BCC Minutes 11/05/1985 R - - - November 5, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of Coun~y Commissioners, in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such apecial districts as have been cro!ateå according to law and having cClr.ducted business herein, met on this date at ~:OO A.M. in Regular Se..lon in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Frederick J; Voss VICE CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor C. C. Red Holland Max Hasse Anne Coodnight: ALSO PRESENT: James.C. Giles, Fiscal Officer¡ tlinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Burt L. Saunders, County Attorn~y; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manag~r¡ Tom Kuck, Public Works Administrator; Vickie Mullins, Community Development Administrator; David Pettrow, Plan- ning/Zoning Director; Ann McKim, Planner; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Dr. Edward proffitt, Natural Resources Management Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistõnt; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. flGG~ mm W., 438 Page 1 flOG( Tape Item 090 PJ,:!-451 11 11 November 5, 1985 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS Coami..ioner Bolland .oved, seconded by Coamis.loner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that the Agenda be approved with the following allendment.: 1. Item 10A2 - Recommendatlon to hire part-tim~ temporary beach survey associate in Natural Resources Management Department - Added. 2. Item l6El - Moved to 10E from Consent Agenda, re weapons detection system for Building wAw, Courthouse. 3. Item l6E4 - Purchase, and install fencing in Sheriff's new confiscation compound - Withdrawn. 4. Item 10E5 - Discussion of insurance - Added. 5. Item l3~ - Discussion re sending representative to C.A.R.L. Selection Committee Meeting in Tallahassee, on November e, 1965 - Added. 6. Item 13F - Collier soil , water Conservation District Quarterly Disbursement - Add~d. . 7. Item l3G - Discussion re installation of school crossing traffic light at 50th Street SW and Golden Gate Parkway - Added. 6. Item l3H - Discussi~n of additional personnel to attend meetings in hashington, D.C. re proposed Resource Recovery Facility - Added. Ite. 12 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 8, 15 AND 22, 1985, REGU!.AR MEETINGS - APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS FOR OCTOBER 15, 1985 MINUTES Co..is.loner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..is.loner Holland and carried unanimously, that the lIinute. of October 8, l5 and 22, 1985, be approved with the followin9 correction to the October 15th .lnute.: 1. Page 19, Item 23, Line 9, add word .!!!.2.!.;. after $7.00. Itell 13 EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD TO JUNIOR BILLY, ENGINEERING, 25 YEARS Commissioner Voss presented a placque and congratulations to Junior Billy, ~ngineering Department for his 25 years service to Collier County. Ite. 14 PETITION R-84-25C, TEAM PLAN, INC, REPRESENTING PINE AIR !.AXES, INC. - CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 12, 1985 Co..is.ioner Holland aoved, .econded by Co.-issioner Ba... and carried unani.ou.ly, that Petition R-84-25C, Team Plan, Inc., be contlnÞ.~ to Novellber 12, 1985. Ite. 15 .. .. .. Page 2 November 5, 1985 PETITION DRI-84-5C, TEAM PLAN, INC. REPRESENTING PINE AIR LAKES, INC., - CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER l2, 1985 Commissioner Holland .oved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimou.ly, that petition DRI-84-SC, Tea. Plan, Inc., be continued to Noveaber 12, 1985. Ite. 16 RESOLUTION 85-231 RE PETITION PU-85-15C, BILL MOERS, REPRESENTING TWISTE! TREAT CORP. RI PROVISIONAL USE ·F· OF C-4 ZONING DISTRICT FOR AM ICE CREAM STORB TO BE LOCATED HORTH OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS, FINDING OF FACTS ACCEPTED Planner McKim ~xplain~è ~hat the object of this petition is to construct an ice cream store that contains less than 1,000 square feet of gross floor ar~a approximately 1/4 mile north of G~lden Gate Parkway on the west side of CR-95J. She explained that the lands to the north, south 5nd west dre zoned C-4, to the east are zoned Estates and those lands to the north, west 3nd east, åcross from CR-95l, are undeveloped with a commercial plaza on th~ south. She said Scaff and all appropri- ate County agencies reviewed this petition and recommend approval subject to stipulations shown in the Staff Report datPd October 10, 1985. Mrs. McKim stated that the Collier County Planning Commission held their public hearing on October 17, 1985 and, based on their Findings of Fact, unanimously recommended forwarding the petition to the Board of County Commissioners with recommendation for approval subject to the Staff stipulations listed on the Executive Summary dated 10/3/85. Mrs. McKim said that recently there has been concern expressed r~garding access to this property, a detail which will be resolved when the site plan is submitted, since the property under discussion is a small portion of the overall piec~ of property. She said that the fourth stipulation will handle this problem. Commissioner Hasse expresstid concern regarding access and the difficulcy to reach the property since there is no median cut for access to tnti property. Mr. Bill Moers, reprusenting the petitiontir, said that he was not aware that the site drawings were not approved for this property, however the entire development of this piece of property will depend on the access question being resolved. flGG( . ODO ø:r,l. 452 Page 3 _,......'..__.·c.'._ - ,_."""''''''''"'..",....,~".,,'','"~"-~",.-..---- '"~"-,...__._-".~,-_. 090ÞJO.!4.53 November 5, 1985 CO.llls.ioner Pistor .oved, .econded bý CO.lli..ioner Holland and carried unanillously, that Resolution 85-231 re petition PU-85-l5C, Bill Moer., representing Twistee Treat Corporation be adopted subject to .tipulations and the Finding. of Fact and petitioner'. Agreellent be accepted. . P,fge 4 .. - - ~.._"____.____",_,<",<~_·_.~.·.'·_",e_.~..",,,,_,""'"~~..,."'-~"'"_'" ICG< GUO W.' 45.9 November 5, 1985 Ite. '7 BOARD PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR DECEMBER 10, 1985, RE CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREBEHSIVE PLAN AND COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING NOVEMBER 21, 1985 - APPROVED Planner Cacchione explained th~t this item is a rcquest for the Board to hold a public hearing on December 10, 1935, at 7:00 P.M. to hear the amendment to the Future Land Use Elem~nt and Transportation Element of the Compr~hensive Plan and that the Collier County Planning Commission hearlng be held on November 21, 1985. Commissioner Holland askeo if the Commissioners would be fucnished the information regarding this subject prior to the meeting? Mrs. Cacchione assured the Commissioners that the material would be given to them for their review. COllaiasioner Piator .oved, seconded by Co..l..ioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that the public hearing_ be set a. requested. Ite. 18 RESOLUTIOM 85-232 AUTBORIZIMG ADDITIONAL PART-TIME TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE TO HELP WITB BEACH PROFILE AND EMPLOYMENT ACREEMENT WLTH MR. MARK WINSOR - APPROVED Natural Resources Management Director Dr. Proffitt referred to October 22, 1985, when the Boärd of County Commissioners approved $1,500 for a part-time beach survey at which time he had th~ught he would be able to obtain 3 volunte~r to do the work. He said this has not proven possible so he requested using a portion of the approved funos for part-time te~porary assistance to help with tne beach profile. Commissioner Pistor commented t~at he hO~3d this work is begun immediately and related areas on Marco Island which have had beach erosion. · Dr. Proffitt said he was able tCl begin the work immediately if this request Is approved, adoing he is not asking for additional money since it was built into the $1,500 previClusly approved. COllr\ssioner Pistor .oved, .econded by COllml.sioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 85-232 authorizing .pending a portion of the previously approved $l,500 for a part-tiae temporary beach survey associate in the Natural Resource. Management Departllent to as.ist Ms. Curran in conducting beach profiles be adopted and an EmploYlle, t Agreement with Mr. Mark Winsor to implement the work be approved. Page 5 - - - J7 '_--"'~'~""~'~-' '-';'"''"''~'~''-~''';''."'