BCC Minutes 10/06/1987 R l'ðqC 1 " "ðplc~, ~1(JrJdð, Oclobet 6,1987 1..E:ï J T Rce:. JI~)U ,."', ~.. ". ! hilI t h... I~... r r1 q ( ':,.,. In I, 'I (:Otnft 158 i ()~I~ r sin and for t~ Co·....,t.·1 ')( "')j 11'(. "r'1 .,1" "c.' 1~'1 .,!\ U,,: Boðrd or I.oninç Appeals aM as tr~ qJ'¡,.(rqnrJ tY)"rd(s¡ of r.wJ¡ 'Jr"I'!<:lðl dlstrlct.a ..... have been <:r?atM açr;')r11r1 '.0 ¡ð'" ant1 h"·/lr.q r;rmt1ur.lr.d bU:Jiness hero in, 110(" ()~ '..... IS 1.., I, H '): 00 A. M. I r. RJ'.aULAR 8&.8810. in AIJ i I d i nQ · F- 0 { l h4': (;.:,...<!! r r,1':'-':: ~ t C', n t cr. f. a:¡ t, ~4 ð pi'".):). f I 0 ( I d ð, w ¡ l h l h~ follOW1D9 _~r. pr",,4""": 'i CUA ¡ p~n¡ : M"I ~ .'. II.. :!J~"'. J ( . ./ : r:l. - CUA 1 J1~Pj: Arnr) 11 LI!<:! C 1 ð53 t- \.' John A. Pislor Burt r.. Saundr.rs Ann'!' GoOOnlqht >I>¡i' ;.. :(:. r ALSO Pf ESEH't : J,,~!'I ':. ';11"'8. r.:l~r~. J'A1n Yonlo:oslr.y, rinðnce f:."" ~. Direct.or: ""ur~n (pr'.'/n"1 .,n'1 f14"vprly (lj4"'t(·(. r"'..'p'Jty Clcrk~; Ron HcLellOre, "".l.lðnl C'Jun!.'( r~.an.~q':!(; Tom 0; : I (f. A~s 15tðnt to lh.: County Jlt,en.sq_r; rl!n C'J,Iç:·r. '>.·ynty AI.t0rn"·',; ¡'""V'-' W~!gel, ...."'sislanl Covnly Att()r~y; TOirI ':rD~!dðll, 'JtllltlC:J I,d:n¡r:¡~trðt.or; George 1;; ;~ Archibald, f:ubl1t: W()(~!I Adelnl!ltrator; ~""¡ln {)'rnnnf'lJ, Pub! IC hrv ice. ~ 1 n 1st (ð trJ(; : ,~'....' ¡..... t (rW, ':0_1.1'1 I t 'I r~V('1 opmoP.nt ... Ad.inistrator; MJ'!I!lY Mf:~ ,.... fJI"Inn¡r'q lr¡r.I"J IJ (l"rtJH; ""VI! Wl!o('k5. Ro~rt DY.~. and (~")'Jt,~ 'j'!'J.''!;, I'J..,nf),=,r:J; 'j'H' '( ¡:Hð('I~on, Ad.lntsl~8tl'. A!I~J~I",n' ,..,.., ¡.r.., (tj. "'Îr~ "'f"J I '{ I,on I'" ( IJ .0)'1 Hðr nnt t, ~ Sherif!'. ~'.rt~nt. r ~," ~~f " .... læ'I' 1M i~' .. ~ .: OCïOßf:R ~, 1987 !Jape '1 ltoea .) ~ - APPJIaIVIII _1ft CKAJrG.S eo..i..loaer Pi.tor ~ed, .econded by Cc..i..ioner aaunder. and oarrie4 RD&2j~.lJ, that th4 aqen4. be .p~rov.4 with tbe following cluaAqe.. 1. It.eo. 128. r.. 'JI~r:ussI0n on 7.onln' r:,rr ¡f)ltnr:e rl! fences and vall. !Add~~ by C~lssloner PIst~r) .1:' ,c, It_ ... '; 2. It.. 6ßl rl! P,.t It Ion 7f)-~7-12C. ~') ~I! <:0nt Inued indf)fi'1ilely At t~ requl!~t 0( thl! Pl!titlon~r ¡:. . KIJn7TU or ICe DtrlJlO8 or VB/I? UD '/2'1/87 - APPaDVED AS PU8&!!!B eo.ai..ioD4r Pi.tor aoyed, .econded by Co~l..ioner Goodnigbt and carried UDaDi~.lJ, that the .inute. or the Board or County co.ai..lo..r. ..etiDq. ot 'epteab<et" 15, 1987, and 8eptenber 22, 1"7, be ApproYed as pre.ented. It.. '5A 108..n Dn&JUtY JlCCOG.UED AI_EMPLOYE.! or ~E JtOJn'1!I FOa OCTOB.!., 1917 Co..í..lon<er U.,saC' rt'.-:oqnl7.t'd Po~rt M"lb~'rry of the OCho~e fire Control Di.lrl,=t as th4_' fll'plo·,.f'!e of the ~r)r,th fr;r O:tober, 1987, indi- cattD9 t.hat he would cllno rt;r:clv(' I) ~5Q CO:11'ì "ward ðnd thðnlo:ed hi" for '( It_ '58 hi. &e<ltcate-d s~rvlç(> lc. t.hC' Coynty. _..nICS A.,..aD&D PJtzøE!':!.~D .~_~""IE PJU1U!,_ ~_Jt~.~!.çuLTt11!!.t FOR 10 RAJl8 Co.IIi.tion~r I ,,~~(. ¡)r'·~"I".led fin"n..· "J!', wd.h l) s('rvlce award (or 10 years of H(VjCl.' l'J C,...J J !':r County and .h1(J ':.:d h~r [Qr her dedi- ,. eated ~ryjce. £,' ~< , ':J' " Pð9C 2 Mec lOR,s 192 1- 1(JR'1) 193 ~.,'.../ JE...;" t;" It.. ".2 "'r OCTO:,¡.:W 6. 1987 ORDI~ .7-74 az PETITI0R R-.7-1C, WILeO". MILLER, BARTOR, BOLL' PEEK, IJK:, un, JtOnLD RAOOE R.lQl1E8T lItO A UJOIfE FROM I TO C-' FOR OOIOl.~RCIAI,-IJrDC8TRIAL U8E8 OR 11IE WEST SIDE or EoonOOD DRIVE _ ADOPTED 811a.J~ TO P~!!Ji>,!E~ ~I!_AG;UEME.!_. ~a 1 not i ce hav nq b4'.:~.:n pub 1 i shed In t ',C Hap I cs De i 1 y Hews on s.pt.~r -4. J987, as ('/Jdl!n-:<::'d by "ffldl!vl' of Publication filed with the Cleric. public hC:-c'H Inq "'ðS fJpI.:'ncd to C0f1'1ldcr Pelition H-87-lC, file-d t.y Wllson, MtJI('r, ~...rton, SoIl" I't"r>-:. Inc., represcntínq Roneld Ra<Jqe, re-qul!sllnq ., reT.one fro. I t(; C·") for COllØM!rlcal- IndustrJal us.cs for prr:'fY'rty l!'X:atM on lh,.· "'''st side of Edg~ood Drive, approxi.ðlely I,COO fl!«:'t norlh of P:nl! (J'dqc Poad, in S~ction 11, Townshtp -49 Sf'.Nlh. ~iln'1'" 21) F:ast, cons:'.! Ing of S ðcr~s. Planner Dua~'l' (cfr.p"r:d ',0 an ovc'rheð¿ n.)p qlvínq lhc gencral 1000ð- lion of t.he properly ðn(j Indlcallnq thal liH,ds to the norlh arc zonp.d PUn, lands to t~ casl arc zoned (or _ini "'ðrehousc C-5 uses, Gnd ell other lend. ar<e vacant. J <,! n01.f"d Uutl th... r::çpC" has reco~nded appro- val oC this petition sub)(:ct to ccrlain ~t¿~"jla'-ion!l ftnd there arc no outatandi~ tSS"I!!\. fir <r"11(:"'t('d thrltl '.......r· hil~ nl")t b~o an', { corr~.ponôerK:c recC:lvc'J !'H ur ðyð¡r¡st ~t.'.< ~,.,·t!l.lon, addinq that slaff ~í ia also reco..c~danq ~pprovðJ. d, 1"),.1 In .n."'(I'r l? CO"''''19'3lçner 1f,)!Sse, Mr. ^iMl fh'ynoJde oC Wilson, I, ~ .: Miller, Bartoo, 5011 !. I'e~:~, Inr:. s!.ato:d p1/ ~, this project ",ill be pert o( th(! PJn'é" f~I(j'J' ~~'";1t) ...nd wll: tJ..: Ifi :h. (:Ity s,:!rvlçc area for wat.or but wíllJlt''''ðlr-''' b·' p"rt of th,., e''','1t'l w«'!trr ~'/S~~," when the Page 3 -- - "f (" 12.:t rt ~~ .." OCTOO fo:R 6, I 987 County lakes over this arca, eo.r.i.si~r lIasJ't1! quesllon".o:j if th"'rf' ðr~ w"t.oer pressure ~rl)blE'ms in the acea, to whlCh Utll Ill~9 Ad.lnI3trð~or Crandall indicated that this is the :it.·; arcoS, ðddlnq that. he wQuld ðDSU~ lhet lherc are pcestluce pro:>lft'I!J al li"!!!I ~s the C¡tv 8<"r""5 the Counly wholesale wat.er. CONti..lj()C>r ~i Hor 'IVI!5tlone-:1 If th~ CO'JOt'( will ~ in a position to .,.rve t.his ..rea b<!!orc th1S projc-:t 1» -j~vclo~d, to which Utilities AdainlStrat.or c(ð~dall (eplted ðfflrmatlvely. ~is.l'>n<'r f/.1!UJt:' "';I!:)t lon"o:j If Mr. li",,.()')!o:j:J hlld tJn'l problems wIth the stipulation lh.al lh.~ ·CO· will not ~ granted until lhis pro- jKt i. hootP.d to the count'l wðt~( ~uppl'r'? \Ir. Reynolds ataled thal this 1. pact. o( the JotSTU I~ thð'. ~r(,ð and hI! dO'!'!!I nOl see any reason that. this .po'!'Clftc ISllpulat, 0n 5~'')'Jld be put Or, this project ð. he .hould be tr~ðt£~ lhl! gðm~ ~~ th'!' olhp.rs In ~hl~ lIrp.a. '1c, R~n()lds statC'd t.hat with t.hus par! I,:ular request, the zoning would ct"11ge lrClfl InduslrlaJ to C-S and lh('((' lS no addlticnal impact bei09 creatfffi that cO'Jld 1!;lt15l there at th 5 tl~ ""th-?ut lhe zoninq ch.~. He r.olt"d that this pr0ject 15 pro'o't1ln<} the p.~~C',"ents lhat are ~""'.aC) fc,r ll11plC'f"K'n'_IrI? ',ho: ~STU. In en.wer lc, CommI551'.in,:,( PI3tor, H.. '·r H1<1"JI :!Jlðted thðt the .yale. '-'OVId b<!' in place In one year ðnd th... ')nly issl ~ thet could co.plicet.e enyU>ln9 would bl! the ð9r~(!m.erit t'.I"'-"'C'C'n the City and the Counly, ,,* lOR,s, 19~ Pð9C 4 .. !OR " : 195 OCTOBER 6, : 987 Co..iaai~r Coodnl?hl st.aled that the way that this proper f i. presently zoned, the ?Ctllioncr could build on it and hook up to the water without. lh~ çounty ~lng able to do anylhing. She not.Qd that there la no ordína~c in place at this ti~ that indicat.cs that if there i. not. enovqh wllf(>r prI!B!SlJre, he cannol gel a "CO" and he- should ~ tr.ated t.he ea.c as olt~rs in t.h<e area, C~i.aioner Class Slðt.~~ t.hat the HSTU has certain restrictions end he will have to adh~rr to t.ho~c at lhl! ~i~ that he builds and hook. into t~ .Y3l~. Mr. Geor~ ~cller øtðlcd tholtt he WOtJld líkc t.o cOlltplilltCnt the developer ~, down-gradlnq lhi5 property ðnd urged t.he Conmi..ion to approve it, ~laaioAer Goodnlqht acT.d, .econded by C~l.aloner piator and carrie4 anani~.11, that the public b.arinq be clo..d, eo..ia.1oner piator aoTed, ..conded by co__i..ioner Goodniqbt and carried aA&nl~u.11, that the Ordinanc. .. nu~r.d and titled below be .dopted and .nt.r.d into ordinanc. Book Ko. 21 aubj.ct to the ..titioaer'a .qr....nt: ORDIWAXCB ~7-74 A.'i ORD I HAHCt. AMUH I UK; OfH I WNK'l 82 - 2 TI I COM PfŒtlENS I VE ZOO It~ RC.QJLATI0tf5 'Of' 'IH' If?flffÇr.*oIJ>Qfo!ATf:r. M"I.! ()~ COLLIf';f( COUNT(, f"LORIOA, 8Y AY.' NI'¡NCII1~ ')f"HCIAL lCt4H'; ^TLAS ,.,^p NUM(Jf..:~ 4~-25-1 In CII^/;-:;/P {~; If 70HIW; ~·"'5:!f:Cf.TIOU or" TIIF: tlf:fH:IN OESCRJß::li 1'1'01: ;"r' ¡í..t:^TU· Of. THE Wf:;:T ¡It,! or r:OCF:WCX:H) DFlIVE, APPROXI"'.\TEI.Y I,()[JI) f"u"r ~~opnl Of PINI IJII<:E nOM), SF:CTICN 11, T':)WNSftl P 49 SOtTI", .IAUC!. 2<, EAST, c;, N'I:JS, IHOM I TO C-S f æ COfoiIU:RCI'd,-HWUSTkIAI. U~f.S; AND BY 1'ld)VWING rOf( AN EfYECT¡VE DATE, Page S ¡'tf .. .!OR" J 199 0CT08ER 6, 1987 It_ ".2 O~I~ 87-75 az FrTITIOW R-'7-1'C, D~. .EWO J, SPAGKA, REPREI iWTIWG 101..,. DA"J~pgRT, aEQUUTIJIG UIO.. FaaM 'SF-) '1'0 PVD D010I AS DA"~.FQRT P'VI), IX UOIOItALEE - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO pnITIOJrBR.'S AGUBXDrr NIt) Iwnu Le9al r:otiCE' havino ~n plolb 11 ShE'd In thl? Naples Dð í ly News on A''9u.t 21, 1987, ,1)5 (!Vldo:-n<::<-d ~ï Affidavit of Publ icat ion filed wi t.h t.he Cl"'rk. pub lie h~ ð r I nq "'aa cont ínu~d from Scpte1l1ber 22, 1987 to con.ider J'ftitl0n R-87-l'J(: fll"d by Dr. N.~no J. Spð1na, representing Robert. [)evtnport. rCQI.J(,3unq a rezo~ (roil HSf-) to PUO known as Devfl1port JUD, (or sln1¡.... fUIII't', .'Jltl-(atl'l¡)'I, and DObilc hOtn(! rcntal park ~, 187 units telt.l, for properly locðted in IØIInOkðlee, on the north at&- of I-.oka ('q Dr I 'Ie , vest o( ~'''Jr th 18th Street., and south of 8th Avenue, in SC~t1on 32, Township 46 South, Range 29 East, !,29 acre.. Planner Duane referred to an overhead _.p indicat.ing the general location of t~ ftub)<.'ct prOp4!rty and notl!t1 Jhal land:1 t.o the north ace zoned ~HRP and RSf-S; l~nd to the east ðr~ zoned RSf-3¡ lands to the aouth .re zon~d PM~-~; and lands to th~ "'('at are zoned ^-2. He noted t.hat t.h18 pel It10n was prevIously pre~~nted to the CCPe and the Board and "'a. dented. U..· noted that Ult'r~ hJ)ve b<een a few .inor r"!vi- .iocu ..~ but lh~ ~LltH/n IS easenLull.,. lh\: Da/DC, ðddlr,g thal CCPe and Statt is re-c~ndln9 approval of thIs pro)Pct. He notp.d that. it ha. been reyi~<.'d b., Itll count, ðgcnçJ......, ðnr! complics with the Co.pre- hena1ve Plan ^"d IS çompðtltJI~.. with thl! (:xl~tlnq la:"ld uses, He noted Page 6 , I' t.; i ~ 1~, '¡' ... OCTOOEF- 6. 1 S" 7 tba~ at t'M CCPe Maranq In l"'k.I~(,! 6 p.t:'(,ple sp()k" in '-'Ppositi ,1 t.o this projo!'CL '~COrKJ'Jt1(:':, b't .,tðtinq that :3ta(( is rcçotntlK!ndinq apprCNal lubje<:'t to th(' vc!rlf)'J5 5tiptJJl!tll...r~ ,::,"'>ntðln<.>d In t.hll! ExlPCu- Uve S~ry, Corai..:on.r Plator qu~stlon~d if thl!r~ "'as 90jr,q to bP. a buffer between the 80bile ~s and the . nqJc-(ð~lly area. to which Planner Dua.... indicßt.~ that Inltl,ljII'1 th('rl! "'ð" a ~\Jff('r in that ..ree, bot the CCPC r~ that It b'!' deleted In order to bet.tcr maintain the OYer a I I appearðnr:1! 'J( 'hI:' rtrl!ð. ec-i..~~r PI!lI.t.Jf !It,,tp,j th.,t, ¡.." ':')'J 'J not approvl! a proJeçt with. .obL'! hOIIoII.t an~ð conn~ted to a !'Iln91~-(a..¡Jy arp.a without a buffer, add_nq that It IS " dIfferent type of housin9, and h~ would have to r.c~'der t~ ~ntlr~ lasu@. PlafV\er Duane alated that the petit.ion,;·r does not have any objeç- tion to a buCCer. but thl! CCI'(' ",anted It r(-mQved. Or. Spa(,na, reprclu:ntln'1 the Pr!tltlon-:-r, statoed that they have tried to ~Iiqn th ~ proj(>(:t 5r, thðt j l W0'.,!'" b4:" compatlbl" wi t.h the are. .nd havo design(:'d t he ~ r 51ngle-(.:I" I., ".01"'1<'8 to b-o n-oxt to the .if191e h.l;Y arr.oa "nd theIr !!lOb lIe hom.: n'ntðls to ~ nex ~. to exi.tinq .obiJe hOtllCs, lie noted that Hr. ll~''''~nport h.d' no ot!Jection to a ~ t..inq u!S('d ðS ð t)oJ!(?r on lh~ r>t'5',l!rn portion o( Ute project. "e not-.,.d thhl slnc(' th~' III!>~ t, ft4'> thIs p...t I' Inn \wðS b<>forrJ lh<.