BCC Minutes 10/08/1985 R - - .. Naples, Florida, OCtober 8, 1985 LET IT BE REM~MbERED, that the Board of County Commission~rs in and for the County of Collier, and als~ acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been creat4d according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date ~It 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "f'· of the Courthouse Complex, East ~aples, Florida, with the following members present: t.; CHAIRMAN: Fr~derick J. Voss VICE-CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor /'lax A. Hass. C. C. "Ked" Holland Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk: James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer~'Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Cl~rk: Donalo B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County ~nager; P~m Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manager; ~urt Saunders, Coun~y Attorney; Tom Kuck, Public Works Administrat~; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator: Don \ Monler, Ut'illt1es Administration Direc'For: Vickie Mullins, Community Development Ad~inistrator; David Pettrow, Planning/Zoning Director; Nancy Israelso~, Administ!ative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy O\1ef Ray BarMt~, 5her1ff~s Department. ~ " . . " aDo,; 090 PA~E 122 Page 1 ~.?t. ~-_._- October 8, 1?85 'I'.pe ,1 It.. 11 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CBAHGES Fiscal Officer Giles stated that he would lik4 to have three items take~ off the :ons~nt agenda for considerdtion. Commissioner Voss indicated that this was put in writing by. fiscal Officðr Gil~s ùnd no one respond4d to it. fiscal Officer Giles indiCdted that one ol the items regarding the County Manager's raise and tne County Attorn~y's raise has been taKen off ~he consent agenda, but he would like l6A2 and l6D2 discussed furth~r. Commissioner H~ss. stated that he would like to discusß Item l6A2 and Co~~issioner Holland stated that he would like to discuss Item l6D2, w~tch were both put unoer Item 13, the Board of County . COmmissioners. Clerk Reagan stated ~hat Piscal Officer Giles wro~e a memo requesting~that a fe~ of ~he consent agenda items be moved to the regular agenda for discusslon, adding ~hat in the past anything that was on the agenda that was requested to be moved to the regular agenda ~. was done. He stated that.even though he is not a voting member of the bOdrd, he has a judiciary responsibility to the public while he 1s sitt~;q on the bo~rd as e~ofticio and when something is requðsted to be removed, he dld not know that there needed to be a response before anything could be requested to be removed. He stated that if thc policy is going to be that he should lobby a Commissioner to have him remove an item, he will do that, but the rules should b~ set. He stated that hQ would like to know what the policy is going to be for the future. Commlssioner Voss stated that the only people that can take an item off the Consen~ Agenda is a Commissioner. He stated that a memo was written and if a Commissioner wishes to take th. item off they have that choice. He stated that ~f a Commissioner supports the idea of removing an item they can do that. Clerk R-.agan stated that the memo was written to the Chairman and he would e~pect the Chairman to take some action indicating whether the items are going to be removed from the agenda or not. He stated that it has always been a routine matter in the past, but if there is some problem with it nq~, h~ would like to know what method he should use. County ~~nager Lusk stated that the problem is that this agenda is aoo~ 090 S'J~ 130 Pdge 2 ~,'-_....,...._,._,.__._"-~--"..,.-_..._"'""''''''..'^-_..,,..-' e,."_''''''·'''_'·__'' ;; 090~131 the Commissioners and if there needs come from the Commlssionerø. Octobe r 8, 198 ~ to be changes made, they should ask individual Commissioneis it would be appropriate to Cldrk Reagan questionE;d if he should to remove items, adding that he felt that ask the Chairman to remove items. Commissioner Voss stated that he did not feel that the items should be removed from the agenda. Clerk Reagan stated that the Chairman should bring up the subject indicating that a certain item has been req~ested to be removed from the agenda and then question if there is a motion to remove such item or not, adding that this is usually what a Chairman does. He øtated that this is the way it has been done in the past. Com~issioner Hasse stated that if there are any Clerk Reagan can come to hi~ to discuss the problems that it is taken care of. Co..i.sioner Holland carried unani.ou.ly, that cb.ngess tuture problems, and he will see . . aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .nd the .genda be .pproved with the following 1. Item lOO(l) re PAR's moved to l3G 2. Item 100 (2) re Rookery Bay Nati/)nal Estaurine Sanctuary" property m/)ved to lJe. . ,. 3. Item SC(2) added re emergency amendment to Hoad Impact Fee Ordinance. (County Attorney) . 4. Item 13D added rc discussion ?f Cultural Center;a:- (Commissi?ner Voss) \ . 5. Item l3E added re resolution app/)inti~g members to the CCPC and establishing terms for such members. (Comm. Woss) 6. Item l3F added re discussion of Chambec of Commerce offer to unoertake a study of occupational tax structure. '(Comm. Voss) 7. Item lOE(l) added re recommenda~ion to adjust adopted millage rates for hSTD koad Oistrict 12 and for Collier: County Production Park Street Lighting District. (BUdgé~, officer) 8. Item lOE(2) adoed re r~comm&ndation to reimburse Helicopter P1lot for out-of-county travel. 9. Item 16A(2) re qual1tied contractor for Economic Developnerlt Department moved to 13M at request of Fiscal Officer Giles. lO. It~m l6U(2) re Sewer Area "A" Spray Irrigation Project moved to Item l3I at request of Fiscal Officer Giles. Ite. 12 MIMUTES or BUDGET BEARING or 9/18/85, PROPERTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTMENT BOARD or 9/20/85 AHD 9/23/85; SPECIAL COMPo PLAN or 9/23/85, AND REGULAR MEETING or 9/24/85 - APPROVED Co.mi.sioner Goodnigbt .oved, seconded by Co.-issioner pistor .nd carried unani.ously, th.t the .1hute. of the budget he.ring of Page 3 - - .. ""'d."",,~·,,·.·^·'·"'_"_·_"""_'____ - - .. October 8, 1985 Septe.ber 18, 1985, tbe Property Apprai..l Adju.tment Board of Septeabar 20, 1985 and Septe.bar 23, 1985, the Spec1.1 Co.p. Pl.n of Septeaber 23, 1985, and the Regul.r .eeting of Septe.ber 24, 1985, be .pproved .. pre.ented. IU. '3 PROCI..AMTIOII DESIGllATIIIG OCTOBBR 12, 13, AlII) 14, 1985, AS "COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND- - ADOP~£D proclamation, Commissioner Hasse moved, Gooaniqht and carried unanimously, that the October 12, 13, and 14, 1985, as "Columbu~ Upon readinq of the seconded by Commissioner procldmation.designating Wdekend" be adopted. Mr. Lou ~ldo, representing the Naples Italian extended his thanks and wishes to the Commissioners attend.~he celebrAtion on Columbus Day Weekend. American Club, and invit.d them to . \, ¡ . , ~, ~ " ., !IM U901Wl132 Page 4 Day .._...._.....__(_._""....."'_>"..,_'~...,..~.,.,_,.,...,~,.(.._.__.c.. Octob4t r 8, 1985 Ite. 14 PROCLAMATION DISIGMATIMG TBE WEEK or OCTOBER 6-12, 1985, AS "NATIO~AL 4-8 WEEK" - ADOPTED Commissioner Goodnight read and presented the proclamation to m~mbers of the 4-H Club. She i¿dicated that it gives her qraat pride to present the proclamation a~ she is very pr~ud of the 4-H. Co..issioner Goodn19ht .oved, seconded by Co.-is.loner pistor .nd carried unanlaously, th.t the Proclamation ðe.ignatin9 the week of October 6-12, 1985, .s "Natlon.1 4-8 Week" be .dopted. Two repr~ßenlatives of the 4-H Club, Miss Mðttvrson and Miss Riner,.~ndlc~ted the accomplishments of the 4-H Club over the past year after t6~nkinq the Commissioner, for thei; time, effort, and supp~rt. ¡ . \ ~, " " - 0001>1") 134 page 5 111K "'_..__._--,..,?~"...,""."-"",.._~..."'........---.,-"'..,_._,-"-"..