BCC Minutes 08/06/1986 S
Naples, Florida, August 6, 1986
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
. and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9:30 A.M. in SPECIAL SESSION in Building
"F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight
Frederick J. Voss
Max A. Hasse
C. C. "Red" Holland
ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy
Clerk; Donald B·. LU3k, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County
Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; and Tom Cr~ndall, Utilities
Resolution regarding $76,600,000 Capital Improvement
Program Revenue Bonds, Series 1986.
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dail~' News on
August 5, 1986, as evidenc0.d by Affidavit of Publication filed with
the Clerk, a special meeting was held to discuss the issuance of
$76,600,000 Capital Improvement Program Revenue Bonds, Series 1986.
Mr. Bill Johnson of Fischer, Johnson stated that the purpo~e of
this meeting is for the Board's consideration of the selling of the
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Collier County Multi-purpose Capital Improvement Program Revenue
Bonds, Series 1986, He said that the total size of the issue is
$76,600,000, noting that the project size is $55,267,000 which is up
from the original conversations, He stated that the project size
along with a reserve account of 'SlO,OOO,ooo would make the issue
$65,000,000 but in order to do it correctly, there is further projec-
tion needed, which is not a cost item to the County. He stated that
an additional item is capitalized interest at $5.1 million, which is
in the issue to protect the County so that at such time a project is
completed and the fixed bonds are sold with no immediate revenue
stream during the construçtion period to pay for the bonds, the
capitalized interest will be there. He reported that this is a calcu-
lation of how much interest this will take for all of the projects
involved. He indicated that the debt service reserve fund is
$11,490,000, which sits there throughout the life of the issue and is
e~sentially a money maker for the County in that it will earn invest-
ment income greater than the interest expense, providing all this is
done prior to the window closing which is scheduled for September 1,
1986, or whenever the tax bill is passed.
In answer to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Johnson stated that the
reserve fund will stay there throughout the life of the issue and it
is the one fund that allows the ·County to arbitrage for the life of
the issue, which would be 25 or 30 years. He stated the construction
fund has a three-year life as f~r as being able to arbitrage and earn
interest over and above the interest expense.
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Mr. Johnson stated that another item in the issue is the insurance
premium, ðdding that at such time as a project is actually built and
fixed rate bonds ðre issued, it becomes advisable to have the bonds
insured in order to receive a Triple "A If rating, which is why th~re is
an insurance premium amount of $2.3 million built into the program.
He stated that this insurance premium also sits ðnd draws interest
during the three-year period.
Commissioner Pistor questioned if the interest from the $11
million cðn be used to pay for the insurance premium, to which Mr.
Johnson replied affirmatively, adding that the interest on the $11
million can be used to pay for any cost. He stated that the insurance
is ðn·election on the part of the County, but at such time as a project
is completed, in order to get the Triple "A" rating and the low~st
fixed-interest rate, the County should insure the issue.
Commissioner Pistor stated that in order ·to get the Triple "A"
rating, the County has to have the insurance and Mr. Johnson agreed,
but added that. there is the option of nót taking the ins~:ance because
some of the better credits are able to issue bonds on their own credit
and they may have an "A" or "A+" rating and the spread between that
and an insured Triple "An bond is small enough so that when the
insurance premium is taken into consideration, it is sometimes better
to issue the bonds without the Triple "An rating.
Commissioner Pistor questioned if there is a maximum with regards
to the amount of money that can be held in the reserve, to which Mr.
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Johnson stated that the $ll million is a bond reserve fund and is at
its maximum and is not a part of any fund to pay insurance premiums.
Commissioner Voss questioned what happens to the money that is
made on the $2.3 million insurance fund, to which Mr. Johnson stated
thðt this is the County's money'and is used to reduce the overall cost
of the program, but the County only has the right to earn more money
than the cost for a three-year period, which is the same as the
construction fund.
Mr. Johnson stðted that the next item in the issue is the initial
discount and issuance expense which is $766,000 and the last item ~s
the conversion remarketing fees which is $1.6 million, for a totðl of
County Manðger LIJsk stated t'1at this money will be in a bank until
it is drawn down a~d questioned why it needs to be insured? Mr.
Johns~n stated that it is not insured, adding that the $2.3 million is
when it goes from a variable rate to a fixed rate, He stated that
when a project is completed, the variable rate goes into a fixed bond
issue for a 25 or. 30 year life, and at that point, the County makes
the decision whether to insure t~e bond issue or not, and if this $2.3
million is not used, it goes to retire the bonds. He noted that the
interest that the money is earning would go toward deferring any cost
associated with the program.
