BCC Minutes 02/18/1986 R
0921'S~-! 221
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February 18, 1986
T.pe .]
lb. U
Commissioner Pistor stated that he had a request to continue Item
6B2 which is Cardinal Industriel, Palmetto Pinel, to March 11, 1986,
noting that Ite. 6BJ Cardinal Industriel, North Woodl, has already been'~'~'
,. continued to March 4, 1986. .
;'¡ .,",., Attorney Donald Pickworth, representing Cardinrt Indultrie., '!
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. ' ~', indicated that the reason for asking for a continuance il that
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.~"/-;.: neighborhood opposition and they would Uke the opportunity to
' " to resolve those i.sue..
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Mrs. Sloane Robbins, Mr. Larry Ingram, and Mr. George Keller,
noted that there are a lot of reasons for opposition and the people
would like to have this petition heard thil date.
Coaaillioner a.... .oY.d; ..cond.d by Coaai.sion.r Vos., th.t Ite.
6B2, P.tition R-85-l9C .nd It.. 6B3; '.tition R-85-2OC be he.rd this
Commis.ioner Goodnight stated that she has not reað any material
on Petition R-85-20C and could not make a decision when .he knows
nothing about the project.
Planner McKi. stated that the petitioner requested a continuance
of R-85-20C before the agenda items had to be turned in, and the way
this has alwaYI been handled is that it become. part of the agenda that
the Petitioner is requesting continuance without any backup material.
Co_hsioner Voss .oYeð, seconded by eo..hdoner Goodnight; that
the action be a.ended to he.r only Petition R-85-19C.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Planner McKim stated that it was
ajvertised in the Naples Daily News on Sunday as being continued.
Planner McKi. stated that they received the final PUD document for
R-85-20C this date and Staff is not prepared to give a prelentation on
this itell.
Attorney Donald Pickworth Itated that the system ii, set up to
grant continuances and it hal happened over the yearl, and in fairnesl
to everyone, the petitioner il entitled to one continuance.
Upon call for the question; the a..nded action carried
Comøtfslfoner Phtor indicated that the motion that remains is that"
Petition R-85-20C be continued until Harch 4, 1986.
Upon call for the que.tion; the .otion carried unaniaouIly.
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February 18, 1986
uc:onded by Co1uiuioner Goodnight and
ac¡enda be approved with the following
a. Item 685 continued to March 18, 1986 at request of County
b. Item 10EJ continued to February 25, 1986, at request of County
c. Item 13D continued to February 25, 1986, at request of
Chairman Pi.tor.
d. Item 6BJ continued to March 4, 1986, at reque.t of Petitioner.
lte.. t2
Co..issioner VO'. .oYed, .econded by eoa.i..ioner Goodnight and
carried unaniaou.ly, that the ainute. of January 28; 1986, be approyed
as presented.
:-Ite. '3
Opon reading of the Proc1a.ation; eo..i..ioner Pi.tor aoved;
.econd.~ by Coaais.ioner Ba... and carried unaniaou.ly; that the
procla.ation designating the week of rebruary 16-22; 1986; a. -Rational
Engineer. We.k- be adopted.
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February 18, 1986
Ite. t4
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Newe on
January 29, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of PUblication filed with
the Clerk, public hearing was opened to coneider Petition ZO-86-3C,
filed by the Community Development Division, amending Ordinance 82-2,
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the unincorporatpd area of
Collier County, Florida, by amending Section 7.9, A-2, Rural
Agricultural District, Subsection b(3) permitted provisional usee an~
structures to add item ".", aquaculture and mariculture.
Planner McKim stated that the zoning ordinance currently only
allows aquaculture æ~~ mariculture as a provisional use in the A-I
district and staff feels that it is an appropriate provisional use in
the A-2 district as well. She noted that in reviewing the uses allowed
in A-I and A-2, all the uses allowed in ~-l are also allowed in A-2
except for this one item, therefore, Staff feels that it may have been
an oversight at the time of the zoning as it was allowed previously in
the Agricultural District. She stated that Staff recommends that it be
allowed in the A-2 district as a provisional use and it will have to
come before the BCC for approval.
In answer to Commissioner Rasse, Planner McKim .tated that there
is an exotic fieh ordinance that prohibits certain fish froa being
raised, adding that all provisional uses are reviewed by the
Environmental Advisory Council, Water Ma,dgcllent Advieory Board,
Planning Commission and the BCC. She staced that by this mechaniem,
there will be knowledge and control of what is happening.
In answer to Commissioner Holland, Planner HcKi. etated that so.e
of the fish farming activities excavate and other. use above-ground
tanks, and if there were to be excavaticn, the petitioner would still
have to apply for an excavation permit and would have to co.e before
the ace.
Tape '2
eoaaissioner Voss !IO.ed~ .econded by eoaaissioner Ba.se a"d
carried unaniaoUDly, that the public hearing be clo.ed.
Commiosioner Goodnight !lOved, .econded by eo.mi..ioner Vo.. and
carried unaniaously, that the ordinance a. nuabered and entitled below
be entered into Ordinance Book NOO 23.
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February 18, 1986
ORDIl'fABCI: 86-8
He. .5
'l' , Legal notice having been pubUshed in the Naplee Daily Newe on
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r;.~>(/: J~~uary 17, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of PubUcation filed with
..,.;";.,,. the Clerk, public hear ing was opened to consider Peti t ion R-85-l9C,
filed by Cardinal Industries, Inc. requeeting a rezone from A-2 to PUD
known as Palmetto pines Apartments, Ltd., for a maximum number of 184
dwelling units on 20.4 acres, located on the north eide of Davis Blvd.,
between Airport Road and County Barn Road, east of Foxfire PUD in
Section 6, Township 50 South, Range 26 East.
Planner McKim stAted that the objective of this petition ie to
rezone the property from A-2 to PUD for a maximum of 184 multi-family,
entry-level rental dwelling units. She noted that all eurrounding
lands are zoned A-2 and lands to the north, east and west are
undeveloped with lands to the south, acrose Davie Blvd, being a plant
nursery and undeveloped land. She reported that in reviewing this
petition for compliance ~ith 'the Comprehensive Plan, the petitioner had
the option to achieve the density that they requeeted by doing one of
three items and the item that they chose was to commit to the 100',
affordable housing as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, as amended~
She noted that the project hae incorporated all the iteme required for
the PUD to meet the affordable multi-family entry level rental housing
section of the zoning ordinance. She stated that etafl and all County
agencies reviewed the petition and recommended approval subject to the
amendment of the PUD document per the staff report dated January 30,
1986. She indicated that the Collier County Planning Commission held
their public hearing and recommended forwarding this petition to the
Board for approval subject to staff stipulation with the additional
stipulation that the PUD document be amended under Section IV.F.2 to
recognize that the Fair Share Traffic Impact Ordinance has been adopted
and that they will abide by that. She reported that there was no
correspondence received on this petition and at the CCPC no one spoke
for or against the petition and the recollllendation is that the petition
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February 18, 1986
be approved subject to the Planning Com=iesion's recommendation.
In answer to Co=missioner Rasee, Planner McKim stated that
Cardinal Industries is under contract to purchase the property
contingent upon the zoning being approved.
Attorney Donald PicKworth, repreeenting Cardinal Industries,
etated that since there is going to be considerable public com~ent, he
would like to reserve time at the end to r~spond to commente that are
Mr. Stan Chrzanowski of Coastal Engineering etat_d that Pa1netto
Pines is about 600 feet east of the Foxfire Development. He noted that
the units will all be one story rental units, adding that they will all
be located near the front half of the eite by Davis Blvd. adding that
there was some concern about an area in the back half of the property
that is environmentally sensitive and therefore, thie area will be
preserved. He stated that the lake will be large enough for water
management purposes and the fill under the buildings will not be
brouJht up too high so that local vegetation can be saved. He noted
that the Subdivision Review Committee wanted a second access fron the
parking lot for emergency purposes as one access from Davis Blvd. was
not enough. adding that the petitioner agreed to this. He stated that
the petitioner has also agreed to install a water main that would loop
from Wild~o~ Estates to the front of the petitioner's project and that
sewage disposal for the project will be run through Loch Louise. He
reported that the petitioner has agreed to put in a bike path across
the front of his project.
Ms. Jackie Thomaø of Cardinal Industries etated that Cardinal
Industries is a priv~:ely held company that has been in existence eince
1954 in Cclumbus, Ohio. She etated that Cardinal Industries is the
largest modular builder of units throughout the United Statee and the
fourth largest builder of multi-family houeing unite in the United
States. She noted that they have built over 700 apartment complexes
through the midwest, the south and the eaet. She noted that Cardinal'
Industries makes a determination in an area that there is need for
aoderately priced housing before they build, and they .ake eure 'that
these complexes are close to shopping, echools, services, and point of
e=ployment which is why they chose the Davie Blvd. site. She noted
that the property is purchased, the project i. built, and then it i.
managed by Cardinal Industries with their own property management
division which maintains approximately 37,000 apartments and with that
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amount of apartments, the occupancy rate is arounð 96-97'. She stated
that Cardinal is basically promoting a single-family home atmoephere in
a multi-family project, adding that each unit has their own private
entrance, patio and utility room. She stated that the project is
landacaped very heavily from front to back and she presented
photographs (Exhibit "A") to the eommieeion showing how the landscaping
looks. She stated that Cardinal Industries feel they can add a lot to
the local area if thia petition is approveð.