> Ro"rd, JIOre 8tr1094-nt rules r1nd "'qulðtlons hð'l" t·:'''·n ðdded which will hf!lp .urroundl"'9 propcrlicl5. (. n0l('d thðt. th.:>r-:! will not. be any RV's Pðqe 7 "* tOR·s,200 .. lOR,.? 201 OCTORf:J~ 6, 1 98'7 allowed in the .obil~ h~ par~ section for any lenqth ~(lí~: Hr. Dev.nport irl~s to ~nfor~e ~Il rules and r~9ulðlions or the p~ k: thert~ will te a pðrr. P ðnðq~r .,n sitt.' to br. !turt.' t.ho'tt all rules are en(orc4tð and thl! rult:'ß "r" Intpndcd to lIð"'" U~p p"rk look ðttractive and t.o .,int.aln that ðp~arðn,=~, H~ notl!<1 that thcr(? is a qr~ðt need for ~~inq in lø.okðl(',.. ð~d with the addt:'o rult:'S and rt:'qulation8, he f~l. that this proj~t wll I br. an assr.t to thl! communit.y. Co.. i as i OfWIOr r~f1 qn t. 'lIJ"'~ t i on'!'d I fit wou I d b4'!' possl b) e to put a .~ butltp on thoi'! ro..,' ,:rjftll(¡q 'JUt. ()( th,.· WI'J):'" hr~ pnrk, to which Hr, Sp.9~ indicated thðt t.hl5 c0Ylr:J b<! d'JrJ:- on lh~1r prop(!'rty, but parl of th41t. roeti 13 n0t lh', ~t.ltionr.r·!I prop4'rty. "lape fa Public Works -'.dl!lInintrator Art:hibald =' )lcd that lh~ firat. ae9Ø1Cnt of the road ía propo5('(j to b~: " pull IC rr..lad which would not have a ape-ed bu.-p but, north r;,f that .,r~a. th(' r<).,·' ",oyld be private and a a~ butlp could ~ put In t,¡ ~h4' nwnpr, 110, nntpd that ðn alterf\<'I~ive would ~ t.o ~on.íd(?r th(' r<)ð'J a private roðd lInd then 4 speed bump could ~ ínstallr.d ðl lh..' , I r~t pan of lh.' rand. Co..iasi~ncr Goodnlqht 4U('stlon(,d I~ ttlp applicant i3 qoinq to pave lhis roed. briny It 'Jp to slðnd~r1:!1 and I,hl!n turn it over to lhe Count.y, to which I>r, ~p"gna 5t"tt:'d thðt th !I 19 pðrl :>f the PUD ðocu- ..nl, eddinq that lh" s···:tlon cf th~' rOð'j I,tl"'. IS publlÇ will ~ paved by Mr. D.v~n;x>rl ðnd 'oJ~'r' '-h(' rOðd b(,<:,of\V'11 ;HIVdlc. speed bulllpo will be lnatalled, paq_ 8 OCTOBER 6, 1987 ec:-i..towr Goodnight q~!Jllonl!d wh"lt ç')IJld ~ donp- if a probleø aroae wit.h rt~1..rd5 to sp4:.:ding on this r' . j ,)( IJn'l oth(>r probl,~s, to which Mr. Archibald stðt~d that 5~~d limit 11gn5 could be post.,.'. on t.he public a-eCl1on end lh~ poet ltl004:!r wou I d '1r'IV(! t.o conlrol the pr i- vate sect.ton, C~i..tc".r Hafts'! lndic..t.~ that Vie rules in th. IIIObU. hone park indicat. .. s~d of ~ ..p.h. Count.y Attor01!Y Cuy l~r stated that lh<:' 5pc~d H.i t {or the perk ha. nothU'9 t.o do with the public 5,.,::tlon of t.he road. Co.ni..ioner Hasse stðt.cd that Mr. ArdllblJld could work with Dr_ Spaqn4a r-eqarding .. spl.:'cd 11"lt tnro'Jqh th~ .'!(I!"'. Me, Arch, bald .tal..o;:d UHl !J(~ lntcrú.:.;t '(,)0 improvements IDðY help and he would work wIlh Mr. Dav~nporl on lhðt a.stter. Mr. Robe:-t. Colc~an :3p0Í<c In fevor of ':.h( petition, indicating t.hat tbe ..in pcobl~ of housing J~velo~nt5 in ¡-rno~al~'! 15 t.hat thero ar. no houtJin4l cod~s ln Colll<.'r County ..n,j thl" lS .~thin9 that .hould be ~jrcss~. Mr, Dave Enting Indlr:atl!ri Ulllt hI! feels th.,l this d<:!vcloptnent should only De built whl!n the houslnQ cod~s have been established and ac. 1n piece. Coe.unit.v [)~vclopf'l\<f...nt ^dmlr'l :lrl!lor 1"" row 5lðle1 that ð draft or a hou.in~ code ord¡rl,nç,.· will tx' olr"Sf'>ntr:d 'J '.he nee in Noy~bcr. Mr. John Clddcnf'l !'It.~lf'{.I lhat he 15 rf'1H'.'~r.·nlln9 hiln&clf and 66 ot.ber peopl. t~at ere opposed to this prc)(';l, clt.lng the lncro~.ed .... 1(Þ\ It 1202 Page ') ft' · 1OR~~200 OCTOAER 6, 198:' treClic, dccr~a9cd vaJue ;n h~3, drðjnðç~ (asc~nl on the road that 1. ~inq ufK"! "'8 '" -1U8Ipln") qro'.Jnd ...nr. wi l' gel worsc with this d4tVelopllient., rind lðclr: of w,Hr:>r prcsS:HC. Cotraie.ioncr Uasse quesltooed the ISsue cf low water pressure, to which Co..í..íoncr Goodntghl it)dlca...ed lh",l IlIIf1tOkalcc Water Distcjct. í. an i~Or~nl dISt"¡r:t. but-... n~ pJðr,l. I~ ~Ing buill at lhe Airport vhlCh WIll aQJvc these proble.s. eo-issí~r lJoIISS4" st "I!1 lhl!t the dra InllgC (,ðs~nt that if' on ":. -~ Mr, Devenport's ð~d Hr. Clddens' pro~rt.y 19 their renponsibílilY, and t '¥ .hould be kep: clean. ~ Co.ais.ioncr Sðund~rs et~t('1 that he w0uld like t.o See the buffer lnstal1~ bet~ the sln91~-fð.IJy h~ arl!ð and the mobile ho~ park rental area and woul~ 11~e t? be sure t.hal It 18 a sufliclenl bufler. Dr. ~ indicated that the pet.ltioner would be willinq t.o put t~ buffering in along the ~a.t side .eparatlng the mobíle home. froM the elnqle-fa_l1y h~5; aJonq the ~outh side of the single-faMily ~ tQ protect the property owners on the south; and on the west. aide alQn9 the parlof thl' ~tr"'f"t that "III r"main public, ðccordln9 to the reqyirhftenlS as Indlcatl!d In the pur) CeJeI.Jlft4:!nl. C.ot.d..ion~r Pistor stated that the la'lo....l shows Jðndscapln9 or ( bulferiD9 alc"9 lhl! north and wcat s d~ and ~u(>9tionl!d if UHH is 901r\9 to be ~",t In, lfJ which IJr. Spaqnð r'.pJlcd ðfflrJrat1vcly. ~..ion.r 8aund.r. .o..d, ..conded by C~i..ion.r Goodni9bt aad ocrrie4 wnaniaou.ly, that the public b.arinq be clo..d, P.~ 10 ocronER 6, 19~7 co.al..10Der G004nlqht ao.ed, ..cond.d by C~i..lon.r ,i.t,,: and carried tDanL.oaaly, tbat tb. ordinanc. a. nwaber.d and titl.d below be adopted aad ent.red into Ordinance Book No, 28 .ubject to tb. ..tltlon4r·. aqr....nt accordinq to tbe CCPC .ti~lation. and tb. r~tio.. of St.ff re9ardiDq tb. bafterinqs om IX'AlfCE 87 -7 , AM OfIDINAHCf. AMt-:~[)n"G c..,r¡IHAPtCy. 82-2 'rw: CCf1PREHENSIVE ZONING REClTLATIONS f1:)P. if!!-: 1m JPY.'O;H~^TF:O API'/, ')f- '='0[.(. I F:P COUNTY, f'LORJM. BY AI"Œ;UOWC .m: ZOUINC ATLA:> MAP NUMBER 46-29-') DY C'HAHCJf«; THY. ZQt4HV:; ('ASSn (CATION Of" THE HEREIN DESCRIRF.D REAL PRCPERrf rJlf.»\ ~S"-3 T() ·PUO· f't)~ 5HK:U: "'AMILY, MULTI- fAMILY. AHIJ I'9)HIU, tlQif-, IH'.rfTAI. PMH. us¡.,~, un lmns TOI'AL,f"OH PROP£RTY lOC'i,TU) (PI I~r,M.Ef;, ON THE N0PTII SIDE Of" 1~1'1OJ(^LEE DR lYE. "wï Of" HOHTII I en! 5TPEET, All£) ~crJTII Of" 8TH AVt:NUE, IN SECTION )2, 'T'OÞtNSH (P 46 .5()IJTH, RANGf: 29 f-:AST. . 29 ACRES: AND PROVIDI..c All EFfECT ('IE (J/OTf... - Pa9~ 11 ... 108",~ 204 l OCTOBER 6, 1987 ItaG ".5 oaot~ .7-7' a& PETITIO. a-.7-11C, WIL&O', MILLER, B~RTO., SOLL, , n.Jt, IJIC, un, LOIrE O~K, LTD. UQUE8TIIKi UZOJOS FROM ~-2 TO P11D TO PVD - ADOPTED 8tJ&:ECT TCJ ~~ITIOJOSR'8 MREDtEJIT Legal n?t.ic~ hðvlng ~cn publish~ in thl! Naples Vall, N~ws on Sept.-ber 4, 1187, as ~vld~nccd by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public h~drinq waft ~~n~ to cO~:!Jid~r Petition R-87-11C, filed Vill5Cn, "iller, Aarton, Soil ~ p~~. fnc. representing Lone Oak, Ltd., requesting a rezone (r~ A- 2 to PUD PUD incrcaaiog the acre.94t of t~ Lon~ Oal-: PUP troœ 89,~~ t.o <;-5.501 acres, with the requested rezonioq reducing the densit.y (rc~ 6.74 to 6.32 dwelling unite per 9r08s acre for r~reatc and wale( ~anage..nt. facilities in the Lon4t Oek PUD, (or property lcx::ated on t.he east side of Airport. Road, approxi..tely One mile north of Pine Rtdq<:! Road in Section 1, Tovnehlp 49 South, Range 25 ~ðst, Planner Duane øt.atcd t.hat lands to t.he north are 10ned A-2 and PUn: land. to the east are zoned A-2: hnd!1 to the south are toned PUn. RO. and A-2: and lands to the west arl! zoned A-2. tie indicated that the CCPe rec~ndcd approvel subject tv certain slip~lat.iona tbat have ~n incorp()rat~ In'.o the ptj d0ÇIJlllcnt and Stafr is not avare of any out.standln~ IS8u~S. hpe U Planne~ Duane indicated that there arc ð number of _inor changes with regards to recrcatlon,l facilities. ~hl(tir.9 of water ..nage.ent, and deleting the interim utility site. 11(' Indico!t.cd t.hat there are no Page 12 HOC lOR., 1200 .' ;¡¡: t _.",......,,,.,....,"....,_.,",,..,"'" 11M 108" ~ ID7 OCTOBER 6, 1987 additional ~ils in lhi~ dcvclo~nl and lnc qross density i. actually · little l~.s by addinq lh~ addilional acrr!a91!. Mr. Al~, Reynolds of W1lson, Miller, H~rton, Soli , Peek, Inc. steted t~t t.. is available to ane~r a~y r:¡uc5tions that the C~i ..ion ;My havE', nf)l I n1 that th4!."Y arl:" "~shapin9 SOlD<' o( t.he lake. and so.e of the saa ller r(:<Çreðlional areas are beinq consolidat.ed into a larger r~reatíon arca. C~..ioDer Ooodniqbt aa.ed, .econd.4 by C~i..ioner Pietor aDd carried DAaniaou.l1, tbat tbe public b.arinq be cloeed. C~i..loner Pietor aoyed, .econded by CO__Ie.ioner Ooodniqbt and carried 8AL,iaou.ly, tbat tbe ordinaDce a. nuaber and titled below be a4opte4 &D4 eDtered into Ordinance Book 28 subject to tbe petitioner'. aqr....Dt t ORDI_AJfCZ '7-76 AH ORDUw.cE AHL"?WWC OfH.>lNAJl':t: 82-2 TilE COMPREJlÐ4S1VE ZONING RECULArrOHS ~"OR ,.m~ UNINCO~~ATf:n ~';H,A or COLLlf:H COlTNTY, FLORID" BY AI1ENIJINÇ TIIf: ZONING ATI.A: MI\;' NIJMBf:R 49-25-1 BY CHAHCI~ THE 7.0tnp.c Cr.,\S:>IrICATION or "'Iff: IIEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY n.¡(Jr., ',-). Mil' PUD TO "PUP" PI.ANt·ŒI) U~IIT Df.VELOPl4t>rr KNOWN ^'ò II:"H QAK HJfJ AI'I'!,J(JVIMA'ITLY 'I~#) AOŒS OF C'CI9ŒRC (AI., ANI I 'I M^nrof!J'" Nl1MBfJ' I)~ f,O,: ,.IIJI.T I-FN-1II.Y rJWf:I.I.ING UNITS FOR PHOI'f"lnï '-:,ru, ON THF: fAST SIIJF I)f AIRPOHT ROAD, APPROX U1AT£1. Y ONI,., I tKWTIt Of P WI !' : ;<,;t'. HOA/) IN St:c-r ION I, TOWN5H II' 49 sou: 1/, IJ MI<.;r 2'J t:AST; A !If , M'1nw I Ne pun ORDINANCE NO. 81)-11 WIIICIf r:STABLISIIf.l' "fl. L()N~: OAK PI.ANNf:D UNIT Df':"IF.LOJ.,..DlT. J,'" NIUlIJlNC Tttf. f"')! I.OWING St:crrONS OF TIlE ORICIHAI. PUll I)(XU"" nr: SI:2TION I - ST/ln:Mnrr OF COMPLIt\NCf;, SECTION 2 - PROI'Ui1', OWW 1<; AND Lf.GAI. nf:sr:RIP,.rON, Sf.CTION J. 05 - J'HOJf:cr IH,NS In, M41J St:CT ION".;' - PlJ/) MAsn;H DEVELOPUEHT PI..AH; ANI) PfJOV r D I He AN r.FtTCT I vr. DATE. P"90 13 I" OCTOBER 6, 1987 tt_ .,., om~ .7-11 U nTITIOIS a-I1-12C, cnoR.GE L. VAJUCADO£, un. UtDO'1k)tl OF .A~ coaPOMTJO" lit. RJlIOWE FROM ~-2 ~m:> PUD TO PVD IJtOW" U AUDC1BOW COC1JI"faY CLUB - ADOP'nD SUBJECT TO 8TIPVLATIO"8 .- '---'..--..- -_.- _.- -.--.-.. I~a I n<: l i c(" h"v I nf) O-:·.~n p'jb I i ~t)/!d J n l ~.. Nap 1..8 0", i 1 y News on S.pl..c.r 4, 1987. 8ß ~vld~nc~d by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, ~ubltc hear tnq ~ðe opened to çQn31der Petition R-87-12C, filed by c..cr~ L. Varnado<>, r~resent.inq A'Jdubon of Naples Corpo~ation rcqucstlnq ð rl!7.0nl! from A-j ð~1 f~O to PUD known as Audu~ Courlry Club for 728 ro:-sldentlal IJnI!.!', cn"'moercial, 901£ covr.. .nd con~rvall()n/t)p""n SpðC"'!, con51slinq 0f approximately 760 acr.. Cor pr0p9rty I-:Y.:at~d on the east sid'" of V,S, 41 @xlendin9 weet- ".rd ec:rOtt. Vanderbilt Beach Drive to Lttlle Iflckory Bay in Sections 5,7, . and 9. Township 48 SrNth, ftl!lnç,,-" 2., ~:a!ll. Planner Duane stat~d that the tnltial p~t tlon that ~as submitted con.isted or Jee. than ~OO ðCrpft and th.re 1ft now 760 acres. He noled that lands t~ l~ north ar~ loned RSf-4¡ lends to t.~e easl are zoned C-2 and ,\-2: lends to th~ s<)<Jth are 7.on<'d PUO, RSf-3Sí, and RMF-16ST; and lands to t.he wcst are 7.0ned PUl). tt~ not~d thal this p<etit ion is co.lnv before the f~C wIth ð r~co~ndatlon of approval, notinq that ttMre ha~ ~n vðr t ous chðn9~a the'- '1"'.(: 'Y:',;ur r~d. B(! i nd ice ted that t.he 9roes dooms 1 t Y has oo~n f'?dlJccd ( r ùfI'I 1 . ~ '" units ~r acre leI .95 and t.he co..erclal a<. r ~l"~(, h,,~ b'~cn r '!d'Jc~d f r 01'1 Jr:... ) ð.:rcs to 12 acres and wi 11 co..,tllln 124,000 !'J~IJðrf' fe~t of t 1 co r area, u. noted that Stalf (~1. that t~ ~ plan IS far superior to the previously epproved Page 14 OCTORf:R 6, 1987 plt.n be-:ðUS4' ltw.- çC-.1OSl!r..,,,,tl'J!I o~n IHf'ð!'l, Ih~ JI:~r Ie sçrub oak habillll, and the env.ror..