BCC Minutes 09/04/1986 B
Naples, Florida, September 4, 1986
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Commieeionere 1n
and tor the County ot Collier and also acting as the Board ot Zoning
Appe~ls and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
h'l"e been created according to law and having conducted business
h~r,in met on this date at 7:30 P.M. in SPECIAL BUDGET HEARING
SE~3ION in Building "F" of the Courthollse Complex, East Naples,
Florida, with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: 30hn A. Pistor
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight
Max A. Hasse
C. C. "Red" Holland
ABSENT: Frederick J. Voss
ALSO PRESENT: Virginia Magri, Deputy Clerk, Donald B. Lusk, County
Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; George Archibald, Public Works
Administrator; Thomas T. Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Mike
McNees, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Shannon Howell, Utilities
Operations; Nina Small, Acting Community Development Administrator;
Lori Zalka, Budget Director; Steve Carnell and 3ane Fitzpatrick,
Budget Analysts; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator;
Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Cpl. Nick
Ojanovac, Sheriff's Department.
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September 4, 1986
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
Augu~t 31, 1986, as ev~denced by Affidavit of PUblication filed with
the Clerk, public hearing was opened on the Tentative Budget for FY
Tap', 1'1
Lori Zalka, BUdget Director, gave a brief overview ot the proposed
budget and of the changes that have been made during the budget
workshops. She said that the purpose of tonight's meeting is to
receive input from the public before adopting the final budget.
Ms. Zalka recalled that on July 30, 1986, the Board adopted the
maximum millage rates which appear on the tax notice. She said that
on the tax notice there was a 35% County-wide tax increase, which was
split between the operating budget, 7%, and the 28% increase is gOing
for the Capital Improvement Program for pay-as-you-go. She said that
taxes are levied now for capital improvements that are needed now,
which includes $5 million tor new courtrooms, $1.7 million tor other
courthouse complex improvements, $700,000 tor canal drainage, Parks &
Recreation projects, Sheriff's prOjects, bikepaths, etc. She said
that the basic purpose is to avoid the extra cost of borrowing. Ms.
Zalka offered assistance in helping anyone understand their tax
notice. Ms. Zalka made three recommendations, as follows, for the
Board to consider at the next public hearing, none of which will
affect ad valorem texes:
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1. Per Florida Statutes, she would like permission to
add the Clerk's fees budget to the adopted budget,
which is an increase of $1.26 million, an increase
of 3~%, which will not affect taxes because revenues
from the fees COver expenses.
2. Office space and furnishings for the new jUdge at
a cost of $18.820, to be taken out of reserves.
3. Based on a letter from the Dept. of Revenue regarding
the Property Appraiser's budget which they feel is not
excessive, and in order to avoid appeal to the Governor
and the Cabinet, it is recommended that the State's
budget for the Property Appraiser be accepted.
If the Board had no objections, Ms. Zalka requested permission to
add the above-reterenced items to the budget for discussion at the
next public hearing. Chairman Pistor said that would be consldered
later in the evening.
Mr. Scott French said that he purchased his house in 1982 and the
tax bill was $381; last year they were $485, which is a 27.9%
increase. Now the proposed tax is $566.43, a 16~% increase. He said
that the part that is under the control of the Commissioners had
jumped 41.9% and that a lot of retired people are going to have a
Chairman Pistor asked if his assessment went up and he said it
went up 6%.
Mr. Eugene Cox, although registered to speak, declined the
Mr. Richard Wood, registered to speak, said he had no comment.
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Attorney David Leigh said that he has been asked to speak by a few
people from the Westgate Condo on Gulfshore Blvd, and he is also
and new people coming in will not pay their share of the burden even
long-range improvements is being paid for by the people here right now
said that the difficulty with the program is that all of the burden of
objected to the magnitude of the tax increase due to this concept. He
the pay-as-you-go program seems to be a good objective; however, he
speaking on his own behalf as a resident of the County. He said that
spreading the infrastructure burden would be wise.
ments a part of it should be borne by impact fees. He said that
as-you-go should be ouggested. He said that with specitic improve-
in, noting that with the low 1nterest rates right now, a partial pay-
though they get the benefits. He asked that the increase be phased
tal improvements to the new homeowners that are coming into the
bond money and they are attempting to spread the cost of the new capi-
funds which they refer to as "user fees". He said that they also use
group that is coming into the County. He said that they use gas tax
roads do try to address the issue of putting the burden on some of the
Public Works Administrator Archibald said that the impact fees for
could be financed by the pay-as-you-go program?
Mr. Leigh questioned if things in the proposed budget right now
go program as they are covered by the gas taxes and impact fees.
Ms. Zalka replied that roads are not considered in the pay-as-you-
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Chairman Pistor said that they are going to look further at impact
tees tor ot.her improvements but said that the new roads that are being
put in are being partially covered by gas taxes and impact tees and
that other impact tees that are collected can only be spent in the
areas where they are collected.
