BCC Minutes 08/20/1986 B ,./' ,/,/' Naples, Florida, August 20, 1986 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeal. and as the governing board(s) at such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 10:00 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in Build1n~,~r" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: 30hn A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight Frederick 3. VOS& Max A. Hasse C. C. "Red" Holland ALSO PRESENT: Carmen Ruiz, Deputy Clerk; Lori Zalka, Budget Director; 3ane Fitzpatrick, Budget Analyst; Sheriff Aubrey Rogers; Don Hunter, Deputy Chief; Gail Addison and Steve Horrom, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA I. Review of Sheriff'. Department Budget DISCUSSION AND REVIEW or BUDGET Sheriff Rogers stated that he would like to express his Department'. appreciation to the Commi.sioners and the Budget Director for the opportunity of having met with them in a workshop session and after that to meet and discuss the guidelines and different things that would atfect his Department's budget. He added that they tried to stay close within those guidelines and concluded by doing the job aOOK 096 PAGE 341 Page 1 '.to¡,. ~..'~....'.'..t..'.'" .. ~..._. '. , \~t~: J.:. ¡ {f~ I,·..~·.. , . . , t· ~.., . ' lOOIt 096 P~G[ 342 August 20, 1986 identifications which they felt were adequate and provided safety for the citizens. He indicated that later it was necessary to amend the regular bUdget, as a result of the Citizens Task rorce meeting, to allow the Budget Office to eet the tentative millage rate, 'adding that there is . way to finance the Task rorce program that will allow for a reduction ot the tentative millage. Don Hunter, Deputy Chiet, stated that the budget as it now stands has been amended to 18.9% which is 13' over the adjusted for 198&-86, and excluding the Task Force it would have been an 8.3' budget increase. He indicated that they requested 102 positions within the Sheritt's Otfice and through meetings with the supervisors and upper level stat!, it was cut to &0 which, again, does not include the Task Force which is another 1& people. He noted that each of the &0 have been analyzed individually and buttressed by justitications which have to' do with cost for ser- vice increases, population increase and trends in the crime rate and incidence at crime. Commis.ioner Pis tor asked in reference to vehicles, what 1s the explanation for having cars sitting at a station, and if there is a way to put them to use regularly? Mr. Hunter explained that the vehicles seen at substations are being used each day; there are a number of ways to budget a fleet and a limited study was done recently ot 2& otficers and they were all using the one-man, one-car plan and Collier County usee a policy ot two deputies to a single vehicle. He added that the procedure is that there is one marked vehicle out on Page 2 .. .. .. ·1, 9, August 20, 1986 patrol and one vehicle that is basically sitting in the lot which gives the incoming man an opportunity to do the maintenance work before the other vehicle comes back in; people are required to report . half hour before shift so that they do minor preventative main- tenance. He noted that this procedure provides added years to a vehicle and a longer period of time to amortize the initial depre- ciation. Commissioner Voss asked how many vehic.ìes are out on p'atrol on a . , given shift? Mr. Hunter said four or tive vehicles, depending on the day and shift and there are times when an individual ofticer will'go back to a eubstation to prepare a special report or interview someone in privacy, also there are agricultural deputies who work at-large that may stop at a substation to determine complaint intormation. Commissioner Voss asked what an agricultural deputy is? Mr. Hunter answered that that person works the agricultural and wooded areas of the County, which the Department does not have the ability to patrol with marked units. He said that these are deputy aid two-wheel drive trucks that run out of the North Naples substation and are used to recover stolen property, and keep jumper cables and cones tor traffic. Commissioner Hasse asked what the life of a vehicle is? Mr. Hunter said that it ~epends on the vehicle but usually 90,000 to a 1&0,000 miles but 1&0,000 is rare, and the 90,000 figure will come about in a year and a half to two years. aODK 096 PAGE 343 Page 3 { ........