Agenda 05/13/2013 Item #10F5/14/2013 10.F.
Recommendation to direct the County Attorney to bring back to the Board for its future
consideration an ordinance abolishing the Environmental Advisory Council, together with
an ordinance amending the Collier County Planning Commission Ordinance to (1) absorb
the responsibilities of the EAC; and (2) change the membership composition of the Collier
County Planning Commission from 9 members to 7, with a single member from each
Commission District, plus two at -large members.
OBJECTIVE: To reduce staff time and costs spent on land use matters by designating one
board to oversee and make land use recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.
CONSIDERATIONS: There are currently two boards which review land use applications and
make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. They are the Environmental
Advisory Council (the "EAC ") and the Collier County Planning Commission (the "CCPC ").
The EAC is not required by Florida law. The CCPC, as the County's designated local planning
agency, is so required.
Consolidating these two boards will reduce County staff time spent preparing presentations and
answering the same questions before two advisory boards and will therefore permit staff to
operate more efficiently. The result is a quicker land use application process for the Board of
County Commissioners to the benefit of our constituents.
Currently, the CCPC includes two representatives from Commissioner Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 and
one representative from District 4. Modifying the CCPC representative requirements to one
member in each of the five Commission districts plus two at -large members will create a more
inclusive membership.
FISCAL IMPACT: Consolidating these two boards will result in the County experiencing a
savings in staff time and costs and will create a more efficient operation.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The EAC is not required by State Law, and as such its
continued existence is at the pleasure of the Board. If the Board elects to abolish the EAC, the
County Attorney will prepare a draft ordinance for the Board to consider repealing the EAC
Ordinance (Ord. 09 -32, as amended), as well as a draft CCPC Ordinance amendment which will
at the very least fold the EAC's current duties into the CCPC, as well as incorporating any other
direction by the Board. This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is legally
sufficient, and requires majority support for approval. -JAK.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners directs the County
Attorney to bring forth for consideration an Ordinance abolishing the Environmental Advisory
Council, and simultaneously present an amended CCPC Ordinance to absorb the EAC's
responsibilities and to modify the membership of the CCPC to be one representative per
Commissioner District plus two at -large members.
Prepared by: Commissioner Tom Henning, District 3
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 10.10.F.
5/14/2013 10.F.
Item Summary: Recommendation to direct the County Attorney to bring back to the
Board for its future consideration an ordinance abolishing the Environmental Advisory Council,
together with an ordinance amending the Collier County Planning Commission Ordinance to (1)
absorb the responsibilities of the EAC; and (2) change the membership composition of the
Collier County Planning Commission from 9 members to 7, with a single member from each
Commission District, plus two at -large members.
Meeting Date: 5/14/2013
Prepared By
Name: SmithCamden
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC
5/6/2013 5:07:21 PM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC
Name: SmithCamden
5/6/2013 5:07:23 PM
Approved By
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney
Date: 5/7/2013 8:09:17 AM
Name: GreenwaldRandy
Title: Management/Budget Analyst,Office of Management & B
Date: 5/7/2013 8:53:25 AM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney
Date: 5/7/2013 11:50:51 AM
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Name: IsacksonMark
5/14/2013 10. F.
Title: Director -Corp Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO
Date: 5/7/2013 2:12:45 PM
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