BCC Minutes 08/27/1985 R ~'_)l"""_ .>'<:.:.......,.~,1It...,·....1..Çl.;,....'...)..1·~~" .~~' ,~:!.1j¡,(:t,',j "'¡;¡':;.'" "" ,','''. .¡...~.; "~"';':;':'"".¡r,'.."',,~...: ..r".~'" ~~c ~~~' Tn\~1.' 1~~'~ f:'(f.'l'..."" 'It' . '. .......~"~~.... . I or ..,.j... . ~,'J ...,~IJIitt¡;hJ.tI ~ ~""'~':';!~"~'IIi1"~-"'lJ~'" '.." "" ;.,J?, "JI.,t¡; j IIIIÎIIIII ," .,;1",:' ';c. ~ h :, ' ;. .. .n;¥f'¡t..o-. '\~. Þ~.:l1 ..t~" ó· , ",,·r:.,::ifr . 1"'"/ _.~. : !.~ "~t"'" "'''" -. '_ +"r:. " ~ ":~v . ~...r~,¡"'~~q~, ," ~~. ,.."'"ø·I\~ ~. ~ ~.~,l.. ~- ..~..,,"~\f1" \.. , J.." . ' : .tl~·"l."¡-"'· .},'" . .......1(,~.~~,! , ~~, . :... .... ""J~I".,:~ ""',~. ' ,1' . ' " ~:" . ...,.,~ . l1""*1 1,~4r~.~. ~~ffr t "',. \ "~. ,'''. '~"'''''~ J.' "~o.t;'" ", .. " _, .' .:.¿ ,,~ "'l~;¡/':Å>i"" }',~ ... . ~~.:\4)':,. ~.:!:: , 1 ,.. ."';... ·...;i..f 'I ,'~. ~, .' ,,/,.., W.,1þ,. 1~'~'''' 4.....1 {,~~......, . 1\ ....,'\ .Jr ~.' "'i<' "t'.., 1:;1. .~, ...ff' 1,~ -r.~ r.rJ::.~.O'..,", ::"..:~....' .;'~ ~'t,,': .~. .,..'~~ "I~,,~~~.... ,. " . ~ , ..·t··,~j,~ ~ "4 ' ¡ ~" .,.~",.f~..tj ""~I:.,,, '.1' ,. ~""" ·....,1 ~....~;-...;.f"""':.~1t. I.. '. \-.. '1'lù'. ,:',' ',,. .,~ ;, ')':~ ;""'.J' ''';~~J' ,..f.,. ~I-:' .,: ,~;¥ ~'J.~ v~·.dif ,Þ ... ~':1 I ....~1 ,. . .>11... ~'i" "~ ' )' " ..~...,"",.... '. "..<I" 'Ie ~.....·I _q"'" 4~ .' ., "I" . ~'¡;:¿!ttf· ,~t ""'\¡!flf"'" ~'~ 4':··w,.tV- ~...\. ..~ -t'':; ,'"f ..trI'-1 ·7ojt(,1I ;·1 ~,' *... . \"'1\' '.......';1 ....;;,;¡: fi"·',..\·r"'... """"., , ""'1.~~,p... ".;.,,,:,~ "". ....I i",.,.,~ " ,oq"R'~"'¡¡' t. '1' . , IIli.\·;.''''{,... ,:r~1^ ~. . t ~ " . I I 1'f"""~~~ "y, ~ I, ' ..... 4": " .... ,JIr". r~\ 1$JDfrJ/"""",~"~\..ft.~..I~' r: J ~ ,ltkW"~~1~~" ~~/)~1.~"'fi: ..·..,~.'H J!' '.... ,..~ "".r";),~;';.. J' ~ ~ ~"7WI', "If." ' ,_. ""j', ¡ ~...n .... j;t. ....1,'.... 4. ~~~::.~~,~;;:;~~' jii" .." Pl";~;' rltlriða, Augu.t' 27;,,198 ~~:;:"':.:'1~~~~J ,w·'r·; :" ~1·;:~~..lÌ:þ\(i.~1>"'j¡~",,~~ l~" "Y"'" i'jt.,.," ,'Ii., ¡t.~~,v· . ~ . .ftJ: '1t. f tt;¡o ,) ~t~n 'T~ _,., 1T,:.I:·RíMUB·IRIÓf:th'~'~th.\'BÖá~·t·Òf' C;Ü~t.y tè:~~.lI;fò'n.t '. n .:. ôt/~h~ :·cðuñtY'~f·ec;úi.r ~'/~"nð'/~ltò"'.cttn9 . ..th., Ioarð:o!:,íôiiiì\' _Jfrí~1';n'cf':¡í ;:the '9o~~'r~ln9 .'b~ar'd·(""r· oj", '~uch .p.oi.l 4í.tr1';t'~?í.~. ':-;"" -"~"<~'-""J~~- ""~<" ',' '.' . - ,", .'-, ': ' "",". ': ¡'.'. }. :;~'f:." ~~~ b..n..oruttd' acc:orcHng to liw Inð ¡having conduot'd' bu.ln... h.i.ln,lo... .,"., it···· "l',~,. - , "'," , . -. '. . '.r"""/~;f ",,",on thh daU It: 9rOO A.M. in IIGtItAII.IIOIf in 8uilding .,. of thé'" . >·Courthou.. Co.pln, hst Napl.., rlor1da~ with"th. following ~m..b.t~::. ..: pre..nta':!1j~ ....;,:'~[: CHAIRMANa rrederick J~ Vo.. . ',;t , 'f~;-'" VICS CHAIRMAN a John A. Pistor . ":~1::. ~....' ;,;,: ~~~:...-.," . '.~;~,; '~~"~" ~x C ~a:::ð. HoUand Ann. Goodnight 'ALSO PRISINTa William J. Reagan, Cl.rk, Jam.. C~ Gil.., risoal OfUc.r, IPnor M. Skinn.r, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saund.rs, County Attorn.y, Donald B. Lusk, County Manag.r, N.i1 Dorri11, Assistant County ~naq.r, Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manag.r, David J. p.ttrow, Planning/Zoning Dir.ctor, Tom Kuck, Public Work. Administrator, Tom Crandall, Utiliti.s Administrator, Dr. Edward Proffitt, Natural Resourc.. Manag...nt Dir.ctor, Lori Zalka, Budg.t Dir.ctor, Nancy Israel.on, Admini.trative Assi.tant to the Board, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnet't,- Sheriff',. Department. aOOK 088,.m570 .":', .. ',' ',·1',' ",-""",~"~",,,,-,,,,~-",,-_, '.._''''''''..........._._..._.,,_...''''''____.,._,....._...._.....,.0;_'''''___,_""''''___.._.. ...::: .~~;~" ~1 '·\'·I:;~~;~ Page 2 "~v· .' ,,'~ .,'. "/::'~'~I:;""';, ,~,'--;'. . ,-( . "".' ~,...Jll.'J':.')' ..' '.,., . . .¡.''1 -t#'1':-!-:-f..~ ' .. . ': 'f'~ . "~: '., ,,<~". <. ~ :.;c:J], ,·'".~,.·t~ ''"''''' ,~, ."" '.>,"...¡ . ,'~;~~i~;;-::::·:~·..~i.~ .......~'I'.......",,' .'. ."~-'~~. ·í\r'· ',C' .';F'; :........ ... .,:, ..:.. ," " . ,.. ", . ,."I:.'\¡ ...., r . {' " ..:j.~~,';,:."::-'~~" ',~" .. ¡ . . ;:",j, '..b';.... .'.1 ~:', -.--.....- ._-..~---,.._- "',. \.. .., \ ~ ',~ ,'-i , ~~,.~. ~'" ,. ~;ð:""'." . , ~."" ", ~""·"''''\.\r'·''-'''.I.· ( ~~,".... ,:".:'" ~.::-~ ~.." ~.' ,;.'~ ~,~, )~. '" ':4=~:1... a~~~'088pm575 ~·Iu.': t1,.,::,.~ ", . ~t.~);;~:··'¡"ltOYDA' UDDiD':·:' " . ",' :'.... . . (, . '.,.;:r'i1;2~;i·· c-t..l...r' 'hter· ..y"; ..0..... bJ Co_h.lo..er ..... .114 ,,};~::;~,~,~ '('1+>-" },:,- ',' , ".~" . ,! ''-'f'' 1''''' øerrleel __1....1'; tUt tII. ....... Ita ."1'''.. wltla tII. f.llewIDfk::.,.;~: .-, \" .' ~ .,-' . ",,·.........t..,· , .... A. It.1I 81 - V.nd.rbilt Beach R..ort Project - Deleted· at petition.r'. r.que.t~ B. It.1I GCl - Moved to 10B1, Ordinanc. r. D-2 drainage canal ......m.nt .t County Manager Lu.k'. r.que.t.. C. It.1I llC - Discus.ion of GAC Liquidating Trust - Add.ð at County Manag.r Lusk'. requ..t. '. "t; -.ft ",:,.:, ~ ',;1'~ . Augu.t 27, 12' "I.UTa. or ./13/.5 .- APpaOVID co.aS..S.n.r·..... .oYe.~ ..o...e4·br C...S..lonorpl.tol'."',', canS" ....I....1y~ tUt the ."tat.. .f ./13/.5 IHt appr:oy.. .. . ~ pl'....t... ,. It.. U RCBO~~·.5-1.1· Itl PlTITI~ AY-'J-007~ KATIoaAL PAa& '&RVIC&.~ YACATIIIG TIll PLAn or KnRGLADI8 aloU8, UIII~ 0.1' AIID UIITIfCItDIIA UTATIS InIIT 0111; OCIOPI& , rtORID.\ - ADOP1'ID L.gal notic. having be.n publi.hed in the Naple. Daily N.w. on Augu.t 11 and 10, 1985, a. .vid.nced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cl.rk, public hearing was opened to con.ider Petition AV-S3-007, fU.d by the National Park Service., requuting to 'vacate the plata of Evergl.dQs Shores, Unit On. and Kentuckyana Eatate. Unit One, Ochope., Florida. Public Work. Administrator Ruck said the Engineering Department ha. r.ceived a requeat from tbe National Park Service to vac.te all road, utility, drainage and canal .asementa in the above .ubdivi.ion., a. they own all the lota within the.e aubdivi.ion.. He .tat.d the WMAI has reviewed tb. petition and approved the v.cation and -Lett.rs of No Obj.ction- have been rec.iv.d froll the utility companh. with the stipulation th.t the Nation.l Park S.rvice obtain Special U.e Perllit.. ø. said the National P.rk S.rvice wants to manage all the land. and canal. within the subdivisions. Øe said Staff recommend. approval. Com.i..ioner Piator asked if the National P.rk Service intends to In.tall gat.. on the road., b.caus. th.r. are people atill living in this ar.a? Mr. Fred lagergren, Superintend.nt with the National Parks Servic.., r..ponded that there will not be any phy.ic.lbarrier. .!!!'I' . c= - "_·-··'''"'"··~,,·,·^''_'''____..,.._____~_,''''''''''iIu..,....-',_...___,_;__....__,._,....__.-"'_"'-...___._.i'., "." "',.'...:." \..,.~, ....~¡;:~...~!~..~... ,. ':'.:g-,;. .'. ":';.;;\r,'~~"'¡';'-·~' ',f.;"" "" '1rvr..:. iI ~ '-',:.,. ...-t ' ~';j..ì"""'~~ . .:r,/ 'f:'~' 11 , ;;:.~,,,,,...'.,, ,~"I,~"II..:"~' ì''''' ' ):At~ ',' " " "'~;'~:: ~ .:...,...1.~:~-'~~ ", "')), ,.'>:... ",.,~" . . "þ ;~ '''~:_...~.fI, . ''i\'í''* 'fi!.~'I'j ',10, "~~ ,,/Jt<,\ . ) {./i, ,f,,'<l"'~ 'á,,~~\,~r""·"~éWt.~,,;ç.~, ·:t..Uf~ "',~~;1,,' \/;. ":.,':i+.,' .... . :' , "j" 'r.'¡ of¡ >10, ~.(IIP I I. ':(..~ :t ~"""6..:"" r'IJ\.N.·, ':;'~'.' I I, ~..~ ., ¡ J :*.... :",f...-,- .,..~.."\' t~l .", 'j ,-:J.~¡.I '...~ f "f! .. . , .' " . ,~r' I·. 11í/-~·,·",; ~"':1>' "'.'.' " , I ~"t ~.l'.~' ,~ tof ~'!:. ~,' ,,'";;.: '.. /~).. II~ r"P'~'l' ,~~:1 (, .... . ".~ ~ . ~ . ' 1.¿rc1' It.,.'k> "ri( " I 1',' H~ ' , '¡,. ~ , . t ~ ~ ,;;~::.._<j..~~~~'. . \f~·._ir!.~.,~·iL'-:~"d< 1.W--'1~.'·;'.,_ _ ' --',d·' </;, " .- "h:~r,;,",:",,{£t"¡I' "~L'" ~/.~_~ .~'. \~,'\7;;";",.· ~. ·:...7;)~'~'~1~'tA~9U"t' 27 ~J19'8.5;~ ,..,_,,\+1,--, ..', ~t.""" \,0:-",' -. ..' '.'-' ./ .,"'j ;f¡ t,r "%" '. (\ . -¡>. ~cs'~b"¡~àn~o 1.~ft4ïrìy ,red.ta1"dollarl',on·,th~:"ro.ð.. n , ..~.ìì~!~!~~,~.~~~~t"7il'~r:~.~~~~~..~Y{Î~~orc""nt~· poWe r';ô..r' ânÿ'?~~TI"i~t~'. 't~l!IŒ,~dr¡"n,t. ~h.e ,'~..a'~~"4~~c~,~~~~~~~~1~.'" they are.'Yac~~!cS,~ Í;~;;,I.'.r~,:'~1 , oa.cS.:,ahcSIcin".1"a'i<ñ·..d· to,r6e'>íit.alntained; ø. ..id· thia h.pubHc'l ~ ' _'I ,.,",,' ,..'.' ...: " . \ ,i , , i'_ ~,,:., .. i ',.ncS:~tu not,:b. cloueS to the publio.,;, ,', ' .', ;í:':;'r,~~ .~~t::'~:;-C_I"I..er; 'Iet~r' _";'~"'IICI'" by eo_S..lone...Gè..aI,bt., ·,j,c.arde. _......l'ítltlt t!a. pûUcr.'b..r1nt be clo...; ',:';,~,:~:;?~ 1~~¡t}~:;.;.,:;· CoIiaIeel... r . ,1.ter.on4 _ ..~e4 br' eo_laeloner "ee. '~th~t,:,; '_'.' ...·~·i'· , " .. . ',. . ,.t'...tt ~~,::....!.tI'.'I5"'lI~ ... ,..titl.. Ay...I)-OI7 be ad.pted. .' .,. . "!ii.{~;':,:' CODlDlhaloner Holland referred to the Executive SU.DlUY datecS ,'t,~~ : ~{.t,·1122/85, which .tat.. that the Matione1 Park Service 0"". .o.t .O~,.,t~~ }";,. ~/yð;,"'hnd, and Mr. !tuck ui4 thh utter tint cueto the Inc¡ineering <":'~::"~ ~ ·t'J',DeparbDent in 1983 and th.re wa~ .I hold-up until 'the Mational Park ....~ :":~\iéJ.t! S.rv,ice owned all the land. Mr. 'agerc¡un nid that the lIationalPark' .~~ Service ownl all the land in the area. they are reque.tine¡ to be· abandoned. "He explained there h a pilce of one of the plat. that Collier County will not abandon that containl a private parcel of land~. Øe .aid the National Park Servioe will come back to the County once ' that land 1. acquired. He eald lince thl. petitlon h.. be.n pre.ented that lan~own.r hal lold.to the National Park Service. , gpe., call" f.1' tit. ....tI..; the ,..tI.n·oarrled UAanlaooaly;,' '. :<,,~\;14,..t; IiiII . . ¡"'''".;'' .1 ::-",. "::,'- "oj. .',' 'Îff' ,'"' l' ¡I .\.\- tv-:>i':~"'$~",' .' . 'fl, '.' . "t,·~ . ·,:':,:;,..··~,..,tJr): '.,,'. "1(" &'0:, C88~,'f,r 576 1/... , . .~ '{ " .. .';' .. ~ :~.;.:.i,~;:··· ;')~;~;: ':{.,.:~': :it~i~ :(. ;:~ ~!;.i'.·",:.. '. .·..,'\,h'~:f;?· "I'!.<':~'(>;>~"'1.,;<,<;¡:".' '~I¡J.!i':"; ;·t<'tr'¡:I~ . , ;··\·:··~:\,~·¡.~r~!,.:;,,~'~i~f~]~t "'1~~··1 ,:,~."'1fJ.,t~~)~ ':tY"';"~~· _.",,'. ",' . ';'~..J ,t ..~...\.. "t, .""..t .. " :,o',,""-''¡:4_ ";',::1;"'..:,<"'",,, .. - ,~': ~,'r·! f -;.c-"..."-' _~_~_'-"'__·^"__"'<·À"""'~.'.'"""·"'~'_'.""_'~.~___ "·,···,....,,.,,...;,..,--..,,,~..,~"'"-...,.,·~,·.·.._·O...;"'··''''''''''''~i_____.t._....__...,_......_~.~__n_"...._'''"',·_"........¡.~,,,...._.."..'........"" --'--': .,. I:i; .. ~ "" '''¡' . , >;':rt"¡'i ' .';;', ,..:'\:~~ ~~+"., , ,; '. .,'. ..' .. ,.," " Auquat 27, 198 5 ..':";~ bió.,Jt_ It .. " . ',' >, .,' '.' '" 1 ~ ' pÞ¥;~I:~;~~-i.'a '~I'R~_·,~".';'~~~r~"DGriilnr~ COI~,;,,:., ,,;;,~':~~:""'>' ,~~{~~=~~:-~~~ -:ti"~:;a-=~'::'~= :::~:'?:D:~:~t7'.~>.,.., . ~~f ".~, _"< -~ , ,;.;.;:" :~,<, ",,'Le9a1 noUae having bun' published In the )lapln,Dally .ew. o,n";',:~~~B August 6, 19B5, as evidenced by ,Affidavit, of PubUcation fll.d with the;,,:.tj~~~ Clerk, public hearing was open.d to' consider: establishment of th.,Pine ":::~:Mii.'t::"Ti Ridge Indu.trial Park Aua I..prov..ent As.......nt Dhtdct. ,:it~~f,' ,PubUc Work. Ad.lnhtrator !tuck ..id the Pin. Ridg. Indu.trhl.."'(l;f. 'ark Municipal Taxing and Benefit Unit wa., cr.ated by Ordinance 81-94 :Ji In Dec.llb.r, 1981. U. .xplain.d the proj~c;; includ.. all of S.ction ll'Yy., which Is bound.d on the ...t by Atr¡x.rt:':;'ul1ing Road, on the .outh by ~ Pine Ridg. Road, on the we.t by the ~i.~ S.ction'Line of S.ction 11 and on the north by the north Section Lin.. H. .aid the proj.ct wa. origi- nally propo..d a. a wat.rlin. and fir. hydrant improv.ment di.trict, hov.ver, the Board of County COlllli.sioa.r. r.cognized the additional ne.d for .anitary .ewer. and roadway and drainage improv....nt. and add.d tho.. faciliti.. to the proposed proj.ct. He .aid this one .quare .ile District include. 180 exi.ting unit. and lBO int.ria unit. and 'it i. e.timated there will be an additional 240 units in the und.v.lop.d .outh.a.t quadrant of the S.ction for an approximate total of 600 unit. or approxi.ately one unit per acr.. Mr. !tuck explained, on May 11, 1982, the County entered into an englne.ring agr....nt with the Joint Venture of Wil.on, Miller, Bartoni SoIl and P..k, Inc. and Hole, Mont.., and As.ociat.., Inc. to provide a preli.inary .ngin..ring report, drawing., and apportionment roll. for the project. U. 4aid on Augu.t 7, 1984 the Board of County Co..i.- .ioner. accepted the preli.inary .ngin..ring r.port and authorized an update on the cost, apportionllent roll and reco..endation. for financing the proj.ct. He .tated in June 1985 the Board adopted Ordinanc. 15-32 ..tabli.hlng a ..thod of financing and collectIon of ........nt. for the proj.ct and authorized for the adv.rti.ell.nt of thIs public h.aring. H. .aid all property owner. according to the roll. of the Tax .