BCC Minutes 10/13/1987 R Naøl,,~. rt'1fida. Octo~r 13, 1987 LI:T IT IW: IIt:Jt'-MØt:otL;¡. 'h...' 'h~ '~JI rr1 n( ('()'Jnt'¡ c.'l")tIIftIlsslon'u's in and for t.~ Covntv ')f '':olll~r. and oliGO I)clln'J ðS th<- Roard of Zoninq Appeal. and as ~tK- qov~rn nq boarril5) f)f ';\ r:'h !'IJ)Ir·,;,...l districts as have been creal,,:d <lccordlnq ~(., law and ha',{lnq _')ndur.tc<.J buslnes8 Mr.in, ..l on thu dal(,' III 9:00 ^.H. In "''',î,1JI.AH Sf.5StON In RuHdlng -,- cf tM Cover~nl :ocnler, f.cut Haplcs, ~Îorlda, with lh<, fOllcvinq ~aber. ør~~nt: OtAIPHN¡: ~JIC ^. lIa8se, Jr. Vl(."}:-<:}'AI Id,V,N: Arnold (,(!(' Class John A. Pislor Rur t r.. Saunders Anne Goodniqhl ALSO PRESEHT: Ja.cs C. Clles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director: ~erly ~U<'l~r 'Jnd -""'H~n Kf'n"r--,n. r""puty Clerks; Neil Oorrill, t:oYnty Mar'.aqt.:!r: ~.('n C'J'p'Ir>r. County Atlornt.:!¡: ~om Crar,d.,ll, Utilities Ad8iniatrator; (~0rq~ ^rchlbðld, Pybllc Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public ~ 'VI~CS Þ.dninI5trðlf)r; MIssy ~~Klm, Planni"'9/Zoni"9 DarQCt:>r: pr~b':rl [JoI.HI()t> an" 0....,· WC"<I"~., Plltnncr.: Nancy Jar..l-.on. AdJIí n18trat t V(! AJU5 I stant to the IIQlIfd; and ~puty Ch ief Ray Barnett. ShertfC's ~~rløenl. Page 1 MOl iOS"" 385 t";, ~ 11M 1œ"í\300 0C'r'0&£R 13, 1987 "ape '1 I~ '3 MaIDa AIID COII8D'1' ME1fDA .. APP1tO'nD "In CKAlfGE8 co..ia.lODer Glas. ~ed, .aconded by Co..iaalonar Goo4Diqbt and carried tD&Aiaou.lr, t~at tba Aqenda and Con..nt Aqenda be appro.ed .i~ t.. fol1owinq c~..: It.. SD Pr@.en·.a~10n h', Collier County Tax Collector Carlton _ Added . It.. 681 PoUtJ",n R-8"-14C, "'l1soo, M1110r, Barloo, 5011' Peek, Inc., rf!~~s'_lnç a rezor.~ to PUD for R..iley Executive Park· c.:nllnut.:!<'; lo No"'c.~r 10, 1987 (lit requesl o( p4!litlon~r' It... 9B) flcsolut.l"n 1"cll!rlnç th~ financial support of Collier Count.'; toward ttt.:! pro)c', '.~ I!Ind 90.,15 of t.he Moor.ngs Bay Synt.~ Sp<":Jð1 Taxing Dlslr lel - ^dded. Iletl 9(12 Statu" R<:'po nr t.hp Crant ^w,'Hd for the South Cou'1ly Scwðge T~ea~~nl Plant. - Added. It.. 13^ Conc..l~1 Weapors Cor off-duly Sheríff Deputies - ~ddød. I~ .sa ~-rIOII DUIGJrATIJfG THE WEEK or OCTOBER 19 .. 23, 1917 U "'DnDn1 rITIC'&88 RZX"" - J\DOPnD foll)Wln<J thf!' r(Mdln9 of ð ~roclð.atllJn (Çò ~,mploY(?4;! f'ltn<,ss Week, C~ia.l~D.r .aunderø ~ed it. adoption, ..conded by CoaaiaaioDer .1... aat cerrled uÐanlaou.ly. Page 2 '~.'. ·'~1· ". .' ,~!it;' ~ .,*",'" .' .'''''''''''':JIo\'~"" ~'. i'~x'~ _ :~;, ~·\m, '~~ lilt _.LUðfi,,~ *. ,:t., ~ ,:;;.. OCTOBER 13, 1987 %u. u. JXPLOn:Z SDYIC1E AnRDe - PUSDTED ~írftan Has.~ prescnt~d F~loy~p. Service ^wards to tho following e1Ip 1 oyt-es : Haruel Yillelonqo Coot pr~.~nl) 011Yla Urbina (not pr.a.ntl %u. Uc: Ro.d , 8ridge So<:: h 1 Serv ices l~ yrc. 1~ -¡ra. .loa ttll'&Olln, rIJD.JICE DIUCTOR, puazwno WITH AWAJU> or rIDJrCIAL UPOtr1I1G ACIIIEVarE!fT BT TIrE CLEJUt or COURT.s Clerk Ciles .ta~~~ lh~l Coll10r Co_nly hðS rect.:!iv"d the Award of 'in.tnc la1 Repor II nq N:h lc·,e-:nt (rOC! The Govcr nll'lent r Inance Of f icers ....sochtion of the tJnltt.:!1 Stille ðnd Canada for Its COIDpreh<,nsive Annual f'inancial RC J·~rt (Qr t~ '(car ended Septetllber 30, 1986. P'Ir. Ci 1~ pr..ef t~ tht.:! award t.o finance D1 rector Yonkosky and a1ao t~ank~ the etn(f of th~ Clcrk's f'lnance Depðrt~nl, Tho County Hanaçet and hi a atafr, an1 the County's IndcP<'ndcnt auditors, Rogers, Mood, Hill. Star..n an~ Gustason (or their assistance a~d cooperation vith the pr~arat1or f)( t( 18 ('ùtst~ndln9 r('porl. It_ f5 D ....DTlli,OJf BY COLLU!R COOJrTY TAX COLLECTOR auy CULTOW Coli i@r County 1 ð.~ Co 1 ~eçlor Car 1 ton µrcs.:nled th@ Board oC t::ount.y C~i~alon-.rs with a ':heclr for S8S2. 799.42 r~prcscnt1nq unused lees for n 1986/87. ltea .'U otD~C8 .7-a1, 'aTITIOW R-87-1SC, .tLSOW, KILLER, IARTO., SOLL , n.., tile., IlE.U8EJrTIJlG DAVIS BLVD. IlEAL ESTATE 'A.TRUKt., aaovanIJIG A OIOW. rROI'f JUtr-. TO C-' 1'0. At1TOHODILE PARKIJIG JUm no&AGI - ADOPTED 8UBJECT TO 8TlPUµT!~~_ Pðge 3 .- - -- OCTOBER 13, 1987 Lc9ð1 nolice having been published in lh~ Napl~s Daily News on Septesber II, 1987 4110 ~vldenccd Þy ^f!idðvil of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hC6ring was opencd to consider ðn ordinance amending Ordl~nce 82-2 The Co~rchcnsjve loning P.~gulalions Cor lhe Unlncxrporaled Arca or Collier Counly, florida, by amending lh~ Official lonínq Allaß Map Hu.bcr 50-25-21 by changing the proporty cl...ificatlon of prop~rly located contiguous lo the north corner of the c.rn.ln ToyotJ/BHW ~aJcrship located at 3835 Davis Blvd. PJanner Weeks staled the subjecl properly ia approximately I acre In ai,e. Referri1g to a wall _ðp. he said the land to the north is zoned RKF-6 with ~rovisl~nal Use Cor the Colli~r County Vocational TlIChnlcal School: to th(> C"~l I ø 7.oned JltJf) for Southern Prop@rtills peraitlinq a aðxi~m density of 96 residential multi-family units; to the aculh is zon~j C-5: 8nd to the west, across Louis Street, is zoned RMF-6. Mr. Weeks stated Staf! 15 not cunccrn~d with the parking and .locate u&o beinq pr~posed, however, there is concern with olher uses pera1tte-<t in th~ C-S district. He satd that thcre was SOnte concorn about aovi"9 the .:oning linc .n lhis area !Since it is so unifora at the present ti~, h~ever. In rev1ewing the owncrship o( the property Stall feels lhe l;kellhood of lhis property becomLng residential is re.ote. Mr. Weeks stated that Slaf! reco.mcnded ð 25 (t. landscape buffer alOO9 the e.st~rn propcrt, ! Jne and the CCI~ recommended the buffer be Pa90 .. .. lœ ,y}. 393 .. 1æ~3M OCTOBER 13, 1987 r~uccd to 10 ft.. \4it.h th.· arjdilion of ð 6 fl. opaque fence. He said the CCPe ala<> ali"'Jlaled !.hat If thoe subJCCl property changes to some otMr per.Hted unp. within l~ C-I) distrlcl, it will ~ subJe<:t to St.eff rf!vittV at thðl t iøc. Ife slated Staff ro:'coøamcnds approvðl Ðub- ject. to the ~~ &~ip~latlons, R.spondinq to Chair.ðn Hð8S~. Mr. W~P'5 S~I~ Stipulation ·C" pro- hibits parkinQ cant If tr,..' (o...d raghl.-of-.tð'(. Anav.rin<J ChaJr ft~n 1f.1!SBI'!, foIr. ^14n ~clnolds of Wilson, Hiller, Barton. 5011 " Pe<+. 1ne.. stHt'd that St"rr ..t'co~ndcd a 25 fL le~epe ~.(fer, however, upon f~rther analysIs it was learned that ebutti"9 proper l1H. to t,1<' cast a I ready hðV(' a 25 ft, buffer wh ich would ..ke the buffer ';0 tl. H<.' saId ra:.tl('r than ~he 25 ft.., lhc CCPC atated that 10 fl. and ð 6 Ct. opaque fen{;c- would be IIIOre approprhte. He also atated th.t th~ pro~rly is or1ï i25 ft. widQ and using the 2S ft. of buffer would ne~eseltat~ rClIIOval or thc rock trcnch for draina94f and aub.tltut~ anothcr method of drainage. Iff' noted that the t.rench ia the prc(crðld<.' method ¡n thIs I 115lðoo:;<.' , In .n.~r to CC/MII~:Jlon':'f Sðundern. Mr. Re'/nolds stated thert- will Þ. d if ec 11 ona I 1 I ç h t I 1"q 0 n 5 1 ~ C . 'rape . 2 He. Paul Hvenzer, Planncr for the Co} . cr County School Board, stated that thE' vlIcanl propert-, will b<> ¡"ft a~ 101 becðuse it is part ot the swale ðnd ~ðl(:( r~l<:!n'-I(>n are" for the ^dminislrðlion CenLer. He at..ted the School B')ard has several re(!u('sls on thus petition: Pðge 5 OCTOBER 13, 1987 1. 1'0 construction traH ic should ~ allowed on l.ho School Board'. private drive. 2. The entire oaøtern and northern boundary of thia lot be fenced . 3. Sv.le .ust be aainlained and uninlerrupted. Mr. Reynolds atated they will comply with the School Board's r~lt for t~ Cence; lhey have already .el with the School Board in r.f.rf~ to the awale and worked out an ðgroe.ent for improving the ....le: and t~, Igrce not to us~ t~ School ~ard's private drive Cor construction traffic. ~ssioDer ,i.tor ~ed, .~ondad by c~i..ioner 'aunders and carri~ aaaDi~sly, that tha public hearinq be closed. ~ssioDer 'iator ~ed, .ecoDded by Coaair.ioner Goodnigbt and carri44 tDaDiaou.ly, that tha ordinanca a. nuabera~ and titled below be ~ted &Ad entarad into Drdinance Book ~. 2. with tbe followiDg .tJ.pll.l.t.1o~ S 1. The n~rth properly line along Yo-Tech School and t.he east. property line along the $chool Board's private drive, be fenced. 2. No construclion lraCCic i. tn be allowed to enter the .ubject property usin9 th~ School Board's private drive. 