BCC Minutes 08/21/1987 B
Naples, Florida, August 21/.1987
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and tor the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in
Building "F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the
followirt9 members present:
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CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr.
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass
John A. Pistor
Burt L. Saunders
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Kueter and Maureen Kenyon (12:15 P.M.),
Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager Lori Zalka, Budget
Director Stan Litsinger and Jennifer Pike, Budget Analysts.
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Budget Analyst Pike stated that this budget appears in the updated
budget book on Pagp. B-l8. She stated the budget reflects a 14.5'
increase due to the establishment of the Green Tree Sate1ite Office.
She stated the forecast section shows the cost to establish this
office equipment and $800 for miscellaneous expenses. She noted that
on page B-19, there is a breakdown of 8 months operating expense for
the new office. She said there are four new positions, rent, main-
tenance and utilities.
In response to Chairman Hasse, Tax Collector Carlton stated that
the $34,600 is for interior construction. Responding to Commissioner
Saunders, Ms. Zalka stated that Mr. Carlton's budget request and
Staff's recommendations are the same but the format is different.
Ms. Pike advised there is one expanded budget request for a new
position in the EDP Department.
It vas the general consen.us that the Tax COllector's Budget
remain as submitted.
Budget Analyst Pike stated that the Supervisor of Election's
budget appears in the regular budget book on Page B-19. She stated
there is a 23.3% increase because of expanded election requirements
which are broken down on page B-20. She said these expanded requests
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arel $27,200 for the Presidential Preference Primary; $103,400 for
operational cost for one election day; $67,000 for a signature digiti-
zation system; $ll,900 for a sample ballot mailing and $7,500 for the
reclassification of one position.
Ms. Pike stated the Staff recommends that the sample ballot be
published in the newspaper only once for a savings of $4,000.
In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Supervisor of Elections Morgan
stated the legal requirement for publishing the sample ballot is once.
She stated that her office has fielded a number of requests to do a
general mailing of sample ballots. She stated that as an alternative
to this second mailing, she suggested publishing the ballot twice.
She also stated that there is no legal requirement to mail the sample
Commissioner Saunders stated that he is inclined to publish only
once, as required, and save the $4,000.
Chairman Hasse stated his concern about the published ballot
print being too small and people having trouble reading them. Mrs.
Morgan said that the print can be bigger but it will cost more.
She estimated that the cost could go up as much as 50% to 60%
depending upon the length of the ballot. She gave an example of
the Sept~mber Primary Ballot for 1988 which will have a potential
for 180 ballot styles and could conceivably take two or three full
pages in the newspaper.
Responding to Commissioner Goodnight, Mrs. Morgan stated that they
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presently mail only to areas where there is a concentration of
language minorities. Answering Chairman Hasse, Mrs. Morgan stated
that it is a federal requirement that ballots be mailed to language
minorities or where there is not a large circulation of the newspaper.
In response to Commissioner Pistor, Mrs. Morgan stated that she
cannot print the ballot in English only because of Federal Law. She
stated that Collier County has been complying with this law since
November l, 1972. She also noted that if the English Only Proposition
is voted in, it will not change the printing requirements of the
ballots. She stated that unless the Voting Rights Act is amended on
the federal level, ballots will continue to be printed in two
It was the general con.ensus that the ~allots be published only
once, a county-wide mailing should not be done, and the published
ballot should be printed in larger type.
Answering Commissloner Pistor, Mrs. Morgan stated that the special
ballot in October for the Sales Tax Issue is not in the budget,
however, the Board stated they would amend the budget to take care of
this item. She said she has given Assistant to the County Manager
Olliff a breakdown of the cost of $120,000 with approximately $30,000
in the 1986/87 budget and $90,000 into the 1987/88 budget.
Mrs. Morgan stated the changes occurring in data base and current
technology allows election officials to capture the signature of the
voters on a magnetic medium. She said that when the budget was pre-
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AUGUST 21, 1987.
pared, she did not have the data available on the savings for her
office. She advised that signatures must be compared: every time
someone requests a duplicate card; every time they request an absentee
ballot; when the absentee ballots are returned; and every time there is
a petition to attain ballot position (already 3,300 signatures have
been compared for the English Only petition and there are 3,500 more
in her office). She noted that offices using this system report they
can handle two to three times the number of petitions per hour as they
can manually. She also noted that initiative petitions must be in her
office by noon on Mo~day ~nd certifications must be to the State the
next day at noon.
Mrs. Morgan noted that petitions are expected from the medical
community, an initiative petition from Save the Fish Environme~tal
Group, petitions from Marco Island, English Only petition, and people
who qualify for office have the right to qualify by petition. She
advised that the cost of the equipment would not be recovered within
one or two years, but it would be recovered in probably five to six
years. She noted it will save man hours and additional personnel.
Mrs. Morgan explained the cumbersome manual system being used at
the present time. She stated that one of the firms she has spoken
with have promised that the system would be operational by June 30,
1988 which would allow enough time for next years election.
In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mrs. Morgan stated the on-going costs
for this system is the annual maintenance fees on the equipment. She
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stated she plans to have a system that will run on the existing data
processing equipment. She stated there will be some additional hard-
ware acquired which probably won't be more than $6,000 or $7,000 per
Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mrs. Morgan stated that a video
camera is included in the cost and in the initial capture of data,
multiple equipment will be provided so more than one person can do the
In response to Commissioner Glass, Mrs. Morgan explained that the
equipment will not mðke the signature comparison, but rather provide
access to the signðture through the computer terminal. She said the
comparison will still be made by Staff.
