BCC Minutes 09/10/1986 W
Naples, Florida, September 10, 1986
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such sp~cial districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 1:30 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building
"F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight
Frederick J. Voss
Max A. Hasse
C. C. "Red" Holland
(Arrived 1:45 P.M.)
ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy
Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney;
Tom Olliff, Administrative Assistant to the County Manager; Steve
Carnell, Purchasing Director; and Nancy Israelson, Administrative
Assistant to the Board.
Presentation by AT&T regarding Information Systems
Tap. t1
Mrs. Betty Parker, Account Executive of AT&T Information Systems,
Inc., stated that they were invited to give a presentation to give the
Board of County Commissioners some leadership, guidance or options to
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September 10, 1986
adjust to the growth problems in the County. She stated that when the
initial RFP was instituted, there were three options in the design,
noting that Option #1 was the combined system that was to accommodate
the entire complex, including the Sheriff. She stated that demand for
the capacity to fill that single design was 1,300 stations. She noted
that Options #2 and #3 were to separate the two entities, which was
the County on one system and the Sheriff on a separate system. She
indicated that the County chose to go with Options #2 and #3 because
the Sheriff wanted to maintain his own switch and have control over
his incoming and outgoing calls. She noted that the Courthouse was
Option #2 and had an RFP requirement of 660 station capacity, adding
that the Courthouse is currently at 696 stations. She stated that a
carrier and circuit pack has been ordered to handle an additional 128
lines, which means that there will ultimately be 824 stations, which
far exceeds the RFP requirements. She stated that the RFP indicated a
need for 120 trunks, which was supplied, and all vendors were asked to
supply a capability for two consoles even though only one was taken,
adding that the switch that the County currently has can go to 4 con-
soles. She reported that the capacity that was required in the RFP
for the Sheriff was 138 stations with 46 trunks and 3 Commission con-
soles. She stated that the Sheriff has 179 stations right now and
their switch can go to 800 stations.
Mr. Ralph Reuter, Technical Consultant for AT&T, stated even
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though the name of the system, Dimension 600, implies 600 station
lines, it is a great deal morc than that.
Mrs. Parker stated that AT&T has been put at a disadvantage at the
County with the press and with trouble problems that have occurred.
She statcd that one of the problems is with the sizing of the system,
adding that not only did AT&T meet the RFP specifications, but they
far exceeded them.
In answer to Commissioner Voss, Mrs. Parker stated that as the
switch sits right now, the Sheriff could go to 400 with an addition of
a circuit pack. She stated that to gct to 800 stations, software
would have to be changed as well as some minor hardware changes.
Mrs. Parker stated that with regards to some of the problems the
County has had, like cut-offs, static, busy signals, no answers, and
inability to get through to different stations on the system, the AT&T
service people have been involved the last 6 months in trying to
uncover the reasons for these problems. She stated that as it has
turned out, these problems have not been the responsibility of AT&T or
caused by the AT&T equipment. She noted that by being subject to the
deregulation, AT&T provides the equipment and the operating company
provides the facilities. She stated that if there is a line problem
coming out of the local central office and AT&T is called, the County
is supposed to be charged for that, adding that AT&T has not done that
~ecause they have tried to work with the County in solving these
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problems. She stated that AT&T brought in their Denver experts to
diagnose the switch and equipment to determine that, in fact, there
was nothing wrong with any of the equipment, adding that there was
never any expense involved to the County. She stated that after
numerous meetings with Staff, and the local operating company, it was
determined that AT&T was not at fault for the various problems that
had been encountered, adding that the problems rest with the local
central office inadequacies. She indicated that the growth that the
County is facing in this facility, is probably the reason that the
local operating company was not prepared. She noted that the projec-
tions that were put together for the RFP five years ago, did not come
close to the projected growth. She noted that with the installation
of an upgraded switch in the central office to handle all of the
Naples area, as well as the County, should create a big imp~ovement in
the service.
Mrs. Parker stated that when the County's switch was first
installed, it had a year's warranty and during that year a commitment
was made to have service personnel reporting here daily, adding that
there were at least two technicians on premise. She stated that in a
cost-cutting measure after the warranty expired, the County elected to
use AT&T personnel for the maintenance of the switch itself and the
electronic sets, but for all the wiring, the installation of new sta-
tions, runnings lines through the ceilings, and the single line sets,
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September 10, 1986
the County elected to pay their own employee to do this at a great
cost savings to the County, but problems did result from this. She
reported that the County now has a Service Plus contract with AT&T
which was a good move on the County's part, and should solve any
problems that may arise. She stated that the Sheriff has had this
type of contract from the beginning.
