BCC Minutes 07/21/1987 R ....; ~I"""':~' . . .... ~.- I ':.: .;. .. .'. Naples, Florida, July 21,1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of collier, and also acting as the Board of zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as ...have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: .. . ,,~ Max A.' Hasse, . Jr. ..... .,..!. ':"c' (¡.'f. · '+'... . > ". .. . ~ . í ~ ,.j ',IA ;.' '.. ....'. . ..,...J-. .... ,.' .!( ..~. :" .....;.. ;t" ~'. .; ~',,: :- ." ..:¡ :·,·...·.·..:··~:·.··,..ti~t~·..=:t:· Ar·hold Lee Glass ¡ .:.·,,:·~·;:i John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders' Anne ~oodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk, John Yonkosky, Finance "'i ':~ :.'~. .;~ " . , CltAIRMAN: . ..',~. <r...~ . . .. ~4 i" ... .....JO, ·~l.··/:.~ J. VICE-CHAIRMAN: . .~ '.... ,'...: ". .- :1'': 'l " Director; Maureen Kenyon and Beverly Kueter (11:00 A.M.), D~puty Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Torn Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Torn Crandall, utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Robert Duane, Dave Weeks, . Planners; Ann McKim, Planning/Zoning Director; Nancy Israelson, ~Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. " .::./S;:i{{¡ . :-:..<·"~r;:~ . '··:·:::?d ,I), :,1: ,:. h r ;' ,~ '. ::, ~~ t~ .'~. f;',r, .~Ht~~ . ., , . " ,r. . ',I , L ;;: ; ~', .: " f' ~: ,i.ti ì.l ;'J! 'J ','.... u~,: 1, ¡; pag'e 1 "00'( 105 P~Gt 4:72 ',?~ . ,'í .. , : ,.;~} ~'~~~ .~. . _. .l,. ":".:¡~ .' .~'~ ,..~,,-.",,=~~.~-~"'-- ~. .;¡ >. J July 21, 1987 I ,'0 "Tape f1 It.. f3 , f- ~ pwc L. ..," AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: " e. b. o. d. : Item S~5, Emplolee service Award for Darrel Wines - deleted. Item 6D1, petit on ZO-81-1C - continued to 8/4/81. Item 1D1) P~t!ti,on P.t!-81-1C - ~ontinu,d ~to, 8/4/81. . . ,: .. Item 9D2" re apptoval of' bond pUrohase agrnment' feM: $2 ;0.00 "oob ,," '" capital Improvement Revenue Bond - to be heard after 10:00 a.m. to aooommodate travel request. Item 13A ~dded - re(:ransferring $24,700 from the General Fund Reserve to county Probation for digital computer system through Data Prooessing. e. Item f4A MINUTES OF JUNE 2, JŒNB 9, JUNE 16, , JUNE 23, 1987, REGULAR MEETINGS APPROVED AS PRESENTED ' ' . Commissioner Goodnight move4, seconded by commissioner pi.tor an4 carried unanimously, that the minute. of June 2, June 9, June 16, , June 23, 1987 Regular meetings be approved as pre.ented. Item IS BKPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED 'Commissioner Hasse presented Employee Service Awards to the following employees: Ulipiano Bonilla, Aquatic Plant ~' 15 years Robert Mayberry, Ochopee Fire Control - 10 years Sidney Cody, Road & Bridge - 10 years James Glor, Road & Bridge ,~ 10 years . Joseph Chirico, Road & Bridge- 5 years , ;', '.1, f. : .~... " J ' 4 '. . ~ " , , ,:J r .: f _ ;...::.;/ .. II ,.~.." 1. ft;'::',': :! '::: '1'-' J ''',:SJ . 1"(\:"1'; 'J,.: f \. --.. ." Page 2 aD OK 105 PAGE 480 .." -.',.. .......,.,...........,.~-''''<.,'-;,.''',.,''~.....,--- ","_.,._.,,~,--- _..._".,",..,_.......,...,,'õ>,,~"'. ,,¡t.. !.I.) -->~ --,",'~..-_..~._.__.."'-,_. J~í i 105 PACt 481 ~. . ~ j .. . July 21, 1987 UB2 ORDINANCB 87-52 RB PETITION PDA-86-18C, LBLY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, IUS Nœ1fDMBNT TO LBLY BAREFOOT IBACH COHOOMINIOK PUD, BY DBC1U!IASING THE NUMBER OF PERMITTED DWELLING UNITS FROM 110 TO 50 - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO PBTITIONER'S AGREEMENT Legal notice having been públished in the Naples Daily News on June 19, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PDA-86-l8C filed by Vega, Brown, Nichols, Stanley and Martin, P.A., representing Lely Devèlopment Corporation, requesting an amendment to the Lely Barefoot Beach Condominium PUD, by decreasing the number of permitted dwelling units from 110 to 50 for property located in Section 6, Township 48 South; Range 25 East, ±9.1S acres. . :' ·,'1.·...1 planner Weeks stated that this item and the next item are com- , panion items, adding that the Lely Barefoot Beach Condominium PUD abuts Bonita Beach Road and the tee County line and the larger parcel '~'to the south is Lely Barefoot Beach POD. He noted ,that the petitioner I wishes to remove 60 units from the s~aller Le1y Barefoot Beach ~OQdo.mi:ni.um PUD i^to ~raft. "H~ .of. the, larger tely ~ar;.efQo,t Beach þup.:. , . :. . ~ ¿ .' . ~:" .. . . .. .' ..'... He not~d that this will reduce the density in the smaller Lely . Barefoot Beach PUD. He indicated that the proposed transfer of units was to accommodate a potential state purchase of the condo site and to . . j remove units from the beachfront to the back-bay area. He noted that the State no longer intends to purchase the condo site, but the peti- tioner still wishes to go forward with the amendments in an effort to ~.J ", I r ~~ tL\ Page 3 '. - W-... ~. .,..,.,,",,...,,,,,,,,,.~_.,,,,~"--,~,,-,..,..,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,~-,--,_.,,,..,.'~'''''''''' "~-"">._,--,._",,,..._-----..-,,,..---,,,,,...,.,..., BOOK 105 mr 482 July 21, 1987 move units off the beachfront. He indicated that this request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and staff has no objection to its approval. He reported that the CCPC held their public hearing on May 7, 1987, and recommended approval subject to the staff's stipula- tion and with the additional stipulation that there be no access to Lely Barefoot Beach Condominium PUD from Anguilla Drive. He concluded by stating that staff is recommending approval of Petition PDA-86-18C . an~ 1tþe companion ~pe..ti tion ~D,~-è6-17C.' wi t~h ".,the ~b~v~, :refere~7ed, ~t!,-': i' pula~ions. ' , Commissioner Saunders indicated that the County environmental '... people wanted these units moved away from the beachfront, adding that he would like to commend the developer for doing this. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Planner weeks stated that the Condo PUD is actually losing 60 units and the Barefoot Beach PUD is gaining them and they have the option to be either multi-family or single-family. Mr. John Stanley, Attorney representing Lely Development Corporation, stated that there is somè confusion with regards to the transfer of these units from the smaller PUD to the bigger PUD,'adding that on Page 28 of the amendment to the bigger PUD, Section 10,~, maximum permitted dwelling units, it says 137 units developed as ; multi-family and 113 units if developed as single-family, He noted that it was always the petitioner's impression that there would be 137 units whether they were single-family or multi-family and he is not Page 4 ',; .... "..",.""."v,""","""-'"_M___ """.__"~'_'","__'"__''_'_>'U'.'''''"''_'_~'''~.'~'"'"·~'''¡'''''."".,...'-...",.... 105,AGt 483 July 21, 1987 sure why this was put into the document. Plånning/zoning Director McKim stated that when the traffic impact analysis was ~one for the transfer of d~nsity, multi-family units have less traffic impact than single-family, therefore, 60 multi-family unite could be transferred to 60 multi-family units from the condo site to the Barefoot Beach PUD site, but if those 60 units are to be single-family the impact would be greater from a traffic analysis point and, therefore, only 36 single-fðmily units are being recom- mended. She noted that the level of service for Bonita Beach Road is "D" and there is a big concern for any additional impact onto that road. She reported that for the whole site the transfer of the 60 units would be 137 dwelling units which gives credit for the full 60 units and the 113 units for single-family is not the full credit for the 60 units because of the impact. She stated that the Planning Commission concurred with the recommendations of the staff. Mr. George Vega, Attorney representing tely Development .- Corporation, stated that he received a call from Mr. Keyes of the Planning'Commission ind~cating that he thought the CCPC passed it as . ¿ .~ "- f' ,. . . l '". ,..... ::.. .:.. .. ~ _ "units 'beinØ transf.erred· af1 unïts, with no'dlstinct.-ion ~etween mult.i'-', family and residential. Ms. McKim stated that there is a comparison in the staff backup with regards Lo traffic, adding that if it is a single-family area, it would consist of 600 daily trips and if it is multi-family, it would consist of 300 trips, She noted that Tract "H" allows both singie- Page "'5 ' ~' \,:, ,,. .' " . ...__"".,_...._'W"_k··.'''''.'...""",,,,,"'''''__->.-..___.__""_____ -,-~,-",---""--,-",-----",,--,-~~-,,._,..--._"-"-~- July 21, 1987 family and multi-family type of units, adding that the developer is not transferring from a multi-family site to a site that requires multi-family. She stated that if this was the case, there would be no problem, but because Tract "H" allows single-family, the problem occurs. Mr. Vega stated that he would like to obtain the flexibility of having single or multi-family depending on the market. Planning/Zoning Director McKim etated that some single family could still be built on Tract "H" for those units that are currently ollowed, on Tract "H" and the aGdi tional units would be ,36 for sin~l.e. . - .~... :. . ~. . 'I. ... '¡. ~ "': ~ " family or 60 for multi-family.' ,She stated' that 'èhé w'o~ers if 'thät.:,:' .~:. ;. many units would fit on that site for single family. Mr. Dick Klaas of Lely Development Corporation, stated that this ~. site originally started with 220 units and then was reduced to 110 and now it is being reduced to 50 on the beach and he thought that 60 units were being transferred that could be used in anyway he wished to the back-bay, He noted that they are losing a substantial amount in value by moving them off the beach, the parking lot that was built and donated to the County also hurt their values and he would like the flexibility of taking the 60 units off the beach and put them on Tract "H" and if they can build 137 single-family lots according to all the codes, they would like to be able to do it, He stated that he feels that they have been penalized enough on this property. He noted that they would like to keep the character of Tract "H" either single-family or multi-family but not a mix, adding that a developer is presently ': , ,"' Page 6 r,OOK 105 P~{.t 484 .~ . ,:L'.1.J." " ;;;:r' f ~'l .,,f .... :" J\1~! ___'"_"'__'''''''''"'''''',,'~b,,'......., ,.,_""",.. "...._"'...~...,'_.,._~_~....-w._ , , , " ~ ' f July 21, 1987 j looking at the area that wants to do,all single-family.' Commissioner Glass questioned how an equal number of multi-family units generate half the amount of traffic that the single family units do? Planning/Zoning Dir£ctor McKim stated that the trip generation rates are based on national ITE standards. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that as a general rule on the average 6 trips are expected per day from a multi-family unit and 10 trips from a single-family unit. He stated that these are the findings of the ITE, which is a'traffic engineering organization that is nationwide. He noted that with regards to road impact fees, the fees for single family residences are also much higher than for a multi-family residence because of the trip generation. Commissioner pis tor stated that he does not feel that this deve- lopment is going to generate all these extra trips because it is .r single-family. He stated that he does not understand the logic for reducing the units for single-family units to the extent that it has .. .... . "'.,. . . 'bl!eÌ'i' redticed: It~ noted:'that:' éach develo:p,rhept: s~oµl(t b~ consider,;d. ~ , " individually depending on what type of development it is. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Board of County Commissioners should not be trying to determine the number of trips per unit based on the character of a neighborhood, adding that the standards have to be relied upon. He noted that what needs to be decided is whether it is more in the public interest to move'the units .' ¡;:lf~ ~.(~\J.i·1 ¡ ~v~;? 