3. Drainago ilDpr?voeents will be ,"ado in accordance with the Develo~r's agr<:!elll<:r.t with the Sch"ol BOðrd. ORDIKAMCE øo. 87-11 AN ()qDINANCE ^-HUm IHC ORDIN^NÇE £12 - 2, TIlE COHPREHEN5IVE: ZONINC PEaJr.ArJONS ""(W TIn: UNINf:'OHI'OµAn:o ARF.A OF COLLIER C'OlNTY, f"LO~IPf\, HY A"ŒNr>lN(; Tin: on'ICIAL 7.ONINC ATLAS MAP HUHßER ~O- 25- 21 BY CHANG WC Tiff: ¡:OO I NC CLASS I f'lCATION OF THE HERE I N [JESCR I BED PROPERTY LOCAn:n CONT 1 CUOUS TO THE NORTH NIl 1LIB nr;{:ms Pðge 6 .. lœY1t398 OCTOBER I), 1987 COIUfDI OF THE GERMAIN TOYOTA/BMW r..::AI.f:RSU I P LOCATED AT 3835 DAVIS BI.Vr., P' Sf:CTJOO 1, TOWNSff!l) SO SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, I ACRE, FPCM P"If-6 TO C-5 roP AlTt'C".'OOILE P^RKIHC AND STORACE: AltD BY PRCVIDI"fG fOH AN EfnXTIVt: DAn:. Page 7 .. l08ra4OJ OCTOBER 13, 1987 It_ ".J O~CZ 17-12, PETITIO. PDA-.7-4C, WIL8OW, KILLE., .ARTO., 80LL . ...ax, llIe., UnJUJE1rfIJIC 0.8. JlOU CORPORATIC., AÞœJr1)IJIG ..auXIU LAu. .øo Dana ~ BY JIODInIWO PAACZL "F" - ADOPTZD ~.l notic~ having ~~n publ isl" ~d i" the Nðples Daily News on Septe.Þer 4, 1981 aft evidenc~ by ^ftidavil of Publication filed with t~ Clerk, public ~aring was op__n__d to ~onsidcr an ordinance a..nding Ordinance 83-46, as prrviously aae~ b( Ordinance 86-21, which establiehed the f~rk.hire La~e. Planed Unit Ocv~lopmenl by a.endinq Exhibi t H-l, ~r~.h I r~ L.,Io:~8 HaBter I~ve I op~nt Plan. Pla~r Duano eta led this aøend~nt propo~c. ~o add five addi- tional '(Xess poIntB to Parcel -F- in Be~kshire Lake.. He stated two of the tCceas polntn ~t DaViS ~Ivd. and 3anlð Barbara Blvd. will acoon o'ate outpuc.ds. Be displayed a IIðp showing lhe propose~ acoes. points: two Into Tract 10, two in~o Tract 11, and one into Tract I), Hr. Duane advi.ed that 180 fcet is rø.quired bet~en lhe curb cut and an intersection' a r ight-o! -way, howcver, because the PeU l1one-: is creatin~ an outpðrcol with a north-south oriented dinension l<,ss than 180 (t., it i. not possible lo ~t t.t\.(- tJtð"dard. Be adviø<'d that tM.e e:c"e points wIll not change the ,nl~nsily or use of the pro- perty a'\d Sta!f finds the rcquest to ~ )n cOtftpliðnce with the Co.prehMeive Phn. 'It:' !Said th(' cePe hit!} r~Olltmcnded approval of the request end ther(' hI'J5 been no correspof'Id(!f1<:c received. In anewer to Ch.u~mðn tlð~5e, ^lan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Peg_ 8 OCTOB£R 13, 1987 Barton, SolI , ~k, Inc., stated there wi!l be eo.e kind of land.cape ðe8i9ft 4t the enlranc~. which will be coordinalcd wilh the overall ~19n in Countryside. He also Bla~ed th" ~lílioner concurs with all Staff S:ipulatio:"\.'\. Also responding to ChairMan lIass"!, Public Works Aðalnl.~rator Archibald stated any and all laprov~nts in entrance va~ ~Jld nol ~ur in the ri9hts-oC-way and would not be under the County'~ control, ho~er, th. Staff StipJlations should alleviate the eoneern of entranceway ~n~nts restrictinq vehicular traffic line of .i9ht. ~~s.lODer Pi,tor aoTe4, .acOD4e4 by C~ssioD.r Goo4Dlqbt aDd carried aaaDLaously, that tbe public be.riDq be closed. ~l..io.ar Pi.tor aoYe4, seco.dad by C~i..ioD.r Qoo4niqbt aDd carried aAaAL.oualy, that tbe ordinance as Duabered aDd titled below be ~e4 aad eDtered iDto OrdiD&Dce Book »0. 2.. ORDI.AØCZ MO. '7-'2 AN ORDrtlA.NCf. AMl.'"NDIHG OROIHANCF. 83-46, .A.S PREVIOUSLY ^MÐ'D!::D BY OfW I H^OCE e 6 - 21, WH I CH f:ST^B L. I SUEO THE BFJU~SU (HE '.A'ŒS PLANNED UN IT Of:VELOPMDrT BY N1EHDING EXHJ81T U-l, AF:RKStfrRE LAXF.S MASTER OEVF.LOPMEHT PLAN: AND BY I'ROVIDWC AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .. lœwA(()1 Pð9C 9 ,¡ï;.. ";. -I I . jt 108"~4ßI OCTOBER 13, 1987 t t.ea . ..... ORDIJDUN:a .7-.J, PKTXTIO. PDA-17-SC, WILBO., MILLaR, BARTO., lOLL , na&, ;JC., "PUBZJITI.~ WILLIAM T. RIGGS, AXB1IDIIfO B.RUBIU LAD. PVD. ~ "AN - ADOPTED ~Jal notie. h~vinq be~n published in lhe Naples Daily Hews on Sept'->er 23. 1987 as eVldenc~ by ^Cfidavit of Publiealion Ciled with tM Clf)rk, publ ic her.r i ng was o~n<!'d to COrtS lder an ord inanee alDending ordln.~ 83-46, a! previously a~ndf'd by OrdInance 8S-7S and Or~inanee 86-21, vhieh p.slAblishe1 the Berkshire Lðk~s Planned Unit Dcvelop~nt. pllnner Duane ~tate1 that thi~ aøendment proposes to add an entran:e on Radio foad, Increase the n~~~r oC single-Camily units, decrea.. the nu.ber or eulti-fa.i1y units, delete lhe golf course from Tract -A-, increaa<o the op~ ~ì space aereag~, and amend the Mast.er Plan to incorporate th('f;(> ch~nge8. ~. Duane staled thal Staff considers these changes to be .inor .odific.tion~ and t.hcre are no oulstanding issu~s at the present time. He .aid the CCPe unðniØlouslf r.....c~nded approval of the requ~st and there ""s no pub Lie: cOftImP.nt. Cor or aga i ns·., dur i n9 lhe CCPe public h.arir9. He noted lhðt no correspondenc~ has been received on this pet i t J ('L H,. Duane øtal.~d tl'1at all ð¡..propr ¡ale ':ounl'f Departments have revi.."ed the r~uc:"- and find it in compJI!lnc.:- wilh the Comprehensive Plan. Hr. Alan Reynolds, of Wilson, Hiller, Barton, 5011 fa Peek, Inc., .tat.J the rea.on (or the ð~ditionðl ðCC~SS i~ lo align th<, entrance P6ve 10 OCTOBER 13, 1987 with It.tonne Park. C~ssiODer 'lstor ~e4, seconde4 by c~i.sion.r goodnight and carri" ....~ø1T, that tba public bearing ba c10.a4. C~ssioDer pl.tor ~ed, sacondad by c~i..ion.r G004niqht and carried uaaDi~.lT, that tba ordinance a. n~re4 And title4 below be a40pt.e4 aJI4 entered lnt) Ordinance Boot 110. 21. ORDI~ ~. 17-13 ~" ORDIJeNtCF. A,'{}o:HnING ORDIHN«:f: 83--46, ^S PRf:V[OUSLY AHf.NDf.D BY CRDINANCE 85-75, ,vlD ~DIt4Þ\HCE 86-21, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BElUtSHIRE [.A)(;ES PU~mED UtItT DEVELOPHEtrr; NfÐ40INC LIST Of £XHIBITS BY "DOING txttllHT fI-2. "^,,tCf:L -^- Hl\STER PLAN: AMENDING SECTION 1.01, l!'fT'PoorJCTIOtl ^flU I·JRPOSF.; f\Mf:NDINC SEC1'ION 2.05, SIn: PLAH ^PPPJVAL; ^ÚOWC ^ H~ SECTI0t4 2.06, f"IN^L SITE: tEVELOPKDfT PL~' ^I'PPOV ^L ANO P ENUHlH:R I He SUBSEQUENT SEC1' IONS: .aM»lDINC SF.crl:).'f 2.07, I.A1W US[S; AMt.HDING THE LAND USf. SCHEDULE: ,tIŒ)tDIP«:; E:STIMl\n~O HAHHï ABSOtofPTION SCHEDULE; AAf:NDING SECTION ~.11, RESERVATION Of N^TVRAL VEGETATICN ANO TREE REMOVAL; AMENDING ~ECTION 2.13, fXCF.P'TIONS TO THF. COLLIER COUNTY SUBDIVISION F£CULATIOHS; '\''1UWIt¥; s~C'rION 2.1-4, l.AKE SITH4C: AMENDING SECTION LOl, PURPOSf.; AMEUOING Sf.C'TlON 3.02, MAXIMUM 1JWF.I.LtNC UNITS: ,tI1EMDIHC SECTION 3.03. Pf:RHITIED USES AND STRUCTURES; ADDINC SUBSECTION 3.0-4.07. MINI~'" LOT AREA AND DIMENSIONS; ADDING ~UBSECTION 3.04.08. "'HlHUH SET8ACXS; AMEHDIt¥.: SEC1'ION 4.01, J1JRPOSE; NŒHDtNG S -rex. 4.02, MAxrMUM DWF.LLING UNITS; A.M£NDING SECTION 5.01, PURPf:;:.;ì.; M)OING A NEW SUOSECT ION 5.03.08, CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ^PPROVAL; "'-Ht:HDINC SECTION 6.01, PURPOSE; AMENDINC SECTIOtf 7.0 I, PURPOSr:; AMENDING Sf'.cT tCN 8.02, DEVELOPHEm' COMMITHEHTS. SUnSfX710H a.02.e. TRANSPORTATION; AMENDING SrCTION e. 02, D£VELOPHF:lrr çCH-II THENTS , SUßSf:Ci lOt. 8.02.0, WATER HAHACDŒ:HT; ""'END I He SECT ION 8.02, DEVELOPMEtrr COMMITM£HTS, SUBSECT ION 8.02.E, lIT I'L IT I ES, MY ^DO 1 NC ^ Nto..., ST 1 PULAT ION 5): HŒJfDINC SECTIOO 8.02, LJEVELOPMUrr C(»"MITMEtrrS, I:iY ADDHfC A NEW SUBSECTION 8.02.f', WATER AND SEWER; AND OY PROVIDING Af~ EfFECTIVE (JATE. eo.aissioaer ,i.tor ~ed, .econde4 by co..i.sioDer .aun4ers, that tbe ~..«-eDt. to tbe Berksbire Lake. DaI do not constitute a auhstan- tial 4ni.tioa. HI( 108~4œ Pðge 11 ~ f ~: '" f J~.. .. of.... , Ji~ t f: t, 1"t ~:~ ..' l ~ .. lU8N?O OCTOBER 13, 1987 Duri"9 d~scu.sion ther~ W3, some question 85 to whelher the question of substar.liel devielion was properly advertised. co..i.slo.er Pi. tor .itbdrew bl. ~tion aDd CoaaissioDer .aunders ,,1 tladz.. ltia aecond. co.a!.sI0.er Pi.tor aoye~, .econded by C~i.sioner .aunder. and carrie. ..·.iaov.1J, tbat if the findinq of Sub.tantial OeYiation for tit. "rkablre Late. DRI .as a4Yertised for tn4ay, it be continued to ~~ 20, l'S7. Page 12 OCTOBER l3, 1987 I tea . &C:1 COII8IDr.JIIATIOII OF RL8OLO'TIOW IJlCJtZMIJrG TIlE FILIJrG RU AJn) CKUGE. IX OOblrtr lOII"I_ ORDI.Ð.JICZ 12-2 - COJrTI!lVZD TO OCTOBER 20, 1911 ~,al notic~ ha~lnq ~~n pYblished In tht.:! Naples Daily Nevs on Septe.ber 27, l1e~ as eVlden~ed by ^Cfidavlt o( Publicalion riled with the Cl~rk, public hearlnq was opened to cQnslder a resolution Increa~i"9 the (~:s and charg,,:s in Co~nty Zoning Ordinance 92-2. Cbtir..n HISSf! Jt.