In answer to Commissioner pietor, Me. Thomas etated that t1¡~se
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f~: units are State approved by Tallahasa. and all have the State seals.
" In answer to COJII.iesioner Voss, Ms. Thomas stated that the
one-bedroom unite are 576 square feet with an approximate rental of
$369 and the two-bedroom units are 864 square feet with an approximate
rental of $509.
Commissioner Hasse stated that there has been a consiðerable
amount of problems in this area regarding drainage and questioned if
thia project will have an impact on the drainage or create an
additional problem? Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that the
District 6 report takes this whole area into consideration an~ reCOm-
mendations will be forthcoming ae to how to improve the area. Mr. Kuck
stated that the final drainage plans will have to come back to be
approved if this project goes forward, adding that there are problems
with discharge in the area.
The following people spoke in oppoeition to the petition citing
lack of affordable housing, type of conetruction, the project demanding
more in community services than it will contribute to the community tax
base, questioning whether this project qualifies as a PUD, lack of
pertinent information with reference to stockholders, and the small
square footage,
Larry Ingraa
February 18, 1986
, , ~. ,
Tape .3
George Iteller
Jack Jenkins
Sloane Robbins
Jim Meerpohl
Attorney Pickworth stated with referonce to growth paying for
growth, Cardinal Industries' commitment exceeds the concerns of any of
the speakers. He noted that a water line will be constructed by the
developer in addition to paying impact fees, the units meet all etate
and local building codes: and the project also meets all the require-
menta for a PUD. He stated, with reference to prices, theee units are
Melva Rauch
Joyceanna Rautio
Page 7
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February 18, 1986
rentals and not condominiua developments and they also have on-site
management and, as far as affordable housing, the County has over many
years, had in its regulations, various criteria with reepect to
affordable housing which this project meete, otherwise, the staff would
not have recommended approval. He stated that the Department of
Housing and Urban Development defines moderate income houeing as
housing w.,ich is affordable by persone whose income ie RO' of the are.
median, which is $20,000.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor regarding recreational areas, Mr.
Pickworth stated that Cardinal Industries does not put in the active
type of ammenities like the swi~in9 pool and the golf course as the
price of the units would increase and would no longer be aoderate. He
stated that the recreation would be llare passive.
Ms. Thomas stated that it is good to have ammenities in apartment
complexes, but those people that are working do not really use the
facilities that much. She stated that she has found over the years,
that the projects do very well without the active recreation.
Tape t4
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Me. Thomas stated that the
.aintenance, sewer, water, and trash is included within the rent,
adding that the only extra to the renter would be the electric and
eo.aiesioner Roll.nd aoved, e.cond.d by Coaai.sion.r H.... .nd
carried unanimously, th.t the public h..ring be closed,
Co..issioner Ha~ee aoved, seconded by Coaaission.r Bolland .nd
carried unaniaou.ly, that P.tition R-85-19C be d.ni.d.
..... Receesr 10r40 A.M. - Reconv.n.dr 10.55 A.M. .....
Itea '6
Coa.issioner Vose aoved, e.conded by Co..ission.r Goodnight and
carried 3/0, (Co~is.ion.rs Rolland .nd Raee. out of the roca) that
Petition R-85-24C, co.enic D'Agostino~ b. continu.d to Karch 11; 1986.
Itaa t7
MARCR 18, 1986
Commiesioner Vose aoved, second.d by Goodnight and carried
unaniaouely, that Petition R-85-28C, Wilson, Miller; B.rton, 8011 ,
Pee~, be continued to March 18; 1986.
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Page 8
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1011'( 092 PJr,! 229
Ite. t8
February 18, 1986
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
February 2, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with
the Clerk, public hearing was opened to coneider Petition SMP-8S-5C,
filed by Hole, Montes ~ ...eeociatee, Inc. representing Yolanda M.
'... ~ ' .
....' ~#~eger, requesting Master Plan approval for Jaeger PUD located in the
east 355 feet of the SE 1/4 of Section 10, T49S, R25E lees the 50' for
Planner McKim stated that the subject property ie located on the
north side of Pine Ridge road approximately one mile eaet of U.S 41,
and is adjacent to the east side of Pine Ridge Middle School. She
reported that one of the requiremente of the PUD was approval of the
Subdivision Master Plan for Tract -B-, which is being accompliehed
through this petitio"" She noted that Staff and all appropriate County
agencies reviewed this petition and recommended approval subject to the
,stipulations contained in the Executive Summary. She reported that the
CCPC held their pUblic hearing on February 6, 1986 and recommended
approval subject to etaff etipulations. She indicated that no
correspondence has been received regarding this petition and no one
spoke for or against the petition. She stated that the petitioner's
representative did not sign the Agreement sheet at the CCPC hearing due
to his disagreement with the stipulation that indicates that the water
main extensions shall be run to the north property line for future
looping or extension provisions. She stated that the recommendation is
that the BCC approve the petition subject to all the stipulations.
Commissioner Voss stated that Item wE- should have the word
Wbefore" inserted so that it would read that the wetland preserve area
shall be fenced, roped-off, or flagged before and during development.
Mr. George Hermanson of Hole, Montes' Associates, repreeenting
the Petitioner. etated that he has no probleme with any of the
stipulations with the exception of Stipulation -J-. He etated that
this project is located immediately west of the Industrial Par~ on Pine
Ridge Road, adding that the water main serving the project would run
the whole length of the road to serve all the various lots with a
couple of services off the Tract -Aw which is not being platted, as
this is one parcel that is strictly for self-storage facilities. He
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February 18, 1986
noted that there is a lake that encompaseee the entire northern
boundary of the project for retention, adding that he eubaitted plane
some months ago and did not receive any coament on it until h. started
going through the subdivieion procee.. He noted that the Utilitiee
Division is asking that the stipulation be added that the aain go to
the north property line so that it could be looped at eometime in the
future to someone else. He stated that he does not feel that it should
be a mandatory requirement in writing, adding that it is a judgement
call and something that should be discussed with utilities when getting
the drawings approved. He stated that it is an undue requirement of
the petitioner as it is going to add 35-40\ to hie coet for construct-
ing a water main 2000 feet and adding another 800 feet Which is about a
40\ increase. He stated that the petitioner does not need this, as all
he needs is a water main from end to end, not the extra 800 feet. He
stated that it does not service any additional lot.. He stated that
this petition meets all the requirements of the County and the Fire
District and the addition of the 800 feet of water aain aakes it easier
for the next developer to the north to tie to it. He stated that he
feels that it should be the future developer's responeibility to make
connection with that water main, adding that Mr. Jaeger has offered to
provide easements around the lake so that a main could be installed at
a future time, which would become a part of the plat, a designated
utility easement. He reported that Mr. Jaeger hae given a number of
easements to the COunty for drainage, utilities, maintenance and access
at no cost. He noted that there are no particular County, plans to loop
that system to anyone else or any other facility.
Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that there is no
regulation that says the COunty has to extend that water main to the
property line, adding that this has been required of other developers.
He noted that the problems that the petitioner would encounter in
extending that main would also be encountered by whoever has to extend."':';
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it at some future date, adding that he feels that it is reasonable that .,.',.
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they go to their property line. He stated that in the beginning the ,:':-/;;',
County will not own the _in, the City of Naplee will, but eventually ,:/~,,,F,,
the County will own it when they take over that eervice area. : ..
Commissioner Voss stated that it would be enough to expect if the
petitioner is willing to give the necessary ease.ente.
Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that it hae been expected
in the past and has been a reasonable requirement.
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February 18, 1986
,Its. no
Planner McKim stated that the objective of this petition ie to
obtain a provisional use 3 "b" of the ,1.-2 zoninq district for earth
~inin9' She reported that lands to the north, south and west are zoned
,1.-2 and lands to the east are zoned E-Estatee. She stated that due to
the isolated location of the subject property and the low density
development that can occur in this area, Staff finds the affects on
neighboring properties to be negligible in relation to noise, glare,
odor and economics. She reported that given the i£~lated rural
location of the subject property and the lack of development of the
adjacent properties, Staff finds the proposed provisionaL uee to be
compatible with adjacent properties. She indicated that Staff and all
appropriate County agencies reviewed this petition and recommended
approval subject to the stipulations found in the Executive Su..ary
dated February 12, 1986. She stated that the CCPC held their public
hearing and based on their Findings of Fact, they unani~ously recom-
mended forwarding this petition to the Board for approval eubject to
the stipulations. She state1 that two letters of opposition have been
received with concerns about the effects upon adjacent property valuee
and one letter was received requesting additional information. She
reported that at the cePe hearing no one epoke for the petition and one
person spoke against the petition expressing environmental concerns.
