BCC Minutes 10/20/1987 R Naple., florid., October 20, 1987 LET IT 8E R£M£HDERED, that ~he Bo.r~ of County Com-iasioners in .nd for t.he Covnty of Cl')lll~r, end elso ectilt'¡ as the Bo.rd of Zoning Appeal. and a. t.he qovernínq boardrs' of such special districts aa have been cre.ted .~cordinq to law and having conducted buain.aa herein, ..t on this date at 9:00 A.H. in .~GULAA .18810. in Buildiog -Y- of the eovern..nt Center, East Naples, Florida, with t~c follovi"9 _lIbera pretHtnt: CHAIRM/.H: ~!ax A. Ha.s., Jr. VICE-OtAIRMI.H: ^rnold Le~ Glaaa John A. Piator Burt L. Saunders Anne Coodr,ight ALSO PRESENT: J.... C. Gile., Clerk: John Yonkoaky, finance Director: Beverly Kueter, ~put.y Clerk; ~11 Dorrill, Ccunty Man.ger: Ron Mc~re, Asslstant County ~.na9~r; ~en Cuyler, County Attorney: To. Cr.n~all, Utilltiea Ad.inis:rator; Ceorge Archibald, Public MOrk. Ad.inlRtrðlor; K~vln O'DonneLl, Public Ser~icea Adaint.tr.toCJ Devid Pettrow, C~ntty ~1velop..nl Ad-tniatr.t.or: Ann MeJia, PI.nning/Zoning Director; Jeff Perry, "PO Director: Robert Duane, and Barb6r. Cacchlone, Planners; H~~cy Israelson, A4elnt.tr.tive Aselstant to the Board; and ~puty Chief í~ay Barnett, Sherifr'. Oep.rtaonl. Page 1 MO( lœ'u554 OCTOBER 20, 1987 'ape '1 Iu. '2 MaJIDA AIm coaar AGD'DA - APnoTZD WIT!L C1IAIIOZ8 ~{..lo..r pi.tor 8OYe4, ~.coD4e4 by ccsai..ioD.r Gl... and oarrle4 aaaaiaotasly, tb.t tb. Aqnda 'Dd CODseDt AqeD4. be .pprOTH witb ~ fol1owiaq cb&Dqecl It.. "A2 Reftolution increa.i09 the filing (~s for proviaional Use., Reçular Rozones, otc. - Moved to Il~ '6C2. Iu. 114A3 Carnival Perait for St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church - Moved to Ite. '9A4. It.. U4A2 Coastal Zone Hana9~nt Crant Sorvice Agree.ents - Kov~d to Ite. '9AS. Itea 113A Constitutional Officers - Discussion by Property Apprais~r reqardinq th~ waiver of renewal (or ho~st~ad p.x~tlon - Add~~ Resolulion authorizing the lransfer of the I-.okal~e cablo TV Franchise fro. Century Telephone Enterpriaes, Inc. to florida cablevision Management Corp. - Ad.jed. Hell .9f2 It.. teA Public P~tit.ion rf!9ardíng systea developDent char9~. for Springwood, Inc. - Continued to Hove.ber 3, 1987. Iu. 'IA gn,oya aaanca A1rAJtDe - PU.8U'f&D ~lr..n H.... presented Eaployee Service Aw.rds to the following e.ployees: Hi..ko Ciu.tiniani 011via Urbina Library Agr icu 1 t.U((! 10 yra. 10 yra. .. l08rr~ 500 Page 2 .. 1081r~ 561 OCTOBER 20, 1987 It.. '5. ~nOll os.IGJlATIIIG T1D nB& or OCTOIER 18 - 24, 1917 AS "Dn.ana ~. nzr - ADOP'RD followinc) the r~adin9 or a Procla..Uorl rc Diabetes Awareneas 'leek, co.ai..ioa.r Pi.tor 8OY.4 it. .40ptioD, ..coD4e4 by C~ie.ioD.r Ill... aa4 carried 1ID&Diaouel,. Page 3 '.p, T"P, ¡,F,:, J':" "L ., .,tt .-"" '. , ,,- ~ ~ .. 108w.t5œ OCTOBER 20, 1987 It. feu OJmID.llCI: .7-aS AJma'DIlIG OJlDIXAJrCB a3-54 BY AJŒ1fI)IIIO 'fD FUTUU LAXD U8. at.&K&.rr AJID 11m 'f1tAJI8PORT~'!IOX ELDrZtfT or THI COMPIlIBD8IVE PLU _ ADOPr'a) WIn CÐ.IIGI [..eqal notice havinQ ~~n published in lh~ Naples Daily News or' Septe.ber 18, 1987 as cvid~nccd by Affidnvit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public heðrin9 waa opened to consider "n ordinance "~nding Ordlnan:e 83-54, the Comprehen~ive Plan for Collier County, florida, by '..D,H"9 the Future Land 'Jse Ele1lM!nl ~nd the Transportation Element of the Coaprehensivc Plan. Planner Cacchione stated the purpose of this amendment is to clarify, update and amend the Co.prehenslve Plan. She said that work.hope on t~ae changes were held in ~pril and Hay and the cePe unaniaously recoømended ðppr~vðl to the ~oðrd of County Commiaaioner.. She s.id the Board tÞen sub~itted t.he a~'ndftCnts to the State and wae fou~ to coaply with State Statutea and Reg10nal Policy. She advised that e ÞetaO has been rcc~ived rrOfll Dr. Ho:'no Spa9na, Florida Urban Institute, with re9ðrd to