ðl~ that the baclr-up IItðler ial was not. included in the Boerd's agcnda pðc~et. County "-,nðger Oorrill requeated that tM it._ be conUnu<:!d. 7ape . J Co..issloner Øaunder. ~ed, seconded by Co.alsaioner pistor and carrle4 aD&Al~uslJ, that con.idarati~ø o( a ra.olution incre.slng tha fl1iaq t... aDd charq.. in county loni~ Ordinance 12-2 be continued to OctOber 20, 1"7. It_ '6<:2 OImID-=- "-'4, URA.LIJrG OJU)I~ 11-15 AJfD "-", COMPLYIJIG .1'1'11 CJIAft'I a 11- U , LA,! tI 0 r r LORI DA JlBGAJU) I JIG COIIC&A.LED WUPO.. - ADO PTED Le941 notice hðvln~ ~:~n published In lh~ Naples Daily Hews on s.pte.ber 23, 1987 ðt ~vld~nced by ^((ldðvll o( Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearln9 was opened to consider an ordinance repeal1n9 Ordinan·:c 78-1S which estabJ15hcd ð lInifor. pistol licensing pollC) and Ordina~ce 79-86 whIch ðDended ~rdinance 78-1S to provide an application f~ f~r a pIstol llcenae. Public Servic~s ^d~lnlstrðtor G'D?nnell advised that the a..ndaent Page 13 .... 108 ~ ill l08rnU2 OCTOBER 13, 1987 to F.G. Section 790.06, authorizes the ~part.ent of State rather than COunli.. to i..ue license. (or carrying a concealed weapon or !ic.ae.. He atftted that thia law bee... ellective on October I, 1987 and .uper- 8edes County ~dínance. 78-15 and 79-86. In r..~ lc County Manðger Dorrill, Hr. O'Donnell stated that everyone who va. currently licensed by thþ. County wae advised that they nuat apply fcr a new lícensþ. with the Slate. ~1..10.er '.UD48r. aoYe4, .eooD4e4 by co.ai..ioner G1a.. &A4 carr!" ....iaou.ly, tb&t tbe pu~11a beariD9 be c10.e4. eo..i..l0.er Gl... aoTe4, .ecoD484 by C~i..ioD.r .aUD4er. a.d carri44 8D&Diaou.ly, that tb. or4inaDce a. nuabere4 a.4 titled below be a40pte4 an4 entered into OrdiDaftCe Book Ro. 2.. ORD¡XAØCZ ~. 17-14 AN CPIJINA.W:E REPEALINC ORDINANCE NO. 78-15 WHICH f:ST"P.US~F:O ^ UNIF'ORM PISTOL LICEHSINC POLICY ~D OfUJlNMICr-: NO. 79-8~ WHICH AMt:HOt;O ORDINAlfCE NO. 78-15 TO rROVIDf: ^H ^PPLICATIOH rfF: fOP ^ PISTOL LICENSE; PRO'w' ID I ~ COrWI. I CT AND SEVEP ^B I LI TY: PROV I D I He ,v. EfffCTIVf: DATE. It_ ".1 aID '.,-1162 FOR 'EPLACEKE~ or TaE AIR COWDITIOWBR AT KAI. LIBRARY _ AWAaDID TO COJrDITIOnD AIR III THE AKOUWT or UI,IOO L99al notice tðvlnq ~~n published In the Hðples Dally News on AU9U.t 31, 1987 as r>vl'knt:'<:!d by A((kdavat of Publicalio,., filed with the Clerk, bids w(r~ r~cclvcd until 2:)0 p.m. on Septeøber 16, 1987. P~blic Works ~d.lrll~trðtor ^rchlbald atalcd that. ba.ed on the need for - daff~r.nt ~.ign and aainlenencc problema, Staff prepared epee i- Page 14 ,. OCTOBER 13, 1987 flcati~ for a n<~ air conditioning syst~ for the ..in library. He atated the DPW .yst~ will con5ist of a large air handler on the roof and two 10-ton cond~n.ir~ units to be placed at ground level. He 8ðYl~ tNt SUff considers the low bid to be coeøelitive and rettpOllSlve . ft~. Archibald SUt~ that SUff rec~nd. avard to tM low bi~. Conðlti~j Air in the ..aunt of 528,600. He st.t~i that, unfor:unately, no lar~ expense (or repairs or replacement VI. buðgeted Cor thoe library or lhe uintenance departllM!nt, al.d requested that ~ budqet aaen1~nl be approved to provide CundH (roa the genera fund ~tl~y l~ ..~e the necegaary re~lacc.ent. In a~r to Cnairnan Hasse, Hr. Archibald staled that fro. an e<xM~.ic standpoint, th1S replace.ent is an energency. He said the ~t ~f repairs on the present .yst~ are very large and it is vise to conai~r replacing it with a ~re (ficient unit. Re.ponding to Count', "'na94!r Dorrill, Hr. Mchibald stated that th", new syetea is desi~~ to handl~ the upcoaing library expansion. ~ssioDer pistor aoyed, a.ooAded by c~is.loDer 0004D19bt aDd carri44 RDaal~Sl" that lid "7-1162 for reptac..eat of tb. air OOD- 4itiOQer at tbe aain library be ..arded to Coaditlone4 Air in t~. aaoaa~ of '28.100, and tbe appropriate budqet ..en4aant be prepared. It_ ".3 -..oUJT1011 87-2U DECLAJUJIG T1IB rIDJlCIAL IUPPORT or COLLISR COUJI'fY I'O'JaaD n. IlOO1.1.-01 lAY IYITaI SPa<:lA1. TUI_a DISTIlICT - ADOPTBD WITH c:aawø ~lbllc Wor~s Admlnlelrator ^rchibald slðl<:!d this resolution aup- port. the Hooring3 Bay dr~dqi~q project ~~inq considered by the City Page 15 .. l08",:¡ 413 lOll lœmU4 OCTOBER 13, 1987 of "a~le.. He eXp1ðlnf'd that a portion of lhe residents who will directly benefit frOM this proje~l live outside the City Li.it. or Hapl.. in Collier County's P~rk Shore, Units '2 and '5. He stated t~t the fin~nciel support of Collier County ís subject to the toll~ing Conditions: aJ The project proceed ba~ed upon ð favorable referenduM from the ..jorlly of the qualified electors residing In the Distrj~t. b) An acceptable ~lhod be developed to prorate costs for the project bascð on benefit. ct The City of Naples be responsible for design, per.ittlng and conslructton ~dmlnlstratlo~ for the project with Collier County's pðrllclpa~lon being provided through an Agreeeent. Mr. Arch1bald stat<:!d that Staff rer.o.~nds adoption or the resolu- tion tubj~t to th~ above conditions be1nq ~t. A lengthy discuDsion fol1~~ on all~in9 the benefiting residents of the County ð voice in this dec1elon. Counly ^tlorney Cuyler sugqested that if the Board 1. ~cerned they have th~ option of expanding the .~ond criteria. ~pt.in While ønd ~r. Johr. Hertz, representing "Save lhe Bays", apoke in favor of adopt Ing this resolution. 'rape t4 C(..i..10ner pistor aoyad, .econde4 by C~i..ionar Gla.s and carribð RDaDiaoualy, tbat ae.olution .7-24S declariDq the tiD.Acial sapport ot Collier County toward tbe project. and goal. ot tbe øoorlr~. ..y 8y.tea Special Taxinv Diatrict, be adopted witb tbe tollovlD9 addition to condition "b"s A public bearing vill be beld to ."9. 11 OCTOBER 13, 1'" allow tbe resident. of the UniDcorporateð Are. of MooriÞq. 8ay . obaDcø ~ expr... their feeliD9. OD thi. i..ue. Page 17 .. l08rvA415 I OC1'OBER 13, 1987 It. ".2 uaountœ '7-247 COLLIn oov.n PVaC1lA8. LaLY .BACH IOt'T1I, A/KIA LBLY Þ.DJ'Ot'f au.aI - ADOrn!) R..l Property Mana9~t Director Carroll advisp.d that it is the opinion of tbe attorneys that the ler.. of the Purchase Agree.enl on tely Barefoot 8eae~ re.ain in tact and awaiting action. She stated that Cçl11er County had the property appraised at 53.1 _ill ion a~~ the State'. appraisel ~a.e tn Iow~r than 51 .lIlion. She said she has requeated t.hat Hr. Doug Dane, Vice President of Coastal Engineering, give tbe Board a r__port to substantiate his appraisal. In anaver to Chair.an flass., County Hanð9<,r Dorrill stated thst the State will nol disclos<, th~ exact ..aunt of their appraisal, however, he believ~. Il is In the nei9hborhood of 5900,000. Hr. Dane stated that he us~ a etatewide assortment of Galee on this type of property, however, while iaportant, it was not the ~.t l~r~nt evaluation. t~ said the data was very supportive of uSIng the ~.lop.ent approach a~d they looked at the Lely Barefoot Beach PUD and the revisp.d PUO which allocated )7 units tv the land ftubject to purchase. He staled they aade the aS5u.ption that the POD would stand en its own and recclveo ~o ir.(oraatlon to lhe contrary. He said they tt..n looked at the dcvelop.ent price and e... up with the appral.al of . 5) Million purc~ase price. Mr. Dene slated that he- ha1 an opporlunily to .~.k with Hr. Howell and received S?trIC.: insighl .. to the diecrcpancies in lh-e Page) 18 OCTOBER 13, 1987 apprMl..le. He said the Slate was of the opinion that the 37 units could not be built now and even if lhey could il would be al :eaat 5 y.ar.. Fe,r the record Hr. Oane slated hls quðlifications: Real f~tate De9r4N' fro. thfs rlor Ida State Univf!rsHy, active In the field of Real Eat.t~ Apprais.l Cor approxiaately 8 years, Senior ~signation of ASA thcQU9h the Society or ^ppraisals, currenlly ð candidatr. for the MAt thrOU9b the A8erican Institute of Real Estat~ ^ppralsalß, 440 hours of IMtHute Education on 'op of deqr~. have appraised countless proper- ties. Ir answer to Chalr.an Hasse, Mr. Dane slated that tt~ controlling fector in the appraisal wa. the t.ly Barefoot Reach PUD. He stated the PlÐ alloc~led devclo~nt to the are. and because or the lenqthy proc~. tor the PUD and the careful place~nt of the 37 units on the southern end or the pro~rt/. they Cftlt this was the hi9hest ðnd best use of ttwt prop.rty. u~ said the ~velopØ\tt'nt of the property llet all of the t~ts for highest an1 ~st use, such as econo.ically feasible, C.~bl. of being dev~lo~d, an1 supply and de.and which was the ~st critical. Reepondl"9 to COtØlI.sio~r Pistor, Mr. Dane stated that unfor- tunatel, appraisal Is not a, exact sclence and certain assu.Ption£ ..st be ..de which rcflccl~ th.~ dc.la coll'!cl<:!d. Ife said he docs not know ",hat procftss the pcopll~ fro. rto Lðudcrdale used, but they epp.rently ..de a differenl sel or assumptIons. Page 19 ... 108 fY-t 421 --, "";... 