after two years of workin9 with this Ordl- ,~:~..." . . ".~, 'nance, they have found out what 11 practical and what is not practical, "':':';:ii which i. why the proposed change. have been pr.unted.~~~,' :'."'i':' Commissioner Voss questioned if MI. pereida was aware that the,·" insurance rates are going up very high, to which Ms. pereida stated that they have already gone up for her company over 200\. Commissioner Pistor que.tioned what i. meant by the statement that says that permits should b. is.ued to individuals immediately under the parent companie. name? Ms. pereida stated that this means that the permit should be issued in the individuals name as well as the hiring company's name. She stated that individuals were issued temporary permits until they could be checked out and it was a way of contacting that individual again because the hiring company's name was on the p.rmit. She indicated that it used to be done this way, noting that this would give the County some recourse if they checked into someone and found out that they were not desirable and did not meet the qualifications. She stated that the County could come back to the Company at that point and let thdm know that the individual did not meet the standards, and in turn if the company had to let someone go, the owner could come back to the County and indicate that the person was fired. Commissioner Voss stated that this needs to be referred to the legal department for them to go over the proposal. County Attorney Saunders stated that he could look at the proposal and have an informal report to the ~oard concerning the affecta of the recommended chang.s to the taxicab ordinance. Commissioner Holland stated that the name of the company was with the individual that applied for the pormit and they had to have a chauffeurs license in order to qualify for that. He stated that if an individual is working for a company and they are terminated and the County has no control, that person can create a problem for the company if that permit ia not pulled. County Attorney Saunders stated that he is reviewing the ordinance Page 12 .. - - "'... ~..''''~ .,.. 'I" ~_..._,._-"' .._",_~,_"_""_,,,,,,~~. "'~""_""h,_'~__'~'__"" ~;:..:.;;::~. _~: :::~ ~. ·)"r: --,.,~ -- ....', ',..' ~L.~;~" þ , ' " i:~r,. '"C, , . Aue¡ult 20, 15185 :~~~~r~;~'î( look at the r.comm.nded chanc¡es and h. v111 bring 'b:JSack' to' the aoàrdòn the matter. ~'.'~.' Pe re1da Itat.d that Ih. would like to have .om. input int.o ,~:~:'·ch.nc¡.. b.for* they au pr...nt.d to the Commi..ion. , . >I ~:',¡~.·~:f Mr. Jo. Cuuon .tated that h. concurs with the remark. macSe by' ~_,,;:~ì Pluid a.' Mr. Cary Maxwell ~a.tro, pre.id.nt of the South We.t Ree¡ional Ground Tran.portation As.ociation, .tated that this ore¡anization va. formed as an internal governine¡ type organization .0 that member. will have to adhere to the proper licenses, permits, etc. in order to give Collier County the best in transportation po..ible. He noted that he i. providine¡ Colli.r County with excellent .ervice all y.ar lone¡ and then durine¡ the ....on, people com. in m.ke the profits and then leave and he would like b.tter control over permits and licenses. Mr. Ocy Richardson stated that since 1981 insurance rate., tire., Ind e¡Isoline have e¡one up, as well as the price of the automobiles. n, stated that the rates ne.d to be increased so that they can continu. to .erve Collier County and the public. Commissioner vo.s stated that there i. merit to what has been said and he hopes that the County Attorney and the taxicab people can get toe¡.ther and come back with an equitable solution. Mr. Tom Olliff, Fleet Manae¡ement Director, .tated that in June h. approached the Commi.sioners and recommended that Ordinance 83-50 be revised, adding that h. has b..n working on it with Assistant County Attorney Anderson. He stated that the ordinance should be back before tho Board within 3 to 4 weeks. Commissioner Holland questioned if it is possible for an individual coming in for a permit to be directed to someone under the Board instead of the Tax Collector, to which County Attorney Saunders stated that the ordinance could be structured in that fashion. "I'ape ... It.. 112 CœSUL"I'IIIG DmI)I&BRIIIG SIRVICES MRIIMan' 8&"I'W11II BOLB, MOnIS, AJII) ASSOCIA'I'IS, INC. AIID COLLIIR COUII"I'Y POR '1'81 )lOR"I'B NAPLES ROADWAY JtSTU 1M 'I'B& AMOUNT or $75,982.00 - ADOPTED Public Services Administrator Kuck stated that this is a recommendation to approve the consulting engineering agreement with Hole, Montes' As.ociates, Inc. for the preliminary engineerin9 de.19n for the North Naple. Roadway MSTU. He noted that on March 19, 1985, the Board adopted Ordinance 85-13 creating the North Naple. Roadway UOK 088 PAGr 475 Pa9. 13 ....'_ ,.-___ <"II 11___..,·....."'""