Ms. Zalka stated that the BUdget Office is merely proposing that
it might be better to wait a year for this equipment rather than
trying to bring it on line during a busy election year. She stated
that the cost may also go down by waiting a year.
Commissioner Pistor stated that originally Mrs. Morgan thought
there was a possibility that it could not be put on line this year,
however, since that time she has learned that the company will supply
the manpower for the initial capture of data and it is more feasible.
It vas the general conseneus that the supervisor of Blections
Budget be increased by $90,000 tor the special election, $2,000 tor
the larqer print of the one-time published ballot; $67,000 for the
signature digitization system, and no county-wide mailing ot sample
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should )). done.
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RECONVENED AT 10100 A.M. ***
- Budget Analyst Litsinger stated debt
service is prior obligations with an overall increase of approximately
3.5'. He noted there are no significant decision issues and a summary
appears on Page D-9.
capital - Mr. Litsinger stated that budget is reflective of the
items in the current Capital Improvement Element prepared by the
Growth Management Group and is also fundable with current revenues
with no anticipated revenues under consideration.
J'Und 301 - J'acilitie. Manaqement - Page D-9 - Mr. Litsinger
stated the primary revenue sources are County-wide ad valorem taxes,
state grants, and carry forward. He said it includes facilities impro-
vements associated with the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth
Management Plan and certain other capital projects. He said next year
Fund 301 will include the transfer of previous Funds 305, 315 and 316
for consolidation purposes and easier accounting.
Mr. Litsinger stated the increase in Facilities Management is
21.8' increase over the previous year. He stated these costs are bro-
ken down into categories of: Carry Forward CIE Projects, New CIE
Projects, Carry Forward Projects not related to the CIE Projects, New
Non-CIE Projects. He then listed each project contained in the above
categories giving the FY 1988 cost, the year of completion, and the
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total cost at completion. He noted a 5 year chart of these expenses
appears on Page D-26.
Mr. Litsinger stated that the "New Non-CIE Projects will be taken
one at a time:
Office Automation 8ysteml Mr. Litsinger stated that the office
automation system is for the County Manager and Division Offices
computer hardware and software. He noted there is a slight change to
this item for a two year commitment which changes the figure from
$140,000 on a three year commitment to $210,000 per year for a two
year commitment. He stated this equipment is on a lease/purchase
basis and at the end of the two year lease period the equipment will
be purchased for $1.00.
Commissioner Pistor stated that he is not convinced that this
equipment is needed. Mr. Litsinger stated that this is a step toward
centralizing the data processing equipment so the clerical staff is
not working with a dozen different systems.
County Manager Dorrill stated that this project has been underway
for some time and is the digital system to centralize with the Clerk's
Office. He stated that this will enable the Board employees to access
the budget information from the Clerk's data base, property record
information, property management, etc., all of which are on the
Clerk's system. Answering Chairman Hasse, Mr. Dorrill stated that
this system will be part of a micro-vax system which is digital hard-
ware and it will have the ability to relate and correspond with Mr.
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Giles' Vax System thDt is on the 5th floor, as well as tieing the
Commission, the Manager's Office and the Attorney's Office and the
Division Administrator's Offices onto a central document preparation
system. He stated that this system has been proposed because the
Clerk's system has the information which needs to be accessed.
Mr. Litsinger stated this system is very similar to the system
which was brought on line in the Administrative Services Division this
year. He stated the system has been very successful and the current
budget book was prepared on that system and is a great time save~.
In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Ms. Zalka stated that all of
these projects are funded under the current service level which is the
recommended budget and relates to no tax increase.
Driver's License Office I Chairman Hasse questioned the $440,000
expense for the Tax Collector's Office for a Driver's License Bureau.
Ms. Zalka stated that this is money proposed to be spent by the
County, at the request of the Tax Collector, for the State. Mr.
Dorrill stated that a decision needs to be made on this item. He
reminded the Board that they previously took action authorizing land
appraisals for site related selections in the north County area. He
stated his concern that the items under the County Manager jurisdic-
tion have received his scrutiny, however, items related to other
Constitutional Officers were passed through directly. He stated the
Board needs to decide if they are going to build a State Office
Building, because that is what this money is for. He said his opinion
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is that the County should not be building and financing an office
building for the State. He added that this building would house the
Driver's License Bur~au. Mr. Dorrill also stated that it is his
understanding that the Driver's License Bureau does not presently have
the allocation to staff or operate this facility.
Commissioner Glass stated their proposal is that the County build
the building, they pay rent which goes toward the purchase of the
building and after a time they own the building. He stated it brings
no income or real benefit to the County. He said that the Tax
Collector's operaticn brings the County income and if the County is
going to build a satellite building in North Naples, the Tax Collector
and other departments would be very appropriate there. He said a
driving facility, although very convenient for the people in North
Naples and lower Bonita, brings no real benefit to the County.
Mr. Dorrill stated that completing the appraisal process and then
designing the facility will take the balance of next year and there is
no way that the $440,000 could be spent on construction next year.
Commissioner Glass explained to Chairman Hasse that the building
being requested is separate from the Collier County Government
Building being considered in Pelican Bay.
