BCC Minutes 09/09/1986 W
Naples, Florida, September 9, 1986
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Co..issioners in
and tor the County of Collier and also acting as the Board ot Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board!s) ot such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 2:30 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building
"F" ot the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
tollowing members present:
CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight
Frederick J. Voss
Max A. Hasse
ABSENT: C. C. "Red" Holland
ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk: Carmen Ruiz, Deputy Clerk:
Donald B, L~sk, County Manager; Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant
County Manager; Tom Ollitt, Administrative Assistant to the County
Manager: George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Thomas T.
Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Richard Laymon, Data Processing
Director; and Richard Granger, Utilities Division Data Processing
Pam Brangaccio, Deputy Assistant County Manager, stated that this
Long Range Information Systems Plan was prepared in May ot this year
but the County had been waiting tor the Data Processing Director
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in the Utilities Department who is going to be doing the conversion on
the IBM 38, to be on board to start implementing the plan. She intro-
duced Ms. Sheila Logue and Linda Sherman trom Deloitte, Haskins &
Sells who will do a short overview of the data processing long-range
plan for the County Manager's division.
Ms, Logue stated that at this point she wants to zero in on the
work done during Phase III ot the project, and talk brietly about five
areas; a short introduction, Ms. Sherm.n will talk about the current
intormation processing environment, intormation strategies, implemen-
tat ion strategies, and conclude with the impact on County employees tor
this plan.
Ms. Logue stated that in early March, they spoke to this Board
about the information system tindings that were gathered, which con-
sisted ot interviewing a representative sampling ot management and
support staff personnel to find out what their information system needs
were; in late April they came back and talked about their recommen-
dations for hardware and software to implement the primary needs that
were discovered; and today they will discuss the steps involved in
Phase III to develop the long-range plan. She added that the needs
gathered upon interviewing were sent back to the Division Directors
asking them to rank them in priority order ot implementation; the
requests then went to a steering committee, tormed to oversee this
project, who made one County-wide board departments ranking. The
steering committee gave the ranking to Haskins & Sells who assigned
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the personnel, the hardware and software requirements to implement
these needs as well as assigning a time schedule tor titting these
needs in over the next three to five years.
Ms. Sherman stated that basically at the time of the study the
department did not have any comprehensive intormation systems to
handle their needs. they relied upon microcomputers, IBM 5520 admi-
nistrative system and the Clerk of Courts tor intormation processing.
She explained in detail the way these 6ys~ems worked and interchanged
information. She said that in selecting hardware and software for
utility billing, the IBM System 38 and HTE sottware were recommended,
which will be installed by the end ot the month and implementation
will begin. She indicated that as far as long-range strategy over the
next 3 to 5 years, with the acquisition ot System 38 the Board depart-
ment. have available to it a centralized processing system; decentra-
lized systems, like microcomputers, will continue to be used. She
added that they also identitied a need for ottice automation systems
which would handle word processing, electronic mail, or electronic
document distribution, and these are also decentralized because they
are physically located within every department. She indicated that
the key to the strategy working is developing standards to make sure
that all equipment i. compatible and can talk to one another. She
stated that the implementation strategy deals with taking the projects
identified by determining needs, and work out how to implement them
over the next tive years; utility billing is a number one priority for
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the System 38, the next priority is the Emergency Medical Services,
permit tracking, and 17 other projects tollow which involve tracking
County structures, land, road inventories, etc. She noted that a lot
of applications deal with assisting the County in developing it's
Comprehensive Plan. Resources required to implement the Plan, she
said, will vary throughout the five years as the plan changes, priori-
ties change, etc., so the Plan has to be flexible.
Ms. Sherman stated that in regards to impact on the department
stafts, the involvement of the staff throughout the whole implemen-
tation ot the long-range plan is important and the User Advisory
Committee established to review the work done by Haskins & Sells
should remain in place to monitor progress on the plan as well as
handle new issues or changes and update the plan as required. She
added that users have to be involved in helping design systems, in
training and ultimately have to be committed to using the system in
order tor it to be successful. She concluded by saying that when
statt sees how their job and ability to work are improved by automated
systems, it will improve employee morale.
Commissioner Voss asked what is the System 55201 Ms. Sherman
replied that it is an administrative system consisting ot hardware and
software which was designed just for word processing and Community
Development and other departments use it tor that purpose, but even-
tually it will have to be phased out and the recommendation was that
permit tracking be taken off the system as soon as teasible.
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Commissioner Voss asked where the System 38 is to be installed?
Ms. Sherman replied the tirst tloor. In reply to Commissioner Voss,
Ms. Sherman said that microcomputers will not be eliminated and, in
fact, more will be added.
Commissioner Voss rsked if, through the System 38. the Budget
Officer will have access to tinancial data in the Clerk's ottice? Ms.
Sherman stated that the existing terminal will suftice tor the time
being. Commissioner Voss asked if the System 38 will use the backup
power that is now available on the first tloor? Mr. Granger said that
in consulting with Mr. Laymon, it is pretty much up to capacity.
Commissioner Pistor asked why everything cannot be kept unitorm so
certain people can have access to the information they need? Ms.
Logue stated that when the evaluation selection was done, DEC did not
respond to the RFP and it was telt that the number ot instances in
which that compatibility was required was not enough to drive the
selection, and the utility billing needs were allowed to drive the
system selection. Ms. Sherman mentioned that there are switches that
can be attached to desk terminals that will allow access to the DEC
system as well as the IBM system.
Mr. Lusk stated that there was a certain specitic need which was
the utility billing system. and that was the criteria used in
selecting a system. Ms. Brangaccio stated that what is being zeroed
in are the management needs; inventories, work scheduling, work
orders, building permitting system, etc. She added that in accessing
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the IBM 38 the only expense the Board will incur in the tuture will be
tor compatible software, rather than buying original hardware.