-,-.... I~·········.··'···.·' , , " ~ <:' , ' ,I; \. r lOOK ,i, Jt ·~t.. '. t.' ..~.'...:"."..'. .. .... . . ',. "... , k t 096 PAGE 344 August 20, 1986 OPlRATIXO BUDOIT Law Enforcement ; (. ! Jane Vitzpatrick, Budget Analyst, stated that the Law Entorcement make. up about 70' of the department's bUdget which includes $10ð,1&0 in expenses paid by the Board. She said that the bUdget has increased by 16.&', including the expanded requests in the tentative budget, but actually the current level of the tentative has iIècreased by less than l' even though it includes a special pay raise beyond the ð% for com- munication and administrative personnel. She indicated that the current level budget also retlects an increase in auto insurance rates tram the current year budgeted rate of $664 per vehicle to 1986-87 budgeted rate of $1,49& per vehicle. These additional costs, she said, have been more than otfset by a reduction in the Department's estimated overtime costs relating to the Fair Labor Standards Act. She noted that last year during the budget hearings, the Department received approximately $1.2 million tor all their overtime costs; however, atter documenting the actual experience in managing thè amount of overtime they actually used, the Sheritf's Department esti- mate for overtime costs tor 1986-87 is $482,330, including the expanded requests. Ms. ritzpatrick stated the current level budget also reflects a one-time cost tor additional vehicles associated with the 49 new positions which were added during 198&-86, in the adopted budget. She noted that the current level bUdget for Law Entorcement also Page 4 - - - August 20, 1988 includes General Fund pickup of 6 months funding for programs which had been tunded in the Confiscated Property Trust Fund; these programs include the Health Fitness Coordinator, the Deputy Aid Program and eeo,eoo tor legal fees. She indicated that the BUdget Oft ice recom- mends that the Deputy Aid Program and Health Fitness Coordinator Program continue to be tunded in the Trust Fund for next year. She said that these programs were funded with Trust Fund monies as pilot programs and the the Budget Office recommends that these p~ograms con- tinue to be tunded in the Trust Fund, unless the Board of County Commissioners has received a thorough program evaluation of the level of succe.s of the projects which would justity tunding these with General Fund money. Commission~~ Pistor asked it it is possible to fund these programs out of the Confiscated Property Trust Fund? Sherift Rogers stated that each Commissioner was given a letter and the Attorney General's opinion regarding the Trust Fund. He indicated that the Trust Fund' has been amended and changed throughout the years and now is in a tund that goes into Law Entorcement, and the Chiet of Police or Sheritf has to request the use ot those tunds from the Board who holds the money. He added that the p~rpose and intent of ~he Fund is to not deal with ordinary things but to be used for very expensive electronic equipment or things ot that nature that the County would not have the ability to buy. He noted that the Legislature has imposed a monitoring system on it via the rlorida Department ot Law Entorcement whereby anything .j 800K 096 PAGE 3'45 Page & i aoar; 096 PAGE 346 August 20, 1986 taken out ot the Fund is reported to the State to determine what is being spent', due to past abuse. One basic criteria, he said, is that tunds can be used on one project for one year but after that period of time fundlng has to be done by the County. He added that he has been asked not to request funds for certain things that do not meet the criteria. He indicated that with the growth ot the County and the need tor law enforcement and special equipment, this funding will con- tinue for a number of years but the money should be allowed to accumu- late tor special expensive pieces of equipment, such as a laser tor searching for fingerprints, equipment for identifying latent prints, etc. Commissioner Pistor asked it the Health Fitness Program can con- tinue to be funded with the Confiscated Property Trust Fund? Sherift Rogers stated that the program was a Pilot Program related to employees which is successful, and a program can be started but once It is gOing as a normal thing, funding must be done trom another source. Tape .2 CommIssioner Pis tor stated