1. -:f ~ ; ; ';"'pa~è"7' !;~ '.1 ;, " ¡ \ :;.al ", ,-....,.,. ~.. -....,-. ,- ----, July 21, 1987 from the beach and increase the potential traffic impact or not. He stated that he feels that this shoulcl be approved because the public interest is better served by moving the units from the beach, even if there is a slight increase in traffic. Mr. Klaas stated that this road is on the priority list to be ' four-1aned and also the County/State Park is going to be there and if the number of trips is relied upon too much, the County will be talking themselves out of a park. .', ,., : Commissioner H&S'Se"s:tatec('that thè, dwe.l1i.n·g 1m1tit ~need 'to:. be, ~oy,ed: . i·' '" from the beach area. .:..'. , . , .', I I ~. <:·Lt:,r. t )"i Mrs. Emily Maggio, resident of Little Hickory Shores, stated that she has concerns with regards to the traffic in the area as during the season, the cars are bumper to bumper on Bonita Beach Road. She questioned what will happen to the original intent of the character of the land with regards to preserving vegetation and incorporating open space? She stated that in a court settlement in 1985 Lely was allowed to build 97 units on that 3,100 feet of beach that the State is going to buy and questioned what will happen to those 97 units if the State purchases this property? ,¡.-: f l; ; ~. :.~. Commissioner Saunders stated that he is assuming that sinc~ the fair market value of that property was with the 97 units, those units would not be able to be transferred to any other property.'; Mr. Klaas stated that there is oh1y 37 units involved 'and 'when the ',~ ; ~ aDDK 105 par.t 486 , Page 8 ~i '¡, " { ~,,r.,' ~,"".~."---;~""-.---",,,,--",-,,,,".'.",....,,,.,,,-,,...,. >-. ._.,.~,."......."..,.,.;,. ..."" ¡' , 105paq 487 , ,I) , ' July 21, 1987 ownership of the property is transferred, those units disappear. Mrs. Maggio questioned if thè remaining 50 units on the Lely Barefoot Beach Condo PUD could be trahsferred, to which Ms. McKim stated that they would h~ve to go through another PUD amendment in order to have them transferred, which would have to be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. She nöted that at the present time, the units on Tract "H" increase by 60 and there still remains 50 units on the Barefoot Beach Condo site. She stated that if the units from the Barefoot Beach PUD and the Barefoot Beach Condo PUD were added together, they would not be increased. Commissioner Saunders stated that there is not an increase in the number of units, it is simply mcving units from one area to another which could result in a change ih the character of some of the land, but that is the price that will be paid by moving those units from the beach to the back-bay area. .- ~''''Mr': Klaas stated that they are trying to increase the property value and he would be pLeased to supply Mrs. ~aggio with any history ':~tha£ jhe is niissiri9,. ' ,t' ~ ~ '. , .. j, .. . , . . . '.. Mrs. Maggio questioned if there will be adequate fire protection and water supply, to which Commissioner Glass stated that there have been several meetings with contractors and developers regarding this matter and as a result of those meetings, the developers and contrac- tors are going to put in loop lines to match the expansion program of the County. He stated that this is all being donated by these people pagè 9 ..' " , . . July 2l, 1987 and by January, the problem should be solved for that area with regards to fire flow and water supply. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the stipulations in the PUD documents have not changed and there is also an additional stipulation addressing the concerns of fire protection and water supplywhichdthe developer will have to adhere to if such services are not available. Mr. A. T. Felsberg, representing the property owners of Lely Barefoot Beach, stated that he agrees with transferring these units , Jrom the beach to Tract "H" an,ø they should be allowed. to build r.e!,~den: ~tiål: ':He indica'~êd:that h'e 'lè'-,dso ve~y' ê::6nc~r~ed w'it~',rég'a'rd~'~Ó:::t~~ .' traffic issue and would suggest that Collier County and Lee County work together on this matter. Commissioner Saunders indicated that Collier County has been working with Lee County regarding this issue and they are close to ,reaching an agreement. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that he is working toward four-laning that section of the road and they are 'meeting again next week with Lee County to discuss more in detail. Mr. Felsberg questioned what the setback requirements will be and what the height of the buildings will be on the Lely Barefoot Beach Condo site, to which Planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that the setback is at least 60 feet and there is a minimum height of 100 feet. Mr. Felsberg questioned if there would be a buffer area on the ," northern end of the property and also questioned if there would be a , , r ~) {. Pagel IÒ' ':JU! ~.~ aDOK 105 mr 488 Hj~i ,11:'1 1" , ..10. , " .:-<., , 105 PAGt 489 July 21, 1987 fence installed ðround the area durirtg construction? Mr. Klaas indicated that they do not want any fences put up and as far as the landscape buffer, it would meet all requirements of the ordinances. He indicated that if Mr. Felsberg has any other questions, he could discuss them with him in a more proper forum. '1'ap. f3 Mr. Torn Riddle, Chairman of Little Hickory Shores Fire Control District, stated that he has con~erns with regards to fire safety, adding that the way this development ~ill be laid out and the type of structures that will be built will cause a domino effect if there is a fire. He noted that there is no garage storage in these places and he recently went to a home where an alarm had gone off and in trying to locate the problem, he found a small outboard motor with a can of gasoline stored in a bedroom closet. He noted that this concerns the fire. district. Commissioner Hasse stated that this is something that the homeowners association should handle and make up a set of rules and ..".. regulations pertaining to such items. Commissioner S~un4ers move4, secon4e4 by Co~~s.io~e~,Glass and ."...... .t .~. .... "'.. 'I' ", " . ~, :. '" "..".., "f, 0,. ., ,. ", " : ". :'carrieð unanimously, that the Publio hearing be close4. Commissioner Glass move4, secon4e4 by Commissioner Pistor an4 oarrie4 unanimously, that the or4inance as numbere4 an4 title4 below be a4opte4 an4 entere4 into Or4inance Book No. 27 without restriotion as to whether single-family or mUlti-family units are built and sub- ject to the Petitioner's Agreement, 1 '.. ~ Î ":"' '. :'. Page 11 ~}." <.; ',: ,; :\ (. , '.¡í~;", '51' 1é,R~l - - - . " ORDIHANCB 87-52 , .. July 21, 1987 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 85-22, FOR LELY BAREFOOT BEACH CONDOMINIUM, TO REDUCE THE MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS FROM 110 TO 50; ADDING SECTION 3.4 RELATING TO ACCESS FROM ANGUILLA LANE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. See Petitioner's agreement on Page .' ! " , , ",."" .". ,- .. 'J' . . c¡ p:~ : ~r (:-:,),;.J: " . ~ . I , ",:j ~ ;:,1' f.· I' ;:~ .'. i' ", ~ ~/ ~ '....., ;..^ ..'. L t,";·_;,) ': ,..¡" ; ~ \J'~, '. . ';':,: ~. j ::: 1 ~ J . " " , t-' ~ . , .~. .&::\~, '.~ '! ,I:, (,~, L11' !11i r \::,.. ~ t.L ,: . : ¡'. ~ '~. . aDDK 105 PAr.E 490 .'. " .~ .'.ila' I l; i , oj. :.;.~ ¡ " . , J?93 , .~. ~' '," ';, " ~ 1 ~j' j~' \/.. , ;, ','" -~', ~::~~.::. ..~. i· . í) , ~. i . f' ':i' : ~ ..; 'f :. ....' :i ,'~:{< /;~ ,;1...].'1~ i , \¡¡i: " ',~~ '..( ;¡,l~ ~t~' ~ tJ, '.' t. ",:¡,¡~;~ ,;~', ;'~ e5¡. 'J r)ur;~, ~Jgnt!çc.>r.t; r}~:~ í.J'l.r"'\T(':/ì."f1 ;, :;d~. ;~ j (~, ;(;~1 f~ .'\'. C \Ì' '. . : <-; n U } ;$ f ," r<· i ,Ih ¡ '..' R':~ f: : q; r (t ~<1'-":'~'~ i ~,t,l ·:"L ,1/) ~i.Ht: ",... ¡ ,IL .~rl;m;:I!- (,,1:. '1 ~ ":O~!~'{"'~{'._"..L¡ot' Page 12 , -_.."'"..._._-""',....~,.- .'", . ....'.,. :~~ '.... "'i, , ,I< ' ~ I,'~~.··,:,' ,: \1",' i 'I', '" ~.,.; 105PAtr491 July 21, 1987 Item "B3 ORDINANCB 87-53 RB PBTITION PDA-8'-11C, LELY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, RB AHBNDMENT TO' THB LELY BAREFOOT BBACH PUD, INCREASING THE mnmBR OF PBRMITTED DWELLING UNITS FROM '90 TO 750 - ADOPTBD SUBJBCT TO THB PBTITIONER'S AGRBBMENT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 19, 1987, as evide~ced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PDA-86-l7C, filed by Vega, Brown, Nichols, Stanley and Martin, P.A., representing Lely Development Corporation, requesting an amendment to the Lely Barefoot Beach PUD, increasing the number of permitted dwelling units from 690 to 750 for property located in Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8, Township 48 South, Range 2S East, ± 333.59 acres. (Companion to Petition PDA-87-18C). County Attorney Cuyler stated that anyone that had registered to speak on this petition, had an opportunity to speak under the previous pet! tion. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seoonded by Commissioner Saunders ..,. and oarried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Saunders stated that , " . '.. , . ,., ø '." .. . tetña~'~ "th'e same å~d ',t¡;i~ b Simply an the beach to the bayside which is something that the environmentalists the stipulations for this PUD . eff~rt. to ~o~e ':"the uni ts fr~m~ and staff have concurred with. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconðed by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled belcw J ,. ~,' ;¡. !. J'J ;,i ::.\. (;¡: "I' Page 13 'lßr], if' Jð9~ . .' ,.-)(; :'4 '\~~' < . ~;r,j 10', ':;~: :r~; "I :.¡¡t ,', ":A~ /, U"r , ' July 21, 1987 be adopted and entered into Ordinanoe Book No. 27 subjeot to the Petitioner's Aqreement: , . ORDINANCB a7-53 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 85-21, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE LELY BAREFOOT BEACH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 85-83, AMENDING INDEX: AMENDING SECTION 2.4, MAXIMUM PROJECT DENSITY, TO INCREASE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS PERMITTED IN THE PROJECT AND TO INCREASE THE GROSS PROJECT DENSITY: AMENDING SECTION 4.2.A., PRINCIPAL USES, TO INCREASE ~HE TOTAL NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS PERMITTED IN THE PROJECT: AMENDING SECTION 10.4. MAXIMUM PERMITTED DWELLING UNITS, TO INCREASE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS PERMITTED , IN THE PROJECT: AMENDING SECTION 18, UTILITIES CONDITIONS, , . SUBSECTION 18 .~J. '.' PURPOSE;.':'TO REQUIRE CER:;rI.¡¡;'ICAT,ION OF ADEQUAT~, '. ..,; ',~ .... : ' 'F-IRE FLOWS WITHIN iHE' PROJECT: AMENDIN'G "·SEaT.r'ON' rS', PROJE(tT'" .,'':';', ..', ,t ",.,', ,:~ ~MPROVEMENT, SUBSECTION 19.2, IMPROVEMENTS~ 'BY ADDING PARAGRAPH " I., ANGUILLA LANE ACCESS LIMITATION, TO RESTRICT ACCESS FROM ANGUILLA LANE; AMENDING SECTION 21.2, STIPULATIONS, TO ADD ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STIPULATIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE ,~. DATE. .. . 'I '\../' "_'~"'__'~_M"'__ .,........ , "',,- ..~ ~~',-....~ ~ '.\ ':; \ \ \ \ " , ,., '-,,'\ \ ' \ .\ .... '-4'-..,--.---_ --, ,.-{\ ~ «~'ì':; ", -.;:~. ~'.... .'.... .......,......... .- '..- ,'A, _.....)......_." ,..... , . ' ¡¡;',~ 'd.. ,þ~, - , , c:..... r: .,'(; ¡¡{"'" [ L;, ,á1 r: I ~(.; ¡' 7,,' !'¡ \H: ~~';J). ')',:) ;:d 1..:'}j;f,.~rt'1q ..' l",' tq', t.'i:~'rl...~¡:f . ' . , aDOK 105r~r,r492 Page 14 To. ,) c ~ ,1 ~') UL '4".: :;{ j . ''': ,J' }¡;t:1 :', . JUly 21, 1987 '\~ , , 01, 'fìf :'!- ¡, " :t .¡..;.~ , 'l' ~.~ " :t;~ 'I... , .",~j,:' ~'..... , "" ' '''''',' , ~" J ". ',,~ ~ It.. UB4 ORDINAHCB 87-54 RB PETITION R-87-2C, WILLIAM VINES, REPRBSENTING CITIZBNS , SOUTHBRN TRUST COMPANY, RB REZONING PROM A-2 TO PUD POR LONGSHORE LAD ON THB NORTH SIDB OP IMMOKALEE ROAD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 19, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened tC'l consider Petition R-87-2C, filed by William R. vines, representing Citizens & Southern Trust Company (FloJ:..ida) NatiOnð~, A"sÐc~ati~n, Naples, Fl,orid,ð,. as ~rustee, ,~nder" ".' . . ... ;.. .. . 4 .þ' .... I' , .. ,.