_·"__·...._'___""~· .,.."" _..,'''''~,--~--'.,~-.---''- . "~'_~~~~~"it;. ~~~!)}....,; "'j;:r:-:Ji~,("",,'I;~·:.',.J:('-~___~<"~"·'I'¡.'¡~~·" 'r v -.. ;,... :~;~~~r::~I~'~:"::::)' ";:"\ ;~' :è'" "," ':. "~f¥.i ~¡~ ..'."?"t."',., 1"\," .", ,.AUtjUlt 20, 1985,,:,:, , '," .' ,11" , ,1$~J~n"'·.18',\1;85J! th.::~rðff~~·e:?i4pf~li/'~~'t..:,; ,Áa:~O~Î.~ ',~tr~1;f~~::~:1:;~z:~~~:::~'·i:6:~f~~:~~~!~r;;1.~:1~,~r~:~ , ~1ÏS.Õn~~developeð . 'prel1ld nary engin.ering',lcòþeo,!workjJrògtäia ~,~hh¡ ·;·(;1t;¡Mo~t'.. . Aa.ocht.. buedonabudg'.t allocat1ð~'\ot·..'pp·rðièIÌÌl'.t.;lY ", ,0",. ' '" , ,~" " , ' 'I' ' , .-, .,' "'..! ,",.,', ,'"pi) "; . \',1.~~'òòol, 'He ItateeS that throu;¡h 'conf.renc"".nd/pr'ic'.n'90tia:I~~};:,t~~ ....10n. held on August 1, and Augult 8, a bilateral, a9ren.nt;."..:"~·' ,r~" ;)~r.i~h~d "h~rebY the fir. would provide the foUoI.ting ""r"1e~·.'toÌ';:¡~':~;. ,~~~r~' .-' .- '-', ' . . , ' " ' , " ',' . ';; , ~;X~'~UII 'of'$7S,982.001 proj.ct lurveying and riqhta-of-way def1n!! ~ <,t10n; eltablhhment of three corridor alternativ.., environmental /. . ...~;'.Iaeallll.nt and mappinq, prelimina ry traffic and roadway engin..ring ¡~:.. ' ':",~' phnl' preliminary probable construction coat .Itimatoa, report on, ~~¡;" financing alternativ.., and apportionm.nt/a....am.nt'report. H. .tat.d ,~; )i.¡..'.". ' , -l~t. that hil recommendation is that the Board approve the final recomm.nded ' engineering contract and authorize the Chairman to execute the appro- priate agr.ement by and between Collier County and Ho1., M~ntel , Associatea, Inc. Co..i..toner Piltor .oved, ..conded by Co..i..lon.r S.... an4 carrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that the conlultlng .ngin.ering .ervloe. .gr....nt betwe.n aol., Ronte. , Allociat.., Inc. and Colll.r County for the Morth Maple. Roadway M8TU in the aaount of $75,982.00 b. approved. ~,"'. .. ~"" 'W'; , ('oil . ..~~, ....,1:. ...,~ ;:~, :,~" ~.,' . ~:,,:., ~~.' ;~,:'~., ....j "',"__..~,,~,.._""",_,_"'"_,~,_..___._"'.......',"'þ,~Wi..;'_,'_.,_,_~.....,_,_1111<,."..Ø1...~"*._IJ",__'".. ""''''I;_'''-''''''''~·'.'--''''''''''''''''''''''''''''·''''''''''''''''''''''-'·' <'e,,"·,~''''"'''"''''·'''''·'''''__''''_~~__·"_· ';1< _01 >,. "'¡- "" , .....'~: .. <~ .;~ ~ ¥",.~ 1&1 IiiiII .. II. ~~:"'~" , "Augult'20,1985 ;,1" r,',!":,,.t. '~'It...i:"'i"" _": ., -:,',,~~w~ ,t~~'~'¿~~Rì~In LII'I' roR 'l'B1 MARCO ,II~D~OMM~ln PARK - APPROVID WI'1'8nl,:" ,.~;-jf~! .}';':>5,OOOIQUARI'fOOT MULTI-PURPOSI 8UILDIIIQ ÞD 8IDS TO II LIT OM ALL.,<",,:~~'_ ~;,"""I" PRIORITY ITEMS ' ,,',> , " " .. , ".. " ,.~- ""~~ ...:.', ,;.' .:~. PUbUcSetvicu Admlnhtrator Norton stated that two weeks ago,~, ..,:..~~~~-" ,- , the Board'sent the Ha rco Ial and Haster Plan back to the pa rks ,'':~r't'-: ~ ''''1''-1' """ . Recreation Advisory Board to ask them to prioritize the Hat of items ".:'!t3Ìt " ':~':'>M'~' to be placed in the community park. He stated that there were three stipulations which were to leave the community center on the Master Plan, leave the drainage ditch unfilled, and to attempt to salvage as much square footage as possible for the multi-purpose indoor facility. He stated that the recommendation is that the Board approve the pri- ority list as shown in the Executive Summary and ,that Willlon, Miller, Barton, 5011 & Peek, Inc. be authorized to proceed with preparation of the bid specifications. Commissioner Pistor stated that the Board approved the Master Plan without any changes, adding that it was not stated to attempt to salvage as much square f~~tage as possible in the multi-purpose indoor facility. He stated that he w~uld have asked that such a condition not be includ...d because a building under 5,000 square feet is nt,)t worth spending money on as it would not be large enough. Mr. Tom Peek of Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 & Peek, Inc. stated that two weeks ago, he told the Board that it was his recommendatit,)n that the building be a minimum of 5,000 square feet as that is an appropriate size to deal with. He stated that in the deliberations with the Marco Island community groups and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, th~y were concerned about getting the broadest number of user facilities for the people and they elected to recommend the 3,500 square foot facility. Mr. Thomas Kalbfus, representing the Marco Island Taxpayers Association, stated that the money available should b. spent for those facilities that would be used by the most people, adding that the plan recommended is based on having something of everything. He noted that the mUlti-purpose building of 5,000 square feet is the most useable facility and that the $75,000 maintenance facility is not necessary for the maintenance of the park site, adding that the maintenance facility would be funded through tho CapItal Improvement Fund. He stated that grading and grassing of the area should be done as soon as possible and that the means of irrigation by wells should be explored for the park aOOK 088 PACt 503 Page 15 , . --,_., "---.