Agenda 02/26/2013 Item #16D 62/26/2013 16.D.6.
Recommendation to approve budget amendment recognizing recovery of County funds in
connection with a claim involving a Collier Area Transit (CAT) bus shelter.
OBJECTIVE: Recognize funds from a recovery of insurance proceeds in connection with an
automobile accident.
CONSIDERATIONS: On November 11, 2011, a Collier Area Transit bus shelter located on
the west side of Santa Barbara Boulevard, just South of Prince Andrew Boulevard, was damaged
as a result of an automobile accident involving a private citizen. The claim in the amount of
$17,886.87 represents the cost to replace and reconstruct the damaged bus shelter. The damages
were recovered through the efforts of the Collier County Risk Management Department through
FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment is necessary to recognize recovery funds in the
amount of $17,886.87, within Collier Area Transit Fund 426, CAT Bus Shelter Project No.
LEGAL CONSIDERATION: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office,
does not present a legal issue and only requires a majority vote for Board approval —SRT.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management plan
with this action.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve recognition of
recovery of County funds and authorize necessary budget amendments allocating funding for
planned projects.
Prepared by: Brandy Otero, Associate Project Manager, Alternative Transportations Modes
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2/26/2013 16.D.6.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.16.D.16.D.6.
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve budget amendment recognizing recovery of
County funds in connection with a claim involving a Collier Area Transit (CAT) bus shelter.
Meeting Date: 2/26/2013
Prepared By
Name: OteroBrandy
Title: Project Manager, Associate,Transportation Engineer
1/29/2013 3:44:00 PM
Submitted by
Title: Project Manager, Associate,Transportation Engineer
Name: OteroBrandy
1/29/2013 3:44:02 PM
Approved By
Name: SotoCaroline
Title: Management/Budget Analyst,Transportation Administr
Date: 1/29/2013 4:24:40 PM
Name: ScottTrinity
Date: 1/30/2013 2:11:45 PM
Name: AlonsoHailey
Title: Operations Analyst, Public Service Division
Date: 1/31/2013 8:52:50 AM
Name: ArnoldMichelle
Title: Director - Alt Transportation Modes,Alternative Tr
Date: 2/5/2013 4:52:49 PM
Name: TeachScott
Title: Deputy County Attomey,County Attorney
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Date: 2/6/2013 2:09:11 PM
2/26/2013 16.D.6.
Name: CarnellSteve
Title: Director - Purchasing /General Services,Purchasing
Date: 2/13/2013 4:58:56 PM
Name: TeachScott
Title: Deputy County Attomey,County Attorney
Date: 2/15/2013 5:02:23 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney
Date: 2/19/2013 9:58:02 AM
Name: StanleyTherese
Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior,Office of Manage
Date: 2/20/2013 1:59:26 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney
Date: 2/20/2013 2:52:14 PM
Name: IsacksonMark
Title: Director -Corp Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO
Date: 2/20/2013 3:07:31 PM
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