\8....or'. Offic. were .ail.d notification of the public h.aring for this data and of the fOllowing e.timated a..essment. tor each of the el.ments of the project: Watt'tr MaIn. $14.91 p.r Sanitary Sew.rs $36.6B par Road IlIprove.ents $35.10 per Drainage I.prov..ent. $16.20 per aOOK 088 PAr.t 578 " foot foot foot foot pag8 . -w ~...~ _ I .........._r --,.----------. ·.¡WI:- ,~ ",-1IJ:M". .., .':;.....,. .., '\ ',.I*·~,",,' ....' "'iI>'~'~; "'''. '·"'..~'l Iii·? 'Ii", .""- .~, '" '''',. '"<II,,,.. '~i/jI/f.'....· ,\i;' "'1' ....,'~- .: '::ß-'; '¡.7 " ~ " , . , , "'Þ >", " , ,088,ict579, ':J.... Augu.t 27,1985 ~.!;.; Mr'~!tuck 'upla1ri..d the total .......ble co.t of $6, 311~006.00 .....:'..' .,',' '....; "1,.;....,.. , ',"", . ,!." ·1 " nverfa,to 'abÒût:$102.00 to $103.00 'per front fOot. ,,' ' ~~, ., ';10 "'. '. ., . _', '-, . . . ". '. '. if "(' ':_~ (~1~~';'>~~.;JtU.~~.a1d'1n ~y, 1984 .11 prop.rty OW.U wue invited to',,~~;· ,~1nfor.a1...t1n9 at the County to dhcu.. the propoud proj.ct .nd the ,;;'j~~b.t"~.t1..t... ae .aid . vote wu taken,.t the .e.t1ng .ttend.d.bi~;j . '':;¡,'I!.pióperty owneu .nd .11 inc!1cat.d th.y ",!re in favor of proc..din9with:.....c~ ,,'~'~':t:be proj.ct. ø. .aid Staff hu ,receiv.d nwaerou. t.lephone ca118 tndl~,,\~¡~;?'~j~~~ t. caUng an .ndou...nt of the proj.ct.: Be pr...nt.d a letter (County '~;~,-:'i;:1.t:; ,~~{:.··bhib1t eA-) fro. W1111.. A.. Zipf, ower' of 14 acr..~ lnclucUng hie ,I~;~~~jt~ !~¿,ÚF' 'auPPort of the project. He explaln.d that .Ix lett.u of the not1f1- '/'·"~:v:~~ ~: catton were return.d with no tor::.-rd1ng ac~d,re..... .;:: Mr. !tuck .ald on 8/26/~5_ Mr.. Lynn. Hixon-Holley vi.1ted hi. olfic. and indlc.t.d h.r obJ_~t1on to the front footage ..thod ot .....sm.nt and to being r.a......d for roadway and dr.inag. 1mproY.~.nt.. H. said Mr.. Hixon-Holl.y own. Pllc.l 57 on Taylor Road. Mr. Kuck ~xplai~.d that the .outh 2600 t..t of Taylor Road was pr.v1ou.ly or.at.d a. . Roadway and Drainag. As......nt Di.trict in 1977 and Staff r.comaend. that property pr.viou.ly .......d in that 1977 Improy..ent Di.trict b. cr.dit.d for the pr.y1ou. a.......nt and only b. .......d for coat. associat.d with pav...nt .nd dr.inag. r..toration, .nd all work a..ociated with the in.tall.tion of the und.rground f.c1liti... He .aid the prop.rty own.r. in this area would b. .......d the full coat for .ny w.t.rlin. and ..wer work. Mr. Kuck .aid, with the .xception of the .outhern 2600 f..t of Taylor Road, all of the road. in th1. propo.ed Di.trict ar. private and, th.r.for., are ..intain.d by the property own.r.. U. .aid wh.n. the District i. establi.hed and the construction has occurr.d the County would take ov.r the maint.nance of .11 the road. and dra1n.g. facUltie.. Mr. Tom P..k, ot Wilson, Mill.r, Barton, Soll and Pe.k, introduo.d Scott Glaubitl .nd S.r9io Monte. with Hole, Mont.. and As.oc1ate., and Att~rn.y Don Pickworth who worked with the Joint V.ntur. ln pr.paring .o.e of the l.gal documentation nec...ary for the f[nancing of the proj.ct. Mr. Peek .xplained thl. proj.ct will contain. central ..wer collection .yst.. ..rvlng all the prop.rti.s in Pin. Ridg. Indu.tr1al P.rk, will put collection sy~t..a in .11 of the improv.d road., will .xt.nd coll.ct1on .y.t... to tho.. und.y.lop.d parc.ls of land that lie In the .a.t.rn one-half of the S.ction~ He .aid th.re will be a central water distribution .yste. throughout the d.v.lop.d portion of the Indu.trial Park with malns .xt.nd.d to the property boundari.. of page œJ t:::I =::I , 7.."·_"""~..._~;_..,........·~,........;..~"""''"'''''________~ 'V'f.,....""'þ_"._. 'IT ~"'~. " \,!~~ ".' '.:ip¡.. " ,'.t '., Augu.t 27, 1985¡'<;'(JjJ¡~r;: the large acrugn in the ...tern aid. .0 th.t the ..rvic.. can b.',r:'~ , ","",;" ;~1.' extended into tho.. .re.. when developaent occurs. H. ..id the ~~~19f~ ,c2uinaq. .yst'., virtually non-exllttnt now'ln .o.e in.t.nat., ha. b..n',~;~~. invutiglted with the creation ot 'OM n.w ......nt. to provide th t ,}i;i7:t.' c2rainlq. p....g.w.y. for water a. well _. the improve.ent of tho.. a "":>y~ currently exist and which have fall.n into a .tate of disrepair. Be ,:::...;.; said som. of the dninaqe di tche. at the reer of the prop.rtie. he". r<f! not been ..intdned and have become fin.d. He explained there was no 't,:f,\ ~..;,.' overall Mast.r Plan when this Park was d.veloped, therefor., the ,;~:: drainage syatema are not inter-connected and drainage ia poor, p~r~icularly in the rainy aeaaon., He .aid III the rOldway .y.tems wer. ~ateqorized anð those in a condition, that required complete recon.truction were identified. He explained thet .ome can be widened end overlaid end .ome only require overlaying in ord.r to brJng the roadways toø near equal .tandard. Hr. Pe.k explained the front foot a.....m.nt method was qenerally chosen. He .aid those properties were revi.wed that would receive direct benefit., that i., there would be an improved road imm.diat.ly in front of the property and improved drainaq. immediately adjacent to the property and .ewer .tubs to the property lin.. and water .ervice immediately adjacent to the property. He .aid tho.e prop.rti.s are termed Direct Benefitted Properties. Øe .aid other properti.. are called Increa.eable Benefitted Properties which are the large acreage. most of which lie in the eastern half of the Section. He said .ervice. will be stubbed to those boundary line. with capacity .0 when those properties are developed the services can be brought into the devel- opment plan. He said, in uaing the front footage method, moat of the divided properties are rectangular and the front footage adjacent to the street was used. He explained, on corner parcels, the shortest side adjacent to a street was used and credit was given for the longer side where it was not abnormal to the normal depth of the lots. ae .aid Some of the Increaseable Benefitted Propertiea have small front- ages on the roadways with large depth. and in tho.e caae. all the boundaries w.re averaged to derive an averaqe dimension for tho.e lot. and that was used for their assessment distance and the common per front foot cost was applied and, thereby, developed the preliminary apportionment on a co.t roll in the abovementioned four categorie.. Mr. Peek .tated he has received a f.w calls concerning the project and most people have been in favor of it. ø. explained the letter of eoo~ 088 PAG£ 580 "._.,,~----"....__._~, (;i¡jJ .. Iiiii2 Page , -:.....,., '. ;.. )~ :;~~~."(.~~~:~....-. '\0 "7:".;.,,,.'0" ':i;'''' 1 ., ' -, ", ':",~'::';,,:;1 ,. ~ , . "..J;.. , ;O§s n~' 581. .. ..:.~:.'.. . .. A';"..' 27. 1185 ofi~l'è~tio~ 'cÚd ftOtïndl1:~tt the PUlod~t, Ù;~'.o~er' whléh':thl~,:\.~~,. '¥r'8i~èt .r9ht,'b.<":fundeð anð he' .dð he: upi.tne{'th'. proj.ct ~Úìd"~~ tlli.n~'tI!'ov.r'à ntlllber of' yuu with Steff dhèuuing 20 Year'~',whiÒh I :i....'.. i, , , J . "ould'r.duce ennual payment.. ~·'~~·ACr. Pe.k .aid Mu. Hlxon-IIolley contacteð hi. and expr....d hu '~pr.î.renc. for an arn a.thod of ........nt a. oppo.ed to the front" ~ ,~Jfffootag. ..thod b.cau.e .h. thinks it woulð be .ore fair. He .ald he' ~r~dld not agr.e that th. front footage .ethod 1. not fair. Ue .ald an ,j~~tnt.rconn.ction i. propo..ð between Taylor Str..t and Shirley Stre.t, '~~er. non. .xi.t., for aIao.t 3/4 of a aile in l.ngth. Øe .xplalne~' :~;~<~ "the propoJl!;'õ: interconnection would help traffic flow, adding the ~~: utili~y ~onn.ction. need to be interconn.cted, alao. u. .aid the Joint ...~,.,..,. t<r Ventul,. tried to choo.. a lot line .0 that the propoud roadway would tall partly on on. and partly on another lot. He .aid Mr.. 8ixon- Roll.y own. two adjacent lot. and the propo.ed roadway goe. throU9h the .iddle of,her property. He .aid h. told her, at the tlœe of final d..ign, a location that would not go throU9h '0.'01'1'. property would b. found and the road would b. placed on a lot lln. in order to be a .hared burden by the adjacent property owners. Mr. Peek .aid a property owner in the .outhwe.t corner of the proj.ct previou.ly donated 30 feet of ea.ement to Colli.r County for dralnag. and an additional 7-1/2 f.et is being requeat.d. H. .aid this proj.ct propo.e. to excavate that 7-1/2 f..t and the property own.r would have the u.. of the land and, althouqh h. would have title to the land, hi. a....sm.nt frontage i. for the full di.tanc. including the part that has been turned into an easement and the prop.rty own.r had a concern about this .ituation a. ~ll a. 10.lng the availability of hi. land for parking space. 'He .aid h. inform.d the property owner, at the ti.. of the final design and final assessment roll, a way would b. inv..tigated to reduce hi. frontage to accommodat. hi. r.maining us.abl. space. Re.ponding to Commis.ioner Pi.tor, Mr. Peek .aid it is b.llev.d that ev.ryone will benefit equally from the completely improved road.. Commissioner Ha..e asked who supplie. the .ervlce. to the propertl.. and wh.r. do.. the drainage ultimately go? Mr. Peek .aid this Section lIe. within that part of the Water/Sew.r Agreement b.twe.n ~h. City of Naplos and Collier County which puts It in the City's .ervice area until 1990, aft.r which it will be s.rved by the County; Re saId there i. . 16 inch water main along the .a.t aide of the Page 7 ' ~. " IiIi .:I r:::rI:I . ····,,·____..·A_,_. .-:t'., ~ - IiiiiiiiiI1 l.._ ;;,' , , "1,' Augult 27, 1985 , .'. :ì;;~¡ , .'... '''1 prop.rty on "Ai rport-Pulllng Roa4 an4 ~ ~6 inch ..in along Pine Ridge. ';'~""::..~~~ Road, on the louth lide of the prop.rt.y. ø. explained the propolal to ~.(' ''''", uke . 16 inch connection at J and C Boulevard and a 16 'inch connect ton " ~,,~ ::'1) horth of Pine Ridge Road on that waterline. ae .aid when the County ,:~ beco.el the provider of ..rvic.. the Une along Pine Ridge Road belong. "',.~ to the Ci ty of Napl.. and the line along Ai rport-pulling Road be1ongl'~L?j to the County '0 connection will be made at the above two point. to .£~ . .~. bring .ervice into the project and circulate it within the project with properly Ii zed line. for water .ervice. 'rape f2 Mr. Peek .aid, regarding .ewer service, there i. an internal collection 'Ylt.. and the Joint Venture recommendl the .ewage be bro~ht to a ma.ter pumping .tation on Yahl Street and he Indicated the locatlun a. being in the central-Iouthern portion of the project. He said a force main would be taken fro. the .a.ter pumping .tation and, in the interim, the aewage would be taken .outh of Pine Ridge Road, west along Pin. Ridge Road to go .outh along Goodlett./Frank Road to the Solana pumping .tation of the City of Naple. and the .ewage would be pumped into the City" .y.tem for treatment until the County has a regional plant available to ..rv. this are. of the County. He explained there ha. be.n di.cus.ion about building a .econd r.glonal plant for Dl.trict -A- in the Pine Ridge Road area and, when that happens, a new force main from the ma.ter .tation at Pine Ridge Road will be built to the east to connect to the County" regional .ystem. Be .aid Staff has been in contact with the City of Naples working on the Interim treatment availability and they have .xpr....d that they will have capacity wh~n their tre.tm.nt plant is completed. Mr. P.ek .aid the we.tern 80t of the project drains to the southwest direction of the S.ction and Is collected through a number of drainage ditches and routed to a major ditch running north and south along the western boundary which line. up with a new triple box culvert that was construct.d on Pine Ridge Road for the purpose of accepting the drainage north of Pine Ridge Road. He said this is part of the Gordon River OUtfall System. He explained that .outh of Pine Ridge Road the Gordon River canal drainaqeway is poorly constructed and defined, the channel width. vary, and the amount of maintenance are to varying degrees because they are not all 1n County control. He .aid improv..ent n.eds to be don. in that system. He r.ferred to a .tudy don. on the Gordon River t.n year. ago w1th propos.d channel i.prove- åå~; 088 PAr,r 582 Page a ,,'..,'. .,0 :'''~;'';~'<II.'''''r;,'IF.... '.~, }}-$": -~'~"""-""'I{l~' "~J~;-~r:,,,~., >,....,_.__._'"---'"~.,,_.....,,-""'"'" " '\t,~; '~~~:~~,¡:~i~\~i~~~\":~h:~ E3 . ''''''.. ;:.7~;~ ,.) '. ". !t" ;..;';:,~h' ...--, 088 583 ~.j:,J'aoK' . I'm ~;b;'. " , , ~~' ·,....ntl with WaUr control .trùetur.. to 'provide tor Uotllwater unag...: ;~~?,:: .'ÌI.nt 'for th.'contributing buin' which did not ....terhlh. and which ~/~,. ';,'; continu.. to cau.. probl.m..' H. 