~~"''"'"''''''-''''~'''''''''-'--~"'- ~o~ember S, 1985 flOû~ QDO Ø1·.~ 4G5 Itell 19 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK TO PROVIDE PLAHS AND SPECIFICATIONS NECESSARY FOR PERMIT APPLICATION FOR DER FOR POTABLE AND/OR RAM WATER MAI. TO SERVE PROPOSED SOLID WASTE RESOURCE RECOVERY IACILITY - APPROVED Public W?rks Administrdtor Kuck explain~d this is a request to obtain professional services for the DER permit application necessary to provide pota~le and/or raw water main to serve th9 proposed Solid Waste Resource Recovery facility. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Kuck explained that there will not be duplication in this work. He added he had confirmed by teleph~ne this date that the cost of this request is $2,500 and n~t $3,500 which was stated when the agenda was approved. Co.nmi ssioner tt~l1and questionp.d whether the cost wi 11 be different depending upon the type of resource recovery plant that is finally decided and Mr. Kuck explained there would be no appreciable difference since each type of plant uses the same amount of water. Comai.sioner plstor .oved, seconded by Co.-issloner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 , Peek be retaine~ to provide professional services for the DZR permit applica- tion to provide potable and/or raw water main to serve the proposed Resource Recovery facility at a cost of $2,500. Page 6 - - - November 5, 1985 Ite. 110 WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PROVIDE PLAMS AND SPECIPICATIONS FOR CIR PERMIT APPLICATION rOR WASTE WATER PROCESSING TO SERVE PROPOSED RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY - APPROVED Public ~orks Administrator Kuck said tnis request is to obtain pr~fessional services to provid~ plans 3nd specifications for the necessary DER permit application for waste water processing to serve th~ proposed Hesource kecov~ry facility at a cost of $4,900. He recommended Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 , Peek. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Ruck said this item and the previously approved professional services are two different permits, one deðling with potable water and one dealing with waste water. Coamissioner Ha.se .oved, seconded by Commissioner Rolland and carried unanimously, that Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek be approved for professionai services to provide plans and specifications for the nece..ary DER per.lt application to provide waste water processin9 to serya the proposed Re.ource Recovery facility at an estimated cost of $4,900. fI()G( 090 Pr,f 472 Page 7 am GDO Wf 479 Item 111 ·SHORT LIST· FOR MASTER PLA. STUDY FOR IMMOKALEE AIRPORT - APPROVED, AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH DELTA ASSOCIATES, INC., SARASOTA, FLORIDA November 5, 1985 Public Works Aoministrator Kuck relateo that professional engi- neering services for an Immokalee Airport Master Plan ~re received until üctober 1, 1985. He said this project involves preparation of a master plan of development f~r the Imm~Kalee Airport and possible engi- neering services associateå. Mr. Kuck said that writtgn notice was sent to 29 firms requesting proposals for this project and ten firms resp~nded. He said the short list with ranking is as follows: Delta Associates, Inc., Sarasota, Florida ~lcFarland-Jonhso;'l lngineers, Pompano !:leach, Florida Airport One, Inc., Tampa, Florida Howard, Needles, Tammer , Bergendoff, Miami, Florida Mr. Kuck explained, at one time, Colliår County executed a Joint Participation Agreement with the Florida DepÐrtment of Transportation wherein the County would pay $27,000 and the Florida Department of Transportation would pay ~27,00C for an airport master plan. Commissioner Ho11and questioned whether this action was prem~ture, noting th~re was not much activity at the airport? Commissioner Goodnight related various rental projects that hove been finalized and added the C~unty is neg~tiating with Immokalee Water/Sewer District currently to use a piece of the property for new wells. She said it is imperative that ~ Mdst~r Plan be deviseå to achieve the best possible use of th~ ~roperty. Tape 12 Commissioner Hasse questioned the market1nq aspect of this project and Mr. Kuck said there is a testing laboratory currently interested in the area and is i~ necessary to explore all concerns that might be interested in locat1ng there. Comaissioner Pistor .oved, Commissioner Goodnight seconded and carried unani.ously, that the ·Short List- for the Master Plan study for Imaokalee Airport be approved and staff be authorized to negotlat. a contractual agreement with Delta Associate., Inc. Ite.. 112 PRC SERVICES AS EHGINEER OF RECORD FOR UTILITIES STANDARDS AND PRO- CEDURES MANUAL - APPROVED FOR PHASE II IF APPROVED STAFF DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH PHASE II pag e 8 .. .. .. _.,..._.""_"~n_ ",,__~__""__._""'__..'."'''.''~"' November 5, 1985 Utilities Administrator Crandall explained the need for a Utili- titis Standards and Proc~dures Manual, adding that Mr. John Madajewski has spent part of the past three years compiling such a manual but it is now time for a consultant to put what he has formulated in writing. He explained it is necessary to get in writing the various st5ndards for his department which is not now available. Commissioner Holland questioned how this requ~st differs from the rules and regulatio~s currently used and Mr. Crandall responded that they are more verbal than printed. Commissioner Holland dsked if there were no rules ~nd r~gulations in the current ordinance and ~r. Crandall said that the Subdivision Regulations govern this work, however, what he was suggesting W?uld go into more detail ana it is needed. Assistant County Manager Dorrill related the recent shutùown of two package plant3 in Vi~toria ~ark with Crescent Lake, acrClss the road from Victorid ParK, hooking into Vi~toria Park. He said all this work was accomplished ~ithout permits from the County except for the right- of-way permit. He said he discovered this situation when he spoke to Mr. Peek, the project engineer, because he lives in Victoria Park and was dissatisfied with some of the '~rk being done on this project. Commissioner Holland asked if Mr. Dorrill meant somebooy was doing work without inspection and Mr. Crandall said that the Utility Division does not inspect all projects, aådlng he does not have the personnel nor the necessary standards to accomplish this. Responding to ComDissioner Holland, Mr. Madaj~wskl explained that the Utilities Division does not have a written policy for standards and procedures. H~ said in the ~entioned case the engineering drawings were brought to the Division and approved and the necessary State permits were signed, but no inspection is carried out at this time. He said the Utilities Division is looking for a way to consolidate and operate to one formula of rules and standards on those facilities and the permitting process. Commissioner Holland said system development charges are currently collected for this type of project and he would think this would fund inspection. Mr. D:>rrill agreed, adding two packJ.lge plants have been closed and the waste treatment is now going into the County's North Naples Sewage Trea~ent Plant. He said DER has recently increased capacity by another 1.9 million gallons a ddY for this plant. Commissioner H~sse sòid the County is moving rapidly with this type of work and what is bo!ing requested is long past due. Commissioner Holland said he was concerned with people being ôGú( 090 w.! 480 Page 9 --,--,~,,~.,".,^,.., ...~._"~-_...._.~.