BCC Minutes 08/21/1985 W
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,~~~~:;\: ~~~> l~.:B~;RE~~~B~RE?r.~~~~~)~h.~~;r~')~~d ~o~ - County.Comllll"10n~,r..'.,~,~::
;':¡'-anð-lor 'the County of Co1Uer,'.and:illo actinqu the Board of Zonl'nq·,.
.. '~~;~;'il~'J:~~i .al· the qO~~rning b~ltd(~)Of .Iuch ~P.c1a1 dhtrict~:,~..?,~~~"
{, AdS..n cu.tedaccordinq to law and havinq conduct.d budn..., her. in I' 1111
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.,,,,~"~.on -thh date .t 9130 A.H. in Norbhop Be..ion in BuUdlnq .,. of the '"
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~:.:. ~ Courthous. COlllpleX, East Napl.., Florida, with the following membeu,
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CHAIRMANI Fred.rick J. Vo..
Max A. Ha...
C. C. -Red- Holland
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clerk, Maur.en K.nyon, Deputy
Clerk, Donald B. Lusk, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, Assistant County
Manager, Burt Saunders, County Attorney, Tom Kuck, Public Works
Administrator, George Archibald, Transportation-Dir.ctor, Jeff Perry,
MPO Director, and Lori Zalka, Budget Director.
1. General discussion regarding impact fee..
Transportation Director Archibald stated that he has b.en looking
.t a 10 year road program that requires a bare lIIinimum of $70 million
in expenditures, adding that over a ten year period that $70 IIIl1110n
transf.rs to $7 million per year. H. not.d that of the $7 million that
h. is looking for there is $4 million in the form of gas taxes which
includ.s the 4 cent option gas tax, 2 cents of the constitutional 9as
tax and 1 cent of the County gas tax. He reported that there i. a
shortfall of $3 million which is what is being discus.ed this date. He
.tated that $1 million of the shortfall could be made up by impact
f..., another million dollar. could b. obtained from ......m.nt type
projects or possible developer cOlllmitments, and the third lIIi11ion
dollar. could b. subsidized by future gas tax.., po..ib1e future tag
le.., or future ad valorem tax. H. noted that the general rev.nue
.ource that everyone has agreed upon i. the po.sib1. gas tax a. It 1.
u.er related. He stated that the ga. tax also fluctuate. .0 that il
the County does have a lot of growth, there could be an incre..e
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';.(P.ct~din 9" tau. wbieh. ~uïcS 1lÎ4an an. inertas. in
ft'· adv.'ñta9'·'Òf 'u'.:u';'reÙu;d 1..... "He noted "that 1mp·.ct\"t"ï~~;:'a·v;:~~
1'~\k"cfit: b.cause ;.'lar9.'~perci.nta9'· of the County" futur.·, ä{adwa'ý'>.
:, .,h~.dì:a;r.·~./re.ùlt' ot·"n'.w:d~v.1ópnènt,r\ot . c:iontlnuad'on·t(·éü·N~f¡t¡"
"(~~'d.·";'10pment. He noted that the impact fee is someUrn..' uÙted ·to:,,'..
;~~~;;·;~u..r 'hein thatthell11pâët' f""l)ulð 'be borne to~"·gr~atmajority,;,.by~'
'!?4~~f'~newcoÎllen and n.w developments which is,' In fact, the re-aIlÌ'ön'that: "·th,~. '>
~~~:"":,county nuds more then 50" of the new roads. He refe'rredt'o Ii nst o!'~~,~
roadway needs identified by the Infrutructure COlllmittee, addinq th.t a··;;,
number of the projects are underway, in that, either roadwaýs art beift'(;..
constructed or being designed for future construction or have b.en '~,,:fII'~d
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d..i9ntd .nd rights-of-way are trying to be acquired for thelll. H.' '.....
noted that currently the shortfall would. restrict road construction if \._
funding sources do not become available to the County. He stated that:..:;',,~,
the lløt of roadways could only be completed about halfway if th.re are
not additional funding sources within the noxt five years. He stat.d .
that the list is extensive as well as being a critical need and that
the critical need is not here now, but it will be within a year or twO
If there are not some funding considerations given at this point In
time. Ho stated that this list consists of primarily the major
arterials. He stated that to reflect on the $70 million total, the
1995 needs study that was recently completed recognized $120-140
million worth of needs, but they include both county an1 state roads,
adding that this study was based upon a projection of roads .s well as
a circulation of projected traffic movelllents. He noted that the illlpact
fee is being look~d at as one source of revenue needs and not the total
source, adding that impact fees alone would not carry the total burden,
they would only carry 1/7 of the total burden. He noted that impact
fee. are a soureD o~ revenue and are somewhat growth sensitive, along
with being user-related based upon growth.
Commissioner Pistor stated that If growth goes at a higher rat.
than what it is now and an impact fee is put on, then the roads can be
buil t hste r.
Mr. Archibald stated that the roads W?uld be needed sooner but
money would be received sooner to undertake the burden.
Comlllissioner Voss stated that engln.ering was just .warded on
thr.e different new roads, adding that he understands that if the.e
three roads are done there will not be any lIIoney l.ft for new contracts
or acquiring of rights-of-way for the next 2 or 3 yoars.
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. August 21, ·1985 .. ".<.~?;
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~"'1,'1,,~. , '. Hr.. Archibald indicAted that thh S.S true and it will happen "~''..~''
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?>ç:approximatt1y one year from now when there w1l1 be incrusing neeðl,anð'
'~rZ~ð'êr..slnq >reve'nues; adding that the jobs would be dtdqned' but'ther:'~'"
~\~~'~ld, riot be enough' money to qet theì. 'three job.' under conltr:uct.iõrÙ':"~,:
i,·ge not~d that in two cases, the rights-of-way are going to invo1v..om.