She stated that the recommendation is for approval subject to CCPC's
Tape '5
Mr. Wafaa Assaad of Agnoli, Assaad, Barb,r and Brundage, etated
that the proposed provieional use ie for a borrow pit on 80 acree of
land located in the Estates area, weet of Evergladee Blvd. north of
Alligator Alley. He stated that the site is currently zoned A-2 and
is requesting a provisional use that woul~ allow a borrow pit to be
used sOlely for constructing I-75. He stated that the excavation is
about 56 acres of land and the utility portion of the property will be
about 4 to 5 acres and there will be about 20 acres left for .itigation
and enhancing the life around the lake. He stated that this particular
piece of property was selected because it is among the driest in the
area. He noted that the slte was inspected by State agencies as well
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092 f')';! 237
February 18, 1986
as County agenciee and it has been determined that this property ie
suitable for the proposed ~evelopment. He etated that the State has
requ~sted an extensive amount of Mitigation iteMs, like phaeing of the
borrow pit, berming around it, allowing additional top Boil to be left
on the banks of the excavated lake so that it could be ueed as a
mitigating item later on, and sloping around the excavation lake of one
to ten which will enhance the environmental value of the property. He
noted that all agencies have recommended approval. He reported that
the person that spoke against the petition at the CCPC has been
,..t-'. contacted and the proble.. re.olved 80 that there i. no opposition fro.
him at this time, adding that he is requesting that accese be ueed west
of the canal. He stated that this eite i. located weet of the canal
and part of the application is that acceee be west of the canal down to
Alligator Alley to 1-75 so that he will not have to conetruct a
crossing across the canal. He stated that when thie development was
discussed with the surrounding property owners, some of them were in
favor of constructing a permanent bridge across the canal and SOme of
them were against it, adding that the stipulation of the agreeMent with
the Engineering Department, is that ehould the developer not be able to
get access west of the canal, then the developer would be required to
build a temporary bridge to crose the canal and upon cOMpletion of the
excavation business, the temporary bridge access will be removed. Re
stated that if the temporary bridge ehould have to be put in, the
developer will be responsible for maintaining all the roads that are
used for travel in their present condition or better. He stated that
the bonding that the County Engineering Department will require will
include sufficient amounts of money to cover that stipulation.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Assaad stated that the
excavation will be about 20 feet.
Mr. Dan Brundage of Agnoli, Assaad, Barber' Brunðage etated that
part of the appUcaton package is the Water Management Plan which has
been reviewed and approved by the Water Management Department and will
also be required to be reviewed and approved by the Florida Department
of Environmental Regulations and the South Florida Water Management
District. He noted that the Water Management Plan is very si.ilar and
typical of borrow pit operations, in that the developer is proposing
that the excavation be accomplished in two phases, Phase One would be
the area that would be worked and the waters that will be required to
be removed from that phase will be stored in a Phase Two area, thereby
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February 18, 1986
allowing no net lose of water from the area to be diecharged. He
etated that by etoring all the watere on eite, the developer will be
maintaining groundwater levels in the area. He stated that when Phase
One excavation is completed, there will be a natural looking lake which
will eerve as the source of discharge for water from Phase Two drea.
He stated that excess etormwater discharges from the site will be
allowed to exit the area during construction by way of weir control
structures which will be approved by both DER anð SFWMD. He stated
that upon completion, the plan is to remove the berming that will be
associated with the water management featuree and to restore the area
back to a natural grade along with various mitigated measures that have
been recommended to them by the Environmental Department, euch ae
reforresting the area with various hardwoods as well as some wetland
species along the lake bank. He stated that the proposal of the plan
is to vegetate the area and by proposing a 10-to-l side slope, which is
a very shallow side slope, the intent is to provide a large zone where
wetland vegetation can br reintroduced to the area. He stated that by
proposing these mitigated measures and implementing the Water Manage-
ment Plan as proposed, the environmental condition of the area will be
maintained and enhanced. He stated that the water level in the area
has been impacted by the Golden Gate canal eystem which is located
immediately adjacent to the excavation, adding that although there are
wetland species on the site, they have been impacted and what the
developer is proposing will have no affect on this and if anything, it
will probably improve the ground~ater recharge in the area because of
the storage capabilities of the lake.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Aesaad stated that the
closest resident is a considerable distance from the excavation, adding
that there are no residents directly above the property. He stated
that some 'of the contiguous property owner. to the north intend to ' "if
'¡"}:~""I ;'
build on their prC'Jperties in the future and they were in attendance .../ ,¡,
during the meetings and seemed to be in favor of the proposal.' ;I";,'~:""',::,:
In answer to Commissioner Haee_ regarding the aDOunt of the bond,
Mr. Brundage stated that this will be worked out with the Public Works
Administrator, adding that th_ value of the road and any reconstruction
would be taken into consideration.
Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that the amount has not'
been discussed, but the stipulation has been agreed upon, adding tha~
whatever bond he comes up with, the developer will furnish. He stated
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092 ~'.~ 239
Pebruary 18, 1ge6
that a typical ~nd of reconstructing a street would be around $20,000
per mile. He stated that there hre several streets involved, adding
that another stipulation on this project i. that the material is to be
used for 1-75 construction only, adding that this material, therefore,
will not be delivered throughout the Estatee area.
Mr. Assaad stated that the whole idea ie that if this excavation
is not used for I-75, then there is no valid permit. Re stated that
the last time there were segments of I-75 constructed in Collier
County, excavation permits were declared an emergency item because none
of the pits were permitted ahead of time and thie time the developer
has elected to do a little planning by selecting the site and getting a
full review. He stated that it has been agreed that should the peti-
tion not be part of the I-75 construction, then it will not be utilized
at all. He stated that this is part of the conditional approval that
he is requesting this date.
Commissioner Haese stated that there thould be a etipulated amount
recommended for the bond.
Mr. Kuck stated that the amount of bond ie to be approved by the
County Engineers, adding that the stipulation could be put on that
before it is approved, it could be brought back to the Board for their
approval. He etated that the figure that he would uee is $20,000 per
mile of any of the roads that the developer is ueing to get to
Alligator Alley or I-75.
Commissioner Holland questioned When the excavation i. planned to
begin, to which Mr. Assaad stated that there is not a time schedule
yet, but it is tradition that when the deeign and conetruction con-
tracts are let on State highways euch as 1-75, there ie a certain
period of time to perform to completion. He stated that he did not
feel that any of that time should be wasted in e.curing permits, which
is why this is being done at this time. He stated that the provisional
use permit has a one year time limit and if that doee not get exercieed
in one year, then the permit either expires or the developer has to
apply for an extension for one more year.
Commissioner Holland etated that it ie his understanding that the
first segment of the road to be completed i. in Broward County and
questioned if they are anticipating using this fill dirt to haul from
the pit to the Broward County l~ne?
Mr. Assaad stated that this has not been anticipated because of
the hauling distance, adding that the developer has eetimated the"
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February 18, 1986
travel distance from the site to the borrow pit of 10 miles, as beyond
that it would not be economically feasible.
Commissioner Holland stated that he is amazed that the developer
obtained the approval of the Water Management Derartment and the
Environmental Department as it ie extremely close to one of the major
water sources. He questioned what type of material will be obtained
froM the pit?
Mr. Brundage stated that there is approximately 8 feet of
overburden which would be consisting of top soil, sands and that type
of material and then below that to the depth of 20 feet, there is a
loose mixture of limerock ehells which are not consolidated into a firm
limerock, so it is fairly easy to process to excavate. He etated that
they are not anticipating any blasting and the materiale seem to be
good for use of limerock bases and for stabilized sub-grade.
Commissioner Holland stated that he cannot see jeopardizing the
water supply and questioned when the excavation goee down 20 feet, who
will check this and determine what the depth is?
Mr. Brundage stated that SFWMD and DER have not yet permitted the
project, adding that they are in the procese of rAviewing it. He
stated that application has been made and if there are any concerns,
they will be addressed. He stated that as far as the proximity of this
project to the wellfield, they are far removed fro~ that and there
should not be any negative impact from any type of operation that the
developer is doing. He stated that they will not be a heavy user of
water and it will be stored on site, so that it will remain there and
when the developer is finished with the site, there will be a natural
storage facility which will promote groundwater recharge in the area to
take place.
County Attorney Saunders stated that there is a
ordinance that is being drafted at this time, and he
affirmation from the petitioner, that he would agree
conditions of that new blasting ordinance.
Mr. Brundage stated that if there i!!l a new ordinance put 1n place; '"
they would be bound to agree to those conditione.
Commissioner Voss stated that the Engineering Department dOuld
determine the bond as they have always done and there is no need for it
to come back to the Board for approval.
County Attorney Saunders stated that there is a formula in Sec-
tion 9-1/2.21 of the code which Staff will use to determine the
new blasting
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appropriate bond.
Commissioner Holland stated that accorðing to the back-up
~aterial, it indicates that there will be an eetimated 140,000
tr~~kloads of material coming from the pit, adding that this will
create more of a hazard on the roads than there is now.
Mr. Kuck stated that during the construction or the hauling
process, the roads will have to be maintained up to the County's
expectations, but once the excavation is completed, the roads will have
to be rebuilt. He stated that if they are not done, then this is when
the security bond would be used. He stated that he understande that
within the year there will be eome contracts let in Collier County.
Mr. Assaad stated that the agreed upon option which is number one
alternative is to provide access paralleling the canal on the west
side, adding that this way the Developer does not have to conetruct any
te~porary bridges or use any of the existing streets. He stated,
,howe~er, if they fail to accomplish thp. access to the satisfaction of
the Engineering Department, they will then have to 'construct a
temporary bridge crossing the canal and using the existing streets. Re
noted that any streets that are used will have to be maintained to the
degree equal or better than what they now are. He stated that in one
instance, the street will have to be widened. He noted that the
bonding that has to be done to satisfy the excavation permit will have
to include all the anticipated expeneeø to restore the roads to an
equal to or better condition. He stated that if this excavation ie not
permitted, the fill for 1-75 has to co~e fro. some place and this eeems
to be an appropriate location that will be permitted by the Government
because it meets certain standards and also eeems to be close enough so
that the traveling distance an~ hauling distance is not that eignifi-
cant. He stated that if this ie not approved, the fill material would
end up coming from the urban area of Collier County which will use more
" ;..'
roads and cost more money.
