BCC Minutes 09/15/1987 W ~_'''''..,,,=...~",,,-,~",",,,.-,,...-...- ... - - .-....,;, ., . .' I . ,I 'f .. - - Naples, Florida, September 15, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners ~n and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 3:15 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the fCllowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass John A. Pistor Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PJ~ESENT: Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dordll, County Manager; Kr~n Cuyler, County Attorney; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's J)epartment and, all of the City Council with the exception of the MaYI>r. AGENDA Discussion of beach parking BODK 107 PAr.: 540 Page 1 .. lOOK 107 PAr,r 541 SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 DISCUSSION OF BEACHEND PARKING WITH CITY OF NAPLES Chairman Hasse advised that this meeting is being held to discuss how Collier Co~nty and the City of Naples can work together on beðch parking. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Board had requested to discuss this with representatives of the City and hopefully give Staff some direction. He said he met with City Manager Jones last week to develop both the City's proposal and the County's counter-offer. He advised that the proposal stems from increasing concern on the part of the City related to both perpetual maintenance and policing of City beðchends and beach parking facilities. He advised the City has an "either or" type proposal involving revenue recovery in support of a new enterçrise ~ype funding mechanism they wish to put together. Mr. Dcrrill stated there are some isolated questions from a legal standpoint as to whether anything involving free parking for certain residents and charging other residents within the County is discrimina- tory. He noted this has not been resolved. He stated the City's qption "B" is for the County's general fund to pay one-third of the cost of associated with the new enterprise-type activity. He said the balance of the cost would come from parking meter revenues and a por- tion of taxes to the extent that they are allocated City taxes in sup- port of this on-going endeavor. Mr. Dorrill stated that his most important concern is the recovery Page 2 -. - - .....~_~.".,,"_ ...·".".,..,~"Ä,...,,,.. ...,_.___,.... SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 of past c~pital investment on the pðrt of the City. He said he is concerned with the precedent nature of establishing County tax dollars to pay for fixed capital assets of the City and since cities are created to provide a separate and distinct level of service for their own resid~nts and they levy taxes in order to do that, he is not certain whether the County should be buying into the City's fixed capital assets. Mr. Dcrrill stated he feels County general funds could be used in eupport of beach maintenance activities. He said Lee and Charlotte . counties do not participate in maintenance associated with municipal beaches, but Sarasota and Manatee counties do participate on a County-wide basis. Mr. Dorrill stated the remaining issue is the actual cost and levels of services to be set and actual mechanics or logistics of an interlocal agreement, and hopefully this could be reviewed on an annual basis. He also noted that the Board will also have to decide what, if anything, they would like to do concerning the County beach facilities at Tigertail, Clam Pass, Vanderbilt, Horizon Way, etc. for consistency. City Manager Jones stated that he wJll be addressing the purpose of the program to insure clear understanding, questions concerning the level of the operations, and the issue of sharing capital expenses as they relate to the beach parking proposal. Mr. Jones stated the basis of the program is that for as long as &ODK 107 pm 542 Page 3 ,OaK 1m Ph...t 54.3 SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 the beaches have been used, the cost of operating, maintaining and patroling them have been solely through the revenues generated in the City. He said in addition, the City began to be concerned about the intensity of the use of these beaches and the availability of access for residE!nts within the City. He stated a very important point, especially when comparing the facilities in the City with the facili- ties in the Unincorporated Area, is that the beaches are a major recreatio~al facility and use being operated in the heart of a resi- dential a~ea. He said in addressi~g the concerns of the City resi- dents, thE! City began to implement a ser ies of regulations to govern the beachefl with the primary purpose of maintaining the compatibility of the USE! of these recreational areas with the residential character of the neighborhoods. Mr. JClnes advised that it then became necessary for the City to undertake a dedicated police patrol on the beaches. He said this is currently being operated with three people during the times of highest use. He vaid it also became necessary to structure some type of parking arrangement and every year additional funds were added to the dapital i~lprovement program to improve two or three beachends per year. He noted that in many cases, the number of parking spaces were increased. He stated the only phase that has not been implemented is the use of parking meters to help defray the cost. Mr. Jones advised that during the last survey conducted by the City, the~, found that many of the beachends are being utilized at or Page 4 -- .. - -' . 