,v"". t
'~.:; costly expenses for acquisition. . . . .
~,: Comlllissioner Voss stated that in some cases there would be 'a
:;~:. shortfall on riqhts-of-way and in all c.... on construction.
, . Commissioner Holland questioned how the decreasing revenues are
projected, to which Mr. Archibald stated that it is not so much
decreasing revenues as it is increasing needs.
Mr. Archibald stated that there are a lot of future roadway need.,
adding that right now the County is lIIe.tlng those needs and keeping up
with the growth. He noted that the roadways are being constructed ..
they are needed but if the funds are not available to keep up with. .
them, then two o. three years from now, the County will be behind. He
noted that once the road program gets behind, instead of a few million
dollars per year shortfall, it becomes millions of dollars of shortfall
per year.
Commissioner Holland stated that he has a hard time believing that
because of the growth pattern in this County, there is not going to be
enough money to finish the 3 projects that are pending. He stated that
a lot of people that move into this area drive a vehicle and will be
paying the gas tax and questioned if that is taken into consideration?
Mr. Archibald replied affirmatively, indicating that if he
indicated that there are decreasing revenues based upon the approved
gas taxes, then he stands corrected, adding that the gas tayes that are
Available are roughly $4 million per year which is averaged out over
the la-year time frame. He stated that he hope. to have increasing
revenue from the qas taxes, but there will also bo increasing needs.
Commissioner Has.. questioned where the funds are cominq from for
the small feeder roads?
Mr. Archibald indicated that the existing, feeder roads that are in
the County will be improved as part of the Capital Improvement 'proqram
in regards to resurfacing and minor improvements like Intersection
Improvements and smaller level capacity improvements. He stated that
there will be a continuing resurfacing progralll which is included in the
budget now, but i. not included in this plan.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that roads
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·~~~.O.uD8"'~ifJ}al.cau Blvd ,'~i~~4\~r'~i~d..,. ànð"ÎverC¡ladu
'T~i¿~1(f~:JI\{'th'" Ca pi tal. Improv.~e~tFu·~d·<t;fi~re the ·'imp:r'ovement. ~;:~i'~
~tnv'oî v~~c.pac I ty. tYP.'~et 1 tet I ~' l~p'tðY¡lÍIentt /"'" HI noted' :'tJiat' a:·~.~·mé,ñt.
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,tóf,1C:01den ·Cat. Shd." has ·been ..lev. led and 'money will be! used next yea
(;:~·~~).ëôáap1etl·the uqment of Golden :Cau 'Blvd :to EverC¡lad·... B1ý~.H~··i:~(.~
iÇ:,:.".tated that these type of improvement. faU int:o the same cateqory'u¡¡,.;í
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.....ì.. .ic¡n.1 improvementl which are nud. that: are ut ..Ide for eech yeer;:r,1..¡\
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~'::"''¡'; Commissioner Holland quutloned if there 11 a fund for theCo1ðen,'!,
~. Gate roads and what it amounts to? . ,,(,,·',.6t~qi¡
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;¡'~I'''' Mr. Archibald Indicated that in the GAC account which is Fund 606,.·;,
' there is approximately $1 million which 11 ut aside for the prIncIple ,)
- :', '" .-~, ' ''',
in the fund, and interest Is being earned on the principle and the
Interest is what is programmed each year. He noted that the interest ,
is being used only for the purpose of upgrading limerock roads to paved
roads and that addresses primarily the local road system. He noted"
that part of the improvements are undertaken by that special fund,
adding that some of the collector roads, especially some of the major
collector roads which people throughout the County use, are undertaken
by a capital fund. He noted that in the next year there is
approximately $100,000 earmarked for interest from the GAC account and
that $100,000 will be used to expand the local road system in order to
keep up with growth in Golden Gate Estates.
Clerk Reagan questioned if any consideration has been given toward
the capacity of bonding for the 2 cent tax?
Mr. Archibald stated that he has looked at bonding, adding that
the expense of bonding that small amount of money over a relatively
short period of time would be fairly large. He stated that he is
looking toward the idea of trying to have projects that can be cash
flowed, projects and revenues coming in that can meet the continuing
needs. He stated that if the County did get behind, the option of
bonding is one that is viable.
Clerk Reagan stated that the amount of money that the 2 cents
could bring in, should support around a $11 million issue. He stated
that there are new options for County gov~rnments that have been made
available in the last few years. He noted that there will be no
closing costs that are rated around 5-1/21, adding that the Counties
and Cities around the state join in together and It is a short-term
funding of les. than ten years. He stated that It is very attractive
and gives a lot of money up front. He stated that this i. an option to
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"'Sth. ,~óunt'f thàt. 1. rather new. :':'" ';.'r','__:~i:,r:
':·."":.);,~~:,:.\',,:M'\::' Archibald stat.d that.. thl.i. being ,consld.red to uve, ";,~-;;;
f'themaelv.. on a couple of lar9.job.~ 'aðdin9 that line. IIO.t of/the
:,~'t·Ò~;t:i:.~wÙl·b'. ~ash flowed, th.n w1l1be, ~ time when a larg~'\:':;j:/~
'-"~,"f"'4 ;-;~ '-' ,.,,:,., ,., . ", ~. , .';', "II: H,r';;::~
;~';;:oòntract';"111 have to be let anð then wU1 not be, cash re~dUY;t, ,';,"':,'r
~"". 0' 1!~ ',.'. ' . " I ". , ," Ii, , 'f! -t,.,
: "~. á'vaUable'and that would b. a good U. to consider that opt!on~~/," .i~
;,':;' Clerk Reagan stated that the County could also review the 1th centi
~~ _ ·~r~
::~" tax,' addin9 that the 9th cent was used a few years a90 for a $6mlllióÍí
'. '¡..~,
effort and part of the 7th c.nt was used to secure It for one and a '':~.\,
".',,- .
halftimes its coverag.. He stated that the revenues for the 9th cent":';.,
have come in well above the projections for the Department of::;:~¡
Transportation by $100,000 for this year, adding that the 7th cent
.ecurity may be able to be r.lieved which would give additional option.
