BCC Minutes 08/22/1985 B
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'be.îí';Øi.ated..,acC9r4inêltð'~lå~ï.ñ4:havin9· cònduct.ed 'b\1lin...."b'.~t .
.. ~~t.hl.:d.t., at".oo,A~M.·rin:':btì.t trOttibop,....iODin 11\1U4!~~~
I, :' ';, h. 'Co\1r'~hou.. ; ·co.pln,· ..t ..,l.'.ì·'Ploriða;' with the < fOÌ1Òwiftg
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~;;Òó/:. . CHAIRMAN. Preðerick J. VO.IÌ;i;[~¡
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Max A. H.... "'".~('''''
C. C. -"d- Rolland, ..':~:'
Ann. Goodnight ,,:.·..¡~i,\"
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ALSO PRESENT. "Uihll J. ..agan, Clerk, Maure.n ~.nyon; oeputy ""
Clerk, Donald B. Lu.k, County Manac¡er, N.il Dorrill~ Auhtant County>';:,
. . .~
Manaq.rr P!ill Brangacc!o, Deputy A..htant County Manager, Lori lalka, .;':'~
Budq.t Dir~ctor, Don Norton, Public S.rvic.. Adainhtrator, lurt¡"··'{~;~~.
Saund.r., County Attorn.y, Toa Kuck. Public Work. Adaini.trator,
Archibald, Tran.portation Director, John Boldt, Water. Manaq...nt
Dir.ctor, Ouy Carlton, Tax Coll.ctor, Sheriff Aubrey Roqer., Don
Hunter, Deputy Chi.f of Admini.tration and Bu.in..., and Vicki.
Mullin.. Com.unity Ðevelop..nt Adlliniatrator.
9100 A.M.
Clerk of Court..
Con.titutional Officer.
10100 A.M.
znt.rpri.. . Internal Service
a. Data proc...inq
Public 'Wor1c8
General Fund
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'-"\1;.0': .
Special "v.nue Fund.
a. Road Di.trict.
b. "at.r Manag...nt
c. MST Gen.ral Fund
ð. MST Road . 81' idq.
e. I.prov..ent Di.trict.
f. Lighting Di.trict.
Znterpri.e . Internal Service.
a. Solid Wact.
am 088 PAGt 5'48
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11.30 A'.M.
2.00 P.M.
2130 P.M.
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AugUlt 22; 1985
)1 of' -~;.
b. Internal .ervice Pun4
Pleet Manag...nt/Motor Pool
Oth.r County punð.
a. TrultA Agency Pund.
b. Special Aa......nt PUnd.
Tal: CoU.ctor,
Con.titutional Officer.
Sheriff'. Depart.ent
H.licopter Operation.
Co..unity Development
Health Depart.ent
An!.al Control
F.deral Revenue Sharing
Ad Valor.. Tax..
DI8CVS8IOIr or CLKJtJt or COOltft IUDaft
Clerk Reagan .tated that by Statute the Cl.rk'. offic. i. r.quir.ð
to file it. budg.t in two part., one that regulate. the court. along
with the land record./recording divi.ion and the .econð part relat.. to
the Oounty Trea.ur.r, Comptroller, Auditor and any other function. that
relate to the Board'. office. He .tated that he haa four funð. thAt
directly impact the general fund which i. what the BeC i. probably aoat
conc.rn~d about. He noted that la.t year'. increa.e wa. 5.5\ and; over
the pa.t four year., the Clerk'. office ha. affected the general fund
le.. than 18' in that tim. period. He .tat.d that if there wa. a
co.pari.on mad. of all other county agenci.. and criminal ju.tic.
agenci.., it would .how, that the Clerk'. office ha. had one of the
lowe.t incr.a.... H~ noted that the Budget Director ha. r.co..ended a
cut of $77,000 from hi. bUdg.t, adding that thi. cut will not make or
br.ak the Clerk'. offic. but it will aake it difficult and unpl.a.ant
and will be unfair. Ha .tatad that the bigge.t amount that i. being
r.commended to be cut i. $31,701. He .tateð that the Buðget Director
i. que.tioning why hi. ..ployee. are r.ceiving 2' more than everybody
.1..·. 5\, adding that about 1-1/2 year. a90 the County went through an
evaluation cla..ification change and the Board increa.ed their range..
R. .tated that la.t year the Sup.rvi.or of Election. incr.a..ð her
range. and this year Sam Colding and Guy Carlton increa.ed th.ir range.
and Mr. Co1ding·. budget ha. already been approved. Re not.d that he
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'r..i.~ . Augu.t 22, 1985
~'l:~ '} had Mr. Cody 40 an evaluation for hi. in March becauae he lOlt .o.e
If;'7~.e.'plOye.. becau.. he was not paying th.. the ltandar" rate. Øe '; "':;~~';':i'\ "
,~.:~ '>'" in"icat~ that Mr. Cody infoned hia to buUd in .n abov. an" beyon" .': :":.:t,., .
~4.,::\. the noraal rab.., adding that he felt that he would not incn... the .':" .¿,~~~
J:,;'::;: budget that .uch ao h. increned it 2\ to keep the budget low. Øe , '.;i:;;~~r
. :.,;
.tated that after the Itudy waa done, there were more than 30 ..ploy...
that were paid below the .ini.u. rat. compared to all other agencie.,
including the City of Haple. and other lurrounding countie.. Øe
reported that if he were to uae Cody'. report to the .aximu. he would
have needed an additional $20,000 over and above the $31,701 that i.
being requeated. He atat~d that Whatever the Board doea with their
employee a affecta hi. and vice ver.a. He atated that he ha. reduced
the $31,701 down to $20,500 which i. a .light inorea.e over the fiv.
percent to bring people up to the .ini.um claaaification for the job.
that they are doing. He Itated that Cody haa ind\cated that they there
'ia .till going to be a ahortfall, adding that he haa to .a~e a deciaion
on what the job ia worth to hi. and not worry about what eyeryone elae
ia paying in the ~arket. He noted that thia would reduce hia budget by
$11,201. He noted that the question that the Budget Director alked wa.
why there ia not additional cuts in the Fiacal Office from a budget
Itandpoint? He noted that during Nove.ber he atated that he would
ahare hia ataff with the Manager if they were needed and he would alao
do all the auto.ating and the printing and binding. He atated that
there ia an error in the budget under the Fiacal Office~ indicating
that there are 8 positions Ihown but one of thole positiona waa cut.
ne Itated that there are 7 positionl under the Filcal Officer. He
atated that the Budget Director il reco..ending a cut in printing and
binding of $1,000 and copying chargea of $4,500, adding that thia waa
ai.ply put in the budget becau.. he waa not aure if the Budget Office
wa. going to need aaaiatance ~ith the copying, printing, and binding.
Øe indieate4 that thia ia another $5~500 reduction. Øe noted that the
budget po.ition that ia not being filled waa filled thia preaent fi.cal '
year in the .ail roo., adding that there ia one full ti.e per.on in the
..il roo. and the pic~up, delivery, billing, and pac~a9ing cannot be
provided with one perlon for the entire complex. He atated that if the
..ilroo. polition ia not on the priority liat it can be taken out;
adding that 52' of the aail co.ea through the Clerk'. office and he ha.
a tea. that copiea the checkl becaule a lot of .oney ~.ea through the
.ai1 and that il an internal control force, adding that if there i. Dot
&OOK 088 pm 550
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"",·,·:~"..\·i.ft".fUci.nt' aaUrooa operation, th. .ono'; oncS. up dtUng tb.n' an"
"'~?þ,('lnt:~r..t: blo.t. ø. luted 'tbat tM. Ie a total reðucUon U6,701:anð"'"
.:;- ", ~l. ,"Oil , . , .j',. ..,'
l""1,reduc.. hie o.,.nll 1tuðgotincn... of 5,5\ to 4.8., H. note"that'~t1i",
""r'j'r ' ,," 'Î
f '·~hd9.t ,Officer hu reeo...nd.d that .,.cial auðiUng of fIO,OOO'be {~:">f
,.,,:.~:·?,)edUCed becau.. it hu Dot be.n u.ed tM. yoar or tb. pr.viou. y.':r~;"':' ::~;
:.~...:;;:;~,;.whiCh 18 truo" H. .tated tbat tb. internal .uðiUng function ha., gO~!:.i.:,J~
i~~,' a. ,high a. $85,000 in on. fhcal y..r, .ðding that h. n..ð. the .onOY'/1\'
~;u>v in thoro becau.. wb.n it 18 n..d.d it 11 not t.h. th. to co.. to th. ' ·.'ï:;r;r~ì
r~~'.:. Board and uk for it and, unfortunately, it ..y b. .o..tbing th.t','?d4~.
