BCC Minutes 09/29/1987 R r:HArRMAH: Max A.. Hasse, Jr. ",p ,., t' ",,{ '¡:', ~;'''' ,'.. Hð~l~f, florida, S~ptember 29, 1987 J.E'T 77 9£ ~l>ŒMB~EO, that. t.he Rotr" of :ounty Coaa.iasí("¡ners 1n and (or Ue County oC CollJ~r, "nd ,,1!1( ,:::t in1 IHI the Board of Zon..nq Ap¡:ea:s I)rd as t~ qovernlnq bo.,rdl..) (( !\IJr.~1 ~p,.ciaJ di~trlcts a8 have t4'e11 creat.ed accordinç t.o lðw .,nd h"lInq -::cnduct~d bUfSínes!I Mrei,., 1IIf~ on t.hu date at 9:00 A.M. In UaUu.. 8E88Ia.. in Rui Idínq -Y- of U'A Covern.ent C(:ntcr, East. l&ðpJe~, f"brlda, wlt.h th~ fOllo"dnq ~r. pre8ent: VIC¡;-':HAIHi<\AN: Arnold r..e Glass ~ John A. Piat.or Burt L. Saunders An~ Goodn1Qhl At.SO í'R£SÐfT: Ja~a C. Cile1l, Cler!(; John Yonl...:>aky, Financ'e Direct:>,.; ''-''erly f(U<I!ter, r~çuty Clerk: "~11 f)t)rrill. County Mðn·ge~; 'Hn Cuyler, County AUorn'!,; T:>ò1l Crð,1dð 11, Uti I ities Ad-inl"Jtrator: Ceorqe Archibald. P'Jhli::; Works AdminIstrator: ~e"in 0' Donn-tJ 1, P\lbl ic Services Ad-1nistralor: David Petlrow, Communi t.y o.v.101,..n' Adainist.rator: [)"v~ ~eÞ:,. ",d RO~'rt r>Uanf!", Plannf!"rs: Nen:y rerat'Jeon, Ad-int.tratsve Aa:u8ts1l lo ·_h,. Aoard: and ~puty Chi.C Hay harnett, SherifC's Dcpar>_M4?nt. ,c ï iI\ ~i 'f ~i,' t ~, r = Pa9~ 1 ,,¡. 4 í toOl 10R,a I 39 rl .11 ~1· SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 'tape '1 It.. U Z ACØSDA IJIO ~Alaa..' AGalDA - 1."10.10 WI'!_ C1IAJlG&8 eo.aieel0D4r ..under. ~e4, .ecok4~d by coaal..ioner Ooo4niqbt &D4 oazrie4 ....t.ou.ly, that tbe ~qendA and Con.ent Aqenda be &pproYe4 with tbe fol1owlDq cba~e.t It.. '~el petitton lO-81-12C, ;rðnlo: '1. (;fJwðl~"'ì, r~prp.~enlinq [~nq John Silv~r'5 R!~taur~nt - Contìnu~d to ()t:'lo~r~, 1987 It..- nD) Resolutions re-qu~!ll' ~ ç U. ~.. S4:nðtot'Íðl supp,:>rt. of Collier County açpl.'aUon for !undinq aSl!llstance for the! South CO',ntv ~"'<Jlonal ""a3t~at~r facilities - Adð~d It... nc 1 Contract f·>f the- 1ge'··p.8 (undl"~ cont.ribut.ir:,,") to th~ ['<"'lid Lawr,.nc~ "'·n,.,1 If{>"¡'.h C~nt.(':'. Inc. - Conllnu"f1 to Ocl(,~r 1, 19117. Itø.tl '~C2 Contract for t.he 19f 1-R8 f'JndJr.q contribution to the CollIer SOlI an~ W~ter Conß"rvðtion Dlstrict - Contlnu~d to Qçtober ~. 19~1. I t'i'll .~) It!'tl .~ It"' LOA Cont.r.~t !or t.he 1987-~8 fJndLnq contribut.ion to Project JMlp, Inc. .- C?ntinu~ to Octob«or 6, 1987. Contract and cash C')"lt~nt ',f) Tri-County S.cnior S<-r'vice.. - Conttnu~d ~"Ot::to~r' 6, 1987. Sch~ule ð S~ul '~~tlnq (or the purpone of d1SCUSSlon ln th~ ('/('nl the ðpprðisðl Cor te1y 8arefOQ~ ø.ach 13 u1d('r $2.; ~lllíon. It:~ .1483 Pi r,,'¡ ar.ceptance of V I ctor I ð PH k West, Phase Two - DC!'leted. ltea 'eA'. IIJlOTl~ aoovn as U'D .IPnKBD !L-l..!I7-=-~PP~onD u n.u&naD eo..i..ioaer ..uDder. ~Yed, .ecoaded by c~i..ioner Goodniqbt aA4 carrleð uaaniaoualy, tbat tbe .iDu~e. of Auqu.t 25, 1'17 be app~" ~. pre..nted. ... lOR·J'J 45 P8ge 2 I......'.·."...·...';,· r' ; i~ ..,.. ~., (~ @" f~~ ¡~' í, f:i'. ·~¡~l; ;:i;' , " 1~¡ ,f., :¡.,Cl ~..\,'!<- ,.-}-¡ ,4',' ;L '.' ~ ¡ j . " !OR" -! 46 :,EPTEMBER 29, 1981 COIaaie.i01Mr Ooo4DJ.q!at lIO'Y.d, ..cofl44d bT Cotni".ioDer Pi.tor aDd cal~i~ Rft..i~.lJ, tÞat tÞ. .1DU~e of th. Septqaber t, 19., Budg.t ....riD¡ ...t.ll1q M apprcn'..s all pr...ntÞ4. Itee U~ nn.arn 8DT1a A1rUD8 - n.e.&lIn'kO Chlir.~n Ha'.~ pres~nlP.d fAploïe~ ;~rvic~ AWð~ds to t.h~ follow iOCi <nip loyl!'4!: 5·.,. ~t t~r So 11 d Wa. t@ [)Ii!'l'a r ler.n t. !> yr.. It.. '58 ~TI011 DSaIUATIlIG THZ 0.. OJ' OC:TOS.. 4 - 10, 1'" AS "UD .1.~ W'UP - A.DOPnD _r_____ rollcwínq l~ reðdínq of It J>roçlam.,llon r(' Re1 Ribbon Wf.!ck, Coeai.eiODer hua4er. aoYed, ..coDdad hy C~i..ioDer GoodDiqbt and carried VAuu.ouely, that tb. Pl'OClaaa':lon be aðoptad. Page 3 ~J," ~ '~ ':{ t1 ;"~.. I~;{ ""', ",-:I';' ~~;('>,~ I~î:~ 108~~ 48 'jot." 1 tOIl . SC ~~ " ,~ ','t, "it ,.... ,.~, ,~ rl~ ~,&:..lj." .}..~. ~ ~ ~t· r ~~ ì", r\ r;, ~., !~ SEI'TEMßE:R 29, 1987 PROC:tAGYI011 ~tCD:A"'IJIIQ 'rD nEK or OCTO.ln 4 - 10, 1917 AS "ID1PLOY !'D 1IA!!!LCAPft1) trnK I. COLLIE. COtT1lT~~_--=--.!~,~D rollow;nq the rcðdlnq of a Pro-::lðrwtlor, rc Employ lhe Handicapped ~k 1U2,..11er Counly, C~1.e1oner .n... .0"f'''<2, ..coD<2e~ by eo..ie.1oaer aatD4er. aD<2 c.rr1eð uDanl~.11, tbat the ProclaaatioD be aðoptH. Pe9- .. " ~ SF.PTr.MB~ 29, 1987 lUll 'ID PIIOCLAJlA"ttOll DC81GDTUIO TJlZ WEEK or !>CT~tJlUt .. - 10, 1111 M "aATIO..AL ~u. I~~n.u An.UJrU. nap - A.DO~D _ _ _ ___ 'olll1Vinç lM readlnq or a rrocl~...fttl('n rç. National Hcnlal Illness Aware,......" ~'k, eo.ale.io..er .aun4er8 110,.,4, ..con4e4 by Coaai.nioner Ooo4alq1at; ~ c&rrie4 UA&..i~.11, tbat the Procl...Uon be aðopt.e4. i A ft, . r ~'" ~'-.,' " '." t -~ ~ # 1, "#: 11'", l' r~ I, ,I it:~ ~ ~~ \ ' ,'~ Page 5 SEPTEMLER 29, 1987 ~ Jt.ea ''''-:1 oaDJ-..:a 17-7J MDmIJfG OmIID\MC'I 11-16 P1t01UI!ITIIKI OPD CO!CTAInU 07 A.tOOIIOt.Ic ..Y5MGU 1)1 N0T01t YDrICU8 TWAOOCllOtrr COL~I.R COV1l'1'1' _ !!!2~_ _.__..__ ___ ._. ___ Le9..,1 r'Io(¡U,=e havlnq ~~n publlsh<1'd If! lh~ ~ "pl'!ft Dei IV ~P.W!5 on kpt~r HI, 1987 at ~I"<,r.,:~" by A.!fl",,·dt of Pu::>l1,=etion tiled wit.h t~ Cl.'k, (/Utlie h~8rlnq "",. o~r..d to ':on"I'\"r It.., ordln""r.,, "lIN'ndinq Co l11er C?V(,t y Or d 1 n4rK'<' N<:>. 87- 16 b'/ 4...nd 1"9 S.c ti on "our to i nc I'Jd<, all of ~lller County. A.aeiet.nt Count.y Allorn~i W<!:1~1 IItð'.~.j t.h..,t C"llier Count.y pre- viouely aðcpted Ordtna~@ 81-16 pro~lbtt.n9 ~~'n c?nt.ain~rø ~( alcoho- tic ~raC;4'·tI in -.,tor ',"'hlr:I(O~ In .... Unlnr0q"Jrð':.<,d Ar<,ðr¡ of Colll<'r CO\Inty. tw .,sld thðt-(t'!r th1!1 Ordln..,,.,':'! w..,~ /JdQPted ð r~q\J~sl w,,~ rec.ive-j fr'" t~ City of "ðpl~. to incl",je th.':,:¡ I~ ttw! Ordlnðnce. Me. ~I~l ðdvI.~ that ~t th1! 8<'Jar":1 ~ 1Ir'-'clion ot o.Is6ion to include lM CIty of f.v<,rql"".o:>tI wlthln th.. Orr1tr'l!",ç,!, th<, County AlllJr"...,'. Office a180 contKt..d th~ CIl" of b<1':"qlade.. lip. stated that on Se;;t..o.: 1, 1987 t~ City ')f F:vI'f9h-:1.