BCC Minutes 01/06/1987 R :.-............ .. ... - Naples, Florida, January 6, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the fOllowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Anne Goodnight ABSENT: Burt L. Saunders ALSO PRESE~~ James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. :~ j L,: Page I &OO~ 100 p~r.t 42S ~\"~; 1 " .'. \' . i J' ;' ~.~ \ 1 (1[1 ; ,;'; ", ''0 . ) January 6, 1987 f1 APPROVED WITH CHANG!S Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0 to approve the agerlda with the following ohanges: 1. Add Item No. '(D) (4) - recommendation to allow Collier Health Services , Inc. to n~me the Immokalee Health Center the "Marion E. Fether Health Center: and in addition allow them to place a monument at the facility recognizing Mrs. Fether'. accomplishments. 2. Add to Item No. '(P)(2)t (e) A resolution requesting state legislation to provide medica insurance coverage for the low income population. (f) A resolution requesting legislation to provide ongoing primary care monies to counties for medical care of the indigent. (g) A resolution requesting legislation allowing the employment of physicians in private practice as employees of the state, affording the state's limited sovereign immunity from malpractice litigation in the provision of medical care to the indigent at the request of County Manager Lusk. 3.' Add Item No. 12(P) - Discussion regarding the Collier County Fair - at the request of Commissioner Goodnight. 4. Add Item No. l2(G) - Discussion regarding a date for a spe- cial meeting on Resource Recovery Escrow and Bond Extension. S. Delete Item No. 14(D)(2) - recommendation to approve a budget amendment in Fund 305. 6. Continue Item 6(C)(1) to January 20, 1987 - Petition A-S6-4, appeal of an administrative decision that accessory use, boat docking, and accessory structure, boat dock, must be in con- junction with principle use of single family residence _ at the request of Commissioner Hasse. ... 7. Continue Item 12(D) to January 13, 1987. '-.;', -,' j 2 . .../~ ,'. ,.:.. I I:)' ~P;,;¡ t·'; :Lld~'.:' ~ ;~ ,0,) , ': t. :~ "'. f, . , ,..' Page 2 L' !'t" ,.,., . . . .. ~- - ,. . , . ~ .;, ~' 1 ,', ~ .. .. .. ·_·",..·_,.......'''·",,,__·''-~.._·,<_·c..~.,,._'''_,,_.~'''''''......{, .. ... .. .r. . t~: 4 ::'~ ~ Ir',·1 W'!',j,<,,: ~"'.'" , .; ~2"(, ".~'~ ?-;:~1 . ~ Jenua['y 6, 1987 en Employee Service Award to the ",~ob~,rt Moody . '\".u_t, : Item '5B2 Engineering Department 10 years JANUARY 4-10, 1'87 DBSIGNA'1'BD AS "NA'1'IONAL BOWLING WEEK" Following reading of e proclamation ['e Nationel Bowling week, Commissioner GOOðnight moved, seoonðeð by Commissioner Pistor and oarried 4/0, that the proo1amation be adopted. . r !. ;.'1. ., i·i. ¡ ;". . , r " i: ': '¡ " Page 3 ",' lIDDK 1001'~t:r434 ~, ! . ,j r' l;,'" I I ¡ ~ þ..: ¡ r~ . I! ~, ;-; \ . ' TO'I·- ¡¡,0 . d ' ~_ . .. h ... .:... \J ) ."'.."""'......,__.____..__.... 17'..,,. .....'fI.. ."""'....___.._,.....__.j .. ... .. Januery 6, 19B7 Item tIICl PITITION A-8S-4, N. H. DENIZMAN APPEAL or AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION ON ACCESSORY USE AND STRUCTUR! (BOAT DOC~) CONTINUED TO JANUARY 20, 1987 Commissioner Glas~ moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that Petition A-8S-4, appeal of administrative decision, be continued to January 20, 1987. Item '9B1 REQUEST ~OR DIRECTION ON PROCBDURE FOR RANKING CONSULTANTS RB SADAL PALM ROAD BXTENSION, M.S.T.U. - SBLECTION COMMITTEE AUTHORIZED Public Works Administretor Archibeld advised that subsequent to Boerd action on October 2B, 1986, approving e taxing district for the Saba I Palm Road Extension, staff has advertised for consulting ser- vices to prepere preliminary designs end a feasibility study for .'- this dist~ict_ He stated 6 responses have been received, and by using e point system, staff has placed the fOllowing firms on 'a "short list" for consideration: Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. ; Johnson Engineering, Inc_, end Wilson, Miller,' àarton, 9011 & Peek,' Inc. Mr. Archibald reported the next step is to either 1) schedule pre- sentations before the Boerd for selection; or 2) delegete to a selec- tion committee end heve firms recommended to the Board of County Commissioners by priority listing_ In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Archibald stated that this construction is being done at the property owners request for an approximate 6 mile extension of Sabal Palm Road and the cost will be assessed to the property owners. , ~ . &001( 100 PAG£ 436 Pðge 4 _'_~""""·'·_'_·"T_·_"'''__.·"".._." ,.'"",,,;._~,,___,, ...--.,. _...._"'''"',~-,._--''''''''....",.."_.,,,.,.',,._"--,~''-,,..,,''"'-~''''_.._''' .... ,..",-.--.,-"--".,, ~!fII_"___"'"""'_"·'_...~.__"""...a"'n --~----....,~,..._-,.,,,~,.., . . . ..' ~ "- , " -........, '"'"" 100 PIC£ 4.41 January 6, 1987 Item UB2 ADDITION TO BID '86-1020 FOR THB INSTALLATION OP A 3,000 GALLON FUEL TANK AT THB COURTHOUSE COMPLEX - APPROVED WITK STIPULATION Public Works Director Archibald stated that the Board of County Commissioners had recently entered into a contract with J & M Pump of Ft. Myers to move the Courthouse Complex gas pumps. He requested that an additional $8,858.00 be approved for the installation of a 3,000 gallon diesel fuel tank and added to the contract. He stated that staff has reviewed the cost of materials and also the additional work involved and have determined that the price is competitive. Tape f2 Much discussion followed on the ultimate location of the pumps at the Courthouse Complex and Mr. Archibald advised that staff is still in the process of complet~ng the Master Plan for the Courthouse which will identify the possible locations for the pumps. J. County Manager Lusk stated that one million dollars was budgeted for a piece of property which can no longer be obtained. He then suggested that the Board of County Commissioners purchase the gas sta- tion on the corner of Airport Road and U. S. 41, across the street from the Courthouse, and use this location for the gas pumps. County , Manager Lusk stated that with the warehouse operations beginning, the pumps are desperately needed. He also reminded the Board that the ultimate location of the pumps will fall under zoning and setback requirements. Page 7 " .. - - _....