Sco:tion 12 of ~hc Transportation Element. Dr. Spa9na elated lhat hu client owns property i..ediatoly north of the JI;-Hart store in the Towne Center 1)0 Palm Drive. He atatE'<1 that with future developmcnt In mind, th~y ar,· rr.'quC:5:'1ng that Palm Drive be dP..i9nated a coll~ctor road, Slnce it has become a ~ajor roadway between U.S. 41 and Airport Road. tie st"tcd that with people uSlng that road to avoid the int~rsectlon or u.s. 41 and Airport Road, and the new road to the Government COtaplex, morc and more people are using Page 4 OCTOBER 20, 1987 P.la DrIve .nd it has becoae a collector road. In anawer to eo.aissioner Pietor, Dr. Spa9na stated thtt the proposed future c~- ..rclal ðevel~nt for this pr~rly will not be ð part of Towne l Center, bul a distinct entity. MPO Dir~tor Perry a~vieod th.t the .ðjor arterial and collector .yst.. he. been identt f ieð on Page 46 of lhe EJtecutive sUlIIIDary and is tItled, T.ble II. He explained that the deClnit.ion of a ..jor colJ~- tor roed i8 a roðd that is currently a two-lane road which the Co,nty pl.~ to viden and i~rove to four or even six lanes in the future. Be continued by statin7 that there are aar.y minor collector roade, auch as the ..in roada running through large subdivisiona. In .newer to Coa.is.ioner Saunders, Planning/Zoning Director McKl. atated that. sta£( has discussed this a little, however, they are not in & position to say whether it would be ðppropriate for a commercial devel~nt. She &tated it will take cl03e scrutiny. ~ap. f2 During. lengthy discuasion, A8aiatant County Attorney Anderson atated there are se... factora involved which affect this property. Jle advised the County curr'~nt1y has conde.....lalion act.ion P4!nding on part of this. acre parc"el where the sovage tr<-atltCnt plant ie currently localed and is tied in with the grant process that the County is undertaking. He Sfold the County is seeking to condemn an easement to keep a hU9~ sewage storage tank there and the ~tilioner has aome con- cern .bout the fact lhal the County keeptr.g the slorage lank on the hOC lOR·s" 564 Page S ~... lœ'YJ.5Œi OCTOBER 20, 1987 propert.y arfecla t.heir ability to devclop lh· proporly in vÐrious waya. He conlinued by slaling the County i~ also seeking a drainagc eas~nt and s~ r,f the County':J own pJ a 1S are. somewhJ!l tinter fe ring with their frecdo. to develop th#! propcrt( as t.hey wish. He advi.,cd that the petiUone~ has lnforlaally advisej that if this re'l!Id were \0 be ~l.rcd a col1'!ctor road, thf!Y would ~iv(' the County the drai'.1ag(~ ea--=-nt, atop con'.esting the condemnati01 action and sell the ut.ility ease.ent on the property. I"tr. ~ry Beyrellt, Gladca, In~., etatc1 that in the original settl...nt a9reetDellt with the COIJ!'Ity, the property wes ~armarked for develo~nl wh"n the County wee finished Jsing the property, and in the utility aett1e'~nl it was requested l1at nothing rellain on slt.e. He not9<S the County dld not wanl to buy t1(> property, did want the facllit.y, and ia nc.w tr'l1ng to condenm th,~ properly under the t.ank. He slated he would ll~c to utili;~e the re!",llnlng 8 acre!!, however, options Cor develo~'''l4ml are I i.ited becau~e of the stor!lge tank on the property. Co..Í!ssioner S~undcrs stated that if ;'elm Drive is 1esi9nated as a collector road, it will not have a dír~t impact on the neighborhood because the d~signttion docs not ~ean the: the d~velopm~nt will be approved. County I.ltorney Cuyler advised that the dcsi1nation may affllK:t t.he nUJIloor (·f pOints for t.he dcv~l >pfll(:nt, however, it has no effect on uae. Responding to Commissioner 5ftunders, ·...r, Pcrry stat~d that a Page 6 OCTOBER 20, 1987 collector road designation would have no e((~l on the neighborhood becau.. the County has no intention of .