. , '" t~';j ;;';'~, I
1 f a larger project was needed. He stated that thø determination 11 "';, ,:\~:'f~~~,; "
wheth.r the County wants to spend the interest lIIoney for the projects <.
Immediately or whether it should be spread out for a period of time.'
Commissioner Voss stated that if there is a large project, from a
cash flow standpoint, bonds almost have to be sold to finance it
because the contractor c~nnot be paid off over a period of ten years.
Mr. Cliff Barksdale stated that with the current cash position in
the road fund and the project program over the next five years, he doe.
not see a great urgency to act this year to implement an impact fee
.ince funds are available based on the cash flow projection for almost
the next three years. He stated that the County should wait to see <
what 1s going to happen during the next year with the 2 cent additional
gas tax and how much it will qenerate. He noted that there are other
sources of revenue like bondinq and tolls which is definitely a user
oriented fee. He stated that he would like the County to wait another
year to see what the exact road needs are, adding that this should all
be based on reasoning and facts and not on a philosophy that growth
should pay for growth.
Commissioner Pistor stated that he would like to know the
justification for putting all the gas tax money into construction and
not any of it into lIIaintenance.
Mr. Barksdale stated that the Infrastructure Committee agreed
unanimously that the road maintenance should be supported by ad va10relll
taxes which lead to the recommendation that the current gas tax being
used for road maintenance be transferred over to road construction. He
stated that everything was based on fairness and equitability and
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· ..intainin9'~th.' ro.d. !I..V.fyb'Ody·.,:re'pon.lblUty. HI Iteted
:th~i.:;ar~···a ,:fót: of pe~Ple·".·ro(J^·d¡:lt~at"'à'~' not" U.. th~ road'b~~fth~;!t,
"'j~hOU1~ pay',to'lMiintaln the.,.ii'thty'der1v. ab.n,Ut from thém~' .""~::~'
;r:.-;~'h~~'~mt'~~io~.r ¡Pi Îto~ .t:~i;;f;'that "the p.opi.·, that' are ,.~.Ing ,íth·.?;~~
~¡(¿l'f'"t..., ," \, ,; Of _ . ~ ,'" I,: " it' ",~ ,..,.,.¡ <", " , ',' ". "":"':'q~t.1
,~~:'.d'·~h,~·~ldh~lsO pay lor m'"I;~t',na~c,~,.~ut In, ,a proportion.at~!~~y.,,~.~';tl'
, /"",.....1. Hr. Sark.da1e stated that he feela that the fairest way',h,to,ha
J·,;:¡:~.V~tybody .hare in maintainln'g 'the'ro.ds th'r~uqh ad valorem ~~xe:s:1>t'~¡~
~~~~'j-".. COlllmiuioner Holland questioned how much lIIaintenance is be1nq .(Jon
1~,t·'.:,":,tÓd.y for substandard roads th.t were built in the put? . ":~.¡f~;
f'i ' . Mr. Sa rksdale stated that there is a lot of maintenance that is,<.:~
,:!::~. .till being done blcauu of substandard roads In the put, addlnq th.t,;"..'.
>gr ,
.:\;. he does not know what percentage, however. He noted that a large
" portion of thia maintenance is a result of old .ubd1vision regulation.':;;~',:~ '., ,
which did not have good specifications for bulldinq the roads. . He ;.," . '~i ,f#<f;1)
noted that a. the roads are upqraded it decrease. the maintenance cost.
He stated that he feels that the four-1aning of Airport Road i.
one-third lwss in maintenance cost now thin it was when Airport Road
was a two-lane road. He noted that the maintenance does not increase
with the number of new miles of roads, addin~ that eventually a. the
road qrows older the maintenance increases but for the fir.t few year.
the lIIaintenance will actually decrease.
Mr. Don Barber stated that the Infrastructure Committee voted
unanimously that road and bridge be an ad valorem issue. He noted that
road and bridqe has always been an ad valorem issue until thl last few
years when the ga. tax became available, at which time road and bridq.
was dropped as a line item in the County budqet. He stated that when
road and bridge maintenance was on an ad valorem basis there was alway.
a shortfall, add1n~ that the overall maintenance is $5-7 million and
the amount that was included in ad valorem was the shortfall. He noted
that the Committee feels that road and bridqe maintenance should be put
back in the budget to pay for lIIaintenance and the qas tax should bo
used for new construction as was intended by the State. He noted thnt
this is a long-range problem and· he would like to suggest that the
Committee be directed to continue the studies of infrastructure in
Collier County.
Commissioner Voss stated that based on $100 a house, an illlpact f..
would be an additional $1.09 a month on a house payment and If the
impact fee was $200 a house, it would mean an increase of $2.18 a month
on .. house payment.