~~- .. .. .. January 6, 1987 Commissioner Hasse directed ,County Manager Lusk to pursue the idea of purchasing the gas station and report some preliminary prices to the Board. Commissioner Glass moved, .eoonded by Commissioner Goodniqht and oarried 4/0 to approve an additional $8,858.00 tor Bid '86-1020, J , H Pump ot Ft. Myers, tor the installation ot a 3,000 gallon tuel tank at the Courthouse Complex subjeot to tinal looation approval by the Board ot County Commissioners. Item . 9B3 BID '86-1058 FOR FOUR 5 CUBIC YARD DUMP TRUCKS - AWARDED TO PALMETTO TRUCK SALES OF MIAMI IN THE AMO~ OF $53,134.00 (See Pages....~a¥"'\~Ot, ) Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 5, 1986 as evidenced by ,Affidavit of Publication filed with .,. the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consid~r Bid #86-1058 for four (4) single axle 5 cubic yard dump trucks for the Public Works Department. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that bids from local firms and non-local firms were considered. He advised the low bidder was Palmetto Truck Sales of Miami in the amount of $53,134.00 and said that staff finds it in the best interest of the County to recommend that Bid #86-1058 for four 5 cubic yard dump trucks be approved. :In ahswer to Chaicman Hasse Mr. Archibald stated that staff con- curs that because of the difference in price, the County can take a chance on providing their own servic~' and warranty work from the out \; t:~ t;- It ';"' : r '. " t , '., ,',T '- -: I.~· : ( ~ , , '1', .. . ~.. j' J:' ( '.;~ 1('. '.~ 1 1 <' ~ . ~.~ ;:.;.j .:'.'LJ ¡,~y (; \ ~; .. :t. ':'::' "jU1Il;'Þa~~ (' 8 8001( 100p~r;£442 ..' J8nu8ry 6, 1987 ¡, j of town bidder. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and oarried 4/0, that Bid '86-1058 for four 5 oubic yard dump trucks be awarded to Palmetto Truck Sales of Miami in the amount of $53,134.00, inoluding trade-in of four dump trucks. Item US4 IKKOKALEE HEALTH CENTER'S NAME CHANQED TO MARION E. PETHER HEALTH CENTER AND AUTHORITY GIVEN TO PLACE MONUMENT AT PACILITY l. t' :if- ]tj/ I,,'," - ;";.' , It<; '~" . . . v I"~,·,~,':'·'·'·.:",·.·, -,JII , ¡ . .' h ~.~,'~': ~~ ~~',~ Commissioner Goodnight stðted that Collier Heðlth Services, Inc. has requested that the Immokðlee He8lth Center's nðme be changed to the Marion E. Fethcr Health Center to recognize all of the work she has done for the Center. She stated they would 8lso like to place a monument at no cost to the County. Commissioner Goodnight added that Mrs. Fether is very ill at this time and the,people of Im~okalee would like this request granted as ~. , , , soon as possible. .,. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that Immokalee Health Center name be changed to the ¡Marion B. Fether Health Center and that Collier Health servioes, Ino. ,be authorized to place a monument at the facility recognizing Mrs. 'Petheris acoomplishments. It.. UD1 CHANGE OnnBa NO. 1 (FINAL) AND ACCEPTANCE OP WATER SYSTEM IMPROVE- MEI/TS IN THE PALM SPRINGS SUBDIVISION WATER SERVICE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - APPROVED. PROPERTY OWNERS TO CONNECT TO SYSTEM Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that Chðnge Order No. I for the Palm Springs Estates Potable Water Distribution System is a Page 9 ".' ',;f .. - - ----_._=---~,-".,""'»~ .<".",,,"..,..,,,._~,,,,,,,,~_......_...- - .- - I~ J~nuary 6, 1987 : He noted that in , ,c, "".' ;"'¡ .' rèduction of $5,568.00 from the original contract. line with this change order, the total assessment will also be reduced. Mr. Crandall advised that improvements are complete and requested the Board of County Commissioners to accept the improve- ments, authorize the change order, and authorize preparation of the preliminary assessment roll. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Crandall advised that the 'public will have ð chance to discuss this issue at the public hearing. Commissioner Gl..s moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Goodnight and oarried 4/0, that Change Order',No. 1 (tinal) be approved, the improve- ments .hall be aocepted, the utilities Department .h.ll prep.re the prelimin.ry .....sment roll, and the Clerk shall provide notio. ot oonnections to the property owners tor the Palm springs Subdivision W.t.r Service Improvement District. ":1 f;f ". .0." 'it: ,.':'\;1' " ¡ it : r ~ I :.~O't;:. ',,' i; cn if V ;, :';) ,"/ ,,;. I. ; i'" \ ~ ~. H t l ,; t ',~j, . \ " r"~·..\i~.\. .~" L'. ¡i ~'ì': H" . :- , ;.~ ~,~ ;')" ,', L, . ' ~ '.-'~ -~.. ,..... .. .'~' .... I ';¡ , 'I .f;' Page 10 ;~~\: 1DO·~!·: 444- :fUU \~ '(~ ~ . «J. (;: ¡ JiJa2\' -_",_,___~,."",,,;,,,...,.,,,,,,,,.,,^,..~.,,~",,,,.,_,,,......,...,_",, .k~~"_''''''''__'''_'-''_ ----... " "t "i)" . \ j¡ I . , ~ '~ " : " . '~'a' 100p~r,t447 January " 1987 Item t9D2 PETITION FROM DAVIS BOULEVARD PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A WATBR ASSBSSMENT DISTRICT -"' ACCEPTBD Utilities Engineering Director Madðjewski stated thðt a petition from Davis Boulevard property owners has been received for creation of a wðter ðssessment district. He stated that the property owners are requesting approximately 9,800 feet of pipeline to connect existing County water mains between Radio ROðd ðlong Davis Blvd. ðnd Kings Way in Kings Lake Subdivision. Mr. Madajewski ðdvised thðt there ðre 35 parcels of property within the proposed wðter assessment district and the petitions con- tain approximately 49% of the benefitted property owners' signatures. He said that two of the pðrcels are owned by Hubschmðn & Associates and pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement with East Naples Water Systems, Inc., Collier County will be obligated to pay the assessment costs for the proposed facilities. He added that the addi- tion of these two parcels will increðs~ the percentag~of signatures to approximately 54%. 