BCC Minutes 09/09/1985 B aaaK 08'9 mt 72 .;\ ~' -, ~""\t " 'f~~ ,ttMrj11 ;' . ¡ '.... ...\,:~ . \;~[P~ "~;;...v"'" ~,'''':;: . 1', f";'" ~ ", ",~:' .:' ~')"." J>·',',Napl.., Florida,' September ~9~:~;.1985 C~~,;: ~' ;~~l~~~;;';~'L~T\ IT BI RÈMEMIÙ~RED, that th~' Board of County COlIIlDi"ioJer:~,,'l,ft·;~fJ 'andfor the County of Collier, and allo acting as the Board of Zoni~9~~: IIPp'alS:'and.. the góvernin9 bo'árc!(.) of .uch .pechl d1stricts..)~av~·~:t , .. .' .J "..'.,. .,J. ,·.b.en~reated according to law and havinc conducted budne.. h.rdri¡:,II.t~k\· ;,~,,:t o'I'I'thi.date at 7100 P.M. in BUDaI'!' 81811011 in Building .,. of the .,' ,~(K~ ~." i~;.!;. Courthou.e Complex, last NapleS, Florida, for the first public hUrinqF ~"'tt9........~.~. f!i~~ ,.".....\ :ï11!' On the tentative budget, with the followin;J members pr..entl' \Ìt'h:" . ' l~:<'" "'r~/'~' .v~-) .~\. '. Chairman I Fr~der1ck J. V~.' Vice Chairmanl John A. pistor J , ~1II ~":':~~'" ,"!\<, .~.,~~ ,.... Æ~~ .~\f¡!' , :i~ ;':.1,~~ . ",~..'. ,L t:' ;;.a.(h ".':!:J "';~~ ~,;,~ Max Has.. C. C. -Red- Holland Anne Goodn ic¡¡h t ALSO PRSSENTI Donald B. Lusk, County Manager Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager Pðm Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manager Lori Zalka, Budget Director Jane Fitzpatrick and Steve Carnell, Budc¡¡et Analyatsl Virginia Magri, Deputy Clerk and Deputy Chief Ray Bðrnett, Sheriff'. Department. AGENDA Intr~duction Discussion of Tax Increase Public Comments & Que.tions Amend Tentative Budget Adopt Amended Tentative Budget Announce proposed mil1ag_ rate and percent increa.e in property taxes 'l'ape tl Chairman Vo.. pointed out that this is the first of two public hearings on the proposed budget for 1985-86 and the .econd hearing will be held at 7100 P.M., September 18, 1985 In the boardroom. Budget Director Zalka explained that the first part of the hearing Is to go over the rea.ons for the tax increa.., which 1. 21.4\. Ms. zalka said that increase is for new road patrols, a capital improvement . Page. 1. ~,' ¡..' , ,..~<"..""'~-".~ tm:J p·.';~"1 CI!! Page 2 'I: .~Oo~ 089pm :73 sept.mber 9, 19B5 ':I;:'t'~'~"proCJr.., anð to cOllply with the Fair Labor Standard. Act. Also, for a lY,¥.'¡¡''; new water pollution control proc¡rall that was approved by the voten and to operate a new EMS unit in East Naples and for new community parks in North Naple., East Naples and Golðen Gate. ',:.< !tIDICAL IXAMIIIIR - TWO FULL-TIMI POSITIOIII - APPROVED Dr. Heinrich o. E. Schmid, County Medical Examiner, called to the Board'. attention the fact that he had requested full budgetinc¡ for an 'assi.tant'. position. He .aid that the Medical Examiner i. on call 24-hours a day, 7-days a week and it is a risky position, citinc¡ the fact that he is exposed to disease., such as TB and AIDS. He said that hi. assistant is a well qualified pathologist and he requested that the Board reconsider budgeting this position full time. Budget Director Zalka explained that the assi.tant position was added last year and budgeted part-time and the request is for full-time funding. She .aid that there has been a 20' increa.e in the Medical Examiner'. activitle. and about a 4' increase in autopsies. She said that the Medical Examiner's retainer is $110,000 and the part-time position is funded at $40,000 and if it i. increased to full-tille at $80,000 the Medical Examiner's total budget would be $190,000. Chairman Voss cited statistics of other counties for Medical Examiners, such as Dade County, $175,000 and Braward County at $140,000. Replying to Commissioner Pi.tor, Dr. Schmid'. re-emphasized hi. work