BCC Minutes 09/10/1985 R ·1.' "~.:". '~·'::'"k·""'>"'··"~""~"1··j.....··~ \···~.ß"s.t~""#R·..'¡.···· ".'iÎ...:~~"'::':"~"'¡" ..",.....",:."..... ''''. ···.·r·;... . "..,\,'H<t¡¡ ~. ¡. ,!, ·~:w\r..." ~':",;,'.'~~',~,',"ht·fI:'~ ' #,. ~, I~ ··,,~w,> :' ""I!.~i't';'J.:. ~ ~' , . " , ~·'ì,·"'·~,~:';i'·_ ,...~~~,:;;~.,~..\:,,:< ^..:~~~_'" .~} ~~;:.'»)\,:.:...~ " ~~~~:,t )::" H .,' 'J, ~, ·:\'.·.t,:,.:~:.<.:,·.. .'\.~.~ "~"'''''' . '~<."" :;~,4,.., . ~:I J ... . .... ;' "l.~ ·~;+;tr:· ..... ..~ ..~~ "!I!..: .'. . "..,\ ~ ··1·~. '. " " . ~!'~r~~~;':'~;:::~'~,·t\.:;,:~,~,":·' " : ~. ~> "~~'.."''''W1."., .''''''''.'' ''''''''..' ." '''':.' ;" '~' ,'~:. ,.~ ,..,.,¡Jt! .,';:<¡-. ,N ,.d·~, ~.'~¡:';.I"'I'!:-iJ... :!.:-;¡ 1; <it .........~'~.... \. "\" . :,...1- , . , t·m{:t~~;';'¿:J::;?i~~ritl~1:~:1~!~:rf;irn,:·~:tIh.· '''~r.d ··..,t.:~~,hI~ ·'!'i~p..lI:.nd a. the 90varn{ncj board('l. ot;.uch .pechl di.tricta u,:h ~i!:~~b..~n" created ,according to ·la.w;'a,ndhavl¡'\<J c:onducted bua1n.~s her~~n~·. ~;-;;';"()n:thi' date at 9/00 A.H. in Re9uhr S..sion in Building ·F~~of _t.h.;:~._ ·~A..;~t1:coÙrthoul!!' Complex, East Nap!'è.,· 'Flor'id4, with tht fOl,lowing memb~~r~2~ :-::':;"" pru.n t: . ...."~o:,:-,\t:.}':' ,,', CI:!.\IRMAN: Frederick J. V':ISS - ~.'!; '. ":.',~:. ;;'::\""1 ' '..,,:::-. -, ,,;./i,.t,-rt".)\~ :,~':~~' ...~,-!~~.~ I' . j~Þþ\.tft'.~~·;~ J to ~'~ .~..f~'f ~... ~ l ~(~l·~J..'\~ },~~~·..,t ,',;, , .,'),~~~;), .. , ,j,>... .""0' ~..~ , - '. ',Of,.' ~, VICE CHAIRMAN I John A. Pistor "'ax A. Ha... C. C. · Red · Ho 11 an t.I Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; James C. Gilts, Fiscal Officer; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager, " /' Nei~ Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant 'County Manager; Burt Saunders, County Attorney; Vickie MUllins, Community Development Administraton Tom Kuck, Public "Wo.rks ';.}¡ Administrator; Ann McKim and David Weeks, Planners, Dave Pettrow, : "'<t~ Zoning/Planning Director, Donald Norton, Public Service Admini'stratop:; _: :.,:,~~_ Nancy Israelson, Administrative Secretary to the Board; and Captain Sam "~ '!( ~IV} Bass and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. .. 'c"';''':' ''''i,,,, "'4 ''!f~~ .;:..\}.:;~ ,~;; .""'~' - '..f.'J.li. ,- . :..<-.",tfJ: ';>;:~~1 ., ... '-, &OOK 089 PAG[ 92 , ~. , ..,,--....."..-., .~<. ,~"'.". ~.. '".~..~_... .-=.-"".-.""""""'-----,'_.."-,_..__~._,_."'~ ^.._o~_"~_"'~...._.._~_."......._"..""'._~"""";....,.,.~"""""'_'~,;...".. '. ,~ " .f,,.1 September IO, 1985 .. ,"ii'" f·~~.'!i:.-é~~.;ï~n.r Ph tor .oved, .econded by Co_i..ioner Bolland and<::~:;~ :~,', '~,~,",i, carrièð unanl.ou.ly, that the agenda be approved wi th the following ',~:~'" ~:-:>.~'/~.. chang... . . tt: "-,')#:,, iì\.iJ,' ~,t , iJ~:' ~;~.. a. Item 13! re discussion on trip to Baltimore 9/24/85 or 9/25/85 to inspect refuse preparation operation - Requested by Commissioner Voss. Item l3F re resolution for procedures and requirements for amending the Comprehensivv Plan - Added by County Mðnaqer. Item 1684 moved to Item 1062 by County Manager. b.. c. '2 ~~s or 8/20/85 AND 8/27/85 REGULAR MEETINGS - APPROVED Coaais.ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and carried unanimou.ly, that the .inute. of 8/20/85 and 8/27/85 regular deeting. be approved. It',. . 3 ~MPLOYEE SERVICES AWARDS (PERSONNEL) Commissioner Voss presented Employee Services awards to the following people: William Evatt - Road, Bridge Murdo Smith - Parks' Recreation (Absent) Robert Allen - Building Maintenance Jeanne Wagner - Purchasinq 10 Yl:!isrS 10 years 10 years 5 years Ite. 14 PROCLAMATIOM DESIGMATIHG SEPTEMBER 15-21, 1985, AS ·COLLIER COUMTY INDUSTRY APPRECIATION WEEK· - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to representatives of the Collier County Economic Development Council, Co..iøsioner VO.. .oYed~ .econdeð by Co_i..loner Goodnight and carried unani.ou.ly~ that the procla.ation designating Septe.ber 15-21, 1985, a. ·Collier County Indu.try Appreciation Week· be adopted. '. 1001( 089n.çrlOO '. ';'..,b.¡ ';... ,,' ""'. ""'",. ,.- ~' "f.c, .---...., .."" "··,.'··..··,,...""_."'"...-.,..,..^_C,""~·"''''~,,_ ·....··.............._.,.."_Ii1l ----......,. _". '--;-"~-"¡-_<'''''_'''~_'"_.'T''';'"~_'''''''''''''''''~_.' ':~;1¡(~~.,~':;i~rJ.4\. . _. :"'-;:.... 1~.,):it,.. ~.··I;,,~·~,' ", r/./_ _" ,'" .. ", . . ,:r: ", ,":, , ., ..,.IV"..'H-:f't"r ,~~tIJb:," ,;¡.¡,,:'J;~: .' i' '" ',w, " " Sept ember 10, 1985 ï ",. ~;"".IJ'-' . ~, .'"'" ...j ... ....- ,.,~' f~' , - , ~~.~te. ,15 ~~¡::' ,'". ~~~;þ~~~~'~ 8"~~~~ ;. .ITITI~~··~-U-:l4C, UO OIVILOPMDT OROIR a5-4RI ~'~"~ ~~;ji{:t.ITITIO. ÞRI-U-4C, .:JIMMY ADlClliIS RIPRI8&IiITUIQ IiIAPLES fRUIT . VBQITABtl"'~ :.:¡.~:....:"i'CO~~' FOR 965.4 ACRES JtIilOWN AS THE PARK LANDS - ADOPTED 1!..:~ ,. -' : I, I ".. Legal notice having been publhhed in the Naples Daily New. on . August 9, 1985 for petition R-84-24C, and April 18, 1985, fo~ petition DRI-84-4C, as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk~ public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-84-24C and Petition DRI-84-4C, respectively, continued from June 18, 1985, filed by Jimmy Adkins, representing NTG Properties, Inc., requesting rezoning from A-2 and A-2-ST- to PUD, and development of regional impact approval for -The Parklands- 'containing 2410 units, located in Sections 8 and 9, Township 465, Range 26E, consisting of 965.4 acres. Planner McKim stated that she received a lett.r from the Le. Cou~ty Community Development Administrator indicating that the Lee , éounty Commissioners would like to hold a joint hearing ?n this petition. She indicated the petitioner is prepared to move forward on this petition this date. She report~d that due to deldYs in Lee County, this petition will not appear before the Lee County Commissioners until sometime in November. Mrs. Bettie Gulacsik, representing the League of Women Voter., stated that her only conCtirn is how this will impact the Coral Reef Aquifer, adding that she believes that since this petition effects both counties it would be a good idea to have a joint public hearing. Mr. George Keller stated that he would suggest that there be a joint meeting on this matter. Mr. Geotge Varnadoe, Attorney representing the petitioner, stated that when the planning was started on this project in early 1984 he would have been in favor of a joint meeting, but the application for development approval was treated by both counties as ii there were two .eparat~ projects for all practical purposes other than transportation. He noted that he has gone through considerable time and expense to make the Collier County portion stand on its own. He noted that if one of the countiea did not approve the petition that is within their county and the other county did approve the petition within their county, the petition that was approved could stand on its own as a project. He no~ed that at this point in time, he does not see a benefit to having a joint me.ting. He reported that he i. ready to go forward with the petItion for Collier County, adding that if Lee County should adopt a 'OD~ 089nrotl02 Page' :" ..........'¢".,,~~~~~...,.- <."::rr" '·"~"'_"'".4__""",~___ --"""'-~""'-~"-""'---"'-"""-"''''~''''''''-" .'·t .\¡ ,..."r'.~. ,;,;~!'t(~~~ '.......~,,~ '..y,;>4Jw:'f,'~ ¡ " ".~¡4. . 'rl.';';'~"};:;,,;::·'; Kt~" . ,:-'v ,<.~ ;;~'~/~;":.\ r ," ;~';'~'L',,;~J/ .'1" 't" " ,," J ': :~;,'¡.,,:,::~ !"r"~:-tSeptembe'C: 10, 198~ ",:;\",'q;.¡, Ir :~i~lr:n.nt"o'~c!.r that\l~ lIát.rial'l~"dÙftr'.nt' from COllhrCoùnty ó':t":::~· ..........~: .¡..~'!r, \#$.'. r. .','" ",. :...,..;_., /.'.. ..' .V' .... I~'" ',)01- -', :~.'t,l. hatèonfllct. with Collier County, he would be <Jlad to cOlDe back to, .:~' ,;;;2.feêê' ot hav" "joint 1II..tin~¡ at' that time. . ,'" ,""'f':\;;;,,; fi:,~;,,~,~;~; ·éÒ'~lIüi.si~,ner Huse .tated that h. feels that ~VerYthin'9,~'shOUI'è(~e" .;,1 '.,¡ " " .." " " , , ' , _ ,"t"., J~~;~p,r'.~ented to both counties and "then a decision should be made~' ,I ',~~,',",·tË,':; ",Commissioner Goodnight stated that this petition haa bun ~"':,1proce4' for quite some time, adding thst she spoke with people '~f.~':lIonth' ago about havinq a joint muting and nothinq wu dO~'.. ' She"'~: -# ,'-::;" J. - , '~\' ( ': ,~" :' ,_!~;'..noted that the developer i. ready and do.. not believe that he .shoul~, .,;l.;, '.¡¡..,;, be held up any longer because Lee County wants to hold a joint me.t1nq' fA:;(":' now. .~. ¡i., :,1, ,::¡'" 1\, ~, .' ~', ..... '. / ..,,,,!¡.~..r4'~~~~-":.':-;... " t '. ¡,:,' ~ Commissioner Pistor decision and if there is late r. Commissioner Holland stated that he has sørious concerns about the time that Staff hðs been involved on this project as well as the developer'a time and expense, adding that Collier County is capable of making a decision on the portion of the project that is in Collier County and if there are problems, that have to be worked, it could be done later. He stated that the advertising has been done, Staff haa mad. a recommendation and the CAPC has mðde a recommendation as well a. stated that Collier County could make a .ome conflict a' joint meeting coulct be held tho SWFRPC. Mrs. Wallace, Lee County Commissioner, stated that she discussed this with her entire board and they voted unanimously to request a joint hearing. She stated that new stat( ¡~9islation is going to mandate joint hearings as of October 1, 1985, when there are projects on county lines. Mr. Varnadoe stated that both counties"are going to have to adopt . Development Order, adding that he does not :jue any benefits doing this jointly as opposed to doing this separately ðS long as there is coordination at some point in time. County Attorney Saunders stated that if there is disagreement between the two Development Orders, Mr. Varnadoe will have to work out the differences between Lee County and Collier County. Mr. Varnadoe stated that if there ar. inconsistent development ,5 or~er. adopted, there is going to be a substantial deviation from the :If! , ,:;.';'" recommendations of the Regional Planning Council which will have to be ':J.....~,., ' i~F' _ ,wor~ed out with both Commisdons. i';": C._..I.... B.... ....d th.t ..u.. .. d.forrod antl1 ~.r. If ' I'~' .','; ~~::;'" ~:,' I;:,.~· Ii&i CB iiiI1 ''I''A'', ~ <, -_"_"~~~'~>''''____'h'''' . "-'.t - ~ Iim ., September 10, 19S5 a joint ...tlng with Lee County. Motion di.d for l.ok of . ..cond. ~t~~'~{" Co",i..ion.~ pi.tor ~ved, .econd.d by Co..i..ioner Bolland and ~~1t~carr1.d 4/1, (Co..i..ion.r B.... oppo..d) th.t the applic.nt be b.ard ~~...f¡?:~):bb elat. and 1t there are any proble.. a d.c1alon can b. deterred jl~:~~': untU th.re baa b..n a joint .eeUng with the Le. County Co..i..ion. ~,¡~;;:>;' ',,' Planner McKim stated that .this is a cc.mpanion item to Petition ~~. DRI-S4-4C, adding that sh. would like th... petition. heard t09.ther~ She noted that the objective is to develop a residential pue, which allows single family dwelling units, multiple family dwelling units, golf CDurse, open space/parks, and r~serv. areas. She indicated that the subject property is located to the north and northeast of Quail Creek PUD, a portion being in Lee County, adding that the portion that is within Collier County is ~pproximat.ly 1 mile east of 1-75 and 2 milen north of Immokalee R03d in Sections 8 and 9, Township 48 South, Range 26 East and contains 965.4 acres. She stated that lands to the north in Lee County are designated as non-urban fringe ar.as; land to ~h."'east and west in Collier County are zoned A-2 and A-2 ·ST·; lands 'to the south dre zoned RSF-2, CC, PUD, A-2, and A-2 ·ST· and the sur- rounding lands are undeveloped, except for Ouail Creek which is located to the south and southwest of the subject property. Ms. McKim said that Ouail Creek has a golf course, clubhouse and low density single- family residenc~s. She indicated that Staff and all county agencies reviewed this petition and recommended approval subject to amendment of the PUD document as outlined in the staff r~port. She noted that CAPC held their public hearing and unanimously recommended approval subject to staff stipulations as outlined in the EXdcutive Summary and with the provision that the three amendments listed in the Executive Summary be mad,. She stated that the first line of the third provision should be changed to read: ·Amend the last sentence on Page 1 of Planning Staff's 5/31/85 memo to Missy McKim, dated August 6, 1985....·. She stated that the PUD document has been amended to include all of staff and CAPe recommendations except for two items, adding that the first item in the Executive Summary concerns the agricultural use which Staff has no problem with and feels that it is a clarification, adding that it is requested, however, that the Agriculture use be terminated prior to any issuance of building p~rmits. She reported that the second provision was left out unintentionally and the petitioner has agreed to amend it to include the provision that will allow common facilities to be used for elections as needed or required by the Supervisor of aDOK OS'9l'aG! 104 Page 5 ;,.....,~-\. "..' . " ,.~ ,. w ""~'~ :,\- , .,;:~, ',-1>~' h·,~h.~~ :'; ,~~~~ .,,"'.i.ð. ~. ~-\.~~ . '~":';~~ .,.. '-"..--_.,~,.,.,~._."'_..,,--... .~.., , 'J,_ ';O"K 08n ri~ 105 Elections. She stated that the ,.~ t·} Þ, I tor this project. She noted, with reference to Petition DRI-84-4C, 'CApC also recommended approval, adding that the final Development Order that has be.n presented to the Commissloners has a few minor changes. She noted that Staff and the Petitioner is in agreement on all of the minor changes, adding that under the Region's recommendation in the Development Order, prior to each of the conditions, there i. a series of comltlents from the Region which she feels are explanation:; Hhich are specific and the specifics in them are not relevant and the petitionee has requested that they be removed and Staff has agreed to that, so the language will be generalized rather than specific numbers. She noted that on Page 4 of the Develoµnent Order" Section 3, Energy, ,the verbage -to the extent practicable and feasible" has been added. She stated that on Page 6, Fire Protection, "two additional trucks and personnel" will be deleted and the same change will be made to Education. She reported that on Page 8, Section 6, the language will be changed concerning the coordination between Emergency Medical Services to read "that the Collier County EMS shall coordinate with the appropriate Lee County agency to assure coordinat~~ response policy for providing emergency medical services to the project during all phases of development. She stated that this simply clarifies this to make it a little sironger. She noted that in the Transportation Section there are a few minor changes which are created from information that has been received from DCA concerning the appeals, adding that the chang&s are minor and simply clarifications. She noted that on Page 11, Section 9E, the fourth line refers to Service C, adding that after that it should have "average daily trips". She noted that on the 14th line in respect to the security acceptable, DCA would like to have them included in that so it should read as security acceptable to DCA and the entity rvsponsible for improving the segment or intersection. She noted that on Page 12, the first line of the first new paragraph should read "This report shall include" instead of contain. She stated, with reference to the Utilities language, a memo was used which is not the latest, adding that Staff would like to have the SAme language as in the PUD and those corrections will be made as there are only a few. She noted that there are several other typos, grammatical and minor technical changes that Staff would like to make for clarification, then the petition is acceptable to Staff and the petitioner and Staff is recommending approval of the ~velopment Order for the DRI and the September 10, 1985 recommendation i. to approve the rezone Page 6 [mEJ ~ ~ ~ ~~.