BCC Minutes 09/01/1987 R .. .. Naples, Florida, September I, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as 'W !~hav~ been created according to law and having conducted business ,~q' . ,\n~erein, met on this date at 9: 00 A.M. in REGULAR SES·...'(ON' in Building ~Þ1' ~F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass " John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ì' ~~'ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Maureen Kenyon and Beverly ueter, (10:45 A.M.) Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorril1, County ~anager; Ken :\t-· Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George "~.\,,~ " . - rchib~ldl Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public ',,,}1-.; .. ervicee Administrator; Tom McDaniel and Dave Weeks, Planners; Nancy '"..;:' , ~. srðelson, 'Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray ;'t"!f:', , ; h . arnett¡",Sheriff 5 Department. . ~í'l~(·~: ..\ _ 1·; , . . " Page 1 IOU 107 PAGt 01 ..... , -~ i ~ J :, ,i, of ,;... tf' !<"'f' ., ~ .,' . J ';:; I.:. SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 : .' APPROVED WITH CHANGES Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the 1. Item12B re presentation by Mr. Hoffman to be deleted. 2. Item 6Cl continued to September 15, 1987, re amending Development Order for the Woodlands. 3. Forthcoming report next year from EDC to be continued to September 22, 1987, instead of September 15, 1987. 4. Item 14Al re hydrogeologic study to be moved to Item 9Al at request of commissioner Glass. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight' and carri~d unanimously, that the presentation by Paul Hoffman regarding library policy be tabled indefinitely. Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the item regarding the EDC be continued to ~f~~Ptember ~~: 1987. );~"It.m * 4 " . .;i ,,>,' MINUTES OF AUGUST 11, 1987, MEETING - APPROVED AS PRESENTED " . ~. :', , - Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconðeð by commissioner Baunder~ ¡~~ and carried unanimousl~, that the minutes of August 11, 19~7, be :} ~approved a~ ¡ presenteð. ¥;Ihm fSA C' ¡,. , ~DAVID WEEKS RECOGNIZED AS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER, 1987 Page 2 (f:; j,.:,_ i..' t .. .. """""""";--'.._"..,...;..~.."""""---".;."""--~,,,,,......,_......_.._...,.",,",,-,.~,--".."", SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 11" ~ Commissioner Hasse recognized David Weeks, employee of the ommunity Development Division, as Employee of the Month for ." . '~~ptember, 1987 and thanked him for his valuable contribution to the " ,""I- :County. :.~I- " 'I,hm HB1 .!{. PETITION SMP-87-1, JOHN T. CONROY REPRESENTING INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES O~ NAPLES CORPORATION REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR i:COLLIE~ COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK, PHASE 1B - APPROVED SUBJECT TO :PETITIONER t S J.GREEMENT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tÞ.~ Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SMP-87-1, ~"'. filed by John T. Conroy, representing Industrial Properties of Naples ?;::' 'Corporation, requesting subdivision master plan approval for Collier )¡..~. C~~nty Production Park, Phase lB. rt: '~Mr~ Harry Huber, Engineering Director, stated that this petition master plan approval which was originally approved that the developer let that subdivision master plan gained approval for Phase lA. He noted that the 26 lots in conformance with the this represents about 16.87 acres. He appropriate agencies reviewed this peti- objection to its approval subject to the stipulations the Executive Summary dated September 1, 1987, and the Agreement. He noted that the CCPC also reviewed this ~r(1 ~~ ' '" ~, ", Page 3 , , aDO( jl~r~r,l ()Jr ~'_~__.,_,_,"w,,"....,·,·, 107 ~t 08 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 and recommcnds approval subject to thc stipulations. moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and oarried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Petition SMP-87-1, John T. Conroy, requesting sUbdivision master plan approval for Collier county Produc- ¡ , tion Park, Phase 1B, be approved subject to the Petitioner's .,~,. .~ t ;1" 'v ~; ¡;'í-' ¡ .\ .~?, Agreement. i" ., 'J'-' "'; t" , ·;_:~:;·w.:~ \.> ", . , ~ \ : .:,. .. '., q ,"j '" " Ir;' , , '.' Page 4 .. - ..""'<,."'...."----"'......,,,"'...._,,,,,_...- .-~.,-^"'----~" .;. 107 pm 10 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 PETITION ZO-87-12C, FRANK X. KOWALSKI, REPRESENTING LONG JOHN SILVER'S RESTAURANT - CONTINUED ~WO WEEKS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 31, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public nearing was opened to consider Petition ZO-87-12C, filed by Frank X. Kowalski, representing Long John Silver's Restaurant, requesting an amendment to Ordinance 82-2, Section 8.11a.l by adding a new Subsection "in to provide the calculation for the distance limita- tioan between a school, church, public park or playground and an establishment licensed to sell alcoholic beverages where there is a natural or man-mnde physical barrier dividing the lots. Planner Weeks indicated that the ordinance requires a separatton of 500 feet. and the petitioner proposes that where there is a physi- cal barrier such as a lake or divided highway that the distance shall be measured from the door of tne licensee to the door of the school or church, or to the lot line of the public park or playground. Commissioner Saunders stated that he feels that this wording is not appropriate as a hedge or a row of trees would act as a natural or man-made barrier but would not be sufficient. He noted thbt the language is too broad; he does not have a problem with this p(~tition, it is simply the overall language that he is concerned with. Commissioner Hasse stated that he f~els that the ordinance as written is a fine ordinance and should remain in tact. Page 5 - - - "I?:¿ Too 'J r., JI '.\~ <f ,:," ~ ~~ft ";'r" .-" /~J/ ,;1. "T .¡il' ", e~' . ;,),,1:',;,' .1 _ ,', "¡'o' i. ¡:i~' 1,..,.." ~.. . :'i~~~'" ¡,' "; ;,' . ", \, - " , ~'I ';1;,1 , !f'~ '-," Ji" ,-. ,.J'., ,';~, .~ ,:',j ··-1 ~¡'¡':":,'>::~~' ,.:'~;. ~ ,>' " ';-. '/ SEPTEMßER 1, 1987 Attorney Cuyler stated that there is a policy decision that e~d8' to be made with regards to this petition, adding that Mr. ~(:;~';.", ,'. " okaleki feels that the intent of the ordinance is met if one has to ,'\'; ~~~ elk around the lake in order to get to the existing church in the ~ }¥;¥r:... '.. etel!l't~'· ~ :f:.~~ ,'.:~ ;-~. '; '.' 