BCC Minutes 09/17/1985 R . , ,!.----<:L'.' ~. . '-. j ....-. "'.""""'\1' · .~..m.. : '-'!- ,-.'. '. . '11 ~ .,--_..,-"."'._"......_-->.,..~~..._-<.~.,..,,;.,...,"',_.... _ __."_111.""'___'_"_ .,...... ,u"n. __",-"-.""~.,""",..,,,,,.,,,"'"'_''''''.''''_ "'''''''''''-''''',--..- œ;;a ~ ,~,.: September 17, 1985 14 '~ PI'I'ITIOII MP-85-Je, KAIUC LJI.MOURIUX, P.I., RIPRISDTIIIG DAVID PITIRSOII, RI SUBDIVISIOM KASTER PLAM APPROVAL POR MAPLES BUSIMISS PARK ON M.I. COIUIU OP RADIO ROAD AXD IIIDUSTRIAL BLVD. - APPROVED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS, PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ACCEPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 1, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SMP-85-3C, filed by Mark Lamoureux, P.E., representing David Peterson, requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for Nðples Business Park on the northeaat corner of Radio Road and Industrial BQulevard. Planner McKim said the objective of this petition is to subdiviðe the existing parcel into 36 lots in cQnformance with the exl~tin9 zoning which is Industrial. She said the property is located in Section 36, T49S, R25E and contains 38.2 acres. She explained Staff and all appropriate CQunty agencies reviewed this petition and recom- mend approval subject to the stipulations Qutlined in the Executive Summary dated 9/11/85. She said the CAPC held their public hearing on 9/5/85, and recommended approval subject to Staff stipulations. She explained that Staff requests that the Utilities Division stipulations, é.S contained in their memo dated 6/6/85, be included in the recommenda- tion to the Board of County Commissioners as they were inadvertently ondtted. Mrs. McKim said, since the CAPC meeting, the p 'Itioner has requested that the western most road within the Mas', ~lan be Øloved west 45 feet. She said ~taff has no problem with this minor change, adding all lots would still me.t the zoning standards and the config- uration or character of the Master Plan would not be changed. She said Staff recommends approval subject to Staff stipulations, including the Utility stipulations and the minor change of moving the western road 45 feet to the west. Commissioner Voss referred to Page 9 of the Executive Summary and the two sentences that state all water and sewer facilities constructed on private property and not required by the County to be located within utility easements shall be owned, oper~ted and maintained by the Developer, his assigns or successors; and upon completion of construc- tion of the water and sewer facilities within the project, the facili- ties will be tested to insure they meet Colier County's minimum requirements at which time they will b. conveyed or transferred to the County, when required by the Utilities Division. He said it seemed to aOOK 089 w,l!97 page 4 -,~.""",.-",-",-,.,,,,,",,._,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,."------,,,".., .,..--- 'OOK 08'9 P1(,r 199 hi. in one place Staff ia saying that remain ,private and in another part ia conveyed to the County. Utl11tiu Admi',\llht,.;,tor Crandall said that the language about the ~;":'. facllitiu being conveyed to the County is improper and ahould be ",.', 'changed. He aaid Staff does not intend that the County own the systems in areas that are not within rights-of-way or in areas where the County needs dedicated easements, such as service lines into houses and businesses. He said Staff will correct that language. In response to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Crandall said the main lines are part of an overall major system to which the County will ultimately tie. He said the County would own any lines that come off Radio Road that would be tied to Industrial Boulevard. He said if those lines are not required for a loop or are not needed as part .f the master system the County does not want to own them. He said the major lines will be owned by the County and the Developer will pay connection fees for each individual unit. ~ Mr. Lamoureux, representing the petitioner, explained the entire 38.2 acres are owned by the petitioner and all the lots to which sewer service w111 bø provided are owned by the petitioner. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Lamoureux explained the dark blue line on the posted map represents the proposed street the developer is constructing to serve the 36 lots and the lots are numbered on either side of the proposed road. September 17, 1985 part of the facilities are to ~aylng all facilities are to be Commissioner Holland asked how muc~ front footage the petitioner has on Radio Hoad and Mr. Lamoureux answered 1313 feet. He brought a map forward and indicated the entrance to the project off Radio Road, the interior loop street with lots on either side, and an exit to Industrial Boulevard. Commissioner Holland said he had a problem with this petition because there i3 only one entrance and one exit to the pr?ject. He said in an industrial development like this the traffic count will be high and major congestion will be caused at the entrance. He said there have been traffic problems in this area in the past. Mr. Lamoureux said the owner int~nds to begin marketing this project as industrial lots as soon as the design plans are completed, adding he is presently working on a Subdivison Plat based on the Board of County Commissioners' approval, ~his date. Public WOrks Administrator Kuck referred to Staff Stipulation -D- Page 5 ~4'~ ~ ~ - ..' ~ .,.. ... .' '.,.- ,'. - - ~ September 17, 1985 which requires the developer to provide a fair share contribution toward the capital costs of traffic signals on Radio Road at Industrial Boulevard and at the project entrance when deemed warranted by the County Engineer. Commissioner Holland said if the developer wants to compound a hazard already present he should install the lights. Mr. Lamoureux said the developer would be happy to have more than one entrance on Radio Road and on Industrial Boulevard. Commissioner Hasse expressed his opinion that the less access and exits there are to a thoroughfare the better it is. Mr. Lamoureux said the signalization of the area will be at the discretion of the County with regard to the condition of Industrial B~ulevard and the volume of traffic east and west on Radio Road. Mr. Lamoureux said he had a problem with the one access ~ltuation off Industrial B~ulevard which Staff recommended and to which the owner agreed to expedite the petition. He said Industrial Boulevard exists as ~n easement and the condition of the road is such that it cannot be classified as a collector street. He explained when the plan was devised the developer proposed individual access to each of the six lots off Industrial Boulevard and Staff determined that this road may be a collector street, in the future. He said the developer was told because Industrial Boulevard is a collector street he would only be allowed one access point to which the developer disagreed because it may not be a colle~~or street in tn~ fùture and the project should not be designed for something that may occur in the future. ~sistant County Manager Dorrill said there is a proposed asses- ment project in the area under discussion and he hoped the County would always approve developments with an eye toward the future as it relates to roads and access points on the main thoroughfare. Mr. Kuck said this project is included in the Naples production Park and if that assessment project proceeds Industrial BQulevard will be a main collector street. He said Staff objects to having individual entrances '':11;0 Rd:1io Road because they create traffic hazards. Commissioner Holland asked if the rear of every business on the outside perimeter of the project will face the road and Mr. Lamoureux answered affirmatively. Tape '2 Mrs. McKim said each business will be considered to have two front yards and setback requirements will have to be met on each end. Mr. Kuck said Radio Road, within the next three to five years, ~o'~~ 08D mt 199 pag e 6 ~"".~,.-".",,,,.,,,,,,,~.,.,",,-..,..,, '''''-''^"~"~."",..".".,,,,,.,.,,,_.;,,..~.,,,,,....,.,~, '"""~"---"-""._-"",,,_., .... ~ ..._""__,~..,,>"',..;O.!,~"..,_~-........___._ - - ~ September 17, 1985 :~.,iIt.. 15 ~~\'~ct: ·¡ò\';"..~·~·'PI'I'I'I'IOII Y-85-22C, ROIl DI PLAVIS RI VARIAllCI PROM MIMIMUM LOT SIZI 'it ·':"'RIQUIRPtDT OP RMI'-12 DISTRICT - CONTINUED TO 9/H/SS co..iaaloner Ba... aov.d, .econded by co..la.loner Goodnight and ·carrl.d 4/0, that PetitlQn V-SS-22C, Ron De Plavl., be continued to '/24/85, at Petitioner'. reque.t. ne. U RISOLUTIOM 85-192 RI PETITIO. V-8S-23C, DAVID J. PRUETIR, RIPRISEMTING SUPIRX FOOD , DaUU al VARIANCE PROM REQUIRED MUM81R O' PARKING SPACES IN A SHOPPING CENTER ON THE lAST SIDE OP US-41 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been pUblished in the Naples Daily News on September 1, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-85-23C, filed by David J. pru.eter, representing SuperX Food' Drug, requesting a variance from the required number of parking spaces in a shopping center ~n the east side of U.S. 41 approximately 1/2 mile S.E. of Airport Road. Planner McKim explained the objective of this petition is to construct an addition to an existing supermarket for property located in Section 13, TSOS, R25E. She said the property is zoned C-3, contains 4.24 acres, and is located at the south end cf the Naples Town Centre and she indicated its location on a posted site plan. She said when Naples Towne Centre opened in 1982 with 775 parking spaces provided, the parking requirement, at that time, was fulfilled. She .aid the required number of parking spaces for both supermarkets