:~",;/"'" directly hp.ct. tho Board. H. indicate" tb.t b. n..c!l tb.t $10,000 to '<:~f~;:;:"
,f:" podor. an .udit or function tbat b. b.. to do, anð if tb. IIOn.y h not ,~·,~/~t
u.ed, it goo. back into tho Gon.ral Fund. Ref.rring to otb.r con- ::;:,~f~~
tr.ctual ..rvic.. of $15,000, h. .aid that will be u..d for n,w1it
bardwar. and .oftwar. plu. IIOr. for tho Board Minut.. and Record. ,~:.'¡'
Departm.nt. He .tat.d th.t anoth.r .y.t.. .ay b. abl. to b. l....ð, >'^"".
bat tho l.a.. Of) tho pre..nt .y.t.. .xpir.. in Nov..ber. ,"'I
ludg.t Director Zalka .tated that b..id.. tho $15,000 in
contr.ctual ..rvic.., there i. al.o $25,000 in tho budget for Data
proc...ing .quip..nt.
Clerk Reagan .tated that thi. .y.t.. i. going to ta~. '15,000 plu.
what.v.r tho 1.... payaent. w.r. which a.aunt. to $20-25,000. Re
.tated that h. bope. to purch..e n.w equi~.nt, .dding that the $15,000
i. to contr.ct with .o.eon. to provide tho n.ce..ary indexe. and tb.
.oftwar. th.t h. n.ed. to run witb tho h.rdwar. that b. i. going to buy
with the $25,000. R. .tat.ed that pr..ently there i. on. CPU, thr..
print.r., and five t.r.inal. t.hat will bo r.placed. H. .tat.d that the
&udg.t Dir.ctor ha. .ugge.ted that the other contractu.l ..rvic.. i~
County Court be cut, .dding that thi. i. hi. microfil. budget for
County Court. H. .tat.d that the mOI,ey wa. not .pent l..t year, but it
i. going to bo .pent thi. year. H. noted that he prepar.d a three year
capit.l improve..nt budg.t that i. not co.pl.t. at thi. ti.., but it i.
an ..ti.at.. H. .tated that all the record. .r. going to be co.bin.d
into on. CPU unit which will cre.t. a total offic. auto..tion. Re
noted that within anoth.r month or two .0.. of tho old equipm.nt will
bo .old. ø. noted th.t h. doe. not r..lly hay. a dollar .ign a. to
what i. n..d.d out of the capital i.prov...nt budg.t. thi. year, .dding
tbat . lot. of tho it... that ha.e a .t.r b..ide tb.. .how th.t th.y
have bo.n budg.ted in tbi. budg.t.
Cl.rk Reag.n noted that tho 18fi.latur. put out a n.w bill tbi.
Pag. 4
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year caUedSou.ea111 1023 which ..end. the law that eay. bed"e .~th.'
.tãte~Ãt~örn,.Y"ancfPubl1c Ð.f~nd4t~ a'íï"'~;ing'fo~,:"the.l~~r~ry,'~ t!t~,;;'~/~
,~àâiit04tãÜ:triñ.pÓrhtión, 'an" propu"an4' .fU~ient, .paé:., the' 'cOdnty,
.~ n'ÓtÌh~.' io^ pay tor '.11 their pre-trial conaultatio~ f~e.~ potent,i~l""
witn..... before trial; connection with, out-of-.tate jurhicHction';:f ,,;
oÙt-òf~.tate travel .xpen... incurred' by an a..htant or ~nv..tigat()~'~;'...
ôr whil. att..pting to locate a witn.... ø. .tahd that the Stateu.."
to pay thi. and he io ..tiaating that in the circuit Court co.t.~ the
budget will have to be increa.ed fro. $5-10,000.
Coaai..ioner Pi. tor .tated that the Public Defender a110t.ent i.
going down thi. year, adding that he under.tand. that the County will
only get about $28,000.
Clerk Reagan .tated that $60,000 wa. budgeted 1a.t year for court
. appointed attorney. and over $50,000 ha. been .pent to date, adding \, " '
that after' checlciðg out.tanding billa h.t week, he believ.. it will be ,>:,.:'rf:~
;~ ",
Over .65,000. He .tated that extra aoney .hould b. added back into the ,....'..,.:;.{.~,...,..:;.~,:.'\;:1
budget under Circuit Court ree., adding that he budgeted $165,000 in "~ ,
Circuit Court fee. and he would like to leave it a10n.. Øe .tated that ,~c;:~~
he will pay for it aa long.. he ha. .oney and if he run. out, he will"~;>\~
co.e to the Board to infor. the. that it wU1 have to be paid.';,,!~~
Clerk Reagan .tated that a. far a. allocated charge., there i.
nothing that h. can do to control thoae co.t.. He atateð that he wa.
the flr.t one to take out.ide cu.todial .ervice. to .ave .oney, but he
cannot control electricity and water. He .tated, with ref.rence to the
overti.e, he feela that there will only be a few people that wl11 be
affected by it and he think. that he can work .oa.thing out a. far a.
hi. budget i. concerned.
eo..i.aioner vo.. qu..tioned if the capital i.proy..ent i. in the
budget .o..Where?
Budget Director Za1ka .tated that the capital budget ba. already
.' been approved by the Board, adding that it wa. reque.tee:! that everyone
,.ub.it their need. .onth. ago .0 that it would be included in the
budg.t. She atated that thore are no fund. available i..ediate1y for
the $250,000 need, but it i. po..ible that there are r..erve. or there
will be acre intere.t acney and the Board can addre.. the. a. priority
ite.. if there are fund. ayai1ab1e in the capital budget.
Clerk Reagan .tated that he received notice on June 15, 1985~ to
have the Capital I.proye..nt budget in by July 1, 1985, adding that he
did not have the ti.e to get hi. capital bUdget done. Øe .tated that,
, "
'Auguat 22, 1985
aOOK 088 PAGE 552
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'r"(:~'.~~·r~b"!~9·t~..~ ~.";in::~i,~ ,~r~Ung bU"geti he can nrviv. .~',:an~':~~';~r~>
;;t1'.1~zñot',~~~~,n,~' ~or ,1IO.r", out o~, the capital iaprov...f.1t bu"~.t; ¡'bu~,1.'4I!'k;/f~
r,~ .1....tryift9··t09h. the eo..hdonen a plan to in"icate:,wh~t~.h90iÞ"
~:~t~··~êð'·ln·198.";8i and ~in 1987-8S; He .tate" that wh~~th."b~ð9.t': rií',~'"
, ~·:~,;~·'~.t.rteð in th.èi.rt'. offic. It wu a~ lS.5' increu. whic1\ w~. "dff',
·~~1~{....diòppe". Øe noted th.~ the Data proo...ing budget w.. reduced.:by).,.~,;!:
;Mi~¡,~;':;, but the Budget Directo,r cUd not .ake any reco_endation. exc.~t t~·,:, ",:}4:~
t~",;::~;::" incr.... the revenue.~ adding that he doe. not want to, incr.a.. th."-!;¡
'" ,1#.,1,..." ',' 4.-
<~~¡,~:' re..nue. becau.e he h not on .. contractual relation.hip with .0.. of ':;,;..
; J~'''~~~ ~'t. . ."~"~./,
\·~¡""I' , the out. ide u.er.. , ,',
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::':. . '.,', ' Co_iadoner Vo.. atated that l.st year the CoII.iuion loaned
Clerk Reagan $85,000 to buy a new cOllputer until hi. old .y.te. w..
aold and que.tioned When it will be sold?
Clerk Reagan at.ted that it wa. .chedule4 to be aold thi. au...r,
but there were .till thing. on the .y.te.. He atated that he hope. to
have it .old for about $50-75,000 before Chri.t.aa.
COII"iuioner VO" atated that the one thing, that ia not available
this ye.r i. the lIoney for the capital illpro.e.ent budget.
Co..i..ioner Piator atated that aOlle of ,thia aoney i. already
Budget Director Zalka .tated that the 5.5' increa.e i. ba.ed on
the general fund .upported budget and doe. not include the budget
.upported by court fee. and in the budget book the entire fund i.
included a. well a. the fe.. which lIean. an 11' increa.e, however, with
the reduction. lIade it will be a 10.6' increa.e.
Clerk Reagan .tated that he doe. not control the fee., adding that
the only thing he control. froll that .tandpoint ia the nUllber of people
that he hire. and they are regulated and paid for by the u.er.. H.
noted that the fee. budget i. probably going to be cut by $100,000 a.
he h .till negotiating with HRS regarding the child enforce.ent
progra. which i. falling apart froll the .tandpoint that the Clerk'a
office no longer doe. it becau.e the law was changed again in July and
portiona were given to BRS, the State Attorney, and the Clerk. He
stated that he contracted for a $65,000 grant which it appear. he i.