'U9g.at.d thh 18 an ar.a that the ,H,", eo..i.cion n..d. to foeua att.ntion on In the futur.. H. .,id thia n.w ;.,..., , " .yat.. will conn.ct to that .yat... B. .aid th. .a*t.rn 20' of th. proj.ct, th. undev.loped aer.aq., conn.et. to the Airport Road canal badn. " " , J Au¡u.t 27, 1985 Mr. Pe.k .aid he did not thlnkth.r. would b. additional flooding to the .outh of Pin. Ridge Ro.d. H. .ald It I. r.cognlzed that th.re vill ne.d to be control. In th. outf.ll. that will limit the dl.charge~ Com.I..loner Holland a.k.d If the City of Napl.. will charg. a con.ctlon f.. in addition to th. a....am.nt charg. by the County? Mr. P..k r"ponded affirmatively, .tatlng that the ......m.nt charge. that vlll b.l.vl.d und.r the propo.ed DI.trlct will b. for the In.tallation of the plpelln. .yatems In the .tr..t., the roadway and the drainage .y.tem.. H. .ald wh.n a per.on applle. for connection to the wat.r and ,.w.r .y.t.ms th.r. will be a .y.t.ma dev.lopm.nt charg.. Commi..loner Bolland ask.d If a po..lbility has b.en di.cus..d for buying a bulk rat. ..rvlc. from the City of Napl.. for the wat.r and ..wage a. i. don. in Ea.t Naples? Mr. Peek said that is an area that .hould be dl,cu..ed. Mr. Kuck said that whol...l. tr.atment wa. discu..ed by the City of Naple. and the City Indlc.t.d th.y did not wlnt to go that rout., how.ver, the option i. not totally clos.d. Mr.. Lynn. Hixon-Holley pre..nted a petition (Exhibit .A~) indicating the under.lgned are property owners on Taylor Road and prote.t the attempted A..e.ament of certain propertle. on Taylor Road AgAin for pAving and drainage co.t.. She sðld In 1979 it wa. determined the.e property own.r. would have to pay lor 2,640 fe.t for a project de.crlbed In the Exhibit. She explained the la.t payment for thl. project wa. completed by many of the property owner. In 1984 and some are still plying for It. She said the taxe. were ral.ed because of the Improvement and the County Is attempting to charge the.. property owner. for the s~me work. She .ald thl. petition requ..ts, for the record, that tho.e propertle. along the 2,640 feet .hlll b. exclUd.d for paving and drainage co.ts. Re.pondlng to Mrs. Hixon-Holley, Mr. luck .ald the project .hould be comp1.ted approxlmat.ly two to two and on.-half years from now. Øe .ald If the County proceed. with th. fln.1 d..lgn Staff antlclpat.s the plan. vl11 b. out and bid. will be received In about .Ight or nine Pag. , a:::J - . ò.o~"'):'N;.:'~,\;~ ":.:::r;;~~r,~.......,."":,~",, -....-.. ,. ....'fI:" . " .""- r¡¡¡;;; J' ,1',0;'.", ;~,. ~....; """ ~~.\~""¢,f,' '. ;:~~,~ ,,~",: ..',..... ", ' ',' "',,, , : '. "0, t .... :', Augu.t 27, 1985' ;i¿~:~~n~~.,,:.nd one., the prle.. u. receiv.d they 1f\)ulc1 b. firm throughout ~."¡7.. ;ri-/t.h. duration of the contract. lie .aid the englneen 'bay. .0.. . ~·'~ont¡n;."CIOO· built Into tho unit c..t fI,u,oo. B. .ald If tho bid. ~h;I" exoe.d.d the ..ti.at.. by a larg. amount h. thoUl¡Jht it would bt 1n the ~,k. b..t intere.t of the County to report back before the Board of County Comllledoner. and conc1uct another h.aring to ..e H the proj.ct .hould b. tabIec1 or proc.ed with it. Mr. Kuck .aic1 St.ff r.coamend. that the .outh.rn 2,640 fe.t of TaYlor Ro.d b. ,x.mpt from the ro.dway a....sm.nt but it would b. ·......d for all co.t ...ociated with pavement re.toration due to in.talling the utilitie. in that .r.a. He s.id the prop.rty owner. would be r..ponsibl. for p.ying .ny co.t. ..sociat.d with regrading the .w.les and a certain amount for improv.m.nt. to the outfall .yste. th.t w.r.' not constructed at the time T.Ylor Ro.d was .......d. Mr.~ Hixon-Bolley r.newed the objection for this prop.rty being Included In the drainage becau.. .ome of the property owners are .till paying for the dr.inag. for the 2,640 fe.t. Mra. Hixon-Holley reque.ted that her property be considered for the Increa.eable Benefitted Property rath.r th.t Directly B.n.fitt.d. She .xplained according to the guideline that the -DB- method is ba..c1 on the front footage of the properties adj.cent to the stre.t right- of-way of dev.loped parc.ls. She point.d out her land i. und,veloped~ She asked, if her property cannot be IB, that .nother .ethod oth.r than front footage be used. She .aid this i. industrial prop.rty and it 1. not the front foot that i. of great value. In answer to Mrs. Hixon-Holley, Mr. Kuck said h. .stillated an lnt.r~øt rate of 7-1/2' to 9-1/2' for the proj.ct. H. a.id the lIon.y on Taylor Road wa. borrow.d locally through on. of the bank. and the project under discus.ion is proposed to go the bond route. Mrs. Hixon-Holley objected to paying $103 front foot and then to have 60 fe.t of that through the aiddle of the prop.rty plus 25 f..t for an .a....nt n.xt to it. Mr. Bruc. Weber .pok. in oppo.ition of the project due to the co.t. The following people spoke in f.vor of the project proc.eding a. soon a. pos.ibl., citing impact on fire protection of the ar.a and the n.ed for .treet and drainage improvement.: aOOK 08'8 PAGE 584 Page 10 " ~i7~~~?!~~ Ao!~"__"_'_ "w' '. <:' . .-,,'. . ",", ,,~~.: .' .,' . ;,i,,~,:,., ',> '," t ~," '. ~:,"', ',.' '&. tt::,"~~:~ooK'088PA~t585 \. AUiU'~ 27, 1985, .. ';~.)0~'}{·,:"";\í';~''''~r '. H~nr'l' Mlunt Co..lnlon.r Ilorth lI.pha rln Control .nd '~,q:"",'J'¡", .. · , 1 ' ~U,:~" .,:;," ¡ 'R..cu. Di.t.r ct.. , ' I~;~ .:. Mr. Calvin X.lly, npr...ntlng Dona14 K. Dorlni, Inc., . I'i:'>:' nqu..t.4 conl14.ution of 111..4hte relhf for Shirley t· St.r.et.. ,,;,;.. , Mr. Bob Mo.t..., propert.y owner on J , C Boul.vard. ~, Mr. Kike C.rr, .p.aklng for hl..elf, part.n.rll, Margaret. Mont9o..ry, .n4 Mario Con.t.ant.ini. ..··_,·t,.,.""~_ '".r\,,'J, , , ,..... " """ .",.,.. . 'IÒ/'I,.,¡,.,s";i ~ ~.. .' ~ 7é'7r, !~::;,::.~:"" ,;'.:" '1".,. f) Mr. J.... McLaughlin, r.pr...nting him'.lf and Highway Pav.r., Inc. Mr. John Lud.rman Mr. ~rry Fitzg.rald ..k.d how tho.e prop.rti.. that. front on Pin. Ridge Road and Airport Road will b. .......d? Mr. Pe.k .aid tho.. th.t I r.c.iv. · water or '.wer ..rvic. will b.' included in t.h. Dir.ctly Ben.fitt.d Properties .. well.. tho.e that r.c.ive a drainage b.neflt. Be .aid he did not think th..e prop.rti.. will b. a......d for road improv.m.nt. becaus. th.y will not r.ceiv. .uch Improv.m.nt.. H. ..Id If the property is large enough that the part that front. on. of t.h. interior .tr..ts can be used for. productiv. 'lot, that prop.rty would b. included in the asse.sment proj.ct becau.e a ben.fit would b. received from tho.. improvement. and .treets. Mr. Fitzgerald .a14 h. agr..d so.ethlng has to be don. .bout the road., drainage and wat.r in t.h. ar.a, but h. ..id h. h.s trouble und.rstanding why the people w.r. told .t the May 1985 ...tlng that the ......m.nt would be approximat.ly $80.00 a running foot .nd now the cost will b. over $100.00 ~ running foot. Co-.d..IOD.r &oll'Dd aow.d; a.cond.d by CO..I..loD.r ..... 'nd c.rrled ua.nL.ou.ly. th.t tb. public b..rln, be olo..d. Co..I..loDer PI.tor aowed; ..coDd.d by CO..I'.lon.r ..... th.t Re,olatlon '5-1'2 approwlD9 the pr.ll.ln.ry .n,lD..rln, coat ..tiaate·/........nt roll~ f...lblllty r.port 'Dd or..tID, tb. Pin. aid,. IDdyat.rl.1 ~.rk Ar.. I.prow...nt Aa......Dt. DI.trlct be .dopt.d; Commi..ioner Holl.nd reque.t.d b.fore the fin. I draft la pre'ented that the po,sibility of bulk rate, previously di.cu..ed, b. pursu.d. Mr. Kuck r.ad the amonded title of tho R.solution. County Attorn.y Saunders .aid h. and Mr. Pickworth discus.ed this title this dat.. R.sponding to Commi.sion.r B...., Mr. Kuck said Staff will addr... the outfall of the drainage to the south of the project. Upon call for tb. qae.tloD; th. aotlon c.rrle4 an.nlaoualy; ~. ~ c::::J r= ,..-----..._._i" ""'--- PÀ,. 11 - .. .. .... :.t.'.;~ ,,;'~i'~ ,-;. '.. -- '~:'~:~:;.')'~ .,.;~:, '~·'~lt..1S :',,~~~'>.J., .~ ; (" ~ . t.~;~;~/~): '171710. DRI..U-5C, UM pu.., IIIC~, ':'~¡.'i:,' .. COIn'IIIUID '1'0 11/5/1S f.'1~," _;., _.. '. . ,I., .,' Co_l..loDer PI.tor ".d~ ..eoD4.cI by Co-la.loner ..... e.rrl.4 unantaou.ly; tb.t Petition DRI-8C-5C; .,... Pl.n; Ine;; r.pr.'.Dtlng Pin. Air Lat..; Ine;; becoDtinaed to 11/5/15;, ···RleISSI 10107 A;N~ RlCOwYKMlD 10120 A;M;... AugU.t 27, 1985 ,1 ,.~ . :. :'e r1 ~,' ,'; . . '.' .fv.~j~~' RlPRISIIITIIIQ PIIII AIR tAJtI'¡:IJIC;:=K: :t~., ": '~ ..,:í-- .nd lte. II SInR 'DVICI AGRIDlarr POR ACQUXSI.,IOII or ftl ULI SafAGI rACILI.,IU B' COLLIIR COUIITI NA.,IR-SIWIR DIS.,RIC." LOCATID III R2'1; T50S, SICTIOIIS 17, 1', l' , 20 - COII.,IIIUID TO '/3/85 County Attorney Saunders said this subject will have to b. continued until next week. County Manager Lusk said Statf will make th.lr pre.entatlons next week, adding a tew minor changes are being .ade to the'contract in the back-up material. By con.en.u., th. Sever Servlc. Agr....nt for .cqul.ltion of the Laly Sew.g. Faciliti.. by COllier County w.ter-Sewer DI.trict .e. continued to '/3/85. Ite. 17 RISOLaTIOII 15-1'3 RI PITI"IOII Y-15-2OC, VAIID&alIL., alACS KARIIIA; aJ,A 3.55 FOOT Y.kRIAllCI rROM 'lB1 rROII., lARD SI.,aACK R2QUIRDlCIIT or 15 FliT TO co.anUCT '!WO ADDI'lIOIfS TO TO IXIS"IIICiI OIII-STORY MITAL aUILDIIIG 011 COMMIRCI STRIIT - ADOPTED L.gal notic. having been published in the Naples Caily New. on August 11, 1985, as evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-85-20C, tiled by Vanderbilt Beach Marina requesting a 3.S5 toot variance trom the required front yard setback ot 15 feet to construct two addition. to the existing one-story metal bUilding on Commerce Street. Planning/Zoning Director Pettrow said the applicant wants to construct two additions to an existing building which will encroach on en existing 15 foot setback. He said the property is located 400 feet north of Vanderbilt Beach Road and 600 feet east of the Gulf of Mexico and i. zoned C-3, Intermediate Commercial, and contains 17,500 .quare t..t. He explained the existing one-story metal bUilding, to which the proposed additions will be attached, has an 11.47 foot yard .etback, currently, and encroaches approximately 3-1/2 feet in the existing setback. He said the petition.r wish.s to build a 40.5' x 84' addition onto the west side of the existing bUilding and a 29'x84' addition aOOK 088 PAGE 590 Page 12 ..."...__""i'... >$; {, ....,...,.'"'<ò'tfA<?IIIA"'Î~, ','-f'....~.:.~~ \';~,.... ....,; .....~.~ .. ';1'''.:.':}. ~"":~rf ~'. ~'j . :,~. "/*''1.. ~~ .:- ~ ~ ...\'"" ~< -,.,..t . A1' t r.'_r..,~, ~ 1'1" > J '<~~:) '; ";..1.' r" "'io ~'.., .J ~......~..,. ..... ' :." . . '~~~~~j,::'~;~'t;~i~~~" " ~ ... ,', :. ",. :~"'~\~';" '::~"; ", , ,r''',t'i\!'.. "t< .' :.':.~r., t. . (; ''"'' ,_. ' . .Æ)__,_ ''''~'.''~ ~''.I. ~ \ . ' t'Ji;~';:;i;' ';;"') ~':~~',' ~';, ""1L:';'¡_,'~~""~'..'J"_~\~""'~. '-'i, " ·'~'~~:~~~~\~f~:i;J.~",>;;_,~, '}~~.", "- , ~ -""'I';I,"¡"!,>,' ,~, ,'.",.:1(,,,, . '" .,~., '..' , , " OS8·~591·'':¡',,·J'·:' 1,':'1 .,~',';;""t' ,',' ..U" t'27""-'lft8S"- ," ~*" ~..," ('~~"" Ir,'.; ;,<,:U" ,,'r", )fJ'" i\'r :" ",9U,., ',' "'.,,1'f:<~:""~ ¡'tbi\e.u "deSe of the exht:1nf buUeSing., He.deS thl 'pro Po.. Jftl;~~}"p:·í'.noroa'~h 3.55 het Intothe ,r.qUir,ecS.ltbià'~kï';:the,',~. '0 .(Óhíen·t:'.~1'tb.'.Xht1ñfbUUIHng~r: 8. '.'tlÍted, ,inter";oft~.~'·, p ~ftJ:bf¡"~.~1"~'nc~ '~t'.ndarði, . St~ff,. f~·unðttíat ·Cl~'c~.t.nc~. Jo,'~i., .J,..... "~, '--""'" ,. ,..~",~._ d."""",,; !, '. > .~~. ~ ..o>f,._ ..:'~H,._ . foh .re 'peoui1u to the chaucterlltic. of the land and atructurtÏ,' :~~~'..\he truunetvork of uhting'b~Údi~9. h ~';dedto pro~fð.;/JI! ~'..v;,...._.... ..;., ", .'., . _', ,'. " . ..:", ,~,.upport .nd alignment of the propo.ed ,addition. .ndthe .ccompanylng.~~~ >.1,., 'j' ,;-d'ry rack atructuru. He said Staff hu no objection to the variance,;;;", ,~<reqÎ.aut of 3.55 het. 1 ;"~$:¡"i" .' 'C~_Ia.ioD.r Plator IIOYICI; .eco..ded by Co_la.toner Goodnight 'i:' carrSed UU......U.ly, thn tbo publiCI hoar in, " cl0.~d; "'....'1 :~'.> Co_l..ioDer P~.t.r IIOYod~ .eooncled by Co_Ia.loner ..... ~nd '1;" oarr1ed'.."....u.ly, tbat R..olaU." '5-113 r. 'oUUon v-as-20, 1; >, :'~~!" V."'orbÌlt -..cb ..riAl be adopted; ''::~I'"- lit.:.: \:~~ r~~;..,~." "'-,~' 'y,": " ~, ""¡¡. " , i., II!II 1:11 l1li "'~'--"""~"'" ~, '. ",'~ ,,' '_'4'""'.-'I¡~',tf:,'i>t'''''''''",,'',;'',~I<·r.;''r'''~~,.R4,,d~,,:: "'~\fì.~":""""';...;'-~,'þ~'t' '. ~.~~~'''1·'·", 'W":IL':."'I:'!<~~"-'~":""...:tl""'{~~J~~:'~ ..- ,-,,;,,~I~~'\T;"rn~:~'~_¥,,"">1 ~i~ ~,1>';~~~ .+;'...._> riIiiI .....',~ ,<\,,/;~,"'" ,'.,.' ". . J;:~'~",~>~+'t' . ;·'~-#'}":r'~.<. "~' ;" '~..."- -..J..,. ....... "r~. <. i,::t ' , ...atM'...