Mr. G. E. Williams said that in his long business career he
installed and operated the budgetary system for one ot the largest
complex organizations in the world. He said that the Board appears to
make their decision by comparing to prior budgets rather than amount
spent. He said that will lead to excessive costs and suggested that
may have some bearing on the large figures they are looking at today.
He said the proposed tax increase is 35% and the populations growth is
only about 5%. He said that there are many items in the "Blue Book"
with 15%, 21% and 27% increases. He noted that office holders who
increase taxes are less likely to get re-elected. He said that there
may be places that need increases but there must be places that need
decreases, and he suggested that the increases are not needed.
Chairman Pistor said that there is $800,000 in the budget to try
and stop drug abuse and about 14-16 people are being added to the
Sheriff's Department. He said that the money for capital improvements
is only one-half of what the Infrastructure Committee recommended
after a long study. He said that they believe if they put a two mill
tax on, in five years the County might begin to catch up. He noted
that the County is about to build a new courtroom building, noting
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that another jUdge is being added to Collier County. Also, he said
that the County is hoping to get a Federal Court. He said that they
have looked at the matter and tried to do what is in the best interest
of the people.
Mr. Ira Evans said that he has been appearing at budget hearings
for 10 years and every year the taxes go up in spite of the population
on which the increase is blamed. He said that the taxes increase
faster than the tax base. He urgeè the Board to consider a study of
the budget process. He said that budgets should be based on prior
actuals. He recommended a tabulation of revenue, adding that where
the money comes from and where it goes is just as important as the
expenses involved. He said that the Board should examine the process
of budget transfers, suggesting that it might be contrary to Florida
Statutes. He said that he sees missing in the budget the amount of
funds that are anticipated carry-over to the succeeding year.
Ms. Zalka said that the first step taken to prepare for the budget
is to look at 2~ years of actual expenses. She said that each fund
has its own carry forward, and there is a $5.3 million carry foward
and much of that was based on departments that were holding the line.
She said that carry foward is used so that they do not have to borrow
v.oney while awaiting tax dollars.
Mr. W. B. Hartman said that he understands that Collier County has
experienced some of the highest tax increases in the nation. He said
that it is unique that the Board has an autonomous right to enact any
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kind of budget and levy any kind of tax increase that the Statutes
permit them to do. He said that the Board needs to study the
broadening of the tax base and they must use restraint and establish a
list of priorities. He asked for a list of goals and objectives of
the Commission. He referred to California's Proposition 13, wherein
proposed expenditures must be submitted to the electorate for voter
Chairman Pistor said that Collier County has the sixth lowest tax
rate in Florida and one of the lowest tax rates in the country. He
noted that because of the low millage the County only receives 45% of
Revenue Sharing of what they could receive.
Mr. Arnold E. Lamb, 17 year resident, said that despite the
increased tax base and higher assessed values, his taxes are going up
240% in less than six years, 50% in the last year. During the same
period, he said that his City taxes have gone up 22%. He said that
those who benefit from growth do not pay their fair share. He
questioned how much thought, study and attention has been given to the
fair distribution of the ad valorem tax. He said that the increased
tax base should have resulted in a tax decrease. Mr. Lamb suggested
that a bed tax be used to pay for the expenses caused by tourists,
said tax being used to reduce ad valorem taxes and not to encourage
tourists. He said that bonds should be issued instead ot the pay-as-
you-go program.
Chairman Pis tor pOinted out that a lot of consideration has been
given to the bed tax but the legislation that has been passed only
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September 4, 1986
allows the tax to be Used for advertising tor more tourists or tor
improvements related to tourism.
Mr. Ed Hooker said that the tax increase is ridiculous and that
the Board must have Some influence on the assessments.
Mr. Arnold Lenski said 'that he has put everything that he owns
into property and his five rental units to not give him enough to pay
the taxes.
Mr. Mario Berny, propery owner in 3&C IndUstrial Park, said that
his propOsed taxes are increasing trom $3,000 to $4,687. Budget
Director Carnell said that there is a plan to make drainage and
water/sewer improvements to that particular area and what is shown on
the tax bill this year is the CountY'ß one-time charge tor the engi-
neering and design study. He said that the improvements will not be
tinanced through taxes, but will be financed by special assessment.
He said that there is a degree of flexibility in working out the
payments ot the special assessment.
Mr. Richard Braun, President of the Golden Gate Area Taxpayer's
Association, asked how many zoning and bUilding inspectors will be
hired tor the coming year and how many are going to be in Golden Gate?
County Manager Lusk said that there would be two each with the possi-
bility of adding another inspector in mid-year. Mr. Braun questioned
the qualifications of the inspectors. He also said that the County
should hire 4 each and said that the funds are there. He said that
the shortfall is in the PUD department because a PUD review only costs
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$750. He questioned the County Attorney's budget, noting that each
department has an attorney and additional outside counsel is hired.