DOt going to get. He atated that he ha. hired people to a.si.t in that
area and he i. going to have eo.e proble.. in fee. which .eana th.t
ao.e change. are going to have to be ..de, people will have to be laid
off, and the reven~. that he would like will not be receiv.d, but it
will not effect the general fund. He noted that the fee budget 908. up
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,. ~!·íu\4 "own "epencHng on what happen. durin9 the year, adding that, he hU",,; ,
'~.:: ftÓt ~'4eci"ed what',wil1 be don. with th. fe.budget but It haa to be "J;; ,
. ....._.-...~..,.. . ,'" " .. . . "... .",.11~'
,J;~~:l.,,~~~"e4,.n4 turne4 in by SepteJaber 1,1985. ;" '''.'':.'~~;':~,
i,!4:'",,"'~·¡~<;..1u4get Director Zalka qu..UoneeS what ..p10yee. aU paid out of "I
'.' ¡,.,', -{'. ; '",' " .. " ~~:I ;,r.
< ~'~ I:: tbe fee. budget? ' ' ,
~\;;..:.. ,Clerk R.agan .tateeS that b. ba. Circuit Court, County Court;
;;,~ County R.cord.r and M.inhtraUon, adding that h. tri.. to k..p'tho..
~' ,
'd people in tho.. ar.a. that are doing tho.. job. in that cat.gory.
Co..i..ion.r Ha... .tated that the ~tto. lin. i. that the entire
budg.t i. being incr.a..d.
Clerk Reagan .tated that he i. referring to the aeneral Pund for
which h. ne.d. approval. ø. .tat.d that if the Budget Director want.
to include the f.. in it, that i. all right~ but it i. going to have to
be a..nd.d anyway. 1~'1:;';;:
. Budget Director Zalka .tat.d that her budc¡.t' with the 10' ,include~.;:'~i~';~
the total budq.t, includinq the ite.. that are funded by f.... She' , ",';:
.tated that all r.v.nue. are included within the County's budget, ,
th.refore, .h. included all rev.nu.. within the Clerk'. budq.t. She
noted that the total budget, except for data proc...ing, i. going up
10.6' which i. $350,000. She .tated that Cler~ R._qan ha. included
.verything but his fees budget, in oth.r word., a set of expen.e. tbat
ar. funded by court rev.nue. and r.lated r.v.nues.
Co..i..ioner Vos. questioned what i. funded out of f.e., to which
Cl.rk R.agan .tated Circuit Court .mploy..., ca.. folder., felony
..ploye.., r.cording and land records people.
Co~i..ion.r VO.. que.tion.d if more people have b..n added in
tho.. ar.a. or are le.. fees expected or a combination of both?
Cler~ Reaqan stated that it i. a combination of both, adding that
in March he thouqht he had ev.rything .et; but the minute the
l.gi.latur. go.. into ....ion, hi. budg.t gets chanq.d., H. .tat.d that
b. doe. not know if he i. going to be doing the child .upport progra.;
adding that if anythinc¡ i. going to happen the f.. budg.t i. going to
reduce but .0 i. the revenue.
Budg.t Dir.ctor Zalka .tated that it i. appropriate to look at the
f.e. oo.inq in becau.e it i. part of the .xpen.e., adding that nine
po.ition. were added .ince the adoption of the 1984-85 budget, which
are now included in tñe budqet.
Cl.r~ Reagan .tat.d that th... po.ition. are not full ti..
po.ition., adding that he add. people during the h.avy time of the y.ar
eOOK 088 PACt 554
Page 7
. .
. ,
"""II,' ''''~.('".,~.;",. ...."',,, ....,·_""",~t~'''I't:...,··'l,'..'
.to/,; ...:~. ,~4 '·1 -.r:,AJ." .,¡......'~~~" -I". .:i!.,,,., V,",l.;.t~~~'.~'('::~~/Å.'·~' I
tY':,·,:c"" "', "s:"';' , ' .' ", ;~¡'t:~,~<~; :'..;~:;:i. ·
~~;'~:j\, '.~ ;-.
1Ë~,:..,,;~·:~¡~t08·8.p~¿t55?, Augu.t 22, 1985
~~..::,'an4<theftth.y are laid off an4,,,that he .ay have 10 people on
~ '.'. 'I '," ,,/ ~&,'...,' , ._ ,.', . . ',. ... , ",,' I..¡.
-~xa,n,~;,~:~OP1~ ~.~thene:d: daY.[\.I:I. note4 that ,h~ ~~ a lot of r~~,~.re4~ft"
. 'li~ftCHlith.c1etk·.otfic. that 'work 'for hb 4udn9 'the heavyU..
~~,~¿,~:Wta:Ch':'work."ôdt'.,.l1 a. they aretraine4 'and they do not rec.t.,.."i.~i
,It:, ,::of .ofteya.' th.y àre on .odal ..curHy. He .tated that .0.. of, th.ì~:;.
¡',:~:'~~~opl' "en funded by turnover IIOn.y an4 .o.e "en funded by increààìn9
~~~~,"::th. fe...' ...~:~
.~:>~j _,' , ' . I,o',l-.~t_
]~~':"I'" . COIIllha1oner Ph tor que. Honed if the capital 1aprove.ent budg.t ".,,::~~¡;
¡À~( w.. ..tUed,' adding that it ".. dhcu.ud but he did not think that '-'::~~r
;'1:?í:: ! '.. th.re wa. any concludon reach.d. "'~í1.r,f'*
~~t" . , """I~.
:"~' .' .' Budget Director Zalka .tated that the Board reviewed it an4 4id " ~~'
.,~, not requ..t that it be readdr....d~ th.r.for.~ it wa. .ettled.' ,",
Co..i..ion.r pi.tor .tated that h. would r.co...nd that the Cl.rk
of Court. budget b. aco.pted with the '16,701 r.duction and that the
c.pital ¡~prov...nt budget di.cu..ion be r.opened.
Budget Director Zalka .tated that .any of the ite.. in the Clerk'.
capital i.prove.ent budget are a ..all dollar amount and can be funded
within the operating budget. She .tated that there i. the option of
.aying that this will be addre..ed in next year'. budget or through the
budget a.end.ent proce.. during the ye.r if fund. are available.
Co..i..ioner vos. suggested that the ite.. that are already
coaaitt.d be included and the other ite.. be put a.ide to addre.. at
the time that funds are available. He .tated that the ite.. are
prioritized a. far a. year. are ooncerned; but they .hould be
prioritized within each year.
Co..i..ioner Holland .tat.d that he agree. with the reco..endation.
of Co..i..ioner pi.tor a. long as Clerk Reagan can provide the .ervic..
and function. that he i. required to according to law.
It wa. the general con.en.u. that the Clerk of Court. budget be
.pproved with the afore.entioned reduction..
..... Ieee.., 10,05 A.M. - "CODye.ed, 10115 A;M. .....
, .
Publio Works Admini.trator ~uck .tat.d that under Public Work.
Ad.ini.tration in the General Fund, the t.ntative budg.t .how. an
incr.... of 5.9' of which 5' i. dir.ctly r.lat.d to payroll co.t and
and the .9' i. the increa.ed co.t of vehicle.. in.urance, and
.i.c.llan.ou.. He noted that the R.al Property Manag..ent .how. an
increa.e of 6' which i. payroll incr.a.e and no additional per.onn.l.
He .tated that thi. i. a d.partllent "ith one per. on with a budget that,
',,*ÌJ: .~
'~':~ ~:..',~.
\./"';':-tl,:,:,,'J\,,¡",,;·:·':"';~~ 'J¡,;
I·..~.: . '¥.,........',...
''t\'~:' "
~': ...,; < " , 'Augu.t 22, 1985
jtr!?:, :90.8 fr'oa '41,000 to $43,000. B. .tate4 that the Engin..ring, .. ,
~'::~'Depart..nt '.how. an increu. of only n b.oaU.. on. of th. Engineer_.18"¡'0
;)t;~bei~9' t,rand.rre4, to Water Manac¡e.ent"Which woulð 'be a r.ðucÜo~;'~~ti,,~r'::-J
~t~~~~ ,'there 1\8., allo been an incre..e 4ue to the in.pector for the par)c.,:'~~:'~
t~';::;,.g:,b.inghired., B. noteð that when the incre... and decre... 18 c:iO.b{ri.~
~L~:~"lt rep~.,ent. an overall incre... of only 1\ to the büdget." B.'noteð~·
; ,';'; , that th... three ð.partaent. .how a net incre... of 2' OVU the curren '
iC' year in appropriation.. He noted that on Road' Bridg. Tran.portaÜorï.
";,}:'," MST X.prov...nt Dhtrict. there h a 'n.t incr.... of 6'. "'!'" IW;!r::~,):...
Co..bdon.r Holland qu..tioned if the budget h .howing a total'Þ~:/t,·
of 6\ incre... that h badaally for .aterbl and equipll.nt that h '"E~:'
", ," /::.
u.ed in the diUerent dhtricta?;" "'1:":I~~,
/,...... ~I"'
Public Wor)ca Adllinhtrator J(uck .tated that Road' Bridge Fund 10~}<~~,'
includ.. the payroll for .aintenanoe along with a certain allOunt of ","':~
uteria! and in the MSTD Dhtrict., the bulk of 'that incre..e hfor ,;':i~~
.at.rial or .ub-contract worle for re.urfac:ing. He .tat.d that MSTD..'~~~..
