BCC Minutes 03/11/1986 W
Immokalee, Plori~a, ~arch 11, 19q~
Lr:T IT ~F. P¡::'ir.I.IBF.:RF.I', that the ßoarr" of County Commissioners in
and for the Countv of Colli'!r, and "1190 lctin" liS the Roard of Zoning
Appc~ls and as the governing board(s) of such speci",l districts as have
been created according to law and having condur.tod busineftft herein, met
on this date at 7:00 P.M. in WORKSHOP SE~SION in th~ CO~Munity Center
in Immokalee, Florida, with the followinc mcmbers prescnt:
CHAI"!'II.N: .John 1\. Pistor
VICE CP.AIP~~N: ~nne Goodnight
pr'!derick J. Voss
Max ^. Hasse
C. C. "Red" Holland
ALSO PP.ESEt~: ~aureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; ronald q. Lusk,
County Manager: Neil nerrill, Assistant County ~anager: qurt $aunders,
County Attorney; ~ave Weigel, II.ssistant County Attorney; Ton Kuck,
Public Norks Administrator; Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director; Tom
Olliff, Fleet ManageMent Oirector; Dave <:riscom, Public '''orks
~dministrative Þssistant; and ~ancy :sraelson, AdMinistrative Assistant
to the ~ard.
r:i15cussion regardinq Mðndatory Solid Haste Collection Ordinance
Assistant County Manager Oorrill stated this meeting is to explain
the County's intentions regardin~ mandatory solid waste collection and
why it is important and to answer any questions that the public may
have. He stated that the County is consi,1erinq two ordini'lnces at the
present time, one is a mandatory collecticn ordinance and the other is
a waste haulers ordinðnce that would regulate the companies and private
firms that wish to have permits or franchises to use solid waste
facilities. He Atated that mandatory collection is important because
of general health and safety of the pUblic to insure that solid waste
is heing properly disposed of either in sanitary landfills or in the
County's resource recovery plant that will be ready by 1989. He noted
that another reason that mandatory collection is important is to be
able to limit the extent of illegal dumping in the County and in this
Public "'orks Administrative Assistant. Griscom referrer'! to a video
tape indic~tinq areas 10, 11, and 12 whic~ were Buntley Street, 11th
Street and the east end of r::'elùware Stre.~t, that shO\~er! various areas
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of four or five acres anñ containe~ several tons of
1\!lsil'ltant County r~lOnl!ger nDrrill st<'JtP.:'! th"lt thp illeaal dUJ!'nin']
is not just in rm~ok&le~, but the entire County, <'Jñdir.a that the same
situation is within i'I mile or two of the County Courthc.Jsr;o in "ast
tlðples. He stated thet sever>.tl years a']o, the County (!nt"'re~ into an
agree~ent with the ~priff's ~oartment to ~upport i'! ñeputy to patrol
and enforce the County's illeqal dunpina or~inance and littcring law
and while the program has been generally effective, it is a one man
operation and the prosecution has been good. He stated that it has not
solved the problem and he does not anticirll~e that it will solve the
problem. He stated that if the Boar~ añopts this rrorosed ordinance
they will havp to make three policy decisions; one being to designate
the areas of municipal service benefit unit or district which will be
done by geoqrllphic area to define the type of services that want to be
regulated, i.e., residential home collection, comJ!'ercial collection,
and industrial collection. He state~ that there are many fine points
like mobile home parks that use dumpsters an~ this hi'l5 to be done
carefully with regards to defining these ~ar~s as residential or
commercial. He stated that the second thin~ that needs to be
designaled within each òistrict is how many times per week the trash
will be collected within that district? He ~tated that the third
policy decision is how the County intends to finance, ~ay and bill for
a"r.ïandatory collection ordinnce. He st/:lteð that it can be ~ut on the
tax bill as an að valore~ tax or a special Ðssessment district could be
created and it could he olaced on the tax roll or it could be hilled as
a special IISSp.ßsment. ~e noted that another way of collecting is to
get into a billing type process where the bills would b~ sent out from
the County or from thr;o franchise hauler. ~~ stated that there woulð be
lOO~ participation in the program.