\> :,:,._.,-.\~~'::...,~:.~,~~(~. -i'}' ~ )":-;[ ~ ~:'.:r~::·r.....~~~',~~~~,,;~:,-.~· ,'.\ '~:~'::¡~i:tî. ,i,!( ;,J .·~..::;":!rA~r~~!~~ '~', - ~ ,;"'~:'\ September 10, 1985 ':~--i~: rnone., ¡~1{~·~.~."2 ..... " ¡, .. ~~~~~~~;/,:¿,: éo~mi...~o.n~' ,~~ueqÙ~ationed, what impact this project will h,av. ';J~f:' :,;"':,;-r;po.n, ,the .chool system, to which Planner McKim stated that The parkla"n.~s ~~~t i',e~timated to add an additional 740 students to Lee and Collier . ;,:~,,;i: County at buildout, 348 students in Collier County and 392 studen,ts, in' .' Lee County, adding that the add'itional studonts will require at buildout school construction expenditures of $2,581,280 in Collier County and $2,391,200 in L*e County. She stated that a 15 acre school .ite is being donated. M~. Varnadðe, Attorney for the petitioner, stated that Mr. Wafaa Assaad of Agnoli, Assaad, Barber, Brundage and Shannon is the Land Planner; Sergio Montes and Stanley Hole of Hole, Montes & Associates are the Engineers for the project; Jimmy Adkins is the physical analyst and marketing consultant; Jack Bðrr of Barr, Dunlop & Associates is the traffic consultant¡ Tom Missimer of Missimer, Associates is the Hyd~ologist¡ and Kevin Erwin was the Environmental Consultant for the project. Mr. Varnadoe stated that this is a DRI size project in Collier County with a portion of the land being in Lee County. He stated that Staff has determined that this plan complies with thr. Comprehensive Plan for Collier County and the necessary rating points have been met for the density that is being proposed in the area. He reported that the project is in the urban area of Collier County and is approximately 965 acres which will have about 2410 dwelling units in Collier County which will be totally residential. He stated that the golf course, park, and school site have been taken care of and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council recommended approval subject to certain conditions which are outlined in the Development Order. He noted that all the advisory boards hav~ recommended approval of the project. Mr. Assaad indicated the general location of the property of b.in~ east of 1-75 and north of rmmokalee Road, adding that The Parklands consist of two sections of land with one and one-half sections in Collier County and one-half section i;1 Lee County. H~ stated that the half section of land that is in Lee County is currently under active agriculture use and is void of any vegetation, adding that the westerly most section of the land that is in Collier County is under agriculture use and the easterly most section i. the part that has the existing vQgetation which played in the main ro1e for developing the master am 0891''\(,£106 "-"·_-~··,-",·...,,,,·=,.·,,.,,,,,,,",....c.. pag e 7 ::' ....;" :';~" , ~*;~?'~D~'K '08'9PAtt:l07 September 10, 1985 ,~.~..,..~t'!'J " ~,~;.',..:'Plan. He referred to the sol1 exhibit and the vee;etation map that i. \, ~'h included in the DRI documentation, adding thAt only the areas that are ',,~l:~in dark' e;run are the ones that have veietation. He rehrred to the 't, ;;;:;':',:~uter plan for The Parklands, indicatine; that in ColUer County it ,'f~:':~:' conslets of residential use and that the golf course 'and the park will "" ,,1, , '~¡;~~t: be located in the area that is totally void of vegetation. He referred 'i,l::~' to 'the area that is intended for 185 singh family home situ and the :,;~f'~ the lo....-rise residential mul ti-famlly usn. He noted that the areas ;<~~_,:.'t . ·.'~ái', remainin9 have existing vegetation and they "'ould Uke to do everything ~\ possible to retain the vegetation. He referred to the location for the private park, the golf course, and the clubhouse and indicated the location of the 7.23 acre public park system and the 15 acre site for the elementary school, adding that the School Board suggest~d a condition whereby if they decide later on that they do not want to use it as an elementary school site, the developer will have the right to first refusal if they should decide to sell it, which means that the Developer could purchase it back. He noted that in Collier County there are 965 acres and in Lee County there is 325 acres which makes a total of 1290 acres. He stated that the density in Collier County is 2.5 units per acre. He stated that access to the project is proposed from Immokalee Road and because of the access limitation, he was permitted only a certain number of dwelling units beyond which they cannot exceed until such time as there is an arterial road right-of-way along the eastern side of the project developed. He noted that this was suggested by Staff and they are willing to comply with this. He_ noted that the developer has committed to a 75\ right-of-wdY along the easterly property line. He reported that The parklands has agreed to donate $112,500 to the North Naples fire Di~trict to be used for capital expenditures and equipment related to the proposed station that will eventually serv~ The Parklands. He stated that this agreement has been worked out on a cash basis over a period of ten years with the first pa~Gnt being at the time that the first residential building permit is obtained. He stated lhat he has accepted all of Staff's recommendations and the recommendations of the SWfRPC, adding that there is not any unresolved issues as far,as planning and commitments. Mr. Ned Dewhurst of Hole, Montes, Associates, stated that the existing drainage is mostly influenced by the farming activity, adding that the Lee County portion is being drained to the north by roadside swales and the south is being discharged to the south over land flow. Page 8 ~ 1::!3 ii1!!1 "j~,,~..:--~,-. ~~'~'''~:':'AIII "~"~'-'--"'''''-_._"..",~ ,.,....-,.,~-""..- n.. ___._...".m"~__"''''__ ,......,~-----"...........,".~,. r,...-~~~..;. ';':'''.;;Íi';;~'' . ", ~.. "'\ ..,.... t' ¥'''i' '-', - ...~ ~ '..", '" I: ' ' ' ,.,.t' .:_-~:..,_:;.Ü,.;....~~...:~~~,~;':·_~...:tt"......... _.~ ,'" \ ,'. ·,"';~ì."''7T ''', '. "-;0', . ~':;.;.- ., ;,!:,.....,' - .:, ,.,-.iI.' .-~~..' J . fti7~ <-",.- ~.' . '" Sephmber 10 1985 ~'o!<o~t#...., '~":-, '" ' ~$::,.:1~e"ua~e,~ ,~h~t.th!..p,r~po.ed; water r:nanag~lIIent pl~n h divided into., two "'\"';"drainage .ystems, one is the Le. County portion which i, takin9 the :b.~f~·"\""'>:J f\.', ,': '. ..(" " ..;.~t ", ::itm.:ð~~~..?~\"outo~,,,the pre-deve1opnlent discharge to the north. an~ ,th~,,",,, i¡..,..'...t ;~;,~'~~,',,~;..~~,o.~~! system' is the Coll1e~ ,County port~on which dhchargu b, Y . ,. :'i:';,';/,f,}~' ,;~..}·".h..tf1ow to the south. . , \"~",./~,,:., ,'(. .,.~; .~';' 1";; '. , . " l r"'.,-!~ '" ':'~'<f:";"",:~ ':.~":'" ' Commi..ioner You que.tioned the water,consumption between th1a'.'~":':j;;;¡ , ,~ "'{~ ' .. residential project and as ar. agriculture project which it i, now?'.::'::,~, Mr. Misa1mer stated that the aqriculture use is ml)re as the!',;(:"}.,';:,' development will have considerably 1... water use than thð pre-exhtlng <::'.:'~~ agricul ture. ,:~",,; Cl)mmissioner Voss stated that if this is the case then the drain '~~ .'Jo" on the aquifer will be less f?r the residential use than for the :,!¡:tt aqriculture use, to which Mr. Missimer concurred. ,,:t.~, '.~!t, Mr. Missimer noted that the water budqet will be much different under the development reqime as compared to the pre-existing a9riêulture condition. Commissil)ner Pistor questioned what affect this will have on'the Coral Reef Aquifer? Mr. Missimer stated that Bonita Springs Utility System obtains their water from the Tamiami Aquifer. Mr. Missimer stated that there is the unconf~ned watertable aquifer of which the Coral Reef Aquifer is part of and then there is from 20 to 40 feet of clay and then there is the Tamiami Aquifer and the lower zone is where Bonita Sprinqs obtains its water. He stated that if on-site wellfields are used most of the water would be obtained from the Tamiami Aquifer also because it is potable q~lity at this location. Commissioner Pistl)r questioned if this usaqe would have an affect on the Coral Reef Aquifer, to which Mr. Missimer ,replied neqatively. Mr. Missimer stated that in 1980, an investiqation was done for the Big Cypress Basin Board with reference to the water resl)urces of the watershed for the Cocohatchee area, addinq that during that inve.tiqation a portion of an aquifer was locateo which is part of the very surface section from zero to 80 feet in certain areas. Ha stated that the Coral Reef Aquifer was namud that because most of the shallow limestones in northern Collier County were found to be mostly old coral reefs, oyster bars and that type of thinq, therefore, the name Coral Reef was carried tl) name that portion of that watertable aquifer that had A lot of productivity and could yield a lot of water. He stated that durinq the inv~stigation that extended over a four year period, it ~~; 089 PAr.! lOB pag e 9 ~,~\>4' ,.__._._,.-~"'~._._._-_.. '-''"..~"~-"..,.,-"' , ..... " .. r. ",/, ""'t, :;:\<\: ' ~,;;:~.,~": ~~.,~ X} ~.'1i;' \"' 'IJ~·'·:¡i~~, ' ._. .~o~·089Pàctl09 :,' ,September 10, 1985 '\~~..~ouncJ',that not,dl of northern CoÙhr County is part, of the ',:~'.fÌw:¡\íif~rbecaLl" as it goe. further to the coast it is allund and.;< . ·ttbe';e 'au no cord rufa in the subsurface. He indicated on an' """, 4': . _. . -I;';' :k~,' .,.. . ~\~/t,,' ov'erhud map the portion of the project that is part, of the Coral '·~!~Ik. . ";""/,,.:, ,Aquifer, noting that it has a layer of sand above the actual high ..- ;~"',, '~,~~,/P,~OductiV1tY limestone that lies under it which gives it .!I large deqÛe,~,~!,;j(fr", ~ :¡¡\::. of protection. He stated that the agricultural operation. that are now~",;!;ßí'!!;\ ~K',,:"'''xist1ng in this location moves a lot of water around and the water '" ,¡~~:i,.!r:~~ ~ .,~.-t ','. ,,~j ,f."~':~', budget drains certain parts of the year which means a lot of the water 'c .r~:5~·: ~~" has to be dhchuged off the agricul tural property which ul timately ";,:';;t ,'\.' .: . ' finds its way down the Cocohatchee Canal and into the bay and there i,""'''' a lot of water that has to be discharged in order to maintain the , property .s agriculture. He stated that this will not happan any longer on the area that will be developed according to the plan. He stated that there will be a large amount of water stored for a longer period of time. He indicated that the Quail Creek development lie. immediately to the south of Section 8 and this is the aquifer area that ,~'is most productive in Collier County, adding that the water levels and ~ater qualities in that development site have been monitored for more than 3 years and there has been no significant change in water level or water qualities based on what has occurred at Quail Creek. He stated that he feels very confident that this development will provide a measure of protection to that acquifer that the pre-existing agri- culture use did not give. In answ~r to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Assaad referred to a map - indicating the general location of the SHwage treatment plant that is beinc,¡ proposed. Commissioner Voss questioned if he would collaborate with Quail Creek to run a line from this area to the North Naples plant and then a return line of ~ff1uent, to which Mr. Assaad stated that they would like to do that. He noted that the sewer treatment plant on-site is only a possibility, th~t there are other off-site possibilities. Mr. Assa~d stated that he would like to expand a little on the part of the project that is in Lee County in order for the Commis- sioners to c,¡et a total picture of the ent~re project. He stated that the upper half section is totally reserved for residential uses with a recreational facility, with the exception of the northwest corner which i8 for a sma 11 commercial area to be used for convenience and office apace which will reduce 80me of the traffic impact externally. He Page IO i1J1m] 11& 111m . ~;; :7~\I.~. ~"."J:L\~ ...;;, ,. "'-"'--~-"...... _....T....._ - - ;:::¡¡J ....... . . ", ~ ,;¡. , r.. 'r.,'í..' ,..¡,;>}.>, ~:.,;"., '~",'I~", ." ··'~~~~'t~~~:þ~at Lee County has accepted a S::~::~:~ ~~' a~9:~ementary school ~~:~",i~,e ,,In'addition to the one that has bevn donated in Collier County." ~~~·IÌ,.: .Uted that there has bun an agreement nached with Bonita Springs ~t;!:¡rlu Diatr,ict, adding that The ~arkland. hu complied with all the ~~~~, conditions and in many instance. has exceeded the conditions. He ;;~;i?' .tated that it was oriqinally recommended that one school site be v donated to either of the two counties, but the petitioner has agreed to donate one school site to each County. Commissioner Pistor questioned if Bonita Springs i, going to supply fire protection to the Lee County section of the project, to which Mr. Assaad replied affirmatively. Mr. Assaad stated that Bonita Springs will provide the servIce under the Lee County section and North Naples Fire District will provide service for the part of the project that is in Collier County, adding that between the two fire districts ther. is an agreement regarding coordination and cooperation. Tapti 13 Commissioner Pistor questioned if Lee County had any comments regarding water supply or sewage treatment being handled by Collier County, to which Mr. Varnadoe stated that the Development Order says that each County will supply utilities to its section and that if anything other than that is proposed to b. done that both County Commissions will have to approve it. Commissioner Voss questioned where the entrance road from Immokalee Road will enter the project? Mr. Assaad stated that it is immediately east of Quail Creek. Commissioner Voss questioned if the wastewater is run to the North Naples treat~ent plant and the effluent back, would this be done down that roadway? Ml. Assaad stated that it would probably be either down the easement between the two section lines or it may come down the east sIde within the right-of-way of the 75' arterial road that is planned. Assistant County Mðnager Dorrill stated that Staff needs some elaboration on the participation between the project and its intent to install a sewage line back to the County's plant, if that is the course that it i. going to be taken, and then the return spray irrigation line and the extent to which the Board intends to participate. Mr. Assaad stated that he is not opposed to the idea, adding that he likes the idea and it was originally proposed that the project use the\r own treated effluent from the on-site facility to irrigate the golf course so that the proposed idea compliments some of the original ~~~~ OB9~f.fUO Page 11 "^' ~.N~.',"'_____. _.