'Dbtrict 1 .how. about a 5' incr.a.e, MSTD Dhtrict 2 .how. an incr.a.. '~"1:'à~
of 51, MSTD Di.trict 3 i. an let inor.a.a, and MSTD District 5 i. . ,. ~~~
Commi..ioner Holland que.tion.d if Ie.. work i. going to be 'don.
in 1985-86 than what i. b.ing don. in 1984-85 a. there ha. to b.co.t
incr.a.. in uterial. and equip.ent? He .tat.d that h. doe. not ...
how the .a.. amount of work can be don. in the next fi.cal year that i.
being don. thi. fi.cal y.ar with such ..al1 incr.a....
Public Korle. Admini.trator Kuck .tated that the .ub-contract work
on re.urfacing over the pa.t few year. has re.ain.d .table, adding that
this y.ar th.r. i. .upposed to be a d.crea.. in the oil pric. which
.hould hold the pric. of a.phalt .teady.
Tran.portation Dir.ctor Archibald .tated that in the MSTD Di.trict
th.r. i. a .pecific program .0 that the dollar aaount refl.ct. the
nuab.r of road. that he plan. on re.urfacing and he tri.. to ..ti.ate
the dollar. to .eet that program. H. .tat.d that the way h. plan. h " "
not nec...arUy don. on a perc.ntag. incr.a.., adding that h. ..ti.at.. . './>
the Q.phalt price. by the ton which i. ba.i. for the budget figur.. He
.tated that the number of aile. of paved roadway would increa.. betw..n
5-10' in the coming year.
ea.mi..ioner Pi.tor que.tion.d the increa.. in tran.fer. to
.l.ct.d official.?
Budget Dir.ctor Zalka .tated that the Property Apprai.er and the
aOOK 088 PAGt 556
Page 9
» ",:':,\"~
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';··~~à~·;OB8,Act557 ;,,' , I.U9U.t' 22, '1985
'~7~,.fu··Cou:.øto(haVe to be jáid for ; tit. '''rYice. of coUecUng'the ~ax. "
1}..,:'" She .tated that' the Tax Collector: get. a percentage on the tan. that':;'
';;':~ are pai'" and the Property Appraller get. a certain allOuntaccor"fng"~02'.·'"
, ,;:~:;kth. bUdget that 11 approveð. ' , ." "'~'';:f''~fß
4. ... i· ',# ¡,~.._"......"
:I"i':;"/"~ 'l'ran.portaUon Director Archibalð .tated that the HSTD funð.are::,;~:~I'
, ~';;,,~'~" !ncreuing .0 the allOunt of tax that h being levied h incnad~9 ~~~';~~,'~
~. t,lf,', the co.t to obtain the tax dollar. to the Tax Collector an" Tax ' ,~,.....ft"::J,~:.., ì
I,: ~,,;~,~,:APpraher ar. increadng. Øe noted that the MSTD account., gen.ra,~l, y"i·'\~;;~,;."~:~""I..,,,".
\ ,r¡\t·, , , '., '.......t::..;'(~J(,. #',.t,i1f>; ,
~ ~:\,t. incr....~ but the Road r. Bridg. fund that .how. the aanpow.r and, ':"..... ;~:r~;~
}1:;'" equip.ent h the one that h really being reduced. He .tated that h. " )~:(
~.'.. plan. on doing the nile allOunt of work next year that h being don./:'~
thi. year, addinq that there ha. been a lot: of chanqe. in the crew. and, '::~
.ize. and the way they are equipped. He .tated that th... chang..hav.
increa.ed productivity. Øe noted that the number of e.ploye.. in Road
. Bridq~ i. being decrea.ed, but the work will re.ain the .alle. He
.tated that .o.e of the re.pon.ibilitie. of Road' . Bridge are b.ing
tran.ferred to Water Manage.ent becau.e they are taking ov.r .0.. of
the major drainageways.
Co..i..ioner pi.tor .tated that he i. .till concerned about: the
tran.fer of fund. to elected official..
A..i.tant County Manager Dorrill .tated that the fe. that wa.
charged la.t year has not increa.ed, adding that thi. year was .tarted
with ca.h, therefore, le.. tax wa. levied and they gat Ie.. fee. He
.tated that next year more tax would be levied and there wou~ð be le..
cash carry forward.
Tran.portation Director Archibald .tated that in the Road r. Bridge
.ection, he i. a.king for one more po.ition in the Traffic Operation.
Section to develop a .ignal .ection. He .tated that there i. a traffic
.ection that i. made up of people doing .ign work and there are over 40
.ignaliz.d int.r.ection. .0 the traffic .ignal .aint.nance workload i.
increa.ing con.tantly and that added p.r.on i. to try and addr... that
Inan.wer to Co..i..ion.r Holland regarding the amount of overti.e
that was paid, Hr. Archibald .tated that it wa. b.tween 2 and 3' which
1. What ha. been budgeted. Hr. Archibald .tated that it ha. been
increa.ing .nd the upco.ing budg.t r.fl.ct. an additional l' incr.....
Public Work. AClllini.trator Kuc1c .tated that the Water Manage..nt '
Depart.ent .how. an increa.e of about 32' which i. due to the fact that
an engineer from the Engine.ring Department i. being transf.rred to
.. ~~'
",-"""""."",.,,,-,,,,",,~,,,,-,,_.,._,,,,>.".",,..__.~.___......,,_. 10<.11 1 .. ;""'___'_;·"'__~;"\'.>HV""""·'~""_"-'___';""'_'""M·".~.,,_^".'~'."
'i#,~ '~#I ~~~:.'~4",~~.'/~'.\
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~~{.¡~¡¡,¡~¿.;:;:~...::,'h.r; ¡~·'~d;~¡...~A::;:':; ~::h"" o10ft9":l;~::~\IÑ:
' 1~~.",'Î~~í.t,~4~,i~te~~n~e; two. additional eap1oye.., an" .dd~UOn.1t¡~~:~,~~:.
:;¡.; ~¡"·Ch..lc.1 èo.t. Øe .tated. that the ,".ter Manage.ent budget hu 90ne;~';1,.+\:"';';
'-p,~ ;'{~<"'I":' '4! ',_ ; , ! .' );,\;\ ~~~.~t..,'
1i~:¡.~:· ·'fro. $721,000 to $1,056,000. ~.:f.l.'~')Ì'I;'
;, "" ludget Director Zalka .tahd, with reterenee to the bal property;~·,:",:
'e' Hanagellent Depart.ent, the budget. dropped fro. $70,000 to $50;000., '
Public Workl M.iniltrator Kuc1o: .tated that there wal a grant, 'th~t
wa. received in connection with the I..okalee Airport.
,Alli.tant County Manager Dorril1 .tated that there wa. .o.e ...ter
planning done at the I...okalee Airport which i. a one-year thing and
thi. il a on. parlon depart.ent Which i. why there i. a d.crea.e.
Co..i..ioner Vo.. qu..tioned the $2.5 .illion tranlfer to the
, Budget Dir.ctor Zalka .tated that thi. i. ba.ed on the double
'taxation .gr....nt, adding that c.rtain a.pect. of road control in
Ev.rglade., I..okalee, and Marco I.land are funded by the
unincorporated area fund and thi. i. a tranlfer fro. the unincorporated
ar.a fund to the General Fund which then get. tranlf.rred to the
Sheriff, adding that any change. ~ade in the Sheriff'. budget i.pact.
on both the general fund taxe. and the unincorporated ar.a tax...
Public Work. Admini.trator Kuc1o: .tat.d that the n.xt itea i. the
lighting di.triot. which are ..If-explanatory and fix.d CO.tl. Re
.tat.d, with ref.renc. to Entarpri.. for Solid Wa.t., it .how. an
incr.... in the tota~ bUdg.t froll $2~263,000 to $6,189,000 which i.
contributed to the ~,~ requirement. of DER to bring the lanGfill up to
their r.quire.ent.. He .tat.d that thi. will COlt approxi.at.ly
$3,000,000 which will be an additional $3.00 p.r ton tipping fe..
Co.mi'lion.r Rolland .tated that the expanded .ervice reque.t in
the budg.t i. a lot higher than what il actually being r.qu'lted and
qu..tion.d why? Mr. ~uck .tated that he had r.quested an additional
$3.2 .illion for 300 acr.. of property adjac.nt to the landfill that i.'
not being funded.