AssiGti'lnt County I\ttornev \';eiael Ati\te( that <'Treat care has been
taKen to provide definitions within the orðin~nce so that evp.ryone will
know how this program will be administered ~nd how it will affect each
person individually, wh~ther it is a residential or commercial
definition. He st~ted that the ordinance proviùes that there will be a
billing or a special assessment that will anply in a uniform fashion to
resiðential property within the unincorrorQted areas of the County,
which are exactly parallel to the three franchise areas that exist for
commercial service within the County at the present time. He stated
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that it is in the ordin~nce provl~ing for ~arb~q~, solid w~8te
collection and disposal an~ is ~~n~~tory in tn~t ~vcryone that is
within the unit or ~istrlct shall 9ubscribe to tha service. I~ stated
that the ordin~nce ~rovides for ~ speci~l assaS6~ent to be billed out
through the Tax Collector or other ~oarñ desiGnee, ~è.dinq that the
annual ~ssessment will he dater~ined by tna P.oard throu0n a process of
pur lie hcarings on or before July of the year precedinG the fiscal
service year. I~ statcd that the ~oard ~11l contact the Property
^ppraiser for all prorerties that are on the asseBs~ent roll ann for
properties that have rec~ived their Ccrtlf:cate of Occupancy. He
statcd that th~rc is a provision in the ordin~nce for an exemotion for
commercial owners thi'lt qeneratcs their own waste for their own
property, adding that they ~ust apply for a pcrmit and must have
vehicles to tr~nsport the ~aterial that meets the reouirements of
s~fety that is provided in the or~inðnce, as well as having a waste
haulers pcr~it in order to haul their own and not subscribe to
commercial service. ~e stated that the ordinance provi~es for a
penalty and a person violatinq the ordinance would be subject to
prosecution in the manner of a nisdemeanor with a fine of up to S500
per day of occurrence or ~n days of incarcc·ration or both and/or the
County reserves any othar judicial needs for the enforcement of the
ordinance. He stated that the ordinance in for the protection of the
safety and welfare of the residents, which is why the ordinance is
being proposed.
County Attorney Saunders stated that if there is a farming
operation and there is material left over from farming, it can be
buried on site or burned on site if proper permits are obtained. P.e
stated thut if neither of these things can be donc then the material
has to be hauled to ~n approved County facility in an aporoved vehicle
or the services of a franchised hauler has to be used to haul the
material. He stated that in dealing with a single family resident,
there is nothing i~ the ordinance that prohibits one from having a
comooste but, \4ith reference to the solid waste, a franchised hauler
will pick it up and take it to an approve1 facility and a uniform fee
will be assessed for sinqle-family residences throu9hout the County.
He stated that the third type of situation is if there is a commercial
operation which would also be a construction operation. He stated that
if there is clean inert type Material th~t today can legally be buried,
then it can still b"! buried~ if it is the ty~e of material that can
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legally be burneò under today's or~in~nce, th~n it c~n still be burned;
and if it is mßtcri~1 th~t is discarde~ then it n~s tc be hauled to an
approved type of facility eithcr by the pcrson aenerating the wa~te, by
obtaining a permit ßn~ having an approved vehicle, or by a franchised
hauler. He ~tated that the rates that will be set by ~he Board will be
set at a public hearing and will fund the cperations of the County's
Solid Waste nepartment which will include the landfill operations, the
transfer station operations, the cost for hauling, the cost for capital
improveMents, and all things associated with the landfill anð solid
waste department. He stated that this prevents the County from
charging more money for solid waste services to fund ot~er proqra~s
that are not associated with solid waste. He reported that the Board
will consider these two ordinances at a public hearing on March lA,
1986, at the County Courthouse.
Mr. Jim raker of Im~okalee questioned if a nan owns a trailer park
and has 100 trailers in it, ~oes the man that owns the trailer park pay
for the pickup or docs each trailer owner pay?
^ssistant County Attorney Weigel state1 that ~obile home parks are
addressed within the commercial definition, addinq that if there are
individual trailers that are a rart of an inðividual parcel of land
itself, they would qualify as residentinl customers an~ be subject to
an,inðividual assessment, but if there are ðumpsters throuqhout the
park, then the owner of the par~ woulð be c~nsidered a commercial
County Þttorney Saunders stated that each unit will be assessed if
it is a residential unit and if payment is not ma~e for the collection
then there will be a lien placed against the property and ultimately
the County will sell the property to clear the lien.
Mrs. Denise Colenan of I~mokalee questioned why the three service
areas, are the rates coina to be different in ~ifferent areas, how much
is anticipated for an additional cost over ~hat is currently beinq
paid, and what other serviccs does the Solij Waste Depnrtment provide?