~ '#' ~. Lan&Trust #5365, requesting a rezone' from A-2 ~o pun; to be'k~o~n às Longshore Lake, for a sing1e-fami1y/m~lti-family residential project with a maximum number of 612 dwelling units for property located on the north side of Irnrnokalee Road (C.R. 846), immediately east of Quail 2 PUD in Section 20, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, ± 320.51 acres. (Companion to Excavation Permit 59.290). Planner Duane stated that this is ð request to rezone Longshore Lake from A-2 to PUD for a mixed use single-family that will permit 612 dwelling units of which 152 may be multi-family dwelling units. He noted that lands to the north are zoned RSF-2 which is Quail Creek Subdivision; to the east is zoned PUD and is the Woodlands;' to 'the west is zoned PUD and is Quail 2; and to the south lands are zoned Estates. He noted that the CCPC held their public hearing and recom- mended approval subject to the stipulations in the staff report. ' He indicated that the petitioner is in agreement with all stipulations -. . 1'- ,-,. 1';, !ODK 105 pm 494 Page 15 ¡;> ~::' " ',J;~'105m! 495 ! \ ,:), ,T' i' ¡ I t I., 4 :, ~ July 21, 1987 except two thet were placed on them by the Environmental Advisory Council. He indicated that one stipulation has to do with the side slopes and the other stipulation has to do with a water quality moni- i:J' toring program. Commissioner Hasse questioned if there is sufficient water and fire protection to which Mr. Vines, representing the Petitioner, stated that with regardR to utilities, this area will be served by North Naples Utility Company for water and sewer, adding that the com- pany is in excellent condition. He noted that the NRMD recommends i.' 1 . r that the PUD contain a standard for lake shoreline slopes at 4 to 1, adding that he has no problem with that if it agrees with the County and the SFWMD excavation ordinance. He stated thet his only position is that those ordinances control how you build lakes and one small part of them should not be in the PUD document, the controlling exca- vation ordinances should simply control how you construct lakes. He '-noted that the ordinances are modified from time to time and if there were a modification in a manner that was contradictory to a standard " . .~ i,n. a ~UD d~ument. i,ther~ ~o~l~ beconfusi~n. .and~ t).¡e fe~~ no necessi~Y: . ' ': for it and for that reason, he is suggesting thet there be no reference in the PUD document because this matter is properly covered by District and County ordinances. He noted that with regard to 'the suggestion by the NRMD that some sort of lake water quality monitoring , .... , program be devised for this project and the information from that ," be given to the NRMD, his position on that ·is simply that,t;.he~()LI_nty; Gï,,~,} ";~'J" .1:~ L(,r) f'¡Ol¡. (::: ~.-;. ·¡':f·~-'f;¡,IiJ.,1~1C 1. (r.._ <, l Page, ~,G ' - - - . ',-w ',Hi·' ~ .fit /:1' " "_I. "';;. ,,;;,~:,;.~,:: .,; :..~t .:-~ ._, ~.~' ~ " . " .~, .,., July 21, 1987 and the Water Management District exercise water quality monitoring at the time of lake excavation permit granting and in addition to that the County is going to be developing wellfield protection ordinances which will require development of whatever data is needed on water quality and this project will be subject to those ordinances. He stated that they simply suggest that the applicable ordinances control and not attempt to provide some special language in the PUD document that may not be consistent with existing or future water quality moni- " .!0~i~9,: ~equir,eme~t,s.,:' . ~~ st~~,e,~ that ,h~ ~~j,~c~s /~,. tþ~, reqUi.~~~ ,~~..,;: '"i:' 'lopment of the nÏònitor iog prógram because' it is·.'nót knbwn wh'at "'dð'tts" i~ ¡ wanted and the NRMD is not a regulatory agency. He stated that if .,.,- this information is given to them, he does not know what useful pur- ~. pose it could have. Dr. Henningsen stated that his primary environmental concern is the 94 acre lake and the canal system and the concern of the con- tamination of the s,.llow coral reef aquifer that underlies this pro- ject. He stated that because of the proximity to the surface this aquifer is especially vulnerable to contamination. He noted that he is concerned about the potential contamination of this future drinking water source for Collier County due to the intrusion of the lake system through the aquifer and the lake system and canal system being the recipients of run-off from roadways and yards which will probably contain pesticides, fertilizer, various petro-chemicals and poten- tially even heavy metals such as copper and lead. He noted that it 8DOK 105 pm 496 Page 17 105 PAGt 4.97 : ',I ',: i July 21, 1987 appears feasible that the lake could serve as a conduit for these materials and the aquifer. He reported that these questions were posed to Mr. Vines and asked for responses, noting that Mr. Vines basically stated that he did not feet that the stormwater run-off would pose a threat to the aquifer. He stated that there has been similar concerns and discussions concerning the Woodlands DRI which is immediately adjacent and to thè east of this project and it has been discovered that there is very little data available to help belay any fears of aquifer contamination. He indicated that development of pro- jects of this nature over shallow aquifers are decent developments and there is not available information to support whether it could or could not become a serious problem. He stated that Staff is taking a conservative approach on this and would not like to do anything that might threaten the integrity of that aquifer, He stated that con- cerning the stipulation of the side slopes, the NRMD has recommended that a littoral shelf be created with a 4 to 1 slope to a depth of 3 .... feet from mean low water level and the SFWMb recommends ð 4 to 1 slope out to a-2 foot depth fr.om mean high water leve~s and, the Water '. '~M~n:gé~ent''''~epartm'~ht' iš fe:~~mending 3 to::;l' wÜh'· a "d~~th òf 3 feo~' from mean low water. He stated that he has taken both stipulations and combined them. He noted tHat concerning the monitoring program, they have made identical recommendations concerning the Woodlands DRI. He noted that they do have similar problems and their potential for water contamination may be somewhat more severe because they have a , . . '. ; , Page 18 ¡ ~ '! ' , ,:, ·C'.\ - - - July 21, 1987 golf course with their development. He stated that Staff has recom- mended that a monitoring program be designed and conducted by the petitioner and that staff work with them in the review, approval, and design of that project. He stated that with regards to the length, the duration, the type of water analysis, and sediment analysis, these things are yet to be decided and are details that need to be worked out. He stated that if after a certain amount of time of sampling no problem existed, then the program could probably be discontinued, but ·a consérvative and pragmatiq approach to, this would þelp circumven~, ~ "'; . . ", ," 0" .. : . .. ~. , . . .;. ~ .: .; . . . '," .. .~- ,":. ".::. .~. ~I' any potential problem specificålly related to contamin'tion of that drinking water source in the north end of the County. - - - Commissioner Saunders stated that he is concerned about the groundwater also and has been keeping track of the development of the wellfield protection ordinanc~. He questioned if construction is begun and it is then found out that there is some pollution into the lake, what would be done once the lake and the development is there? He also questioned what is done with the data? Dr, Henningsen stated that the data would be used to help evaluate if there is a problem and if there is a problem, then the source would be identified and rectified, but the information is needed first to determine where the problem is originating from. Commissioner Saunders questioned if the County has any basis for requiring this type of monitoring program in this type of development and has it been done in the past? i. ~..' 1 .~, Page 19 aOOK 105 PAr.{ 498 1 f ';. ,)' , ~ h_ !' . : ~ !: .~. ," , ~~'¡' "'l:' ,,-, ",", ~,; f:. *1 ~;. Ii' Ill" ~~, '..." ...t, j; '~!~( ':;:.1' .~. , ;~: j~ ~~t ' ;~l f j'4",'. ->.¡; " i Î .",: " ·v ,105PACt499 f , : ) , " .: '" , ,l July 2l, 1987 County Attorney Cuyler stated that he does not know if this has been done at all in the past, adding that the Board of County Commissioners has the discretion to address this issue if it finds that it is related to health, safety and welfare and that this method could fill a gap that the Board finds between other agencies or other departments. Dr. Henningsen stated that this sort of program has been adopted for the Woodlands DR I, ~nd part "E" of Stipulation 7 has a safety in it so that if the wellfield protection ordinance goes into effect, this program could fall under the auspices of that. Commissioner Hasse stated that it appears that Staff is requiring . ' very little of this development with respect to the magnitude of the ; t. development, adding that he does not feel that what is being requested is out of place. Mr. Tom Missimer, Groundwater Hydrologist, stated that no one wants to cause contamination of the lake or the groundwater, adding ·~·that the problem is that the County has no adopted applicable stan- dards on anyone of the water quality issues. He stated that there haQ. beenp. proble~ with c.e~arc;)stp what paumeters:sbould, be monitored . .... ~ w. .... :. . '. ".' . ... ',;_... ~nd thé constant cost of those parameters and what an applicable stan- dard is in terms of what constitutes pollution in a lake. He noted that there are sets of standards on the state level, the federal level, but the County has no adopted standards. He noted that if they were requested to analyze lake sediment and determine PCV's and con- ;.: ~.;Jf'..-::~r \ ~~¡"'¡¡:.J UtI.. f.' J',.'< ; C' ,'. , ',r, ;:,)., q,ra Page 20 . : 'j ~ t Ih1t; r..(>ç."O~" Ò:"l; 1 (:('¡.;: .~;. -, r \ .;;' - .. - '^"_"'>-~".."'_""''''''''''~''''''''''''"'''__''''''-'''''-'"'''''''-''."''.",...;"-«.........,","_......._-"--_..\_,,,....,~,--~.- July 2l, 1987 centrations of heavy metals and other issues, the cost of a single sample could be $1,600 to $2,000. He stated that he disagrees that bhere is no information available of this type of land use in a ;wellfield area. He noted that there has been a number of studies con- ducted by the federal 208 Program on at least 20 east coast com- munities regarding the quality of urban run-off going into the lakes and various types of land uses, adding that these land uses do not create groundwater contamination. He stated that the types that the " ijoar4 of County Commissioners, ·should be concerJ\ed abøut is industr,ial, '. . .. "'." . ~ . :: : ~., ~.. :"/. '. ~ ~. "". .~. typ& developments. He stated that ther6 is a problem of not being :able to negotiate a program and the wellfield protection ordinance has to be drafted within the next 20 months and the water supplies would ,then be protected by that ordinance and land uses would be controlled within certain restrictions. He indicated that the closest wellfield on this site and the only wellfie1d that is inside an existing cone of depression is the Quail Creek wel1field which will supply this pro- ject, ,which has wells directly adjacent to the Quail Creek Lakes. He noted that this wellfield has been in operation for a long period of time and the quality of the water in the lakes is monitored and;there has not been a problem. He indicated that there will be a permit issued very soon to placo wastewater on top of the golf courses that are north of this site. He stated that the question comes up as to degree and standard and what is really necessary. He questioned if a problem does arise, where does Collier County standards fit in, adding ; '. . > I (. ( ~. :'if ~i '::", &ODX 105 ,,~r,~ 500 Page 21 , , J '~' l ", ¡ Š ": . ~~ JU:':' , !: ~"""_"''''''''.''_''_'''~'''''_'''''''___'''''';''''''V''''''''''·_''"~..",,,..,.."'.,.,,""" -" 105f'~r.r501 July 21, 1987 that they can only look at these'thing~(iri terms of monitoring for standards. Commissioner Hasse stated that the only way it can be determined if the standards are reached is by monitoring. '!' l' ' Dr, Henningsen stated that Collier County has no adopted stan- , dards, adding that there are state and federal standards. He stated that the details as to which standards are acceptable would be worked out as far as the design of the progrem. Mr. Missimer stated that an administrative standard that is worked out is not a legal standard. He,stated that he is involved in a lot of different types of monitoring for state and federal types of hazar- dous waste and he would have t~ advise his client not to agree to any type of monitoring without a set standard. He indicated that moni- toring programs can cost an enormous amount of money and they can become a factor in the cost of housing, which is why when there are no adopted standards, it is difficult to negotiate an agreement. .