BCC Minutes 08/06/1986 B
Naples, Florida, August 6, 1986
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 11:00 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in
Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
fOllowing members present:
CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight
Frederick J. Voss
Max A. Hasse
C. C. "Red" Holland
ALSO PRESENT: Maureen Kenyon and Carmen Ruiz (1:00 P.M. to 2:45
P.M.) Deputy Clerks; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill,
Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Kuck,
Public Works Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Director;
Nina Small, Acting Community Development Administrator; Lori Zalka,
Budget Director; Steve Carnell and Jane Fitzpatrick, Budget Analys~s.
10:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
1:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
3:00 P.M.
3:30 P.M.
Public Works
Administrative Services
Public Service
Community Development
Growth Management
Board of County Commissioners
Note: Cassette tapes '1-4 were blank
Bnqineerinq Department
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Budget Analyst Carnell stated that there is a 32.9% increase in
revenues under the Engineering Department which is due from the
increased permitting fees for right-of-way permits. He noted that the
adopted budget for 1985-86 was $193,475 and. the current service
request is $257,150, which is the 32.9% increase and accounts for the
increased permitting fees as well as the increased growth.
Faoilities Manaqement
Mr. Carnell stated that with regards to Facilities Management, the
revenues show a decrease due to accounting procedures. He stated that
the revenues are interdepartmental transfers from other departments,
adding that if work is done for a department then it is charged to
that department but the way it has been executed, is the department
that does the work does not get the money, adding that he is trying to
get the budget in line with the procedure.
Real property Manaqement
Mr. Carnell reported that Real Property Management is a new
department which is the reason for the high percentage listed in the
Mr. Carnell stated that there is a decrease in revenues in Public
Works because last year there were several new lighting and improve-
ment districts which means there are more administrative costs
involved in establishing a district and the continual billing. He
stated that in terms of Public Works Appropriations, there is an
increase of 7.5% which is due to the position of the Public·Works
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Administrative Assistant which is presently vacant. He stated that
Facilities Management shows an increase of 16.4% in appropriations
which is due to a painter p03ition and three other positions; an
electrician, mechanic and tradesworker.
County Manager Lusk stated that with the positions that are being
~dded, each one needs a vehicle.
Buildinq Department Maintenance
Budget Analyst Carnell stated that the building maintenance
department has assumed new responsibilities for several new buildings
during the year; Marco Substation, the new jail, and 3 additional
floors on Building "F".
County Manager Lusk stated that one of the biggest respon-
sibilities is the new jail, which is now over a year old and a lot of
the warranties have run out which means the building maintenance
department will have to start maintaining it.
Commissioner Pis tor stated that he is questioning the need for. two
vehicles, to whi~h County Manager Lusk stated that these vehicles are
pick-up truc~s and are needed as the building maintenance covers from
Everglades to Immokalee ard all points in-between.
Budget Analyst Carnell stated that the 217.6% increase in Real
Property Management is due to the department being set up and the
phase-in of two positions f~om the Transportation Department which
were paid for from Capital funds and are being moved into real pro-
perty management general fund. He stated that one position is for a
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clerical worker and one is for a right-of-way specialist and the
Engineer will be the department head, noting that these positions are
the bulk of the increase.
Mr. Carnell etated that the other budget under appropriations is
Engineering, which shows a 4.7% increase, which came in under the
recommended increase of 5%.
Road Diatrictc
Mr. Carnell stated that with reference to Road Districts under
Public Works, Fund lOI is increasing by 2.8%, adding that the signifi-
cant cost increase is in the expanded service request for signaliza-
tion maintenance, which is for a signal technician and the cost of
electricity for the 90 street lights that just went up on U.S. 41 and
the 8 new traffic signals that will be going in. He stated that there
is a substantial savings due to fuel prices going down. He reported
that Fleet Management is using $1. 10 a gallon for gas for the coming
year which is ð 5-l0% decrease over the prices of last fall. He
stated that with regards to the revenues for Fund lOl, the significant
change is in the sales tax. He stated that the sales tax is not being
cut, it is being put into the General Fund to help keep down taxes.
He stated that there is sti~l a sufficient amount in carry forward as
the revenues were better thãn anticipated, which means there was more
money available.
Transportation Director Archibald stated that he budgeted too low
in the Carry Forward which has been revised to show the carry forward
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a little more accurately ~s well as also showing the reserves in Funds
102, 103, 104, and 106.
Budget Analyst Carnell stated that under MSTD General Fund, Real
Property Management shows over a 50% decrease. He stated that this
money was put aside for a master plan for the Immokalee Airport,
adding that he understand that this master plan is not complete and if
this is the case the budget will be amended accordingly. He noted
that the $24,000 that is listed in the budget is for the maintenance
of the Immokalee Airport and the Everglades Airport. He noted that
transfers for Engineering under Fund ?ll shows a 4.6% increase to
correspond with the increase in the General Fund.