Mr. Kuck indicated that the next budg.t i. the Fl..t Manage..nt
Motor Pool which Ihowl a slight increa.e of ., in the Fl.et Manage.ent
fund and a large increa.e in the Motor Pool fund. Re .tated that the
Motor Pool fund i. going fro. $489,000 to $932,000 which i. an incr....
of 47' with the bulk of that incr.a.. due to the fact that the in.ur-
anc. i. going up and al.o to provide a re..rve account for . vehicle
r.place.ent program which would be .et up on a .ix year replace..nt
IDDK 088 PACt 558'
Page 11
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"~ð"b~~O..~8· ;;::':"559 .:. ' , ¡ '"" .;...',.." :-,'~:r,~,~.,~,·.~,.f~.~·~,..~,J.'.i''..~,.,.'.,;,.. ,
O~,;¡ ðð'AC£ ...' """. ,".IJ~i " 22; 1985 '..,'1"I',¡;w....._
I·~t .. "'\·."·;"~Þ¡";~'~'~i,. ~ :l~/,...~:Y";. ~;£~'.~ :.~;~,:::1:'~J 1t1.,:~,~ ,!":... :. i~. . ,~" J..t:.o'" ~/o
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'V J~'~l"'!OÍI.r,: 8011."", ,'''~'4 tbat be 4... not -.rat.",,' 'l1òà~'f'f~
,.$0,;'.·.11. for a··"ehiC1.. Mr. Ituck .t.ate4 that thh takee lnto'\"~"J'~,
,i';';;;'.iÓl~ratlo. ',th.eo.. of 'b. !"bi.l., .be ..In......... .b. ......~~~:'
. .. , \,' " . . ..',,'.. " ~ '
' ,'\ an" the IIhceUan.ou. .xp.n.... ,;"", '. '''t~¡:~~,~..
~¿~r~";" 1Ir; .... ....... .b.. tb. only o'b.. i.... .r. 'b. "'bar ""...ii";:';
~~~'~':V;, pund.;' the trul'lt and agency fund.. Hhich h a bre.k-out on, the u.., of
i:"~~!' tb.QAC ..... f."" tb.. II .... for _. . lri... .n. ..t.. ..n......tA~,'
('~~' .d."n.n.., n. ."t... th.t lpo.ial .........nt f.n" ar. tho b...._ .". ;:,.,~
;!~u,;, .... of tb. ·pocial roo. ........nt proj..t. an. tbe f...ing for tb"'>i':~
Couiuion.r Phtor .tated that it ..... th.t the budget. ar.' 'I,¡~
baing helc2 in 11ne and, at the nme ti.e, efficiency 18 being 1IIprovec!. \ " :"~
It Ha. the g.n.ral con..n.u. that the Public Work. bUdget be acc.ptec2 ~'~
a. pr..ented.
DIICt....IOII OJ' '!lAX c:ou.zc.ro.'. aDDlan
''''¡':. "',,',.
Tax Collector Carlton
in hi. budget, adding that
for the overtime factor by
.x..pt froa the ov.rti...
ha. held it at 5\,
Budget Director Zalka .tated that she ha. a request to include
Horker.' compen.ation in hi. budg.t to payout of hi. f.e, to which Tax
Collector Carlton .tat.d that it would definit.ly come out of,.hh f...
and he would make that amend.ent of $2,850 in his budg.t if Tallah.....
agr... with it. Ms. Zalk. .tated that .he ha. contact.d Tallaha.ee.
and they have no probl.m with it.
Com.i..ioner Rolland .tat.d that
..nt until som.thing is received from
that this could be don.. Mr. Carlton
Holland regarding this matter.
Budget Dir.ctor Zalka stated tha~ the County only rec.iv.. $161
out of this $2,850 but the bUdget. need to b. con.i.t.nt and this Ha.
don. with the Prop.rty Apprai.er.
Tax Coll.ctor Carlton not.d that h. anticipat.s giving the County
about a half .illion dollars the fir.t of October. Ms. Zalka .tated
that this has be.n con.idered into the budget.
It wa. the gen.ral con..n.u. that the T.x Collector'. budg.t be
" ,accept.d a. pre..nted and th.t the tfOrk.r.' coapen.ation be includ.d
.~,.:'", 'hie budg.t it Tall.ha.... concur..
:5{~:::;, <..,' "
\....,.,i;'~" ,J.", '
ttr'. ",' "
", .,~"
. ';~.. :.
stated th.t h. ha. Ie.. than a 9\ incr.a..
he had to aake arrang.ment. in hi. buc2g.t
upgrading po.itions .0 that they would b.
He .t.ted that .. far a. pay incr.a.... he
he woulð not vote on th.t aaenc2-
Tallaha.... in writing indicating
concurred with Commis.ioner
.~'~·."h.·'_.~........,·"_ .'~_,"..,_.",",..".
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.-y~ ' ..', .'. 'J .'~'''''-';.,:('..'','',',',~,',',¡"''' -··"u.t 22 1985
, ','~ .,:~ìJI\I"hl~)"i"": '!,';'~' , ',' n"lI ' ,:,
" i:"';"YI;:;/;, ..... ~... 11105 A....- aeoo.....s.. 11130 A....
~~~~1,.:.,:,~~;\:t.~~., ",:, ',,', Po ,,'" .',; >,.'.' 1~' <.',":."'..,
. '~~DIIÓÙUIC* 0Ir nun?'. ...AM'JIUt' Btmal'l" " "" ,
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£,~\ ~\,.{; ,..;.'~ Ðeputy 'Chief Hunt.r .tateð that h. h.. looked at every po..ibl. :!;,,.. '.
'~~:-;~...'~·òpt1Ón"and he h.. a new figure for the budget which aa1l:a. a "cHffer..nö!;';i¢th
g~~¡~,: , of 'âpprod.at.ly $20,ooo~ R. noted that h. w.nt over the overti.e :";t",;,t:r~~~
'!,,,'\iIr:_ .1, . . " "';'3,~,~
~;; again and the original,overti.. figure was off, adding that the new"
ov.rti.. figure i. $791,642 which i. .ora than what wa. presented
previously. He stated that the cnntractual obligations were being
overlooked previou.ly.
Co.mis.ioner Vo.s .tated that he has no intention of cutting
anyone'. salary, but the fact that the Court .aid they had to be paið
ti.e and a half for overti.e and if the .echanic. of that fact i. a.ed
for the 44 hour. that they work and the hourly rate of pay i. adju.ted
within that 44 hour. for the hour and a half of overtime~ it i. not
po..ible to come up with a figure of $791,642.
Deputy Chief Hunter stated that this is ba.ed on the as.umption
that they are working 44 hour., adding that inve.tigator. will .o.t
likely work 54 hour. and patrolman 49 hour.. He noted that if the.e
figure. are going to be retabulated, the annual .alary has to be taken
into con.ideration that they were promi.ed when they were hired, a.
well a. the fact that the work week i. now 43 hour. and overt i.. has to
be paid beyond that.
Co..i..ioner Vo.. .tated that the ba.e hourly rate .hould be
determined on the 44 hour. that the.e .en previou.ly worked and
anything beyond the 44 hour. a week .hould be overtime.
Co..i.sioner Pi.tor que.tioned if all the .en worked 44 hour. on a
regular ba.i. or if they did that just during e.ergenci..? Mr. Hunter
.tated that the .tandard work week i. 44 hour. and they are required to
work 44 hour., adding that they mu.t all co.e in a half hour before
their .hift and remain a half hour after their .hift for briefing and
Replying to Co.mi.cioner Holland, Mr. Hunter said that the
Sheriff'. Depart.ent has 24 regular pay period. per year.
Commi..ioner Holland .tated that one of the proble.. that make. it
difficult to figure i. that the Sherriff'. Department receives tho.e 24
pay check. over a period of one year which i. ba.ed on 12-13 days of "
work a. they get paid on the 1st and 15th of each .onth and the re.t of
the COunty get. paid on a bi-weekly ba.is which is ba.ed on 80 hour. in
26 pay period.,
._..--....--..._,~.."=-""'.,',,..,,-, ...,,-,'~-_. ,.-..--.--""....
088 PAGt 560
, .
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, ", , ,~':;;'IAU9U.t 22~ 1995, "':!~.;:~/;,~¡
",/ ~~h~ ~~ne~,~ol1an,~ ,.t~~~". th~~ ,~h. .~u~ty: ~ur~a..iv~~. ~~,:¡:~1~;
rt.lte'fol~ar. o~ the.. .en Wòrkingthe overti.e without being,pai"
':..o')"\,.:.o"".:'~.>'~:~":"" ". .".,t, . --j ~ """, ','_ '.. "" ,J ." ""', . "'~~'.\.'," ""..' ',,'
t'l4it'¡h now U.. to fao. thè feat that th~ County n~Jl" to~Y,...th
ft.it1H~" ne .tate" t.hat' U' any ol thh iiI'cut, ·..rvicì.."';r;~9ôin9-:'t
y.... , ,:'.. .. . .. ...' .... ..-, " ...f ,'.. .. ' .. ~' ... "':11 .' ,,' ":.. ':',
bave to be cut: and the County aannot afford to 40 that.' He notè4, 'th
t¡if ~h.. SherHffeda that be aan ,provide the neae..ary ~erviéei·~i~~,.!
,:'th. budget that hu been pre..nted, he h in favor of it, but h. l(no ,
,¡-' in favor of cutting the budget Whioh will end up cutting the ..ervic...,./'..,
, .,,~ri'\~~' '.. Sheriff Rogers .tated that according to law he haa to pay, t~e ;~;L}i:~:
"~:(::,'o'W'erti.e and he has tried to fiqure to' the be.t of hie knowledge. Øe
,~1~ .tatad that: he i. going to try an4 cut the overti.e, but the figure.
that he has i. the be.t gue.. that he can co.e up with. He .tated that
this .ituation i. new to the ~eriff. Depart.ent al.o. .