·t) approved oo:nq Incluðeo-J wIthin t~ ðll:M!nd~nt. Mr. ~194tl .t.at.." that th~ cnl'l r'-itnqA r:on' "1("¡.~-:1 within the alM",d- ~nt to Orc:hnance 87-16 applle5 to the J\J~ledILtlonal ðr~ð which "'Ill bo<:oee ':ovr.!y-wlde> r..th..-r thllon Ju~t ·,h... {J"Iln".,rp')(,Hcd Ar<'i!lS. eo.si..loner Pi.tor aoyed, .econded h1 Cocni..ioner GoodJJlqbt and carritk1 uaani801l.1y, that th. public h.. ring b.. cl"".d. ~1..1oD.r Pi.tor aoYed, .econded }~ C~1..1on~r G004nlqbt and ~ . .aq. .¡ '. t I1f ,~... IIPTlKBIR 29, 1"7 carrie4 aD&nt.oa.l7, that tbe or4ina~ce al nunbered and titled below be adopted aa4 eDtered into OrdinaDce !~t "0. 21. OaDI.ABCI øo.'7-73 AH OPDIHAHCE AAENDING COr.I.If.P Cr)fJNT"t ORDIHANCf. ;«). e7-16 fiY A.l"DfDI~ SEc-"OO FfJfJIJ 10 INCCUOf. ALL Of COLLIf.P C'CXMTY; P"'(NIDI~ CONfLICT ^-NO Sf.:YEPABILITY: PROVIDING JJI EfITJ:1'IVE: DATE. 1 t.. UC2 u.GLt"'fIOII .7-UI, M:EWDIJIG PELIOJI BAY DETZLOPKEJn' OltDIJt 77-1 TO ADD ATTUIC!IOII.(~TIOJI AS A Jrn OTZOO'!..Y_ or U81 - J.DOPTED lA9el Mt.ice havinq ~n published In lhp. Naples Daily New. on ~t~e lJ, 1987 a~ eVld~n<:'!?d by AfL·l..vit of l'ublicatlOn filed ",ilh the Cleek, ;)UbI ic Mar in9 was opt.!~d to r;tJns der n.endin9 Sect ion Vi I of Develop-.nt Order 77-1 (~r Pelj~ftn n~y by providing that 6.S ðcres within the oo..eecial zone be ~d. evallðble Cor use a. an .ttraction/recr.ation facility. Planner Duane stated t.he Stnf( woul1 also liko a deter_inalion .e to Vhether thie request conetitutes a substantlal deviation ae def1~ by Florida Statules. Ue advh,,!:j that the Depllrt.-cnt of eo..unity Affairs and the ~hP. Sout.hwest Ylorida Reçional Plennlnq Council hav., deter.ined that it dOl.!s n'Jt constit'Jt:e ð substential deviation. eon.je.lo.er .aundere aoTe4, .econded by c~i"ioner 0004nlqht and carri~ vnaDlaouely, that tbe public hearinq be c10eed. C~i..ioDer Goodn!qht .0.,"', .econded hy C~i..!,=>ner naunder. -. l~rl" 53 .a9- 7 .... ~ ìr ~, . .. IDB"~ 54 8BPTEKB.. 29, 1'87 aD4 carried aaaDi~sly, that a..olutlon 17-22', ...n41n9 ~.lican Bay ~.lot..aDt Or4er 77-1 to a4d attraction/re-::r.,atlon as a JU'" cateqory of a.., be aðopt.e4. Cow,ais.ioaar Ola.. aoTe4, .eoon4ed by Coani..ionar Go04niqht an4 carried aft&.i~.lr, that a4dinq attraction/rncr..tlon a. a new cate- qory of a.a ~. DOt con.tJtute a lub.tnntial ð8Tiatlon. ~ ~"OTf.: ':. h I !I 1IiC~.' ,,>n vas ta\:,-"n at. 10:.c5 A.H. f0r chr, flc.!It jt)n. an requt:'!Jted by the Count y Attorr~y. S-c~ TðfX' ... . (See p, qe a L~~ - J;J."L It. "A1 AP~L or P~/ZO.l.o DIRECTOR'. DECl810R TH~T A DISTWI8UTIOW OnuTIO. I,' ~ A nR!lITTED 08E 111 TJlZ. C-4 DJ8T:UC'T - DnXKD ~al rnt.lc~ havinq ~<.',.. publl~hÞd n th,. ~4ð¡::,l":~ Daily N~w!!J on S.pte.b.r lJ, 1987 as <.''Id('~{,,.d by AU\( ðVll (If ;'ubl1cation riled with the Cl~rlt, ~bl ic hear 1r11 Vð!l open~d to con~uder an tlppeo 1 riled by Mr. Charle1l Kaac1c, r'!'presentlnQ flr~hs AII~lng Compar;',' (Uolaurtl Baiters) r4H;J..rdí~ t.ow Planninq/Zonlnq Dlre(:t.or'!\ decl£ton that a dist.rlbution operaUon t~ not per.ttted In C-4 lon1nq. Co..uni:y DeveloPflV.!~t Þ.dll''nistral"r Pettrcw !ltalod that the Fuchs Balti"9 Co.ç,ny of ... i "r.1I II'! proP')sinq l::) p\lrcnês~ pro~rtv on Shadovlavn .')r i ve , wh!ch "as forllll<.'rly th'· S & . ' Green Stamp Slore. tie lhen ('\ t1 i n-td t.he 1!~C'ð 0... c!I "'" 11 _ðp an~J desc r I b#'d th~ extating surroun41~ z:>nínq. Ii,.. I'Itat,.,j th~r~ ItI ð !Hr""~lllr(" on sit. consisting o! ~,OOO .q. (l. and f'u-:hs B~"ung COtnPð'" prrJ~:rJ~"~ to estat:lish t.he fk>18U. Øeke-v Thrift St0re. He 8lðl~d thl~ ~trJr(' w1l1 have retail Pa9~ 8 then local ~l1v.ry varus would tak~ th1"~ product!) fr01tl th" Shado-.Ilawn " ¢ t t!· SEPr,.,.8ER 29. 1987 i', baked qoodt" and day old prrxh.c~!I. He:1t ated thc..y propose to have a tractor-t.raller deliver (resh bakery p'<-dIJcts on a ð..,ily bðSit!J and Drive locattOf' anð ðistributf" ~tw!a thr.,oq~Jt. th~ Haph~t!J ~r~.., to various .up<?r....rtl:elll, !ltor~s, "KtSpitðl, et-:. f!~ stal~d that IoIh~n the local deli~ry van. pick up t~ (re~h products, they are also bri~Qing back day 01<2 products that are re 14 ti ve J y r r(:'sh to be put in the Thrift 5tor~ and ..ðe availahle to the ~nerel ~ub)ic. Hr. ~t~rov IItat.ed the C-4 zoning wtich (·xir.ta on the propert.y does not allow t.rans(er or dlstrib\Jti/')(J (a(:iJ t f>~. H~ !St.aled this us. III incl'~'" in C-S 7.o~in9, whl,=h 111 whl!r(' U¡c problem Ii'!.. He said the Zor1lnq DIrector hits atalp.d thaI it IS nrJt ðn incident.al use, but ~att~r , prlaary USq an~ by al10winç In n C-4 Dll1trict, this use ..y be cpen to aany ot.her sh<.rppi:1q plau!S throuqhout the County. Hr. Pottrow .entloned, ~~vør, t~at tho ~~~ciflC oxa~pl. being propoe.ed i. probably a good use (or thl~ p.,rt,ie'J)ar sit~. Hp. !!Itllt.E'd that øcllt o( thE' activitif!t!J lake plðc~ tetwCf!n 12:00 a.... and 6:00 a... ar:ð prx>ably voulð not t!4:' fY.)ísy. In .naver to Chair-.en U.n.., Mr. r..ttrow al.1lcd he would not. rec~nd c~a09inq t.he zoninq t.o C-S (or thl:t p'o~rty because of pos.ib)e future u..ø- Respondi~g t.o Coc.laa¡On~r SlJundern, Mr. Pet.tr~ atat.d that. c..',:l inq t_his an al)cw~d prolÌllionðl une and having to .~ c~patibllit.V wIth the ar~ð would be an ðccp.~t.ablo way ot handlir9 the eituation. Page 9 HOC 108'1 J 55 ~' ~:'" "-~." It rt ~ .~, > j¡,> ~ r_,~ :. .. 108,p 56 Sf:PTEHB~R 29, 1987 eo..Iss1oner PI.lor slal~ hia concern (or the residential pro~r- ties in the l-.edlat~ vicinit.'l. Tape U Mr. Chart.- "-ack, repr~~nt.inq ru~h. 8a~inq Company, slat.ed the ZOni~ Ðir'!'C~or conlenda that ~ause t.hey w ~h t.o unload and load, the use ~ not confor_ to t.~ currp.nt 7.onin.}. H"! noted that the toninq DIr~:or "qr~s t.h.,t'tt~ lrolJr:lor-UaIJ"r 1S allowed t.o dedver and uftlo.d b.1lcery product.