Commissioner Pistor asked if it would not have been better in the
long run to have 100~ compatibility in systems? Ms. Sherman replied
that in selecting the System 38 it was not based on meeting the needs
in the long-range plan; the priority was to tind the best utility
billing sottware. Ms. Logue mentioned that the System 38 has
excellent database capabilities which will help with all the 20 major
applications that need to be implemented. and that was a con-
Clerk Giles stated that he is surprised that a bid from DEC was
not soli~ited, because he is impressed with the ability ot DEC to
communicate trom the microcomputer to the mainframe and when talking
about otfice automation, DEC's all-in-one system is tops as tar as a
nationally available communication device. Ms. Sherman said that they
are are not precluding any vendor, and Ms. Logue stated that when
they looked at where otfice automation fell in the plan, they had to
look at what the opportunities were to ever install it. Clerk Giles
indicated that he felt it would be a duplication ot staff.
Commissioner Voss asked when the system is expected to be
operating in Utilities? Mr. Granger stated that they are aiming tor
January 2, 1987, for implementation.
Mr. Lusk asked it two billing systems will be run tor a couple ot
months? Mr. Granger stated that he spoke to the people writing the
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sottware and it is their thinking that a parallel be done through one
cycle and come January there will be only one billing system.
Commissioner Pistor asked it the changeover ot the utility system will
be done manually? Ms. Sherman stated that during the month when para-
llel systems are running, the meter reading data will be run on both
the DEC and IBM systems and that is the only way it can be done.
Regarding the parallel process. Commissioner Voss asked it the
two bills are compared to see it they are the eame? Mr. Granger
answered "Yes."
Mr. Laymon stated that this overall plan has an already iden-
titiable $1.3 million price tag on it, plus an indeterminate amount or
other expenses. He asked it that can be detined more clearly? Ms.
Logue replied that it is very ditticult at the outset, not knowing
what projects are going to be implemented when and what priorities
will shift; the exact cost will have to be approached on a year-by-
year basis and would depend on budgetary considerations. She indi-
cated that they cannot say other than the rough rigures already given.
Ms. Sherman pointed out that it the money is not in the bUdget tor
certain items, they get put off to the next year and that is the whole
purpose in prioritizing
Commissioner Pistor asked it the building permits can be rollowed
up once they are on the system and will the procedure work properly?
Ms. Logue answered that Mr. Granger will test and make sure it is an
adequate system and that it meets all the needs. Ms. Brangaccio
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stated that that i. something that cannot be done now because they are
operating on a word processor, which prints out the information, but
once there is a new sottware system, building permits can be tlagged
it stipulations have been mot. Commissioner Pistor asked ir the
County will be able to buy just the sottware for whatever sum is being
discussed, or will more hardware be necessary? Ms. Brangaccio stated
that the initial expense has been made, computer graphics and mapping
is taken care of, there are about 10 to 15 microcomputers budgeted tor
next year for the various departments, and though the rive-year plan
might take 10 and some priorities might never come ott, at least the
County knows where it is headed at this point.
Mr. Crandall stated that there is only one person on statt, and
the Utilities Department will be coming back to the Board with some
recommendations. He said that the purpose tor hiring one person is to
determine what the needs are and the least amount will be hired to get
started to get some experience before coming back with more recommen-
Mr. Laymon stated that he has not seen the specitications ot the
IBM System 38, and it is his understanding that IBM came out with a
new generation of the System 38. He asked it the System 38 that the
County is implementing 1s the old or the new? Mr. Granger answered
the new. Mr. Laymon asked if the system is configured tor the capa-
city needed to handle the 20 other applications? Ms. Logue said that
they would not suggest that initially. Commissioner Voss asked how
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the capacity is increased? Ms. Sherman replied that the planning has
to be flexible, and as Mr. Granger starts getting involved and imple-
menting other projects, he may get to a point where he does not have
enough space to keep programs, in which case he may need a new disk
drive or ho may need more memory; there are ways to upgrade the syetem
and the investment can be protected. She added that is one of the
reasons why IBM was chosen, because it can be upgraded and it has a
lot ot expansion capabilities so that it can handle all the applica-
tion that have been identitied.
Commissioner Voss asked if the software is also bought from IBM?
Ms. Logue answered "No," IBM has vendors who write the software and it
gets approved by IBM.
Clerk Giles stated that this project is estimated at $1.3 million
and the DEC system was installed approximately tive years ago, which
is no longer state-ot-the-art, and at some point he would like to put
it on the VAX, which is the main computer, to have easier and taster
access to financial information. He added that he would like to come
back to the Board on this matter because the system is obsolete, main-
tenance having been discontinued because the hardware is outdated, and
the County needs a more sophisticated computer to keep abreast ot its
needs. Mr. Laymon stated that it would be more feasible to go with a
smaller, separate system.
Mr. Lusk stated that Mr. Reagan had authorized a study on data
processing and aSKed it the Clerk's otfice was going to complete the
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study? Mr. Giles replied that he wants to look at it more closely
betore proceeding.
Mr. Hill trom United Telephone Service stated that in looking
through the study he has noticed no mention ot cost ot upkeep and
maintenance. Ms. Sherman stated that in the plan under the section
called "Resource Requirements," there is an anticipated 10% per year
ot the purchase price should be considered tor maintenance tor
hardware. Mr. Laymon asked about the cost for software? Ms. Sherman
replied that it would depend on HTE whether they include it tor the
first year or not; the software contract is separate.
Commissioner Voss asked who will maintain the hardware? Ms.
Sherman answered IBM.
There being no turther business to come betore the Board ot County
Commissioners the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.M. by Order ot the
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