1 " .;,;, Mr. Madajewski stated that this extension is in conformity with ,I.. the Countyl~ Master Plan and wlii slight+y accelerate construction. Commissioner Goodnight moved, .eoonded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that the petition from Davis Boulevard property owners for a water assessment distriot be ~ocepted and a feasibility study be 'authori.ed. .. ~ t', '- . ,':.! It' ¡-, ", . '-.;~ ..:." .... .. (~)' v t ;.: 4 ,'!: I:' ~ '" ; ~ \. t ' "' ,,,,pag. 11 ',' ('; ,'.0 . . , :: ,~> oJ ~ ¡. ,\ \. ) . '.>.:..tH . ··..t , " . , I' ¡ ; '. ,., Î r. ,: ~~ ¡ ... \) , . J.. .,-'..", {i' ; '3~ .. - <'''''';' ...,.·".~",,,~,.c,._,,,,,,._,..'~',,....",,,,.,.<,-..-..... "" " I . ~ _____.,"_"~""N^"'·~""....,..__".""..',.,."...·_"'~,<"...,,~ .. .. .. January 4S, 1987 Item UBl REQUBST FOR PART-TIMB CLBRK II POSITION IN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT'- APPROVED Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that due to the scheduled move of the Purchasing Department to Building "W", they are requesting the Board of County Commissioners to authorize an addi- tional part-time Clerk II position. He stated that it is neither practical or efficient for County Departments to pick-up supplies at a non-central location, however, the Purchasing Expeditor could con- solidate the trips through deliyery on a semi-weekly basis. Mr. Ochs stated that this employee would assume the clerical responsibilities of the Purchasing Expeditor, including inventory control, which will enable the Expeditor to concentrate on the actual .r receipt and delivery of goods. Mr. Ochs advised the fiscal impact of this part-time position for the balance of 1987 will be $S,20~.OO In answer to Commissioner Glass, Assistant County Manager Dorrill advised that the Purchasing Department currently has a delivery vehicle which is a pick-up truck with a fiberglass covered bed. Mr. Egon Hill requested comparison figures on the number of County employees as related to total population in 1976 vs. 1986. Chairman Hasse directed Mr. Ochs to supply this information to the Board of County Commissioners. '1 commi.sioner Goodnight moved, .eoonded by Commissioner Pistor and i; U· . . hiP_' ¡":"f BOOK 100 PAGr 466 Page 12 ,I. j' t;~l r. '\. ! I; rJ '; ,t.. \ "'. '" - ;~ r:r()'J ll",.1}. !'U.;· I ..¡ \ ~,' .'" fit \ ..$ lJ J' ¡ ¿) \ "Ii~, ~.... '_·O'~H'>".'-~".'~"~_'·""""_"''"'_'___ J. _~_""__'''''__'' /1 :...- 100 pm 467 January 6, 1987 oarried 4/0, that the additional part-time Clerk II position for the Purchasing Department be approved. Tape t3 Item U:r2D RBSOLUTION 87-2 SUPPORTINQ ADEQbATB STATB FUNDING TO ASSIST LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN DEVELOPINQ THEIR RESPECTIVE COMPREHENSIVE PLANS _ ADOPTED - SUBMITTED TO LEGISLATURE Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that Resolution 87-2 supporting adequate State funding to assist local governments in developing their respective Comprehensive Plans be adopted. ¡ . " , " , ), ~ .. ': J ~ ',', ¡ Ii; J; :...~ :.~ r ':n.<~~J. . ~n{' :';U '¡>i'l~· C,- ~.;' I¡·"o ¡'.j" I : I,'; 1.... 'i." I ,~I ~~~~r ... ;J ( .. r;,· , . t:: {" v~· .¡ .' ',,:' ,1.(, ; ¡ ,(; ¡. \,'Y.u~ t (; ; : ~It^ r, j 1 " " " L... r ;'., '. ¡., ~. [ :'.1 ',," . ~-" ¡ l';:¡h~) t.; B?':~J -; ::~; 1 .\,) '. ' : r,r~~"~' Ie ... ~ ! I:LI"i¡:::,'iiTT,page 13 ,~ ) 'j .. - - '_""~_""~·"""'·_'-._""'~"""_..,.w~",...~"".-<-..,_".·..··,,..""-" '"w;' ".~. "·,·_,..",',·,,,.._,,·........'''''....._~i.''.''..'''"., __,,·"_____0"""""."''''',"',,"'...,.....·,"""",., , e.G.>,'. .', j ~¡ ( :t j í: t' \ : ì 3"!":- .;~'''~':: ""':1 ; : , 1 I",,' i ,;( ; h~ ...' ,~;.. 'oo~, 100 PAr.t, 469 !~'~~..'~.." ~~-':'.~.-! ~',~.:~' ".' .. -~~_.. -t- 'Ii b:',....:.~'..(~-......J.............""', '~" :#:.. ,·r:>· . - "'} ; .' '.<~ nell-'j"F2B ,. , January "'h.'... , '. t.:;:';· , . " "~ c,· un,:_' ....., .,' '-.r "{,~. 1f'!':"'~' '~" J .....,_ RESOLUTION 87-3 REQUESTING ADDITIONAL 'TATI FUNDS FOR THB CONSTRUCTION OF THE COLLIBR COUNTY PUBLIC SBRVICBS/HBALTH DBPARTMBNT FACILITY ADOPTBD - SUBMITTED TO LEGISLATURE Commissioner Goodnight mov~d, .econded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that Resolution 87-3 requesting additional State funds for the construction of the ~ollier County Publio services/Health Department Facility be adopted. :: :: ~' -:; " .\. " . ¡:G qr~ ( ~ ' , . ~ ' ~_ . ' '1 . rV'::\'J .J 1" .. 'd ;Pí r: LC~ ~; :,! {JG r .0 ...1 ~: ;..:,l·, t '..' ~ ":1.. &" . '" '. .. c~ /-i:'; L l.;' ~:: . ('I" í" . ! r ..' i.:"': :. ~ ~ ;' . " \. ~.' . ~~. ~ ;" , ~. E' ~~" ~,"'::r;'} P/. L', ;11':. t· ~ ';.:!' ':.::: to', ~ .,:, .... .., <'I I; oj.., ¡.' ;' '~J)1 t'~ ~:.-¡ :.: ,--' I ·'-,,:~(..l. ç;-o} '~J;; ... :." 'I..". 1_ . I , .. I\!; r:- ;; ': ('I" P, ~':!ÍJu~r.\G b: ~"Å-:~~ ;~~;;' .::-:", r ... ¡:'';:i {) , n.. 'i . G' ~ cn:q {~'~::" c:(;r; f' ~ ~. :: ' , " ,. t~' ~ ~ .'" , .; ..1;';,. ~!' I,J, ~ ' -': ,.~ . . ,.._, , ':~ '~ "'. :',; ....' ; :. '.. . (~ .' - .I~. ". ( C.í: n,; , .....1., .. , G~..,··)t..,l Page 14 :'<Ir:;"; .... i/( £ ',' ~, -: ;·-;L.; ;1:.::: .ê-"i, y~ {.....:. ::~ ¡¡":'~~'I', r ~ 1.1.: I'. ¡ H,¡ V ~);-";'fP/ . i~';l ; L~- . .. .. .. ! ~" ¡!', C' " ','~ 1 ~I);; tJ +}~ './ ¡ ;: ( ; ~ 100ÞtGt471~~.. '" ~\10~ \ ~.nuarÝ '¿l 1987 Item UJ'2A RESOLUTION 87-4 REQUESTING STATE J'UNeS J'OR THE COLLIER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL CENTER - ADOPTED - SUBMITTED TO LEGISLATURE Commissioner Goodniqht moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that Resolution 87-4 requestinq State funds for the Collier County Agricultural Center be adopted. ". ""'" .' '" ," 'l.t' /'.' ~' . .7'('7, ''j ¡ I " '.' J i: ì J.,: 'I:. :,,~ L tj:"'" "ot' ¡;, ."- .', \ \' '. -j ~, :, ~ : t. ~. ,".:. , " ~ j .:'J.: ; ';: " '. ';, :./' ,ia; ( ~~ ~ r í I" (" ,11 ; .. , llj. Î' <~':"O¡ ;\~";;) .:! ... ~ . ~, 'i - i. .- : . : ~ : r ", 1 ' f)" .' " , . . , ! .. 'I ¡'I " !' ,,; ~ t",' , !" ì- (." paqe 15 \ ¡ " 'I ... {- ' .L:~.!. t ~.~;~ '/~_ > . ' HE~_~(;¡"'i).;,J '.: ~ :,1h: .. - - .-----."'...--."'''..''''...............,...,.,¡''''".-.'''..,,,....,". . .~-~~..""'......"'---"..._~-- (/'¡"'., ,,' · : \ I . j ~- ,:. . "" '. · ,~ .\! , 2:.' -, " .. ) ¡ . . ~~: 100,.~ct47a, ' ';f' ' . '" ;~~,:., ~ . ,',.\...., . ') "",-,: ",' ,'" January '" 1'87 ; :..', -., " " , , , " \, VP" ", . , ....