BCC Minutes 03/03/1987 R - .. !lW Naples, florida, March 3, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building UFn of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon and Beverly Kueter (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Cr3ndall, utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; David Pettrow, Community Development Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrdtor; Tom McDaniel and and Dave Weeks, Planners; Ann McKim, Planning/zoning Director; Jane Fitzpatrick, Growth Management Coordinator; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. r,OD( 102 mE 260 _ ~..,·.."W~~"""-__¡";___""'··'_·"·-" R'_._-"_...._......_-'-"~" ' Page 1 - - - MARCH 3, 19B7 Tape '1 Itam t3 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner saunders and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: A. Item 12C 3dded regarding discussion of St. Demetrius Carnival hours. B. Item 9Fl - deleted by County Attorney. Item '5B WANDA LAWSON REC~GNIZED AS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR MARCH, 1987 Commissioner h~sse read a letter and presented a plaque to Wanda Lawson, permitting Coordinator for the Building Department, recognizing her as Employee of the Month for March, 1987. Item '5C EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD - PRESENTED Commissioner Hasse presented an Employee Service Award to Herbert Mann, Utilities Department, for 5 years of service to Collier County. Item 'SA COUNTY SUPPORTS PROGRAM OF REGIONAL/URBAN DESIGN ASSISTANCE TRAM (R/UDAT) AND WILL PROVIDE STAFF SUPPORT. COUNTY '1'0 DETERMINE MONETARY CONTRIBUTION AT A LATER DATE Mr. E~ Oates, Co-Chairman of the Naples R/UDAT Subcommittee stated that this Subcommittee was appointed to serv~ the purpose of bringing this team to Naples. He stated that this team will arrive in Naples the first part of April on a Thursday evening and will leave on ~OOK 102 W~ 2GB ..._...;._''',.~....''''"'_....''''''_..__......,-'''''--'~''.....,.........'''".__.-,,-~_., page 2 ~tlQ~ 102"~·! 261 MARCH 3, 19B7 a Monday. He noted that a proposal was submitted to this team outlining many issues that should be addressed in the area. He stated that as far as looking at the City with regards to growth is impossible without looking at the County, also. He noted that there is no charge for the members of this team, adding that the only charge is for their hotel accommodations and their travel fare. He stated that it is estimat~d to cost $25,000 to $30,000 and the City of Naples has agreed to contribute $15,000. He stated that the support of the County is needed and the continued support of the Community Develop- ment Department. He stated that the team would like the support of Mr. pettrow's staff in preparing maps and population figures and other necessary informati0n. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Oates stated that he is working with the hotels in trying to obtain a lower rate, but this is difficult as the team will be arriving during season. He stated that the Subcommittee is trying to raise money for this program and civic clubs as well as various other groups and individuals have contri- buted. Commissioner pistor stated that a list of what is needed should be submitted to the Community Development Department so that the necessary material can be prepared ahead of time. He stated that he feels that this is a good program and there needs to be some thoughts regarding the entrance to the City as well as the area in the County around the City. He noted that there should also be an increase in Page 3 - _. - .. -~._.---,,".,"""" '''''-_......-''--,-,.._.......'''-..,.-...._'"'''~. - ... - MARCH) 3, 19B7 affordatle housing facilities so that they fit in with the overall neighborhood. He indicatcd that there should also be given some con- sideration or thoughts to the median strip on U.S. 41- Mr. Oates stated that there tlave been 25 items addressed that the team will look at, but it is obvious that they will not be able to handle all these items in the few days that they will be here. He stated that he is requesting that the County make a monetary commit- ment as well ~s the support of the Community Development Department. Commissioner Saunders questioned the boundaries of the study area, to which Mr. Oates indicated that the study area will go to Airport Road and probably to Pine Ridge Road, but it is not firm at this point. Commissioner pisLor stated that this area is what the City is try ing to annex a~d it .is not going to be a benef i t to the County. Mr. Al French stated that he has been involved with R/UDAT for many years, adding that the team will study the metro area of Naples and it will go to Airport Road and beyond for the new entrance to cultural centers. He noted that the team is concerned with growth management relating to Naples and the surrounding environment and will give a lot of attention to the areas contiguous with the City as they are significant in the development of the area as a whole, adding that it would ~e appropriate and germane for the County to be interested and concerned. He stated that he would submit a copy of the applica- tion to the Board 50 that everyone is aware as to what areas will pro- tnOK 102 ~':! 268 Page 4 ~----,.,.~ _",,,",,,,,,,,,,,_,-,,,,,"'_"'f ,,,~,,",..,,,...,,,,~.,,¡",,,,,,=,,,,,">..,..,",,,,,,,,,,,_....____.,., ,...""'_"M'" _.""..._... ,., '...._".. ~.'.._, ..,_,",.",,<o~' ~oo~ 102 ~~.~ 2W M^RCH 3, 19B7 bably be covered, adding that the results of this program will be submitted in writing. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. French indicated that the City feels that they should contribute more than half and it is up to the County as to what they would like to contribute. He noted that the team receives nothing at all for their time and effort, adding that they also sign a contractual statement agreeing for a period of three years that they will not accept commissions, assignments, or any other interest that might result from their study. He noted that these people are fro~ allover the country, adding that the team leader may be an architect from Colorado and there will also be a traffic engineer from Chicago and a developer from Hilton Head, S.C. Commissioner pistor stated that the City is almost at build-out and the areas to the north and east of the City is what should be looked at and if this wer~ done, he would encourage the study. Commissioner Glass stated that the City is the primar~' reason that the County grows and thcre needs to be cooperation between both City and County. He staLed that he feels that these people are the best experts in the field and he feels that it is better to have someone that is not tainted by local customs to do an independent analysis. He stated that if the County contributes, they will gain insight, knowledge, guidance and will have some influence as to what goes on. He stated that the County needs to take a leadership role in certain things and lcok to the City as well as the City looking to the County Page 5 - _. - , _.-_.,"".......",.--.._.....,,~ '" _W"""_"~~___......;·,·,'_,_,"__.._4"'_....._"..,..._·,,..."_·,;·"·-'" ..,~......,.__...."..-~._,..._'-~.."_.- - .. .. MARCH, 3, 19B7 for help so that neithcr one is dcstroying the othcr. Mr. Oates stated that he would see that the area is expanded to the best of their ability in order that the County receives their money's worth. He stated ~hat they will encourage the team to address the issups that are germane to the County as well as to the city. He stated that when this program was first initiated, it was felt that it would be just the City that would be involved but that was not feasible, as there are too many problems that affect the City and the County together. Commissioner Saunders stated that he is satisfied that the County will benefit from thjs program, adding that he feels that the amount of contribution from the County needs to be determined at a future date. commissioner saunders moved, seconded by commissioner pistor a~d carried unanimously, that the county supports the city in this program and that the County staff will provide full support to the team when it arrives and the funding from the county will be determined at a future date based on the amount of money that can be raised privately and depending on how much the county will benefit. Tape f2 Mayor putzell stated that many cities have received benefits from this program, adding that it is fortunate that these people can come to this area. He stated that the explosive growth that there is in this area is not unIque and everyone should be able to benefit from ðOOK 102~~·~270 Page 6 "M'__~"""'''''''''''.''_''''~''''''__ ," __,....,_,..,,__---"0. 1 ___"'"'...--,,.," ...."',..""'0.."";'._.....,.._,"""",,,",,....""..,,--',,..,,,,.,.,,....,,,...", .", ,,,",....,,..,,.w_._......~",""'..··· ,,,, ..,-="..."'~"'",.""-""_.,. '" -,...