't" Commissioner Saunders stated that if the Commission agrees wi th i~{ 1, '. " the policy change, then the ordinance could be passed if it indicated ~:, ... I ' ~~~~. if there are unique circumstances such as a lake or barrier, J"" '~8taffcould determine this and then appeal it to the Commission. Commissioner Pis tor stated that he would rather not change the ~dinance and have each petitioner apply for a variance. He noted ~~' ~,J, ;, !..,. .' ' ·that.if the ordinance is changed, then it puts the burden on staff to :-'(:~,;~ " ~mâke the questionable decisions. :'~,f/.r , ape .. f2 .... ~ . '. t· ~,.' . " M~~"K~wa13ki, representing the petitioner, stated that it was ori- ginally his idea to handle this matter through a variance when he ini- ..f;~·,·-·· ~ial1~ began his process in January, 1985. He indicated that at the ~'" ~time he was told that the variance procedure did not apply in this 'f;"" . ;is~tuation, adding that he is simply trying to procure a license for and wine at Long John Silver's Restaurant. He stated that he was th~t a change in the ordinance would be necessary. He indicated he feels that the ordinance is an appropriate ordinance to have that the Commissioners have a legitimate con- regards to a beer and wine establishment being close to a Page 6 aOOK 107 PAGt 11 ·~"'·~·"''"''''''''>_''''''''___,_,___._,o_ "'-'-_.1 T ~,,,-_,_~.__,",....___~__,,,,,,,,,,,,,.~_~,,,,,,.,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,.,¿,_,",_;~"m"'''~'.'=~~''"'' 1m p.\,;[ 12 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 church, etc, He indicated that Long John Silver's Restaurant a restaurant where people have one or two drinks with their meal. noted that the lake that is beside the rcstaurant is also a visual . impediment, and that the church is not noticeable. He indicated that t:../ ~he ordinance could be changed and the language spelled out or it ,.;' could be left up to staff discretion. He noteñ that there could word "permanent" inserted in the language. County Attorney Cuyler stated that a variance cannot be sought ordinance. CommíÐsioner Saunders stated that a variance procedure could be ~:lput into this ordinancc. 't¡'r~, Î~ .' ~, ~1 Mr. Kowalski stated that he would like to get a license fo~ this '~,1~Beason and he feels that this could be resolved at staff level. "Ù;,.i.. ?~:"~I': County Attorney Cuyler stated that he woulci like to continue this '" ',! ~ ~~,item for two weeks, adding that he and staff could better define an ~,~, ;. '3~';(;~npenetrable barr ier. ""it;; i1.,/' Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unAnimously, th~t Petition ZO-87-12C, be continued (?r two ¡', çweeks until staff CAn resolve the definition of A barrier regAxdinq .£:~his matter. .; Item t6C1 ',. ~AHENDING DEVELOPMENT ORDER 86-1, THE WOODLANDS - CONTINUED TO "SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 ,.,... -. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by COlrumissioner Glass and ¡{ ôarried unanimously, that this item be continued to september 15, ,:,; /~fI9à7 . Page 7 - ~ .... ""--~""...-. .,,~.;·;f..'.'.' .~,.~ { ." '," ., ~ ',';'(.'ti.1, :~-\.; .,;,,~ t~'i'~~ '{;'1 .JP, I"~: t: }'; .',:\ \.. SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 ""," . ,,~t· , ;'J:'ta UC2 : ;:~/~~ ~RE80LUTION 87-197 RE PETITION BNR-a7-6~, THE KENT DEVELOPMENT, INC., . REQUESTING A STREET NAME CHANGE FOR PALO VERDE DRIVE TO DUCHESS DRIVE 'J:'IN LAJŒWOOD SUBDIVISION - ADOPTED .~'" ~;. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ~AU9ust 16, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with ~\i. the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SNR-87-6C, '1.>;,' , filed by the Kent Development, Inc. requesting a street name change 'íc~~,~'.~ ,for Palo Verde Drive to Duchess Court. 'j >~ Planning/Zoning Director McKim stated that this is a segment of a 'road within the new subdivision Queen's Park, which will connect the l ' . ¥"' '. existing roads, Duchess Court and Palo Verde Drive. She noted that ,.Palo Verde Drive is approximately 200' in length and contains no , :i)~. , ~~xisting I.omes, adding that by changing the name, the street will have name for the entire length. ~ounty Attorney Cuyler stated that the resolution indicates that name should be Dutchess Drive, to which Planning/Zoning Director be Dutchess Court. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and ~ t' ~~ oarried unanimously, that the pUblic hearing be closed. f~t': 1;, Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and A:' oarried unanimously, that the street name ):)e changed to Duchess Court. ..... Later in the meeting, planning/zoning Director McKiw indi- oated, that the previous action was incorrect and the name of the new b~ Dutchess Drive. !ODK 107 P.\~t 13 Page 8 >_.,_.~,. "".,.""="''''-,..........,.~..,...-''"--...,-_.......~''''- ,..".;.....----~, y_"._.....,~__"""'_.M"'_···'".,,",..,".'>ry 107rAGt 14 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 Commissloner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be reopened. Commicsioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and : carried unanimously, that the pUblio hearing be closed. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and (carried unanimously, that Resolution 87-197 re Petition SNR-87-6C, changing the street name of Palo Verde Drive to Duchess Drive b. adopted. I,', '~~'~ ¡, . ~;Y 'Ò')d ; ~~':' . ì(': 1/\1'" ¡"'"4 I ~:J:;.,' > 'i:f'r·~·" r'\,>}.,~,>~. -d'!.' 1- -.... ~..:fJ1:o¡;r ~, ' .~~~>~C·J '. i, '(:,' i;~¡f ',:.r; ; , , Page 9 - - - ~',..'~"'--',.,._.,_.~--_._'""--'-"'<... "··,oJ...__,,,..__......~ '-4 ~I_-"-""_ ....-'-----...,..........."",.><.."'",..-....-"''''''".'''"''''''''''." SEPTEMBER 1, 19B7 . RESOLUTION 87-198 RE PETITION FDPO-87-6 BY GEOFFREY HUGUELY REQUESTING APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE FROM THE FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE ON PROPERTY AT 1471 FIRWOOD COURT - ADOPTED. COUNTY ATTORNEY AND STAFF TO INVESTIGATE ASSESSING FINES ON ALL AFTER-THE-FACT PERMITS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 16, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition FDPO-87-6 filed by Geoffrey Huguely requesting approval of a variance from the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance on property at 1471 Firwood Court, Marco Island. Planner McDaniel stated that this is to permit the continued construction of a substantial improvement to an existing house at an elevation of 9.66 feet NGVD. instead of 10 feet NGVD as required by the FDPO. He noted that the flood ordinance requires that all new construction and substantial improvements be built above the 100 year flood level, adding that all improvements or additions cannot be more than 50% of the value of the existing structure. He noted that when the plans were submitted to the Building Department it was indicated that this was less than half the value of the existing structure and the planner that reviewed the plans did not question it. He noted' that once everything had been dismantled and there was onli a slab, front walkway and garage it was questioned. He stated that upon investigation, it was found that $70,000 worth of work was being performed on a structure with a tax assessed value of $68,000, which Page 10 >. - - - "......."'''