1C8~(22 OC'T'JBER 13, 1987 . . . ~s it.. was continueð until Mr. K1a.. of Lely Corporation arriYød. .e. 'rap. ". J>aÇlc1!I if!, ~ - tj,R.3 ... a&e&a. A'r 10s50 A.M. RZCOWVZWED AT 11s00 A.M. ... Deputy Clack Ker~oD replaced Deputy Clerk Kuatar It_ 't<:l AJDrVAJ. UI01t'!' or T1IE COLLIr.R COOW'fY roUSTER - ACCBPTED County f'orestcl' ^nd~r! ('n sUHed that his report consists of ser- vic.. that he has ~rfor~~d in Collier County during lhe pesl yeer. He not.ed that therp. wi II ~. Inr.reas@d activitles in the ~atural R..ources DPpartlllf'nl and the Pftrkn , Recreation Deparl.ae!Ü. He indi- cated that the CoI~en Gat~ fire lookout tover will be in operation thia ~'.ar and shovld give (IOod coverage for toe North Colden Cate area. He noted lh"l with ,'_oqards lo the lovcr, lhey are tryinQ to get el4tCtl"lcity to thc site and will be operating the 8ite with a portable gener..tor until such ti ~ us electr ici ty is ava i 1abl~. He noted that durinrJ the heavy r He season, one of the crews ·.."ill be ~sled at the alte -:'0 respond ir:ncdialel:' (rOta the area. which will cOl15ial of II tractl)( plow unit wIth ð Rilnger. He state-:l that he is n.,t antici- patino} any housing tit this liJll(! at the tower. c..issioncr ft,lf;1!Ie .atðl.c:~d t.hat if the COlllfllission can help the Por..~ry DepartlDCno: in ðny way. he would like the Divi.i'~n of Forestry to cc:ne to theta. liE noted that. thi1!l is one of the most viable area. in nettd of fire protectIon Page 20 OCTOBER 13, 1987 ~ssloa.r Pi.tor ~'ed, .ecoade4 by Co..issioner Goodniqbt and carri44 tmaDiJIoualy, that I:h. annual report of the Colliltr Count} For..~.r be accepted. It_ ita OOit.t.'\C'f rolt TIm 191'-8' FtnmIJfG C01fT1tIBUTIOR TO PROJECT HELP, I.C. _ AP?Wr1'ZD PtJblic Serviccfl ,\d.lInir¡lralor O'Donncll slated t.hat t.he 4anguagc in this contract hit:J bI:~n rc"ilcd by the Counly ^ttorney, himself, and the Finance Direct(J~ tc Int,ure cOtRpliance with Slate Sla!.uleu which is under Sect.ion 2(a), whIch "ill require Proje~t Ifelp to submit payroll recorcJ. and ,kx;UItf?rJi.ðllon (If other operationaJ expen~es liS approved by the County on a ø'orJl.hJy bð%.is in order lhat the disburscf1ente of County funds to rf,!lr1burJ'!" I'rojf'ct Help (or such eJICpenditures may be in co.pl_ance with lh(· prc-aucatlng and accounting procedure!. 8S part of the C:.rcuit. Court C)<:!rk pr(~eo1l rc~s as Øtðndated by Sections 129.08 and 129.0!' of t.he- f'Jor ica Stat.1. t<:!s. HQ noted lhðt the amount of the total appros'riations is $~O,OOO '-hlCh lttP. Board of County COlllmissic,ners approved in their t..dget hEar Ings. He stated that he haf!¡ received a total breakdown of theIr budget and this amount will fund approxima- tely t~1f of that, addl,q that it is ooing used for payre.ll and opera- tional expenses. Cc_issioner Hasse '~uestioned if United Way is invohcd with Project Help, to wh Ich '''r. J' Oonnel J stat'~d that they have agreed to help fund Project Help "nd that alftOunt is around 515,000. Page 21 Hoc 108 ",~ 423 OCTOBER 13, 1987 Co8i.sioner Saund~!r!J S'~ðtl!d thal United Way ð9reed to lund Proj..ct Kelp i! th~y r(·..:eiv'!d rJther Bupp¢rt froln the COtR.1tunily. C~is.1oner Goodn1qbt noY.d, .econdeð by Coa.l..10ner pi.tor and c.rri.~ UAaDiaou.1J, that the contract for tha l'.7-ea tunding contri- butioD to Project Øelp, Inc. for $30,000 be approved. P"9Ð 22 .. 108 r&t 428 OC'IOBER 13, 1987 I tell . tc3 ~ rot T1rZ 1917-1' 1'VJIt)11lG OOJrTaIlt1TIOIf TO THE COLLI.. SOIL un n'l'D a:nra~TI011 DUnICT - APno'CD Pub_ic SerYlce~ ^dmlnlstretor O'Donnell stat<,d that this contract 18 in the a80Unl of 539,300 ,,'hich was approved durin9 bud9ct hearin9s, adding that 515,000 is (or s(,il surv.ys and 524,300 i. to support a secretarial position as well as operational expenses. He noted that they vi':'1 be subeittlnq appr('priatc docUtftCntðtion on e quarterly and IIOnthly basis. ~is.lOD.r Pistor ~.ð, seconded by C~issionar G004Di9bt and oarried UD&Ai~uaI7, tbat tbr. contract tor tbe 1917-11 fundinq contri- butloa to tbe COllier Soil and .ater COns.rYation District be approYecS . P"'.Ie 23 ... !œnGt(32 OCTOBER 13, 1987 It.. UDl aa.4&~"Y ~LAUt). IIDDIJIO PROCESS nlnD. 8TAn TO nOOTIA'rZ U aJICIIDUJ:JKI DalaJl 8ERVIcn COwnACT W1711 .10KJISOJl EJIOIDZRIJIG roR ftZ nna U!) SPEll DIU'IqJI ASSOCIM'Z1> WU'H TJlE roUIt-LAJfIlfG or 8. It. 951 SOVTJI OF g... 41 TO MR~ IBLAWD - APPROVED Utiliti.- ^d.lnlstratJr Crðnda11 .tal<:!d that the design .ervic~s are underway for the wide~ing of S.R. 951 soulh of U.S. 41 and he is requesting that Johnson r.nqln~rin9 be hired to do the water and .ewer ~1~ that ia .8s?Ciet~ with the (our-l.ning of S.R. 951. H. noted that the Dep.rl~nt 0( Tr8nS~)rl8tion h.~ r:'ontrected with Johnson £ngilMHtri"9 (or the.- wid. nlnq d«:!siqn and II w(Juld be beneficial (or the County to Þave this sa~ engín~rinq (ir. to do the water and .ewer cSe.lgn. He noled thal he is ðskinq Cor t.he n...r..al biddin9 process to be valved becau.e it was nol <n?Wn that this project was 901"9 to be necessary unt! 1 late Auç..,st. He indicated that the State has gone through the full C~p<:!litlv~ n~oliation process and .elected Johnson En9inoe-erlng and it ..k~s it .:Jch easier to coordinate the torOrk if the water and &eWer d~.iqn ie don~ Þy the .... fir. as the one that is dol~ the widening ~esign. fl4] noted that this .hould be a .aving. to the County and (or these rea.on., he would ask that the Board walve the no~l biddin9 process an1 allow sta'! to negotiate a contract with Johnson Engineerlnq for t~ w.ter and sewer design that i8 aS80- elated with the (our-lðninq of S.R. 9Sl south of u.s. 41 to Marco laland. .,... . S Page 24 OCTC8ER 13, 1987 eon.i..ioner Pislor slaled that Johnson Enqin~ring has been doing . lot. or survtry Wf)rk on thifl road (or about two years an~ are very f..iliar vith the area. County Attornf!"t Cuylcr f¡laled lhal as parl of t.he .at ion, thQ Board need. to establIsh thl!t an eøergency cxists based (In the preeen- tation of Mr. Crancall ðnd the ti~ con.lrðlnt~. ~1..IODer ala.. aoYe4, ..conded by CODaI.sloner Pistor an4 carried aaaaiaousIJ, tbat an e.arqancy exi.t. and tbat tha noraal bl441Dq be .ai.eð and a con~ract for tbe watar and ....r de.ign asso- ciated wltb tba w14enift9 of .... '51 be neqotiat.d witb Jobnson a.c¡i...riJaq. Itea '902 ..ran. UPOIt'! 011 QttAJrT J.1D..RtI FOR TJO SOOTJl COtnITT JtZOIOJIAL .JrJrAQJJ "'·\~r....I' PJ.AJI'f - JiO ACTIO. TA~.D Utilities Ad.inielrator Crendall elated that he has I~en notified that tt. grant thal was req~eeted by the State through the Clean Water Act haa been approved ðnd Çcllíec Counly is going to cecoivo ð grant for t~ South County Heqlonal S~age Treat~nt Plant and associate pipi~ in the .ltOun~ of $10,19-4,000. He nf)ted that lhis a great aC(;OIIpl i.htlenl of ðbolJl lwo yeðrs of hard w<:>rk, add 1ng that Me. Arnold has put a lot of e(Corl into lhis with support services ~rOll Bole, Mont... , M.ocial('"ß, and ConsO(!r Town.end. ~nty ...an"ger Dorrill stated that th¡3 19 the larqe:Jt 9rant that Colli.r Covnly ha. ever rCCQlvf·d In the hl3tory of lhe C.)unt.y. 'OOt 108 'I"A 433 Page 25 .. 108,"434 OCTOBER 13, 1987 eo.nissioner Hasse ~tatCiI that l@tters of appreciat10n should be eent to everyone that 1J5SlSt '~ in this endeavor. Mr. Crandall slated lhat there was also a lot of asnistance received fro. tho!! Stale o( (1(:<-s of D~ lhrough two di ff(~renl s~re- tari... Mr. Arnold statc>d that th«'Y have not received th<e official written notUic.,Uon fr(Y.fJ t:PA but COlJqr..ssltðn l..ewl& hðS indlcatl?d that it is officiaL. fie noted that lhc,(' arc slill IJ few lIinor hur-dJes to over- ~, acJding that one is the condeønation proceedingn that they are involved in vith regards lo ~I few reaaining sites. lie not.ed that this process be9an vi th ',he 20 I d(>(: ll1W?nt 1 n <:oar 1 y 1986. tie not.ed that in tM las~. 1-1/2 y~ar9, they hllve accoillpUshcd what would t.ypically take 2 or ) ',ears to be don<: _ 1ft.:! '1Oted lhat the big push ha3 been that t.he 9rant p~09ra. is no longer qOln9 to be in eXlstenc<,. H~ noted that this prf)ject tðk~s ~n tht.:! cO"!Jtruclion of the trcatment plant, the ...ter :~~1"9 stations and I ran~.isslon lines and the .ffluent diatriblJtion syate".!. t<.' the tlolf courses, adding that right behind this prl)ject is th,! [ðst and South ~aple9 collection system. He noted that this project I~ also In for qrant applications and It is looking very well so far. "" Indlcal.