--",-, ...... ~OOK 102 n~: 271 MARCH, 3, 19B7 what has gone on elsewhere in the country in order to save the resour- ces that are available here. He stated that he is appreciative of the motion and will assure the County that their interest is well taken care of. Item '6B2 PETITION R-86-21C, WILSON, MILLER, DARTON, SOLL' PEEK, INC. REPRESENTING CLYDE QUINBY AND JAMES MCCOMBS, REQUESTING A REZONE FROM A-2 AND 1\-2 "ST" TO PUD KNOWN 1\S CYPRESS GLEN FOR 304 MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PINE RIDGE ROAD, EAST OF AIRPORT ROAD - DENIED Legal notice having been publi~hed in the Naples Daily News on January 30, 1987, as evidenced by Affid~vit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-86-2lC, filed by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peck, Inc., representing Clyde Quinby and James McCombs, requesting a rezone from A-2 and A-2 nSTn to PUD known as Cypress Glen for 304 multi-family dwelling units on the north side of pine Ridge Road, approximately 2/3 ,mile east of Airport Road, directly west of the Community School of Naples, in Section 12, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, ~ 29.7 acres. Planner Weeks stated that this project is east of Airport Road and contains approximately 30 acres, with surrounding land uses to the north being RSf-3 with nSTn overlay and undeveloped. He stated that the remainder to the east, south and west is zoned A-2 or A-2 with "ST" overlay. He indicated that to the east is the Community School of Naples and to the south is vacant farm fields with undeveloped land to the west. He stated that further to the west is Woodside Page 7 - _. - --_._._._~,.~---_.....".,~-,... -~---_.."";.""'-+"",,;,,<\,"'--""¡...."'"._-,.- '"..;..._---.""~;....,.....,--"'..........._""--'-'""",.-"-"?--' - ... .. MARCH: 3, 1987 Apartments PUD, which is under development with 10 units per acre. He noted that in reviewing the petition, it is in compliance with the comprehensive Plan and is compatible to the surrounding properties. He stated that all agencies have reviewed this petition and have no objection subject to the stipulations containen in the Executive Sum- mary dated March 3, 1987. He stated that the CCPC recommended appro- val, adding tt1at one letter was received in favor of the project. Mr. Alan Reynolds of wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & peek, Inc., stated that he is representing the petitioner and in answer to Commissioner Glass, he stated that the County will supply the water as the main is being extendeã from Airport Road to the east on the south side of Pine Ridge Road and the petitioner will tap into that line. Commissioner Saundcrs questioncd if this project will be going on line prior to the construction of the Carica Road tank to which Mr. Reynolds indicated that he is looking at a timc frame of 12 months before construction on the project could begin and it may be 3 to 4 years for build-out. Commissioner Glass stated that there are water proble~s in the area north of this project and if this development hooks in, there will be less water pressure to the north. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that this is reviewed with Engineering for available pressure and volumcs at the time that the project hooks in and at the present time, there is adequate water for that development. He statcd that the City customers will be turncd Page B ·r,OOK 102 ~<:: 272 ----_."_..~,'~,.~-"'~'., "..,.,....."_..,,,,",..._4 ~ .' .."..".""~u.,,.___,"'"',..__,,·_..''''''' ,oo~ 102 mt 273 MARCH; 3, 1987 over to the County at the time the tank is on line and it is simply a timing problem at this point. Mr. Reynolds stated that he is willing to have the County stipu- late that there will be sufficient water and pressure at the time that the development hooks up. Commissioner Glass stated that he i~ not worried about this pro- ject, he is worri2d about the property owners to the north, adding that he would stipulate that no nco" be issued until the water is available and there is sufficient pressure north of the project. Commissioner Saunders stated that the stipulation could state that no nco" will be issu~d until the Carica Road tank as currently struc- tured is completed, which is targeted for March, 1988. He stated that this is not singling out one developer, but in effect, will be a mora- ~orium if this tank is not completed on schedule. Me. Reynolds stated that he could agree with 'this stipulation as long as they are provided an opportunity to come back before the soard to re-evaluate the situation if necessary. The following people spoke against the petition citing the high density of the project, not in the best interest of the County, lack of available water pressure, George Page, vice President of Relleum, Inc. John Brugger, Attorney George Keller, representing Collier County Civic Federation Dolores Conley, representing E. T. Brisson Janet R. Nelson, repres8nting R. A. MacLeod Mr. John Keschl stated that he is not opposed to progress but he is opposed to the way petitions arc handled, adding that he has water Page 9 .. _. - --- _.,.~,.~~"";~,~""""""'"',..'"""_.._.~._,-"'--" -----"'.,-,..._"'--.,,-"- ".""'..._...-.''''''.....n''''''--...''.-..--..---··''· - - - MARCH 3, 1987 problems at westwinds and has complained constantly about this and is always told that different ';hings are being done and nothing has been accomplished. Hc stated that there are future developments in his area also and by the time the water gets to him, there will be little pressure, if any. ~lr. Crandall stated that westwinds is directly affected by the repump system at Manatee Road which is being worked on, adding that there is an additional item on the agenda this date for valves and it will be another 60 days before the work is completed. Tape '3 planning/zoning Director McKim stated that this project is rated in the maximum densi~y category through the point system according to the Comprehensive Plan. Sh~ stated that the nST" area is being pre- served and through a dcsign mechanism in the PUD, it will remain healthy and probably be enhanced. She noted that the EAC reviewed this petition and placed additional stipulations on it in order to protect the cypress slough. She noted that this project is near a commercial node and on a major road which is appropriate for a higher density as well as being near a school and fire department. She stated that she does not feel that the density is too hig~ for this area and project. Mr. Reynolds stated that he spent a lot of time evaluating this property and a cypress slough and oak hammock have been set aside, adding that there will be two and three-story buildings around lakes, Page 10 bOCK ID2~c.<".274 ,",",.".,~_'~"_'r -,_...,";",."..""-"";~,""-","".",~^,,,..-,,,.,~,,,,,,,,..-- ... _w_'" HI m.; 102pm275 MARCH. 3, 1987 which is the water management plan. He stated that for the past nine months this project has been undergoing an extensive review by County Staff and has been recommended for approval by all agencies and is compatible with the area. He stated that in order to accommodate the Natural Resources Management Department some of the original plans were changed, adding that there is a recreation area in the front of the property and there are only three two-story buildings that front on pine Ridge Road with open space, adding that one third of the pro- perty is a preserve area. Commissioner pistor questioned the Subdivision Regulation excep- tion regarding the monument and also the width of the roads, to which Mr. Reynolds indicaLed that with regards to the monument exception, every project in the last ten years has requested the same exception. He stated that the Subdivision Regulations are out of date and staff feels that there is adequate protection regarding th<:! monument. He noted that this exception only pertains to the valve box. He noted that the Subdivision Regulations should be updated. He indicated that with regards to the streets, the waiver is fairly standard as some of the roads in the project do not have driveways off them and they would be 20 feet instead of 24 feet, adding that this is commonly put into the PUD èocument but the main street would not be using that waiver. Mr. Reynolds indicated that there will be sidewalks along the main road and a final detailed site plan has to be submitted that shows all facilities. He stated that there will be an on-site sewage treatment Page 11 - _. - "'NV,""""'~"_'_""'.,"*,,__~__""'''''-·"'·<··U'''''''"''''''''"--~'''.'","""""'"~' " - ... - MARCH, 3, 1987 plant which will bc an intcrim facility and whcn it is dismantled, the rest of the buildings in the project will be built on that site. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Tape .4 Ms. McKim stated that the Community School of Naples is a high intensity use and there is often multi-family next to schools, adding that this property is also adjacent to the high school and the bus maintenance center. She stated that she feels that the project for this property is appropriate and the only thing that could be defined further would be the buffer arca, adding that thcre could be a 10 foot buffer along the project boundary. She indicated the location of the major commercial nùde in the area and indicated that high density pro- jects are generally located next to such areas. Commissioner pistor questioned if the fire department has approved this project with only one access on the western portion of the pro- perty, to which Ms. McKim stated that an emergency access is being requir'Ö!d. CommiÐsioner Goo~night moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders, that Petition R-86-21C be approved subject to staff stipulations and that the "CO" not be issued until the carica Road Tank as currently structured is completðd, which is targeted for March, 1988, and that the developer be provided the opportunity to approach the Board to re- evaluate the situation if the targeted date is not met. Upon call for ,', '\..:..... . ........,.' ,'. t. t·, . i , i. -ii. . .. i , .. . ~ , ~ . Jr ::Ù. ,~ " , ¡ . , ~ \ , . , .' V . I' i f . ,~, I . .' .'. j . ".1 ;. , , '> . , .' , ¡ ~.' ,gI I , \ I. ,I ."J; ," , Page 12 ~om; 102 ~~.: 216 .. , . .' 1 .. , .' ~ " .' ,.<,.@....~--,.,~~.._"-"'.............__..."~.~,~.'""",,._-----_...........,.""..,......,,,"",...,-,. .."...",..""""'''_____....''''~..,."''''''''~"o...,.'""'..,'''''..,,.,_'' 1,. :,\ \ I , ~ . , ., ".,."''''',,.~..,,"--,~... . , , ¡ ,.,' - ". ,\,.1.', ,_ .t , ,', ,I" " .' f " t I , I ~OO( 102 W~ 2TI ,11',,- , MARCH" 3, 1987 the question, tho motion failed 3/2, (commissioners pistor and Hasse opposed'/ . .;\ ' I ' , , , . , .- '\; ì . .. l ~ ,¡ I; . ! 'I ., ; 'I , " , " I. t, . 1 & '~ I 1 .\ I" ...... 1, ,[ , p " ' ' .. , . . r i' ~ /. " ~ . ": ..... Recess: 10:35 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:50 A.M. ..... Item t6C1 RESOLUTION 87-43 RE PETITION AV-86-019, WESTINGHOUSE COMMUNITIES OF NAPLES, INC. REQUESTING VACATION OF A PORTION OF LAUREL OAK DRIVE, PARCEL "D", l'ELICAN BAY, UNIT 1, SO PETITIONER CAN CONSOLIDATE PROPERTY - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 11, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-B6-0l9 filed by Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc., requesting a vaca- tion of a portion of Laurel Oak Drive, parcel nB", Pelican Bay, Unit l, so the petition2r can consolidate the property. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this item was continued from January as there were concerns regarding the need for that connector road and Staff was directed to look at the surrounding vacant properties and also to determine the traffic generation that would result from build-out and could be served by that connector. He referred to an overhead map indicating that it was determined that there would be a total of 10,000 trips per day on West Blvd. with a level of service "A" or "ß". He noted that with the four-laning of Pelican Bay ßlvd. this will serve more than 9,000 or 10,000 trips per day. He noted that the same analysis was made for Laurel Oak and Ridgewood Drive assuming build-out of the area and also including the I I, \'< ,\ -' . >, i \ ' .I \ I, I Page 13 '. " 10 - _. - ..... . \, ? . Q . -"- ,~--"--......~...._'"'--"..,,'"..~.,.....,,~_....-..,,"----_..'"""'- ..._'~,.-"'"........_,...",,_..-. ,..""...,-_........._......""-,.-.-..".....,-",----",.,""..,^ ."'..,"';.",...-"....~..."...,.-".." - ... - MARCH 3, 19B7 Naples Federal complex, HMA complex, and Sun Bank complex, there will be 2,000 trips per day on Laurel Oak end Ridgewood Drive and 1,000 trips per day on West Blvd. He stated that when the analysis was done, a high level of traffic generation was used which would probably reflect peak traffic time. He stated that the applicant is recom- mending another roadway that would align with Sun Bank and Ridgewood Drive and based on this, "Letters of No Objection" have been received from ~]l utilities and the Sun Bank complex has indicated no objection if the relocation of the road is provided. Commissioner Pis tor qùe~tioned why the road is being moved further to the north, to which Mr. Archibald stated that unless the petitioner relocates that road, he will have a remainder of his property that will not be of much use for anything. Mr. Mike Zewalk, representing North Naples Civic Association, stated that the people that live in Ridgeway Villas are concerned that after they have built their homes, the road that they use to get to U.S. 41 will be cut off and they will have to drive all ~Lound the area to get to U.S. 41 if this is ñpproved. He stated that there is a church and school in the area that has been waiting for this roadway to be completely paved in order to use it and now, because a developer wants to build, the people in the area are going to be denied the use of that road. Mr. Archibald stated that all the residents in the area have access to Pelican Bay Blvd. except for one development that has 60 .' . ì , .: :~r ¡·\f: . : " ',~ t·: , , ,J ,. , . I j\', " . ¡ , . " ~ . ' ]. " . I., " , i 1" I '" Ii,,¡ " ì I , " , , t, , " I / ,~ . ,j ., .! ¡ , '¡ ;< ! , , . , , . I \' o! &DDK 102 p~r.! 278 Page 14 ~ I ~ .) '~"."~"_"_"''T --'~'..«"''''-~''';;;~--;''-'''"''''''''''''''"-~''''''''';"'''' ~OOK 1021'~<·: 279 MARCH, 3, 1987 units and that development has been allocated to West Blvd. with the number of trips being 80 to 100 which is a small number of people that would be affected. He noted that the number of trips on West Blvd. at build-out would be small. He indicated that his concern is Laurel Oak Drive and U.S. 41 as there is no light there and based on his results with DOT, they may not approve a traffic signal at this location even at build-out, adding that the roads that will be used will be able to handle the traffic at build-out. commissioner saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-43 re petition AV-86-019, westinghouse communities of Naples, Inc. requesting a vacation of a portion of Laurel Oak Drive, Parcel "D", pelican Bay, unit 1, so peti- tioner may consolidate property, bs adopted, and recorded by the Clerk. page 15 - _. - --",;,~._~,..._...~-""".._"------,"",-"....""~,;-=---",,,,,-".,,_...,. - MARCH, 3, 1987 Item f6C2 RESOLUTION 87-44 RE PETITION SNR-87-3C, WESTINGHOUSE COMMUNITIES, REQUESTING STREET RENAMING FROM PALMETTO LANE TO ARROWHEAD LANE AND ARROWHEAD CT. TO OAKMONT PARKWAY, PELICAN BAY, UNIT 6, OAKMONT SECTION - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 15, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SNR-87-3C, filed by westinghouse Communities, requesting street renaming from Palmetto Lane to Arrowhead Lane and from Arrowhead Court to Oakmont Parkway in Pelican Bay, Unit 6, Oakmont Section. Planner McDaniel stated that when building permitting process began for this property in Pelican Bay it was pointed out that there was duplication of Palmetto Lane in the County, as there is Palmetto Court in East Naples and a Palmetto Avenue in Immokalee. He stated that the Petitionee wishes to change Palmetto Lane to Arrowhead Lane and Arrowhead Court to be part of Oakmont Parkway. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and carrie~ unanimously, that Resolution 87-44 re Petition SNR-S7-3C, westinghouse Communities, be adopted. Page 16 ~oo~ 102 r:.r,t ZOO .... . ''''''''_-''''__'' n."Tn ,.. ~_"'.'""'_"_~"'''''_"''_'_'''_'''''""~"'''''.'''''-.c~".,,,,,_'_''___'''''''<~___",;'''',,,0',',,,. ,." ,".,;,."._",..,,,,,,,~,,,~,-,~.._,,-.....- - .. - J t., 'I r . " . i , \, ,~,;. ~ .; k;: ~ I ~,. ., ¡ ! 1 ¡'"J '.. . ;- i . ! MARCH, 3, 1987 Item #9Al RESOLUTION 87-45 ~UTHORIZING THE N~TURAL RESOURCES MAN~GEMENT DEPT. TO APPLY FOR A COASTAL ZONE MAN~GEMENT GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RZGULATIONS - ADOPTED Natural Pesources Management Director Proffitt stated that this item is to address an application for next year's coastal zone manage- 'I' t j. .. I, , .1 ,~ 'I' ". I. " i: . I , , " , . . í I . .r .J t î " ,I ¡. I , "'\ \ 1 i 11 i ! <,r1 . . iL ment grant. He stated that this program has been funded for five years from one year grants from the office of Coastal Management. He stated that the information that has been gathered has been valuable to various segments 0f County government. He stated that the program is beginning to access the status of Collier County estuaries, adding that to date near shore seagrass beds have been located and mapped for most of the County; a survey of invertebrate species in several selected grass and non-grass estuarine hûbitats has begun; and this year if the program is continued, the County will continue benthic and seagrass surveys in other Collier County estuaries and will begin a direct assessment of estuarine pollution. He stated that a match of $7,120 is needed for this grant. He stated that the resolution indi- cates that the money will be coming from the Reef and Marine Budget, but they would prefer that it come from the General Fund to lessen the impact on the Reef and Marine Fund. Tape '5 Commissioner Pistor questioned the $14,590 in-kind match, to which Natural Resources Management Director Proffitt stated that this is the office space, his time, and Dr. Henningsen's time. t1)O~ 102 ~r.' 292 Page 17 <> I" ... ,I ,i. " _'··«~'"m"..,."