~..''"--''-'-'~''"'''-,._..-,,,._,'~.~,.,._--_...,'- .--~-----"....".=.,~'..._"""---,',."',,,..,,.,.,.,."" /,:. i1' "~' , "~d ")1.', ):t ._i.-~.ý "liie' j'~~ .,¡.. - !III - is well over the 50~ limIt. SI':!'Tf':¡'1f\[P I, 1987 lJ(> Jndicùted thi1t Lhe bUIlder m1S'Jn- derstood how the value of the original sLructurc was arrived at and Staff feels that it Io/as an hC):lest mistake, He notecl that there ðppears to be no reasonable alternative to this situation and Staff therefore, requesting that this variance be granted, Commissioner Pistor stated that he looked at. t.hi,s ham€' and he does understand how it could have been approved as the addition 1S than the home. He noted that it. is almosl complete and based the situation, it should be approved. Hr:: noterJ that therE! should a fine assessed for these type of things, adding that if people had pay a 5500 fine, they would stop doing these things, Mr. McDaniel stated that this house has been sitting for 6 weeks partially finished ',aiting fOf this petition tc be approved and he feels that th:s petitioner has endured enough punishment, In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Planner McDaniel stated that the existing house is 1845 square feet, the remodeling is 1,400 square feet and the finished £!oor elevation is 9.66 feet. County Attorney Cuyler st3ted that as a result of this pet~tion, Plan Reviewers are looking more carefully at these additions irl order to try and stop this type of thing In advance, Planner McDaniel stated that in order to have this property insured, a civil engineer or surveyor has 1,0 assure that it meets the flood elevation or that the community has issued a variance. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and eDD~ 107 PASl 17 Page 11 107 pm 18 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 , oarried unani~ously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and oarried unanimo~sly, that Resolution 87-198 re petition FDPO-87-6 be adopted. , commissioner pistor moved, se~onded by commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the County Attorney and staff be directed to look into assessing fines on all after-the-fact permits and come ,f, before the Board in the future. , < " ;, , I \ I ~.; ~ Page 12 - - - .' i' ,: ~ :l~lf. ; ..~H , ;~ '/l~~ ~':~ .,,:,:~~"t ;':'ï:r\, )".5:-1 t" f':~f{/',-: t.i~: ,,,;1., ,~., SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 UC4 ~" ORDINANCE 87-66 EXTENDING IMMOKALEE PARKING MORATORIUM FROM AUGUST 1, R; 1987, TO FEBrUARY 1, 1988 - ADOPTED ,:~' Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ,.July 31, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the .,f_f'· iClerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending 'l. Section One and Two, which declared a moratorium on illegal parking of commerical vehicles and equipment and MHRP Districts in Immokalee by extending the mora- Planning/Zoning Direclor McKim stated that this ordinance was in ~effect for some time, but has expired and needs to be put back into " She noted that it has been recommended that a consultant be the new fiscal year to undertake the Immokalee Master Plan *~hiCh wiD. resolve a lot of these problems. She stated that this i;ord{nance includes only certain districts and has helped to resolve -~'~~! (some of the problems with regards to packing of commercial vehicles. '''~. . ~'She noted that hopefully, a consultant will be hired and be able to .t.~~ etart work on this mð t ter in October. f;¿~: . ,,', '.' commissioner Glass moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and , )~cArried un&nimously, that the public hearing be closed. ,1 ,I, commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below adopted and entered into ordinance Book No. 28: aDDK JL()~PAGt ~JL Page 13 . , 107 rm 22 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 ORDINANCE 87-66 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 87-2, SECTION ONE AND TWO WHICH DECLARED A MOR^TORIUM ON ENFORCEMENT OF ILLEGAL PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ^ND EQUIPMENT IN RMF-6, MHSD AND MHRP DISTRICTS IN IMMOKALEE; BY EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM FROM AUGUST 1, 1987 TO FEBRUARY I, 1988; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,item #7A1 RESOLUTION 87-199 RE PETITION V-87-12, MARK FINGER REPRESENTING ~UZZENS, INC. REQUESTING A HEIGHT VARIANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT FIRST STREET AND ROBEr.TS AVENUE IN IMMOKALEE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 16, 1987, as evidenced by ^ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-87-12, 'filed by Mark Finger representin~ Kuzzens, Inc. requesting a 6,foot ,variance from the maximum height of a principal structure of 35 feet ,to 41 feet for property located at the southeast corner of First Street and Roberts Avenue in Immokalee. Planner Weeks stated that the subject property is a corner parcel ;containing approximately 6 acres and the site is developed with a ¡fruit and vegetable packing facility. He noted that the site is zoned 'C-5 and has a height limitation of 35 feet, adding th~t the petitioner :proposes to construct å roof canopy over two of the cool~r buildings rwhich will be approximately 41 feet in height, which is the rB8son for 16'6 foot v~riance request. He indicated that according to the peti- tioner, the roofs of th~ cooler buildings were damaged by fire in the Jpast. He indicated that when it rains these damaged roofs have rain f,f .... Page 14 - - - _"""".,...,,,,.,...,. ".........~..--~, , ,.~,.'"'''''-'-,,;......~'"-,.,-_~ T _.~"'''_.^',.~>-,.~._..",.,."......,_..,---,''''''''..<, ~.'. .. _.' .." ','.... ;(~" 'I::·.I'.·.;~~~.', ,.,,' }~·;1 . , 'j:. ~' ;J.'; ,:& ,", Ij?: J" {, ';'!~' , " ~ ':it :þ~, .,fI /.'7 'r. t~ ;(;;" "~--~-' ... - .. SGPTEMßER 1, 1987 .?,'~ ~.A ). ..'