- ---..-,,-....,''''''...-'-............".'.'.' .-, " ........'~.._._--- ." .J " .)......,..,..,..,,-' ~.../~. ;~:;, . "'w', ;;ë( :,',ôlÍlt OB'8rAGt504. Auguat 20, 1985 ~~::~,à1te~ He noted that the Taxpayers AaÍl'oc:1ation 11 ..king that the ,'- '~,' ....' ",_.', n..~!." ' ~ ' ' ~','y:"d..tgn for a 5,000 aquare foot building be authorized, and that bid. b. ,.".it:~' ~;~'?pr'paredand that no other funds be c:ommi tted until the actull coat of '~"i:'.' 5~OOO .quare foot building 11 determined. He atated that the choice '&;ì¡<;~; i< 11, between a 5,000 aquare foot building that w1l1 be uaeful to a large :~), 'nUftber of people or a variety of improvementa that wi11 be uaefu1 to a ''''~'''' small number of people. He atated that another iaaue ia whether Marco Ialand should be required to fund a County maintenance facility or whether thia should be funded from County-wide Capital Improvement budgeU. Ma. Brangaccio stated that the maintenance area in all the community parks is being paid out of the bond money. She noted that the ~ster Plan doe. have a 5,000 square foot multi-purpose facility, adding that the estimated cost i. $375,000 and if this is done, the items on the Executive Summary dated August 20, 1985, could be built through Item 7. Commissioner Voss stated that if the multi-purpose building ia built on pilings and there was a covered recreation area under it, this would eliminate the need for the other covered recreation area. Mr. Peek stated that there were two different uses for tho.. covered areas, adding that the intent of r3ising the building would provide 8 feet of clearance under it for shuffleboard or other such activities. He noted that the covered area that is identified as a separate item is one that could be used for volleyball and basketball. He stated that he thinks that the construction of the maintenance buildings on ~rco Island is appropr late as all the other parks wll.l have basically the same type of maintenance area. Mr. Burton, member of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, stated that the mUlti-purpose building is on the ~ster Plan as a 5,000 square foot bUilding, adding that the reason that 3,500 square feet is being recommended at this time is because they are trying to get more activities included in the park. He stated that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board did not want to take the position of excluding any of the item. in favor of a 5,000 square foot building, but the 5,000 .quare foot building may be less expensive to build at this time then add on later. He stated that it i5 the decision of the Board whether to exclude some of the items and go with a 5,000 square foot building or build a 3,500 square foot building with more recreational items. Commissioner Pistor stated that he thought the Master Plan was Page 16 c:::J .. - ~.~!II"- 1'___"""'~ --",....--- -.;:,) "'i?~(~'~?" ,:,."i":,.:"~'~~'#~~':'~~: '~';~>1';"i" Ij¡¡1 ,-::i :;: :~}:;,:,,;S~ ~fiSi.~.,~':-, , " AugUlt 20, 1985 . ,¡,,~;>:';~t~: ;~:'~prov.i ~tth theS,OOO aquarefoot facUity anð that the rest of ~t~.'::[.);'~ ~'~~~~~,~,'tìñìa 'Wt'r.' to go ðut for bid and th.n buUd what can ,b' buUt w1th' ~h"'r~~!¡ 4,:~\f~11.bl"~.on.y.,. , . ..~'!.'.. "j;4rt ~';:I:;;"i'+j~::'\'.:;:~:Mr., .Bl1rton.stated that he haa no problem with approving t~. MI'~~~~ ~~\i;<~:'Pl.n with the 5,000 square foot bulldln<) and puttin<) the prioritized, ,{~l:;¡:> ~.:·~:,1'ltema out for bid. ~,~' ':.", Commissioner vo.s question.d what is going to be done about irrigation, to which Mr. Peek stated that the water in the lake has b.en test.d and it haa b.en determin.d that the water quality cannot b. used for irrigation. He stated that at this time, the park will have to b. irrigated out of the potable water system. Commiesion.r Voee etat.d that if Bahia gr~ss is us.d inst.ad of B.rmuda 9rass, it would not have to be irrigat.d. Mr. Pe.k indicated that the Bahia 9rass would turn brown, but the plants are goin9 to nead irrigation and it is going to b. expensiv.. CommJ~sioner plator stated that wh.n bids are let, both Bermuda grass and Bahia grass could be included. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co.