__.._-- aOGK arm '1" 4.81 November 5, 1~85 treated fairly and if the County has been lax it should shbre part of the blam¥. Mr. Madajewski said that the Subdivision Rules and Regulations were ad~pted in 1976, prior to the Utilities Division being set up as it is n~w. He said tne package plants have been permitted and the board of County Commission has rezoned property and the plants have been conßtructed. C~mmissioner Pistor stated it was his opinion that it is necessary to have written standards and procedures for the Utilities Division in detai 1- Co..isaioner Pi.tor DOved, seconded by CODllissloner Hasse and carried unanillously, that PRC be retained as Engineer of Record to proceed with Phase I, Utilities Standards and Procedure. Manual and, If that is accepted, to proceed with Pha.e II àt a total cost of $8,500, with the project to be returned to the Board In a workshop se..ion to determine the finished product to be used In a utility perÞittlng process. Itell 113 COHTRACT FOR ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR BID REVIEW INSPECTION SERVICES AND -AS-BUILT- DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADVANCED WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM AT NORTB NAPLES SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT AND EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE FROM PLANT TO IMPERIAL GOLF COURSE - APPROVED, PRC TO BE PRIMARY ENGINEER AND HOLE, MONTES AND ASSOCIATES, INC. TO BE PART OF CONTRACT Utilities Division Director Crandall explained the construction ?lans are reaoy to go to ~id for the."As-Built" drawings tor construc- tion of the advanced waste treatment system at the North Naples Sewage Treatment Plant and efflu~nt disposal line from'the plant to the Imperial Golf Course. he said due to complexity of the work full time inspection is necessary to provide what is required by FP&L and DER. he explained that the cost being considered for this work is $157,800 and recommended that PRC and Hf)lt:', Mont~s ¿nd Associates, I~lc. be retained, with p~c being the primary Engineer. Co..issloner Ha..e .oved, seconded by CODlll..1oner Pi.tor and carried unani.ouBly, that a contract be awarded to PRC and Hole, Montes " Associates, Inc. with PRC being the primary Engineer, In an amount not to exceed $157,800. Pdge 10 - - - .. ".,..... ¡....... ~,-_.._.....""".~.. __"__'_~"".'~_"'''''='~'.. . '>""'_.'._'~"'H__m.~~.·~__~""""^"""~'·_ November 5, 19~5 Ite. 114 ADVERTISEM£»T FOR PUBLIC BEARIMG OM TENTATIVE APPORTIONMENT or COST FOR MARCO ISLAND WATER AND SEWER PHASE II ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - APPROVED INCLUDING REUSE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Mr. MCNees, ucilities Division, explained on Auqust 2, 1983, the òoard of County Commissioners adopted H~soluti0n MW5 83-2 c(~atinq the Karco Water and S~wer Phase II Assessment District ~nd orùerinq con- struction of spp.cific sewgr improvem~nts, consisting of collection and transmission systems to serve the District. He stat(!d on Stlptember 20, 1)33, the ~oard authorized the County Attorney to proc~ed wit~ the preparation of bond resolutions and other documentation necessary for validation of the Phase II Project in an 3mount that included the escimated cost of a spray irrigation effluent disposal distribution system to be constructed concurrent.with the previously ordered sewer improvements. He said on ~y 7, 1985, the Board directed staff to continue investigation of inclusion of effluent disposal distribution ßystem within the scope of Phase II improvements, to enter into negoti- ations with Marco Island Utilities for bulK sewage treatment and authorized I-lilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 and Peek, the consulting engineers, to prepare updated cost estimates for the project. Mr. McNees referred to the Executive Summary dated 10/30/85 which outlines two systems, one the collection and transmission facilities only and the second plan the collection, transmission and reuse distri- bution systl!ms. Mr. I~Nees stated that ~he collection system only has a tentative assessment of $37.53 per front foot and the combined system would cost approximately $46.20. HI) asked for Board direction on how to proceed with this project. Commissioner Pistor stated it was his firm belief that spray irrigation should be included since it is something the County has to look at for all the areas of the County if there is going to be suffi- cient potable water in years to come. He said this subject has been discussed for wany years and this is the time to move on the project. Commissioner Voss concurred, noting the necessity of conserving every available drop of water. COllaissioner Pistor .oved, seconded by COllmissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that a public hearing be advertisod on the tenta- tive apportionment of the cost f~r the Marco Island Water and Sewer f>(;(;~ . GDOF1"\ 482 Page 11 -"""'-".,.,"'----~~-_.--.~..,-..._- flOG( 090w: 483 November 5, 19035 Phase II As....m.nt District according to alternative sy.tem -B-, which includes spray Irrigation consld.rations. Itell US BIDS 1894, 888, 898, 885, 887, 897, 896, 900, 895, 903, 893, 890, 889, 904, 884, 891, 892 AND 899, PERTAINING TO VARIOUS ANNUAL BIDS - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS AT THB LOWEST COST WHEN FEASIBLE Legal notice having been published in the Naples Oaily News on September 20, September 27, Occober 2, and October 7, 1985, as eviden- ced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were taken until úctober 9, 10, 16, 23, 1985 for various Fiscal Year 1985/86 Annual Contracts. Utilities Director Crandall explained that the various bids mentioned in the Executive Summaries pertain to annual bids and, for the most part, are recommended to be awarded to the lowest bidder. Commi..ion.r Holland .ov.d, seconded by Commls.loner Goodnight and carried unanillously, that the bid. listed above be awarded for various annual bids to various vendor. at the lowe.t co.t when f.asible. Item U 6 BID 1894, RE IN-LIME PRESSURE RECORDING EQUIPMENT - AWARDED TO DAVIS METER AND SUPPL~ AT A COST OF $1,224 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 2, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until October 23, 1985, for Bid #894 for in-line pressure recording equipment. COllais.ioner Holland .oved, secónded by Comals.loner Goodnight and carri.d unani.ously, that Bid 1894 for In-line pre..ure recording .quipment be awarded to Davis M.ter and Supply at a coat of $l,22t. I t.m U 7 BID 1888 RE AHNUAL CONTRACTS rOR VARIOUS ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS _ AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS Legal notice having be~n published in the Naples Daily News on September 27, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until October l6, 19B5, for Bid ,saa for electronic hardware. Commission.r Holland lIoved, second.d by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that Bid 1888 for annual contracts for various electrical cOllponent. be awarded to various vendors. Page 12 - - - ~ -----,-~...~'-,- November ~, 1985 Ite. 118 BID '898 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985/86 FOR AHHUAL COM TRACTS FOR VARIOUS SMALL HAND TOOLS - AWARDED TO GARY'S TRUE VALUE Legal notice havlng been published in the ~aple8 Doily N~~8 on October 2, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids w~re rec~ived until October 23, 1985, for Bid t898 for various small hand tools. Comaissioner Holland aoved, .econded by Co..i.sioner Goodnight and carried unani.o~aly, that Bid '898 for Fiscal Year 1985/86 annual contracts for various small hand tool. be awarded to Gary's True Value. Ite. 119 BID .885 RB FISCAL YEAR 1985/86 AKMUAL COM TRACTS FOR VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS Legal notice having be~n published in the Naples Daily News on September 20, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with th~ Clerk, bids ~re received until October 9, 1985, for Bid t88S for Fiscal Y~ar 1985/86 annual contracts for vari~us industrial chemicals. Co..is.ioner Holland aoved, .econded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that Bid '885, for Fiscal Year 1985/86 Annual Contracts for various industrial chemicals be awarded to various vendors. lte. '20 BID '887 FOR UTILITJES ANALYTICAL SERVICES - AWARDED TO FLOWERS LABS Legal n~tice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ~eptembcr 27, 1~85, as evid~nced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until October 16, 1985, for Bid IB87 for Utilities Anõlytical Services. Co..issioner Holland aoved, .econded by Co.-i.sloner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that Bid '887 for Utllitle. Analytical Services be awarded to Flower. !.aba. Ite. '21 BIDS '897, 896, 900, 901, 895, 903, 893, 890, 889 AND 904 FOR VARIOUS ANMUAL COMTRACTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985/86 - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS AT LOWEST COST WHEN FEASIBLE Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 27, October 2, and 7, 19a5, as evidenced by Affidavits ?f Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until October 10, m~ . 990 W.! 484 Page 13 _.."."'"."''''".,-'''_. .,,"_....~~ m< ŒJO r~': 485 Novembe r 5, 19f 5 16, 17 and 23, 1985, for Bids listed above for various Annual Contracts for Fiscal ':tecH lY85/aG. Co..i.sioner Holland .oved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that Bid. '887, 896, 900, 901, 895. 