-:-nlðl I V,~S h..,v(.' b<.',;·n WJrr. ðpprf')priat(.'ly addressed. He r.ole~ ltwll lwo plans HC 001nq pro~d; Plan -^- and Pian "8- wilh the basic d_!!er<.'nce b<.'lnq thnt f')ne o( thl! plans will prcserve .ore of the IICrub Oftk habslal. He not.ed that 004:.' ISSU,. that will ~ di.cussed i. the conc~rn o( doubl~ !r~ntaq~ lots. "~dlng that 12 singlc-faMilv lot. bact up to lh(' pro~rl'" ; I~ ðnd lh(~r': I~ ., !'Itreot on both sides but th4y ar~ nol double fr~ntnq,. lot. as th~r(.' 1S JS f(.'et (roM tho northern pr"P'!rty I In.- to l~ pavetlW?nl. !I" nr)t.od that there will be ð utility.a.nÞenl ln th1s aroa. Ife not.ed ~t",- this ~titlon has received unsni.ChJ!' ðpprr:>..."ì (U)fJ!t '-hI! CCr><:' ~')d StI f( i~ ..,1150 reC(JIII- .ending approval as It ." a qlJ.'tltt'l d<"vl!l?~~nL Attorney Ceorqe Varnðd'~ representt~ ~n~ Petltioner, slated that this properly was zo~d :n 1,a2 for ð ~yltl-(ðmLly proj(.'ct with a golf cour.. end l~.) acres of co.....·rclal. He noled lhat there was 486 acre. ~ith 67S dwellinq units wllh low density byt high I~pðcl on the land. He Ilat.ed that there "'as a150 t.o ~ 40 boat slips on the waler. He indica' rod t.hat the appro'..cd plan had r(":0Ivcd 7.onlng and onVlron- .ent.al ~r"íle, wðl<.'r lIIðntlgcllt(:nt ~r .. ',5. HJd Corps of F.nqin~er per- _ita t.C cOfl.trucl th,-, pr')v·~·.. III! s,...t-::>d ',,.,,,t. ~Inc(? that ti~, the property hits chanqf:"d ownl!r~h¡p a!'1d an adeJJt I<Jnal 274 ðcrcs was acqutr.d eftal of Vanderbilt Drive and a n~_ pl~n "'as developed in order to preserve th<.' "'r.tJande and thr- xt:'r¡c ="crub habitat. ne noted thlt U'. original plan witS altered to ¡nchdr' t,hf:" aaditional acrea90 .fOII lOR" ~ 212 Page 15 ,\, .. 1C8't~213 OCTOBER 6. 1987 and addi 1100.1 dW<.' 111 n<) un ats. f~ nolc'1 t.ha t the d iff ercnco is that Plan -A- can 90 r'Jrwðrd without havlnq to acquire addit.iona1 peraits, and Plan -R- pr~serve~ ~re ?f the scrub oak habitat.. He noted that everyone p~p.C~rs Plan -8- and lhl.:'Y are askin9 Cor appro- val of bot.h pJan5, addinq lhal .af th~ cnvlfonmocntaUst will p.!!rmit Plan -8-. lt~ 'IiI; '.Is.... th..,', pl.,n, blJt if n,,', th4!'Y will hðvf! to build Plan -A-. .'~ noted that th~ ..a,~'r changc In th*! plana involves the envlr~l~J issues, Mr. V.rna~ indlcal~d that both plans ~re excellent plans for Col1i.r County and thl! ~on.unlty as ð who II! and both hðV~ hiqh quality dev.l~nt and arc an aSSl.:'t to t~ county. H.... stated that there aro 760 9rosa ~ros with ì28 vnlts which as 1~S5 than 1 unit per qros. acr., there i. an 18 ho¡". gr¡!r course, th(> commocrciaJ is 12.4 acres and is bein1 ~ved frolll Vanderbilt Bc~~h Drive to U.S. 41, 59\ of the aite ia ~I~ preserved. ~h~r". IHe 2F.4 acre! 0f sðllwat.er wellands. 45,4 acres ;,C (rcst.waL'~r wet lðnds, 40 ðCrl!S of ,.;er ic scrub oak habilat and 100 acr" of other upland habatats. HI! noted that. the project has chanqed Croll a high rlne multl-fallily proJ~':t into a sanqle fa lily 10v cS.naity projec,t '11th 5Ir,r;lr..rðllli1y sopðratt>-j h0m*!!lates, sin9le family attached bou.lng. and lllti r15-:- units. 11-:' nCl,,:,d thðt the plan cOtBpliea wit.h ~M Cr:llpr~h"'nsl\ll" ~Jan ",nd th-:-r(> art'· nr eJ'lt"tltndinq 1~5ues with th4 Planning stðff. ''':. ne)'.Nj thllt, "h... '_'CI"-:' ""¡"r:od thl! p4:'tltloner to broad.." UM buffer ",r·'" frofWI ]":, feel to lC, (.-.,., "nd this "'as agreed upon. ... -ot...d thaI th.-. pl'lrr:,.¡ W~st or I/l'Inr-"'rbllt. Beach Dr ive hafJ Page 16 I :';,J OCTOBER 6, 1987 9on. fro. 675 acres, 18 holes of gotf. and I~ acres o( commercial to .pproxl..t.ly ]7S dvelitnq untts, 1/2 of a 10if cours~ and no COmMer- ci.l. He n~ted lhat lh~ club house has als~ been ~ved and the height h.. been r~~uccd (ro. ~ .A~lmu. of 20 storl~5 to 6 .tory units only alonq the ..nqrovc .HCa!! overl(.>Okinq t,he ba'l ðnd lhc rest is sinqle fa.ily tradit.iona). Mr. Sta"\lcy Hole o( f ol~. Montes' A3SOClðt,!S. representing the Petitioner, st.ated that he would like to dls~uss the water Management, traruJportat.ion and uti Ii t'l 1Ispacts on t.he pr~j(:-::t.. He indicat.ed that to. water .'nag~nt In dC~19ncd tQ ar:ç~pt flows that arc generated oCt eite (r?f8 Vanderbilt La....cs to cui'/erts 1Jndcr Vanderbilt Drive or froa Bonita Shores to ð drð n~gl! "'ð51! W>nl. H,., notcd t.hJlt the dis<:h.r~ f-tte is lQwcr th/HI what. Rent_Ic',. VIllage or Retre~t 1S ~r- .1tt~ to ~nd)e. He ßtðtl!d that the dtsr:hðrge will QO ínto the lakes throu9h t~ wet.land areas and by way of spr~ðder swales will go into the ..ngrOVt! areas before rea-:h1nq tho:! estuary. He not.ed that. this is the .... .y~t.e. that was ~~r_ltted for the prcvlvUs project. He stated that with reqard!J to th(' tra!1sportðt¡r)fI Issue, the County requ..te-ð III'ditional rIght of "'a'l alonq Vðn··r'rb.ll Beach Drive for the even t.ua1 ro.Jr-laning o( It and 2S' on el.ch 5Jdl! hðS been provided; the County has ftskcd for ð 1)0 (oot r iqht ')f "'/!J'I ð lonq the north sidtt to provide en f~enluð 1 IS ll·,' ",t-¡{"n tIIðtcho:!d b'l Lr.',~ (:ounty with another 50' 1: that this h/l. ÞcC'n f.:OlMlltlo:'d. fie noted thðt tie inler"eclions will be for an e.er~ ençy accl:ss betw<:,cn Vðndcrb I I' [Jr J ','{" and U, s. .1}, add inq ,-_."",~. ''''.,._- P"ge 1 7 1001 lC8,,; 214 OCTOBER 6, 1987 ~i9ned i~ .ccordanç~ wilh lh~ Counly r~qulr~~nl.. He slaled lhðl the connect inq road rrOffl lhc W(!st area to t,h~ R-2 area or t.he projp.ct 904ta thr0V9h.. forest be', ar~.. and has oo~n 8talr:~rj in the fiold. ~.pe f4 Hr. Hole indical~d that th~rc is an ~xlstin9 public roed that they would lik~ t.O U5e .,5 .,n ~~rqency access and lhe construction aCCf!ns for lhe 2. units in that particular area, H~ sta~ed that with re9nrds to ut.l1lti4!8. the Scw(.·r WI I qQ lo lh..... Cr)unt..,. but the bí9Qf.:!st concnrn i. the vater pressur~ th,t. h~s ~.....n ., prob¡..m In this area for years. He noled th,t. th~ Counl'( IS In l~ proce~s of corrcclinq this area. addi~ t~t the wcll(i~ld h.,s been expand~d from 15 million qðllonø a day to 16 -UUon gallons a dð/, the W(!l h r:ave been constn~cted and the piplnç ie now bPtnq Inøtalled, thø. wat~r treðt-.nt. plant is beinq expanded (r~ . atllion 9allons ð d.,y to 12 mtlll0n qallon5 a day, and the r~ !aCil1tlC'S arp ~Inq worked on. 11(> noted that this should ~ coepletee' in Hðrch, Ih_" alated thal ~'llle.,. vi Ilage h/JS "qreed t.o Con.lrvet .. plpcl In~ up U.S. 41 to th~lr (>ntrðnc~ and ^udubon has aqr-.d to const.ruct a p I SX!] I n~ up U.S. ,t lc, th~ír cntranc~ and to provide er· ftð~nl ~n" r;O:'ì~'rlJcl ~ coun t 'I fl I P*"' lIne r r 0ftI U.S. .. 1 t.o Venderbi 1l Drive, IIc' nQl('d that. th~ Coúnl', '" I I 1 pa.,. the d i {f erencp. bet~ t.he 12 Inch Iln.· and th~ 16 Inch Ilrl! "'hlch is the Overðqe alze. JM not~d lhat this 100/111 brang ðd(·qu,)to:.> pre!l~ure t.o the area and vill i8lprc.v,· the.' Con'JIt.IOnt!l In Ronll., Sh',r'_·! Oo:.>e;ðus(.' th~y will hav'! a lot IIOre ".'.cr and a lot fl¥.)f(: pressure. III.. nOled that the County ls P"9- )8 , ¡. it <I'" ()ÇTOßER 6, 19 8 -: proposing to rUrI a line lhrouqh Audubon'~ pro~rty to Wcst Drive IInd then up W..~ Drive which wIll provid~ ð dual f~~d (rom both tr."..ission linl.:'s. II,.. ~lðt~d that ",íth th...: construcli,)n 1)( lhis pipeline, t~ ~dcd Wðt~r supply and waler preS5ur~ will ~ Ivailable. ... ~ AT 10s35 ~,", azcoMvBxan ~T 10:50 ~,". ... o.paty Clerk Kueter replace4 Deputy Clerk Kenyon Rev. Donald Oðw50n. Bonita Shores re51~l!nt, Sub~ltted ~ petition objecting to t.he proposed rG~d whl~h WI II abut the Ronita Shorce Subdivision. He also stated they are I)ppo~,..d to ð fence which thP. developer pr"C>pOSe1I to place along this bOl.Jndltr-¡. He said the original PUn call. fQr no fences ~tween these sutjlvislons. He al~o st.t~d that the Bonit.a Shores SubdIvIsIon has already pald for water and ~r and objects tu having this ta~ed aqaln. Co~issioner ristor explained t.hat the Bonltð Sh~·cs SubdivIsIon paid when thotr lines were constr'~ted and they connected to the syste. ðnd assured t.hem that they -NId not pay aqatn. H~ advised th"t is why the County does not pIece vnter and sewer In general tð~Cti. but rather USC3 i_pact fee. and spP.Cial assess$Cnts. Rev, Dawson displayed a aap oC the er,..a ~Cptcttnq the road which the r.-ic;S."t:8 '-bjec( to. Hoe stated that n') lot should ha..."! ð road on the front and rear of t.hcLr prop~rty ..n'j It IS not prJpcr olanninq. He stated that. lot WI lh ro~d (rontðq..· In thl! front IInd r~ar 101111 &tOf lOR·:· 216 P-5ge 19 .. lOR"J211 OCTOBER 6, 1987 rHult in dP.'ValuaUon. lie st.at.'!'d t.hat if e fence i8 placed along this properly it will stop th~ flow of water and the natural habitat. oC the anl..1s, !ile. 9OPh~r tort')isc3 and quail. He th~n r~ad a pas.ago Cro.. the Col11er County Planning C~l..ion .eetinq on the fences. Rev, ~. then dieplay~d an a.rial ~p ehowirg the a.aunt and location of scrub oak in the area. He rcqu~st.ed that the road >t placed 100 ft. fro. their rcar propert.y lin~5 with a 50 ft. vcgelation buffer, Re.. Deweon al.c pointed out peqe 2.3, Item -r- of the PUD which etated that -any approval or d··nial which IS not issued within 10 vorkir'9 cSa\'e of .l!~1 ss í cn, aha 11 00 cons ldered aut04UticaUy approved, He cautíoned the C~issíon that. this is dangerous langua99. Attorney ~orge Vðrnad~ advi.~d that. t.~ language being reCerrf!:'ð to only pertalns to fractlonalization and has been changed by Counly Staff t.o ð tl~ ¡rð~ oC 20 days, CQunty ~tlorncy Cuyler etated t~t he has spoken to Staft about. this type of lançuage, and they f..l it. i. adequate li~ tor processing (or p~rticul.r typee oC infor..tior. , HI', Varnðdoo stated that the aap d:'awn by Rev. Dawson does not actually ckpíCl lhe e;¡r;ft'..:l 100:al ion QC th..: r'Jðd. lie slated from the bad: or ttM Boni' a Sh0rr'!i r hd 1 v IS i on t. h,., r" ..., I I I b~ 3':> (t, o! buffered cpctn epace and Sv . l. () [ r I ght-o( - o#ð'; çf wr, I r:tl anly 20 (L wi 11 be paveJ. He elated that even If tt-e road wç:· ::' (.: tJ1accd in th(~ center of tM ci9ht-o{-way, thcre would be SO ft. fr",m thClC prop~rt.y lines to Page 20 -- - ..... OCTOBER 6, 1987 the p.va~nt. Anaworinq Co.ai..ioner Saunders, Hr. Varnadoa alaled the road cou.d not be D0v~d furthl.:'r SOIJth un]~8S th~ riqht-o{-way w~r~ "-<:rea.eð aM that is controll~ by th~ COljnly, Mr. Archib,))ld ðdvi!!ed that. t.he ri9'\t.-of-way rcquir~nt could ~ fl!duced to "'0 ft., allowing 'another 10 ft. Mr. Cleo Bernath, Benita Shoro. re.ld~nt, atated hia b19ge.t con- cern is the 900 (oot doc\.; on the 6th Stre~t Cllnð I. Ife sL/lted it is tMir understandlnq 'ho!t th'.' dtY.:k "'Ill ~ for th'.' tJ!l4' <J( ov~ryono within t~ develo~nt, ",hich is over 700 Ur1IUL lIe stðted t.he dock will turn lrla a ..rana vlth t.hat Il!UCh us.... .)nd If t~e dock qOf:'S unu.4d, the1' arc conccrn~d that unðuthori7.ct1 people viII dock there or the owner. will rent. out the SpðC4L .~ ~·_ðtf.:'d the vil!1ol {rota his home ia to the sout.h and he will ~ leúkinq at nothinq but boat3. Mr. Stan1r,- Hole of Hole, MorJnte1l " AS!loçlatcs, [nc., advl11ed that the boat ~k. arc only for use by the 24 unlt.s bein9 built. at that location. ~ staled per.lts ~ere obla1ned for t.he ent.ire 900 ft. ao th..t t.he per.it~ would b<> 0n hand as people buy tht' units. He said this c"..ít.ent. of only 24 has be'!'n aadc to caçh Count, Advisory Board and is being aadc to the Board of Coynty Commissioners, Mr. Georqe I(clicr, CQI11,,' County Ci..-ir: F..dl!rðUOn, ~tated that the Little- Hickory Shores ar,.a 15 In their f(·dC'rð!.I'.)o and he knovs how ups.t tM r.ø~d~nts are ()v(:r this iss"p. H~ slat,.,1 his fE-elinq that. no one .hou ld have a road i n th~ i... back 't'.'H d and His not 9000 plftnni"9, Page 21 ~ 10R~~' 218 J " 1 ' ~ ' ~~ ~ ... ~ ' . ;H .;'; . r! j¡ c ~, " ... 