schedule, that the Medical Examiner is on call perpetually and If he does a night autoposy he may not bo at the office at 8:00 A.M. in the morning. He said that Dade County Medical Examiner'. are only on call every si~ weeks and that he knows of no other ~~dical Examiner in the State of 'lorida that has a .chedule as heavy as theirs. He said that autoposies are just a part of their work, pointing out that he spends about 40 hours a year in court and it takes three times that many hours to prepare for court appearances. He said that the assistant does go to court and her appearances will not come up until about two years from now. Dr. Schmid said that he works on the average of 50-60 hours a week and is on call every other week. Commissioner Holland questioned if Dr. Schmid Is compensated for hi. court appearances and he replied negatively. He said that if it is a civil case he does charge for depositions, but it is rather minor. Commissioner Pistor said that he understands the request but he ,~~.;;.d-,::';~~.'.-':,'.~,~"-~;;":·_:-.~·:~~r"~,:tt:ø:"....~; _' ..~ ~'f"'''!' '00;,; ,_. ." Y ,-;::.~^..-""",*, ....,..' .'. ....; ·."w..,;;~,:~~"",~¿Ji ..... ",-~,~""",,,"-,,.,,,-_.....__. ~'---;¡'-"""--~"-'-'-;" ,,~~~,~<':',:""~".;: :}..'~" -t' -~ <', ',....,' '.' ' , ,:':~~'-'..;;.-,.. ',." , "~,~.'. '. III .,..;# ~'" ...., '. r :Ik..... Ji~;,'~' .' '.; ,~,<,,:, ,~.;", mz~;'~.i'~·" " .,', , ' ' , , Septellber 9, 1985 ~~~:feel. that a 33' inculII" is quite a bit anð COlluduioner Goodn19ht t ::':,,: *a1d .he hlt that the ..larhs wre outraC¡lous. " :i~..'~" C~mll1aa1on.r H.... augc¡..t.d that the assi.tant receive the sam.' incr.u. as COunty e.ploye.. and Commissioner Holland ooncurred, ..'·:".'·;:·:.;~r~ . . f" ,....~.. however, Commiuioner Vo.. pointed out that they are not deoiding on"'::;:;:; salary incr.ase., the decia10n i. whether or not to fund a full-time .,. a..i.tant position. Dr. Merle Reyes, Assi.tant Medical Examiner, detailed the duties of a Medical Examiner, pointing out that they are the link between the Health Department, Funeral Directors, families, phy.icians and new. m.dia. She urged the Board to fund the position full-time Mr. Phil Jo.berger, Funeral Director in South Florida since 1949, said that he does not beli.ve that the Commis.ioners understand the functions of the Medical Examiner. He said that they are involved in at least 50\ of the deaths that occur in Collier County. He said that whatever it takes to retain Dr. Reye. on staff is extremely important. Mr. Jo.berger .aid that if the po.ple in Collier County that are involved in a death cannot get the proper service. from the Medical Examiner it reflect. on the County. He said that the position should be commensurate with the salaries of other physicians. County Manager Lu.k said that the recommendation to the Board is 1.5 positions and if the Board felt that there sould be 2 position. they should address that and then address salaries. Commissioner Pistor said that he believe. the County need., 2 Medical Examiners and Chairman Vo.. concurred and suggested that staff investigate the salaries of the emergency room physicians. Tape U Mr. Walter Shikany, Bonita Springs Funderal Home Director, said that there is more training involved with a Medical Examiner than an emergency room physician and the two cannot be compared Mr. David Johnson, Funeral Home Director, said that there is a sincere need for 2 full-time positions and that he agrees with the previous speaker.. Commi.sioner Holland said that in reviewing the backup material from s.v.ral other countie., the a.sistant Medical Examiner's salary ranges from $49,300 to $63,000 and he beli.ves those counties are more demanding than Collier. ;~, Page 3 &DDK 089 PAGt 74 "';-" " " "';O~ ,~ ,., '.' ",,,.,"'. ",,,,.,,,..,,,...,,..