...<"__,._,,,__......__..._"_"'''"'''~_C''''''.'·' 102 n'.: 293 MARCH. 3, 19B7 commisllioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and carried unllnimously, that Resolution 87-45 authorizing the Natural Resources Management Dept. to apply for another grant in a continuing series of Coastal Zone Management Grants from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulations and the Co~nty Match of $7,120 from the General Fund be adopted. Page 18 - _. - ,,,>..,,~._,,,,,,,".__""~'_""_;'_'_"""_""'__"""';_~'__.'__"' .....__.,,_.".~_,..._,.,,-"""_""*.__...__'""_""_~,_~r"_...'.·,,".·,·,' <·";_,,,.,,.w,····,'_",,.,,,,.,"'·,·,,..~"_~·,·,·",·"'~_'''_""._"", - - - MARCH. 3, 1987 Item f9Bl STORAGE AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - ~?PROVED Public WorKS Administrator Archib~ld stated that this item is a follow up to the worKshop that took place on January 26, 1987, con- cerning space needs and concerns for added utilization of space by the Clerk of Courts, the Elections Supervisor, the Tax Collector and the Property Appraiser. He stated that to address each of the needs, a document was developed entitled Storage Area Improvements and in that document staff attempted to describe each item of work, the approxi- mate cost, the location and the approximate date of completion. He stated that there are twelve items with the total cost being $320,000. He noted that in Building "F", a portion of the fifth floor will be remodeled in accordance with requirements established by the Clerk of Courts at an approximate cost of $7,000 and will be done in-house. He noted that in Building nw" there will be a number of improvements which will include a mezzanine or second floor for storage for the Clerk and the Supervisor of Election~ with a cost of $22,000 for each area. He stated that when these improvements are completed, the square footage will increase by 150% by adding the second floor, the shelving and the lifting mechanism to get to the shelving. He stated that the addition to Building "C-l" is tor the Tax Collector and is more costly but can be used for storage and expansion as well as an expansion of office space at a cost of $185,000. He stated that Staff is recommending that these proposed improvements be approved and funded from Fund 30l Page 19 m~ 102~",~2DG ,.......'_"'"""",___"".·~·"'e',^'''..''''''..._,~ ;. . ,-",-"-"","""" -,'''~"._._--,-"".._'''''. - "'__"'_;"""'_._._.._..'''''u,,,,,.'"_.-. mK 102nr;:297 . MARCI ' 3, 1987 and that certain specific recommendðtions be considered as outlined in the Executive Summary, adding that one of those specific recommen- dations is that the contractor currently working with these projects enclose the existing garage door area to the storage area for the Clerk and Supervisor of Elections, which will cost $3,600 for each job. He stated that this was reviewed and it would cost more to do this in-housp- and as a condit~on of approval, Staff would also like authorization to waive the bidding process and accept the bid proposal from Kraft Construction for that segment of work. He noted that there are also plans to add air conditioning to the second floor of Building OW" and he is asking for approval to negotiate a contract with Kraft Construction which will be brought back to the Board for final appro- val. He stated that another item deals with the plans and specifica- tions that have to be developed to expand Building "C-ln, as proposed by the Tax Collector and he would like authorization to negotiate d contract for the design and specifications. He stated that there will also be bid specifications prepared for the mezzanine, the shelving and the different lifts so that once the second floor is provided, it can be utilized immediately. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Commissioner Glass stated that he spoke with all the constitutional officers and this document reflects their requirements and needs. County Manager Lusk stated that if the bid requirements are waived, this would save about 6 weeks which would be appr~ciated by Page 20 - - - "-,.............,",._,--_._---_..... .~,.~"".._"'_.._-_._---,...,"".,...,."..,,".."'., - - - MARCH, 3, 19B7 the Clerk ðnd the Supervisor of Ele~tions. He stated that quotes would be taken and the lowest quote would be used. He noted that they would bring this back to the Board for final approvðl and it would only be for the two previously mentioned projects. commissioner Glass moveð, seconded by commissioner Saunders anð carried unanimously, that the storage area improvement projects list be approved as well as the necessary budget amendments; tho recommen- dations of staff and the waiver of the bidding process for the Clerk and supervisor of Elections. '&OOK 102.., ~f 298 Page 2l _,___,__...4_..._'....._'''''',~·''··, ~..., ~.^""....,...--'''~"'-...._..,,'''"''"'''','''''''¢''',',;''',..·,'''..."~I',.,''..,..·'''ÿ,'","""'''' . I· L .J .. .' ~ . , ¡' . ., , , \ i J , . MARCH 3, 19B7 Item f9Cl AGREEMENT BETWEEN FRIENDS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY MUSEUM AND THE COUNTY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY MUSEUM IN THE AMOUNT OF 975,000 _ APPROVED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that this is an agreement between thc Friends of the Collier County Museum and the County for the construction of the Collier County Museum. He stated that at the December 23, 1986, meeting, thc Board directed staff to work out the particulars of the agreement so that the advance funding could be granteù, adding that he has worked with the Finance Director and due to IP.9ðl restraints this cannot be considered a loan, there- fore, there is no guarantee that it will be paid back, but they have continued to maintain their fund raising efforts and he is requesting ; l . I ~ '1 J ''I i !, .. . i ~ ~ approval of this agreement. Mr. Gcrald Lanterman, Director of Friends of the Collier County Museum, stated that the principle purpose of this agreement is to maintain a constant cash flow to offset the ups and downs of fund raising activities. He stated that to date the museum has been moved, the wiring and plumbing has been done, and the roof is enclosed and they have expended $150,000. He noted that in fund raisin~ activities most of the money is c0llected at the end of the year and this agreement will help tide them over until that time when they get back into the gift-giving season. He noted that fund raising is still going on and yesterday they received $7,000 from one individual and " \" . l' t I;' 1 .. 1 $4,000 from another individual. He stated that he hopes that the , \ M)O~ 102 r~c<~02 Page 22 J I: .,1 ~ ~'.., . \ I ' . , . " ,,,.^~,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,_.,,,,,-,,,-,-.-,,,,- _.^.,"'...."'"__~I_..,"-_.._""''''·''~ _ '''"....·''M.'',''''.'",·.·~....''''''"'''''....·~"..."-,·",··_'''''',.' ~..".,.."",...,."."~....~o;·."',~··_~ "'__ '" "\ m,; "1.02 r~r.~ 303 MARCH, 3, 19B7 Board will approve this agreement in order to keep moving with the construction of the museum. He noted that the $75,000 is something that will be returned to the County as it is also a moral issue with them. County Attorney Cuyler ~tated that all legal considerations have been addressed regarding the agreement. commissioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the Agreement between Friends of the Collier county Museum and the county for the Construction of the Collier County Museum in the amount of $75,000 be approved. Page 23 - - - ~~;I_""""'''''''''''""-'''''''' ,,~-,.. _._...,",',."_......._"_,..."._,_.''',.._",,.,''''.,,~..;'_..e.w'_..^.,,,....__""~;,..., lOOK 102 nc.! 305 MARCH, 3, 1987 Itom UD1 EXPENDITURE OF $11,542.53 TO DAVIS METER AND SUPPLY FOR SPECIALTY CHECK VALVES FOR THE CAPRI AND MANATEE ROAD WATER REPAIR REPUMP FACILITIES - APPROVED Commissioner ?istor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the expenditure ot $11,542.53 to Davis Meter and Supply for Specialty Check Valvos tor the Capri and Manatee Road Water Repair Repump facilities be approved. Item '9E1 RESOLUTION 87-46 REVISING COLLIER COUNTY PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS - ADOPTED Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that this item is to amend County Personnel Rules and Regulations to consider vaca- tion time productive time in computing overtime pay, adding that this was approved in concept last month and he is formally requesting that the Board adopt the resolution. Commissioner GOodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunder~ and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-46 revising Collier County Personnel Rules and Regulations regarding Item 8-12 (0) of the Personnel Rules be adopted. Page 24 - - - ·-"''''''"··;··~''''-'~--'''-"",,>,-__..",,,~..o ..,."';..,_'''',.,,.."'',,__._....._'''...-..