January 8, 2018
8:30 A.M.
Naples, Florida
l-ET lT 8E REMTMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30
A.M. in a WOR(/N6 SESS/O/V at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 3'd, Board Room, Naples, Florida, with the
following Members presentl
Present Taylor McLaughlin, Vice Chair
John Cowan
Mary Waller
Litha Berger
Denise Murphy
Chri5tina Apostolidis
Scott Kish
los€ph Schmitt
Carlos Portu
Excused Steve Hruby, Chair
ALSO PRESENT Cormac Giblin - Housing & 6rants Development Manager
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHs
Jason Rum mer - Operations Analyst - Public Services
oTHERS PRESENT: Jean Kungle; George Danz; Carol Hollander; Jacob Wingej Jenna Euzzacco-Forester; Gabriela
Molina, Clerk of Courts; Hannah Vogel, WINK News;
1. Cx-!ro ORDER
Tavlor McLaughlin called the meetin8 to order at 8:30 A,M. and read the procedures to be observed during
the meeting. She led in the Pledge ofAllegiance.
Ei8ht members were in attendance; therefore, a quorum was established. (loe Schmitt arrived at 8:40 a.m.)
A motion was made to approve the agenda by John Cowan and was seconded by Litha Berger. The
motion pa5sed by a vote of 8-0
b. Mary Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of December 4, and John
Cowan seconded, The motion passed by a vote of 8-0.
Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Minutes - January 4, 2018 (4953 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 5,
4. l FoRMATloNAt trtMs
6. DtscussroN trEMs AND pREsEilrarloN5
The group interviewed candidates for the open position on the committee of "advocate for low
income persons". 8y e-mail, Mr. Emens withdrew his name from the running because he felt he was
not the best qualified person for this category. Hesaid hewould like to be on the committee a nd
would reapply if another position became open. Jenna Forester gave a little of her background
working with the Naples chamber of commerce. since affordabie housing is the nu mbe r one item on
the chamber's agenda, she felt she would be a good choice for membership on the committee.
Sheryl Soukup felt she would be a good choice for membership on the committee because she has
been a non-profit consultant since 2002, realizes the need and wants to become part of the solution,
She said that one of her clients (Youth Haven) is a recipient of Srant funds from the county. Carol
Hollander works for Providence House which is a private program for single moms. Her background is
in financ€, real estate and bankinS. She works with people daily that need affordable housinE. Jacob
Winge works for a property management firm, is on many boards within the county and would like to
represent his a8e demographic since he knows what it's like not beinS able to find affordable housing
in Collier County. Barbara Melvin could not attend the meetinS, but her application and
qualifications were reviewed by the 8roup. Taylor said that Earbara attends almost every AHAC
meeting as a member of the public.
Each member of the group stated their top two picks, with the results tallied on paper. Thetoptwo
were Ms. Soukup and lenna Buzzacco-Forester. The group voted and the vote was 7 for Sheryl
Soukup and 2 for Jenna 8uzzacco-Forester. Mary Waller motioned to recom mend Ms. Sou kup for the
open position on the committee and Denise Murphy seconded. The group voted 9-0.
b, Cormac reviewed the 2018-19 HUD Application Timeline with the group
funding amount has not yet been released.
He told the group the exact
Cormac asked for a volunteer to sit on the Grants review and Ranking Committee this Year. Both
Taylor and Denise stated that it was a wonderful experience being on the team and recommended
that everyone try it. Litha Eerger volunteered. Denis€ volunteered to be a back-up. Mary Waller
motioned to accept Litha on the review committee with Denise as the back-up and Denise seconded
The group voted 9-0. u pdated the group rega.ding the implementation of the Commu nity Housing
d. MarketinS Outreach Plan. Litha told the group that there was an article in the Naples Daily News
regarding converting commercial property to residential. She said th at it was great publicity for the
group. Joe Schmitt stat€d that he felt it was shallow reporting that pointed to the problems being
strictly governmental. He also stated that h€ ielt it was a disservice to the reader. Litha asked what
he felt we could do to get better information lo the people. He sugBested that the editorial staff talk
Packet Pg. 72 Attachment: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Minutes - January 4, 2018 (4953 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 5,
to developers to see if the idea was economically feasible, communicate that increased density is the
solution and someone should set-up a meeting with the editorial board at the paper and give them
soecific facts. A central housing informational website was discussed and Cormac said that the
County Manager gave direction to move forward with a request to the Eoard to initiate this project.
Public education was discussed and the committee stated their desire to get the public on board with
what aftordable housing could look like here. Just because it's affordable doesn't mean it has to be
unattractive. The group wanted the'aes - in my back yard!" campaiSn here as well
There being no further business for the Sood of the County, the meeting was adjourned at 9:52
a.m. after being motioned by Carlos Portu, seconded by John Cowan and having a final vote of 9-
Location: sth Floor Training Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East.
Co CouNTy AFFoRoABLE HoustNG AovlSoRy
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
OR "os omended" [)."lr 2Ol8 ds subnitted' lY1,^,
Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Minutes - January 4, 2018 (4953 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 5,