and shopping centers has been increased since 1982 and Naples Towne Centre is a legal non-conforØling situ~tion as far as the parking spaces provided. She explained any new construction must comply with current regulations and the proposed 5,760 square foot addition would neces- sitate an additional 46 parking spaces for a total of 821 for the entire shopping center. She said the petitioner is requesting a variance to allow the expansion of the SuperX supermarket without provi~ing any additional parking spaces. She said the shopping center will be expanded with the restaurant currently under construction and the expansion under discussion. She said Staff does not find a hardship and recommends denial of this request. Mr. Daivd J. Prueter, Real Estate Manager representing the peti- tioner, explained this request stems from the fact that consumer research has indicated that shortcomings for the SuperX supermarket is &OOK 089 ·J'.f 201 Page 8 . -. .~... ~~ f.- .. .",,--, ....,"'.-------..,....""- aDDIC Q89 p~r.t202 . September 17, 1985 ;" that there 18 not sufficient product variety in the store and, in order to remedy the situation, expansion of the store is necessary. He said · 40'x 144' addition is proposed to the ri9ht of the store and the service drive would be relocated to the right of the expanded area. He .aid there are 213 parkin9 space. in the parking lot area owned by SuperX and studies done by the petitioner indicate that approximately 60\ to 70\ of the parking spaces are currently being used. He said when the store is expanded the petitioner does not expect to increase customer traffic because tradition says when a store is expanded the ftame trade area currently bein9 served is retained but more product is available to be purchased by the customers which is how the cost of the expansion is justified. He said this store is open twenty-four hours a day which spreads the business over a greater period of ~ime and there are ten check-out stations which expedite moving the customers in and out of the store more quickly. He said wben these facts are considered it would be an undue hardship if the petitioner was not allo~ed to expand the store to provide the customer with a better facility. Commissioner Voss said if parking becomes insufficient the store would lose customers and the situation would take care of itself. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Prueter said with the petitioner's recent acquisition of the Sunshine Stores there are other facilities more r.onvenient for people to shop and there would be no reason for those people now shopping outside the so-called trade area of this SuperX to drive the longer distance past a more convenient SuperX/Sunshine stor~ to shop at this facility and, therefore, he did not think there will be a substantial increase in the customer traffic at this store. Co..i..ioner Haa.e ~Yed, .econded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and c.rried 4/0, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co..i..ioner H.... ..id he did not .ee any p.rticular hard.hip for this petition to .et a.ide the County parking requirement. and he .oved to deny Petition V-85-23C. The aotion died for lack of . .econd. Coaai..ioner Coodnight .oved, .econded by Coaais.ioner Holland and carried 3/1, Co..i..ioner Ha..e oppo..d, that Resolution 85-192 r. Petition V-85-23C, David J. pruet.r, be adopted. Page 9 ~,ï;£J ~ ~ --, AA Iu..; I(I(I!: 08·9p~r.t206 :f,'",;"?'.~" .'., ;' .~.J.d~{,.\-¡~ EllDORSIKDT OP ADVAJlCm RICõBT-Or-NAY ACQUISITION AIID PUTURI RICõBT-or- '!$.~:'.,~, NAY PROCEDURE STRATEGUS - APPROVED ~~~,:::,' MPO Director Perry explained, aa a result of recent legislative ~<;' action, the State of Florida and the counties and municipalities can ,J~""";" participate in the advanced right-of-way acquisition procedure. and can obtain, through powera of eminent domain, right-of-way for future roadway construction prior to the preparation or completion of specific plana for those roadways. He said in order to take advantage of advanced right-of-way acquisition procedurea the State and County must include corridors within the Florida Transportation Plan that is cur- rently being developed, which are areas that have been determined by planning processes to be area. where new faciities would be put or where expansion of existing roadways would take place. He s~ld the State and regional corridors will be reviewed and approved by the State DOT and the Regional Planning Council and.local agencies can include in the Florida Transportation Plan local corridors of the County roads which may be expanded and take advantage of advanced acquisition of right-of-way. He said in order to do this the County must show that Collier County will be in the position to protect those rights-of-way from development encroachment through setback