BCC Minutes 12/02/1985 S
Naples, Florida, December 2, 19A5
LET IT BE REHEHBERED, that the majority of the Board having given
approval and the Clerk having given proper notice in accordance with
Ordinance No. 75-16, the Board of County Commissioners in and for the
County of Collier and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as
the governing boardCs) of such special districts as have been created
according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date
at 9,00 A.M. in SPECIAL SESSIOR in Building "F" of the Courthou.e
Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present,
CHAIRMAN' John A. pistor
VICE CHAIRMA!h Anne Goodnight
Frederick J..Voss
Max Hasse
C. C. "Red" HOlland
ALSO PRESENT, James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer, Maureen Renyon,
Peputy Clerk, Donald B. Lusk, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, Assistant
County Manager: Tom Kuck, Public Works Administrator, Robert Fahey,
Solid Waste Director: Dr. Polkowski, Health Department Director, and
Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board.
Presentation by Professor Rappe of Sweden regarding emi.sions
and air pollution.
Professor Christoffer Rappe of Sweden stated that he has been the
Professor of the University of Umea since 1970, the dioxin activities
were started in Mayor June of 1971, and since being there he has
published about 80 scientific papers. He stated that he is engaged in
International activities regarding a document on dioxins. He stated
that he is concerned with Municipal Solid Waste and is also working
with cancer agencies regarding dioxins. 8e stated that they receive
grants from the Government to work on studies for dioxins. 8e reported
that he is working with the State of California and the State of New
Jersey doing 80m. analytical work on soil samples, adipose tissue and
blood. He stated that he has a contract with General Electric and
contracts with the French government and Germany. He noted that there
is a lot of work being done in Sweden on Municipal Solid Waste due to
the IIOratorium.
Professor Rappe referred to an overhead projector, noting that
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December 2, 1985
there are over 75,000 isomers and there is a very large difference in
toxicity between isomers, adding that he is specialized in doing this
type of analysis. He noted there are very larger variations in
toxicity between animal species like the guinea pig and the syril
hamster, adding that the syril haMster can handle 5,000 tiMes more
dioxin without having adverse effect than the guinea pig can. He
stated, with reference to samples fro. incinerators, ~'oxin equivalents
are being counted, adding that there are only 12 isomers that are very
toxin and they are called the "Dirty Dozen". 8e reported that based on
animal data, there is an allowable daily adult inta~e which i. in the
range of one to five pq. per kw. a 'day. He stated that the dioxin
equivalent. have been developed by people of New York State, Department
of Health, adding that there are conversions that are based on the
2,3,7,8 which is tetrachloride dioxin, a painless and .o.t toxic
dioxin. He stated that after analyzing fly ash from different
incinerators, he found and quantified dioxins. He stated that
incinerators should be tested for toxic and non-toxic isomer. and
sampling should be done by analytical methods.
Profeßsor Rappe referred to different analysis regarding hazardous
waste incinerators and dioxins and isomer.. He noted that he made a
careful study on dioxins under different condition., normal conditions,
high temperatures, low temperature., and with additional supplemental
fuel, adding that independent of the temperature at all times, there
was good burning conditions and the level of dioxins were basically the
same. He stated that a model was made of how the dioxins survive in
the environment, adding that in comparison one meal of salmon gives
1,000 times more dioxin than any contaminated area in Umea, noting that
direct exposure by inhalation was marginal. He referred to other data
received from incinerators in Sweden, noting that in October 1984. the
levels for dioxins were at 88 and during the winter the incinerator was
worked on and when the second test was taken it came down and when the
third test was taken, it showed that the emissions were reduced by
almost 50. He noted that very simple changes reduced the emissions.
He reported that during installation, the levels are very high and then
they come down. He noted that industrial incinerators were analyzed
which showed that there is just as much emissions from these as there
is from hazardous waste incinerators. 8e referred to the difference in
chlorine levels, noting that there is a large difference in municipal
solid waste incinerators and PVC which has about 57' chlorine.
