BCC Minutes 10/10/1985 W
Naples, florida, October 10, 19a5
LET IT e~ HEM£MBERED, that the board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Colli~r, ana also acting ~s the Bo~rd ~f Zoning
Appeals ana as the governiny board(8) of such spdcial districts as have
been created according to lak and having conducted busine£s herein, met
on this date at 1:30 P.M. in Workshop S...lon in ðuildinq "F" of the
Courthouse Compl~x, East Naples; Florida, ....ith the fOllowing members
CHAIRMAN: Frederick J. Voss
Max liasse
C. C. "Red" Holland
Anne Goodnight
AàsENT: John A. Pistor
ALSO PRESE:NT: Elinor M. ~inner, Deputy Clerk; Dr. Edward
~roffitt, Natural Resources Managament Director; and Dr. Brandt
Hdnnin9s~n, Natural Resources Man3gement Dep3rtment.
'Discussion of Artifical Reef Program
gr. Proffit~ explained there are three permitted artificial reefs
. .
Of('th.~ coast of Collier County and he indicated those on a map. He
said Dr. Heyward Matheks, a member of the Sea Grant Artificel Reef
Resource Team, Mr. John Stevely, Sea Grant Extension Agent, and Mr.
Steva bommerville, of Sroward County Environmental Quality Control were
present t~ dLscuss artificial reefs. Responding to Commissioner Voss,
Dr. Proffitt said that properly construct~d reefs will enh~nce fish
population as well as concentrate fish on the reefs.
~r. Stevely ~~Plainad the Sed Grant College Program which is under
t~e ~lorida Cooperative Extension S~rvice. He said there are ten field
agents located around the btate who bring technical information regard-
ing reefs to the people ....ho use it. He said the agents assist in the
permittfng process and prepare PUblications on artificial reefs and
that there are 173 reefs permitted in the Stat9 of Florida. He used an
oV~rneaá projector to s~o.... th~ change in mat~rials used for reefs,
pointing out the increase in use of concrete and the decrease in the
use of tires. He sdid the economic impact of r~efs is that it is a
several billion dollar industry which provides approximately 120,000
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kesp~nding to Commissioner hasse, Mr. Stevely saiä he was not
aware of any r~èfs thd~ us~ metal fr~m reø~urce recov~ry plants, adding
that mdtal corroòes away. In response to Commissioner Holland, Mr.
Stevely said silting can be a problem and it is important to choose the
reef location carefully for this reason.
***Commissioner Voss left ðt 2:10 P.M.****
Dr. heyward Mathews explained the artificial reef program has been
in existence in Pin.llas County since 1974. He showed a slióe presen-
tation which depicted reefs built of concre;e and steel culvert materi-
als as well as reefs construct~d from fiberglas such as those built in
Japan. lie explained the program in Pinellas C~unty has seven full-timè
personnel ano is a division of the Solid Waste Departm~nt.
Mr. Steve Sommerville showed a video presentation of the sinking
of a ship off the br~ard County coast for use as a reef. He said
~roward C~unty receives funding from the community and that"the broward
County Environmental Uu~lity Control Program feels the users should pay
for much of the artificial reef. He explained money is also received
from the Florida Boating Improvement Pund and that Collier County c~uld
receive up to $20,000 a year from that source. '
Dr. Proffitt said the Çollier County Natu,ial kesources Managément
Department proposes to obtain six derelict barges in Tampa ~ay at a
cost of approximately $30,000. He said the same ~mount o~ reef
material would cost bet....een $80,OOP and $100,000.
Dr. Brandt Henningsen said Mr~ Robert Evans has offered b~rges to
Collier County, three or four of which could be.~ref1oated and'~hat /'Ir.
Evans has offered to donate $4,500 for each barge the County obtains.
He said those funds would help~defray th.,cost of bringing the b~rges
to Collier County waters. He explained that a firm will remove ~ß
deliver the barges for $8,000 a barge and has offered to donate two
additional barges to the program.
Ur. Proffitt said the seconu goal of the program is to construct a
land based staging area. He said the site currently being investigated
is at th~ base of tne Go~dland ~ridge, which would require some
oredging ana filling. he said it is proposed to make this a multi-
facet area which could be used as a pUblic boat ramp when th~re is no
material to be moved to the reefs.
Dr. Henningsen said S~aff is investigating alternate sources of
fundings, such as utilizing a percentage of boater registration fees
that currently go to the Parks and kdcrøation Department, grant
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October 10, 19a5
proposals to State agencies, co-s?onsoring fishing tournaments and
selling shðr~s for ð piece of dn artificial reef, which has been done
successfully in another area of the ~tate.
A discussion followed rwgarding the location of the staging area
kith Dr. henningsen stating Staff is open to suggestions for a staging
There bei"~ no further business, the meeting was adjourned by
Ord~r of th~ Chair - Time: 2:45 P.M.
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