Mr. Dorrill advised that the Tax Collector's lease at Green Tree
Shopping Center is for a period of 5 years and he has stated that he
could move his tag office to another location after the five-year
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AUGUST 21, 1987
Tax Collector Carlton stated that the realization to the county
the State Building would be better service. He stated there are
only two driver's license operations in the County at the present
time: 1) on Radio Road, and 2) in Immokalee on a 1 or 2 day a week
basis. He stated that he is aware that the Division of Motor Vehicles
is looking for anoth~r office in Northern Collier County or Southern
Lee County because of the increase in population. He advised he was
asked if he would like to move in with them and make it a "one-stop"
operation for tags and driver's licenses. He stated it would be a
nice service to provide and cost effective. He confirmed that his
office has a 5 year lease at Green Tree, however, the new building
would be made large ~nough in the beginning to hold both offices.
In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Carlton stated DMV is waiting for
the Board of County Commissioners to make suggestions and offers. He
said they are trying to get money from Tallahassee to fund this pro-
ject. Chairman Hasse stated that the entire process is only in the
discussion stages and the $440,000 should not be in the budget yet.
Commissioner Glass explained that the State wants to own the
building and it means that the Tax Collector would be paying rent back
to the state. Mr. Carlton stated his understanding is that the State
wants to buy their portion of that facility and pay $1 per year lease'
on the property.
Commissioner Pistor asked if the County builds a satellite building
in Pelican Bay for County operations, would the Tax Collector want to
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be in both buildings? He noted that the site in Pelican Bay will not
accommodate the driver's license bureau because of the on-road
testing. Mr. Carlton stated that the County building would be a full-
service operation for everything including property taxes, occupa-
tional licenses, hunting and fishing and boats. He said they could do
the DMV portion in the State's Building. He noted that th~ DMV com-
puter system does not belong to the Tax Collector, but is fUI~nished by
the State.
Mr. Dorrill stated that at the present time neither r~oject
exists. He advised to place the $440,000 into rp.~~Lves in order to
pursue a satellite in Pelican Bay at Borne future time.
It vas the general consensus that the $440,000 expense Þe retitled
the "North county Satellite J'acility".
Preight Blevatorl Mr. Litsinger stated that the freight elevator
for Building ifF" is also a new project for FY 1988. Commissioner
Glass stated that this project was initiated in March and the designs
have not been started. Mr. Dorrill indicated that the contract is in
the Attorney's Office.
County J'inancial System 80ttwares Mr. Litsinger stated that there
is a new project for replacement of the County software system
residing on the Clerk's computers which serves the entire County.
Finance Director Yonkosky stated that the $400,000 shown in the
budget is an estimate of what it will take to replace the financial
system software. He stated the software is modules which deal with
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payroll and personnel that will interface with County departments of
budgeting and purchasing into the financial system. He said that at
the present time it is very difficult and cumbersome to obtain access.
He advised the current system has been in place for 5 years and during
that time the system has become highly outdated.
Mr. Yonkosky stated that the estimate does not contain any costs
for hardware and they are considering leasing hardware to avoid large
costs each year for hardware. He also advised that when the software
is obtained the complete code will be included so modifications can be
handled by internal Dðta Processing Staff. Answering Chairman Hasse,
Mr. Yonkosky stated that this system will allow all County departments
to interface the information.
In response to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Yonkosky stated that the
recently installed E-Net equipment will make all the County PC's com-
patible to the main system. He advised that the intention is to trade
in the 1144 machine, however, since the equipment is outdated, the
value drops every day.
County Manager Dorrill stated that the present Staff in the
Clerk's office is more receptive to working with the Manager's Staff
and several years ago when the Local Government Financial System was
purchased, it was done without consulting the management users. He
noted that the LGFS software is actually an accounting package and is
useless to the average County department and budget office. He
requested that the management users continue to work with the
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accounting users to supply input of what might be purchased for
$400,000. He stated that the machine is under the control of the
Clerk's Office, but without input from the management users, it may
not be what is needed. He also noted that none of the Clerk's present
Staff was here when those decisions were made on the LGFS.
Mr. Yonkosky stated that a user community has been developed con-
sisting of people from purchasing, budgeting, personnel, and
accounting. He said that committee will make the decision on what
will be recommended to the Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Glass summarized by stating that E-Net capability has
linked everyone together for the community needed, gives an enhanced
capability, and responsive real time rather than delay time done with
mechanical shifting. He stated his feelings that the system will be
highly profitable.
It was the general consensus that this project be funded iD the F!
.1988 budget.
Covered Walkvaysl Mr. Litsinger stated there is $50,000 budgeted
as a new project to extend the walkways for Building "C". Mr. Dorrill
stated that the walkway covers are all pre-stressed concrete, poured
in place panels with columns and Building "C" is the only building on
the campus that does not have a covered walkway. He also noted that a
structural engineer must prepare the plans because of the way the
existing structure is put together.
ill Power System (Carry-forward P~oj.ct)1 Deputy Chief Hunter
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that this item is to provide an uninterrupted power source
to the 911 System. He stated that there is a possibility that
under current legislation, this particular system could be provided
for from subscriber fees. Ms. Za1ka stated that this $90,000 could
then be deleted.
It va. the qeneral con.en.us that the $90,000 be used to cover
office automation.
Qu~ Ranqel
Mr. Litsinger stated the approximate cost of relo-
cating the gun range is $430,000. Deputy Chief Hunter stated there is
a problem with the site next to the landfill. He said the cell is
going to be utilized and they are currently receiving drainage and
runoff from the existing cells. He stated there are two sites that
look fairly attractive, one to the northeast and one to the southeast.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Deputy Chief Hunter stated they are
exploring some possible revenue generation from the gun range, since
the State has amended the Statute.