- for (.lail ,.",1"', h-::wev'!r, the additional unload!n; or t.he wholesale prvdur:ls neçes,ary f0r local delivery ia not P9r.itte-ð bqcauø~ :t con:Hit.ut~9 ð dl1lrlt.t.;tlon wholesale proce- dure t.hat the Director claims is Of"Ily per,.ttt(·~ in a C-5 District. Mr. Maac..- stated the', c0ntJ'nd th~y ar'~ not ð d~atribuUon eat..blts,....-.nl as de(in"d under C-S zoninq. Ii~ said the o~rative word 18 -establht.-ent.- which iapllP.8 that. thw 1S ð SP<'(:íClc iden- tlCicatiQn, en el!lt.ablish~nt ~ho s~cializes lr or whose purpose is specifi-:.,lly the distributton of products He said that. implication carrie. with it ~h~ connotation ~hðt B~ch eslat,11sh~nls would be d.aljnq .n a wide ran9~ 0f 11ftlrlbuted ~YJ~ pr~~ucts. He at.ated they do not ("11 int.o the cat~ory?( a distrit.utlo' or a '"holesalf! .-tab1íøh8l?'nt ~c"u8e the'", do ....ot wðr..h,:>u,,~ or "''''1ntaln storaq<e. He said l~y are -erely ð bakery tryinq to 8(11 ðr1 deliv~r bakery goods in orct.r t.o laUary the d~ðnd! cf thf!" r:f)"....IJnl".{. "r. Haack .-aintained thal thf! r~ue5t-:d U5" (aIls within the C-4 Distrlct tM!ocaus~ lhat u!'te 18 already ~rl'llltt~,j In thE' C-J nistt'lct., Pa? 10 -,.. í Î~ ~"Øù . ~ SEPTEMBER 19, 1981 which sp'!<:t( "cally slal'!s, under S.-cl1on'223( 18) -f.a~ery Shops (1nt.:ludi~ b40Ikinq in<:ìðentai to relðil ('·r wholesale sales-. He said that this ..ction r.l~ðrly 5tat.~D tha~ 8 bnkery an~ the requirp.- ..nls in:iðental ~t;) a ba~er'l IH~ ~r.itl~' U!I"!} in th~ C-3 Ohtr let. tie saId d~li"er'( of prod~t I~ lrv;id~nto!ll lo "bðk~r·,.. Mr. M~,,'.k con- tin~ by st1tinq that thp. C-4 d1&trlct ~tal~a -to provide for ð greater vari~ty o( c~reiðl ~ervleeß an1 salrs than is permitted in tM C-2 C~~r::ial Ot!.Hrlct "'rid ':.he C-] C~r' lal Intermediatp. District-. In r.-.po"'.. to Chair.an HðSS~. Mr. Haaclr tI~at~~ th~y hav. 6 ''>cal delivery tru:ka and one tractor-'.rlJll1er thet d.·ll",ers once each day. R4t atat-rd thet thil! 6 1 0(: a I tr'xk!J, after loðdtrlg frOtll the tractor- trailer, leave the pre.1!'1e15 oni-,. one tllftol! and return one ltee ench day. R.spon1ínq to CQtlllllla&lrm~r Piator. Mr. M.v:k stated thqy cur rent 1 y have a at.ore 0n 1.1 nwr; ~ ^v,.nu~. h(f'W("'er, they need IÞOre spac:.. Mes~or.dl09 to C~1a.loner Saunders, ':ount'! Attorney Cuyler etat.ed that th4· u.. b41nq requested Ie cle-arly I dlstnbutinq oot.ablish- lien t . Hr. ~ttrow etated C-J S!·He" -"air..."', Shop'\ - in<:'ludlnQ balnnq incid.nl4l to rela:l 01 wholf'.!~ðJ~ .,..,I~~·. /fro It",lf':d t.hðt. wholel'Jale s.l.& bc,lnq conducted at this !lIte dOf!"tI rQt tr"ðt the "'ðt.ter of tr.".f.r or dlstribuU0n (ðr::llltlC!L It" ntltt·~ the question un(j.r .~al ls tho dietribut.10n Issue. In an!'wer t·) Cotnmieeioner Class, r498 11 &toe lORn... 57 t ... "- 'J; 1 ': ;;¡~ ~, ,. , "II!' ,~ '~ ... 108,..~ 58 SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 Mr. Pettrov stated that whol~al. bakeri~a do involve transportat.ion, how9ver, tbe HIe h occur r i nq on ø ite. He staled that is not the caN in this sit.uation. H'! I!Mid t.~y IJr~ br inqing in products, oCC- loadinq and i--.díat.ely on-lOft~ioq inlo ~i(fer~nl trucks, which serves s. a di.trib~tion fftcility. Mr. ~r?e ~eller, Collier County Ciyic federat.ion, stated his C..linq t~t the Count.y should not. ch.nq~ their zoní"? lawD for one situat.lon. ~ et.4ted t.h..t C?unt" over Uf-e& th<l! provisional use cftle- 9f)ry. eo..l..i~r Clee. point.'!d out t.hat th~ exisllng zonin9 on t.h~ property ia r.-4 aod ~e p.1~e could d<'velop a lIuch IIOre inten.e use on t.his .ite without. havlnq to co.c Þe(ore t.he Board of County Co..i..ioner". eo.ai.sioa.r ..QDd.rs ~~, s.COD4eð by Co..i..ioD.r Pislor aD4 carrie4 4/1 (eo.aiø.loner Q\a.. opposed), that th. Fuchs ØakiDq co.pany &ppe41 of Planninq/Joninq Dir.ctor'. deciaion that a di.tribu- tion ~ratlOD i. not a per.itt.d us. in th. C-4 District b. denied. co.ai..ion.r aaunders ~.d, to dir.ct Itatt to prepare tb. appropriate Ordinanc. to per.it Bt.tf revi.. on . cas. by cas. basis of this type use in . C-4 di.trict. C~i.aion.r Pi&tor .econd.d the ~tiOD with ~h. addition that Itart raYiftV the l.nquaq. of th. C-) 80ni&9 diatrict and clarify, it n.c....ry. A brle( ·Hsc.Js8Ion f()ll~(-d anlj C~Ja.10n.r 8aun"'ers an.nd.d his .otiOD to dir~ct atatt to raYi.. tb. C-] and C-4 20ninq di.tricts and Pac¡e 1% ~. ~~ 'fit ¡""! í~ I~ ft·. ~' ØBPTJDœJUt. 2), 1987 aake . r~ation on bow to handl. tÞls tJ1~ of operation. co.ais.ioner Pi.tor ..en4e4 hi. .ecoD4 aa4 upon call for the qu..tioDa, t.e aotloD carried UDaDlaoa.lf. It_ '711 Jt&8OU7TIOII "'-229 nTITtOll PU-'7-14C, ASBILL, IIAt.8, DOYL.I A.JfD nCJ:1lOf..T8, UPUSEnlJK1 nT1tOl..A1I'£ GAl SEtYICI FOa arm.IOR or noYIalo.n OØI - ADOFnD coaais.ioner Piator aoT~, second~ by CORnla.loner Glas. an4 oarri~ ."Di~.lr, that .e.olutioD .7-22., Pfttition PO-'7-14C, Asbell, ..iae, Dorle aD4 ~ickworth, rwpr....ntinq 'etrolaae Gas .erYice for este..toa of ProYls10nal Oae "C" of tbe "I" .0nlDq 41atrict for bulk atoraq. of liquid petrol.ua q.., b4 a40pt.4. Page 13 .001 108P1- 59 ~ f' ,- ,.~',~ ~" ~~. :><, ' ,~ 108'J~ œ SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 ".pe OJ 1 t._ '7.2 u.oLlJ'nOJf .7-2]0, PETtTI01I PU-17-lIC, '!"HE cxn or IfAPL.ES, PO. '~ßIOW~L 08~ 1.10 or TKK axP-I ~I~ DISTRICT PO. ~ .~TER STORAGZ '~ <!! 8UDOnAn º___~vz -_~~º--_________ _____ P:ann4!!r "'''.'''kg stðt~d th~ CIty of U'pl":.'n is proposing to plac~ IJi w.t.er store~ tenk on t,.~ n')(t~et co'n~r cf tOLe Streel nnd Shad-:>wlavr. Or lve on pro~rl',. consistin'1 of 1.16 ..eres. He stated that f the r~.l is id1tntic )l to t~ ~t..íli')O heerd by the Board or Cour..y Co.rei&sior.ers on March 18, 1986, wit/", '>nP. ChIH)Çfo, He advi&ed t.hat the ; r{ .tora~ tank wIll actuelly ~ SO ft. i., ~~Iqht rðther than 40 (t. in .; "¡'" ., i height. "r. Weeka at.ated that Staff IS reç?