Mr. Brundage stated that there are two possible ways of providing
access to 1-75 construction from the borrow pit, adding that ~ne would
be along the western side of the canal which would be the number one
choice, but the problem is that when you tie into Alligator Alley,
there is a bridge there and guard railing and it would be a hazardous
locatio~ for construction traffic if the existing lanes of Alligator
Alley are going to be maintained traffic-wise. He noted that if
construction of I-75 were to proceed in such a manner that there would
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February lR, 1986
be some other traffic mechanism where those existing lanes would be
abandoned, then that could be used as an access point, but that is sort
of a nebulous type of solution, they have proposed the alternate route
of traveling to the east to Everglades Blvd. and then down Everglades
Blvd. to the alignment and of course, they would improve and replace
the roadways required by the County Engineering Department. He etated
that they are proposing that one of the corridors that they uee to get
to Everglades Blvd. will be widened,
Commissioner Holland questioned if his client has a contract with
the State to furnish this fill, to which Mr. Brundage stated that the
contract is pending approval by the State DOT.
Co..issioner Voes ~ed; seconded by eoa.issioner Goodnight and
carried 3/2, (Co..iseioners Rolland and Haese opposed) that Resolution
86-26 re Petition PU-85-2OC, Agnoli, Assaad, Barber' Brundage;
representing Raywond Chester and Ax.and Houle re PU -b- of A-2 for a
borrow pit north of SR-84 and w~st of Everglades Blvd. be adopted
subject to the Petitioner's Agree.ent and the Pindings of Pact.
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, Ite. III
Co..issioner Voss aoved, eeconded by Co..iesioner Goodnight ~nd
carried 3/2, (Co..ilsioners Rolland and Rasee oppoeed) that excavation
per.it No. 59.231, Chester/Soule Pit be approved.
Tape .6
Ite. t12
Community Development Administrator Mullins etated that ehe is
anticipating the surveys for Hideaway Beach to be completed by the
Engineering Department by the end of this week which will allow the
Community Development Staff to analyze them to come up with reCOm-
mendations and to appear back before the Board in two weeks. She
stated that because of this, ehe is requesting that thie ordinance be
withdrawn and Staff be allowed to issue permits that can meet eetback
lines ae detailed in the PUD document. She etated that thoee that
cannot meet the requiremente will not have a permit iesued, adding that
when she comes back to the Board in two weeks, recommendations will be
made to amend the PUD document for the eetback lines and if the
building per.its meet those requiremente at that time, the permits can
be issued.
County Attorney Saunders etated that the moratorium that was
imposed two weeks ago expires this date, and there will not be a
moratorium pending final survey by Staff, but if there are building
permits for sites and Staff determinee that those sites cannot meet the
setbacks required under the Planned unit Development Document, then
they will not issue building permits, for the individual site. ': '
Attorney John passidomo, representing the Developer of Hid~áw~y ~'~~~~~
Beach. stated that the Developer nor any other affected property owner '~I¡:t:
~ :J j ,~ _
was notified of the hearing, but he h happy to hear that this 'ie now
being handled on a more constructive basis. He stated that there are
29 lots which would be affected and his client owns 2 of 'thoee!29 lots.
He reported that some of the lots have beach erosion and some are
minimal, but there are eome that do not have probleme, adding that he
is pleased to see the approach that Staff is now taking. .
Co..iseioner Pietor stated that there i. no action required;
noting that th~ COllllission accepts the .erbal reco..endation and staff
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February 18, 1986
viII return to the Board in t~ week. with farther recoa.enðationa.
I te. n 3
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Newe on
January 23, 1986, as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with
the Clerk, bids were received for Bide 86-935, 86-936, and 86-937 for
the Im~okalee Landfill cover ~aterial, fencing, seed, fertilizer, and
mulch until 2:30 P.M. February 5, 1986.
Public Works Administrator ~uck stated that the objective of thie
item is to award contracts for the purchase of landfill cover material,
fencing, seed, fertilizer and mulch for the Eustis Street Landfill in
Immokalee. He stated that the purchase of these ~aterials are
necessary in order to bring the Eustis Street Landfill in Immokalee up
to the Flcriòð Pepðrtment of Environmental Regulation Standards. He
indicated that plans and epecifications were prepared by Staff in
April, 1985, and nir~ bids were received and opened, adding that the
bids ranged from $429,717 to a high of $679,467. He stated that all
bids were rejected an¿ in view of the exceesive cost, the County
elected to purchase the materials and accomplish the work from County
resources for a considerable savings of approximately $200,000. He
reported that sealed bids for the purchase of cover ~aterial, fencing,
seed, mulch, and fertilizer were opened by the County Purchasing
Department on February 5, 1986. He reported that the recommendation is
that the low bid~er be awarded the bid, noting that Bid Ro. 86-935 for
Landfill Cover Material ehould be awarded to Bunn Conetruction of
Naples who was the low bidder of three sub.ittals for all fill
requlreaente with a bid of $206,678.40, Bid No. 86-936 for Seed~
Fertilizer, and Mulch ehould be awarded to Coaetal Fertilizer of Raple.
as the low bldðer of 7,650 pounds of fertilizer at $937.13. Re stated
that Haile-Dean of Winter Gardpn~ Plorid~, vas low bidder for 510
pounde of quick growing grass eeed at $132.60 and 1,700 pounde of
per.anent grass seed at $2,354.50 and Little Sprout of Raples subaitted
the only bid for 68 tons of mulch at $120 a ton for $8,160. Re
reported that for Bid 86-937 for fencing, Superior Fencing of Port
Myers was the low bidder for 3,390 linear feet of 4-strand barbed vire
and a 12' double qate at a cost of $3,675.60. He stated that the
fiscal impact on the County is a total cost of $221,938.23 to be paid
for out of Fiscal Year 1985-86 budget, adding that last year he
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budgeted $300,000 for this project and since the project did not
proceed. that money was carried over ae Reserves so the funds are
available. He noted that there were 3 bidders for the land cover
~aterial, on the fertilizer, seed, and mulch and there was a combi-
nation and several contractors bid on more than one item, but there was
a total of four bidders, bidding on each of the items. He stated that
with reference to the bidders on the fencing, he is not eure how many
bidders there were, adding that he could check with Staff on this
Commissioner Voss stated that the item would be deferred until
after lunch, which was agreed.
..... Receser l2rOO P.M. - Reconvenedt lr30 P.M. .....
Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that there were five bids
received for the fencing for the Immokalee Landfill.
Commi.sioner Voss moved, s.conded by Co.missioner Ra.ee and
carried unaniaously, that Bids 86-935, 86-936, and 86-937 be awarded to
the various vendors as indicated above in the various quantities and
Ite. fl4
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
December II, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with
the Clerk, bids were received for three tractors, two dump trucks, and
two bush hog mowers until 2r30 P.M., December 11, 1985.
Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that the objective of
item is to award the purchase of Public Works equipment. Re noted
Staff recommends the eole bid received for dump trucks be rejected
sepcifications be rewritten in order to obtain a better price. He
stated that the low bid for the tractors is recommended, without
trade-ins as a low, competitive price and the bid from 'Creel Ford i.
recommended above the other two bids recp.ived for bush hog mowers,
being the only proposal meeting specifications requiring dual, rear
support wheels. He noted that the fiscal impact is that money for
these purchases has been budgeted and is available in Gas Tax Road
Construction Fund 313. He reported that he is recommending that Bid,
'85-926 for the three 1986 Ford tractors, at $14,625 each, and the two
1986 bush hog mowers, at $2,598 each, be awarded to Creel Ford Tractor,
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February 18, 1986
Ft. Myers, and that the bid {~r the dump trucke be reje~ted and rebid
at a future date.
Commissioner Rasse aoved, eeconded by eommi.sioner Voss .nd
carried unanimously; that Bid '8S-926 for three 1986 Ford tractor. at
$14,625 each and two 1986 bueh hog mowers at $2,598 e.ch be .warded to
Creel Ford Tractors, Ft. Hyer..
Ite. U5
, . r
PUblic Works Administrator Kuck stated that this ie a recommenda-
tion to either renew the lease with Marsten Leasing for the voting
machine warehouse or direct Staff to purchaee the warehouse. He etated
that the total cost of renewing the lease for an additional one year
period is $8,640, adding that in lieu of the lease, Mareten Leasing h..
offered to sell the mobile unit to the County for the eum of $14,900.
He stated that he is asking direction from the Board if they prefer to
go ahead with the annual lease or whether they would like to purchase
the mobile uni t.
Commissioner Voss questioned if anyone hae talked with Marsten
Leasing regarding a month-to-month le.ee until the warehouse is ready,
to which Facilities Manager Camp stated that he was able to work out an
agreement on a month-to-month basis which will be $720 . month.
Commissioner Hollan" questioned what the projected finish date for,
the warehouse is, to which Mr. Camp replied the month of September.
eo..iesioner Voss IIOved, seconded by Com.i.eion.r Has.. .nd
carried unanillOusly, that the r.new.l 1.... of the modular w.r_hou._
from Marat.n Leaeing for the voting machin. .torag. be don. on . .onth~
to-month basis in the amount of $720 until the warehouse Is re.dy.