~ .' '.. ;. ..~ ~ \~. Item "1'2C RBSOLUTION 87-5 SUPPORTING STAT! LBGISLATION TO INCREAS! RBVBNUBS FOR STATB AND COUNTY TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS - ADOPTED _ SUBMITTED TO LEGISLATURB ( .\...... ~ -y., Commissioner Goodnight move~, seoonded by Commissioner Glas. and carried 4/0, that Resolution 87-5 supþortinq state Leqislation to increase revenue. tor State and County transportation improvements be adopted. í ~, " C· · ' , :. '] 1 ;- ~ ~ i. r. , f'¡," , p'~ :lL~~·~..()i.H.~ lj '1 .., . I \ ~~' '" ,!" ''i "1:. ~ '" ,.;. If L; ~ r,'. , ;.~, f"i rü ,i(f; ~ " ' 'jI : ,,,~ j: ;,J;' " ¡,., ¡.. J ' ~ ~, .; l '\.' ¡;: ,l: ). ~ r' : (; t f' .' . ~ U;,;~. ,,-, ~-: ; ,~.' "-J ¡ ..~' . ,j, , ., ,'j." " . i' eCI.·, , { ;J:: ; . i·,; I ;. ~ ( ~ ¡ \ '. !: " c, . ~ . 11 .:, ':j i :~:: ~ ';;'1'1 J. " I' I1,J: l..'~'; ":\ . .. ': ,;'~ .: . ì ,;, ,j J; ,'","!'" .J;, ... paqe l' ~, ~ '; J.': t'; '.' . : ",r!} ~T " ~. i. ((. ' ! ' } 1, \. 'I.) ¡ ";' ¡".', " .. ~ -::. : .;~~:\h ~' ,'i.. .. - - ""'~~"-~'"",,"""""'.;"--'"""-~"-<--'---'----,-",,,"._-- .if ,\ '. ,'~~-,.."_.---- .. ... .. January S, 1987 Item '91'2 BOARD OP COLLIER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STATEMENT OP POSITIONS ON GENERAL LAW - APPROVED WITH ADDITION - SUBMITTED TO LEGISLATURE Assistant to the County Manager Olliff presented a final position etatement on the fOllowing issues: State Revenue Sharing, Franchise Fees, Article V Funding, Impact Fees, County Tax Collector and Property Appraisal Fees, and proposed changes to Eminent Domain Statutes. Mr. Egon Hill requested the Board of County Commissioners to include a request to have the Legislators designate English as the official language of the State of Florida. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and oarried 4/0, that the Statement of postions on General Law be approved and the Leqislatø~s be requested to adopt Enqlish as the official language of the State of Florida. 13"..1·),,:¡ ", ""'! p,;.ttTTQ!.I (',t fl15 t,al_UiL~'b~1 '1' 4i!fÐ t¡¡¡;.,r¡.' (;;;,i r '..'1,/..' " "'/'·',..·)ò. to't tiff) J'I<, ! L :~..., b,¡h'IJ IIf!"'; p~. (;'~'~' .~ ~ t.!.';' ~'... \~' ," ,.':.:, ;,~ . O:} ..ç :_1-;'. ¡. 1 . í 1 (- 1 t. ì ~" :., f '-r. 1 I ,: ~'. (:~...:J.~i~.:.;·,!:,)!1i1L I,; ;J 1~ ~,::.:.;,tr.<\,¡q\ ~OC.dl!JJ':~ : , ,,:~.~' :,:,¡I. .J. h:: ;-' ,r"~; ~ ,. ;.::! " ,.',: ' ; ;" , r~; . . t :! 't <'\:. . !-"l,. ;L (~i ,J. t. " , )1 .1;; r I : 'J:J ~'. ¡ ~, .J: _F )i.'!~" 7 (:~.~,;~ ~ " :"-1"'<,' ;"'. 'tg ~ 1-.~(. ;,\ (' ,; ¡,' , ,~!. t' 1. ä~D~' 100 p~~r 476 Page 17 .'" . ... \., i'f~' . ¡ ,"'., .. f 'f J .~c J .; : \ .~ t"'h~ -_.,..- ¡." " aooK 100 PA~t 477 January 6, 1987 Item. ftlP2B RESOLUTION 87-6 REQUESTING STATB LEGIStATION TO PROVIDE MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGB FOR THE LOW INCOME POPULATION - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION Commissioner Pis tor stated ~hat Paragraph 4 of the proposed reso- lution may be interpreted to mean that Florida is already getting more than its share already and does not need Medicaid. He requested that this paragraph be rewritten. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commissioner pistor and oarried 4/0, that Resolution 87-6 requesting state Legislation to pro- vide medical insurance coverage for the low income population be adopted, subject to modification of the Paragraph 4. . : J~ \ ' ". , ' r..,,; {"! ^' r " «(':HJ ft') g~'Or"f ';u,~} f .~, ',i' t·~.,:·- \)~t.1f1~!'rr r ¡. '-.1 ¡ 'ì ,o:; r f'~' ;,' r'l¡';' l:~'. 'J~. ~ ;..\';-.'J. ',: ':~ '~¡:j : .:. ; I (^ ... 'I ~ , t. ";" Ii'; "'J p), " :11·, ;.: (~/),·\':rtlr('!¡;r V~!I.· " .' iJ\ J. : . ~ f.,~ 1. : j .' " { . ~ ;'. ; ~ . . :,[ ,(: ~ : " , , : I '. <:; .~¡- t':;'11l.:' H"'~;:;)~) (¡, "'.'.,1./.:: ',; ¡':¡¡ l·rr.·:.,: 'f:~ r 'J Page 18 , , I ...1 .. - - --,' " ¡ (' , , . , , # ':.. .\ ::..1;- ,..r,,- ,j ,¡, ~ ~~ , 'ou 10Q rm 479; ., January 6, 1987 ,Itell ,191'21' RESOLUTION 87-7 REQUESTING LEGISLATION TO PROVIDE ON-GOING PRIMARY CARR MONIES TO COUNTIES FOR MEDICAL CARE 01' THE INDIGBNT - ADOPTED - SUB- MITTED TO THB LEGISLATURB Commissioner GOodnight moved, seoonded by Commissioner pistor and oarried 4/0, that Resolution 87-7 requesting legislation to provide ongoing primary oare monies to counties for medioal oare of the indi- gent be adoptelS. , ' . , ';¡<)i. ,i 1. f"j ·r.': ~. " .. ' " j' '" ~ '... , .' Ij; Page 19 ," .'w:' \:':' '.¡ , , 1"':' .. - - .. . .. .. L'·' " ~ C' :.1' '7'; ./!: "t:' , January 6, 1987 Item UF2G RESOLUTION 87-8 REQUESTING LEGISLATION ALLOWING EMPLOYMENT OF PHYSICIANS IN PRIVATB PRACTICB AS BMPLOYEES OF THE STATE, AFFORDING STATES LIMITED SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY - ADOPTED - SUBMITTED TO THE LBGISLATUlU!: In ðnswer to Chairman Hasse, Public Health Unit Director polkowski stated that this status would limit the claims that can be brought against the physician personally, however, it does not prevent the individual from suing the physician. In answer to Commissioner Glass she stated that the lawsuit would have to be brought against the State. Dr. polkowski expldned this only reduces the liebility of the individual physician but does not prevent compensation for those truly wronged. commi..ione~poodnight moved, .econded by Commissioner Pistor and oarried 3/0 (Commissioner Gla.. dis.enting), that Re.olution 87-8 requesting legislation allowing employment of physicians in private practioe as employee. of the state, affording the state'. limited .overeign immunity from malpraotioe litigation in the provision of medical oare to the indigent, be adopted. Commissioner Goodnight requested staff send a copy of Resolutions 87-2 through 87-8 to other counties in Florida. She stated that she will supply a list of names for this mailing. At the request of County Manager Lusk, Chairman Hasse directed that a meeting be scheduled with Respresentative Mary Ellen Hawkins to hand-deliver Resolutions 87-2 through 87-8. 'I .,' :.i ,',';' I,. (, It. ¡ ¡ ;." '~ ,.,-.",¡\ 'Page 20 lIOO~ 100 PA';( 482 L\, ¡ ',' .; ....." '" lr'; ~~~~:~< ':tf.j '.'; t,:'-,":I,':::!'