procedures, dedications and reservations. He explained Staff has taken the position that it is in the best interest of the County to pursue those types of regulations and ordinances and has sent to the DOT an indication that it is Collier County's intent to develop those strategies. He said Staff requests the Board of County Commisr.ioners to confirm this action and endorse the advanced right-of-way acquisition procedures outlined in the State Florida Transporation Plan. Co..i..ioner Holland aoved, .econded carried 4/0, that endorse.ent of advanced future right-of-way protection atrategie. September 17, 1985 Ite. '8 STAPF DIRECTED TO PREPARE A RESOLUTIOM POR ace ACTION OM 10/1/85 RE A MORATORIUM IN IMMOKALEE ON ENFORCEMENT or CERTAIN VIOLATIONS by eo..i..ioner Goodnight and right-of-way acqui.ition and be approved. Planner McKim explained the objective of this item is to place a moratorium on zoning enforcement in Immokalee of certain zoning regula- tions due to the pending Master Plan of Immokalee. She said, over the past several years, various problems have been identified in relation to the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance and in the specific zoning Page IO ~ fiÆiJ ~ <~'""""""'«-'-- "'_..._-~..-.,~.<~ "_.--*--~ ....,-~.....,.,"-...~._"'..,'"'""...._"',....~,_."." -~"'-""-"'''''-'''''''''''''''-'' '",.-, ~ - c:::1 September 17, 1985 of certain areas within Immokalee. She said these problema resulted in zoning violations and non-conforming uses creating, in some cases, undue hardships on the residents. She said, because of this, Staff will prepare a Master Plan of Immokalee beginning in October 1985 and finishing in October 1986. She said once the Plan is complete Staff wil present tc the Board of County Commissioners rezoning of Immokalee to comply with the findings of the Master Plan. Mrs. McKim said until the rezoning is completed the Board directed Staff to identify the sections of the Zoning Ordinance which may change and the areas in Immokalee which may be rezoned as a result of the Immokalee Master Plan. She said violations of these regulations which may change as a result of the Master Plan would not bt dnforced during this moratorium. She said the moratorium would be lifted when the study and the zoning are completed and any violations th~t still exist, under the new zoning for Immokalee, would be enforced. Mrs. McKim explained Staff reviewed the violations for April, May and June, 1985, and plotted them on zoning maps and found the majority of zoning violations in Immokalee fell under the category of abandoned vehicles and illegal parking of vehicles. She referred to Zoning Investigation Reports, Exhibit -A", in the Executive Summary dated 9/12/85. She said abandoned vehicles include vehicles with an expired license tag or no tag, and junk vehicles or vehicle parts, adding Section 8.8 of the Zoning Ordinance regulates parking and storage of these vehicles and r~quires that any vehicle parked in a residential area have a current tag. She said Staff does not think this regulation will change as a result of the#Master Plan. She said illegal parking includes parking in the right-of-way and parking commercial vehicles or equipment in residontial areas. She said residentia: areas refer tQ RSF-l through RSF-S, RMF-6, RMF-12, RMF-l5, RT, MHRP and MHSD. She said it does not include the VR, Village Residential District, and that Exhibit "B" shows the existing VR District where commercial vehicles may be parked at a home. She said Section 8.Sl of the Zoning Ordinance regulates the parking of commercial vehicles and equipment in resi- dential areas and Staff does not think that reg~lations governing parking in the right-of-way will change due to the Master Plan. She said Staff does think that parking of commercial vehicles and equipment in residential areas may be changed in certain areas of Immokalee as a result of the Master Plan because of their Rpecial needs in relation to the farming community of Immokalee. She said Staff is considering that &OOK 08'9 m! 207 Page 11 lOOK 089PJr,t208 September 17, 1985 an Overlay District may b. appropriate for the areas where commercial .v.hiclea ahoulð be allowed tob. parked which would not affect eny exi.ting zoning in the rest of the County. ", ,'. Mra. McKim .xplained the violations plotted on the zoning maps . . ",>... 