~- October a, 1985 IU. '5 TAX COLLECTOR CARLTON PRESENTED A CHECK 1M 'I'HE AMOUNT or $624,329.88 rOR UNUSED rEES Tax Collec~or Carlton presented a ch~ck tQ Fiscal Officar Giles in the am~unt of $624,329.88 for unused fees. Ite. 16 ORDINANCE 85-56 RE PETITIO. PDA~85-9C, JAMES VENSEL, REPRESENTING DELTONA CORP. RE AM AMEMDMENT TO MARCO SHORES PUD - ADOPTED. PETITIONER'S AGREEMEN'I' ACCEPTED Legal n~tic~ having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 6, 19a5, as cviá~nced by Affidavit of publication filed with ~he Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened to conslder Petition PDA-85-9C, fildo ~ James V~nsel, representing ~ltona Corporation, re an amendment to ~he I".arco Shores PUD to change the name to "Marco Shores Golf Course C~mmunitYI, to all~ additional types of dwelling units, and to changd the locatio~ of th-. major east/west acc-.ss road f~r ?r?pûrty \òcateo ?n the last side ~f S.H. 95l in Sectlon~ 25, 27, and 28, Town.nip 5l S~uth, Har1q.. 26 East. '¡ Planning/Zoning Director Pettrow stated that the property is located bdtwee~' the intersec~ion of S.R. 95l and Mainsail Drive and the ~arco Airport and c~nsists, of 32l acres. He noted that lands to the # ' nort,n, 'east and south are ·zoned A-2, and A-2 "ST", and lands to the w~at aTe zoned A-2 wciT". He indicated that the lands to the north, s~uth and west are undeveloped and to the east is Marco Airport. He reported that Staff and all appropriat~ County agencies reviewed this p~tition and recommended ap~'oval and the CAPC held their public heõring on September lò, 1985, and unanimously recommended approval with th~ stipulation that th!r Stipulations S.c. and d. frl)m September 12, 1985, staff report be deleted and that a stipulation be added that each fractionalized tract shall be a minimum of 5 acres. He noted that one letter of I)pposition was received from Edward L. Twohey expressing concern regarding density an~ the effect on sales of existing vacant condominiums. He noteo that there is no increase slated in the density for these proposea changes, adding that the name is being changed because a project to the north was recently ~pproved and the petitioner wants to avoid the conflict of having a similar name. He stated that the Mainsail Drive alignment-is being changed, adding that the original PUD called for d road to be shifted further to the south but the petitioner would liKe to keep the road as it is currently built. Mr. ~o~U90~p.: 138 pag e 6 <.,~,~",.., ."'~'."." ,.~. .... ,., ,. ""....''''' <._,-,'-~'.,,""'."""'~~- ,~ 090".~137 October 8, 1985 Pettrow stated that it is not a change in tho physical design, but a change in the amendment to th. PUD; there are s~me modifications concerning the fire department; and this will allow sinqle-family, multi-f~mily, clusters, zero lot lines, etc. but each parcel's integrity will be maintained as far as the housing type. Mr. Jamœs Vensel, representing the Petitioner, stated that there are four basic ~odifications to the PUD that are being proposed; one is that the main entrance road on the plan is being located where it actually exists; another is modification of certain areas to make it conform to the large PUD that was approved, which is a fire site commitment that is being shown on the PUD; ånd another is the change in name to make it less confusing with the one of last year: and the last" Is to broaden the housinq types th3t can be available so that the mÐrketplace can be m~re readily responded to, adding that he has not increased th~ density nor has the character of the development changed. In answer to Comoissioner Pistor, Mr. Vense~ stated th~t ~eltona's involvement in the fire station that is presently under construction on S.H. 951 is the result of their commitments in the original PUD, adding that as part of East Haples' review of this PUD, East Naples Fire District asked for in the future, a site to be located in the are~ so that when the PUD is built ~ut or nearly built "Out, there will be·a '. .. site close to the Marco Island Airport anå the' PUD. Commissioner 80ll.nd aoved, .econded by Co"i..ioner B.... .nd '~ c.rried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. , Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Com.issioner Holland .nd c.rrled unanimously, that the Ordinance .s num~red .nd entlt~~d below o \ be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 21 and th.t the Petitioner's ~reem.nt with th. .mended ~tipul.tlons be .ccepted~ ORDINANCE 8S-56 , .' AN ORDINANCB AMEMDING ORDINANCE 81-6 MARCO SBORES PLANHED RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY WHICB CHANGED THE ZONING CLASSIfICATION FROM -A" AGRICULTURAL TO -PUD- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY; PART OF SECTIONS 26, 27, AND 28, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST; AMENDING THE NAME OF THE EXISTING MARCO SHORES PLANNED RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY TO MARCO SHORES GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY, AMENDING SECTION 1.02, NAME; AMENDING SECTION 4.03, USES PERMITTED, AMENDING SECTION 4.04, REGULATIONS; AMENDING PUD MASTER PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - .. .. Page 7 N_'~"",,.__'__'~~"··"_'_'___·"-"'~'__-·'~·O".~".'" . .,...,-,-".-~",....".>,..-,,~.,,-....'''''.''''''''''- October £, 1985 I Ua "1oJ: 090 "Ar~ 139 ORDIMAMCB 85-57 RE PETI'I'IOM R-8S-1IC, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, REPRESENTING JAMES KINGSBURY, RE REZONE PROM A-2 '1'0 PUD KNOWN AS EAST TOLL PLAZA RV RESORT - ADOPTED. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ACCEPTED Legal notice hðving been published in th~ Naples Daily News on Septcmb~r 6, 19Ø5, as evidc~ced by Affidavit of PUblication filed with the Clerk, public nearing was opened to cQnsider Petition R-85-11C, filed by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek, representing James Kingsbury, requesting a rezone from A-2 to PUD known as East Toll Plaza RV Resort to consist of a maxi~um number of'240 RV lots on 19.7 acres for property located on the south side of S.R. 94, approxiraately one mile east of C.R. 95l. Planning/Zoninq Oirector Pettrow stated the peti~ion.r wishes to develop an HV resort with 240 lots and associated facilities such as pavilion, ßwimming pool, ano shuffleboard. lie noted that di.rectly to the west is the Toll Plaza RV park PUD and the remaining lands surrounding the subJect property are zoned A-2 with some "5T". He stöted that the lands to the north, south and east are undeveloped except for some scattered sinqle-family residencês to the south. ~e rel'orted that Staff and all appropriate CountY..8';1encies have revi~wed· this petition and r~com~cnd approval with stipulations.", Also, that the CAfe held their public hearing on September 19,·l985, and unanimously "<I' recommended apFrOvJl subject to amendment of the PUD documfnt per Staff report dated September l2, 1985, ahd with the (ollowing additional provisions that LeBuff koad shall be maintöined so that it is passable by an automobile; ana that clearing and filling~activities be ~one in th~ dry season, which should a~leviðte the concerns of Deborah Lashley who had written a letter in opposition and also spoke at the CA~; hearinq. Tap. '2 Mr. Allen Reynolds of Wilson, Millar, Barton, SoIl' Peek, Inc. stated that the changes that have been r~commended have been incorpo- rated into the PUD doc~ent. He stAted with reqard to the passability of th~ road, which is currently ö 60' wide limerock road, it will be maintain~d and remain passable as A limerock r03d, but ultimately it will be upgraded and pðY~d tQ County standards by the developer at his expense. Comaissloner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co..issioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, th.t the public he.ring b. clos.d. Co..i.sioner Goodnight aoved, s.conded by Co..issioner Pi.tor .nd Pag e 8 - - - O"~'''-~__''''____'_ ...... .~_..................._"_,_,...,,,. ""~__'~""_'~'''''''N_'''''__ October II, 1985 carried unani.ously, th.t the ordln.nce .s nu.bered .nd entitled below b. adopted .nd entered into Ordinance Book No. 21 and that the Petitioner's A9reement with the a.ended stipulations be .ccepteds ORDINAIICE 85-57 AN ORDINANCE AMENDIIIG ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OP COLLIER COUNTY, PLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY DOWN AS EAST TOLL PLAZA RV RESORT AIID PROVIDIMG All EFFECTIVE DATE. ,', . .~. ." \. ; .\ ~, ., " ", aoO( lJ90pß.'.f 140 Pdge 9 17 ~ ",_~_"_,~.~_~"~,...w._",,,,~,,,O"'~ - October 8, 1985 Ite. 18 ORDIKAHCB 85-58 RB PETITIO. R-85-14C, VINBS , ASSOCIATES, REPRESENTING ADOLPHUS, INC., RE A RBZONE FROM RMF-6 TO IL ON THE NOR'I'HWEST CORNER OF IKTERSECTIO. OF GOODLETTE-F~K ROAD AND CREECH ROAD - ADOPTBD. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ACCEPTED Leqal n~tice hðving been published in the Naples Daily News on September 6, 1985, as evidenced by Affidðvit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consid~r Petiti?n H-H5-l4C, filed by Vines' Ass?ciat9s, representing Adolphus, Inc., reque~tin9 a c~zone fr~m kMf-6 to IL for expansion ~f an existing wareh~us~ for proiJerty l~c/Jted ~n the northwest corner of the lnt!asectlon of Goodlette-Frank Road and Creech Road. planning/ZoninJ Director Pet trow stated that this property c~nsis~, of .l5 acres and is a 33' x l55' parcel, adding that expansi~n of this~~arehouse will take place on the existing light industrially . .' zoned lands, not on the proposed light industrially zoned lands. He stated that the .l5 acres.will provid~ yard space in additi~n to the required fjfty f~ot sld~ yard whicn will separate the expanded warehouse from the adjoinfng RMF-6 property. He noted that lands to th~ north and ~ast are zoned light industrial and further to the east ~, across Goodlette-iran~ Ro~d is the Wilderness PUD, adding that lands to the south and west are z~ned RMf-6. He stated that to the north is a .. . . sin9¡.·family dwelling unrt and to the east and west is vacant land and to the~south is a parking lot for ~Þntgomery Elevator Company. He noted that this petition complies with the Comprehensive Plan and the adjoining HMF-5 property to the west is vacant and will remain that way as it functions as a water catch area. He noted that there were three letters receiVed in opposition, but no one spoke against this petition at the CAl~ hearin3 which was held on September 19, 1985, and they did recommend approval. subject to the stipulations contained in the petitioner's Agreement. Mr. ~illiam Vines, representin~ Adolphus, Inc. stated that he has no objections to the stipula~ions. Co~issioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Co~i.sioner Bas.e and carried unani.ously, that the public hearing be closed. Co..i.sloner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Co.-is.loner Hol1.nd .nd carried unani.ously, that the Ordln.nce .. nuabered .nd entitled below be .dopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 21 .nd that the petitionerls Agreement be accepted a aDO( 090PAr,tl42 Page 10 . ..~~w,"__;.~>4".,_'·."'_,._·_,,.....__ Octobe r 8, 198 S 110( 090 I'A'~ 143 ORDINANCE 85-58 All ORDINAXCI AMINDUIG ORDINAIICI 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMIHDIMG THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-25-5 BY CBANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER or THE INTERSECTrON OF GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD AND CREECH ROAD FROM RMF-6 TO IL; AlID BY PROVIDING FOR All EFfECTIVE DATE: .. ''II ' \. .. . \ ~ .~ . .' .... - .. .. -~ " þ Page II ~~""-"-._'__·_"'-"~'.o~"" ,...__,....__.....,______...... October 8, 1985 Ite. 19'00( 090PJ,,~145 ORDINANCE 85-59/RESOLUTIOM CWS 85-9 RELATING TO SEWER RATES AND COHNECTIONS lOR PROPERTIES WITHIN SEWER AREA "c" 01 THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT - ADOPTED Leqal notice having been published in the Naples Dðily News on 5ept6mber 19, 1985, as evidenced by Affidav!t of pUblication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider sewer rates and connections for properties within Sewer Area "C" of the County water-Sewer District. Utilities Administration Director Mohler stated that this is a housekeeping function and to complete the formaliti.s of ..tablishing the rates in Area ·C· for the Foxfire Plant, the sam. as those in Area .. · A-. cosaissioner Holl.nd .oved, .econded by Commissioner Pistor .nd c.rried un.ni.ously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Holland aoved, .econded by Commi..ioner Pistor .nd c.rried unaniaously, th.t Ordin.nce 85-59/Resolution CWS 85-9 re1.ting to Sewer Rates and Connections for properties within Sewer Are. ·C" of the County Water-Sewer District be adopted and entered into Ordin.ce Book 21. ~ ORDINANCE 110. 85-59 . RESOLUTION NO. OWS 85-9 .. All ORDIIIANCE AND RESOLUTIOII RELATIIIG TO SEWER CONNEctJONS FOR PROPERTIES WITHIN SEWER DISTRICT "C· OF THE COUNTY WATER- SEWER DISTR1CT; REQUIRING SEWER CONNECTIONS, PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; PERMITTING CONNECTIONS BY THE'DISTRICT; DEFINING UNLAWFUL CONHECTIONS; PROMULGATING THE RATES TO BE CHARGEÐ FOR USE 01 MUNICIPAL SEWER SERVICES WITHIN:THE COUNTY WATER- SEWER DIS'I'RICT, SEWER DISTRIC'I' "C·. , - .< '. . paqe 12 .. .. .. " "",.~.~-,._,.._--,--" ----_.....--.-_....-"-..,"-'_....,..,.,~,.- I I I I Iua MP 090,m151 EMERGENCY DECI.ARED AND NOTICE WAIVED. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 85-60 AMENDING THE ROAD IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE - ADOPTED. COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED TO MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES TO THE ROAD IMPACT ORDINANCE AND RETURN TO TUE BOARD WITHIN 30 DAYS October 8, l!l25 I ï ! t .. . i ! I , ! I I i - . I ! J I I ! ; I I f I I i j .\ I I I I I ! I 1 I ! ì " I I I ,I I \ I. I , County Attorney Saunders stated that this is Dn em.rgency ordinanc~ public hearing pursuant to Section l25.6S of the Florida Statutes, adding thãt th~ fIrst thing that the Board hcs to determine is that therw is an emergency and notice of the orainance haa to be waived by a 4/5ths vote of the entire Commission. He stbted that the purpose of the amendment is to clarify for ~hich building permits the road Impact fee will apply, æddinq that the original ordinance provides that anybody obtaining a building permit after June 20, 1984, who had not yet obtained a cértificate of occupancy W?uld be subject to the ordinance. He stated that the proposed amendment would change that eff~ctiv& date to Octob~r l, 1985, the date that the Board actually pàssed tne ordinance. he stated that the Board needs to déc1are that there is an £merqency, tnat the ordinance is to be considered, and then hold a public h~arinq on the proposed amendment. Co~lssioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Comaissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that an emergency be declared and notice be waived. '. þ County ~nager Lusk stated that there has þeen a problem with the date in the ordinance out there are other problems with thás ordinance also, adding that the question of ~hether there will be an' im~act fee or n~t is settled, as there will be. one. He stated that the ofdinance needs s~me changes thdt will make it easier to ,nforce and ea~ier for developers to understand, adding that he would like to propose that a committee be formed ~nd return:back to the Board within 30 days on any additional chanqes that may be needed in the ordinance. He stat¥o that , " he would recommend that Do~ald Pickworth, Tony Pires, Don Barber, Burt Saunders, and himself be on the committee. Commi..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Commi..ioner Has.e .nd carried unaniaously, th.t the .bove-referenced committe. be formed. Commissioner hdSS~ questioned if someon~ makes an ap~licdtlon prior to Uctober l, 1985, but has not yet received the building permit, would they have t~ pay an impact fee? County Attorney baunders stated that the way the proposed amendment nðs been drafted it states that if a building permit has been obtained prior to October 1, 1985, then one would not fall under the Page 13 ¡ ~ I I '1" - - - .. .1 . I '^W~;<"_''''__''_.'''''''-'_'''"'~'_·_'··'~·_'''_·_''_~__''' ~'''"''''''''""'''_''''''"~,>,,,o<~'~' ,___.~~ ~..._",'-"'_"-- - - - October 8, 1985 impdct fe9 ordinance. He Slated that the B~ard needs to consider if tney want the a~te of Oct~~er 1, 1985, tied to the issuance of the building permit or to the application of the building permit. He noted that the original date ~f June 20, 1984, was th. date of the first pUblic workshop at which time the ordinance was distributed and the impact fee schedule was distributed and the builders and d~velopers knew at that tine that the County was considering the ordinance and they could havt! considered that 'in their financial planning. Commissioner Voss stated lh~t he feels that October 1, 1985, should be tied to th~ applicati~n of the builoing pormit and not the issuance. He notad that there have been certain developments that have been proposed as a PUD and nave been approved, but they have not yet a~plied for a building permit, adding that they may have outstanding contraCLS with purc~ases based on the cost at that tim~. He stated that if;~here is an impact fee ·~ut on the~. the developer may be stuck for the cost and have no way to p~ss it on to the purchaser. He stated that if such a condition ~xists, a person should be able to come in , . with a val,id contract thðt WélS signed. prior to October 1, 1~85, and the Board could mbke a determination wheth.r or n?t the impact foe should be applied. " ~, County M3nager Lusk ~tated that impact fees could be collected at this Sime and if'~he Committee makes certain recommendations that would change'things and the ~atd concurs, the impact fees could be refunded. He stated that the Committee should make their report and then modifi- cations could be made at that time and the only thing that should be handled now is the October l, 1985, date. commi~s~oner Holland stated that he does not believe in an impact feë dv~n th?ugh it has been passed, adding that if there are changes that need to be made in the ordinance, he would like to see tho Commission set the\date of implementation at the time that the modifications are brought back. Commissioner Voss questioned if anyone was registered to speak, to which Assistant County Manage.r Dorrill replied negatively. Co~i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Comai..ioner Ba..e, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Mr. Ed ~mith stated that th2r~ was no opportunity for him to say anything. Comaissioner Vas. stated that the vote wa. not c.lled and, therefore, the public hearing 1. still open. am 090 PA~t 152 Page 14 ",-'--~-""'''-''''''''''"- ------_...