Road , Briðqe
Budget Analyst Carnell stated that Fund 112, Road and Bridge,
shows a reduction in the sales tax which is being put into the General
Fund and also an increase in Carry Forward.
Water Manaqement
Mr. Carnell referred to the Water Management Fund, noting that the
budget is decreasing and that the primary reason is that there was a
dragline purchased this year and that major expenditure will not be
required again next year. He noted that revenues are increased pro-
portionately this year for the canal maintenance program, which the
County is reimbursed for, as well as other revenue sources. He stated
that this refers to the contract with South Florida Water Management
District, noting that they are contracting with the County which will
lower the taxes at the County level.
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Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that this is a five year
contract for takeover and the Water Management Director will start
getting more and more involved in the minor canal system that SFWMD
will not be responsible for, which will be an overall improvement in
all canals.
Improvement Distriots
Budget Analyst Carnell referred to the improvement districts under
Public Works, noting that they are crcated to provide specific
improvements to designated areas in the County. He stated that the
Pine Ridge Industrial Park District was approved for one-third of a
salaried position, noting that this is charged to that district and
the other two-thirds of that position will be distributed this year to
the North Naples Roadway District and the Naples Production Park
District when they are set up as special assessments.
Budget Director Zalka stated that improvements are used for the
initial engineering and desig~ of projects and special assessments are
funded for actual construction of the project, adding that acquiEition
agreements are paid out of special assessments.
solid Waste
Budget Analyst Carnell referred to the Solid Waste Budget, noting
that there is a major decrease in the Naples Landfill budget as last
year there was a major expenditure authorized for a cell liner which
is well underway and obviously that expense will not be needed again
and, therefore, was removed from the budget. He stated that there is
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a reduction in debt service which is estimated to be a little over
$400,000 next year. He noted that under Revenues, the landfill fees
have increased $629,565 due to the $3.00 increased tipping fee. He
stated that at the Immokalee Landfill there is increased expenditures
for a replacement bulldozer and post-closure monitoring. He noted
that there is also associated cost for a mandatory collection billing
program as well as an additional position at the landfill and a gang
mower, adding that the increased tipping fee should pay f9r these
rleet Hanaqement , Motor Pool
Mr. Carnell stated that under Fleet Management and Motor Pool,
there is a decrease due to the fuel. He noted that in the Motor Pool
budget there is a part-time clerical position that has been removed
which is part of the County Manager's reorganization. He noted that
the overall increas~ for Motor Pool is 10% which is due to parts costs
and insurance increases.
GAC Land Sales Fund
Mr. Carnell referred to the GAC Land Sales Fund, noting that this
is a new fund that was established for keeping track of the expenses
and revenue associated with the l,lOO acres of land in Golden Gate
Estates that was previously owned by Avatar Properties.
It was the general conrensus that the Publio Works Budget be
aocepted as presented.
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Risk Manaqement
Budget An~lyst Carnell stated that under Administrative Services,
Risk Management operating expenses are funded in two places; general
fund and workers comp fund. He stated that .the General Fund portion
of this budget pays the bulk of the salary of the Risk Management
Director and the operating cost. He stated that the budget shows a
decrease of 17%, which is almost one quarter of the salary and
operating expenses ~nd will be shifted to the Workers Comp Fund as it
should pay for part of the cost of the services. He stated that the
Work~rs Comp Fund is supported by all County departments and all
County revenues contribut.e to the operation of that fund, which is
primarily ad valorem taxes. He stated that this year is the first
full year for the worker's comp fund which is being increased from
under $1 million to $1.4 million and is a 41.6% increase. He noted
that the reserve fund is being built for future claims that the County
has to payout, noting that Risk Manager Rynders would like to have
a reserve of $l million. He stated that the departments will be
paying 5% less this year for workers comp, which balances out the 5%
salary increase.
Personnel Department
Budget Analyst Carnell referred to the Personnel Department,
noting that there is a 14.1% increase due to personal services. He
noted that the salary was upgraded for the new Personnel Director in
order to hire someone with the right qualifications. He noted that a
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clerical position was also upgraded to an employee relations coor-
dinator, which was part of the County Manager's reorganization. He
stated that one cost that is being decreased is advertising, 'noting
that it is appropriate for the Utilities Division to pay for their own
advertising when they need positions filled.
Purchaslnq Department
Mr. Carnell stat~d that in Purchasing, there are positions that
will be eliminated, but the overall increase results in 21.8% which is
due to i'cre~~~ in operating expenses and capital outlay..
It was the gener~~ consensus that the Administrative services
budget Þe accepted.
Tape IS
Budget Analyst Fitzpatrick stated that the Growth Management
budget was established during this fiscal year and is a 48% increase
after adjusting this year's budget for annual operating cost and the
expanded service request for an engineer and a data technician who
will be assisting in work to be done on the five major elements. She
stated that the current budget that was approved this year reflects
four positions and with the two positions for this year, there will be
a total of 6 positions.