~d that thi!'J mð't bc the last year that the County will 9t.:!l an', grant /DOney; this grant will oCfnet a signifi- cant po~tion of lhe Counly's local share, and that the total value of tM proiect is 529.3 m1l1ion "nd thia 510.1 r.'¡llion grant represents .-ore tho," a thi r1 ')( lh<.· pro ect. He ind i cHed that he hopes to be P\ge 26 OCTOBER 13, 1987 .ble to .ward a conslruction proj~t in th~ 8'J~r oC 1988, and 1£ all voes well, this project could ~ completed and on linc in 1990. H6 noted t~,t within the County, therc has becn signiCicant contributions fro. Dr. Polkowski, l~rry Luk:n, Rill Lorenz, Bruce Ander~on, Misay Helti., and Pal Carroll. eo..i.aioner Pi.tor questJon9d if this grant will help lo avoid an incr.... in S4tWer rates, to which Me. Arnold indicated that it will not avoid an incre~s~, but du.' to receiving the grant, the increase wlll not bay. to be as IlUch. eo..i..ioner Hasse thank~1 everyone that worked on this project and indir:ated that lhcrc is no action necCfJ3ary. Iu. "1'1 Dt~II)II ItaGA..ItDIJIG THE UC01l'lIDEJtA1'I01I OP TH. OP'fIOIfAL tlAU. TAX _ COftIJRJm IIIDZPIIIITZLY Coun:y Manag<:!( r~rrl11 stlltcd that hc was requestcd to bring back the local option s,lcs tax on ~ date speclCic, but he has nothing to reporl a: this ti~. tie noted that until such tiDe as there is a resoluU"" of this in Tallahafl~ee, he would I ike to continue this ..tt.r indefinitely. It.. "1'1 u.oU:P!'%". 11-246 ItlTABLISBIJ1CJ AX AD-ROC COKHI'M'ZI TO uno PUaeJIA8D1C1 AJID COJlSTRUCTIOII POLICIES - ADOPTED Aasi:stant to the County Mèlnag<:!r Olliff slated that lhls ite. is a report rtt98rding C~lmty constr-'Jclion prOJeCls whlCh caine out of a di8CWI.i->n it-e. re~ar~ing <.:rcut.ion ot a construction cOtl.lltee. He Page 27 1_ 108 'VÆ 435 _ 108-436 OCroBER 13, 1987 no·Ad t~t .taff was reque5l~ to bring back a reporl which dealt .ore .pecific.lly with chan9~ ord~rs and cha~90 order his tor', for projects in the County. ~! nOled lnal the repurl indicates that change orders in the County have not hUlOr¡cally been poor as far as total percen- ~94! of conslructlo" prQJecl~ are concernp.d. He nOled ~hal lhe Board M. 9hen sUH a l~vcl of 10!; of total construction projects which ~n be .Uiff approvcð so os nul lo have tillle delays in the projects. He noted that of th~ tot~l projects that are listed in the report, there .... onl y one inatance HI which t.he 10\ quid<,line '<filS exceeded, which ..,.a. in th__ r:'a5f' of SolId Waste and was ð positive change order where the Covnly was gOing ~o save a substantial aØtOI.Jnt of IIOney by bein<J . II o..t.d to put a I eact1 ð t_ '! pond direçtly into a li1ed ce 11 . He noted that after ·.he Board ClfJcussion of last week, there was dlf- f.rent direction given to staff but this report had alrqady been pre- paeed and thereCore, i l was eubtai llcd. U-a noted lhat h~ would be happy to present ~ny addltlcnnl inforMation that the 80~rd ..y be ...king. CoøIiaeicner Saunders stat.ed that he IS the one that originally requeated that th.s 1le. be added to the ðqcnda, bul this roport does not address the concern that hp. ha.. He noted that over the next Cive y.aea tt-..r. is ovr¡or $218 ml 1 :on proposed 1n constructi:>n projects varying fro. adminislrallon blJlldings, Jði Is, parke, ro~ds, and v.ter and e~er f,)C1l1tl~S. lie stated th<1t h-:- would llc:e to have local ex~rt. in the:> construç'.lon industry takc ð look !It the County's Page 28 CX:TOBER 13, 1987 purchaaint policies and lhê policíe. used by the County staff in i~l.-enti"9 t~ dir~tionn by the Co..Ission to build a facility to insure that the Counly IS uSlnq laxpayers' funds in the most efficient .anner. He stated thal lhc ~~unt of chðngr. orders is irrelevant, adding that he warts to ~ sure that taxpayers' dollarß are being used in the .,.t eHicient way possible. ne indi<.:ated that he is not looking to find a problc., but there is going to be . lot of construc- tion done which is ð 11tlle dífferent than most of the functions of County staff and he f~l. that it would be appropriate to have some local experts look al how the County qoes about building a building. He noted t~t they .ay havp. co.e ideas on how the County can sftve some 1IOrMty. ... staled that the rf!porl is Cine, bul it docs not address his issue. He indicated that thp. topic of discussion is the establishment of a oo..lttee of local experts al no cost to the County to simply review with staff. thr. p?llCleS and how the County 9008 about building atructure. and then to lIIakr. r~o.uendations. ne indicated that he has no preble. with ~ho is on thr. c~ittee as long as they are recognized experts in the construction industry. C~i..ioner lIa:sse statc,j that he agrces "11th thi:s, but h~ would auggest that each co~i3sionp.r súbftit ð name of :someone that they would like to be un this c~mmittee. C~..ioner Saunders aoved tbat an ad-boc coaaitte. be ..tablisbed pursuant to res~lution to reyiew tba Count,-s purcb.ainq aDd coø.truction policia. witb tbe ida. of proYiding rec~eDd.tlons pag. 29 ... 108 FK( 437 lœm438 OC'fOBn 13, 1987 oa a ..~loqy to aore efficleatly a.e taxp.yer~· dollars for oo..t~ioa purpo.e.: tbat tbe ~lttae be coapo.ed of fl.e peopla: that ODe persoll be desiqnated by tbe county Kanaqer a. tbe County's repra...tati.e and tbat tbe other four be indi.iduals who are reoo¡aiae4 .. ba.iDq knowle4qe ill field. .ucb a. enqilleerin9, actual COD.t~iOll, arcbitecture, or soae accountinq type of exp.rtis., tbat t.. A---ttte. be directad to .eet witb appropriat' staff people aud reYi.. appropriate procedur.. 811d .ake a report back witbill 75 dar. fro. th. ..t&blis~ent of tbe ç~itte.. eo..1saiooer Hsssc stated that he would like to see five ~e.bers plus one fr~ the ~ounty Manð9cr's office and one staff .ember which would 9iv. the coa.ittee a total of 1 ~r.. eo..i.sioner S5unders stated that he does not have ðny probleMS with five or seven ~ra. County Manager Dorrill stated that this is a good idea, but he feel. that the de~ign or the projects should be incorporated into the .otion because thet is when the budgets are derived. He not4d that tho c~ittee could be appointed and then they could draCt. 8o.e goals llnd obJecllv<,s which the Board of County eo-i..l00Qr. could p.1:5.:1 jud9('lIÞent on ~Corc the Cinal report ls cOIIpleted. eo..issloner 1I...e staled lhat he would suggest that the .eloction of the ~r. be brouqht t.I)C~. at the ncu:t rcqular Board ~etin9. ~lss10ner (Ua.. stateð tbat be would ..cond tbe .-otion, but Pa~~ 3(1 OCTO." 12, 1'17 woa14 l1ke tbe stipalatiol tbat th. 4esiqa a.pect of the project. be reYl..eð &D4 1.0104e4 in the ~tion, to wbich C~ssloner .aUDders la4ioate4 tbat b. would 1lclud. tbis as part of his .ot10D. eo..iss1oner Saund~rs indicated that he would a.en4 his ~tlon to include a .even ..~c coa.ltt.. if the Board wishes. c:c..lssíonec ~assc sLaled that he Ceels that each COØIIIlsaloner 3bouJd be able to appoinl so.eone to the co~itleo. ~t.sloDer 'aunders atated that he would ..end bis .otioD so that flye ..-hers be appolvt.d tn the conaittee and tbat tbere also be . s~f .~~r appointed fr~ tbe COUnty Kanaqar's ottice that would be . 11aillOD ~d a non-yoti1l9 IlelllMr. Vpoa call tor the qae~tion, tbe aotion carried 4/1, (C~s.ioDer Pi.u.r opposed). C~js.ioner Saunders slated thal this should be added to the 89ené. next week and the .e..bers can be appointed at that ti... a. 10B n',t 439 Pðqe )1 .. l08rn'442 OCTOBER 13, 1987 tt_ Un L&U. AGUMa..-r WITJI DIQITAL aoOIPKE1n' CURPORATIOX FOR IIA.RD1rAU AJn) aorTWau 1a"nU.LATIOII AJm TUIltlJ1C.1 ULATED TO All OFI'ICE ~UTOJlATIOII 8T8TDI - UPa.u'&Ð 1t'11'R ITIP1LATI011 ~T TJlI COUIITT ATTOllnT APPIlOTB TBS I.~~I'ICATIoø CLAUSI . - Assistant to Uc- County Mðnðgcr 011 iff slalc-d that lhip is a reco..!ndallon for the Board of County COf'DlSlissioncrs to enter into a lea.. ~ree.ent with Dlgita. Equip.cnl Corporation for hardware. soft- var. installation and train,ng which relates lo an office auto.ð~ion .yst.. He ~tðled lhat lhe Boðrd has always looked to slaCC to c~ up with a syst.. t"'at aJ JOW!I for data proc~sstn9 cOtlWunications bet- .,.." at,encics in tr,c County. rlc n.,ted that thc-re was" need thðl arOM for rep1ac~nt of th( IRl1 SYl!lt~ 5520 which is the .ðin word proceaf.inq throvgh<Cul Publ ic Works and par t oC COIItIIIuni ty Development. and at,ff took that opporturitï to t¡y and Cind an answer to incor- porate ao.e of the ßoa~d's desires for the inter-agency co..unic.tion. He noted that. a co~.ittee was put toçether and the final reconøer.