- Tap. f4 , ~.1', ê' '~ t~, , Dr . Henningsen stat~d, that if the ctuestion of having, to adopt ,. '~sfð~dafrdà i~ 'a cr Ú;ic'~l ; one ;" ft. would seem ::t·hat~ u'nt11 ~~bhe wellfield ::: protection ordinance is adopted, Staff should come up with standards that could be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners as:interim standards. Commissioner Saunders stated that comments were made regarding the real source of pollution being within the cone of influence in ! ;;. '¡ )t! ê.; ~J ¡:, ~ . ",\.,..r..,,' rµ;a r í Page,,22, ¡:':i ¡v '\:1 J ^ - - - 1·", r' , . . , " July 21, 1987 ': . wellfields in industrial type usea and not single-femily or multi- family type uses with weter retention lakes and questioned if these comments ere accurate? Dr. Henningsen steted that industrial use would increase the possibility of groundwater contamination, but there is still the potential for contemination from single-family residences developments from roadways and lewn run-off. Commissioner Saunders questioned the distance between the leke and ·the ~q~ifer, to which . Me; . Missimer stated t-hat- I¡}ec,euse' of the p'or'tion~.. ~ . ", ,..' f". '," . ',' ." "., , :....... ',.."...·'..·e. ,; of the'Coral Reef Aquifer that is uneven, he is sure that the lake will be in direct contact with the limestone portion. .¿to' Commissioner Glass steted thet the County is looking for a wellfield in that area and a 98 ecre lake in that area will intrude into the aquifer. He noted that anything below 6 or 8 inches is intruding into the aquifer. He stated that there are standards set by the EPA for water quality and the State of Florida has certain stan- dards. He questioned what the problem would be if the Board of County Commissioners directed that this area be monitored according to EPA standards for water quelity on a 6 month basis until the wellfield protection ordinance is adopted; to do a periodic sediment sample and a water quality sample; ~nd to develop the data? ; f . Mr. Missimer stated that he does not have a problem with this as long as the parameters requested for analysis match the land use, like ! : '_1 ~ heavy metals, nutrients or a list of parameters that ere reasonable .. ~ :(A ;, ~ j',:J '...~""~ Ii ì ! .. (') ;~ i. ".) +~µ~~r Page 23, ¡' ,~~ ;-, \ !ODK 105 f'Ar.r 502 1\ , ~ h, ,I; þ . , ."...",~,~....,.""-_..;"",,,"---,.--.,,,." " ~ . J~l:Y 21, 1987 He indicated that that may be found in urban run-off of some types. this would be reasonable. Commissioner Glass stated that as the lake is dug and the surface is opened, there is a lockup of certain things in the upper sand and soil level and that surface material contamination could be introduced into that lake, so there are certain considerations where methylbro- mide and PCV might be appropriate. Commissioner Saunders questioned if Mr. Vines is in a position to agree to those two stipulations with the above referenced understanding, to which Mr. Vines stated that he would rely on the suggestions and comments of Mr. Missimer. Commissioner Saunders stated that the two stipulations that the petitioner will agree to is that with regards to the monitoring, the petitioner will meet with Staff and make sure that the parameters are reasonable in light of the type of development and the history of the '~'land use and come up with a schedule and program for the monitoring using the EPA drinking water standards. ,;" '¡;' ¢ommissioner.'þistQ.r ~t lted,that he is', cOnGer.ne¢l wit.haccess to ,the, .'. :'" :. . .' . . ..:. .f, . . , ,. island in the middle of the lake, noting that there is only ,one egress, and ingress. He questioned if thcre could be another access off the island? Mr. Vines stated that with regards to access to the island, it is another one of the many projects in the County that has a security gate with a guard system and where that system prevails there is ð ,~, ~ t' ~- ¡;is::~Ø f'.'. > J I.. ;;.. ¡'!i'; ¡.::... Page 24 ',:, 1 ~.\ :J!' :j (,l j - - - ..._....--...,...."~""_.~"'-,....= .,,-~~.....'"'.."'------_. will have 8n,~11 boats that could be used which will be paddle boats, . , '} " canoes and small sunfish sa~ll;>oats. , ,; .'<, ' ':''':''~ ,¡, ~ ~.~, ~' ,': e.'; ','. "', " ,~. '-...' '" .' :.,.' . ".,., '/., ,¡o"~' ". ',. ' . ' ,..~' .'.".,.,,' """""~""'. ::: .~;':~'~ :!. .~> ê-o~,1nty Ma~a9Jr'''bó't~'iÌi' ,~'t'à'ted th~{his~'ú'ñde~~tärtd~~ :lå':ttia;'t':lhè~t/:f:".:', " " ',,' , " ;f: ~'1'· <- .~. i ~1 ¿, 'f -., . - '. 'Júly 21, 1987 Bingle port of ingress and egress. He noted that the roadway leading , " '" 'f .'c_It']. ,'~ \ '.' \~ - "1' l,'#- ", " . :~ \4':~: ~:·1:~~ /~i to the island will be designed so that it functions as a four-lane facility onto the island. He noted that the limited access of the surrounding water is the charm of living on an island. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Vines stated that this island be a mutually developed interim monitoring program; that IteM '5 would .Jo'...,.. .... be left in as it relates to a future County groundwater protection ordinance so that it would also be a condition of the PUD. Commissioner Glass move~, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the pUblic hearing be closed. Commissioner Saunders stated that he is assuming that the two par- ties will get together to develop this interim monitoring program prior to having any actual construction, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that this is the way it is written. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 27 sUbject to the petitioner's Agreement; Staff recommendations as modified by Commissioner Glass indicating that with regards to the mon~toring por-, i;':':~;7 "tion that the Federal Potable Water Standards be utilized; and that .... the interim monitoring program be developeð with Staff prior to any actual construction beginningr r<" ¡. :.. ..~ < ~.. .' . , ¿ ~- eo OK 105PM:r504 Page 2S' :, .) '. -----~"- 'OOK 105"r.r505 \; '" \ '.;, :)1'" ~ ~' ... July 21, 1987 ORDINANCE 87-54 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 48-26-4 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO "PUDlO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS LONGSHORE LAKE, FOR MIXED SINGLE-FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT CONTAINING A MAXIMUM OF 612 UNITS LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CR 846, IMMEDIATELY EAST OF QUAIL 2 PUD IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. f; ~ . 'õ: ,:)., ~,. t; .' (¡ :"'\ :' . , 'f t":: ~: :fq r>:' ;'. t t b; ': '1~ ¡ ;: ! r" ,~~;;. :, .. ' . :. ! [) !.. .' AJ l ~f .i} ¡ ! . " " ¡.;:L< ~..;,\r~ t '.'t,... r::9't]:. ?' ~"~~ 1: ~. , .1 " : .~ G ;.#. . ~'r: }.'·C Lj '~);'''~(l' (: '~,I::¡ J-:' ,. ~ ~ ;':'~"'r(,:JI,!. F'i1r11114:!.I3· !1!J( (.!:. I,.~ .; p. 1 c¡ ¡ , "J' ~.';. íJ;"-.r';'J,t. ';r: UL' . : ,~ ~' , ,1' : I "i, I r,.¡lj'tjJ 1",~JI') q .~. .:/ :~..~ '';.:;, ;" 'I: ,. . . ~ "·,1 ',.>, 'J'~! [U.;tt; , ""',' ,. , . ~~:.. ',~ ~. ";', ). ;.< ; ~' t·' ~ . , .,. . " .. , ~. " ,~ ... ;'. ~;' ~.:;. - ~- '" " .. "1',·""""",'·' , ..<.., i..., .~ . ~. -. -~:~'" , ,:, '. . ( .J . .¡,' t.' , ., ~(.: :; , ~.~ f ~'''>. b':-"~:'i~t, ;-I"r~}\ i ," 1 ;::_1,,;;_ ..~ 1 i}~~. Tt, ; ;'f~ 'i.')'",'(V·'~);:\ Jt-~~H:j1~)~.. "/:1 . " "'d~~í P-ge1:;I,J,^ ~T' Tðe} t:,,~",:¡, .. ""0; . '.' ' .' .;(~~ 'f'" ,Â; ....'1("'1:' /if '~:f! - .. - ~.",;"... -,-.~~"",-",.. .-.-..""....",."'''..,.....''''-... , ,,:;,":j," ".".,.'''t.,.. ....:.1,:. " . ;; J, ~~ "" \. 105nr.r 507 July 21, 1987 ***** Reoess. 10.45 A.M. - Reoonvene4. 11.00 A.M. ***** at Whioh time Ðeputy Clerk ~enyon was replaoe4 by Deputy Clerk ~ueter. Item teA DISCUSSION OP BONI'l'A SHORES/LI'l''l'LB HIC~ORY SHORBS WA'l'BR DBLIVBRY PROBLBKs Mr. Thomas T. Riddle, Chairman, Board of Fire Commissioners for Bonita Shores/Little HicKory Shores Fire Control District, stated that the water delivery syst~m within the Fire Control District has been a problem since 1980. He stated that he has accumulated many documents to enter into the record, however, he heard some comments earlier today which he would like repeated into the record. Commissioner Glass stated that at the present time there are two developments which will affect that area. He advised that one of these projects involves a 16" water line which will run through the Bonita Shores/Little HicKory Shores area to Lely Barefoot Beach and loop back. He said that portion of the project is gOing to be pro- ·-vided to the County by the development because of the same problems being experienced. He stated that completion of this line is early , '-.. " ,.. -.. "t, .jJanUa~y" 1.~88. He/also,' sta,tep thai: he would likt¡! Mr. Riddle' ,tÓ'bê-', ' .. .. " " .:... ¡ , I~,.: ...' .,. ' present at any meetings held on this Subject. Commissioner Glass noted that the largest problem was money and, , , '.' . , particular credit for getting this problem resolved must be given to the two developments and the County Utility Department. Mr. Riddle stated that the Fire District is adamant about gett~ng , . ". .' \" '. ..., . '... r, \" <:'" (-~.-.. ~ ~"I J ('+ ,\. ", I ~'.Î." ._~ " .",' If (." t':.~ ') f-' ~ _, ',. Page' 21" , I "I' ~ \' I ¡ ¿. i:l ~ . ! "f"; .~:" J T T" ¡, . .. \ ¡. 1 L,1,: '... -. ,- - - ~"'''~-'"''-'''''''-~-''''"''''''---~~ ,. "'>-',---,," '.-~."-"-';'-"-""~"""'"'-"'~"'"-'"~ , . . , ' ,;~,:, .,:;, , , .,' ",. .¡, ~',' ,to ))~. '., ~ ~"}'Î , "'."~, j ,:...::, ';t~, ...,{ 'i,", '~ :,. '. >- 'ì·,'¡(··,'~ . oJ ,f ,"'. ,,~" ~".o. ;.i.~' If;':. {;.t ì? 1~' .,., ~~ :~ :It'~,¡.'.:."., . ~t. r~ ,_~I~~ July 21, 1987 adequate fire flow. He stated that if he is assured that progress is being made, he would not bur~,~bQ.~pmrnissi.on with his presentation. 1 ~ ~'1 ~~ ~ ~ County Manager Dorrill s~~ted that January is only a projected '."." .fIl'.. . date, since no agreements ha~'~een signed and the funds have not been finalized. Utilities Administrator Crandall also advised Mr. Riddle that the water 'main completion, needed for connection, will not be complete until late March, 1988, ": 'Mrå. Emily Magg,io ~resi.deht of the I..it·tl~ l;Iic,ko.rYIB~ni ta' ¡~hd'r~8., ~ ~.~ .. .. ........ f' .... ¡ ,," ."..... ". r:'-~"':'..':.·:". ,-' Homeowners Associatio~, stated'they are committed to thè water'problem and are rea~y to stand behind the fire department in any'action ~hey . feel is necessary. ìtem '9Al REQt1BST FROH CITY OF NAPLES TO WAIVE THE REQUIRED FEES FOR TWO PROVISIONAL USB PBTITIONS - APPROVED Planner Weeks stated that Staff is currently reviewing two provisional Use Petitions for the City of Naples. He stated that both are for development of a water storage facility. He Ð1vised that the City has requested, by letter, that the Board waive the provisional:: use petition fees. Mr. Weeks stated that the total amount of mo~~y involved is $1,500.00. He said Staff has no objections to this request. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that two Provisional Use Petition Fees be waived for the city of Naples. ';.:'P, ~' .' " f.: ; .~ "',! . ( " :.' [\(.'1 I::r"J~1D Page 28 ~: .,. ¡ !OOK 105 "aq 50S , , 1 U~h' . g(}8 '. ~, t i." ....'1.'1 , ,'-<~ ..',"'. '" ;.',"f ',' . . '. ... '. ~~i. .'~. ;~"~.:i ',~ ,~ ..".. l',i. _...~--,.~."~-..,-'"..~~'-;.,...-."-" ';'^'_".~'" ,. .. ".".~_.,,~...- ,- '~"~",'-' ".«..~".'~~""~-""- ,,'":' t j " ,;~;r ,;~.~: "'. ..¡ ,: '~¡ "~':~ ,'.' ~, ""'~'" ¡.. \- ) '~':~~~".; ~rt'''' ;<' ',t' Jr., July 21, 1987 Item f9B1 BID NO. 87-1113 FOR MEDIAN LANDSCAPING , IRRIGATION ON MARCO ISLAND - AWARDED TO AMERSON SALES, INC. IN THB AMOUNT OF $71,724.~O Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 28,~~87 as evidenced by Affidavit of, Publication filed with the Clerk, sealed bids for median landscaping and irrigation on Marco, Island were opened at 2:30 p.m. on June 12, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the contract is for median improvements from the intersection of S.R. 92 and Collier Blvd. to Maple Court which involves 2,000 ft. of median. He said also as apart of this contract are the median improvements to Seaview r ',' Cou~t of 1,500 ft. ,- ~ -, r ~. '0 " Mr. Archibald stated that 17 firms were invited to bid and propo- sals were received from two. He stated both firms are considered to be qualified and competitive. He advised that Staff is recommending award to the low bidder, Amerson Sales, Inc., in the amount of ,.,.