County Manager Lusk stated that the two planners will be working
in planning, but the work they do on the Growth Management Plan will
be charged to this budget so that he will know the exact cost of this
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growth management plan. He stated that this growth management plan
will also have legal fees which have been incorporated into this
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that there is also $75,000 grant monies in
this budget.
Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangaccio etated that she sent a
letter to Tom Lewis, DCA, protesting the allocation formula for these
grants, adding that under the allocation plan the unincorporated popu-
lation is being used as a basis for the County's share. She stated
that under this formula, the County would received $62,699 and the
difference between that and the $75,000 that is shown in the budget is
what has already been approved by DCA and will be coming in between
September 30, 1986, and December 30 1986. She stated that there is
two years to the due date for the Growth Management Plan, adding that
there are II elements that will be spread over the two years. She
noted that there is about a year's worth of public input, adding that
the first draft is taken to the public with about two months of public
input, and th~n it is reworked and brought back to the public again.
She stated that the 11 required elements have been split over the two
year period with work beginning on the five main elements this next
fiscal year. She stated that these are the ones that require the most
labor and time to accumulate the necessary data. She noted that the
Engineer IT1 will coordinate the sanitary sewer, water and drainage,
Solid Was~~ Element and the Coastal Management Element. She stated
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that the engineer position has simply been shown in Growth Management
rather than in Public Works. She stated that the data technitian is
the one that will get the data on the Housing Element as well as the
other elements. She stated that the requirement is such that the
County has to have a lot of original data that is not available on the
County books and this technician will collect this data. She noted
that there is $50,000 included in the budget for environmental con-
sulting fees for the Coastal Management Element, there is.$25,000 for
engineering fees, and $40,000 for legal fees. She said that the
other element is the Capital Improvement Element, noting that the
levels of service will be coming to the Board in November or December
of this year, which is a five-year plan. She stated that there is
$186,000 to continue the positions that were funded in June and an
expanded service of $l60,000 for a total of approximately $347,000 of
which $75,000 will be received from the State, which means the General
Fund will be paying $272,308 for complying with Growth Management
legislation in Fiscal Year 86-87. She noted that when these five
major elements are done, the other six elements are not going to
require the type of time or consulting fees that the main five ele-
ments do, adding that the budget should go down once the five major
elements are completed.
It was the general consensus that the Growth Management budget be
Deputy Clerk Ruiz replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon at 1:00 P.M.
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Boater Reqi.tration Fees
Commissioner Voss asked what the fees presently are for Boater
Registration? Ms. Fitzpatrick stated there is a projection of an
additional $58,000 in revenues by increasing the fees, but right now
Tapo f6
it is $65,249. Ms. Brangaccio stated the annual fee on a16' to 26'
boat is $11.00 and the County receives $6.50 of that; under th~A ~
~ æ -,.,J ~ ...+.-..t,&.- ~..... ~ ;.¡or:
increase that can go up to 50%, making ~$46.50, so the increase in
fee on that size boat would be $15.50. Commissioner Pistor asked if
the fee can be increased 100%? Ms. Brangaccio answered "No," because
the County can only go 50% of the State Registration Fee according to
State Statute, addin9 that this would not go into effect until next
July and the Tax Collector, Mr. Carlton, has to agree to help do this.
Commissioner Holland asked if there was a portion of the fee that was
allocated to the municipality? Ms. Bran9accio answered that the City
receives none of this revenue, it goes back to the County unless the
Board decides to allocate by resolution. She said that what staff pro-
poses for next year for the $65,000, is $50,000 for the 951 boat ramp
additional parking, $10,000 to the Save Our Bays Foundation for the
,t)~ ....-..1J -
dredging at Wiggins Pass and the Board had made recommendations on
equipment for the Sheriff. She added that these revenues should go
towards County projects, and it can be used as match money for State
grant money. Ms. Zalka stated that in addition, $5,000 will be put in
reserve f9! future grant matches for other park projects.
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August 6, 1986
Commissioner Pistor asked if it was agreeable to everyone that, as
suggested by staff, the money that is available and is being' put into
this year's budget is $50,000 for improving the boat ramp, $10,000 for
the Save Our Bays Foundation and $5,000 for reserve? Everyone was
agreeable. ~s. Zalka asked if the Board had a specific project that
the increased fees will go to, or docs the Board want to increase the
fees and the projects will be determined later? Commissioner Pistor
answered that the projects will be determined later.
Commissioner Pistor asked the representative from the Save Our
Bays Foundation to keep track of their costs, because if they start
escalating, the County has to be prepared.
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this Division is budgeted in both the
County-wide General Fund and the Unincorporated General Fund, and it
also has various grants in an improvement district as well as some
trust funds, but the majority of the departments are budgeted in the
General Fund.
Publio Services Administration
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the tentative budget for this depart-
ment has decreased by a little over 22% due to the phase-out of an
administrative assistant position which is in the budget this year.
Veterans' Service.
The tentative budget of this department, Ms. Fitzpatrick said, has
increased by a little over 7l% because of the Director's position
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which waS established during this fiscal year, so the increase in the
budget reflects an annual cost for that department Director's posi-
tion, plus associated operating costs.