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.~~~ 'j, Au"ust 21 1985
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.~' ," "Mr. Barber stated that it is the concern for proliferation of,
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"IÌi:r··-,.dllpact fe.., that that the," ..em. to be no !!nd. H. .tated that there \,~>,
~'~f·~'...:t"d}1:,$1'200":1"OO per unit fo.r, utilities, ,and n~xt ,it ~I r~a.d~·~,:<:"
~~;",~~~,,!n,parks, and then solid waite. '.,... " , ';;','i::
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:~~t£:~;{?;~:','comlllhdonu"v('u ltated that thiS 'i. a valid point, but there is.,.,
j""~,},, ,no alternative but to charge. ,connection fee for utili tie........,·"
','. , "'.~'
'~,~'-".:,"~ Mr. Tom Shieldl, repruentinq the Builders Auochtion, stat.d;,~¡¡,,~
... ¡ ',' ij", ~,,~
,that there 11 the continuinq impodtion of impact fees on the indu.try!;:';':
< , ;:,;.<J,..';
.s well as the local enconomy and affordable housing. He stated that'" "
the Association endor.e. long-ranqe planni~q and recognizes that there
are needs and they have to have ways to be implemented. He stated that
the tax base in this County has increased over the past 10 year. ~n
average of 7.8' and th~t deletes 1982 whøn there was a methodology
change in a..essment.. He stated that the Count~ has qrown from a 1.7
billion dollar tax base in 1975 to a 7.2 billion dollar tax base In
1985, and last year the tax ba.ed increased 12' which allowed for ..
roll-back millage of .267, adding that if that millage i. applied to'
the current tax base of 7.2 billion, it is almost $2 million. He
stated that over the past 10 years, the growth dollars have been taken
to reduce the tax millage instead of paying for capital needs or
providing for a capital improvement fund, and now the County enjoys the
second to the lowest millage rate in the State of Florida. He stated
that if there was wisdom and courage 10 yðars ago, there could be a
better infrastructure today than there Is. He stated that all the
options that are available to pay for the $3 million shortfall should
be considered. He stated that a 6¢ increase in gas tax would be enough
for the total shortfall or a $16 tag tax would make up the $3 million
shortfall. He noted that the 12,000 mile a year average driver at the
consumption rate of 18 miles per gallon would pay $40.00 a year for a
6¢ gas tax, which is approximately $3.37 a month, a tag tax would be
approximately $1.33 a month and the user is the ~~e that should pay for
It. He stated that these options would have to be approved by the
State Legislature but they should be explored, adding that this should
be done before ad valorem and impact fees are considered to pay for new
roads. Also, other options are special assessments and MSTD's and
currently there is developer contributions. He stat.d that the
Association's position is that there are several funding options that
are considerably more fair, lIIore easily applied and should be fully
explored and exhausted before any impact fees are implemented or ad
am 088' PAí.[ 537
Page 7
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':Va1or.ØI~,tlX" are incru'ed. He stated that a commi tm.nt has to bo
Wi..·.., ,'i' '" -""1N~
, ·..d' to~lnv.it in the future and that.this ila unique opportunity ìo'~~'
· ~·r.pre..nt.Üv~s of ,the major a..ociationa in this County to lIeet wlth,~
1 .' ~ ~~.
g'ov.,rnlllent officials in an atmOIPhere of calm, courtesy, cooperaUon""
"'" ','~ "" 1. ..' "'1 .
. and., ns¡:¡.ct to objectively analyze the capital need. and evaluate the
,','......', - , -" '.
r..ourc.. to meet the needs, and in usinq the principle. or 90ód
t"'é" " , ,
' planning and fair taxation a blueprint could be produced that wi1
;r:,:"enlure that the County will grow and prosper by protectfnc.; and ....,
.,~: enhancinc.; the environment and insuring economic viability in the future
which will benefit all county resident..
Commissioner Voss stat.d that he feels that Mr. ShieldS Is
correct, but it haa been very difficult to get the State L.ql.1ature to
do anything for Collier County. He stated that the ga. tax was
increased to the maximum limit that the County was permitted. He
stated that the Supreme Court decision in the Garcia cale i. going to
cost the taxpayer~ ~b~ut $1 million a year which means ral.ing ad
va10relll'tax.., and if ad Yal~r~m tax.s are increased to build the
roads, there will be no end to raising tax.s. He stated that this
County does have one of the lowest tax rates in the entire state and
the tax.s should havo been raißed long ago to do a lot of things that
were not done, adding that he does not want to havo to increase taxes
all at one time. He stated that the id.a is to do this as economically
a. poss1b¡e.
Mr. Shields stated that throU9hout the Stat. of Florida, th.re are
counties that are suffering from a decade of planning against growth
instead of for it. He stated that he is not advocating an increase, in
ad valorem rates, noting that if the County is committed to user f.es
to pay for the roads, then make that effort and exhaust it. He stated
that through a community-wide effort the l'gislators can be lobbied.
He noted that if the shortfall is going to b. addressed, it should bo
done totally, uniformly and in concert to be sur. that there is not a
problem in the future.
Mr. Ron Bell, representing the Naples Board of Realtors, stated
that they are very supportive of the type of procedures which the
County and staff has initiated, adding that they should be carried
forward. He noted that the Board of Realtors would be willing and
agreeable to work with the County in whatever manner they can in
Tallahas.ee In areas of tag tax.s, additional gas taxes or any other
sources of revenues that can be developed to protect the quality of
Pac.; e 8
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,... August 21, 1985
':.:~f1h'that 11 in Collier County. He indicated that they want to work
,..,t" .', .