County I\ttorney ~aunder¡; statc~ that t'~(!re are three districts
currently hecause there are three franchise~ areas in the County at
this time. He stated that there is a potential and a high probability
that rates fro~ different districts will be different because if the
transportation cost is out into the fee structure, certain areas will
charge ~ore becausp the h1'l1J1ing distance is further. He noted, with
reqards to the charaes, they should be lower hecause nore people are
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8ubscribing to it and paying the tot~l cost of th"! operation.
Assistant County 1ianaqer nDrrill IItllt~d that the County has a
small administrative departnent that overs~es all the operations,
adding that there are four oeople in that rl~ni'lrtment an~ part of the
activities is the coordination of the enforcement throuoh the Sheriff's
Oepl\rtment, trying to catc!'1 peol?le that art! illegally dumping. He
stat<:?d that ther~ ,H~ two lanrlfills in the County, one of ',~hich iD in
Immokalee. lie stat~d that they arc in the proce!19 of spf'!nding a
considerable amount of ':Ioney to close the oVI land fi 11 site accord i ng
to regulations. ~e sta~e~ that there are ~lso transfer stations in
Naples, ~:arco Island and Carnes town, which is the priMary activity that
is done fro~ ð solirl waste standpoint. He state~ that th~ depart~ent
also monitors and regulates the franchise ~aulerA who are private
businesses that pay the County a franchise fee.
~rs. Coleman questioned if this orðin~nce will addreøs the trash
situations that were viewed on the vi~eo t~pe, to which ~ounty Attorney
Saunders replied negatively, adding that if the problem is existing
this ordinance will noc clean it up, but will hopefully prevent it from
happening in the future.
Solid ~7aste I'irector Fahey stated that the propertv owners are
presently responsible for the present situation, adding that it is
their obligation to maintain their property in II safe and healthy
condition. He stated that the Health Department can pursue ~he matter
and the litter may come under the Zoning repartment regulations. He
stated for large areas, the PEP can be brought into the picture to
assist the County and the property own~r could be faced with a $10,000
a day fine after notice if it is not cleaned up.
Mr. Stephen Gillaspie of Immokalee questioned if the charges would
be based on the number of lots or the number of homes on lots, to which
Assistant County Manager Oorrill stated that the fees are customer
oriented so it is per house or per business or per industry.
County Attorney Saunders stated that the real key issue is the
Certificate of Occupancy, adding that there will also be unlimited
amounts of garbage pickup; there will not be restrictions as to the
amount of bags of garbage that will be picked up.
Mr. John Witchger of Immokalee Questioned the relationship between
the mandatory garbage collection and the resource recovery plant, to
which County Attorney ~aunòers stated that the mandatory collection
ordin~nce is totally unrclated to resource recovery in the sense that
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IOOfhis is a program that the County had e~h;:¡rJo:ed upon with or without
resource recovery, the ;-'1[oose bein':,' thAt there is a lot of solid waste
being generated that is winding up in fi~lðø and this ordinance is
desioneð to prevent that from happenino. He stated that the resource
recovery plant iø another means for disposal of the solid waste. He
noted that they are connected, but the ordinance is not being presentp.d
because of resource recovery. P.e stated that the Wl\st~ that is being
collected in Immokalee, under thp. contract for the resource recovery
facility, is still çoinq to be disposed of in ImMokalee. ~e stated
that it is hi. opinion that the rates for garbage collection in
Immokalee will reflect the fact that the waste is going to be disposed
of in Immokalee, which means that the rates should be lower than the
rates for the same service in ~~lðen Gate where the material is going
to be deposited at the resource recovery facility. He stated that the
rates in Imnokalee will be lower because Immokalee will not be funding
a resource recovery facility.
Assistant County ~anaqer Dorrill stbted that in the future it may
become economically feasible to haul that material to the resource
recovery facility and when that hapDens, Immokalee will help to
subsidize the resource recovery facility.
In answer to Ms. Bantz of Immokalee, ~r. Dorrill explained the
exemption procedure reçardinq the mandatory collection program. She
,questioned if the County has enou()h staff to handle a c;::ood monitoring
program, to which ~r. Dorrill stated that the staff is very small at
this time and it is something that will have to be determined in the
future depending on how many commerci~l haulers ask for exemptions.
Commissioner Pistor thanked everyone for their oarticipation and
indicated if there are any questions, they can contact thp. Solid Waste
Department or the County Attorney.
There being no further business for the good of the çounty, the
meeting was adjourned hy Order of the Chair - Time! n:05 P.M.
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