Ite. U6
Parks & Recreation Director Vanatta stated that this item is two
part in nature, the first part to give an update on the etatus of the
construction on each of the five community park sitee, and the second
part is to obtain Board approval of an allocation plan designed to
equitably distribute the balance of the proceeds from the 1982 Park
Bond Issue, adding that the tentative plan is to comply with the
unanimous vote of the Board back in August, 1984, to divide the money
equally five ways among the five community parks. He stated with
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February 18, 1986
reference to the Immo~alee Community Par~, Part I of Phase I hae been
completed, which entitled some site preparation, all utilitiee brought
into the site, providing a par~ing lot and ballfield which has light-
ing. He stated that bids for Part II of Phase I were opened on
December 2 and December II, 1985 respectively, and awarded at the
aeeting of February 4, 1986. He etated that eetimated conetruction
time is approximately 6 months, adding that he is anticipating that
Harper Brothers, who has the preparation contract, will be able to
mobilize within the next 30 days on that site. He noted th~t bids were
opened on July 3, 1985, for the Golden Gate site and awarded at the
meeting of the Board on September 10, 1985. He stated that construc-
tion is currently underway and completion is anticipated for July,
1986. He stated that Harper Brothere also had the eite preparation on
this particular park and the wor~ is completed: Mid-Continent has the
electrical contract and they are approximately half-way through: and
Bunn Construction has the contract for buildings and eheltere and they
are mobilizing and should begin this wee~ if weather permits. He
indicated that the bid process and opening and award of contracts for
the North Naples site was the same as the Golden Gate eite and Harper
Brothers, as well, had the site preparation contract on that site and
it has been completed. He stated that Mid-Continent wse awarded the
electrical contract and they are half-way through and Bun" Construction
will be mobilizing on that site within two weeks. He stated that on
the Marco Island park, the anticipated bid opening date is scheduled
for May, 1986, construction is estimated to begin around August, 1986,
and completed around April, 1987. He reported that the anticipated bid
opening date for the East Naples site is scheduled for July, 1986,
construction is estimated to begin in October, 19A6, and co.pletion in
June, 1987.
Commissioner Pistor questioned why the bids on the Marco Island
park are so slow in being opened, to which Mr. Vanatta stated that this
was reviewed at the last design meeting and the consulting engineeraq,.J~).1~li'.;'1;~
are working as fast as they can and they anticipate possibly at the , ,',..
earliest being ready to go in April,'but they are still going for
August to begin construction. He stated that he could review this with
them, but this is what they are anticipating at this time.
Commissioner Pistor stated that he thought bide were ready to go
out for the Marco Island park,
Mr. Vanatta stated that there were several things that postponed
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the efforts, noting that there was the referendum in June, and the
re-prioritization of the facilities.
Mr. Vanatta noted that th. second part of this agenda item is to
obtain Board approval for the allocation plan designed to equitably
distribute the balance of the proceeds from the 1982 Park Bond Issue,
adding that each site began with $1 million which was prior to the
Board voting on $400,000 worth of base elevation work. He stated that
each park has $1 mill:on allocated, East Naples has been the recipient
of a Land, Water ~ Conservation Pund Grant for approximately $175,000,
'j adding that it was the Board's wiehes to redistribute a proportionate
t' share back to the other four parks which shows $34,967 as a plus under
each one of the parks and a deficit of $139,868 for the East Naples
park on the proposed allocation plan. He reported that to date
Immokalee park has spent $392,174, adding that a $50,000 contribution
is earmarked for the Golden Gate park. He stated that the pre-
construction expenses show $61,010 for impact fees and the baee
elevation of $400,000. He reported that the other fees are the
engineering contract as well as the inspection fees which are being
done in house by the Engineering Department and $20,000 worth of
reimbursables that the Board approved in 1985. He etated that the
system-wide reserves has been created to allow the interest to
accumulate, adding that the intent of this reserve is for Change Ordere
and if there is money left at the end of construction, he will return
to the Board with recommendations as to how to spend the money.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Vanatta stated that interest
has accumulated since 1982 and there has been some expendituree on
that, adding that they have reached a point where they are in a
position to give each park $1 million and when thie happene, the
principle will accumulate interest and that will be set aside and
redistributed at a later date.
Tape '7
Co.missioner Voss .oyed~ eeconded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and
carried unanimouSly, that the progress report on the Co.-unity Park.
construction and allocation plan of revenues available fro. the 1982
Park. CIP Bond Iesue be approved.
Ite. U 7
Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that on OCtober 22, 1985,
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February 18, 1986
the Board authorized Staff to form a committee to review proposals from
engineering firms to do engineering related servicee for the expansion
of the water treatment plant. He stated that the committee met and
sent 26 proposals out and 9 proposals were received back and that was
then shortlisted to four firms consisting of Boyle Engineering, C.D.M.,
Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., and PRC Consoer Townsend. He
stated that the shorlist committee met and had presentations from each
of the firms and then a number system was used to determine the number
one through number four firm. He etated that the firm ranked number
one was PRC Consoer Townsend, adding that he is recommending that Staff
be authorized to negotiate a contract with that number one firm.
Com.iesioner Voss .oved, .econded by Co..ieeioner Goodnight and
carried unani.ouely, that the ran~ed ehort-liet of deeign engineers b.
approved and that negotiations for a contract with PRC Coneoer Townsend
for engineering servicee for the County Regional Water 'l'reat.ent Plant
expansion be approved.
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Ite. ue
Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that at the time the
County purchased pay phones for use of prisonere in the new Juetice
Center, the County had purchased private telephones and subsequent to
that time, the Florida Public Service Commiseion has passed a tarriff
on all privately owned pay telephone systems and the new tarriff would
have added about $15,000 a year to the telephone bill at the new
Sheriff's Department and Jail. He stated that to remedy that
particular problem, an arrangement has been worked out whereby United
Telephone System will purchase those instruments from the County in
return for which the County will no longer be required to pay the
annual $15,000 tarriff on these telephones. He stated that he is
requesting approval of this and authorization for the Chair.an to
execute the agreement between the County and United Telephone.
Commissioner Voss questioned if th6Y will also maintain the
telephones, to which Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that as
part of that agreement, they will be re3ponsible for maintaining those
instruments as if they had owned them.
Co..iseioner Voss .oved, seconded by Coaaie.ioner Goodnight and
carried unanimously, that the UTS Justice Center Pay Phone agree.ent be
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092 PJr,! 254
Page 26
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Itea U9
FebruAry 18, 1986
Facilities Manager Camp stated that it is Staff's desire to
accumulate open office furniture that is compatible with a previously
purchased furniture system that is now in the Board office, the Legal
Department, and Utilities. He stated that it is also the County'.
desire to standardize the furniture system so that reconfiguration of
.), 1.t.W or existing offices can be accomplished expeditiously using the
" eKisting furniture supplementing with new purchases. rie etated that
after studying the cost savings of other County governments, it hae
been det~rmined that substantial savings up to and over SO\ of liet
price can be saved if the County enters into a purchasing agreement
with a single manufacturer for a certain period of time which would be
11",. two years. He stated that the recommendation is that Staff standardize
.,'. the purchases of open office furniture: that departments under the
Board coordinate with the Facilities Manager and the Purchaeing
Director all purchases of open office furniture: that Staff negotiate
an agreement to purchase Steel Case ope~ office furniture, that this
agreement be for a period of two years; and that the Board authorize
the Chairman to sign an open office purchase agreement.
Commissioner Voss questioned how much of a discount the County
received previously, to which Mr. Camp replied 30-35\, adding that he
feels that they should get 50-51\ discount to include shipping,
installation, and design.
Commissioner Voss stated that he feels that it is a good idea that
the furniture is standardized, but he would like to be assured that
this is the most economical way to go in the long-run.
Mr. Camp stated that the architects studied all systeme available
and they came up with the top three manufacturers that woulð fill the
County's needs and for the past two year~ the County has made a
commitment to the particular product, Steel Case, adding that they have
a lot of benefits that the others do not have, such as they provide a
life-time warranty on their product and they have a local dealer.
County Manager Lusk questioned if the agreement was going to be
brought back to the Commission, to which Mr. Camp stated that he wants
to negotiate with the best dealer in the State and he will bring it
back if the Board would like.
Page 27' > \ '
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February 18, 1986
Commissioner Holland stated that he wae under the impreesion that
the Constitutional Officers could use this particular product if they
liked, but it was not mandatory.
Mr. Camp øtated that thie agree~ent would be just for the
departments under the Board, but any Constitutional Officer ,could
utilize this purchase agreement if they wish.
~sslstant County Manager Dorrill etated that in the peet the Board
has purchased furniture for the Constitutional Officers, but the
recommendation Is that only departments under the Board coordinate and
be required to purchase furniture through the Purchasing Director and
the Facilities Manager.
COllllissioner Goodnight .oyed, .econded by COlllli..ioner Voes and
carried unanillOuely, that the comllOdity .tandard. for interior
furnishings and negotiation. to procure furnishing. under a purcha.ing
agreement for a poriod of two years be approved and brought bact to the
Board prior to execution of eaid agreement.
It.. '20
f.jY?"l' f
Pursuant to Resolution 81-150, the following checke were iesued
through Friday, February 14, 1986, in payment of routine billsr
139333 - 139595
$1,147,817 .97
Ite. '21
BUDGET AMENDMENTS 86-154, 15e; 160; 161; 163 , 164
" 1-, ()
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Commissioner Goodnight .oved, .econded by Coaai..ioner Vo.. and
carried unaniaouely, that Budget Amendment. 86-154; 158; 160; 161; and
164 be adopted.