. ",! "! J (u·, \1 0: I "; "" " , (1' I' J~,I \ ~ ·~.._,_..__...~.".,,,,,,,_,,...;,,·,,,",,~,,,.,,_;w, , ~:J --.-.-"....-.....-.-----''''..''''......-..............,,,''''','''.... 1 'f ¡ : t¡ J ; " , J 'OOK 100 PACE 485 AAAA* RECESS AT 10:17 A.M. January 6, 1987 RECONVENED AT 10:27 A.M.AAAA* Item Up'l DISCUSSION OF UTILITY BOND ISSUES - FINANCIAL ADVISOR AUTHORIZED TO SOLICIT BIDS FROM UNDERWRITERS i~¡, ,r.;-,>,'.,~' ¡'<..' ~'I:' -r:' ¡. " '~~., ¡'¡;:' !>~ i(';-' ",c.I " , J' Ρ-¡ f.~ ~';. ",'.' , ,-\', " :':'?' Mr. David Fischer of Sun Trust Securities, County's financial advisor, stated that there iS'money in escrow to finance the expansion of the utility system over the next three years and the first require- ment of approximately 11 million dollars will be coming during the first quarter of 1987. The bond issue is scheduled for approximately the first week in March, 1987 and prior to that time, the rating agen- cies, Moody's and Standard & poors', will be invited to Collier County to see the utility system, the County, and the County's economic make- up. He stated that the utility system is approximately 5 years old, has matured, has earnings and has a history, it is time for the rating companies to take a look at the system. Mr. Fischer said that the rating will probably not be high enough to eliminate tßé need for insurance, however, this is the first step. He said that it would take at least a rating of "A-I" before the insurance could be elimi- nated. Mr. Fischer advised that interest rates are approximately 7\ and the last utility bond issue for Collier County was in 1985 at a rate of 8-3/4\. He said that the difference is not enough to merit refunding at this time, however, it is not impossible that the rate måy be reduced to 6ft or better, which would provide a good refund. \. \~ ,.' .~ ',.:, ,. .. , , 7-:...·' ~ . 'I: ¡ ~_ L ,,, Page 21 " . ",\ (~(!T 1 ~' l· ;.[i,.....-"',., >~. - i. d .'. - - - __4 .. ... .. January 6, 1987 Mr. Fischer recommended that en underwriting manager should be secured in preparation for refunding. He steted there is no financial burden to the County to have someone ready to act on the rate at the right time. He advised that when this was done last year, 8 firms made proposals and the firm was selected on the best structure for refunding and cost. He said the firm chosen at that time was Paine- / Webber and they refunded three bond issues at various stages. Mr. Fisher noted three ways to go about selection of an underwriter: 1) , ask Paine-Webber for a proposal as a continuation of their last refunding project; 2) Smith-BarheY,is now handling the utility bonds end will be working for the Board for the next several years; and 3) solicit proposals and go through a selection process. In answer to'~lerk Giles, Mr. Fischer stat~d they are targeting a savings of S\ of the bond issue itself before refinancing, which would require an interest rate of 6t\ or lower. Also in answer to Clerk Giles, Mr. Fischer stated that there is time to go through the selec- tion process and since the County has been through it several times, they will probably see the same 8 firms because of qualification levels. Tape ... II ' In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Fischer stated that there is no danger of loosing tax exempt status on these bonds, however, bond council is very careful to protect that stðtuS. A lengthy discussion followed as to which method to use to obtain "0111( 100 p~"t 4.86 Page 22 )~,~;. ,';;!' "&' ~ ~}~ '" ·,0 1;:.r ;~."". -.r,; .1 I .' I'" . 't.., '.",."..'.. , .;i{' ;'i.:' 'J ....,. 100 PIGt 487 ·r¡"I,I' ,i>~,January 6, 1987 I ¡ , \, an underwriter for refinancing. Commissioner Glass moved, seoonded by Commissioner Goodnight and oarried 4/0, that Sun Trust secprities solicit bids for an underwriter and submit a short list to the Board of County Commissioners. Utilities Administrator Ctandall stated that the Utilities Department had anticipated that money would be in hand at this time, however it appears that it will be March, 1987 until money from the bond issue is received. He stated that money is needed now to go for- ward with the projects. He advised that some money will be moved from Utility Reserves, but they may need to borrow from the General Fund until the bond issue money is received. Clerk Giles stated that Mr. Giblin has said that is acceptable, however, he would like an opinion from the County Attorney. Clerk Giles stated that if it is legal, he had no objection. After a brief discussion, Chairman Hasse directed eóunty Attorney Cuyler, Clerk Giles, and Utilities Administrator Crandall to review the situation and submit a proposal to the Board of County .' ; Commissioners. ) ~.." , It.. f11D 1,1, BUDGET AMBNDMENTS 87-77 and 87-"/87 - ADOPTED Commissioner Goodniqht moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendments 87-77 and 87-79/87 be adopted. .;' '1 ¡ paqe 23 .. - -'--'-~<-'~""-+'~~''''''.''~-''"~''''''''''--''"''~''''''''''''--^''''"",,,-,,,,.,,,~._....,,...,,,,,.........___",,,,,,,,,. '<! t. _,__,_",'_,,,·"""'."_"','b___............-..~,..~,._o,,,.,.,·""""_._.....~,__.,'''''~'''.''.,~"", --"""_...""'-'"""--"'--',-,-_."..,',.,.,,'"',.....~.,,-<>._~..'..-..,..."","',- -.._,---"-,-,~",""- ~.. ":., .Ji",' :t:<f,'", ~ ,,' '~" ~; ., J.] ~ ~'~,', !.~~I ;<~ ¡. ~~:! ,:, ,1 ø ¡t~> j,!, ; : ~;¡:"" r!Í,,"'1, 'Ù,/: .