$71,724.60. " , Commi88ioDer pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Glass and ".". ~ ~aš~~~~ ,~~ani~ou~~y ~ t~ba~ ~id ,I!0..' 87-111~ ", ~~r ,meti~n, /~~.dscaping ~~~. '" . irrigation on Marco 'Island bè awarded to 'Amêrson'saleè, 'Inc. in the' " amount of $71,724.~O witb tbe necessary budget amendment. Item f9B2 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1-87-434 APPROVING CONSTRUCTION OP A PACKING BOUSB - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Staff is holding , ,t,:~" the processing of a Building permitApptic~tion for a packing house ~ ,~.,,~1Ji~ Pag~ .~9 J ¡ '¡".: ¡ d ....,- ',,~ .~.. .' " ' ~t ./I),,;¡ .,;m ,,", ""~:"I"'~ , "," ,:f.~\t' , ; ;-"~>"':J:~t.;t~;~l " "'", " '1i~. "-f!~;<i t ';' ~~~ ~ ' - - - '<i :_............"'...'..."...,~..,.. Application would be to process building permit approval under very' specific conditions. He then requested that Staff be allowed to ~ . . -' ... .. .. < ..' .':~ alPtit.~e the bUi~è!r.ng.·,pq.r!,Ü t':tof.,~th the ~o~lÒ~\(l9',:s~ip'Í:l3;~tions: :'....&~, ';., .(~,~:.;:t. ~,~.:;~:J ~. Prior to construction within the drainåge'easement, the ~' applicant shall process a permit for work within the public right-of-way per Ordinance 82-9l subject to standard "conditions of permit" (reference Attachment 1) and other conditions as may be established by the County Engineer con- sistent with Ordinance 82-91. I, ~;\. ~:,',' ~' )\iL < :~ ':ì;~, 1{Jt. ,;¡, ~" ft-''' 4:~;'.;!' $; " ~J i " ~ , ' . ,¡ July 21, 1987 which will be located justi~I\~.R. 8.4,6, south of the Airport. He explained that Staff is '~~d~ng this application because the size .~,~, ' of the packing house, approxImately 100' X 400', will encumber an existing drainage easement and the easement must be vacated. Mr. Archibald advised that an alternative to holding the Permit 2. At all times during construction of the building, the appli- cant shall maintain adequate subdivision drainage subject to approval of the Water Management Department and shall con- currently design and construct an alternate drainage easement acceptable to the Water Management Department. An executed alternate drainage easement shall be provided to the Water Management Department at the time of building permit appro- val. ' 3. The applicant shall acknowledge that such action by the County in no way is an indication that the needed easement vacation will be approved; that any and all work within the public right-of-way is for permissive use only and shall not operate to create any property right; and the County , Engineer, should easement vacation not be approved, retains the right per Ordinance 82-91 to require removal, alteration, and/or relocation of improvements placed in the right-of-way. Additionally, the applicant shall accept any and all liabi- lity and responsibility for relocation, restoration, damages, etc. , p . '.'q,! ;.:'~f ';:0 County Manager Dorrill stated that this matter is rather routine ·L'.\#·~ll~: t01:. ,::f and the packing house does not affect the master drainage system and ~Ja~r~U~L UI~~~ ~uq 'oJ' ;:; 1 f,: ~i' .~.-\ ~.¡ i (. .' ,\ ;~.:' \ tOO ( 105nq510 Page 30 )', \ ~;. -r: :. _.".-..,,,.......,,,.,'''"...''''~,,.~''.,'''''..'" .~' .... 105'~~E5n rn~I" ')JO ¿ (,.... ~ ¡ , :~ f~; :jq July 21, 1987 ~.. : the Petitioner has agreed to formally vacate the small existing swale. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and , ' carried unanimously, that Building permit Application Z-87-434 for a packing house in Zmmokalee, be approved for processing subject to staff atipulations. Item f9B3 BZD NO. 87-1106 FOR CONSTRUCTZON OP ADDZTIONAL TURN LANES , SZGNAL IHPROVBMENTS AT GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY , AIRPORT ROAD AND PZNB RZDGE ROAD , AZRPORT ROAD - AWARDED TO BETTER ROADS, ZNC. ZN MOUNT 01' $87,559.93 Legal notice having been pUblished in the Naples Daily News on June 1, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, sealed bids for construction of additional turn lanes and signal improvements on Golden Gate Parkway and Airport-pulling Road and on Airport-Pulling Road and pine Ridge Road were opened at 2:30 p.m. on June 26, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Staff deslgned a ..,.. westbound left-turn lane for Golden Gate Parkway and an additional northbound left-turn lane for pine Ridge Road. He stated that' in both :'b~~é~'.'~tu!re i~a';'ei"Y~h;gtr n~inber, of tUfh,,i'n'9 *,ÓJ.étñentsT in' exces~, (sf~" ~. 300 cars per hour at Airport and Goldeh Gate Parkway and in excess of , , 400 cars per hour at Airport and Pine Ridge Roads Mr. Archibald stated that two bids were'received and both bidders are considered qualified and competitive. He noted, however, that both'bids were higher than the County'~ estimate. , ,t:~' , . '~I . ~"~\~~~ " -:\, ,i!.\·~4 ~ "~,~.,.' He said that there ." , ' Page 31 ,", ,¡ ,,' ,... .J - .. , .~< - ~__...",...,__.",_"._R·' "'___""'._.,_.._...,_____~,_____"..-.'^~'--.---.,,~..- "- ,.-,......'''',..,.-..,..-............."...-,.-..-..........----,...--.''''''"',\¥.'..".''..,,,..,'~.- \(.1 , .. J'~t~ . ' I~ ".;~ " _., , ,;,;.,;ii . I ""~.,., ),f!..~i:ò ' \ ì \; "ti , ,:V ~.:.,¡"~'.,"~ c·,"" .. ~, ,.~. .. A ~~;' ',..,.'.:,.'..~,..~.'.' .. ,,~,- I). ''f.", 1: . ~~j . 7'.I'Jii t J'~;- , " :~1 .,:,~ '(:"l ':. :/"~~, r " o,'j ~~"_._,-"- ,.-.. "-,-.,,,,-.~,-~,," - .. - July 21, 1987 is a lot of work to be done under heavy traffic conditions and Staff feels there is justification for the higher price. Mr. Archibald stated that Staff recommends the low bidder, Better . Roads, Inc., at a price of $87,559.93. He said work is scheduled to begin within 60 days from the Notice to Proceed. Commissioner Glass moved, seoonded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Bid No. 87-1106 for additional turn lane. and signal improvement. at Airport Road and Golden Gate Parkway and Airport Road and pine Ridge Road, be awarded to Better Road, Inc. in . the. ~ount of, $87,,5:,9. ~3.. . Co It.. UBe LEASB AGREBMENT WITH TUB COLLIER KODEL AERONAUTIC CLUB, INC. POR THE USB OP COUNTY OWNED PROPBRTY - APPROVED .. ,¡.' , j: '-", /.' ,i' '1 : _0 Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the Collier Model Aeronautic Club, Inc. is requesting a 5 year lease on a County-owned 30 acre parcel of land located south of Manatee Road. He advised that the Board previously suggested that the Model Aeronautic Club be cer- tain that they had an access agreement from the Collier County School Board. Mr. Archibald stated that the Club has reached an agreement with the School Board for access to the property and Staff recommends approval of the original lease for a period of 5 years, at $1.00 per year, with~the lessee bearing the responsibility for maintenance of the property. \' Ï" '".; " " " ',::' :;1 ~: ¡: r . \' ~" 1 \. ;J' . aOOK 105 mE 512 Page 3,2 ,. '!,. f . , 1~1 I' '.\ n:, ~ (', ) ; } r. ;- , \ It, ..; .. , _.~".,~,_....~.~,.,.~....",....,.... .,....-.~,~ 105,Att513 July 21, 1987 Commissioner pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the Lease Aqreement with the Collier Hodel Aeronautic Club, Inc. for the use of county-owned property, be approved and the Chairman authorized to exeoute the aqreement. \,:' ;J" ~ ",.j '~.- : ' .. .. . ',' , ".;;. ~,d,,¡ ;·";:-t ," " , t' 'r .;'" ~} ~ '. 1 . i~. q '~~ .. .~ . . ~ ~ j. , ; '.. , I' ~ ~. .. .! ~'. ,f; i, C,iiILi;¡ ~ <.. .. t ¡ J ., . I. . ; , 1. ¡i! U'~ t '" v:";:('I' r .1 ~"'r..~;( ~ 'L. !'h~;,~L ~{" 'i.," u .. ~;'!c .. ~Ol( J.m: , .. . " '.~ J. ,HQ;W \icHi,aI :~~"~" .....,' '.' ':' ;¡:~ Æf)~:<':';:iJ( 'Q:, : I. t. ~. ,to ':.. .., . .. j, : ."' , ,', ..' ~; ~. t . r/ ~ ~,¡~ri.~ 0:.<': .~¡ ',,:' ¡ ,. :1.: \ r. ~ /', . f f,'f'r ; I 1. i v;ç' pr '~n,J;' ·:'I'~'..:·: . '.' I~. " f: ~ ~ ~'JCç 1..tJr.~!,\~!), ~~tfq c..., ," !" "I r ~ ;;r.t~ ;~,:;:I·':~: '. '.;t: ~J~ " , . {~t. ;; '." }," f-t^-<!;.'~ ~(.-:~ :'1) '~ -.! ;'~: :":", i.. '}-,. r ~' :;;::" ~- '...'~ " Page 33 ~ '. : ~ '," '.) L.!. :J T (-\ ..- ì ';' 7~ r 1\ - - - .. ; ""',:' / :.',,':to ,...., '~. ,. ," .,.L",.. " , . :'.~" 1 "",:.';;j ,~~t;~ ~J ,)~~, "~'(~~i , ',5i~, ,,"1:£ . ~" ,,¿;,~~ 4"t'.,.f , .: ~ .,;~*¡ .. "',.' ~ A '~t ,. ' ;.~ .t:._, ~ f,:~ .¡â, , 'I;'"'' ,..;¡::~; ;.".,.'.'.."~,.... ' .:: . ~."._;.~. ....',. ., '<l "o" ~- I/í.\C~' \ t.l i.':;-M; 105 PAG£ 525 t ~ " , , I , , 'RGt'...: ~·.i~;' ~,';}~', ,!, .~' 1~~!"'"'1..·~...'...... ,,-,', ~'!' \ It.ri 'SlB5 ' BID NO. 87-1112 FOR AN ADDITION TO BUILDING "c" - AWARDED TO J. R. ZANOTTI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT 01' $97,900.00 July 21, 1987 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 4, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, sealed bids for construction of an addition to Building "C" were opened at 2:30 p.m. on June 24, 1987. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that in accordance with the Board's instru~tion, Staff designed an addition for Building "C". He stated that the 3,500 sq. ft. addition will be located west of the existing building and be used by both the Tax Collector and the Property Appraiser. Mr. Archibald stated that two proposals were received ,and both were considered qualified and competitive. He said Staff recommends award to the low bidder, J. R. Zanotti Construction Company for $97,900.00. He noted that the price is less than $29.00 per sq. ft. commissioner Glass moved, seoonded by Commissioner pistor and oarried unanimously, that Bid No. 87-1112 for oonstruction of an ad4i- 4'tion to Building "C", be awarðed to J. R. Zanotti Construction Company in the amount Of $97,900.00. %tëJá ~.bDl " . '~, ~ :~., ." ..' .' :. .. '.... uPiiND' 'or SYSTBK DEVELOPMEFl' cHARGES TBB AMOUNT OF $44,700 - APPROVED Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that in accordance with .") ; - ,'" ~ 1 ,_ . .,. ..' '. . ", I.. _. _,_ "'. '.," . POR'QUAIL CREEK DEVBLOPKEBTS :;tK " . Ordinance 87-45, Quail Creek Developments hàs requested a refund of j;~..... r '.;' '.-: .; ¡... ;:' (: ~~ '-." , ,v' ,I:,'~" . " . , . .,' DoI',..S; . . "" ft~.,f fi~ ~ q(.,';~~ ,I j'F::' J"f.'~. .\'J 'f" Y"r: .~..::)07~:::-! Page 34 .' j.. ; q':.: , " '. ~.. ;:61.> J', L:J. ·.~L "r.;' ·-r . , '" J ~ -. /. ¡; r ;'; ';,\;¡ IIDIJ 1iIl1q ;0 ; r c~- : " -. .' ;1 ¡ i,.] T.' ~ l~\'!Ht-9l.(c;ù , r ~--.' ~ ] .~ !:{¡:;r.,~ ;:;;' ¡ .' , t.~.j:~ ¡1::~f". , '..-.. '1' '. . .. . ,(, a ¡;, ~ )Jr.çq. , ,I J ',.~ \ ~..'1 - - - --_""#""''''''- -'"""'''''''''''''''''~..,,,,,,,-=-,,,.,,--,, . .' July 21, 1987 sewer ðevelopment charges. He stated that Ordinance 87-45 provides for a fair and just collection of system development charges, as well as an orderly refund process. Commis.ioner Gla.. moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that system development charges of $44,700 be , refunded to Quail Creek Developments. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Crandall stated that when the County sewer system becomes available in that area, Quail Creek _ will have to pay ,~heir,develop~ent charge~ at whatever. rate is be~ng f.. ".' ." .. ',':. ~ .,' .~ ~ . ~ . "~' '" charged. ,It_ ,ftD2 ¡. ~- ;, RESOLUTION 87-157 AND CWS-87-14 APPROVING $2,000,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND, BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND OTHER RELATED DOCmŒNTS - ADOPTED County Attorney Cuyler advised Commissioner Saunders that ,he sr", ,should abstain from voting on the issuance of the bonds due toa potential conflict of interest. " " :. 'Mr. David Fischer, Sun Trust Securities, stated that the market has not changed very much and Collier County carne very close. to the interest rate received in April of this year. He distributed and explained copies of comp~rable yields on recent Florida financings and :estimated fees and expenses. He said that these charts ,are, ,all ,in ,relation to the last issue. He noted that while this iSBue¡iscosting ,less in dollars, it is the same on a bond basis. . I ~ , '.~ . ::j~; ; .~.' ~~' t Mr. Fischer distr ibuted a tabulation of bond printing,bld~, ,and,,! , ] ~,Ir ì":f."'_ ~!q1C.t tot: Page ,35 ('1"'" &001( 105PAr.t526 ,':': Y::::' ¡ ;l) ,'!"' ; i¡ \ J ~: L.." ~ ~.. ,._",,>",~......