that the Budget Otfice suggested that the Law Enforcement Deputy Aid Program and the Health ritness Coordinator be continued in the Contiscated Property Trust Fund, and there was a question on whether either one could be shifted. Mr. Hunter stated that it would be beyond the scope of the statute at that time if the Trust Fund continued to be used for those purposes; the aldes, the Health Fitness Coordinator and the legal services cost Page 6 .. .. .. .; . I August 20, 1986 would need to be in the General Fund. Commissioner Pi.tor asked if the aide. are the ones working weekends? Mr. Hunter said they work Saturdays. Ms. Zalka stated that the Deputy Aid Program was put in the Trust Fund since it was a pilot project, and the Budget Office recommended that it be continued in the Trust Fund as a pilot project until an evaluation was done to justify success and whether it was worth the money that it cost. Mr. Hunter stated that it is worth the money but he believes that the County should not extend it~elf beyond the, single calendar year or fiscal year funding du£ to the wording on the Legal Opinion; staff had been exploring that as a possibility but would not recommend it at this time. Mr. Hunter said that the County can go through April of 1987. at which point it can be adopted. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the tentative budget proVides tor 6 months ot funding in the General Fund and 6 months on the Trust Fund. Commissioner Hasse asked it the interest on the Confiscated Property Trust Fund is utilized? Mr. Hunter answerod "Yes," that it accrues to the Fund. Sherift Rogers stated that any interest stays in the Fund, and if the Fund is big enough most needs can be acquired with the interest. Commissioner Goodnight asked if Mr. Hunter meant that the Trust Fund can pay for the Deputy Aid Program until the end of March and then at that pOint the rest will be taken out of the General Fund for the rest ot year? Mr. Hunter answered atfirmatively. Commissioner Pistor stated that the $50,525 and $27,081 will be left in the General Fund. 800K Q96 PAGE 3'47 Page 7 :,!~ , .; t· lOOK 096 PAG£ 348 ! ..,~? August 20, 1986 Ms., Pitzpàtrick stated that the Expanded Request List cQntains items as requested by the Sherift and on the right side ot the list are the BUdget Otfice recommendations a. retlected in the Budget Book. She added that it i. broken into two section.: Service. funded with MSTD .onev 1. Marco Island Marine Patrol's request tor a deputy, operating costs and furniture. She said the Budget Otfice recommends that this project be funded through increased boater registration tees which the Board has directed statt to increase by &0', but no projects have yet been sp~cified. She added that FL Statute 327.2 states that the.e tee. can be used tor patrol, regulation and maintenance of lakes, rivers and waters, and other boating related activities. It the Board approves a &0' increase, the additional revenues can amount to $ð8,OOO; this would be an alternative to tunding this project with MSTD taxes. However, she added, this project cannot be tunded until the next fiscal year as the increa~ed fees will not be collected until next 3uly, and this is just a one-time increase. Commissioner Pistor stated that there are many projects that need these funds and part ot the boat tund has been assigned tor dredging Wiggins Pass, the basic improvements tor waterfront activity is such that the one-time increase ot 50' is not gOing to Cover all these things. Ms. Zalka said Page 8 - - -'""--,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,".,...-- August 20, 1986 that the alternative would be use the MSTD taxes, which is the way that appears in the tentative budget. Commissloner Voss asked how much is collected now on boater registration? Ms. Fitzpatrick stated a little over $60,000. Ms. Zalka said that the amount received varies with the type of fee, the State takes a portion out ot the current tees, and the tee lncrease wlll be primarily County money. Atter a long discusslon, Commissioner Voss stated that this item should be a General Fund item. Ms. Zalka stated that the tentative bUdget and the request from the Sheritf's Office was to fund it out of the General Fund of the MSTD, the unincorporated area. Commissioner Pistor concurred. 