¡'~...' r, .j ... ·t"ì; , 'i:·;;;¡· ~~ ; r f\ -".' ';' ,., ,""II, i'}" [> _.:f,i' ':"~' puddles in the center of the roofs and núw leaks, crcating a : hazard to employees inside the building. He indicated that the peti- tioner has stated that the only structural method to solving the problem is the proposed roof canopy, as the roofs of the existing buildings are integrated with the walls so as to preclude simply replacing the roofs. He noted that the entire existing structures would have to be removed, which would be costly. He indicated that staff is recommending approval based on the structure éelated hardship has been demonstrated. '; Tape '3 ~. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the compressors on top of the up a lot of heat and create a fire if a canopy was over the top, to which Mr. Mark Finger, representing Naples Steel Products, stated that there will be 6 feet of zir flow and there will ';t::ðlso be cross venti.Lation fans and according to the engineers, it .~~:. . ~should ,be all right. ;. )}:~¡f;: ~~ leaks have occurred and the biggest concern is that when it rains, ~:~~ ~~t'~: " ' ii, :.q ". ~ ~~.,{;. J;'f'!.- '~:; ~~!. " t'. He noted that the roofs are starting to sag and water is getting onto the floors and the fork lifts are used which could create a safety pl~blem. He noted that they are al~o planning on fixing the damaged panels that exist. commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and oarried unanimously, that Resolution 87-199 re Petition V-87-12, Mark 1 ,. . . . 81)0« 107 f~t 23 Page 15 "}'¡ '1 \! 107 mt 24: SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 representing Kuzzens, Inc. requesting a 6 foot variance from the maximum height of a principal structure of 35 feet to 41 feet for property locateð at the southeast corner of First street and Roberts Avenue in Immokalee be adopted. Page 16 - ...... - ~;, ~~-"; :'t;H ,'"~t~·· ,,~é t;,,¡>,j'; "~~".' ~..: k;~ '!'" . IL,,,. ¡.,h, "*'~, .~ :'f{~ I,...,., ·.~I'··"'.'~~··\ '& ~;. ¥~ I:"t,.- ," " < , ". ;!~f . :;.~~:., " ~;. :': "''¡'' ~~':: rrs J'>. . \; " I:.·~.'~~.',,:·.,· . . "~'..:I-' ..;1,.' .t; . f{j ~., ~~ s~rTEMßER 1, 1987 STAFF TO NEGOTIATE WITH HYDROSOFT FOR A HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDY - APPROVED Environmental Science aiîd Pollution Control Director Lorenz stated that on June 23, 1987, the Board authorized the distribution of Request for Proposals for hydrogeologic services to conduct groundwater flow 'modeling of wellfields. He noted that Collier County's ultimate goal .^ is to use the results of a groundwater modeling effort for writing k~ " end updatng a wellfield protection ordinance, He noted that the Board of County Commissioners also authorized staff to form d selection com- mittee to recommend ð short list of firms and of the ten written pro- posals received, the five technical members of the committee reviewed the written proposals against a set of eight criteria and the following five firms were selected to give presentations to the com- .mittee.on August 21, 1987: CH2M Hill HydroSoft Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt James M. Montgomery w/GeoTrans Camp, Dresser & McKee w/Missimer & Associates He stated that after hearing presentations, the committee recom- mended that negotiation~ proceed in order with the following firms; HydroSoft; Ch2M Hill; and Ca~p, Dresser & McKee w/Missimer & Associates. He indicated that on August 18, 1987, the Board authorized the Chairman to sign an agreement with the SFWMD to receive e matching grant up to $37,500 for funding hydrogeologic studies to provide scientific support of a wellfield protection ordinance. He Page 17 &OO~ 107 rm 29 107 rm 30 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 indicated that th~ ~grrem~nt requires the County to commence perfor- mance of the contr~cL with lh~ selected consulting firm by October 1, 1987, and thc' iI'JroPIlK'n~, aiso rr:quires !J¡strlct review and approval of the contract's scope of work, He indicatr~d that the County must rec0ive District approvJI of the scnpe of work and issue notice to proceed to the cansu I tnn1. bV Jctober 1, 1987. in order to receive matching funds, Hr' rop0;!.ed that there is no fiscal impact. He stated that ~e is requesting that the ranked ~h0rt list be approved and that staff be authorized to begin contrac', negotiations. Commissioner Glass stated that he wanted to be sure that there were technical people that rrviewed this issue as it is a very impor- tant matter, County 1'-1anager [)orri]1 stilted that prior to bringing the contract back to the BCC, It could be reviewed by the SFWMD to be sure that the sc:)pe of services loll I meet with all their requirements for the matching grant, Mr. Lorenz stated th~t he will negotIate with HydroSoft and then take it to the DistrIct for their review. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that staff be authorized to negotiate w~th HydroSoft for the Hydrogeologic study. Item #9Dl DESIGN CONTRACT WITH ANCHOR ENGINEERING FOR A NEW PASSENGER/SERVICE ELEVATOR IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,800 - APPROVED Pub] ic vlork" Ac!,njnis:_~aLcr Ilrchibald sLated that this Ü; a request for approvaJ for a design contract with Anchor Engineering for a new Page 18 - - - c; I'~ I J'I' f':r,m r~p I'H:7 passenger/service elevator [or Building contract incorporates all design phases " I" I ì" n 0 IJ~ d t h a l I. he Inr;iIJ'Jing, but not] imltc'd 1.0, programming, slte seler;tj0n, ilrr,hit,"clurill, :;trl)r:l.ural, '"[c..r;I.rlc¿,] ,]nd mechanical. He noted lhat th(~ contract IS :clr 33iJ,BOO olnd rl'pu,!;enl.s 8.6% of the construction cost, adding that the total construction C0St is estimated at approxImately 5350,000. lie not.~d that the['~ is !;ti11 a concern with regards to the insurance provisions and the indem- nification clauses and he would ask for approval subject to those items being reso]ved ncy.t week, County Attorney Cuyler stated that he is working on the indem- nification clause and the insurance prOVlSl00 anel there appears that an agreement may be reached, adding that thIs m~ttcr will be brought up next week, Mr, Chester Dobeck questioned if Lhis would be a passenger eleva- tor as well as a freight elevator and also questioned if existing office space is going to be used, to whIch PublIC Works Administrator Archibald irldicated that the ,:levaLor WI]] a]su be for passengers and the engineering firm will decide on the location uf I.he elevator, buL it does not appear that there wi II be any office used fOJ' this. Mr. John Keschl slated that thi.s is sornethllìq thaL shouLG hav€' been taken into consideration a long time ago and CjucsLJoned tf Lhis elevator will be put on the outside of the bui ]ding, to which Mr. Archibald stated thaL the orcginal concepl ~/as Lo be able co uti 11/.0 one of the stair~/ells for !.hls clcvalor, h'J' due U) '.