BCC Minutes 01/08/1987 S
Naple~, Florida, January 8, 1987
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that in acc~"~ance with action taken on
January 6, 1987, the Board of County Commissioners in and for the
County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and
as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been
created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on
this date at 2:03 P.M. in SPECIAL SESSION in Building "F" of the
Courthouse Complex, EdSt Naples, Florida, with the following members
ÇHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr.
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass
John A. Pis tor
Burt L. Saunders
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Virginia Magri, Deputy
Clerk; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County
Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; George Archibald, Public Works
Administrator; Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director; Nancy Israelson,
Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett,
Sheriff's Department.
1. Disucssion and consideration of proposed changes to Chapter
78-489, Laws of Florida, a Special Act validating the Collier
County Water-Sewer District, by expanding the boundaries and
strengthening the powers and functions of said District.
2. Discussion and consideration of various documents and pro-
cedural options relating to Resource Recovery.
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As request~d by County At,~~ney Cuyler, Commissioner Glass moved,
seconded by Commissioner Saunders and! '.rried unanimously, that a
discussion regarding proposed changes to the Special Act regarding
expansion of the boundaries of the Collier County Water-Sewer District
be continued to 1/13/87.
Prior to the discussion, Commissioner Saunders explained that
regarding resource re~overy, he has a conflict of interest under the
new statute. He said that in the event that there is ~ny vote taken
that could affect the progress of the project, he will abstain.
Commissioner Saunders said that he has spoken with the County Attorney
and it is his understanding that he can participate in the discussion
but he is not permitted to vote, He said that the reason for the
conflict is that he is employed by A. G. Edwards and they have a small
part in the bonding of the project. He said they have a contingent
fee if the project proceeds and he is employed by the firm that does
have a financial interest in the outcome of the project.
Mr. Jerry Aron, rep~esentative of the County with respect to
resource recovery matters, said that the initial purpose of the
meeting today is to consider extension of existing bonds which Mr. Tom
Giblin, Bond Counsel, will talk ".bout, noting that the bonds terminate
the end of this month unless notice is sent out by January 15th that
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would extend the bonds. He 8~id that Collier County, Resource
Recovery of Collier County, S',,'1 Bank and Westinghouse need to execute
documentation as early as possible. H~ said that there is a January
31st date by which the County and Westin~house/Shawmut have a right to
terminate the ~ervice agreement but lead time necessitates meeting
earlier. Mr. Aron said that under the agreement and in light of the
circumstances that have occurred they have been talking with respect
to the existing service agreement and within the last 24 hours
Westinghouse and Shawmut Engi~eering have come with a proposal and he
recommends that it be approved at today's meeting.
Continuing, Mr. Aron explained the proposal as;
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(1) Extend the bonds for 1 year.
(2) Extend service agreement which is terminable on January 31st
for 60 days from January 31st in order to come to final
resolution with Westinghouse and Shawmut on terms that are
agreeable to both.
(3) In event such agreement cannot be reached between
Westinghouse/Shawmut and the County, either party has the
right to terminate the service agreement at that time.
Continuing, Mr. Aron said that in the event that agreement is not
reached on or before t~at date Westinghouse/Shawmut and Resource
Recovery of Collier will execute in favor of Collier County a general
release of all liabilities that the County may have to Westinghouse/
Shawmut or Resource Recovery. Also, the County would execute a simi-
lar release to Shawmut and Westinghouse for any liability to the
underlying service agreement. In additio~, he said that the County
would receive an assignment of the eXisting service agreement from
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Westinghouse and Shawm'¡'. as well as a transfer of all of the stock of
Resource Recovery of coll;~t, ¡~c., which would mean that at the end
of the 60 days the County ~oul¿ own Resource Recovery of Collier, Inc.