Co..i..ioner Ha..e que.tioned if there i. a po..ibility that the
.xtra men that the Sheriff want. to hire could be cut back?
Sheriff Roger. .tated that all this ha. been taken into con.ið-
eration, but the extra people are needeð, adding that he i. going to do
everything in hi. power to cut the overtime. . He .tateð that he ha.
looked at the budget in many different way. an4 every per.on that he
ha. in hi. budqet i. critical and the bottom line i. that if the
per.onnel are cut, the .ervice. are cut. He .tated that the County ha.
been paying overtime all along but, for the fir.t ti.e, the Sheriff'.
Departaent i. going to have to pay it which account. for an additional
.illion 4011ar. in hi. budgAt.
Commis.ioner Goodnight .tated that no one can tell Sheriff Roger. '
how to prepare hi. budget or what he need. until .o.eone ha. been in
that position. She .tated that .hewould like to approve what has been
reque.ted with the under.tanding that Sheriff Roger. watches the
, "
CO.lli..ioner Voss .tated that he cannot argue about the overti.e,
but hi. que.tion wa. if all the .upport people were really needed and
Sheriff Roger. indicated that they were.
Budget Director Zalka .tated that with the expen.e. to be pai4 by
the Boar4, the budqet i. a total of $16,420,882 which i. $70,000 .ore
than it wa. at the last .eeting and .ean. that the tax increa.e will be
25' county-wide.
Co..i..ioner Vos. que.tioned if the Sheriff agreed with the total,
bUdget figure, to which Mr. Hunt.r indicated that he agree. with
$16,337,953 an4 nota4 that the allocated charge. are in the CoUb-,¡" '~,'
"':'~:"~r;f;{1!!!1i. .
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,:,~:'l,~~J~ "<'!~\""'11 ,,' ,", ' : ¡ ;, August 22, 1985 ·;{;·:;t " :~li:t~
' )~~~~??~.~þ~~~~~n4~'1:'a,uvu.¡rat. 18 a..ign.4 to th. Sh.riff'. De~r~.~,
,:·~~,!....th., ~~ ,~þ~~:~l~)~!''!. to be accepted, th.refo:.;tI,_ h. ,concUUi~~~~"..
:,":,.:-the lu4glt. ø. note\! that. at an .arly ...tine¡ it wn a180 4hcu'..«if.!1(..
~.·4·.J..";~' ft·· c"':', . (, - ", 'j " ". ,.'.,..'~"
r·...:~' that' th. $761,000 in O\'ertia. cou14 CO.I from th. ae..n.., , therefor.i"
,," '. '
~t;:~, thh h .till an option."
~f¡.~.. Budglt Director Zalka .tat.d that th. Shlriff'. Departaent bu4get.
;~ ''¿l ' : ~
' h funded by both th. gin-I'd fund and the municipal .ervice d18tdct,,~
fund, and .ince hi. budget ha. incr.a.ed .inc. the tentative budg.t,
thi. ae.n. that the increa.e in overtime i. going to haye to be pai4
out of the unincorporated area fund which ha. alr.a4y be.n ..t at the ':'~;;I'.
.axiaua tax rate, She .tated, th.r.fore, there 18 approdaat.ly a ", ~<~
$120,000 ahorUall in the unincorporated area fun4. Sh. .tat.4 that" ,;,..,.
taxe. cannot b. raiaed in that fun4 ao the Co~.ia.ion n.ed. to look for ' ~
,.aya to aava aonay In that 'und and ona .ay would be to u.. tho .¢bOOl ;;'{i¡
guard r.venue to offset the cost increaae by ad4ing the $4.00 charg. on "::~
traffic fin.. that the Legi.lature authorized, which would amount to .':F~
$37,000. She atate4 another option wou1ð be to cut .0.. exp.n.e., '~t
aClding that there is $57.000 for crille scene technicians and two,'t~
v.hicl... which ia funClað out of the unincorporate4 area in the expand.4 ::;,~
s.rv ic. request. ,',;;'..:'1
. v,~
Mr. Hunter .ta~.ed that the overtille would increa.e if this it.. ,...,;j:
wa. taken out of the buðget "~.'~
BuClget Director Zalka atate4 that the unincorporated area cannot "~;}I
hay. taxa. rai.ed anð, even though the Community DevelopDlent fund wa. }:
"",.. ~
cut $50,000, there i. .till a $120,000 ahortfall. She .tated that 1i~
either the .chool guard revenue. have to be 100);e4 into or way. to cut
tho Sheriff'. budget for overtime in order to find another $120,000
becau..e the County 40es not have the ability to increase taxes in that
fun4. Sh. atate4 that the total appropriation. is $4.6 million and $3
.illion i. the Sheriff'. an4 .olle of it i. re.erye. that cannot be u.e4 '
becauae it i. court money that haa to be return.d.
Commi..ioner Piator queationed what the $186,000 i. for that i.
listed un4er operating expenaea for .pecial project. and mi.cellaneou.
capital outlay? Mr. Hunter .tated that the.e are operating co.t and
would conai.t of .oft body armour, traffic cone., an4 patrol car..
COllaia.ioner Goodnight que..tioned how much of the $16,337,853 will
have to be reduced to pick up the .hortfal1 of $120,000?
Bu4g.t Director Zalka .tatod that if expense. that ar. d1r.ctly
.s.igned to the unincorporated area; then it would require a $120,000
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IIJOK OS8/'AC£ 562
Page 15,
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r.~"9t<.~.. ,1 ., (.- .>'/'. '.;.,00:'
:"...·,,~~,ób~:fõâ8'~¡~~'i563 "Augu.t 22, 1985 '.::, ~.~~:;Ú'~~¡·~.
. '·~'~,r.'cut.;,:' I . ",< '~;~';'~t;~'<'-:;:f;:
J.)t~:ir~.t .~ ' '. ' To': ..,.:(.'.,~
,j) +'J~,;'ColI.i..ioner OOo4night .tatedthat becau.. of the U6 IIUl1on¡..t1/~;,~¡
" ,~:¡\.,}~(tb.rj{'iì"a,$l20,OOO .horUall froll the lIunicipal taxing d18t-rlct and~"¡'.>::P:
,1..~"'L.'~."':'qu., .tioned how the Buc!qet Director ca.e up with that figur~'~ "I,,::,¡'
~ "\? ': ' lIudc¡et Director Zal1ca .tah4 that the Municipal Taxing Dhtrict,
1,"~,~, aaOunt 18 $2.9 .i11ion and it wa. arrived at by the overtiae that wu . ,
~~', :·',applied to all the deputi.. and it "'.u allocated out according to, the,,¡;:~:~:~
·:t'1:. percentage of deputie. a.81gned to the unincorporated area, adding that, 'I ",,;;¡,
,~, ,.
,'t': the exact a.ount wi 11 depend on how the new depuUe. are u.e4.
Coami..ioner Holland atated that 991 of the area that the Sheriff
.erve. i. in the unincorporat.d ar.a.
Budg.t Dir.ctor Zalka .tat.d that,. by the double taxation .uit
with the City, certain function. w.re d.ter.inød to be County-wide and
.uch of the Sheriff'. Department'. function. are con.idered to be
county- ,
wide. Sh. atated that only portion. of the road patrol budget and
related item. are ...igned to the unincorpor.ted are. .nd .u.t b. paid
by the municip.l aervice di.trict, which pri.arily .ean. road patrol
deputie. in the Evergladea .rea, I..okal.e, .nd Marco Ialand. Sh.
.t.ted that if ov.rti.e for the whole d.part..nt wa. r.duced by
$350,000, the percentage th.t would b. allocated out would .av. the
unincorporated area about $120,000.
Co.mi..ioner piator qu.ationed if all the ite.. that are in the
MSTU account have to .tay there, to which Ma. Zalk. .tated that th..e
were d.t.rmined by the double taxation .gr....nt. She noted that if
th... it... ar.e going to be funded they h.v. to be charged to the MSTU
according to the double' tax.tion agree.ent, but the County can chao..
not to fund the.. She st.ted that the aplit i. made by the double
taxation agr....nt .nd the tranafer ia c.lculated by the Sheriff'.
Commi..ioner Goodnight .tated that .he doe.
cri.e .c.ne technician and the narcotic agent ia
di.trict if they work for the entire county?
Mr. Hunter stated that he put it in the special district taxing
becau.e of the conaultant'. opinion that wa. used in the for.ula for
the double taxation agr....nt, adding that he would need 'O.e guidanc.
on the matter before h. could change it.
COllai.sion.r Vo.. a.ked Sh.riff Rog.ra
fro. the MSTU to the other .id. in ord.r to
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not under.tand why the
in the .pecial taxing
to .e. what h. could .ove
approve the budget.