~~ing any mðjo~ iDProve.ents to Pal. Oriye at thia ti~. Coaaunity Dr.velopment ^d~iníatralor Pettrow etat~ thqre ar~ pros and cone to this iasue because of the eituation which edela. tie noted the roðd ia actually a "shunt.. becau.. it is quir.k. eo..iaaioner Pistor atated hia conC~Hn about the 1 iat. of roal,a on peg.e 60 which are croased out. He said he bel ievea thn flow of traffic viII be i~ it so.e of the iaprove.ents are not plðced back in the Eleaent. Mr. Perry stated tha~ the projr.cts being re(l?rred to appear in other places in the Eleaent and are tled to the Counly'a S-year vork progrM. Me. Alan Reynolds, of wil*On, Miller, Barton, SolI' Peek, Inc., atated that the list of roads on Page 47, titled Table 2, does not liat Livingeton Road. Hr. Perry advised that Livingat.on Road ia not liated ..rely bec.use it. does not. yet eXIst. He not.ed it could be li.ted with the notation that the road does not exist yet. ~teaioD.r piator ao.e4, a.coD4.d by coaaiasioner. Goodnight and carrie4 UDaDiaously, tbat tbe public b.arin9 be cloaed. C~1aaion.r pialor DOTed, .econded by Co..ia.ioner 8.und.ra and carried UDaDiaou.ly, tbat tbo ordiDance .a nuab.re4 and titled b.low be ~e4 aDd ent.red iDto Ordin.nc. Book .0. 2', with Li"iDgaton aoa4 being liet.d in ?able II, "principal Roadw.y Syatna". Paql1 7 .... lOR PI'.f 500 108,..~567 OC1'OBER 20, 1987 ORDI~ ~. '7-15 Nt ORDINM'CE AMENDING ORDINANCE 83-1>4, THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN f"()f¡ COLLIER COUNTY, f"LOfUD/\, BY AMt.:NDIHC 111E FUTURE LAHD USF. Et.f.MENT AHD THE TRAHSPORT^T ION ELDŒN1' Of THE COMPRF.:Hf:HSIVE PLAN, f«)RE P^RTICU(.^RI.Y DESCRIBE[I HEREIN: AltD PROVIDING AH EffECTIVE DATE, Itea 'Iel. DII'IaNUÞaTIOII U '1'0 1rJIBTKBa PJrfI1'10. PDA-.7-5C, All MDDlmIlT TO aDUJ(IU LADS P11Þ COW8TITVTB8 A 8t11U'1'AHTIAL DEVIATIOW - DELanD FOR AØYZJtTL8IJIG County Alt.orney Cuyler stat.ed that this it.ea wos continued CrOtn the ..-ting or October 13, 1987 awaiting deteraination ftS to whether it had been advertised properly. He advi~ed that it han not been aðverti8ed snd requested the Boerd deleto! this i tetn. Hu aa Id his office would advertise and return to the Board in approximately 4 weeka. ~i.aioD.r Piator aoYe4, a.con4e4 by coaaiaaloner Goo4Di9bt .n4 cazrle4 UA&Aiaou.ly, tb.t tb. 4.teraiD&tioD .. to wb.tbqr P.tition ~-'7-5C, aD ..eDda.Dt to B.rkshire Lak.. PUD cODatltu~e. . aub.t.n- tial 4eYi.tioD, be 4el.te4 troa tb. vqeD4a. PaÇle 8 - - - OCTOBER 20, 1987 tt_ '60 lØ801.G'rIœ .7-210, IJICUA,IIIIG 'I'D FILIJIO nu FOR PROV18IOnL 0''', .-v¡,aa ~, BTC. - ADQP'I'U) Legal notice havinq been published in the Naples Daily News on Sept~r 27, 1987 as evidenced by Affida'/ll of Publication previ~usly fileð vith the Clerk, publl~ hearing wa~ ~ontinued from Cctober 13, 1987 to c0n5i6er a resolution increasinq l~~ fees and cherges in County Zoning Ordinance 82-2. ~ape '2 Planner Duane st.ted the proposed resolution increas(~ filing fees for PrOYlaional Ua~, Reqular Rezones, Rezones to PUO, P1JD/OO ~~nts, Develop.ent of Pe9ional Impact" (DRI's), Sill) Develo~nt Plan Revi~. Conceptual Site Oevf;lopaenl Plan Reviews, ~ractionali- z.tion Plan Reviewa, Tcaporary per.¡·.s, .r.nd Boat Dock Petitions. He then listed each increase in the pro~osed resolution. Mr. Du.ne advised tha~ during th~ inltial review by the CCPe, Staff v.. requeat.ed to include the cost of review by the Transportation and Public Works Depart-.nts in order to .ore accura- tely reflect true costs of these petitions, JI~ added that based on 1986 filinqa, the r.~ fees would cover a?proxlmately 901 of the eo..unity Oevelo~nl'a operating budget. In answer to CODmiøOl0ner Saundera, :cunly ^ttorney Cuyler stated that the original Ordinance provides for fees to be changed by rcsolu- tion. P'9. 