*--"'."'....~''''----"~-_.,-_._-....._-----,,...'".. "~';. :'~, ~;r", .;:'~ ":';"1';;:& ,,:'-...:.. ' ',,' . "I '·.f"..:.,,·;', ::' ~. "{"'" "."~,~ "",,";1~' , ~,"-:jj'~~:~~' .~ I'~, .,1;!,. , "".~ .' 'II~J~"Iìt ~.' 4~ ,;. '"'ill .'~ { -1 ...~ """:" ,-'< ,1',.... ,>,.....,.:....~.~,','~.'"'..::_.~\,',,.,J. ", "" '.: , . '~;,~~::it, . .. '''.-,.-. '" ~~ ."", , ! >. ., r~:' . ~":ì:~~ "'--<. ' , ': ,c,' \"':,' ~~ "-:'uB9,-,'~ "," ' ..c. .;~~;~ ··t~;lnkin·;~~l!l~'t~·t~c1 'hat th"prol.c'ts:~~~m::;i~~~e~~8~ud the CoC~~tY.::~··'~ '~ t~::..~~r~,.u·e."~t..' and make itpouibl. f'or theaí to exterid the l1n~a..:;.,. 'B.' .tated 'tha~ 't.he idea is good butcoopeution w111 be needed from"th.·~t~, " .,". .' ;~~~ ~County.!". '~'.';;;,~!;, ",,':'.~;~~ ~"ui.tarìt Coúnty Manager Dorr1l1 stated that .omething to that .. :';::;~,!: ...~·;eff~ct need. to be incorporated into the Development Order and' 't <:~¡¡~if '~:~~o~ethinc; 'aimihr in terma of a .!zing agrument that haa bun done in ,I':~.' ,~h. put. ' . ,~ '.:':,'~'" t ::1:{~:. . Mr. Varnadoe stated that he has no objection to this as long a. '\', ,~.~, '. ~iW~:": i. understood what is being said. He stated that the question wa, , ~..,:. rai..d a. to whether the petitioner would cooperate with Ouall Creek ,.~J;.;.1o.1 ::.~., 'and other developments in the area in funding for such a line, adding :~,'!,' that the petitioner agre.. on a proportl'onate share basis depending on f,I,. how much the project contributes to the .ewage going out and how much is contributed to the use of the effluent coming back. He stated that the Utility Department has been involved in this process since the beginning. H. stated that the petitioner intends to cooperate and do their fair share but they do not want to fund the entire line front- wards and backwards. Mr., George Keller, president of Collier County Civic Federation, .tated that the North Naples plant i. not capable of carrying the capacity now. Commissioner Voss stated that the problem with the North Naples plant involves the disposal of effluent, adding that if the effluent i.. used for spray irrigation on the golf course it will take care of the problem an~ then there would be ample room to expand the North Naple. plant. t. Mr. Keller stated that it is understanding that the N~rth Naple~ Plant i. not a tertiary plant. Commissioner Voss stated that tertiary treatment will be at the North Naples plant, adding that it is being engineered time and it has to be done before the effluent can be used. Mr. Keller stated that the developers have gone beyond what ~ost developers do and h. would like to compliment them. Commissioner Voss questioned the dev~lopment period project? Mr. AsRaad stated that it is estimated that it years for build-out. Assistant County a tertiary plant installed at tþis for the wi 11 take 20 ¡,'(~. I, '~,':": ". have :,: }yt; " I;','; .:. I~ '~,~:,Þ',,: :': . ~~ ," /" ~~~'~;," "",:,:,-, , ",. ¡;¡;..' Í!t" Manager Dorrill stated that the County doe. not capability, adding that the plant i. being ŒZ1 .. .. ,--...,'" '..,. ..':';.j,.. 'f" -. "'."''''''."'''''~''-'''',......,,,,.,,,,,-..,,,_...,~,,._..,,, "~"··'''···''·'''''''_''>''''''''~'·'''·'-'''''''-'''''''^''·.''''M'';~'"'__.~"'_"'~""'____...._",,,,.,...,...,<,,,,,.,,, ";"-~""'_""""""";"'",",·,w_..",__;.¡",,,,,,,,,,,"" ·.·..'~"',~."'.~,"_,,.;._..'~'..,,.."'"......."""''',~...........,,~..;n''' J>:tJl:',~U~~'.Z "oI'~"""":,~~~i" , "...,.:"',.~ .. ;~'....~.. . '. i ~~, ~"'~ ,', ."... 0". (,~'" .,;"... ,~ -'r '\;,~', ."'" .',', ;.~~ A::,:,:: ,': . September IO, 198 S f.¡~,,¡~:f. (panðed to provide'advanced or'ucondary wntewater treatment in t.w';"v.,.;.' ' :¡.;":1,:,"'; accordance with DER rec¡ulations to be able to .pray irrigate. ~"" , ' ;~~:',"~" Cc>_1adoner Bolland .oved, ..condeð by Co_haioner Goodnight ;¡t, " ,. oarded unanl.ou.ly, that the p!lbUc heulng b. clo..d. :~"": Co_iaaioner Holland .oved', .econded by Co_is.ioner Goodnight, that the Ordinance be adopted .ubject to CAPC and Staff stipulation. being incorporated into the PUD docu.ent. County Attorney Saunders stated that there was a request that there be Borne language added to the PUD document concerninc¡ the s1zing of the line and tho fair share contribution, adding that the motion should include the incorporation of that stipulation. 'ì' Commissioner Holland stated that this is something that has to be worked out. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that as he understands it, it is an option, adding that it is an either/or type option that 1s at , the discretion of the Developer and he would like some language in the PUD document that if they agree to participate in that with other developers, like Quail Creek in particular, that this type of language be incorporated into the Development. County Attorney Saunders stated that the appropriate place to put this language would be in the PUD document. Mr. Assaad stated tha~ he would be glad to include this language along with all of the suggested language changes that were made by the Planning Dapartment into the PUD document or as otherwise might be appropriate. Commissioner Voss qUbstioned if, in view of this, Commissioner Holland would incorporate this into his motion, to which he replied affirmatively. Commissioner Voss indicated that it is also included in the second. Upon call for the qu..tion, tbe ~tion carried unani.ou.ly that tb. Ordinance a. nu.bered and entitled below b. adopted and entered into Ordinanc. Book No. 211 ORDINANCE 85-46 A. ORDIIlAlfCE AMEIIDUIG ORDI.AIICE 82-2 THE COMPRIBnSI\'I lOllING RIGULATIOIIS POR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OP COLLIER COUNTY, P~RIDo\ BY AMIDIDIIIG THE ZOIlIIIG ATLAS MAP IIUMBER 48-26 BY CBAllGIIIG TBE ZOHING CLASSIFICATION OF THE BIREIN DESCRIBBD RIAL PROPERTY PROM A-2 , A-2 -ST- TO -PUD- PLAKMID UNIT DE- VELOPKEIIT POR TBI PARKLAHDS, A RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY LOCATED JUST SOUTB or THI LEI/COLLIER COUNTY LIIIE, IIORTB MID MORTH- lAST or QUAIL CREEK PUD, AND PROVIDING All IPrECTIVE DATE. ~D-D~ 089 nr.tll2 Page 13 .~' _. -,~.,"j'".;;..'t~~'.J,¡"t_<a~ ,\~~~r' ;""- t!:' ~;,,...',.. \"/1-" , ,,"; .'~ ---~---~.~-.-.- ..-.- --.,."'.... ':;\;<, ,~, ·<-;~i'·'; , ", '~It!: . . ','·..~·l·-; '····'1..· . :'~-:,..' . > ._.' '·....T" :...'~ t;ii;J ,:~ " ':;,:, !1t~~~~· ',~:::~~:-. ~t~~~:~"~:~~,:~~;':'t.~~t,(;"~,,,~,,\{ "(, ,~ ~t ;,:,.,>:,'...:, ' , i~;~'¡~':Ò89~'itU3,' " : ,'i"'. ,'U" ',;s'pi.ini).r 10, 1985 " " '. ;'q..·r~;"Comml..10n.r Vou .ta~.d that: th.r. hu bun conaid.rablt fear "'t",/ ~j~~.as~d·by !'peòPI' ·conc.r~in9; th. 1 'nUn be r of, deve1opnent.. that hav":;:'~~~~;;~'lr b..ï"~.¡:ip'rJ~edbÝ'thi. CommbÌllo11'anð privioú, Commi..ion. over'" ,peri¿d\~~," ,~. 'j;.,..''''>,,"'' ., ." ' ',', ' " I, ' ,.' '" ,. ,,:,,-;,~¿.)i"'ì* ~,:~r,Y.,ar., :a.~ding that th.... d.ve1opnent. will b. completed ov.r a '.'~';¿~t~~':: ~>~~on.!d.rable tim. span. H. .tated ,that these d..ve1o~ent. tak.l,and' "':'~:~~~~ :!¡(;;;~,,,waý from aqriculture use and chanqe it to residential use which u.....::',<:. ~.~~h·far" le.. "water than the agriculture use, .0 th. concern about whether ;':"~ "~.' ~~l,~""-' . è,..'('./'1..,: , '....,.~,~o.,r not th.re is enoU9h water is answered by that. H. stated that by;,::.¡t>..,.,: it f)!.":'., approving these developments for long build-out periods, the Comm1saion,t~:;',:~4:~' ~t..\~,h, in esunc., directing the growth of Collier County in a system and ,t,,:;,,";,~J'( ~::y.,~", in a m.thod in which it is consider.d to be good. He .tated that it h "·".:;1~ ," , plannin9 for the County. ~!~ Commissioner Voss stated that Petition DRI-B4-4C is a companion petition to the rezone of Tho Parklands and should also be qandled at this time. Co..i..ioner Holland .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner H...e and carri.d unanl.ou.ly, that the public hearin9 be clo.ed. Co..i~.ioner Holland .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Ha..e and carri.d unanl.oualy, that C.velop.ent Order 85-4 re Petition CRI-84-4C, Ji..y Adkins, re The Parkland. be adopted. Note: Ordinance and Development Order not received in Clerk's office as of 9/1~/8S. ( ." Page 14 ,,::~I,~ ',' ~ \._:;1:' .~~,." . :~;;";;~~ "'~ ..;~~ ,»J'¡"~~ ~,·,t~ '''-'r'-'r~ ; ~ 'i:~~~' ¡¡r¡¡¡g II!Ia , IiBJ -:- t~,.'~·.¡" .-, .., 0.<.'..-'.',',"-"""__....._.__.___"''1.....__ ----,---,-"'-~....""-;,."'-~...-.,_.""''"''....._-'''''''''"'''".,'" '''_.."'',-.....~._..~'"#..'''... - - III:) September 10, 1985 ...*. R.c.... 10.15 A.M. - Reconvened. 10.30 A.M. **.*. ........,.., '. PlTITlO!1 R-as-oCC, A(;)lOLl, ASSAAD, BARBIR, BRUllDAGI .\liD S8AN) OJl, RIP. NAPLBS CONKUIII'1'Y GOLF COURSE, INC. AND INDUSTRIAL CONCERN ~ INVESTMENT, N.V., Rr. REZONING FROM GC , RMF-16 TO PUD ~OWN AS LELY SQUARE - DENIED Legal notice having been published in the Naples DailY News on August 9, 1985, al evidenced by Affidavit ~f Publication filed with the Clerk,. public hearing was opened to consider petition R-85-4C, Agnoli, Assaad, ß1rber, Brundage and Shann~n, r~presenting Naples Communit~ . Golf Course, Inc. and Industrial C~ncern and Investment, N.V., request- ing rezoning from GC & RMF-16 to PUD known as Lely Square for property located at the northeast corner of u.s. 41 and St. Andrews Blvd. in Section 19, To~nship 50 ~outh, Range 26 East, containing approximately 6.19 acres. - Planner McKim stated that the project is shown on Zoning map 50-26-4, adding that the petitioner wishes to develop a commercial retail and ~ffice project on 5.32 acres and to dedicate an adjoining .87 acre parcel to the C~ur.ty for use as a library site and/or small administrative offices for County use only. She indicated that lands to the north are zoned CG, lands to the west across U.S. 41 are zoned A-2, lands to the south across St. Andrews Blvd. are zoned C-4 and lands to the east are zoned RMF-16 where there is an existing condominium. She noted that the surrounding lands to the north and east are developed as golf course and multi-family, respectively, lands to the south are currently under dev~lopment as a professional/retail commercial area, and lands across u.s. 41 to the ~est are undeveloped. She stated tnat the planning staff has reviewed this petition and recommend denial as they found it inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed project promotes strip commercialization. She stated that all other county agencies reviewed this petition and have recommended approval subject to the stipulations listed in the Executive Summary dated 9/10/65, adding that all the stipulations have been incorporated into the revised PUD. She noted that three l.tt.~s of objection were received as well as two letters that did not object but had concerns and s~gestions regarding landscaping, buffering, traffic and access. She indicated that the CAPC recommended ðpproval subject to staff stipulations with the provision that the cocktail lounge be prohibited, which has been removed from the PUD document. She stated that the recommendation is for approvðl subject to CAPC's IO~~ 089~~114 Page 15 "..";g;~..,. r~· ',f"- .,:.;,;.,.-..~~".. ", ~'kI4\;''';;.·''''H "'h" ".i""~" ......'-'" ,',,¡.,....... -- ; /~1t, ,.".~ . ',;¡" " "i"'.., "'·)r6 ',f .J~ ',.,':}~,~~ eo"!"',', ., ':'." .:- ~ ~f.t,,_'V). ;'t:¡¡~: ~~ 7 I' ':\' .,. f ~i '¡~,' ",. . .!, ~ "" . :;¡;';·:~õoi. 089 ~r.tll5 '~f~;~·b~mme~d~tion. , ~1f\::'..:~t;fcoìnlDi..loner Vou quutioned if the recommendation ~~"",..:(.t,~,;,ýf!,,",,;~h~,t"Of CAPe's, but. not staU'., to which Phnner McKim . :;,:';·'.affirmatively. ' ,'. ...í~.\"'''' :;.;';¡~ (.'..<, !' Commissioner Voss questioned who Is Naples Community Golf Course, :\é..·;" 'Inc., t? which Mr. Richard Khas, pre81dent of Lely Estates, atated '~t;t , 'i~¡;:"".,· that it is a wholly owned aUbsidiary of Lely Eatatn. '~:;:h~: ~;;/ Mr. Klaas atated that two years ago zoning was applied for on this ~~\~;'::; ,property for a hotel which waa ul timately turned down by the Board. He ~~!:<,,·'.~at.d that after this occurred, he went to the condominilJ!ll association" behind this property and told the members that at any future time that something was going to be done with the property, he would discus. the m~tter with them and ask for opinions, concerns, comments, and input. , . He stated that he has discussed this project with these people and they asked that the t~o-story building be only one story, that buffering be done, and that no parking be behind the center. He noted that he has agreed to all the comments of the civic association and in turn, the association voted unanimously for approval of the project which was put in a letter form. He noted that there is strip commercial along U. S. 41 and there is strip commercial on the opposite side of St. Andrews ,Blvd. He noted that this would create the balance of the commercial zoning. He stated that it is hard to make an argument that it is spot zoning aa it completes the balance of the zoning. He stated that he has agreed to give almost an acr~ to the County library system so that a library could ultimately be built there by the County. He noted t~at' the Lely Civic Association has also endorsed the project, adding that the CAPC approved the project 6 to 1 and he is asking for the Board's approval. ( Commissioner Voss questioned how soon this would be built if the Board approved it, to which Mr. Klaas stated that this project will go into planning as soon as it is approved but there is no definite date. Commissioner Hasse questioned if Mr. Klaas agreed to all of staff is recommendations, to which Mr. Klaas replied affirmatively. Mr. Klaas stated that there is no other logical use for t~at property, adding that it is on u.S. 41 and is zoned for condominiums which would be a ludicrous use. Commissióner Voss stated that if there are not any plans to go ahead with the project now, why is it necessary to get the PUD approved now? Mr. Klaas stated that the zoning has to be changed before he can ;'. ' September 10, 1985 for approval replied pag e 16 IE] ~ œJJ ...~., ''''1 .h".~~ '1'.If1'r.~ ~~. -',.If.' ,.101; ,·~t ;¡' .'í,.;{. ..-.._-~..---,-""-,¡_. '-"'~' ,..... ',',',~;~ ~,,:,J>.'.:"~{rYX:~' ~ 1 ~~)~"~~'~_:~:~~ u,"'~..¡{'f,;~ø , '." ·\';'''''';',4 ": ~ '.',' ",~...,~..,. ../ ,;ï.'i~~ " ,.:..~::~;:,~: ';?~l~~ ,.i.,~:,}~ ,'Y-Jt '/'~I "j7:w ';~ ~'tÞ\ ·:~.;.t.¡ ,"" .,~~-, --........-.-......,. ~ ~<...."""'.., "_'_""'~""',.'; ,.,.. ~.