Commissioner Pistor questioned what Budget Amendment 86-163 Ileana .'""~~;
with regards to trash relloval never being budgeted in 1985-861 J He ',", '
:~::.:.::.~.:~ ~::::::.:.:~:.':.~;.:; ~:::: :::.:::X:;C::;u~:;:;;,·,r,~",'j',i.~",~,}~,:.~,~I:~
maintenance suppl ies. " ", ,'"1 . PI 0;: ' '1 -f~ ''''~ . ""t:t':: ~i
Fiscal Officer Giles etated that thie was requeet.~ by '~e'l¡ . , 'U~'f::;~' j
Raines and approved by SJtip Camp. ' 'i 7',' .~\"~
Commissioner Pistor state~ that it refers to things that were
normally purchased out of maintenance repair fund. which were rejected
by the auditor.
&GOK 092 p~r,! 258
Page 28
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092 WI. 259 February 18, 1986
Facilities Manager Camp .tated that these are ju.t line items and
they are the same appropriatione, adding that it ie changing expendi-
tures within an appropriation. He stated that it was put on the wrong
line item and the auditors are going to switch the line item.
Fiscal Officer Giles stated that a $10,000 increase in machinery
and equipment is being requested, adding that the auditor's comment is
probably that this is capital outlay and cannot be charged as an
operating expense since it ie parking lot lights on Marco ISland,
adding that~they are ta~ing the bulk of the money from the building
repairs and maintenance account. He etated that what was rejected by
the auditor is that it is being charged to operating expenee, there-
fore, a budget amendment had to be done to charge it to capital outlay.
County Manager LUSK stated that the way it was set up was wrong
and the auditors are si~ply switching it to make it right.
co..i.sioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Coaais.ioner Voss and
carried unaniaously, that Budget Amend.ent 86-163 be adopted.
Ite. '22
Administrative Secretary to the Board Filson slated that the terms
of all MPO members will expire on March 29, 1986, and by interlocal
agreement with the City of Naples, the District 4 Commissioner must be
one of the three Commissioners appointed by the Board to serve on the
MPO. She stated that there are no other restrictions or limitations,
but currently the Commissioners serving are Commissioners HOlland, Voie
and Hasse. She stated that it hae to be determined who will be on the
MPO this year.
Commissioner Voss stated that he thinks the Chairman should be on
the MPO.
Commissioner Voss .oved, seconded by eo..issioner Haese and
carried unanimously, that Co.miseionere Holland, Rasse and Pistor be
appointed to the MPO.
Ite. .23
Commissioner Holland stated that there was a lot of discussion
regarding the boardwalk and invariably the Commission gets sidetracked
and something else comes up, adding that it was his underetanding that
the Fiscal Officer was authorized to see how much money could be
obtained from the overage of the pari-mutuel taxes, adding that it was
Page 29
!~ ~""
" .
February 18, 1986
around $580.000 that could be obtained. He stated that there is
$332.912 in the Capital Improvement Fund, and there ie also money left
in the Macilvane settlement that could be transferred into thie project
in order to get the boardwalk built.
Co..issioner Rolland DOved, s.conded by Co..is.ioner H....~ th.t
the .oney that is available as referenced above~ be ueed along with the
$580,000 race tax funds to go to bid for the boardw.lk a. soon a.
possible to make it a reality.
Commissioner Voss stated that it was discussed with regards to
using the race track money for this purpose, but there are a lot of
things that money is needed for, adding that one thing is the court
facility building that has to be built. He stated that he places a
high priority on beach access. but the overall cost needs to be looked
at with regards to the facility for the judges.
Commissioner Holland stated that there will probably be more money
needed for the judges. but Clam Pass Park has been the property of the
County for years with no access to the public whatsoever. He stated
e.at there are a lot of people that have different ideae about how this
can be acco~plished and rather than compromise the position, he was of
the opinion that the $580,000 was earmarked for the boardwalk and he
would like to see it built. He stated that there ie not enough public
access or public beach. but the quicker it can be accompli.hed, the
better off everyone will be. He stated that the money that is avail-
able in beach improvement and the $332,000 in the capital improvement
and the $100.000 in contingency, total over $1 million.
Commissioner Voss stated that there is about $105,000 left from
the Naples Cay settlement, $332,000 in capital improvements for Clam
Pass Park this year, and $580.000 from the race tax fund. which equals
a little over a million dollars.
Commissioner Holland stated that there ie etill obligations from
Shelter Corporation and from Westinghouse in addition to thi..
Commissioner Voss stated that the County may be short about a half
million dollars and Westinghouse may be able to come up ,with $100,000
which leaves $400,000 short. ~;!""¡.:,
County Attorney Saunders stated that Shelter aeagat. Corporation
had an obligation to donate to the County the cash equivalent of the
two docks and one boat, adding that he has heard number. varying from
$60,000 to $150,000 for the value of that contribution. He .tated that
Westinghouse has no monetary obligations to the County.
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Page 30
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092 P~'·í 261
February 18, 1986
Commissioner Pistor questioned if they still have that obligation
if they decide to use the Pelican Bay beach instead of the Clam Pase
beach for the Registry Hotel?
County Attorney Saunders stated that they have
long as they are able to complete the facilities by
unless an extension to the agreement ie made.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Public Worke Administrator Kuck
stated that he has estimated that construction will coet eomewhere
between $l.l million and $1.2 million, adding that plane are almost
complete and he would be in a position to go out for bide.
Commissioner Pistor questioned what will happen if they decide not
to build the facilities on the beach because they did not get the
concession agreement to have alcohol on the beach, to which County
Attorney Saunders stated that they have the obligation to build the
beachside facilities, to build the parking lot, and to make the caeh
contribution regardless of the sale of alcohol.
Commissioner Hasse stated that it is imperative that the County
move forward on this boardwalk immediately.
Commissioner Voss stated that the amount of money that Shelter
Corporation is willing to give needs to be firmed up before anything
should be done.
the obligation ao
October 1, 1986,
County Attorney Saundere stated that after the sale of alcoholic
beverages was rejected by the Board, Mr. Aaron indicated that he would
contact the County with regards to what the hotel would be willing to
do in addition to the original Beach Accese Facilitiee Agreement,
adding that he has not made contact to determine this ae yet. He
stated that he needs a few days to meet with Mr. Aaron to see if the
hotel is willing to do anything in addition to the agreement.
Commissioner Holland stated that there is no access to the park at
this time, and there is IIOney available at this time to build the
Tape '8
County Attorney Saunders stated that the hotel recognizes that the
Commission ie not going to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages on
the beach and therefore, this is a dead iseue and the hotel recognize.
that. He stated that the hotel also recognizes that the County is
sho~t of funds to build the boardwalk and the next level of inquiry
with the hotel is that they need the boardwalk and the COQnty needs the
boardwalk and is the hotel willing to provide more than what i.
Page 31
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February 18, 1986
co~tained in the Beach Access Facilities Agree~ent as their contri-
bution? He stated that he does not know the answer to this question at
this time, but hopefully, he will be able to settle the matter this
Commissioner Goodnight stated that she feels that if the
Commission takes a stand and says that they are interested in going out
for bids and want to proceed. then if there is not enough money it
could be stopped at that time,
The following people spoke in favor of going ahead with the
boardwal)¡;, citing the need for the boardwal)¡; and the access for the
David Bennett
Jackie Burel
George !teller
County Manager Lusk stated that one of his concerns with regard to,
the pari-mutuel money is the new courthouse, adding that tho lowest
estimates that have been received is a little over $4 million. He
stated that with the existing Justice Center bonds, there is $1.2
million for that facility and by issuing additional bonds, he can come
up with another $2.7 million which gives hi. $3.9 million for a
courthouse, with the lo~est estimate of $4 million. He stated that he
has been looking at the pari-mutuel taxes for this, adding that he has
concern if it is used for Clam Pass.
Commissioner Pistor stated that if the additional money is
borrowed immediately, it could be earning interest which may be enough
to handle the boardwal)¡;.
Commissioner Holland stated that this commiesion voted on using
that money for Clam Pass and this is what it is supposed to be used
County l1anager Lusk stated that he is concerned that
ta)¡;en to go forward with the project, it will indicate to
,that the County is giving up their bargaining chip and he
one week would be too much to wait?
Commissioner Voss stated that he doee not feel that
enough ~oney to build the facility for the judgee if the
used for the boardwalk.
if action is
the hotel
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$580,000 is :: ,~~ ";'
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Fiscal Officer Giles stated that the report as of :December 31,
1985, shows on the Justice Center Fund a balance of $2.4 million and ,:Ht.
there was $4 million added a year ago May and in Fund 302, there is " '" '
another $750,000 from 9uilding "A", adding that he does not know how
aoO!( 092 par,! 262
Page 32
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092p~'-!263 February 18, 1986
thia lines up with the cost to compiete the whole courthoue..
Commissioner Holland stated that the money that ie allocated for
the 8th floor could be used to build the judges' chamb*rs.
County Manager Lusk stated that if he does not finish the 8th
floor, he will nQt have any place to move people while other buildinga
are being finished. He stated that there ia a shortfall because the
project went from $1.2 million to $4 million.
Commissioner Holland stated that if the County Manager and his
staff felt that the money was needed for the courthouse a few weeka
ago, when the action was taken to use it for the boardwalk, why waa it
not mentioned at that time?