1CR., J 219 OCTOßER 6, 1987 Mr. Jack ~rnicr, Bonita Shores resident, referring t.o t.ho nap, .U9ge.t.ed an 11tcrnate route for the ulil1tiC3. fie ataled that the buffer viii n~ to b~ ~!I!arcd wh'!'n the utilities are constructed which ~ill .d~ to thp cx~nftc. tic alllo slaled that 7th St.reet ia a ..jor tUB .top for thl! children in the arca and request.ed that no con.tr~ction traffiC ~ allowed to enter t~c project t.hrough Bonita Shot.., Mr. =arnicr also ~lðted that t.he intent of the nort.h bound road vas not t.o provide for an e.erçcncy ðCCP.~8, but rat.her provided to connect. to Lee Co~nlï 1n the fut.ure for II ~ru~ eaat./~.t. accesa. Mr. Welter Abra. tð~ !Stðt~d that ..,hll"" t~~y are nev to the ðrea, be would like to reMind the Commíss1on t~ðt this area Is very envlron- -.ntally ~3itív~ and contains the gopher t~(lle, WhlCh 1. an .nda~red apeci<-s. R~, Dawson slalcd that thl! developer proposes to raiac the road end el10v UM! golf carl path to travel b-eocath the overpas.. H~ stated this i. vt'ry dðnqcrou5. He also alated his concern over all the fences, walls and qdte~0u!Sl!s beIng con~tru~t~ in Collier County. Mr. Varnað~ atalcd that the g0ìf carta will be t.ðken t.hrou9h a 9raded und4-rpaslI and u.~ rood "'111 00 eil!vðtr.-d. lie< advtaed that County Sta(f' hðs p!ðc-:-d slrlct stipulations 0'1 lhll!1 provieion for traCfic (low, Itoe of !>11ht. etc. He n0t.!d they hðve ðgreed to pro- y Id. a 50 f't. r I ~ . l-O( -"'I!J'; f or Co 111 f?r CfJ'Jn l '( ~o it can be adùed to ~ County'. In the (;1\ r~. II,. th<>n p<)ln'o:-d OU', the emergency ~cce.s routes to the projcc~, paqe 22 þ.' f -} -~' - I:' ,~ f t"'< OCTOBER 6, 1987 Mc, Acchibald t.hen oullín~d t.he proposed roulo:! of the utility lirws 91vinrJ tho pros ~nd cons t.o each routt'. H~ Blatod the final d.cision on t.h<e p.xacl rO'Jte "'Ill be dotp.rmln.~d wh"!n tho design phase be9ilUl. "c. Hol-. statP.d that lhe project is being designed to face 1nwardø. r.~her ~han out",ards. He st.aled this is not.hing new and is "109 done by aany, In-8n'( project wit.hin Collier County. He stated that if tn.e C~ I ss ion d04i."s not wi sh cons t ('Jct ion tra! {i c to us"! West Avenue, U)e'1 all conslrlJct Ion traf! ic :should b~ banned. ne nolf~d they ace bujldin1 only 24 units that can be ðCCe'5p.d fr.,. West Avenue. He noted the c~truclion tr.CC1c Cor these 24 unils could be routed thr0U9h the 901f path, however, II is very danqerous because the road 1. only intended {or golf carlS. is onl, 20' wide, has no shoulders, and wanders quilP. ð bit. Mr.. £aily Hnqg10 stated her objection to th~ construction traffic u.ing Nest Avenuo. In response lO Commissioner PIstor, Mrs. Ma99io stated that. if so.cone In Bonita Shores Subdivision is building. the traffic assocía~f~ with thðt construct.lon n"tturlllly has to use the Subdivision roadø, hcwevcr. she objcct.s to another subdivision da..~ir.q the road in her :!Ju~lvisl0n. CO~"lssloner Pistor noted that c:e.elíl trucks UM' put:.. I IC road3 to del iver C· :'nI'?nt to where i l is n~dcd thCQU9hout. the Count;. eoa.l..ioa.r S.un4.r. aove4, ..coa4.4 by Co..i..i~D.r G004aiqbt aa4 carried 4/0 (Cb.ira&D B.... ab..at), tbat tb. public b..r1D9 be alo.H. .".. lOR r, .?20 PðqQ 23 ", j' lC8'1~221 OCTOBER 6, 1987 ... azczaa A7 12320 P.M. RZCO"'E"D A7 12125 P,M, ... ~taaJoaer .auD~er. ao.a4, ..coD4e4 by C~i..ioDer GoodDiqht aa4 carried aaaoiaou.17, tbat tbe or4iDaDce a. Duabere4 a04 title4 below be ~pte4 &04 eDtere4 iDto Or4ioaoce Book .0, 28 with the fol1owiag .tlpa1atioD~: 1. RNd r ighl-o! -way is lo be red,.<:p.d lo 40 ft. 2, C~nt.y cas~~nt (0'" uti 1 it.y wi 11 ~ pllJct-d as Car south .a is ph)sically ~)8s¡bl~. Public Works Ad~inístralor Archibald and ^ttorncy ~o"'q~ Varnadoe are to n~qot¡ðtc t.he location and ahculd ICðv~ 4S ft. of vC9o:!tat.cd area. ), ~.t.rucllon trafflC will not be allowed t.o u~c WC3l Avenue. 4. ~'e10per will be ~r.itt('d to C0nstruct e chetn link fence 15 (t. (r~ f.h~ I r pro~rty ine. ORDI.~ ~. '7-77 AIf OP.OIHANCT I\MDH>HK; OfWI N^·:Cf: 82- 2 THF: COMPREHENSIVE ZONr~ REOJL.ATlONS !-"Of' Tin: UNINCORP'"'..Jf'A·rEO Af1f:A OF COLLIER COUNTY, FI.ORJDA RY N1EHfJtHC TIff: ZONING ATL",S MAP HUHBER 48-25-) BY CH/.HG rHe THE 7.QN we CI.ASS If' I CAT 10'N 01-' TilE Jff:RE IN OESCR r BED RfJ,L PROPERTY ~ Pc.1 A - 2 Am) PUD TO - pun- PLANNF.D UN IT Df:\'ELOPH1JIT ~: ~I(:;\om AS ,\UDUROtI COlJtrfJ.l '{ C LUI! fOM 728 MES I DENT [A L UHjTS, COfo'.Mr:I'Cltd., CfJl.F COURSf': A~m CQflSF.RVATIOtl/OPDI SPt\CF.. f()f.' PRopnn( (()r:,,-ruJ 0t4 nn Wf:s-r S!IJt: 01-' U,S. 41 EXTt:."HOING ""·~.T¡AP'f) ACH05:; '/MIfWPHlLT Bf:AcH )f-JV;' TO I.TTTI.E HICKORY BAY W S '".('T I OtIS ?, 7, 8 ð n<1 9. TCM-4SJIJ J' 48 S<XrrU, RANGE 25 EAST. · .. 6 t . ~ r:S TOT" L ; NW PROV I [) J f'f; MI n...-¡.:cr r Vf: DATE. Page 24 :1, F: f 0C1"08,.:R 6, 1987 ... .~.. A7 12130 P,M. azOO"V~.ZD A7 1130 P.M. ... Depat1 Cl.rk I.D10D replac.d Deputy Cl.rk Ivatar It. 'SCl O1tDI~ "7-7. COJf7IJUoIIJIa TJlE CR.2ATIOIf or THE OOLDEIf QATE PAlUWAY 8anIFlCAnOll ADVISORY COKJIIInEE - ADOPTED tAqaI notíc~ having t'~<:'r) publlshl!1 II"! "ht:- Nðpll!~ O.,ily ~4~w!5 on Sept~r '7, 1987, !I~ ~""'ld~nçI!1 by Aff¡davlt of Publlcðlion fil~ with the Cl.rk, public h~arin9 "'as opened to çonsid~r an ordinance conflrail'l9 th~ creation of th~ Golden Gate PlHkwa'l aeðulíficalion Advisory CL-.i ttc~, Public Works Adnlnistrðtor Arcntbald :!Jlðt~d that. t.his ordinance is .iaply r~reati~q lh~ ðdvI~0rf ÇO~lttc~ bi 0rdln~nç~ instead of by re80lution, ed..,inq t~at the adoption ':)( thi5 fJrdinance would co.ply with OTdlnnnce 86-41. H~ note1 that t.h18 Crdlna~e will also Ii_it the ae.t>erutaip to five -.c.~rs w1t.h one beinq fro. each vot.inq pre- cinct.. County Attorncy (;uyler ,Haled that lhl! only changc that he has is that on Pa~~ 4, Section 9, und~r r~""'l~ proccs., th~ date reads 1991 and ahould be 1989. co.aiaøloD.r Pist.or ao....4., ..00n4.<' by Coaais.ioner ..uDder. aneS oarried 4/0, (Coaai..ioner Goodnight out of the roo.), tbat tb. publio be.ria; be clo.ed, eo.ai..ioner Pi.t.or .oved, .econded by Coaai..ionar .auDder. aneS c.rrie4 4/0, (Coaai..ioner Goodnight. out of the roo.), t.hat. t.ba oreSi- Dance .. .·~r.d and titled below be adopted and ent.ered into Or4i....ce Book 110, 2. I Pa9- 25 ,,,. lOR·. 222 .. 108 "...~ 223 OCTOBER I, 19.7 ORDIWMC1: 11-7' Nt ORDINAHCr. C()toWIPMmc Tiff. CRf.ATION Of' TifF: GOLOf.N GATF: PARKWAY BEAUT If tCAT lOt' f.l1V I SCN'f cr.....ITTt:,.:; I'HOV Jf HIC "'OR AVVO I HTM":NT AHt) COJo'J1OS IT ION: S E1,. J He f-otrrH THE T t::RHS Of' Ofn CE ; PROV I D I H<; TOR RD'OV At fROfo orn c r. , f" ^ I lUR F. TO A TT ÐI() MF.f:T HICS ; PROV I 0 I He FOP. QUC~~, RUU.S Of PROCEDURE; PROVIOIHG FOR R£IHBURSEHÐrI' OF £XPEHSfS: SF:TT ¡'.¡or; F'OflTtf THf f'11NCTlOOS, POWERS, ANO rx..rr1F:S Of TIfF: ADVISOfY BOAPO; StTr we ;-OP1J1 TtlE Ixrr If.S Of THE COlI.IlR COUlITY MfflLIC WORr.S M.,ltIlSTI!ATOP; PRO'IJDlPÞ:: fl)P PEVIEW; PROVIDING FOP. CONFLICT AND Sf:V",RAfll!.JTY; PPOVIDPV:; f'(,P AN EFfECTIVE DATE. It_ '6<:2 oa.oI~ '7-7' AVTHORIZIJIO COLLIER COVJrl'Y EnIROIÐmJITAL SCIE_C. Am> POt.LOTIOII COIf~"L DEPAJtTJfEJIT TO UGULAft SLUDGE TRAJlSPOJrfA'I'IOIf AIm DISPO&AL WI~I. COLLIER COUWTY - ADOPTID WITB MODIFICATIOlfS lA9al oolic'l! having been pul'¡ ish4l;!d in th,...;' '~ðples Dai Iy Hews on Sept-.ber J7, 1987, as ~vidcnce~ by AffidavIt of Publication filed with the CJerk, pub! ic hl.:'arinq was opened to consider a proposed ordi- nance euthorizinq Collier County Environmental Science and Pollution Control Depert~nt to r~ulale sludQe transport.at.ion and disposal within Collier County. Enviror.ental Science and Pollution Conlrol Director Lorenz slated that the &oðrd directcd hi. t.o i~leøcnt this proqram, adding that he has receh..-d input (rom the> general public. ~Iu,jqe transporters, Df':R, Collier CO\..-nty flcallh UnJl and other C-:'\Jnt'I staff. He noted t.hat this ordinance ~ill allow hIs department to in8p~cl sludqe tran~po~lation vehicles ard liccn8~ thosl! that. ~~~ t.he r~quirc~nts of the ?rdi- nanee; review permit aµ~;~ .cations and issu': p~r.uts to applicants that provide hlÞ with rcasonablo assurance that lhe proposod facility will PaC)e 26 OCTO'U':R 6, 1987 confor. to the rcquir~nt. of thú ordinðnr:~; to inspect and sample v.ter qu..1ity ø~ 1111.1<19"" r!í"'f)O",JtI (Jt~i III I"""; tn r~uir{> transporters to aut:.ít records of h(N Ift\Jch !J1ud9<' 18 hð'J!l!d ~ntj ðppli~d to land ap?lication .ít.~.; and to ta~e action t~ ~n3ur~ compliance with or prevent ¥iolatl0n of ~h~ applicable prOVISi?n of the proposed ordi- nant"A. tilth violations "f th~ ordinancE> rl!~ull Inq in t.he loss of license. ~rDit ðnd/or ð r.-ðJt....J" ( in~ of $':,00 p~r da·,., He stated t.hal M has receiv-e-d cQ....~nls fr'>1ft thfl! vir:.. prçÒ!\ld"'nt of the "'lorida Septic Tank Aa.~iation and "'0u11 r~ç~nd thð~ ~h~~~ co~nts and/or chanqe. be uv.:ludp.d In th"" pr0p<J!'I(,d ordlnðw~.. 'Jnder Sections S, 8, ðnd 9. ~ .tal~ that th(' r<,strlrtlons in thl! ~roposr.d ordinðnce are at leaat as strinqenl as flo(ld~ ~d.lnistratlve Code 17-1, Part IV. DoIIe.tic Sludge CJasslficðl¡(HI. Utilization I'Ind D1SP' II Criteria. which are t.he Slale rule:! lh~l r~ulðte lh~ sludge disposal. He indi- cated that land appl ¡catlQn "'Ill rC"ðtn th0 5ðmc liS whðt. is 1n t.he Florida Achinhtrðtivc Code, He f>tated thðl pre~('ntJ.,., the sludge is not bein9 itspos('d of ðçcordln9 to State crltrrlð as tne DER d~s not have auffi:ienl 1að.1puWer I,() enforce th~ r'.~9ul"tlon" and thiS proposed ordinance 4111 provide Colllcr County "'Ith local enforcement authority nec.saary to require f;Qr.'pllðn-:1! wIth 10<"-"11, ðdopled crilerla, He indicated that t.h(' flSca! Impact would b" Sfj13, 100 for '.he next operatin9 (ear which w0\11d Includ" ., p llut 10n cord rQI l~chniciðn. -.onitori"9 proçrð llS and aBB0'":lat~d r:osts wll.h V('hIC¡""9, which have alr.ady be-otn budq<,to:.·(L /1<..' Ind¡Cðted thðl. t).. ¡~ r(;·r..:om~ndlnq that lhe Page 27 .OOC 108,,-.! 224 .. J.œ","225 OCTOBER 6, 1987 ~~d of Ccunty Co..issioncr~ adopt t.he proposed ordinance to r89ulate .ludge trar.port.alion and disposal in Collicr County as ~dified with t.he CM~ rroa l~ nor íd., S(!plic Tank Association. eo-i..íoncr Hasse- slðtcd that he has had nu.-erous cOtllplaint8 from sept.ic t.an. haulers WI th rcqarda to the ch,ugr' that is almost prohibi- tiv. to dunp at t.he plant. He, Lorenz stated thal he is not aware oC what. the charge is, but thie ordinbnce wilJ Insure an 4lto:!rnat.ive sit.c be available for dlepo8*l of .lud~. Utilities Ad_inistrðtor Crðnd~ll stated that th~ fee is $40 for grea.. and 530 Cor øcpll~ 3ludqe, byt this ordinance will insure t.hat everyocw bri"9s the-ir hll'J11n9!1 to th~ plant. He not.ed lhat. t.he fee is fairly high but. this 18 what Il cost to process the sludge and it is uniforaly charqed, tie nolea that t.he ordinance indicates that the County and the Cit.'l will also have to pay a fee and questioned if this i. currect, to .''"._:-t Mr. L.or-:.-nz Indicated thal at thi" point. there ere no exenplio01~ (or th-:.