~"-'.' - - == September 10, 1985 deal' with tenants, adding that they are ready to go ahead with the project now as far as lining up tenants and financing. He stated that this project would be under construction probably within a year. ,Planner McKim stated that ~taffts major concern with the project is the strip commercialization; adding tnat the Comprehensive Plan indicates that strip commercialization shall not be encouraged and by extending the commercialization, it would be encouraging it, therefore, .taff found it inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She statåd that there are alsð concerns with compatibility with the adjacent multi-family property, adding that thare is very little room between the properties and, therefore, allows very little buffering. Mr. Klaas stated that on the other side of u.s. 41 for several ~- mile., the property is owned by Collier Companies and Lely and no one wants to do ðnything to hurt that property as it is too valuable. He stat.ed that this property ;Ias be.n for sale for 5-6 years as a con- do~inium site and there has n~ver been an offer on the property. Planner Cacchione stated that in order to comply with the Comprehensive Plan, they are requesting neighborhood commercial and there is certain criteria for neighborhood commercial within the urban area, one being access to an arterial, another is not to promote strip commercial and another is that the uses be limited to the lower level order of goods and services such as support retail and office. She stated that the petitioner is requesting a modified C-4 zoning category which does not comply with those uses in the convenience type neighborhood commercial. She stated that it includes other things such as shopping center and d~partm8nt stores that have a more intense use than would b_ permitted in the neighborhood commercial. She stated that the present zoning is golf course and RMF-16, which permits 16 units to the acre, adding that the property is a little over 6 acres. Commissioner Pistor questioned what type of people will lease the stores, to which Mr. Klaas stated that the tenants would be typically the same type that are across the street from the parcel. Commissioner Voss questioned if this is or is not in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, to which Community Development Admini- strator Mullins stated that Staff's review and opinion is that it is not in compliance, but the Planning Agency, who is the overriding body, found it to be in compliance with the Plan. County Attorney Saunders stated that the Coastal Area Planning Commission has made a factual determination that it is in compliance &OO~ 0891'1~ 116 pag e 17 . ""';"',,~; Yo', :_;..:~;<~:.-.l::~~tt'"^¥;:'~~ ..,', ""';~~~~¡~t'~~~~~;:r~ ·'·~~~~~t,~;,~·~~:.,,' ç~"..¡,,,:!,,,, :... -.....-..... .....t- ,. .....1'1 ;.'::~.~'> ,'N, ' ~~~:"ÔQ(' Ò89,~~117' ' ~~;,;¿~ith th'e co;prehensive " 't!i.íli n-'compl1 aMe loll th the ,'Il'ap.f4 ", ',' ~~~~i;~·~Co..lss1on.r Bolland .oved; .econded by co.-iaaioner Goodnight and ·"~1jcarrl.d unanl.cuB1y, that the public hear:ing be clo.ed. ' '<i¡,~~ :.'~,í.,i.;;'-' :'-Commi..l0.'Ier Holland stateð, that he could not e.. the zoning of 16.( . ,.~ :{": un It. p. r .ere . n U. S. 41. Add 'no thA t th! e ..... t. b. e 'All phnned "':'~: ¡,~,: pro~ect. He stated that when LeI)' tried to get th1e property rezoned J.~,:'~Jf.'rr, :l;.:~,for a hotel, there was a lot of disagreement and concerns from the ",,~\''''''±i;t ;~t~ì,,'peoPle of Lely Estates and this time, the neighbors have agreed to the .<;...¿(:~; .~; " plan that has been submitted. ~, . '(.:' ,September IO, 1985 Plan and, based on that, he would Plan. uy that it Co.-i..loner Holland .oved, seconded by Co.-iaaloner Goodnight, that PetItion R-85-4C be approved. Commissioner Hasse stated that he does not like to go against the Comprehensive Plan and there seems to be some doubt about it. County Attorney Saunders stated that the major problem that Staff had is whether this project promoted strip commercial and CAPC found that this,did not promote strip commercial, adding that the difference of opinion between Staff and CAPC is normal. Commissioner Voss stated that his concern is that this zoning will be changed to a PUD and then nothing will be done with it in the next five years. H~ questioned if the petitioner would be willing to specify that this project will begin within two years, to which Mr. Klaas replied affirmatively. In answer to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Klaas stated that the deed for the property for the library is in the process right now. Commissioner Voss stated that he would like more time to think about this petition. County Attorney Saunders stated that t~e motion that is on the floor does not include the time period for the construction of tho project. ,Co.-Iasloner Holland stated that he would include In his .otlon that the conatructlon will prcceed on the aite within a two year period. Co.-l..ioner Goodnight ataled that her a.cond included the stipulation. County Attorney Saunders questioned ~f the construction does not begin within two years from the date of approval does this mean that the current zoning, RroF-16, would revert back, to which Commissioner Voas stated that if the PUD expires at the end of two years that Page IS, ,:~'. ~.. :~~..:,,~<~~-;~ """"'¡¡:"~ ";~<~:!~ <f~ .',''''',:~ii- me "',,:~~ Œ3 .. .... .~.., ",...."..; - '.~':' ~," ~.I'~"'::- "''''~~~~~if<'J - - - ' " ',.,-,,' ,~':;'¡', .----- ;O:~J;.'~~'.;f...~f."'-""';~,&':"';",' O¡;1,¡.." ", ",.,... '''I't, ~....".~,"":~'~~1fI';;'..<..:>~~" ...,' . , . i"'~ " ~\·~fft~'..'~:"·'· "1~1~~:;""~~~.,~t'~,1;'t,,,.. ~': '~',:~,.J,..:;..'~~~~..':~4~>t.~.f'.~~ "'.. ~':~. <::> "~, .." " ' '," .r\;~}.. . l~~~:~'~~:., . ". I··£t'~,,(:':; , ">~" 't::'''',~'!>'''''';''''''''~ ,,"," , ,,' -~ . "if¡ ~~,. 'Ii ..,t .... ,~ '. ) ~~:rç:t7;·.Ù'2~:.:;:,;..,> '~..,~ "ff' , ·would 'be' it'. ~.')~ . "~... . riJ!¡~.~ .' >' , ~".' " ..) 1 ~,~:,uPon c~l~.~or tb. qu..tlon tb. .otion fall.d ,3/2," (Co.-i..ioner. '...;:.':....nð ~ vö" top'p'o.ecSn', .., " , ': ' ',' "~f .~:+..¡.,:!,',''f1;~...~.~...':.''Ìt-''\t}.,:Jt".:l;o'~""..'''- .,." ., "Ø:' f .".~~~':\~'~ i¡.:-i.' "'I'" ;,1,',,;," ~,:,;,:.'.:-..~,þ,:.;.:,'.,'t: ..~~o\;~."-.".,',~~.,,'..;,.,~\',.~~¡_\-.'.:d1 r, :/,,'. ", .,.;., \, " ",'" RUOLUTIOM 85~189 RI PITITIOII AV-85-010, WILØOII, MILLER, 8ARTOØ;¡; BOLL";,: ','ISK,'IHC. AS AGINTS RIQUISTUIO, THE VACATION or PARTS or TRACTS -a-, ,: J,.~r-', 'AXD wOw or QUAIL CRIIIe, OMIT OMI AXD ALL or LOT 15, 8LOCK -P-, ~~,;.;....'LOTS'l MID 2, BLOCK wOw AND ALL or THAT PART OP TRACT a8 or "QUAIL ~r<~\CRElK UNIT TWO· - 1.DOPT!D ~)" ~~..t.. , ".' Legal notice hAVing been published in th. Naples Daily News 0,:\ August" 25 and September 1, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publi- cati~n filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider P~tition AV-85-010, filed by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek, Inc. a. .gent. reque.ting the vacation of parts of Tracts "B", Fe, and "G" of ouai1 Creek, Unit One and all of Lot 15, Block "F" Lots 1 and 2, Block "G" and all of that part of Tract BB of "ouai1 Creek Unit Two", Public Works Administrator Ruck stated that the vacation is - requestad in order to make alignment changes and certain changes along the golf course. He stated that the petition has been reviewed by the appropriate utility comp,mies, by WllterManllgemont, Engineering,' and Community Development, adding that he is recommending IIpproval. Commi..ioner Pi.tor moved, ..conded by Commi..ioner H.... and carri.d unanlmou.ly, tbat tbe public be.ring be clo..d. Co..i~.ion.r Pi.tor aoved, ..cond.d by Co..i..ion.r B.... and carrl.d unanimously, th.t Re.olution 85-189 r. p.tition AV-85-010, b. adopt.d and the Ch.irm.n b. authoriz.d to ex.cut. .a... .. " . September 10, 1985 ' ~ &IIIIY; 08'9 11f.! 118 i~';1: ~".,..,. ~~;' 'I##:!'.:-, 1"'~'1~(i . ~}::~~- .., <' ,.. '.~. " ' ,:" ., ,-' " " .. ,.. f·': ': ~...,. ¡ ..... "!-.,;, ~ .. ". ... ",'''''",I''~~;~_·",'·_''',",".",;"~",,,.û·,,,,,,·..,,,.".,,.,,,,,;q,,,,,;~'''II_""...'"'.....~ ',' ""-v.'C ,I ~.'J ,~,.~.. . :It~,~~",' - 08'9",..125 :z It.. 18" \,....-~.,;".; ..' '. '.: .,...... .r&.'¡~ PÈ:TITIOM V-85-21C, IIIMO J. SPAGIIA, RZPRISINTING ANTBONY DISARRO - .~;,',. CONTINUED TO SEPTBMBlR 24, 1985 !t~,,:' "¡,, Couhaloner pi.tor .oved, "econded by Co_hdoner 8a..e and I';-~,',\' "carried unanillously, that the Petition V-85-2IC, "eno J. Spaina, ''':'' repre..nting Anthony Di..rro be continued to Septellber 24, 1985. ~~~t·~·I::L PLAT FOR QUAIL CRill( UNIT THRII - I-PPROVED WITH STI;>ULATION ~\ ,~~, ~. , September 10, 1985 COlllli..ion.r pi.tor lIoved, .econded by COII.i..ioner Ba..e and carri.d unanillou.ly, that the final plat for Quail Creek Unit Thre. b. ; approv.d with the stipulati~n that the final plat not b. recorded until the required improv.lI.nt. have b..n con.truct.d and acc.pt.d or until approved ..curity is r.c.ived. Itell 110 LIASE AGREEMENT WITH CORVETTES or NAPLES, INC. AND BIG CYPRESS RIG ION, PORSCRE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. AT THI IMMOKALEI AIRPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 28 AND 29, 1985, FOR AN AUTOCROSS RALLY - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that this i. a r.quest to lease parts o~ the Immokalee Airport for four two-day events over the next year. He noted that it was previously leased on June 9 and 10, 1985, for a successful autocross rally and the proceeds were donated to the Collier County Youth Guidance Program. He stated that at this time, he is recommending that the lea~e be approved for the September 28 and 29, 1985, event only, adding that the County is negotiating with Smithers Corporation from Ak~on, Ohio, and there is a chance that there could be a conflict with the future dates. Co_i..ioner pistor mov.d, ..cond.d by COlllli..ion.r Goodni9ht and c.rri.d unani.ously, that the L.... Agr..ment with Corv.tt.. of Naple., Inc. and Bi9 Cypr... R.gion, porsch. Club of Am.rica, Inc. .t the I..okal.. Airport for S.pt.mber 28 and 29, 1985, for an autocross rally be .pprov.d. Page 20 ii'ijJ mEÐ ~~ _~,¡,;.,~~:;£lt;;;~~:';:J,i;~""4,": ,......~ "" ~....,; .0Ir....,¡ <'~;,..., - .. - lIDS t827 THROUGB 1838 POR COMSTRUCTIOII or GOLDEN GATS MID NOUB NAPLES ,..,COMMUNITY PAR!I:S (PHASI ONE) - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS Legal n~tic. having been published in the Naple. Daily News on July 11, 1985, .s eviden~.d by ~ffidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for ~ids 1827 through 1838 for construction of the Golden Gate and North Nap'.s C~mmunity Parks until 2:30 P.M., July 3, 1985. Public Services Administrator Nortan stated that Staff is recommending approval of the award of Bids '&27 through 1838, adding that the dollar figures in the Executive Summary are n~t the figures for which he is asking approval. He stated that these figures are the actual bidded am~\Jnts before 'he negotiated lowIH figures. He noted that the actual dollar figures are th~se that are on page 6 and 7 of the Wils~n, Miller, Bart~n, 5011 & Peek memorandum. _ In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Norton stated that both parks would be completed by June 1986. Co..i.sioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Has.. and carried unanimously, that Bids 1821 through 1838 for Go1d.n Gate and North Naple. Co..unity Park Construction (Pha.. On.) b. awarded to the following vendors for the following .aounts: Bid 1821 - G. G. Sit. preparation - Harpsr Brother., Inc. Bid 1828 - G. G. Electric - Mid Co~~inent E1.ctric, Inc. Bid 1829 - G. G. Buildings , Shelt~:" - Bunn Con.t., Inc. Bid 1830 - G. G. Sitework finishe., - McGovern Const. Inc. Bid 1831 G. G. OUtdoor Game Court. - McGovern Const. Inc. Bid 1832 - G. G. Paving - MacAspha1t, Inc. Bid 1833 - N. Naple. Site Preparation - Harper Bro.. Inc. Bid 1834 - N. Naples Electric - Mid Continent Electric, Inc. Bid 1835 - N. Naple. Bldg. , Shelter. - Bunn Const., Inc. Bid 1836 - N; Nap1e. Sitework Finishe. - McGovern Const. Bid 1831 - N. Naple. Outdoor Ga.e Court. - McGovern Con.t. Bid 1838 - N. Naples Paving - MaCAsphalt, Inc. . ' September 10, 1985 '11 " -", $ 183,325.55 240,409.00 89,214.80 190,376,33 133,563.00 18,631.48 288,451.40 220,222.00 120,626.70 196,483.46 101,155.00 98,127.26 It.a 112 MASTER PLAN FOR ALLOCATION Of PHYSICAL SPACE DURING FY 85-86 FOR T81 GOVERNMENT COMPLEX - TO BE BROUGHT BACK NEXT WEEK FOR fORMAL ACTION Assistant County Manager Dorrill presented Staff's recommendation concerning the continuing government center expansi?n and renovation and the projects that have been budgeted and tentatively approved for next year. He stated that the Executive Summary shows the associated budgets that have been established for each of the individual buildings as well as the administration organization unit. Also, the buildings and the ~~~K 089 Nq 130 Page 21 11~ ,< 'If""" ,0.. .. '. "--""':~;'''' . " ·'~lr¡}.ç'~:~~i~".~t;g1i;~~\Ø'~~~ý'k;~'~~"IIrI''''·;~~~''''m ~"",,,,,,,,:,.:.~";¡,\,...,'Y'"'I~-IO!¡"""""'''''""-''--'';'\~-y:_ _-..."",.,~_._...",_,_.,, ""~.,"~."""_.,...,^","".*,"v·,,,_.,~·.' '.~~,..." ~-' " , t_',' 'e' \ iì,·Z"'· ..4'.....' trt.::,.,~ ' ;t,' ,"U, " r/.:t ~. ',:t}t~:;,..riôn' =11)1 , :''::~oót;,uoo~.w ',....... ."'-"'.... . ·;:W,;a..ociated departments '',I.,~ ' " ~~·a·' and the new wareh~u... He .aid that there is an ..sociated ~"íçh'dUle i that .how. both duign, bid' award and estimated time of .. ,;.. " . 1-,1, ' ~';¡',èi'on.truction that hu been prepared by the Staff. He noted that. he f',." i...,_, t I· . ,;/:!.c~,lIImendlng the mut.er plan with the exception of Building -A- and a '~";"Hna1 dtcision rema Ins yet to be made concerning whether or n~t it will to'-;·'''.'-' . ;;, be renovated and add a thi rd floor on it or whether a new build in!} would, 'be in order which was at the request of the Judges. He stated that ' 'there is, however, an anticipated schedule for Building wAw. He stated that he is asking for approval of the master plan for the spac~ allocation. Commissioner Holland stated that he thouqht that bid. were g~ing to be solicited for the warehouse to have it built rather th&n having to , pay $35,000 for architectural design. Mr. Dorrill stated that the he has negotiated with the architects a price to design, but the County reserve. the right to prepare an RFP on a pre-engineered metal building and it is the intent of Staff that this alternative be pursued. In answ~r to C~mmissioner Hasse, Mr. Dorri11 stated that the warehouse will be occupied during the first part of the new calendar .' September 10, 1985 that will occupy Buildings wAw, wcw, wCw, wF-,' year. Commissioner Holland questioned how Building "A" can be approved if Staff does not know what has to be done there, to which Mr. Dorri11 stated that he has not made a final decision on Building wAR, adding that after the architects have evaluated tho existing building compated . to a potential new building, he will speak with the Judges on the matter and then report back t~ the Board. Mr. Dorri1l stated that if the Commissioners wish, they can revise the recommendation and approve i~ ~~r everything except Building wAw which is only shown to indicate to .he Bec what type of time will be involved iF in fact, Building "AW is renovated which has been the plan all along. Cue to the fact that there va. no action taken on this ite. durin9 the cour.e of the meeting, .aid item viII be brou9ht back on SepteEber 17, 1985, for formal action. ***** Rece..r 11rOO A.M. - Reconvene: 11r05 A.M. ***** Page 22 ~ ~ 1m --~--~..- ~~. ;}~¡;¡;:""'"'' ,; , ',' '".., ' . '1IIIIIiìÎIII "''''',....,.- - , ' ".:,;,'\' 'i ,.., '!"'i'!: j.\'~~~ ", ":\~~.