903. 893, 890, 889 and 904 for various Annual Contracts for Fiscal Year 1985/86, be awarded to various vendor. at low..t coat when feasible. Itell '22 BID '884, RE 4WD BACKHOE/TRAILER - PARTIALLY AWARDED TO COASTLINE EQUI~ENT, ONE 1985 EAGER BEAVER 9DOW IN TBE AMOUNT OF $4,3491 BIDS '891 AND 1892 - REJECTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Septembcr 20, 1985, as cviden~ed by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, biås were received until October 9, 1985, for Bid '884 for 4WD bõckhoe/Trailer and aids 1891 and 1892 for trenchers an::! well sample r. Co..issioner Holland .oved, ..conded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Bid '884 for a 1985 Eager Beaver 9DOW be awarded to Coastline Equipment in thQ amount of $4,349 and that Bids '891 and 892 be rejected. Item '23 BID '899 FOR VARIOUS FIELD SUPPLIES - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 20, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of PUblication fi1~d with the Clerk, bids were received until October 9, 1985, for Bid t89~ for various field supplies until October 23, 1985. . COllmissloner Holland Moved, seconded by Co..lss1oner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Bid 1899 for various field supplies be awarded to various vendors. Item '24 BID 1883, RE VEHICLES FOR UTILITIES DIVISION - AWARDED TO BOB TAYLOR CHEVROLET, GALLMAN PONTIAC, AND TAMIAMI FORD, INC. Legal notice havin9 been published in the Naples D3ily News on beptember 20, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Public.3tion filed with the Clerk, bids ~ere received until October 9, 1985, for aid 1883 for vehicles for Utiliti~s Division. Commissioner Holland aoved, .econded by Commi.sioner Goodn19ht and carried unaniaously, that Bid 1883 be awarded as folloW8Z four 1986 Chevrolet Pick Up trucks to Bob Taylor Chevrolet in the amount of Page 14 - - - -~-~"-"_.,-_.,~.." , "..~.,.....- ~ovember 5, 1985 $9,339.77 each, five 1986 GMC Pick Up truck. to Gallman Pontiac In the aaount of $11,220.66 each, and one 1986 r-700-605 dump truck to Tamiami Ford, Inc. in aaount of $21,435.52. ...RECESS~ 10:00 A.M. RECONVENED: 10:06 A.M.··· It.. '25 AGREEMENT WITH F!SCHER, JOHNSON, INC. RI FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICE - APPROVED IN TBE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 RE RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY Assistant County Manaqer Dorrill explained this item relat~s to an agreement with Mr. Fischer for the financial advisory service for the res~urce recovery facility. He said this is Mr. Fischer's standard agreement. Co..issloner Pistor 6oved, seconded by Co..lssloner Hasse and carried unanl.ously, that Financial ~dvisory Service Aqreement with Fischer, Johnson, Inc. be approved in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for the resource recovery facility. &GO~ Œ)O~n 486 Pa g e 15 ---- .-- .~._...... ....- ._--. -.. ".- November 5, 1935 Ite. 126 CONTRACT WITH DELOITTE, HASKINS, AND SELLS, INC. RE CONSULTING SERVICES ON INFORKATION SYSTEMS AND CONSOLIDATED UTILITIES BILLING SYSTEM - APPROVED Deputy Assistant C~unty Manager branqaccio explained that approx- imately on~ month ago th~ County r~ndqer's staff and the Utilities Division staff met to consider what to do in 1985/56 regarding informa- tion and oata processing f~r utiliLy billing. Sho said this item is a proposal for the d~ard to review the followin~ thre~ distinct phases: 1. An ~vdludtion and selection of a billing system for the consolidated billing services of Utilities and EMS. 2. A cClmprehensiv~ review of the existino divisional information systems, and a~ evaluation of future ~eeds within the divi- sions. 3. A lonq-rdnge information Iystums plan containing alternatives and recommendacions on a coordinated future for the divi- sional systems. Mrs. brangaccio explained thaL the recommendation on the Executive SUltI¡na ry dated 10/30/85 is wi th approval from the County Manager and Utilities Division. She stated that the word processors c~rrently used are of various makes and some are compatible and some do not "speak to one ano~her". She said a consultant is needed to determin. the needs fClr the County and assess a long range plan as well as conduct an evaluation as to the potential of combining the Utilities and EMS billing systems. Tape 13 Mrs. Brangaccio said that staff contacted three consulting firms to bid and two firms, Arthur Young and Deloitte Haskins and Sells sUbmitted proposals. She sdid a Selection Committee recommends Ueloitte Haskins based on their proposed fees, project completion time schedule and ability to provide an objective and impartial evaluation of Collier County's information requirements. She said Phase 1 covers needs assessment and long range plan which would be completed in eight to ten weeKS; Phase II is the Utilities Billing Systems Analysis with four to six weeks n~eded for completion to run parallel to Phase 1 and Phase III covers Utilities billing hardware/sClfwar2 selection to consUal1e ten w~eks. 5ne said Phase I and III would require a budg.!t amend~cnt for $61,220 to come from G~nerdl Fund Reserves. &Gû( . o~m WI 192 Page 16 - m< 090w~ 493 November 5, 1995 C~mmissioner V~ss observed that it is time that toe County had a long r~nge look dt c~oråinating all Clt th~se items. Commissioner Holland stated he was a little bothered this item was not pres~nted at budget review time. ~rs. Brangaccio explaineå at the time of budget review it was not included because the Utilities Division was considering consolidating all utilities operations. CClmmissioner Hasse asked it any other coordination could be accomplished such as with Constitutional Officers and Mrs. Brangaccio explained the County W?uld still have the purchasing syste~ and the Clerk's Data Processing System. Commissioner Pistor referred to the late s..nding of Marco Island bills and Mr. Don Mohler explained that was due to significant problems experienc~d åue to co~puter language and conversion of procedures. Commissioner Holland aSKed if any consideration has been given to outside billing? Mr. hohler explained he felt it W?uld be more cost effective to do this operation in-house. Com.iasioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Comllissioner Pistor and carried unani.ously, that a contract regarding consulting services on divisional information system. planning and system selection service. for consolidated Utilities Billing System be approved, not to exc..d $76,330 for Deloltt., Haskins, and Sells, Inc. plus $6,500 maximum out-of-pocket expenses for Phase I, n.ed. a.....ment of existing .yst.m.f Phase II, an evaluation and selection of billing syst.1I for consolidated billing sy.te. for Utllitle. Division and EMS, with Phase I and III r.qulrlng approval of a budget amend.ent for $61,330 from General Fund Reserve.. · NOTE: Contract not received in office of Clerk of the Board as of 11/14/85. Page 17 - - - ~ovember 5, 1985 It.. 127 PURCHASE or WEAPOHS DETECTIOM SYSTEM rOR BUILDING -A-, COURTHOUSE - APPROVED FROM DEL NORTE TECHNOLOGY, INC. FOR G.S.A. PRICE or $3,7l5 Commissioner Hasse stated he requ~sted tnis itom be r~moved from the Consent Agenda bec~us2 of his concern regarding security, alluding to the similar system that is in vlace which was circumvented by a prisoner which led to his escape. Deputy Chief ~rn~tt explaine~ tn~t this was not the case, since the material used in the escape was not brought in from ~utside the jail. ~ explained the proposed plan to hav~ everyone pass through a deteccion system similar to those in use at airports. Commissioner H~llùnc aSKed who ~uld staff thiR? Sheriff Rogers stated that he recommends an outside firm be used for this facility, . adding that he has bdiliffs presently in the Courtrooms but does noc have sufficient personnel to operat~ the proposed system, adding it would be cheapo!r, in his opinion, tl'J have an outsiCJe firm. Sheriff Rogers said he did not have this item in his budget and there must be law enforc~ment personnel within the area in order to make an arrest and his bailiffs are already there. In Ðnswer to Commissioner Holldnd, Commlssioner Voss described the proposed operation of blocking off entrances so that only one entrance is used, and added that the second floor walk-over from the Clerk's area would be locked with the Clerk's employees having a key. He said what has been devised is a workable plan. Commissioner Hollana asked if this matter is being considered too early and Commissioner Voss said it was his opinion that something is needed now to protecc the Judges and those persons in the Courtrooms in Bui lding "A-. Commissioner Pistor said it is the responsibility of the Board of County Commission to provide security for the Judges. Co..is.ioner Pi.tor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that the purchase of a weapons detection system for Building -A-, Courthouse, be approved fro. Del Norte Technology, Inc. for G.S.A. price of $3,715.00. ~Cü( ODO W.