_.,'___", '.".~._'."""'_"'_._ .....4 '.\¡~~ . .~}~, 'I.'t:;;,íH ¡".~.:;~" ,..~ ;? .-,. ~.'. ~. f " .... .... ,-,.,_."--~".~>~._~".",- :,ôoì 105 PAGt 527 j,.,;, ":;' ': ":':._!.;,' t,~ ~ < requested the Board to award the bids. '. ,,"ï I ~: .) \.. July 21, 1987 He noted that the low bidder for printing of the bonds is Midwest Printing, and the low bidder for printing the Official Statements is Stein printing. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and oarried unanimously, that printing of the bonds be awarded to Midwest printing in the amount of $825.00 and the printing of the Offioial statement be awarded to stein printing in the amount of $2,718.00. Mr. Thomas Giblin, of Nabors, Giblin, steffans & Nickerson, P.A., advised the Board that two resolutions need to be adopted: one by the Board of County Commissioners which authorizes the issuance of the, bonds and one by the Collier County Water-Sewer District authorizing the bsuance. He stated th.'\t if the Board decides to convert the bonds and sell them to Smith-Barney, they will need both resolutions. commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner pistor and oarried 4/0 (commissioner Saunders abstaining), that Resolution 87-157 authorizing the conversion of $2,000,000 Collier county, .- Plorida, Capital Improvement program Revenue Bonds, Series 1986, be adopted by the Board of pounty Commissioners., .¿ ... .... \:' .. -. . / .-.. ,t', ¡, " :\ . ~'. .'," .. . '.',. còmmisiiioner GOodnight moved, áecondeð:by CÒlIIJDiss!:oner' pistor and. carried 4/0 (commissioner Saunders abstaining), that Resolutiont CWS- 87-14 amending in certain respects and restating in its entirety Resolution CWS-8S-S, be adopted by the Board of county commissioners of Collier county, Florida, aoting as the ex-officio Governing, Body of the county Water-Sewer District. ',)(.1 n~.· -J Go r.:.~ c: lI(J .' .:' ",' ,,! I" :¡¡' - - u_ _. .___ .__ .__. -_._-_. _._-~.._.- ---- .... ,<,'.F""" ,...,,',.""........_...__......._...-.n.o·."_ , . . '. ,.,,~-,,-~.-..."'~""..,~,.,,«~--=~,,~'-,'-_..,;-"'-- ...: ! 2.. '/1. , '+",' , ,':,:',1.;' ",';1'cl;'r'iJ '~'f.f rf.i '!:~~~;'\f ~f - e-:.::\. July 21, 1987 " Item 191'1 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPRO~~COUNT~ MANAGER DURING THE BOARD'S ABSENCB - RATIFIED i,'P~~ , ,-,.'J, .' ~'~:;.. "'I . " . ' Commissioner Pistor mov~~".eoonded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the following agenda items previously approved by the County Manager in the Board's absence Þe ratified. 1. Execution of Lease Agreement on Commeroe Center of Naple. for the Sheriff's Department. Bid '87-1124 for sale of surplus trailer (Asset '82598), to " ' Inters.~~tp .Sa\-ea, o'f ',:Ft. Myers, ~ f~or i~ .r; $190.. 00.. ...,,: ~':: e_' ~."';¡- ~..::.. .<~~. µ " ;, .. If" ",',~ ',.' ."," ,,1."-'," ..., ..,. . .. ~. '" .~r'. ,."i' Legal notice'having been published irt the Naples baily " News on June 22, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of , Publication filed with the Clerk, sealed bids for one 12 ft. x 60 ft. surplus house trailer were opened at 5:00 .~. p.m. on July 6, 1987. 3. Change Order to Cornerstone General contraotors, Inc. to add landscaping, per drawings by McGee & Associates, Inc., to the new Parks & Recreation Administration Building - $14,686.05. . . , 4. Change Order to Cornerstone General contraotors, Inc. to increase the Parks & Recreation Administration Building by 1,000 sq. ft. to include sitework, concrete, metal building, acoustical ceiling, drywall on exterior walls, and bond pre- mium - $18,623.00. 5. Emergenoy Medical services certifioate of Public Conveniènce and Nece.sity for the period 1987-88. 6. Bid '87-1108 for the construction of the Marco Island Branch Library - Awarded to low bidder, Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $465,000.00. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 29, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, sealed bids for the construction of the Marco Island Branch Library were opened at 2:30 p.m. on June 24, 1987. Bid '87-1114 to provide services under the Community Care for the Elderly Program awarded to Dial-A-Nurse for $22,588; , 7. , , ' I, '1>:' ;::; . - ¡"', Page 37 800K 105 PAGE 530 , ,1 ; ~",', .~. c.. ..., .¡','., " ",.., , ;"'1,; Tn'}, >j tl:':: )' } r L, \ f i lOt? ~.. t!:;n '.. ~,,,,-;~,,,"~"'_'_"'_'~'""'--- ,~"....- -'-"'---"-"""~~-'~;"---""'---- "'. ;. ; H:\I'; .~ i:lH. ·-t·... ........ July 21, 1987 ~ ',' 'I Medical Personal Pool for $22;58&; and Upjohn Healthcare Services for $56,000. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 10, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, sealed bids for pro- viding services under the Community Care for the Elderly Program were opened at 2:30 p,m. on June 24, 1987. 8. Acceptance of remaining portion of force main constructed by Glades, Inc. pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 9. Acceptance of two utility easements for the South County Regional Wastewater Facilities Project. See O.R. Book 1280. PaQes 1672-1677 10. Acceptance of the on-site and off-site water/sewer facilities for River Reaoh Subdivision. See O,R. Book 1283 Pages 1650-1674 11. Resolution CWS-87-~5/R-87-~58 authorizing revision to the final assessment roll for the County Regional Water System Assessment District No. 1 - Project 38000. See Pages £33 - ..537 Item f1~A BUDGBT AMENDMENTS 87-34~/344, 87-346/348, 87-35~/360, 87-363/368, .~' 87-370/371, 87-373/377 - ADOPTBD Commissioner pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner GOodnight and c~~ried,unanimou~y, that Budget Amendments 87-341(344, 87-346/3.8, .; ~ ' .... .' " , ~, :' . ',"'.. .. '. . ! . '... ~ '. ;.. '87-35'1/360, 87-363/~68, e7-370/~n, and 87-~73/37;, b. adopted. ':, " , : i r~ L ::..: ~ j,..'~ 'J:> ; 0;) '-z l ' 'Jb:) ". ;'.:., ';".;-; r: ',', , .... , ,~ ",I",:,) p., y.<:l+:r;r-q., "',,' !)\.(;.\ ;Ol(~ 111 (.1,'; ;, .~_ ,I !' '.\'0 'u. t ~0·, . '.'..'-'!I~.-i . .. .. ....... 10~~~ f'! "''O,,~ta~ Page 38~ " :.~ . n ;¡ .. / t~'~ ;~¡~·'ttJJ-f';; t; -;!: ~I~; tv'· -ð1..\ - - - ,-,...- _.~.,~..- " ~...,-,.-...~."'"....-,,-""...._,.....,,-~,..,.,''"''.....,-~.....~--".;",.."= It.. 'l1C July 21, 1987 BUDGBT AMBNDMBNT RESOLUTION 87-031 _ ADOPTED COmmis.ioner Olass moved, .econded bYCommi.sioner Saunders and adopted. carried unanimously, that BUdget Amendment Resolution 87-03& be , .~ .~: r I. _~ ¡ . 'I ....,..; "~n : . ',:t, ; í { '4 . t~ ~ :.. " ~~ ~ 1 , f· .,! ;{ , ,,;~~'¡: 1 _~ _ __~ _ . :"," 'hI:! f':'J;';¡!I !» ~¡;6 b~Ø^J..Jt''U''CIt(il~' ".: I,¡,.; 'l~b"'ì pc;. 1,(; ¡P ":'''11' ~T:r, ~ tAi;~ ,',", '.~ ¡ 't,dr:r,.. 'fi·:"..."., "'J!. ..q~!!~~,..;~~ : ..,. ': ,~ '~Iot -..---.-...--..,....---- ...i~ ~'lt't ",' ~,., '..-.-----,- '~~;l -,-- -------- . '..1!~;' ,; ':'1 ~. .~ ." ,. . '. 0' ,.' .. .' ¡. :.:... -. .. :, ., . .~ , .. _"f i., t 1_."';' ....: ';'j) to . ". ~or ..; ::t. 'H f:':r(J): ;¡,~~, "" !!!'I¡(..q 'i1:pnJ/;,rJCQ ;!'itð.I.C.~.JOt;t "" ,." ..,.,> ~-- :j r~ ;~. r f "; -1 . } 1\,:~ :,"~í" ' I..' i" ¡,;1[& a¡;;'^f:C:' .Vç.C.l0Z:,'~;' :¡~r',;".· ¡¡¡¡¡¡!::rq(¡ I 011, .11'<;', !II()tÍO!6:'...:... .,.,I',~...,~,'.,. " (', 1 ":~. J t1q'q ¡ \1R \l'Ir¡.:çl U()(¡-t I .' : ... .', _........__...-_._-~~. -,' \ ..... ....": ~{* - t~~ .. ~-.. .--~~---_.~-.--..~-....L:~~~~:;., >,' '.:t! ;~.tA ..~----...._..-~-..~ ""'--"-~"".-1: " ,¡¿,¡¿ , "-,,,,.., 'h_________,~,:;~ .:';"'t1 " "¡¡E:,,{,V.,;',~ "M" :;.;:'·/~i,,~ '" , , tJt) . " " , , ; '~ , , I.: '~I ,.. . 1'" , . '.;., I .~ ~ ~(.I; ¡ ~ --~_.~.._+----'---._."""--~.~, '.~ .; '. ': -"'- ...... '-' ......-. - -..... ---,"-'.,.~ '>" aOOK 105 PAGf 532 Page 39 c ...~',':- \ 'ro')t" , h. ''';') ;.J,J.J ),-,} T02·' ¡.'-It 'J;]"};. .......~".',".' *'....-'--...---.,.......,.",... '''~'''''-'~-'''- " "·~"f / J¡',' :,'1., ~ " ","1· ... '. ......:.,.., . .e:.: 'J' '\,i ;",'}('I ~f~\~' ."',7"~J;',' .>' !. ;~' ::'jJ ,'0, >,"T:!:"',' ':1...' "I''1rt~~'V'';:~~ .', 'I-, ' .. ',' d .'-....., ~...,." .~, '~,~ ,.._'. ".:1, ~ ' , '"'-..'" '-. '~,<.~.. 'i)I ,'¡ ). ',,;,.... '. "JÙl·i·:~r,":..4 19å711Jo ." '~....",:.,::,I~".~':: \ Y....... , "w _J ~ ,,'~ ,~ t¡Ô~~ ,.105 PAtE 53.9 ' ~: .....:., 'tIO(mO. iT', '''' t ~_,_"!,,..,.__, .~ go>. : ",:X, .-.... .. .' " ~ 1'~ ., \- \'.' , Item .f12A RBSOLUTIOK 87-151 REGARDING FEDERAL MOTOR PUBL TAXBS _ ADoPTBD .. ' 1 ' Commissioner Pistor advised that the Florida Association of Counties and NACo have adopted resolutions objecting to proposed Federal Motor FUel ToxeB being uBed to reduce the federal deficit. .e ototed that gOB tax io a UBer fee and should nct be uBed on anything but the ever increasing need for the repair of eXisting roads and construction of new roads. . Commissioner Plstor stated that Collier County has" been asked to";" pass,a'resOlution stating their objections to the proposed use of the ." ~ '.J;;" federal motor fuel taxes and forward it to their Congressional' Representatives. COmmissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Qoodn~gh~ and carrie4 unanimously, that Res01ution87_151 stating Collier County'. objec~ion to the proposed Use of Federal Motor Fuel Taxes being Used to reduce the Federal Deficit, be adopted. è,·lt'·,· .... :) ': I~ 0' J..~. ~. ..'.'~~~"\~:'.~t:: ~'; J';:.. :';'': '; þ. ,I. ~ ,.....-. .. ,H ' i.; :J: ' ¡ ........ ... ~¡11 '" . " . , ''/¡t; " . Lr ' ·t-t~7J;:·;' 1 ~, -.~ ::;' [:·1/:; E .hT-f:.~: 1 .. ~ : (" . ~''', ( ,. .",..- ";, . t ;.\. ," '( . ..t" 'r;,;:1 ! ,.'~ ~ '_..\.1, '.' .' - ( , .' ! '. ~ ' ~:>¡..: ;:: ," ~ " ,. \ ~/;'~;> "';,".L !,·H:.. .th't; T,,·.f) 0;"215 2(", !jECElhl.2 vat.> ~ ;~b;Page: -.4O;:mn Vi1D "'~.. '·-::c r:.::-:r',£1t:.:2D tC'1:i , "c "r¡1:trO~1 m. JJ.lr; ': ',: ::.' I'O¡1~' L to;t;: . í. · ~/:; ':!!~ L r r..n f"l:~ .. <?(J[W:£ W).l ", " ~ r:l.(.r..lE:~ J;.ô "r>~ ;::J, r¡<):~' ~' " ,~ . , r '~ ~:\ ,. ~ . ". . r - . ~ .' . . , ~ :.'~"~;-'~. ',. .. ," L~:'ì.t.·:~~·.;,; ,:~() ,", :..1..~ j, iÞ £j,.:' \" ·ii.·~} ,~_f i,:)~~ . .."·,'......."''".H~'''',._..~_ """"--- , ' ,C~~{'t;,::--:\ ~/.~. { 'f,.' , , , . , , , ' ,1, . ! "f ; : :.; ".:. . r; J :,¡~.".: . \: ", , , ,">\ ~' , ~' f,' ~ '" . , ..:-,,, "':\~~i-:", ~"" . .., '., Item': h2B DISCUSSION O~ ALLOCATION O~ FONDS FOR FLORIDA ASSOCIATION O~ COUNTIBS FALL CO:Nl'ERBNCE July 21, 1987 Commissioner Pis tor stated that Collier County is hosting the Florida Association of Counties fall conference and, normally the host County provides a memento, displaYing the name of the host County, to all attendees. He stated it is estimated there will ,be between 500 and 600 attendees and the cost may be between $2,000 and $3,000. Commissioner Saunders suggested that the County Manager provide a list of possible mementos and cost at the meeting of July 28, 1987. Finance Director Yonkosky requested that the Board take this action by resolution, as required for this type of expense. Item #13A .¡. PRODATION DBPARTMENT REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR COMPUTER SYSTBM IN THE AMOUNT OF 24 700 _ APPRÓVED Chief Probation Officer Offutt aqvised that in 1986 the County I Probation Department purchased a dig~tal computer system through the .- ~ - ' County Data Processing Department. She stated that at that time the, ,~' ~9~6/87.. ~udgets were ,being, prep~red ,and $2.,5?0 was, estimated for. ' .. .. r' , . . t ", (, , ' " . , ··.oper.Uonal .xpen.... She ~dÿ.is.d·. th.t thO· tot;'f¡oSUg.tion .through: May, 1987 is $15,436.70, and it is estimated the monthly cost will continue to average $2,300.00 per month. Mrs. Offutt stated that they have an Order from Judge Trettis to r.i.. the Prob.tion F... to $25, how...r, this c.nnot b. r.li.d on for. increased operating monies. She explained that the higher the proba- t. . " .) ,~ ~, . " ¡, ....~~, fi:p ;?PC';"': J:; rr, Page 41 ! _: ;~'.,: t... ~ ' ',¡ ," [:,'.. 't,: ; :!¡, ~!;qCt J J: f~:··;' " , , r;,1;,). rc: ! ,Î}. j! >~}F~ - -------, - ~._----- -",---.- " . , ,- - ~ ,'. t ¡ , ~ß <,'. , , July 21, ::' J/~'; <Jç ~j J fees, the less willing people are to pay them. County Attorney Cuyler advised that there are no legal problems J~~th¡IIPpro~ing ,the request~, :' ',1 . '. .. 'J' \ ~(J H;:¡,\,l'..";"'.', . , , . \'", : " ..'