~ CONTRACT FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - APPROVED ~A~ " ;.. , " ,:.\,~',,\,: ¡ ,~'.-\:::r:7,~.r'~~~,hant County Manager'Dorri11 ,täted that this is the usociàted"/~'f.~; ~t:'¡9re.inet'1: 'with Ínterarch 'Oàai9n" Íncòrporated of Tampa and Bob' p'orysth' '~l''''~'~~¡ ánd~Aasoc:1atu of Naples who ar.e going to be the joint venture archi- "~~:'i~~XC t~cts of 'record for the expansion process and renovation effort. He0 stated that the amount shown for Building "A" is only the amount that has been negotiated with them, if in fact, the court-related facilities are done in Building "A". He stated that if it is not done, another contract will have to be negotiated depending on what is done. He stated that he is recommending that the other associated agreements be approved, adding that there ~. a to-be-announced figure for the old jail. He stated that he Is in the process of submitting some conceptual designs to the architects and he will have to receive concurrence from the Florida Department of Corrections about what he would like to do ~itR the old jail and then the contr~~t will be negotiated and brought ,back before tho Board. CODais.ioner Pi.tor .oved, seconded by carried unani.ously, that the architectural Improvement Projects be approved. Ite. 114 September 10, 1985 .;;\ CODaissioner Goodnight and contract for capital STArr DIRECTED TO NEGOTIATE A PRICE TO OBTAIN AN APPRAISAL ON DELTONA ECOLOGY LAB ON MARCO ISLAND rOR THE SHERIFF'S SUB-STATION - APPROVED Deputy Chief Hunter stated that a report was submitted at an earlier date regarding six sub-station sites that he had attempted to view personally and rank and determine which would be preferable in terms of a number of different criteria such as parking, adequacy of space, renovations required, etc. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that the Sheriff's substation on ~drco Island has been a problem for the County for some time, adding that there has been a number of different rental agreements for storefront locations and also an agreement with the Post Office and the Sheriff's Department has evaluated a number of facilities that they felt would make for a better and more permanellt location. He stated that based on the system that they d~veloped the one particular facility that they are interested in is the f?rmer ecoll1gy lab owned by Deltona. He noted that Staff is recommending that the se:vices of an appraisal firm be retained and it is his recommendation th~t because there ia already an appraisal firm under contract doing SOl,1e right-of-way work ~~; 089 m! 132 Page 23 !J, ~_ " ~. " I~:¡'\!'. :·o,mK 089'P1r.t133 September 10, 1985 '''''',~~I. ,,'\, " " , 1~,'i.iJ:ltthatthe County try and neCjodau a price with them to evaluate and give " '~~~ñ-:~p-1J.lion ôn ,the asking price oithis facility and that it be brought' .' ,j. -: ,.i;' . _~ ; ,t . ' }. . . , . iback to the Board for evaluation and that Staff be directed to obtain l,...,/~¡~,~ñd Ñie' a recommendation t'o the Board on some potential fundln9aour~el -~t .~ . ~h _.. "'1 ! ' ;~;:£K;~"f~~, a; pel'/:!anent facility if the appraisal cornU back and appur~ ~,'~~ satisfactory. tl~~;\;;"'''' _ Mr. William Shaughnessy, Rult'or on Marco Island, stated that the )i."\~" quution he hu is whether it is better to buy or to rent. He stated' I~'}' ',', Ûi,"'4 that there is alse> an incorporation issue that may comlil up on Marco '\I'''' ,', ~~'Island. He stated that it should be looked into further with reference ~~ ~o buyin~ or renting before anything is done. Mr. Dorrill stated that the idea of purchasing is being considered due to the problems that the Sheriff's Department has had in the past with rentals. Mr. Phil Josberger of Marco Island stated that he has been involved with evaluating these particular pieces of property, adding that they were evaluated only on how they would satisfy the Sheriff's Department. He stated that he is involved with a piece of property that is second on the list, adding that the square footage is larger than the lIumber one property and the price is the same as the number one property. He stated that the second piece is a better constructed building and in a better location. He stateù that he boli.ves that the first three pieces of property should be appraised. He stated that the second piece of property has been offered for sale, for lease and for lease with an option. He noted that Staff should also look into the matter as well as the Sheriff's Department. Deputy Chief Hunter stated that the first three properties on the li~t were satisfactory, but that the first property which is owned by ueltona is more satisfactory in re9ards to space, water facilities and location. He stated that this piece of property would be used without any major alterations. He noted that the Josberger sit& would be satisfactory without major alterations, but the third p1ec~ of property on the list would need major alterations. ".p. '5 Assistant County Mdnager 00::111 stated that the Sheriff's Depart- ment does not have an obligation to provi~e space, adding that the space ts owned and operated by the Board and the Sheriff happens to be the tenant in this case and they were asked to evaluate these properties based on the fact that they are the primary reason that this property i. Page 24 ~'S~ì' ] EEl r!B ".',,~ .;."':'." (:jI" .. ,of ,'"' .-,..,....,.. "#".i' '" ''':~_\''.~ :,,·-,;:'f,~':;J ..~~ ., ~.-: ..;.:.;.l :,f~* /~ .vi~_".'" '-i~~ ·~.t." _,;'f '~~~~~J~~~~~-' -j _;t-.; ~"~~' ~'~'.' 't :'-: ~... " ',' .~ !;:..~; .... , .' ", .' . "'..... , .. " ,- i"""~'f~~" ~,"~j ;';¡'V't,:.~~...". ',f .....,.~.:~·...lf.' f .,~~':~,;, '''~''. ~;t:, .:'t;,I: I. , September IO, 1985 ...;'~ <'b~~'ingn·conlSldered., ' ."" " ::1J" :,,¡:;;}..,\,Colllmiaaioner uolland ,questioned ,what an appraisal ....ouldcost o~ ..',~}·;.1~¡~ ;eách' piece of property,' to~hich A..latant County Manager Dorrillatated'?,;;~:'~ ~ that bued on recent right-of-way work that has bun done, he would ,..' "::.""':l,\t%~t f ,'I'; ~:",.f:t-1&· estimate that it would cost between $500-1,000 a parcel. . ""'1f.~i:\,! ··:·,.....'f,f ,).' ;,. Commissioner Pistor stated that he does not understand what 90odit',;/$0~ would do to get several appraisal' if the Sheriff has expresud hl.~')¡;;;;; opinion on Site 11 as b~ing the b~st site for his us.. ~~ Còmmissioner Goodnight stated that If the Sheriff has ranked them 11, 12, and '3, then an appraisal should be done on the first one and negotiations be started. She stated that if an agreement cannot be reached on the first site, then an appraisal and negotiations could begin on the second site. Commissioner Voss stated that the comments from the Sheriff's Dep~rtment indicates that the Deltona Eco~ogy Lab property has limited need for renovation, adequate parking, vessel dockage for marina patrol and law enforcement activities of the Sh~riff's office, excellent storage, location out of high traffic area for improved response from station, shower area, and the facility is in good condition. He stated that with reference to the Josbðrger Funeral Home there is limited need for renovation, adequate parking, good storage, limited shower area, facility in good condition, central location, some traffic congestion problems during season of tourist influx may be encountered, and a second floor could be constructed above the first floor. Co..issloner Goodnight .oved, seconded by Co..issioner Hass. and carried unani.ously, that Staff be directed to negotiate a prlce to obtain an apprai.al on the Deltona Ecology Lab on Marco Island for the Sheriff'. Sub-station. It.. U5 SETTLEMDlT PROPOSAL FOR MORTH GOLDD GATE - APPROVED SUBJECT TO COmiTY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND THE DEVlLOPER PREPARING A PLANNED UNIT DEVlLOPMINT DOCUMENT TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE BCC Attorney George Varnadoe, representing Agro Development Company, stated that he is proposing a settlement to a lawsuit, adding that this Is not a petition for a rezone as it has not gone through the normal processes of filing a petition and having advisory boards comment on it. He stated that this is a legal matter and in a settlement there is give and take to resolve litigation to hopefully stay the cost of litigation and the time involved and pravent some adverse effects on one or both aD~~ 089 PAQ 134 Page 25 }Ð::'~' . fé,..',:; ~~;"'i~' ~a-i" '1' ~;t:~:' . '¥t~".', .~" . , .- U;'.~i' ..i,';I.:;" , , ,.. . ::..,.....~r-~:....;~. ~....._-...,...',.,-_.""""""',~- 'DDK 08D!)\.{ 135 September 10, 1985 partios. He stated that in order to understand the proposed settlement it is necessary to go into a brief history as to what has happened with re9ard to this property that is being discussed. He noted that the ~ property, was platted as North Golden Gate Subdivision which contains, approximately 4 sections on Immokalee. Road with Randall Blvd. being the south corner containing 2,798 acres. He stated that Gulf American Corporation, the developer of Golden Gate, petitioned the County in 1967 and received zoning on that property for a subdivision containing 8,000 , plus dwelling units, commercial propertie., motel/hotel space, school sites, and canals, all of which was the usual type of subdivision that was being proposed at that time. He noted that between 1967 and 1970 the County Commission approved and accepted 7 plats which were recorded in the public records. He indicated that the plats dedicated the streets and the canals to the County and after the soctions were platted, GAC constructed the canals and graded the property and put in some graded roads in that subdivision. He stated that no development took place in the ensuing years and between 1980 and 1982 when the County Commission was updating the Comprehensive Plan and updating the Zoning Code, the property was rezoned to agriculture and designated on the Comprehensive Plan as MAgricultureM. He stated that by this time, GAC was in bankruptcy and GAC liquidating trust, a separæe entity, had been appointed to marshal the assets of GAC in response to creditors. And, in order to protect the valuable rights that had been placed on the land as a result of zoning and platting, a lawsuit was filed against Collier County which is still pending. He stated that he does not represent GAC liquidating trust and he do~s not r~present the County, adding that he is representing a third party which has been negotiating with CAC liquidating ,trust for about four years attempting to purchase some of the property. He stated that about 2-1/2 years ago he approached the County with a proposal for two sections where it was proposed to build about half of whdt they are now proposing. He reported that the Staff at that time did not have any problem conceptually with it, but the lawyers did because it was only going to solve half the lawsuit as there would still be a lawsuit for the two remaining sections. He stated, therefore, that proposal was never used. He noted that ð year ago his client negotiated a contract with GAC for the entire four sections and the contract is contingent upon obtaining the necessary approvals of the County for the development that is being proposed. He indicated that he has met with Staff, the County Manager, Page 26 ~ I!ID .... ~.. ",__r~.". .~ ,.,..-J;:!.. -',".:i': ..Jç.¡...':1'~"''¡:'.'; .. ....~. ~-. ... ..---' -,-.,.,. c::::.1 ,; September 10, 1985 ,.;:¡~'.nd .om. oe the Commiuloner. lndividually to determine Ie it wu worth 'ifi.,'Ù'ýin9 'to move' forward on thispropoul. lie .tated that on MaY 30,' 19B5, a presentatlon was made at a workshop sesslon to determine if'it 'w~s feasible to mov~ forward on the planning of the project, adding that, .uppor't was .hown at that time ,and the plans and a development document was prepared and .ubmitted to Staff for review. lie .tated that Staff 'lndicated that it is not in the urban area of the Comprehensive plan which makes it leap frog development and, therefor~, Staff recommends denial'. He stated that he received a letter from the County Attorney" office saying that Staff could support ono unit per 2-1/4 acres, which is why they are before the Board this date. He stated that when the plan is presented by Mr. Barton, he would like the Commission to focus on the positive and negative side. to the County only as a result of the three possibilities that could happen in the area. He stated that the Att~rney will probably indicate that the County has a good chance of prevailing in the lawsuit and the Attorney for GAC says that they have a good chance for prevailing, adding that if GAC prevails there is the possibility for the zoning and platting of 8,000 units in the area which is a negative aspect to the County. He stated that it one unit per 2-1/2 acres were built, there would bo 1244 dwelling units in Estates- type zoning scattered throughout the four sections of land, but with that kind of density and development, wells and septic tanks would be used as there is no centralized sewer system. lie stated that h~ has attempted to compromise the two positions which is what he is suggesting. Mr. Barton of Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 & Peek, Inc., Engineers and Land Planners for the project, representing Agro Development Company, stated that he sees a potential of four possibilities on this settlement. lie stated that the worst case would be for GAC liquidating trust to prevail and have 8,000 dwelling units built there, but there is the potential that the County could prevail outright and the properties would remain in their present status which is zoned A-I. He stated that his experience is that generally something occurs in the middle. He stated that he is not attempting to make a comparison on those two extremes, but an opportunity to look at what he feels are logical and viable probabilities of something in the middle. lie noted that Staff has suggested that the best thing that could occur for that property is to treat it as though it were similar to the other vested properties in the Golden Gate Estates area" n~e,lY 2:-1/2 acres per single family lot. aDOK u89p,\f.! 136 "~~.'~ ",.,.1· . ..,.',,~ ~ '<')~ '... ~. "".'-'~ "¡,~ /' ,~~,," ~}(ø~ . <1<'i, "'.1 ::::~ cI.Jff~ {~ .. .""'l'~ ._-.,..;1 ~ '~'" Page 27 , . ¡'~'·..?"'¡:~t? . ,- .~::~~:,-:-,~..;~.'Çj;,;;:.... ,,,.¡;....f;,:. " . ~. <""_~_....__">-...-~,.,..,,,,,.....,,,..,.,,,,,,~..,;~..,. ...d',,,,>' '."""">~>"""_. ~:...~:; '~' ." ~¡. '\o;~ 089"r.t137 September 10, 1985 þ;j;;';' ße .tated that this is one of hi. comparison. and has been compareð ~1th ~/, ,hh proposed land use plan which has been presented to Staff along w~th ;~i.,:':~.. '~, zoning and development docUlllent which generally follows the format c.f f~::';" PUD's and has been approved by the Commission on other projects. ße tt' stated that Proposal One on the comparison shut would provide 1,244 "l.·.