Agenda 05/13/2013 Item # 5B04/3012013 16:05 Greater Naples Chamber of Commer (F99392628374
5/14/2013 53.
04Apr. 17. 2013'i 4,29PMrNaPMiea Mare Ristorante Q- AxWAze.No, 1777 P. 1tu�ruut
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Business of the Mouth Nora ntation Form
Below Isthe nomination form for nominating business to be recognized as Business of
the Month for Collier County. Each month the The Greater Napless Chamber of
Commerce and the Collier Board of County Commissioners recognize'a business that
makes positive contributions to our community. In order to be submitted, please
provide the following information to The Chamber via fax 239.262 -8374,
Nhme and 71t1 of caner o Top ,
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Executive; c7
Email Atione:�D
Address, M I'm
Please provide a brief descrip lon of our comp Y's b OO$
ur OM
In what year did your business begin In Collier
Please provide information about your company's In technologies, growth of
the organization, potential future growth, and how your organization has helped to
advance your industry and /or the community, (Pitase use $00 words or less).
The owner or top executive will be asked to give a presentation (5 minutes max) to
the Board of County Commissioners about your business purpose and achievements.
You be will eontooted by Nancy Kerrts at nan,- or 239 -269 -2191
If your 6usindss is salected.
Thank you for your cont:Aution to Collier Countyi
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0413012013 16:06 Greater Naples Chamber of Commer
TAX)239MM74 5/14/2013 5.B.
MiraMare Ristorante, is located at The Village on Venetian Bay, 4200 Gulf Shore
Boulevard North. MiraMare offers authentic Northern Italian cuisine with an
absolutely breath taking view of Venetian Bay. Enjoy lunch or dinner in an indoor
or outdoor setting. A vast selection of wines is available to compliment the varied
menu items. Sal Sinzieri, Owner of MiraMare, recently added Fish Restaurant on
the northern section of The Village. For more information visit or call 239- 430 - 6273.
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5/14/2013 53.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 5.5.B.
Item Summary: Presentation of the Collier County Business of the Month for May 2013 to
MiraMare Ristorante at Venetian Village. To be accepted by Sal Sinzieri, Owner and Freddy
Velez, General Manager.
Meeting Date: 5/14/2013
Prepared By
Name: BartlettKristi
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC
4/30/2013 2:55:07 PM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC
Name: BartlettKristi
4/30/2013 2:55:09 PM
Approved By
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager- Business Operations, CMO
Date: 5/1/2013 2:50:09 PM
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager - Business Operations, CMO
Date: 5/1/2013 5:16:44 PM
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