. ¡'Aircraft Hanqerl Deputy Chief Hunter stated the aircraft hanger
is to provide inside storage for the aircraft. He stated that the
life of the aircraft could be extended if it were not exposed to the
elements. He said that in order to provide maintenance and repair on
the aircraft, it cannot be done on the tarmac, but must be done inside
a facility. Responding to Chairman Hasse, Deputy Chief Hunter stated
that they currently borrow space from various facilities, like Royal,
however the Sheriff's Department hired their mechanic and they will
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not allow the use of their hanger anymore.
Deputy Chief Hunter stated that they do not have official word
from the Airport Authority as to whether they will allow construction
of an additional facility. He said that until that is determined,
this item could be postponed.
Commissioner Glass asked if Deputy Chief Hunter would like the
money placed in reserve for future determination? He answered "Yes",
but noted that this is not their highest priority. He also stated
that this expense will probably not be necessary in FY 1988.
xt vas the general consensus that the $150,000 for the aircraft
hanger'be placed in reserves.
outdoor BVidonce Impoundl Deputy Chief Hunter stated that they
presently have a compound to the east of Building "J". He stated that
as vehicles and property are seized under the forfeiture statutes, the
Sheriff's Office automatically takes on the liability of maintaining
the condition of that personal property until such time as it is for-
feited. He noted there are occasions when, due to some legal dif-
ficulty, the personal property is not subject to forfeiture, and the
property must be returned to the owner. He said if the property is in
such condition that it has degenerated from when the owner had custody
of the personal property, they may sue the Sheriff and be awarded
damages to the extent of the degradation of the personal property. He
said it is their feeling that the outdoor evidence impound would pro-
vide some insulation from that liability.
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In answer to Chairman Hasse, Deputy Chief Hunter stated they ¡,have
"~"the fence and they just need to put a roof over it to house some of
the more valuable personal property. He noted it would also be used
to store things like bicycles and ATC's for future sale.
Jail Shower Renovationl Deputy Chief Hunter stated this item per-
tains to drainage in the shower area. He stated that during design
and construction of the building, the shower was constructed in such a
fashion so the shower does not drain properly and water actually runs
over the shower area and into the main day room area. He stated they
have contacted variou9 ~onstruction firms and they quoted the $61,000
as a minimal figure to build a concrete lip and coax the drain to take
the additional water. He noted that most of the inmates stand in
water while showering which creates a liability eituation. He said
this is their highest priority.
In response to Commissioner Pistor, Deputy Chief Hunter stated
that the drains are not able to keep up with the demand and the water
runs over the small lip that was built originally. He said the
contractors are suggesting another concrete lip plus a step up so they
will have a tub for the water to drain through.
Robert Burhans, Assistant to Deputy Chief Hunter, stated that this
particular case involves the removal of a pan in each shower space
because they are too small. He stated it also requires taking up old
tile and re-tiling. He noted there is also a water mixer problem that
will be corrected at the same time.
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Roof for Marco SUb-Station: Deputy Chief Hunter stated that they
are currently experiencing some major leaks in the sub-station roof,
and have been over the last 10 months. He noted that it is a relati-
vely major expense at $15,000.
Commissioner Glass stated that the North Naples and Golden Gate
Sub-Stations are currently sub-standard. He asked if Deputy Chief
Hunter would like to utilize some of the funds from the aircraft
hanger for improvements in these two sub-stations?
Deputy Chief Hunter stated that it is his understanding that there
will be a County annex in Pelican Bay soon. He said hopefully the
North Naples sub-station will be taken care of with that building. He
stated that the Property Management Department has located two or
three parcels of property along the Pine Ridge Extension in Golden
Gate that were deeded to the County and he said they are willing to be
pðtient and see what the County might be willing to do on that.
In response to Chairman Hasse, Deputy Chief Hunter explained that
the Sheriff's office is not really compatible to be housed with the
Fire Department and EMS because they have overnight facilities and the
Sheriff has people coming and going on three shifts/24 hours.
Commissioner Glass asked again if he would like the current sub-
station fixed up a little bit? Deputy Chief Hunter stated that the
Golden Gate sub-station is a rather stark building and it would assist
them if they had carpeting, etc.
It vas the general consensus that Deputy Chief Hunter return
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the wr~p-up .e..ion vith an approximate co.t of improvement. to
two sub-.tation..
*** RECESS AT 11115 A.M.
RECONVENED AT 11z30 A.M. ***
1911 capital Improvement Trust Vund - Page D-11 - Mr. Litsinger
stated this fund is for the construction of a boardwalk for Clam Pass
and con.truction and repair of nine mile. of bike paths. He advised
that at the end of FY 1987 this fund will be transferred to Fund 306,
Parks & Recreation.
Wiggin. Pass Dredging - Page D-12 - Mr. Litsinger stated this fund
was established to dredge Wiggins Pass and at the end of FY 1987 the
remaining funds are being transferr6d to Fund 306, Parks & Recreation.
Commissioner Glass stated that the Commission previously directed
that Staff have some dredging of Wiggins Pass done and they have not
seen anything on this yet. He asked if giving this money to Parks &
Recreation will effect that direction. Mr. Litsinger stated that
activity is in the forecast expenses for the current fiscal year.
County Manager Dorrill stated it is his understanding that Wiggins
Pass Dredging is in the operating expenses. Ms. Zalka advised that
only the monitoring expenses are in the operating account. Mr.
Dorrill stated they are proposing to do the balance of that work with
the boating improvement funds and a potential special assessment
district. He stated Staff is in the process of preparing a prelimi-
nary assessment roll to provide funding in conjunction with the
boating funds.