· dwelling units and the proposal that he has would provide 2,100 dwelling units. He stated that the amount of agriculture land that would be established under the two different plans would be zero and 1,600 acres. He indicated that in his plan lands dedicated to the public would be SO acres and with Staff's plan there would be zero. He stated that with reference to domestic sewage disposal under Staff's plan, it would be solely by septic tanks and the proposed land use plan would be by a central collection treatment plant with the treated effluent being used for irrigation. He stated that there may still be septic tanks used in the Estates-zoned area which is one acre lots that are proposed, adding that the reason is the same reason that septic tanks would be required in the 2-1/4 acre lots which is that economics will not allow one to build a central collection system in these kind of proposed developments when there are properties that are larger than an acre. He stated that the cost of the central collection system itself would exceed the value of the land. He stated that the potable water would be individual wœlls under Staff's plan and a central water system under the proposed plan. He stated that in the plan that he is proposing there would ue fire h~rants and fire flows provided but would not be under Staff's pl~n. He noted that the estimated traffic impact on C.R. 846 at build-out _ would be 2,170 average daily trips eastward under his proposed plan and 2,240 average daily trips eastward under Staff's plan. He noted that westward there would be 8,680 average daily trips under the proposed plan and 8,960 average daily trips westward 'under Staff's plan. He noted that estimated build-out would be 15-20 years under the proposed plan and 30-40 years under Staff's plan. He noted that the traffic impact would be lower on C.R. 846 under the proposed plan even thobgh there is ð higher nunber of dwelling units because there would be some commercial property on-site as well as a school site and a park site which means that a number of the generated traffic trips would be captured on site and would not go off sitè to C.R. 846. He noted that under the Staff's plan, with none of the above-mentiohùd facilitiea on-site, all the trips would have to go onto C.R. 846 or other County roads to get where they are going for shopping or schools. He noted P"'g_ 28 .~~",) ft., ..... ~ r~~, .,' rz~ ",.,,,,,., ~'.~.íJ.: j.., 'N·'"...,:,··..- O"'........t:.. .. _ ~ __ " ' " .? ,~,·I.·"','.Z::.J~,'~~:;.-:4..'.:·',;:;~<{·(¡?l':,~;;.;:~~;;.¡~ ..'r. em ~ '... ',. ",,7' '<i~",-' ;~;'1.'i¡"i~'. .' September 10, 1985 ::~;:!:i't.~~'at'ûnde~ the 2-1/4 acre plan all the dwelling units would be aingi.' ~,,;:~';;~famllY &l'id generally there is about a 10 trip por day for single family .¡ ,~' ~~:~'1~:';~~d'in the p~opo"d plan, there is low rise cluster type multi-fam~lY ì:tJ:J ~;;,:: 'i;P: and that indicatu 7 trips per day for mul ti-family. He referred to the "~:}; summary table which in,dicaUs the number of acr.. for each type .'"~~ He stated that the area encompazsea four sections of land and referred to an overhead map indicating that the area in green is proposed to be grove-type agriculture which will have citrus and avocadoes, ~dding th~t it is the intent to utilize a drip irrigation system within th~t and to use the effluent from tho wastewater treatment plant for nourishment and irrigation. He referred to the utility aite, indicating that he tried to ~.ep it fairly close to the development area, but tucked within the agriculture area. He stated that the only are. on the site that has any nice vegetation left is in the southeast corner which will be the Estates lots. He referred to location of the ~inqle family area, noting that R-l designation ia the single family ,only; R-2 ranges from aingle family detached up to and including low-rise garden apartments which will be two story maximum height. He referred to the general location of the two commercial areas. He reported that the servicðs can be provided in this type of a plan, if the plan of 2-1/4 acr~ lots are used, then the amenities cannot provided in that area. He noted that there are questions that may regarding off-site traffic impacts and Agro Development Company is willing to pay their fair share and he would be willing to include language in the document that would be similar to language that has been approved in the past on other PUD's. Commissioner Pistor questioned what the price range would be on the dwelling units, to which Mr. Barton stated that the single family w~uld be $70-80,000 and the price range for the multi-family would be $50-70,000. Commissioner Pistor questioned if t.he two-story buildings were objectionable to property owners, could it be moved to another location? Mr. Barton indicated that the location of those buildings could be relocated almost anywhere within the plan and still fit well within the total configuration. He noted that it is also being proposed to dedicate a school site along with a park combination of 25 acres. He stated that it 1s also proposed to have 55 acres for a community use site which has a broad range of potential uses. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the golf course has been - but be arise ~~~~ 089 P"r.T 138 pag a 29 .... ...~. ~" ~~''IÞ'-r.~'''' ~-",- ~"...... ,d '1:''';I~...y~ " .~'~",:,;,:,>~~".~' '", .... '¡"'?"''t~.'».;''''.-I·'' ,<_:-.'1! - " '~' .,{) > .:'."~';~~~ September 10, 1985 ~ h.a no' b..n .l!mln.t.d could It ba loc.t.d n.., ~~~..:~, that the zoning ,document speaks to a golf coura.'~~';:,> not, include one, adding that the intent .is to '~<7~~, ~Iuke" a provision where a 9~lf course would be allowable, but probably"~'i$~' . :'~l:~¡:·,·";£~h't now a~o1£ course would not end up in the project. But, in the ,\:~<:: ~k;,,',;~:~~.ve~'t that it did, there is no reason that the 901£ course coùld not be,,:l:'t ;{iW1.'PlaCed near Randall Boulevard as it would be within the agriCUlture: ';)~, h ,f'~'J"" ~ rea. ',' "J{;~;.",J ,:1"'t;1ft,,:,. ." .. 1. ''''~ ::;,':'~.;,:,. Commissioner Voss asked if the effluent is used for the drip , ,'.,,~':' ::>. "~.:¡,' , irr i9 a t ion, wha t will they do fo r i rr iga t i on be fore th'. re 1 s enOU9h .;:<:':,.{( effluent? Mr. Barton stated that on-site wells would be used until the effluent became sufficiently available. Commissioner Voss questioned what would happen if the .ffluent is there before the drip irri9ation could handle it? Mr. Barton stated that in that event, there would be on-site percolation/evaporation ponds for ultimate disposal. Mr. Varnadoe stated petitioner is anxious to the plan is approved. Commissioner Hasse stated that the Board of Education indicates that there would be 2,400 students with the type of development that is bein9 proposed. Tape 16 " that this would be very unlikely as the start the agricultural activities as soon as Mr. Barton stated that these numbers have been questioned, adding that he Rpoke with the School Board and according to them there are 1,384 students from Kindergarten through Grade 12 that currently exist in Golden Gate City. He indicat~d that ther~ are currently 4,033 dwelling units in Golden Gate City and if these numbers are divided out, the student to dwelling unit ratio is 0.34 and the number that the School Board has used is 1.04 which is 3 times the amount. He stated that he strongly disagrees with the School Board as the County ave~ag. is 0.196 and he is projecting that this project will have nearly twice as many as the County average. He stated that there would be approxi-' mately 700 school children generated by this development, which would mean one school as the average n~~ber of ~tudents per elementary school is 500-600 and high schools are approximately 1000-1200. He noted that the project would probably have an elementary school as, typically, people want their younger children as close to home as possible. Page 30 t,~!;3" , , , ..... ......... ~~~] ~.... ~. ~:';',:~- $.·;!·i·~:;"·'· 't:t~,.,,~ -'- .. .. t::::J September 10, 1985 Mr. Richard Braun, re.ident of Golden Gate Estates, stated that he live. approximately one mile from the .ite, adding that he has no objection to this PUD being passed but he would like to have provisions added. He stated that he would like to know the nature and the text of the lawsuit that Avatar has ag~inst the çounty. County Attorney Saunders stated that the basis of the lawsuit is that there was a plat that was filed that showed B,OOO residential units on those four sections of land, and GAC has t~ken the position that since ~høy built canals and roads, and had a plat filed, the 8,000 units are grandfathered in and that the County Commission would be estopped from denying that density. He stated that the County's position is that when the County rezoned that property to "AgriculturalW that eliminated the B,OOO units. Mr. Braun stated that the petitionør should pay the proportionate' difference in taxdS for the past 6 years if they are going to receive a ~UD-versus the agriculture as a part of the condition for rezoning this property. ~e noted that the asking price of this property is in excess of $7 million. He noted that Avatar was supposed to deed the County 1,100 acres and due to the fact that this is the only conceivable piece of property of any value, he is asking that any property that is south of Alligator Alley be replaced with a piece of this property as the Federal Trade Commission says that the property south of Alligator Alley is useless. He stated that a fairgrounds is needed, but not in lieu of a PUD. He stated that if property was donated to the County, the people of Golden Gate and Golden Gate Estates would be glad to supply a fair- grounds for the County. He noted that County Attorney Saunders indicated a few weeks ago that the 1,100 acres was in lieu of $3.2 million. HI! stated that on April 25, 1979, the F:rderal Trade Commission said that the 1,100 acres was not a part of the $3.2 million, t~erefore, before anything is done, the County should get the balance of the money that they were suppose to according to an agreement and the difference in taxes should also be received as ~ll as the County receiving the property that is owed to them. He stated that this should all be made a part of this agreement or PUD. He stated that if the Board does not agree with this, he would suggest that the case be reopened and go to the FeGeral Bankruptcy Court and obtain what is du~ to the County. Commissioner Pistor s~~ted. with reference to retroactive taxes, the property has been zoned agriculture and he does not believe that taxes for a PUD c~uld be claimed under agriculture. ~OOK 08'9 PAGl 140 Page 31 ':'i·, ~;.('"" ~~.," ,,';¡ i;£'~~K ,089~f.!l41 ' September 10, 1985 'J('~.:" ·"~Ir. George 1<eller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, ~~\i~'åt'àtedt:hat a threat of a lawsuit should not be a factor in this :~':'::determiriation. He stated that Golden Gate Estates was or1ginal~Y " ':~~;¿,':' ,platted and anyone that had 1-1/4 acres could build four houses on it, ,~'J""adding that the peòple that had 2-1/4 acru could built 8 houses, an'd \11.' ".',.. .;~~:t:I,~;~e County saw fit to rnone that property. He stated that if a dul is J:¿",,~made with Avatar to settle the suit, the people that live in Golden Gate, ;f.ì~':'"'' Estates that have 2-1/4 acres could aue the County in order to be able' t\ .IO-~ ~':' to build 12-15 houses on their property since it was platted for 'that,' ~.::;' purpose. He stated that he flew over this property and it ¡, all under , water, adding that he does not believe that anyone will be able to develop this property into a citrus grove. He stated that if the PUD is passed as it is, the petitioner will be back to ask that th~ agriculture land be rezoned into another high density area. He stated that Staff's recommendation should be followed and keep the property in Estates zoning. Ms. Debra Anne Frostad, resident of Golden Gate Estates, presented a petition signed by 58 resid~nts of the area in favor of the proposed rezoning of the area. Mr. Richard Hahn, resident of Naples, stated that there is presently on-going litigation on this property and the Board should consider an alternative to litigation. He stated that half a settlement is absolutely worth nothing to the County as the County will still h4ve to fight the other half of the litigation and the County would end up giving up all of their bargaining power. He stated that if zoning i~ given to half the property, the other half of the property will also have to be given the same zoning. County Attorney Saunders stated that this settlement would take care of all the litigation. He noted that a few years ago there was some talk about settlement which would not have resolved the entire case and that was rejected. Mr. Hahn stated that he finds the proposal completely without' me r it. Commissioner Goodnight stated tnat th~re are several reasons why this project should be approved and most ~f them have already been discussed, but one thing that has not been brought up is that this type of housing is needed. She stated that a lot of people that live in Immokalee and work 1n Golden Gate Estates have indicated to her that they are in favor of the project. She stated that there are many people Page 32 ~,~.." ~ ~ ~t,:;,~~~ I ~''''''!)If,'~;Jj~~1J;it '~~~-~ --.--.----.''''''-'''''''-- -,._,,-~,~~-~~.."- .. .. c::::J September 10, 1985 that work in Immokalee but they do not want to live in Immokalee .s they do not have not the shopping facilities that Naples has, but with. development in Golden Gate Estates it would give those people the opportunity to still be able t~, work in Immokalee but live in Golden Gate Estates and still have the convenience of shopping facilities. She stated that she feels that the projact would be beneficial to th9 County even though the County AttornQY foels that there is a good chance of winni~9 the lawsuit. Coaai..ioner Goodnight .oved, .econded by Com.issioner pistor, that the .ettlement offer for North Golden Gate City be approved on the ba.i. of the propo.al fro. the petitioner a. to the density, the agricultural u.ø, the co..ercial use, and the dedication of the land. for the County, subject to th~ Staff, Petitioner, and County Attorney agreeing to a develop.ent docu.ent and plan and that it be brought back to the Board. - Commissioner Pistor questioned if they would go through all the necessary advisory boards and then back to the Board? County Attorney Saunders stated that the Commission can do this one of several ways, adding that one would be that the Board indicates that the proposal appears to be satisfactory and ask that a Planned Unit Development petition be filed and go through the entire process. He stated that the Commission could direct Staff to develop a document that would be equivalent to a Planned Unit Development document and bring it back to the Commission directly for settlement of the lawsuit as opposed to going through the process, adding that if the Commission elects to do this, he ~uld suggest that the petitioner have a Comprehensive Land Use Plan change process through the CApC and back to the Board. He stated that as far ås the lawsuit is concerned, the zoning Cdn be changed by settlement of the lawsuit through a Planned Unit Development type document without going through the process. He stated that at this point, the comprehensive document would have to be brought back and this could be done very quickly. Commissioner Voss questioned if this would change the Comprehensive Plan, to which County Attorney Saunders stated that the settlement document would change the zoning and, because of that change of zoning, it would be appropriate to have a comprehensive l~nd use change also, in order to match, which should go through the normal process for approval. He stated that this could happen after the settlement of the lawsuit. Commissioner Hasse stated that a Comprehensive Plan was adopted quite some time ago and Staff is trying to follow this, but the aD~ 089 !'Ar.r 142 Page 33 ; ~. ., ,,1>.,.:, ~,.