~..-_.,.~-_.~-"- ;; 090PA'Æ153 October 8, 1985 r.r. Smith indicatad that he diô not have anything to say ~n the ma~ter at this time. County Attorney Saunoerß statèd that he would like tn~ record to reflect that tne public hearing is open and if anyone wantß to speak, they have an o~portunity to do so. ~ no one indic.ted that they w.nted to speak, Commissioner Voss c.lled for the question which carried unanimously. Co.-is.ioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Co.mi.sioner Has.e .nd carried 4/l, (Co..is.ioner Holland oppo.ed) that Emergency Ordin.nce 85-60 amending the Ro.d I.pact Fee Ordinance be .dopted with the exact wording of Section 8B(S) .. followsl the iå.u.nce of .n occupancy certificate in regard to any structure on the property, but not includ-' ing any occupancy certificate for . structure for which . completed building permit .pplication w.. filed with the County Building Department prior to October 1, 1985. (Entered into Ordinance Book 21.) ORDINANCE HO. 85-60 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 85-55, TaB ROAD IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTION EIGHT (B) (5) TO EXEMPT THE ISSUANCB OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FROM THE DESIGNATION OF "COMMENCEMENT OF !.AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY" WHERE THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS FOR A STRUCTURE FOR WHICH A BUILD¡NG PERMIT WAS ISSUED " PRIOR TO OCTOBER 1, 1985, PROVIDING FOR DEC!.ARATION or . EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commission~r holland questioneo when this o~dinance becom~s effective, to whicn County Attorney Saunders stated that a~cordin9 to Section 125.66, an emergency oroina~ce becomeS 'effective on th, date that it is placed into the United Stales ~~il, ~hich will be r~is date. nem III PETITION A-85-l, WILLIAM R. VIÑES, AGENT FOR BALCOM -CONT'D '1'0 10(15/85 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Petition A-85-1, Willi.. R. Vines, Agent for Balcom, be continued to October 15, 1985, .t the request of the Petitioner. Item 112 ADJUSTING MILLAGE RATES FOR MSTD ROAD DISTRICT '2 TO .0936 MILLS AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK STREE'I' LIGHTING DISTRICT TO .3292 MILLS - APPROVED Budget Director Zalka stated that after the Property Appraisal Adjußtment Board meeting, th~ Property Appraiser updates all of the Page 15 - .. .. --_........._-~_.< ,..."",>~,...,.".",.."-,.,.""_.,,.,,_.",,.._.._,,,,- October 8, 1985 assessed and taxable values, adding that when this is done if there are any districts whcre th~ changes hava been gre~ter than 3\, the adopted mlllage rate may be adjusted in order to collect the s~me amount of m~~ey as W3S intended in the adopted millage rates. She stated that this applies in two cases; the ~STD Road District 12 and th9 Collier County Production Park Street Liqhting District. She stoted that she is proposing that the tWO millage rates be adjusted slightly from .0906 for th~ X~TD Road ~lstrlct 12 to .093~ and from .3027 for the Collier County Production Park ~tr~et Lighting District to .3292, adding that in all the other districts th~ change was less than 3\ and, therefore, no change would be made. Comai..ioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried.unaniaou8ly, that the .djusted millage rates for the M8TD Ro.d District'I2 of .0936 ail)s and the Collier County Production Park , . Street Lighting District of .3292 mill. be approved. Ite. 113 ¡ REIMBURSEMEMT or $819.05 TO THE HELICOPTER PILOT FOR OUT-or-COUHTY TRAVEL COSTS - APPROVED ' Assistant~,County ~n~ger Dorrill stat~d that during th~ week of September 22, 1985, the C~unty helicopter pilot, Earl Sanborn, was autho~ized to travel t~ Texas to determine the status and accept the repå1r~ that had been mad; to the County's helicopter engine. He atated'that the original estimate for this trip was within the Board's adopted policy concer~ing out-of-county travel. He stated that before Mr. Sanborn left, he had mentioned to him that if he was in a position to bring the. engine back with him, to do so, which he did. He noted that the final payment for his trip was $819.05 which Mr. sanborn paid. He stated that this is considerably less than what it would cost to ship the engine, åÖding that Mr. Sanborn rented a station wagon and b~ought the engin~ back himself. Comaissioner Has.e aoved, seconded by Comaiasioner Holland .nd carried unaniaously, that the reillbur.e.ent of $819.05 to Earl Sanborn for out-of-county travel coats ..aociated with the return of the helicopter engine be approved. Ite. 114 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to kesolu~~on 8l-l~0 ~he following checks were issued through Friday, Oc~~ber 4, l!::'dS, in payment of routine bills: &DD1. 090f'Ar.r154. page l6 ",'~-'..<..,_.,.""-"'-" ~'-<-'-"'""--'_""-'" ;'''-~'~ ,-~-~~~--~--' 10M 090 PAr,t155 CH~CK DESCRIPTION A,'\OUNT $747,325.79 24e,535.86 Octl)ber 8, 1985 Ci1ECK NOS. Vendor l34C145 - 1300f! 19902 - 20490 8CC Pøyroll Ite. 115 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 85-460/463, 85-465/467; 85-474/475, AND 85-477/479 - ADOPTED Co..i.sioner pistor .oved, .econded by Comaissioner Goodnight .nd carried unani.ously, that budget amend~ents 85-460/463; 85-465/467, 85-474/475; and 85-477/479 be adopted. *.... Recess. 10.00 A.M. - Reconvened. lOtIO A.M. ..*.* Tape '3 It.. 116 '. RESOLUTION URGING EKACTMEN'I' or A MANDATORY SAFETY BELT USI LAW I. THE STATE OF FLORIDA - HO ACTION TAKEN CommissiQner Voss stated that th& Board nas been a~ked by the Florida Coaliti"n for Auto Safety Now to pass a resolution urging the State of Florida to pass a law making the use of seat belts manáa~ory. he stated that he has mixed emotions abl)ut it, adding that it is a'gQ?d . . thing for peo?le to wear seat belts but he has, a problelll in tellin" people what they should do abl)ut their own personal safety. Cl)mmissioner Hasse stated that the public has to hðV~ good brakes and lights for the safety of thems~lves as well as other p~ople. He noted that he does not know how it' ~ill be enfórced but he see, nothing wronq in encouraging people to wear safety belt, and this law '~ould do that. Commissioner Holland stated that he ~lso has mixed emotions ,about . ~ making safety belts a law, adding that it is a fine thing to encöþrage people to use th&m, but he feels it would be very difficult to enforce. He noted that if this law is passed, the Sheriff will be approaching the Commission for more mon~y for his budget in order to put on more deputies to enforce additional laws. Commission2r Pistor stat~d that the only time these laws are enforc~o is when ther~ is an accident and people do not have their seat belts on, adding that h& would encoura9~'people to use seat belts but he is not in favor of a mandatory law of tnls type that has side effects that would b~ harnlful to Innocent pt#ople. Commissioner Goodniqht stated that there are enough laws on the books tnat tell people what they have to do and she aoes n~t like Page l7 - .. .. -~"".,--,.......~-_.~",".<.".-.""_"' .._.,_.....,="";_<..,..."~., ,.~'"..__'""_.__"'"~_'"..."_,.H._..