Ø~ndinq that t.rees ~ plðnt~d 810ng t~ ...l and north pr~rty line and alon~ the west~rn Co~n boundary wit.h th-. RHF-6 Dis~rlct. He ~aìd Staff "Iso reço~~nmend. that t.he he 10hl of the tar.1I: be I ¡.1 t.t'd to 5') ft. "Ind a d~tð i led II i to plan be aub.itted at the tl~ ~( building ~?r~lt ,ppl ication. Mr. Ne-d:s edvlaeð t.hf:.> Co!ller Counl_y Plð'1ninq COtMIi"lon he.d their public hearing on 3ept~.~r 3,11.87 an::! unaniøaou!'Jly recOQm(mded approval .'Jbj~t. to Slat( ~t IpulaUons In ens~r to ChJl~rlftð~ Hesse, Mr. Gt'ra1d L. Gronvcld, representin9 th4t City of Hapl"!., at.ðtl:'d thø-y h..,v," t"'0 ~~¡Hin? tðnl-tt tCJ thf." W('st end t~.i. w:ll add ,toraqø- cap""clty, fi( ..,Jar¡ ~tl.':.'!'d that ~his tank ift approxiaat('ly double th~ SIze of the olh~r t';/'J . "'1ks. A l~thy discussion f'ol1ow~d '.'1 water f r n~eded fire- protoction Pðge L4 Sr.ØTEHR~ 29, 1987 in Cold4n c.te Ealat~a. Mr. Di~k Ara~n, Gcldeo Cal~ Taxpayers Associ"tion Pr.si~t, stated hili r...@l 109 Üat the CIty of tlapJ~s 18 cr..ti~ a prOble. wit.h t.he ~at.er ir. Cold~n Gale Eslatcs end (ire pre- vnntion. Foe ...id ~ (~l. ttMry sh-tJUJd C....Iop~Hðle In puttinq fire hydr.n~s ~ this line In the G01deo Cðl~ ~øtðleB ðr~ð. eon.l..laaer Pi.tor ~ed, .econðed by Coaai..ioner Olaas and carri~ ....I'OV.ly, tbAt .e.olatl~ft 17-2]0, 'etition PO-17-1IC, Tho city of 8apt.., for a PrOYi.'~D.l u.. 1.10 ~t tb. RKF-6 loninq district fer a ..ter .toraqe tant on .baðowl.wn Dri.., be aðopt.d. .. lœ,. s 63 Page 15 . - SEI'TD1BER 29, 1987 %~ 11.' U80LOTIOII '7-211, PnITI01I PU-'7-12C, T1f1l CITY OF JQPU8, POR A PRO'YIIIODI. .,.. '.10 or TKE MF-f ¡ORne¡ DIBnICT POR A WATER STORAGE TìUI'X O~I.AJIA aoAD - ADOrnD WIT1f 81'n!!~,!,10~_ PlanrÞlPf .....k. stat-.d that this r..qu.....t 18 Ic!..nt leal to the pre- viou. r~~t and the lank will ~ l~c.t~d on the north side or Solana Road and all eurroundinq lands are unj4'l.10~d. H4 noled that t.his tank ~111 .1~ be 50 ft. in hei?ht. ~. _.k. .t..l~ tha'- Stact (ind" t~ r~u@ftl In co'pliance with the Cc:.-rret)enaiv~ Plan and they r-.--.;QtrWoIII!nd appro'l" I Bubje<:t t.o .tipu~a- lions. ~ stated the CCPe t~Jd t~elr public hearing on Sepleøber 3, 19a7 and rec~nded approv~l subject t~ Sta~: stipulations and two addit1~l stipulation. ~Hh reqard to fill ;roø. lh~ lake and revised .He ç1ans. ~..i..i~r Piat.or n~~~d that th@ requ~sl st.at.es that the Carica Roed tank .,i 11 not. ~ t·...r~d over t.o the County unt ~ 1 1989. H4 sa id it va. hi. underslandinq t.~.t the turnover would tak@ plac@ in early 191a. Utilities ,\d.inistrat.or Crandall a(bieed the 1989 datil! is con- tained in lhe current Aqr~nt wit.h t~p. CIty 0f Nðples, however, it is thf' intent that t.he County will ta1-:- 0""'" In early 198~. H4! noted that BlaU is wait.in9 on ~ additiQnal Infnrll'ðllOf. (rom the City. ea.mI..IoDer PIstor 8OYe4 to adopt tbe resolution witb tbe stipu- lation t..t as 800n as tbi. tan~ 1. ooapl.ted tbe Carioa acad tank w11l be turae4 oyer to tbe CouAty. Pa96 16 .. l08·~J 69 I,",~,~ ,' ,~ . ", :..¡: " "~ .. 108.r-t 10 SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 CO'oInty "'M~r Dorril1 adv'~ that th.. C..,Hnly has an existing agree8t'!nt with t.h~ City o( Nap).!! or, U-.~ Caricn Road lank and atateð that a9r~nl qoverns t.h~ Carica Road tank. R~pondi09 to Co..is.i~r Class, Hr. Weckn slat.ed t.~ðt SlðfC has stipuløted that. no other us,. will ~ allr,~d on the propert.y except a public pack or playground. Com.l.sion~r Glass stated t.hat he coul~ ... no reason why t.h.. Clt.y 1IM'.J1d want t.o p).r:~ . publIC ~ark in the County and askeJ Mr. Gron"ol~ If thl' ftl". is ðnlicipat.e¿ for annexa- tion. He alat.ed it -.:ould be, h(~ver, tie 18 nol certaIn of that. tact. ...tati~ biB -otion, C~isaion.r riator aoyed, seconÓed by eo.ai.sloaer ..under. and carried un.ni.oualy, tbat Ra.olution .7-231, PetitioD PV-.7-12C, Tbe City ot .apl.., Cor a prOTisional u.e ..10 ot tbe RX7-. &oDIDq district tor a water storaq. tank on Solana Road, be a40pte4 with tbe stipulation tbat tb. us. ot the property be li_ited to a water tank and lbe necessary PuaplDq syst... Page 17 t " ,¡, t: ~' { ... 108·.,.( 18 SEI'Tf:MBER 29, 1987 It.ua teA nrn.. or tAWDFtI.L ,.u PO. OOJCPlJIO 011 "1VZXJIEJ " 191' '0. TWZ 'I" an>Ga Cl!!S-~k)CIA!I~--=-.!..~R___ __ __ County "'na9~r torriJl ~~vis~1 that :he Plr~ Ri1q~ Civic A.s8<X:lat.lon '\48 r~'J~lItM th4t t_h~ fY)4f' WI}IVP I,h~ l.and(111 f~~1I on Nov~r 7, 1987 for th"!ir "'Jb-r]lvi~;')n r ,~ðn-u1=. Pk. Oorrdl adv1f:~ th<r- A"er1 that ' I~ hID fee1inq that these r~q\Htst.. ere be.çoainq too nV."HO'J!! ..nd th"!r~ I" no such thing as a -lr..- d~inq d.y sance lh~ ç,)!lt 18 ð-:tIJally ~"!I"~d on to the p<eople who ~~y the ~~. ~ B~ðte1 h~ h~!I ~') ~'obl~~s with ð bi-annuð1 County-vt~ r.lean-up e!(')r~ h~V~f. h~ bel I~V~ a pattern Is ~in9 ..t. C~u..ioner Clal'ls rwte" tha~ ctX>poriltlon froe loe41 cOfttpanies is ~d t) ~q;""P1 ish d :"plnq ?n 'J County wid~ besia end he d~s not b4tU.". t....rn .re f'nouçh r~!!I'\'Jfce. !Of it t') b4' hðndled in that ... nt')If r . A brief discu'l'Iion ro11~j '.)n th~ UI~ ,.,( County trucks ~ utlli- tiz4t'd ll')~ " County-wld~ -=le.,n-'Jp. C~i..loa.r Saunders ~yeð, .ecoDdec~ by Co..ia.ioner 't.tor and c..rr1e4 'la&Aiaou.ly, that Landfill t.... t.. ..t.,.d cn .cyeaber 7, 1'" fcr tbe ~tne a141. Ciyte A..oetation a:d no other ap~lte..tloD. ahould be ..ccep~e4 until tbe County adopt. a poJt~1 on c~uftltr clean-up clays. ... ~. AT 10:JO A.M. PfOOWYEWID AT 10145 A.M. ... í!' 'r... . 4 f~, ,~ , '~ PeV. 18 &: t. SEPTEMDER 29, 1987 Cheir..n H~... alated that t~re is a 9~ntl~n present who would like to ,peak on Il~ '1484. C0unty M~n~1~r D0rrilJ staled this a~ld properly ~ ðon~ just. ~(or,. t.h~ C~ns~nt ^9~ndd. It_ ftAl rv.LIC aD.lllJIQ DAn lOR PrrITI01I ~-.7-5:, JUœJmlllIlT TO nB B&IlUIIIIlI LAD. pv~. 'rO Ddr.btlJrE IF IT 18 A 8UUTAII'TIAL DEVIATIOR - 8n FOR OC'IO~~ 1'.7 Plan"M!'r [JUa~ .t8t~ lh4t St..t ( ~Ið I ill:,. the Aoðrd to set ð public b..ri09 dete (or Petition PD~-e7-~:, ft~nd~nt to th~ ß~rkshire Leltes PU). to &l!terain'!' if ~~r" ie ð elJbHlJnllal d~viatit')n. eo.al.sioaer ,i.tor 8OY.