~_" '- "'- ~OOK 102 p~G£ 307 MARCH, 3, 1967 Item UPl ALTERATIONS TO THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BCe AND PALMER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - CONTINUED ONE WEEK County Attorney Cuyler stated that he is requesting a one week continuance on this item and the petitioner has no objection. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the alterations to tho franchise agreement between the Board a~d Palmer communications, Inc. be continued tor one week. Item 'lOA EMERGENCY DECLARED. ORDINANCE 87-7 AMENDING ~OLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 86-78 WHICH ESTABLISHED THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE .. ADOPTED. RESOLUTION 87-47 APPOINTING 25 MEMBE~S TO THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE - ADOPTED. County Attorney Cuyler stated that this item is an emergency ordi- nance that he prepared, adding that the reason for this emergency is that the Citizens Advisory Committee is going to be required to give several recommendations within the next two weeks and if this was advertised, the changes that are nec~ssary could not have been done in time. He stated that one of the changes is increasing the old ordi- nance membership number from 21 to 25. He stated that he would like to have a declaration of emergency and a waiver of the normal adver- tisement procedure. He stated that at the bottom of Page 1 of the ordinance, the membership has been changed to 25 instead of 21; on Page 2 on the bottom of the ordinance it states Chairman, Vice- Page 25 - .. - -~'""~-"""""'~"''''''';'"-'-''';~''"';_.''''''-''''''''''''-;"'~-".,,"~'..__.._-~,~, - - - MARCH. 3, 1987 Chairman and Secretary, which shoulñ read Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and a second V~L~-Chairman; the quorum requirement on the bottom of Page 2 has been changed from l3 to 15; on Page 3 in Section 5, it sta- tes that all meetings shall be public meetings and shall be held regu- larly at the Collier County Government Center, Naples, and language should be inserted that says unless another location is deemed appropriate by the Chairman of the CAC or his designee and public notice is provided as to ~he location and time of the meeting; and the final change is that the last sentence of Section 6 that states that the CCPC shall approve the creation of any sub-committee should read that the CCPC shall be notified of the purpose and membership of each subcommittee. County Manager Lusk stated that he has talked with the School Board and he would like to recommend that there be some wording added to the ordinance that indicates that there shall also be a represen- tative of the School Board serving on this committee as a non-voting member. Commissioner Hasse stated that the School Board has requested this and he does not have any problem with it. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that an emergency be declared and that the notice requirements be waived. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimouSly, that the pUblic hearing be closed. aDDK 102 ~ '.~ 3'Og Page 26 '-' " '. aODK 102 w.: 3Q9 MARCH 3, 1987 Commissioner Baunðers moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book 26 with the pre- viously mentioned changes: ORDINANCE 87-7 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 86-78, AN ORDINANCE WHICH ESTABLISHED THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE; AMENDING SECTION T¡'10 TO PROVIDE THAT THE COMMITTEE SHALL CONSIST OF 25 RATHER THAN 2l MEMBERS; AMENDING SECTION FOUR TO PROVIDE THAT 15 RATHER THAN 13 MEMBERS SHALL CONSTITUTE A QUORUM; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEV¡::RAIJILITY; PROVIDING FOR DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. County Attorney Cuyler stated that a resolution needs to be approved appointing the members to the Collier County Planning Citizen's Advisory 20mmitte~. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-47 appointing 25 members to the Collior County Planning Commission Citizens ~dvisory Committee and the addition of a representative of the School Board as a non-voting member be adopted. Page 27 - .. - _··_-''' ''''''''_'''._'''''"'"'"'c'""';''''_"''''~''..""'''''>''''''""''''''''''"'_...... MARCH 3, 1987 Tape '6 Item '10B RESOLUTION 87-48 RE AMENDMENTS TO THE INDENTURE OF TRUST BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDÄ AND SUN BANK, TRUSTEE DATED AUGUST 14, 1986, RELÄTING TO THE $76,600,000 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1986 - APPROVED Mr. Giblin, Bond Counsel, stated that the two resolutions that need to be adopted relate to the conversion of the bond issue that was approved last week. He stated that these resolutions needed to be adopted to close that transaction and they relate to changes in the indenture pursuant to which the original bonds were issued and also changes to the water and sewer bond resolution. He stated that all these changes have been requested by the Insurance Company, FGIC, in order to meet the terms of the commitment of the insurance policy that has been given. He noted that most of the changes are of a technical nature, and have been reviewed and approved by Staff. Mr. Giblin stated that the transaction of last week cannot be closed unless this action is taken. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he would advise Commissioner Saunders that he has a conflict in order to be consistent with the advice that he was gi~en last week. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissione~ Pistor and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Saunders abstained), that Resolution 87-48 be adopted. Page 28 ~oo~ 102 ~<·T 312 "'''.;-~,~",~.., --,-- - .. - MARCH, 3, 1987 Item 'lOC RESOLUTION CWS-87-5 RE 1985 AMENDMENTS TO THE COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOND RESOLUTIONS - ADOPTED Mr. Giblin stated that this resolution needs to be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners sitting as the Governing Board of the County Water-Sewer district. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, (Commiss~oner Saunders abstained), that Resolution CWS-87-5 be adopted. Page 29 bOOK 102 p~r,[ 410 '.'......--..... - '-."~""'....._-;_.,...._...,-<t ..-.........-.."""'.......···-'""""""""'''____'.''0>00 ... ----- &OO~ 102 PF.~ 417 MARCH, 3, 1987 Item fllA BUDGET AMENDMENTS 87-152/154; 87-156/159; AND 87-161/164 _ ADOPTED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconaea by Commissioner GoOdnight ana carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 87-152/154; 87-156/159; and 87-161/164 be adopted. Item f11C BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION 87-023 - ADOPTED Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment Resolution 87-023 be adopted. Page 30 - .. - ""'·""""-'--_''''';'fiI L . __"~.,.",.,""""""",, .".^."".,',........;,~,"......,......""""'="""~~"_.__ r,oo~ 102 pV·t 41H MARCH 3, 19B7 Item '12A HOUSING AND SECRET~RI~L NEEDS OF THE CO~iIBBIONERS _ NO ACTION T~XEN Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that the Board directed that staff prepare a report regarding the expenses associated with relocating the Commissioners and assigning each an administra- tive ðsslstant/secretary to handle their needs. He stated that a report was prepared with the cost to move an individual Commissioner, leaving the options open. He stated that the report shows the recurring cosls, which are the costs that would be needed annually thereafter for the administrative staff and one time capital cost that would include the purchase of computers, printers, desks, chairs, etc. He stated that there is also the cost shown for the relocation of two Commissioners to the fifth floor because there are available spaces there for offices thac could be used at this time, adding that the two Commissioners would only need one support person. He stated that there is also cost shown for the three administrative staff positions broken do~n per Commissioner even though one of these positions is not filled at the present time. He stated that space will be found if the Commissioners should decide to relocate. He stated that Staff is not making a recommendation as this is being left up to the Commission, adding that it needs to be decided if the Commissioners would like to relocate, hùw they would like to relocate and when. The following people spoke against the Commissioners relocating their offices citing the facts that this is costly to the taxpayers, Page 31 - .. - <"...._--~þ<""-"""""'.,--,.....,;_,,~_.., o,."'.._'''''____,..._,_~_,... ''''."'---"'''''----...;,...-,-.....".--..",.,."''''''',.-~".,. ,......."...",M-..,."."""'"__,..