\<,J, '~1~t:\ i'\ ,,;'~ k .. .. .. January 5, 1987 THREB COMMISSIONERS APPROVED TO ATTEND NACO LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCB Administrative Assistant to the Board Israelson stated that Commissioner Pistor submitted a letter requesting approval to attend the NACo Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. on March 14 - 17, 1987. She stated that Commissioners Goodnight and Hasse have also ~xpressed a desire to attend that conference. Mrs. Israelson stated that, if approved, registrations will be submitted immediately to take I, advantage of early registration prices. Commissioner 01as. moveð, .econðeð by Commis.ioner Oooðnight anð carrieð 4/0, that Commi.sioners Pistor, Goodnight and Hasse be allowed to atten~ the NACo Legislative Conference in Washington, D. C. Item U2C REQUEST BY COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR FOR CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL SPAC~~EQUIREMENTS - DIRECTED TO OBTAIN PRICE AND RETURN Commissioner Glass stated that the Tax Collector has requested that whi~e Building "C" is bei~~ m~~~~i~~, the Board ðlso consi~~r expan~in9 at the same time. Deputy Tax Collector Adam Addison stated that they have reviewed all space requirements and have come ~p with a deficiency of 2,056 square feet. Mr. Addison requested the Board to allow the Tax Collector to expand the west end of Building "C" 20 feet which would ~\, ".' , " add 1,400 sq. ft. of space. He said the estimate from the contractor currently doing the remodeling is between $80,000 and $120,000. ,; , : ~. . ; ",' ~ (I " ¡ v.:"J;'}iJ ì ", .', '", I, ," 1 Page 25 BOOK 100 pm 492 rno,t', vaJ ,,' ., -"-~"""'""-~''''''''~'''''''"'''''---''--''-''''-'''--''~'' ," ..-'...-.......,~..~..~,.~....'""..,..."" _,...._,~_._._ftO_.",·,... .~'..Iif·"""· _RIO.... ·,__,,,,.w,.,;.,,,.. \.¡;~ n~ ,) f ,,' ,.,.....,..._,.,,'---""'~..,,~-,'_.~, 100 P~Gt 4.93 January 6, 1987 C~mmissioner Pistor st8ted, th8.~/ 1,400. sq. ft. does not even meet H;d I the identified deficiency of space. County M8nager Lusk st8ted th8t if the proposed expansion 8rea is going to be used for storag~, the second floor of the new ware- house could be airconditioned for 8 considerably sm8ller 8mount of money. He noted thet it is alweys cheaper to build warehouse space than office space. ,!rap. IS i:";' Commissioner Glass steted th8t the Boerd of County Commissioners must have a specific price to consider. Commissioner Pis tor stated that he does not want to spend a lot of money for expansion when it is already known thet the proposed space is too small. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that the Tax Collector should review needs with County Hanager Lusk, qet a specific price, and report back to the Board .1 thin: the next week and a halt. i , ¡, , ,r! item '121 enrJUO.if '~I.t'THORIZ!D TO BIGR ROU'thœ, PiRSONNBL MATTERS' ItB EMPLOYEES WHO ItBPORT DIRECTLY TO THB COUNTY COMMISSION Commissioner Glass recommended that in the interest of time he would like the Chairman to be authorized to sign, on behalf of the "'. Commission, routine personnel matters, such as vacations. He said this authority would pertain o~ly to routine matters with no monetery costs involved. ,I .) ',' _.~ . ') ~ I' t; r, ;. ( , . ¡ H·ll, tP/(') ì '/1 ' .... ! ¡J r'/ ~J:, ¡ ~ :' - ' , , ) \ \ :'-! ,,'0 ~ ." ,.," '. I' ,jL \'q' fit , i Page 26 . J Hi ~"r ! _' :.Ii.' :-,¡ " ," L ,', .. .~ ¡ r··J<; '" ;'.:,. .. ¡;"'!',) (,' t ,; " .. - - ~·'''''"'''~''_~'''''~''''''.''''''''''''''''''~~~",·_.n_".",_,o.''''·'''''''~'''''"''__'___'__''''~''H'-''~'' .r ~. - .. .. "'"I" ~. I- 'I·~,"~,·;, . t'~;:~ 4" ~~J llr' ~. ~~:~." January 6, 1987 County Manager Lusk advised that the Chairman used to sign these matters, however, it was never officially authorized. He stated that this policy should be put into writing, noting that current Personnel Rules and Regulations give that authority to the County Manager and County Attorney for their personnel, and he believes the Chairman should have the same ability for employees who report directly to the I':' Commission. I Mr. tusk stated that at the;current time the Commission has a very i'· " I routine evaluation process for employees, whereby a certain score allows a certain raise and recommended the Chairman should be allowed to sign on these routine matters also. Commissioner Gla.s moveð, seconðeð by Co~~issioner Gooðniqht anð carrieð 3/1 (Commi.sioner pistor ðissenting), that the Chairman be ... authorizeð to sign routine personnel matters r,garðing employee. who report ðirectly to the County Commission. I","" ',! Ite. , flU TRANarBR or FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT CONFISCATION TRUST FUND TO THE SHERIFr's DEPARTMENT FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT - APPROVED Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department, að,·ised that the' j';".' Sheriff's Department would like to pùrchase an ARES (Auxillar'y RObótic Educational System) II robot, a tr~ini~g aid for community~wide appÌi- ',',., ".. " , cation~~n the continuing war agaihS~ ~lcohol and drug abuse, and foi the special use of investigation of crimes against children; and IBM '. 'Computer System and Software to aid in the. management of intelligence ':1', &"1 i: '. : r '? ~', "_; L 1 'I' '; Page 27 aOOK 100 p~Gr 494 ¡ ',' " :) ¡ , ~' " -6 ..)1 .. : :¡..:' .. "~ô~'~><-""_'~'_"~_""_' 100mt495 January 6, 1987 p~~, rf~1~ ." J. and investigative sections in support'of narcotics investigðtions. Deputy Barnett stated that the cost of the Ares II Robot is $20,050.00 and the cost of the IBM Computer equipment is $7,875.00 for a total of $27,925.00. He advised that the Sheriff would like authority to transfer funds from the LðW Enforcement Confiscation :: ~.,': . j' ( Trust Fund to purchase the equipment. He added that, if approved, the remaining balance in the Trust Fund will be $440,000.00. Commissioner Glass moved, s.condeð by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that $27,925.00 be transferred from the Law Bnforcement Confiscation Trust Fund to tbe Sberiff'. Budq,t for the purcha.e of an ARBS II Robot and IBH Computer Iyste.. . . Item flaP" COLLIBR,COONTY FAIR REQUEST FOR LABOR' BQUIPMENT AND CLOSURE OP ROAD - APPROVED I.. ~~ , : r.1 i.-. ,~~ ¡ Mr. 'Jim O'Connell, Co~lier county' Fair Board, requested the ~~~ì~~ì~~ers to be prese~t on J~~uary'l' 1986 at 11:+9 a.m~ for the ~;~~l~~ ~~~e~ony of the Fair.'c,::,¡, ""¡LI!!' ",. ., .j"" "'1.' I"~ ~~~Ó~'~6~~;ìl"stated th;t th~'F~l~ ti~arèf'i~'in the p~o6~;.ipÓf·" ¡ r :..¡ \ .J f~; , , clearing the land at the new' fair site and, although they are currently L 1 " , ... . the donated services of a private contractor, they need more 1,... help. He requested that the Board of County Commissioners assist the Fair Board by supplying labor and equipment for clearing. He said that the Fair Board will beðr the cost of the labor and equipment. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that he had reviewed' '" .'