-i..ioner Goodnt9ht and carried unant.ou.ly, that the priority list for the Marco I.land Coaaunity Park be approved with the 5,000 .quare foot .ulti-purpo.e indoor facility and that Wi1eon, Miller, Barton, Soll , P..k, Inc. proceed with the bid specifications to l.t the bid. a. aQon .. po..lbl. on all priority it.... n.. 114 RISOLUTIOM 85-177 COMCIIUIING THB COMSTRUCTIOM or PAIUtIMG FACILITIES AT CLAM PASS PARK - ADOPTED County Attorney Saunders stated that this item was put on the agenda at the request of the Seaqate Property Owners Association, addin9 that this resolution guarantee. the A.sociation that when and if a parkin? lot i. built to service the access with Clam Pas. Park, that members of the Seaqate Property OWners Association will have the opportunity to review the plans and specifications of the parkin<) lot to make sur. that certain concerns they have are addressed In t~. construction of the parking lot. He stated that the resoluti~n do.s provide that, although the As.oclation may comment on the plans and specifications, the final decision will rest with the County Manager as to actual design and construction. Commission.r Voss questioned if the County Manager wanted to accept that responsibility, to which County Manager Lusk replied lOOK 088I'Af,£ 505 Pa9' 17 --- '\ \;, ,~'~ ',~; f ....', j¡....... .. ~}..,~'i·": ~\ ' ~~\-~ ~i::".:~";.i ;:":~;~í<,;:~', ".' ',: .,'ì';,C:,'; ~~":~';ifJ(.~:,.,;,(£.¡}¡~, , , "",,",r,¡.""k ,I...· ""V·'·"1.: niì· "ì":'·....i.;'I.""~'.', ,~;,' ,", :.:,:~;o;;.,.,.¡:, ~"""U9U.t' 20,' 1985 ""~:t . """"'~n~"" ", '..... . ... " I:"~ I, "., ,.!iV4~\"'~':'::"" ,'. ,~1\~,1 :~;\ '\, I., " " :~~V¡Lô'u~ou~i~~;' ~epr..e~d~cPt~~:;~.9a'te' Property owner. i'''' ~,,';~[;,f.; 4'·"'~:r.f ·...'Q',:f~~f;,,'..'<' :', ~ _ ,.', ' " , , ~"",, "~ ""',lo9Ia,,lon lltatecf-thUthey .ar.ple'",ed that the ,Board 18 con.iðettng . th.~~·~~PO'< .ìtcSr..óludon. ~.' .""./, ',' ~..,:.~'~ ",,-~:,t:"~'~'~:~,í~~,_',_;.,. .' _ . f .t ';.' .. ~-;~¡.. :f..... .5~'';;...'l':,.';,d{I.,:'" (' " ..I", . (~,"':... ~,' ,!t~. ".¡'$.'.!...,~.... ,:\ ·;~Ü.;~MI. ."Boulton ,Itated that in March, Ihe talked with the curUnt'> :'1'1'."",'1/ ,~ " . ,,:¡~.hff·.bout ,the plans, adeUn; .that they recognized the need for '.ollle.,,~.,.;', ~).." type of protection inSugate and' IU99uted that they would wor~ on a;!~';~':J::> j",,"::' cooperative bash with Pelican Bay and the Registry Hotel to get a' " t.t"compromise plan that would protect the homunext to the parking lòt. ~ ~,"." She noted that the IU99utionl that were made by staff was that the ,'-''' parking lot be moved a. far north al pos.ible, that a wall be built on the Saa9ate line and that there be heavy landscaping to the north of . the wall. She stated that she is reques~ing that the resolution be adopted. County Att~rney Saunders stated that the items that were discussed consisted of some fencing between the parking lot. r.nd the canal acro.. the way from the homes in the Seagate property owners area. He stated that he did not want any confusion between a wall and a fence. He noted that the landscaping was discus..d with the possibility of havl~9 a 10-15 foot wide landscape buffer and h. did not want any confusion between a buffer area and heavy landscaping. Co..i..loner Piltor .oved, ..conded by Coamillloner Goodn1Vht and carried unan1.ouIly, that Re.olutlon 85-177 concerning the construction of parking facilltl.s at Cla. pa.. Park be _dopted. 1; '. ~ " . Page 18 ~'\.: ~t,1 ~~~ ~,:;. ;~;S ' ~'" ~""";' ,"', fiT 11m .. .. ,. ';""~: --,",,'",,-,,-,--'. _,_*""_~.-.-.,.,...__o___..'"~,"'~__o_... .i~-.~". ,~. ,,'~~;~~~;{~::'~";~;'I:<~;\':"';."'" ':\, :";";'.)~~~¡:;7j~·"~">; i'. ',."... . ' ,';,:¡ '".",',.... , " , ' ,.t)'~~~ "~:;~,'~,:' .~; '. .. ",'t ' .. '. ',~ ") .,..,..". , ',. t '~'.,.. ~. " ~'''',.'''''', ·"':''?''~'"I:~~··' ....",',.¡' ,;-'1- ;'"';:;.~ ")~'~>;.~¡~,:;.~. jd, ,{t, , " ," ,." ',.,' .w. ...~ ,",f t .)',-", "..: " ~..... . ~..r. \ ~ .'......,'-.1 ''''''''''«~);,l:~~ 'J.',,~ .' ;,. r',I ~ ,¡} ~"'i ..... ':~',~~;; < ,r "1",,"', ;f ',. . . ", ...fie', .,,~..,Ä " g .,'¡':' Au...u.t 20, 1985 . ;~...~, .- ";,. 088 ;ACt 50 ' ;:'¡, .;' ," "l" :'In. .. " ' , . .' s~ . '" ".. ~"ä~~'~\r';bíNô' Ì'ORn':Pri~~èY 0' BOA~if7Wt"'.~RD iJ'O'ŠDP~R,. '" D',UGAL-:ÞlraSI'O' ,BOARD MIKIIRB, MAtiAGEMIM'f STAfr IdID LIGAL &'fAn ''''"' 'ADOPTID~~~COUNTYATTORMIY DtRICTID TO DRAFT RISOLUTtOM INTO ORDIMAMCI' ,..,;~~. ';h;;:?~tÎ~ort'i~y;såund.ra stat.d thAt it has bun the pOl1êi·'~l:t~... ,'.,: '~":". ~ ,~...f!. ,r ' , " " , ,_, .. ' " '..', ), ,:'8o'¡i4.'toprotect the management .tAffand the m.mb.rs of th. Comllll..tori?'t:~ :~:~~::"w1t:h rupect to being sued individually for damag.. or other typ.. òf' )~~:,~;:\' r," ':'''''';'.." ' , ' ."" :~'~'. ~';;ì, hgal action. be1n9 taken aga1n.t incHvidual staff ..em'beu and Comlllh:",,~,i,: ~', .''0 ' ' ~'Sl,~" ~,¡.;,;"' .ton.rs. He atated that th.r. waa aome concern a. to wh.ther the ,", ~ ",\ ~~""'\' ~~' policy ha4 been formalIzed, therefor. a resolution wa. drafted to ~¡t. formalize the policy which indicat.. that certain ataff memb.r. Ihted in S.ction 1 of the Resolution as well a. the Board of County Commi.