\I' ~ 1'.,,'" , . . , . ""'~"'''' , ...~~~:;.,'.,":,',~,,:.;-~: . :,:' . . .~. .,..... ;¡¡¡¡¡¡ :,,~.~.·I·.. '~:r"'~ '( ", '. ~~;~~¡~"~' .' ,t~¡~l:' ~' ;"' .tI':~k··>I't":· 27, 1985', ". ~ "'-:~~""t'¿~.,·;l,r"!'):··' :.... '·~..':<I~~:':.. . , ',.' : ',,~>:\~:¡,:~['?{d', .~. Utnc. .s.;.lU II ft1'I'I'IOII' PV-I5-12<:, AIIIOtD ,; GLAUì RlPlI8I11'fIIIG.' ,RoIIL OIL COUORA'I'IO., RI A PlOYISI011AL UII, -AIt O. '1'81 C-4 10111110 . ,:.,.:;, 'DIftalC"t ,I'OR UtGRADII1Q O' 1X181'IW ..aVICI 8'1'1.1'1011 011 'l'B1 8W COIQIIR 0' : aAt811OR1 ÐaIn AIID U;S; 41 - ADOPTID; 8UUIC'I' '!'O l'fIPULA'fIOIII,:Vt 'I.DIMG-Gr-.AC'I' MID .ITUIOIIIR'. AaRIIJllIIfT ACCIPTID ,:!,.t, Planning/Zoning Director Pet:trow .aid the petitioner' h propodng·'~,'~~:. . . ..";~;?,:r't"""~i ," to rebulld .nd up\) rade an existing ..rvice station and install a car ":"'::-:{>, ~~''';WUh facility for a building leu than 1,000 square feet on .78 acre. 'J.'!'ii" on the southwest corner of the inter..ction of Bayshon Drive (Kelly " :~. ;~" Road) and U.S. 41. He said the service station facUity was approved ~rJ'" ',"" by the Bond of County Commi..ionera on 2/19/85 ~nd the petitioner 18 now r.que.ting a Provisional Use for less than 1,000 square feet lor. car wash. He said the lands to the north, south and west are zoned C-4 .nd to the ea.t are aoned C-3. ae de.cribed the land us.. in adjaoent .re.s .. listed on the Executive Su~mary dated 8/19/8S. He said the CAPe and Staff recommend approval of this request subject to the .tipu1ation. li.ted on the Executive Summary. Responding to Commis.ioner Vo.s, Hr. Arnold Gla.s, representing the petitioner, ..id this will be a .e1f-service station .nd the permit. have been drawn for the station. He said the car ~~sh will be oper.ted by patrons of the service statiÞn, adding that the car wash will be connected to the City .ewer lines .s part of the stipu1ation.~ Co..i..ioner .I.tor aoYed~ ..conded by eo..i..ioner Ba... aDd oarrl.d UD..1aou.ly~ th.t R..o1utlon 85-184 r. Petition .V-85-lic; Araold L; Gl.... repr...ntlav Mobil Oil Corpor:atloD~ be a40pte4; , .abject to .tlpulatlon. .nd that the rlndi8g-of-ract and Petitioner'. Agr....nt be accepte4; ,\ aOOK 088 PAGE 594 ,...,----..,..",.,,'~,. ;~>'~ '111:' J. ~: . ...'.it/~t :( :~,..:~/'t;r..:tt. ..~"'<.,,' ,'.~~~~~~".. ' fj".": .- ~!,r.:,;:~:~.,',.,<";:'" ;;: I .-,/?ì:·",.~.~ ..':'l"·· >1'"1 ";\1 , ~¡·t'" '~ ,.~;~..'~'-'~~;';>';','"'''' , '. :*-""....',» '"I ' ,\" :""'~.'W.'."", ".1",,, "I ,". :1:::- \"',. .... .,' :¡~~".. '¡'. '.' :' . " ~".. 'f I,t '¡ . '.. ".. ~')"""" I.;. I~..... ,:.:~ii~~~~i-~m: iXã·~~'"~~: r~~"~.f~~ ,un. (1)>)(5)' O. 8ICTIOII :I O' t'B1 DorAUS 10111*1 DIITRIC'l' PO. IUUIIOII 0' 'fta DAYID LAWRnc:1 NIMTALBIALTI CI1IITIR O. .ORTI alDI 0' aOLDI1II QATI:'i'~ ,'AØWAY - AÐOftID" aøa.JBC'l' TO aTIPULATIO¡;S,.n'DIIIO_O._.ACr MID. '.;¡ê:;:\;'.¡, " 'I'tITI01fIR'a AGRUNI_T ACCIPTID '. ,': "':;,.;<, 'II;:',:, ' · :""'~:;;"'; Planning/Zoning DI rector Pettrow explained the Petitioner 11 .' .1t.\::,' propoalng to Upand the exhtlng Cavld Lawrence Mental Health Center on. f4:~I,th. north side of Golden Gate Parkway, east of 1-75 and west of Santi ",t.!". !t' "Barbara Boulevard. He uid the expansion includes a therapeutio group ~ ~ home, pre-school nursery and office space for administration and oounseling center. He said Staff and the CAPC re~ommend approval with the stipulations listed on the Executive Summary dated 8/19/85. He said; regarding Stipulation -H-, for assurances regarding sewage treatment, the owner/operator of the package treatment plant, which is to be installed on-site, has to forward a letter to the County Utility Divi~ion acknowledging s.rvice and capacity for the Mental Health Center. He said the applicant was pr..ent. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Alan Reynolds, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI and Peek, Inc. representing the petitioner, stated the water is provided by Avatar via an agreement they have .xecut'd and · waterline that was .xtended to the property. Co..i..lon.r Pi.tor aov.d, ..cond.d by eo..I..loner ..... .nd c.rrled aoanl.ogaly, th.t Re.olutlon '5-185 r. Petition PU-15-13C; , WII.on, MJller; aarton, 8011 , Peek, Ine; r.pr...ntlng 'ound.tlon for "ntal a..lth, Ine;; be .dopt.d sabj.ct to CAPe stlpul.tlons .nd tb. reylsed Utility l.ngu.i. aad the 'riading-of-'act and Petition.r's A9re~Qent be accepted~ "',)"'-"'" , ""'.1.- 'I' . þ.·';;·'~'rt"" ,'1;', rr,"r~~t.,~~~ ,~y';"' :'~./.} , _'. ,".v., "';", ' ..., ,,' Iiiiiiì I / .>!.~ .. <"1. l I". -;t '..;. "..~'- ; August 27, IDDK 088 PACt 600 Page . ,.-'. ""..,1; ,...A " ,.""....,.....,-----"'---.....- "-"- ~--"',..~-,,-,.~._,-""'.,.,_......,-,_.,~ ';~! -'''."".,---'"'''.._'"_._--"''-....,.;.,.,".''',.",....,...." __."-"*""""""',_w.", _..,,,~._<. .<~ -..,.-..__.-..,~ ;l.-~<'~ '''' i.~-~ 'If i"r-- ", ',' ..:;;¿,~,~;'~:~~:~;~~' /. ,,;;;]~r,~;,C ',~ t~" , ~ i/ Auqu.t 27, 1985 '. .'. ' ' ~ '~.i1~:",.~~. ~~":I~;;f:.:t ¡ Conn AnGlim'. OPI.I,* ~'f'Z'.1 GaUDl'A'fIID PROVIIIOll FOR rAiÌÌfÂ,\~':-it,:! ,j~~~~'~~~ ~I. .O'Z' APPLY·, ACCIP'I'ID . ""~...'~ c.'\í":';;:'<, County Attorn.y Saund.rs sdd this itell wa. continu.d pending an. ".' '.. "' ';'~",..,,.' , "(" ... ". "" " ',ï, "'. '''. inv..t1qation' by his offic. conc.rning wh.th.r this wu con.idet.c! .'.,,~"'~,'i 'X~\(.<:,,;~ ,"'" "i'w ,:i'i"" vtlt.d proj.ct or whether the own en would have to apply lor a chang. ;~::;¡. ~~~: in loning to build th.ir proj.ct~ He .aid he .ubmitted to the Boardo! '~i , ",\,',:' , County Colllmhsionera a lIemorandum dat.d 8/23/85, which outUn.d .0l1li of "~"?~~:i, ,~ the hhtory ol the proj.ct .ancS add.d the Commlation has r.ceived a ':i~~ letter froll the Community Developa.nt Divilion dat.d 8/9/85, Which:~~?~ outUn.. the p.rtin.nt fact. conc.rning thla project. H. uid the b.t ':,<.~j p.augraph of hh memorandum conclude., froll a .trict legal øtandpoint, ,::~, ~::: ~: ::o::':::d·t::·:::~::o;nP;::;~t.::oo:':::::: ::::';h:hon tho '1~,¡,f.:' Grandfather Provisions in the 1982 Code would apply. H. .aid, .inc. th.r. has b..n no con.truction for ov.r two y.ar., it was hi. opinion that the project was no longer V.sted and the Grandfather Provision would no long.r apply. Attorney PiCkworth, repr.s.nting the Elkin Company, the property owner, said he mad. his pr..entation two w..ks ago and it was his under.tanding that the purpose of this hearing is to listen to comments of others who IlaY wish to comlllent on this matt.r. Commi.sioner Pistor said one of the problems with this proj.ct i. that it i. contributing a certain amount of drainage to the ar.a which i8 causing a major problem of flooding In that section of the LIly d.velopment. He asked if Mr. Pickworth'. client had any plans to h.lp to corr.ct that problem? Mr. Pickworth said as part of the con.truc~ tion of the project certain improvement work has to be done. He .aid looking at the drainage situation i. part of obtaining approval to build anything. Com~i.aion.r Pistor aaid in the ~riginal d.velopm.nt apparently the drainage was not required and .a satisfactory job waa not done. Mr. Pickworth said his cli.nt is willing to do what he can to help In that regard. R.sponding to Commi.sion.r Has.e, Mr. Saunders said it is his opinion that to build at the d.nsity reque.ted the prop.rty owner would have to apply for a change in zoning or com. in with a Plann.d Unit D.velopment type of project. Planner McKim .nt.red into the r.cord a l.tter from John Nuzzo objecting to any additional units being allowed in Tract -D-. Page 16 ~ c::z:J I:Z1:D ,.. -- - ;¡¡a - ;;¡¡¡; ~Lç c,", '....u.. 27. 198' "r'""" ,,' ~:;~:,¡"'<~y'.:M.~ Ruth ''1'rUl.o~~ pr'''i~.n't of the t.eìy ,Civic .AI.oc~ation"".p~.ke tl~:;'~~~/ .~~~7~::·'I,n'OPpolit1onto thh proj.ct b.cause of th higher d.nsity. She. .'; '~:::l~.:¡'i ~' I..t"",' refuneS to the floocHn( and ..vet problem. that .xist in the ar.. and ;,::,".)h~ ~(;'.a1d granting the requut.d high d.nlity would compouneS, tho..' prOb1e~~~::;~~i;,~ " , She .aid the POD's .h. ch.ck.eS in the ar.. are zon.eS 6 aneS 10 unit. per ,!~~, '. "\!,.. acre, a. far out a. the Hitching Post. She .aieS a portion of the PUD :';~~,. , va. 1....eS to BuileSini -D- and some of the parkini space. have b.en,:í':, tak.n which were for Building. -S- and -C-, .0 there i. not ad.quat. parking for the requ.sted proj.ct. She .aid this i. not an on-going proj.ct and, for the grandfath.r provision to b. u..d, the actual oon.truction must b. com..nc.d ~ithin on. year. Mr. Fr.d Mitch.l, President, r.irw.y Tow.rs Condominium As.oci.tion, ..id the ar.a that hi. Association has land-leased was r.d.~crib.d and his Association lost part of the leas.d .rea to provide p.rking for Building -E- wh.n it was .rect.d a coupl. of year. .go. H. .aid his Association is the only on. in the lea.ed area, y.t .ome of the parking .pot. in front of the building that are in the l....d ar.a have be.n as.iin.d to Suilding. -S- and -C- which ar. on the oth.r .ld. of the property. H. explain.d the driv.way as propo..d on the original plat w.. a hor..sho. .hape that went in front of all buildings witb the .ntr.nc. and .xit on .ach end of the clubhouse ar... H. said wh.n the A..ociation assum.d the responsibility for Building -D- in 1975, the builder had erect.d over the und.velop.d end of the driveway a f.nc. which the Association had to replace approximately two y.ar. .iO. He said should this development commence about 60 fe.t of that fence would have to come down. He said his Association does not appreciate the density and the additional traffic that would be created. Commission.r Voss asked Community ,Dev.lopment Administrator Mullin. to check to .ee if there are any current violation. on this project and .he agr.ed. Ms. N.ncy Polumbo spoke in opposition to this project because of the dr.inage problema and the traffic hazard that exist in the area. 'lape U ~o..I..loner Ba... aowed; .eoonded by eo..l..loner PI.tor and oarrled unant.Gu.ly; that tbe County Attorney'. ¿plnle" that the 9raDdfatber provl.lon for ralrway 'lover. doe. Dot apply be aooepted; aOOK 088 PAGE 606 Page 17:~:,~\ ....~;-. . "'1i:~ "...,'I:¡Ij ~;"I'" :.' (!'" .~ . 't:. .. ,..... _~ "i~: ".'. ,'\~j)~, , ,"';J~ ". ,i '. ::tÇ,:t',.,&I~ :~o;ì"";t:~ì' '·'f:<:'" "',. ~{o,. 1(11., ' ~,::." ..' i"·J~~",·'~' 1188",,1ì07 A...ot 27. 1985 ....,.,..,',.,..,.,$.;.~.. ,.,' , , /.;',J . . . .~:,h.. '11 ';'::;'" ~;::::è~,U L; "-Y'. IIOUUY -.....D OP hI'AI:? UU _ .UL_ .:,::';,' ~;~r¡t~.IaWfD .. DbUD ,., :~. .k .!!.: t/·e,:,è,,, Mr. "'orloo .......y. toprooontln. tho O""Oto of Sholtor rolano.. '<,~. . ~:;:' expldned hI. clients purch..ed the property in 1979 and proc..ded w1th'{'¡t~ ~t Oool.n o. tho p'<j.ct. .. 0010 O.rln. 19.0-82 hlo cllonto "to In on ,,' ':t. . \¡;i'" active urketin9 progru and were 9ranted building permits in 1981. Ue . \"\;:~ \,:' " ',,~~. ' .aid durin9 1981 there wa. a change in the overall phn for the County ..,...,,?j;. I'~.; . _ .q1~ and hh client's property was effectively down zoned in terms of nUlllber "":N of unit. and other restrictions, which meant the buildings were no 10nger able to be built if the permit. w.re lost. He said the permits expired in 1984 and his clients have continued to stUdy the current aarket for a product that could be desi9ned for this property and they have conolUded this i. not a good time to go forward with a building. He said there are no immediate plan. for this property and his clients anticipate in 1986 they will hire outside consultants to begin to propose a new use for the property. He said his clients recognize when they bring new plans before the Commission they will have to pay impact fee. and sy.tem development charges, however, he requested that the fees already paid be refunded, at this time. Assistant County Manager Dorrill said the ordinance has a rebate procedure in it, however, Staff is in no position to make a rebate four years adown the roada. He said the purpo.e for collecting utility system development charge. i. to be able to plan for and accommodate deVeloper., particularly in North Napl.. where there has been a proble.. keeping up with demand. He said it would destroy Staff's ability to have ready the utility systems that will be needed If Staff began lIIaking rebate. based on the current development markets for .ingle, multi-fuily or commercial retail properties anywhere in the County. He 'aid the County doe. not levy impact fe.. but doe. collect fees based on the Immediate plan. of a developer. Utilltle. Admlni.trator Crandall .aid it was his understanding that the per.ita were drawn before the down-zoning was done and Hr. Shumway said that was correct. Hr. Crandall said the down-zoning do.. not have any real bearing on this .ubject. He said the payment of the fe.. was utilized to improve water and .ewer in the area to provide for this development and even though the project was not developed that doe. not .ean the County did not .pend .o.e of the money to provide the '.rvice. Re.ponding to Co..i..ioner Vo.., Mr. Crandall said if the Page 18 ~~~t1 c¡a c::J '~.