~__ Oct~ber 8, 1985 telllng anyone what they should d? 8b~ut their own safety, dven though peoplo should be encouraged to wvðr seat belts. Commissioner Voss stated that the opinion of th~ Commißsion seemS to be that no one wants to support such a resolution. !tea 117 PAINEWEBBER/A.G. EDWARDS SELECTED AS UNDERWRITERS POR THB WATER AND SEWER REVENUE AND REPUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1985 - APPROVED County r.,}nager Lusk stateO -that a tin<:ncial committee was appointed a few months ago to come back with a recommendation regarding underwriters for th~ utility bond issue that the County is pres6ntly involved in. H~ not~d that early in the process the financial advisor indicated that the ~ard might want to seldct two or more firms because of the size of the bond issue, adding that instdad of recommending three ~Aderwriters h~ nas four und~rwriters to recommend. He stated that thé'committee's recommendation was for the following underwriters, , . noting that th~y dro not beinq recommended in Ðny particular order other than\being listed i~ alphabetical oroer: Goldman Sachs; William R. Hough; 1::. F. hutton; lnd PaineWebber/A. G. Edwards joint proposal. \ . He stated that the ~ard neeàs to eith,r ..lect the underwriters this date or request tnat they come in and make presentÐtions within the ne ( t few week s~' Commission~ Hasse stated that the committee has come back with a ., clu,r indication of the better fi rms, adding that thd Commission should go ahead with the matter and not prolong it any longer. Commissioner Goodnight stated that more than one of the firms should be selected, adding that she thinks that it would be fair to hire all four and make one of them the manager. Commisstoner Voss stated that he does not believe that there would be enough fee to spllt four ways. Commissioner ~olland questioned if the low firm could perform the services that the County is requesting for the fees that they have sabmitted, to ~hich Mr. Fischer of Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc. replied affirmatively, addin~ that some of the fees are fix~d and some are variabld. Ther6 was general discussion regarding the various f~es indicated by the differen~ firms. Comaissioner Holland aoved, seconded by Comai..ioner Ha..e .nd carried 4/l, (Coaaissioner Goodnight opposed) that PaineWebber/A. G. Edwards be .elected as underwriters for the water and sewer revenue bonds, Series 1985, based on the quot.tion that was presented. aOOK 090 pm 156 paqe l8 ""''''''''''''M .~<^.,__,_.. .,......"'.....,~~~,~.._- October S, 1985 Md~agement f~e $l.OO; Expens~s $0.82, totol T-D , MF ~~ 090!'J~ 151 (Take-down $lO.95: $1l.~5 (/~l,OOO). Itea 118 RESOLUTION 85-208 SUPPORTING THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OP ROOKERY BAY NATIONAL ESTUARINE SANCTUARY - ADOPTED. BOARD REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND MEETING OF ll/8/85 IN TALLAHASSEE RE SAID ISSUE Dr. Kris Thoemke stated that the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources is in favor of having a final project boundary set by the CARL committee which is going to be decided at the November 8, l~85, meeting of the CARL committee in Tallahassee. He stated that the Department has proposed a final project boundary to include the lands " that would be approved in the resolution. He stated that the CAkL committee will then forward it to the Governor and Caôinet for final concurrence and tnen the State can proceed with the purch!se of that land unóer a willing sðle. He stated that the current Rook~ry. Bay project is ranked .2 and he anticipates tnat the additional lands would also be in that 12 rankinq. Commissioner Holla~d questioned if fair market value would be paid for the private property within tne boundaries, to which Dr. Tt.oemke stateó that all the property will be appraised·independently and ~heh .þ offers are made to the owners based on a fair market value and then it is up to tne neqotiators from Tallahassee ana the owners to come to .~ some sort of an agreement on the actual price. \ CODDis.ione, Pistor moved, s.conðed by Commis.ione, Hasse .nd carried un.niaously, that Resolution 85-208 supporting the pro'Posed . . expan.ion of Rookery Bay Hational Estuarine Sanctuary be .dopted and that the Board of County CODDi~.ioner. be ,epre.ented at the Nov..ber . . 8, 1985, ..eting in T.llah..... in order to show their full .up~rt '. ' regarding the .atter. ;'C Page 19 .. .. .. - .. .. OctobtH 8, 1985 It.. 119 EPPORTS OP COMMITTEE RE PROVIDING A CULTURAL CENTER - SUPPORTED. PELICAN BAY SITE TO BE USED IP POUND TO BE SUITABLE AND MEETS ALL LEGAL REQUIREMENTS - APPROVED Commissioner Voss stdt~d that a few months ago, he ask~d a group of people to talk ðb~ut a cultural cont~r for Collißr County which has been discussed for years, adoing that he thought it was timp. to take s~~~ dctlon. ~e note~ thdt th~re were tnre~ sitns lookp.d at for a cultural center, one was on Rdttlesnake HammOCK Road that was donated by ~ly, the sp.cono site was an arua in P~lican Bay and the third site is in the ared of Junglp. Lärry's and is part of the Fleischmann ~stõtes. ~ stattd that there is no reason to bulieve that the third sit~ would be available in thp. n~ar future, therefore, it was felt that the sit~, at Palican 6ay N?uld be better. He noted that the site at Pelican'B.ty is thc land that tw~tinqhouse.1s ct)lDmitted to give to the County und~r th~ir PUD, adding that they have t~ qiv~ fiv~ acres of land every'. time th~y sell: 1,000 dwelling un1ts, up to a total of 20 acres. hI:!'>. noted that Woa~tinqhouse has qiven aheaå of schedule fiv~ acres whicn is ~her~ th~ library is, add1ng that there is still lS acres to bc glX,en. n.'! no:.cd th.:Jt westinghl)u:3c would be willinq to release the land ah~ad oL schedule for a cultural center, addinq that ¡"esti~ghouse 1ná1.cated thð-t there may be II ftlw othar sitos that would b~ much better for a cultúral cent~r than the one that was originally look~d"at. He stateå that an alternate site was looked at which is a be~utiful site, adding that tha committee felt that it was very d~sirablt: and probably better than the site at L~ly. He stated that at this time ~ ~orporation has becn formed which is called the Naples Cul tural Fouñdatio:\, Inc. which has been officially enacted. He stated that a letter has been applied for from the I~~ saying that the foundation 1s a not-for-pr~fit organization and the contributions to the organization would be tax deductible. He stated that there is a fìrm commitment of $2 milli~n from on~ family for seed money to get the cultural center stdrted. He ~tated that he is asking the Commission to incicate the County's willingness to either lease the Pelican Bay site, if that is tne final site, to the Naples Cultural Foundation, Inc. or give it to them. ~~ stdt~d that he is talkinq about a facility that would includ~ an orchestrd nall, ~ Rmaller facility for more intimate things, an art mus~um, and måybe a historical society museum. Tape 14 IDeK 090~160 Paqt" 20 "·___·,~._..'.H',__~·.~,.-. ._.. ...."_~~,,___"-_ 090PAr,t161 October a, 1985 'OK Commlssioncr V~ss stat~d that a final selection or recommendation nas not y~t b~~n made. ~ stated thdt if thi5 land was l~ased it w~uld be something like $10.00 a year for 99 years or it could be given t~ the Foundation. He stat~d that the legality of giving this land away would have to be checked into, but it could be leased to them. He stated that he is simply asking at this time for the Commission to indicate their ~illingness to lease the land to the Poundation if the Pelican Bay site is decided upon. Commiss10ner Hasse stated that it is ~n excellent idea to have a cultural center, but he feels that more infórmation is needed regarding the Pelican Hay site before any vote can be taken. He stated that all' civic groups should be invited to give their opinions on this matter. Commission~r V~ss stated that if the Fleischmann property is obtained, it would be annexed into the City of Naples and the City would approve a PU~ for tnat property which takes a long tiMß ~o complete. he stateo that there is a Sense of urgency and if something is not done büfore the first of the year, he feels that there will be problems in raisinq the money from private donations due to tax laws. Commissioner Goodniqht atateu that she agrees completcly and ~f " the County has land avai lable for this purpose, then the cultural ',þ foundation should be told thùt the County is willing to 1ease said land. ~ Commissioner Pistor qu~stionod if the d1fferent commu~ity groups have been informed with reference ~o such a cultural center, to which \ Commissioner Voss stated that all the art group~ hav~ been in~ormed and . \ there are members on the cultural center committee from these groups. Commissioner V~ss stated ~hat he needs to know if the Commission . , is willinq to lease this land, adding that he r~alizes that ther~ are , .' legal problems that will havp. to be W?rk~d out. Commissioner hasse stated that he would like to get a little more involved in this matter ano would like to have other people in the community give their input, addinq that he thinks that the metter should be postponed for two weeks. M1ke Zewal~, r~prescntinq the North Naples Civic Association, st~teó tha~ he fe~ls that this matter sh~uld be checked into further be10re any dction is taken. He stat~d that ne would be happy to have the cultural center in Pelican bay, but he feels that the Fleischmann site would be much better and mor~ centrally located for everyone. Commissioner H~lland stõted that he is in favor of working with Page 21 - - .. _·..._'.