·urrelìL rCCjuire- Page 19 &OO~ 107 P~Sl 31 ,---, , - , - '-. ". - -- ~DDK 107 r~r,L 32 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 ments and codes thl~; m,l'! nr:,l be [0asible, lie noted that there is a possibtJ iL',' Lhat :1 .:i II hew· Lo be an r!y.Lcrior cJcvator. commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodniç¡ht and carried unanimously, that the design contract with Anchor Engineering for a new passenger/service elevator in the amount of $34,800 be approved subject to the insurance provisions and indemnifications clauses being resolved next wee) . Item #9Cl BID ~87-1145 FOR PARK ENTRANCE SIGNS - AWARDED TO SIGNS OF NAPLES IN THE AMOUNT OF ~~~G,______ Legal notice havlna been publ ish0d in the Naples Daily News on July 22, 1987, as eVidenced by Affidavit ,f Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Gtd -87-1 ]~5 for park entrance signs until 2:30 p.r':., !\ug'Js:_ 'J, 19[;7, Public Service~ Admlnlstr3tor O'Donnell stated that Parks & Recreation recommended arproval of this item at their August 20th meeting, He noted that the entrance signs would be located at the North Naples Park, llgertail Beach Park, Aaron Lutz Park, Clam Pass Park <!nd l"areEool B<:>(Jr;h Park. lie noted thal the toLal an~0unt of the contracl lS 59,566. commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that Did #07-1145 for park entrance signs be awarded to Signs of Naples in the amount of $9,566. Item #9C2 CHANGE ORDER #5 FOR THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADMINIS~RATIVE OFFICE BUILDING - APPROVED_JN TH~M()UNT OF _.§~,__9~_ Page 20 ... - .. - ~ II. :~ I': I ''f' 1]'11', r'~I~ 1 ')87 Public Services ¡\d;ninlst.r;j·,')[ 0'ljr,nrr,il "I.-,I,..d ¡,hat. l~hi~3 i-; a C h a n g e 0 r de r r 0 r the P iH \- S iJ n d I (r>c~ r (> n I. i 0 r1 II r! m I n I S I. r i1 t i 'I r; 0 r r Ice Building in the amount or 56,169. lie r1n¡,·<J 'i1cil th,,; i~ I-:,r,inq brr)ur¡hl. to the Board for appro'/al ,Jur'3uanL t.o thr, 11"\0/ [JIJrchiJsing pol iClrèS, lie noted that the Change Order l~ [or Interior finishes such as vinyl tile flooring; mini-blinds; s'~curit.·ý sySLr:m; ó;lr::cLricaJ wirinq; and a door. He noted that. the total c)ntract amount. is S2S1,856,01 including this Change Ordor and the total amount. budgeted for this project is S300,000. He Indicated that ~hr-, l'iJrks [, ¡"ècreat.i-:>n Advisory Board reviewed this Change Order al their August 20, 1987, meeting and recommended appro~al, He concluded bJ stating that staff is recommending approval of this change order, Commissioner Hasse indicated that there arc numerous changes that keep coming through and questioned why these ILems are net included in the begInning? Mr, O'Donnell sLated that the reason for the change orders is that Lhere was an addition of 1,000 square feet added into the contract, noting that when the contract was orIgInally let, it was under budgeL and staff added the exLra l,OOO square feet at that time, ¡¡ e not C' 0 t hat t h Îè Y are s L i ì 1 \01 I L h i nth e bud.:' e t 0 f $300,000. County Manager DorrllJ stató,rj i.hat a I,OUO sq'Jar'ê [oat cOlnmc¡nity room was addeà to the ba':k of the buiLùlna because j t vias under budgeted and staff felt thaI. thIs aùdiLion wuuld be needed wILhin the community. ðaO( 107 r~s[ 3'1 , .J P,lgC 2 1 eODJ: 107 P~',[ 34 SEPTEr,mER 1, 1987 commissioner Glass moved, seconded bi Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Change Order #5 [or the Parks & Recreation Administrative Office Building be approved in the amount of $6,969. Page 22 - - - - . - ---.' , ~ ,; ~OO( 107 r~c,~ 36 S¡':PTEMßEH 1, 198 7 Item #?C3 RESOLUTION 87-200 ESTABLISHING A FORMAL COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT POLICY FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY MUSEUM - ADOPTED ---------.----~- - - ._~ - ··_________.._______u..________________ Publ ic ~~){:r\/¡r~(':::.;, !\(jr~¡ ::;' :--,-:t_()' ()'rV)n~-lc'l! :-_',1 ~:t.(_'(J th3t hr:- lS rcquestina th~l ~ rc~r ':' r~tJlh I j sh i IY; th.: fr)rmiJ 1 co]] ccti ons mana- gcmcnt pol icy for I.Iv' r:r,III"r Count'/ musó'um br. adopted. He noted that the museum's progriJm~,i ,)1.(: 'è;.:hibJe'; rel'; prl.crêHlly on historical docu- monts, phc')tooré]phr, illV: ,)r; I"r:tr "¡hlch êJrr- é!Y1ill'.'r] or purchased for its colJ",'ctlorl, é]IV] U~;1~ ;',,'1'1('11' nI3n,lqc'lw'nL rJ]r:t-lt"s thr.: ,¡eed for Io/ritten instructions (=~Jn(>-'r;- n': ·~r. -lr:'- '¡i:-;j+.lorl, ,'-"rlrr:' (Jnd disposaJ of :nuseum asse:'s. lie Indic.:I,,": ",,',' ;, '·'),I,,·~,tlrHIS Dre! IC',' has br:en detai1.ed and incJuded in the ¡':zec'Jllv" Sumn~rj é]long Io/jth an accompanying reso1u- tion that has been revlelo/ed bv the County ^ttorney's office. He indi- cated that if this rcsoiutJ0n is adopted, tho Museum would establish a specific policy corccrnlnq h0w the objects é]re to be accepted, collected, aCCOUnLiJUl ì ¡ L'¡ eJnd the disposing of the objects. He noted that the system als0 ur0v¡dcs for the checking of the inventory 9 u a r din 9 êJ gal n s t I U ~3 ~:: ,,), U,! " ' Instructions [or preserving the data on each object, Jr\:3urar'J: rr,d,(ndé;, and establishing unifoL"1 pr'Jcedures regarding the rroper ·;¿,rr.' and handling of the partIcular object. He noted that the fIrst st"p IS for the museum to be certified netionally by the Amer i r;an {,SS',. I,,', I of Museums, Io/hich wIll take approximately two years, fie ~:ìt(lCr)d ~.n~;~ th,:' r";U~í_'urn )i_r0c~_or has boen in conference with the f-'¡nance [Jirrc,:n¡ rr'!dl¡\/r' to the comments that he rai:3ed in Page 23 ,;. " .....- -. -~.- - - - - .. ,. .. :~ ~', ';11''1'11,1111':1' I, ! 'If',¡ his report to the nOiJrd ,/ c:.,!, '/ (~urnrn '[ ~:,:-; I ')f' ('r 'j'J!,í.,rj r~(>¡)I_(~frlhr:r ], 1 9 8'J, add i n 9 t h a ë I, T~ '¡ : J' :~',' ! ,.' '1:)'/1 hr1r'rl ';:1' ':~¡; '·!t..... 1,/ r' :~()I'J(·d. Ilr. stated th",t he is rC"Juc,,;\.; nr¡ c~)prn'/'-II uf ! h., f"::(¡ I ')1 I ':,n, County Attorney CU'li':r 'iI,,,r,crJ Lh.lt hr.' 'Ic:,rlf' I hrouqh I. his r"s') ',Jtíon and there is no probl~m as rar as his OrrlCn is conc~rn~d, Commissioner Pist0r s~~a+J:'C: t j,.lt ht_) ¡:-j SLJr~):!~:rdi 'h.:)t, thr' r'lIJ7)n¡Jm committe2 is not mentione:'J ,It aì] if, thIs ;n;¡t":r, arJdlnq that h" thought that thc'y' \./err· In ch-'!r1C' of Ulr> nus'''Jfn, H'~ inrlir;at"rj ':hðt when the museum \.liJS 1"10 'I (:'cJ, " rnrtai.l porl,lun r,f ,ènrl \.l"~3 rJ00drJJ to tn0 museum committee and !'