¡ 494 Page 18 _~.._'._~"'~'_"_ t - flOG~ 090 ~r 495 NQvember 5, 1985 Ite. '28 STAFF DIRECTED THAT COUNTY WILL PROCEED AS IS REGARDING INSURANCE ON A TEMPORARY BASIS WITH DIRECTION TO INVESTIGATE SELF-INSURANCE AND RETURN DECEMBER 10, 1985, TO MAKE ^ DECISOH ON HOW TO PROCEED RisK ~~nagemen~ Director Rynders explained the lõrge increase in all ~he Councy's insurance premiums, adding there are several areas where insurance is virtually impossible tCl obtain. She related the percentage of increase for the various items such as a 300' increase for property liability and an 89' increase for automobile insuranc~. She said one r~ason .for the in~rease is the rise in the County's real property value and the larger amount of vehicles to be insured, hO·...f.!ver, the premiums have increased in general. Sne rela~ed loss figures fClr the past three years with the County paying $133,000 for a total of 35 claims. She explained that Pr~fessional Liability is one area on which she is currently working because it is being cancelled December 31, 1985. She scdd the LIIIbrella coverdge has beE:n cancelled as of December 1, 1985. Tap. 14 In answer to C~m~issioner Holland, Mrs. Rynd~rs statej that the Lely Water/Sewer Plant has not been insured, as of now, but coverage is on the County Io.a ter/Se\o'\:! r PI ant. Uuring the E:nsuing discussion, Mrs. Rynders pointed o~t that the insurance situati~n is in such turmoil presently that some communities are electing to remain ~ithout insur~nc~. The subject of self-insurance was discussed with County Manager Lusk stating with self-insura~ce the County ~uld have stop losses and ~ould carry those losses bel~w that level. He said he felt Collier County was large enoUjn at this time to give careful consideration to this subject. CClmmisRioner Hollana agr~ed, but addeo that this is sQmething that should be thoroughly E:xplored and ~ rs. Rynders had statad :lome of the premi Ut1S are expir ing soon. P':r. Lusk saio it would be possible t? request a 30 day extension, to whir.h ~rs. Rynders agreed. Commissioner holland said he did not think that within 30 days all the necessary infClrmation can be compiled on self-insurance sinc~ bid specifications will have LO be prepared. He said h~ could unåerstand th~ nee~ LO have self-insurance fClr workman's compensation. Commissioner Pistor said that money wõs set aside in a special Page 19 - - - November 5, 1995 escr~ account which hopefully has earned a considerable am~unt of interest which could be used. Co.-issioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Co..i.sionec Voss, that the County proceed as is regarding insurance on a temporary basis with Staff directed to investigate self-insurance and return December 10, 1985, to make a decsion on how to proceed. Commisgio~er H~lland aSKe~ if ~r. Siver, thd i~surDnç~ consultdnt, was not on the County payroil, but Mrs. Hynders said he was n~ longer elTploycd. C~mmissi~~'H l1ol1and add he would cCHl-dnly liktl to :nake sure that what the C~unty is doing will ~ot place the taxp~yers in a pr~carious p~sition ~ithout coverage espec~ally in light of the possibility ot a major catastrophe. Mr. UJsk said in th~t event the County ~uld be covered wlth a high deductible. Mr. Don Cameron, current insur~nce representative, Süid that his firm would be willing to bid for self-insurance and he fclt sure this is an item the County shoulà inv~stigate. Hp. pointed out the current disarray in the insurance picture with companies becoming insolvent readily. ~ said his firm could issue a policy that could be cancelled with a small penalty. Commi~sioner Hasse agreed that self-insurance should be investi- gated and should be bid, however, it is an item which will require extensive exploration. Upon cAll for the question, the aotlon carried 4/1, Comaissioner Holland opposod. Item 129 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-150, the following checks were issued throl.XJh November 1, 1985, in pay.nent of routine bi lIs: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Ve ndor 134953 - 135472 BCC Pa yro 11 21061 - 21628 $2,949,954.35 255,097.44 Ite. '30 BUDGET AKIMDMIKTS 85-500/501, 85-505/5061 85-5101 85-515, 85-517 AND 86-l7/l8, 86-20/21, 86-23/25, 86-27, 86-30, 86-32/51 - ADOPTED Commissioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanillously, that Budget Amendments 85-500/501, 85-505/506, ÔCC( . agO w¡496 Page 20 &GD( 090 w.: 497 ~ovember 5, 19:'5 and 86-17/18, 86-20/21, 86-23/251 86-27, 86-30, 85-510; 85-515, 85-517 86-32/51 be adopted. Ite. '32 Tape . 5 CONTRIBUTION OF $700 TO CITY OF NAPLES FOR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION PROGRAMS - APPROVED Commissioner Pistor said that th~ City of Naples has requested County assistance with the Centennial plans by contributing $700.00 toward the CClst of printing programs for a dance. He said he felt this was a relatively small amount and should be considered. Commissioner Hasse asked if the City of Naples has eVdr contri- buted to the County and Commissioner Voss said the need has no~ been there and that the City is paying all the postage and the cost of the tickets for the function. Commissioner Pistor said that the majClrity of the money realized from Centennial proceeds will go to the Collier County Museum. Fiscal Officer Giles requested if this item is approved that the bill be sent directly from the printer to the County so there would be a bill in the rec~rds. COlllllaaioner Piator aoved, seconded by Comaisslonar Goodnight and carried unani.ously, that a contribution of $700 to the City of Naples for the Centennial celebration pr09U.sbe approved. Itell '32 WARRANTY DEED PROM MARATHON OIL COMPANY FOR 20' OF BEACH ACCESS ON SOUTHERN END OF MARCO ISLAND - ACCEPTED Commissioner PistClr said t~e County np.&ds be~ch acc~ss and ~nother company has assumed ownership of property which'previouslY was ear- marked for donation to th~ County and now is the time to pursue this land at tne southern end of Mðrco Island. Mr. James V~nsel, speaking for Mðra~hon Oil Company, stated ori- ginally a resolution was apprClved in 1981 that che north 20 faet of the Southcrn end of ~~rco Island would be donated to Collier Co~nty and at that time it was requested that this land not transfer due ~o mortgage details. Be said Marãthon Oil Company is now the owner of this prop- erty and has agreed to tne transfer of this property at this time. He said Mr. John P~ssidomo 3nd Jack Kelby, Senior Real Estate Represen- tative, were present to make the presentation. Mr. Kp.lby pres~nted the Special Warranty Deed covering 20 foot beach access from Collier Boulevard to the beach area to Chairman Voss. Page 21 - - - - Novembor 5, 1935 County Attorney Saunders point'!!d out that this deed contains a rev~rsion clause if parking is ever ùllo~ed on this property or on adjacent property, since this is purely a pedestrian access. /Ie read the applicable languðge contai~ed in the Dr~d. In res?onse to Commissioner Hasse, ~r. Vensel explained there are substantial number~ of housinq units in the area and the idea was to provide a beach access for public pedestrian use at th2 southern end of Marco Island. Co~ission.r Pistor .oved, seconded by Co~ission.r Hasse and carried unani.ously, that Collier County accept the Warranty Deed for 20 feet of beach access on the southern end of Marco Island and express the County's deep appreciation to Marathon Oil Company fot this presentation. "8CG( OgO W! 498 Pago 22 NovemDe r 5, 1985 Itell '33 DISSOLUTIOY OF COLLIER COUNTY UTILITIES RATE AND REGULATIONS BOARD _ APPROVED, STAFF TO PREPARE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS Commission~r Va~s pointed out that the CCU~Rb WdS established to hear cases of utility rate changus and that this functi?n ha~ now been turned aver the the P~C, therefore, there is no need to continue this !:loa rd. Commissioner Hasse aoved, seconded by Commis.ioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that