'*'; :'
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I~;¡';..":"'.\'" .. ",' " Augu.t 22, 1985
, '7~(\~':i'iit,i"~I,; 1b~.~~U .1bi~r~. .,~~t..~ tha~, h. .ou14 get with hh
",' ~,:$,.!~~~~~.~tb. ðo.b,~,.tn~t,lon :,~9~...o.t .nd 00. whot
~~~'~~:,~~,n4 tho U20,OOO or IIOve .0.. ite... '
~;~:>' "., It. wn the g.n.ral con..n.uI that the Sh.ri U I. budg.t be
..";,~, ',. "
¡~,;,,; and that h. ... if h. can find $120,000 or chang. .0111. itelll..,;
c,~ Co..h.ion.r pi.tor .tat.d that the .ub-.tation for Marco
n..d. to b. tak.n into con.id.ration b.cau.. that n..d. to co.. out
Capital .xpen....
'Budg.t Dir.ctor Zalka .tat.d that it .u.t be k.pt in .ind that
th.r. are no funds in the Capital budg.t to purcha.e thi. building,
adding that the only fund. for Marco I.1and are the rental funds in
Sh.riff'. budget.
Co..i..ion.r Voss .tated that the capital budg.t .hould be
r.-àddr....d, becau.. the Sheriff'. sub-.tation has to .ove fro. their
pr.~ent location.
Ms. Zalka .tated that the capital budget
valore. tax.. and f.deral r.v.nue .haring and
been de.ignat.d for that .oney.
Co.mi..ioner vo.s indicated that change. aay have to be .ade
becau.e the Sheriff doe. not have any alternative with refer.nce to the
.xi.ting sub-station.
..... ..c.... 12.45 P.M. - "conyened. 2.00 P.M. .....
,,::':'~¡..i:':," ,"<'.'1'
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is being fund.d by ad
project. have alr.ady
As.i.tant County Manag.r Dorrill referred to the revised budg.t
stating that the first column .how. the t.ntative budget with the
1.a../purcha.e of a new helicopter and the .econd column .hows the
revi.ed budg.t that has b..n reviewed and .ubmitted by the County
Manager that .how. that the Huey helicopter will be r.tain.d but aDOre
expand.d program would be in.titut.d. He noted that the tentative
budget coluan .how. that the old Huey could be .old and that approxi- .~ ',t,_
..tely $200,000 or .or. would be realized through ita dispo8ition in ~.
ter.. of cash back through the G.neral Fund. He noted that at the ti..
the Naple. COllllllunity Ho.pita1 co.plete. their new h.1ipad on top of th.
e.erg.ncy room, h. i. recoam.nding that an additional pilot be obtained
in order to have a 7 day a w.ek program a. oppo.ed to what is ju.t a 40
hour w..k program. 'He not.d that there are additional .xpen.e. in the
revi.ed budg.t for ga.o1ine and .aintenance but in the tentative budg.t
co1uan the operating expen.e. are much higher due to about $140,000 for
the annual lea.. payaent a..ociated with the n.w helicopt.r.
am 088 PAGE 564
I .
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~v,~~P88~Act5ß5":" :.', 1',··;>..,~·,;~·,~\19U.t'22, 1985
",.il,,~' ~ ,·1"i;'¡i~ri.r ';Piïtorqù..t£f~~~4 ~H·th."·RÜ:Y 1a' ~~w' 9;i~9 to b."..
~¡tt\\tt.l;béciiàu·..(·th.i. ·.r~ ,zMst*r.Y1'ñ'u..'~ifït.~·"'unð.r "~the Hu~Y;'~Ó'"
,~lclt~,MrF1)ôirdl1 ,ì.~Uéd n.9.tt..ly"...441ng that' h. '1. Of:th.òi~p,fn:~~,
~~!:t':~.~., iIIÍ 'no rea.oft wh~ the 'IMS ~part..nt cannot. c,~nt~·nu.,;,to':4~·
Cíhàr,.'and ..nd a bill for EMS f... that cover the badc COlt of. the¡
','>.. .... i., "., _. "._ . .' ," : . "', ': ."",,,", ~~~.
,tll'8úchal the ba.. rat.; the lurcharge for ÐLS or ALS and al1th.,..,;
','" "'. ", . {,,,,,':',
:...~:..xJ¡>endabl. ..4ic&1 IUPPU.. that are nor..lly included on the bill~ :,:".,
',.'.tat.e! that th.y will not be charg.d for the tunlport COlt of the .
''heUcopter that. 11 ulually l.vi.dper .U..
'~~\ C01uIhdon.r VO" .t.ted that the .al. of the h.Ucopt.r h
,I ...ot:.o\ti
;' ': '" included within the tentative budg.t and that if it wu .old for
'200~000 the t.ntative budget would actually be $83,802 in.t.ad of
'283,802. H. .tated that for thi. year, .inc. the County i. in .uch .
bind tax-wi.., it would be b.tter to purchal. a n.w helicopt.r than to
k.ep the old on..
Alei.tan~ C~unty Manager Dorrill .tat.d that if the h.licopter 1.
.old for'$200,000 the net amount required from the General Fund to
lupport the helicopter operation for n.xt year would be $80,000 and the
r.vi.ed budget a.ount doe. not have any revenue fro. the .al. of the
Buey a. the actual operating .xpen.. for the h.licopt.r budget it.elf
i. reduc.d to $140,000.
Co..iaaioner Voaa atated that for the co~ing fiacal year ov.r
'100,000 would b. aaved. He not.d that if the h.licopt.r waa aold for
$200,000 the budget could .nd up being $93,000'which would help the
County thi. year.
Co..i..ion.r Piator queationed why th.r. ia 1.5 pilota liat.d and
County Manag.r Lu.k atat.d that they plan on phaaing the .econd pilot
in at .id year.
Budget Director Zalka atat.d that the $283,902 ia the t.ntativ.
budg.t and the $140,000 i. the .avinga if the reviaed budget r.co.-
..ndation i. puraued,
Co~mia.ion.r Holland atated that h. would recommend the r.via.d
budg.t b. approved for the helicopt.r.
Co.mi.aion.r Voaa atated that thia y.ar the budget could ahow
$150-200,000 lei a by going with the tentative budget, but next year it
would be $140,000 .or.. He .tated that it haa to be decided Wh.th.r to
k..p the tax.. .o..what lower and l.t it go up n.xt y.ar or approve the
r.vi..d budg.t. H. .tat.d that anoth.r way to approach the .ituation ,
i. to approve the r.vi.ed budget, a.auaing that the helicopt.r will b.
" ,
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!ii.f~)?~~:¡P~~~~~h~n!,during'·th. ..;; to ..u it'an:Be~~ra
~J:}a"aU~bl.'inth. budg~t. Y..f.,. ry,:::.:;;,,,(
~~~~:",'Jf'~~:' ~ð9.t ÞirectorZa1lca .tatecS that if it 18 .old. during th."y.at;·.~",
~:,:,;:"!'that IIOn.y could be a..ð aa a down payment on a n.w one. ,., r
~;.,,' ,.'. Coaaiuioner vou' 8tat.d that h. i..la that the revis.d budg.t
:"', .hould b. approv.d.
-: ~",
A.aiatant County Manag.r Porrill atated that the revi.ed budget
ahould b. acc.pt~d and then .om.tim. during the n.xt y.ar, the
h.licopt.r could be delay.d surplus and put on the open mark.t and then
a l.as./purchas. could b. conaid.red at that time.
It waa the g.neral conaensus that the revi.ed budget be approved
and to k..p the option. open to .ell the h.licopt.r during the next
;.,:;1>; ,
, ~',
it waa r.qu.at.d that th.
for the Community Developm.nt
Budg.~ Director Zalka .tated that
r..erv. for capital outlay of $100,000
apac. renovation be r.addr....d.
Com.unity Develop.ent Administrator Mullina atat.d that ah. .et
with people from Office Furnitur. and Design and the .aint.nanc.
departm.nt and was given an esti~ate of $79,500.
Sh. stated that ahe is looking for 6 private officea for the
prof.saional ataff, 6 work' .tations for the plannera, and 4 work
atations for the secretarial .taff. She stated that there would b. a
computer room and new draft chairs, a8 well a8 the draft table. being
Sh. not.d that the $79,500 is the aaximum esti.at., adding that
through the bidding proce.s, the totala could be cut.
County Manager Lusk .tated that it would be v.ry helful to aak. a
d.cision regarding the 8th floor. H. .tated that if the Board doe. not
IIOV. up to the 8th floor, it could be utiliz.d by Community Developm.nt
and the $50,000 that ia available could be u.ed for the 5th floor to
fini.h it out to put people up th.r.. Be stat.d that h. think. that it
would be batt.r for th. Board to .tay on the third floor becau.e he
would be able to utilize a complete floor. H. .tat.d that h. ha.
Building -A- that he can ke.p people in te.porarily until the jUdg.a
have to be IIOVed. He noted that if the Board goe. to the 8th floor, .0
would the COunty Hanager, the County Attorn.y, the Risk Manag.r, and
the Budg.t office., but the boardroom would .tay on the third floor.