- .loner. are to b. protected in terms of having repre.entation and to b. indemnified in the event that th.re are claims filed a9ainat them for activit1.es arising out of their elllp10yment. He stat.d that the resolu- tion specifically state. that if there is any willful wrongdoing on the part of the individual that this r.so1ution will not protect them. Co..i..lon.r Ha... aov.d, ..cond.d by Co.-i..ion.r Pi.tor and carrl.d unanlaoualy, that a..olutlon 85-178 ..ttlng forth the polley of tbe Board vith r.gard to the .upport and l.gal d.f.n.. of Board ..aber., ..anag..ent .taff and l.gal .taff b. adopt.d. co..l..lon.r vo.. .tat.d that a r..olutlon 1. ea.l1y change4 and h~ f.el. for futur. purpo.e., thl. r..olutlon .hou14 b. advertl.ed and adopt.d a. an ordinanc.. It va. the c¡.n.ral con..n.u. that the County Attorn.y pr.par. .uch an ordinanc.. ", ! , ~ ' ; " "'>:. , ,"):~~~', ";:íf'~,,'~ '';~J:, - " ,~' ',n~ "";¡/Ç¡' ,F: ...;4-'~ ::,i£6 .".~ ':;;$1.' "~ " ';"/:,' """"""1: ';';$Jt >':~i~~ "J¡, ~i'.:.' ; ~J";.,~, t Page .' \ ' . '.~' " ..~/,". .. .. .. _1__,,___'_.'·__'<I'ta__, ,_.,_,__,_..,,,,,__~,..,,,,,,,....~-,-,,..,:,,,,,,;,,,," ",,,,,",,,,,,,,,",~,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,..,,,,.._o<~ , , .. ........' ~, .,' '..'" IIiiiI - ',. '1i '1',' ;~~,,;,,~, t¡,.,··" '~..~~.. .U .i.t ' .. ./~:,,(:fROU1'I"1 BILLS - APPROVED rOR PAYNIN'!' 1fr;'<~>'~"fPur;suant to Ruolution 81-150, the following checks were Issued ~;~<...~. t.'hr'~~h'Friday, Auq'ust 16, 1985, in paym~nt of routine MUss '...t~::', 'CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS'. AMOUNT 'f~,">,· - 'i.:' Vendor 132085 - 132290 $996,894.59 '~t;" '\. AU9I.:St: 20, 1985 . Ite. 117 BUDGIT AMENDMENTS 85-385/386, 85-388, AND 85-390/391 - ADOP'!'ED Coui..lon.r pi.tor .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co..i..ion.r H.... and carried unani.ou.ly, that Budg.t Amend..nt. 85-385/386, 85-388, and 85-390/391 be adopted. It.. 118 COMMISSIOIIIRS PUTOR, BASSE, AIID GOODlfIGBT SILICTED '1'0 SIRVE 011 TBI PROPERTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTMENT BOARD Co..ission.r Holland aov.d, seconded by Co.-i..lon.r Vo.. and carrl.d unani.ou.ly, that Co.-i..ioner. Pistor, H.... and Goodnight be ..lected to .erv. on the Property Appraiaal Adjuataent ao.rd. Co..l.aion.r Pi.tor .oved, .econd.d by Co.-i..ion.r H.... and carried un.ni.oualy, that tb. Ad.ini.tr.tiv. A.alatant to tb. Board be authoriz.d to contact the School Board for two repr...nt.tive. for the Property Apprai.al Adjuata.nt ao.rd. It.. 119 RBSOLUTIOII 85-179 APPOIII'1'IIIG, REAPPOINTING OR CONFIRMING APPOINTMEIIT or MEMBIRS TO THI COLLIER COUNTY CODI ENFORCEMENT BOARD - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant Israelson stated that the resolution in the backup material is incorrect in that it states that Mr. Ford .hall b. appointed to a three-year term in the cateqory of -Businessman- which ahould read that Mr. Ford shall be appointed to the remainin9 two-years of a thr.e~year term In the cate90ry of -Busineasman-. Co..i..ioner Piator .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co.-Ia.ion.r Bolland and carri.d unani.oualy, that R..olution 85-179 appointing, r..ppolntlng or conflr.lng appointa.nt of .e.b.ra to the Colli.r County Cod. Inforc.- ..nt Board be adopt.d. '001( 08'8 par;~ 511 Page 20 17' . r:rr.. ". . -----""""-".,..'-" . ....._-"'-,,----,-"".*..,.._~~--,. .... .¥~;~. ,t ¡þ. ',<~:\, .' ::··:.~'~~~''Pf'1 :-ì:;ì~' ,~:' ~~.'('.;'I' . í.':088·~Ar.t514 . te.UO",,:..I: . -;:'trlf~"-;. J':~'__:~ -,:(. ' . . , ' " CáMKIISIOMKR PllTOR ~D COUXTY MANAGER LUSK SELKCTID TO CO OM THE "::8WKDIIB RISOURCI RICOVERY rAC1LITUS TOUR AIID PRISIMT A fULL RIPOR'!'.' ',~;,-~. . tUPOM RETUIUUNC _ APPROVED ,~ "'1\~~,... .. "'shtant County Manager Dorrlll stated that thh item 18 a ,.I: :~:.,,;;¡ ) l~·t''¡¡.~ recommendation to allow two county participants to travel to Sweden to . .': ~~'~~ visit the resource recovery tacility. He stated that a tinal deci8ion ,~~, and reservations cannot be changed after August 28, 1985, which i8 WhY"'~;;:S; "'.;~,:, this item is being presented at this meeting. He noted that Dr. ,,~: Stokes, who is working on a retainer to the County, haa coordinated an opportunity to participate with the Swedish Export C~uncil, in con- junction with the American Public Power Association, a tour of resource recovery waste-to-energy facilities in Sweden. He stated that the program is being heavily subsidized by the Swedish Export Council, as well as ~he Power Generating Association to allow represen- tatives trom our country to look at the two types of prevailing tech- nologies in the field today, which is the circulating fluid beds as well as mass burn technology. He stated that the trip will depart from New York on September 14, 1985, and will return to New York on September 22, 1985. He stated that all arrangements are