- dation for the o(Ci~e automation systeM is the one with Digital Equipeenl Corporation. .,~ hdicðtcd thal It IS a system that allows for everyone to cOlltnunicate 'Hrect.ly with finðncing, with the Clerk's offic. end a~n9 t!'1e Board d'!pdrt.-enls. ~ape " Mr. Oll1ff indicated thaI. ~hf= County Attorney's offi-=e i. looking at on. ~tion o( the ðgreCÞ!nt and an addendulI that was sent in c4t9arding an ind<mt11(lcallon clause to Section 18 and he would ask Paget 32 .- .. - OCTOBER 13, 1987 tlult if this lease agr~nt í. approYfod thal í t be cont ingcnt upon the ~tty Attorney's office approvinQ this one section. e:.r.is.ioner Saunders qUHtt iOnl.~d if this lease is subject to annual npproprialicr. by Ute I..oHd of Count.y C01IUftissioners, to which Mr. 01l..:.fl replied aCCáraali\'eLy, adding that it is a lease that is structured in such ð way that if the County decides nol lo appropriate the f~~ in any given budget ,ear, then the lease is ter.inated and the equ_~t i. returned to the Dígilal Corporation. co.nlss10n.r Gla.. 8Ov.d, s.cond.d by C~i.sion.r GOOdDlqbt and carrie4 uaaniaoualy, tb.t tb. L.... .qr....nt with Diqit.l Equipa.nt Corpora~lon for bardwar. and .oftwar. 1n.tallat1on .nd tr.inlnq r.lated to an office autoaatJoD .y.t.. be approv.d with tb. stlpula- tloa tbftt tbe COunty Attorn.)' .pprov. tbe indeaniflc.tion cl.u... ... 108 'v.t 443 Page 33 _ 108P1E£(62 OC"t'OBER l), 1987 Jt_ "82 U80LCrnOll 87-247 1\UTIIOatlIlIG PV1tCXA8. or LELY ID.C1I 80tnB A/K/J. ULY auøocn aæ.ca - AUOPrZD Peal Property 'I4nag~nt Uire<:tor Carroll r4!rerred ':.0 an overhead drawing indicatinq the dcvelopøent corridors. She atatP.d that Deve- lop.ent Corridor Of~ IS the eree in which 60 uni~s can be placed and the acquislt.ion arf'a qoes to t.he south I ine or .De>veloptlftnt Corr idor One. S~ noted thnt th~ conc'~tual site plan show. that the units t.hat are dIctated by lhe IItlpuhted final judgftlient will fit within the ðeYelopnent corrIdor.. st~ oot@d that the appraiserll did relv on t.he conceptual pl,HI. She nol«-d that pro~rly llay be appraised Nnv different wavs and r~.rdles. of the appraisals, there lS an inherent value in this propc'rly and thet is, if it IS not the hnl lorg~ pieces of property that c~n De 6equlr~d, it is one or the last pieces to be acquired for recrc~tional us.. ror the public, whieh ia so.ething that should be eonsid<:!r~~. She Indìcat~ that the Board has v~riou. optiGft8. notinQ thlt ooe optlcn would be to exerei"e the! cption ~n"~lt with ttK· l"IlentlOf'l r:.( purr::h..1f}( thp boear::h prop.l!rty, ~'a~' full pure""" price, and retain tille to the property (Jr County control end .. int("f,an.ce: 8~ord option wou Id b<- to buy t.he propc'rtv and continue oegot/atlon3 wilt' the State lo encourage Sl,ate par- ticipetion. She n<·ted t~ðt t"'e t("'1ftS ~Ing r.:onstdt-red hy sla(r and beinç put Into a r' v I fwd "qre~~nl to bot' prl:ocnled nctxt week would be that the Stale would pay 100' of the øaxlmum value allowed by Statutes Plge 34 '/~ . ·IC:~M .... ..,~¡o/, OCTOBER 1 J, 1997 which vou1d be t~ a'/cuagf:! ~tw.en lhe Slðle appraisals and, in ret.lJrn for ..11ing the lend to th~ State, the Statf:! would then lease Le1y Bareroot ko<::h to t~ Count·,. and lhey would also lease ltHtir St.at.e lands to the 1IO\Itt-. of tAly Barefoot B<9~-::h which IS apprc.xilUt.ely S,100 lineal feet of beach. Sne noted that the Couroly would Lh-en have de'le- l~t ..n~t .alntenanc~ control of th~ facility. She noted that this opt.ion will be officially pr~~~nlcd next week. She indi- cat~ that the lh!r1 option t~.t lh~ Board of Counly Commis.ioner. has i. to let the option explr~ ard a'. thal p<"Jint. the Count.y would foe-- felt the 550,000 e>pt Ion pay.-ent. She 8lat~d that the Count.y staff ha. been vorki09 on lhe flna~íng of this project and it. is her undersundinq t.hat there 18 f 1 'an<:1nq available for the County to Kq\Ii re tM propor t f on í ts O'-'n. Co..ís.ioner Hasse slated that lhe County should look at. the -.cond opti?n only if lhe lcase aqre.-ent would be t.hðl the County ~ve full c?ntrol. Ife q'.J~stl(;n~ 1f there IS any (i9ur~'. for the ~th.rn 5,100 feet of beach, to Wh1Ch Mrs. Corroll et.aled t.hal t.he reviaed a9'~nt .~dtc~ that the leas. value will be 510.00 . ~~ar for '9 years. Co..iasioner Pi .~or ~tat~ thal if t~ County pule up two-t.hirds of the ~y, th~ .)n~y th~t the State IS contributing should be c~~- siderect a contributl');, an<J thc Caunty should own the prcperly. ~r.. Carroll at,'·J.'d that thl~ is 50fD0Cthln'] that htl5 been done thr~uihoul t~ Stat.· n( fllJr Ida under th~ Sa..."' Ol.'r Coast PrograM, Page 3S ~Oft lC8~463 _ 108ra464 OC1'Q8t:R 13, 1987 noting the State acquire~ lands and then leas~s th~ ba:k to the local 9OVer~t to qct control, aanag~nt and develop.ent back into local hand.. She noted thðt there ItfC cerlain advanlðqcs to lhis becauso there will be at le~ftt $1 -II: Ion that th~ County will ~ot have to pay out and if lne leðs~ aqrf:'elltient. g~n throu"h, the County would not only Mve control of :A I', Bar<-foot ~a(;h but wou ld a ho have control of the portion to the .outh whl~h would be . total of over 8,000 lineal f~et of beach. eo..l..ioner Sa'Jndcrs stated that he Met with Hr. Klaas concerning the possibility of [.el" providing S01De C1nancinq .Hrðngmnents for the Coun~y and ~r. Klaas IndIcated that úely would be willing to let the County pay one-half the purchese price at the ti.e of cI081ng and the balance to be pa1d ~ aonths later at no Interest cost to the County. He slated thal thj~ i~ ., very generous offer and one thf! Counly shQuld con8iðer taking advantage of ~ven if thert.:! 15 other financing avai lable. rinÞnce Dir~tor Yonkosky slated that the financIng that he Ic¥Jked at vas .ales tex, eJdlng that Ute debl service coverage in eales tax is adequate to cover the ðddltional money that would be need~d, as ther. is olread'j 51.9 ml I lion budgeted In the generel fund. He noled that there i8 addltlonð} "'evenuct!l. but C'vl'r·,t!m(' 5ðl~~ tex IIIOney 1S tak., ovt of the qe....er-al {un~ for debt ecrVICf,' funds. it has to be re;> heed . eo..issioner Cl~ss qucslioned if there is ð possibility that the Page 36 OCTO~ER 13, 1987 Stat. would pay lh~ S90S,OOO and still lease the 8eðch to the County and the Counly relaána lhe ~rship7 County Manaqer COrri1! stated that this was addressed specifically ..ith the State last wcek and t~erc is a r~quir~~nt in the law that say. that if Save Cur Coast bo~d proceeds ar~ used to ð~quire property for the State, th<,n th<, Slale auat hold title to the land and part of the County's 8gree_ent t~ participate in th~ purchase is the 1-.ediate leao. back agreeøer.t to th~ County and so.e rights reserved to the County on how it i~ developed and operated under thp Jurisdiction of the County eo..issíon as opposed to the State DNR. He noted that these are the conditions In the agree.ent and if they are not satisfied with thi., then the Board can purchase th4 prcpert.y outright. if this ie ..hat is elect~. Mr. Klaas, representing úely Develo~nl, slated thðt everyone has vor~ed very hard cr. this isaue and he ia glad that the Board is going to ~ forward with this .alter. He noted that in lhe financing arra~t, h<' would request that the Counly close on the initial purcha.. within H¡(- next 30 day.. He noled thal Lely hðS agreed to ..aive any interest, which would aDaunt to about $75,000. FinAnce Di rect (,r Yonk.,.ky stated that wi th regards to the CO\lnty borrowinq this ~n« y f r~ Le l.,., the County cannot give the land .~:.. security. eo-lssloner Sðunder. stated that County property cltnnot be .ortg8ged, adding that Hr. ~lðð. understands that thero ..ill not be a Page 37 ... 108~J. 465 NIt 108 PIø.. (66 OCTOBER 13, 1987 IIOrl9age on this prl)p(:'rly. lie indicat~ that it would be an unsecured note. Me. Richard Braun slated t.hat he feels that. once t.Þe Covnty purcha~ this pro~!rty, they nhould have full responsibility of it. He noted that he d~'s not f~l that the State should have any par- ticipation in this t~ach 50 that there vould be no chance of losing control of it. Hr. Javier Cast~no stated that. he Is against the purchase of Lely Barefoot Belch beca~se o( the p.xtca cost that it viii be on the tax- payers of Collier CC'\Jnly. He noted that there would be sufficient beaches in Coil ier County if pr!ople frOffl other areas vould not us. Collier County beaçtea. !'ape '7 Hr. George ~ellcr stated t.hat the County should purchase Lely Barefoot Beach IS t~ere are no beaches leCt Ind the County cannot afford to let this ~urchase go by. Mr. TOIl SchesslEr, represt?ntlng t.he Board of Realtors, prese.'