__...,._"....,__,..""'''~"_""..""'''k,...,.>..,,....·~,,,.,.., ...... ...,.,~,",..~,,_'" __"""~."..,."'__ October 8, 1985 the group thac is raising the money if there is land available that can legally be used for that sVecific purpose. Co..i..ioner Ha..e .oved that the committee look into .11 available .Ite. for the cultural center without any predeter.ined s.nctlon. of the County. Motion died for . lack of .econd. Co..i..lon.r Holland aoved~ ..corded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight .nd carried unani.ously, that the .ffort. of the committee for the cultur.l center be sUPpotted and that the Pelican Bay .ite be con. ide red In the .election pròc... If it I. found to b. .uitable .nd meet. all leg.l requlr..ent.. Item 120 RESOLU'I'lOH 85-209 APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE COLLIER COUNTY PLAHHIØG COMMISSION AND ESTABLISHING TERMS POR SUCH MEMBERS - ADOPTED Co..i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..is.toner 8a..e and carried un~nl.ou.ly, tha~ Re.olutlon 85-209 .ppointing .e.ber. to the Collier County Pl.nning Co..i..ion and ..t.bli.hing ter.. for .uch meabers be adopted. " ./t. ~ '. 'DM {]90~~162 Page 22 October 8, 1985 Ite. c¡.¡ 090 N?165 OFFER ACCEPTED rROM THE MAPLES CHAMBER OP COMMERCE TO UNDERTAKE A STUDY RE THE OCCUPATIONAL TAX STRUCTURE C~mmissioncr V~ss r~ad a l~tter from Ross obley, President of the ~aples Chamber of Commerce, which indicated that they ~ould like to form a Chamber task force to undertake a stuoy to try and make the current occupationdl tax SLructure current, coherent and fair. Commission~c Voss stated that he thinks this is an excellent idea anå the offer should be accepted. Co~missioner Pistor moved, seconded by,Co.missioner Holland and carried unani.ously, that the offer be accepted from the Napl.. Cha.ber of Comaerce to undert.te . .tudy re tbe Occupation.1 Tax Structure. Commissioner Holland stated that this is something that the County is far behind in, adding that he teels that there is a limit as to what tha occupational license can be increased yearly, adding that he buys a license from the County for $l8 and the City cost is $37, w~ich is over twice as much. he stated that he totally supports the Chamber looking into it to brinq some type of equalization. he stateõ that whatever chørges are made, however, a ~ortion of it goes to the incorporatef cities within the C~unty, adding that it does ~ot all remain in thf " County.'" It.. '22 '~ TEMPORARY USE OP THE WATER SYSTEM FUNDS rOR SEWER AREA "A",- SPRAY IRRIGA'I'ION PROJECT WITH AN 8-1/2' ~NTEREST RATE AND A BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR THE TRANSFER OP PUNDS - APPROVED Fiscal Officer Glles stated that he w3nted:the Board to ünderstand that an interest free loan 15 ~einq proposed between t~o districts and two sets of customers, addinq that he is ~ot sure that this is t~.e proper lhing to do. ~ stated there might b~ some covenants tha~, restrict that, in that there are interest earnings lost by the County ~ater-Sewer üistrict In favor of Sewer Area "A". hu stated that an interest rat~ structure n~~ds to be looked at and another thing that should be considered 15 th~t th~re is going to be no disclo$urc in the financial statements of lhis large loan made ð~ter the close of the year, addinq that ~hlS might affect the :~funaing. Utiliti~s ^~ministrðtion Dir~ctor Mohler stated that he spoke with bond counsel ~n thls motter, aoding that th~re is no affect on the refundinq at all. He stated that the County has the legal right to use the money according to the cov¡¡,ni·nts in the water fund, adding that he paqe 23 - - .. October 8, 1985 did not propos. no interest rate, it ~as simply not stated. fiscal Ofticer Giles 4uestioned if an interest is being proposed? he s~ated that the only comment on the financial statem~nt is that bond nold~rs and underwriters are going to be reading a remark in the note discl~sures to the financial statements, adding that he just wants to kno~ th6t it was considered. Mr. Mohler stdtttO that the mon2Y is not going to be drawn dO'¡ffi in one lum~, it is only qoinq to b.' brought down as the money is needed and th~ project is not sl~ted for completion until Auqußt, 1~86. He sta~~d that the interest rate that is being discussed And he is willing to mòke official is 5\. Fiscal Offic~r Giles qu~stioned if there is a draw schedule, to which Mr. ~hler r~plied negatively, adding that it is only bS the Co~nty.!s billed by the contractors or the engin&ers based on their rcquu tt Fiscal Officer Giles stated that right no~ the County is losing interest at S-l/2\, addin~ that he is worried that this has not been th~~ht ou,t wo!ll enough. Mr. Mohler stated th¡t he docs not believe that there is any probleln with t~~ 5\ interest thdt is being paid on the money, adding that he does not feel tha~ one fund should be paying another fund at a high r~tt of intêrest. " Físcd Officer Giles'stated that the on4 fund is losing 8-1/2\ interest. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated thdt the purpose of this is that bond money was dnticipated for this project, adding that this is simply ~e~porary in nature as within the next few months there will probably be bond money to taKe care of the project. he stated that he does nQt want to hold up bidding the project because the funds are not there. Fiscal Officer Giles and what happens if bonds and repayment is stalled? County Attorney Sdunders sta~ed that there with the loan the ~ay it is structured, adding raising some of the m~nagement type questions. potential complica~ion from a leqal standpoint tna~ says that a I03n of tnis nature should be questioned if this is a lien on th. system are not issued, or if there is some problem is no legal problem that Mr. Giles is He stated that the is that th.re is an paid off by the end the fiscal year, adding that ne does not necessarily agree with that ;; 090 ~~~ 166 Page 24 only AGO of aDK 090PAr;t167 October f: , 1985 opini~n but it is one that has to b~ considervd and Stafí is willing to agre~ tnat this lQan wil¡ ba paid off by thft end of th~ fiscal year s~ there is no legal problems that will create any difficulty to the bond issue or the r~funding. Fiscal Officer Giles questioned if there is any problem with charging interest less than what is being earned, to which County Attorney Saunders replied negatively, adding thDt there is no problem from a legal standpoint with bond covenants or with the refunds. T.p. 15 Mr. Crandall slated that he has n~ problem with the 8-1/2' interest and it makes no difference to him. Commissioner Goodnight .oved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor .nd carried unani.ously, that the temporary use of the water syste. funds for Sewer Are. "A" spr.y irrig.tion project with an 8-1/2\ interest r.te .nd . budget a.end.ent for the tr.nsfer of funds b. approved. Ite. '23 RESOLUTION 85-210 EXECUTING AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSUL'I'ING SERVICES BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND AB2MT CONSULTANTS, INC. TO ADDRESS THE IMMEDIATE NEEDS or THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED tiscal Offic~r Giles stated that there is ~ p~licy on selection'bf . ,. cQnsultants that WgS not aòdress~d in tne Executive ~ummøry and it would bt..loove tho! board to lOOK for cost conslderations i~* the Execu- tive Summary. , Comll,lssioner Voss stated that', the County cannot afford to lose \ grants and if a long selection process is gone ~hrough, the gr~nts may be lost. Fiscal ufficer Giles ques~ìoned who ~hese people are? Deputy Assistant County Manager Brang'accio stated that she Kas to dis~~rce with Mr. Gil~s, adaing that if his problem is with the purchasing procedur~ lt needs to be ~rk.a out with the Purchasing Department. Ghe stated that the Division contacted the Purchasing Depdrtm~nt who sdid that this contract definit~ly qualifies .as a sole source sup~lier and does not require comp.titiv~ bidding. She stðted that there are not a large number of consultants for such a project, addinq that DCA and HUD W3S c~ntacteõ to'try and identify And locate qualified consultants and this was the one that was aiscuss~d. She stdted that this firm is locatcd on the East Coast but they Are very experienced in grants and grant activities, adding that the County has not had any prior experi~nce with them. Page 25 - - - ;;."""