being made by the Export Council and the trip subsidy will be shared by both participants and the two sponsoring agencies. He stated that the total cost to Collier County from New York woul~ be $1,300 per person which includes all transportation, all meals, all lodging and all per diem cost associated with the one week tour. He stated that this w~uld provide the County with 8n opportunity to see both of the prevailing technologies without any particular influence by or over the trip based on a manufacturer. He noted that it is Dr. Stokes' recommendation that the Chairman of the Soard and the County Manager participate in this tour. He stated that Dr. Stokes did not have any particular interest in going. Commissioner Voss indicated that he did not have any desire to attend. Commissioner Pistor indicated that he would be willing to go t. ',' ,I" . Auquat 20, 1985 on the tour. Commissioner Hasse stated that he feels that Mr. Kuck, the County Engineer should participate in such a tour. County Manager Lusk stated that within the next two months thø Board will be voting on committing the County to approximately 20 years at a cost of $50 million and it may be the most important issue this paqe 21 II!:C3 11::1 - "..~_..."".._-----,", .--...""",.,,'0;,. "'_..,_~"......,.'.,_.....-.-_,,__.__ .;'''~' ,~,., "....~. .:'~"\ '~ " ;..~,I<~. ~,':':'.',:' "', '\'I::,?:~f./1'~ .. 1&1 ~ -f: ~ t .~.Jj~-""~ ~" ~~,',~;',t", ~_:,:~~~'; .~' ii~ril" - :¡~\~"! , , ~~,~]',~~ård will decide this ,·~'l.ast one Commluloner ,\,., .', ' . . . ,¡?:it!hh country but there is not a fluidiz.d bed which may cut the coat In "::r~l;:," ~t~,:" half. He noted that 80me member of the Commission should see this type' ".", ~~, , ,.",. at operation. ~" ,,' AaI1.tant County Manager Dorrill stated that there are no circulating fluid bed r.s~urce recovery plant. in the United State.. Commissioner Holland stated that this County will be the first to try this process and it seems .tranqe that somethinq i. beinq recommended that has never been tried in this country. County Manaqer Lusk stated that if it is a process that really work., it would be the be.t thing for this County, but somebody needS to be sure that it really works. Commissioner Voss stated that Commissioner Pistor has indicated that he woul~ be willing to go with the County Manager and that upon their return, there should be a written report presented to the Commissioners. Co..i..io~er VO.. .oved, .econded by Co..l..lon.r Goodnlqht and carried 3/2, (Co.-i..ion.r. B.... .nd Bo11.nd oppo..d) that Co..l..ion.r PI.tor and County Man.g.r Lu.k r.pr...nt the County on the Swedi.h Re.ource Recovery ~.ci1itie. Tour .nd pre.ent . full written report to the Co..l.alonera upon their r.turn. Assistant C~unty Manager D¢rrill stated that he will confirm the arrangements and the only additional cost to the County will be transportation between Naples and New York, adding that he is assuming that the motion includes that. He noted that the trip originate. in Hew York and the cost associated with that was in the memo presented to the Commissioners. August 20, 1985 year. He noted that it ia important that at attend, adding that there ia maas burning in Ite. 121 PITITION TR-84-14C, ARMOHD MASTANDREA, REQUESTING PIHAL 3 MONTH TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY AT 481 LOGAN BLVD. - DENIED Commissioner Hasse stated that there has been very little progress made on this construction site. Community Development Administrator Mullins stated that the trailer has been at this site for a period of one year, adding that there was an error on staff's part. She noted that July, 1984, they were given their six month permit and did not have their buildin; permit until February, 1985. She not.d that there was an inspection for a temporary pole and they also received a three month extension aDD« 088 PA(.{ 515 Pa",_ 22 " .iii"~ .... ,,'. ;, ,,"', ,;' ~.~,,~ ;:~ ~';,~~~ "·i¡Ç,f,,.*,,:..:it . ~' ,~~ ,~.~, ">,' ""R Augu.t 20, 1985 ' :::, ,~;,.:~~~~~;I: ;¿~.I.MfJarf~~f¡'av. ...pl... In ...y..... ...t.. <hat thay .... n.t1f1.d'~;~t ~~:1"-i:on.;,;1lln.,..121 1985, that their trall.r permit would .xpire on July 19,,.f~:""P'; . )9íf5'~.~u..Sh.;noted ·that on July 22, 1985, thap.t1t1on.r calli' In "for. :>~'...:'" ~~ka'tif1nàlthU' 'month ut.ndon. She Indlcattdthatthe ·onîY·.j'thln9 ?~', ". '~t.thát,^h.. b..n don. h .om. hnd clearinCJ and .0111. f1111nCJ of the ait,r~'Y;!i!;,~.. L~:t-~,~" , ., ' ' ,"' ,~~¡"~:,.