the dissolution of Collier County Utilities Rate and Regulations Board be approved and Staff be directed to prepare necessary documents to accomplish this. Ite. '34 PURCHASE OF ECOLOGY LAB Q" MARCO ISLAND - APPROVED FOR SBERIFF SUBSTA- TION AT COST OF $400,000 FROM DELTONA CORPORATION Commission¿r Pistor statea that the Sneriff's De~ørtm~nt n~eds a substation on Marco ls!ana sinc~ the POSt Office, where space is currently leased, wants to expana as so?n as possible into that area. He said this matter should be expedited and originally Deltona Corpora- tion ~dS asking $470,000 for the property undor consideration. He said the Corporation is willing to accept the appraised v&lue of $400,000 and h~ felt it should be consider~d. H4 said the County could pay a down payment in cash and borrow from a local bönk for the balance. He said the ~heriff returned excesß mono!y to the County which possibly could be uSt!d. Commissioner Voss questioned if the money returned by tne Sheriff had to be used for furniture? ~udget Director Zalka said before that money could be used ~tàff would hav~ to consult the Sheriff to make sure he has funds ~o provide for his needs. She said she did not think the Cent!ral fund could support this large a sum of money from Capital Funds, especially since the County is facing insurance costs. She recommended $100,000 be taken out and she would look at sources for the additional amount for this substation. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Zalka explained that the Sheriff r~turned approximately 6150,000. ~her1fí Rogers ex¡;.¡laino!d the money thèlt WdS returned originally was in his budg~t for furniture w~ich has not been delivered. He said th'~ ALJd itrHS did nf>t want nim tr) retain this a:nount in his budget, therefore, it was returned to the County. ~Cù( 090w: 50Z Piqa 23 - aC!i( 090 PJ'.¡ 503" Hovember 5, 1985 Uuring the ensuring financial ~rocurement discussion, Fiscal Ufficer Giles stat~d tn~ CQunty c~~ld borr¿~ the mQney up tCl torce y.ars ana it was his opinion a better interest rate than 12\ coulo be achiev~d. County ~n~ger Lusk said if the County borrow~d th~ necessary money for one year and set up Capital Project Funds that should handlë the project. Commissioner PistClr pointed out tnat the Sheriff is currently paying rent. H~ said the Board is obligated to provide the Sheriff s pac~. Sheriff Rogers stated that his annual rent is $13,104. Mr. Giles said there is a Capital Improvements Fund and if there is no great expense the money might be able to be used frClrn that Fund. He said the County can bc.rrow up to two yeélrs using ad '/alorem mClney. Mr. Lusk said thi'lt money will be needed for furnishing the sub- station, up to approximately $35,000. Assistant :ounty Manager Dorrill explained the cost estimates tha~ have been received for renovations on the proposed building such as roof repairs and furnishings with the tCltal amounting to $36,6ú4. He said he felt sure the work can be done for less than that amount. Co..issioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commi..loner Hasse and carried unani.ously, that the purchase of the Ecology Lab on Marco Island be approved for a Sheriff Substation at a cost of $400,000 from Deltona Corporation with the financial details to be worked out by Staff . During the brief discussion that followed, Mr. Saunders explained that the motion would 3uthorize the thairman tCl sign the necesary documents related to this purchase. .. Itell 135 COMMISSIONER PISTOR APPROVED AS REPRESENTATIVE TO C.A.R.L. SELECTION C~MITTEE MEETING IN TALLAHASSEE, NOVEMBER 8, 1985, RE RETAINING ROOKERY BAY ON THE PRIORITY LIST Commissioner Voss sélid that the C.A.R.L. Selection Committee is mëeting and the State has recommended purchasing Rookerv Bðy. He said the Conservancy is sending a r~presentative and he felt it was impor- tant to have a County representative present ðt the meeting in Tallahassee on NClvember 8, 1985, to request retaining that property on the priority list. H ~ recomrr.end~d that Commissioner PistClr be approved to repre3ent CClllier County in this regard. Page 24 .. - - ....-<.-.--..,.'" .. .. .. November 5, 1985 Co..i.sioner Goodnigbt aov.d, ..conded by Co..l..ioner Bolland, tbat Co..is.loner pistor be .ppro.ed .. . r.pr..entatl.e to tbe C.A.R.L. Sel.ctlon Co..ltt.. ...Un9 in 'I'.Uab....., Mo...ber I;. 1915. Commission~r Holland stated he had a letter from Mr. Jarnigan who is in Tallahassee most of the time and he offered to assist the County in this endeavor. He sU9g,sted that Commissioner Pistor contact him. Upon call for tbe que.tlon, the aotlon carri.d gnani.ovsly. Ite. 136 QUARTERLY PAYJIIDT TO SOIL AIID WATER C01ISERYATIOII DISTRICT TO BE MADE, COUWTY AT70RMEY TO GIVI OPIMIOM RI PAYMENT or QUARTIRLY DISBURSIMIMT TO COLLIER SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATIOM DISTRICT AT 11/12/85 MEETING Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangaccio explained that she asked Commissioner Goodnight to place this item on the agenda. She said the Collier Soil an~ Water Conservation District submitted their first quarterly funding request and ~he Budget Amendment was submitted to the Finance Office to be processed for payment with approval for payment on October 15, 1985. She said Fiscal Officer Giles is reviewing this item presently. She said a call was received from the Conservation District stating the District is out of lIoney and requesting receipt of the quarterly payment now. Fiscal Officer Giles explained that he received this item last Tuesday and he recently has seen growth in paying money over to a private organization from the County. Be said there are a number of Attornay General's opinion saying that the Board cannot delegate its disbursement authority and that he is not positive that this is the case on the Soil and Water Conservation District matter. He s~ld he has talked with Mr. Richard Henderlong, who represents the District, and advised him on the insurance bill that he has facing the District and told him to process it through the County's employees and he would pay the bill, because he knows it is the Board's intent to fund the Soil and Water Conservation Di.trict. He said he did not know that the County can just hand over money without the requirement for an audit or without actually paying bills. Tape 16 Mr. Giles said he had furni8ned County Attorney Saunders a number of Attorney General's opinions on this type of subject when problems with American Ambulance occurred. He said if the County Attorney has a legal opinion that this monay can be turned over to the Soil and Water Conservation District without accountability he would abide by it, . &CûK 090 W.! 504 Page 25 ---">"-"~"......_-- - -.-..--" --_.-.._---- .-- aOGK 090,,..! 505 November 5, 1985 however, that is the main reason for this discussion. Mr. Saunders said the only problem he has had is that he just received the information from Mr. Gile. this date before the meeting and has not had opportunity to review it. He requested the opportunity to go over the details and report back to the Board in a week on the matter. Mrs. Brangaccio said in the contract with the Soil and Water Conservation District Section 5 does allow for an annual report from the District so the County would be able to require such a report for review. She mentioned Hospice, Tourist Develo~ent Council, Tri-County Services and other organizations to whom the Board d02s contribute money from time to time. Mr. Giles pointed out that vouchers are received from Trl-County Service. for meals served and that some sort of receipt could be obtained for the transportation costs that the County helps to fund to Hospice, if necessary. Commissioner Goodnight stated that Dade and Broward Counties have funded the Soil and Water Conservation for years without an opinion fro. the Attorney General and she said she failed to see why there was any problem. Co..issioner Piator aoved, secoDded by Co..iaaioner Goodnight and carried UAanLaously. tbat the County pay the presently due bills for the S01l and Water Conservation Dlatrlct .nd next ..ek .n opinion can be received fro. tbe County Attorney on payaent of Quarterly Dlsburse- .ent to tbe District. Ite. 137 . IMST.u.u.'I'IOII OP nASBIIIG SC1lOOL CROSSIIIG 'fRAPPIC Llc:nrr A'I' 50'1'8 S'l'Rarr SW AIID GOLDa GA'I'I PARDfAY - APPROYlD, S'I'APF '1'0 INYlSTlGA'I'I I%TINDING REDUCED SPEED LIMI'I' DISTAIICI Commissioner Holland explained he had been contacted