- Courlty or the City, Hr. John Keschl stated that he d~s nol. fl!I!J that the $500 fine i. .ufficinnl. also slatlnq thal he f('els '-~dt this sludqc ehould bo treated on sllc, dehydrated and then tran~ported out to .ake it ..lable ae it. is ð good fertilizer, ~ape .. In anewer to COlllmlsßlon<"r IIasse, AS91!Jtðnt to the County Manager Olliff indicated that thIs ordInance will qlvc the F.nvironmantal Page 28 OCTOBER 6, 1987 Scl~ and Pol1utao" Control ~part~nt lh~ authorIly to requlate all aludge dispcsal ailca. lie not~d lh...l m:n docs not have the -"npower to police . Jl t~sc !!lIll"5 to do:!lcr. ine if th.!y mo:>et t.hc cr iter i., but with this ur~r the County contrQI, these aites will have to eeet all requ1 rerwnu . eo.nis.ioaer Goodniqbt ~~, .econded by coaaiø.ioner pi.tor and carried ~t.ou.17, tbat tbe public bearinq be clo.ed, co.nl..ioner Ooodniqbt DOYed, .econded by Coaai..ioner Pi.tor and carried ~i~.17, tbat tbe Ordinance a. nu.bered and titled below be a4opte4 aAd entered into Ordinance Boot Woo 21 witb the cbanqe. iDcorpor.t~ froa tbe Florida Septic Tan~ Association: ORDIJlAJlCE 17-79 AH ORDI..AHCt.: TO !H GIJLAn: SI.UOCr-: THAHSI'OHTAT ION AND DISPOSAL WITHIN COLL fER COtJUrf, fUJR IDA; PROV HHNC fOR F'tNDINCS, PURPOSE, AHD DEf'lHITlo-.S USrfJ IN 1lfE ~DU'MIC;·,; I'~O IAIT NC TRANSPORTATION Of' SLUOCE WITH?.lT ^ UCENSF:; PPOVJOUlG f':Xr,.HYTIOtfS FROM LICENSING: P'RO'IJDIhC Pf.Q'JIFlf:JoofUlTS P'W APPLlcATJ0N FOfJ I.ICf-:,,<;,.:; PHOYJOING FOR REQfJIPD'ÐfTS ro~ t.ICnèS~: ISSUANCE; I'RíJ'IIDUIC FOn LJCEt4Sf. COHO IT ICNS; PUOV ICJ WG f'Jfl At, M-'NUAI. !.! Cf:t':;f, n:E; PROY I 0 1 NC fOR SUJOCf: rJSPQSAI. rJ-·p'·oTS ^NrJ PPOUrAJTI0tlS; PPOVJrHNC F.XF:MPTtOHS ntCt" Pf:JIM Iii I ~: P .Jf)'1l Iii Nr, Tm: fJf:Q(JlI,n:~H NTS Of' Pf:RM IT APPL ICAT ION: PRO'/IrJINC fVf.t PffJMI r COtwrrrQNS: PHOV;¡'fNG IH,QUIRfMnrrS fOR PERMI1" JSStJAHCf: PROV if) ¡, ç fI'W '¡:;PfCT fOt' IŒOU I PI-:MF:NTS; !'POV I DINe ~',)R PER1-1JT ÞO!úOJfoJCATJ0t4 MW ~rNf:-W^L; pJ.((NrrUN{; f'OR ANNUAL PERMIT fY.l:5: PJoI ~ H JI NG fO~ ^ I' I' ~^ I.S: PROY I D H'" ; H;fJ fo:N fOUC f-:Mnrr AN () PÐt,\LTIES; PROVIOItIC f"Ofl Sf:VERABJI.:n; I'POVIOING fOR COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND ff:rIf]JAI. ¡'~p~rrs: I'ROVI('J~'~ F0R LHH-:hAL CUNSTROCTJOtf; PflOVJDJtfC fOP THE THPI.f'Mn4T^TJON OF' OPDINANt:'E BY RULF..5 AHD RF:CüJ.AT OtfS; PfJOV i 0 I He AN U rrc-r I vr rWT L It.. '&«:J a&8O~~ '7-241 RE PETITIOK AV-87-002, BRUKS AKD DRUMS, IRC. aBQcrantJIG YACATION OF A 60' RIaBT-oF-WAT UD TO ACCBn A CUL-DE-8AC aIGaT-oJ'-WAT I. UOIOJtALEE TO ALLOW PETITI0JfER TO CREATE A POD (COIlPU:IO. ~ R-17-ltC, DAVENPORT PUD) - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO 8TIPVt.ATIOU Pð9C 2' .... 108 ....J 226 ~: '.. ~: J., ~.t ~A }t' " J It> , ~. h' J, t.; (} i'" J l~ ~, '~ .,.... .. 108·s-~?Z7 OCTOBI-:R 6. 1981 Le9ðl nolice havinq been publiahed in the Naples Daily N~s on Sept~r 6, 1987, as evid~nced by ^(fidavit of Publication filed with the CI~rk, pu~lic hcarinq was opened to consider Pet.ition AV-87-002 tiled ~, Brun, , Mruns. Inc. as 8gent. Cor own~rs requesling the vaca- tion of a sixty fOOL rlqht-of-way located in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of ~tion 32, Township "6 SOtJlh. P..,ngl:> 29 f:a!'lt, IlIImOkðl~e, F'lorida, .. recorded in OR 800~ J61, Page 226 oC the official records of Collier Count·,. Plorida; and to accept. a -:ul-de-sac right-of-way to .llow ~titioner to creale ð plann~d unit develoPMent (Rezone Potition R-87-19C is a co.panion Ilee to t.his vaCalion). Public No~k& Ad.inl&lrator Archibald stall!d th~l lhis is a 'c~- panton petiti~ to the r~7.onl! that vas prl!viously approved this date in the l-.okal" Area Ivt l~e lJa'w'enpurl PUll. He noted thal t.he north end of this roadway 18 to ~ par l o! t.M [Iðvcnport PUD and approyal ot this petition would vacate t.hc northern end of that. roadway lor thcir developn¡enl and it loIOuld also dedlcðt.e to lh,_· County, the additional ri9ht-o!-way ".0 crr:ðt(, ð cul-de-sac. !if:. notcd thal letters of n:> objection hay,! been recclved (rOff! all ac:¡,.:nclC5 and Stll!! is reco..- -.rxti"9 apprO'/a J . P1r, Ciddens, restd"'nl of IlIIIIaoOkðle4.:.', strJted that this roadway was ..t up to brin9 traffl(~ fro. one area to another and not to set yp a roadway t~t. woul<1 . rir':! lUJrrlC into th*" arl!/) ðnd then dead end. Be indicated t.hat. this will put all trð((l~ cnlo Immokalee Orive which is alre.dy busy nnd not Capðbll! or handltnq any ~rc traffic. He noted Page 30 ~ f, f' "t' ¡<t > ~ ~ 1it. '. OCTOBER 6, 1987 that if this road is goinq to be vacated, the whole road should be done end not just a section or it. Me, Arctlbalc stall:>d t.h8t I~kal~ Drill'':' is r:urrenlly a ..tror ,ollector ard t.~ additional Increase of tr~(fiç will not creal~ a probl~. ~'not~d that the road n~eds to t~ wld~n~d (rom IC feet. to 12 feet, which is gOIng to be don~, He noted that he has no objection to vacatinq th@ ~ntire strIp of road to Immo~a]l!e Drive, which is a totel of 1,200 f~et, ð~ l~nq ð5 ~h__ petítl~ner is In concurrence with this, He ~,t.~ that this ",ould tho:!n beÇO~! ð p(llI'~te road and t.he one reeson t.hat t.hts was nrlt Ijon~ 'Å"~ ~Cð'''5'' Mr. Gldd~n5 has r Îghts to 30 (eet of ':his ÞJtí5!..Jnq rlqht.-of-",,,y and it Cl'nnot ~ vacated without his approval. Mr. Cl~Jen. stated t.hat this right-of-",ay i~ a private road Cor the DaYenport'. d~velop~ent and part of It :5 ~n his property. He Indic.ted t....t it is simply a trail and people dump trash alonQ it in the ditch. He noted that he wants the Davenport's to -aintain this roed end ~'e t.hc road over 30 (~t to Cover the ditch. Mr. Archibald .tat~ that thi9 road IS an eas~nt and both par- ties own t.o t.he alddle of the road. He stat.cd that the entire roadway could b+ va,;ated. and i ( that is d'>ne. th-:"n ~ðch property û'otnrcr onds up ownirq ~I) h1!~ prop,...rly line WI thout .In ~:"'~\I:"'l!nt ençum~r inq the pro~rly. He nou'd thðl thl! entire r".,rj cê)oJld ~/a>:"atcd and ít would be advanta9f~8 (or the n"'lenport d~vclop"''''''nt ",nd It woyld aalote that entlr. road a private rOðd. Page 31 MtC lOR·).! 228 JIll 108'S~~ 0CT08F~ 6, 1987 eo..i.sioner U.nse quesllOned if Mr. D.·..en~rl could IIIOve the ro.d and build it wIthin th~ 30 r~ct t.hat. ia bei~9 vacat.ed, to which Mr. Archibald staled t.h~l t.nio could be done, but 1t. would be up to Mr. Davenport a. to whc~h~( h~ would be willinq to move the road over, Dr, Spa~na, reprc.cntinq Mr, D~venport, stat.ed lhal according to the site rl.n, hP. dnes not know if this cou'd be done. He staled that this ...y .e,n that '.h" '!ntranç~ to the lItul'- ¡-f..,.i Iy areð would have to ~~, ~ etated tho'll they would lik'!' to proceed with the plans that they hIve and In thl! fut'Jr... have Mr. Ciddcns and Hr. Davenport get toqet.he' t.o work thí5 o~t. He not~d that Mr. Giddens has ~n aware o( vh~t the O..,venp?rts hðve ~n dOing for quite some t.ime and there hes ~er been ð "'J IllngnC&S lo vacate this street. Ca..i.si~r Pistor questioned if lh:s Maller could be resolved and brought b.c~ lr. lwo weeks, to which Dr, Spaqna at.ated that Mr, Davenport hß. been waiting for over t.wo years to .tart this project and Hr. Ci&'ens can work this .alter out "'ith Mr. Davenport at. a later date, eo-i..loner Satmders ~lated thðt thie r-0uld be approvp.d, but. both parti.. could be pu' on notice that a ~tlllon can be ~·nlcrt.ined by Mr. Clððens lo vaca~1! hi~ half of the eas~~nl, Dr. Spaqna .tðt~d thðt Mr. Davenport WI ¡ not stand In lhc way or Mr. Ciddens and lhl~ :~s~~nl CliO ~ VðCð~ed ~. any time. Mr. Archibald stal,.-: th"t the real ~~IJ" I!'\ ~Iot the vacation but whether the cnlranc.: rood should be public ('r pr IYðt~. He noled thal pago 32 . ~ i . '~ '" '.~" r.. ~ ~.. t i,..·....·... " r: ~, OCTOOER 6, 1987 the petitioner VOYld 1 ikc t~ entire road pr i"/at.e and the only reason the south haIr of t.h~ road lS beinq consldl!rc~ public is because Hr. Giddens is not "l1ltr19 to var::at~ his þ0rllon. H~ noted that if the entire roed is vacated, thcn the Count, ~ould m~kc the developer build all tM roðd ()(I hi:! own prop-.rty, ðddin':J thðl it cOIJld be IIK)re advanta~s to have this Load private. II,. slat"" that he does not. know if this c~~ld be don~ at this t.iDe as the only thinq t.hat was advert(sed vas t.~1! northern portion of this rOðdwny. Co..i..ioner PilHQr stated that If thf': whol-:- road was vacated, 1t would be . private road and ~ould Bolv-:- a lot of traffic problems and he would like to see t.his done. County Attorney Cuyler £t.at.cd that. he would not. attc~pt to vacate the entire r~dway ab it was not advertised to do that. Mr. Archibald stðtc1 that it could be vacðt~d in accordance with the current petition and if the Board would llkl! to make il a private road, the ~cvelcoer of ~he propl.:'rtl to th~ "'cst ",ould ~ required to build his cwo road on the rC.ðlninq 30 (eet ~hðt lies on his property 11ne, Dr, Spaqna stated that this ~ould shifl lhe entire plan Cor the dev.l~t. addinq that hI! IS willinq to 90 ~heðd with the "'ay this petition v's advcrl1:Jcd, lie stated that he docs not want to delay this .at.t.er by wa!t¡rlq to vð<::"tl! the enur(:' strcCI,. Co..islloner Clans questioned if Mr. í1ðvenporl i8 "'1111n9 to f;eop the entire public rOðdw~y r::lcan ðS tht~ WII I ~ the entrance ~o his P ðge 33 nil lOR,,: zao 108" -! 231 OCTOBER 6, 1987 property, to which Ur. Spaqna Indicat~d lhal Hr. Davenport would be wl11i"9 to keep thE ~~ol~ ro~d cl~an. eo.al..ioDer Gl... ao..4, ..00n4.4 by C~i..ioner GoodDiqbt .D4 carried aAaDi~.ly, that tb. public be.rinq be c10.e4. C~..loD.r Gl... aoY.4, .econded by Co__i..ioner OoodDiqbt aDd carried GAADlaou.ly, that ae.olation 87-241 r. Petition AV-87-002 be aðopt..s . Pac¡e J" OC"r'015ft " 1t.7 oaD1'DJK2 '"-1' MKIIDIJIG OlmtDJlCa 1'-28 U..ATIJIG TO rt.OOD DA.ItACØ ......xlO' - ADO~Æ.D Legel ~tioe ha,inq ~n publi.h~d in l Ie Naples Daily Hews on 5ept.-ber 17. 1'17, as ~ytdenced by A{fldav t of Publication filed with the Clerk. public hcari~ ve. opened tn con.ider !t proposed ordi- nance aMIMt:~ ordi"atk:.... 86-28 reletinq t.o 'loor D~1IIðge Prevention. County Attorrwry Cu'(lcr .t.at~ t.hat thcr,' arc .ínor change. t.o t.hi. propoMd or d i n.tnee end the aanu[act.ur-.d ~. portion of t.he ordinance i. aU 11 gr "nd fa t.he r cd in and in e~htcncc. He noted t.hat. t.he i.ple- -.ntatlon vlth rcqards to -.oblle ~a has ~(.>n aua~nded unt i 1 next. .pring, at which t.i.e It. viII be brought. b&:k to the Board if ~..ry, ~I..icn.er Oo04alqht -.oYe4, .ecoDde4 7T co..l..S.oaer Piator ..4 oarri" ....~t..o1al', t~t tbe pu1)l1c lae.rlD, be clo.ed, C-I.aioaer Pl.tor 8O'Yed. .ecoDded by :~i..loDer G004Dlqbt ..4 oarrl" ...sl~l,. that the ordiDaAce a. tuabere4 aAd titled below be adopt" &ad eatere4 lDto OrdlD&Dce loot to. 2'1 OIlD I JIAJk:Z 17 -. 0 AN ORD I 'tNIC£ ~ END I He COLL I ER COlIN"r' OR) I UAtleE NO. 86- 28 , AN ORDI'«AHCf: fJfLJ.TIHC TO ..-..000 DNtACt: I'U:Vt-:HTJON; AMl:NUIHC S1!CTrOH 5, ot:nNJTtæ5, TO AOO Tm: "'01.1. )WINe m,:,.' IN IT IONS: - ADO I T 1 ')H «TO ,. po¡ U:! ST UK; BU I LV UK; N, N .;~ I ST I NC HAUUf't\C11JRED ftOME PA~Jr; OR su'r"VISJOfIN, EX PANS JON TO M4 f:XtSTINC HAHUf"AC11JREn 1K:Ji'Œ. P\qf( Of" ~U ¡r)IVISlOO·, NHAlIUF.v:'"flW/) ftOHf-N. ~START Of' COHS'TRtJI::TiOHN, NVIOI.ATIONN, NV 7.C " N ~^Tn~ SURf\CF. ":U:VATIOO" AHD TO JEI.ETt: I fT IN rT IONS ~ PAlot'rS Of-' f .,.. IN I T IONS RP:t.AT IHe TO f«)8 HZ 'tOÞV:S: }I'll .Nt) J He 5 t:CT I Cf4 I. 1 TO ^ ¡;) :HJUS tCT I Cf4 TI II HTEn' C 1)) RI:.AT I He 1 (J M~,n:).I f.NCI..Œ'J'ŒS; JV1tN >I ~".; S~.C1' IOf! L 2 (1) TO ~ JUIWARACIoIM'!i (rj) Pf:tAT:NC TO TIff, PI-'OtIIBITt.!J PLACf>ŒN'T OF MOB I ¡.£ ItCfU;~; 1J1DfOJNC SECTtOf'I J·I TC ')tl.f:TE: sunPARJ\CRAPlIs Pege 35 MIc llJR~.: 238 ti<> 1 108 tJ·~ ?J9 OCTOAf:R 6, 1987 (2), ()J AHt, 11), TO r>f:I.f:n: REf"f.Rnfl:f:S TO -mnrLE- HOHF.5 AHD REPLACE "1T1t -KANUJ w:ru¡.¡n,- nOHf.S !\HI' "If} AOr> " Hf:W SUASF:cr ION (2) REt..