BCC Minutes 09/17/1985 W --·__'W·__"~..ro"·. ~,~ ._ ....___~...,"'.__..,,'.~ aOOK 08'9rAGr3'60 Gep~ember 17, 1985 information to the C~unty Utilities Dep~rtment, City of Naples, end other int're~~ud parties about ~he availability and qU~n~ity ~nd quality of the freshwater re.~urce in Collier C~unty. He stated that in 1979 it was determined that the SCaB could assume responsibilities for certain water control structures in the canal and drainage system in Collier County, adding that an agreement was executed and there are now approximately 22 structures for operation and maintenance undor the BCBS'. responsibility throughout Collier County in the canal systems. He reported that since that responsibility was thrust upon the BCBB, they have spent almost a half million dollars in maintenance of theue existing structures which indicates the BCBB's Concern and the attention it has given to the responsibility in managing surface water in Collier County. He reported tha~ in February 1984, he suggested that the UCßB begin looking at a further expanded role in surface water management in the C~unty, ~dding that additional responsibilities could be taken on in the primary drainage canal systems to provide the necessary manpower, funding, and whatever .else is required tl) ..make the system operate as it was originally dcsign~d to operate. He stated that he first targeted the North Naples drainage canal that runs parallel to the Tamiami Trail, east of the Pine Ridge area, adding that there lire two water control structures in that system which the Basin is responsible for opera~ing and maintaining. He indicated ~hat the eCBB stated that they wanted to know what it would cost the pUblic, if it is feasible or nC't and to come up with a general plan. He reported that a task force was then created by the S~uth Florida Water Manage- ment District composed ?f Staff to look at the overall picture in Collier CI)unty and o~e of the recommendations that came from the Task Force study was that the Basin should expand and incre~se its role in water management in Collier County for several reasons. He stated that one of the reasons is that it would place a single entity responsible for the primary canal network in which the public w~uld know wh~ is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system and another reason is that it would bring into play the expertis~, knl)wledge, manpower, and equipment that the District has as well as their good track record. He noted that the BCBB furtner wanted a five year plan to see what it is going to cost and whether it is feasible within the taxing powers of the District or whether the activi~y could be funded. He stated that according to projections that he developed, the addi- tional responsibilities could be handled and could be funded by phasing Page 2 ~ ~ ~ - .. ... 11:2 September 17, 1985 them in over a five year period. He stated, therefore, the expertise and funding ability is there, and now it is time for the Board of County Commissioners to determine if they are interested in or would, consider passing on some of the resp~nsibilities to the Oig Cypress basin Board. He noted that at this time, the County is totally responsible for the entire drainage system that is n/)t within the specific projec~ areas that are under PUD's, adding that the C/)unty is responsible for the primary network, the secondary network, the roads, swales and all other types of minor drainage. He stated that he feels strongly that the time has arrived when the County is going to have to hire more personnel and s~aff, as well as purchasing more equipment to address th~ needs and the future needs of Collier County. He noted that he feels that it is a good oppor~unity f~r the aCaB to take on some of the responsibilities, adding tha~ they approved the plan and accopted the recommendati~ns of the Task Force. He noted that he is asking whe~her or not the County would be willing to direct its Staff to develop a plan ~hat could be submitted to the BCC to determine if it is feasible and practical for the aCBB to handle additional responsibi- lities and then action be taken as to whether or not the COl.nty wants to transfer the additional responsibilities ~o the BCBB7 Commissioner Voss asked which canals Mr. Vidzes is referring to that they would ~ake the responsibility for, to .hich Mr. Vidzes stated that at this point, the primary system has not beon identified, although that projec~ is underway, ndding that some parameters and guidelines are being daveloped~s to what will be primary and what will b~ secondary. He noted that the Immokalee Road canal, the North Naples drainage canal system, and the Air?ort Road canal system, as well as the main s~em of the Golden Gate canal and the S.R. 951 or Henderson Creek canal system are some of the general canal systems that are being discussed. He stated that when everything is developed, he would come back to the Board and identify each system. Commissioner Voss stated that Mr. Vidzes is asking for individual opinions as to whether this plan should proceed or not. Mr. Vidzes stated that this plan was brought before the Water Management Advisory 80ard and they recommend ad that it be presented to the Board of Coun~y Commissioners. Water Management Director Boldt stated that both he and Mr. Viðzes have the same goals and he has an excellent working relationship with the BCBB, adding that they both have a concern that the level of main- &COK 089rAGt3ß1 Page 3 aOOK U89rA~[3G2 !iÐptember 17, 1985 tenance that he has buen able to do with the forces that ar~ availablo has not been sufficient. He stated that he does not have the time, equipment or the money to handle the canals the way that they should be' handled. Ha stilted that he treats the mðjor canals with chemicals once' .,~;.(j . t ~,..' . ~ " 1\';'.' ;'tt\' . ,,), during the spraying season and the East Coast sprays their canals two. .';)~;~. and three times a year wi th twice as much chemicals. He noted that ,.~~:~;Qj. ':f,~!.:~:"~ they are getting long term results and can maintain them, adding that _ he treated the canals in Collier County in late ~rch and they held up good into the early part of July but, due to the extended drought, the regrowth was such that when the major øtorm came and the water level started rising so did the weeds. He stated that they grow at such enormous rates that the weuds took over some of the canals. He stated that a lot more time needs to be spent on these canals, adding that h. and Mr. Vidzes ~oth agree that the level of maintenance should be raised and the dollars are going to come out of the same pocket. He øtated that there are advantages to the aCaB taking over the program, adding that the aCBb has a simple adminise"rative structure, as' well as being more flexible in what can be done. He stated that the lines of communication of the BCBB are not as long as the County's; the BCBB could also rely upon some of the expertise of the South Florida Water Managemunt D15trict; and, the BCBB has a little more flexibility in raising the millage than the County has. He reported that if the County has the Willingness and the ability to provide the additional financial support to expand ~he program and raise it to a higher level of treatment, then he would prefer to keep the canals under'the County control but, if the BCC feels that there will be limitations in the amount of financial support that can be given and if th~ BCBB can do it better, then it is a viable option and the Commissioners could turn over at least the primary systems to the BCBB. Mr. Vidzes stated that the primary system needs to be identified, which is presently underway, and then the phasing or scheduling needs to be determined a£ to when the shift will occur so that budgets can be developed in order for the Board of County Commiøsi/)ners to either reduce their buoget or maintain it so that. other areas /)f operation that need attention c/)uld be expanded. He noted that his five year plan did not consider taking over in this particular year, but in 1986-87 the plan would go into effect. Commissioner Voss stated that this means that the BCBB would take over the primary canals and the County w/)uld take over the canals Page 4 1!::.t2J - ~" ~ ........ '-",--~"..~.., ~.._"-..,---,_..,_.""-,,,,._-,~-- . .. .