~, .econ4~ br C~is.ion.r Ooodnlqbt au4 carrie4 aa&D~IJ, tbat tbe public he~rinq for PDA-.7-'C. ..enaaent to tbe .~rk.hire Lake. POD, be .et for Oclober 1], 1"7. It_ ".1 cø.c Ðn'r rum aoAD IKPIb;).IPJUr-, "UORIn LI.., 1'0. " 17/.. - A'P1I:OYan Pu!:JltC W,rks MlJlinllslrðtor }rchita1d r~port~d thðt. !O'Jr ..i lea o( the he.vi~t tr.vel~ J~el 11~rocll: road, In the Golden Gale Est.ale. vere uP9r.ðe~ to 8 pav~ rosd status 1uri'~ rY 86/87. He stat.ed His prQ9ra. will cont.inue In Py 87/88 utillZ119 In-houso (orcos and t.he annual esphalt conl:acl. Mr. Archibald .lal~ t.~re will ~, ap)roxímðt.ely $130,000 aval table trOll int.erest on th(! GN:: Trusl ::"IJnd in n 87/88 to improve epproxl..tely three aile. ot ~ld<!n ç..t.. ':!'Jtðl(":J 1imerock roads. He stal~ S~ll has priorillzed the list o( ~eded improve~enls end 1. requestl"9 &o.rd epprovðl ot th~ priority list.. Page 19 ,toe 10R·.'1 79 .. 108";: 80 SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 Responding to Cbairllðn Haa.e, Mr. Archibðld etat.~ that the interest (r~ the Tru~t Fund is uøeð to I~rade li.erock roads to paved stat~ and the ".S.T.U. ís us~ (or aaint~nanc~ o( roads that are alre.e<ty peve-d. tloP sa id tho-. on I y o~h.·r way to upqradf! thf:>se roads i. for tho ,..iðents t.o ~ndert..k-. tho-. coot. or the ..prov~nts or the cre.tion or a tax in; district. Hr. Dic< Braun, Cold~ Cat.__ Ta.pay.r~ Aßsocíation Preaident, stated hi. feelinq t.hat the ftOn~ in th~ Trust Fund should be used t.o do all U... ~oads at one t.l~. H(' etatot"d that by doing thrc4t or (our roads p~r ~ar. the work wi 11 nev(!r get jrme. He ð Iso ala led that if the Trust ~ nd earns 6+\ int.erest ~r y-..r and the cost. 90ea up 15\ .ach ye'r, :he Count.y ie actually 10ainq .oney. A l~t'y discu.sion fOll?Wed on hia,er interest rates va. tying the Trust rJnd up (or several yea"". CO.Jnly Manager Oorri11 atated· thet th~ Pu~lic Works Dlr~tor and County Manager will ~et. with t.he Finance Dir~t.or and revt~ the options .vailable to increas. the inter..t rate on this Truat fund. H~ stat~ that if they will be able to ~rtakt .are road work as . result or r~vi'''d revenue esti.ate., they viII r~rl baCk t.o the Board. co.ats.loDsr Piator ~e4, .econded by C~ia.ioner 01ass and carrt.. ...ataously, tb&t lbe OAC 'rnaat rund road haproys..nt priority list tor rY .7/.. be approyed. PRJORITf !!QACMATAlNII NO.:- 1 2':nd :;l. S.f::./ ." 2 Isl St. H.W _ I 1 J ] 8th St. N.W., I 1 ) Page 20 SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 4 S 6 7 21", St.. S.W./194 19th St. S.w.; e ~th St. S.w.; 9 3rd Av~.S.W.; 8 It.. UC4 " 17 /1. MI':SI:~r 8ET1fED COLLIn COt11lTT UD TIn: 'UDICAJ. £XAJU.ZR - APpao,ao ran TEa PERIOD 0CT08ZR 11 1'17 ~UGB DBCaxaZR 3~ 1"7 Public ~~rvíce. Ad.lniatratQr O'Don~11 advi5ed that Dr. Heinrich Sch8itt, Coilier ~ nty Medical Exa.iner, hae submittr.d his rceiqna- tion effective De-r.e.ber 31, 1987. He 5aíd Staff i!l requestlnq that the Board approve the Medical Exa_in~r'a conlract for the poriod Oct.ob9r I t.,rOUQh O--Ce1lb-.r 31, 1987, at which lilll'e a nev contract. will be written ~ith the new Medical Exa.iner for the pcriod January 1 thr0U9~ Septe.ber 30, 1988. QoaajsalODer ?lstor aoYe4, ..con4e4 by c~i..ioner Ooo4niqht an4 carrie4 UDaniaously, that the Aqre.~ent b4tv..n Collier County ðn4 the Xe4ioaJ Exaainer be approye4 for the perio4 October 1 throuqh Deoeaber 311 1"7. .. læ,.· 81 Pðqc 21 '<41 '.. tOR,,! 86 Sf.PTEMBlR 29, 1987 It.... UC. .1.~...IOIf '!'O OCTO... '1, 19.7 OP TKZ IJl'T'EJUM COllCES8IOR MUl£JDœJr1' AJm ,.... J'OV1tT1I MUI:)ft.Utt TO TIrE 1!P1AC11 ~'CCP.sS P~CILITIII8 MRIIUZHT FOR CLAM PUB PAU--=:2..I()~&O ________u___ Publtc Servic~s A.d~ir.istr~tor O'Ü0nn~ll ~te'~d lhet th~ ConcessIon Aqre.~nt for CI.. Pass Par~ h~. not ~n fln~II7.~d and Staff í~ r~.U09 ar e,.;:t"!ns i on to o.:to~r Jl. 1987. He?- stated the t th'\'~ attendance tx:"th for P!H~I"'q has not ~4'n r:Ol':1pl'!t...d as y(·t, how"ver, Slaff is r~~ivin~ ouch ~tt~r ~?O~rðtiQn on fInancIal reporting. Hr. G~orç~ ''!'JI'!'r. C",>I 1 I'!'r (:)'Jnt.,. CIVlr: ~"rjl'rðtlon, litatqd thðt. he has ~n in(cr-.ed that Co111'!r Co....nty ha& n0t r"!-::~lved any evidence o( insurance on thl. aQre~"'!nt. H~ stat"!d thIs IS a serious ile. end í( they cannot ~re>duc~ the ln8'Jrðn"~ ':ertl(lcate, the Board sho.;ld stt:p the operftt i~. þ.asi.nt'tnt C....ÞUr.ly Atlor~y w.: 19~1 stat~d U'1ðt lh:~ ^gr('~lJI('nt calle lor proof of ¡nsur..nce wllh U,· County nð~d ðD an ðdditJOnld lrlsured. He .t.te-<1 there lS eV1<~,!,,.,ce that t.h¡s lns....rance eJusta, h<N«'ver, despite ...ny r~uests, the :::~rl1(lcat"-" has n(;~ b4::"!n (IJrnish...d. tie advi-.d that the lft9al otdígðt.tOr, to insure .,nd Indemnl(y applics vhettM!-r tMj' ~ave th~ !r15t.rðnr:'· ,,., pI..,"" 0r r,n'_, J n ðn!'lwer to Ch.ir..n .....e, Mr, W~19~1 stðted thð' If ~h" r-...'rt_I(lcðt(· is :1ot. pro- duce<!. l~e 80Hd hðS lh~ c~:)ntrðc~uðl ðbil t·( '.1) t.(è'rmlnat(~ th"! A9r~t . Atlorrwy ct¡. hard A/Hon. repr'!&"!nUnç thp Al)ú. stated thðt. he received a call fro. Hre. Rynders ðdv18.n9 they dld n"t hav. t.he cer- Peg. 22 S[PTEMBER 29, 1987 tlficate of í~uranc. and up until t.hat ti~ ~~ vas not 4verO that it h.d not ~ .upplied. Ke .~at.ed ~ would eal 1 lh~ carrier and h.v~ the oertificbte expres&ed ~o Hrs. P.ynd~rs riqht ~Vfty. In r'tSpof\!M t.o Chairaðn nass~, UUlili<:.>!! Administrator Cran':2all atated t~t t~re he. ~n ~ pr?bl.- with th~ d~s¡qn of the parking lot. He said or19lnally it. va. ~lan~ that th~ lines would 90 und~r the p.rkinq lot, hovever, th~'l are not in the process of de3í9ninq around t.hoe potrkínq lot. "~not~d t.h~re ís also It posslbi Ii toy that the s.-ver vill mt have to bf.! ç-:>e):>lelf!