.hr>( pðir frn movinrJ UF' 1:llllrJinq, He qU'ê':; tl onr2d if the County is accepting fu] 1 responsiblLlty for the operation of >0. ~ '" the museum? ~ï' '4" .....:'; ~ ~.".' ".'; :i! :r; ~." County Manager Dorrlll steted that the COuril) Museum has been a full County responsibJ 1 i\.i for at least 8 ve¿,r's, ;¡ddtng that it \.Ias initially started through the frIends of the Mu~eum group, but it has been 8 County operatlon \.lIth county paid stiJff lor over 8 y",ars. He noted that the Friends of the Museum undertook !he relocatio~ project as a way of expanding ar.d enlarging the exi~,tjn(~ museum wh<oo:' the> County did not have any Immediate plans to do so. f Ie no tcd Ua t they raised their own money, donatIons ¿¡nd conLrlbutlons iJnd acquIred money from ':he State and then finished their c,rfJl'l.:c; thrGugh an arrangement through the County. Tape f4 County Manager Dorri 1] indicated that the sole purpose of t;¡e ~oo~ 107 f'~(,t 37 PcleJ{.:' :2:1 ~DO( 107 r~r,¡ 38 S~PTEMßER 1, 1987 current activitips of U1(' I r10nds of the f'1usr~um is limited to finishing the project l.:lò\ "''':S slart0d, lie not0d that it is and ~Iill continu0 to bo an as?r r~i :h" County, Commissioner Plstn! s'atJ;J that the FriC'nd~, of the Museum built the or j g) na] hu j ] ell ng MI:~ 1 r: ',h0 beg i nn 1 ng, I.h' Fr i 0nds of the Museum wcrc helping to PiJ'i u~,· 13;,I"r; or on'~ or thc· mllseum 0mpJoyees, He noted that h0 is SIr;lDI'! r;urioJs 'dhi thc's0 pc·opl.! are not mentioned in this document, Public Sprvic(~:~ l....jf'1j,;is·.r~t0r ()'Do; :,"1] st¿¡f:0d that the Friends of the f'1useurl ar0 simpl'¡ :n'/') ';""¡ HI ,he fund raising efforts to complete thc constrlJcti')n of ',~,r r" , (, ilit'i, hut. opc'ratlonall'y' it is a County run dcpartme?nt 3nel fall:; Jr,rj"r f:h·~ auspices of thc !3oi1rd of County Commiss ion"rs, f!...: :3', '1 t ,. d l h 'L. I his i san 0 per a t ion alp 0 1 icy t. hat will be in effect onC0 the bu¡ldin:~ is compJet0d and staff is currently working on the inventor; of l~c artifacts at this time. He noted that the Friends of the? MUS0um will not be connected at all to the opera- tional aspects of the Musoum, adding that they are simply providing the County wlth tho faci iltV, commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner GJcdnight and carried unanimously, that RÐsolution 87-200 establishing a formal collections management policy for the Collier County Museum be adopter'l. Page 25 - - -- ''''"..,... :~~, ¡€:\~ 11~.:,r;! . ~, :;I:I'TI-:r'1Ij¡';¡~ \, 1')87 ... RECESS AT 10:30 A.M. RECONVENED 1\T 10:45 1\.!1. *** Deputy Clerk Ku-ter replaced Dcput7 Clerk Kenyon Item #9Dl BID .387-1117 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DAVIS BLVD. POTABLE W1\TER MAIN EXTENSION - AWARDED TO SF;:~_CO~'§'l'I3UC'I'..l~()lI.FO}<_ $ 3 7 .1,9_~~-"~~0~_~.___ ,_~ n__~____ Legal notice hiJvinq DC"'n [JrJbl ish0r! In I,he, 1¡(Jplc,,; r'i1i Ij Ilc,15 0r, Au g u s t 2, 1 9 8 7 a s C'I i d C' n r:: (: cJ b'j A f [ L d i1 V I I~ r) r 1'1 JI') 1 I r; ¿¡ l ion f ¡Ie, d vi i t h ~- h 0 Clerk, bids for conslrur:l:'~n of [)iJ'/is nl'/rl. pr)'_"bl'~' "ii')t~0r m21in ";.:1.0n- sion were opened on f·.uguS· 7.1, 1'.187 at 2:()O [),rn, Utilities Englnc,;ring Dir0Cl'Jr ¡'1éJdaj"YI3':i ?'tatc·r In'': y¡;¡U,r main construction is part of th0 DéJvis Illvd, W~lnr M(Jin Special Assessment District. He advised that 16 firm~3 ',Ier(' IO'/ill,rj to bid ;¡nd ~ds ',Ier" placed in the Naples Daily News and the Ft, M'j"rs New Press with four bids being received. He stated I\nchor [nc¡ineering, the project engi- neers, have reviewed the GUotes; provide·j a bId tabuliJtion and a recommendation to ?ward the bid to SEU Construction as the best qualified low bidder, In thC' iJ:llounL of 5371,089,')0. Mr, Madajewski slated that funds were buugctcd [or this project in FY 1987/88, He said because the developers have provided the cngi- neering assistance, at no cost to the llss!:s;;nlcnt District" the .3chc- dule has been accelerated and a budget alflcnclfTl'_'nL \/1 ì ¡ br' m!c\,'c'd La place this money in the FY ì9B6/B7 budc¡eL. commissioner pi~tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carrieð unanimously, that Bid #Bß7-1117 for construction of Davis Blvd. potable water main extension be awarded to SEU Construction for ~OD~ 107 rV,L 59 Page 26 aoo~ 107 f~r,[ 60 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 $371,089.50; the Desigr Engineer and Utilities Division Staff be authorized to review all required documents \/ith the County Attorney's Office prior to receiving the Chairman's signature; the necessary budget amendment be authorized: and upon review and acceptance of the final documents, the Utilities Administrator is to issue the Notice to Proceed. Item #902 CHAN~_Q.~D_E:.~__l:IQ':"n_4 JOR _!1}1.~C:,O_ß~"'~~§_L_~JI}I.~F¿_I_~_:- APPROVED --- U L i 1 i tiC'~; F n (~J i n (>,~' y' ì rl"; 1" ,- r:.r-::: 1_ () r r'1 r) d (1 j í·....l .::;:~ j S '_ a t '=~ d ." hat t h f~ L i f t S L ê] t¡ un /., r (~' (! "C" p r () J t· r: :'Jr ¡,lar':0 v}aLor/S'_",¡er Dislrict, Phase II has been compleled and wi I: :n~0!\'0 d final Chango Order for 524,454.04. He advisod lhat the' [\¡strict,', ¡':nq¡ne,r:r, v}ilson, 1'1i11er, Barton, Soll & Peek, Lnc" has COTDI0l0d d Labulalion of lho constructed material quantitir:s and addit¡oniJi ',Ic,ry necessary due to road restoration, t~r, r~arjaj':'\o¡ski stalJ"d '_hat the lotal chang" orders for this pro- jecl came In at less than 2~ Dver the originaJ contract amount and requested approval. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Change Order No.4 for Guymann Construction, Inc., in the amount of ~24,454.04, be approved. Page 27 - - II1II ~i ~? ';~: aoo( 107 PArol Gf) SErT~MßER 1, 1987 Item #111'1.1 DUDGET AME~I1ENTS_~_7::~25_~.?2Ju~?_-43~7-j~Y~~~ ADOPTED commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Fistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 87-425/429, 87-431, and 87-434/440 be adopted. Item #11713 BUDGET Tù1ENDMENT RESOLUTlotlS 87-043 and 87-044 - ADOl'TED commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner Glass and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment Resolutions 87-043 and 87-044 be adopted. Page 28 '~4 "'!": --it >:i' ./~\' :Ò1':i"I'I·:rW,I·:n 1, 9 ß 7 Item U2A JOEL T. JOHNSON APPOINTED TO FILL VACANCY ON THE IMMOKALEE AIRPORT ADVISORY CO~1ITTEE --~------_.~~-_._.--"..-.~-.- .. ,---. '-~"-- ---------.- -------.--.-.-------- ----- Administ,atjvc A~3sisl,'Jn', i,'~ t.J'j(~ !