¡,,~~. '." ¡ ,"'. She .tat.d that there h a ..ptic and w11 .ytelll but th.n has been no <'...,' )I..,.t offici.l In.p.ction. noted. co..i..ton.r H.... aovad, ..oond.d by Cout..lon.r PI.tor, ~at P.tlt,ton TR-84-l4C, Araond Ma.tandraa, requ..tln9 the ..eond and final thr.. aontb t..porary r..td.nee per.it for property at 481 Loc¡an Boul.vard be d.ni.d. Mr. Joe Grimm of Golden Gate Estate. stated that in July, 1984, the petitioner had permi.sion from the Board to obtain. tr.iler p.rlllit and did .0 without obtaining a building permit. He nQted that in February, 1985, the petitioner app.ared before the Board and .tat.d that h. was re~dy to pour the foundation and had obtained a building p~rmit the previous day. He reported that prior to May, 1984, he had obtained telephone service. He indicated that he installed a driveway and culv.rt without any permit. He noted that the only inspection mad. was for temporary power. H. stated that in February, 1985, the Board granted the petitioner a 6 month extension, and it s.ems clear that the p.titioner does not intend to build a reaidence and he ia aSking that the Bo.rd deny the petition. Upon c.ll for th. que.tion, the ~tion carri.d unani.ou.ly~ It.. 122 RESOLUTION 85-180 ALTERING BOUNDARIIS 1M PRECIMCTS WITHI. TBI COUNTY - ADOPTED Commissioner Voss stated that Superviaor of Elections Morgan haa a.ked that a resolution be adopted in order to adjust precinct line. to reflect annexations in the City of Naples done October, 1984, and July, 19&5, and adjust one line for better delineation in preparation for the Cenaus. Co..i..ion.r H.... .ovad, ..cond.d by COllale.ion.r Pi.tor and carried un.ni.ou.ly, that R..olution 85-180 alt.ring boundaria. in pr.cinct. within the County be adopt.d. Page 23 I.I:CI m:s - "'~_,___,___,,uu -,.....,._-,<>~-'.">' "'.~ "",."".._..,._'''"-,~_._-,,,'~',-...--..''''"''- '~f'"· ~,:~ :~'- ~'-' /,' ~ ,,., ..,'." ''''','' ~L, , lOoK\'riS8:p~G~;522 ,:í¡:'~ It.. 123 ~~.:,' aUILDII1G -B- 'J'() BAVI ASBISTOS RIMOVlD 1M LUU or BUILDUIQ -A- rORAII ~{:" ADDITIC»IAL CBARGI OF $50,500 BY W. '1'. STEPH!NS CONSTRUCTI0M - APPROVED ~" ,-,,{:' ·~'K .",",., ,/" August 20, 1985 Commissioner Voss stated that this is in reference to the a.bestos and indicated that instead of removing the asbestos in Building wAw at this time, it is being requested to remove the as~estos in Building wBw which is the Health Department. He n?ted that they would be moved into Building WAW temporarily. County Manager Lusk stated that Building wAw has only a total of 7,000 square feet that needs asbestos removed from it, adding that the Health Department has 12,000 square feet of asbestos to be removed. He stated that this is the cause of the additional $50,500. He noted that the reason that Building "A" is not being done at this time is that it is too incover\ent for the Judges, so when that building is remodeled, it will be done then. In answer to C~mmiRR1oner Holland regarding the standards of the asbestos in these buildings, ASsistant County Manager Dorri1l stated that none of the airborne particle samples exceed levels that would force the County to remove it, but it was the consensus that there was a situation that was deteriorating which is why there has been an asbestos program for two years. County Attorney Saunders stated that under federal law the asbestos has to be removed either when their is a major renovation or when the building is torn down, but at some point in time, regardless of the condition of the asbestos, it has to be removed. Co.-i..ioner Pistor moved, seconded by CODDi.sioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that Building wB- have the asbe.to. removed in lieu of Building -A for an additional charge of $50,500 by W. '1'. Stephens Construction. ***** CODDissioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commi.sioner Goodniqht and carried unanimously, that the following it.m. under the con.ent agenda be adopted and/or approveda *...* Ita. 124 PETITIOH TR-85-4C, GEORG! CORZINE, JR. FIRST 3 MONTH TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT IXTE~SION ON THE N 165', TRACT 103, UNIT 7, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES Ite. 125 BID 1867 POR MEDIAH CURB COHSTRUCTION FOR GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - AWARDID TO H. W. BEADDOIN , SONS, IN THI AMOUNT or $36,709.50 Page 24 a:::I .. .. . ,~.'. '''t',;,¡.;::·;'~~·:.r.'?,__:.-:J?''6~+.', .'!\è':'Ö'o' J". <.J""'~;~'~"<.~~~_iii#{,.~"',,,,,, --,.----'""'"-',, ...'...--.,.,'"'..",,-,----"'; "~,--"""","",..',."','---""'_...---'- 'Auqust20, 1985 ~' " ,: Leqa1' notice havinq been pUbliihed in the Napl.. Daily Ne"S on ' ¡, " ~r::~'~:âU1Y, ~3, 1'985, .1 evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fUed with th.;t~:.; , ~~~f ,,"¡Clerk, bid. were received for conltructlon ot m.cHan curbs for Golden ,', ;~ ~:..:-' '."Oat. Parkway until 2130 P. M. Auqust 7, 1985. ~%~"IÌ 126' , . t;';', 'BID 1842, LAIID CLIARING MID OPEII-BURIIING or RIGHTS-or-WAY PROM SArrA [;.. BARBARA BOULEVARD IXTIHSION TO DAVIS BOULEVARD - MfARDID '1'0 HARPIR ., BROTHERS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT or $22,600 Legal notice having been published in the Naple. Daily Ne"s on Jun. 26, 1985, and July 3, 1985, as evidencdd by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for lend clearinq and open-burning of rights-of~way from Santa Barbara Boulevard Extension to Davis Boulevard until 2:30 P.M. August 1, 1985. Ite. 127 LA~B TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NO. 429 See Page ...s :1.t. ',... ," ., f~,'~'~:_~'·~""'" ~'.