Youth Guidanoe
Me. Fitzpatrick sald that the tentative budget for this department
includes 3 month's funding for the Immokalee Youth Guidance Grant
which will expire next June 30th, and that results in a budget
increase for the General Fund of a little over 18%, adding that the
current grant application is being reviewed. Ms. Brangaccio stated
that it has been funded for $58,000, but this is the third year of the
grant program which runs out in June, and staff is recommending that
the Immokalee Youth Guidance office be funded out of the General Fund
once the grant runs out. Commissioner Pis tor asked if the County can
reapply for another year? Ms. Brangaccio answered that after 3 years
there is no eligibility for funding; if it has been a successful
program, the State assumes that the local government will take over
the responsibility.
Ms. Zalka stated that the budget is providing almost $12,000 to
continue the grant from June to September. Commissioner Pistor asked
if the County can look for another field for a grant? Mr. O'Donnell
stated that that is currently being explored.
Animal Control
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that there is 6.4% increase in the budget
for next year, primarily because of the funding for construction of an
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office building at the Immokalee kennels for the Animal Control officer
assigned there. Commissioner Voss stated that some of the trailers
here at the Courthouse Complex will soon be released, and asked if one
of those trailers can be used? Ms. Brangaccio stated that staff can
explore that option, but she is not sure if the trailer would meet the
zoning. Mr. Staudenmeier stated that they can construct a shed better
than a trailer because they can do a better job on it. Commissioner
Pistor asked if the shed will be compatible with the district? Mr.
Staudenmeier answered affirmatively.
Medical Bxaminer
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the budget has decreased by 16t over
what was in the adopted budget this year, and the reason is the
phasing out of the one-time expenses for renovating the new facili-
ties, which was $66,000. Commissioner Holland asked how many people
were included in the budget? Mr. O'Donnell stated that there are two
Medical Examiners, an associate who came on in mid July and a secre-
tary. Ms. Brangaccio stated that there were 3 months during which-
there was no assistant, so that money would revert back to the General
Fund. Ms. Brangaccio stated that Dr. Schmid was advised that the
salary increases that were being approved for all of the other County
employees and the percentages used were the figures that are in the
budget for those positions. Commissioner Holland stated that Dr.
Schmid is gone sometimes for 3 or 4 months at a time, and asked if his
fees have to be paid for that time? Commissioner Pistor stated that he
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has a yearly contract. Mr. O'Donnell stated that staff is in the pro-
cess of negotiating the terms of that contract and it will be brought
to the Board shortly.
Publio Health Service.
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the tentati~e hudget is reflecting
just under a 60% increase snd this includes an expanded request for
the Nurse-Midwife Program. She added that there have been some
discussions with Dr. Polkowski and she has agreed to look for other
funding sources and needs time to do this, so this item will be
discussed at the public hearing on September 4th.
Commissioner Holland asked if staff has all the information that
is needed on that particular program as far as where the County stands
with the hospital and insurance for the program? Ms. Fitzpatrick
stated that everything is being worked out and more information will
be available in the next month. Commissioner Holland stated that this
information must be available for the Board before September 4th,
because if the threat becomes valid dS it has in other areas, the
County could be liable for several million dollars a year.
Commissioner Voss st~ted that the insurance will put some of the mid-
wives out of business. County Manager Lusk stated he believes the
State should help in funding this program, and in the workshops with
Dr. Polkowski she was advised that if the State was willing to fund
it, he would recommend the County going to 50%. He asked that the
Board support this recommendation of 50% or $165,000 and let the
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Health Department go to the State for the rest of it. Mr. Lusk indi-
cated that if the County undertðkes to fund every progrðm 100%, the
State will never be a partner in funding; if they impose mandates on
the County, they should commit funds for progrðms. He added thðt the
hospital felt that the County hðd tðken a giant step in trying to
resolve this problem.
Tape '7
Commissioner Holland stated that at a recent meeting of the OB
doctors, they threatened to stop handling indigent cases and if this
happens the County will face a major problem if these cases are sent
to Le~ County. Ms. Brangaccio stated that the legislation that makes
the County responsible is bei~g reviewed. Commissioner Holland stated
that the State Statutes state what the County's responsibilities are,
but if the hospital is forced to back away the County will have a tre-
mendous liability. Mr. Lusk stated that this is not just the County's
problem. Ms. Brangaccio indicated this has been put off until
September 4th to see if State funding can be obtained.
After ð long discussion, Commissioner Pistor stated that all the
facts should be gathered to be discussed at that time.
Mental Health
Ms. Fitzpatric~ stated thðt the tentative budget of $625,986 is a
21.6% increase over the adopted budget for the current year, and the
reason for this increase is because of the additional money the Board
authorized mid-year for the Adolescent Residential Treatment Center,
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which was a little over $84,000. Ms. Brangaccio stated that the Board
allocated the $84,000 back in March which was for one fiscal year, so
this is the phasing of the program over the next fiscal year.