__-,,,,,",___~_,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,__'_"~__"',,,,,_""'_,';"'_""""'"".¡"...'.~_'..__.'."""'-_,"''''"''''',','*...''''''.''-,''''''''''''''''.,,Ä,''''...'''·''''''''''''*__..''''~"'.",_'"~.."._~,,~ ,,"'..... ".,"V"~";;"""""";;r..,4f,.F~",þl".··.. ",'" d',;'" ..'>;" ',:;; ,'.~:'\i~.lW1~f,..~dll':,.. . J),,~ , ,.-... ì..,. ~:..., ,'<- "..: J<' r' ~t~'_,,~' ,_; ~:~"J.,.;..I',' ::'~~~õ~(:, 089PAC,t75 ,/ ~ePt'l\Ib.r 9, 1985 '~:,::~,,:!,co«,;aba1oner 'Iator aoved" a.Clon4.d byCo_iadoD.r B.... and ",jf~~rrhd 'uDaDiaoualy, that tb. County la... 2 hll-U.. lledloa1 " I ,;¡ ~'1j'..å~l..U. ' ~ -<~ '''',i1 ". . ' '~w~ ~~;'~'(iT\ phahun Vo.. uk.d Dr. Sc~id 1f his $110,000 contract includ.. ,,:},~~~ . 'any thing other th.n his salary and he r.plied that h. do.. ha'':,' about. "''';')<:'I.X,t,: " ' . ' .,' . ,,'. J,C~r: :~12( ' up.n.... lie .dd that the aalad.. of the other Medical !uØliner~ . :."-'it:~i doe. not reflect the call sy.te. that Collier County ha.. Dr. Rey.. ' ",),~,'~)' \~" 'point.d out th.t since th.y are on contract they hne no b.n.HU. ' ,',~,~~~, CoIIal..lon.r .lator aoved that tb. Boud appro.. tb. tnadg.t for ":);'l~' t... fDlI-U.. . Aa.htant IIe.Ucel In.lnet at $10,000 a year. RoU.. -':r to,:';: failed for lack .f a ..oond; Co..l..1ocar ..... 8Ov.d tb.t "5~OOO be approv.d for the full-tl.. a.sl.tant; Coaal..1on.r Bolland ..cond.d th. actlOD ¥bleb card'" 5/0; Budget Dir.ctor Zalka sugge.t.d that the $25,000 incr.ase bo tak.n from the -Res.rv. for Conting.ncy· and the Board agr..d. QIllIRAL DI8CUISIOII Mr. Alva Spicer question.d if all of the taxes have been approved by the people? Chairman Voss said that the Water Pollution Control Program was approved by the people a. were .peclal a..essem.nts, howev.r, the majority were not. Mr. spicer said that it is part of his rights to b. allowed to vote on what h. is being taxed for. Chairman Voss point~d out that 39\ of the increase is for the Sh.riff, 33\ was add.d to the tax to set up a res.rve. for capital improvements r.ther than going out and selling bond.. H. .aid that 11\ of the incr.... i. a res.rvo for contlngenci.. and that is becau.e insurance rates are going up and al.o there Is a court d.cision c.ll.d the Garcia case that says County and Municipal employees are subject to the ..m. overti.e provisions as other employ.... He said that the County I. looking at over $700,000 in overtime pay for the Sheriff'. Department. Mr. Ira Evans, Mðrco Island resident, said that the budget justifies all of the expensfts propo..d. He .aid that everything is alway. ~~stified and alway. need.d, but the fact remains that the total goes up .very year and he has y.t to ..e any st.ps taken to hold that process. Ho suggested that the Board set a cap, which they had for the last 2-3 years by Florida Statute, and if th.y don't do it the day will Page 4 !!!':! CD C!:I ""'-'-"'--~'-"""'''''_.'''-'''''''~''--'''''''''''''^'''"""",""",-,,,","''''''''''--_......,""""""_..--,.,...."'"._"""._,'-_...."'-,""""^-".--.""......._-~~......._-.-"".._..",'-,"',,.._,- "" ;~ ',:,\l\:~ ':~r~ " -" ".,.. ~"'. J. . t· '.~ '" r:II 1m -t." September 9, 1985 ~' '~"I ~cOme'that the oit1un. will do' it. Chdrm.m· Vo.. pointed out that \~ :" ':" , ;.., >f..~'" oànnot ,run a County like a bulin.... ~~./~;;;~~;¡", ",A '1en<)thy cH.cu..ion ensued about uttin9 prioriti.., and Hr. ";f.~\');~,.t," ,. "'\\ ~ . .., :I,.,'~· Ivan. uid that by addln9 up all the want. 18 not the way to achieve , ·'ii.': ..,- .. "..'