Also, he said that if an agree,~,nt was not reached to the satisfaction
of both parties, there would b~ ~n assignment of any permits or similar
documents that Westin~house or Shawmut 'r Resource Recovery now has,
if they are not proprietary in nature, t~ Collier County. He said
that if they are not able to agree with Westinghouse as to terms of
services within the 60 day period, the County would issue a jOint
press release with Westinghouse and Shawmut indicating that the pro-
ject is not moving forward as a result of financial changes and cir-
cumstance. He said that th~ proposal is with the understanding that
Collier County and Westinghouse will, over the next 14 days, work to
reach an extension agreement.
... .
Mr. Aron said that a major benefit of the proposal would be to
get releases from Westinghouse and Shawmut Engineering. He said that
in the event both parties have proceeded in good faith, Westinghouse
may be entitled to reimbursement up to $500,000 for out-of-pocket
engineering and architectural fees. He said that he disputes their
claim that that may b~ due, but it is a potential problem and by
getting the release under the new proposal they would eliminate any
exposure to that condition. Also, he said the County has flexibility.
If no agreement is reached, they can terminate or pursue Possible
options under the existing service agreement and, at the enG of the 60
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day period the County can ~lso t~~minate the agreement and walk away
from the deal with Westinghou~~ with full releases in hand and not
worry about any liabilities re?a~ding the service agreement. He
encouraged the Commission to extend the bond for one year and to take
no further official action regarding th& Jervice agreement at this
point in time, which would be deemed by them to be the Board's
authorization to proceed along the proposal that has been outlined.
County Attorney Cuyler said that they would meet with various
representatives over the next several weeks and if they cannot nego-
tiate an extension agreemen~ the Board has the same options.
Commissioner ~~sse questioned the liabilities and Mr. Aron
explained that a condition of the proposal is that both sides would be
released. Mr. Cuyler said that the proposal would be returned to the
Board to review and that there will be a mutual termination
agreemen t.
Commissioner Hasse said that he can see some benefit to the County
and questioned the benefit to Westinghouse? Mr. Aron said that their
benefit is to terminate the existing agreement without going through
the 60 day extension; the benefits to the County are much greater.
Mr. Cuyler said that Shawmut/Westinghouse have certain financial
conditions that they want to present to the County and there is not
enough time between now and January 31st t:.o do that.
Mr. Aron said that they propose to work on a complete package
over the next 60 days and come bê'~k to the Board for them to make a
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Responding to commissionel ~lass, Mr. Aron said that if the
County should go along with tlo~ yroposal and at the end of the period
opts to give them a release, it is a m~~ual release.
Commissioner Goodnight questioned th_ term of the bond extension
and Mr. Aron sdid he has heard it is 12 months with an option to con-
vert at 6 months, pointing out that the bonds are not related to a
vendor at this time.
Commissioner Hasse questioned the cost to the County, assuming
that the bond extension is for one year. Mr. Tom Giblin, Bond
Counsel for the County, said that in 1985 Collier cou~ty issued
$88,000,000 in bonds and they were structured by conditions that had
to be met by Westinghouse/Shawmut and the County.
He said the money
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is sitting in escrow and up to now they have had tNO initial payment
dates pa$s. He said that if conditions are not met by January 15th of
this month, basically the deal will fall through and the bonds will be
paid off. He said that they have to inform Sun Bank that they have to
extend out or all conditions have been met. Mr. Giblin presented a
proposed resolution extending the life of the bonds for one year,
incorporating two more initial payment dates, August 1, 1987 and
February 1, 1988.
If conditions are not met by February, 1988, Mr.
Giblin said, the bonds would be called and the deal would fall apart.
Commissioner Glass asked what happens regarding management fees if
the Board extends the bonds? Mr. Giblin replied that they agreed that
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they would not b~ paid unl t$S the deal goes through and if it is suc-
cessfully concluded they w'~uld ~Xp~ct to be paid. Commissioner Glass
asked if they are locked intc ~he management fee of $4.00/thousand and
Mr. Giblin said that they are ~~~,
Mr. Bruce PUlver, PaineWebber, said the underwriter's fee was
negotiated with the financial advisor a~ ~he time of the initial tran-
saction. He said that the out-of-pocket fees that the County would be
obligated for does not affect the underwriter's fee and the fees would
not increase due to the extension. He predicted that the fees would
be no higher than $15,000 for the year.