~~,._. - - - a need to separate Commissioners because if they violate the Sunshine tary when she goes to lunch, is sick or goes on vacation; therc is not there is not any substitution taken into consideration for the secre- MARCH 3, 1987 Law there is the Ethics Commission, the State Attorney or the Attorney General that could handle this situation; the inconvenience of the Commissioners being on different floors; Richard Brdun George Keller Charlie Andrews John Keschl Mike Zewalk have. indicated that they were all satisfied with the offices that they Commissioner Saunders, Commissioner Glass and Commissioner Hasse Commissioner Pistor stated that he has plenty of room in his office but, with sep?rate offices, it could create a better atmosphere follow them around. in the courthouse and it would also be mcce difficult for the media to but her problem is how the public perceives the Commission, adding Commissioner Goodnight stated that she is happy with her office that she feels that through talking with different groups and indivi- duals as well as television programs, the public perceives the County Commission as violating the Sunshine Law. She stated that she has never indicated that any County Commissioner that she has been asso- ciated with has violated the Sunshine Law, but this does not mean that the public does not perceive the Commission in that fashion. She noted that there has been repeatedly articles in the Naples Daily Page 32 !>Oo~ 102 W,f ~20 ---.." ..",-.~""""".~--.- ,,~ -'-""..,_.........._'"-"""'--"--'''''''-----''''._..,'''~'''"...".".."''"''''-.'''.,,."""",,,,,,,>,,;,,,.-.,, am 102 m: 421 MARCH 3, 19B7 News, editorials in the Naples Daily News about how other Commissioners are separated and she completely agrees that all Commissioners should be on the same floor but at this time it is not feasible as there is not enough space. She noted that her suggestion has been to help alleviate how the public perceives the County Commissioners. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters, stated that in other counties, Commissioners are separated, adding that they may be on the same floor but they have completely separate offices. She stated that the problem with the Commission offices at the present time i¡. the barricades that exist which does not look good in the public eye. She noted that three years ago, there was an open concept in the total Commission office. Tape '7 Commissioner Hasse stated that he does not see any need for a change in the offices as there are no flagrant violations of the Sunshine Law going on, adding that the Sunshine Law is important to keep good government. fIe noted that County Manager Lusk was anxious for the Commission to move to the new health building which is not appropriate as they should be next to the County Manager's office and the County Attorney's office. He stated that the Commissioners are responsible people and can be trusted. He noted that the office runs very efficiently even with only two girls and by separating the Commissioners it will become inefficient and will divide the County Page 33 - .. "·^,,,,,,,,·~··,,_;_,_;¡".'''''i___,_._,,,","....."^,.,,",,,,,~"...,,,,..'"...-.'.0;"..""'______...... _._-_.~..- - - - MARCH, 3, 1987 into five independent districts. He atated that there will not be unity. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Sunshine Law is not really the issue as there arc going to be people that will say the Commission is violatlng the Sunshine Law no matter what. He noted that it depends on what each Commissioner says and does and how they present themselves to the public. Commissioner Hasse indicated that this item was merely for discussion and there is no action that is necessary. Item U2B COMMISSIONERS PISTOR AND GOODNIGHT TO ATTEND LEGISLATIVE MEETING IN TALLAHASSEE ON APRIL 22, 1S87 Commissioner Pistor stated that he would like to be able to attend this meeting and Commissioner Goodnight stated that she would also like to have approval to attend if it is necessary. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that Commissioners Pistor and Goodnight be authorized to attend the Legislative Meeting in Tallahassee on April 22, 1987. Item U2C COUNTY ATTORNEY TO CONTACT ST. DEMETRIUS CARNIVAL OPERATOR TO BET HOURS OF OPERATION TO CLOSE AT 10 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SUNDAY AND 12 MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Commissioner Hasse stated that he has had complaints in regard to the carnival closing at midnight and would like to restrict that to 11 r.OQK 102 rÂ~t 422 Page 34 "...,,----, .- lOOK 102 m~ 423 MARCH 3, 1987 P.M. so that the noise does not affect the neighboring people. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he would talk with the permit- tee in rcgards to this, but thc necessary action should have been taken when the permit was approved by the Board. Commissior.er Hasse stated that he would like to see the carnival closed at 10 P.M. during the week and at 12 midnight during the weekend, adding thDt the carnival is from March 4th through March Bth. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that thA County Attorney be ðirected to contact the permittee to set the hours of operation to close at 10 P.M. Wednesday, Thuraday, and Sunday and 12 midnight on Friday and Saturday. *** The following items were adopted and/or approved under the Consent Agenda by motion of commissioner saunders, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously: Item f14B1 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NOS. 1151/1153; AND 1155/1159 See Pages L/--::¡?- lj I..f f Item f14B2 BUDGET AMENDMENT TO RECOGNIZE CARRY FORWARD IN FUND 101 IN AMOUNT OF $246,097 (ROAD' BRIDGE) Item #l4B3 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT TO THE COUNTY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD'S SHARE OF INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT AIRPORT ROAD AND COUGAR DRIVE See Pages Lf-LJs- - J/..II-c, Page 35 - - "'._-""~"">f<¡,;","."_"".'""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,___"___h;"" - - - MARCH 3, 19B7 Item '14B4 RESOLUTION 87-49 PROHIBITING THE OPEkATION OF TRUCKS AND OTHER COMMERCIAL VEHICLES HAVING A RATED CAPACITY IN EXCESS OF FIVE TONS FOR THRU MOVEMENTS ON 41ST STREET S.W. BETWEEN GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND 20TH PLACE S.W., GOLDEN GATE CITY See Page J./."f7 Item '14B5 ALTERNATE SITF- NORTH OF BUILDING "G" AND SOUTH OF WATER RETENTION POND AS LOCATION FOR NEW FUEL PUMP ISLAND AND EXPENDITURE OF $6,500 Item '14D6 SHORT LIST OF CONSULTANTS FOR THE DESIGN AND PLAN PREPARATION FOR THE FOUR-LANING OF ISLES OF CAPRI AND IMMOKALEE ROAD AND THE SIX-I,ANING OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD AND PRESENTATIONS OF SAID CONSULTANTS TO BE MADE BEFORE THE BCC ON MARCH 24, 1987, AND FINAL DECISION TO BE MADE See Page .Lj. tJ ? Item '14B7 BIDDING PROCESS WAIVED FOR EMERGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLES AND AWARDED TO MID-CONTINENT ELECTRIC, INC. Airport Road & Radio Road S.R. 84 & Kings Way U.S. 4l & Lakewood Blvd. S.R. 951 & Manatee Road C.R. 951 & Rattlesnake Hammock Road Item '14B8 STAFF DIRECTED TO INSTALL "NO TRESPASSING" SIGNS AT THE ED SCOTT IMMOKALEE AIRPORT Item U4Cl BIP '87-1074 FOR PRINTING OF P~RKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARK BROCHURE - AWARD:D TO COLLIER COUNTY PRINTING IN AMOUNT OF $1,916.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 19, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with Page 36 r.OOK 102 P~~.~ 424 .,¡,._ò. '~""'"'..""""h'"'__""_"__"""'.;'"'''''''~'''''"-'''''"'i·,'''''"'' . .."^-..",....',..~._. 'O>''''';'~''' .' r.OOK 102 PA'.t 425 MARCH, 3, 19B7 the Clerk, bids were received for Bid IB7-1074 for printing of Parks and Recreation Department Park Brochure until 2:30 P.M., February 4, 1987. Item '14Dl SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, INC. TO THE DESIGN CONTRACT FOR THE FOUR-LANING OF RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR A 20 INCH WATER MAIN WITHIN PHASE I OF THE PROJEC~ IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,000 See Pages NJ'lE. rxx:rJ.1ENI' IDT lŒŒIVED rn CLERK"S OFFICE AS OF 1'1ARŒ 11, 1987 Item '14D2 AGREEMENT WITH DEVELOPER OF BERKSHIRE LAKES PUD REGARDING INTERIM ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES See Pages LJi/C¡ -~tJ Item U4El RESOLUTION 87-50 AU~HORIZING PAY PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR HELICOPTER PILOT AND CHIEF HELICOPTER PILOT See Pages J../.SI- ~-~ Item UUl SATISFACTION OF LIEN '1121, UNIT 6, LOT 9, NAPLES PARK, JOHN O'BRIEN See Page~ ¢.53.. ¢sf Item U4Gl CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER 1986 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY No. 1986-190 Dated 2/lB/B7 Page 37 - - __"'___.<;W,",~. ,.....".______._.. "_~,.,_''''"..."..."".,......___'.... ....... ....v'r"~""~,, ---.~"'..,_..."-;._-'..""'-,--_..""""-'''''"...~,,.,'','''''"..''''""",."" .,...._",....."""'.,.,"~".'.."'-,,.,.,........__.,.... -""'" ..."."_..""."~,."".,,,,,,,,,....,~~,,_.,,"-,,",....,,,....,_.~-,.