.. , . .) , :.. . .. ~J t 1., j. .-'" t - J' ~ j \. f. \ . k (,;;; " ;'L "'f gj .,Page.:28' " ; C~~:1~.~.r:! ;'.' . . " t ¡' ~. ~, : \ r .::. .r 1'1 . ;. ", ¡ i;.' t ~,,', \, ¡ ,j - - - ""'.".....-..'.........".,." ~-"""_"""""",_,,_,,~ _,.."_",, ..,_~ '" "",..,_,.". ,.,....,_.., ,""',.-',",",,0'- ~",""""",',",,,,,,,. .",,,.,,,..,,,,,.,,. ~"'-- ~:. ,'~ iJ:~Î " ,t", i~,!~r!; , ",1;,,' ~'. ( jß;:',' 7 iFr": )!o~;:.:.t U! ._r ~ .;..1",', -j'~ \. ',I . ;J-'~ ~:(H ~i."'.;.'· I1r~ ¡~{ ~" f~':" ~ - - January 6, 1987 the site and preparation will require approximately 30 to 40 hours of equipment time at an approximate cost of $2,000. County Manager Lusk stated that this procedure has been used in past, since the Fair is really a joint venture between the County and the Fair Board. . "', ~ ¡ J Commissioner alas. moved, seoonded by Commi.sioner aoodnight and carried 4/0, that labor and equipment be supplied to the Pair Board for the purpo.e of olearing the new fair site, and the oost be billed direotly to the Pair Board. ') \¡ ~ , , ' ~ ,\' ," . ~ D:";Mr. Bob Smith, Collier County fair, Board, requested,tha.t ,t,hey be allowed' to temporarily close Oaks Blvd. between Pine Ridge Road and ,thè new,.,vanderbilt Beach"Drive from 12100 Noon to l2:00t~id~i,ght dur-ing, the 1987,Collier County Fair from Janua~y l7,1987,~0,January 24, ,1987. He stated this request is being mad~ because of i safet~ and security. He noted that this ,road.8~rvices mainly the vendors, and they are ~greeable to the closing. /, He said that anyone who uses this section of road has other access roads and there are no homes in that particular section. " ' Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Oaks Blvd. is a through route and it will inconvenience some people. Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department, stated that they have 'no objection to the road closing, however, they will have to pro- vide someone to handle the barricades. Mr: Smith stated that they will have someone at the barricades the entire time. w:; ," 4' '~-.~ 1;; "',' J &OOK 100 PIr,[ 496 ,Page 29 ¡OO ) , f .~ '.',' , , -~...~ """-"'"-"';'·'''~I.",.,.,,,.,.. .,~,.....,."....".,,~,_,....., "-,...._" ",', ~ "",..'"'''' .'."".. .,. ....".__...........'.0"'...'''' --.-...,.- ~ --.._.__~.........",_",~.,.....,.__",,,_.,,,,,"""r'~<,_,,,.~~,, ,,"'_", ...,., '''_'~"'''''"_''''.~,",''.;_".".. ... "'-....._---_...''''''''~".~"._..,.... ~ - - January 6, 1987 this meeting must take place before January 9, 1987 to allow enough time for the notification and mailing process. C~mmissioner Glass moved, aeaonded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, ~hat a special Meeting be held on ~he Resource Recovery Bonds on Thursday, January 8, 1987 at 2:00 p.m. I~em U2D COUNTY ATTORNEY REQUESTS DIRECTION ON AMENDMENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE ACT WHICH CREATED THB COLLIER COUNTY WATBR/SEWER DISCTICT Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that the Board has post- poned Item II2-D until January ~O, 1987 which is after the deadline for the submission of Legislative Special Acts in Representative Hawkin's office. He said the documents are due on January l4~ 1987 at 12:00 noon. f ' ;:; " :1.'\ '1 ..' . il";t ,,' 1!~' " >£:>i~," ~t~J'" , " .~ ¡.", Mr. Anderson stated that he has been infor!11ed that, the leadership of the Legislature will not entertain any local bills during this session which create any new independent special districts. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Anderson stated that the Legislature is having staff members study. the proliferation of special districts that has occurred in Florida because some counties are using special districts as a way to get around the 10 mill cap which the constitution ~~poses on county taxes. ; 'Mr. Anderson stated that Collier County already has a Special Act in existence which validated the County Water/Sewer District which was passed in 1978. He requested the Commission to consider,amending . , ( . Page 31 BODIt 100 mr 49S .' f: .' ' ""'~'_~"""'~~""'_______"""";'__"'''"'"'''''''''~'''_'''''t'"''''''_',~,~';,"",,,'.,;"'''''''''''''_'~'' .'."..">,."j....___.__'-'~~~".",.""-",I··_; _..._.",....._..""-~~ " 100r,Gt499 January 6, 1987 Special Act to add s~~; pJrul~~0~~!8 He noted that the boundaries the County water/Sewer District do not coincide with the boundaries the entire County. He added that the County's water and sewer , master plans overlap the boundaries of the Water/Sewer District. Mr. 1 . Anderson recommended enlarging the boundaries of the District so that consistent with the urban area, as outlined in the Comprehensive He stated that staff or a consultant should be directed to come legal description for those boundaries. He said he would to add language in reference to system development charges arid clarification of what the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission is within the boundaries of the County water/Sewer District .. After a brief discussion, i~ was the qeneral consensus of the Board that this it.m be discussed at a workshop s.ssion. ,ß' *** The following items were adopted and/or approved under the e' consent Aqenda by motion made by Commissioner Goodnight, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously: Item 114B1 ASSIGNMENT OP PROCBBDS OP LBASE PORMS POR TWO MARSTEN MODULAR OPPICES POR THE SHERIPP'S DEPT. AND YOtJ'1'B GUIDANCE/BNVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENTS See Pages ..507- 5// Item 114B3 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDEN CEMETERY DEEDS NOS. 482, 483 , 484 See Pages .&j / ~ - .s l¥ \~ Ij' I, r .. J -.; ~,' ; j ~, _ i' .' ~ : ;: J. , '.,I), "-;1 \ :'}(I'_;(J1J'¡~:'; ! 1 ,'.,; ij; c,~;;.:q-Jj:rd;Jr quq . ,t;):. !' " , . I . , ;>..1 .:J~"t! I "t·" L' ¡ \'-.< ¡.', paq. 32 ' : ¡ ; r "~ I: !t; '.; ,", I ,) ,_ _, ; ~ < - - - W"'_'__""_~'''~.'_''''''~'''",''',.,"._,-,_, ""-'-~'~_"""''''''''·''''-'''''''''_'''__''__M__,"''''.'''''...'''''' ,...,..~_..._....,.,,,,...,.....,,"!, "'" ""I' ''", ,'~~ '~(;>', >', t. ;')~ t -,. ~?t ','1:1 ~.