County Manager Lusk stated that it should have been mentioned at
that time, which was his mistake.
Commissioner Goodnight questioned if Commissioner Holland would be
willing to wait one more week for a decision from the hotel?
Commissioner Holland stated that he haa objection to putting this
off ,for another week, but he will agree to it.
Mr, John Cashel questioned if the Commission has made any type of
a survef regarding whether or not the people of the County intend to
use it, if it is feasible to put it up, and if the people even want it?
He stated that the County should not overspend if they do not have the
Co..iesioner Holland withdrew the aotion, .nd Co..i..ioner R....
withdrew his second until next week.
Commissioner Pistor directed County Manager Luek and County
Attorney Saunders to have the needed information by Friday ao that this
item will be put on the agenda for next week.
It.. '24
Mr. David Graham, Chairman of Golden Gate Parkway Rezoning
Committee, referred to a map indicating that he would like 54 lote on
Golden Gate Parkway rezoned from RMF-12 to a local commercial zoning.
He stated that about a year and half ago, he was approached by people
that own lots on t~e Parkway to see if it could be changed from
multi-family zoning to commercial zoning because the community of
Golden Gate does not want to see the main street in town become a slum.
He stated that they do not want to see the multi-family houeing
generate any further and they do not want to see new multi-family
Page 33
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February 18, 1986
housing put up that is going to be an eyesore. He noted that he met
with as many lots owners as possible and they have all been contacted.
He stated that he is asking for the area to be rezoned light co~-
merical. He stated that the population in Golden Gate will support
~ore commercial and according to the U.S. Postal Service the population
is around 19,000. He stated that there ie only 117 acres of commercial
in the entity of Golden Gate to cover over 190 square miles of land,
which is less than a half acre of commercial per square mile of land.
He stated that in this area there are only three multi-family
structures that will be affected and could probably be converted very
inexpensively, He stated that in order to make this work, he would
like to see the Board set up as the original architectual review board
for this area, noting that when the first building comes up, the Board
will set everythinq for the building and everything that follows will
have to conform to the first building, uniform setback, uniform
architecture, and landscaping conformance. He stated that there is
going to be about $92,000 a year spent for the next 10 or 12 years on
beautifying Golden Gate Parkway and if the road is lined with duplexes
who cares what the median will look like? He stated that the Parkway
Rezone Committee is made up of businessmen, civic leaders, lot owners,
and people that are interested in having the best town that is
available. He noted that Santa Barbara Squ^re is up and working and
the people feel good about it, and there is a need for additional
commercial like this. He stated that this area will not hold tenants
because of the traffic on the parkway and the owners have to put more
money into the apartments then what they can get out of them and in
order to keep tenants on the Parkway, the rent is coneietently being
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Graham stated that the lots
are 125' deep and the parkin9 could be done by rear entry which could
be controlled at this time.
'... ·f ,.',;,.,,",
He stated thftt he wants the Board to pass a aechanie. so that
there will not be duplexes on the main street of Golden Gatê City.
noted that staff indicated to him that they did not want to discuss the
eituation. ~f'l-' ',':.J)
. ,_ . .... ,; I.:
Planning/Zoning Director Pettrow stated that there ie'nothing in
the ordinance that would allow for this commercial zoninq~ adding thÁt;
a maximum commercial node would be up to 8 acres and this exceeds that
amount by II acres. He stated that there is no plan for the area, and
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092w'f265 February 18, 1986
they are probably talking about developing between now and the next
five years, adding that when they are ready to develop that is the time
to come in. He stated that it does not .eet the zoning requirements or
the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that there are other uees for the
property under RMF-12 to be explored, adding that there is recreational
facilities, civic and cultural facilities, churchee, private echools,
rehab centers, and many more. He stated that Golden Gate Parkway is a
busy road and only going to get busier.
Commissioner Hasse stated that thie property is ineufficient in
size to provide adequate parking, adding that Mr. Graham neede to come ,',
back with a site plan for the entire area.
Commissioner Holland ståted that he can eee trying to make
something decent for Golden Gate, but it should not be multi-family,
adding that the planning should be reviewed.
Mr. Graham stated that he is asking for some help in solving the
problem as multi-family is not going to work.
Commissioner Pistor stated that if Mr. Graham wante to come back
with a site plan for the whole area, they will be glad to give further
thought to the matter, but before anything can be diecuss.d with staff,
the Commission needs to have a plan that is feasible.
Mr. Graham stated that he would be back next week with a site plan
for all 54 lots.
Mr. George Keller stated that the Comprehensive Plan cannot be
changed and he does not think that anything should be done on it.
Commissioner Pistor stated that the Comprehensive Plan i. not
being changed and nothing is being done at this time, ae Mr. Graham has
to come back with a plan for all 54 lot. before the Commie.ion can
discuss it further.
Itell .25
Mr. Fred Vidzes, Executive Director of SFWMD, stated that this
item concerns the water management plan update for District 6, adding
that the Big Cypress Basin Board commissioned an engineering firm to
prepare this plan in 1983. He stated that the Basin Board adopted a
resolution recommending that the Board accept the plan and take certain
steps to alleviate the flooding problems in Lely Estates. He stated
that in 1974, the Board had a water management plan prepared for
District 6 that was done by Black, Crow & Eidsness, noting that for
about 8 or 9 years the County operated on that plan and the Basin felt
Page 35
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February 18, 1986
that it WðS time to begin looking at the some of the problems that have
been occurring in District 6 ðnd to look forward to the future as to
what needed to be done in the area from a standpoint of water managment
to allow the orderly development of that are3. He stated that the plan
that is being presented is merely a plan, a road map, a guide that c~n
be used by the Engineering Department, the PUblic Works Department, the
public. and by the landowners in that area. He stated that there were
several recommendations made in the study to try and alleviate the
problems thðt ðre occurring in the area. He reported that the existing
chðnnel, the Lely outfall canal, has been determined to be inadequate,
adding that it is unable to receive or convey the large flows that it
receives during period of high rainfall without causing highwater
levels upstream of U.S. 41. He stated that in the absence of a water
control structure at its discharge point in the estuaries, it results
in over-drðinage during the dry seðson. He stated that portions of the
Lely Canal within Lely Estates Subdivision are so shallow in depth that
they are difficult to maintain properly and improvements are needed
within that areð. He stated that the culvert crossing the canal at
Doral Circle causes significant increases in water levels during major
storms and replacement of the ~rossing would improve the situation,
providing a better water management system for that area, He stated
that there is also a pile-supported utility crossing located in the
Lely Canal at Country Club Manor Condo which obstructs flow by
collecting debris and increases the difficulty of channel maintenance
and these crossings should be replaced by sub-aqueous or subterranean
crossings. He stated that there are several other recommendations in
the report. adding that the tot~l package or cost of improvemente to
the area comes to about $10 million which includes the entire District
6 which covers from Radio Road down to Rookery Bay area and from S.R.
951 to the City limits. He stated that this will probably take five,
ten or fifteen years to undertake those improvements, adding that it is l'
, , ; . '.~ . ,1 ~,..¡;, ~
understðnding that the Water Management Director has prepared a five ,;,:>;..;,~~::,
,. .
year capital improvement plan that addresses the neede for water , '·'.¡'1:'
management District 6 and also defines the specific needs for the Lely ),; W
area. He stated that, in essence, the Big Cypress Basin Board has ~,~
given the Board a plan that can be used in addressing the future growth!
problems of the District 6 area and will enable the staff to get a
better handle on future development in the area and will allow
developers a better insight as to what is expected of them at the time
aoo'K 092 PIC.[ 266
Page 36
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n92 P)'r ?~7 February 18, 1986
~ey b~91~ their developments and their planning efforte and hopefully,
in the long term, will have an orderly method of water Management in
the District 6 area.
Commissioner Pistor questioned if widening the canals could
increase the tidal flow and cause more flooding, to which Mr. Vidzes
stated that on about every ~ajor outfall canal, there is a water
control structure that acts as a salinity barrier and that structure
serves two purposes, one is to prevent the upstream movement of tide
waters to reduce the threat of saltwater intrusion and secondly, to
~aintain high water levels during the dry season eo there is not a
drainage problem. Mr. vidzes stated that if a major coveyance eyetem
is dug for an outfall and there is no control on it, the water will
back up which is something that needs to be prevented and is part of
the recommendations in the plan that at the downstream end of all
outfalls, there should be some type of structure to prevent that inflow
of tidewater and saltwater. He stated that the particular control for
the Lely canal would be located approxi~ately I to 1-1/2 miles toward
the terminus of the outfall and the o11tfall itself would be connected
to a spreader swale system to allow the water that is being drained out
to spread across the very bottom of the crossing.
Commissioner Pistor stated that it would then be a salinity
barrier so that the water would not come back, but it would go out, and
Mr. Vidzes replied affirmatively.
Mr. Vidzes referred to a ~ap indicating the proposed improvements
and the boundaries of the District 6 area. He stated that the most
important feature of the plan is the divieion of th. area into
sub-watersheds and the area that is eerved by the Lely outfall canal
being the most important of the sub-watershede. He stated that the
present canal runs from Rattlesnake Hammock Road southwesterly into the
tidewater areas and he is proposing that this outfall canal be
improved. adding that it needs to be improved and if it is not done,
then anything that is done upstream is useless. He stated that near
the outfall end of the canal, a water control structure would be
constr~cted at that point to prevent inflow of tidewater areae and also
maintenance of the freshwater back of it to prevent saltwater
intrusion, He stated that ~long the edge of the estuary, the interface
between the fresh and brakish ,water area would be constructed a
spreader waterway, adding that it is his understanding that those plans
are presently on the drawing boards and they should be coming before
Page 37
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February 18, 1986
the Board in the near future. He stated that towarð the southeast a
similar type spreader waterway would be constructed with the water
courses coming from Naples Manor and some of the other areas which will
be tied into that to allow the disbursement of freshwater through the
entire estuary.