~.)- with the County to, achieve this goa1~'
." . Comlli..loner Voss stated that this is an excellent suggestion,,'
¡:~,I,'" '" .
jr·'·!~....· .~din9.. that there has been, sOllie start In gettinq the population '
!!/{::':ttnvolved in some of the decisions, that have had to be made by way of.,
~..:':' . the Infrastructure Comllli ttee. He stated that he hopes this type of
~" effort is continued and maybe there will be a better relationship with
the Le~i.lature in Tallahassee. He stated that the purpose of this
meeting is to decide whether there should be an impAct fee and if the
decision is affirmative, then it has to be decided how much the impact
fee should be. He reported that he does not feel that it should be
delayed or they will be in the same .ituation .s other counties that
have had to play catch up.
Mr. Dudley Goodlett., representing the Naples Area Chamber of
Commerce, read a letter from the Chamber which indicated their
positron. He n(ted that the position is that the Naples Area Chamber
of Commerce has reviewed the proposed ordinance relating to road impact
fees and, further, has noted the inclusion of road impact fees as a
revenue source in the proposed 1985-86 County budget. He noted that
the Naples Area Chamber of Commerce maintains an avid interest in
current planning for the capital improvement needs for Collier County
through the end of this decade. He stated that the Naples Area Chamber
of Commerce is unable to adequately address the capital funding source.
question until all of the County's capital improvement requirements are
identified, therefore, the following recommendations emanate from the
Chamber's special committee and its Board of Directorsl -Naples Area
Chamber of Commerce recommends the immediate formation of a new
Infrastructure Committee who should be charged with the responsibility
of reporting to the County on the anticipated capital funding needs in
the areas of Parks and Recreation, Utilities, Solid Waste, and th~ road
impact fee that is now being considered. The composition of the pr~-
posed Committee should include high caliber business and professional
persons who have a knowledge and understanding of,the subject lIIatter
study. To assist the Infrastructure Committee, the staff should be
directed to develop a capital improvement needs projection and the
proposed methods of funding including but not limited to ad valorem
taxation, local option taxation, and the utilization of impact fees.
The Infrastructure Committee should certify its recommendations to the
Board of C~unty Commissioners not later than May 1, 1986, so that the
.. ..;'~,:':;;~~'
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am 08B PAGE 539
paqe 9
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.' ~J~..O~~_'~c~4P: .' .. . '. ."'AU<." 21,. 1985 ,"
-~·~f~~còM.!I'éndation. ,of the' Infr..tructur~CoØlmi tt.. can be t.,e1ud.d !nth.,:' ".
':'~:~Þi~pO.,cS èountybÚtig.t forU86';87~~~''J'ÌÎ'' aoard of County Commi.à!o'n'.U~,
~:.h0Í11cS· i~nì.diat·.lY eoorcl1nate with Collier County's 1egh1at1vei;:;;~"{H(
·")Í"'p~".nta't1v.. ,to ,identify alternative capital fundinq ,sourc....t~r,ouii
'_~:' "<~ ..."'. ",.__-,1-''-''~'" ",," ~, . '., ".' '., ,,~;\, ,"'<;'
+,l.~ca1 option 'tuation., Proj.et~.v.nu. from the road impact f~~ -.hou~.
"'," ',' ,,~' tl.¡" . , ~, " ~,
. ';;,b. excluded from the propolld ,1985-:86 County budg.t in so fat u,fit' C'"
~"""" , C',
;'~'.th.,Naples Are. Chamber's understanding ,that the fifth and sixth cent:
··".::'~t,oPtional 9u tax is earmarkeCl for new road construction and that;::,;'~'"
revenue source is sufficient to llleet the County's capital road, ,::;;..~~,
. improvement requirements for 1985-86 fhcal year. Naples Area Chamb.r'~::;~;.ti~..'~~
would like to congratulate the Board of County Commissioners for ", }";..~i%i::~
oppolntln. ond ,ocolvlng tho report of tho rood Inf,..t,.ct.re",v"DrY'·~.':·.'.:~..~:..·,~.
Committ.e. The report of that committee provides an excellent starting t ';,:"",,'.,
point for analyzing the capital improvement needs for Collier County ':' !~~j
through the .nd of this decade. The Naples Area Chamber would join the. . }I'.';,;,~
road infrastructure advisory committe. in urging the Board of County
Comllllssioners ~o ascert itself immediately to recognize the need for an
overall capital Improvement budget and revenue source funding program.
The Board of the Naples Area Chamber of Commerce is anxious to assist.
the Board of County Commissioners in effectuating the recommendations
provided for in the position paper.- He stated that he hopes that the
position of the Chamber will be accepted in the spirit in which It is
Commissioner Voss stated that he concurs with what has been said,
but this year's budget worries him, adding that if there is not an
impact fee for roads specifically it means that ad valor.m taxes are
going to have to go up this year because the County cannot walt another
year without doing something.
Transportation Director Archibald stated that he is in full
agreement with Commissioner Voss. He stated that looking ahead a
couple of years, funds need to start accumulating now to meet the
future needs.
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Commissioner '~ss stated that it is either ad valorem taxes or an
impact fee, at this point, to take care of the needs.
Commissioner Holland questioned, with ref.rence to this year's
budget, is there enough money to do what is projected for the year?
Hr. Archibald indicated that based upon the five yaar work plan
that was approved in January of this year, half of the commitments are
funded. He stated that the shortfalls that are goinq to be affectinq
Page 10
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' · " . ;.'....~:' Auqu.t 21, 1985 "~iJ
¡\'\ ··~·t. the County ",U1notll!ltct!th,.p,roj.ct. that are currently underway¡r+,',<'",
t·?i::adÚni¡:t~if: ,it' Vil1eÚ~~t:'t.rtin~ n.w project. at the 'end of 19~6'~:,~¿~~~:,
~1;1Ì~'A~'~.d :'th~,t..r.;'111 b. .<..0",.11 In con"ruction' ',~ ... '''~~:~,t~....,
!!t«~~'19Utbut the .o~ner, the lund. are coll.cted to make up the .hott~aU:~,('
" ~-th~'.ë:i~n~~"th.'need. willi be lIet. He'stat.d that' $70 mUUòn'f.,~'n·f.;n '
':" .',,~, '. . .,' '. .' . . "'.' ". ,." ).';' ·N¡;'""rq!"...,.
