BCC Minutes 11/20/1986 S
· Naples, Florida, November 20, 1986
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that in accordance with action taken on
November 18, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners in and for th~
County of Collier met on this date at 2:00 P.M. in SPZCIAL SESSION in
Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following membere present:
CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Burt L. Saunde~s
ABSENT: John A. Pistor
Anne G. Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT: Jame5 C. Giles, Clerk; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy
Clerk; John Yonk~sky, Finance Director; Donald B. Lusk, County
Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff,
Admini3trative Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County
Attornùy; and George Archibald, Public Works Administrator.
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November 20, 1986
M~ Susan Fischer of Fischcr Johnson stated that on November 18,
1986, she presented the possibility of this refunding which was
approved for marketing. She stated that PaineWebber marketed the
bonds on November l8, 1986, very aggressively and came out with more
savings than what was reported on November la, 19a6. She noted that
the total savings was ~723,605 and the prcsent vólue savings was
$371,689. She stated that the outstanding bonds went from 9-1/8% to
7\ which produced new money for ruad improvements of $305,000. She
stated that the expenses of the bond issue are basically the same as
what was stated on November la, 1986. She indicated that in com-
pðrison with other bond issues in T'lorida ðt the same time, Collier
County did very well against the other issues, adding that it was an
excellent refunding for the County with a good savings and a good
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interest rate. She indicated that the present value savings reported
on November 18, 19a6, was $333,322 and when it was marketed the actual
present value savings was $371,689.
Mr. Tom Giblin, Bond Counsel with Nabors, Giblin, Stephanson,
Nickerson in Tallahassee, stated that the bond resolution has four
exhibits, ðdding that Exhibit "A" is the Disclosure Letter which is
r.equired by Florida law and states what the expenses of the underwri-
ters ðre; Exhibit "B" is the Bond Purchase'Agreement which is to be
executed by the County and the Underwriters in the event that the
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November 20, 1986
County accepts the offer of the Underwriters to purchase the Bonds
this date; Exhibit "C" is the Escrow Deposit Agreement pursuant to
which several securities will be purchased and l~cked away into escrow
to payoff the old bonds; and Exhibit "D" is the Official Statement
pursuant to which the County and the Underwrit~rs will offer these
bonds to the public. He stated that the Resolution includ~s various
terms of the bonds, terms pursuant to which the bonds can be
registered or transferred, as well as the form of the bonds them-
selves, and various terms such as redemption provisions, the interest
rates and the maturity analysis.
Clerk Giles questioned if th9re is a debt service schedule of what
is being paid this year, to which Mr.,Giblin stated that this would
not normally be attached to the bond resolution.
MS~, Fischer indicated that she would get a copy of that schedule
and have it at closing.
Clerk Giles stated that there is new money of approximately
$305,000, but it shows a total savings of $372,000 and questioned the
difference, to which MS. Fischer stated that the present value
savings does not correspond exactly, adding that there will be some
cost of issuance involved.
Mr. Bruce Pulver of PaineWebber stated with regards to the old
debt service sChedule this will be included as one of the documents at
closing as well as the nel' debt service schedule to help the County
out with budgeting. He stated that it should also show the new money
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Noven,oer 20, 1986
ðS well.
In answer to Clerk Giles, Mr. Pulver stated that the present value
savings will be slightly different than the new money. Mr. Pulver
stated that the difference in the savings that is being questioned is
due to the amounts used from the old debt scrvice reserve, adding that
there is ð different amount in the existing debt service reserve than
the' amount that will be needed as a debt service reserve for the
refunding iesue. He stated that the difference of $31,149 is shown as
an offset and the remaining difference betwcen the present value
savings and the total bond issue would be the cost of issuance on the
incremental part of the new money issue.
Commissioner Glass stated that this is not reflected in the paper-
work ðnd this gives a false picture of what is really available.
Mr, Pulver stated that a pricing book will be done for the County
in the next week or so which will give a complete picture of the
refunding, 1dding that it will show a savings schedule, and the new
money "s well. He stated that a breakout can be done to account for
th~ difference of the np.w money amount and the total present value
County Attorney Cuyler stated that a question has arisen that he
is discussing with Bond Counsel and he would like to take a five
minute break to hopefully resolve the matter.
***** aece..: 2:10 P.M. - Reconvened: 2:20 P.M. .....
Mr. Giblin stated that the County Attorney asked for this delay
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Nov£~ber 20, 1986
because there was Dome concern raised by Commissioncr Saunders as to
whether there was any involvement on behalf of A. G. Edwards in the
bond issue, adding that it is not uncommon for mânaging underwriters
such as paineWebber and Smith Barney to ask other underwriters to join
in selling bonds. He stated that in this situation, the other
underwriters would receive re~uneration for participating in the issue
and it could raise a possible conflict of interest with Commissioner
Saunders voting in terms of whether or not to proceed with the bond
issue. He stated that Bruce Pulver of paineWebber was asked to check
if there was any involvement with A. G. Edwards on this bond issue.
Mr, Pulver stated that A. G. Edwards had absolutely no involvement
with this bond issue, adding that it was totally sold by paineWebber
and Smith Barney as managing underwriters. He stated that there were
no other underwriters involved in the sale of this issue.
Commissioner Hasse questioned what would happen if Commissioner
Saunde,s had a conflict of interest, to which County Attorney Cuyler
stated that he would recommend that the bond issue not proceed because
he would feel uncomfortable with less than three voting meni)ers, even
though there is ð quorum present.
Commissioner Saunders stated that based on the previouo comments,
he would assume that there is no conflict of interest and questioned
if he may proceed to vote on the issue, to which County Attorney
Cuyler replied t2firmatively, adding that he does not see any conflict
of interest under the circumstances that have becn discussed.
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November 20, 1986
Mr. Giblin stated that if the Commission detcrmines to proceed
with the bond issue, the next action would be to adopt the resolution
ðnd that would authorize acceptance of the terms of the bonds and
authorize the Chairman to execute the Bond Purchase Agreement and exe-
cute the Official Statement.
commissioner Glass moved, .econded by commissioner Saunders and
3/0, that Resolution 86-225 authorizing the issuance of not exceeding
$6,000,000 Improvement Revenue Bonda providing for the construction,
reconstruction and acquisition of roads and related facilities and the
resurfaoing of roads in collier County, Florida, be adopted,
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Thesé' minute~ approved by the Board on
ðS presented ~ or as corrected
There bcing no further business for the Good'of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:21 P.M.
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