9 tote tOR '1" 568 lœ"~500 QCT:>BER 20, 1987 "r. Dick Braun opokc in favor of rai~ing the fees and having the people who use t.he C~uily Devclo~nt ~pðrlacnl'8 scrvicea, pay for t..... ~t..iODer Piøtor acT.d, second.d by Co.ai.sioD.r Ql.aa .nd carrie4 unaaiaously, tbat tb. public b.aring be closed. eo.aú..ioDer Piator .oved, s.conded by co..ission.r QoodDight ..d carried aaaaiaou.ly, tbat a.solutioD '7-250, incr..aiDq tb. tilinq t... tor proYisioD.l us.s, r89ul.r r.lon.s, etc., be .dopt.d. Page 10 · ..... 1Œ'To! 573 OCTOBER 20, 1987 It_ flU u.oLVTto. .7-251 AUTJIOIUIIIIG nz CJlAI~!I TO ani. IIfl'I) A C01n'UCT roa 'I'1DI ACCBnAIICt or Gun JIORY P1tOIt DJIR FOR T1II AJt'l'I rICIAL uap ~ - ADOP'RD Aseistant Nalural Resour~es Hanage..n: nirector Henningsen adviaed that Collier County has been awarded a 520,000 grant, from the Depart.ent of Natural Resources, to defra'l th(' cost of sinking .irpl.ne fuselage. for artificial r('('fa. eo.a!.eiODer 'istor DOyed, s.conded by Coaai.sion.r CiJOodDight .n4 carried anaaiaously, tbat a.solutioD .7-2'1, .utbori&i~ th. Cb.ir..~ to eat.r iDto . ccntract tor the accept.nc. ot grant acney, in th. aaouat of '20,000 troa D", tor tbe Artiticisl R..f Pr01raa in colli.r COtDty, be adopt.d. Page 11 OCroBER 20, 1987 It_ UA3 CAJtJr1'ÐJ. PZD%T "7-7, ~IWU:';S CLUJI or Jt\PLZ8 CIRCUS A'f nUl 8WMP avc:un GIOOMW sParra rACILIr! o. OCTO." 29 , 30, 19.7 - APPRonD Planner Dua~ 3tat~d tha'. th~ Klwðni~ Cl b o( Nðpl~~ has requeeted per.i..ion to hold. c i reus At the Swa.p nugqy Grounds Spor t.s raci Ii ty on October 29 and 10, 1987. He advised ~hðt the Kiwðni3 Club o( "_pI.. NS etated that "Inc~ the Swamp R'Jq9Y ""acility's property ie zoned (or circuses and s iøtt l.lr events, a surety bond ah.)uld not be a tequir~t. He etated that Sta(f is rcc~ndin9 approval of the request and V8 i v i n; of the .'Jrcly bond r~u i rcø.ent. ~i..ioAer Plstcr aoy.S, .acoD4e4 Þ7 C~i.sioD.r Goodnigbt 'D4 carried RDaDiaou.lr, tbat Carnival .arait "7-7, Kiwanis Club of .apl.. Circus at tba 8waap ~J99T Groun4s Sport. raoility on October 2' , JO, 1"7, be approved, and that the sur~lv bond be wðlvc. Page 12 ,ote lœ,t'~ 582 Ih_ ....C8.a;.587 OC1'OBER 20, 1987 It.. ""4 OUITAL nJU(I'l "7-1, ST. z::.UABZ'T1I .nON OT1l0LIC CHna POa AJrJrVAL CAJtJI'InL 011 TIm CJroJtCR GItOUJII)8 raotl JIO'YZKBIR 11 - l~, 1917 - A.P1tOV1tD Pl.~r Duane 3tðtcd tha~ St. Eli~abe~h S~ton Catholic Church haD r~uested per.isSl)n to hold their annual carnlval on the Church groundJt for the ~r iod Nove.>er 11 - 15, 1987. He stated that St.ff i. rec~.l!ndi09 approval wit~ the sur.t) Oond requirement in lact. In reaponse to Chair_an Hasse, County ^ttorney Cuyler ataled that the surety bond will protect St. £liza~·th s to inaure the clean-up is COItPlete-d. He stal~d lM dlf ference bet.w~n thia petillon and the previous petItion is that the Swa8p Buqçy facility will be cleaned up ~.u.. that ia their bU8in~&.. co.ai..loDer Piator aoYtd, ..coDd.4 by co.ai..ioD.r Goo4nlqht and carried aAaDiaou.11, tb.t c.rai..l P.r~it "7-1, .t. .li.&beth ..tOD catbolic Churcb, tor aDDual c.rai..~ OD tb. Cburcb qroun4. froa ~.aber 11 - IS, 1"7, be .~roye4. Page 13 :* t 1D8m51ß j ¡ OCTOBER 20, 1987 It. ..u uaoLIJ'fIOII '7-251 COASTA1. 1011£ ~aœJl'f '3RAWT .IRVICI AGUDEJlT8 U CØuwUI ~ JUrD ESTVUID aD1.'r1I RIDS - ADOPTED. COIITUC'I'8 WITJI JIOlnr GOD DD DOIIJIA Dln.l. - APPItOYED ~,ty Manager Dorrill adviscd that thls IS a continuation of t.he Coaslal Zonq Managc.enl Proqr.. which woul1 routinely be a con.ent agenda it.., howove~, to c~ly wit.h the r~viscd purchasing policy, St.ff ia requesting that the Board waive lhe rcqueel tor proposals proce.. and utilize the aervicea of the exislin9 contrftct staff. Natural Resource. Managc.ent Dir~tor Proffitt staled t~at the County bas a aeries of five ene-year Coealal Zùne Manaqe.ent proJecta which have been partially fu,d~ by grante frOM DER. He atated theee project. ðeal with beach erof·ion, land