__.__.._-"....--,""-~....~."-.".,-^'" ,..,...._..."-""',........,, -, .'- ,,'---,---_.,,--, -""., "i.f.- ;::;1\1~, . .. .'~~:, .~, "'. .' ~:'-}~ --' ·:t11 :1 .. ''''''...' n, "~'.t ",:,,, .. r¡¡¡ ,>"-r:. .~~" '" ,~. ' ~~;',:::.:: " ' ," " , ,iI;.t"f ..., '"" "W~7'~'¡'¡ ',,,: . .'.....' , i~1d.v.lOPII.ntha~ proce!deð and".. ready to,,~o on~.tr,!" no" , '~êôú1CS~;ha~dí.~·~t~" .~4',"" '~':~~',"'~' '",' Mr~~Crlndal1 explained there are bond cov.nant. that do not 1110" è~t;,;¡;i":o:,retundlng except by the ordinance that allo"s for refunding within. 9Q . :~1~!:;d daY'. 'of 'th.'permit being h.ued. ",;.., ,.....,..>; ''','' '.' , .. :,.:, ':, '11«"<1 ';.{:''', ,"," Mr. Shumway said the design period was long before any down-zonin9;');:J;~¡., " :~:·::;:h;::. t~:': ;::.~:.::y t~~2 d:~:~::I::~"~: ::~:h h:' d~:·~:~· thot<'";:;'lt~ beUeve the current ordinance wa. in .flect when hh client. received ~;":~,~~:./' and paid for their perait.. Mr. Crandall agreed, .tating the ordinanc. ":;;:1: that allov. for refunding was adopted in 1984. I~~ County Attorney Saunders agreed vith Mr. DorrUl and Mr. Crandall ", (.- "'''''- and said the County ba. no provhion for refunding under thh .et of ~'T.î " '1;,. circLIIIstances and there are proble.s ",ith, the hct that .oney has been ',~:9l; .pent and there are bond convenants that ",ould requi re no refund.' ~~' except pur~uant to exi.ting ordinance.. He .aid apparently the project wa. a ve.ted project until 1984 becau.. of exi.ting building p.r.it., .0 the developer did have two years additional time, when the zoning wa. changed, to construct hi. project. Mr. Crandall .aid that the .ystem development charge. that have b.en paid benefit the property and will re.ain with the property and should it be developed in the future credit will be made toward future devdo pIIIen t. Commia.ioner Piator pointed out that there are a number of development. where nothing has been done ",ith building permit. but the developer. have not notified the County that the ..rvices will not be needed. In answ.r to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Shumway said 114 units were proposed under the loning laws as they applied at the original application and hi. clients actually designed 112 units. Øe said bl. client. w.re allowed 200 fe.t in height, at that time, and that Is one of the l.pacts tbat has changed any pO..ibility of continuing ",ith the d...gn because there i. a lower height limitation on the property. Co_t..tOAu Phtor ""ed; ..COaded by Co_h.ieDer: "./je aa4 car:r:ied unaDiaoualy; that Mr; .hu."ay'. reque.t fór: refun4 4f iapact f... for Shelter: I.laDd be deDted; &OOK 08'8 PAct 60B' Page a , , " , ~'~ ..->:, ."!;" '" ' ~ .. ,·,.,¡".t;'~'''''1'''.~ ""," .':. :~ :';~r;:~~ ~-. , . '~:.~. '~~.~.':L ' . ~~,. - .."'..... v,~': ~r,~';~08B~¡~[609 Augu.t 27, 1985 " ·':lte..12 ,... " . ~~~.~.,"';.,;",/ ~ ;. , : :.j. ?:fWÁrRR fOR 'to IWIIfA!IOII UQUlUUImI lOR ftl 10D'lURll aGel :;~~"IC1'AC:ULU aalrI! COMeSR! POR "~D..,. lPOWIORID II IlAl'LII JAICII. _; l\AP'ROVID . ~~.'<,;" " I".. ~;\":":?m . Mr.' Brhn T. staklch, repre.enting ,the Mainland Concert.,.. Inc., ':'._;.;':';:j""~'.' 'j ",',:'~.dd his client h, in conjunction with the Napl.. Jayc..., to hold a' 'r !':~ .,;' I:, . , . ","",,, :,vç.£' benefit concert for Mu.cular Dy.trophy in Collier County at Port of the 'i,<1:;"t1'4V ' Island.. Herequuted a waiver of th. flush type unitary faCi1iti..:.,:,;=~~ for this event. H. 88id his clients have locat.d those facilitie. b!Jt ",::::.7ir.?' they would co.t b.tww.n $8,000 to $9,000 in addition to what was ',~"~\~' , '"''!~ anticipat.d to b. .pent for the .v.nt. H. a.k.d this wdv.r be grant.d :: 10 his cli.nt could us. the 100 to 150 Port-O-Johns at Port of the Islðnd. which have be.n donated. County Manag.r Lusk pointed out that this waiver would not be for flush type faciliti.. for any .mployee. or cooking facilities, and Mr. Staklch .aid h. und.r.tood thi.. Mr. Lu.k .aid in the ordinanc. the Commi.sion has the ability to waiv. flush type faciliti.s for sp.ctators but not for the .mploy.... In anawer to Commission.r Pistor, Mr. Stakich .xplained, due to tropical .torm -Bob- in the ar.a, the conc.rt haa b..n rescheduled for Nov.mber 9 and 10, 1985, at Port of the Islands. H. .aid th.re waa a four inch watertabl. b.caus. of the storm. Mr. Stakich .aid betw..n 5,000 and 8,000 p.ople p.r day are exp.cted for the two days the conc.rt will be h.ld. Com.issioner Pistor said ho was inform.d by Mr. Ray at pòrt of the I.lands that the conc.rt was not going to be h.ld, but Mr. Stakich said he had a letter dated approximately two weeks ago from Mr. Ray that November 9 and 10, 1985 will b. available for the conc.rt. Commi.- sioner Goodnight said she was told by someone who works at Port of the Island. that the concert would be h.ld In Nov.mber. A discussion waa held regarding the number of Port-O-Johns that would b. sufficient and Mr. Lusk said the number Is prescribed in the ordinance. In re.pons. to Commissioner Ha.se, Mr. Stakich said a security firm from Tampa has b.en r.tain.d for this concert and they will be sUpplemented by Sheriff's Deputies and local security officer. in the area. C...I..loDer PIstor aowod, .oeoodod by Co..I'.lonor Goodnight and earrl.d una.laoully, that the walyor for tho .anltation coqulr...nt. Pago 20 BBJ EJ œJ "-~"-'--+ ..- t., ~ -1¡¡ ~: ~~,~ ~ "",,"t,"': ,- ~ .. r;¡¡a ~¡:,/~>:;~~!::{" August 27, 1985 ":~".:,:~( 't~Z!r,f:r,'Û. '.utbern Rock ',ectacualar 'enefit Concert for ";D;A; apOnaor.d: <t;,:...' t~.K:i'li'l'·: , . ~ ._ 'r....rl ¡,' . { Ii ~>~!!I ";~:Â~;,l:»r "apl.. '07a)'O... M appre..d. ' , ,", ',' '~ '. ';.."';' ""statant County ManaljJer DoreUl Itlted tor the record that this ,\ "," I'.., action does not preclude Mr. Stlkich's need to obtain a permit for the' concert. Mr. Stakich said his client will comply with the application requir.ment. Ite. '13 NORISBO' RI AR~lfICIAL Rllr PROGRAM SCHIDULID fOR 10/10/85 A~ 1.30 ';N; Dr. Edward Proffitt, Dir.ctor of Natural R.source. Managem.nt Department, requ.sted a workshop tor the Artificial Reet Program b.cau.e it would allow State expert. to discu.. ~he importance of artiticial r.efs to aport. tiaherie. and other lection. of the State, to r.view the effectiveness and cost. of various reef building t.ch- nique. in tho.e areas and to allow the Natural Resources Management Department to present a couple of alternative r..f building proposals, th.ir r.colllllend.d co.ts and a recolllmendet:! cour.e of action, and to ..ek dir.ction from the Board of County Commi..ioners. After . abort dtacu.atoai Co..t..ton.r Ptstor Coaat.atoa.r ..... and carrted unantaou.ly, tbat a Artificial R..f 'rogr.. be acb.dul.d for 10/10/85; It.. 114 IIOv.d~ ..cond.d workabop for at 1.30 ';N; BYA'" 1llSTRIJCYID '1'0 Dun IM'L&MDlYATlOll or AllY CAllAL IN'ROVIMarrs III D-2 CAMAL DRAIIlAaI SYSTIM UIITIL .urrlcllIIT ,uaLIC SU'PORT BAS .1111 DUOnTRATlD WAter Management Director Boldt said on 6/17/85, he pre..nted a proposed financing plan to the Commi.sion for the propos.d D-2 Canal and the Commiasioners dir.cted him to draft an ordinance that would create a special taxing district and pr.pare for a public hearing. He saId the h.aring date has be.n po.tponed several tim.. and, in the ..antime, there has been con.iderable negative public reaction to the plan to create a .pecial taxing district. He explained h. ha. .poken be for. two of the civic groups in the area and has heard from a third civic group and there seems to be a lack of public support for imple- .enting the project. He said he had the f.eling that b.caus. the canals handled the water from tropical storm -Bob- so well there may not b. a n.ed for the canal improvem.nts. He said h. di.tributed å questionnaire at the c1vic a.sociation. and received 48 r..pon.... ae .aid all but 12' said they would prefer .omething other than the con- .ultant.' r.comm.ndation of canal improvements. He said two-third. of aOOK 088 PAGE 610 Page 21 ..._...._..._"''''''.·..k_'_.~'..''''''.~'''"~,.;_,...._~"..,,'',........,,'< "_""",.=",,..,..,~__. -__1 by ..-..----..,..--..........'.,....-., J ~.*oI.'...: .~~, aOOK 08'8 PAGt 61f "uquat 27, 1985 ',' the uapona.. ..id the County should dò rlothtng other than accelerate '1.. '_' .t'h~·lÌIaint.enance prograa or add control win to the exhting fixed ~t", ;q~'c;r'.~t <Wein ·7· and "7"·. He said ,only 12\ agrueS with hh ,~(": /d.p~r;;'ent'a recouendat1ons and 88\ aaid 100' of the cost ahould be t:....~ ~." .' . ~~;;;, , ' ,p~ ~d f roa C4pi tal z.provelllent runeSs. ., .'~ Mr. Boldt ncolllllended, dnce there 1a a lack of public support for the canal improvements, that tha Co.miaaion defer any action on the ordinance to create a special taxing district and direct ataff to delay any improvementa to the canals. He recommended that the Commission atill request that the Vineyards PUD b. required to improve the D-2 Canal on th.ir property, inatall the water level control structure at Pine Ridge box culverts, as waa previously atipulated in their PUD Document, and that the Big Cypreas Baain Board be encouraged to acce1- erat. its plans to modify Weirs ·7· and ~7A·, which are under their jurisdiction, by the installation of control qates, so there ia a measure of flexibility at those two structure locations. Commissioner Hasse agreed with the people who voiced an objection to the tremendous expenditure of money in this area. He aaid h. haa spent time inspecting the canala and realizes the hydrilla and greenery in the canals are creating much of the present problems. He said he and Assistant County Manager Dorrill, this date, are going to ae. how the new weed machine is operating. He said there ia an older machine in operation and another will be operating in two weeka. He asked if all those machines will be placed on the Golden Gate canal system and Mr. Boldt answered that the plan is to place all of them in the main portion of the canal around Golden Gate Boulevard. Mr. Richard Braun spoke in oPPosition to the project in the manner Staff recommended it be financed and said the agreement with GAC/Avatar ia invalid. He aaid no copy of the bonda that Avatar waa to post for the projects has ever be.n received. He said on 9/6/84, Mr. Tangier from the Federal Trade Commission said that GAC/Avatar waa going to supplement the land south of Alligator Alley with other lands that were usable but this has never been done. He said the County should approach the peop~e that did not develop the area properly and th.y should'pay for the improvements and not the taxpayers of Collier County. Commissioner Pistor said that the Federal Trade Comm1ssion, regarding the alleged 1,100 acres of land which may be given to the County, has stipulated that the land may be sold but the income cannot Page 22 f:J';!~ p!!l'...~~J Œ:::3 ";T~': ,..,.. --. '._""..",,,.~,,,,",,, .._,_...~-,.. ---. .-..--- ,...-- - ~ r.- ;¡¡¡ ,S~"1:', ' ~;:';::,,:,b. used for canal or road construction ?.l" }~,:,can only be us.d for bu I1ding fi re an4 lV/' ~lbrari.., for examph. :':f': ~.pe IS " August 27, 1985 or maintenance and the proceeds polic. 4.partm.nt., park., and Mr. Braun .ai4 the ar.a Is in n..d of th... ..rvic... Commis- 810ner Pistor s.i4 that the County has r.ceiv.d off.rs of pl.cesof land which Staff has ch.cked and found are not worth anything so that land Is not acc.pted. In answ.r to Mr. Braun, County Attorney Saund.rs said the property he m.ntion.d 1. subject to the GAC Liquidating Trust. Com.ission.r Hasse suggested any n.w correspond.nce Mr. Braun hat r.garding the Avatar property .hould b. giv.n to ,Mr. Saund.r.. Co..l..loner ,l.tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner .....~ tbat Itaff be in.tructed to 'defer i.pl...ntation of any canal I.prov...nt. in 0-2 Caaal Drainag. Sy.t.. until _offlclent public .upport ba. been d...n.trat.d. Commissioner Holland .aid It was his und.r.tanding during budget discussions that Mr. Boldt's department was increa..d to some d.gr.e, including the new we.d machine, for the purpose of maintenance on the canal system. Mr. Boldt said it was his suggestion to d.f.r any action on modifying the cro~s section of the canal., making the. de.p.r or wid.r, but to accelerate the maintenanc.. Upon call for tbe qye.tleni tbe sotlon carried unanlaou.ly; Mr. Joe Grimm said that the canal network was committ.d to by Avatar when th.ir plats were originally fil.d and is not contingent upon the sale of any lands. He said the Board of County Com.is.ion.rs, In 1960, had a policy that required before any plats could be filed .a....nt. for drainage had to b. guaranteed, bond. would have to b. post..d in ord.r to guarantee that canals would be duq in the eas.m.nts and once the canals had been dug the bonds could be rel.ased. B. said certain requirem.nts were made by the County and the work on the canal ar.a was not don. according to the County'. r.quir...nts. H. said that di4 not excuse Avatar from doing the work and he Sugg.sted that Avatar should b. asked to do that work, even though the County may have act.d in 1983 to relieve the company of any furth.r obligation. H. read the Staff r.commendation on the Executiv. Summary and said that the work propos.d for the D-2 Canal Syslem i. not a'n illprovem.nt but i. cor- r.ctive and r.medial. He said the work should be paid for by the d.v.loper. aaaK 088 PAGE 612 Page 23 .~~r~~*;:~;'~,~ ;':::~f~i;.':~'l~;i~!:!i.;~ ,>,~; ;",,;¡>,!'@ ~.:~,.~<~!t~ , ,,'t> ~,<~'" '~'i\ ".~1~:¡,'r. ~,',' , :;~~,;.' ~ ~ . --_\."'--,".~-_.._.,.,,,~~,,,,, ,.. ~'..--""=-_..-.....--~,--"- ao~ 088pm613 August 27, 1985':;<'f~ ' . " ,J" )'~"'. H.:.,. :"'. In rupon.e to Comlliuionu"Pi.tor,: Mr. ,Saunders .dd the trip e:';1:J.",,· '~:::.s~..~nt10ned involved a quution concern~n9 elimination fro~ a redenl ",;,:",:;:;; ~.. ;',;,'rude 'Colllli.don Order that CAC deeð to the County 1,100 acre. "of land.:: ~1i:,/i~;;";:Be ,.àid the redera1 Trade COlU\iuion eUminated that requirement';" H~!",~' .¡{t:'~:~':;'dd long ago the County accepted the roads anð canal. .. bdngbûÙ: ' '1:::"~,, to .tandard. and Mr. Tanghrs incHeated that at that time he in.pected :"", 'tbe road. and canals and made a determination that they met County .tandard., in his opinion, and the Staff, at that time, accepted thelll~ ¡;:;.~~ttk, Be .tated for the record that the innuendo regarding the 1983 agre.ment,.~~~f~ and a ·cozy relationship· wi th Co1Uer County Staff and the GAC ;,~~~rt! developer. i. totally unfounded and unfair~ In response to Commi.sioner Has.e a. to whether the Vineyards development would create a hardship to any of the are. under discussion, Mr. Boldt said he did not think it would. He said Staff is requesting the Vineyards developer to improve a full .i1e of frontage we.t of Oaks Boulevard before the property i. developed and any increa.ed, flow capacity would be controlled by the box culverts under Pine Ridge Road where the Vineyards developer is obligated to install a water level control structure. He said the developer is required to retain on site their pre-development discharge so there s~ou1d not be an increase. Mr. Duane Billington clarified the matter concerning the 1,100 acre. by saying that Federal Trade Commis.ion Attorney Tangier. stated on 9/4/84 the 1,100 acre conveyance obligation by Avatar was a legal and binding obligation and there was no reason to trade away anything to acquire those acreages. He said Mr. Tangiers also stated,"in regard to a 1.2 million dollar water management obligation that existed since 10/4/77, if that agreement was signed by the Court appointed receiver. of CAC that was a real obligation and the County would have cause to go to the Bankruptcy Court. He said he had tapes of Bce meetings stating this information. He agreed with the other speakers that the people of Golden Gate should not have to pay for the work under discussion and encouraged the Board of County Commissioners to take legal action to obtain the needed money. He referred to proposed bridges to span the existing D-l and D-2 canals, which will be necessary when Pine Ridge Extension and Golden Gate Boulevard Extension are constructed, and said it i. not fair for the proposed Special Taxing District to fund part of this bridge construction. It.. 115 ., 'z:¡:,., . ¡... ~: "";'.,' Page 24 , '~, . '''>("~,;r~\ 0)'1'. ' " :,~ '''§' ,., \;,~: ::JX, , , r._ -"'¡~ '~~ . :':~~:¡J~ ~ œa Ei!Ð -'---""-~--""""'-",".",. "~-""'"'-'-"--_.""-' --- __·___...."~,,~..""_"""y"'"",_._""""""'_.·....·_"'""'.".'~"M""_,"...,_..,,.."' (;iiijI r;¡¡¡jiI ~ ~-\, ' r'.. , ",i";", ,~~'". " ~;':tt~, ~.~, > .~;"'~.~'~';" August 27, 1985 ~,,:WOUSIOPSCUÐUUD FOR 9/11/15; AT ..30 A;,.;, U COLLIIR COUIITY ~,::';Y:~ ,'lUaMIIlL RUUS NlD RIGULATIOIJ. " .'. ""~I!'~ ;'{f;·:~:';:\CO.lÌll'.lonèr Vo.. upr....d hh opinion that the Colli.r County,' ..~~ - ¡ ',P.uonntlRul.. and R.gulations n..d to b.,,,orkshopp.d. . , ";' ';:-:"','Co..ta.loner 'Inor aoyedi ..conded by coMI..ioner sa..a arad ": \\:~F carded _ui.OIl.ly~ that a work.bop be .cbedule4 for '/11/15, at ..30 "'¡" A."~ retardlft9 tha Collier County 'auonnal Rul.. and ReCJlll.t1on.~ Itø 11' , , , , ,'" uvtlm lOLl DAY ICUDUU roa DI'LOYlU 'fO TAXI A ruLL DAY llroU CIRII'I'MAa ~D WORK 'I'll DAY or IKW I&AR'. KYI - A"ROVID County Manager Luak .xplain.d Staff did an ~mploy.. aurvey regarding a chang. in the holiday achedul.. H. .aid the majority of the employ... a.k.d that th.Jay b.fore Chrhtmaa b. a holiday and that, th.y work on the New Y.ar's Ev. holiday. Co..l..loner ..... 8Ov.d, .econded by Co..i..ionar ,i.tor and carried unani.oualy, tbat tb. r.vi.ed boliday .cb.dllla for ..ploye.., to tata a full day before Cbri.taa. and wort tha day of M.w Y.ar'. Iva be approv.d. nøln 'I'Y CAaU I'UllCBI81 AaRKDlD'I' WITB DIL'fOIIA IROADCAS'I'IIIQ - 'CCIM'I'IIUID 'fO '/3/85, COUJITY ATTOIUIU DIRICTlD 'fO '.IPARI AM ORDIILUlCI U TV PROGRAIUI I 110 ,~,-t ' f" ~¿r~ ;ê,t., . ~~:.;' " J:"..,., ' ~~~.. '"", ,'. ~;"7:'\' , ", (": ,.. ;'P' t}~,~: ~.:,~" ~". ' , County Attorn.y Saunders sa1d this it.m was continu.d b.caua. of a r.q~.at by Morality in Media for the County to conaider an ordinance as well as an amendment to the franchi.. agreem.nt to prohibit the dis- ,.emination of obscene material by the County'. cable franchis.... He stated the first two paragraphs of his memorandum of 8/23/85 to the Commi..ion.rs concludes that the Commission.rs can prohibit the dia..m- ination of obsc.nity as long .. th.y cl.arly d.fin. what ia obscene and a. long as th.y provide a fair due proc..s type of hearing before finding that there i. a violation of the ordinance or t.rms in the franchi.e agreement. ae said he indicated that pursuant to Section 847.011 of the Florida Statut.. it is alr.ady illegal to di.s.minat. obscenity through any m.dia. Hr. Brad Est.., Manager of Palm.r Cabl.vision, .xpr....d the opinion that the subj.ct is adequately covered by State Statute and that hi. company i. complying with Stat. Statute and thinks its .ub- scribers .hould hav. the right, und.r the law, to decide which program- .ing th.y will watch or not watch. ae said there is no need for a aOOK 088"AGt614 Pag. ",!~;;'~¡;"@~;S" "__""'~''''~·''''''''''·'''''."",·,·",.·,':.'''c'''.;~~"_.,",.,;_,_,,_,,._,____""""-,.,_;,...,...........,,.." ,..,.,.,..,,,..,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,...~,._.. b ._,.'_.....'"..'"~......""_,""'_,""""~_~~,"'.."..~..,..."."<,,.,.._··_~_"_w__.' _'''''''''~''''~'._'''~._...,,,...,. . ;1.' t· . .:~.~;, .;'~ ,"";' ~ '1' "i ..¡:'..,' r~:': ,to' * ;'~;:',>'.ODl( 088f.a~615 August 27,1985 :~\~'''''''''''\locll ordinance ,,'tIJ"f"';' .. '}'~:j'~~~ . '~, Mr'; M. rk Simmons, upuuntlng De 1 ton. tt",· ,(, ; ',<" ' ""'r. "E8t.. that State Statute cover. obscene 1""¡"'- '\.' . ~'I';",' J. ''Jot nece.ury. :!" {,\¡~ ',' "Mr. Toll MÐloney, upr.untlng Morality in Media, urged the Commis- ;~.~,; '.:1:'<" .ioner. to enact an ordinance dealing with obscenity~ He laid the ~ 'I"'., ,~':: State ob.cenity Statute is of a crillinal nature which lie an. if there is ':i<~' . violation it haa to be referred to tho State Attorney'. Office which, i. burdened with its own work. He said when a criminal Statute i. involved the violation has to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt which impose. a great burden upon those who are trying to show that something Js obscene. He explained in lIost regulatory Statut.~ that kind of burden of proof is not required. ".,. II ,'..::.,:....... ; \~~··i~;~~;. .;i¿:~l~ <,··'?~,~t: ",~ 'Ii; "/;1:' Mr. Maloney suggested that the Commi.sion should not lose control of the regulation of obscenity on cablevison and by being satisfied with the ~tate Statute the Commission would lose control of the issue. He .aid the obscenity definition has stood the test of many court cases but. civil procedure ia need~d whereby the Commission can efficiently deterlline whether there has been a violation. He said this procedure could be a civil jury trial or arbitration procedure where the aame issues could be presented .a would be presented to a criminal jury. Commis.ioner Pistor .ai~ the cable television people do not have a .eans of censoring what they transmit since they transmit programs that come to them and are providing a service to the community. He asked Mr. Maloney how the cable television companies can censor the-'programs they transmit( Mr. Mæloney said the companies are obligated to abide by tho laws the Commission enacts. ae said when the City of Naples granted a franchise to Palmer Cablevi~ion the company said it had censorship control over anything that come. in. ae said, if there is a local ordinance that provides that obscenity in Collier County will be controlle~ by the County Commission by people who will decide if something is obscene or not, the companies will have to make other arrangements with the networks. He said the Supre~e Court has stated this ~ubject is a local issue and that communities locally decide what Is obscene within the test the Supreme Court provides. During the ensuing discussion, Commissioner Pistor said he did not think the Commission should pass a law that is not enforceable. Mr. Saunders said there is a Miami Beach Ordinance that says the Page 26 ~." ~ Œii3 c:m . .'" .<,,~,.;. :'-"",'i'~. ·:r..:.~~~:~,~~.tt\li(.· '~)~·?~~ ~~\lM.'t~." ,.....~'it.,'.~.... ",,\~,-.,~f.~'~~~,~ --_.- _w....__,'''''''<,·;."..."',,,·,,,·,...~'',.·.,o. iirii1 IiiiiII ¡¡¡;¡¡¡¡; ".., Augu.t 27, 1985 "te.t of whether or not materhl h obscene 1& whether the average peraonapplyin9 contemporary com.unity .tandard. would find that the Work, taken a. a whole, appeals to the puritan intere.t, whether the work depict. or describe. in a patently offen.ive way .exual conduct specifically defined by the applicable State Law, and whether the work, taken a. a whole, lack. serious literary, artistic, political, or .cientifi~ value. He said this definition has been accepted by the Supreme Court. He said applying this definition to a particular movie or segment of a lIIovi. b.com.. very difficult. He said his major proble. with local regulation when dealing with the cable media is trying to define what in actuality is obscene using this definition. Mr. Maloney said he waa not trying to suggest that there i. any Board of Cen.orship in Collier County that would do what Mr. Saunders said. He aaid an offensive progralll could be submitted to a civil body who would an.wer the questions Mr. Saunders posed in the definition~ In response to Com~issioner Goodnight, Hr. Saunders said if the Commission tried to eliminate a particular channel that would be considered a prior restraint on the Freedom of Speech and would be illegal. He aaid he thought he could write an ordinance that would be enforceable that would prohibit the dissemination of obscenity, defined a. above, and that he would set up a fairly structured hearing process with an appeal to the Circuit Court, so from a legal standpoint be could set up the program. H. said hd could not estimate the cost of such a program. He said an alternative is that there ia a State Law that prohibits obscenity and having a body that would receive com- plaints and turn them over to the State Attorney would be a way to prosecute the principle involved In .howing obscene material. Co..ts.loaer Ptstor ~ved; .ecoDded by co..t.stoDer a.... &ad carrted unaat.ously, th~t th. County AttorDey be directed to prepare tb. aboYe-de.crlbed .rdIDanc. r.gardtng YV progr...tng; Mr. Saunders .aid the Com.issionera have to decide whether they want a provi.ion in the franchise agreement that would prohibit obscenity. He sugge.ted that paragraph be added to future franchi.e agreements and provide that the franchise agreement can be ter.tnated in the event that paragraph is violated with a .uffici.nt number of times. In responae to Commis.ioner Vo.., Hr. Saunders .aid if the ordinance provide. that franchi.... can lose their franchise if they are found to be in violation of the ordinance a sufficient number of time. he wanted the franchi.e to parallel the ordinance. BOOK 088 PAGr 616 Page 27 .' '-.;- ';;1-"" ~. ',k. ' ~:~r.,>" ' 1k~ ,,"d·~_ !.