Commissioner Holland asked if there was State or Federal aid?
Brangaccio stated that ~ental Health is receiving a large amount of
State aid. Ms. Zalka stated that the requirement is that there is a
local match of 25% which includes denations, so actually the County
does not have to give thenl anything, but by practice it has been
giving 25%, not including donations. Mr. Lusk asked, in reference to
this year's budget, where the County stands with.the 25%? Ms.
Fitzpetrick answered that the County is significantly over the local
match requirement. Ms. Zalka stated the Residential Treatment Program
is still under construction and they used the funds received this year
for capital items. Ms. Fitzpatrick mentioned construction is sche-
duled for completion in November or December.
Hospioe and County Forester
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that neither budget has increased over last
Tourist Development Counoil
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this budget has been reduced by under
4', and the money in this budget reflects the projected balance left
over at the end of this year. Commissioner Voss asked what.expenses
the TDC had? Ms. Fitzpatrick stated it consisted of travel.
Collier Soil and Water Conservation
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Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the tentative budget includes a 7.3t
increase which is primarily due to including an expanded request for
$1,388 to replace a typewriter and also to provide funds for one-third
of the cost of a photocopier. Ms. Brangaccio stated that their
Federal support for the soil survey is expanding for technicians and
they are helping with the redevelopment of the Comprehensive Plan.
sooial Services
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this budget has a small increase this
year which was less than 1%, and they also reduced some of the
operating expenses, which offset salary increases.
Commissioner Holland stated that Social Services function is
essential to the County, and wondered whether the budget is kept too
low to provide services needed. Ms. Brangaccio stated that this is
the budget submitted by Mrs. Skinner. Mr. O'Donnell stated that
monies budgeted for Medicade can fluctuate and there has to be an ade-
quate amount budgeted, but each year it has been less than what the
budget allocation has been. Ms. Brangaccio stated that Mrs. Skinner
is basing her request on actual expenditures in the preceding year
and $179,000 was felt to be comfortable.
Commissioner Pistor stated that he had referred a person to Social
Services who needed help with the care of his spouse, and he was
informed that there was a long list of people waiting for such ser-
vices. He asked Mrs. Skinner if there is such a waiting list, should
consideration be given to expanding services? Mrs. Skinner stated
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that was the Aging Program and what the County is doing is matching
State and Federal grants and that is what is available to work with,
adding that the County has not been receiving the amount of funds
other counties are, but when expected addit~onal funds are received,
the Board will be asked for matching monies, which will be in
Commissioner Holland asked if the County has to wait for the
State to increase their funding? Mrs. Skinner answered negatively.
Commissioner Holland asked if the County increases its portion, would
the State match it? Mr. Lusk answered negatively. Commissioner
Holland stated that a less than 1% increase in this particular budget
is not enough since this is an essential function. Ms. Brangaccio
stated that Mrs. Skinner'a estimated expenditures this year is only
going to be $177,00, so she has put new numbers in to reflect her
actual experience, and Medicade is what the County is required to
match; if the situation arose where more money would be needed, the
Board would be asked for additional money.
Commissioner Pistor stated that the recommendation of .6% increase
is approved. Commissioner Holland stated that if that is the recom-
mendation, he will vote for that percentage increase on every budget
down the line, adding that there is no consistency in awarding large
increases to other budgets and the County not being able to·care for
the hungry and aged because of lack of funds. Ms. Brangaccio stated
that what is being discussed is another budget, and what should be
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considered is whether the County wants to take on 100% of the respon-
sibility or wait until State and Federal monies are available.
After a long discussion, Commissioner Pistor stated that' a
problem does exist and the County has to see if there is a solution,
and directed staff to prepare a report with all the facts for the
Commissioners. Commissioner Holland stated that he does not agree
with the report as presented and he votes for raising the whole
program. Commissioner Voss stated that the needs exist but the
Commission has to state how much they are willing to spen9.
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this budget shows an 8% increase over
the current budget due to the replacement of two part-time clerks in
Naples and Marco Island, and it also includes the conversion of a few
positionß from 70 to 80 hours per pay period. Mr. Lusk stated that a
number of years ago, hours were reduced to save money, and in the past
3 years they have started to bring those positions up to 40 hours.
Tape U
County Manager Lusk also stated in reference to the Library
building in downtown Naples, the parking lot is going to need
expanding, and Representative Mary Ellen Hawkins should be approached
regarding State money to expand the building because it is not in any
capital budget.
Parkø , Reoreation
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this budget is increased by a little
over 27% for next year, and the increase includes a combination of
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current year phasing plus expanded requests associated with the com-
munity parks for next year. She said the phasing reflects annual
costs of personnel and operation at the Immokalee, Golden Gate and
North Naples Parks; Golden Gate and North Naples are scheduled to open
by October lst ~nd Immokalee a month later. She indicated that a por-
tion of the expanded requests are for recreation programs for these
parks, and recreation programs are totally supported by user-fee reve-
nues of ~bout $74,000 projected. She noted that also included is an
expanded request for a full-time recreation coordinator and a part-
time .aid for the Marco Island Community Center. ·She stated that this
budget also includes a 9-month operating budget for the Clam Pass Park
which includes four parking attendant positions and a tram to
transport people back and forth to the beach; revenues for Clam Pass
Park are budgeted at $.75 per person from December to March, and $.50
per person from April through November. She said that projected reve-
nues are a little over $32,000 associated with the operation of Clam
Pass Park. Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the budget also includes
funding of a clerical position for support for the entire department.