~,.'" - - - MARCH, 3, 19B7 Item U4G2 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 45912, 50204, AND 50154 Item f14G3 TAX,COLLECTOR TO ISSUE DUPLICATE TAX CERTIFICATE NO. 89 TO SUSAN D. OR HA~ISON HUBSCHMAN, DUE TO LOSS See Page .tAt:;"'5 Item U4Hl SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER AG~INST LOT 26, BLOCK 122, GOLDEN GATE, UNIT 4 (CASE NO. 81-184-MM-A-(2) See Page IfS ~ Item U4G MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated February 17, 1987, from William K. Clark, Executive Director, Area on Aging, enclosing a copy of the Annual Fiscal Monitoring Report for Collier County Services for Seniors. xc: Neil Dorrill; Kevin O'Donnell; and Filed. 2. Notice of Grant Application Workshops received from DCA on February 23, 1987, for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Fiscal Year 1987 Funds. xc: Neil Dorrill; Kevin O'Donnell; and Filed. 3. Letter dated February 20, 19B7, from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form applica- tion (File Nos. ll1307945 and ll1307715), which involves dr¿dge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill (letter); Dr. Proffitt; and Filed. 4. Letter dated February 20, 1987, from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form applica- tion (File No. 11l306715), which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill (letter); Dr. Proffitt; and Filed. 5. Administratively approved permit for construction received from DNR dated February 18, 19B7, for permittee Donald E. & Page 3B MOY, 102 w·:-42ô ",.."",-"'",,.._"'--,---,----,., ., "·",,·,~.....·,...,_m' .;.",."';,~_"..,.;'i#i_"",.~_"''*''''''_...,"'''"''''.,..H'.,.''¡'''_,··,;_..""",-"".,,,",,,,",,,,,,"",..,,,...,,,," ¡au 102 W: 427 MARCH, 3, 19B7 Joyce E. Jacobs, 55 - 12th Avenue South, Naples, Florida, 33940, for an access stairway and decking, 80 cubic yds. of sand fill to construct dune, landscaping, and install an irri- gation system. xc: Neil Dorrill; Dr. Proffitt; and filed. 6. Letter dated February 19, 1987, from Delores G. Dry, District Administrator, HRS, advising that Collier County Public Health Unit has been awarded Dn increase of $12,251 for the WIC program for contract year 1986-87, and requesting authorized signature concurring with the increase in funding. Original to Kevin O'Donnell; xc: Filed. 7. Lette[ dated February 19, 1987, from Delores G. Dry, District Administrator, HRS, advising that Collier County Public Health Unit has been awarded an increase of $2,110 for the HIV Counseling and Testing Program for contract year 1986-87, and requesting authorized signature concurring with the increase in funding. Original to Kevin O'Donnell; xc: Filed. 8 Letter dated February 16, 1987, to Major Lou Gibbs, Collier County Jail Administrator, from Theresa Sinclair, Children, Youth and Family Counselor and Jane Caldwell, Human Services Program Administrator, HRS, requesting visitation times for the children of Theresa School. xc: Filed. 9. Letter dateG February 18, 1987, from Jaime S. Caldwell, Health Services & Facilities, EMS, enclosing signed contract between County and HRS. xc: Neil Dorrill; Doug Greenfield; and Filed. 10. Letter dated February 13, 1987, from william L. Graddy, Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, enclosing a copy of a Lease Agreement between the First Baptist Church of Ft. Myers, Inc. and the County Commissioners dated November 20, 19B4, and giving written notice of its intention to terminate the Lease. xc: Ken Cuyler; Pat Carroll; and Filed. ll. Received from Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission on February 20, 1987, Motion to Intervene from David Emerson Bruner, Attorney for the SWFRPC, regarding Development Order No. 86-1, DRI known as Woodlands. xc: Neil Dorril1; David Pettrow; and Filed. 12. Minutes receiv~d: A. 02/19/87 - CCPC Agenda B. 01/22/87 - Collier Soil and Water Conservation District C. 12/04/86 - Library Advisory Board D. 02/18/87 - CCPC Citizens Advisory Committee, and 2/25/B7 Page 39 - - - ~",.",>""."..,,,,,,,",;"",o;,,,;....",,,",~;",,,,",.__,,,,_.,,,,",o>......,,~..~." "".'·"'""'"~·"''''';"·'·'';^,.r"..._""'''''''''''"_",j"·,·_",_,·""",,,,,,,,_",__",,~"''''',",,'''",'''''"' MJ\RCH 3, 1987 Agenda E. 02/10/87 - Marco Island Beach Renourishment 13. February 16, 1987 Notice to Owner from Ron Cassell, Credit Manager, Olser Prccast, Inc., informing that they have fur- nished Precast coocrete structures and related materials for improvement of property on Airport-Pulling Road, under an order given by Oren Construction. xc: Neil Dorrill¡ George Archibald¡ and Filed. 14. Received February 20, 1987, Notice of Executive Seminar on Jail Crowding in Tampa, Florida, March 19-20, 1987, from Pretrial Services Resource Center. xc: Sheriff Rogers¡ and FilE:d. 15. February 19, 1987, Notice from PSC to All Parties and All Other Interested Persons, Docket No. 850984-TP, Investigation into NTS Cost Recovcry. xc: Filed. 16. February 19, 1987, Renewed Notice from PSC to All Parties and All Othcr Interestcd Persons, Docket No. 8503l0-TL, Implementation of LEC TOLL Bill and Keep. xc: Filed. l7. February 19, 1987, Renewed Notice from PSC to All Parties and all Other Interrsted Persons, Docket No. 820537-TP, Intrastate Tc1ephone Access Charges for Toll Use of Local Exchange Services. xc: Filed. 18. Letter dated February 17, 1987, from William F. Sullivan, IV, giving Notica pursuant to Florida Statute 76B.2B(6), Claimant: Estate of Maria Lopez Alanis(~) and her statutory survivors, D/A: 01/18/86, Location of Accident: C.R. 951, 7 miles East of Naples, FL.; and attaching accident report #086044542. xc: Kcn Cuylcr¡ Sherry Rynders; George Archibald; and Filed. 19. Letter dated February l7, 1987, from William F. Sullivan, IV, giving Notice pursuant to Florida Statute 76B.28(6), Claimant: Estate of Dazey Alanis(z) a/k/a/ Dazey Lopez, Age 3, and her statutory survivors; D/A: Ol/l8/86, Location of Accident: C.R. 951, 7 miles East of Naples, FL.; and attaching accident report #086044542. xc: Ken Cuyler; Sherry Rynders; George Archibald; and Filed. ..... Recess: 12:30 P.M. Reconvened: 1:30 P.M. at wh~ch time Deputy Clerk Kueter replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon. ..... Tape '8 Item 15 r.oo~ lC2 PA~! 428 PagE", 40 ".-....",.'?"'¢' ....._"",----_.." ".,..,"""".,,-,,,.. -,",....,",....".,.,-,~.,-."_.,._,-~"...._- lOOK 102 W.r 4.2.9 MARCH 3, 1987 INTERVIEWS OF CONSULTANTS FOR NORTH COLLIER COUNTY WELLFIELD STUDY (CORAL REEF AQUIFER) - STAFF AUTHORIZED '1'0 NEGOTIATE CONTRACT WITH TOP RANKED FIRM - MISSIMER , ASSOCIATES Assistant utilities Administrator Arnold advised that lO proposals have been received for the preliminary study on the North Collier County Wellfield and the Selection Committee has short-listed three firms. He stated that these three firms will be making their presen- tations in alphabetical order. In ~nswer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Arnold stated that one of the purposes of the study is to determine the exact location of the Coral Reef Aquifer. DAMES & MOORE, INC. - Mr. Robert Moresi, Senior Hydrogeologist for Dames & Moore, Inc., stated that the firm of Dames & Moore, Inc. is strictly a specialty consulting firm with 50 years experience in earth sciences and water resource investigations. He said the firm has four offices located in Florida and have completed over 400 pro- jects within the State. Mr. Moresi stated that Mr. Porter Knowles will be replacing Mr. Philip Sherlock as head of this project, thus bringing more expertise to the Collier County project. He stated that they have proposed a project period of one year, however, it can be completed within a shorter time frame. He stated that the one year estimation is the most pessimistic view that could be taken in case there are delays with the permitting agencies. Mr. Moresi stated that the objectives of this project are not par- ticularly complex, nor are they extremely difficult. He stated his Page 4l - - ~.__...__"....._,_," _."',""'____,.,"~,~__·_,_·.w...,.._",'__,· ...."'.... .".,~."'-,."'"^'."....._--,¡-"-",,,*...._-~...,_..~ ,~..",.,",."~""","'"...,"',."'_.....,''''"''''''_,w..~¥'''__' ,'....'~.',.M_'"..~'~" _..-,." ~,_,,~"_ MARCH, 3, 19B7 feelings that the key is the experience and expertise of the people assigned to the project. He said that Dames & Moore, Inc. will work with County Staff and the South Florida Water Management District to mðximize the availability of water in Collier County. Mr. Moresi advised that they did not bring a lot of maps or exhi- bits showing the proposed wellfield area. He stated that the key per- sonnel to be assigned to this project have all worked previously in Collier County and are familiar with the County. He stated that while data is compiled on computers, experience of the personnel becomes critical for the evaluation of the data. Mr. Moresi stated that the physical environment becomes very important b~cause of impacts on wetlands regulations governing same. Mr. Moresi stated that Dames & Moore, Inc. has a library of over 50 groundwater models and propose to use a complex computer model developed by Dames & Moore, Inc. called TARGET. He stated that TARGET is an exceptionally powerful mathematical model designed to predict fluid dynamics. He stated this model may also allow prediction of the water level and water quality movement within the aquifer. Mr. Moresi stated that their staff will work closely with the SFWMD from the earliest stages so that any difficulties may be worked out long before the permitting process begins. He stated that they have proposed a meeting with the Board on a bi-monthly basis, but that can be changed to monthly if the Board wishes.