~r';' ~:~~;: aiR 08B Pl~ 617 \':~' Mr¡·,81uon., .ald his .franchi..for' .oee,tl..~ :·,'t1··~I. '. , ~;; abov.-..ntion.d paug raph :':(:'1 Jt.,,!.¡ ~. " /;113/85 ...Ung~ '''¡};~^' ~ ::;!\t~';.~: Mr. Si..on. ..id Deltona Broadcasting currently is operatinc; a "'>IMATV By.t.. and the reuon it is uking for the lranchi.. is to œJf, ~;~rovid. additional service.. ¡,¡ff:( ;,< Mr. Saunders explained the Deltona Broadcuting Franchi.. ~~;; A~ree.ent he prepared provide. that it is 6 non-exclusive franchi.. :.~¡h which is a requirement of exiatine¡ Federal law: Se ..id because ol the r;,:', facta of thh 'particular franchise there i. 80lle concern as to whether it would be an exclusive franchise. Mr. Eates stated, for the record, obscene and pornographic movie. are not on cablevision, now. He said hi. firm doe. not object to another franchise being award.d, how.ver, tho Commi.lion .hould look at the fact that the mere awarding of this franchi.e will condone the continued practice of Deltona not allowing Palmer Cablevl.ion in that development to give the customera there an opportunity to choo.e between cable ay.t.... H. .aid his firm a.ked to b. given the opportunity to .erve when the development was fir.t put in and was denied. Re.ponding to Commia.ioner VOl., Mr. Eate. .ald, in the City of Naple., palm.r Cabl.vision has an eKclulive franchise and in the County Unincorporat.d Area it doe. not. Attorney Pickworth explained this i. a .ituat!~n where the developer i. essentially the aam. organization that wants to have the franchise for the cable televiaion and the developer i. in a po.itlon to deny Palmer Cablevision the right to cro.s land to serve area. within hi. development. He said, even though Palmer Cablevislon and Daltona Broadcasting have non-exclusive franchise. and both companies have the right to lay their linea down the public .tr~et. and ways, the developer has the ability to d.ny Palmer Cablevision the right to .ervice the building. that ar. to be constructed within the develo~ .ent, .0 this situation i. a d. facto exclusive franchi.e. He .aid 'al.er Cablevi.ion believe. the public interest i. served in elimi- nating exclusivity 10 that various private entitie. involvod in providing cable service. will be able to offer custo~er. a choice a. to ,the .pectrum of programming available, price and other service. involved. He said Palmer Cablevision believes thl. choice, under the clrcumstanc.. pre..nted, would be effectively denied to the resident. , ) AugU.t 27~ 1985 firm ha. b..ndelayedin obtaining their Mr. Saundeu ..id h. could provldeth. for consid.ration by the Comml..ion at the Page 28 [iD ~ t!S1 -----,~-- .. - CiiQ ,~~l':;:' ", ':¡ Augu.t 27, 1985 ,'-,,';,\." of. the Marco Shore. PUD., ~"::::~~:.;~(\:¡ Mt~ Pickworth ducrlbed a situation In Evergladu City when th..,..,)'f:!,,;;; ~':::' 'County, Manag.r'. OfUce .ecured the unlc.. of a con.ultant frOll N.w\~"~' ;,Z; ,.' ,;}'!";" York who examined the propoud franchise for that aru and lIade a' .' , "..... ~ . " , number of comment., .ome of which are applicable to the .ituation under dl.cus.ion becau.e, in the con.ultant'. report was a recommendation that a thorough analy.i. of the type of programming to be offered ~nd the ability to offer a broad .pectrum of programming b. demon.trated prior to granting a franchi.e. He .aid hi. client feel. that 1. important in this re.pect becau.e there i. a potential of having what amounts to an exclu.ive .ervice, He reque.ted this matter be referred back to the County Attorney'. Office for further ,review. Commissioner pi.tor said the roads in the area under discussion are not yet County roads and the County has no utility easement. that Palmer Cablevision could utilize. He asked, until the County i. asked to accept the roads in the development, how would Palmer Cablevlsion install it. cable? Hr. Pickworth said, prior to final County acceptance for maintenance, hi. firm would .til1 have the ability to lay their cables in the road. becau.e the.e will be dedicated street. and the plat law. allow hi. firm to utilize the dedicated ways. He .aid hi. firm may be able to lay its line down the .treet but Deltona, a. the landowner of the adjoining land, can refuse to allow hi. firm to cro.s the land. He .aid Palmer Cablevi.ion believes the granting of . franchise should be conditioned on an acknowledgment by Deltona' that both systems will have the right to compete in this area. Mr. Saunders asked if the Deltona sUbsidiary, Daltona Broad- ca.ting, agree. with the development company that to prohibit compe- tition would be a violation of Federal and State Anti-Trust Law. and could Palmer Cablevi.ion attack the .ituation through that mechanism to open competition? Hr. Pickworth .aid that might be possible, however, he .aid he did not have that answer. Mr. Simmons said that Dftltona Brodcasting is not trying to prohibit Palmer Cablevi.ion from offering their service. in any way. Øe .aid hi. firm is offering State-of-the-Art .ervices at a rea.onable price and the customers will choo.e the service they want. He said, currently, Daltona i. getting out of the developing bu.in..s. Be .aid the que.tion of whether Dl1tona would allow Palmer Cab1evi.ion to go across the property would be covered by Anti-Trust Laws. Mr. Saunders .oid the question that need. to be addre..ed i. aDDK 088 PAGE 618 pag_ 29 Ao~~,"""""',.-, '" ,·,~,T~'·'l. ~,/j~·;:'~t~:· tØ~~~;",:,,~,....,..., :""'''I!I''im'"~~ ,--,.,'_....-,_..._"'''---,---;.~--'''''''''_....~-;"-'''----~-,..,;,~.,,.."","'."~"~''''.'.'"'' ·, ,'r ,~ >' -' "'. '''.~ ,:': ", ... ".....)~,........" ',,~~"'¥~" ' < " ,h >~~ I, \:'_': , .'~ I ."'" "If-~ ,t.;.'1 .~.~:. ~, ~~:.:.>~, ,," :~~~l~'.;,:_,,<'.> ,.~. I"t, \ ,,-' ~ "I.~':·PB8ftGÎ619 ,,~t::';'; '¡. I" AUCj u.t 27, 1985 . .. \''''t~''·,,·,··-,_;·,'· ",~ '. " " ',j' ,..> 'f' ;' ..' , ,I " I, ,-..~~. : ,\~·t~\"N ;,f: .::~I,~he~h,r,~~,l~.,r c~untY~~in 1t~n.0?,~ex~l~~~!' fra~Chhe, can requln~h';~~~ ;!'paþlë' aoçany' to aCj r..· that Ita parent corporation w111 not prohibit ;'<v:.t:1~ ".", , " ',.-"'.. - ,.~ , ." ':~1',' oap,tition froll other cable cOlllpanh.. H' 'UCj ge.ted thh h.uI be .'~ ",~:~~;ÓÌ'Ítln'u.d until 9/3/BS, when he w111 tell the COlllllli~a1on if It'h..·th.:'!(~", :~¡f"~::;·.uthorltY to put thh condition in I franchiae agrument.';;:/j;i' ~kr:'~~;:;:<: eo.at..loftu Phtor 1IO.'d' .eaeDel.4 by Co_l..loau ..... .ad : '~~~\"( òuded tm.a1aoul1y; th.t tho TV a.~l. funcbhe .vr....nt wi tb Doltone ~'!.;,,: Ir..4ae.t1D9'" aoatllnaod DAtU '/3/15; ~t .1' ..eC~hl1oner loUan4 left tb. roo. .t 12110 P;M; and retllrn.4 . , at 12121 P; M; eee n.. 11' PUBLIC IIARIMO RI ROAD INrACf rll ORDIIAMCI ICBIDULID raR 9/24/1S County Attorney Saunders said Commi..ioner Pi.tor had a que.tion reCj arding recreation vehIcle. and Hr. Saunders referred to Section Four which cover. computation of the amount of fee. He explained if there is a development which is not listed in the fee. schedule the developer has to make a road i~pact study to determine the impact of his project, whether it i. a recreational vehicle project or some other unlisted project, and he has to pay a fee bAsed on thAt actual impact pursuant to the .tudy. He said if the development i. a li.ted project the developer can PAY the fee ba.ed on the .chedule listed or he CAn have a traffic impact study done for his project and pay a fee ba.ed on that impact. He said all development i. covered by the proposed ordinance. "a,. f7 Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Saunders .aid this i. not an advertised public hearing for actual consideration of passage of a Road Impact Fee Ordinance. Commissioner Pistor said Hr. Saunders brought a proposed ordinance to the Commissioners with the under- standing that certain changes will be made And that there would be .everal fee schedules pre.ented at the time of the pUblic hearing. Commissioner Voss requested that the registered speaker. wAit to expres. thoir opinions until the ordinance i. considered. As.i.tant County Manager Dorrill said it was Staff's understAnding that it was the Board's intent to bring the original ordinance before the Board to seek direction as to whether a public heAring would be .cheduled and at the pUblic hearing Staff was directed to bring .everal different type. of fee schedule. for the consideration of the Commis.ioners. Commissioner Voss said that assumption was correct. ,Several registered speakers declined to speak until the public PaCj e rm!J EIBÐ t::iS --- -'--;'-"""'''-''~''''''''~''''-,""',.",~~",-,,,,,,,..-,",",,~,~~,,,..". ~. ", ..\. ; , ,-~ "'. r.iIiiiI - ;¡¡;¡; '\';' ~{;~, ~;~', ..~:?,\, . ~ '-" \f.l," '. , ',i:,:~f' '. " August 27, 1985 ~~.'~~'."" .,..... " I~::~~~':;;.~ ~:;. r::r~:::::.~.::. .:.~~::. ~::.:::r:h:~ :::: t:~:; 1!":~'CUìct1atnítory and' repr..ent unfair taxation. He said the road. ~h~Uld '¡r~~'\/ be paid for by uur hu. ' ~~i~' 'Mr. '1'011 Shields, Preddent, Collier County Builders' and ~,.' , Contractors' Association, .aid if there i. a shortfall of 3 ~illibn dollars the total solution need. to be addr.ssed. He said if an i~pact fee ordinance is to be imposed the County should look at the total revenues available. He said the County needs to Make an effort to get the Legislature to give the County additional local options such .s an auto tag tax, additional gas tax or special a.se.sment. and MSTD'.. Councilman wade Schroeder pre.ented a copy of a newspaper article entitled -People Must Deciùel Pay Now or Pay Later- (Exhibit -A-) to the Commissioners. Ms. Georgia McKinney spoke in favor of i.pact fee. because she feel. that is the equitable way to pay for roads. Co..i..lon.e .i.toe .eY.d, ..cond.d by co..I..lon.e ..... aDd aaeel.d unanl.ou.ly, tbat a publio beaeln, retarding the Road I.pact r.. Ordlnanc. be .~b.dule for 9/2./a5~ It.. 119 DIICUSSIOM or OAC LIQUIDATIMG TRUST - COMTIMUID TO 9/3/85 County Attorney Saunders explained t~is item involves on-going litigation between Collier County and the GAC Liquidating Trust, He said there i. an Offer of Settlement and At.torney Varnadoe is repre- .enting the parties that have developed a proposed .ettlement to the litigation. Mr. Saunders referred to a letter to the Commissioner. dated 8/26/85 from Staff which outline. the type of project being requested and the objections of Staff to that development. He .aid the project involve. the abrogation of approxi.ately 2,100 units in an area that i. de.ignated a. a rural area under the exi.ting Collier County Compreben.ive Plan, approximately four miles from the eastern edge of the urbanized are.. He .aid because of the negative impact to services .uch as water, sewer, fire, school facilities and the transportation network and potential degradation of groundwater resource., Staff recommend. that the settlement be rejected. Commissioner Vo.s .aid that Mr. Varnadoe haa concurred that the Commi.sion will defer action on this matter until 9/3/85. It.. 120 am 088 PAG( 620 Page 31 ~~~~,.,~:~~::::/.~:<:'~:: .:~;~;;\' '~''':'-'''~':~:; :~.. O\~ T_ ~_,........_...._,_-.._._.....'_~_'~__"_ " \ 0.1 ... Jj.~J . .(" .'" ., August 27, 1985 10,",1111 BILLS - A"ROVlD au, PAYMIn ·}.~t,!j:'Þ~tI'u.ni ;to Riao11.Ìt1on 8l-iso,' t.he, fOllowln9'checka i,,':t~;~~!tAugU~t' 23, 1985, In payment of routine bU1.. , ,Ji":;"'~'~;; CBECIt DESCRIPTION CHECIt NOS. e }i'; ,'~,.. Vendor 132291 _ 132585 f'Í"':'~.,'" BCC Payroll 18155 - 18743 \~ >c:;.. were AMOUNT $795,172.16 $251,059.45 - AÐOPTID ~..I.ner Bolland ao.ed~ .econded by C...I..loner PI.tor and carried unanl.oualy~ tbet 1ad90t Aaendaent '5-312 be adopted; . Ite. 122 .330 aOT&L aILLI RlLATID TO &ACC COMFIR&»C& '/25-2'/'5 _ A"ROYID FOR PAYMD1' After a .hort dl.cu.aioD~ Co..I..loner Yo.. ...ed; .econded by C...l..1onor ,I.tor and carrlod UA.nl.ou.lr~ tbat .330 hotol bill. for Co..l..loner. 