Ms. Brangaccio stated that Mr. O'Donnell has a current status
report on all the parks. Mr. O'Donnell stated on Marco Island, the
contract is ready to be signed and the ·,lans have been revised to
indicate changes in the Phase I constr~ction and completion is antici-
pated for May, 1987.
Commissioner Voss asked if the concession building and restaurant
facility åt Clam Pass Park were to be furnished by the hotel? Mr.
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O'Donnell stated that a process is being developed on an RFP in regard
to the concession agreement, whereby whoever takes over the concession
can also run the tram. Ms. Brangaccio clarified the issue by saying
thnt it really involves four positions, a tram system and the
operating expenses, and the narrative description in the book was
written b~fore the actual budget.
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the budget has increased by a little
over 4\, a normal operating increase.
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the tentative budget has increased
9.9\, and the primary reason being the replacement of old office
equipment. Mr. O'Donnell said that the budget figures represent the
cost of the operation of the museum in its existing structure, and at
the time the museum is moved and expansion takes place, a new up-dated
budget will be submitted which will show the full cost of the opera-
tion in its expanded environment.
I'lorida Huddle
Ms. Fitzpatrick said that was a one time contribution.
Fire Control
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that there is no increase in next year's
budget, as the State contract to provide fire protection in the unin-
corporated areas has not increased.
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parks ¡ Recreation
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the budget is divided into two ~ec-
tions in the Fund: The first section, $622,124, reflects operational
cost for the community parks, Vanderbilt Beach, Tigertail Beach and
Caxambas Park; this budget increased by 116\ due to phasing for Golden
Gate, Immokalee and North Naples which were partially funded for this
year, expanded requests for groundskeeper and janitor at the Marco
Community Park and groundskeeper at Golden Gate and North Naples,
expanded request for a parking lot attendant at Tigertail Beach, a
lift, and replacement of a play structure. She added that this is
funded by an increase in parking fees to $.75 per person in season and
$.50 per person for off season.
After a discussion on maintenance duties, Mr. O'Donnell stated
that he does not believe that the County receives the level of service
that it should have by contracting out; there were discussions with the
Director about doing it in-house, and it was decided to continue the
maintenance of the present contract because the Parks & Recreation
personnel will be busy with the development of the parks.
Commissio~er Holland asked if the personnel for all parks have to
report to Parks & Recreation at the Courthouse Complex before going to
work? Mr. Murdo Smith stated that there will be maintenance facili-
ties at Marco Island Park, North Naples and Immokalee.
county Aqinq Program and Library
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Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that there are two grants which require
County match, the County Aging Program which is Fund 123 and .Library
Grants which are Fund l29. She added that the cash match required by
the County has decreased for next year for both.
Commissioner pistor asked if the amount of the grant waS affected
at all by the the size of the County's contribution? Ms. Fitzpatrick
stated that the grant dictates what the match would be; $333,917 is
what is budgeted and $166,000 is the County's contribution.
Ms. Brangacc~o stated that the only time the Board has not funded
what was requested, was when there was a request about 2 months ago
where. the State funds were going down and the County match was kept at
the same amount, but according to Mrs. Skinner that was a cut that had
to be made under Gramm, Ruddman, but the cut was not made and she waS
going to come back to staff when she needed to do it under the grant
cycle for the additional County monies; she was told that the Board
would approve those additional monies during the grant cycle.
Ms. Brangaccio indicated that Mrs. Skinner pointed out that in
the next couple of years, the County will have to pick up the additional
amount that the Federal and State are no longer funding; there are a
series of cuts that the Federal Government has proposed and the Board
will be asked at the time of grant submission for that extra money
that the County has not provided in the past.
Parks , Reoreation
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that there is also the Parks & Recreation
grants in Fund 119; total request is $262,000 which includes a land
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and water conservation grant of $172,932 to be used for East Naples
Community Park construction. Ms. Brangaccio stated that because of
the delays in permitting fr~m DER, there may be a possibility of
coming back to the Board 6 months from now. Mr. O'Donnell indicated
that the County is the first governmental agency that has been
affected by the Wetlands Act, and the State is reviewing it carefully,
adding that the County has submitted new information to DER, EPA and
the Army Corps of Engineers, who have a 90 day review process.