\(J¿]f',J ¡':r;I'-'I~;()n C;'_;]'_'JrJ '.ha'.;] 1-;" vacancy Has ':reatecJ on t.he ¡m~0K¿J!cC AirrJ'~r'L Ad'JI'3(Jr'1 Comm1\.tcc by the resignation of Mr. Kenneth Werner. She advised that a press release was issued and resumes rc:cr~iv('d, Mrs. Israelson stated ~hat. the ImmoKalcc /Iirport Advisor'; Commi ttee has rev i cwc'd '.hc' r<::,,;umc:s and ¡r'co;;lm'ênrl th(~ '¡PPO I ntrrr>nt or Mr. Joel T. Johnson, commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner saunders and carried unanimously, that Joel T. Johnson be appointed to the Immokalee Airport Advisory COllmittee for the unexpired term ending August 5, 1988. 'Item #12C RESOLUTION 87-202 ~PPOINTING RUSS BAISLEY TO FILL THE VACANCY ON THE PUBLIC VEHICLE ADVISORY COMMI'rTEE - ADOPTED ---~-_.._~--- Administrative AssIstant .0 the Hoard ¡"racLsun stat_cd Vlat a vacancy was created on the PUJlic Vehicle Advisory Committee when Mr. Ocy Richardson sold his compa1Y, Yellow Cab. She advised that a press release was issued and rcsume3 received. Mrs. Israelson staLed thaL onLy one resurn':',liJS rr,cclvcd rrOT'l ['1r, Russ Baisley, ~ho is the purc1aser or Y~Llow iJb, C~mmissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Res~lution 87-202 appointing Russ Baisley to õOO~ 1 07 r~\'l G9 Page 29 ....~.. ~-..._....--.-. m~ 107 w, 70 SEPTEMBER 1, 19B7 the Public Vehicle ~dvisory 'èommittee for the unexpired term ending september 2, 19B9, be adopte1. Page 30 è:~¡~ "¥ )}, ... -.t" ,W:''T '~'¡ë)i\'i. ~~:';!{~\.. ,r:-."'", !QQ~ 107 F~r.~ 72 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 Item #12D REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF "CLEAN UP N1\PLES MANOR" ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1987 _ 1\P"'ROVED --_.~~--,~--- Mr. WiJson Whilchcad, Naples Manor Prorerty Association, requested thr:' support or the' I'J)òrd of ::::I)unt'! Commission,"rs for a "Clean Up Day in Naples \1i1nor" on ?",[)lemb(~r ]2, 1987. lie stùted they will have 7 dumpsters. Commissioner PisLoI sLal'd his concern that after last year's Clean Up, the area was n0l ~~¡nLa nr:'d and the situation is back where it start0cJ. Mr. Wh]!.ch0acJ n~pJa¡n0d Lhat the area is mostly duplex rentals arid v/hcrl é;r,:n,"cn,' cc,.;,"", the,' ovlnl?rs cJr) not come in and clean up the proper!.j, fie :;a rJ >,(1"0' IS more of d prob1em with lots which have never been cleared 'l~. oppnc;C',j l0 Just vacant 10Ls. He advised that neither the Property ASS0C¡a:lon or the Zoning Department have the right to enter S0meon':' else's property or tell them what they have to do with their p.operty, Also in answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr, Whitehead stated that ì'ahl Brothers has a ¡1'J\o/,;,J I,h.:r,] the use or the 7 dumpsters at no charge as long as they are supervised. 1Ie noted three will be located on County rights-of-way a~d fou- will be located on private p(nperty, Commission~r Goodnight m"ved, seconded by Commissioner Gluss and carried unanimously, that the Clean Up of Naples Manor on September 12, 1987 be supported and the landfill fees be waived. *** The following items were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda upon motion made by Commissioner Goodnig~t, seconded by commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously: Page 31 - .. .. - ~ - .RÙ: ~¡;" .'~;jfí:h ' Sli''I'!,:rv¡¡w[! I, 1')87 Item #141\2 NAME OF ECONOMIC DEVELOl'HENTjHOUSING PROGRAMS DEP7\RTMENT CII7\NGED TO HOUSING AND URB7\N I!1PRO'lEHEt¡T._DE:.PJ\~R'I'I1~t1..'I', _h'__'__ ___ __~__~ Item U4B1 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST FOR $54,000 REIHBURSING THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTHENT Commissioner Pistof asr0rJ ,f ['¡nanc:c [)¡f('ct(" YonrOSKj'S suggestion to allocat~ the 551,000 Lo the pr0per dopa! tmcnt budgets IS necessary? County Hanager Dorfl LJ stated thai. "inse it is only three weeks to the end of the budget year, the amount or limo and paDor work would 'Jutweigh the bcncfi+~s. Clcd: Gi les stðtcd his foci ing that the allocation should be completed. Item #14B2 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDEN CEMETERY DEED NO. 52~ ---~ See ¡'age __2!l Item U4B3 JANITORIAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICE AT $102.00 PER MONTH To include the HousIng anJ Urban ¡mprovcrn"nL l!eparLment r'é'loc:ated to 281 S. Airport Road. FY 198-; FY 1988 5102,00 31,272.96 Item #14B4 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY TRANSFERRED FROM YELLOW CAB TO COURTESY CAB, INC. Page 32 ~oo~ :L07 PACt 73 ~OOf, 107 f;-' 71 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 Item #14B5 AGREEMENT WITH DEPUTY JACK BOBO FOR USE OF LAND AT THE EVERGLADES AIRPORT ---- Se~ Pôg05 !f 0 - ? 6-- Item #1486 LEASE AGREEMENT RENEWAL WITH COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR CONTINUATION OF THE CARNESTOWN SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION OPERATION For the' per J (vi !\Ii')IJ~,' i, I QP,7 to Ju J y '31, ] 988 in the <J¡:jount of S1,655,57, Sr-:e Pages '/ c 3 ~__L________, Item #14C1 FY 1987/88 CONTRACT RENEWAL WITH GOODWIN LAWN CARE FOR COURTHOUSE GROUNDS AND OTHER FACILITIES MAINTENANCE -$52,200 SC'r-' pagr-·:: tD1E: CCtITPJlcr NJT RECEIVED m CIERK TO BOAFD OFFICE AS OF 9114/87 Item #l4C2 SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THP. CITY OF EVERGLADES FOR OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT SERVICES See Pages _S.!:tL~2t Item #14C3 REDISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS FOR COMMUNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM GRANT Item #14D1 PURCHASE OF ONE RAW WATER WELL EASEMENT FOR THE EAST REGIONAL WELLFIELD EXPANSION :~lL~0o._____ See lJa gc':' C;? ~ 2-.L' Item #14D2 ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEI1E:~T AND PARTIAL RELEASE FOR FOR GOLDEN GATE WELL SITE 13A ----- Page 33 - - - ··:i~ ''':'~'ll'' j ,....~'.. ' 1...~· .~.~> 'i.~"":. }i"' ~- ~:,,~/, . - - .;,~.. ;,.;"} )' :, .... '. ~ .., .~.': .' It" ,: . ",;:, ·ti: ~',' ~I< . ,; <11:. ~:{: . :j 1':1"1' ¡;:M 1 \ r:R I, ] 9f37 See Pages ~-12~LQ.I~.______ ~___________. Item tUEl RECLASSIFICATION OF SWITCHBO~RD OPERATOR TO CLERK III FOR COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC AFFAIRS DEPAR_TI1E:NT _____ Item 114E2 ----- RESOLUTION 87-201 AMENDMENT TO THE COUNTY PURCHASING POLICY See Pages ~? Item 'UFl I t?-() EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONTRACT :~OR RADIOLOGICAL FUNDING - $1~050.00 See Pages /07- //1 Item 'UGl CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO 'rHE TAX ROLL 1979 Nos. 676/677 Dated 08/06/87 1981 No. 265 Dated 08/17/87 1986 No. 86-200 Dated 08/26/87 1986 Tangible Per,wna] Property No. 1986-219 l)aL~d 08/26/87 Item tUG2 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. 50630 Item '14G3 SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages ,1/;). - /IS Page 31 ~ao~ 107 PA!;l 75 - _.