·j ðnd th,. curr~nl septic syst.em vi'.! be allovtd 0' a per~nf!nt basls. rape .. A leD9tht discussion followed on the requirement t.o construct. third pcd. ~r. WejqeJ .tated that the t.hird pod is . requirement and .hown or. the bul1dioq per.'t and t.he DNR application. Hr. Aaron .t.t~ that the third pod was shown ð~ propos~d and b5sed en vhcther the Cour.ty v:x.lld allow alcohol to ~ ser'¡ed. C~ia.i~r Cia.. stated, ln his opInion, a negotiator should be util!z~ to reaolve t.hi. .ituation. C~j..loD.r Pl.tor 8O..d, ..conð.4 by Coaal..1~n.r GoodDiqbt .Dd oarrie4 RDaDiaou.ly, t~at tb. IDt.ri. Conc...lon Aqr....nt .Dd tb. Fovrtb ~"Dt to tb. ...ch Acc... r.ciliti.. Agr....nt tor Claa .... ~k be ext.nd.d to October 31, 1t.7. eo.øi..to~.r ristor ao.e4, svooDde4 by coa.issioner Goodnlqht .nd carri" aaaniaou.ly, tbat Coaai..loD.r ~l... and st.ff ...t with MIl l08·s: 87 ."9. 23 ,~ ,.....,~~--_.~<.----- t .~'"' s:' ~ ',,~ ...'~ ,: j r ,¡,(:~; }'.w .. ~ ì , :A- .>$ it ~f .. l08n~ 88 SIPTZKB.. 2', 1'.7 Covaty ~ttorDe7 ..1q.1 aDd ~ttorDey AaroD to r..ol.. tbe oulatandinq iaau.. for tbe final conce..ion aqr....nt. Pa9. 24 SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 tt_ "01 UPAI. or U" GUYITT anza LID I. DPLU PAU - APP1tOTBD Waslevat~r Oar.ct.or Cle.~ns stat~1 ~hat the repalr of a 12- vitrified ellY Pipe in Hapl~s Park would be v~ry .i_llar to the ß- 1 inP. repa i r aut.hor i 1.~ tvo ~k!!l 890. lie stated t.he .a~ llethod o( r~ir was C~ as th~ best vay to r~pair this line, ðn~ by havinQ the r~.ir ð~ ~J while the co.pany is atill in the aro~, it viII be 1... COtIt.ly. Mr. Cl..~ alated Staff r~~nd. ~ut~rizat.íon of the repair end waivt"9 ror..l biddinq require~nts. Mr. J~~ ~schl ask~ if thla repalr lS anot.her re.ult. of pipe that wa. lai~ Incorr~t.ly? Utiliti.s Adainis~rator Crandall at.aled t.hat t.here i. no way to know· Cor ~rtain what caused t~ break in the pipe, but. it was ~sibl. t.hat the ~dinq w~. not sufficlent. ~tssloaer pi.tor ao.w4, a.cond.d by C~ission.r Goodftiqbt and carrie4 .o&D~ly, tbat toraal biddiDq be .a1..4, r.pair of tbe 12" .1trifle4 qr-.lty ....r liDe 1ft Repl.. .art be autboril.d, and ad4ed to the ooatract witb lnaltuto~ Soutb.ast, Inc. I t.e. ft D2 PULtJUDAT P'LAJr TO OIVCLOP COItAL UEF 1rELL.rULD ~ AU'tHORIJA'fIOR TO ~&Þ WIn PIIA"E II OF 11118 D!·/GLOn!CJrT-. APP1tO'#ZD Utllltle. Ad.lnutrðlor Crandall ~tðl~.J thal t~",re 1~ so.e ðd1i- tlon.al In(or..Uon on the Ct:>r51 Me~f ,\qul!er In the report of Clndin98 Page 25 .... lC8·.'~ 93 ~ ~, ('." .. 1(l~ ",.{ 94 SEPTEHBt~ 29, 1987 frCM Miesí_r , A.8!1OCá.t.~s. Mr. To. "~..i8er, or Mtasi.-.r , ~~oci~tp.s, st.ðl~d t.hat the sub- .1tt.ed plan is It ðo-:~nt that will ..,\ I""" th~ ord~rly tjev~loPlIM!tnt of wat~r supply for. 40 y",er ~~riod thrOtJgh th,. '/~IH 202S. Ht..' dif.plðy~d a ..p shovinq lM l<>catton ':)( th~ CQral R~( ^qulfer, pointin9 out. t.he li~t~ and sand portions of the aquifer. ;¡~ Jtat~ ttlat. in J983 . high productivity zone w.s ádonll(j~ whl~h ~~tþ.nds Crom the I-7S area lo east or Mule Pen ~.rry and a Ilttle south of rmmok~l~p. Road. He .1.0 point.-..d ~t t~ area cð11p.d t;)~ ·Save o.Jr Plvp.rs I.and Purct'.se Are.- which 11 ~inq considt..'rp.1j for pur-:ha"Jø:> by tht..' St~t~ of f'kr ida (or per..nent pre.~rvat.ion In additIon to th~ çor~ft~rew Swamp Sanctuary. /~ , Yap. ., ,..¡I I1r. l1ì.sa-..er stðt.~d t.h18 parcel ás IOÇð1~d t..'~sl o( t.he intersec- lion of C.R. JSI and l-.okðlt..'e Road .nd Il IS the site chosen .. t.he best. po.sibJ~ l~atíon for the develo~nl of the N0rth Collier County Nellfield. K~ then dásp!ðY~ . three dl~nslonðl dia~ram or the 9eoloqy of UH aqul(er ~neðth lh(' chos~n slt.e for the wt..'llrield. tfe .lat~ th1. ptrtJcular .ute h..,s JIIðny .dvðntðq'~!!J. lh._' m.)~'_ 519niC1canl o( which lS t~.t the Silt..' 15 undt..'rlðnt..'d by t.wo productIve fresh wat.t..'r aqui(,.r.. K! atated that a lot 18 ~n('.-n ðbOI.Jt t.he Coral Ret..'( Aquifer. bYt. the aquirer that 1 u~s ~low 1 t. th,.. Luw"r Tu,ia_i 4qui!er. conllin. . l~sser quanlllj of ~ater and "st,mates show t.hat it could provid~ about 12 _¡llion gallons p-er day. Be emphasized Page 26 SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 a911n tt\at n:)l all t.he hydroloqic characteristics are known on the lower lqulfer an-:! U)e inforlWllt.ion will ha/e to t>e verified. lie said the water in the lower ðquif~r is of very qood qua1lty an~ similar to the wøter pr..ently ~inq treate~ at th~ Gol1~n Cate ~llfield. ~r. M...i..r st.ated th~t th~re are two ift~u~~ inv0lve1: 1) t.h~ overall ..ptct (o~ 1 40 year water supply which will require land acqui.ition, vellfleld prot~tion, and a nu_bP.r of oth~r c(~plicated 1..u.u: and 2) t~ first ph... of . wellfield that is n..d(~ very 800n . Mr. Mi.~i..r pointed out that the parcel ~( land i8 own~ by only two l.nd ovrM!rs and t~ area of t.he prc~~nt rock pit5 could t>e deve- loped with ft .ories of ~llfleld aligr~nt. wi~h water (rom both aquHers oy"r ð p""ri~ a! ~iJM. tff!' sUited it r:ould handle withdrawals of over 12 nillion qallons per day in jus~ the 320 acre h~lf section. H4 ..id there ls another eo acre parcel that could be us~ (or waler tr.l~t p.ants and ot.h.r (acl1itl.~ and reaðlnin1 upland area of anot~r 320 .cr~s could be for future weJlfleld allqn~nt1. Mr. "i.:'11..r stat~d h~ would ultlJa.l.llf!l·l (f!r:"mnM:'nd ðcq1Ji"i..ion of tt.e.. 720 a.:re. and an aqre.....nt betw~n the County and sr¡iff10 on the Save Our Ai·ter. Land Purchase of the r....l)lnlr.q areas of wol1ands surroundlnq t~ vellfie11. He said this would 9lve the ultImate 90al of full V4tllfield protf"Ctlon and woull/ ..II(F'" thp ,,""..rly d""lel"~nt of the site without any type of p<Jtenl1a1 ':'Jntðllllnðrl5. "C'. .11s111..r stated thl:!re arf! Ian',', !IIany thing!'! that n~,.d to ~ pege 27 ... lOR·s, 95 MIl 108~~ æ Sr.PTEHBER 29, 1987 done before tho ult1.at~ 24 aillion q4110ns per day fro. the Corel Reef Aquifer can be acr:o.