Golden Gate Community Center
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this was increased by almost 38% pri-
marily due to additional carry-forward figures which bumped up the
fund. She added that the tentative budget includes a request for a
part-time game room attendant which will allow the game room to be opened
during the evening hours; however, staff is not supporting the request
for additional person'1el, but are recommending that the work schedules
of the existing perbonnel be altered in order to allow for someone to
be there during the evening hours. She indicated that the current
staff is comprised of a director and two full-time community center
Commissioner Hasse questioned whether or not an extra person
should be considered because the youth of the community is lacking
supervision on the weekends. He asked if the Advisory Board was con-
sulted, and Ms. Brangaccio stated that they recommended the position,
but the staff's position has been that there are 3 full-time people
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August 6, 1986
that are ,,'orking 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the game room is open until 9
p.m., and those schedules could be reworked so that one of those three
people is covering those hours. She indicated that that is what will
be done at the other recreational centers, staggering the hours of the
employees. Commissioner Hasse asked about Saturday coverage? Ms.
Brangaccio said that those hours are such that there are more than
available hours to keep two people at the center all the time.
Commissioner Holland asked what duties are performed by the full-
time employees? Ms. Brangaccio stated that one is Center Director,
and the other two are Community Center aides and they do everything
from cleanup to setting up to just being there. Commissioner Holland
asked if the aides do lawn maintenance? Ms. Brangaccio stated that
one is mowing the grass, adding that It people were recommended for
the Marco Island Community Center which will have game rooms, meeting
rooms and the same type of facility. Commissioner Holland asked if
there is going to be janitorial and lawn services? Mr. Lusk indicated
that what should be looked at would be maintenance services for the
grass. He said that janitorial service is hard to provide because
cleanup is done afterwards. Commissioner Holland questioned, with the
3 people at Golden Gate accruing annual and sick time, plus holidays
and weekends, how is the center to be covered? Mr. Lusk stated that
the center will not be run 365 days, there will be days when it will
be closed. He added that what should be looked at is whether the out-
side maintenance can be added to the present contract.
Ms. Brangaccio
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stated that since there will be a new mowing crew, Golden Gate can be
picked up in that fiscal year. Commissioner Pistor asked if the
expanded request was for a part-time game attendant? Ms. Brangaccio
stated that the hours of the game room will ,be extended until 9 p.m.
and it will be open on Saturdays, so they wanted to schedule this per-
son to 20 hours to work those hours.
Commissioner pistor stated that the money is in the budget and the
decision on whether or not to take that part-timf) person out will be
made at a later date.
Tape ,110
Trust FuncS
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that Public Services has three trust funds
and none are supported by County funds.
**Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Ruiz at 2:45 P.M.**
Southwest rlorida Reqional Planninq counoil
Budget Analyst Fitzpatrick stated that the General Fund under
Community Development list the budget for Southwest Florida Regional
Planning Council, which indicates a 5.S% increase due to an increase
in the County's assessment for membership, which is based on popula-
Boonomio Development counoil
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the next budget is the Economic
Development Council budget which is budgeted at $20,000, the same as
this year(è budget.
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August 6, 1986
Reef , Marine
Ms. Fitzpatrick noted that the Reef & Marine budget is $lOO,OOO,
which is the same as this year's budget, but there has been a shift
in expenses. She stated that the technician was being paid for out of
contractual services and the County is now proposing to pay a quarter
of the Natural Resources Technician position out of this budget,
adding that this person will be doing the work that has been
contracted out, which is an existing position.
Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangaccio stated that this
existing position is spending 25% of their time on Reef & Marine, so
25% of their salary is being allocated to the Reef & Marine program,
adding that the total budget has been kept at the $100,000 that the
Board of County Commissioners set as a policy decision.
Maroo Island Code Bnforoement
Budget Analyst Fitzpatrick stated that this item is in the MSTD
General Fund, which is the Marco Island Code Enforcement. She
stated that there is $3,151 budgeted for operating expenses for two
volunteer code enforcement officers on Marco Island.
Community Development Administration
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this item is the Community Development
Fund with the first department being the Administration, which has
decreased 14.8% due to moving a position into the Building Department
during the year.
Natural Resources Department
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that this budget has increased over 24',
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noting that included in the increase is an expanded request for a
Natural Resources Technician to assist in the expanding areas of Reef
& Marine permits and coastal grants. She re~ú~t~d that the tentative
budget of $203,214 should increase by $10,000 a3 the Coastal
Management Grant will be $50,000 instead of .$40,000.
County Manager Lusk stated that one additional position has been
put in this department's budget which is under Community Development,
noting that accusations were made that this Division has not been able
to increase since he has been the County Manager and he wanted it
clear that there is an additional position in next year's budget.
Planninq Department
Mrs. Fitzpatrick stated that the Planning Department budget has
increased by 7.6%, which includes an additional planner position asso-
ciated with the Immokalee Land Use Study.
She stated that the position will also assist in writing
zoning ordinance amendments, preparing rezone applications and assist
in planning and zoning matters in Immokalee.
Building Code Compliance Department
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the tentative budget for the Building
Code Compliance Department shows a 19.6% increase and includes three
new positions; a zoning investigator for Immokalee and two additional
building inspectors.