\T HI(; TO TIIf PL.Ar:">f~.HT Of- MMI1JFlrTlJfo/f.D ItQI1f:S: PROV I D I He fOR CO'ff1.ICT MlfJ ::;r:.......p"DII.ITY; PRO'IWW..... "14 EfTECTIVE DATE. Jt_ .,al aID '7-1157 It&1ECTED AJrD COIITU.C! AlfAaDED ''0 DALLY aoorIJIG, 1.IIe, I. n. AJIOOIrT ar '10,500 FOR TIrE ..-ROO'IIIG OJ' TH2 MARCO ISLAXD SW2RI','S 'UB8TATI~ ' Le9al n:>lIC~ h"vlnq b<-~n publl.~d In Ih~ Hapl','~ Daily Ncw~ on Augu_t 12, 1987, a~ ~vI~nccd ~I Af{adðv1t of Publication (il~d with the Clerk, ~id. ~rc r~~cl'lcd for Bid '87-) J~7 for re-roofing of the Marco (.lanj S~rl(('s Subs!ation untlj 2::0 p..., Sept~mber 2, 1987. Public ~r~. Ad.'nI8t.r~tor Archibald 8lat~d that St.aff received blcJa ror tM roof rcPð 1(8 at """reo Island ~,hetl (( 's Substðt ion which were extr""lV hiqll. He no~e~ that t.h< bio SPE',=,Cicalíona ..-ere chanqed (ro, a rub~r t~ r~f'nq aaterla! to ð double layer atandup rootinq .......,rial ar-,<:t 8 local vendor. wen.- "sked to bid. He indicated that out of t.he 8lc,dors, lwo bids were (c'celved and the low bid of 810,500 va. rC'C"lv·~d frV1ft [)ðlly Roofíoq. lie nolC(j t.hat DeIly Roofing .1~ lnchJdr!d 1n t..,~ bid a price of $.81) po, SQuðre foot to replace any rott4td rJockinq i ( n~ces.ary when thr r'l)( IS opencd up. tie noted that Starr t. rC(;OI...:-nd¡nq that Dally ~oof nq be awerdcd a cont.ract for 510,500 t.o rc-'o<)( '~rco Island Sherif: '!5 Substal10n and that. the bid. r(!Ceiv.!'d unt1c' !\jd 87-llS7 ~ r~je<:tl!d. eoa.J..iODer ~~1niqbt ao.ed, .ecoDded by Co--i..ioner Pi.tor and carried mwnÚlou.ly, that. 81d 187-1157 be ,.ejected and that a oontraot P&98 3. '. "" ti" I'~ 1:- r r. 'i'~' ~ þ,"" OCI'OSZ. " Itl'; 1M atra.r4Ñ to Dally JIooUnq, IDC. in tbe -..ovnt of '10,SOO for tbe re- roofill9 of t.. Jl,arco I.land Sberiff'. Svbt¡tatlon, ,00- lOR·s'· 240 paqc 37 .. 108~~249 OCTOBER 6, 1987 It.ea 'ta u.oLOnOll '7-242 .EQC1UTIJIG .l'nft PEJÞUTTI,'t(] MDCIU '1'0 'rAn lØTO c:oaIDanT1011 UI.TIJIG EJlGIR%aIIIG EFTOn. CII TJlE DESIGJ1 or .,R, U1, D&CO amw:a ~O.I'JD(ZJrr P1tOJECT, Mt DI8'f':tICT , IrATER KAJrAG&.K&Jrr P1IOGUII Ul.ATIn TO 111£ DZBIQ1QTIO. or ROOrmn BAT AQUATIC PUBE.,.. ADOITIOII AI ovynAJ!~_rLO~!DA WAng - AC!JPTED Public Works \1unuHrator Archibald al.,l~d lhðt t.hu it..:. addr~ee-a the advcr,~ crr~ls of outSt."ndìncT flor ida waters {or a par- tion of U~ Rookery Ray ^quðt Ie Preserve. t:c not.ed that it is being reC<l ll.a6ed t.h.tll~ ðPJ'llcable SUt.e ~raíttínq agencies be advised by resolution of t.~. on-qoinq .{fort.. of t.hF County with regards to provldl~ public sðrCl, and wellar. 18provc_enls (or S.R. 951, Marco Island ø.ach R.."our:sh~nl. and Oislrkl 6 "aler Hðnage.cnt illpro-....- IIet1U in or~r to aM,ure that P"!railUnq acttv1t.i~s are coordinated to the ...i.u. 6egr~ bn~ that w~rc .sppllcablc, c~ceptions be considered relative to enviroonenlaJ .Jllgalion. co..d..toaer Pi.tor ~ed, "coDde4 by C~i..ioner Ooo4Diqbt and oarrled ....1aou.ly, tbat "solutioD 87-242 requestinq .tate per- aJtt1aq aqe.cie. to take iDto coD.ideratioD .xi.tiaq enqiA..riaq efforts 1. t-' 4..i~ of .... '51, Kar~) '.acb .eDOuri.baeDt Project, .... Dist.rict "Water- MaAaq.,.eDt Proc¡rua rel_U.e to 'tbe d..1qDatioD of aookery 8&J Aquatic Pr...rYe addition .. out.tanding Florida ~at.r. be ad0pU4. Pa94t 38 OCTOBER 6, 1981 It_ ".3 8'l'A1'P to UTJ.BLI.. ~ FIIlAaCIAJ. TIM TO ABSI IT III THE ßOO1'I~TIO. OF ~ LOJfQ~ UU.../PVACJlASE AGU&ltlrr FOR TJlE COJlSnUCTIO. OF ~ Jfn AOIaWIBTUTXVK OFFICE 8UILDIJIG Public Wc-orks MJ..lnl:>lrat(¡f ":chlb<Jld :¡',r')'.<::d lhat thj!l Hell lS t.o establish a financial t<::ð_ ~d'!' up of Slaff ~:f30nnel and counsr.l in regards to f)nar,ciðl _.ttçr3 with t.h~ inlert of lookin9 at. lca3p. purchases of build:09S 'hal would serve lh( County complex in pro- viding officf! space. tf~ not~d t.hat it. han ~en fcc09nized that t.hen:! will ~ a ~~ in .989 ~o nOU31! ma~y qov~rr~nt emp!oïe~s in an admín- istrative bu¡1dlnq that "'Ill otherwise h~v, to be hous~d in off-site rental locations. tff'! stalc~ that base<2 Qn the projections of 10n9- ter. needs a"1d t.he rents that efr. currCnll¡ bf'!in9 paid, there in a need to le>otc into ':.hl! conr.ep' or a lease/pllrchase si tuat lon. He indi- cated that. a build'n9 ray hðVI! to be cons~rucl~d on ,ropert.y located edjaC4tr\t to the c"mpl~,.;, b~t (jny de<::ision "ould be subject to financiO( revi(!'W and ~xpens~s thðt would b.' Incurred, He statod that he is r~o..endinq thðt the financial ,-cðm cons1st of Worth Blackwell frea Saith Barney; TOlD C¡bl In, Collier CO'Jrlty's Bond Counsel: Dave ''lacher, Col11p.r C')unty's Financial >.dvlsQr; r,en CU'/lcr, Count.y AttoclMy: Jchn Yon <I')S Ioo:y . r I nðncc 01r~"=tor: and Pat CrJrr"oll, Hcal Property '''ra9f!1801!nt (JI r(!clor. .A..islart to t,c Countï Managcr OJ 11(~ IndiCðtcd that t.here is pr4lttK'nt.ly around );).000 SqUð((" (~et or !r..,f:I,..d ~P.,cc and there iu a need (cr 40,000 nq'.Jarc fcct. IIc noted th" I '- would be two ycars PðgC 39 ,tOt tOR 'S"r 252 .. l ~. , .. 108.~253 OCTOÐEf( 6, 1987 before this proj~l 18 buill and by thal tir~, there will be a need for additioral spa-:.~. tic tndicated lhat thf' healt.h buildinq is about 8,000 8qUarc f~t ~~d in Building -A-, thl!rf' 15 also about 8.000 aquar. feel which i'J less than half of whal is needed at. the pre.ent tiM, eou.i.aloner Pastor stated that he felt t.hat. this 1s a good idea and ahould t.. in"e1SUqated now. 'lape 't eo-i.s: oner Cl us qucsti onod if thl! In'; 1 us ion of Blackwell, f'iKI'ÞeC, and Cibl1n on thi3 (lnancul t.ca,. "Iould aean $100,00 an hour e~1 He, Archibald stðtcd t.hat hf! is prop<Js' Ig t.hat H.e in-house staC! do IIOSt of '-he voO: and then wh.n their reVIC1o# I~ asked {or, he would h..,e t.o gain aut.horizalJor, Cor t.hat funding. lie slated that. t.his woul~ be under 51,000. Count.y I,t.t.orne.,. Cuyler stated that He. ;lDlin usually volunt.eer. ..rvi~ oC t.his t~pc a3 10n9 a. th~y do no~ run too lon9. C~issioner Saunders slated that t~c fiscal i_pact. indicat.es t.hat ther. 1. no charge [or this particular proj~çt unless there is ao.e l h i n<J t.t' at. is 'j I') j n'} l I') tJ.<:' bu ¡It. ~r. Olliff stated that I( this pro)er:t '~1Ulres outside work Crom t.he undcrwr i lers or txmd c'Junsc 1, he '" I 11 C','''''~ bðck and obta in Board approval 1n advanc('. Me, Yonkosky et~ted that all out.aide µartics are willing to par- Puge 40 OCTODER 6, 19a 7 ttcipate at no COAL unl~ss it Inyoly~ft ~n I!ytl!n~iyc aMOunt. of their ti~, Ca ...loaer Pi.tor ~.4, ..conded b1 Co..i..ion.r OO04n19bt an4 carried 1mMiaoa.ly, tb.t tb. financial tc,a. b. cr..t.d to a..iat in tz.. D4tÇotlation. t)f . lonq-t.ra l..../purch... .9r....nt for the co..t~I011 of a neY a4aini.tr.ti.,.. of fie. bui14inq, I tell It.... a1J1Þft.lX.l..-Ñ. AGUDmJrT 8A-OJ TO lID .'-91' FOR DevELOPE. .rtJ1It)BD ACCB.8S I.~""'" JlA&,WtIJ TO 8AJrT A IAUAb ilL YO. I. nn: AJ(OC1WT or . u , , 54 , 2' _ UPACnau Public Works Ad"tnlstrðtor Archib~ld r,tðtl!~ that this is a supple- llit"nt.al 69r ~t ':0 I.hf? S~nt.a Barbðrð Blvd, ':ontract "'it.h .\PAC-Flori"a, Inc. (or construction o( thrc~ drlYCVays, associated turn la~. ~ian o~nlnq IlW:proV~nl. M,d 'Jtll ily casin9s on a reim- bur.able b.ah (r"lft th(' dl!vo:!lo~r. Coast ('ommunlti~s Corporation. flit noted that the Suppl4:'~nta 1 ^9r~~nt rt'-::(',"~nrj<,d for approva 1 covers t.he .ct.ual cost of constr'Jrl.lnq thcs~ lI9Ipr0'/n.tIW"nts unt1cr Rid 86-914, acSdinq that t.hcee costs plus ov"?rhCðd and ðdmlnlfttration arf? included in the eo.,t Coa..JnI t. 1(:5 Corp.IColl icr CQ\,nt'l Conslruction a9reeaent which w111 be pr'!scnt,:d to t.hf? W>arrJ ot Cr'un'_y Commlsstoners lhis later 8Onth. He ntatcd t.hat tne supplc~r tal aqrt'cmcnt precedes this tor..l developer nqr~t'~nt In Qrrlpr to ~~I~d tt' comp)ct.lon of the pro- ject, opcn t.he n~w rOðd"'ð'l, ðnd Jllðk(' palmln'. to the contractor. fie indicat.ed that lh,s <:O:5t "'II/ ~ 563,951..1 <1nd will ~ chðrged to Fund 313-11)-3673. bJt upon re<:e1pt of rc'lmbur8cmcnt (rom Coast. I" lOR,s" 25~i Pð(, e 41 lOR". J. ZJ5 OCTOBER 6, 1987 ec.mmltie. Corp" lhí. fund will be rcpl~ni.hcd. ~i..loaer Pi~tor ao..4, ..con4.4 bf c~i..ion.r Gla.. aD4 carried amaat.ou.lJ, that Suppl...ntal Aqr....nt S~-03 to B14 "-'14 tor ae..lope4 fun4.4 acc... iaproy...ntø to Santa Barbara .1Yd., ia t.. &aoUDt of "3,"4.2' b. approved. ~te: Aqree.ent not reé:eived .. .,! 10/20/87. Pð'!~ 42 OCTOBER 6, 1987 It.. ft., UCAnnOll nJUlI"l )10, ",202 - BE1tUBIU t "~ES, 'l'UCT "A", SIn 23\ - AP'JáìW&b WID STIPUL1.TIOltS Public Work. ~Jolni~trator Archibald rtated that this it.e. wan continued frOll two w<,cks I'tQO a8 a result (f complaint.s from a neiqh- bor, Mr, ..orris. lie sL!lLcd thet L~is exclvðtion permit has been dna- lyzN arK' .~ial r:ondltlon~ hdV~ b<een pltC"l!d on it. Be not.ed thdt with reqðrds to i ~uinq" blasting per..it, (our "dditional conditions have been placed on this petItion. Co..l..ioner Glass quc~tlon~d if t.h~ ldditional requirement on .onitorinç -.eans '.hat the houses wIll be <hecked and a copy of fIn- ding_ will be sen~ to the public works adr:nistratcr and to the ho.eovner. prior ~o the Isguanr:e of t.hlS Jcrmlt, to which Public Works Adainistcttor Archibald replied a!{iraat.i\ely, addin9 that there are also co.pJainls lhat have not been rcsolv,d yet <'Ind one of the addi- tienal stipulaticna will require a bond tnd the money to be held until all proble~~ have been resolved. Mr, Richard ~'ðun staled that t.his perlllon :should be dclðyed until the oew blll:Hing or11nðnce hð!l ~...n ðdopte<1 by the Roard, Be not~ t.hat if thi-3 p~ll'-lon IS not delayed, he w·)uló rccolM'1end that it ~ ð~led IJntii t"'.P. County comes up w1th II way ttJ det.ermine the ..aunt. that. t.he developers should pay (0: damage to the roads when they haul fill ûff-slte. Count.\' Attorn(y cu,,.ler stated that lh" stipulations that are .... lOR·, ,I ~ô pago 43 lC8,,~ 257 OC'rORER 6, 1987 attached lc t.his p~lltlon ar~ basically lh.· ones that will be in t.he ordirnll'1CC! "fU, the '.:-xccption of the four ð<ldilionðl conditions for this peotition In .ns~~r t.o ~~/S510ner H~sse, ASSlslant to the County Manager Olliff indicaled thol ~h~re IS an ordinðnc.· in t.hc works that will char~ haulers a c·~rl~/~ ~rcentaq~ to hðu fIll ofr-site in order to help lNinttin th<· roads, addJnq the' the B"rlc:shire l.ako:!J5 PUD allows the re.ovaJ or (ill fr~ th~ site, Mr., ctlðrlot.lc Weslman indtcetcd U....5t '.he excavation ordinance should hav(' been adopt('d by the Roard t>'1 tllIS líltK'. County At.torney Cuyl~r IndIcated that· he bla&tlnq ordinance and the excavð' :or. ordlnðn';,.' "'11 J b.-! brought b..forl! the Uoðrd very soon. Mr. £arne3t Horrls. lOll St. Claar Shol'~!5 Road, stated that this blastínq hns been qOlnq or f~r thro:!e Yl!ðf3 ~nd the blasting is getting clo..r. Hf! noted thðl s'Jl'IIl.:'onl! should ",ð~1! an In~pcclion of their ho.es prio: t.o blasting and ðfler bla~l1nq end if there is damac¡e, it should be f.aken ca rl! of. Mr. Ton Pee~ or Wilson, MIll':!r, Harton SolI" Pee .:, Inc. stat.ed that he is askin.} (or approval of the f:>Xr:ð"dllon permit and along with that. is t~! ðssumpt Ion U1..,1 .., blð~tlnq ppr:111 WIll be i~5ued. He noted t.hat. the" I'I,t)0r dð!'!"" 9(.' done 1:.0 Mr. MorIs' prop.?rty happcncd about. 3 YCMr. ago when ('1....: of the lð~e5 Wð, due.¡ for the 1-7~ connlruc- tion. He noted th~t "1r. M0rrl!l has been,: :npC'n!