'Iator and Goodnight; related t~ the IACC Cónference òn '/25-2./.5, be approved for payaent; It.. 123 ADDITIo.AL $..00 PIMALTr IKP08&D 0_ TRAFFIC FI_IS FOR SCHOOL CROSSI»Q GUARD PROGRAM Commissioner Voss said this is a discussion of the School Board'. resolution supportlnq additional funding for the School Crossing Guard Program. Commissioner Pistor asked if the County could get the School Board to contribute $120,000 to the Sheriff's Department to help support the School Crossing Guard Program? County Attorney Saunders said the County could request this and he would investigate the matter. Commissioner Voss said the School Board has asked the Commission to consider imposing a $4.00 penalty on certain types of traffic violations as provided in the Florida Statutes to provide additional funds to the School Crossing Guard Program. Com~i.stoner Pistor said there was discussion regarding this aatter during the budget reviews and the Sheriff'. Department indicated it would be a futile effort and that the County could impose an addi- tional $4.00 penalty on certain traffic violations and the JUdg.. may not aqree with the Commission. Deputy Chief Barnett paraphra.ed Sheriff Rogers' .tate~ent during page 32 t. ,,:; ~ ~ tìi!i LSI1 ~~~~'!~:}',~··'.:.:<~~X;d":~~:(~~~~~~'~··" " '. ~"';":'¡';"··"·"""""F: " , ,'. ~}",~§¿l;:t{ "'"...\ .,; '''', . ..),,,...,-,,"___..__..,,...___..,,.,.._.._.,,,__..~_"_........~.....,_,;,,,__,,",,,,",,....,_..'.___....4.,·__',,"''',...,·_.''''''',~,,~ ·",..,.;<,---,-~-.--..-._.~-- .. .. - ,.,,""" Augu.t 27, 1985 "~,(.. ,·H·~~~·,' '. ,'~",,;' th.' bucSglt huring. by 'hting that everyboh'l 11 hooking onto the ~j:~l\,,~raHle Un.. but 'OMU." the Judgu relate the Co.t. ac;lin.t thl' >j,~'N' ~:' fine and cOllie up with a total _ount. He .dd the Un.. are receivleS "~'~~"f .0 if the co.u au high and if a Judge want. a $30.00 or $50.00 f1nl"~~ .' ,'....,. tor running a .top sign, he hook. the two together, norllla11y. Øe .deS,~~lli ,.,'",,"" there 11 a fear that the County would not qain a. lIIuch a. the COlllmia-'"t:J',:',. v ~':ë~~~ ~. .ionen might think and that the money gained will be directed to ' ";:,,,i,~ oertdn thing. that the COllllli..l/)ner. "''1 not want the lIIoney to qo to. ',;~'ti' Clerk Reagan said the traffic infraction. being mentioned In tbl."1,øJ,: 'matter do not go before the Judge .0 he doe. not make the deci.ion. HI .aid it the Commi..ion lIake. the decl.ion, he will collect the $4.00. Øe .aid it wa. hi. under.tandinc; that the Sherif~ wa. talking about non-civil infraction. and thing. that are more of a criminal nature. He .aid there are approximately 15,000 to 20,000 traffic infraction. that do not appear before the Judqe but appear before the Clerk'. Office and to which he feel. the law i. directing itself, .0 th.re i. a revenue source there. He said everybody gets a part of the traffic violation, the State, the Sheriff, the City of Naple., the County aneS others. He described a fine for a typical movinq violation. Commissioner Holland asked If Mr. Reaqan felt the $4.00 would be a .ource of revenue if it were approved and Mr. Reagan replied affirmatively. Deputy Chief Barnett .aid that the concern of the Sheriff'. Department is that everybody i. attaching fine. and adding to the co.t. He .aid in this case, the School Board and County would receive $4~OO, adding that currently the County i. supplying the money for the Sheriff's Department to pay for tha school crossing guards. Ue said If thl. item i. approved there .hould be a stipulation that the .oney i. de.ic;nated for the school cro.slng guard.. In re.ponse to Commi..ioner Holland, Fiscal Officer aile. .aid the 1II0ney collected would supplement the County's aeneral Fund. Budqet Director Zalka clarified it would be the Unincorporated Are. Fund. She .aid the City of Naple. would receive about $23,000 out of this revenue .ourca and the County's Unincorporated Area Fund would receive about $37,000. County Attorney Saunders .aid the Commi..ion could act on this item without a public hearing. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor 8O.ed, .econd.d by Co..i..ioner B.... an4 carried unaniaoualy, that an additienal .4.00 penalty be i.po..d on lOOK 088 PAGE 622 Paq. 33 .:S?~ .,¡,~ ,~.;* '';::::;;1,1 "':~1! . 'r:~~ "'/ '.:'"-¡4:"; ;:~ ~,':¡!,i} '4~¡~' ' ". '.~ l~":'·t.,.·~ :(;;,~: ' ~~1·. . ~~'.. " -~~~" . , ~r~"" ~;~~~~:.~~r tit. .....1 Cr...I", oü.;...';:::t .:;;.~:: ".,:l-·<'" 'f '. ",;.:~...';'" .,.': '," , ,f ' .." .,'.... \t~'~ . . ;:.I~_~124,t:;.,"f'el..t,-~:~:')i~.~~i..~."~'~'~ " ,~-~' ".1 _'; ," ''',~~ ,'.'1. :', "~'<4' I , ~:'}·V"',·O;"'\'.~ ,'I\."¡,,. .,'., _. .'. ".'.~ ,'t'\' ~ ~DuùG¡~m"'~i '/20 AIm' t/23/IS' ,oaPROPIRft APPRAliAL AD.1UI'l'M1II'f ' ;- coarrINdD, COMMIIIIOIIIR VOII TO t'AU COMMIIIIOIIIR .II'fOR'1 "" 'LACI'OM '/20/15 ~~:""~f ,eo..haloner !Pbtor ....d; ..aonde4 by Co_bal.au ...... on4 ,~~::::'..' oord" _an1.0...1y; tbat tbo a..art... d.t..of '~20 on4 '/23/15 hr '.~~it¡"."ro,.rty Appro1aal Mj",.taent kard be oonfh.e4. ,·~t~h Itî:'"";:;,.,;:",:,. Coauai..ioner Vo.. .dd he would take COllmhdoner Pis tori. place :::~:':'. o~ 9/20/85, .ince he would not b. ava! labl. for that huring. ~t~~. .'. . .f ltea 125 /'-. ",:.-':.", 1.·r '-'~ ;"::.~t.~'ç~ ,:;.;~,~ ·l. .~~-~ " CCllUU88IOIIDS TO laaAIt' IWIU OM '/3/15 or Jll:lØDI ,oa A -aLUI RIIB01I lOARD- t'O BILP waIt'1 AM AGRICULTURI MONIt'ORIMO ORDINANCI ~o 1i~I~::t'" ' . ..".,'.;...".... :':'~'\¡~ ,J,,; ~, : ,;\,~;t1:: ;>ÌJ,~· . <~'N:' . ,;':$' . t,~·f· ,,>:~~ COllllissioner Goodnight said Dr. Proffitt, Natural Resources Management Department Director, wrote a memorandua dated 8/13/85 to Community Dev.lopment ~ministrator Mullin. sugge.ting that a workshop b. held on the citrus industry. Commi..ioner Goodnight sugge.ted that the Commission .elect a -Blue Ribbon Board- to attend the workshop and h.lp with the problems Dr. Proffitt addr....d 'and that the -Board- be charged with helping to increa.e agribusines., .sp.cially the citrus industry in Colli.r County. She pre..nted a list of name. of per.ons to be members of this -Board-. After a short discus.ion, it was the con.ensus that lhe other Commissioner. pre.ent their lists of name. .for lIember.hip on the -Blu. Ribbon Board- with the matter to be finaliz.d on 9/3/85. It.. 121 BCC MIIt'IMOI TO RICISI NO LAt'IR t'BAM 1100 P~M. - APPROYID Com.i..ioner Pi.tor'sugge.ted that the Board of County Commi..ion .e.ting. not rece.. later than 1100 P.M. and, if needed, the lIeeting. could reconvene at 2130 P.M. Coaai..loner Pi.tor aoY.d, ..cond.d by Co..i..loD.r ..... and oarrled unanlaously, that tb. acc ...tln9. r.c... no lat.r thaD 1100 P.M. Page 34 f!iiJ B1 ~. ......., - '", .. - "!; August 27, 1985 ~i , I : ("·The following it... wr. appro... .nd/oe' ...pt.. under . "tbe Cona.At N¡.øda by ..UOA ef CO_h.l.n.r .I.tor, . ... : ..conded by CO_I..lon.r ..... and oarrl.. unanlaou.ly;..* 121 ," INrORMA~IOM PROCISSI.a 8fICIALIS~'~C' AlOVI &ITa! CœrnAcr WITH IMOKAUI WATER AIID SIVER DI8TRIC~ FOR $I ~ 500 RI WA~IR LIMIS . FIRI BYDRAMTS s.. Pas¡u ~~ 7 - C,..Jf It.. 1251 IXCAVA~IOI .IRMIT MO. 5'~222, CALI IMDUSTRIIS, SOVTBMII~ QUADRAWt OF ~BI IMTIRSICTIOI OF 1-75 AIID C. R. 5151 It. 130 fADICIt J. IIUUS , ASSOCIATIS TO APPRAIII T81 wIn 1/2 OF SICTIe. 36~ T451S, R261 FOR ACQUISITION TO IX.AIID THI COLLIIR COUNTY LANDFILL AT A COST OF U,loa s.. pag.. t,.3 s- ~.3? It.. 131 RULACIKDI1' OF 0111 LOW BAIID IlASI STATIOI FOR 8L1)Q. ·F· IN THI MOUIIT OF U,,11.00 FROM IYlRGLADIS COIUIUMICATIOM., MAPLIS, FLORIDA.. FISCAL OFFICIR DIRICTID TO .ROCIS. THI aUDGET ~DNIMT8 See pag... 1:10 tin..",..."' ......."{ved in Clerk's Office aa of 9/4/85. It.. 132 IIISCILLAMIOUS CORRISPOMDIMCI - rILID AIID/OR RlrZRRID There being no objection, the Chair directed that the ai.cellaneoua correspondence be filed and/or referred a. follov., 1. Letter dated 8/8/85, from Douglas L. Fry, Environ. Supv'r., DER, including a short form applicationf File No. 111077095, dredge and fill permit. XCI Mra. Mullin. and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. 2. Letter dated 8/15/85, frolll Douglas L. Fry Environ. Supv' r.' DER, including a short form application, File No.. l1108006~, 111080795, , 111082275, dredge and fill permit.. XCI Hr.. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. riled. aOOK 088 PACE 624 Pag. 35 ···~t ~';~\!!'<' .;if!i¿, .:",<~," ,.:1i~{: .,..L~ \ V-"-";f, . ~-:;~, . ,.!~ ';;;¡i~~1 .-------..-----.- ------~----- .. ';" !'Ir-""-', ~"'''~~'¡,o-",.":..r.'''''1",-;'''i,, .,.' , ~'~.' .. -, , '1", ."). ".f :,,'\1\1' ~~'~'P!'&;"':'I'\ i'&¡.L"~~' .: .',: \';' ~'~)"";';, L >"~. , ,.., .,fI ,~ f/: .". ~. ,~~' .; 4t; .,. ;<!{, , "', 'ii. ')~.:,:' '" ,. ..;. p "r\ ~. ',' ~»"'-" . OS'8 625 ,', ",.'t~)DDK ,: 'Ar.t . : '. . ",' August 27, 1985 '" '\ '{~,,~~:ì~"í3.,~ Copy of letter dattlS 7/29/85, fro. Elton J. a1as.nðanner,'Þ,'; ~ ;~\::~;;;;Ir"'i' 'Exec. Dir.', DNR,.tO"o.vid J.'Decker,p.I., 0.. , J.naon:;:~ß'" ,,·>t"'.'i:,;;,: ';1f Enqine.u, Archit.ctaj'y P1ann.rs, Inc. re approval of;Tll1":~:<,' '(.;f;,':;...,' "Ext.na!on, Permit ru. Mo. A CO-89, permitt.. NIIII., "Collier ·~q:7·¡;; County.' XCI Mrs. Mullins Ind Dr. Proffitt. rU.d. '''1.'~'''1 -';-c J:i.~:Yi:, '4. ,.Copy of letter dat.d 8/8/85, froal Carlos n. C4 ruro,' !n9~ì,,: , ,";':'1"7' 'Bur. 'of Coastal Engin..ring and R.gulation, DNR, to Rob.rti' ;ì""':':~" Meist.r, approving Emergencr Perlllit, FU. No. CO-114B to ,Y' .'~r\', '1 plac. unð fUl on an exist ng bulkhead. XCI Mrs. Mullins' ~~~;~L:: and Dr. Proffitt. rU.d. 5. Copy of .emorand~ dated 8/8/85, frolll Leo L. Minasiln, Jr.~, Environ. Admin., Div. of State Lands, DNR{ .nclosing agenda re Conservation and Recreation Lands Acqu sition Selection' COalmittee Meetings. XCI Mra. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. FUed. ,':; \ ,I " , 6. Letter dated 8/7/85, from Louise Flemming, Doc. Examiner, Amendment Section, Florida Department of State, re The Racquet Club of Marco ISland, Inc., that Article. of Di.solution do not comply with Chap. 607.267, F.S., plus a copy of that Statute. XCI Mr.. Branglccio, Mr. Luak, Mr. Vanatta and Mr. Saunders. Filed. 7. Letter dated 8/14/85, fro. Property Appraiser Colding requesting a check in the amount of $27,871.00 to mail Notice. of Proposed Property Tax. XCI Mr. Warren. Filed. 8. 9. Copy of latter dated 8/8/85, from Ellen Underwood, Public COMmunications Spec., SWFWMD, enclosing a Notice of Public Workshops and agenda. XCI Mr. Lusk. Filed. Copy of memorandum dated 8/8/85, from D. R. ·Buddy· Dewar, Dir., Div. of State Fire Marshal, enclosing State rire Marshal Rule 4A-2l. XCI Hr. Norton. Filed. It.. 133 IXTRA GAl. ~I"I POR INMATI NOS; 40377 AND 46543 It.. . U TURI' AIID PULD MAIIITDAIICI POR LILY GULP COAST LITTLI LUQUI PULDS POR PISCAL YIAR 1985/8' It.. 135 PIILD MATIRIALS POR Tal UTILITIIS OPIRA~IONS AIID NAIMTDAIICI DI'ARTMIXT PROM UNDIRGROUND SUPPLY AT A COST OP $8,180 See Pag.s Nt> rlt><'lIm..nt re<'l'dved in Clerk'. Office 8. of 9/4/85. .,) Page 36 . . '. /' , I E3 ~ L!B -".,..".._.<""""".,,,,-_..._...:..,,,-,,,.,,...~-----_...",...~,",,",,,,".,-,,~,,..,,,-_._----,_.^---".--...._""--¡.""~.....""....._.".",."~.,., , ,\, c·t'.. ""'~' '",,,,' ·>r.r,. """,',"- ~"'~~'.' ,."':.-~ ,":" .. .'." '¡:' ,,-', j' ~ '.:'i,". "~:;{~i;i';;" " "',' ' ; ': .", 3C ~~;:;tIk"'¡'!:" '" d, "n ^' , , '~~"';~~\~;~(.~:~:;~~:'.'~:;,':: r>:i; """_.',' "'¡,..) t ~t ítt~~~,..,. ¡,.1 + , " I . . ¡ . , j" ~;. . U.'ior.t.IA8l AGRIIICIII'I' Vl'l'll orn.ORI IlAV1GA'rIOll IIIC~ roR A 100 \ " WOOf~IQUAaI, MaCILor LAMD 011 courn MAURI.INIR DI6'I'RIC'rt. JWIA'rII. tNOnan, CllAllUWlt'O IXICU'I'I aD.AL 810M' RlCII" OI'LlASI AYJIIII'f AIQ) IUI.JIC'f 'to RIV1IW IY '1'11 COUll A'ft'OIUIIY Auquat 27, 1985 s.. paq.. t,3i"-(,,3? . . . Ther. being no further busine.s, the ~e.tinq was adjourned by Order of the O\a1r - Tillel 12137 P.M. BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD or ZONING APPBALS/BX OFFICIO GOVERNING aOARD(S) OF , SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ATTESTs WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK FR'D~~SS' CHAIRMAN ~. n ;~q~);y~£J.C, 'r.. ,'''''''iZ-' L /" (" y-, _ ./ Th~;'~;:nut.~~p~oved by the Bee o~~/~/,P;...s-u pr:¡4~~,~"~ or as corrected . , -" ',',,>,( , .'-,...., " .,."". ~\.). , -. ~''V ,- ."~' -:'. ....~';,~'¥"": .'~~'", "¡ '"',,...::' '....' . SlllIP,\\ '> aOOK 088 PAGE 626 ".... ,'\:1 M·_~",,"""'"_'__+''·'''''~'''''"'''~''''''''·"'''''''''''.>U;''_'_''''' ·"....,..,'...JA·_.__,·IIW..*·,&4'....,..,·,""'..,"'...,~·"'" ,,·ot___""'..".·...;"·,·..·,·,·¥"·"·~_,·,,.....,_~"'~·,'"'·,......···"",,.. ,....--- ,~.~,._.,.."",.,"'...,..._'"_......."---..'----