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AUGUST 21, 1987
Commissioner Pistor rcquested information on the City's request
for funds for dredging of all passes. City Councilman Richardson
advised there are three special taxing districts for dredging which
will be on the City ballot in February. He said one is the Moorings
Bay area and some of that is County property and this is the only
district that is affected. He said the City hopes the County will ask
their voters of that district to participate.
Mr. Dorrill stated that while the Board was on vacation, he sent a
letter to the City stating that if the voters within the City limits
in Moorings and Park Shore voted to create a navigational improvement
district that the Commission would probably consider an interlocal
agreement to include Park Shore Unit #5 as part of that district. He
stated that the people within that area will receive the navigational
and water quality benefits from any dredging work done on that bay.
He noted that the County is not obligated to place this issue on the
ballot an~ can create a taxing district through the adoption of an
Ordinance. He noted that the City will take a straw poll of those
people who are not in the City election and the County's decision
would be based on the outcome of the election.
Commissioner Pistor stated that if the City is putting the tax
into effect in FY 88, the County will need to know sometime this fall.
He requested Councilman Richardson to find out when the City is anti-
cipating that this tax will be collected.
Commissioner Glass asked if this money is going to be saved for
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AUGUST 21,: 1987
, . 'cSredging of Wiggins Pass or if Parks & Recreation will be able to use
it for some other activity? Ms. Zalka stated that it is in the budget
for Parks & Recreation and could be used toward any of their projects.
Commissioner Glass stated that he feels the money should remain in the
present fund for dredging.
It vas the general oonsensus that pund 304 remain as is and the
transfer to Parks' Reoreation be reduoed by $20,700.
Justioe Center capital Improvement prograM - Page D-13 - Mr.
Litsinger advised that this fund was established to account for expen-
ditures of proceeds from the issuance of the Capital Improvement
Revenue Bonds. He stated the remaining proceeds will be used toward
the design and construction of the County's new Judicial Center and
are being transferred to Facilities Management Fund 301 at the end of
FY 1987.
Parks' Recreation capital proieots - Page D-l4 - Mr. Litsinger
stateå this fund contains an increase of 149% over the previous year.
He noted the Carry Forward CIE Project for the East Naples Park in the
amount of $835,400. He stated there is a change in the Carry Forward
Non-CIE Projects and the Clam Pass Park/Kitchen will be just the Clam
Pass Park Facilities and reduced from $300,700.00 to $225,700.00 and
the balance of that money is proposed to be used for the expansion of
the restrooms at Tigertail and a mobile concession stand.
In answer to Commissioner Glass, County Manager Dorrill stated
that the County will not operate the concession, but will build the
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AUGUST 21, 1987
facility adjacent to the existing bathhouse facility and it would be
built to match the bathhouse. He noted a concessionaire will operate
out of the County-provided mobile building. He stated his feeling
that the County has an obligation to have a building that can be moved
in the event of a hurricane or flood.
Responding to Chairman Hasse, Public Services Administrator
O'Donnell stated the County has received an enhanced modification to
. the existing proposal submitted by AUO. He stated Staff is presently
in negotiations with AUO for an agreement for them to operate. He
stated they have offered to comþlete, at their expense, the kitchen
, facility and the County will be completely out of the concession busi-
ness at Clam Pass. In response to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Dorrill stated
Staff is in the process of completing the design for a water and sewer
line that will run along the boardwalk, as opposed to the original
concept to remove the dune and run the pipes down the beach. He
stated there have been some preliminary meetings with DER to resolve
the water and sewer lines.
Commissioner Saunders stated that the Commission has not made any
decision as to whether AUO will be the appropriate entity to operate
\ Clam Pass Park because of other operational problems at the hotel. He
stated that the Board asked if AUO would be willing to have a contract
which is totally terminable at the end of one year, however, they have
not received a response. He stated his concern that they are getting
too locked in with sizeable investments. Mr. O'Donnell stated the
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AUGUST 21, 1987
hotel is willing to accept verbiage that will give the County authority
to cancel the contract at will and they will expect some type of reim-
,bursement for the kitchen facility. He stated that Staff has concep-
tually agreed to this, but it is being reviewed by the County Attorney.
In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. O'Donnell stated that the
$225,000 for Clam Pass Park is the expense of the utilities. He
stated they are a fixed capital expense which are presently being
,',' ,
Mr. Litsinger stated there is also $75,000 in this fund for
Vanderbilt Beach Parking which is being carried forward from this
year. Mr. O'Donnell stated that this cost is for additional bathrooms
at the parking facility.
Mr~ Litsinger stated on Page D-l5, the New CIE Projects for Parks
& Recreation are $282,000 for Bike Paths; $96,000 for Gymnasium
~sign; and $720,000 for four Boat Ramps. He stated that the Budget
Office recommendation is to subtract $520,000 from Boat Ramps and only
fund the boat ramp at Bluebill Avenue until site decisions and
acquisitions are done. He noted the reasoning behind this recommen-
dation is that the site decisions and acquisitions will take longer
than one year.
In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. O'Donnell stated that the new
gymnasium will be located in the East Naples Community Park. He
stated this is part of the Master Plan for this park. Mr. Dorrill
noted that it is also part of the Growth Management CIE Plan.
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Discussion resulted on the scheduling conflicts for the School Board
Gymnasiums and Mr. Dorrill noted that the County is now required to
pay for the use of those gyms.
Mr. Dorrill stated that this is the first item that the Board is
seeing that is part of the work that has been done on the Growth
Management Plan that might be questioned. He stated they will have
the same problem with the recommendation for swimming pools. He
stated that he does not feel the County has the ability to acquire,
design and construct four boat ramps in one year.