-plished. He thl!n qð·..e several opti:>ns to .itigate ttM! ~tlands ðrea so it lo'Ould not IJnd..,.rgo n~.,tive iltlpact. He noted there are also other land uses that cðn be ut.ili7.ed for the future vellfield site, s'",ch .. a co..unlty park. "c. Minaiaer stat~ t~ easieat way to prQÇress on thift pro'ect is to step evey fr0f8 the Coral Peef Aquller for a short period of tune and fJet a C(.ut~t.i..... use and develo~nl pÞrmit (or developing thf' initial vat.·r troa th(> J,I)W~r TaJlllðll'l1 A'1u\f~r. Hi> !Hated th~ reason this vould '.aÞ:e leae t1Þ! and 1. eðfSier IS there ðre no wetlðnd pro- tection end ~llnq i.sues ~ause the aquIfer is too low ~o pro- pe9at. that type o( e((eet on the service. He ~aid the ~ater tre.t..~t o~ the l~r aquifer will ~ significantly less t.h~n treating tn~ surficial Coral Reef Aquifer. Mr. Hiali..r slated that t.he only prcblem~ which reaains on t.he Jover aquifer is the lack of on-site in(orltlall0n on hydrologIC charnc- teristics, trens.i..ivity. etc. Mr. Crandall et.ated that when t.he "ðver li 8e~nt for geo109 ica 1 ..rvic.. was sent out for tn15 present contracl. lt ~Ias not ftdvertined that this would be a complete pro,ect to the polnl of qettin9 a pcrltlit in haM!. H. said they dl,j. how~ver, stat,.. that ::'hey should (.valuat.e various vellfleld concepts and obtain pre111t1inðry approval of t.he con- cept of the appropriate r.!Q'.'latory agencIes. He said that durlnq the cour.e of that study it waf.. c1eter.lned lhðl the LQwcr Ta_ia".. Aquifer PaQ. 28 ¡~~ - SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 could be a pri-..ry source (or Phasf! I. It~ stftt..d th~ 8cO~ o( ser- vie.., a. pre.ently outlined, ~ to ~ ~xpðnd~~, ðnd teftt ~~lls n~ed to be dril:ed before what wð8 oriQlnally intend~d can b" completed. C~l.ftlo..r 'i.tor ao~e4, .ecoDded by Co..i.sioDer G1a.., that the coacep~ for the »orth County .ellfield be apprOTe4: noraa1 con- ..ltaDt .election proce.. be wai~ed: the Scope of 8erwic.. outlined i. the Ki.øiaer . A.sociate., IDC., April 21, 19'7, cODtract be ex- t.a4eð to iacla4e oon.ultinq fee., a. de.crlbed 1n Exhibit "A", and .el1 coa.trDcti~ as described in Exhibit "8", tota1inq "6,'90, .iDce it 1. iD furtherance of tbe oriqinal scope 1n tbeir April 21, UI7 ooctract. In answer to Counly Kðna9~r Dorrill, Hr. Crandall slðted t.hal the coel.to "c:Gre'9or ia within Hr. Mi..llter'. total and will b<! aub- contract.d by hi.. coaai.øioner 'i.tor aaended bi. action to include autboriaation for Dtilit1e. A4ainistrator Crandall to beqin neqotiation. for .cco.. to the iDYol~ed propertie.. C08ai..ioner ala.. ..en4ed bi. .econd and th. aotloD carried unaniaou.ly. It_ ftDJ a&8OLUTIQØØ 17-2~2 and 17-233 azoUESTIaG U.8. SERATORtAL SUPPORT or COLLIn <:XNII'fI'. AP:P1.ICATIOR FOR nnmu'Q A8BIBT:utCI FOR THE BOUTH COUWYI a&GIOMA1. WASTE.ATEa rACILITI~B - ADOPTED -_... .-..----.-.--- co.ai..ioner 'i.tor aoyed, .econded by co..i..ioner Goodniqbt and oarri" ~i~.ly, tbat ae.olution. '7-232 and '7-233 reque.tinq D... "Da~rial support of Collier county'. application for fundiDq paq. 29 ,... lOR·.). 97 t ~,_.f: ~ i, It i <t ~ '..~ ¡~" ~' ~. ,<, ~ ~: " F'- ~( . /. ~ §, ~. .~...~ f:' '" «jt. ... 108",J. œ .BPT&KB" 2'. 1"7 ...l.taace for tbe aoutb ~uDty aeqional .astewater Faciliti.., be adoptAd. Pð9'~ 30 I'·.·..·~.·'·'·" ..... ,,}' ~ SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 Xtal lOA aJ1tCI&L ØZ'IIJIG rot TJlS ~1Þ01I. OF DI8CVa8IOR IR TII. K't'&JII'T TIIa A...-aAX2AL I"Ot ULT .J.U1'OO'T ..).C'JI U tnrDCIt t2. 1 "ILLIOR - an POR ocroan 5, 1n7 ... ""t.~: ThlS ite'll't w~. di8C'J.,,,~d 'JM~r It..~m'). 5'!e TlIp'! 1. It ... t~ qeDsr.l con.~u. tbat a special ...tiDq ~ acb.duled for OCtOber 5, 1"7 at 11:00 .... in tb. ~eDt tbat ~be appral.al for LeI, aaretoct "'cb i. VAder '2.1 _lllioD. It.. 'llA , lU 1~e7 ~rs '7-4'4/4" ~_'7-4'1/41' - ADO~D eoa.d.sio..r pistor ~e4, .econda4 b7 CODalaaioner Ooodniqbt and carried .aaz.l~~ly, that "ðqat AaeÞ4a.nt. '7-414/41' and .7-4.S/4S', be a40pte4. Itaa .'HI aa.ot.UTIOII "-2J4 SVProltTIIICI AFPLI CAT I 011 PO. rU1fD8 ~ DO PO. to..RCO I.tAIID ~ umvllI81DtD"! - ADOI'TEJ) ________ Hr. r~ljx &ernbau., ~rco lei and R~'ld~nt, stated thal he ia 89ainat be~h cenouri.~nt on Har~o Island ~~çau.e th~y do not. have pr~r .cc~a ~nd varkinq facIlitie. for th~ 9~neral public. He .tlted that if l~Y cannot provide these fllcillttes, they nhould not be 9iv~ an\ Slate runds and r~quest~ thal lh4' f\4')ard ",ithdrðw th~ir .upport. Co..l.s1~r Pl.tor explaLned th"t lh~ pbrklnq at Tigertail neach has ~ eXJ.ndod to lhe extent ðll~ by th~ State and they arc hopit)9 ttHt ftat. will allQW another expansIon. He also advieed beach paqe 31 .... 1œ,. :.103 · . 11 t'" if r' ;",,' .... fjp ~, I···,· , .:'~ ~ fI" "J, t t~ ~' l';J~ ,fj .~~ lOR ,..~ 104 SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 .~. points are under ~otialaon, h~er, there are no parking altos a.aillble and the only ~nswer aay ~ to expand Tigertail Beach's parking. ~e said a shut lIe servic~ fro. possible parking aite. to the beach ia a1.~ being revi~~. He not.ed, t.hat if t.he beach is not r~ri.~, there .'y be no beach to U~~. ~..ioaer Pi.tor ~ed, ..cOD4e4 by c~i..ioD.r aaun4er. and carrle4 ...2l8oualy, tbat .e~lation ~7-234 .vpportiDq application for tuD4a fro. tb. o.partaent of Rataral ".ource. for Marco I.land ..acb ..aourl....Dt, be adopte4. P~ge 32 SEPTEMBER 29, 1981 ... ~ follo.lag it... .ere approye4 an4/or a4opte4 un4er the Con.ent Age~ ~ .otl~ ..4e by cowal..1oner pi.tor, .econde4 by co..l..10..r .a~D4ar. aD4 carried un.nl~u.ly: ... ltea '1481 acaYØ'1011 "DIY ~. 5'.201 - "CCLLI.. \;UV.U FAIJtGaoVJlÐ8" 1. Th4 excav.tion .hall be li.itp.d t.o a botta. olevation of .~ (t. nqvd. All distur~ ar~a. propo,ed (or lake exca"ation shall ~ exc' '/ated to a .In'.mUln elevalíon of .) ft. r '7',<1 . 