BCC Minutes 04/14/1987 W
Nðples, Floridð, April 14, 1987
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
ðnd for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeðls ðnd as the governing boðrd(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
~er¡~l/-¡ir,me~ on this date .a~ 3:55P.M, in "WORKSHOP SESSION in Building
, .
"F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
fOllowing members present:
CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr.
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass
Burt L. Saunders
Anne Goodnight
ABSENT: John A. Plstor
ALSO PRESENT: 'Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donald B. Lusk,
County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Kevin
O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; ðnd Herb Luntz,
to~municat{ons birecto¿.
Discussion on enhancement to the current County telephone system
Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that this is an
update on the existing telephone system, adding that Staff conducted a
study of our actual inventory of equipment and finding out particular
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Comments and deficiencies within the eXisting system itself. He noted
that some of the deficiencies were the inability to send calls out-
side, the inability to get an outgoing trunk line, inability to use
multi-button s~ts, inability to rapid dial due to the lack of the
technical enhancement of the current telephone system. He stated that
the recommended action he wishes to present to the Board at next
week's regular meeting is to be done in two phases, with the first
phase having a cost not to exceed $20,000, which would improve the
ability to place call~ outside the system into the UTS network and
would allow for additional multi-button sets, delivery of the equip-
ment within 60 days, and also enable the County to receive a customer
administrative PC computer which the communications officer would hðve
to troubleshoot and update the eXisting system. He noted that Phase
II would be to provide service to the perimeter of the complex, par-
ticularly the new health center, at a cost not to exceed $130,OOO,
which would involve installing a satellite system on the second floor
of the Health BUilding. He noted that the installation of this would
increase capacity of Building "F" as it would no longer be dependent
upon the phone system in Building "F" to supply the perimeter of the
outside of the bUilding. He stated that the total cost for both pha-
ses would be not exceeding $150,000 and Phase I would be done in
Fiscal year 1987-88 and Phase II would be done in Fiscal year 1989
when the health facility is Completed. He stated that due to the
exemption in the bidding process as compatibility of the existing
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APRIL 14, 1987
system is being used, the information would not have to be bid. He
stated that assuming that the Board has no objection, he would be pre-
pared to have an executive summary submitted and placed on the agenda
for next week.
Commis~ioner Hasse questioned if anyone could guarantee that when
he dials, he reaches his number, to which Mr. Luntz, Communications
Director, stated that the problem has been found on the outside.
He noted that the system that is in place now works, but there is a
compatibility factor with what is on the outside of the complex which
is the UTS arrangement and UTS has a switch that is over 25 years old
and is being replaced this October with ð new state of the art piece
of equipment and when that happens, the tones that the County is
trying to send out that cannot be received and accepted by UTS will be
able to be received and accepted more readily than now. He stated
that when the County sends something out rapidly, UTS does not receive
and accept rapidly because they have a slow operation. He stated that
when Collier County'S system was designed, it was not designed for as
many stations as the County is presently uSing and, therefore, there
is no tone sending capability now. He stated that he can take care of
these in-house things now, plus adding 10 additional outgoing trunks
which are very important. He stated that he cannot guarantee that
every time anyone dials it will go through, but he can guarantee that
it will go through a lot faster than it is at present.
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There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair _ Time:
4:05 P.M.
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