BCC Minutes 03/23/1987 S .. - Naples, Florida, March 23, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Chairman having issued the call and the Clerk having given due notice as prescribed by Ordinance 75-16. the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, met on this date at 2:00 P.M. in SPECIAL SESSION in Building "F" of.the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk: Donald ß. Lusk, County Manager: and Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager. AGENDA Resolution regarding the $1,000,000 County contribution towards the purchase of Lely Barefoot Beach. RESOLUTION 87-55 EVIDENCING THE WILLINGNESS OF COLLIER COUNTY TO CONTRIBUTE UP TO $1,000,000 TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE LELY BAREFOOT BEACH PROPERTY waICH CONSISTS OF 17 ACRES AND 3,100 FCET OF BEACH FRONTAGE FOR USE BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC - ADOPTED Commissioner Saunders stated that he has concerns with the stipu- lations in Paragraph #2, indicating he is concerned that the State may have a problem with some of these conditions. He stated that his con- cern is that the State would be receiving the million dollars con- ditional on four stipulations which they may not be willing to adhere to. Page 1 &ûDK 102 PA~[ 560 . . "~>~."'"__""'''''''·''''O'~''''",',".",.".·,·,. "",,"',.~""""'"'"''''~''''''''~.'''''_'''''..,_, """''''''''^'"."".._.~._,..,~,,_~,<>..'~'''''~'"'''''' aOOK 102 PAGt 5G1 March 23, 1987 County Attorney Cuyler indicated that he was not at the meeting when this item was previously discusseð and is subject to changes by the Commission. County Manager Lusk questioned where the stipulation comes from that there would be no tram, to which Commissioner Glass stated that this came frc;'m the discussion during the previous meeting as well as the discussion of having the roadway open to the public so that there would be access. Commissioner Saunders stated that the condition that was expressed was to be sure that the roadway remains open, adding that he is not sure that this Board can dictate such a thing i~to the future and he would assume that the State would want to keep that road open. Commissioner Glass stated that the State wants to make this an access road. Commissioner Pistor stated that there has been considerable con- cern from the Naples Conservancy and they are still against having a parking area near the preserve area. Commissioner Glass stated that the Conservancy has been out there this week laying out the highlands of the area for parking purposes. County Manager Lusk stated that it is almost like saying that the State has to build this parking area if they accept the County's million dollilrs. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the County has a right to say that there cannot be a tram, to which Assistant County Manðger Dorrill Page 2 - .. '__"""..."_"~_".>~_",,,,,~,., "., "".^_~ ,_,.____.·~N'~..~._;'.."'".·.,.,...,, "".,.,,,,,,-,,"" ~ ~ ._"",".""""_""'.......~~q,_~_"..," ..""'..',..,.._..___""_........_...",""'...~.._".;".~"..."._,_.,.,..."".,,,..<_"._..,~.·,..~,'",""',._"'._.,...,"w....-..;,...,,"'.-'~.~., ..,"~_«_~"_~'_.'.~M.·...~. - -'-~--' - .. - March 23, 1987 stated he would eliminate that stipulation. Commissioner Saunders stated that in the resolution the Developer is required to adhere to PUD requirements and questioned if the State purchases property based on this resolution, does this prevent the County. in the future from amending the PUD document to better serve the interest of the public? He noted that these conditions may be red flags to the State. Commissioner Goodnight asked if the County is going to commit to $1,000,000 and there is no safeguards, how can the County be assured that they will be able to use the beach? She stated that the beach cannot be used if there i~ not a parking lot or access to it and the State is controlling this the way it is set up now. She stated that this would simply mean that the County is throwing $l,OOO,OOC away. County Manager Lusk stated that the County could add a stioulation that would indicate that the County would be willing to build tt,:.! parking lot to be used by the public, which would guarantee the parking and the public beach. He stated that Assistant County Manager Dorrill will be in Tallahassee in front of this board and he needs to know in which direction he can go. Commissioner Glass stated that the contribution of $1,000,000 is more than other counties are offering, adding that the State is impressed with this amount. He stated that there should be stipula- tions to protect the interest of Collier County. Mr. Lusk stated that Mr. Dorrill should be able to negotiate when Page 3 &DD~ 102 PAG£ 562 -_....~"'"+.,'-,."""."''',,..''"'''''''''''''-"'~,_...-.'"''',....."'''''_.~,.....,,;.....,"'.",.. ",.~"".~.""."".,,-,,- ,... ......_."......._._.._~,-.,.., . '''"'.~.. ~ ,m 102 pm 5û3 March 23, 1987 he gets to the meeting and there should be definite direction given. Commissioner Goodnight ~tatad that she would rather put in a parking lot along with the $1,000,000 to be assured of beach access. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-55 evidencing the willingness of Collier county to contribute up to $1,000,000 to the state of Florida for t~e purchase of the Lely Barefoot Beach property which consists of 17 acres and 3,100 feet of beach frontage for use by the general public be adopted with stipulation 2a and 20 being deleted and with stipulation 2b and 2d changed as follows: a. That the appropriately designated road shall remain open to the public during normal park hours. b. That there shall be a public parking faoility with the terms of construction to be negotiated by the state and the County at a future ðate. Commissioner Saunders stated that the County is taking the posi- tion that the State should pay for the parking lot because it is State property but if it becomes necessary for the County td build, that option is available. See pages,~ ~,&)... 5c:'b t ! l " .- I,', ~j;~. ,i" -;.:: J" {, ;"~, ... L t t ¡'t.:. ""': ;, Page .. - .. - March 23, 1987 *** There being no turther business tor the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Timel 2110 P.M BOARD O~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ ....þ Aq~I~ CLERIC: ¿)-C. .. . :: . A: ~~ß ~ -;;;""'C;:~~~' ~~~utes app!9ved by the Board on £--""7"'---:" ~K /)',P}1 ~,'p;e;;¡;te; ~ or as corrected ~~ ì \I~' . ,..: ~ . ,¡ ; &ODK 102 PA~f 564 Page 5 .rr'; . , .-