Clerk Giles questioned whðt pðrt of the $76,000,000 can be
invested beyond the three years, to which Mr. Johnson replied only the
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bond reserve. Mr. Johnson stated that at the end of the three-year
period, if there is $10 million in the construction fund that was not
spent, that money can be invested at an interest rate that is no
greater than the interest expense on the bonds, adding that it will
not be an expense factor but it cðn no longer be a moneymaker to the
Mr. Johnson stated that with regards to the investment side of the
issue, Smith Barney has worked out an investment agr~ement that provi-
des that over a three-year period the income side would amount to $l
million and the issuance expense involved is $766,000. He noted that
the dollars over and above the initial issuance expense amounts to
$235,000. He stðted that this money goes toward deferring any cost
that would be incurred at such time as the County goes from the weekly
rate to the fixed bond issue when a project is complete. He stated
that the reserve account is also drawing interest and depending on the
spread between the expense of the bond issues and the income derived,
it earns between $2.5 million and $7 million du'~ing the life of the
entire program, which will be sufficient to pay all additional costs.
He stated that these figures are the minimum based on the fact that
the program is used precisely as the draw-downs have been described by
the various departments. He stated that if any money is left for a
longer period of time to deaN interest, there is a guarantee that it
will draw 1.45% over and above the interest expense which would be
plus dol1ðrs.
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Mr. Johnson stated that :f these projects are going to be done and
financed, there are two avenues; one would be to do it on a project-
by-project basis at such time as the County is ready to build the pro-
j~ct and the other way would be this capital improvement program
revenue bond issue. He stated that the major ðdvantage to this
program versus the project-by-project basis is the reserve account
which can be invested over the life of the issue and earn money for
the County. He stated that if a project-by-project basis is done, the
reserve account will be restricted to the investments and earnings
will be restricted to the interest expense.
In answer to Commissioner H~ssc, Mr. Johnson stated that the only
way the reserve account could b~ drawn-down is if the revenue stream
that is identified on a given project to pðy the debt service i~ not
sufficient. He stat~d that it is highly unlikely that this Coun~y
would want to or be allowed to float a bond issue for a project with a
revenue stream that is going to be less than the principle and
interest on the d~bt. He stated that if the reserve account were used
for such a situation, the County would be in default.
County Manager Lusk stated that the rates would have to be raised
in a case like that and Me. Johnson stated thðt the bond issue would
not be floated if there was not sufficient revenues.
Mr. Johnson stated that if the County elects to insure the issue
when it becomes a fixed-bond issue, the insurance company would not
permit that bond to come into creation unless it can be proved that
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the revenue stream is ample to pðy the principle and the interest. He
. stated that the reserve account that is being funded will remain just
as it is and be in a position to earn the County funds during the
totðl life of the project.
Commissioner Voss questioned, because the arbitrage ends in three
yeðrs and there is money in the pool from the bonds and only $30
million has been drawn down and put into specific revenue bonds, how
can the earnings be used at that time? Mr. Tom Giblin, Bond Counsel,
stated that the deal would collapse, adding that at the end of the
three years if there is any money left over, the bonds will have ~o be
redeemed at that time.
Mr. Johnson stated that if there are funds at the end of the three
year period that are not used in the construction area, then the
County has to collapse that portion of the program. He stated that
the amount of money that is left would be collapsed and the pro-ráta
share of the reserve would be ~ollapsed, but there would also be that
much less cos~ because it was not converted into any fixed-bond issue
for that portion.
Commissioner Voss questioned if Mr. Crandall could spend $76
million in three y~ars, and Mr, Johnson stated that only $55 mil).ion
has to be spent,
Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that at the end of that
three-year period, there will be a project committed for construction
for the remaining bonds. He stated that based on the projects that
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have been reviewed for Utiliti~s and MSTU's and the desire to
complete, the money will be spent.
Mr. Giblin stated that the only thing that collapses at the end of
the three years are monies which are allocated to projects which have
not been undertðken at that point in time. He stated thðt if the pro-
ject has been commenced prior to that three-year period, then the
funds can be used that are allocated to it. He stated that the County
would have to feel comfortable that there is a real project, that it
would have to be sized and start drawing down monies and i; that can
be done, then at the end of the third year period there is no need to
worry. He noted that the bonds would have to be issued.
In ðnswer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Giblin stated that the money
can be drawn down in increments and the rest will remain in the
account to draw interest, but at the third year, the County wants all
the money out. He stated that if revenue bonds are not issued prior
to the third ye~~ anniversary, any money that is l~ft would have to be
used to redeem bonds.
Commissioner Voss stated that if all the money is not used, it can
still be invested as long as it does not earn more than the interest
on the bonds.
Mr. Giblin stated th~t as long ðS it is drawn-down, it does not
make any difference how long it takes to complete the project, but
there will be a yield restriction. He stated that if all the proceeds
hav~ been drawn down, the Sll million cðn still eðrn money for the 25
years, adding that this Sll million is not yield-restricted.