2. Wher~ 9roun~at.p.r i. propo,ed to ~ pum~ durinq the ..c.avaUnq operaUon. . [)eo.Ialerinq Per.ll shall t~ obta:ned (rOIl t~ South rlor:da Wðt~r M"'nðqe~nl Di~triçl and a copy provid~ to the Water K8nage~nt. Dir~tor for ~~s apprryyftl prior to t.he c~~emPnt or any dÞ~ðtp.r¡n? activity on the site. ). ~ ~cavat~ ..terial shall be r~ved fr~ the proj~t slt~. 4~ No &~ildinq COO5trvct.ion Per.it. will be issued (or any prop~&ed construct.ion around the peri~ter 0f any exca- vati>n where the .ini~J. clearance b~tw~~n lake t.op-of- bank and the proposed buildinq fQundatlon 11 lesa than 30 !Mt, unh~ss and untll .11 l.k~ sIde slopes adjAcenl lO t~ proposed const.ruction have ~~n comp!et..d and approved by the Coll!er County Water Hana9~nt ~pðrtllent. s. No Buildin9 Construction per.it.., nor ~his Excavation P.r.lt, will be i.s~d un~il the Master Water Hanage-.nt Plan for t.his parcel hð~ be~n approv~d by lh~ Water Hanðqe- .ent Oi rector. 6. Is.uanc@ of thiS Excavation Per.lt ~h~ll be deferred unti I S.Y.N.H.D. has approv~d ~if!r.allons to the existing Surface Water Per.lt No. 11-9U020-S Cur ·Orðngetre~· nnd h.,; í..uctd a ~r.it for the constr·Jç·_10n of the lalr.e. Page 3 3 tOIl 108,1'.1 117 I Ã, '" 1". ì, ~,'" ~ ~,.; ¡I- i!; .. .tœ'l~11B SEPTDœf:R 29, 1987 It.. '1..82 n.an DIQ,GIÞœJrt aVÐGn' Nr.JrD'UtWT IJtaUJIIJiCI "..!k.9nRATIJfQ IX n.. JUS Incree~ (uel 0~rðt.in9 ex~n8e. by SSO,OOO throvqh an increase in r.v4tn~. I~ i1482 " Delet_4 It.. '14.5 u.ourrtOlr .'-235 .UPPOJtTIJfG APPLtCA1'IOJJ I'OR PVJfD8 ntOM FtoJUDA DJrR PO. no 8IIOaIt Bu.cJI ItEJIOU.IBJDt&1rt "--- ... '119·· I~.-r -/3" It_ '14.. u.oUJTIOII '7-236 80.POltTIJfG APPLICATIOJf I'OR rTJJI'D8 FROM FtoRIDA DO PO. JrAPt.aa ¡DCJI U1IOURI.~ ... paq.. /3 7- I~~ It.. '1487 a&8OLOTXOII '7-227 80PP02TI~ APPLICATI0. roa rDWD8 F~M FLORIDA Þ.. lOa YAJIDaU!LY Iv.cs uwou.t.IDœJtf See Pa94tS -'~9- /hO It.. '14C1 ~ .~r3 CU. '.-lS41 It.. f1cC2 UYl8¡0II TO TIm cOJOunun CAD I'OR ft. BLOIRLY QItAJI'I' BODO..,. IteII 'ICC) a&8OLG7%OII '7-21' a.TABLl.BIJfG EKlRGa.cy KSDICAL .BaVIC.. CRARa.. ro. FlacaL YKAa 1"7-" ~ Peges 1(,1- 163 ltea .14C4 '&9- J.. 8.n...... 2', 1917 u.ot.CTIOW '7-2" U'fA3LI8.IJIO II1.OT~8P1t.A':, Vl'n1UnaIM 8!RTtCZ n1l8 $ee p~ It_ 11401 /(,¥- - 1~7 U.1XI...t "'Uau.r arnran ALAOOLD CO RPO RA'f lOW AJI'D 1'1n cotnrn' nnR- Inn DI8'D.IC'f /6R- /7'- . 5ut P.~. It_ '141t'. aO'WtT ÞlàÞwmn JIOTIIIG .A.LAat P1nß)Ø _Int. rnJ) 40. (OTILI1'IZ.) Iu. UeEl aID '''7-111) TO 8.J. EXOVA1'IN (8U.PWS PJtOnltTJ) ~¿.1 '~t.íce havJnq ~n published in the Hðple~ Daily N-.ws on AU9USt 31, 1987 a. .vi~nced by A(fidavit of Publicat.ion (11~d with the Clerk, bids were opened et 2:30 p... on Sept..o.r 16, 1987. Ðlaposal of . Pek-Hor Wet Cell no 10nq~r ~~de~ '~ the Solid W..te ~.r~t (or 5501.00. Iu. '1441 axraa GAt. TXKa Faa tKKATZ ~. 2"" ~ .,.., xu. '14G2 IATIlFaCTIOII8 or LID FOR PVBLtc D.~'OE. Sf~ Pegos -1..23 - / 7 ¥ Xt_ '14G IU~. COJtIlB8POJrDE1fCB PIUD AXD/OR IlBrr.RJUSD 1. COfry o( letler dated 09/UU67 lo JIll! Spade, P.E., fru. Till! Hctlullen, F.nv i ron~nta I Spec i a 1 i Sl, fn(orcemenl, OEI~. adv i IS ing thðt Rookery Bay Ut.ilities Sewðq~ lreatMent plant. wftn in- apc-ctC'd on 09/16/87 and found to ~ In saUsfactory condition. Referred to Heil ~rrill, Bruce Anderson, To. Cr~ndftJ,1 and ! Hed . Page 35 .ooc lOR,S-! 119 SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 2. COVI of Final Ord~r fr~ ONP d~t@d 09/1S/87 re Per.it No. A ~-15), Per.itl~ - Cily of Hapl~s to inslall fish n~ls at 50 to 100 intervals for approxi~lely 500 feet of Bhore- par~11el lenqth. Re(erred to Neil Dorráll, Dðve Pellrow, Or. Proffitt anrl (i1ed. ). 09/14/87 ~randua to roen Pineau, fle~l Hanage~nt Director, frOl1l Ron~ld F. Cook, C.P.A., r~.rding Fleet Hanaqe.' .mt/Hot.or Pcol Interi. Financial Stat~~nts for t.he ~riod ended A~' 1!t. 31. 1981. R~f~"r~~ to P.i:C and Lori 7.a}l¡:ð and filed. 4. 09/15/87 ~rðndu. to Ro~rl Fah~y, Solid Wðste Dirtector, frOl8 fro. Ron./tJd f. Cook, C.P.':'., r~qardinq Solid Waste Disposal Int.eri. f'lnðncíal Stat.~nt8 for t.he period ended AUCþnt 31,1987. R"!ferretj to RCC and r.r.>ri Zðlkð and riled. s. ~~te1S: A. 08/27/87 - Collier Soil and Waler Conservation District. R. 08/20/87 - Library Advisory Board C. 09/11/87 - 8uildl~ Bd. of Adjust.lIM!nts , Ap~al.. 6. Public Service CO..15sion 09/15/87 Order fInding s~er syst.em to no 1 be a u II 11 t. Y sub' 43'C t lo c o.t Ie 8 I on j u r i ad i c ti on r e requ.et by Wln1star Dev~lo~nt Coøpany for exqmpt.ion fro. PS<: jurisdiction. P':!~rred to "ell r>orri11, Bruce An<lerson, T~ Crar.dall and (i1@d. 7. Pubdc Service COtMIUIOn 09/10/87 Þ.IIJended Notice of Hearinq to rlor ida Power a~d Uqhl COI'Itpany and All Other Inter esl~ PerU", Docket Ho. 870225-E1, for CU8tOtM:rS to obt.ain t.heir own .elf-contain~d ~tpr enclosurps, from Steve Tribbl~, Dirf~lor, Division of Records 'R~portinq. Filed. 8. IAtt.er dat....J 09/11; 87 fro. Wayne E. Da1try, Executive Dirf'<"tor, SWf"Pf'C, rt'que l tinq confirmation or disaffinr'at.ion o( Ihe accuracy of the balanc,.~ for flscðl y~ar endlnç 09/::0/87. R("ferred to John '{o:'kos\o:'¡ (original) and (11«:'01. 9. ~ttO!r dated O~'16/87 frOffl AruC"e o. ~"il~r, ~"'.t:., rH~tri,=t Plartnlnq "dml:",I:'!trðtor, Florl-1" DO'I, r~ Func·.lonal Cl~~.l- (icðllon of P~~d In C0111("r ~Qunty end advlslnq of a Public Heatinq on Oclo~r 7, 1987. Referred lo ACC. Heil Dorrill, c.orqe Archibald end filed. Paqe 36 . SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 :rt_ '1..1 u.ot.OnOll '7-24' all APPOIII"11dJtt. TO COLLIE. cocnrn IRDUanIAL ~ &U'I'BOtIn S«,. Peqe 175 --- .. . . . There beif')9 no further business to" th~ Good of t.he County, the -..tinq van .djour~ by ~rd~r of the Chair - Ti~: 12:20 p.m. eoAPD Of COUNTT COt91ISSIONJ-:RSI BOARD OF lOHINC APPEALS/EX OFFICIO COV£RNINC 9OARD(S) OF ~PECIAL OISTR ICTS tnlDER ITS CONTROl. ~HÀSfe?JR~ Alu:.61."; ~ ! ¡z (:. /;~ CLER~_ /) 'll'¥:f-~" -£/~~/ÝC. , Tbe.. ..in1.lles approved by the ßo,trd on ". ItS ~,...,o;d ~ or e. cor rect4rð ~/,z2/9F/ MOl 100 "'.~ 121 Peqe 37