use, habitat data -.trix, and eatuarine health, (,tc. H'2 a( vised that this year there will be addi- tional work needed Cor the Growth Manag~nl Act in t.he Coaatal and eon.erv.tlon El..enla of the Coaprehen~i~r. Plan. He a~'/ised that the -.:>at laporl.nl will be the U'. i lizalion of the computer syste. at. Rookery Bay HaluraÁ Research facility to "ap ðl 1 the habitate in the County using Jand :Jct, acrial phot09raphy, and infra-rct~ iugery. He aentioned that the use of t~~ co.puter, p'oqr.M ðnd data baee are being donated lo the County )t no cost. Dr. Proffitt r~qucaled l,e Board to w~ive the co.petitive bIdding requlr.-nls to allow conUnJaUon of thlh scries of grants. c= ri.sloDer piator aoYe~, secoDd.4 by Coaai.sioDer GoodDigbt and carried UA&ftiaously, that R.solution .7-2~', Coastal lone KaDag__.nt ~'ge 14 OCTOB.. 20, 1"7 Graat "rYlce Aqre...nt. d..li~ .itb Growtb "aa'9...~t .ad ..te.ria. b..ltb Deed., be .dopted: ccapetiti.. bi44inq be ..i.e4J 'Dd the Cbairaaa be aatboria.d to slga .a Aqr....nt for S.rvic.. .itb Dr. Jtobert Gore &act Ka. Don.. o..11D. ~s The KRKD adv1.,a that ~r. vill be no re.olution for thh it... P.~. 15 '* 108".; 594 . , . OCTOBER 20, 1987 ... aac... A7 10125 ~.". ~..&..n A7 10140 A.M. ... It.. 't.l LAD YnrJ'OtID ~RJAL GAJlDD CEXETBtT DalOS 1108. 1121, 522, '22, '24, 527 - ».-0...1..0 Public Nark. A1alnlslrator ~rchibald Ilatqd that Staff is r~t\ng that the Ðoard ex~çut~ 5 ~p.eds Cor Lðk~ Trafforð ~rial Carden ~tery Lots. C~ C.sioaer 01... ~e4, ..coD4.4 by C~l..ion.r 'istor 'D4 carried 4/0 (coaa12.ioDer ..vnd.rs ableDt), tbat tbe ..1. of fi.. Lat. 7r.ffor4 K.-ori.l Gard.D C...tery Lot. be apprOY.d ..d tb. Cbairaaa i. autborise4 to ...cute Deed ~s. 521, 522, 52J, 524, and 527. tMC lœ"'614 Pðge 16 OC'T'CBF.R 20, 1987 It. ".2 ~t. Of A 101tTA8J.1 SCUZ. nAJIT f1ItOII POnucuz. Of fwaIDA, I.e. - »1.0..0 Public Nork. Adeinislralor Archibald ataled that on Septenber 22, 19'7, the Board authori7.ed an e~pendíture elf $40,000 to lest equipment on a rent. 1 basis for lunln9 ~revio\J.ly lar,drllled Ilutterlals to ~rat. '.:O¥er ..tf!rul and rc~ucc operating ~x~ndíturen at. t.he ".pl.. ~nd!i11. He stated that Rf'P's ~r(~ e4!!'nt. to 10 (ifllt. with one r..~. He aaid st.ff learll~ quickly that these cotrpdniea prefer to ~ll tMir e-qui~~nt rath~' than rent or l~ðS~ It, Mr. Archibald advised tha. the one propo~ðl receiv(·d will cost 59,750 per .-onth Cc,r the scre-!nin9 e'lulplllent Itself. tie said that in acSdit100 t.o ð delh'ery char9~ of $600, the, have offer(~ the oppor- tunlty to re!')t ð s('paratinq d!'~i!Je for 510') p~r wC4!!'k. He advlaed Staff NY v.nt to try thu eqJÌ~nt to se~ what result.. can be obt.ined. Mr. Archibald Ðaid that at a cosl ~f approxi.ately $10,000 per IIOnth, Staff is ho,oeCul of pr:>1ucing a~::t 7,SOO tor'S .,C IUterial frOta the e. isling waste to us'.? as :':!ver lIater 1o'tI, tie state<1 the coat of 7,500 tona of cover aat~rlal is approxiaately S2S,OOO ~nd if the operation works out clo.~ to ~hat Staff'~ c~pectation. ere, this operation wi 11 ..k(, JIIOney. In .nsver to ctla i rlllðf' "asse, Hr. Arc!" i ba Id slat~d the screening equiF-.nt is a larger unit thsn the Co.øi!J~íoner. vi~d and is simi- .. 108,,·1620 Page 17 _ l08'1'.tœl O::roBER 20, 1987 1., to equipaent being us~~ to crush liacroc~. Reapoodln9 to co..t.aioner Piator, Mr. Arct'ibald stated thal the ~at4rial th.t can- not be u&ed .,ill be ~lac~ btck in the cell. Be noted that Steff has been in contact with buyers cf plastics a~d .elals, ho~ver, nothing ia certain at this tiac. He advised that Slafe plana l~ uae the screening equipaent for 3 .or,tha at the Naples Landfill and one month .t the l-=kalee Lande ill. In response to Chair..n Ha..., Mr. Archibald st.t~ the equip.ent coat is in exceaa of one-hale .