Tape no
Commissioner Pistor questioned if there has been any agreement
with the property owners in the area, to which Mr. Vidzes stated that
when they were in the preparation of the plan, he worked very closely
with the owners of the property to make sure that what is being
proposed is not going to go against their plans and also to make sure
that their plans would not be against the current land development and
water management regulations. He stated that there is a gentleman's
understanding that these improvements will be made, adðing that how the
cost will be allocated between the County an~ the developer is
something that the County will have to discuss with the developer. He
noted that lhe planning is purely conceptual, but everybody is in
agreement that these things have to be done.
Mr. High Winton Hamill stated that if the Lely project is as
efficient as the one at Henderson Creek, he feels sorry for the people
of Lely. He stated that there were permit problems at Henderson Creek
when the structure was put up, adding that the specifications that the
Corp of Engineers gave to have the gate open during the rainy season
was ignored. He reported that it was determinel by an engi-
neering firm that the weir should be lowered from 5 to 2-1/2 feet and
that was never done, adding that SFWMD stated that the land slopes
slowly to the west where the water is drained into Henderson Creek. He
stated that in 1981, there was a structure built at Henderson Creek
which stopped all waterflow from the north and a culvert was con-
structed in the Route 41 drainage canal and since that time, the area
has been flooded three times, the culvert removed and rebuilt, and
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removed again. He stated that, in addition, the SFWMD shows in their
.. 'illtl I"
maps that the flooded area on the north side of U.S. 41 ie five'to
~-r ,...., :'
eight feet above mean high tide while the one to four foot on the south '
. ~ '.". .
side of U.S 41 above mean high tide has very little flooding. He
stated that he would like some answers to these problems.
Public WorKs Administrator Kuck stated that during the rainy
season in the last few years, the gates have always been open. He
stated that the gate was prcp~Jed open.
092 PA'A 268
Page 38
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092 plr,r 269 February 18, 1986
Water Management Director Boldt stated that the problem with the
gate com",s up cc.ntinur1lI"Jly, adding that as one stands in the road and
looks at the structure, there are three components: a fifty-foot wide
concrete sill at elevation five, a 12 foot wide gate that goes up and
down and closes which is at elevation 3.5 feet and has alwaye been
open, and the third part, which cannot be seen and control. the flow,
is a 4 foot by 4 foot slide gate that slides up and down and is
controlled by the wheel on top and that is the gate that ie always
opened up ðuring every rainy season. He stated that looking at this
from the front, a flap gate is seen according to water flow which is
meant to stop the water from going back when there are high tides and
the water level on the upstream is lower. He stated that he personally
opens that gate, adding that the flap gate doee not control the flow
and it hinders it somewhat and it has been chained up out of the way.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Boldt etated that there are
plans to install a lifting device, a davit that can be cranked up out
of the way in order to be more responsive.
Mr. Dale Manning stated that the tide does not flow into the Lely
canal, adding that it flows all along the entire area. He stated that
the Tamiami Trail was built at the edge of the tidal basin, and when
there is a storm Lely Subdivision gets flooded. He etated that he
cannot see how the weir that is proposed to be built can hold the tide
out. He noted that the weir that is to assist Henderson Creek will not
help if the area around it is developed and not enough lakes are put in
to hold the surface water, adding that the water will then go over the
weir and there will still be a problem with flooding. He stated that
as far as Lely is concerned, it will divert the water along the U.S. 41
canal and the water will flow into Lely Subdivision. He stated that
water is received from above because of developers that are developing
the small tracts of land and have not provided any reservoirs or lakes.
He noted that any time there is a storm of any intensity at all, Lely
Subdivision is flooded. He stated that the people that have already
developed and have been there for years are the ones that should be
taken care of, He noted that the sanitary sewers in Lely Subdivision
fill up when the rest of Lely gets flooded and then there is raw sewage
flowing in the streets, which is not a very sanitary condition.
Mr. Vidzes stated that on any uncontrolled canal or water course,
there will be a tidal effect anywhere from a mile to two Ðiles upstream
depending on the height of the tide. He stated that the Basin Board
Page 39
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February 18, 1986
has provided the Board with a plan that can be implemented to alleviate
some of these problems, adding that flooding will not be eliminated
100' in the low lyinq areas that were developed before the current
regulations were imposed upon developers. He stated that the amount of
time that the areas will be impacted by high water can be reduced and
the amount of high water can aleo be reduced. He stated that the Lely
area is below the 100 year flood elevation and they will be stuck with
flooding and there is nothing that can be done except to dike it off
and pump it out.
Commissioner Pistor questioned if the Tower Road weir is kept
open, to which Public works Administrator Ruck replied affirmatively,
adding that no problems have been encountered on that particular
structure. He stated that when the Storm "Bob" came through, the
survey crew took water elevations at the Lely Bridge at the canal which
were around 6.7' or 6.8' and there are streets in Lely Subdivision that
are 5.8'.
Mr. Manning stated that as far as the incoming tide, Lely
Subdivision will pro~ably have to live with that, but the surplus water
can be stopped by not permitting developers to develop all the land by
making them have reservoirs and lakes to retain that water.
Mr. Vidzes stated that the most urgent areas have been identified
and the cure has been identified and it is not simply implementing the
recommendations. He stated that the Basin Board is not in the position
financially to undertake any major capital improvements to improve
drainage. He stated that he does not feel that there is any type of
public funds available for these types of cures as the State views this
has a very isolated small area, but to the people that live there it is
a big problem. He stated, therefore, that as far as State or Federal
participation, there is none, adding that it is going t~ have to come
from the people that live in the area and the County which iø something
that the Board is going to have to solve. He stated that the indi-
vidual developme~t8 that are coming on line are going to have to ~~ke a
contribution toward those improvements, adding that the cure for the
problems that already exist is somethin~ that the Board has to fac~:
Commissioner Pistor questioned how much of the problem is caused
by the water coming from the north part of the area, to which Mr.
vidzes stated that under the current regulatory etandards, it requires
that the post development run-off shall not exceed pre-development
run-off SO the controls are there. He noted that the Water Management
BOOK 092 PI'.( 270
Page 40
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UOI( 092PJ',¡271 February 18, 1986
Director has prepared a five year capital improvement plan that will be
submitted to the Board in the near future and eteps should be taken
tow~rd considering how to fund certain segments or elements of that
capital improvement plan.
Water Management Director Boldt stated that he ie going to appear
before the Blue Ribbon Committee to present his five year plan and then
he will be bringing it before the Board.
Commissioner Holland stated that there are two major developments,
?ne on each side of U.S. 41 and asked if the County could negotiate
some type of arrangement to poseibly build two massive lakes, would
this solve part of the problem?
Mr. vidzes stated that this could help, adding that a larger
retention storage area could reduce some of the problems.
Commissioner Pistor stated that Commieeioner Holland's suggestion
is a good one and the Board should talk with the developers eouth of
u.s. 41 to see if something can be done.
Mr. Manning stated that the water in the canal north of Rattle-
snaKe HammocK Road does not all come from the tide, adding that
everyone is responsible for their own surface water. He stated that
when the tide recedes the water runs out of Lely and then the water
could be let in from above and weire ehould be put in to hold the water
out of Lely Subdivision. He stated that they are getting to the point
legally about accepting someone else's water.
Tape nl
Commissioner Pistor stated that Mr. Boldt will try and get
something together to help alleviate the problem and come back to the
Board in four weeks.
: ~
" .
Co..isioner Vo.s DOved, seconded by co..issioner Goodnight
and carried unaniaouely, that the following ite.e under the
Consent agenda be adopted and/or approved.
It.. '26
See Pag88 n1 7.5" -eX 77
Ite. '27
See Pag88 d, 7 f~ d.f:3
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February 18, 1986
Ite. '28
See Pages a.. r.¡t -.;;, j!j-
Ite. .29
See Pagel.c2?t -dR'/
It.. '30
Ite. t J1
See pagu.;? ¡;r -r-:) ?f'
I. Detailed site drainage plans shall be submitted to the County
Engineer for review. No construction permits shall be issued
unless and until approval of the proposed construction in
accordance with the submitted plans is granted by the County
Engineer and S.F.~.M.D.
2. The excavations shall be limited to a bottom elevation of -9.2
ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake excavation
shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of 0.0 ft. ngvd.
3. No excav~ted material shall be removed from the project site.
Off-site discharge of
only through approved
treatment approved by
groundwater during conetruction shall be i~
discharge etructures after water quality:. _
the COunty Engineer. , ,-' ',-''7 :rr:"t¡:- _. ,-~/i;.'1
., " " " 'J1.~_., ,..t.~ },t' . ;'~I)tJ.~, ~
" :.'an-.. ';
·L ~~~ 1)
MAIN CHARGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,760.99 "" ,\~~,
- ",.; ~
. ""I
,'-'t':-' '/"1'~
It.. '33
Ita. '34
See Page ~ Ýð
lOOK 092 nf.[ 272
Page 42
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