'sho~d 'they we~e concentrated in the RMF-6, MHSD and MHRP Districts. She referred to Exhibit ·C· which showed the RMF-6 Districts and Exhibit "D" which showed the HHSD and MHRP Districts. She uid Staff recommends that a moratorium b. placed on parking commercial vehicles and equpment in those areas in which there is a heavy concentration of violations as listed above. She said this would mean that in areas where commercial vehicles are now allowed to be parked vehicles would not be cited for violations if a moratorium were in place for those areas indicated on Exhibits "C" and "D". Mrs. McKim said Staff used its familiarity with certain areas in Immokalee in which problems have arisen in the past as well as the location of actual use violations. She said Exhibit "E" indicated tho.e areas in which there have been or ape problems with a large number of illegal or non-conforming uses. She said Staff recommends a moratorium be placed to defer any enforcement of such existing non- conforming uses in these areas until the Master Plan is complete and the subsequent rezoning has been accomplished. Mrs. McKim said said Staff'. recommendations are only Staff's best estimate of issues to be addressed by the Master Plan and if the Master Plan and subsequent rezoning do not legalize these situations and they are still violations after the rezoning of Immokalee, they shall be subject to enforcement once the moratorium is lifted. Mrs. McKim said, if the Board wishes to place a moratorium on enforcement of violations only, Staff recommends that the moratorium be placed until October 1, 1986 on p~rking commercial vehicle. and equip- ment in the RM¥-6, MHSD, and MHRP Districts in Immokalee and principal and accessory use violations in the areas of Immokalee as shown on Exhibit "E" and that a~y new construction will have to comply with the existin" Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Goodnight said she thought this plan would help alleviate some of the problems that currently exist in Immokalee. Commissioner Holland said he did not see how the Board of County Commissioners can have two sets of standards for the County, adding when Commissioner Goodnight asked for a moratorium on trucks, recently, he could under~tand that. He said there was criticism about this, Page 12 IlI.F'· J ~ ~ ..""_....,....__.~_,._1>'" - - c::J September 17, 1985 however, becausQ there ara people in East Naples and Golden Gate who have been cited for violation on weekends for taking home the same type of vehicles thay use for work. He said he thought this plan would create a lot of problems. Mrs. McKim said one idea Staff has to give Immokalee residents an option to address the unique needs for that area is the Overlay District. She said there presently is a Mobile Home Overlay and an ·ST" Overlay which apply to the entire County, adding those were in place in 1982 when the rezoning was done. She said if anyone wishes to have thesv Overlay Districts placed on his property there are require- ments that must be met. She said a Commercial Vehicle Overlay could be placed on certain areas that seemed appropriate in Immokalee as a resul t of the Ma ster Plan and for other areas where peor') wllnt that Overlay they could petition the Board of County Commissioners for it. Tape '3 Commissioner Goodnight said if the County is going to try make Immokalee a community where people will want to move, Staff is going to have to find out what problems exist and address them. She referred to Exhibit "E" and asked Mrs. McKim to indicate the Lake Trafford Farms are/! which is zoned MobIle lIome. She sllid until March 1985 there were mobile homes and houses that were allowed to be moved there or built with one house or mobile home per five acres. She said Staff gave Habitat for Humanity permits to build 10 or 15 houses on five or six acres of land. She said there is a person who wants to put two mobile homes on five acres of lLnd and Staff has told him he cannot do that and he has pointed out to her that Staff allow~d Habitat for Humanity to do something he is being denied. She said there are some inconsis- tencies in Immokalee and until it is zoned the way it should be there will be problems. She asked Mrs. McKim to indicate the area zoned C-4. Commissioner Goodnight said when Staff rczoned Immokalee in 1982 they did not look at what was in Immokalee to see if the zoning was consis- tent with the buildings that were there. She described three busi- nesses that exist in the area zoned C-4 which is illegal for that zoning. She said these businesses are continually red-tllgged because of articles they have in their yards that are supposed to be behind the buildings. She described II situation where a person hils a tin shed for a garage and c~nnot build the new building he wants to build because of the zoning. She said she was only requesting, until the Master Plan can be completed and the rezoni~g can be done, that the people not be ~OO( 089 PM,! 20,9 Page 13 '00« 08'9Plr.t210 September 17, 1985 continually harassed. Mi.. McKim said that Lake Trafford Farms is a result of parting of property where most of the '.)ts are 1, 1-1/2 and 1-3/4 acres that were divided when that size was legal so they are legal non-conforming Iota under A-2 zoning. She said there are only a few five acre parcels and Staff is considering that the five acre minimum may not be the appro- priate zoning for this area because there are so many non-conforming lots there and that a new zoning category may need to be developed for that .,rea. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mrs. McKim said it is necessary to look at each area and the uses of that area and that the Master Plan will identify what use is appropriate in tho ,,clOd c:lnd what size lots are appropriate, adding this has not been done for Immokalee which is why Staff feels the Master Plan is so important. Commissioner Voss said Staff is requesting a moratorium so they can develop a workable plan. ~ In response to Commissioner Holland, Mrs. McKim said St"tff finds more inconsistencies in Immokalee than in the remainder of the County. Commissioner Holland said he was in favor of helping the situation in Immokalee but he did not see how this could be done in one area of the County and not in the entire County. Mr. Mike Zewalk, representing the North Naples Civic Association, spoke in opposition to a moratorium in one area of the County where people could violate existing laws for an entire year. Mr. George Keller suggested that a morc:ltorium be specifically stat~d on existing violations so people are not encouraged to violate the law during the year. Planning/Zoning Director Pettrow said as soon as the Immokalee Master Plan is completed Staff is required to review the Comprehensive Plan and find the deficiencies in it. He said when the Zoning Ordinance was amended in Immokalee in 1981 the necessary zoning changes were not made and the Master plan should remedy this. He said there are other areas in the County that need to have problems addressed, also, and Staff will proceed with those situations when the Immokalee Master Plan is finished. County Attorney Saunders sU9gesteà that a resolution number be reserved for this item and, if a moratorium is imposed, the resolution should be drafted to reflect exactly what the moratorium is being imposed on. Page 14 ŒJ ~\" ~ &c'~~:'l '.fI'·" ..' ", . IWII aI :=.'J September 17, 1985 A discussion followed during which Commissioner Holland asked if a man takes a truck out of the area and brings it back in would he be subject to red tagging? He said there was no way Staff can watch the trailers in the rental parks to m~ke sure one person does not move out and another move in. Commissioner Goodnight said there is only one area where trailers are concerned on Lake Trafford and she agreed there is no way Staff can watch the movement. She said Staff can stop giving permits, however. Commissioner Vo~s said the zoning that might apply in North Naples should not apply in Immokalee because there are two different kinds of communities and the zoning has to be structured to accommodate that f ac t. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Saunders said that the County Commission can set up separate districts for enforcement of certain types of zoning regulations and the Commission can impose a moratorium on anforcement in various areas of the County, if there is a legitimate reason to do so, which he said he thought Staff had pre- sented. He said it is necessary to clarify what the moratorium will prohibit and permit. Co..i..ioner Goodnight .oved, seconded by Co..issioner Voss that a .o~'atoriUII be placed on enforce.ent of the violation. only, as Staff reco...nded, until October 1, 1986, on parkin9 co..ercial vehicle. and equipaent in the RMF-6, MHSD, and MHRP District. in I..okalee and on exi.tin9 principal and acce.sory use violation. in the area. of laaoka1e. a. .hown on Exhibit -Ew. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Saunders said that Staff can draft a resolution from the motion, which is clear, for the Chairman's signature without coming back to the Commission. Community Development Administrator Mullins suggested that the doard of County Commissioners make tho motion that Staff draft the resolution and Staff can bring it back so the Commissioners can see exactly what is being imposed. co..i..ioner Goodnight ..ended ber aotlon, and Co..i..ioner VO.. e.ended bi. second that Staff be directed to draft a re.olution re9arding the above-deacribed .oratoriUII and brin9 it back on October 1, 1985. In response to Mr. Saunders, Commissioner Voss said the ~oratori~~ would be impos~d whan the resolution is brought back to the Board of County Commissioners. &CCK OSH rl',[ 211 Page 15 ~m 089 w,t 212 Upon call for the question, the ***RECISS. 10.21 A.M. September 17, 1985 .otion carried 4/0. RlcOMVIMED. 10.40 A.".