Mrs. Parker noted that the cutover is when the customer is moved
from the old system to the new, adding that even though there were
additional locations added to the original design, the cutover was on
time. She noted that the system was also cutover under budget. She
stated that with regards to the growth that the County is faced with
and the previous County projections that are not meeting the growth,
there are two options that the County has; one is to remain with the
Dimension 600 with a DSC, which is a distributed communications system
that the Dimension 600 has, as a capability. She stated that the
County could keep their switch, which will be maxed out at 824 sta-
tions, and add to it other systems like another D600, a Dimension
System 85, or a System 75. She stated that AT&T is the only vendor
that can offer the capability of the DeS. She noted that if another
building was built an additional switch could be located at that faci-
lity and then tied into the Dimension 600, adding that there would be
transparency features. She stated that this could handle 7 additional
switches that would hold a maximum of 100,000 stations. She stated
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that the second option is to upgrade the existing 0600 to a Dimension
85 by upgrading the common processor which is the computer that makes
the switch work. She stated that expense could be minimized because
the single line sets could still be used, adding that the only thing
that could not be used is the five button sets, which amounts to less
than 20. She stated that there would be increased functionality with
the System 85.
Tap. 12
Mr. Reuter stated that as far as operating the system, everything
would remain the same even though there had been a change.
Mrs. Parker stated that another way to solve the problem would be
to have shared DIB lines, which would enable the County to expand the
lines that are available at this time. She stated that on Option #2,
there is also the possibility of using the old switch in a new loca-
tion or trading it in, noting that there is a Centralized Support
Center in New Jersey that helps AT&T customers make connections with
resalers that are ~~terested in the equipment. She stated that the
market is running between $.10-$.25 on a dollar based on the value and
the market need for this particular kind of switch at the time that
the County is ready to trade it in.
She stated that with regards to cost on these options, there is no
cost available on Option #1 until AT&T knows what has to be tied in to
the present system.
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Mr. Reuter stated that a great deal of planning would have to go
into this option, because he would need to know the projected growth
for the long-term future.
Mrs. Parker stated that the pricing of Option #2 was done in two
phases, adding that the direction at the time was that figures were
needed for budgetary purposes in order to project what it might cost
if the D600 was replaced with a System 85. She stated that if it was
built with 1,000 stations and 35% of it was multi-digital button sets
made feature rich, it would cost $676,000. She stated that the cost
for 700 stations, as the system is currently equipped, would be about
a total cost of $311,000 if there was a trade-in value of $40,000,
which is the worse case figure. She stated that Option #2, with addi-
tional capacity, would cost $355,000 after trade-in.
Mrs. Parker stated that they are not going to make a recommen-
dation as there are pluses and minuses to each way, adding that the
County has to make that determination.
Mr. Reuter gave a brief demonstration with drawings showing how
equipment would be added.
Tap. '3
Mr. Reuter gave a demonstration on the 5l0A terminal which is a
combination voice and data telephone with a terminal screen, to prove
that the switch that the County has can switch data.
Mrs. Parker stated that the 5l0A terminal is $955 installed,
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September 10, 1986
adding that additional cartridges can be purchased with it.
Commissioner Holland stated that he has a question with reference
to the original question that he asked County Attorney Cuyler, to
which Mr. Cuyler stated that he spoke with AT&T representatives,
noting that they had taken the information that was in the specifica-
tions with reference to the 1,300 lines lasting to the year 2000, as a
fact, in answering the proposal.
Mrs. Parker went over the three options that she had ~reviously
discussed prior to Commissioner Holland's arrival.
Commissioner Holland stated that he felt safe in voting for AT&T,
but since that time, there has been a cont~oversy as to whose fault
the problems are. He stated that within three years, the system now
has to be expanded, when he felt that the system would have 1,300
lines and would serve the County until the year 2000. He stated that
the Sheriff's Department has around 180 lines and they have the capa-
bility of going to 800 lines and he questioned if the County could use
some of the lines that belong to the Sheriff?
Mrs. Parker indicated that these lines can be transferred to the
County and it would be an economical situation and the capability is
there, but the Sheriff does not want to relinquish those lines.
There was general discussion regarding how these lines could be
transferred to the County Departments without interfering with the
Sheriff's operation or privacy.
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September 10, 1986
Commissioner Hollðnd stated that he feels that it would be up to
the Commission to approach the Sheriff on this matter and ask that he
appear in front of the BCC to discuss this and also have a represen-
tative from AT&T available at the same time to answer any questions
that may arise.
Commissioner Pistor stated that he would talk with the Sheriff and
see if he would be willing to appear in front of the BCC on September
23, 1986, and would also contact AT&T to have them appear on the same
day if the Sher iff is willing to discuss the matter then.
Commissioner Holland stated that he also feels that some people
could double up and have party lines in order to save some lines that
would enable the County to hold off on expenses for the current time.
Commissioner Holland questioned what it would cost to redistri-
bute the lines from the Sheriff's Department? Mr. Reuter stated that
he would need to check into the matter first and when they appear back
before the Board of County Commissioners, they could have a rough
figure on the situation.
There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:15 P.M.
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