Commissioner Goodnight advised that after the bond issue was
passed by the voters, a survey was conducted and public hearings were
held in each community to devise a list of priorities for each com-
munity. She noted that each of the communities has different priori-
ties, such as East N.Jples wants the gym, Golden Gate wants the olympic
size swimming pool, Immokalee wants a community size pool, Marco
compromised for an open air gym so they could have a community center
with meeting rooms, etc. She stated that the public input was
directly responsible for the Growth Management Committee's recommen-
Ms. Zalka advised that the CIE Plan includes $720,000 per year for
the boat ramps and the budget now is in conformance with that Plan.
She said the recommendation for reducing the $520,000 includes the
recommendation that it be placed in a reserve to be spent on boat
ramps in the future to remain in conformance.
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AUGUST 2l, 1987
Mr. Dorrill stated they have received requests from two com-
munities for consideration of improvements to their existing community
parks, such as a Bocchi Ball Court for North Naples and a Tot Lot and
Shuffleboard Courts for Golden Gate. He stated the County Manager's
recommended budget does not include those items because one community
should not be allowed to get ahead of another community, which would
cause animosity. He stated his advise is to take the $602,000,
reserved for Future Capital Outlay of the Parks Capital Projects, and
split it five ways and create separate community park reserves. He
said that each community could then decide how to use their reserves.
He noted that this money amounts to approximately $140,000 per year
for each park.
In answer to Ms. Zalka, Mr. Dorrill stated the Board will have to
recognize that boat ramp money would have to be reappropriated next
year when Staff is better prepared to build them.
Mr. O'Donnell advised that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
has recently recommended that a baseball field be constructed in the
North Naples Community Park in FY 1988. He stated this is included
within the five-year CIE, however, they have requested that this item be
moved up. He noted that the baseball field will cost $225,000.
Commissioner Goodnight noted that the Committee has designated
certain parks to be certain things, such as Golden Gate Park will be
the'ténnis center, North Naples Park will be the baseball/softball
c~nt~~)~East Naples Park will be the gymnasium, etc.
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It vas the general consensus that $&02,000 be split into six
$100,000 reserve funds1 one tor each community park and one qeneral
reserve tor Fund 306.
~t this time Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Kueter
(12 115 p. m. ) .
County Manager Dorrill stated that with regards to Lely Barefoot
Beach in Fund 306, money was put in there in the event the Commission
elected to purchase outright Lely Barefoot Beach and the amount of
money that is seen on Page D-15 is the proceeds from a variable rate
short term bond issue that the Board of County Commissioners would
have to consider in the event that this is what the Board would like
to do. He noted that it appears that the State is going to come
through with the $2.1 million to match the County's money and in the
event that this happens, then this budget would become null and void.
He noted that if the County does not have the bond proceeds, the park
is not bought and the $50,000 is lost. He noted that it had to be set
up in the event that the Commission ultimately decided that they
wanted to purchase it outright as a County facility.
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the Lely Barefoot Beach
budget will be left as it stands. He noted that the only other issue
is the debt service on the Le1y Barefoot Beach bonds should that come
to pass, which would be $290,000 for the first year and Borne
miscellaneous bonding expenses of $15,000 which is all contingent on
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AUGUST 21, 1987
decisions made by the State and the Board.
Budget Director Zalka stated that if a bond issue is done, a debt
service fund will be established for those expenses and they will be
removed from the Capital Fund.
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that Page D-16 is the Library
Department Capital Budget which shows a 62.6% increase. He noted that
there are two CIE projects the construction of the East Naples
Library branch for $460,000 and the purchase of a book collection for
$213,000. He noted that the revenue for the construction of the
library is tied to the potential Lely Barefoot Beach bond of $673,000
in bond proceeds.
Budget Director Zalka stated that if the bond for the Lely
Barefoot Beach is done, then the Library projects would be included in
that and funded accordingly, adding that if the Lely Barefoot Beach
bond issue is not done, then it would not be worth it to do ð bond
issue for only $673,000. She stated that then the Library department
budget would need funding and some of the future reserve needs to be
put into this account in case the Lely Barefoot Beach Bond issue is
not done.
County Manager Dorrill stated that there is $290,000 budgeted back
in Fund 306 and if the bond issue is not done, this money could be
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the $290,000 might be needed
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for the closeout of the beach.
County Manager Dorrill questioned what the source of funding would
be for the East Naples branch library in the event that the State par-
ticipates in the purchase of Lely Barefoot Beach, to which Mr.
Liteinger indicated that it would come from the Capital Revenue Reserve
Fund 196.
Budget Director Zalka stated that in other words, the reserve for
future capital outlay would have to be used.
Ratural Resources
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the Natural Resources Capital
Fund is a closeout fund which shows no activity for next year.
Transportation Department
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that Page 0-18 refers to the
Transportation Department Capital Roads Project fund which is primåri1y
funded by gas taxes. He ~tated that for the coming budget year, there
is a l3.6% decrease in revenues and expenses, adding that there are
savings in the current year due to lower operating expenses for leg~l
fees and engineering. He noted that there is an increase in operating
expenses for transfers due to the transfer of the Real Property Manage-
ment for land acquisition for the five year secondary road project,
adding that in other words, $232,000 is being transferred to Real Pro-
.perty Management. He indicated that there is a $35,000 increase in
personal services due to several promotions and reclassifications
during the current fiscal year. He indicated that there is a decrease
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AUGUST 2l, 1987
of $675,000 in operating and capital appropriations budgeted to reflect
actual expenditure experiences versus the budget. He noted that there
is $70,000 for operating expenses in expanded services for land ease-
ment acquisition to construct projects in the five year road plan. He
stated that under CIE projects the 1987-88 road construction project
list Ðnd the capital element on Page D-23 are funded as follows: Fund
313 gas taxes, $7,515,000 Impact Funds 711 and 718, $3,060,000 and
Fund 137 North Naples Roadway Assessment District, $1,463,000 for the
total.CIE road plan of $12,038,000.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Public Works Administrator
Ar,chibald stated that the Carry Forward is in excess of $1. 3 million.