!,'", ,I ',.,'!.,...., Commissioner Pistor moved, .eoonded'by Commi.siòner Gli.. and . ' carried unanimously, that additional funding of $24,700 for the probation Department be approved. O!f~ J~r:J -:ofl. ). . ~~~ t¡·~, ;"-:~, ***. r" 'r 'I:.:r:',./ -rr1 . . ' " ;. r 1~':: The following items were approved and/or adopted under the . COnsent Agenda Upon motion made by Commissioner Pistor, seconded by éommi"8doner Goodnight, ahd Qiirried un,anime)ul!,tlý: ~. '~. ",~ '... .:' '/ *** , , '. ;~t"f14A1 ~ ""í (':' f, i ,'.' '!' , , "Î' ¡"",.., 1 lSATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OFHUISANCE _ PHILIP PORCELLA " {r',;:¡ "':1~nSee Page ..J) ... ç¡- 'f Ite. f14A2 ~'.. \. , . 'RESOLUTION 87-160 PROVIDING ASSESSMENT OP LIEN TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE - DAVID PREZOISE , S~RON PREZOISE ';>.6~-__$~ See Pages Item '14À3 RESOLUTION 87-161 PROVIDING ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO ABATE PUBLIC 'NUISANCE - JOSE R. GARCIA D/B/A GARCIA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY T See Pages ..!::J- S 7 -...5:51?" Item fl4A.. RSsotUTION 87-162 PROVIDING ASSESSMENT OP LIEN TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE - MARGARET STRAUSS, SR. See Pages S$9"'-5 60 ¡~;'~ i~: v HÇ!: .. '. ,', J;,t'i1v"".LI0~! ':.\.. ;" ,~ '~~- - ,-~' . , ';:,f·I-t:«Jutt7fV2 l'i~~:~':(; .':e¡'·~,·". ' ....'. ~r,~', tí'11),: 'j'l ~ ..I'.. ~. ',;, , .;,'" ,L: ,', .' ~,:,: ,;,1) 1/lJY.LE hlIÐI':q:; {',.. J-';' ')::~r ~~:' {:":-_:.: ".' page:~42 :Ii'; ¡",f: ' " ,:': '''~I~, " . ¡; 'lnrA\.~1"",Ì'¿f.'~ aDOK 105 P~r.r 542 ;"." ; oox' 1051'.."r 543' :"t, ~,; -.:' 1',~'f, " <;¢f./' ;.1' %tem 'UA5 ~ :;" t u< " " i':)r~ TI})'I ,"\ "1':,.... ;':'J ,') JUly 21, RESOLUTION 87-163 PROVIDING AS81SSMENT OF LIEN '1'0 ABATB POBLIC JroISAHCB - ADRIAAN VAH RAVESTB YN See Pages ....Jj~/-,t)¿, ~ Item 'UA6 H, PROVIDIMG ASSÎSSMENT OF RESOLUTION 87-164 LIEN '1'0 ABATE PUBLIC JroISAHCB - MYRIAM G. DE GEDANCE , ARMANDO GEDANCE t,qd(,; .} "t; See Pðges ...l,?.3.... ç¿; ¿l Item U4A7 RESOLUTION 87-165 PROVIDIMG ASSESSMENT OF LIEN '1'0 ABATE PUBLIC JroISANCB - ENRIQUETA DB GUTIERREZ See PðgeS ~J:j' t,. '5"'-,-~~' Item #l4A8 8ÁTISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ÀBATEkBH'l' of' iroIS~CB _ RICKARD VETTER HChairman authorized to sign. See Page Item U4B1, AQREBKBlifT, WI'l'H MCGBB , ASSOCIATBS, INC. '1'0 PERPORM LANDSCAPB '. IRRIGATION DBSIGN AND CONSULTIMG SBRVICBS FOR GOLDIN GA'l'B PAR~y ·~DIAHS, PHASB II, III, , IV - $3,000 S¿7 . ,See Pages ..¿ "', ...... " ,-. ; /~ ',Item, 'UB2' ~L;"'~ ÿ - S~" . ~. ,{. ~.' . " " .... 1. .. , . .. J. . . . , . . ',. '.. ,'r'...: COH'l'RACT WI'l'H ATLAN'l'IC FIRB PROTECTION FOR 'l'HB INSTALLATION OF A FIRE SPRINKLBR SYSTEH IN THE E~ECTION'S AND CLERK'S STORAGB AREA IN DUILDI.NG :: :.::: r~ 1m ~ IN ~ 1U BOOm cn:..;~ AS OF J1JLY 21, 1987 It~; '14B'3 ',;,c ¡,,;~ ;110:: C')II\;;,}. ,...' .~ ' " ' BID 87-1107 FOR TREB REMOVAL AND DIstOSAL FOR A SECTION OJ' .MARCO'" ISLAND - AWARDED TO TOTAL CARE TREB SERVICB AT $10,700 r ::~ (),~.I:rt._~"I~ 6;; , , ,: I I, I, .,' I ,'" PageA3 , ; t~ ," , ;,'~" '·'."1Nl'&~ ~ l' ";J: " ';·(~,~1::·i~~".) " . "', .. f"C'...., . ,- -----..---, '- """-''<--'''''"'''''-_''''''',,',' o -- ....~. T ..." "'''~~·;'''''''''''''''''''''..;o«M'' ,.... '''';~;'''-_';f.;''''''''''_''''k'''_,",." July 21, 1987 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 17, 1987 as evidenced by Af~. "i~~,Publication filed with the ' ,~~'~,~ ~ Clerk, sealed bids for tree'.'r.emoyal' and disposal were opened at 2: 30 3 1987 '.~>r~ ',' " p.m. on June, . , ~:~'r~~1 ;,:,·;/·,~t "'.tði"', ' J~:;, !~ ~'>' , ~:~,~:~ 'f :;~ Ite. Un. JlXCAVATIOH PERMIT NO. 59.286 - "ST. MAARTEN" - WITH STIPULATIONS '¡, , j , ' r I,~'" j the project known as "St. Maarten". Excavation Permit No. 59,286 to Gulf Bay Development Services, for " ' .: 1. . ': ~ , The excava,tiçm-.sha11 be limit~d" to a.b~tto ) e1evation.o! ':: . ',¿ ~ -6.0 ft'. ~ n'gvd.' '&;11' d i'sturbed 'ar~c!ls pr'ðpdsea Cor 'lake" eX'ca\'a"l. ó , ',' tion shall be excavated to a minimum elevation 'of -4.0 ft. ngvd. 2. No excavated material shall be removed from the project site. .,.t.' 3. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. 4. No Building Construction Permits will be issued for any pro- posed construction around the perimeter of any excavation where the minimum clearance between lake top-of-bank and the proposed building foundation is less than 30 feet, unless and until all lake side slopes adjacent to the proposed construc- tion have been completed and approved by the Collier County Water Management Department. 5. Before the issuance of this Excavation Permit petitioner shall provide written proof of approval of the proposed modi- fication to the Drainage Easement from Pelican Bay Improvement District, if required. Ite. 'UB5 BXCAVATION PBRHIT NO. 59.290 - "LONGSHORE LAD P.t7.D." .. WITH STIPULATIONS Excavation Permit No. 59.290 to Longshore Lake Joint Venture, for ~. !,. ;.. '.' ¡. n~.../ ï '..., .. '.....'¡:, aDDK 105 PAr.r 544 Page 44 r,' ; ....'-...,"~--".~..'",. '" .. '~.".,'~".. ".."-~.......,,.", """-,--",~,;"",.."<."".,.",.~,...."-,".",,,,",,,,, ~ _",_,.."...,..c""._"."__.........".__,."'-""'__""'_,-""~".~,,..,,~_..',.,.".,,,."'.;,...~.,"',,._., "i~,'), .'. , ',:~~~f:W5rAII~5 ,.' ,'¡'" . ~: f' , '\ " ].í ... ' July 21, 1987 ..,' the project known as Longshore Lake PUD. 1. The excavation for the main lake shall be limited to a bottom elevation of 0.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for the main lake excavation shall be excavated to a minimum ele- vation of +3.0 ft. ngvd. The excavation for Lake "A" shall be limited to a bottom ele- vation of +5.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake "A" shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of +7.0 ft. ngvd. 2. No excavated material shall be removed from the project site, except in accordance with Section 3.2.B.6 of the PUD document for Longshore Lake. 3. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commedcement of any dewatering activity on the site. 4. All lakes with top-of-bank setbacks less than those stipu- lated in Collier County Ordinance No. 80-26, Section B.A, as amended by Ordinance No. 83-3, shall be fenced in accordance with Section 8.D. of said Ordinance. No Building Construction Permits will be issued for any pro- posed construction around the perimeter of any excavation where the minimum clearance between lake top-of-bank and the proposed building foundation is less than 30 feet, unless and until all lake side slopes adjacent to the proposed construc- tion have been completed and approved by the Collier County Water Management Department. 5. .;" ~ 6,'" ,This 'app1-ovð~ i::s !Jub1ect.. to the, epprova..i pf ..,the Board of: '. ' :'. County Commissioner's, Of' Rezone PeCition 'No;, R"'87-2C, which will provide compatible zoning for this proposed land use. Item 'UB15 AGREEMENT WITH GOLDEN GATE ROTARY CLUB TO USE COUNTY-OWNED PROPERTY I'OR CHRISTMAS 'l'RBE SALES ' ':,:,- See Pages S 7ð -...!i7 / Item 114B7 , , . (.;~~ , .' :, . ,... "'.~~... SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO A-",Fæ :r;" UTILITY EASBHBNT IN A ROAD RIGHT-Or-WAY FOR S.R. 9-51' '" '- Page 45 ' ;~, : r I . :tí .~ , - "'-'-~' "~,.,,,'..,..,". '---.~",.".." ~ ~ . .~,. -'·~"·'··;··'"""~'~',i>""""';·'_"'·"·__'_"··_.,"".c_,,;··"_ J. .... ....____._,.-,. ,." "~'_""'-"_."",._--,_...,--_.,-",...",...._~",.,.-..".""..,,",;._...,,--,-..., t';', ' ~~~./ ~~. ,:rJ 'r"~' ~ ,,~. '" '/:f;)- ¡ )~~, "',~. -t,; 1'.'->" . " ....... ~. ~ See Pages Item U4C1 LEASE AND FUNDING See Pages Item U4C2 ..57:J.. -.575 July 21, APPROVE SER~ICES ADMINISTRATION _ 9 600 S7!f:~6'~ COURTHOUSB GROUNDS MAINTENANCB CONTRACT AMENDED TO INCLUDE MUSEUM GROUNDS - GOODWIN LAWN CARE FOR AN ADDITIONAL $250.00 PER MONTH .,' See Pages JIL]):1r7Mò'N'r TW1'F'T't1I:'n m M~ '10 J3OAm) OFFICE AS JtI3 3~,: 1987 Item U4C3 .,': St7ÐMISSION OJ' GQJfl' APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY, ,ERVICES TRUST Pt7HD' FO~~..: .;, 'Too' ! ÓPERÀ'I'ION OF CHILD' <JÁRt t:ENT~ - $10,179·.CO,... ~. ~';.' :;.,.' .~, ..,. .,', ~"""~'.t ,~-:'<::' ri ' , , ' '.' " ' .. , , ,~ See Pages Sf':; ~ -J:;'91 Ite~ofl4C4 . 'JI¡.o 'to, . CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS J'OR TWO LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTIOB Âerr ! PROGRAM GRANTS - $5,000 AND $1,266.00 .".. .... See Pages ~ ¿:¡-9;1. - 60'1 Item fl4E1 ',,'HI" St1J'J'ICIENCY OJ' BONDS OJ' COUNTY OFJ'ICns EXAMINED AND APPROVED+ Item 114G1 CBRTIJ'ICATES or CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL 1986 u tv: Nos. 203 & 204 DÍltêd 6/29:"&'7ì~i81 1986 TANGIBLE'PERSONAL'PROPERTY ;"!! ;..~.;.. ~ '; ", , r ç<.iJ.Nos <i ,:1986-229/1986-243 Dated 6/19-7/8/87 Dated 7/lb/87 No. 1986-245' \'" \. :'",> 'Diîí-;fiic'iu' .'t.:!: ,-"" , . . F)" '$ ~ 1 ~I <.1.'·~ 'l'¡:~:' ~.~' 1 r.'~1II ~J ·if!] . <¥ '.. ~~J \~~~j ~l~· t.rr..r,tIC.;~l i,;~: 'q. ';, :..,.;Page,,46 1. C ¡!"t,,,,th)~.¡\ ' , It..,' t.,r: Î r) j" .T, ¡ ;'¡ I r ".. ~- ~ í .~ ;'-~ ".; BOOK 105PAcr546 '¡ 1 f", ~\ '( (V. ~).j,' oj J¡,; .. \i... ... ~..... '". ...., ',- ,~",...,.~.,.....~ .,"....."< -,-,. ->'. . ,. , '. ',.".....~.,-'...._"'..',...-,.""..,".., . -~.'''_._''"._- -...",. ... ._'....~_.....'~..."-, 105 PACt 547 %t.. U.cG2 July 21, 1987 ,\'H~ SATISPACTION OP LIENS POR SERVICES OP THE PUBLIC DE PENDER htJ5- ~ð9 See Pages Item 'UG3 DUPLICATB TAX CERTIFICATE NO. 2140 TO JOHN W. BUSH j'ie:' 'See Page "It> It.. lUG, XISCBLLANEOUS CORRESPONDBNCB PILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the fOllowing correspondence was filed . J", I ~.~ ,.y' and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1,. Memorandum dated 06/15/87 to All Local Governments and Other Interested Parties, from Bud Parmer, Director, Division of Housing & Community Development, DCA, regarding Notice of funds available to Local Governments through the Community Services Trust Fund. Referred to Neil Dorrill,' David Pettrow, Kevin O'Donnell, Martha Skinner and filed. Letter dated 05/05/87 from Robert F. Kessler, Chief, Bureau of Local Resource Planning, DCA, aCknowledging receipt of materials specified for March 31, in the contract for the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program, and ~ttaching comments on the work product. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Wanda Jones and filed. ',.,'';'' 2. "" ~:' 3. Final Order dated 06/07/87 on hearing to review DCA's scoring of Collier County's application under the 1986 Competitive Funding Cycle of the Community Development Block Grant. , . ',' ..'.'''''' progéåm.- 'Referc,ed to,Ne,il 'D'orriH, Dav.,d.d:Pe-ttrow; Wanda, ..', "',,; " ~ ;:, '; Jones and filed". . " " ':., ' "" '",." 'ii',: \. í. ,~:,; '...'1, ;. 4.; Letter dated 06/30/87 to Local Government Official from Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, DCA, requesting semi-annual report on "Small Scale Developments" amendments as provided for under Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow and filed. 5. Letter dated 07/01/87 from Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, announcing a one-day applicant workshop for Community Development Block Grant,p~~~;~~~~onomic Development - '.,'. 1;."~~ ¡f\ , 'O,b'.~ '.; .. ~ \ \ I .. ~t DCA, , "'"' ..' ,1, ; ~ ,1: . Page 47 '1f11A;:-¡I' " .. ~d~¡;¡~'é; --'-1____,_____ .. " ' . . ' _"~'''__·''''.''''';.~~~'o'''''. ..0 '_·"...._~,._."..,,,.,.x_..""-,,._""._ '-"--" .. -.'.--..--' - ....----- '-' -'~ , July 21, 1987 Category under Phase III of the FY 1986 Funding Cycle. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Wanda Jones and filed. 6. Copy of Letter received 06/30/87 to SamColding, Property Appraiser, from Devil's Garden Water Control District, advising that the Board of Supervisors of the District set a tax rate for 1987 of $1.70 per acre. Referred to Lori Zalka and filed. 7. Letter dated 06/18/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing short form application File No. 111356755, which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and filed. Letter da,te~ 06/19/8-;;' from L. Anita 'ßriJTIblet 'Environment~l '" Specia.1ist,· Stahdard' Permitting S'ec'tiorf, DER; enclosing' êt&nJ' f dard form File No; 111358749, Stiles-Sowers Construction, which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt, Dave Pettrow, George Archibald and filed. ~ _. ~'.