-_....'~"',.,"'""~...,."'....,..,"'~,.,,..,.,",.,.',,.~,.,..,...,"""".,".....,'<'''~~,."-,...,.~.".-.".- - - .. October a, 1985 Commisl!lioner tI'Jlland stated that there is n? dollar am?unt total, addinq that they are to be used on a temporary b3õis. HI! stated that he can se. the need for their services and based on an hourly fee, the County is g~tting their m?ney's worth. he not~d that they are hired only for the time that they are ne~d.d to get the grant program back in line the ~ay it sh'Juld be. Co_issioner Holland .oved,' seconded by COlludssioner Pistor .nd carried unaniaously, that Resolution 85-210 authorizing an .gr...ent for consulting .ervices between Collier County .nd AB2MT Consult.nt., Inc. to .ddrè.. the iaaediate needs of the Economic Dev.lopment Deputllent be .dopted. (See Pages /76. -/79 ) r , ~iscal Officer Giles stated that he appreciated the discussion, aadlng,~hat he feels that when there are sole s'Jurce decisions to make on professional services f~r large contracts, tha Board would want to . .... understand the considerations rather than~the Purchasing Director simply say1nq that it is all right to do or maybe the Board woula \ . prefer an ~XPlanation as to why it is. sole s'Jurc~ when it is shown as such in the Executive Sum$ðry. Commissiòner Hasse stated that he would lik. to commend Fiscal Officer Giles gn his concerns. Assistant County Manaqer D?rEill stated that ~taff gets accused aH..the time of e~erythin<J around the County short of inflation and fr~m time to time Staff is guilty of not being very cooperative, adding that he appreciates what the Fiscal Officer is trying to do even th?ugh at times he does not un~erstand the reasoninq behind it, but he would certainly encourage that most of these thinqs be h3ndled at Staff lev.l. tie srated that he would put both the cred~ntials and the intent of th~ Manager's stdff above any other staff in the County and if Fiscal Officer Giles wishes to handle things at Staff level, he would appr~ciate it and not waste the Board's tiQe. He stated thðt Staff is prepared to sing and ddnce on TV Qn Tuesday mQrnings if that is what is wanted. Fiscal Officer Giles stat.d that the Clerk's office does not sign th~ checks along with the Manager's staff. Assistant Cou~ty Manager DOfrill stated that he does not intend for the Clerk's office to try and manage the County. Commissioner Holland stated that a policy was s.t by previous board's that this matter deviates fr?m, adding that this policy was suppos~ to be set by thè Co~miss1Qners Dno not Staff. aDO( 090 p,t',f 168 Pag'! 26 .",.",.",.,",".",-..~"".;.--~".. me 090'Ar.~169 October I!, 1985 Assistant County ~nðger Dorrill stateO th~t ~tðff is not settlng POllCY here, adding thdt he mad~ it his busin~ss to review tn~ policy reqardinq th~ Consent Agenda and his only question was that if the Fiscal Offic~r had qu~stions r~lated to the executive s~maries on the consent agenda, he could either come to Staff during tne we~k when the agenda is set or they could sing and dance on TV on Tuesd~y mornings. Commission.r Holland stated that the consent agenda could be done away with altogether dnd discuss every item. Ite. 124 CBAIRMAH AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FOR A ,. PAY INCREASE FOR THE COUNTY MANAGER AHD THI COUNTY ATTORNEY. CBAIRMAH AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PAR'S FOR NON-CONTRACT EMPLOYEES REPORTING DIRECTLY TO THE BOARD APTER EVALUA- TIONS HAVE BEEN MADE BY EACH COMMISSIONER. Fiscdl Officer Gllcs stated that he had requested by his memo of September 30, 1985, that the pay changes for the C~unty Manfger and the County Attorney be approved by the Board of County Commissioners as a body because of the contract implications thùt the board has with them. Commissioner V?SS stated that there Is a personnel policy that says in addition to the blanket raise that has been approved, which is 4\, there is another 3\ that can be used for merit increases and the" person to whom the ~ers~n in question reports to, makes· out a Þ pert~rmancQ ~vùluation and dé~endinq upon the e~aluation, the person 'C' will get anywhere fro~ l-3\ additional increase above the ~\. He stated that in tne case ?f the County Manaqer ~nd the County Attorney, forms were given to each of tne five Commissioners and they wete asked ~ . to fill out their evaluation. He noted that thtee of the f?rms were returned and were averageo by the Personnel Department and based on th~t average, th~ appr~priate merit incriase was authorized. Fiscal Officer Giles stated that when there is a contract, 1~ supersedes thë P~rsonnel Policy when there is a conflict between the two. County Mana~er Lusk stated that the aoðro does have non-contract employees, addlng that the board could elect to authorize the Chairman to b~ allow~d to sign PAH's o~ non-contract employees. Ho stated that by doinq it that way, the Commis~ioners can evaluate the secretary's themselv~s ano th~ Chairmòn wo~ld then have th~ authority to sign for a pay Increase witnout bringing the matter before th~ Commission at a regular meet.ing. Co.-is.loner Holland .oved, .econded by Co~l..loner Pl.tor .nd c.rried unanlaously, that the Ch.lrman be authorized to .i9" for. ,. Page 27 - - - ,.....,._._"""'..~_...... _'_h"'''~_~'''''''~_'''' · _... -~ .---.----.--.--.-......'-.'. .. .. .. October 8, 1985 pay increase for the County Manaqer .nd the County Attorney. Comaissioner Holland .oved, seconded by Commissioner Ha.se .nd carried unani.ously, that the Chairman be authorized to .ign PAR's for non-contract employee. reportinq directly to the Board after the evaluation has Þeen made individually by the five Commissioner.. ***** Commissioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Commi.sioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that the followinq items under the Consent Agenda be adopted and/or approved: ..... Item 125 GRANT APPROVAL FOR DCA WEATHERIZATION VI, CONTRACT 85WX74, AMENDMENT II See Pages /R'O - If' I Item 126 DEED NOS. 430 AND 431 FOR BURIAL LOTS AT LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS See PdqU / ~ J. - /93 It ell 127 SETTLBMEHT STtpULATIOII FOR CASB tBl-1770-CA, COLLIER COUNTY VS FRANK It MARY CRAPARO ~, Item 128 " PURèHABB OF AUTOCAD SYSTEM (COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAFTING SOFTWARE) FROM FLORIDA DESIGN AUTOMATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $2500 FOR SECONDARY ROADS SEOTIOH Item 129 RESTRUCTURING OF PERSOIDIBL IN THB PUBLIC WORltS DIVISION TO FORM A REAL ESTATE SECTICM Ite. 130 .. PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR TO ATTEND 1985 HUMAN RESOURCES CONFERENCB IN ATLANTA, GA. ON NOVEMBER 10-13, 1985, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $896 Item 131 YOUTH GUIDANCE EMPLOYEE, DAVID KIMBALL, TO ATTBND KURT HAHN LEADERSHIP CENTER OUTWARDBOUHD SCHOOL aOOK 090 PA<:t 170 psq e 28 .-"--*__,...._' ,..__....,""_....._""."'__'""__,~_~...w..,,~.""..."".,_'''.'''.·.<;,."'_,o~."~".,_"_··.·,.,·..~__.._ Iteaafj2 090 rllrl 171 OC1:ober tI, 1985 COMMUNITY SERVICES TRUST FUND AWARD AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION OF RED LANDS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT ASSOCIATION CARE CENTER SU paqu /R'I- /9f' Itea 133 UTILITY EASEMENT FOR THE WELLFIELD MONITORING PROGRAM ACCEPTED AND LICENSE AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO FOR THE WETLANDS MONITORING PROGRAM See Pages /99-;l t> f Itea 134 WATER AND SEWER FACILI'I'IES FOR FOXFIRE SUBDIVISION, UNIT 3, TRACT 7, FOX DEN CIRCLE AND FOXTAIL COURT - SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS 1. All sanitàry sewer mành~le covers shall be extcnded t~ final pavement el~va1:ion prior to compl~tion of the roadway work. for the project and the completed W?rk inspeC'te~ by the U1:ilities Division tor compliance with the approved conßtruction documents. Recorded in O.R. Book 001159, Pages 604-614. Itea t35 ADDITIONAL 'I'RAVEL EXPENSES AND CONSUL'I'ING PEES POR U'l'I~I'I'IES DIVIS10N RELATED TO TRIP TO TALLAHASSEE TO UPDATE THE COASTAL 20i FACILITIES PLAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,657.50 ' ~ Ite. '36 " CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECT I 011 TO THE TAX ROLLS PRESENTED BY '1'81 '.pROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1984 TAX ROLL 229 - 2J4 9/18/85 .