>ðtcd by his insurance COKP4tny fo' lhcs'~ 1a/ll~q':~' H(' Indicðted1ðt lhe blasting that. is now Page 44 OCTOBER 6, 1987 belt')9 done is MndJ~ by ., di CCerl?nt blafl''''r and is beinq conlr<",lled by county regul~lions, addinq that. a scismlqraph has been sol up near Mr. fItorrh' ~sc and reports are beinq made to the county staff. Jfe noted that these e~cavatlon. are necessary (or the stor~aler aanage- -.nt plan for the tvo and OAt and this is the last lake that is to be dug, Public Narks Adøinistrator Archibald slaled that the blaster is currently drilling fr~ 20 t.o 60 holes a dðy and are shootinq each hole with 10 to 30 pounds of explosiveø, ,... notl?d t.hat he Can contrt)l the ~r or holes beinq blasted a day as well as the a~unl of explo- .iYea used at one tille, eo..laai~r Saunders st.atod that í( ç~mplaints are received, Mr, Archibald has the authorit.y to suspend Lhc blastinq permit. "-~.alODer '~uDder. aoyed, .eoondeð t,y C~l..loner G1a.. aDd carrie4 UDaaL.ou.ly, tbat Excayation .erait .0. ",302, Berk.hire Lake., 'l'rac~ "A", Site "3~" ~ approyed .u1.ject to tbe dayeloper being pat OD actioe that it there are any coaplalnt., tbey wl11 be reTi.v.~ &Ad U,e blutln<J perait can ~ .u.~nded ar,d subject to tbe following aUpGlatloD. : 1, ~. excava:ion shall be li_it.ed to a bott.om elevation of -2.0 ft. ng'/d. All dlstlJ~b4!d areal!l pr"'r.osed (or lake excavation shalt be e;.r.cðvat.cd to a minilltUJII e¡t'vation of -2.0 ft. n~vd. 2. WheCol!~ '1r<:)und\lat('r 1-. ¡::roposeð to b', pumrx-d durinq the oxca- vatinq opl.:'(""'tton. ð !'Cwatcrlnq P"'r· t ~h",ll ~ obt.ained from t.he SO'Jth r-'~or id!i Water Manaqelftr.'nl. ~'I~tr Ict and a copy pro- vided t.o the Wl'lt('r MðnðQ(.>1ftCnt [)\(.'" Ir for his approval prior tc the c<:)fIInIoE'n':"" "~nt or any d~at"'r nq a,:"Uvi ty on lh~ aile. L wt'ere lh~ min'''''J''' r- l!lIrllnr:::f'I bf'l''''.·'>" I ",k,' top-"'(-bllnk and any future b~¡ ldinq foundation is Ip~s 'han 30 (I!~t, no Ruildinq Pa~e 4S NIC lOR '. .t 2fX1 _ 1ß8" " Z'>9 OCTOßER 6, 1987 Construct ion ~'rrlll t- wIll b'!' illsurt1 or any proposed conslruc- t.ion around t,hr: W'f 1:T'f:'lcr or any lðlo:,· IJnl~~s and until all lake 81dc 81 :>~:; od )ð'..:cnt to the: proposed construct ion have be-cn Co.ølel:-d and ðpproved by the C.,¡ J ler County Water "",nð~nl D~p..,r t~nt. 4. Traffic i~pð~l rnlðllnq to ofr-øit~ ~moval of malerial is .ubj~t. to thl:' "'pr-rov8l of th~ R~8rd of County Commissioners upon recc~~t1atlon of lh~ COMMunity r~vclopmcnt and Public Works Adainislrators. S. ~tit.i~ncr snltl t pr"vidc a dct.atlt:<d '}Iðn of implo:!mentation, subject to thr: approval of the Count'.' ":nqinccr, which at',all addr-:3s It,(' :)(f-Slt~ tmpðcts or th(' "xCltvðlion blastinq. 6. Additional r(>q\Jlrl!~nts for structur' in',cnt.ory/monitorinq as directed by lhf: Count.,. r-:nqincf:(, 7, Security bond ðppllr:"'bl'" to P"VðtJ! Jfoµl!rly damage acceptable to t.he Ccunty. 8. Control of si7c/dr.-pt.h/nUftlbcr of dler lCft per blast. by the County f.nqinccr. 9, The riqt-¡t or th~ County to So. cnd ald/or revoke blast.ing per- .it ,ut~ority should it bP. d~~rminl!f that. blastinq activities arc :reating u~~~~r~~~~J0 ~ff ::~n ~ ~~i!.10n~ eit.her in termo of private property damage and/or rclðtcd physical effect.s of blastin9 opcrat,on5. ~ape '1. Iu. ,tel rraø ....DflD AT TO SEPTEXBn 2', 1917, IUnIJIG IlEGAJt.DIJIG COJrTRACTS - COIITInm ~C>CTOBCR 13, 19.7 Public ~rvice5 Adr:¡lnI5tral(J( Q'Donncl I Hated thðt they are requestinq t,at lhl:5 Itt'm b<-, cr:>n~,lnued to ('/':',obr.-r I), 1987, so that he can ~t. wit1 lhr, ar,fHOf:H Idt' ("'Jntrðct aq"nr.Ir:'S, Coaai..l~n.r Gl... .oved, .econded by co:missioner Goodniqbt and carri" taD&Ahlou.ly, t.bat it.e.. reqardlnq cont.ract.. be cont.inu.d t.o tb. October 13, 1"7, .,otlnq. Pðge 46 OCTOBER 6, 1987 It. 'tc2 .~ '.7-1111 roa TIQERTAIL lEACH OOWCESSIOJl TRAILER - AWARDID TO atìJtf&A DshUIELO IW THE JUK)UJr? OF $20,7 ,!S __ Leqa 1 not i:c hðv i nq ~n :>ub I i &h~d in' 'of. Hap! f.:D Dð i 1'( News on Auquat 2S, 1~87, as eVidenced by Mfidavit .If Publication filed with the Cleek, bid. ~re received Cor Bid '87-11~J Cor the Tiqertðil Beach eonc...ion TratJ~r, until 2;30 p.c., S~pt~.~r 9, 1987. Public Scrvke. Ad.inulrat.or 0' DonneJ J slaled that invitat.ion. ..".re ....t to 34 vendors and there was a lll! bd tx>tween tþe IIIðnlJfac- turer and the (j,,~ ide di:slr ibut.or. He st.ðt:!d that he is recoCltlDf!ndinq the Florida éht.ribtJt.or, Hunter KrK'pshlcld. Me. Duane B í 11 í nqlon qucft~ioned whe r e l., 13 /DOney {or the lrð i lor is 901"9 to co-! frOfll, t.o wh:"h Mr. O' Donnf» II I nd ieated that it wi 11 COIle frOll Fund 306whJch is t.otally d i cr c r c" t t.han the parks money, --.ri..ioner Pi.tor lIO'Ye", ..conde" by .:o_i..io::,,¡,r Goodnight and carried aa&Dl~.ly, that 8id '7-1111 for TLq.rtal1 I.ach CODc...ion Trail.r be ."arded to Hunt.... Xnep.hi.ld iL ':h. UIOunt of $30,74' tor oa. Ceatary VI17 cODc..aion trailer. Iu. "Dl aIGIlJIDaIJIG ...VICEI WITH HOLE, JIIOllTE8 AJID ì\BSOCIATI8, lWC, PO. 'J'1I. ItU'? JUrI) 8OU'r8 JlAPLIS 8MITART SEWER COLL.!C"'~JOJl STSTEM _ APPJtOYBD Mr. Will1a" Lav~rly. Ullllti,:s Op~r{)tl'1f15 CoordInator Slðlcd that · ~ol i al~ a(Jr'~m('nt h"s b4"~n prcparø:>d .,nd t hr' t.ota I engl nl!<"f' 1 n9 fees, ~nc!udtnq design, pcr.ltllnq, grant' rl~lðtca scrvicc:s, .....~t.. ¡:r(?para lIon, const ru';llon su~r" i I'J i on and re late<! spec ia 1 .... lOR·,., 200 f'ðqC 47 ... 108'r~ 261 OCTOfif':H 6, 1987 services, ðr~ ~~tl~alcd n0l to I!xcecd $2.7 ~I lliQn wnich is 15.3' of t~ ...ti..ted confttrlJr:I Ir..., r:()~t or 517,63,>,000 (nr thi!'l project. He noted th.t on July 23, 1987, the Roard approved ð part. ia 1 agreement in t~ d.aunt or $283,000 rfJr t:'nqlneering ser"ir::~5 1,0 allow t.he con- au] tanl t.o b~in C~· of lhe:- work and on ^I.guol 11, 1987, t.he Board approv~ a second partIal aqre~mcnt in t.he amount of $150,000 to begin desi9~ (or lh~ pr~ )<,<:t. 1ft' noted that thIs has been reviewed by the County Attorney a~d th~ UtilI tics Division budgo:!led $1,764,000 which will CO"'"!" ell <:ontr l r:ll.Jr'l1 p~p'~nditur"'!I ff)r flsr:r!!1 year 87-138. eo..i..taaer Pi.tor 8O..d, ..conded by Casal..ioner OOodniqbt and oarried ~iaou.ly, that Engineering .ervice. witb Hal., Mont.. , Meoclat.., IDC, tor tb. aa.t and SOUtb ..~l.. 8anitary Sewer COl1ectlOD '1.t.. be approyed. pag_ 48 OC"'roOER 6, 1 9 e I Jt.aa ".1 aID '.7-1164 roa coon Uq) Jf1GKT'W'ATCB .Bct'RITT .EJrlICS8 - A-AADG TO n~·. !. TD_AIIOU1rT OF 'S.!,07S.20 [.c'9ðl nollC~ havlrq ~'_'n pl,..blishcd In ',hI! Naples Oaily Hevs on Sopt..-òtr 2, 19f.7, .n cVldc~cd by ^ffld.wlt "f Publication filed wHh the Cl.rk, tids ~r(' r~<C'lv"d for Bid 187, 1164 for ,=ourt. and niqht- watch ..-.:urlt.y 8"!'rv.';t'f .;nt.11 ;': 30 p..... ~;.T'~tft~r 16, 1987. PUfCMSiD9 tJlr€:ctor ':ðr/\"!I st.at'!'d thr !. thIs service has ~..,n pro- vided for a ~r of y('~rs a~J this IS amply ð cont.inuat.ion of that. ..rvj(~, fW not...:! lhat this also allows'or additional niqht.'''.lch coyer~ on woe-ekcnda ðnd w....~ aJ,provod d'Jr nq tho(> budget. pro-:css with the lc~t t.iðct-:r ~Inq Pinkerton's. which is what. is belnq rec~- _nð4tfJ , 0. i..JOIi.r OOo4Aigbt DOT.eS, ..coDeS.·l by Co.ai..ioD.r ,i.tor &.DeS carrl44 aaani~.l" tbat B1d "7-1164 fo: court aneS nigbt.ateb secarity ayat... be .warded to 'ift~erton'~ in tb. -.oGnt of '56,075.20, It_ "Pl Cv.t.L.vAIICS PO. on REIt Jt.E.GAJtDIJIG ft. RrrrE1f or COtnl'n'. co.anOCTIO. UD rACJLITI.!!-JQ~EJI.EJfT ~.. C_l..,oner Sltundl!rs I'Itat.l!d that he r"'ls that. there is a .iacon- cepti)n on "hat. ho::- haa req1J(,3V'1, add I nq ,ha l ~ dO<l!s not. want. SOMeone ov.r_....i"9 ',he construct Ion prrJJt.'Ct.s. ...! slaled t.hat. he wa. reque.tln<J ';hat " 9rr"JO ,;( pr,~f~!uJ.r)nðl~ n thIs typ~ of fif.!ld qive -U994t.tlona a. to how to 5lr~"'.1Inc l~ p "xt::'<.Jurc and process in order to ..t. it ~ro c(Ccctlv~, Page 49 ".. lOR'v,1 302 ... !Œ,.-!D OCTORf.R 6, 1987 Mr, 011,(1 alaled that ð r~porl h"" ~(., prepared and UM2 eo-~..iOf'l (-an dccl~ ""t'r t~y hl)v" b4'>t'''I )re1!t4:>nll:'d lh~ r(!port as to vhellMr ttw-re Ja ð nc,.....·J (vr a c,.,..ilt~ tfJ >er:0ftI0C involved in this ..t.ter, ~ mlfl'd that h... ""I ¡ boI- pr~'!'nllrtJ hili r~port.. t.o th~ Bo.!rd ne.t _..k al~ l~r'" ID no ~çl:~n r~ulred 01 thiS Item this w~ek. Iu. .IOA --..oLCflOW .7-241 AP..".tJlO .nTL&KDrr M1t£IX..-J' AJrD 1lIL&A8E I. LITIcøTIOII rnoLYIJrO ~" COW.nVCTIOJr COHPAn', IJIC. YI. COLLIE. 0c:XI. J J - ADC'PTED "----..- Ma'atant County ^'.lr)rra·y )o~¡gel Dlðtt:'d tho!lt th¡:> involves two ea~.: or:. .,It.h "rat l '':on!'lt r'J«;t Ion euìnq ':(1 ¡ ler County, Hcery Program ....n89«~t, p~:s" ^!):\X:I"'~~., Inç. 'Jnd th" f".renkranlz Croup ':on- eernirq ~l"y. ìncurr~j In co:-tllruct.ion ðr:t,IVlltes or the Collier Count) CoV(!I~nl Cent~r IJn""r a 191!) r:ont,r tr:t; the second çasc in Krafl Const.ruclion ~u ,q Coli :f'r County for dðJftðqCB because of a breect of a contrecl C'/ ':I!rnlnç lL, çontrðC. ",ith the County r~r c:er- taln conalr\lctton (n 'J' lIb'lU\' f'uJ1dlnq -f- )( thoe Collier Coynly eov.rr..-nt. C'oeplcx In ¡'18~. fit: n0'.,..r:! I.hð' ~h~re have ~en on-;Joinq MqOtialiont. and h~ (~..)~ 'hðf the (tn",¡ !' I,·.t.le""'nt on lhese two cases vould be S21,OOO tctðl ",tip h wculd elltr'1nð' ~ other trial preparation cost... etlofn('y r(.,«:~ ð'r! ðr w '.I'rtðln I..r 1..,: d,...t'_'rmlnðlion as 1..:> dama- q.ea. ec..i..ion.r 01... aOYed, .econd.4 by C>aai..ioner 0004niqht an4 carri.4 1InafllJ1Ously, that R.solution 17-243 .pprovinq ..ttl...nt aqr....at ar~ r.l.... in litiq.tion involvej Kraft Con.truction paCJ. 10 0C'!'08ER " 1911 CoKpany, 1~, ... ~0111.r Count?, Ca.. .0, IS-OSOI-CA-Ol and Ca.. .0, 15-2J~'~1 be a4opte4, paqc 51 ,. lOR".' :tJ4 · ms,., 319 OC1'08f.R 6, i 987 I~_ '1.. a&aOLG"nOll .7-244 ~.PJtO'YIJIQ 8ETTLPlZJr1 AG1Uamft or LITIQAnOJl tJrfOI.Y1_ COLLI.. COV1lTT, rLORIDA ...., t7J1ITrD II'nn. GT7801C COMPNrY, UK ~T1011. ., ., ORACZ CO-:, I AlII) OUlo)1l ~, ru.... - ADOrrBD ASniatAnt COtJnt·¡ ^' for~y ,,*~i9~1 statE'1 that this case was insti- tuted t~ the Counly In 1985 and waa known )5 the Aø~slos Case with rll9ar4-'J t.o re.ovðl of sa.... tn ft4Jildinqs -A-, -0-, ·C·, and "D- and the coat anttOCial~ wi th It. Ik n.r)·.l!d lhet th'!rc was $588,792.00 in potential da~ I,hal Coil icr County inçurred and $430,153,00 repre- .ent. ~ claia of Collter ~ounty 8qaínal ~. R. Crace Co. and the reat C)OIn "}alnat U.S. Cyps~ COIWp.sn¡. Hoe noted that W. R. Crace Coatpany be. 69reed throuqh ncqot.tatlons to pay Collier County " .in1~ of 1200,0>0 if the, arc rclea~~d fro. this case. He indicated that addi- tionAlly, the C~Jntï sh¢uld ~ receivinq approximately 12¢ on the dollar {ro. John3 Mðnvl' Ie C0. (or the abðt~nl of t.hc sa.e asbestos pr~t. a..uainq that l~ Manville bankr~ptcy reorqanlzation Is appro.ed and adequate funds are available. .~ stat.ed that he 1, recoa.endinq that t~ County settle th18 (..~. Co..t..lo~ar Ola.. aoYe~, .econ4e4 by coasi..loner .aun4.ra an4 carried ....180..1', tbat Resolution .7-244 apprOYinq ..ttl...nt aqr.....t of litigation inTolviDq Colli.r county, rlori4a .., Onitad aut. GJ't4ua Coapany, UBG corpcratioD, w. R. Orace Co., aJuS ..lson A, ra.~rl ca.. Wo. a!-Ot70-CA-Ol-WCM be .~pte4. Page 52 .. lOR 11'.' :u7 OCTOBER 6, 1987 It. t12.A Dl-.cvna1011 07 .I_La JllXJlza DIBTaIC7 8T17DT cOlUn~ - COJn'IJrWD TO .",.......... 2J. 1'.7 A'f 7 sOO .,11_"_ Cc-i..ioner Glass Indtcal4d that the previous COftMIls.íon set. up a ~tt.t.. to study th i" 15!'t..JÞ "nd rep'-'rl b~-:Ir to t.h~ Board or Count.y ~iI..loner. w ilh lh.r:> í f ff:>por t,. which lhl! H::>ard has rece í ved" He indicated t~.t the:e i~, ~vr.r, no one av!ilable at thia ti.e to cHKUIIa the repor l. et...i..ioncr Hallsl! Slðt~ ~hat. ~ would .u99CSt. t.hat this ite. be continued for two "'C~":1 so th.,t. p.v~ryonc ho!l' had an opportunity t.o r IItV i 4t\I tlM r oepo r t. " Hr, Albert ~ sta:cd that he (~el. that t.h1S report should be rlltView9d by everyo~~ ~ror~ It ís dlSCU.sf:>d. bpe .11 ~, "-rberl Cawbrld9. ,..d l~ ent.ire report to t.he Co.