~·* It.. It , AJIIIUAL aIDS un 'I'IIROUCB 1864, IXCLUDUIQ BID "63 - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VlMDORS. BID "65 RI cOURTHOUSI GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TO II BROUGHT BACK TO ICC OM 9/24/85 Legal notice having been published 1n the Naples Daily News on July 19, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fileð with the Clerk, bids were received for Bids 1847 through 1855, excluding Bid 1863, for Annual Bids until 2:30 P.M., August 14, 1985. Public Works Administrator Kuck distributed a tabulation sheet for Bid 1865 for Courthouse Grounds Maintenance. He said this item is a recommendation to award bids for various annual contracts for services and commodities to be procured in Fiscal Yair 19ð5-86. He explained that the bids have been reviewed by the var'~IJs departments requiring the materials and services and all departments concur with the recommendations provided on the Executive'Summary dated 9/9/85. He said Staff recommends that the Annual Contracts for Bids 1847 through 1862 and Bids 1864 and t865 be awarded to the designated vendors and that the County Purchasing Director be authorized to allow or disallow minor price adjustments throughout the year where caused by industry fluctuations. Commissioner Voss questioned if the number of square feet was stipulated in Bid 1865 for Courthouse Grounds Maintenance and Assistant County Manager Dorrill said in the past Staff provided a site plan and the areas were shaded that required certain types of maintenan~~. He said he assumEd the square footage was stipulated but that he would review this bid. He said the designated vendor is not always the low biddcr and in some instances, such as for fuel, there are multiple low bidders based on quotes at the time the material i~ needed. Tape 14 Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Dorrill said the present contractor for grounds maintenance is Sparky's Lawn Maintenance, however, he did not submit the lowest most responsible bid this Ydar. Due to the large variance in the bids for the Courthouse Grounds Maintenance the Commissioners decided to continue Bid 1865 until 9/24/85. co..i.sioner Holland aoved, .econded by co..i.sioner Ha... and carried 4/0, that Annual Bids '847 through $864, excluding Bid 1863 b. Page 16 ~:::J E::.:] ~ ·..,.,_.."...._~_"._......_,,'......_'".."..,'."e"""'~ "."~_,·.~""^,·_."___._"''''','''__."'.,,...·_"''_"·______·__·II ". _.,'_- ',,1.·., . -'.., ,OOK 08Uw,tZi4 September 17, 1985 as contained in the Executive Summary. '861 - Concrete Traffic Signal Poles to Hughes Supply, Orlando Southeastern Prestressed Concrete, West palØl Beach, as contained in the Executive Summary. '862 - Traffic Signal Components to C~ntrol Specialists, Orlando, Transportation Control Systems, Tampa, and Tr3ffic Control Components, Haines City, as contained in the Executive SlmIma ry. '864 - Electrical Service to Phelps Electric, Naples, and Mid-Continent Electric, Naples, as contained in the ExecuLiva Summary. It.. 11 0 MOTOR POOL aUDGET rlMEMDMEMT INcREASI»a OPERATING EXPENSES BY $65,000 - APPROVED Responding to Commissioner Hftsse, Fleet Management Director Olliff said the original budget for the M~tor Pool was formulated around a certain number of vehicles. He said Moto~ Pool is an inter-service fund where vehicles are charged for actual use of fuel, insurance and replacement cost of the vehiclc. He said th~ Motor Pool budget ~as established for approximately 125 to 130 vehicles and there was no accurate account of the number of vehicles in the County. He said there is now a concise asset list and there is an increased number of vehicles above the amount originally budgeted. He said the increases in insurance are approximately three times thc amount initially bUdgeted. Co..issioner Ha..e aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight that the Motor Pool budget amend.ent increa.ing operating expenses by $65,000 through an equal increa.e in 9reater than anticipated revenue. be approvad. Respc~ding to Commissioner Hollönd, Mr. Olliff said that this revenue will not come out of Reserves since this is a pass-through account and the revenue will come from the user departments on a tranlifer. Upon call for the question, the .otion carried 4/0. Ite. III PUBLIC BEARIMG RE PALM SPRIMGS SUBDIVISION WATER SERVICE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SCHEDULED POR 10/22/85 Utilities Adminilitrator Crandall said this item refcrs to the Palm Springs water assessment project. He said after discussions with the County Attorney's office Staff recommends that another public hearing Page 18 ~ é.~ ~ i;¡;1f2J ..___,._".,~.~,._., "·__.w"·__·_'~'"~'···_'·""'~~"··_·_·'·'^~·""_ .. - ~ f': .!t;:;"'" '?~;,..l"- :~~:'¡,',j, be held because the costs !t~>'?'.·1983 oriCJi0l11 prel1minoHY ¡~"it,"" . ~~7.t proceed with construction documents and plånlS and said StaEf would mill 1. ;~~0 ' benefitted property ownors a notico of tho new assessment. 