-------~ + .-" ...-------- 107 f~r,! 76 SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 , It.,m t14G MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED Thcre being no objection, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred t.o the various departments as indicated below: 1. Announcement dated 08/18/87,from the Department of Community Affairs, of él meeting of the Florida Cities Community Development Block Grant Program Advisory Council, August 28, 1987, Myers Community Room, 912 Myers Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida to review and d:,scuss proposed Administrative Rule and Applicant Manuals for Housing, Neighborhood Revitalization, etc. for Federal Fiscnl Year 1987. Referred to Neil Dorriil, David Pettrow, Wanda Jones and filed. 2. Letter dated 08/21/87 fron Corinne M. Sharpe, Acting Chief, Bureau of Community Assistance, Dept. of Community Affairs, forwarding Preliminary Certification of Completion for CDBG Program, Contract No, 84LG-53-09-21-0l-H34. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Wanda Jones and filed. 3. Letter dated 0-8/18/87 from Douglas Fry, Environmental 11anager, Dept. of Environmental Regulation, enclosing 3hort f~rm applica- tion (File Nos. 11-13815-65 and 11-13815-85, Ville De Marco West Condo.) which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David PettrQw, Dr. C. Edward Proffitt and filed. 4. Notice of Approval dated J8/18/87 from Department of Natural Resources, of Time Extension, Permit File Number: CO-l09, Permittee: W. Clarke Swanson, Jr. to January lO, 1988. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. C. Edward Proffitt and filed. 5. Letter dated 08/19/87 from Gary A. Strobel, Bureau Chi~f, Dept. of Labor and Employment Security, outlining significant change in the Florida Right-To-Know Law. Covered employers must submit inven- tories of toxic substances in the workplace to local fire depart- ments. Ullder the new provisions, this section may now be enforced by local governments. Referred to Neil Dorrill, William Lorenz and filed. 6. Memorandum dated 08/17/87 to Ken Pineau, Fleet Management Director, from Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Finance, regarding Fleet Management/Motor Pool Int.~rim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1987. Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. '7. Memorandum dated 08/17/87 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director, from Ronald F. Cook, C.P,A., Finance, regarding County Water-Sewer 1."" Page 35 -.---.-- , ~"" :. SErT~MBER 1, 1987 District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 198!i Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. Memorahdúm dated 08/17/87 to Doug Greenfield, EMS Director, from Ronald F. Coo~, C.P.A., Financc, :cgarding EMS Interim Financial Statemé'nts for the period ended JU1'e 30, 1987. Referred Lo to BCC Lori Zilka and filed. Memor¡~dum'dated 08/17/87 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director from Rónald F. Cook, C.P.A., Finance, regðrding Good1and Water District~~nterim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1987. 'Referred to BC:, Lori Zalka and filed. Memorandum dated 08/17/87 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director from Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Finance, regarding Marco Water -Sewer District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1987. Referred to BC:, Lori Zalka and filed. 11. Public Notice received 08/13/87 from Golden Gate Fire Control & ' Rescue District, of speci~l meeting on 08/25/87 ót 7:30 p.m. to conduct personal intervieNs of finalists for fire chief position. 12. Letter dated 08/19/87 fro~ Frederick F. Hardt, Hardt & Stewart, notifying Collier County of the claim of Imogene F. Cook for injuries and wrongful death of Altia Leo Cook in excess of the sum of $1,000,000. Referred to to Neil Dorrill, Sherry Rynders, George Archibald and filed. Minutes: 07/21/87 - c.:>llier Soil & Water Conservation District Notice to Ownec dated 08/21/87 from Robert L. Johnston, Agent for Roy Coleman Drilling Co., Inc., informing that they have furnished auger machine and labor for the improvement of Collier County Treatment Plðnt, 3851 Utilities Drive, under an order given by Gulf Piling & Marine. Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. 15. Notice dated 08/20/87 of Public Service Commission Hearing reI Docket No. 870285-TI, Application of United Telephone Long Distance, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience on September 23 and 24, 1987, Fletcher Building, Tallahass0e, Florida. Posted Notice in Lobby and filed. 16. Letter dated 08/21/87 from Wayne L. Schiefelbein, Staff Counsel, Public Service Commission, forwarding staff recommendations of Docket No. 870406-SU, Windstar Development Company. Referred to Neil Dorri11, Bruce Anderson, Thomas Crandall and filed. t j;' . eOD~ 107 PAGt ]7 Page 36 ",",_._~_._,_~-",,,,,,.,,,,,_;,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,..,c;,,,,~,,,,~...;,,..._,.,<~,.. , ~' j ," i: ;':~,f,;: ,4'i .~,,~ ~ - J :'J'" 1<.,/ ., )'~ .,". :?/..! .' I'.' ,of, SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 17. Memorandum dated 08/21/87 from Steve Tribble, Director, Records & Reporting, Publiç Service Commission, forwarding an excerpt of the 09/01/87 agenda Docket No. 870406-SU, Windstar Development Company for exemption from PSC jurisdiction, pursuant to Section 367.022, F.S., Collier County. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Bruce Anderson, Thomas Crandall and filed. 18. Notice dated 08/24/87 of Public Service Commission Hearing, October 21, 1987, Docket No. 87035B-EU, Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. and Florida Power & Light Company reI territorial dispute. ItemUCHl MR. JERRY RUTTMAN APPOINTED TO PILL VACANCY ON THE JTPA PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL (PIC) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL i,l!~ i'lìrJ; '.' I ~ ·r...., , ';' I~ - j', " . , ' . ":ø'~ " , , """"" *** There being no further business for the Good of the County, the was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:05 A.M. ~,~~¿ "L ATTEST: -'i' JAMESC. GILES, CLERK :;"l~ ., ~~".-/ .......'''~-''-- " f)c !)4#;'-'#~~~F,~~;~~~-r:/ . ~ ::::i'l"jt 'TheseßÌtÍ'hu~Q4':I!IPPro.~ed '.by the Board on ' if-S)'i" _....,¡ .. ./ '. ~ <- '\1:.8S preserft9ð;:.,;' ~ '/' ¡.,/" '; .... ~:ot as cor rected " :... \\··:..:,~:.~L.·./i.·' --,: -"", .......... ....~~;. ... ~c;c,' ... I .~" ~t ."......-..f', . ," " .';".. .' Øl?;/?~.? ,;} . Page 37 - _.