~ '. ' Itea 137 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Tnere belnq no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be (ilea ~nd/or referred to tho various departments as indicated b~low: l. Copy of latter dat~ò 9/20/85, from Sidney harlin, Chairman, florida House of Representatives, .nclosinq queßtionnaire to gauge the üffectiveness of the FSC-CD8G proqram. xc: Mrs. Mullins with Guestionndire. Filed. Page 29 - - .. " 2. Oct?ber ß, 1985 Letter dated ~/20/85, from Douglas L. fry, ~nvir?n. ~upr'v., DER, enclosing short form dpplication Fil~ Nos. 111099095 and lll086485 dredge a"d fill permit. xc: Mrs. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. Co?y of Aqcnoa dateó lOll/aS from FloridR Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission re Lely Dev~lopment of Regional Impact (DRI), Collier County. xcs !<en Cuyler, Mrs. Branqùcci-:> ðnd Mrs. /'Iullins. Fil~d. tP-ttcr cHted 9/:'U/35 f'rom Wayne E. Daltry, SI'tFHPC, re "Pin'] Air Lakesw DRl application for DevdJopment Approval, DR! ;9-8384049, énclosing Assessment for the Pine Air Lakes OE:vl:lopment ~f kcgi"nal Impact. xc: Mrs. ar3ngo!lcci". 1"i hd. 3. 4. :'I. pëtition of the ~WfRP~ recuivcd 9/27/aS, re A~~nament to ORI Development Order by Resolution 85-l6S issued by Collier County for ~r~shire LaK~s, plus copy of Notice of Appeal Dnd Motion to Abate re sa~e it~m. xc: /'Irs. aranqaccio and Vickie ~ulllns. ~iled. . 6. C"py of memorðnoum dated 9/19/t!5 from fiscùl Officer Giles re Justice Cant.r Project 3pcndinq through d/3l/85. Filed. ,(;"py ot lett&r 'dðt~d 9/20/85, from k?bert B. Bradley, Extl!c. Dir., ~lorida Advisory Council on Intergovernm-.ntal Helations, óttach1nq copy ot; Salaries of County Officials for f'Y ö'S/86. xc: "'r. tilles and Ms. Zalka. Fiha. .:<. 7. 8. ~JPY of letter ~ótea ~/l9/&S from ~ir£ Chief Raevds, G"ld~n Gate F.f.rp. C"ntrol , Rescur, Dht., to StÐte Dtipt. of Rtilvenue, Div. of Ad Valorem Tax, enclosing copies of required docum4nts pursuant to the FL Statutes pertaining to Budgct Ad-:>ption by the Golden Gate F1re Control and Rescue District. xc: Ms. Zalka. Filed. 9. C?py of mem?randwn ddted 9/20/d5, from H. Robert Sharpe, Admin., Comprehensive He~lth Planning, Dept. of Health and Reþabl1itative Serv1ces, 1nformlng of the creatio~ of a new uni't, Pr im" 'y Heólth Care Planninq in the Off1ce of C-:>mpreh~nsive Health Planning. xc: Dr. PolK~~~ki and Mr. Lusk. tiled. '. lO. Latter dated 9/l4/85, from Ruth E. Trulson, prus., Lely Civic ASsn., opposing rez?ning of any recreational land re Lely Square. xc: Mrs. Mullins and Mr. Pt!ttrow. F11i!d. 11. Copies of Minutes J Fil~ds A. 9/4/85, City "f Naples Regular Meeting and Special ~et1ng, 9/4/85. a. Llb,øry Advisory B'?ðrd, 8/29/&5. l2. C"py of letter dat~d 9/ll/85, from Lynn S. Bramlett, audget Analyst, State Dp.pt. of Rtilvenuv, to Tax Collect"r Carlton approving budg~t request for FY 85/86, plus copy of attached budg~t. xc: I'!~. Zalkð. Fi l",d. a~ OHOpjrJ.172 l'age 30 aooJ: ognPA-,tl73 October 8, 1985 13. Letter dated ~/l~/35, from Ueputy Chief Lou Gibbs, Jail Administrator, to Paul D. Sheffield, Correctl~nal Internal Inspector 1 I, re 9/11/&5 Inspection keport. filed. 14. Co¡..y of mt:morancJurr. dated 9/23/8!', from D.H. ¡)ewar, Dir., Div. of ::>tate t'ire /"oórshal, attaching copi&s of tl<deral DOT bulletins ~-b&&6 ana ~-&B86 (~xtenßlon). xc: ~r. Davenport. t'i led. 1~. LP-ttP.< recelv~d ~/2j/a5 from Tax Colldctor Carlton attaching copy of Tax Collector's Recapitulation of th~ 1984 Tax koll. xc: Ms. Zalka. file:d. .**.* Recessl ll:30 A.M. - Reconvenedl 11140 A.M. **.** Ite. '38 STAFF DIRECTED TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT FOR 'I'HE PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR THE NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK MSTU WITH THE 11 RANKED FIRM; WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, BOLL' PEEK, INC. ' Assistant County ~~nager Dorrill stated that the BCC is still in regular session and ~lll be asked to vote as a result of th~ interview process. He stated that the dgenda nad an error on it when it was indicated that this it~m would be handled as a ~rkshop. He noted that this is _hy the mectin~ was previously recessed and not adjourned., Public ~~rks Administrator Kuck stated that the consultant ' . . selection commi ttee reviewed the statem~nts of, interest, and profes~ sional 4ualificatlons submitted by nine firms r~spondini to the request for proposals. He not~c that tne committee cam~ up with ~e following short list of finn!> which are list,ed alphabetically, to be"interviewed by the Board: l. Agnoli, MsaaCJ, èðrber , brunaage/CDM .. 2. Gee' Jenson 3. Hole, Mont~S , Associates 4. .....11 son, Miller, ~arton. Soll , i'eek, Inc. He noted that each COMmissioner has an evaluation sheet in o~der to evaluate each firm and that at the conclusion of the interviews a firm ShOUld be select~d by written ballot. Eacn of the abQv~ ref~r¿ncea firms gave a presentation indicðting th~ir qualifications, what expp.ricnce they hav~ had ~n similar projects, wh~t local cxperi~nce they ha'le had, what kind of profcssiondl staff they hav~ ana how many will W?rk on the project, the location of their office, th~ir capability of completing the project on tim~, and wilen tn"y could start the project. After each firM gave their presentation, Assistant C~unty Manager Dorrill stated that each Comm1ssion~r needed to rank each firm as '1, Pag~ 31 - - - " ...- __~.>""., '>. ^',..,"'..,',_""_,~W'_"_"._,, ~,_,.~,__. - - .. Octobvr 8, 1965 '2, .3, and 64 ana sign tne eVdluatl~n form. Hv indicated th~t h~ will tak~ the firm that hos the m~st number jl vot~s and will read them into the record. As.istant ~unty "'''nager .Dt>rrill statea that the .'vaIuation forms will be available in the Clerk's office for anyone that wishes to inspact th~m. H~ støted th~t Commission~r Goodnight rõnked wilson, MIler, Barton, Soll " Pe~k, Inc. as the U firm; Agnoli, Assaad, da rber , I:H undbgv¡CCM dS th., '2 ·f irrn; Hole, ~ntes " Associates as the '3 firm; ~nd Gee & Jenson as ~he '4 firm. He indicateé that Commis- sioner ~istor ronkec ~ilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl' Peek, Inc. as the ,l firm; Agnoli, Assadd, ~rber " Brundage/C~1 as tne ,2 firm: Hole, Montes" Ass?ciates as the 13 firm; and ~ee " J~nson aR the 14 firm. h~ said thdt Chairman Voss rankad ~ilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc. a~.th':! 11 firm; Agnoll, Assdad, Barber" Brundage/CDM as the 12 firm; HoiQ, Montes" Associates as the '3 firm; and Gou " Jenson as the 14 firm. l1e indicated that Com::Jissionerþi\sst: rank,=d ¡dIson, Miller, Bart~n, 5011 , P~ek, Inc. as the tl firm; hole, Montes' Associates as tne .2 firm; and Gee' Jinson and Aqnoll, Assaao, Barbp.r & Brundage/CDM \ . as tied for the ï3 firm. 'He reported ~hat Commissioner Holldnd ranked wilson, Mill~r, Barton, SoU 'Peek, Inc. as the Il firm; Hole, Montes & Associat~s ag, the 12 firm; Aqnoli, Msaad, BlIrbar , Hrundage/CD'I as the '3 firm; dn~ G!e " J¡nson as the '4 firm. He stat~a that the 'l r3nkeð,firm as indicated by the evaluation forms is Wi:son, Miller, " 8arto~, Soll & P~ek, Inc. and based on this information, StQff would moke a recommendatlon that th~y be authorized to enter into negotia- tions with the .1 rank~d firm. Co.-I..loner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co..is.toner Hasse .nd carried unanl.ous!y, th.t staff be directed to negoti.te . contract for the preliminary design for the Naples Production Park H8TU with the 11 ranked firm; Wflson, Miller, Barton, 5011 , Peek, Inc. Mr. St&nlêY Hole of l1ole, Montes & Associates st~ted that he would 11ke to thank the Commissioners for the time that has bden given to all the firms, adding that the C~mmission selected a fine firm that will do a gooo job. He seated that his firm would be back next time. aDOJ: 090nr.r174 Page 32 -,-...'.........."-~,,-"~.....,'........~._-- ......_,_.'_._--~ Oct.ober S, 1985 HDI 090 n'-! 175 . . . . . . . Ther~ being no furth~r business for th~ Go~d of tnd County, the meeting was étajl)urned by Ord~r of the Chair - 'rime: l2:45 P.M. BOARD Of COUNTY C~MISSIONERS/ BOARD 0' ZONI~G APPEALS/EX OFFIC10 GOVERWING BOARD(S) OF SPECLAL UISTRICTS U~DEH ITS CONTROL \ I I \ ~~_. I " ~ I I I ¡ , I ¡ I I ! ".Dt!l/.1fI VOSS, CKAlRMAN CLERK .. 4/£ . by the BCC on ,ij"ev. ,j-; /?/ J-- or 85 corrected '. þ '1;'. ,. I I ~ . .\ I J " . - . .~ '.' I \ I I I I I i ;., Page 33 - .. .. ""'-..,.,.....--~-"----,- -~-