\ted e letter supporting tte purchase and developm~nl oC u~ly Barefoot Bea~~ for I County plr~ fer thc people of Collier County. Hr~. Charlotte ~est.an, repreventing the League o( Women Voters, .tated thlt they ar~ In support of purchasing this beach, eddln9 that it ís the last chance that Collier County will have to acquire beachtront property. Cow,ty Manlger [orrill stated that in the event that the Board of PIQQ 38 OCTOBER 13, 1987 County eo..issioners wants to pursue the purchase of this beach, the Board has lM pr<:!I(!nt contract that was n~qoliated lhis past summer .nd in the eYtmt thLl tjt~ County would I ikt.:! to takr. adv~ntagp. of the rttVi.eð financing ilnd closlnq, it would hðv<: to take pl"ce 30 days fro. today. He noted thal the issue is lo either buy the beach or not buy the beach and J ct th~ $SO, 000 lapse. lIe noted that the subsequent issues ..ith the Stðte will lnvolve the State's considerðtion of the purchase of this property fr~ the Co~nly because at tho time they would purchase it, the Count.y wi 11 own it ..,nd thIS wi] I require that the State contributt.:! $900,000 toward the purchase of thls fro. the County. He noted that in return Cor lhis, the Counly w!ll require and expect the leasc-bfck because the County will own it at that time for 99 year. and the &card will reserve the final decision ðnd jurisdic- tion r.lati"9 to developacnt and operational decisions. He noted thðt he would bri09 back the proposed sales conlract lo lhc State ard he would hope that. at the Governor and Cabinet meeting of ~~ve.ber :. 1987, it would be epprovcd. He noted that il will ultimðtely requit) the County to nego', latc the lease land dcvc:op~nt agree..ent but thl conditions on which that IS ba5~d will be decldt.:!d in advance of that lea~ being taken bar.k. County ^ttornt!y Cuylcr stated that thero lire items that have to be provided to thq County froiõJ LeI'!, adding th.H therE' is It least one of those iteas that have not been provided and If the clo~ing need. to be ext4nded, the County will do so in order to o~tðin ~ll the items that NOlI .teR'J'.! 467 ?age 39 _ 108w-t(68 OCTOBER 13, 1987 are necessary. Hq noted that the closing will be Noveabqr 12, 1987, based on bevlng received all necessary it~. County Attorney Cuyler .tated for the record that Mr. Klaas indicated that he understood this. ~A..1ODer Glass aoY.d, ..cond.d by Co..ission.r SAunders, tbat aesolatJoa .7-247 acquiriDq Lely .ar.foot I.acb property be adopt.d .i~ ~ finaac1nq tbat va. neçot1ated by co.ai.sioD.r Saunders vitb Lely Properti.s and that .tatt 10y..t1q.t. applyioq the value of tb. State'. contribution to . .pecific portion of the land and qiy. tb.. title to that land and the County bold title to tbe rest of tbe land if posaibl. and then 1.... th. .dditional beach .nd that portion back &D4 ~ report bact to tbe Board. ~i.sloDer S.und.rs atated tbat bis UDderstandiDq of tbe action i. tbat Use county will proc..d with the 010.i09 .. outltn.4 io th. letter of OCtober a, 1'87, .od that tb.re be . clo.iDq on 1IoY....,.r 12, It.7, &ad tb.t staff in additiOD i. 4ir.ct.d to coa. up witb .rr.~.- .enta witb tbe stat. .n4 r~rt back. Upon call for the qu..tioü, the actioD c.rri.d unaninously. Page 40 Jœ-4.8t OCTOBER 13, 1987 xu. 'lU au~ "~~--1. '7-4'3/4'4, '7-4", '7-500, S7-502/505, AXD .7-50'/511 - ADOPTED eo-ias ioner Pi slor 1IIOVe(J, seconded try c~i ss!ola.r G004D!c¡bt an4 carried aaaAi8ou.ly, that 8uðq.t Aaelada.DtS '7-4'3/4'41 '7-4", .7-500, .7-502/5051 aD4 '7-50'/511 be a40pted. Xu. '11.U 80Ð4~ a---uØl~ a&8OLOTJOW '7-04' ~ '7-050 - ADOPrBD ~tssio..r Goodlaic¡ht ~e4, secolad.d try eo.ai.sioner Gla.s and carried aDaDi8oualy, that 8uðqet AaeDdaelat ~.solutioD '7-04' and .7-05. be adopted. Page 41 OCTOBER 13, 1987 Iu. '11C2 u.eournOll .7-248 ~PP1tOVIJIO All IJrnS'J'JUJIT POLICY - AOOrrBD. 1.1II-xIlU-USATI01I TO COnIJrt1K DETSLOPXZ1IT 01' A CASJI MAJlAGExmrr PLAII - U...,v m Finance Direclor Yonkosky slaled lhal lhl~ is Cor approval oC an i~1.t~t policy ~, adoption of a rosolulion and to gain board .ulhorization to continue d~vel~nt oC a cash .enage~nt plan. He noted that Section 125.31 of the Florida Statules provides that the !oard of County ConmLssioners mðY, by ordinance, authorize investment opportunity for lurplus fun~5 in addition t~ the investments that are outlined in the 5t~te Statutes. He indicated that in 1981, Resolution 81-7 ~a~ pasacd by the Board authorizin9 the inveat~nt of surplus County (un~s with t~ State Board of Ad.inistration end in 1983, the State l~islalorB a.ended florlda Statute 125.31 so that this ordinance ccold be pas&ed, but up unlll that li~, ever'l ti.. a new inv..t~t was pursued b~ the Clerk'. ~ratLQn, lh~ Finðnce Oirector was required to COGe before the Board with a seperate ~esolu- lion. He noted that us 1 ng this IMlhodol09Y the Board clIn 9ive t~. Clerk a broader ranc¡e of pow9 r 8 to aake invest.ents on be he I f of th, Board without a pepilral~ r~.olutlon boinq ~r~ðt<:!d each t.ime. ~i.sloDer Goodniqbt agY.d, .econd.ð by c~i..ion.r pi.tor anð oarried aAaDi~u.11, that R.solution 87-248 approvinq the iDyest..nt policy &Ad autbori.. continuinq dw.elopaent of tbe oa.b aaDaq...nt pl.. be adopted. P"ge 42 '01( la8,v,( 487 OC1OBER 13, 1987 xu. '12A ~OII 17-24t JoPPOIJrTIJrO llDOI.. TO THI OOLDn GAT. ISYA,... CITI.... ADYI.oay CO'OUTnI - ADOrnD Adlatnistr.tiy~ ^1'Jølst..rl~ t') th<:! (\o4rd r!Hð~løon stated that this it... reqards appoJnl~nt. to the Gold~n Gðte ~1'Jtðtes Citizens Advisory eo..itt~ whIch wðS ~'lðblished by Ordlnðnc~ 87-48. She noted that press releases were put out and a nUMber of re8u~a were r.ceived. She indlcaled thal Real Property ~nðgemenl has reco.- 8enðed ~rk Strain and La..r l/ers (or VhðS~ 1; and Richard Braun and Christine Outfey for Phase II. She alated that the Real Property Ma~nl Director í. rCQucstlnq that the f~ðrd of County C~i..ioners choose (rOQ the ~e.ðini"9 seven applicants for the fifth aellb6r. eo.alssloaer ,i.tor aoYed, seconded by C~iasloner Goo4Diqht and carrie4 ....t.oval', that aasolutioa '7-24' appointiDq a.abera to tbe 0014eD Gate a.tata. Citi.en. ~i.ory C~itt.. be adopted witb tb. foar aboT. .entioD.~ .eaber. and tb. fifth ..aber beinq Cynthia rULlkJMr. PðqO 43 Nt( 108,.,J. 503 ~. ~- fl......··.'.> I: 11.................. '. o·t:, t· OCT08~ 13, 1981 tt_ '12. Inn '10 UPOn 1'0 80AJlD IW ftUB n.ø WITJI upon UGAaDtlrG nLL8 JJID t~,. eo..i.sl00er P.slor slaled thal he would like lo S~ so.cthing done about the w~l s and fences that arc bP.lnq placed all ovar Collier Count.y, addi09 lhð'~ he r~la lhal the b<eauty of the County is bei09 ðe.troyed by fence1 and walls. He noted that ao.e of the wðlls and fences are an eyca,re and he would like to ~~ve a report nade with r~ards to what ce~ ~ done to control walls and fences. He indicated that he would liJ.;E: to have starr look inlo the maller and se"!! if the appearance of Collier County can b<e preserved without wnlls and fen- c... eo..isslootr ttassc d 1rect~ tha t thE: County ^t lorney look into the 1i.italions and options available on wal19 and ~ncQS in Collier County and repor~ b~ck to th~ Board in thre~ weeks. Mr. Iteller stilted that he 8qreed with Comøiasioner Pistor .u1d slated that a aoralOrilJØI could ~ put on walls and fences, County ^tlor~y Cuyl<:!r slaled lhat he would look into the adlt~r, but a .,ratoriu. cannol ~ placed on wall.. and fencI!s. t~.. .U" aTA~"'" ItBGAJlDUlQ COJlCEAL.lD WSAPO'" FOR Orr-DUTt OrrIC'BU - JiICXZP2'BD AKD I. COftPLIAØCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTB8 ~ly ChI'" 11ðrn'" ,;I,,',('d thðt undr>r îhðplcr 790 :If the Florida Statutes, it requlrc15 ð ~up~raor ?friCer of the law en!:lr,;c",enl aC)ency t.o fl1ft . atate,.cnl with I.he qov<:!rnlnq b0r1', that lh.,y arc .11ovinq ... lœ WI. 505 "laqe 4 4 6 # ,<.. .'1'.'. ". ." '., .. ~ ....j' "~ ~ .. "" .. lOSw.tfœ , t~ ,t'lf' ." .- OCTOBER 13. 19é, their deputies \.\.1 \..dl., . ^' ....to. Â" .: uu\.)' ...nd to .sttach theH' rules and i~.truclions ðnd lo show that ~hey are bondp.d Cor ð 24-hour period. Ke .tal~ thal h<, would like to take this opportunity to file ~hlS with the Board of Cryunty Comøissioncrø. eo.aissioner Gla.. .oyeð, s~-onded by Coaai.sionar pistor and carried UAaniaousJy, that tha aoarð accept the ðocuaanta a. provided by t.e "ariff·. Departaent to abow tbat tbay are in coapliance witb Florida .tatate 7'0. Page 4S M.,.. , \. i , .. 108-518 OCTOBER 13, 1987 ... 