¡ . :':'(-;~';' 1 , I.i.;,~. "':" -',+,¡.,,,,,..,i~;:'~j¡.~~~~;'~: .~~~~'¡..' ;''':·i..~·,<;- ,,:,.' 'OOK 089pm143 September 10, 1985 . Developers are mak1ng it very ðifficult for them. He stated that the Comprehensive Plan should be adhered to. He noted that the people of 'Golden Gate Estates moved there in order to have some property and not,. have large housing developments throughout the area. He stated that something should he done to provide services for people that live out there, but such a tremendous development as this one that completely .ets aside the Comprehensive Plan i. not the answer. zoning/planning Director Pettrow stated that essentially Staff has no great problem with the subdivision development that is being proposed, exclusive of the Comprehensive Plan requirements. He stated that this project could be put anywH!re in the County and made to work, given the time, the resources, the finaneeE, etc. as well as complying with all the developmp.nt codes and ordinances that are in t~e County. He stated that the developer will, however, have problems mitigating certain things which should be done through the process of working through a formal application and that is something that the settlement did not offer until it was just mentioned through a condition ?ut on it that they formally submit this so that Staff can answer and try to mitigate all these things. He stated that he finds it hard to divorce himself from the Comprehensive Plan which is a guide for the orderly growth and development in the County and, as the history of this project goes, there was a lawsuit back in 1982 challenging the validity of the rezoning of this property back to "Agriculture". He stated that subject to that time, a Comprehensive Plan amendment was filed this year for a project of 2,100 units and subsequent to that it is put on a deferra~ and now there is this settlement offer with the Commission to get around the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that it is his contention that if the Developer had to go through the Comprehensive Plan routine, there are two criteria that th~y would not be able to meet, adding that one is an expansion of an existing facility and this project would not constitute an expansion of an existing area as it is an isolated free-standing type of urbanization. He stated that the other criteria is demonstrati~g the need and there has been no need shown that would indicate such a project is warranted. He stated that he finds it difficult to escape from the Comprehensive Plan requiremonts, but if h~ has to divorce himself from that requirement and look at this project" solely on the merits of what was presented this date, he could not disagree with Mr. Barton, Mr. V~rnadoe or the Agro Development Company that this would be a good project. He reported that it has to be proven through some kind of Page 34 ~ II::J c::::J >"",':f~1''?;~ . ~'k.a-. ~~.--:: ('..::...." ~..~~...::\t'.~~!..__,,~. - ..---..-. l1li .. t:::;;J ,?:~"..i"1'" ',' September 10, 1985 i:. \:;';"aubdlvision review process through all the agencies with reference to ~ - ~~.. ",)"1':'- ~~~~é>thing. like transportation, school issuos, environmental, utilities, #¡!i'l';:,~r.water management, fire protection, and possible DR I. He stated that on ~~'~:'f/ top of all these things that would have to be done, a now district '~~r.:: de,ignation would have to be ma,de. He stated that this means that ,something is being approved that would automatically be inconsistent with the Comprehensive pplan. He stated that as far a. legalities of winning this in court, the Commission should be advised, adding that it i. dif~icult to separate tho two. He stated that he could not recommend this project, but not solely on the basis of it being a subdivision. Mr. Varnadoe stated that from a pure planning standpoint, the project is not in the urban ~rea and if that was the only issue that was being discussed, Mr. Pettrow would be right. He atated that the recom- mendation th~t Cdme from Mr. Pattrow on August 26, 1985, states that the staff recommendation for the proposed plan is denial. He noted that the (ecômmendation also indicated that Staff would have no objection to developnent on the subject tract to one unit per 2-1/4 acres on individual lots non-agrigated, adding that this would generally be consistent with the density layout of the surrounding vested Golden Gate Estates. He noted that he "~nt through every C,mprehensive Plan hearing that was held in this County, adding that one thing that was foremost in everybody's mind regarding the vested Golden Gate area is that there would be no expansion of the vested area. He reported that this is stated in the Comprehensive Plan and, therefore, Staff is recommending something that is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that it is inconsistent with the Compreh~nsive Plan if one looks strictly at ~oning issues, but this is ab~ut the settlement of a lawsuit and what is best for the County. Tape 17 Mr. Vanadoe stated that if this project is approvod, he understands that Staff would have to lo~k at this project and put all the conditions on it with reference to mitigating the school impact, water, sewer, and fIre protection problems. He stated that he agrees with all this and they are willing to take care of their transportation problems on a fair share basis. He stated that it is the same as any other large development and this is what has to be focused on as opposed the Comprehensive Plan sh~wing that it is agriculture. He stated that prior to being agricultur~ the Comprehensive Plan showed it with 8,000 units and that is what the County and GAC are fighting out, adding that he is ~oo~ 08"9 PAGE 144 Page 3S ........ ~'" '~ ~~·"k._,..·t·þ_:';' __........,"V"·..,~,...._. ,.....,.,__."....·,___·o._~_~__ , '-~¡l:~) " "1'~, ,,( .,.;-):,~¡~/ ",;~:d"; :,,/' . .' :';:i û1,.. " ':-~~ :t;,f',,,.~~ , ,;:::;.:, ~';f".·,"'~' ',," " , .;.', ~~';;'o;' "., ~f,';~:~ iOÓK 089PAGt145 , , SepteL'Iber 10, 1965 :'!~',\,,~, tryin9 ,to propo.. a settlement to that controversy. He stated that he, i.~;.'.:>thinkS this would b. helpful to the County, provide County facilities" ~¡~::':".nd me.t. County need. for public service.. ~4,:·n~ ',,¡'..,"~ '."':"" County Attorney Saunders stated that he agrells and disagrees in " part to what Mr. Varnadoe said, but from a pure zoning standpoint )}t,.,<u.,8verybody agre.. that Community Developm.nt'. powition make. ..n.e, !¡;:....:... 'h~w.v.r, the offer of one unit per 2-1/4 acres 18 all!~ consistent with ~~;::I';" 'what i. in the area out there and he would take exception to Mr. ~)A· ", Varnadoe saying that the Staff is being inconsist.nt in making that ¡:~;: recommendation. He .tated that this offer was made approximat.ly 3 years ago to settle the litigation and ho feels that it is consistent to continue on with that posture from the planning standpoint. Commissioner Holland questioned when the Comprehensive Plan was adopted? Zoning/planning Director Pettrow stated that the íatest Comprehensive Plan was adopted December 1983. County Attorney Saunders stated that the Comprehensive Plan has been amended several times, but the current posture is that the Plan can be amendod once every year. Planner Cacchione stated that the original Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1974 and another one adopted in 1979, adding that the Plan in 1979 was amended numerous times. She noted that the Comprehensive Plan that is now in force was adopted December 6, 1983, and has not been amended at all to this point, but there are amendments in process. She stated tha~ the legislation that is currently in effect until October 1st requires that the Plan be reviewed annually. Commissioner Holland stated that the Plan has not been reviewed this year and if the existing Plan was adopted in 1983 and there have been no amendments or hearings on it, the County may be in violation of their Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Voss stated that Staff is reviewing the Plan now and will be bringing it to the Board shortly. County Attorney Saunders stated that the requirement is that ~nce a year the Board can consider Comprehensive Plan changes, but the law does not require that it be amended every year. He stated that it requires that applications for amendments be considered, but if there are no applications filed, there would be nothing to review and apparently this Is what has occurred. " ":j+ '. ., .' . ..1.... , :~¡;J (.~~~!;~ i¡>(t~ >', ~.,:;;'~:,~ '.""",1. : '.....9:~Ñi -.. . ,;.~~i) , " ·~"'~'>:'~i""" .," '''f ..,...... ' ..··.¡,5~, , ','.,.~ . /:::;;;~:~~ 'f ..'tI-"~~'~'¡~' , J;'·~-rJ:"'yfi .., ~",~.~.,.~,:'. ~ ).;~~'~} :'¡¡". Commissioner H^sse stated that the important thing is that there i, a Comprehensive Plan that should be adhered to and Staff should be .:' ...., Page 36 /~!i :;'.'~. ;;y~ '~~ ~ ~ BIll ~ ':.'h: :~or...".~~_.q,~ ~ '~", .:~,~ ~~:'''''''',' : ".r;.p;;...~,¡:t-i'1P~f.''-:~~;~:~~~''''''-7'<~: j~:k~ '--.-. ~~... . -.. ... - ~ "¡/J..TI ;;,,:.', . . ~r~~~ . ..,.{: ··:,?"A, , ',',~,'\,' He stated that just becau::p:~:~:r i~O ~ ~:::Ui t does not mean f":I: proposal should be 9rant.d AI the County Attorney feels that "." He stated that the area surrounds it and that is with Ite. 116 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to to Resolution 81-150 the fOllowing checks were issued throu=¡h Friday, September 6,1985, in payment i)f routine billSt CHE:IK DESCRIPTION £!!!9<~ AMOUNT Vendor BCC Payroll 132891 - 133132 18744 - 19326 $456,144.65 252,035.76 t;1'::,. ".. $:;"'::':' ' ;t-t;~;;~~''''··', ' ·~;it:\·upport.d . ~7,::~ that this ''';~ '" i..>{,. th.r. is a 900d chance of winninc;¡ this case. '~t.)~-: lend. itself t~ the kind of dev,ølopn..nt that ::'!'. the Estatu-type of planninc;¡. Upon call for the yote, the .otion carried 4/1, (Com.i..ion.r Ha... oppo.ed). A~sistant County Manaqer Dorrill stated that in order to support the Community Development Staff, it wi)uld be appropriate for the County Attorney to advise Mrs. Mullins in writ1ng as to the mechanics that are 90in9 to be created to rav1..w whatever documents are felt to be 1n order. H~ noted that Staff has rendered a professional opinion and the Board has elected to settle the suit, but there is firm written direction needed on what it is that the Board intends for the Community Devalopnent staff to do. County Attorney Saunders sta~ed that he would handle the situation s ta f f. Ite. 117 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 85-401/404, 85-409/415, 85-418/419, , 85-421 - ADOPTED Co..i..ion.r Pi.ter .oved, ..conded by Co..i..ioner Bolland and carri.d unani.ou.ly, that Budc;¡et Am.nd..nts 85-402, and 85-418/419 be adopted. Coaais.ioner Pistor .ov.d, .econded by Coaai.Gioner Goodnight and carried unani.ou8Iy, that Budget Amendment. 85-401, 85-403/404, 85-409/415J and 85-421 be adopted. Ite. U8 DISCUSSION RE COMMISSION REDISTRICTING Commissioner Holland because there is more and State and the Courts have stated that he asked for discussion on this more litigation being filed throughout the forced~A cities of Live Oak, Fort Myers, aDDK Uð:J I'Ar,r 146 Pac;¡e 37 ~ ~. . .. '"f . ·--,~~...~~·~·_,--~~···t ..-. , '.'~.'~"'- ':biB. .. ._^ ""~'''''''Tr",_ _.~ -""_.,,,-",.~_,,¡'" ,...... and 1<"'; ,.' , ,J;t....:.OQf: OBnnr.t147 September 10, 1985 ,ì~ '~,.' " ~".~Panama City, to change to single member districts. He stated that the :t.:courtâ forced !scambia, suwan..~ Hamilton and Gadsden counties to comply ;~I~.;~'~~ith'dn<Jle member districts, adding that he is well aware that this ~. would take·.. vote of the electorate for this to be passed or defeated ' ~,);;,' whIch could not take place until September of next year. He stated th~t ..,~,,. ~.~ . ... . ~:'" the County is at a point wi th the redistricting that has brought about .... '¡t .," '\.;'. '. ),"\"': :, .erious doubts in his mind with regardø to tl.. methodology that is used ;~';:;,,'in arriving at the population numbers. He stated that he has bun told tt'.'" that there is possible litigation that will be fUed if the County ~L'" proc.eds with this, adding that he feds that the redistricting and the ~},.¡ 'singl. member districtø tie very closely. He stated that the likelihood " ,. ~&' of a lawsuit might not be as great if the County goes ahead with the proposed method that shows 23,300 people in each of the five districts. He .tated that the methodology that is u~ed by the State, the University of Florida, and Florida State have several different numbers. He stated that he spoke with the Manager of Florida Power' Light and Lee County Electric and they indicated that the average population is 2.3 people per residential meter, adding that FP&L has in excess of 58,000 meters and over 8,700 are commercial meters. He stated that in July, they had 8\ above that which were inactive. He stattld that he did not include the inactive meters or the commercial meters when he figured the .stimates. He noted that using the 2.3 people per meter, it figures out to 148,000 pdople in Collier County. He stated that whtln there is a 30,000 differential, which amounts to 25\ differential in the methodo- logy that was used, the County is putting themselves in a position for lawsuits to be filed as they have been in other parts of the state, _ whereby the Judges have ruled in the public's favor in many cases. He stated that it would be wise for the Commission to ask for confirmation of the figures that were used to arrive at the recommended boundaries that are now proposed for the redistricting'of Collier County. He stated that the numbers can be verified and it is up to the people and the Commission to make a decision whether they want more litigation or whether to equally divide the districts for proper representation for the citizens of this County. Commissioner Voss stated that there are a number of ways to arrive at the population and one is the University of Florida that has been used in the past and is a proven method. : Commissioner Goodnight stated that the Justice Department has to okay the redistricting and questioned which figures they use? PAge 38 ~,';""" ~ ~ ~,''''' ~ .--.----- ---..,--..~ ,_+".,""<,_"....._~...O>",-"".' "'. ,.' """""""'"'....""c...... ~.,.,,,.....~.._,..'-"'".,"'".,_._..~.~~--'"_.~~~....- - r=I c::J ., September 10, 1985 they would probably u.e the census 1:~~~:~ '<,' ;!' I>~, ,,;.·;t3~~:!' , "i'Y,¡~ 1'",1,1 ...~:~' , '"/,,,:~ ", < '"",, ,~,:~ !,:¡¡:it<'" . ',; ··;~G~ " tt.:,", ~. L Commie.ioner Pistor stated that figures, which is wh~t staff used. Commissioner Vo.. stated that Gtaff used the census figures updated the study from the university of Florida. Co..i..loner Bolland .oved, ..conded by Co.