!", it:~ç::..ximl.n r..ults. Commissioner Phtor pointed out that the County has '?~'" to pay to collect the School Board taxe.. ~"d " ~ " Mr. William Morse said that he has owned lot. on Cape Romano for almost 30 years and the a..essed valuation has increa.ed as have the taxe.. Chairman Voss advl.ed that the a......d valuation i. done by the Prop.rty Apprais.r's office and he .U9gested that Mr. Mor.. file a petition with the Property Apprai.al Adjustment Board to discus. hi. ca.e. Mr. Greg Speers and Esther Koert wer. r.gi.ter.d to speak and waived their right.. Mr. Tom Shi.ld., presid.nt, Colll.r County Build.r. and Con- tractor.- Association, asked that the Board res.rv. final judg.m.nt until all public h.arings have b.en held and that the revenue item of $1,000,000 road impact fe.s be withdrawn fro. this budget becau.e it pre.upposes a position taken by the Soard prior to a public hearing which has not yet b.en held. He .aid that it i. his understanding that on the appropriation side, the $1,000,000 impact fee revenue would go to the road construction 5th and 6th cent gas tax rev.nue fund, which is $8.a million and th.re i. over a $2,000,000 contingency fund for this budget y.ar. Budget Director Zalka said that the funds for impact fees òf $l,ooo,noo is correct, to go into the road construction fund, and they are in r.s.rv. for tuture capital outlay because the purpose of the impact f.e is for future capital outlay based on growth. Comlllissioner Vo.. said that if the Commission decid.. to levy that tax or not tc, levy that tax it will have no particular effect on the millage that Is being di.cussed. RISOLGTIO. '5-1'8 ADOPrIMG ~.. rr 1'85-8' ~DID ~III~A~IVI BUDQI~ - ADOPTlD Co..l..loner S.... aoved, .ecea4~ by C...Issloner PIstor and carried 5/0; that Resolution 85-111 adoptln9 tbe rr 19'5-86 allended tentatl.e budget be .d.pt~; q Ap¡Htnded. S.e .age. 7 f - I Page 5 am 089 PAGt 76 '-, "'.~.", ..,.~.~,~ÿ·~~'~~1 '.. '"'''--'~--''-~"="'''''';''"''''~;-''''",'~,","~ '-'--"" "-""'-"-""'""',~-""""",_._",-"",,",,, "..""''''-._,..____,'''~;''''''_..,.,,.'''''''''"'''<'''_,,..,w."'''..,.,,"''''._"....''''-,."......~;."'.~","'~_"~;",,.M...·''" · ','c' ·i.,," ··..(,·';;~'i-:-< .'....":: " Þ :t,.\~. 'i,'. ¡;:';;;k,·'::;. .>:.. '". g,ôò~~'08!hiGt~:~77:·:. , ", , " ' '.';: ;:';':',:;, Stpt..bu 9, 1985, ~;:,Jt! 'ROPOIID M% LtMl "';;.'AlfD" 'IRéP1 :rMCaIASI Iii, 'ROPtR" 'l'U18 ; '~'~~;4'~9,~J~~,ir,~:,t~r.'~'!~~~'~?:1~~:c~~"th~~t t~., a9c¡¡u~at'.'lIl,l1a9.<.~~,t~}; , 3'iUU.Ul.;"bl~b ,reSlr...ntlrl,'21.U tax Incru..,· and that InclUð..l...~ '~., .', '.i,i,: ~a~I'~ii' ~.k'¿': at ~ rlt.h'op.' anð at this public huring. , \, ," ',~~/ðI~;' .t''I'..;;....'!../'' .. . "",,'," ~~, "'....' Ñ)' ~'. .;.'- { ... '.. . ""':) ~ 'I ~" . ~. ." ;¡¡.:.( ~,::ft&~~.. ,c4.~lr.lla,~·:V;~~~' ~}~'7;cS '~~'t '<lain: that 39\ of the incre... i~f~:~'h~~ , ";';the Sh.rlff anð 33\ 11 for capital improv.m.nts and the balanc.II¡:":I):-! ,~'(Ar .."... <, - . t'M';"'''':__ '7~' rather 8ma U. f""" '.1;': ,." ..... '"', '~'. There b.lng no further bus In... the m.eting was adjourned at, P.M. by order of the Chair. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; BOARD 0' ZOWING APPEALS/EX Or'ICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL FREDER~~OSS' CHAIRMAN ATTEST: WILLIAM J; REAGAN, CL!RK ¿!.y;/ J ~ .. b~ /Jc ~(?,.~?,.~~--~ c::r-/V, . , Theae minute. approved on 4/. /-Ç ///5 aa presented ....----- or'aa corrected ¡ ¡ , Page 6 , =:II "-_._"..~~..-._,-"..,,",.._,- , ""'__I_'__;"~~-_,I,"',"'''''' ....,..,..._.._,....,""-_'^'~. '"_,. . ._, "..,~,__."'...._"'^...._..'"....". "._"~ ,_,_,~w,