He questioned the use of County cars and the 42% increase in the
County Manager's budget. Regarding resource recovery, Mr. Braun said
that the people were told that it would not cost anything and that
$441,000 has already been spent in legal fees.
Chairman Pistor advised Mr. Braun that the building inspectors are
qualified, as are the zoning inspectors.
Mrs. Kathy Graham, mem~er of the Golden Gate Community Center
Advisory Committee, noted that their budget is under their millage
rate. Chairman Pistor advised that that budget has not been changed.
Mr. Cox and Mr. Wood, who declined to speak earlier were given
another opportunity to be heard, and again declined, stating that it
has already been said.
Chairman Pistor thanked the participants for their input and
invited them to speak with him or the BUdget Director it they needed
further clarification of the figures. He said that they are doing
more and more to try and make growth pay for growth. He said that they
are trying to keep the taxes as low as possible and still provide the
services that everyone wants. He advised that the Commissioners spent
a lot ot time looking at the figures, which were considerably higher
when they first looked at them, and they have trimmed a few million
dollars out of the budget requests. He asked the County Manager to
make a few comments about the management position.
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County Manager Lus~ noted that a lot of the speakers talked about
the assessments. He said that is an operation of the Property
Appraiser and not of the County Commission. He said that the Property
Appraiser is a separate constitutional otticer who answers to the
voters on his own. He said that it a person has problems with their
assessment they should discuss it with Mr. COlding, who has to follow
the Statutes.
Regarding growth, Mr. Lusk said that it you start out with a zero
base and have no growth, but you build a new park and you start main-
taining that park you will spend more money and that will result in a
percentage increase in expenditures. He noted that Collier County is
in the process of spending S8 million bUilding parks and to maintain
those parks is going to cost a lot of money and is going to show in
the tax increase. He said that someone has to operate and maintain
the five parks which is a new service to the County.
Regarding management, Mr. Lusk noted that someone said to add
more building and zoning inspectors. He said that the Department
requested four inspectors and he cut it to two, noting that one of the
problems with the Building Department is that the County has growth
that goes up and down and it is difficult to try and have enough
building inspectors to meet the need and that is why they are Conser-
vative. He said that the BUilding Department is not related to the
taxes. He said tha~ they collect money through their fees and because
of that building cycle, when buil~ing was down the Building Department
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borrowed $800,000 from the General Fund. He said that is a true
example of where growth pays for growth. He said that as a manager,
when he submits a budget to th~ Board, he likes to think that it is as
efficient as it can be made.
Regarding new bUildings, Mr. Lusk said that there have been
problems with space for the last five years. He said that the County
only has three courtrooms and has five judges and will soon be
increased to six jUdges. He said that the docket has tripled in the
last five years, and they are forced into building a new courthouse.
Mr. Lusk said that the Health Department is a real mess and is not
able to serve the public efficiently. He said that it is mandated by
the State to provide the service. Mr. Lusk said that you can't have a
County that goes from 20,000 people in 1965 to over 140,00 this date
without seeing a lot of construction. He said that one of the biggest
problems is that as Soon as a bUilding is completed it is almost too
small. He said that the County is experiencing a true Population
growth and it is becoming an urt~n community.
Mr. Lusk said that the State of Florida ranks about 38th in taxes.
He noted that Florida does not have a state income tax. He said if a
State does not collect a state income tax they are sharing less money
with their counties and cities, the net result being that the cities
and counties are looking for an increase on the property tax. He said
that the State creates the County's ability to collect money and pro-
perty taxes is one of toe few ways that they have of getting it.
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Mr. George Cannan said that zoning laws are not being enforced in
Golden Gate Estates. Mr. Lusk said that it is difficult to enforce
zoning laws in a county of this size but they have made improvements
over the last three years. He pointed out that they are adding two
zoning inspectors this year and that they have six now,
County Attorney Cuyler invited anyone that wanted to discuss his
budget to come to his office, especially Mr. Braun.
BUdget Director Zalka requested that the Board adopt the resolu-
tion for the tentative budget, as amended during several budget
workshops. She said that ad valorem taxes have been reduced by over
$1 million, so the 35~ tax increase has been reduced to 31,2' for
County-wide taxes which is a millage rate of 4.3977 mills. She said
that the Sheriff's Department will return funds to fund it's Drug Task
Force, therefore, the ad valorem taxes can be reduced because there
will be a higher carry forward; the Improved Pregnancy Outcome Program
has been reduced from $339,000 to $165,000 and there were several
other reductions made in the workshops.
Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and
carried 4/0 (Commissioner Voss absent) that Resolution 86-158 adopting
the FY 1986-87 amended tentative budget, be adopted.
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Ms. Zalka advised that the next public hearing on the tinal budget
will be held September 17, 1986, at 7:30 P.M.
There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. by Order of the Chair.
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