- Mr. Knowles stated that Dames & Moore, Inc. have done three pro- ~OOK 102 PAr.r 430 Page 42 .."..,.._."''''''''''',....;..-;..,,..,.'''''..,..,",''","'-"''''...._--_.,,--------'',,.....-.......-'''-----........' aOOK 102 w'~ 431 MARCH 3, 19B7 jects which have several things in common with the proposed Collier County project: 1) Browðrd County is an on-going proj~ct in which three wellfields are being evaluated to provide water through the year 2020. He said the overall consultant on this project is James M. Montgomery, Inc. and Dames & Moore is performing the modeling; 2) Palm Beach County project was to collect and study data for a proposed wellfield protection ordinance; 3) MacArthur Tract in Sarasota County is a current project to determine the necessity of purchasing the tract for future water supply. Commissioner Pistor inquired if the water quality could be assessed at an early date? He advised that some reports say the water quality is superior and other say the water has a yellow color. Mr. Moresi stated that if water quality is a key factor to the Commission, then that task could be done before the pump tests. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Moresi statqd that'he would not make a recommendation about the proposed location based on the data available at the present time. Mr. Knowles stated that the Commission is dealing with a specific site situation and they will study the data necessary to base a recommendation on the site. Tape t9 JAMES M. MONTGOMERY, INC. - Mr. Glen Humphrey, vice-President of James M. Montgomery, Inc., stated that they combine the scientific community with the engineering community to insure that a project is practical. He stated that they are specialists in water and wastewater Page 43 - - .....'''__'''''''',.."~'''_"'_,,___.__~___'~....,_,.,_.,...'''.._,,.''''''''."",."~,,,,,"''''';''''_''N__;''''__'__''''''''''······ ,_''''"·,''''''"·"w·,''''",_..'''_...·____'''",.-..·..'''''=~ - - - MARCH 3, 1987 engineering with 40 years experience. He statcd they have completed over 200 pumping stations, 4,000 miles of pipelines and over 100 well- field studies. He said they have done some international work and are currently involved in projects in Anchorage, Alaska, Laramie, Wyoming, and Lee County, Florida. He advised that they began working in Florida in 1970 when they did the original ~later and Wastewater Master Plan for Disn0.Y World. He stated their Florida offices are in Port Charlotte, Lake Worth and Port St. Lucie. lie added that James M. Montgomery, Inc. also did the Living Seas Pro~ect at Disney world. He added that the firm does not do any development work and has no conflicts of interest with anyone doing business in Collier County. Mr. James L. Higgins, Principal Engineer for James M. Montgomery, Inc., advised that they are in the process of refining data analysis for Lee County based on a statistical procedure and the methodology has been accepted by the South Florida Water Management District. Mr. Higgins presented an organizational chart of the personnel to be assigned to the Collier County project and gave their qualifications. Dr. Patrick J. Gleason, Principal Hydrogeologist for James M. Montgomery, Inc., stated that the initial step in assessing infor- mation is to find out how the Coral Reef Aquifer is composed. He displayed pieces of the Coral Reef Aquifer stating that it actually consists of many different components and a lot of the components are not coral. He showed the difference between two samples, one with high permeability and one without. Dr. Gleason stated that they performed MCK 102 ~~r:' 432 Page 44 ._,".~.._,; ;I_"""""""~·-'-·' .-- ~oc'" 102w,14.33 MARCH, 3, 19B7 a National Literature Search and researched all pertinent available materials on this area and have run somc preliminary on-site teste. Mr. Higgins stated that they have run water samples from the area and have some concerns. He mention~d several biological chemicals contained in the water samples and said they have some concern about quality and tpe long-range downstream activity. He also mentioned that the chlorides increase to the west of the site and the water con- tains a strong hydrogen sulfide odor. In answer to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Higgins pointed to the areas on the map where surface and 30' depth water samples were taken two weeks ago. Tape '10 Dr. Gleason stated that there are wetlands contained in the pro- posed wellfield area and impacts on these wetlands are going to be critical. Mr. Higgins outlined the four steps contained in their pro- posal giving a time frame for completion of 4 months. He added there will be bi-weekly meetings with County Staff. MISSIMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. - Mr. Thomas M. Missimer, President, stated they specialize in groundwater hydrogeologic investigations and have condvcted more than 300 hydrogeologic investigations in southwest Florida. He stated the projects completed in Collier County are the Golden Gate Wellfield, South Wastewater Reuse Project, Everglades City Wellfield and Quail Creek Wellfield. He advised that it was during the Quail Creek investigatio~ that the Coral Reef Aquifer was ini- Page 4S - - .,__-- f " --..._-_...",-""",""-*""",,,,,,.,,,,,",...."- ".._.._",.....""_"'_",..."''''''_¡~._.,"" >_;"'._"'''h,'_..._".,,'".,.......;,.-.~,.,,''',,·,··,<"''....··_''"''n'_' - .. - MARCH, 3, 1987 tially studied and named. Mr. Missimer displayed a map and indicated the Mule Pen Quarry, and other sites ~Ihich received intensive research. He stated that the proposed location would protect the water quality because the State will be purchesing the adjacent land under the Save Our Rivers Act. He noted that flooding and the actual supply of water in the Cocohatchee area are problems which will require a very innovative approach. Tape '11 Mr. Missimer stat~d that they will be providing Collier County with several options and it will require a good deal of participation by the Commission. He gave a detailed sample scenario utilizing treated agricultural land runoff as recharge. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Missimer stated that the first portion of this study could be completed in 30 days due to the amount of current research already conducted by his firm. He advised that they currently have over 1,000 geological well lv~s on Collier County. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Missimer stated that the orga- nic chemistry of the water in this area is of very good quality and most of the higher concentrations are calcium carbonates. He stated the ~ater contains a fair amount of tanic acid and is the color of light tea and the syst~m \;ill have to be designed for decoloration of the water. He added that the design engineer must be very careful because standards have changed recently. He stated that the salt ~OOK 102w.,434 Page 46 -_._.,,"~""'_.."''''''.._.._'''--....'''."''"''._'--,..". r.oOK 102 pm 4.35 MARCH 3, 19B7 chloride concentrations are low and the arca is not receiving much salt water intrusion. He said the salt chlorides will be reduced even further when the salinity structure is installed in the Cocohatchee Canal. Also in answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Missimer stated that the Golden Gate wellfield water is easier to treat because removing the organic chemistry is more expensive. He noted that desalineating the water has become less expensive than it has been. *** While the ranking sheets were being tallied, Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that Staff is very comfortable with all three firms. He stated that Staff has estimated that the preliminary study will cost between $10,000 and $l5,000. Mr. Arnold announced the ranking results as follows: 1- Missimer & Associates, Inc. 2. James M. Montgomery, Inc. 3. Dames & Moore, Inc. commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that staff is authorized to negotiate a contract for the preliminary study of the North collier county wellfield coral Reef Aquifer with Missimer' Associates, Inc. Page 47 - - MARCH 3, 1987 *** There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:30 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL Æø.a~/ MAX A. HASSE, JR., CHAI N ATTEST: JAMES C. GILES, CLERK . ";~""~~~'O('~ ~?~~~~.AC. :' / :.~hese mi~u~ appro~ed by the Board on //;' ?'~-L .,(' r: / 7/'7 1i~. presented ,~~~ or as corrected .~. ", . < . ,.,.' . !~:" ~4 . , .. ... . ,,"',.... '. Page 4B ~tID( 102 W,r 43B ~ (. ._...,,~..~--_..."'"-~'''''''.....-''"..._,,--_.__..'"'.._''-'"'".-. ."-'",.........."........"",.",....,....."._.....'"_...""'-,,..,.~'.."""¡"~'"'-,..".-.."".-.'"''