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Commissioner Voss stated that if there is ð $lO million project
and only $1 million has been spent ðt the end of the three-year
period, but ðll $10 million in bonds have been sold, then the $9
million that is left, b~t hðs not been sþent, could be invested to
make money as long as it does not exceed the interest on the 59
mill~on bonds. Mr, Giblin agreed with Commissioner Voss on this
Mr. Johnson stated that the lðst portion of this issue would be
the interest r~te itself, adding that he checked with the various
ðepartments and made determinations as to the timetable for the use of
this money, and the progrðm was designed in such a wðy that the money
becomes available ðt certain timcs, which ranges from April 1, 1907,
through July 3, 19B9 ðnd the interest rate ranges from 5\ to 6\ during
that period of time. He stated that these rates are in line with the
market and the marketing cost that are i~volved are in line with the
market, adding that he is satisfied to recommend to the County that
the interest rates and the expenses involved are where they should be.
Commissioner Pistor questioned where the agreement is concerning
the specifications on the amount of the spread, to which Mr. Peter
Zenn, Vice President of Smith Barney, stated that he has obtained
investment agreements from numerous banks and has decided thðt
Chemical Bank has the highest rate of investment for the County. He
stated that t~e telecopy of the investment agreement WðS received by
his office this morning, adding that the transaction cannot be closed
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unless the investment agreement is in place with Chemicðl Bank, as
well ð3 the interest rðtes. He stðted that a copy of this will be
supplied at the closing, which will be August 14, 1986, if the County
decides to move forward with the project.
Commissioner Pistor questioned if Mr. Giblin is assuring the
County that nothing will happen until this agreement is in place, to
which Mr. Giblin stated that this investment agreement is essential
and the issue cannot close until the investment agreement is signed.
Mr. Johnson stðted that he cannot secure an investment agreement
for the County until he has the approval of the Board of County
Mr. Crandall questioned what would happen if the County decided
not to draw anything from this pool, to which Mr. Johnson stated that
the program would collapse ðnd there would be no expense involved
because there would be sufficient eðrnings from the investments to
have covered all the initial lssuðnce expense and there would not be
any fixed bond issues, therefore, the issue would collapse.
Mr. Giblin stated that if for whatever reason, the money was not
drawn-down, che deal would cOllapse and any surplus money would be the
Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight, that
the Board ot County Commissioners go forward with the project.
Commissioner Hasse questioned how much more it would cost the
County if these projects were done by separate bond issues rather than
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putting them altogether under this one issue, to which Mr. Giblin
stated thðt there would be no investment earnings at all. He stated
thðt the r.pst factor would be ~hatever the County would have lost with
the investment earnings on this transaction.
Commissioner Pistor indicated that would amount to between $2.5
million and $7 million.
Mr. Giblin stated that the County is in a no-lose posture with
this type of issue ðnd there is no economic liability prior to draw-
down because the bonds are secured solely by the money sitting in the
investment account. He stated that subsequent to draw-down, the only
liability is to payoff the bonds that have been issued by using the
proceeds from delineated revenue sources and in this case it wIll be
assessments and/or utility revenues.
Commissioner Pistor questioned if each project will have to be
validated, to which Mr, Giblin stated that he would recommend that
eðch one of the assessment projects bp. validated, but as far as the
utility projects are concerned, he is not sure that they need to be
validated, but this'will be discussed later on. He stated that the
insurance company may require validðtion before anything is drawn-
down, but this can be discussed with the insurance companies, but the
money is built into the issue for this, .
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Clerk Gilgs stated that he feels
that this issue is the way to go and there will be millions of dollars
in savings by doing it now before September l, 1986. He ~tated that
the savings are too big to ignore.
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Commisøioner Hasse questioned if this will affect the County's
future borrowing power, to which Clerk Giles stated that it will
affect the borrowing power once the money is drawn-down on the Utility
projectø, but the borrowing power is going to have to be justified
before it can be drawn down to begin with. He stated that it does not
affect the County's overall rating as the Water-Sewer District is
looked at for the ability to pay back,
Commissioner Holland questioned if Collier County has a rating, to
which Mr. Giblin stated that he does not believe that there is a
general obligation rating for the County, adding that all debt is
insured and, therefore, it is all Triple "A".
Mr. Giblin stated that before any monies are drawn-down, there
will be ð determination as to whether there will ~e insurance, adding
that if the County decides to insure, they should insure everything.
Commissioner Holland stated that if there is $18 million fór
MSTU's, it leðves $37 million for utility projects and questioned what
impact this will have on the customer base, to which Mr. Crandall
stated that this is difficult to answer as the customer base is going
to grow as the projects are done.