~~ '';'. .. .. .. Item '14B5 CHANGB ORDERS ftOS. 1-3 FOR BID '86-957 TO GARLAND , GARLAND, INC. RB CONSTRUCTION or CLAM PASS BOARDWAL~ BBACH ACCESS SYSTEM See Pages tur RF.ŒTVrn TN n'F.mC 'lU BOARD omœ AS OF JAN. 20, 1987. Item 114D1 AGREEMENT WITH DEVELOPER OF REGENCY AUTO HAUS PUD (LIEBIG INVESTMENTS, INC.) RE ON AND OFF-SITE SEWAGB FACILITIES See Pages ...J;ï.S -...s( '7 Item '14D2 UTILITIBS ADMINISTRATOR TO OFFBR COMPBNSATION FOR EASEMENT ACQUISITION RB COUNTY RBGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT Utilities Adm~nistr8tor to offer compensation for five (5) ease- ments, not to exceed $1,000 each. .. Authorize staff to follow proper closing procedure and to record .:~ ; , 11 t ::: ; 'f I .: . ': ( , documents upon execution in the 'public records of Collier County, ;Ï¥ " , " ' i\'~.,'- Florida. ' , .. ''f~~ :"i\:i("H~~!·:7. t .... ',." . 'f"ff'££.f \:'t:(\' f)~ .. , ~~'r I' Ita 114l!11 , ft", Jf"C: \,,<11'1 'r" CLBRK Ìn: GWEN Bt1'l'LER RECLASSIFICD TO PURCHASING ASSISTANTr JACKIE FRANF::LIft UTITLBD TO PURCHASING BXPEDITERr JEANNB WAGNER, DBPARTMENT SBCRETARY, UCLASSIFIED TO BID SPBCIALIST Ms. Butler will receive 8 5% promotional increase. Mr. Fr8nklin will remain at Pay Gr8de C-08; Bid Specialist P8Y range would be $13,959 - $19,542 8nd Ms. Wagner will receive a 5% promotional pay January f, 1'87 FINAL ACCBPTANCE OF FOXFIRE, UNIT 3 - RELEASE OF MAINTENANCB SBCURITY Release of Letter of Credit FTFC-8500l from First Texas Fidelity Company in the amount of $60,548.00. .~. t ~'i-.. ~ . , \ .~. .. t,ì'.' : 1',,'[' t,C' r~ i> ~~ ¡ ,l.''> - .:í)fi:·:r".i;~ H;), ;' -" ............-..... 'P8ge '33 J "I', ;o~ 100 P)r,! 500 , '" l'¡ ¡, __Ò_"'(_·""...,·.._"',"'."'·..·..,·,.,'__"'~",,'... .. .. .. January 6, 1987 Commission~rs, Grant No. 87-CJ-45-09-2l-0l-ll3; Title of Project. (Immokalee Youth Guidance Volunteer Program). Referred to Lori Zalka, Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. .... 5. Letter dated 12/17/86 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supevisor, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111283515), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 6. Letter'~ated 12/18/86 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervísor, DER, enclosing short form application (F~le No. 111285285), wh~ch involves dred9'~·,and~fil.L... ~cti,Y.itie~},......-" . Referre~ to Nell Dorri11 (letter,:Dr. Proflltt.e~d fileð. .... 7. Letter)lated 12/19/86 from Jerry Brooks, Chief, Bureau of Labore tor ies ~md SpecÌð 1 Programs, DER, enclosing FT89 ""Application, Public Wor~s Program Flow Chart, Public Works Rule Description of U.S'. Army Corps :;[ Engineers' Programs in Florida, and Summary of'the "Water Resources Development Act of 1986". Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), George Archibald, John Boldt and filed. 8. Letter dated 12/19/86 fr~m Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111295455), which involves dredge and ~ill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 9. Letter dated 12/26/86 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111286785 and 111286905) which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 10. Memo dated 12/15/86 from Kirby B. Green, Assistant Director, Division of State Lands, DNR, re workshops on a one-time surcharge for ownership oriented facilities. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), Dr. Proffitt and filed. II. Copy of letter dated 12/10/86 to Gerald C. Gronvold, P.E., City Engineer, from Carlos R. Carero, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, advising of approval of Permit Number CO-148 for the City of Naples. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), Dr. Proffitt and filed. 12. Letter dated 12/08/86 from Elton J. Gissendanner, Executive Director, DNR, re C.A.R.L. priority list and requesting to be informed of any rezoning, annexation, extension of water/ sewer services, etc. once a project is placed on the acquisi- - .,- Page 35 &DDK 100 PI'.r 502 _ ..... ,,_...._..~i..'...._'*-'.,..._...~_ ;........;.,~.'." ......;""""."...,"'·.""",."'.,.·,,',...,,_....,_.."~...·....'.,,~···OO,,""·i,'..,...",_,.........'"~,.">.'"."....,...._",,. ,_.,,""""""",_, .....,.".,.. '"om, ._'^."",~._--'"~---......,.- '.,' 100 PI~r 503 ~ ,,-, ( . \ IJ'" , January 6, 1987 tion list. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt end filed. 13. Letter dated 12/22/86 from John L. Matticks, Ac~ing Chief, Risk Studies Division, FEMA, advising that FEMA has received no velid requests for changes in the BFEs' therefore, the modified flood elevatione which became effective es of 09/05/86 remain valid and amend the FIRM which was in effect prior to that date. Referred to Neil Dorri11 (letter), David Pettrow, Tom McDaniel and filed. 14. Minutes: A. 11/25/86 Collier Soil & Water Conservation District B. 12/02/86 Marco Island Beautificdtion Board Meeting C. 10/28/86 Golden Gate Community Center D. 11/20/86 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board & 12/18/86 agenda E. 11/05/86, 11/10/86, 11/l7/86 Ochopee Fire Control District 15. Notice dated 12/l9/86 from Barbara L. Sarff, District Infor- mation Specialist, Florida Dept. of Transportation, For Immediate Release No. 86-5512-4 re DOT Road Work Halts for Holidays. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. *** There being no further business for the Good of the County, the "'. meeting was edjourned at 11:42 A.M. by Order of the Chair.. " ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ , ; : I BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX, r OFFICIO GOVERNING,BOARD(S) OF J, SPECIAL DISTRICTSUNDER,ITS , CONTROL ," ;, Ð.c. . L ,', ,: ¡ '( 'J'"..':d,i,: ) by the Board (917as presented '., ¡ 'J t . " ·.tl ¡ " ~; . ~ ,t.!.' _ ~ j: ; 1 ¡ ,. ! ~ ~ f f',,:' t'\ . ,I , ; \., }1t.;: LV" ,\ ii_ ,\.·>{:r~f i',1:q_il;;.~Î ¡ ;'" I; , " " I-\.,. .: ~ ' , h,c :t :.',. ¡¡t t· (JLi) . , ., , (',., ,) ì Page 36 ,..: ._i!: :. I.', .. .. .. ---_...._.--...._......__._,..,-~,.."..,."",."..,.".",."..,,'-''''''''',.~""">'-......,~ ~,,#"',_"',_""'.,..,.,_~.;I!,~,'____T' ".._.... ...,'""'__."".~"."-."",...,_",.,"".~.....,,..""''''',....~''"..,'...~_',_",....~"~"",,..... ,"'"'v" /