Commissioner Goodnight questioned what is going to be done on the
road that is on the north side of Lake Trafford and goes into State
Road 29 this year, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated
that in Fiscal Year 1987-88 the location will be tied down as there are
two options and when that is completed, the rights-of-way will be
a,cquired. ,
.." ....
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that there is a new non CIE project
which has been added and is $lOO,OOO for median landscaping for a major
east-west arterial that is recommended by R!UDAT. He noted that this
is,. o~, Page D-19.
Commissioner Glass questioned what the major arterial is, to which
Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the study group has
indicated that funds should be set aside for Pine Ridge Road or Golden
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AUGUST 21, 1987
Gate Parkway and then it has to be decided whether they will be spent
on curbing and waterlines or for landscaping.
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that all road construction projects
that are covered here are in the Capital Improvement Element.
Courthouse Bxpansion CIP
Budg~t Analyst Litsinger stated that Page D-20 is the Courthouse
Expansion CIP Fund 315 and is being closed outinto Fund 30l as there
is no activity next year. He noted that Fund 316 falls into the same
category which is also being closed out into Fund 301 which is the old
Judicial Center Courtrooms Capital Fund.
Water Management CIP
Budget Analyst Litsinger referred to Page D-22 which is the Water
Management Capital Plan, noting that the major carry forward CIE pro-
ject is u.s. 41 outfall swales for $200,000 new CIE projects is
District 6 C-4 canal for $5l,300 land acquisition for future canal
work for $1 million Naples Park drainage for $550,000; $300,000 for
the wnter management master plan and reserves, contingencies and reve-
nue reserves for the total of this fund of $2,234,000.
Capital aevenue Fund
¡ Budget Analyst Litsinger referred to Page C-57 which is a new fund
. ,!
established this year to account for ad valorem taxes collected to sup-
port capital projects and to be disbursed to the various capital funds
that have been reviewed. He noted that under current service there is
a proposed budget of $5,433,000 which covers the necessary ad valorem
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AUGUST 21, 1987
taxes that was needed for planned projects for next year. He indi-
cated that the expanded service request is for $5,226,000 which is to
create a reserve to lighten the impact of ad valorem taxes over the
next four years of the CIE plan. He indicated that the transfers from
the capital funds includes $787,000 to Parks & Recreation $3,300,000
to Facilities Management; and $878,300 to Water Management. He stated
that it is the Budget Office recommendation and the County Manager's
recommendation that only the current year of service projects be
funded with the local option sales tax rather than the ad valorem
taxes. He noted that the Budget Office is not recommending the
funding of the expanded service reserve.
Commissioner Pistor indicated that this is taking a big gamble as
the capital improvement elements that the committee prepared is very
conservative and there are items that should be added. He stated that
he hopes that the sales tax passes, because if it does not and this
money has to be taken out, then next year there will be a 50t increase
in ad valorem taxes.
Commissioner Saunders stated that regardless of whether the sales
tax passes, the .64 mills will remain in place and the,Commission has ,(
to decide if that should be increased to some other level to provide
additional reserve for capital improvements over the years or whether
they want to take the gamble of the sales tax passing.
Budget Director Zalka stated that another thing to keep in mind is
if the sales tax passes, ad valorem taxes cannot be lowered for capital
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AUGUST 21, 1987
eo whatever is adopted this year has to be continued in the future at
least at that minimum Ip.vel.
Commissioner Saunders stated that if the capital improvements tax
levy is increased, it will encourage voters to not vote for tbe sales,
tax because they will know that there is money in the budget already,
adding however, if this budget is not increased, it may give the
voters the incentive to vote for the sales tax knowing that this will
eliminate a future increase in this budget in future years.
Budget Analyst Litsinger stated that the total budget including the
reserve is a 1.2375 millage rate, which means that if the sales tax
passes, this would not be reduced next year any lower than 1.2375
Budget Director ~alka stated that if the Commission wants to put
aside $700,000 for the libraries in case the bond issue is not done,
this would increase the mills to .72 instead of the .64 mills.
County Manager Dorrill stated that he has indicated all along that
there would be opportunities to cut this year's tentative tax increase
as proposed in the tentative budget. He noted that there is risk
inherent in doing this. He noted that the special reserve is $4.8
million on the County-wide basis and there is a corresponding $1.1
.million with the total being approximately $6 million, adding that if
all of this were to be cut out the proposed tax increase would go from
approximately 19% increase down to 3-1/2 or 4% for next year's budget.
,He noted that on any annual basis, there has been about $2 million
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AUGUST 21, 1987
of work that is not CIE or growth management work, but in order
to take the first step towards the sales tax, a portion of this could
be cut in hopes that the voters will adopt the sales tax referendum in
October. He stated that there could be some consideration given to
splitting the difference, by keeping some in reserves and also
accomplish some tax cuts.