~ ,.... '"," ~, " , ·'r~ IIiIi ¡¡ ~ It.. US AUTBORIZATIOII TO ADVERTISI MID RICIIVE PROPOSALS FOR IHGIIIIIRING SERVICIS FOR FOUR LANB ROADWAY DESIGN SIGMINTS OF RAT'l'LISIIAKI BAKMOCK ROAD, RADIO ROAD, AND C.R. 951. SELECTION COMMITTEE APPROVED Selection Committee: Neil Dorrill Tom Kuck George Archibald It.. 129 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or r~ferred to the various departments as indicated belowl 1. Letter dated July 31, 1985, from DER re amendment to Section 17-4.245, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), concerning requirements or secondary standards for installations dicharging to Class G-ll ground water. xc: Mr. Dorril1, Filed. 2. Letter dated August 2, 1985, from DER and notification of form application (Fi1ea Nos. 111069075, 111071985 and 111073475), dredge and fill permits. xc: Ms. Mullins; Dr. Proffitt, Filed. 3. Memorandum dated 7/30/85 from Fiscal Officer Giles to Utilities Administrator Crandall regarding financial statements for period ended 6/30/85. Filed. am 088 PAG! 523 Pag. 25 1'"'IiII'__IOiI>.- If .",._~_"'__..~......"'-''',~-'~. _..""___,....,,"~.....,_"._...,h~ '___""""."'''"~''___ ~.~f::;'·~~:~~·~:f~~. ",~' 'áE'S~"';'\> ~<':, "'~. , ~.,:"'~'(' . .\', ., ;"~~~'\1~"'/;',~~;:: ',.,,; , ·~::'pª~~~~t.~2,4 . ",:"," "~U~U.t 20, 1985 ...: ~ ·;"r··..~~~.{~,l....~'rnnsmtttal' dated .818/85 from HUD"ofhtimate of total ,';'1~, .,,~< ~¿":";.t.< ;,required annual c:o.ntoribuUon. ,from u.s. Daft of Housin,9,',.'}1·~,~ :~~~:(:"::;,,~::>~rban Development.,' XC"" Ms.. .W1l11amsonl Pled. . <:"" ',,;:, :'J'~J(~1_', " ,~¡' . ,c ' ',','" . " " ' , .. ,...;';"~':~' '{~;¡;ki'ÌS'. 'i',' N<)t:1ce dated. 8/7/85 from KaunK. MacFarland, Florida Lànd an 4;':i:->t ,'Water AdjudicatorY Commladon,:of l,nforma1conf~renc., ,,:; :.~;',¡. ' '\'Í:-~'"'' : u;'rdin; l)eve1opunt Order lid.' 1'5-2, Vineyard. and ',. '·:t.r~ ~:, ":,;.í.~,;,~' Development Order No. 85-3, Le1y. XCS Ms. Branqacclo', MI.<~;'¡~ "':~l~~:."'~,~,~'~'. " ·Mullins, r11ed. - ¡,';t.:~·"., ,*,',~\.\;'·.,~,i:" 6. Notice dated 8/12/85 frolll aeorge L. Varnadoe, P.A., re;atdh!9'<,::.:...... r-~¡. . Development Order No. 85-2, Vineyards reque.Un; motion, for .n,,~:·~,~~i.·,'~·.,' ~,i¡.;: extension of time to respond to petition for appeal. XCI MI.:t'\1<:\~ ~ Brangaccio, Ms. Mullin., rlled.,>:;,~ ~1:,. 7. Hi nut.. received of Ci ty of Napl.s meeting of 7/17/85. FUed. 'r'"~,':~~ " ""~ ':~~¡" 8. Minutes received of EMSAC meet1nq of 7/10/85 and aqenda for,.~ me.tinq of 8/14/85. Filed. ,~~, 9. Minutes received of Parka. Recrution Advhory Board meet1ngj:'::i of 7/18/85 and aqenda for 8/15/85. Fl1.d.....:;::;:~ 10. :<:1 .,~, ."~':~ .'~ '~\ "1f, ,,;¡. .'.,'~ "..> ',:" , :!I'.~ê\~<!"~' "1~ ' (: ,., ~: >:.....~.," I,,~:~~~~:"\·!'t;;r. <" ,: ;." >/'1,,'" Letter dated 7/31/85 from Edwin J. Putzell, Jr., vice Chairn,.1n, Biq Cypress Basin Board, enclosing 1985-1990 five year plan for Big Cypress Basin, SFWMD. . FUed. Ite. 130 CONTRACT WITH E. W. SIVER . ASSOCIATES, INC. rOR RISK MAHAG~EKT CONSULTING SERVICES S.. pag.. SJ.7 -S.3() Ite. 131 BUDGET AMENDMENT INCRIASING FLIIT MAKAGIMENT'S FUlL RIVINUES AND EXPENDITURES $136,000. Ite. 132 .' TRACT -1-, MARCO BBACa UNIT SEVIN, APPROVED FOR THI LOC"TIOM OF THE MARCO ISLAND BRANCH OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY lIES .. - ...,.--_.._-"~, -----..--'""--............"'."'.. 1'1__lall "IIV' ..."'_ot.....__,.._...._____"·'..""····...·.._,"·""'..._·_..-.'"' <,"~",",.......'-"-----.- ,~.'~.~~':... ~: .~~' .;,:~',.~~~,~' .1!; .. , ~~,,;,,:.~,,"':':~<~. , ."~~,,~,~-r~(;,~.,~~,~~i:~··,; '11:"" .....'.. ..... ''''':''f,' .. ,. "L .. '.,,'.' ~" ,,!,,-t> <,. .. .. r " '.... 't f, ,~:~ ::'" : '~',!¡ ,. , "'"Augun, 20, .1985 ,,-' ~u. '\.;::/' \; 'f It ~ t"lñ ,.,:.,. ~ ".' <,; ",~ .', , . \'...., of the County, "'. .;' ~ '". the Chair -Time. llISSA.M. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD or ZONING APPEALS/EX ' orrICIO QûVER~ING BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL .f/.C¿Hf YO", CHAIMA' " ¡'¡t, " .á· -.i" ,¡ CLERK - ¿J..C-. . :Oard on ~../~ /PI - or as corrected IDDK 088 PAr.! 525 .I',~ .;. P89- 27,. " ,---,.., , ,'"' "",_",~.._,_",.,~..,»~,<"",,,,,",",,~;_,,,,,,,...",,",_""''''''~_"",...",.,.",___~,__"~,_______._,_,>\,,,,,.__..,.,,,,,,______'"""....-.."o>'~,,"'",._""""....,....'<>.-".'." _"'~"',....",ho'=,";>";"~.".,,_,,_,__",·,~....."~_...,·,,....."',,+'....~,,$~-