~'··',i,".'i,·~v.r'. P~l'iOd ot'10 y.ln'lnd'riqht now it the County .p.nd~th'~I)~.t'
~:,~~,th.t 11 earmarked for rOld Cl)nltruction which h $4 11111110n A y..t.~~~,~:,:
(,,~ ''', the next five yun, the County will have spent $20 mill10n of the $,70
1''' ,." " ,,' ".,f
v -.11110n In the newt flv. yearl. H. noted that the five 'year. fÒ1lòwlnq
1-... ".j.
that, theu will b. $50 million worth of work that will remain tQ' be
done and the shortfall or annual n.ed then, will b. $10 million p.r ~
y.ar. He noted that each time the rev.nue needs are delayed, ~hey w1l1
go up hiqher on a yearly basis. Mr. Archibald stated that the existinq
five yur wo rk plan has been followed for a nl.l'nber of yurs which 1'.'
the basis for the needs and In addition to the five year work plan, th.'
MPO authorized a study of development in the County over the next ten
y~ars.to be undertaken, which identified needs not only based upon,
growth but upon traffic circulation patterns. He stated that a lot of
factors were taken into consideration, adding that he was very pleased
to see that this study included all the programs that are in the
County's five year work program.
Mr. Jeff Perry, MPO Director, stated that as 4 basis for
projecting the 1995 growth, the County is expected to increase
approximately 46,000 dwelling units by 1995, adding that this
represents about a 68' increase in housing units and a corresponding
population growth of about 74,000. He stated that with that traffic
generated by that growth added to the current traffic, it will cause
the need for the $70 million as a bare minimum for10cal commitments
for the roadways. He noted that in 1995, there is an additional $30-60
million in highwdY needs at the Federal and state levels. He stated
that the growth that will be seen over the next 10 years will place a
significant impact on thv existing roadways, adding that those roadways
that are now operating quite ~ll will have to be upgraded and new
roadways with significant increases in cost will have to be
Commissioner Pistor stated that the study indicates that a lot of
the roadways are already overburdened and need attention as soon as
possi ble.
Mr. Perry stated that there are a lot of roadways that the MPO
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aODK 088 PACE 541
Page 11
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,:> /r'Port'"incHcafed u top pdo'rity, IÌdding that 10m. au
(1 .. " ,~'1'; ..... ' ';~" 'J, . .'~¡¡ol'
éou!tlll.nta, ..0111. w1l1 opuat.!IIIOrf".ffiChntly if the
bulÚ>'and lome ne" roadwaYlwl1Ï reliev. existing roadway. of sOllie 0 .'
I; .; 'i"" ~ '.~ ",' ' . , ',' ':' ;- "'~jfI., "
!the,traffic which meanl, that they lII.y not have to b. expanded a.,sobn
¡"¡"J -." " , 'i'
;~H..,. atatid, that many of th.to.dway. that the County 11 lIIo~incf':for~a~~d;~~
~wlth have be.n id.ntifi.d by the 1995 plan a. b.inq of atop prlorlty.~~
~~!ft,,;;:H! Itat.d that ifan,impact"fe.hadb.eri implemented 1a.~ Y'~~'i:.,.:~~ft.
:II~,~~, accorcHnq to the propo..d ordinance on lingle family hom.., , "/ i':. ,
h~~i\/ lIIult1-fallllly hom.. and com~erc1a1, the County would have r.ceived '.;"{F~~
' 'approximately $3.9 million by this yur, adding that if the fee that'·,,;),
the Infra.tructure Committe. r.comm.nded was used, the County would
.-;. .-~,..
have r.ceiv.d $2.5 million. ~~ .tated that it is tho.e do11arl that'
are needed when a .hortfall occur., and if the County waits anoth.r'
year and there is a .hortfa11 at the .nd, of 1986, there is ~o way of
making it up frolll impact f..s t.hat were not collected.
Mr. Shields que.tioned why there 11 a blg urg.ncy for thls $1
million when the actual shortfall i. going to b. $3 lIIi1lion and not.d
that if the money is n..ded, it would not be received out of an impact
fee this year anyway. H. stated that the real problem is total capital
,xpenditures and If a million d~llar. i. really needed this year, it i.
going t~ have to be recelv.d frolll something oth.r than impact fees.
Mr. Archibald stated that the preml.e is that a fee b. illlp1elllenteð
and the money be collected which is going to take a year to cash flow.
project, adding that the n&eds will be there in another year. H. noted
that the other $2 million that i. needed will be subsidized a. a r..ult
of a....sn.nt projects and d.veloper contribution. which would total $1
million a year and the last $1 million that i. n.eded can be obtained
from additional gas tax if it becomes available, or a possible tag fee,
or sale. tax and other alternate revenue sources.
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Commissioner Pistor stated that the L&gislatur. passed some type
of legislation .aying that Counties cannot put in the ad valorem tax an
Item de.ignated as road and brldge.