by the Golden Gate Middle School Principal and the President of the PTO requesting a traffic light at 50th Street SW and Golden Gate Parkway to accommodate the approximately 100 children who cross there, night and morning. He said there have been several near mis.e. with vehicles and children and this matter should be resolved to improve pedestrian safety. Public Works Administrator Kuck explained that he was in agreement and the only thing about the matter is that it may take six or eight weeks providing on how long it takes to obtain the necessary equipment. He said it would cost approximately $15,000 and the money is available Page 26 - - - - - - November 5, 1985 in Fund 313, the Secondary Road Fund. He said he would try to install this light before the end of the year if it is approved. Commissioner Pistor said there are two lights in that vicinity and he assumed it would only be activated during the ti.e the children would be crossing. Hr. Kuck explained It would be a flashing traffic light and would operate for a short period of time in the morning and afternoon. Commissioner Has.. pointed out that with two lightß close together perhaps staff should investigate extending the reduced speed limit to cover both lights, to which Mr. Kuck agreed. Co..lssloner Bolland .oved, seconded by Co..lssloner Ba.se and carried unanl.ously, tbat Installation of a flasblng school crossing traffic llgbt at 50th Street SW and Golden Gate- Parkway be approved with Staff directed to Inre.tlgate extending the reduced speed ll.lt dlsunce. Ite. '38 CIlAIIUIAJI VOSS TO ArrDD IUITIIfGS 1M WASBIJlGTOII~ D;C; MOVIJllBIR 20 ancl 21, 1985, U DISCUS8IOII WITB LOCAL RIPRISDTATIYES ABOUT -aRAIID- FATIURIJIG- PROPOSED RUOURCI UCOVIRY FACILITY 1M BV&JIT or CBAJfGI I. TAX LAWS Commissioner Voss explained there is a meeting scheduled in Washington, D.C. with Collier County representatives and Staff to discuss the possibility of getting the proposed Collier County Resource Recovery Facility °grandfatheredO in the event that there is a change after the first of the year in tax laws. He said the proposed changes in the tax laws could result in increased tipping fee. which would have a large bearing on the facility. He said he felt it is important to have representation at this meeting and it has been suggested that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners attend as well as those people approved to attend at a recent Board meeting. Co..issloner Plstor aoved, seconded by Co..lssloner Goodnlgbt; that Cbairaan Voss be approved to attend .eetlng. In Wasblngton, D~C. on Move.ber 20 and 21, 1985, to discus. wltb local representatives tbe possibility of -grandfather lng- tne proposed Collier County Resource Recovery Facility before tax law cbange. are aade~ County Attorney Saunders said the reason there are two dates of meetings is that there are meetings scheduled with representatives and their aides and the distance between the offices makes it difficult to accomplish everything in one day. Commissioner Hasse said he was fully in agreement with r~~mis- flCGK. 090Plr·!506 .\ Page 27 . ~CG( 090w.! 507 November 5, 1985 the meeting and that this Item needs to be sioner Voss attending pursued. Mr. Saunders said the original Resolution provided for the County Manager or hi. designee and the C~unty Attorney or his designee, adding there is strength in nuabers. He said the County wants the representa- tives to be aware of the amount of work that has been accomplished on this project thus far. He said some Counties are only in the talking stage and Collier County has gone beyond that stage. He said there is a possibility that everything can be finalized on the Resource Recovery Facility before the end of the year, but in the event that this does not occur Staff wants to have the -grandfathering- factor in place. Commissioner Hasse said that somebody that could delve into the matter and the problem related to it should attend and questioned if a Staff member would not be beneficial? Upon call for the ~uestlon, tb. aotioD carried ananl.ously; A discussion followed' regarding the possibility of more Staff attending this meeting. Commissioner Holland pointed out that an agreement was approved this date with Mr. Fischer for advice on the resource recovery facility financial matters and asked would it not be likely he could contribute to the discussion? Commissioner Voss stated that more technical than financial aspects will be covered during these discussions. Coaalssloaer Bass. atated tbat AsaistaDt County Ranag.r Dorrll1 bas aat In on aost of tb. resource recovery ...tlngs and b. aoY.d~ seconded by Coaalsslon.r Plstor, tba~ Mr. Dorrll1 be approy.d to attend tb. Nesblngton, D. C. ...tlng; Commissioner Goodnight pointed out that thl Board m~ved that the County Manager and County Attorney be allowed to approve travel and, therefore, the discussion of who to send is not necessary. Mr. Saunder clarified that that motion involved the County Manager and County Attorney being given auth~rity to approve travel requests for their employees but that travel for the County Manager and County Attorney needs to be approved by the Board. During the ensuing discussion, County Manager Lusk expressed his strong opinion that the Board should not direct his employee to travel anywhere. Co..lssloner Baa.. withdrew bl. aotlon and Co..la.loner Plator withdrew bis second. The general consensus was that since the prevlou. action taken by Page 28 - - - .. .. .. Nove.ber 5, 1985 the Board had approved the County Manager or his designee and the County Attorney or his designee to attend the meeting in question that the matter of who will attend has been resolved. ·"Th. foHowlft<) Ite.. wn .pproyed .nd/or adopted under th. Con.ent Agenda by .otlon of Co..l..1oner Goodnigbt, .econded by CoaaJ.sloner Pl.tor and carried an.nl.ou.ly.... Ite. 139 RKSOLUTIO. 85-233 PROVIDIIIG FOR ASSISSJlDT or LIlli III ORDIR TO RECOVER rOMDS rOR PUBLIC IIUlSAMCE 011 MARCO 8IACB, OMIT 2, BLOCK 66, LOT 19, OWHED BY ADELA MIAZGA See Pages S IS -5 I' Ite. 140 RKSOLUTIO. 85-234 PROVIDIIICI FOR ASSISSMEHT or LID III ORDER TO RECOVER rUJfDS rOR PUBLIC IfUISAIICI III IIAPLIS PARK, WIT 6, BLOCK 74, LOT 23, OWHED BY SAMUEL , CAROLYW KARLI. . See Pages ..5/7- .s/;' Ite. '41 CARIIIY.AL PIRMIT 85-4 RI PETITIO. C-85-3C, ST. ELIZABETH SETOM CATHOLIC CRUROB RE DSTIVAL IIOVEIIBIR 6-10 , 1985 Oil CBURCB GROUIIDS See Pages 5/9 Ite. 142 PlTITIOII TR-85-6C, .10D M~ Do\VIS, JR., RI SECOIID AIID I'INAL 'l'IIRBK MOIITB IXTIIISIOII or TEIIPOItARY RUIDDCI PEMIT 011 WES1' 180' 01' 'l'RAC"I' 27, tDlIT 19, GOLDIH GATI ISTATIS Ite. '43 RE-EXICUTIOII or CQlSTROCTIOII AGRIIMEX'l WITH PIllE RIDGE IRTIRPRISIS; IIIC. COIICERXI.G R.O.W~ DRIVEWAY WORK ~D rILL MATIRIAL See Pages ~¿:¡-;;¡ð - -S' ;1¿" Ite. . U FIlIAL PLAT APPROVAL 01' QUAIL BOLLOW AJID ACCIP1'AJlCI or QUIT CLAIM DEED rOR ADDITIOHAL R.O.W. 011 POLLY AVE., SICTIOII 16, T50S, R26E See Pages S ~ 7 -..s- 30 It.. 145 BID 1181, U IlIDIAJI L.\.WDSCAPIIIG AIID IlIRlGATIOII 011 JlARCO ISLAJID AWARDED TO DELTA IHVIROIIMIIITAL GROUP, IHC. III AMOOMT or $54,058.69 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 30, 1985, bids were ~~~ U.ntjJl 2:30 P.M. October 15, 1985, m~ VWp!·-·:5t1l:1 Page 29 - m~ ()90 ~S·.: 50.9 November 5, 1985 for Bid No. 881 for median landscaping and irrigation on Mðrco Island. Ite. 146 PRELIMI~Y ACCIPTANCI or RIYlRWOOD lAST, UlIT 1, ACCIPTA»CI OF 10' MAIMTIXA»CI SECURITY AND AUTHORIZI PUBLIC WORKS ADMIHISTRATOR TO RILEASI TO ORIGI....L cœSTRUCTIOII SICURITY (IRRIV0CA8U LlTTIR or CREDIT NO. 003 FROM GRAHITI ISTATI ....TIONAL BANK 1M AMOUNT or $40,000.) Ite. 147 BUDGET AltlJlatIllT rOR I'UIrD 110 I. ORDIR TO I.CORPORATI DJlEXPICTID ADDITIOIL\L DelR GRAIIT ruMDS IMTO CUAL SPRAYIIIG PROGRAM, I. ISTIMTID AJIOUIIT $U,215, OIII-BALr FOR ADDITIOIL\L BIUICIDIS MID IJALAHCI PLACID IN RISERVIS rOR CONTIMGIHCIES It.. 148 PARTIAL UUIoSI or IIORTCAGI œ LAJIDS BIllIG COIIVIYlD TO COLloID COUJITY FOR S.R. 951 RIGHT-OF-WAY See Pages ...53/ -..s..3 3 Ite. 149 RICORDIIIG or QUIT CLAIM DIID I'OR A PORTIOII OF LOT 1, 8LOCJt 8, DIIIT HO~ 1, ~YRTLI COVE ACRIS See Page .s .3 'fL- Ite. 150 BUDGET AMIMDMDlT FOR rUlD 325 TO RICOG.ln CARRY FORWARD REVDUI Ite. 151 ACCEPT~I OF PITITIOII TO CRlATE 'J'BE ~IILS ROAD PAVING ASSESSIIEMT DISTRICT RI ACQUISITIOII or ROAD RIGB~-OP-WAY AND APPLlCABLI DRAIMAGE EASUlbTS, PERFORM OIII-TIMI MAIMTIIIANCI SIRVICI, PRIPARE FEASIBILITY REPORT, PRELIMINARY ASSISSllZKT ROLL, COST IS'J'IMATIS AND SCBIDULE PUBLIC BEARING TO CREATE DAMIELS ROAD PAVIMG ASSESSMEMT DISTRICT Ite. 152 EXICUTB STATUTORY DIID IMCLUDI.a ACCEPTANCES or HEW DRAIHAGI IAS~DlT rOR LOT 30, BLOCK A, MYRTLI COVE ACRES See Pages .s :3 $""-.