7be follcwlDq it... were apprOYe4 and/or adopted under tbe C~t 'gead_ upon ~tioa ..de by C~ission.r 'istor, secoad.d by C~issioD.r Goodniqbt, and carried un_niaoualYI ... Itea '14U cmAft APPLlCATIOJr TO ASllaT COICn.aøarn pLAJQfI.G UOVB.8TIJIG '150,000 ... pac¡e. _ S;;J..3 -..s-3 i It_ '14al lu.JIDT ~.....,... ORÐKU PO. "01'0 JIOOT WORIt TO nJUOO' I.OCAL 'aabuU DVal.a rr It.7/.. £co:\OllY Auto Body Auto Callery Body Shop ",-aco Aut:) Painl1nq , Body Works 8 , £ Aut~ Body %u. 'lea azc¡.~ ftItItIT JIO. 5' .11,3 - JIUI.a PO QUAl.RY - IJODII'IBD '10 UJ'LIIcr wn o..JUW..1' 520,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 Jtea '141' IVDGn AM&a--...8 U-EnuLlnlJIG OltGUIIATI01I8 FO. COICPLE'rIJIO DOAV> .a......,~.u CA71TAJ. ~&cT8 Buildi"9 CI-C2 Storage l-.ole.l.. StocJo:adc Ce~ralor Capital Iltprove-.ent Reserves 30l-1l3-0477 301-113-0433 <301-999-9010> S176,000 38,500 <214,500> It.. '1414 lID m. 87-1154 PROPOIA... R&7ZCTBI) FOR &.ELf GOLF Bann. UDJAJI PI.Ir1II11À11C1 Interi. aa1nlcflan':c conlract with RIchard McPartlin for 3 .-onths at 8550 per JaOn'th. %tea '14Cl Pege 46 OCTOBER 13, 1981 ltea ,14Cl ADCtnODJ. røJIDII POll TIm CONtlJllIn OD POR THB BLDBJU.Y nOQJtM accarrm IdI1) ~1. KATC1I IlfCUMm BY '44, '" See pa9P." ~ ..3 9 - ..5 If. ò tt_ '14Dl 8OLtCIDTIOII or narB.SIODL &JIGI...UIIG SEPIas PO. 0..10 AJID CODI&u('''IJOW OF TWO Dna MI. no.Jacrs AJrD B8TABLISJlUJl'l or SaLBerIO. COIIKInKa County ø.rn PObd 16~ WaleI' Main and Davis Boulevard 20· Water '''In. tt.. '1402 accs~ OF 8.W.', ~ILITIE8 AT TIGZaTAIL ~EACB See pages O.R. Book 1302. P.~e 283 tt_ 'UPl COIftUC7 1rIft D. n. 'l'tJCXER, SR., FOR THB ootOtUICIOTIOIl8/,nLIC ~ru œn.a1'lmlt' See pagos 5-'/./- ..5~'- Xtea '1401 azr2A aax. ~LKI POR IXXATB ~. 33113, 4'$50, 47'23, 2$090, an4 49500 ttea '1402 nnsncrIOII or LI~'. PO. SnYlCU or THB PUBLIC DBPØ1)B. See pages. ..õ' 41 3 - _~ .5'-3 It.. '140 lUacZI.I.AIØOUø COJUU;.sl'OaDBIfCB rIUD AXÐ/OR urzJtUD There being no objection, the following corrospondeno:;e was filed end/or referred to the various depart.enls as indicated below: 1. Letter dal.f>d 0')/30/87 (roe willi a.. K. Clark, Executive Director, reqarding Se.i-^nnual CCE , Title III Refunding Page 47 "to( 108 '.'~ 519 ; ... 108Wtt520 OCTOBER 13, 1987 Visit, Arc!a on Aging, and encloslnq a copy of Second ~i-Annunl Monitoring Report for Collier Counly Sorvices for Seniors Proqram. Referred to Nell [)orrill and Ciled. 2. Copy or e leller d~lcd 09/04/87 to James C. Giles, Clerk, frOtl Oerry lIa..ond, Assistant Attorney Oeneral, regarding Counties courl coals request for opinion regarding epportion- .ent of court costs by County. Hererred to ace, Bruce And~rson IInd f i 1 ed. 3. Notice r('(eive-d 10/02/87 of Voluntary Dis.issa1 rcgardin9 Case No. f!7-4183, DepL or Co..unitv Affairs vn. Greg Cabiness /lnd I~kalee Road Partneldhip. Referred to BeC, Neil Corr 11, David Pellrow, George Archibald nnd filcd. 4. Letter da'.ed 09/28/87 fro. David Arierlon, Inspector General, Dept. of Cor rect.ions, regard inq inspection rep<>r l dated 09/22/87 .. Collier County Jail, and attaching n summary indi- cating d~(icienr.i~s which requir~ corrective action. Rcferred to BeC ð rtd r j led. S. Letter dft:cd 09/30/87 fro. Douglðs L. Pry, Envlronmental ....n4t( er, :)£R, enclosing short {(JCII application Uïl. No. 111399S85 which involves dredge and fill activities. P.eferred :0 Ueil Dorrill {}(;'llerl, D"ve Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 6. Agenda received 10/05/87 frOfl DER for flor ida Hazardou,' Waate Treat.enl Facility Site Search, Public Heeling on Oclo~~ 13, 1987, Hollywood, n.. Referred to Neil Corrill, Bill Lor.~z and (iled. 7. A9enda rc·:cived 10/05/87 frOfft DER (or florida Hazardous W,.ste Treat~nt Facility Site Search, Public Meeting on October 14, 1987, Alt"JI¥)nte Springs, fL. Hcferrcd to Nell [)(,rrill, Bill Lorenz ctn.j (lied. 8. Neva Rcl~.,se recelved IC/05/87 from DER regarding public -.etirns '1ch<:!dl!led to dIscuss th~ tlazardous Wa.,to Trcatment Fecí!1ly3iling ProcelUs. Referr~d lo Neil Dordll, Bill Lorenz ðnj (i) ed. 9. Letter dðted 09/09/87 from Jerry Brooks, Chlef, Uureau of Laboratories and Special Pr09ra~5, DER, advising that ~.bers or the St'le of FL Enyiro~ntal ~cgulation C~i.sion plan t.o visit the Rookery Bay Aquatic !'rcserve or s..~pte..ber 21st. Referred to Neil )ornll, David Pr>llrow and filed. 10. Public Nf)lIC~ rcce¡vcd 10/02/87 (rom DNH ðdvhinq of public ~ting ';~ncernjnq beach access on 10/12/87 at 10:00 a.ra. to Page 48 OCTOBER 13, 1987 5:00 p..., ~a.blt.:!r C~nlty Center. R~f~rred to Neil Dor:í1l, David Pellrow, Or. Proffilt afid filed. 11. ~randu. dal~ 09/23/81 to All Interested Pðrtics, (roe B. J. Whllo, ,\ssistðnt t;hit.:!r, Burt."aIJ of Park Planfling and Design, I>ivision or Re1;r~alion and Parks, IJtIR, ad',isinq of ~t i nq 0 r t ht." Land ^cqu i 5 i ti on Sel £"C t ion Comrn i t.l~e on October 13, 1981, at 1:00 p..., Marjory Stoneman ooug1ao Building ðnd altaching public OQtlce. Referr~d to Neil Poreill, [~vid Pettrow, Or. Proffitt and filed. 12. R.SQlullor. r~eivcd 0<?/30/81 frolll Goldcn Catc: Fire Control' Rescue n I f;tr lcl urgl ng the acc to t_a~c IInmed iate and post t ive el~ lo instali and to Makc opQrallons, at County e~pans<" a rc.ote controlled trðff ic signal at the intersection of Coldt.:!:'\ C"te Parkway and Coronado Boulevard. Referred to Neil Dorrill, (~orgC' Mchibald and file.,. 13. Copy or ~tter to Division or Ad Valore. Tax -Trim Catap1ian::,!-, frata David L. ReevE-e, Chief, COlden Cðte Fire Control' Rescue District, enclosing copies of required docu- IIe1\ta pert.aining lo budget adopt ion. Referred to aa.:, Lori Za1k. and filed. 14. 2nd .u.end(~d Notice daled 09/29/81 from the Public Ser',ice Co..ission, of Prehearing Conference to Clay Electric Cooperatbe, Inc. regarding Dod:et NI). a70JS8-EU. f'iled. 15. Order dat,xj 10/01/87 frona the Publ ic Service Coanisøion, Acknow1e-d'~ing 1987 Pr ice-Inde~ing Pale Adjustnent regarding Docket No. 870928-WS, Order No. l' .33, I815u~ 10/01/87 reqardir¡g Holict.:! of Inlenlion or Mar';o Island Ulilitit,., a Divisior, ,r Del tona to implement. ~ pr ice index rate ad~ust- .enl pursJant lo Subsection 367.081 (4) Ilt), t'lorida Slal~t.es. Referre( to ~il Dorrill, Bruc~ ^nderaon, Tom Crandall an.:' flied . 16. Budgel Cerli f icallon received 11)/02/81 from Co1l ier Counl.y Sheriff, (inal revised as acceptr.d at public hearings for FY 1981/88. Referred to ACC, Lori 7.aU:a and filt!d. 11. HetIorðnc)u_ Jaled 09/28/61 to OCI:, frOtll Collier Count.y Sheriff, re9ardlng Sheriff's C01fiscalion Trust ~und Third Quarterlv Report, 19A7 and att.!v:hing report of activity within :hc conflscalcJ trust fund. Referred to BeC, Neil [)orr!ll, Lori Zalka and filed. 18. I~tter 1ðt~d 08/31/~7 from Sh~rif( Rogers, Collier County Sheriff, advising th~t th~ doublt.:!-bunking process has been coap1etcè. f'i led. Page 49 ... 108 'YJ. 521 .. 108ft!« 52! OCTOnER 13. 19 8 7 1~. Letter dated 09/29/87 fro. John R. Wodraska, Executive Director, South Florida Wðt~r Mðnðg~m(!nl District, enclosing certificele, in duplicele, certifYing to the lends in the County lying within the boundaries or the SfWMD. Referred to Lori Zalk, and fi led. 20. ~randu~ dated 09/23/87 to Me.be~s of CJIS Manðgeøent Council, from Wilbur C. Mill~r, Ct.-,irlftan, regarding approval or SCT vr>posal and Conlracl for the firsl Quartor Budget. f' it C!'d . .~ 21. Letl~r dated 10/01/87 fro. Cuy L. Colloctör, submltling 411 statement accordan~'~ wlth F. S. 192.102/1L John Yonl()!!J\o:Y an~ filed. Carlton, Collier Cou~ty Tax Cor such commissions in Referrcd to Lori Zalka, 22. Lelt~r dHC'd 0'101/87 frOtl\ Cuy C.Hlton, Collicr County 'tax Collector, 0nr;)osing r;opy of Rc:-capilulaUon of the 198f Tax Roll Cor ':0111(>r County, flcrida In.O.H. form 502). Referred to Lori l.,lka and (ílcd. 23. tAttl!r r~:civ@11 09/30/87 CrOffl Nf)rman E. Feder, Director, Florida [).~pt. of Tran!!Jportðl1on._tterlng assistance in our c~rehcn'iv<:! planning efferts. Rcfr.rred to Neil Dorrill, Ja~ F'ttzpatrid: and Ciled. . . . There being no further business for the Good of the County, thc ...ting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: l2:40 p.~. BOARD Of COUNTY COHMISSJONERS/ HOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO CQVERNINC BO^RD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS COfTrPO! ¡"".. AT'tl:$T; - "/ ~ ~i::VSy:s, CLJ~RK c£/ ;~;~.'-~2~ /(þ:ér&r.. R.. œ RMAN · 4',.These -In..U't98 IIppr~ by the Board on ~~./~/q/ I hll"" ~ a. pre&ent~d ~ or as corre~tcd Page 50