Boonomio Development Administration
Ms. Fitzpatrick said that the Economic Development
Administration budget was established in budget year 1985-86 and shows
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a 48% increase over the current budget which is due to phasing in the
position for l2 months, plus operating cost, and it also includes an
expanded request for a secretary, which would be funded 80% ôat of
this fund and the other 20% would be funded from the Section 8 Housing
Grants. She stated that there is also a computer in this budget which
would be split on a 50/50 basis with Community Developer and Section 8
Housing Grants.
Deputy Assistant County Manager Brangaccio stated that Wanda Jones
is working on a substandard housing code which will be ready by the
end of this next fiscal year and then the inspectors can be funded the
following year.
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the only section that is left is the
Section 8 HUD Grant which is for $474,984 and is all grant money. She
stated that no County money is involved in this figure.
Section 8 Housing Program Director Jones stated that there are two
Section 8 programs, adding that there is a section 8 moderate rehabi-
litation program under which there will be 35 certificates contracted
which will be good until 1999, and the other program is the existing
Section 8 program which was very under-utilized when she started. She
stated that there was a total of 118 certificates available under that
program and only 36 of those were under contract. She stated that
since March, she has increased this by about 25 and by adding more
people, she hopes to be able to get this figure up to at least 95\ of
the total which, is what is recommended by HUD. She stated that she
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has also applied for 20 housing vouchers and there will also be an
additional 150 certificates that she can apply for. She stated that
these certificates are definitely needed for the Immokalee area. She
stated that she has sent a letter to Tallahassee asking that they
identify Collier County as one of the demonstration areas for affor-
dable housing.
Tape 114
County Manager Lusk stated that Ms. Jones would make a report to
the Board of County Commissioners at a Commission meeting in order for
the public to become aware of what is happening with this housing
program and how to get in on the program.
Commissioner pistor stated that the E0ard of County Commissioners
would like to have a report ready for the first meeting in September.
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that there is one other grant program
under Community Development which is the Metro planning Grant for"
$77,718, which has a local match of $4,726 that is coming from the
Community Development Fund.
Environmental science , Pollution control Department
Budget Analyst Carnell stated that the Environmental Science and
Pollution Control Department is a function o[ the special levy for
water pollution control that was adopted in l384, adding that this has
been the first full year of operating the department. He noted that
the total department increase is 4l% and most of that is phase-ins.
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He noted that there is a 48\ increase in personal service co~~ which
is due to positions that were authorized by the Board of County
Commissioners but not at a full-year cost during the present fiscal
year. He stated that in the coming fiscal year, the cost ~Iill be for
a full year which is why there is such an increa3e in salaries. He
noted that under operating expenses there is a major increase which is
the cost of a full year of the water sampling program and the major
decrease is that a substantial amount of money was budgeted for rental
of office space, but the cost of renting space for the department is
much ¡ess and has been phased out of the budget. He stated that there
is an expanded service request for a pollution control technician.
Bill Lorenz, Pollution Control Director, stated that the tech-
nician is for the sampling program, adding that the technician will
actually do the sampling work at private labs.
County Manager Lusk stated that in this year's budget for
Community Development, .there are a total of 6 positions that are being
It was the qeneral consensus that the community Development
Division Þudqet be accepted.
Budget Analyst Fitzpatrick stated that th~ tentative budget for
the Board of County Commissioners shows a 7% increase due to the pay
raise which was given to the Board of County Commissioners by the
Slate and the other reason is because of an expanded service request
of $4,000 for contributions to private organizations.
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Budget Director Zalka stated that these are one-time contribu-
tions, not necessarily recurring each year.
Commissioner Holland stated that $10,000 should be put in this
budget and then discretion should be used regarding contributions.
Commissioner Voss stated that the amount should be split between
the $10,000 and the $4,000 and go with a budget of $7,000, to which
Commissioner Holland agreed.
It was the qeneral consensus that the buðqet be set at $7,000 for
County Attorney
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the County Attorney's budget reflects
a 2.1\ increase for next year and also includes $120,000 for legal
fees. She stated that Staff recommends reducing the legal fees by
$20,000 to $100,000.
County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has tried to keep the budget
as low as possible, adding that he would suggest that the $20,000.be
left in the budget, as one case could cost $50,000, at least. He
stated that he does not intend to use the mon~y, but he feels that it
is important to keep it in the budget.
General Administrative
Ms. Fitzpatrick stated that the general Administrative Budget
is $302,809 and is a decrease of 3.7\ because $lO,OOO budgeted for
travel expenses has been moved to the County Manager's Administrative
Budget. She stated that it was also reduced $26,000 for the pro-
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fessional liability insurance policy which is covered under the self-
insurance program. She stated that there is $52,000 in this budget
for unemployment compensation, the bill for mailing the tax nøtices is
Chðrged to this account and there is also the salary for a Clerk in
Everglades City in this account.
It was the general consensus that the Board of county
Commissioners budget be acoepted as presented.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:55 P.M.
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