£37 . Ite. 153 BUDGET AKlMDMEHT FOR FUMD 132 TO EFFICT A TRANsrlR or AP'ROPRIATIOMS PROM REStRYES TO ENGINEERING PElS RI 'INI RIDGI IHDUSTRIAL PARK ARIA Page 30 - - - - - .. November 5, 1985 It.. 154 APPRAISAL CONTRAC1' WITS MICHAIL MAXWILL, MAl rOR APPRAISAL RIPORT FOR P~SED MORTH NAPLES WATIR TANK SIT! 1M AMOUNT or $1,800 See Pages _~3f - S-51-3 It.. 155 APPRAISAL COII'J'RACT WITS CARROL AND CARROLL POR APPRAISAL RIPORT rOR IIUIOL\Ll:I VATU AIID SIWIR DISTRICT'S PROPOSED L&ASIHOLD AT IMODLI! AIRPORT 1M AMOUWT or $2,000 ADDED TO REMT COSTS rOR DISTRICT See Pages S.lþf -S.s'f Ite. 156 rIIlAL PLAT APPROVAL or ZAGLII CREEK CDUftRY CLDB IN AItOUII'I' 01' $131,473.72 REPRlSIMTIMG 110' or TOTAL COST or UMCOMPLETED IMPROVIMIMTS AMD 10' OF COMPLETED IMPROV&NIMTS See Pagu .sSS-..5".sr? Ite. 157 COMPLlTION or GOLDa GATI &STATU ROAD IMPROVE.....,S PIR BID 1783, MID ROAD PRIORITIES rOR rt '85-86 PRIORITY ROADWAY/UNIT MO. 29tb St. SW, Unit 15 2Dd St. 81, Unit 13 27th St. SW, Unit 15 1st Av.. MW, Unit 3 5tb Ave. &W, Unit 4 4tb St. .1, Unit 14 ESTIMATED COST $30,000 30~OOO 30,000 30~OOO 30~000· 30,000· 1 2 3 4 5 6 *Denot.s road l.prove..nt subject to ..al1able fuadlng. Ite. 158 COIITRACT AItDIt'M1IfT rOR All I.CUASB IN CClMMUJlIn CARl POR TBI ILDIRLY rUVDS 1M AMOUMT or $197,840, APPLICATION rOR ADDITIONAL FUMDS or $21,468 See Page S.s9 , It.. 159 .\GRlalDIT WITS DIWID LAWRDCI MIIITAL BIALTB CDlTU; INC. POR PROVISION OF MDlTAL BIALTB SERVICIS See Pagu SCot) -..s"-3 &CùK 090w.!510 Page 31 am 090..s -,: 511 November 5, 1985 It.. 160 R..IWAL or LEASI POa SUITES C10', ~ .IN LlASI fOR SUITES BI05, 106 AT COURT PLAZA 12/1/85 THROUGH 11/30/.7 See Pages S~4· ..57S It.. "1 OLDlJt MDIC.... ACT, TITL& III-B~ 'ROGRAII rU1lDS 'l'O 81 U'l'ILIUD POR COKTRACT SERVICESl AKEMDKZXT IWCREASI BY $3,6601 DIAL-A-MURSI CO.rRACT IN MINIMUM AMOUHT or $4,721 See Pagu ..s 7~ - ..5'77 Ite. 162 COUII'f1' RIGIOJL\L WATER SYSTEM - WITLAJrDS JIOIII'l'ORIIIC PROGRA.N~ LIC..SI AGREEMEIITS See Pages 57f- sf' 3 It.. 163 WOODHERZ RACQUET CLUB - OFr-SITE WATER fACILITIIS ACCEPTANCI Recorded In O.R. Book 1664, pag.. 128-131 Ite. 164 1AGL& CUD COUIITR1' CLUB PBASU I ~ II - SIWER ~ WATIR FACILITIES ACCEPTAJlCE SUBJECT TO STIPULATIOn 1. The legal documents are found to be legally sufficient by County Attorney. 2. The final plat for Eagle Creek Country Club must be accepted by the Board of County Commissioners, ~ecorded in Public Records of Collier County , Florida and two copies of the recorded Plat submitted to the Uilities Division. Recorded In O.R~ Book J 1(,1./- pag.. I/.I.Ç'I - IJ./.S? Ite. 165 PURCHASE or ADDITIoaAL orfICI PARTITIO.S fOR UTILITIIS DIYISIOM I. AMOUHT or $5,133, Ite. 166 BID 1874 rOR SIALIIIC AlII) CAULKIMG BUILDIIIG ·f· - AWARDED 'l'O SOUTa FLORIDA PAUITUIG COMP....Y~ UIC~, MAPLIS, rLORIDA, UI AMOUHT or $19,740 COIITIGDT UPOM RECEIPT OF FIVE n:AR COHTRACT 801lD, FISCAL OFPICER DIRECTED 'l'O PREPARE WECISøARY BUDGET AMENDMENT Page 32 .. .. .. T·-V-......._;_·,'_" November 5, 1985 Ite. In APROVAL 01' aYlRo.MDTAL SCUIICK AJß) POLLUTIOJI COIITROL LEASK AGRIIMD1' WITS OVERSEAS D!VILOPMEIIT CORPORATIOII See Pages 5~JI.-SPf Ite. 118 MISCELLANEOUS CORRBSPONDEIICI - PILED AIID/OR REFERRID There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred as followsl 1. Letter dated 10/21/85, from William R. Blaikie, Vice- Chairman, City of Naples Airport Authority, re proposed rezoning of property north of the Airport to Multi-Family residences. xc: Vickie Mullio3 and Dave Pet trow. Filed. Memo dated 10/15/85, from Clerk Reagan re excess fees for Fiscal Year 19&4/85 transmitting check in the amount of $31,959.48. XCI Ms. Zalka, and Mr. Giles with check. Filed. 2. 3. Copy of letter dated 10/21/85, to County Mana1er Lusk from Nancy H. Bartek, Chief, Bureau of Community Assistance, Dept. of Community Affairs, re Contract No. 84LG-53-09-21-01-H34 and attaching a report based on 8/6 and 8/7/85 monitoring visit by Mr. George Gould. XCI Mrs. Brangaccio. Piled. Copy of letter received 10/16/85, from Susan P. Boyles, Environ. Spec., Solid' Hazardous Waste Section, DER, enclos- ing survey to provide DER with information about certain types of chemical storage. xc: Mr. Kuck and Mr. Lusk. Fi led . 4. 5. Letter dated 10/21/85, from Douglas L. Fry, Environ. Supv' r., DER, transmitting short form application File Nos. 111111675 and 111111395 for dredge and fill permits. xc: Mrs. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Yiled. '6. Copy of ~emorandu~ dated 10/18/85, from Richard W. Smith, P.E., Chief, Bureau of Wastewater Management and Grants, DER, re Construction Grants Program prioritr System for Wastewater Treatment Works Rule. xc: Mr. Dorril and Hr. Crandall. Filed. 7. Copy of letter dated 9/25/85, from Earlene J. Williams, Land Records Spec., Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, to Raymond W. Miller, advising of Advance Notice of Expiration, Permit File No. CO-47, Permittee The Scottsdale Company. xc: Mrs. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. 8. Copy of letter dated 10/11/85, from Robert G. Dean, Dir., Div. of Beaches and Shores, DNR to Stanley W. Hole, advising of approval of Permit N~. CO-l09, Permittee W. Clark Swanson and enclosinq final Certification of Completeness form. xc: Mrs. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Fihd. ~Cii( OOOw'.512 Page 33 . - &GGC 090 W! 513 November 5, 1985 9. Letter dated 10/16/85, from Elton J. Gissendanner, Exec. Dir., DNR, re Karketable Record Title Act, enclosing informa- tion .xpressing the State's concern about the matter. XCt Mrs. Mullins and Dr. Proffitt. Filed. 10. Letter. dated 10/21/85, from Helen K. Fallert, Senior Human Services proq. Kanager, Aging and Adult Services, HRS, forwarding the Community Care for Disabled Adult Program Report. xc: Mrs. 6rangaccio, Mr. Norton and Mrs. Skinner. Filed. 11. Letter dated 10/15/85, from William H. Whitcomb, Asst. Chief, Bur. of State Liability Clai.., Div. of Risk Kanage.ent, Dept. of Insurance and Treasurer, attaching a claim received by Dept. of Insurance re Ira Arnold stating the Department will not investigate the lIatter. xc: Mr. Saunders and Mr.. Rynders. Filed. l2. Notice of Prehear1n¡ Statement of Dept. of Community Affair. received 9/9/85, from State Land and Hater Adjudicatory Commission, re Developnent Order No. 85-3 and Ordinance 85-17, approving DRI Lely. Filed. 13. Notice of Amendment to Prehearing Stipulation received 8/30/85, frolll State Land and water Adjudicatory Commission, re Developnent Order No. 85-2 and Ordinance 85-15, approving DRI Vineyards. Filed. 14. Notice of Answer to Petition of Florida Dept. of Community Affairs, received 10/21/85, from State Land and Water Adjudicatory Co~lIIission, re Resolution 85-165, DRI Berkshire Lakes. xc: Mrs. Brangaccio and Mrs. Mullins. Filed. 15. Notice of Answer to Petition of South West Florida Regional Planning Council, received 10/21/85, fro. State Land and Water Adjudicatory Commisston, re Resolution 85-l65, DRI 8erksire Lakes. xc: Mrs. Brangaccio and Mrs. Mullins. Filed. . 16. Copies of Minutes: Filed. A. 9/18/85 and 10/2/85, City of Naples Regular Meetings and Special Meetings. Filed. 17. Seminole County Resolution No. 85-R-238 received 10/11/85, re amending Marketable Record Title Act to retroactively exempt all previously state-owned, navigable waterways from operation of said act. Filed. 18. Letter dated 10/23/85, from Tax Collector Carlton enclosing Form LFG-3 and LGF-8 re Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance-Budget' Actual. xc: Ms. Zalka and Fiscal Officer Gil.s. Filed. 19. Copy of Certifications of Final Taxable Value, received 10/23/85. Filed. Page 34 - - - .. .. .. November 5, 1985 20. Notice of Aeronautical Study of Proposed Construction or Alteration, received 10/18/85, from Southern Region, U.S. DOT, :e Antenna Tower in Ft. Myers and Antenna Tower in Bonita Springs. xc: Mr. Rienke. riled. . . . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chai r - Tillie: 12:20 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALSIEX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL 'R.D.'{t'~~, CHAIRM. ATTEST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK· roved by the BCC on NnvPftlh".. Iq IQA'i as or as corrected &DDK GOOr1T.t 514 Page 35 . .. "..""-"", .."'''''.~~'.~-~'''''''~~'~''''.'''._._-