Mr. Arthur Davi. stated that there i. not a problem for the n.xt
three years on existing roads and the new roads to be built, adding
that everyone i. worried about the future and beyond. He stated that
the u..r taxes are a fair way to pay for n.w roads like the gas tax,
and the Legislatur. is willing to help Counties with long-rang. capital
needs projects to set up local option us.r taxes Ilk. they did with the
'·qa. tax and this coming year there should b. additional help frolll the
. "it
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J~,,:.;Leg18,lature. Øe .tated that there 18 Plenty, of room, to rai.. proper:t :<:> ~
},¡:-:ax',..!:r road",lIIlintenance. He noted that the younq. peuon cannot ".':r~~:"~~.,
...~/jff.~r~.nother, {!"Pact fu, addinq that there 18 already an impact tee p~~,
~,~..... . '.. <1;" '., ' . ","#<!':' ,
,~~"::~on water and uwer. He stated that with another impact he that youncj~"
;~:0,': 'perìön~ Would be paying abl)ut 5\ of h18 rent for hf.lusing-type iIllPacti~;/{~~i:
~~:, h... ':Ha noted that an impact he will be' expensive to manaqa as it ,~"}:~~~
i!¢' " has to be earmarked in certain 'd18trlcts and can only be .pent in tho..'. .Jt~~~
Ia:~,' , ~ ,_ _,"'t", :'
" districts, adding that there is no need to rush into an impact fee., He >.',,~.¡~,~:
concluded by stating that the Cöunty shf.luld wait to .u if the 'i:':'!"~~'~
L.gislature can h.lp within the next y.ar inst.ad of unfairly taxing ·;:f.B1~
, ",.,:~
the young p.ople for roads that everYQn. will benefit from. "'I,¡\'Iit
Commissioner Voss stated that if an impact fee is not put on this ,,;';.~~
year, whatev.r 18 done next year will have to be doubled. :.i'1~~'6;
,:¡" ~,
Commission.r Goodnight stated that regardle~s of what i. being ~,
talked about, whether it is impact fees, sales taxe., u.er fee., ad
valorem taxes, or special taxing diatricts, it is all the .am. thing,
taxation. She noted that everybody wants somebody .1.. to pay. She
stated that the Infrastructure Committee did a good job with their
report. She indicated that the Commission is going to start lobbying
in Tallaha.... for what th.y want. She not.d that she has several
problems with the impact fee study that was don. with regards to areas
that are excluded and included within district boundaries, adding that
she thinks that other ways of collecting should be looked into before
an Impact fe. is instituted. She stated that if the impact fe. is
Instituted it should be County-uide and s¡'ou1d be set up in two
different districts with two different fees and she would be in favor
of an impact f.. if ev.ryone in the County was going to b.nefit from it
and it was the only thing that could be done. She stated that she felt
the Challlber had a very goo~ idea about holding off for a year and that
the lIIon.y that is needed could be obtained from ad valorem taxes for
this year.
Mr. Perry stated that the original impact fee ordinance and the
study was County-wide and included eleven earmarking districts where
the funds would be collected and used in those di.tricts. He noted
that the 1995 needs study shows only the urban area which is where the
confusion lie., adding that the original impact ordinance covers all
the county, including the City of Naples, Immokalee, and Golden Gate
Commissioner Holland
questioned If Mr. Perry felt that Collier
aOOK 088 PACt 543'
Page 13
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their fair 'ilha'U:/of :st:i't;e'road. a..f.t.na.~,'t'~'th¡:
....... ......., . '!"''J~ -,.," . .' ""'~"i <- ,', ,,' ':,: ";"'''', ",:,"'\!f;."~
. \ pilt'¡UŸit'ýuu, to which Mr'e,'P.rtY'1ndicatec2 ,that'U'I-75 ta'.'fnc1ücf
:",..t};~"~·1.-,;,,\t..·'í'··¡;'~"'(!'~ .....,- .'., "'~" .," ',', "., ,'" ,",:"""I'~
. ¡ ¡tþ,env:,~h. county:wuld have received their fair Ihare but without.I-?,
.' ~ç{.I(,""'Q!~",' , .- . "'" .- ':~~,(11:'
, ~:.l~.'~.~,~"hu not. bun a I1qniUcant amount of dollar. cominq ,i,nto" th.!~.;,:
.. '~ . ~,1 county., ,\",:,,1
~;. , , . ~ Mr. Perry stated that some of the problems of obtaininq th~ fafr1';
:i1" ..~hare of the 9's taxes tha; le.ve the County involve the way, the lIon.y,,~
,~~:;.,'i' apportioned to the Districts, adding that because this urban,ar"/~II< '
,~~;,': a amall urban area the district holds the money and determines what :;<~.~::!I;¡;;f"'!
to, money come. into Collier County" urb.n area. He noted that the lar9.r"¡;:~',~
' "'<I
urban aren qet attribut.ble funds directly to the MPO'. from the ~",.¡,,'¡;ít:;'ì~~;
','.. .~
federal hi9hway system that are used on their roadways .. the MPO'. .e'I",,;;
f1 t. He .tated that Collier County will. not enjoy that lux~ry until "..."4fLi
they get to a population of 200,000. He stated th.t as long as Collier ',i"ilIJ
County is in direct competition with other urban areas for ' ,tí:~
discretionary distr ict funds, then the MPO, the County Commission, and :,~~.~
the City Council have to fight for those state dollars. He stated that ~.~
these state dollars are allocated by the State Legislature, adding that "~jii\
there iß a formula a~ to how much lIIoney comes to the District and thenf~
the District, b.sed upon their discretion, distributes to the .~~
ind i vi dual urb.n are... j;~~'
Commissioner Pi stor said that before the g.s tax was paned, he <J:
.tated that in order to cover all the needs the ad valorem taxes may
have to be raised this year 28\, but with the passage of th~ gas tax,
the ad valorem taxes would only have to be raised .bout 23'. He stated
that ~s far as the County roads are concerned, there are a lot of
people that feel they should not have to pay for the roads County-wide.