íllion dollars, and th~ rental .gr....nt provide. for 100\ of the rental cost to be a~çlied to the purchase of the ..chine if it is deter.inf:d thal Colli~r County ahould .ctually buy one. ,"ape '4 eoa.ds.ioner ,i.tor aoTeð, secoDde4 by coaaission.r Goo4uiqbt aDd oarrie4 uaaI.ously, tb&t the reDt.l or. . portable scr'.D pleAt froa Pow.rscreeD of Florida, Inc. b. .ppro~ed tor . four aoath p.riod with . ooat DOt to .xceed '.0,000. xu. fta) aID '.7-1l'~ POa ELECTRICAL I~UIPKEWT RELATED TO THE .IW Ala COIIDIYIOIrIIIQ PLAJn' - AIrARDBO ro GUrllJt ELECTRIC AJrD CDJUUJlG8 8OVTIaA8Y&U P01fla, I~ . Legal notice havlng been Jublished in the Naples 05ily News on Sept~r ), 1987 e~ ~vldenc~j by A(fldðvlt of ~ub11cal10n riled with ttw Clerk, bids w<>r" r"c,..lv,.d un' II 2:JO r.m, on S"pt~1Ib..r 16, 1987 for electrical equl~nt [or :he a1C condl tlonlng plant. Pe9- 18 OCTOBER 20, 1987 Public Mork. Þd.iniatrator Archibald advised that tho electrical equip.ent end stardby genera'~or is the se-::ond phasc for the ne10l air condltioni"9 p1enl. He slat,x) that. t.he ¡,west bidder on the electr i- c:4al equipÞe11t, Corl80lidatcd ~lcctric, doc1 not tnCcl t.he bid specifi- cati~ as oullin(~ by t.he C)Ynt.y'a consult.¡~q engineers and it is recc~fnded to awnrd t.he bid to Graybar Electric, the loweat qualified aupplier, an the "aount of $=>28,605.72. !Ie said it is also reco.- ..nded thal lhe s~andby gener.tor be awarded to Cummings Southeastern Power, Inc., t.he lowest. bidder, in the aøount of 513,=>00.00. In response t~ Coø.issícner Piat.or, ~r. Archibald et.at.ed the atandby qenerat.or IS II dieaEI driven aactine. co.-lssioD.r Pistor 1tOT.,4, ..coDd.4 by c~i..ion.r G004nic¡ht .nd oarr1e4 a......illOualy, tbat Ij cS '17-111S fCJr .l.ctrical equ1pa.Dl relate4 to tb. Dew .ir concSttioniaq pl.nt be awarcSed to Qrayb.r 11ectric tor tbe equlpaent :.n tbe u.ounl of ,sze, 10S. 7:2 &Dd to C1mainq. IknItla...t..n Power, Inc. to;: lb. stan"~ gen.rator in Uae aaoUDt of '7J, SOO. 00. lUll ".4 anI.m PV1tC1IA8E AGU.tdft FOR TIm .ALII or LBLY BEAC'JI 'OO'fll A/F./" LBLY &a.JLU"OO'I' BUCJI - AP..,-nD Real Propert'¡ Mðr,a~~lß(?nt Director Carroll stated that the revised Purcha.e A9ree~nt is essentially the sa~ os the on~ presented on Septeaber 22. Sne out.llned the following chðng~s in the revised 89ree.enl: Paqe 19 "* 108,.·,~ 622 .. 1OB.,.~ 623 OC1'OBER 20, 1987 1. Th. St~te will agree to a total purchase price for the pr~~ly whict is 100\ or the aaxi.u. va)u. peraitteð to bP. paid under S~tion 25J.C2S F,s. (100\ of lhe average of two apprailale). 2. County wi 11 nc lonqer ~ ot,) igatcd to COhait 5550,000 toward the de~elo~nl of ð State recreational facility. 3. The DHR will lease Lely Barefoot Beach and lhe 5,000 (.ore or lessl linear f~l or beach which liea ~tween the south bourðary of Lfoly Rar~rool Beach and the north shore line of W¡q9in~ Pass, Leasc payments will be SlO.OO per yeu for each pro~rly, (a total of $20.00 pQr year). !cr_ of leasc wlll bc (or 99 ycars. Collicr County wll1 ~ responsible for the development, manaqe- ..nt, maintcntnc~ and control of the lea$. properly. Ma. C.rroll ~ntion.d ttat the County is still not certain of the exact appraisal aaounl by Üe State. County Hðnager [)c¡rrill explained tb.t the Stat. exe.pl. the eppraisal fr~ public records while they .te in rM!9Olhlions. He said once the .¡;prai8ðls have been approved .nd .coept~, which occurs two weeks be(Gr~ the Cabinet Meeting, they can be revIewed. He noted thal it will not make any difference to the echedule on the executed purchaae by the County. ~t..lon.r 'aUDd.r. IKyed to 'p~rOT. the It.ff rec~.D4.tioD. County Attorney Cuyler ~oinl.d out t~at Paragraph 3 in the Agree.ent con~aíns two blan~s and the Bo~rd must clearly specify the purchase price. Comaisslon«r Glasa stat~d concern with Paragraph 10 de.ling with tho ~ðse-ß1ck, He ,aid it provides for b separate ~r....nt prior to closlnq, however, it""ocs not specify thal the 1.... .vet be acceptable to the County. ~'.slon.r I.UDd.rs 1K41fl.4 bi. aotlon to st.t. the pric. .. I'.q. 20 OCTO... 20, 1"7 100' of tbe ~~!