Commissioner Glass asked Mr. Pulver if the $4.00 fee is nego-
tiable. Mr. Pulv~~.sajd that they'are set on that fee. He said that
they negotiated the fee with the financial adviĆĄor and they liere com-
mitted to the project and involved over a long period of time with
respect to the project.
Commission~r Saunders said that it is not fair to compare the fee
for a water/sewer issue with that of a resource recovery issue because
it is much more complex and $4-6 is not excessive. Mr. Pulver said
that the fee was compared to other resource recovery projects and is
comparable, if not low~r, than other projects in Florida.
County Manager Lusk pointed out that PaineWebber was part of the
negotiating team and in put in a lot of hours.
Prior to public comments Commissioner Hasse advised the pUblic
that the meeting today is not for the purpose of discussing environ-
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mental aspects of a resource r·:~very plant, it is to discuss the
contract and extension of bonds.
Mrs. Edith Williams said that she (. ~s not like to see the County
sign anything and she understands that up to now the County is not
committed. Commissioner Glass' advised that the County has a firm
contract in existence and a bond issue in existence and the discussion
is whether or not to extend them.
County Attorney Cuyler said that there are valid legal reasons why
the County is not permitted to go back and revisit environmental con-
siderations and the contract does not permit that at this time.
Mr. Jim Melchore, Golden Gate resident, said that he hears a sense
of urgency to avoid potential liability of $500,000 for services and
the project is yet to be proven to be economically feasible. He asked
that the Board take no action to extend the bond issue. Commissioner
.> '
Hasse said that they may be avoiding the possibility of a suit in the
future and that has to be looked at; also, related to that is
possibly a lot more expense than lvgal fees. Commissioner Glass said
that they have a committee of very good CPA's and they are trying to
come up with a good economic answer. He said that the original
contract is economically feasible and they have to have a bond issue
in place to be able to make that decision.
Mr. Chester Dobeck said that if the County has a contract his
feeling is to live with the contract the way it is and if Westinghouse
cannot live with it, then both parties should be excused from it.
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Mr. John Keschl said it is ~is understanding that there is not
a binding contract with Westingõouse because the Board of Directors of
Westinghouse did not pa~tic1pate. Mr. Cuyler said that is not the
case, there is a valid, binding contra~ with Westinghouse. Certain
provisions in the agreement may take Director's approval but the
agreement is a valid contract. There was no one present from
Westinghouse to address Mr. Keschl. For the record, Mr. Cuyler said
that he has no problem that there is an existing, valid contract. Mr.
Keschl requested that when the ffiatter is all settled, the taxpayers be
given facts and figures as to the cost.
Mr. Walt Coul~~n, member of Residents Opposed to Incinceration,
pointed out that a survey was taken by the Golden Gate Eagle and 94%
respcnded that they did not want a trash burning plant in their area.
He said the Board should live by the current contract and if it is not
feasible, get out of the contract and not build the plant.
Mr. Irving Berzon said that one argument for extending the
contract today is to allow the County to use the funds even if the
deal with Westinghouse/Shawmut falls through. On the assumption that
it does tall through and another entity takes over the concept or plan
and comes up with something costing lower, he asked how that will
af:ect the cost of financing if the County has an $88,000,000 bond
issue now and have need for only half of that? Mr. Giblin replied
that in the case of underwriting fees, they are on a per bond, so if
the size of the issue goes down, they would look for further compen-
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sation. Mr. Giblin said that the underwriter fee is based on dif-
ferent things that they do; negotiate the deal, sell the bonds,
remarket the bonds. and finally once t:. 1 come out of escrow they must
be remarketed. Mr. Pulver said that there is a management fee which
really has to do with the amount of time spent on the project and the
big part of the underwriter's fee has to do with the selling com-
mission and is on a per bond basis and the per bond amount stays the
Mr. David Graham, President of the Golden Gate Civic Association,
asked if hp. is right in assuming that the agreement is not in writing
at this time? Mr. Aron said that the extension agreement is not in
writing and they are not asking the Board to vote on an unwritten
agreement. Commissioner Glass advised that all the Board is voting on
today is the bond extension. Mr. Graham said that their group will
support any issue that will remove the proposed plant from Golden
Gate, even if it costs money.