He stated that this year' the County may receive 3/4 of a million
.do11ars in Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, but not next year, therefore,
next ye.r the County will be looking for additional money to cover
th.t. He noted that the t.xes are going to have to be raised this year
which Is . concern to 109,000 people.
Commissioner Voss stated that due to the Fair Labor Standards Act,
the County is going to have to pay an .dditional $1 million for the
Sheriff's Dep.rtment in overtime. He indicated that there are laws
that have to be abided by and in order to do that, the taxes will have
to be raised.
Commissioner Hasse commended the speakers on their Ideas and
opinions. He st.ted that e.ch day that these projects are put off the
. '
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'""ê~·~t)¡~e.¡ úp' ancS"it ·c~at'.,th. taxpayeu more lIIon.y,addin9 that it,i.,~d~~
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'~, ~,.,:.,:~,:,,~}.~..t?~d·O,So,",thin9. H~ not.d that enough studi.. have been don, e:,an.,d,
~{:'heh' rudyto move forward. , ",(t"!"
~~t"f;'::"" "~01ll1ll1lsion.r Vo.. statecS that "'hil. no action can b. taken· thb,;~<:-
~~;"i date, the Commhsion need. to indicate to) the Staff whether some type"
r1.:,." 'of impact tee should be includ.d within the budget.
11" -t'... . .' -,'¡,t
,~" COlllmha1oner Holl.nd stated th.t he do.. not undeutand what thili '.,
1:", has to do wi th the comin9 yur budget, a. there 18 enough money in the
budget for the oper.tions and plans to be c.rried out as capital
improvelllent 1. needed. He stated that as far as .n increase in tax..,
most of the pUblic i. aware that the Stat. has forced. c.p on the
amount of incr..s. that the Commission could plaae on the taxpayer. of
the C~unty, .dding that this is the first year that the Commission has
~ot b.en faced with that c.p in sev.ral years. He stated that h. do.s
not t.el that penQlo are sympathetic with the fact that the County ia
901ng to hav~ to pay time and a half as most business people have b.en
doing that for years. He noted that nobody knows at this point how
much the taxes will increase. He stated that he would like to se. more
information as to what the fairness is for a fee and how it would be
sp:ead over residential and commercial.
Commissioner Voss stated that for the next two or three years road
construction can be funded with the funds that are now available, but,
he cannot wait until the third year to start ftccumulating money to
spend in the fourth year, adding that he has to start accumulating the
money now.
Commissioner Holland stated that if the impact fee were to be
adopted in May of next year, it éould be collected the following month
and by that time, the Committee would have had the time to do what is
n.cessary and the f.e could be implemented at that time and become
effective illlm.diately.
Comlllissioner Voss stated that money need. to b. accumulated one
way or the other, or there will not be any road construction four
y.ars frolll now. Commissioner Voss stated that there 1s nothing fair
about taxes and a decision needs to be made on whether there should be
an Il11pact fee or not and if so, how much. .
Commissioner Pistor stated that h. would like to se. Staff cOllie
back with some sort of a fee schedule and also include lIIobile hOllies and
RV camps and then a decision could be mad. if it is det.rlllined that
impact fees are equitable and necessary and could bø implemented
, !.,
IDDK 08'8 PAct 545
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:~~tÎ.' are belnqc:ona1ð.red, the
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~,:,.of the property.
'\¡' r.~~ Còunty At torn.y Sa under. atat.d that the impact f.. hu to be ,
;¡~:"/:::'b~"d on the traftic: that is gen.rated by the different type of "
iìa'.' Ii
,~y.;',' con.t.ruction and using an u.....d value could not r.fhct traffic
,~;;r:' g.neration. He stated that square footage would create a problem wh.n
. ".
f¡; dealing with single family and multi family residential, adding that
· ,,~¡, when d.aling with commercial th.re 18 some relationship between square
., footage -'ind traffic generation. He .tated that the way the fee. were
set up in the proposed ordinance, fees were established that would b.
the maximum fee. that could be charged based on the traffic qaneration
and the cost of construction in the County.
Mr. Tom Shi~lds stated that tha questions that were asked of the
County Attorney demonstrates the fact that there is a lot of confusiQn
a. to what is fair in the way of an impact fee, adding that there i. no
way that an impact fee can be fair if $1 million is needed. He stated
that an asserted effort needs to be made to identify the needs and
address the total shortfall together. He stated that there are
responsible groups present that indicate a willingne.. to participate.
Comlllissioner Voss stated that he would like to suggest that the
Staff bring to the Commission an impact fee ordinance so that a deci-
sion can be made, adding that if impact fees are not enacted this year
ad valorem taxes will have to be raised correspondingly this year. '
Commissioner Hasse stated that he would like to recommend that
another Infrastructure Committe. be formed with bu~iness people from
the Chamber of Commerce, organizations within the County, and indivi-
duals. He stated that this would give it a broader base.
Comlllissioner Voss stated that th~re is an Infrastructure Committee
that has worked long and hard and came in with a recommendation. He
stated that this committee had representation from the public in
general and, therefore, he thinks that the ordinance should come before
the Board for them to make a decision.
Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that If the ordinance i.
to come back to the Bee it needs to com. back with a f.. schedule or a
.erl.s of fee schedules, adding that Staff needs direction. He stated
that there is a means and method to accomplish any problem, adding that
the method {s qoing to be an impact fee ordinance and the lIIeans 1s to
. . ~;" <~;ç~
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that whUe d1fferent lev.lI of iIlPact~:;':'~~~;
staff could look at the a......d value }',t'.~'
AU9USt' 21, 1985
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