Commissioner Holland stated that if the rate bl.se does not justify
the issuance, then the bonds cannot be issued, adè~ng that there has
to be guaranteed revenue on each project in order to justify it.
Mr. Giblin stated that the insurance company will not allo~ the
County to draw-down unless the provisions are met that gives the
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insurance compðny security, ðnd if the rates are not there, then there
will be no drðw-down.
Mr. Crandall questioned if the County is forced to go to a fixed-
rate bond issue at a certðin point or can it be done when the ~arket
is right, to which Mr. Giblin stated that there is an automatic
requirement to fix the rate whenever the monies are drawn-down. Mr.
Giblin stated that a determination can be made ~s to when the money is
drawn down, noting that if the market looks bad some interim financing
could be done with the bank and when the market looks good, then the
money could be drawn down to payoff the bank and then made into a
fixed issue. He stated thðt another possibility is that the County,
will be allowed to stay in a weekly mode after draw-down if opinion is
obtained from the Bond Counsel that the bonds will not be adversely
effected by staying in a weekly rðte.
Mr. Henry Maxant questioned how many other communities have
financed in this mðtter, to which Mr. Giblin stated that this is a new
program ðnd there are five or six counties that are in the process of
doing this. He stated that Lee County is doing a similar bond issue
that is closing Thursday. He noted thðt Palm Beach County, Orange
County, Hillsborough County, ðnd Broward County are all looking at
this program and if there is enough time, he expects that more coun-
ties will be doing this program,
Mr. Don Brown questioned what type of debt instrument is being
proposed, to which Mr: Johnson stated it is a put bond, ðdding that
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the peper will be $ll million ðnd $6 million will be in a weekly mode,
which meens thet it is renewed every week ðnd the balance is in a
variety of puts which rðnge from April 1, 1987, to July 3, 1989. He
stðted that the investment agr~ements match the puts.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Giblin Etated that there is
nothing out-of-pocket at all to the County. He stated thðt even when
the money is drawn down, the only liability will be to pay back the
bonds from the assessment or the utility revenues.
Upon call for the question, the motion carrieð unanimously.
Mr. Giblin stated that the bond resolution with the attached docu-
ments needs to be adopted, adding that the bond resolution authorizes
the issuance of the bonds. -He stated that Exhibit "A" to the bond
resolution is the disclosure letter from the Underwriters to the
County which i~ required by Florida Law. He noted thðt the second
ettachment is the form of the Bond Purchase Agreement which will be'
executed, assuming the bond resolution is adopted and the sale of the
bonds are authorized. He stated that the third item is the form of
the Indenture of Trust which will be entered into with Sun Bank which
contains all the security provisions and leys out all the provisions
under which the money can be drawn down.
ComJ1issioner Voss questioned why Sun Bank is involved, to which
Mr. Giblin stated that a trustee is needed and Sun Bank came in
Mr. Zenn stated that Chemical Bank is the one the Co~~ty will be
doing the investment agreements with and Sun Bank is the Florida
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Trustee thðt will be watching the vðrious funds for the County, adding
that he went out for bids and found that Sun Bðnk was the lowest. He
stated that this agreement is also in his office and is being checked.
Mr. Giblin stated that the fourth attachment is the Remarketing
~qreement betw~en the County and Smith Barney under which if anybody
þ~ts bonds, they buy it bðck and sell it ,again. He stated that there
~¡.an annual remarketing fee.
--;.'..: ..
~~~~. Mr~ Zenn stated thðt there is an ann~ðl remarketing fee that was
in'~he original proposal, adding thðt it is explained in the
Remðrketing Agreement, which is one-eighth of one percent per year
which is a standard industry fee.
Mr. Giblin stated that the next attachment is the Depository
Agreement under which Sun Bank will help Smith Barney in remarketing
the bonds. He stated thðt Exhibit "F" is the Official Statement that
describes the trðnaaction and Exhibit "G" is the form of the invest-
ment agreement which the County will be entering into with Chemical
.... Bank which guarantees a certain rate of return above the bond yield.
commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and
carried unanimously, that Resolution 86-134 authorizing the issuance
of $76,600,000 Collier County, Florida, Capital Improvement Program
Revenue Bonds, series 1986, with attachments be adopted.
See Pages J7 - /0 7
Mr. Peter Zenn of Smith Barney presented a check to Clerk Giles in
the amount of $766,000 to hold as a good faith deposit.
He stated
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that the closing will be held on August 14, 1986, in New York and he
will need to hðve the Clerk, the County Attorney, and the Chairman of
the Boðrd present.
commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and
carried unanimously, that the Chairman of the Board of County
commissioners, the County Attorney, and the Clerk of Courts or their
designee be authorized to go to New York for the bond closing which is
to be held on August 14, 1986.
There being no further busineßs for the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned at lO:45 A.M. by Order of the Chair.
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