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December 2, 1995
J Professor Rappe stated that when the Swedish moratorium was
issued, the EPA had information that the incinerator was a source to
dioxins, but there was also data from other industries that had not
been reported to the EPA. 8e noted that about 3 weeks ~90, EPA issued
a dioxin strategy which indicates that they are discussing many other
Sources of dioxins in the environment. He noted that they are checking
into chlorine which is used to bleach the paper in Scandanavia, adding
that this is a major industry. 8e noted that there are higher dioxin
levels in the southern part of Sweden than there are in the northern
part, yet the incinerators are in the northern part of Sweden. 8e
stated that the EPA is also checking into leaded gasoline, drinking
water, coal burning, peat burning, wood burning, and oil burning. 8e
noted that it has been determined that peat burning gives off less
dioxins than wood burning. 8e noted that to decrease the emissions
that have been found is to decrease the chlorine content in the
municipal solid waste, reduce the paper containing chlorine and reduce
the dry cleaning solvents. He stated that another way would be to
increase the temperature or have the optimua amount of oxygen in the
incinerator. He stated that he has found the best way is to improve
the turbulence in the incinerator. He stated that equipment could be
added to clean the gases, like an electrostatic precipitator which
removes about 25-301 of the dioxins. He noted that another technology
is to take out all the moisture which reduces the dioxins. He stated
that another possibility is to add limestone to the systea. Professor
Rappe said that 35 people froa the hospitals that live in or around
Umea have been analyzed for dioxins, a~ding that there should be
different levels for people depending on how close they live to the
incinerators, but the study showed that the people that live 100 ailes
off-wind from the incinerator have the same levels as the people that
live in Umea with regards to dioxins'and adipose tissue. 8e noted that
mother's milk was also analyzed and it was determined to be the same as
the levels that were found in adipose tissue, adding that there is no
direct connection between the levels that were found in mother's milk
and the municipal i,\cinerator.
Commissioner Voss stated that he gathers that Professor Rappe
feels that there is no particular danger to the people as a result of
the incineration of garbage, particularly the fluidized bed or the mass
burn technique.
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Commisisoner Voss questioned if PVC is soluble as it is used for
waterlines, to which Professor Rappe stated that it is not soluble in
water, adding that a special solvent is needed to dissolve it.
Commissioner Voss stated that burning breaks PVC down and the
chlorine COmes free and causes the problem with dioxir~, to which
Professor Rappe agreed.
Commissioner Hasse questioned What the difference is between a
fluidized bed and mass burning with regards to dioxins?
Professor Rappe stated that both systems can be good or bad, but
with appropriate cleaning equipment both systems are equivalent. He
stated that the most important thing is the training and education and
if people do not know how to operate a system appropriately, it ~ill
not work to its best capacity.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Professor Rappe stated that the
dioxins can be reduced by maximizing the burning to 1001. He noted
that if the incinerator needs to be cleaned, it can be done by burning
peat or mineral oil.
Commissioner Holland asked Professor Rappe to explain the
moratorium, and Professor Rappe stated that the EPA is suggesting a
mortorium on new incinerators in Sweden, which means that no new
incinerators will get a permit. He stated that incinerators that are
operating, under construction or have permits can continue, but no new
ones can be issued. He noted that the Government has stated that after
doing studies they will respond by May 31, 1986, as to Whether new
incinerators should be allowed in Sweden or not. He stated that he
feels that the moratorium will be lifted and an incinerator will be
allowed to be built if the dioxin levels can be lowered to a certain
Commissioner Holland questioned what the watertable is in Sweden,
to which Professor Rappe stated that he did not know because their
water is obtained from the reservoirs, but in Italy, their watertable
is very close to the ground level and there was no dioxins traced in
the water, adding that it does not penetrate the soil.
Commissioner Pistor questioned why the moratorium was called if
the dioxins of f~ is much hi1her than the emissions of the gas, to
which Professor Rappe stated that when the EPA issued the moratorium
the dioxin. were found in the mother'. milk and in the emissions from
December 2, 1985
Rappe stated that there is no direct danger to the
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I December 2, 1985
the solid waste incinerator, adding that since that time more data has
been generated. Professor Rappe stated that in the earlier 1970's,
Denmark and Sweden had four or five incinerator. together and now there
are 80 of the.,.
Mrs. Jeannie Langshide spoke in oPposition to this system
indicating that there has not been enough information presented and
that there should be a representative from the other side indicating
the dangers. She noted that the studies that have been cited are not
conclusive. She indicated that she does not want an incinerator
program as it is a cause for breast cancer. She noted that ShA would
like to know if this syte. would be an environmental trigger? She
stated that chlorine can be a poison and there are numerous studies
that have proven these facts. She said that this will create breathing
difficulties for people and there has to be concerns taken into
consideration for the fish that the people in the area eat. She stated
that she wants a scientist to speak indicating that the County will be
putting poisonous material into the air and there are many scientists
that believe this.