~ ..lu. p.naitte4 to be p.i4 by tb. stat. un4.r .ectloa 253.025, P.'. 'D4 .u=1ect to r..lew .n4 'CC.pt'DC. of th. pro- po..d 1..... ~. Cuyler atated there is a sep.ralc agreement, either as part of the ¡ease 8gree.ent or a ~arate agree.enl that pertains to the right. .nd obligations or the p4rti.. with regard to the facilities. He .aid this agr~nt is not nccesaari Iy contingent "n provision and perhaps il .hould ~ includ~d. co..ds.loDer Saund.r. ~dlfle4 hi. aotlon .gain to iDcla4. con- tlDq"CY oa th. prOTi.ion ptrtaininq to tbe riqbt. .nd obllq.tioD8 of the parti.. _itb reg.rd to tb. f.ciliti.s. Tb. action va. .ecoDded by ~~..sloDer Glas. aDd carrj.4 UDaDiaoasly. MtC 108".~ 624 Page 21 OC'108!R 20, 1987 It. 'fCl COill'tAACr JIOa DE n 19.7/.. FVWDIJIG COIITJUBUTI01f 'rO '!'U DAVID LAWUJlCB IID'rAL aD.tml c:arz.~ IJIC~- ~,noY&D co.ai..ioaer Pi.tor aoTe4, .,coD4e4 by Co.ai..ioD.r Goo4Diqbt 'D4 carrie4 ....i~l', that tbe ooDtr.ct for tb. FY 1"7/" (uDdiDq ooatrLbati08 to tbe Dayid L~.r..c. X.Dtal lealtb C.Dt.r, IDe., iD the ~t of '126,400, be apprO"re4. Me. Oick Braun, CoI~n ~:e Taxp.yers As.ociation, .t.ted hi. opi- nion that if Devid Lawrence i~ 90ing to treat people frc. outside of Collier County, tbc Board .~~,ld only contribute their proportionate .bare lor tho peopl6 livlnq in Collier Counly. .... 108 "'.~ 640 Page 22 108m 645 OCTOBER 20, 1987 IU. 'K2 ocnrn.acr ~. n 19'7/" t:AllI OOIØIITKZ1t'1' TO ftl-COUJrn IOIO. I.mas - U....,YID co..i.siooer plstor ~ed, s.ooD4.4 b1 co..ls.lon.r Goo4niqbt an4 carried 8D&Dt.ou.ly, th.t tb. cODtr.ct for FY 19.7/11 c4.b c~ita.nt to Tri-coaaty leDior ..rYlc.., in tb. aaount of '34,000, be .pprOY.4. In .never to C:ll!rk Cll(S, Public Ser'lIccs ^dminiatrltor O'Donnell at.ted that Tri-Counly has er annual audit pcr!or.ed an1 the County will be aupplied wi':.h a cOf'Y of that audit. Page 23 OCTOBER 20, 1987 It_ ',<:3 ~ rea n ltl7/.. .rVJrDI.O COJrra1aWlo. TO SO.PICJI or DPUS, IJIC. - uno-\' £u coa.i..loa.r P1stor ao.ed, ..cODd.d by Coaaiss10D.r Ooo4Digbt and carried Rft&At.ov.ly, that tL. cODtr.ct for FY 1"7/8' funding contri- butioa to ao~ic. of ..pl.., IDC., iD tb. aaoUDt of '11,000, b. approYe4. lOGe 108,1'.1 650 Pðc¡e 24 .. 108",1. 653 Oct.o~r 20, 1987 lUll ""1 UtftIH lIOaA'!'OaI01C o. ACCT.P'fAJICB 07 nw ~"LICA1'I01I8 ro. CIIJII.. nt.aY18IOII nucJlIIU Wl'111 COLLIa. coCJn~ - a171..D&I) Assiatant to the County Hanager Olliff stated that the Ciret draft of the proposed coaprehenajve cable franchise ordinance la in the County Attorney'. Office and Is being reviewed and revised. He atated th4at the Attorney and Staff have requeated an extenaion of the exlating ~rator iua to be certain Uoet the document ie rIght the fi rst tiJle. eo.al..10D.r Ola.s .o.ed, .ecoDde4 by C~.sloD.r piator .nd carried aDaai80a.ly, that tb. exl.tiaq aor.toriua be ext.nd.d to Dec.-ber 15, 1"7, OD acceptano. of Dew applicatioD. for cable hleTisiena frucbls.. .1 tb colli.l· COUnty, ud tb. axi.tiA9 or4J.AaJ1ce be exteD4e4. Mr. John Keschl, citiz~n, stated ilis opinion that .ocetoriuae on .nythinQ ia not acceptable. H. atated that ..ybe Collier County needs coapetitlon to obtain the proper service for the citizens and cuato- ..r. of cable co.panle. in Collier C~unty. Hr. Olliff adviaed that he haa apoken wIth Mr. Keschl end he will be providing the inforaation which Hr. Keach} h~a requested. I~ un U80LO'lIOJI '7-252 AUTJIOaIIlJfO '!'lIE TJtAJISFZ. OF TBE IJOtonuz CABLE TV I'R.UICKl'. FaCK CanUkY 'f.LEnon zrrzllnI8u, I1'C. '1'0 FLORIDA CULE- "111011 JlAJQOmœ.T CORPOaATlg. - ADO~ Aas18tant to the Counq' Hanager 011 iff stated thllt Cablevision Manageøent Corporation has will asau.. lhe franchi.e previously owned P.ge 25 - - - October 20, 1987 by Century Te1eph0n4 tnt"rpr he., Joe. Ue etatctd they wi 11 adhere to the sa.e restrictlona which apply to t~ exiat.inq franchiae. He said thia i. .1~1y a trenarer of one exiating franchise to en existing franchlM holdll1') co.pany within Collier County. ~taaioa.r pi.tor MOTe4, secoD4ed by coaal..loDer G004D19bt and oarrie4 YAAaJ-ously, tba~ ...olatioD 87-252 autborl1iD9 tb. traD.ter of t.. ~tal.. Cable T\' rrancbis. to 710rida Cabl..l.ion Kan'9...nt Corpora tioa, be a4opt.d. aooc 108,..;.