'f .. - - SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 above thE!ir designed capacity. He said they have also had demands by residentf¡ for higher patroling and maintenance activities. He stated City Staff was then directed to generate sufficient revenue to cover the cost of operating and maintaining the beaches and to insure their is acces~ available for the City residents in proportion to the costs they are paying. Mr. Jones outlined the proposed costs for patrol and maintenance and how they were determined. Mr. Jones stated that he views Capital Recovery a little differently than Mr. Dorrill and that there may be . many opportunities for the City and County to cooperate on capital improvem~nts that may be inside or outside the City limits. He stated there are two instances that the County has chosen to participate in capital programs within the City that provide a County-wide benefit: I) Naples Landing and 2) City Dock. He said in both instances the County participated by passing back boat registration monies. He stated he views this proposal as a continuation of cooperation rather than a situation which sets a precedent. Mr. Jone~ stated that following conversations with Mr. Dorrill, he reviewed the accumulated costs again. He stated he found that the cost originally submitted included not ?nlY beachends but also the street access leading to the beachends. He said he has revised these figures and the annual amortized amount becomes $21,000 and this would reduce the total annual cost to $210,000. He said the proposed one- third cost to be shared between City and County residents through the aOOK 107 PAr;£ 5401 Page 5 101 P~!.t 5~5 SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 use of general fund money to $70,OJO. Addressing the revenues, Mr. Jones stated that the City has con- sidered a higher fee than the 50¢ per hour, however, they would like to wait and look at participation before addressing the hourly rate for final approval. He stated that even at the most conservative estimates, it is expected that approximately $200,000 will be generated from the meters. He.noted that there are 900 spaces available and they are proposing to meter 600. He said a method will be established to account for the expenses and revenues of this progra~ and the amount required from the County will only be the shortfall between the revenue and expenses which is expected to be about $30,000 per year. He also said the agreement would be written in such a way that the arrangement could be changed by the parties. Mr. Jones stated that implementation would consist of immediately ordering the meters, which is a large portion of the money in the first year of operation. He said that hopefully the meters will be in place by December and for the first few months will be operated by the existing personnel. He said that by March or Apr il, 1988 it would be . known how many parking spaces in the permit areas are being utili- tized, the amount of revenue being generated, and any adjustments bet- ween permit and metered spaces could be made at that time. In answer to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Jones stated that the permit spa- ces will be used by anyone who has a Collier County license tag and a process will be designed to permit any resident who has a State tag, Page 6 - - ---- "-"-"'--"'~"~""""'~-"""""'''''--'''- ..-.'--..... SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 such as the Challenger tag. Commissioner Saunders asked if ~ll the non-metered spaces were filled, could a City or County resident be allowed to park in a metered space at no charge? Councilman Bledsoe stated that the proper ratio of spaces would have to be determined from experience, however, in the meantime this practice could be followed. Reaponding to Commiss:oner Saunders, Mr. Jones stated that the difference between the estimated revenues and estimated expenses is approximately $30,000. He suggested the $30,000 would need to be contributed at the beginning of the year and at the end of each year there would be an accounting of revenues vs. expenses. He stated a deficit would require additional funds and a surplus would be carried forward to offset the contribution of the next year. After a lengthy discussion on how the interloéal agreement may be structured, it was the qeneral consensus that the County Manager and City Manaqer work out the exact details of an Interlocal Agreement outlininq one-third of the project costs $79,000, the mechanics of the proqraa, and submit to the Board of County Commissioners and the City Counoil. Mr. Dorrill stated he will also submit a revised plan on beach parking for the Unincorporated Areas to insure consistency. *** There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:05 P.M. Page 7 &OOK 107 PAr.[ 546 -~,.,,...,,,,,,,.- . ----'".~._......."..