-is.loner Ba..e, that dlrected to u.e one or the other of the .ethod. that they have not u.ed and reafflra the figure. regarding redistrictlng before the Board take. any action. C~mmissioner Holland stated that thv reason he is making this motion is that the Commission was told last week by Staff that the Board come up with a different methodology. Commissioner Voss stated that the Commission was not asked to come up with figures, adding that the people of Golden Gate wvre going to study the matter to see if they could come up with a different answer. _ Commissioner Hasse stated that he thinks that the figures of Florida Power and Light should be looked into to determine who i. right. County Attorney Saunders stated that no one knows where the 2.3 . ~ ' number came from, adding that the Statute also requires that there be districts of nearly equal population. lie stated that as well as knowing the gross population, it has to be determined wher~ the population is and he questioned if FP&L would have data that would indicate where their meters are located so that the Commission could make a correlation betwven the meter and whare the people are living. Commissioner Holland stated that if there are 23,000 people in each district with one methodology and 30,000 .teople in each district with another methodology, there should be some checking done. Mrs. Patricia Gardn9r of Golden Gate stated that she is against redistricting and the people of Golden Gate are doing their own studies by checking how many people live in the area as well as how many people live in Immokalee by verifying tax rolls, welfare rolls, and postal patrons. Commissioner Voss stated that redistricting has to have an equal number of residents in each district and if Golden Gate gets much bigger it will have to be split, and probably more than once in tÞ~ future. Be stated that he thinks the Commission is off the subject, adding that the subject as published was five single member districts and two at-large. Mrs. Gina Hahn, representing the Women's Republican Club of Naples Feder&ted, stated that single member districts will not represent ell of the citizens of Collier County and they will only have concerns for aOOK 08'9 mr 148 Pa g. 39 "f.~'I'J.:/«_,;,;w..,,~_-· <. -', ~~rt::It~,·i.::'\· ~jri:, ~, ~~j\; :t~f~ <~'~~ , ,;l~:'fí~'" ~":"~'~'" ' t':' ~~'::~ :; ",\?!, . ,1.~~ She indicated'that on April 2, "d'~~:~1 .' "'~ "',Ù85, èo~missioner Holland stated that he WtlS in ,favor of the system .t,:~·.;;-~i\;' .' ' the present time, ....her.in each Commissioner covers their o....n d1strict,':~":.;·~~~; ",,' . ' I '.......,.../;.., '''''~: ,~: but they also cover the entire County. ::~,~:::~:'>' "" " ,l~ ,'.,: , " , Commission.r Holland stated that at the time he said that he felt .: ',¡',,:t.:t , very strong and sincere in that statement and he still feels that way, but he would rather have Collier County make the decision if there 1s to be a change, rather than .omebody in the Federal Government making the change. Mr. ~llas Reach, Director of Voter's League, read a létter from Mr. Cook, President of the Voter's League, indicating that the League is definitely against single member districts and two at-large. Mr. Jess Perry, representing the Collier County Republican Execu- tive Committee, stated that he is opposed to single member districts and two at-large. Dr. Peterson, representing Naples Civic Association, stated that there should be a committee formed regarding this issue. Commissioner pistor stated that he thinks that Staff has done a "":',,~. ".;¡;;", ' ," t'~~:JÓö(:089p"ctl4.9 ~(, ,J September 10, 1985 ~~}~~~~h~i~~~o~ ~istr ct AS they only have to ans....er to the voters of that ~~.rl';!S;cH.tdct. ,She tated that the WRC, i. not in favor c.£ a five single" ~~; ,..,:':;embêr d~str1ct and two at-large, adding that the present form of '7" ,'" I' " ,,/:,i election at-large should be retained. ,.t~" :' fine job with the figures that they have. Commissioner Hasse indicated th~t he would like to see Gdden Gate City and Golden Gate Estates kept together and by utilizing the glo-. cells it could possibly be done. Upon call for the que.tion, the motion failed, (2/3, Co~i.sioner. Goodnight, Piator, and Vo.. opposed). Comal..ioner Pi.tor moved that the redi.tricting plan be approved .. it va. pre.ented by Staff. Commissioner Voss indicated that the redistricting plan was not advertised anù, therefore, could not be voted on this date. Co.-i.sioner Piator vithdrew hi. motion. Item 119 REQUEST FROM THE FINI ARTS SOCIETY OF COLLIER COUNTY FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT - NO ACTION TAKEN Commissioner Pistor indicated that the Fine Arts Society i. a fine organization and they are asking for $6,000 assistance for equipment and office furnishings. Comai..ioner Pi.tor .oved that the Fine Art. Society of Collier Pac;¡ e 40 M~'I"",J ~ ~ - ,.IJ'·· .,«"IIm ~~.i'!"'_~~~~:::; ~'·.I\>Oo:"'i·'/'" .._"''"''_.''---_.._...'',-,'-''''~''' ';~>.. September 10, 198;:' ''f;I};:;,'.. County be given $6,000 for equipaent and office furnhhings. ~..,: ,,"', Ms. SOson Edwards, representing Collier County Artli CQuncll, stated that there are numerQua arts lea9ues and organizations within Collier County that do not ask for aaa~Atance and are hardly able to support themselves. She stated that she did not think that the taxpayers should be paying for equipment and office furnishings. Co..issioner pistor's motion died for a lack of second and no rurth~r action vas taken. Ite. 120 ......" .. ,,~. r...",i...·>....r.··~\·"·-·.....·,, .............. ...~ .. - c::J COUNTY MANAGER AND STAFP DIRECTED TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION DR. POLKOWSKI'S MEMO IN PLANNING A NEW HEALTH FACILITY Dr. PQlko;.¡ski, 1113 a 1 th Di rector, stilted that IIhe is in di re need of space, would like to get the new health facility started immediately, and ~uld like authorization to proceed with thQ plans. Coa.issioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the County Manager and Staff be directed to take into consideration Dr. Polkowski's me.o in planning a neW health facility. Ite. ,21 RISOLUTIOM 85-190 DIRECTING STAPr TO DRAFT AMD ADVERTISE A PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNT~ PLANNING COMMISSION - ADOPTED Commissioner V~ss stated that the Coastal Area Planning Commission and the Immokalee Area Plannina Commission were to be consolidated into one commission tQ be the Collier County Planning Agency and this resolutiQn is to direct the County Attorney to advertise a proposed ordinance establishing the CCPh. County Attorney Saunders indicated that this should be advertised and brought back as an emergency ordinance to resolve the confusion that now exists. Coaais.ioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Comais.ioner Ha.se and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 85-190 directing Staff to draft and advertise a proposed ordinance establishing the Collier County Planning Coami..ion be adopted and brought back to the BCC in two veek.. aOOK 08'9 PAr.! 150 pag e 41 ". ,_"",,,_,,, ~~f"""'" ·'e "~,' .--" ,"ií ,; "',, . ..,",/.,.,; ~-_._..- , ' ~ - - ....' ' ~i.' ~ '.oJ' ' ...'~¥;'-;', ~'("""'. ' ~ t 't~, "IOO~ 089I'Jçt 1.5:1 ,~ .' It.. 122 . :J., ' 'COMMISSIO)lIR BASSI AIID SOLID WASTE DIRECTOR FAHIY AUTHORIZED TO GO TO BALTIMORE ON 9/24/85 OR 9/25/85 TO TOUR THE REFUSE OPERATION September 10, 1985 ,'\ ...... " ... ..~'. ::." Commissioner Voss indicated that he receivod a memo from indicating that he felt Commission H~sse should be authorized the refuse operation in Baltimore on 9/24 or 9/25. He noted that he also felt that Solid Waste Director Fahey should be authorized to attend. Commissioner Voss indicated that Dr. Stokes would also be there. Commissioner pistor aoved, seconded by Comaissioner Holland and carried unani.ously, th¿t Commissioner Hasse be authorized ~o 90 to Baltiaore on 9/24/85 or 9/25/85 to tour the refuse operation. Tape as Co.aissioner Goodni9ht aoved, seconded by Commi..ioner Pi.tor and carried unani.ou.ly, that Solid Waste Director Fahey be authorized to go to Baltiaore on 9/24/85 or 9/25/85 to tour the refuse operation. Ite. 123 RESOLUTIO)l 85-191 APPROVING PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR AMENDING THB COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - XDOPTED Attorney Donald PiCKworth stated that he has drafted and suggested to the Board a proposed resolution which relates to the procedures for amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. He stated that the resolution is self-explanatory as to the present need for action of this type. -He reported that he would lose the opportunity for a development of this type at the end of the year if he is unable to take action on this, adding that this was unforeseen because at the time that the current resolution was adopted, the proposed tax law changes were not at that time in existence so no one knew that this situation would arise. He stated that he would like the opportunity to be able to apply for ~ land use amendment, but action is needed before he can do so. Commissioner Voss questioned if this is just authority to make application, to which Mr. pickworth replied affirmatively. Coamissioner Holland .oved, .econded:by Commi.sioner Ha..e and carried unanimoualy, that Resolution 85-191 approv1n9 procedure. and requirement. for amending the Comprehensive Plan be adopted. Page 42 ~",.., r',~ ~ ~ --_......'~ _.",__v..~,._..".·v "-~'."--' ~.~.,¡..:~:~-:t-- ..........'~ ~ ~ .~ ~. .,1" "..... " ,--'..... -- ~ ;''''''}.<'' ','.If",..', , ,m~:~~H~ ~, I_~; -\.l ,' ..' " I~:h,t~. "24 ~fPETITIÔN R-85-4C, LILY SQUARE - TO BE BROUGHT BAC~ ON 9/24/85 ·;~t\i,;:,.:Commissioner Goodnight stated that she needs clarification with ',~~5i '.reference to Petition R-85-4C, Le1y Square, that was denied on a 3/2 ~~·"':;·;"\lote. She indicated that CommUuioner Vou made the comment that he ,,5> :,,,,', :"~'f,:! ',needed more time to think about this and asked if he W?u1d like to have U tho Board bring this item back on September 24, 1985? Commissioner Voss stated that he thouqht it was an involved issue and he" wanted another week to take a look at it. Coa.is.loner Goodnight .oved, .econded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that Petition R-B5-4C, Lely Square, be brought back on September 24, 1985. *~.The following lte.. vere approved and/or adopted under the Con.ent ~g.nda as aoved by Com.i..loner Pi.tor, .econded by Co..~..loner Goodnight and carried unanimou.ly.*** '" ,~'... ~ "- .. September 10, 1985 Ite. '~5 PETITION TR-B4-34C, ETHEL GROOMS, RE FINAL THREE MONTH EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TRACT 19, UNIT 23, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. '26 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED TO CONSTRUCT A PORTION OF 10TH STREET IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGREEMENT APROVBD BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONBRS ON 2/7/84 Ite. '27 WATER MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR'S SALARY RANGE CHANGED FROM E-06 TO E-07 IUa '2B ACCEPTANCE OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS PART OF APPROVED -D-2 CANAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM STUDY' See Pages (59 Ite. 129 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH MARCO SHOPS ASSOCIATES, LTD. FOR MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT See Pages /&ð - 16 a. aOOK 089 PAf.[ 156 pag e 43 '-;-:~~ . .~'40>'.-=~~:~~~.~. ..:::~~;~-=-.'Þt¡'~""~"~~~~~~Ji:.:;,,: :)~ ::!~., . .,' i':<.~ii..·,,~:If.: ,..' ~~,~~~~:."- ~. ,1 To,; . ~;~~,,<,"\OOK 089nG!157 September 10, 1985 ti¡;,t_~~, '30 \":~;:ACCIPTAHCI or THREI EASEMDTS rOR TRArrIC SIGNAL INSTALLATIONS AT ~~t'ãf~=~f~i~~~ ~~ g8~~;~g/~K ROAD' FLEISCHMAN BLVD. AND ON GOLDEN ...~ ;¡ ';',.:~~::' See Pages /C,3 - /71 , ~.,'> _:"t ·~i'I~.a 131 ~!:~"':" -' . ¡f'.,~J··, REPLACEMENT OF OBSOLETE COpy MACHINE IN PARKS' RECREATION DEPT. '~.~~~~\';:'.: '... ~~It.~ 132 it'¡J~t "PARU , RICRPTIOII DIRECTOR ATTENDANCE AT NATIONAL RECREATIOJf AND PARKS :',' ASSM. 1985 CONGRESS IN DALLAS, TEXAS, 10/25-28/85 AT COST or $754.00 Itea 133 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being n~ objection, the Chair directed that the miscel- 1an~ou3 correspondence be filed and/or referred as foll~ws: 1. Copy of letter dated 8/15/85, frc~ L~urdes Aguilar, Revenue Accounting Section, State Dept. of Revenue, enclosin~ State Revenue Sharing Estimated ^llocati~ns for c~unties and municipalities. xc: Ms. Zalka & Mr. Giles. Filed. 2. Copy of memorandum from Norman McMillan, Chief, Bur. of Central Operations, State Dept. of Revenue, enclosing Cer- tificate of Compliance Form DR-487. xc: Ms. Zalka. Filed. 3. Copy ~f letter dated 8/12/85, from Don E. Duden, Assist. Exec. Dir., DNR, to Rep. Mary Ellen Hawkins informing that Dr. Elton Gissendanner's recommendation for grant of $174,835.93 to Colli~r County for development of East Naples , Community Park was approved on 8/8/85. xc: Mrs. brangacclo, Mr. Norton and Mr. Vanatta. Filed. 4. Letter dated 8/30/85, from Henry W. Maxant, Chairman, North Naples Fire Control & Rescue Dist., advising of agreement with principals of The Parklands re need for additional fire service facilities, plus copies of letters from Wafaa F. Assaad to Mr. Maxant dated 8/23/851 from Mr. Maxant to Mr. Assaad, dated 8/23/85: and from Mr. Assaad to Mr. Maxant, dated 8/21/85 re subject. xc: BCC, Mrs. Brangaccio and Mrs. Mullins. Filed. It.. 134 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 36592 AND 43140 It.. 135 DUPLICATE TAX CERTIFICATE NO. 803 TO WrLLIAM BARNS See pag e l'i~ Page 44 ~ e:::2 ~ . .... '~~:':':"'~':"';""I'(.,~.,. ._v~ --- -.-............--.''''.-.. ,_..." "."_.",--_.~".--~..--~~,,",'-'- it..1;jA'.,~""""",,' ~h"'" ..4' '::~:,> '.,::,: .",.: '.,.,."" '·:~~I"":'~~~~:':"i,,"~~~"t"~ " ., '.. ;p~\..;¡.;'(.¡:~~..~'. \~~ -.~<,.,'r_i,¡i-~":J..,'~ j' '1......:" i<.'I~.',< ~':-¡'i;"":".." "-.. ,', ',-.' .."\' .... ~:,.. ""',/ ,.' .. .. _,." lot ~.",,f'~'.~ +-, 7J;f~:': '.'.::' ,;.' ' ,,' . ' ''','.< . " r.O;. c:¡:¡¡ . l..' ',' ,-~ .. ~ ',;iI,. ",', I'..J'·,....'.. '. "'0" . ;f·.,þ,¡" ....' , September 10, 1985 , , TO PAULA BARNS s",paqe /7.3' [I, ~ 4'-': ',.. ':.' * * *. being no further bu~1n..B, the meeting was adjourned by of the Chair - Time: 1:30 P.M BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING ,IE-PEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING ßOARO(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ATTEST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK _ ~·e.:i~,·:inutf,~",t'tpproved _. "f ;,;;.....~ ~i:,~' ~~,' te,~..:f.."j :'r or as /'. I!ì¡t:· ".,> , '" '. r)"" '....' t? '. '" , '-'I ' . . . .., ,'. '.,' J !i H ì \\ Ç\ \ ., the BCC on '* ,/.1': /~r:.J corrected as aDDK 089 PAr,t 158 Page 45 ... ~~. .¡; " "' I;," ,.;t ""'. ..- ,'.'~ Yo;. '~;"'i4~~'.{¡;~,~""[:~ ' ~', ,,.,.,"',.,'_.,.<""'''''"'......,,~:_'''''''''"'~:,..,.I..,,'..._,:~*¡.."'''''_C~'*Ok'"" """::"_""__""",_~,::,:,~""""::,::",,,:,,,,,>o:,,",,:,,,.".,."",.1..~,~_..".,,":_:,_,_y~_'_",,":":þ~'" ,"I:'