B. noted that this .aan. that in.t.ad of having the whole third floor,
lOOK 088 PAGt 566
pag. 19
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~~.:ti~~~·:'. ..~..,~:..: ";- ,',. . ' " <'.-":, >_:~'.·'_h,';.,,> " ,¡ ,-"'_:.: ': f ~ "
,~y.14;Oftly,~·.have a portion bec'u" he,woulð have to 'contenl! with, ,th.'
~~ f, ';" i.~>:ø.· .tateð that' if h.'hað¡'tJi.'.ighth'flôòrÎ àl1'of~thïh
~~~lopä~n't WoUlð be put up then whiCh' tfoulðprobablý'uUHu 'half ,tfi '
~i'9hth -floor anð change the fifth floor around to'put .o.e PUb1iå~,'~~~:;-~.
".~\..r.ic.. people there for which the County 18 currently renting .påc~~
':.\1..... , .' ~.~. '.' . '_ " :\.;.-,
I"'Ø. 'noted that he aho hu a' Building Depart.ent thát he woulð Ut. t' ~
; }~:~~"!'r'e to Part'. . .ecreation, anI! they will go to the 8th floor; alìó'~:;&~ß
~;i~¡"~' ,: It wu the general con..nau. that the Board would ~..ain ,~ ..~he;:;;;,,;;
'~3rd floor. " " :,,,' ~.' ,'1:"
tf' County Manager Luak atahl! that with that d.chion; he coulð go
~';.¡,;;~ along with the Budget reco.llenl!ation of $50,000.
,. It waa the general consensua that $50,000 be cut frolll the
eo..unity Develop.ent budget which would leave $50,000.
DIacuaaloa UGAIlDIIIO !'lIB 1IDL'l'B DEPAJt'!'Mbf' ItJDGft
.I.... ,,"'"
~ . ' .
',' ,
Budget Director Zalka atated that there were two vehicle. cut fro.
the Health Depart.ent budget, therefore~ the budget needa to be cut to
reflect that aaving.. She atateð that after 'going over the budget it
was deter.ineð that there waa not enough money in the motor pool
account, adding that ahe ia, therefore, recommending that the tentative'
budget be approved.
It was the general consensus that the Budget Director'.
reco..endation be approved.
Budget Analyst Fitzpatrick stated that the budget office
reco..endeð that the DOdular cage. for the truck be funded out of the
Neuter Spay Trust Fund,' adding that the Collier eounty Veterinarian
Society haa agrfted to ..t a.ide $5,000 out of the tru.t fund to pay for
food and .edica1 for the anillals, therefore; the $5,000 that i. in the
tentative buðget could be used to purcha.e one of the cages which i.
M.. Brangaccio atated that two cage. are neeðed and if one i.
purcha.ed thia year, they will co.e back next year to requeat another
DI8C08II01r UClAaDnla nDBJAL bv,unll IIIA1IJ1O
Co..is.ioner pi.tor que.tioned what happena if pre.ident Reagan
vetoe. this bill?
Budget Director Zalka .tated that it i. very likely that it will,
be funl!ed at 100' in 1986 and ahe wa. going to propo.e that the
;,,;,,-,". ",:'.-Jf;~¡,':.:(~,:~~, :;,,-. ..
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. ';;.' ':.:
~~'., .
'~'~".;' '
..... ":t~~ __,' '..' . ' . Auqu.t 22, 1985
¡áððlt10nalreVenUebe recognized anð tbe
o relñÎtituhd'.:, Ibe .tateð tbat .be feel.tbat tbe
i;.c~l'Ved· wbich<i. abo.t $1 .UUon. '
.:~:, i¿\J,~;';~It. wu'the general con..n.u. tbat tbe Budget Office
<,'" ,'j. ," '.
,,if;, bé àþproved. "~
\ ~, . , " '
~,:,l'DtlciJsltOll UCWtDtllQ anavu
;~~.~: ,::" . Budg~t Director ZaU:a .tated tbat tbe tentative budget hu a $1.9
!'H:;,;: , _UUon n..rve and the recoa.ended budget. has $1.4 .iUion. She
.f~, .t..ted t.bat this i. a aatter of bow .ucb tbe expen.e. can be controlled
!~;"dUrlng tbe year. She .tated that to date there has been about a
~.-: _illion dollar. .pent, but the County i. likely to ne.d $300,000 out of
tbe re.erve. for in.urance coat increal...
co..i..ioner pi.tor .tated that there .ay alao be $100,000 needed
for the Marco I.land Sub-.tation.
, Budget Director Zalka atated that if thia aoney i. going to be
'u.ed for that, then it will be difficult controlling the account. She
.tated that the i..ue i. to deter.ine how much ahould be in the reaerve
for contingency, adding that the reco.aended budget was to cut $500,000
which would be a 2-1/2' tax reduction, but if that ia done it li.it.
tbe flexibility.
Co._i..ioner vo.. .tated that he doe. not like the idea of cutting
'. ,
'. .',
:-' "'j~:i~i
the re.er"...
Co..i..ioner Holland .tated that he think. the re.erve. .hould be
left alone.
Commia.ioner Piator atated that he felt the re.erve. are too low
now, and que.tioned what would happen if it waa rai.ed to $2 _illion?
Budget Director Zalka atated that this would increa.e taxe. by anotber
. ;')!:'i;';'
Co.ai..ioner Voaa que.tioned what the percentage of incr.aae ia
for ad valorea taxes at this time, to which Budget Director Zalta
stated that it i. a 25' increaae which include. the $1 aillion for
i.pact f.e., and the .axi.u_ i. 28'. She .tated that if the i.pact
fe.. are pa...d, the 25' increa.e would be lowered.
co..i..ioner Vo.a .tated that the rea.rve. could be increa.ed
instead of lowering the 25' increaae.
Co..i..ioner Holland atated that if the impact fe.. are pa..ed it
,will drop the ad valorem taxes to a 20\ increa.e.
Co..i..ioner Voaa .tated that, on the a..umption tbat an i.pact
fe. i. pa...d, he would like to .ee at lea.t another $500,000 put into
aOOK 088 PAct 568
Page 21
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, ì·ï.~~.~.to aake J ~.~,ar,9!F· ,;.;..; \;,~' .4' :(,,,,,,'t'
¡~~'1'heu.,.s gsneral"ðhcu.don
"'~brðinanc.~ r"'· :.~,' ";,::' .'"
\.)K~'.Uð9.t Dlre~~to~"~~ik~ .ta~'~~' that if, th., bpact fe.. au ·not,;..
~ ....;..;.., '",,"";' ,..~.,.. ~ ". ,I, .., . f"~":~'.("'~'
~H~~~~.e4'.. it do.. not lIean that a4 valorea tax.. for oon.trucUon"ha~.,r~:,
" tie u..4, ad4in9 that the eo.aiuionere can deci4. to cut at thh: point:)
" ~;~}f th~y~ant to cut the $I .ilUon and not put it into roa4 con.tr~~~:~""
'. . "".;,~\"', tiOD aneS then .ith.r go with an impact h. or not r...n'. the '1IOney. !"r(.
~..~;:r" sh..tated that it could aho b. deci4.4 to put $500,000 intothe·",;;t.
rf:';'.:,' r...rv.. to brin9 the tax.. down to 22.51 instead of the 281 that wa."":'!~;i~
¡w:r,: on the tax notic..
Commi..ion.r Vo.. .tated that the,~l million that i. alr.ady
the budg.t .hould b. l.ft th.r., but $500,000 of it .hould b. put
res.rv.. and then the Co..i..ioners will decide on i.pact f....
BU~9.t Director Zalka .tat.d that $500,000,of the fl .illion i.
going to be left for road construotion and $500,000 will be put into
r..erv.., which aale.s a 251 increa.e in ad valorem tax.. instead of the ','
,original 281 increas..
Budget Director Zalka stated that if the complete $1 .illion was
tak.n out and $500,000 i. add.d to r.s.rv.s, the ad valor.a tax
incr.as. would be 22.51.
¡~..,~~... ,.'tc."';~'
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, .
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into.,.,: '
It was the gen.ral con.ensu. that the $1 million be taleen out of
the budg.t for road construction, and $500,000 b. put into the General
Fund re..rvas to male. the ad valorem tax increa.. 22.51 in.tead of the
original 28' incr.....
Bud9.t Dir.ctor Zallea .tated that on the August 13th agenda, th.re
was a contribution approv.d for $10,000 to the Marco I.land Chaab.r of
Co..erc. Florida Huddl. for a luncheon, adding that she ne.ds perai.-
.10n to a.end the budget to increa.e tax.. by $10,000 to fund the
Co..i.sioner Vo.s indicated that the $10,000 can be tak.n out of
the R...rv.. which will malee the re..rv.. $2,402,000.
Th.r. b.ing no further bu.iness, the meeting was adjourned by
Order of the Chair - Ti... 3.45 P.M.
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