Mrs. Charlotte We.Jtman, representing the League of Women Voters of
Collier County, said that the Board is familiar with the League'e
position on the proposed project. She said that the League would sup-
port the extension of the bonds for a number of reasons.
She said
that it appears that the proposal made by Westinghouse was made in
good faith and she would hope that the entire Commission would
approach the whole aspect of the negotiating p~riod on a good faith
basis with an open mind.
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Dr. Armand Oppenheimer, ~~presenting the Collier County Audubon
Society, said that they have u',?~imously voted to reject the proposi-
tion, which was taken largely on environmental ground. He said that
it has not been wasted ~oney, it was good education, and eventually
the Board will find a plan to deal witÞ ~aste management.
Mr. George Keller, President of the Collier County Civic
Federation, askÐd if the bond issue is extended, are they forfeiting
part of the contract? He said that it has been mentioned that if the
bond issue is not extended the County will lose all of the tax bene-
fits. Mr. Keller said that is not correct, under the present tax sta-
tute, if the County built and operated the plant and used the
electricity in its"own facilities ·it would still come under the same
tax structure. Mr. keller said that if the County accepts the assign-
ment and decides not to take the project on, funds will be needed to
dissolve the corporation.
Assistant County Manager Dorrill said that the County could sell
revenue bonds, but the County decided very early that they did not
want to own a power plant and that is the rationale behind the deve-
lopment bonds.
Mr. Bob Krasowski, representing the Collier County Democrats
Environmental Committee, said that there has been no time for the
residents to digest the new proposal and it should not be acted upon
without the benefit of a vote from the residents of the County. Mr.
Krasowski said that by extending the bond issue it is keeping the pro-
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ject alive and the people do not want it.
Mr. Cuyler said that if the Board is inclined to address the
extension of the bonds, Mr. Giblìn wil: walk them through what is
necessary to do that. If there is no f.,ther action by the Board, he
said that he and Mr. Aron will take that as direction to meet with
Westinghouse and come back to the Board by January 31st.
As a point of clarific~tion for Dr. Oppenheimer, Mrs. Westman
said thl¡t the Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters met
Monday and the discussion included extension of the bonds.
Mr. Cuyler said that he wants it known that anything that was
listed by Mr. Aron is not being agreed to today.
Commissioner Goodnight said that her problem is not with
Westinghouse/Shawmut or resource recovery and she wants it on the
record that she believes resource recovery is better th~ñ landfill.
She said that she was in favor of extending the escrow bonds for 12
months and to instruct staff to work with Westinghouse/Shawmut for the
extension of the presen~ contract and to come back to the Board.
Commissioner Hasse asked Mr. Giblin if by extending the bonds 12
months are they are limited to 12 months? Mr. Giblin said that they
can get a further exten&ion for the period of time needed. He said
that they have the expectation that the deal can be completed. If
the chances of completing the transaction are 1 in 100 they would not
want to leave the bond out.
Commissioner Goodnight moved to adopt Resolution 87-9 for the
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extension of the bonds. Commissioner Glass seconded the motion which
carried '/0, Commissioner Saunders abstaining. See pages¿)~/-~4';I.
(See Form 8B appended on page,,-~~ -~fL3.
There being no further business for t~e Gciod of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:28 P.M.
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