'V;" ':':.;,'", COllmhsioner Holland moved, seconded by COllllllhsioner Hasse and ~ carried 4/0, that a public hearing re Pal. Springs Subdivision Water Service Improvement District be scheduled for 10/15/85. Later in the meeting due to tiØle constraints, Commissioner Holland amended his motion, and Commissioner Hasse amended his second that the public hearing re Palm Spring. Subdivision Water Service Improvement District be scheduled for 10/22/85 and the motion carried 4/0. Commi.sioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Has.. and carried 4/0, that the Utilities Administrator be authorized to proceed with the construction documents for vater improvements and, through the Clerk, to notify benefitted property owners within the District of the revised preliminary front footage assessØlents. Soptemb'H 17, 1985 have increased approximately 18\ sincé the assessment. He requcsted authorization to Item 112 MASTER PLAN FOR ALLOCATION OF PHYSICAL SPACE DURING FY 1985-86 - APPROVED Assistant County Manager Dorrill ~xplðined this item was discussed at the 9/10/85 tiCC meeting, however, a vote Nas taken but no motion was made. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight that the Master Plan for allocation of physical space during FY 1985-86 be approved. Commissioner Hasse asked about priority of th~ wðrAhouse and Mr. Dorrill said the schedule list5 priority. H~ said ðuildin9 "C·, involving th~ Pro?erty Appraiser and Tax Collector can be considered the No.1 priority. he said th~ n~xt two priorities ~re the warehouse and the work in IJullding "D". He said the situation with the Judges is yet to be resolved and the architects hav~ been in contact with Judge 8rousseau and will pre~are an estimated cost of building a new building dS well as adding a third floor on Building "J" compared to renovation o f Bu il din g " A" . Commissioner Voss said h~ as~ed the Judicial Department to provide him with a transcript of tne meeting bctw~&n that Department and the C:nJnty M.Jnager. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0. eCOK 089 W,[ 215 Page 19 .,-----,'~,~.__._......._..""_.._,...,.,""¡..,,;,.='^., ",,,,,~~._.,~-_..._..^;.,~"--,~~,~.~- ~__..__.......______..,..."..-"._.,,,_",._""'____'__"'_'"''''.'''"'''''''"~'''··d,,,,<_,__~,,,,,,,,..fi''~.~_··_''_-''''''''''·_ ....... 'Ii · .. .,...... .. -.. > -. . ... . .... . . '. ..' ""'.. '. - ... ,. .... '. ... . .. - &::1 September 17, 1985 It.. 114 STATUS REPORT ON RESOURCE RECOVERY PROJECT - NO ACTION MEEDED Assistan~ County Manager Dorrill said Dr. Stoke. requested Staff to provide the BOArd with a status report on the resource recovery project. He said 18 re.pon.e. were received to th~ County's Request for Proposals involving resource recovery. He said by next week Staff hope. to have an agreement with the County Financial Advisor to do an analysis of the business and financing proposals in order to compare the proposals received. He said by 9/27/85, Staff expects to have four firms selected and the Financial Advisor will evaluate the presentations of those four firms for consideration of actual oral presentation~ before the Selection Committee chaired by Dr. Stokes. He said by the week of 9/30 to 10/4/85 the four firms will be invited to Collier County to make oral presentations to the Selection Committee and by the following week Staff expects to have two firms selected to bring to the Board. He said Staff will request authorization to enter into negotiation with two firms in order to encourage competition by the firæ~ involved. He said on 11/5/85 Staff will seek authorization to proceed with final negotiations for a service delivery contract with one vendor. Mr. Dorrill said this schedule is based on an evaluation by the Committee and a decision by the Board the first week in October when the Board will hear the Committee's recommendation and determine, based on an analysis of the tipping fees, whether it is in the County's best interest to proceed with the r~source recovery project. H~ said if the schedule proceeds as planned there would be approximately eight weeks to the end of 1985 t? resolve the financing through the private company and enter into a final agreement to .eak ground in early 1986. Mr. Dorrill said it is the consensus of the Committee that the resource recovery plant be privately owned and operated under a service contract with Collier County and that the County reserve the right to buy the facility at the end of a twenty-year service term. He said anoth~r option is to create a not-for-profit corporation And have the County lease the fACility from that corporation. Itell 115 RISOLUTIOM 85-194 APPROVING ASSESSMIMT OF ADDITIONAL $4.00 PENALTY PER. NONCRIMINAL TRAFFIC VIOLATION BY CLERK or COURTS TO FUND A COUNTY SCHOQL CROSSING GUAR~ PROGRAM - ADOPTED County Attorney Saunders explainod the Board approved a $4.00 &CQK 08'9 P~r.{ 29a Page 22 __,."".""....,,,'~....,"'__~,._._... ",",e""".c·""__,.,._"". 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