Commissioner Glass questioned what type of percentage increase
would be necessary if this total program was cut and the sales tax
failed, to which Mr. Dorrill stated that assuming that the five year
program would not be subst~ntially changed and there was a need to
fund this through ad valorem taxes and increased impact fees, there
.., would have to be tax increases as high as 50\ for the ensuing five
year per'iod.
Commissioner Glass stated that the incentive is to work through the'
sales""tax mechanism.
Mr. Dorrill stated that there are other options like cutting the
$200 million program or incurring long-term debt, but these are less
attractive in terms of trying to accomplish this project list.
The County Manager questioned if some money is cut in this fund
could it be added bac" in to account for the bulk of the salary
increases, to which Budget Director Zalka stated that the capital
millage rate cannot be lowered and then increase the general fund
millage rate, adding that each millage rate is set separately. She
stated that it would have to be levied in capital and then transferred
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AUGUST 21, 1987
to the operating budget if this capital money is going to be used to
pay for salary increases.
County Manager Dorrill stated that the pay increases could be taken
out of the operating reserve and in the event that there was an
emergency, money would have to be transferred out of capital to cover
'that expenditure. He stated that because there is about $2 million
annually in non CIE work, he would recommend that the difference be
split and cut $3 million out of this reserve, keep $3 million in the
event that it is needed, which will mean a tax decrease from 19\ to
around a 10 or 11% increase.
Budget Director Zalka stated that if the county was to levy the
rollback rate for c~pital, which would mean levying the same amount of
dollars for capital next year as in this year, overall that would mean
a County-wide 7-1/2% tax increase which is very reasonable.
County Manager Dorrill stated that the risk has to be balanced with
the benefits, adding that the benefits in this case being next year's
tax increase over the following year's tax increase. He noted that
all $6 million could be cut out of the budget and next year's taxes
are going to about a 4% increase over this past year or it can be left
, in and there will be an 18% tax increase for next year or something
could be done inbetween. He noted that the $6 million in this capital
reserve account is there in case the sales tax fails.
Commissioner Saunders stated that some budget decisions have been
made that will result in approximately a 3% increase in taxes due to
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AUGUST 21, 1987
Sheriff's budget and now it needs to be decided what percentage
increase in taxes is acceptable for this year. He noted that if the
tax increase is only to be 3% then this reserve has a zero balance, or
if the increase is lIt, then the reserve would have $3 million, or if
the increase is 19%, then the reserve would have $6 million.
County Manager Dorrill stated that some consideration to cut this
amount by some number i~ warranted as there is the opportunity for the
sales tax and if the voters adopt the sales tax, there will not be a
problem, but if it fails, there will be some impacts.
County Manager Dorrill stated that last year's tentative budget was
a 22' increase and the final budget was 18% increase.
Budget Director Zalka stated that last year $6.5 million was levied
and rollback taxes, meaning to collect the same amount of dollars plus
the growth money is $6.7 million. She stated that $5.4 million is
needed to do the first year of the plan. She noted that if the County'
went back to rollback and said they were going to maintain the same
level two years in a row that might reflect well on presenting the
sales tax in the same year, adding that the capital outlay commitment
is being maintained from ad valorem taxes and then proposing sales tax
a8 an additional source of revenue. She noted that if this is done,' it
would only provide $1.3 million in reserves and of that, $700,000 may ¡
be needed for the librðry which would then leave $600,000 for future
County Manager Dorrill stated that he would recommend keeping
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AUGUST 21, 1987
a $3 million reserve and cut $3 million out of this and the proposed
tax increase for next year would be around llt.
Commissioner Pistor indicated that the $3 million is the maximum
that he would consider taking out because he feels that the project
list is too conservative to begin with.
, Mr. Dorrill stated that there have been a lot of promises made but
he feelA that there can still be sufficient reserves for the operating
budget. He noted that a tax increase is inevitable, but it would be
half of what it was last year and the public could not find fault on
that and at the same time, the Commission has still protected them-
stated that he is in support of what the County Manager is suggesting. , '~I':, :,:.
He noted that they came up wi th a figure of $70 million that the County ,"~ :
''01, .
will need over the next five years. He noted that whether the 8a1es'1
selves in the event that the sales tax does not pass.
Mr. Stan Whitcomb, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee,
tax passes or not, the needs have to be met. He noted that last year,
they suggested 2 mills and it appears that 2 mills is still what is
needed over the five year period for infrastructure. He noted that the
idea of 8 sales tax mekes good sense and it should be pursued, adding
that if the sales tax referendum was not available, he would suggest
that the $6 million be left in the reserve account. He indicated that
if the difference of the $6 million is split to $3 million, that would
bring the .64 capital improvement figure up to a I mill capital impro-
vement figure which is where it was last year before the rollback. He
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AUGUST 21, 1987
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;:,"'noted that with the 1 mill, there would be an 11% tax increase rather
't~, ','
,': than a 19' increase aCId in looking through the categories that are
coming up in the next year, this should be sufficient money to handle
those projects. He noted that if the sales tax passes, there are
alternatives that could be investigated rather than simply having
excess in capital improvements.
Commissioner Saunders stated that there should be additional reser-
ves becauso of the risk involved with regards to the sales tax.
County Manager Dorrill stated that there is risk involved, but
there will also be capital improvement projects aside from what is in
the five year growth management project. He noted that if this is the
consensus of the Board, there will be a $3 million reserve between the
two funds and there will be approximately $3 million cut out of the two
Budget Director Zalks stated that she will prepare the numbers and
have them to the Board members before the wrap-up session.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order
the Chair - Time: 1:00 P.M.
aOOK lOR P~',r 579
Page 37
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