~ Letter dated 07/07/87 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor, DER, forwarding short form application, File No. 111363165 for dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, George Archibald and filed. 8.., -.. 9. 10. Complaint dated 07/06/87 from Federal Communications Commission re Cablevision Industries of Middle Florida, Inc., Cablevision Industries Limited Partnership and Cablevision Industries of Central Florida, Inc. vs. Florida Power Corporation. Complainants requesting that the FCC determine maximum Pole Attachment Rates Respondent may charge. Filed. 11. Memorandum received 06/30/87 from Review Committee, Florida Legislature, Joint Committee on Information Technology Resources, regarding Planning Funds for Integrated Systems (appropriation of $100,000 for preparing comprehensive plans for implementing circuit-wide automated criminal justice information systems). Referred to Neil Dorrill, James Giles and filed. 12. Resolution received 06/17/87 from Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue District, supporting the Golden Gate Civic Association's recommendation to the BCC for the appointment of a "Citizens Advisory Committee" to work with private planner to complete the comprehensive land use plan for Golden Gate Estates. Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. BOO~ 105 PA(.[ 548 Page4¡8 " M: ~ ;! \ í t lj ;,~ ¡ " ; ~ :,,;~ 'i;'n.., ':~'~ , f~,:t.-;, ,: , \..1} )~ ;1' . ' " I"" ) ~ \ ' . 'I ;. ... ",1. July 21, 1987 N. 13. Notice dated 07/01/87 from Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services for eligibility and application to receive 45% of monies deposited into Trust Fund from motor vehicle infractions, to be used for pre-hospital EMS. Referred to Neil Dorril1, Kevin O'Donnell, Doug Greenfield and filed. 14. Notice dated 07/08/87 from Dept. HRS, re change of Contract Manager regarding Contract No. HE-514, HRS/Child Support Enforcement. Referred to John Yonkosky, Sheriff Aubrey Rogers and filed. 15. Memorandum dated 06/12/87 to All Interested Parties from B. J. White, Assistant Chief, Bureau of Park Planning & Design Division of Recreation & Parks, DNR, regarding meeting of the Land Acquisition Selection Committee. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. 16. Letter dated 06/10/87 from Elton J. Gissendanner, Executive Director, DNR, enclosing Resolution approved by the Governor and Cabinet, guaranteeing public access to Florida's beaches. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and. filed. ' 17. Letter dated 06/30/87 from Robert Dean, Dir., Division of Beaches & Shores, DNR, granting one-year time extension of Permit File #00-132, Permittee: Gulf Coastal Front Joint Venture. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow and filed. Copy of Memorandum dated 07/01/87 from Cecil M. Walker, Jr., DNR, subject: Public Workshop regarding Faka Union Canal ~ Zones, Collier County for additional protection for manatees. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 'Final Order of~ismissal received 06/26/87 ,from'Land & Watèr Adjudica~órÿ CÐml1li~s~,on"dated Jl!f:iè 161 }987t. .FLWAC Case .No" 87-3, Southwest Florlda Regional Plannlng Council vs. The ' Immokalee Road Partnership (The Woodlands), Development Order No. 86.1. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, George Archibald and filed. IS"", ~ .~ 19.. .. ,- o 20. Letter dated 06/16/87 from Library Advisory Board informing the Chairman of the BCC that the Library Advisory Board eva- luated the Preliminary Budget Request of the Library Department, and recommend the budget, as modified, be approved. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Lori Zalka and filed. , L. ¡j:'¡ ;~~~~_.:.i ¡,i;,~_',: ~)\f__!F. - .. - .-..- _. _.__.~..- -...........-.'-"........."'...-." '*"""""-,"'~'''''-''''''~''-''''''''''''--'~--'''''"''~'''' -,---_-..'-,~~.,'"'._~....,~-"--......,_..--...."-'''-'''"'''''''"''','*-,,,'~. ~:: " '"', 'I";; ú rt'i·~ ' , ~ 'I ~ . '~. ~ \.~: ~ ~~.;~~ ~~ ';'-'~¡~":t <.; :t;:-' .- ::¡,<'.. , . . ".,,,,,.~,,_...._,...,,..~.,,_.~,,...,,_. July 21, 1987 Minutes: i! 05/28/87 - COllier{ ~\q.~r Co',;servotlon 010trlct 06/17/87 - CCPC - C' i~ns Advisory Committee 06/09/87 - G.G. Pk~:'~eautification & Agenda for 07/14/87 06/18/87 - Collier County Planning Commission 06/22/87 - CCPC Workshop with Growth Management's CAC & Agenda for 07/02/87 CCPC meeting 06/24/87 - Marco island Beautification Board 06/25/87 - Collier ,Soil & Water Conservation District 07/01/87 - Collier County Planning Commission - CAC OS/21/87 - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board & 07/16/87 Agenda 07/02/87 - Collier County Planning Commission & 07/16/87 ,A~e~da , ,;' . ~ " '. ,,' " :', '.:: " ,'" .' '.' . ~. J. .. .", ., .-- Notification dated 07/10/87 'from Municipal Bo'hd Investor,s Assurance Corp" that company (which issued an insurance policy on the County's municipal issues) has been restru~tured and now has a new name: Municipal Bond Investors Assurance Corporation (MBIA Corp.). Also requested receipt of 1986~ financial audits and other relevant municipal informatiori~ Referred to Neil Dorrill, James C. Giles, John Yonkosky, Kenneth Cuyler and filed, Order dated 06/16/87 from the Public Service Commission, ,\ grant Certificates, Docket No. 87033l-WS, Order No. 17705 regarding Application of Vineyards Utility, Inc. for origI- nal Certificate Authorizing Water & Sewer Service in Collier County. Referred to Bruce Anderson, Tom Crandall and filed. 24. Order dated 06/29/87 from the Public Service Commission, : aCknowledging Indexing Rate Adjustment, Docket No. 870563-WS, Order No. 17772 regarding Marco Shores Utilities. Referred to Bruce Anderson, Torn Crandall and filed. 25. Copy of letter dated 07/10/87 to Sam Colding, Property Appraiser, from William F. Zuna, Director, Division of Ad Valorem Tax, Department of Revenue, enclosing tentative budget with tentative amendments and changes made by Dept. of Revenue. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Lori Zalka and filed. 26. Order received 06/25/87, from Second District Court of Appeal, on Prosecution of Criminal Appeals by the Tenth Circuit Public Defender and by other Public Defenders. Referred to Jim Giles, Ken Cuyler and filed. 27. Memorandum received 06/26/87 from Senator Bob Johnson, The Florida Senate, with copy of correspordence from Robert Dean, aOOK 105 pm 550 Page ,50· f; !. ' .' . '1,.) ~. '~Q ....,"'"",.....-.....,,-,....-..,..................... .".. ''''''''~~^''~'"'"''-'''''''''''''''"'''~' 105f'Ar.r 551 . , , , , , f , ~;I;';#' ,'(~ t. t " ¡ ;, ....,.. " ' " "'~"9 ) ,,' "';", ~!l~ ':,'~¡ . " .'~!' July 21, 1987 " , ! i': ~ ' ,I Director of Beaches and Shores, agreeing to carry out a feasibility study of leasing beach renourishment dredge equipment on a year-round basis, Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 28. Letter dated 07/10/87 from Attorney William H. Shields, regarding franchises in order to supply natural gas service to Southwest Florida and enclosing ordinance. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 29. Letter dated 06/19/87 from Beth Ann Ryan, Regulatory Administrator, Resource Control Department, SFWMD, enclosing Permit for construction and operation of a water management system servin~ 27,8 acres of recreational lands discharging via existing ditches to Halderman Creek into Naples Bay. Referred to Neil Dorr!ll, Kevin O'Donnell, George Archibald and filed. 30~ Copy of Budget Amendment #2 dated 06/18/87, from Guy L. Carlton, Collier County Tax Collector, as submitted to Dept. of Revenue, Tallahassee, Florida for year ending 09/30/87. Referred to Lori Zalka and filed, 31. Received 07/01/87 Joint project Agreement from Florida DOT, for execution between State of Florida, Dept. of Transportation and Collier County for SR-846, W.P.I. #4122059. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. Letter dated OS/28/87 from William K. Fowler, P. E., Deputy Assistant Secretary, Florida DOT, enclosing Tentative Five Year Transportation Plan July 1, 1987 through June 30, 1992, and advising of public hearing in Tallahassee on June 12, 1987. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. 0# ......, .. .... Letter 'd~ted 07/02/87 from John C. Goodknight, Assistant, S7crétary, ',FJ:or:tde I?C?Tl '!=-rðnsferJ;íT19:fr-!?m, Di'sttict #4 to-, Dlstrict'#l, and advlS ng that Mr. Wlll1am Trefz, Deputy; Assistant Secretary for District #1 will assume overall responsibility for DOT activities and programs in Collier County. Referred to BCC, George Archibald and filed. Letter dated 06/22/87, from Douglas M. Midgley, Public Defender, Twentieth Judicial Circuit, regarding Update on the Twentieth Judicial Circuit Criminal Justice Information System Management Council Activity. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Jim Giles and filed. Notice of Appellate Action'd~t~~/06/87 from Twentieth Judicial CirCUit'A,~peali~,ßœ,-AP-Ol; N. H. Denizman " 32. ,-/I" 33. ' .... , " 34. 35. - ; Page 51 ":, - ,-,---~-,-- - .,......,,~'~"."""."'-""-""',..._-_.-"'...,,- ..---\"""'.-.........""""""""...,."'.. ._~"*"..,-",..-, -= '...-; " ~40. Letter dated 06/22/87 from U. s. Dept. of Transportation, '~'~Urban Mass Transportation Administration, ~eminding that ~~: UMTA'5 new charter service regulations have been in effect ~.~ - since 5/13/87 and that the public notification process must ····",b~..completed by 08/11/87 for recipients that have been providing charter service with UMTA-assisted facilities and equipment. Referred to Jeff Perry and~iled. , .:~< ;'.. ..~ ~:\ ,<A. ':\ '''\ I" " :~~., " ", .38. 39'. .,.... . . ..,....-' ~f{, ,A"v, ~·...t:' :'tJ;.,; :,~;i ~.'~.: I~ "I .~ "~,.^' ',).<;, ,~, ..t-(r, TI1. '. ~~,~ i' '...'.,, . f'~ ,¡.'. ~j /¡r, ( " ;. ~.~ ' ~ ¡ .. '. ; -~ ! ~ ':'~">$,: 'f:' ,~~{~ "~.:;:;\.{1:, .; , ¡'G,~¡~ July 2l, 1987 36. VB. Zoning Board of Appeals, Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kenneth Cuyler, David Pettrow and filed. Motion for Rehearing received 07/13/87 from Twentieth Judicial Circuit, regarding: Order on Prosecution of Criminal Appeals, by the Tenth Circuit Public Defender and by other Public Defenders. Referred to Jim Giles, Ken Cuyler and filed. Letter dated 06/03/87 from Jim Chaplin, Manager, 4.65, U. S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development, advising that they were unable to fund application for Housing Voucher Assistance, which was submitted on behalf of Washington County (notified to send corrected copy). Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, David pettrow, Wanda Jones and filed. Letter dated 96/17/87, from Jim Chaplin, Manager, 4.6S, U. S. Dept'. of ~HQusin9 & Urban DeveloprÎ\e'lt,. apv~s.i;.ng that 'they~,w~r~: ~, unable to fund the 'application for 'Hou~in9 Voucher,"', ,,' ': Assistance. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Wanda Jones and filed. 37. '.' Circulation Letter No. 87-46 dated 07i02/87 from the u. $.0.. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development, announcing a com- ,~" ," petition and availability of funds ($1,565,000) for HUD Administered Rental Rehabilitation Program for Small Cities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Wanda Jones, David Pettrow and filed. " ¡.." , , .~ ~ ~ ¡ ,<¡ :-;; T J,; ! l~~r\/r:; l i f ::l i ·l)f~. '. f.\ ¡ r ~,¡, :. . ' ! ; : ,~ ::;.r' 1.11' ;~þ ~'f~\I·~·\"'~.\ Page 52 aOOK 105 PAGE 552 H_'''''''"_'_'~____''''-._"''''''''.~'''''''_'''~_''''__''''__"__~,,,",._.,_"....."'''',....''''''_11'-.'''11 ~f _""'_"",,'''''''''., .... _b4 ~' . by the Board on~~/,Pp~ or as corrected ' . r \, ·;~,t ~';:"",í ¡".J p';r'!1'~' 1" . , 105 PAGe 553' ; ( ,. I, :: '.,"," ~ \. )'.... "J July 21, 1987 ... There being no further business for the Good of thG County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time, 11:45 a. m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~~þJ.. '.'! ',"':_d.~_ : i:~. "\.. ~\~\ " ... ~ },. Oi#'~ \ 1J,·~H};~ ~_!.~ '. ... '.f . " .j.. ,I. ~. .,. . ., Þ ¡¡0t' , ., . -;'" ,: j ,~ ,.,.t: .. . -. ~ I. J ¡, " .) .') J \ ~_., 1 J!' \:.:C· ',I '~ ~: ! !jC¡ . 'H '.' .\->n ¡ft,i ,.. 1 " ! ¡ J ;:~r ~..';'J ·r 1 ~ f,' Ç.' \ ) j' ': i.ì í 'I.l f ~:, t t'HJ<.¡ : ~-";.'-:~ ;}.). ;~·I:.' I.r,;. ~ ,.,' 'J!'.', . "'~ j ¡' ~. í:J ¡ ~. ",ll ¡ .' "':'l!!,IÇ.¡.êP. ,Page 53: "" ..,,,,;" " J:, : r . - --. -..- .---. .. _4··~"~O'.··,.,~_,.;.,."O' ...~---