øi..ion and inðiCltted that lhf! NAACP endr.Jroes the (iv~ ltelll~rs (-:..,. single di.trlcta and lhis sho.Jld b..' plðC~ on th.· b.,llot to ~ vOled on. He .tat..., thal tw would s'.J99csl thal " speç1fl<: t11Þe ~ set. (or II puolic ~ari"9 &0 that evcr,onc <:~n h~v. an opportu~lly to voicP. lheir opl- nlon on this ~t.t.er. ·~..ioD.r Pl.tor l.rt lh. ...tlDg at tbl. tl.. - 'ssO ',II,.. 'rape .12 ,.,., Chuck MohH:(, S·.HM th.H thIs shOt ld ~ s,..t up so that all work1r1C poop1. hav.' an oPJY.Jrlunlly t.o att.C'nd this llle'eting and, thttre- Page 53 OCTOBER 6, 1987 fore, it ~ld be ~~ld in t~ oveninq. Me, ~~ Keller t~Jical~d that ~ r~ls that it is better if Coaaissiorwrs arc ~lc(~t.1Zd by distrlct.s and h-c doo. not f~l lhatlDuch public viii att.end a ~~.al .~tlnq to discuss thlS .-tter. He noted tbat e cbarter 9ov~rn~nt .~uld be cons&d~r~d and other qov~rnftOnts .hould be l00k.-d at. "r. ~ohn ~..chJ s'at~ that he vas ask~d to convey the opinion of Mt. Cbarlie Andrews t.hat he is opposed to s.nqle ~ber districts, He noted that his owr. r:p:nlrm IS that th~ro:! ahould be a County-vide elec- tion to elect C~i.slorwr5. as ev~r'l çttlLen .,nd la,,;paycrs has ttM! right to vote {or cyc'yonc thal is seeklnq office. Co..ls.ioner Sa~~crs stated that ~ woyld like ð ~ fro. the County Attorney in ~h&ch ther~ ,. an analysIs of flort~a CAS.S Involvl09 ainqlc ~~r district. and some crit.cria .. to what. the F~.ral court.. look at in mð~inq ð detcr~inðtion wit.h reqards to chançi09 the el~tcd syst~. He noted thðt he would also like a r~ort froe the CO~J~ity ~velo~nt. D1v 51on wit.h r~ard. to the ..k~p of the eleçl~r~te vole In Collier County, addioq that if there 18 at indication thðt. this s.,!t.~ re.ults In dlscrillinal10n then that is a dllf.renl _.It<<·r. f4~ noted thal he wf)uld like this rOl"port before thas ..tter co.es bðC~ to the R~ard. tu-, Ol11!{ stat.(·d th.,l he would p(epðr~ ., r~p()rl and ð deJDOqrðphic prc.fi 1_ and would r.·turn to Ue Board on ~'Qv~mbl!r 9, 1987, with sald r.~ort, Peg. 54 ..,c lUB " .~ 338 .. lC8"'" 339 OCTOBER 6, 1987 ~..loaer OOo4n1"Jbt. lIO'Y.d, .econ4e4 by c~i..ioner 01... aDd carr!" 4/0, Cco.ai..loner PI.t-or out) , t.bat aD adYerti.e4 nlqbt ...tll19 for all intere.t.ed pu))11c be beld on lIo'Y~r 23, 1"7, at. 7aO' P... r.,ardlD9 .1Þ91e -..bel' di.trict. , It.. .llA IVDG~ ~~I' ,7-4.01 '7-4'2/4'7 - ADOPTED en.ai..loaer Qla.. lIO'Yed, .econded by Coaal..ioner .aun4er. and oarri44 J/O, Ceo.al..loner. Pi.tor and Goodnlqbt. out), that ludqet Aaeadneat. .7-C'01 '7-4'2/4" be aðopte4, Xu. 411A3 '~..c ....""-l...~ uaoLt1TIOJr 17-041 - At'OPTBD cna.i..1ODel' ~la.. aoYed, ~econde4 by CODai..loner .aunder. aDd carrie« J/O, Cco.ai.sloners Plstor aDd Goodniqht out), that Bu4qet ~t ..aolutlon '7-04' ~ adopted, Pege 55 . ... . ~ .,"" , ~ 1f "i'· ';\"... 108-.1."'" r r.'~ OCTOBER 6, 1987 It. '128 DIacua.IOII 011 10111110 ORDIJfA11CE a&oUDIJIG WALLS AJm FDCZa - C01I'I'Iwu.D 2!!.-nn co..1asioncr "aese indicated lhal since C~issioner Pistor hað to I.aV(· t~ -.et.inq, this ttc. would be continucd until n~xt week. ... ~. fol1owiaq it... .ere approyed aAd/or adopted under tbe Con.ent A98Dða apoa 8Otion aade by Conai..ionar .aunder., .econded by eo..l..iooer Gl... and carried 3/0, CC~i..ioDer. 'iator and Goo4ni c¡1a t 011 t) s . . . It. '1481 au~ MUZJmJn WIT'll YOIICILE , SAWDRA IIEJlDIUUIOII FOR TJlJr C-4 CAIlAL ~.u. PJtO,¡EC1' AT RICB S.1.!!..C1' See Pagcs :.3¥~ - ..350 Iu. '14U 8VDGJ;T MÞ1JIuJlt IJlCUUIItG t)P'&RA'rIIIG B.lnx... FOa run KA.JI1.GZJQJI'1' BY "2,&00 Iu. . 14Cl APPLICArIOII FOa COftIJrVA'rIO. GRAIn' FOa FVJfDIIIO uxo.a TITLE IU OP TJlB ~ NØJUaJl8 AC1' s.e paqee -3..s / - ~ It_ 'UDl AGUJ.:KUT WITJI LOll. OAK PUD DEVELOna ALLOWIlla COUTaVCTIOJl or In.aIM 2!!::.!Fn 8DAGB TUATKEft FACILITIU Se-e Pages Q. JL fioo~ . 30r). Pag-:"s 1')1)9 -) S60 It.. '1402 8An.nFACTIOII or LID FOR 'AYJŒft or WATER 81'81"&)1 DEVZLOPIŒJI'r CBAaQ&S _ !!!!!JaD oJ. UID, J a, AJfD 8ftAJtOIf R, REED pago 56 "t P.~ .3S7 OCTOBeR 6, 1987 Q&!; January 1 FIJbruary 15 Apr ill Hay 30 July 4 Sept.cabor 5 NovØlbe r 11 NQve.~r 24 NQve.~r 25 o-,CMl~ r 2 J De<:ellber 26 .....tD ~ nul I - 111fD ncILI1'Ia.8 ACaPnJfCB 1. The leçal docu~nt. sub~itted ar~ round to be legally suf- ficient. {"r It',,(! County to accept.. S4!'e Vaq~fI "'"-~ tÍ:::... .3 75 It.. '1401 ltea 41402 ttOC lOR '1~~ 342 See Paqcs O.R. Book 1300. Pages 1562-1574 It.. '141)4 GOLDa. an ULUIILD E%PU8IO. noJEC1' - ACCEPT~ OJ' UTILI" auaarra AJrI) naTIAJ. ULZASU See paqe. Q.R. Book I}OO. Pages 1555-1557 It.. '14&1 ltl' 80LIœT .JC:DJ)tJU UTULIIUI) DA Y OBSERVED Friday Monday Friday Monday Monday Monday Friday Thura.jay Friday f·r lday Monday It. '14&2 ~. AG~ WITII TIll ."PLU "IaPOn "UTJIORITY FOa nl COrrU.t1BD VI. or ~ COLLI lit OOVWTY .ILIPOJt1' FACILITY 1M TIll AMOUWT OJ' ",420 f«)f..1 D.\ J . Mev Yeac'. Day Pr"ident's Day Good Fr lday ""r 181 Day Fourth of July lAbor Day Vet.ecan'. Oay Thank8qivlnq Day o.y after Thðnkaglvan1 Chri.t.... Evo Chr1alta4. IJTaAOI_ YUill FOa IIOtA'" 1108. 492.3, 4Un AWl) '4". p.~ 57 108~343 OCTOBER 6, 1987 aanat"M.'TIOII or LIDS POa .zrncu or nB PUBLIC DERJr1)ER See P.~~ .37~ Jtea ,1fG III~ couzaPOWE1ICJ: rILBD AJrD/OIt UnJUlZD Tt.r. being n? objection, th~ (ollowinq corr~spondence was filed and/or referred to the:- VðrJOu!S ·dcpart..-cnt8 "5 Indicat.cd below: 1. Lt-tt.er dat.~ 19/18/81 froØl Tho.Jte c. '·~lha.., Secretary, Oept. of CC..unily Af{Jlr., (orwardJn9 t.wo rules reqarding local comprehen- aive planninq acllvill~S; Fulc Chapler 9J-12 F.A.C. has been a.~ t.o ch!nQ<:' the:- ~~hl!cul~d c~pr<:'h<:,noiv<:' plan submission dolt... lor non':oa!'.lla 1 l.)'<;a 9Qvo:!rn~nl!'.l ðnd procedure to a 110,", an e.rlier subtllusJon date, ard ~ule Chapter 9J-ll, LA.C. provides procedure. Cor th<.- (('view c.f local qovl!rnøw.:.-nt comprehensive plans ard phn a~n11:M!nt!'I. Re(Nr('d t.o Neil r!Orrill (lctt.er), [)ðvid ~ltrow, Jðne r¡t,zpalrlÖ: an1 filed. 2, lAtter dated 09/2)/87 (ro. OOu9)oS L. DfR, enclosin~ short (or_ application ir.volves dred9c and fill activit.ies. (lett.er), David Pett rO'W , Dr. Proffitt. 3, 1A t tel' da led 09/ 2~/8 7 (rofJI fJoug1as L. DfR, encl08in~ nhort (or", appl1caUoro irvolve. dred9c and fl11 activities. (letter), Dovid PellrO'W, L'r. Proffitt. fry, Environmental Mðnoger, (FIle No. ~ ~1394265) which ~e!erred t~ Noil Dorrill a nd f lIed , t'ry, t:nv 1 rONtCnt.a 1 Manager, f~11c No. 111397315) which Hcfcrred to N~il Dorrill end riled. 4, ~80randua dated 09/2S/87 to Interested pp.rsone, frOM Dave Worley, Florida O((ic~ of Coaslal Þ'anaq~nt, [t~:JJ, reqardinq Public Notice of a hearin9 and ðlfendncr.ts to t.he f'('d('rally approved f'lorido Cca.tal Hana9'='lIW:'nt Proqram. ~cf~rrcd to uCl1 Dorrill, Oavid Pettrow, Or. Proffitt ð~d fiJed. 5, Me~r.n4ua,d.tcd 09/1J/87 to Thee.. Crandall, Utilities Director, fro. Ronald r. Coo"., CI'^, rcqarding County Water-S~cr Dietrict Aoteria Clnan:iðl Hatr·ftK>nts (or the perIod ended July 31, 1987. Referred t.o B,:C, Lc r I Za 1 ~e and (i led. 6, PM.,r.nduJI datcd 0-9/1J/87 to Thoaae Crandall, Ut1l1tl~S Director, fro. Ronald.... Coo~, (' lA, f'4"9ardin9 Cor~I"'n'" WAtf:'r [)lStrtct interin Cinon:lnl ~~ale~nls (or the p~rlod ended July 31, 1987, Refetrred to OCC I l.er 1 l.ð llo:a and C Bed. 7. "'80randu. dalNt 09' J /87 to Ken Pin4.-ðU, F I ('ot. Hana9eeenl Director, fro. !t",nald r. Cook, CPA, rC9ðrding Fleet Page 58 OCTOBER 6, 1987 Ma~nllMotor Pool inter.. financial slalp.menls Cor the period enrMod July 31, 1987. R'-!(~rred t.o ACe, Lori 7.allca and filed. 8. )lef1Or.ndu. daled 09/11/87 to Rober l f"ah~y, Sol id Wasle Direc:lor, fr.. Ronald f, Cook, CP^, r(~ardinq Sol id Wasle Disposal lnt.eri.. Cinanci.l Slal~nl. (or lh(! period cnd~t1 July 31, 1987. Referred t.o ace, Lori l.alka and filed, " ~tOr.~ dat.ed 09/11/87 to T~. Crandall, Ut.ilities Director, fn. Roneld C. Coole, CPA. rc~ard inq Hart:o Water and Sewer Distr ict int..rt. (inancíøl sl3t~~ntn (or the p~rlod þ.ndcd July 31, 1987. Referred lo 8CC, (.or t Za 1 Ie" and f i I p.d. 10, Copy o( Meaorandv. daled 0')/24/87 to DoIJg Crctenfield, t:MS Director, (rOta Lori Za1lr.a, Budget Director, re<Jardin9 EMS Int.eri. "inane!a1 St.at4ment.. (or ltx! Peri-:>d End~ AU9ust 31, 1987, Re(.rred to BeC and Cil~d. 11, f'Iø1or.nd..... dat.¡pd 09/28/,!7 to Ron Cook. CPA, frolll Jack Wampler, EMS 81:,1109 Coordinator, ad'nsinq of several incorrecl collection per- centa9e8 Hated in th'! f>!S 1I111inq and qiving corrections, Ref.rrftd t.o BCC. Lor 1 Za I ka and (i lø.d. 12. Not.ice received 09/2a/87 for Pro(esslonal Services (rolll Covernor's ~r~1 Office, Office of t.h~ Governor, announcin9 that matching c¡rnnts will bo available on a co.t~tttÌ'lc basis for tho -pt)C)tovollaic ()etltOnstrallon Proqra..-. Filed. 13, ~~ of letter daled 09;2J/87 to Ms. Sharyn SMit.h, Direc:lor, Dep~. of Adainist.ration, from clcn W. Robertson, Jr., Secretary, f"L Land , Water Adjudicatory Co..t.øion, Office of the Ccvernor, r~ardin9 Devel~nt Order ~o. 86-1 issued by CollIer County, f"lorida, aPlJrov in9 ð CX!vp.loça.ent of ~~ lona 1 Imp"ct known as the Woodlands. Referred to Nell Dorr1l!, Dðvid Pelt.row and filed, 14, Let.t.r dated 09/18/81 fro. I'~l@ ffubs<.hllllt, President., Kerco I.I.nd Area Chð~r of C~'rce, advielnq of appoint~nt of ROI....rie J, D'",e.. a. Executive Vicc-Prl!sidcnt.. Referred to Harry Hut..r end {i 1 ed , 15. "lnut.ess A, 10/01/87 - Agendð tor CCVC 8, 09/01/87 - Criftinal Justice Information SyatclhS C. 09/16/87 - ~CPC Citl7ene Advisor, ~0mmlt.tp.~ 0, 09/01/87 - Marc.:. tshnd Reðul!(It::<lt¡On Board E, 09/09/87 - Marco (sland neaulifir;.,tllJn Board Special Heeting 16, ~~4d Not.ice ~at.~d 09/22/E7 of Prchcar1nq Conference tr~ StovÐ Tribble, Director, Divuion or Records (lnd R~p¢rt1nq, Public Pac¡e 59 110« l08w~ 344 <~ ... 108,.." 345 OCTOBER 6, 1987 St·tvice C~iS3ion, t.o nor ida P~r !. LIght COtnpany, Martin and Pll. Beach Countl~s, r~&Ch~dul nq r~Jc~~l No. 870942-F.1. Filed. 17. Nellie. dat~ 09/24/P7 of Cancellation of hear in? Crom Kay Flynn, a.lei, Rure.", of P<?Cords. to flor ida Powcr , I.iqht. Company for authority to require custoacrs t.o obl~ln lheir own self-contained -·tet M1Closurcs. 18, tA·tter dat9d 09/23/87 frOG J. V. O'Shea, Lleutenanl Co.-ander, U.S. C~at Guard, U. S. Dept. of Tranaportalion, regardinq discrepancy in Privale Aids t.o Havlqat.ion (Wi9QintJ Pass Liqht (LLNR 16545), .r~ requirin1 ~hal dlscrepancies be corrected and reported. R<·Cerreð t.o ~Il r~rri!l, (~orgc Archibald, and filed. 19. Þk.orandu. d~tp.d 09/22/87 to All Crant~es and State DOTs Reqlons III and IV, [rOfll Peter H. St~ll, RegIonal Administrator, 11. S. OI~t. o( Transportalion, reqaroln? Second Annual UMTA RC9ional ConCerence, ðnd attaching agenda and rp.glslratlon form. Rc!crred tel tleil Dorr..ll, Jeff pcrr.,. and (ilcd, I~ t14.1 ~ CO% AlII) LOUI.. 8TnAJt"r APPOIIn"aD TO THE ADA AGEJfCY OK AGIJrO aDYIlK1aY COIDII~E ... 11.re beiog r.o (urther business for the Good of the County, the ...tir~ vas adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Ti-.: 4:15 p... ¡¡, ''k. if.." í, ATTEfrI. t ' ,~\et~p, it, I'" /' ~ 1J /*.~ ". ~ . ...if _ ¿ ~ - , ~~- ~1 __ ~ . ~,,þ ..ii.·: p, ~ '.' ft&. .1P\utu "~ ' þ ~'. ....~ ,~ ... pt.Rflteð v" BOARD Of' COUNTY COHHISSICNERS/ BOARD Of" ZONINC APPEALJ/EX OFFICIO OOVERNINC 8OARDCS) OF SPf;Cl^L DISTRICI'S UND!:R ITS CONTROL . CL~K ~ a/.p )~£J.c. MAX'. HA5(fJ~ approved by th@o Board on þ~ ."l.Z /,.9~/ or IJS cc r rc-:t.ed P.~ 60