Mr. George ~eller slated that a lot of the County trash comes from
dumpsters and during the rainy season, rain gets into these dumsters
which makes the solid waste very moist, and questioned if they would
have a problem with the water?
Professor Rappe stated that the system will dry it, and it should
not make any ~ifference.
Mr. Bill Barton thanked Professor Rappe for his presentation and
questioned if dioxins perpetuate themselves forever or if they have a
natural process that breaks them down when they are released into the
atmosphere: also if limesoda can be used to control dioxins? Professor
Rappe indicated that he is not too technical on the cleaning equipment
and what type of lime is available. 'Profeuor Rappe stated that during ,"
a transport, if dioxins are transported in the gas phase, they could be
photochemical degradated.
Mr. Johanson stated that the mass burn plant involves a technology
that recycles part of the plant so that when it comes back, it has less
oXygen in it and he is wondering if this helps or hinders the dioxin
content? Professor Rappe stated that there is data on both sides and
the particular system would have to be started to get information on
Mr. John Beebe questioned if the County decides to implement a
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sY8tem for the disposal of waste, will there be any significant haza~d
to the public health of the citizens of Collier County froD utilization
of the processes under consideration? Professor Rappe stated that in
his opinion the answer is "No". Professor Rappe stated that their
incinerator was built in 1970 and was one of the first ones in Sweden,
adding that since that time there has been new technology and now with
the moratorium, people are interested in producing good incinerators.
Mr. Beebe questioned if there is any co~parison between the
landfill and th. incinerators, to which Professor Rappe stated that
there is no comparison and with the landfill there i. the problem of
the leaching of different chemical~ a~ the problem of spontaneous
burning which is the optimum conditions for dioxins.
Mrs. Ada Williams stated that the presentation of one side has
been given and she would like to hear the other side. She stated that
this area is a fishing area and this can be affected by the dioxins.
She stated that she does not understand putting the dioxins into the
air. Professor Rappe stated, with reference to the fish, there is a
big difference between the waters of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of
Mexico, adding that there is a continuous flow of water out of the Gulf
of Mexico which does not occur in the Baltic Sea.
Mrs. Williams stated that nothing should be done until May 31,
1986, and after the moratorium has been resolved and the outcome is
known, then the Commission could decide what to do.
Mr. Roland Eastwood questioned if there has been any comparison
between dioxins and PVC and if there has been any study made on the
dioxins that are airborne?
Professor Rappe stated that there is no study on the dioxins that
are airborne, but the different isomers have a tendency to be easily
broken down by a photochemical reaction, but then they become dust
particles and there is very little information regarding that.
Mr. Ralph Kessler stated that the benefits of experience of other
communities should be obtained as well as information from the govern-
ment before anything is done.
Dr. Stokes stated that incinerators have been examined in about 18
other locations and the conclusion is that in the last 10 years there
has been rapid progress in developing the incinerators.
Mr. Kessler 8tated that dioxin is one of the most deadly poisons
in existence and the Swedish government has declared a moratorium
because they do not feel that it is safe. He stated that the County
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should wait until that moratorium has been lifted or resOlved, adding
that the County does not have any emergency with regards to the
landfill and therefore, there should not be any rush to go into a
resource recovery plant.
Professor Rappe stated that the data will not be . vailable until
May, which i. why the moratorium is still in effect.
Commissioner Voss .tated that there is no rush as far as the study
of this matter, adding that the only rush is due to the pending tax law
changes. He noted that the Committee has been studying this matter for
Over two years.
Commissioner pistor thanked Professor Rappe for coming to Naples
and for giving a fine presentation. He noted that there will be a
meeting on December 3, 1985, at 1,30 P.M. to come to a decision on this
There being no further busine8s for the good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time, 11,15 A.M.
ATTES1\r1i .
!fJ.¡"L1.~·.'!:r ~ /REAGAN, CLERK'
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·ó.. --:: ~.fut.. approved on :a.v. ,/3 ":;1'",,,-:;,.
~~'3r as corrected
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