2. M.. Fitzpatrick stated the BUdget Otfice supports the funding of Items 2 thru & within the MSTD General Fund. She said that these expanded services include 3 requests for the Immokalee area; a property crime investigator, crime scene technician, miscellaneous supplies tor the Immokalee substa- tion and a focus unit which conslsts ot five deputies to be deployed to respond to pattern crime and special entorcement projects in the Immokalee area. She added that Item e is tor an additional deputy and vehicle to be assigned to the Everglades Road Patrol. Commissioner Goodnight stated that the Focus Unit will be used allover Collier County and not just in Immokalee. aOOK 096 PAGE 3"4.9 Page 9 ; i; ~. ' 't "".~"-'_..",,- . I ·R;,~,~' . ''Ff,hJ: ".~ ~~'" ·'f'fi'i, .. ~,,'; . r..~.'.:~~ . ~~' l .~¡ ¡. .' 096 PAGt 350 August 20, 1986 Mr. Hunter stated that they could be assigned anywhere in the County but Ltipulations will be placed on the use at the team.: to keep it in Immokalee as tactical enforcement to address special crime problema. Service. funded in County-Wide General Fund 1. Commissioner Pistor asked what the $15,000 tor school crossing consists of? Mr. Hunter stated that it consists of 3 guards, one for the new school i~ Golden Gate, one at a crossing identitied as dangerous at 50th and 20th Place, and one at Seagate Elementary. Ms. ritzpatrick said that the 2. Budget Office supports Item 6 in the General Fund. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 7 is an additional radio trequency for the Telecommunications Center oftice and the BUdget Oft ice supports this be funded in the General rund. Mr. Hunter stated that the Sheriff's Oft ice has been waiting tor this trequency for a long time and 8118,000 is to make the modifications to the satellite receiver sites around the County that put out radio messages. He added that 'it is up to the Sheritf's Oft ice to scramble the messages and descramble at the other end, and scramblers are not included in this request, they can be a Trust Fund purchase. Ms. Zalka asked it the Trust Fund can be used for the $118,000? Mr. Hunter answered that it is the position ot the State that radio frequencies are needed to carryon the business of the Page 10 - - - August 20, 19815 Sharitt's Of tic a and it is considered as a regular, on-going operating cost; the scramblers are new technology and could be said to be in furtherance ot narcotic investigation. Commissioner Holland asked how many channels are in existence now? Mr. Hunter said two channels, one for Everglades City and Immokalee and the other tor the remainder ot the County and this trequency would be a third channel. Commissioner Pistor asked if t~e $118,000 has to remain in the' General Fund, and Mr. Hunter answered atfirmatively. 3. Mr. Hunter stated that this item is tor a Marine Patrol transport vehicle tor the Marco-Everglades area to be used to move the boats around and this is a qUick way of doing it in cases ot large-scale mobilizations. Tape .3 Commissioner Pistor asked what money is lett in the Boat License fund? Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that in the tentative bUdget tor the Florida Boating Improvement Fund there is $25,816 in reserve for contingency and that money could be utilized tor this request. Commissioner Pistor stated that the $16,89& is to taken out of that tund. 4. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that on Items 9 thru 11, the BUdget Oft ice is supporting funding of these in the General Fund. She said that these expanded services include two radar units f~r East Naples and North Naples Road Patrols and aOOK 096 PAGE 3'51 Page 11 ,~ .., _..,-""_..,.,,"''''.<''"..,...~._----- -. , aOOK 096 PAGE 3'52 August 20, 1986 a clerk/typist position for the Criminal Investigations section. Mr. Hunter stated that there two type of radar units, hand held and vehicle mount, and the Sheriff'. Ottice has been going with those that can easily be taken out ot one vehicle and put in another, and people are certified on this particular one. Commissioner Holland asked what the down- time was on these units? Mr. Hunter answered he did not know. Commissioner Hasse asked if they can be repaired locally? Mr. Hunter stated that they have to be sent out. Commissioner Pistor asked it these items go in the General Fund? Ms. Fitzpatrick answered aftirmatively. &. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 12 is the request for the Street Level Drug Task Force and the 9789,736 would tUnd 14 cert~tied Positions, a chemist, a secretary, vehicles and operating costs and the Budget Office recommends to tund this program in the Confiscated Property Trust Fund because this specialized task force is a new concept to the Department and should be tested as a pilot program uSing Trust FUnd revenues to support it; once the program has been operational long enough to evaluate its ettectiveness then it could be incor- porated in the General Fund operating budget it proven suc- cessful. She said that the Budget Ottice's recommendation ot $216,034 was based on estimated revenues tor the Trust Fund provided by the Sheriff's Department when they requested Page 12 .. - .. August 20, 1986 their budget in May, so the budget recommendation based on that revenue estimate is to fund 8 of the 16 Positions, the intent being to determine program effectiveness prior to hiring the full complement. She indicated that there is more money available in the Trust Fund since the Health Fitness Coordinator and Deputy Aides p08itions will remain in the General Fund, there is an additional $77,000 available tor this project. Mr. Hunter stated that they currently have 11 people working in the same area as the Drug Task Force would work in the sense that trom time to time they work drug pushers, networks distribut,ing drugs, and then upper level distri- butors. He stated that over the last 20 years, it has been proven that if an investigator is allowed to work on his own, he or r.ho is exposed to unnecessary danger; a team concept to exchange ideas and set up tactics and strategy is better. He said that the request is for 6 teams ot two men, one for each substation and district because the County faces a big drug problem, adding that on large projects they can combine their time. He indicated that the idea is to make as big an impact as Possible in a short period of time. He noted that the request also includes two sarge ants, one chemist and a secretary. Mr. Hunter mentioned that it is currently calculated that approximately $800,000 worth ot residuals will revert BOOK 09R p~GE 3'53" Page 13 . . J ---" ,~,..,~,..,.~.".".._"~...~",----".."".",,...,. Aw r.. __.... · " .OOIt (J{JfìPACE~'t)~ August 20, 1986 back to the County: the Task rare. will cost $78g,000 and the recommendation 1. that the residual tunds be used tor the Task Force. Ms. Zalka stated that the BUdget Office has tore casted that there would be a substantial amount at return and the Sheritf had asked not to count on more than $100,000 so the budget only provides tor that amount, there- fore there is excess revenue of $700,000. Commi.sioner Pistor asked if $789,000 is a 12-month requirement? Mr. Hunter replied a full year. Commissioner Pis tor asked when this project will become operational? Sherift Rogers said that as soon as the bUdget is approved they will start recruiting to replace those that will be assigned to this Task r~rce. Commissioner Holland asked it there is any reciprocal program with the State to switch men back and forth in this line of work? Sheritf Rogers stated that all 67 Sheritts in the State have signed mutual aid agreements to assist each other. Commissioner Voss asked who will be in charge of the program? Mr. Hunter stated that there is lieutenant over the sargeants and a major over that lieutenant. .. 6. After a long discussion, Commissioner Pistor stated that the $789.000 should be funded out of the General Fund. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 13 is an expanded service which includes an administrative Support position for the Crime Scene Unit in Naples, plus two vehicles tor on- Page 14 - .. .. August 20, 1986 call officers, and the Budget Office recommends supporting the position only and not the two additional vehicles. She indicated that the Department has already budgeted tor the replacement ot 38 vehicles during 1988-81 and the Budget Oft ice recommends that two of the 38 be assigned to the on-call otficers for a snvings of $17,840 to the General ~und. Mr. Hunter stated that on-call officer. are certified personnel, who process evidence, ship it to the lab and receive it back and have to work days and be on-call at night. ne added that they could be assigned vehicles out of the marked unit tleet, but they are asking that the money be included. Commissioner Pi.tor stated the Department can go with the recommendation ot 820,911 and it it cannot tind vehicJod tor the on-call otticers, it can come back to the Board and the money can be taken out ot contingencies. Mr. Hunter concurred. Commissioner Voss asked if the Department had a program to replace engines? Mr. Hunter stated that vehicles have been retitted rather than spending monies on a new one. 7. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the Budget Oft ice supports tunding of Item 14 within the General Fund as requested, adding that the expanded request is tor a Property Crime Investigator ..signed to the Crime Property Unit in Naples. and the position involves working on motor vehicle thetts. Tape #4 800~ 096 PAGi 355 Page 1& 'f .' ' 108 09B'PAr;r356 August 20, 1986 8. ' Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 1& recommendation shoule be corrected to read 833,844 unðer the Trust Fund. She .aid that this item i. an expanded request for two positions, a deputy and deputy aide to serve civil process and criminal felony warrants, adding that the BUdget Oftice recommends that the deputy position be funded in the General Fund anð the deputy aide position be funded in the Confiscated Property Trust Fund as a pilot prcqram since ðeputy aides have not yet been used tor this type of service. She said that this recommendation woulð result in a savings of $33,844 to the General Fund. Sheritt Rogers indicated that the service is paid for .0 it is . revenue-producing process for the Department. Commissioner Pistor asked it this item has to go back in the General Fund in order to supply this service? Mr. Hunter answered affirmatively. 9. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the Budget Ottice supports funding of Item 18 and 17 within the General Fund, adding that these two expanded requests are tor 3 additional depu- ties tor Golden Gate Road Patrol, which brings the total number of certified otficers there to 19, and tor a cOllege credit reimbursement for non-certitied personnel plus a pho- tocopier and equipment to be used for training purposes. 10. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 18 is an expanded request tor funding tor training seminars anð materials tor Page 16 .. .. .. August 20, 1986 the Youth Relations Deputies. She said that the Budget Ottice recommends that the Department continue to utilize sponsorships to fund the cost for training seminars tor school resources otficers, and this would reduce the expanded request by $3,2ðO. Mr. Hunter stated that they are suggesting that the prudent thing would be to keep the money in case there is no sponsorship. He indicated that this program has been very beneticial to the school children and tund raising has been ditficult locally. Commissioner Goodnight stated that this is an important program, and Commissioner Holland concurred, saying that 'he would be in tavor of leaving it in. Commissioner Pistor stated ':hat U,319 will be left in the budget. 11. Ms. ritzpatrick stated that Items' 18 and 19 are expanded requests pertaining to the Aircratt Unit which includes tunding for an Aircraft Maintenance Director and vehicle, adding that the Budget Oft ice recommends not funding this position because the Department received funding for an addi- tional pilot in 1985-86 and the recommendation is that pilots can perform routine preventative maintenance and the Department can contract out for major repair work. Mr. Hunter stated that the Department had decided to let this ride for another year and come back at a later date, so this aODK 096 PAGE 3'57 Page 17 ¡"', .-, ( , ) , ?~ ...."..··'0.....--·...·-··."...--.-.. '" 'R "___'_"''"'~'"'''~'''O<''' lOOK 096 ~m 358 13. August 20, 1986 12. item is been taken out at the budget. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the BUdget Oft ice supports funding ot Items 20 thru 22 with the General Fund money as requested, and these pertain to administrative support and include a part-time computer operator plus software upgrade and training. She said that Item 21 is a receptionist tor the lobby of Building "3" who will also provide clerical support tor the personnel unit, and Item 22 is for a data input clerk. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 23 is a request tor an additional altering vehicle tor the enforcement ot the Refuse Ordinance, and the Budget Otfice does not recommend tunding this request; the deputy enforcing the Ordinance works for the Solid Waste Department who pays tor this entorcement program, and they did not include tunding tor the ATV in their budget request. Mr. Hunter stated that he works for the Sheriff's Department but works under tunding revenue throug~ Solid Waste. Commissioner Pistor stated that when Mandatory Refuse goes into ettect, the County will be required to entorce it and do more ot this, so the County cannot do without it. The Commissioners concurred that this item should be put in the bUdget. 14. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 24 is a request for two additional deputy aides, and the BUdget Oftice recommends -'~'--"~~"'"-"'-----_.", Page 18 .. .. .. '.--"';.'--''''--''"--'' ..~_..._.._.._-.... .. ... AUgust 20, 1986 that these Positions be funded in the Contiscated Property Trust Fund. Mr. Hunter stated that these are identical to the other five, the only ditterence being that they would be working out of the Central Otfice. Commissioner Voss asked if a deputy aide actually costs $33,000? Ms. ritzpatrick replied that it consists of 2 positions and 2 vehicles. Sherift Rogers explained that a deputy aide 1s a category under the State with less training than a tully cer- tified deputy; most are young people that will later be absorbed into the Department, and they can perform a lot ot duties, including issuing parking tickets on County property it they receive the training. Commissioner Pistor asked if 15. because ot the nature ot that personnel, this item has to be in the General Fund? Mr. Hunter replied affirmatively. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 25 is an expanded request tor a records clerk Position to microfilm records in order to reduce storage space and provide quicker access to 1ntormat10n, adding that the Budget Office supports this request in the General Fund. 16. Ms. ritzpatrick stated that Items 26 and 27 pertain to .; the Corrections section; Item 26 is for the Naples 3ail Center for an additional 20 jail deputies plus a fUll-time nurse, and these POsitions would bring the total number ot correctional officers, including the supervisory personnel, BOOK 096 PAGE 3'59 Page 19 ">~,...~-_..<..'..,_.._------,.,~., I·..·~···.·············;'.'··, ~.~~.: : .;.;:~" '; w,~ , . '.'" ! ~_. . :"'.¡ .. 'h. )'j: ¡ aOD~ 096 Plr,r a'fO August 20, 1986 to 1&1 and total number of nurses would be &~; current inmate population i. approaching 290. Commissioner Voss asked if it is mandatory to have that number of deputies? Mr. Hunter stated that the 20 people requested would provide 3 addi- tional people per shitt. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 27 is for high-band ,radios, lawn tractor and furniture for the Immokalee jail, 17. and the BUdget Office supports both requests. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Item 28 pertains to the operation ot the Bat Mobile, requesting 2 deputy positions dedicated to operating the Mobile Breath Alcohol Testing Unit, adding that the Budget Ottice recommends that this be funded in the Contiscat~d Property Trust Fund as a pilot project. Commissioner Voss questioned the need tor the Unit, and Sheriff Rogers stated that it saves time and has a good e~fect on people who are drinking and driving, adding that the vehicle will be out most weekends throughout the County to help with this problem. He added that the MADD organiza- tion has raised $10,000 and will not be able to raise the remainder, total cost being $30,000. Commissioner Holland asked if the $49,000 was for the two deputies to operate this vehicle? Ms. Fitzpatrick answered affirmatively. Mr. Hunter stated that there are also operating costs, adding that the two deputies assigned to the Bat Mobiles will also be working Page 20 .w .. .. .....,rir."..~."-___..__.___"',...___~" ". _.-_'''''----_.._,--_.''"~,.. August 20, 1986 .. correctional of tic ere, certitied to pertorm breathalizer tests and maintain custody of persons, not make arrests. Me. Zalka stated that through the savings to the General Fund today, there is about $767.000 in General Fund taxes trom the tentative budget which means that the County-wide tax increase at 38' is now down to 32' because 3' wae saved today. .... There being no further business tor the Good ot the County, the meeting wae adjourned at 12:0& P.M. by Orde~ of the Chair. SODK 096 PAGE 3"61 Page 21 f ...... .. "'---"""""""",,,,-.,-- -.......""......""_._"_-.-.;"...........",,...,,. ",-..,