~, Page 26 OCTOBER 20, 1987 It_ '!.1A IODG&~ AMC~'~WTØ 11-4", 17-514/51.; .nd .1-1/2 - ADOPTED C~ia.ioD.r Goo4nigbl DO?ed, .econded by C~issloDer 8.und.r. 'Dd carrie4 4/0 (Co.ai..loner Gl... .bsenl), th.t Budqet Aaenðaent. 11-4" ..4 '7-514/516, b4 .dopted. Coaada.ioD.r Goo4niqbt ØOYed, .econded by C~is.ioD.r Pi.tor and carrte4 4/0 (Coanissioner Glas. ab..nt), that Budq.t Aa.Dda.Dt. 11-1/2 be a4opte4. It_ '12& azaourrIOII "-251 APPOIII'lIIfG rrn JUDOIU APPOIJr'RD TO T1UI D18lG1f JJm coanoc:T1OJ1 PJIOCZDC1UI Rr:YIß COIOCITnI - ADOPnD In response to Co.nlBr,joner Pistor, Commissioner saundcre atated th41t the over tho next 5 ye"~s the ':ooJnty wi 11 be constructing $218 .1111on of projects deall~9 with ~rowth Manðge.ent. He etated that the Board voted, at last week's aeatinq, to have experta In the construction industry re',íew the Coc~ty's procedures once the direc- tion i. qiven to staff to proceed with a project.. He aaid this COID- .ittee will have ð short ter. of 7S d~ys and will be reco~ndin9 waya to Nve the Count.y aoney. eo-iaaioner saunderu stated that this is in no way a criticism .nd will not be lookin9 ðt any past .i.takes. Ife aaid the co.uaitlee wll1 be revi~ing procedures and the worst that could happen 1. that theý will rind and r~co..~nd ways the CQunty can save JØOneYJ and the best that coul1 happcn if; that they would have no changes to recoll- iOOC 108,.,). 656 Page 27 r ... 108,.~ 65 7 OCTOBER 20, 19 8 7 IIend . Mr. Ceorge K~11er, Collier County Civic federation, atated his opinion that c~~ractor. ~ho do buainess with the County should not be appointed to the coaaittne. Tape U ACter a brief diacuanion on how many member. should be appointed to the coc.ittee, coaaisnioD.r a.und.r. .oyed, .econded by co..!..ioner Gl.ne and carri.d UD&Dl~u.ly, that Reaolutlon .7-249 b. ...D4e4 to .llow 7 aeabers to tb. o.siqn and Con.tructioD proc.dure. ReTl.. Co8aitte.. Chairaan HaaÞC requeÐted that each Coømiaaloner recommend an appoin~nt to this coamittee: Co.aisaioner Pi~tor Co.øiaaioner Cl~ss Coaa..sioner Haf'~ Coaai.sioner Saunders C~iaaionor Coodni9ht Robert Forsythe Earnest Morri. Gary C.rlaon Bred Eetea Cliff Øarkadal. Chairaan Haa.e alated his feelin9 that five ~bera ia suffici.nt. County Man.ger Dcrril1 r(~inded the !oard that the ÞOtion fro. the ...ting or October 13, 1~87 specified that the County Manager or hie designee is to serve on the ~omøittce in Dn ex-offici~ capacity. coa.i.sioner ala.. aoved, ..conded by coaai..ioner aaund.r. .nd oarrle4 uAaDlaou.ly, tb.t tb. action ...ndin9 ResolutloD '7-249, b. r.~lD4e4. c~.sioDer 01... aQ.ed, ..conded by Coaai..ioD.r G004nliht and .a9- 28 acre... 20, 1"7 carried ua·Ri~ly, tbat ".olutloD 87-257 appoiDtiDg Robert rorsy~, aaraeat Morrl., G.r¡ C.rl.on, Brad ..t.. 'Dd Clltt 8.rk.d.l. be appolate4 to tb. D«.lqn aDd CODstructloD proc.dur.. ...lev cc-1ttee, be a40pt.4. Mr. Dorrill advised that Staff will draft a 90ala state.ent for th. c~ltt.. and present it to the 8oar~ (or revi~. MOt 108 '1I.l 658 Page 29 OCTOBER 20, 1987 It. '12. ~i.I.U"tIOII '1'0 DB COLLIn cotnrn ACmIBO.IDS8 1fOKØ'. ...rwoalt lOa 87ATa Fala KXBIBIY - AP,ao'SD Adaini.tr.tlve Assistant Lo the Board [sraelson advised that the COllier County Aqribusiness Wonen'. Network hae requeated . contribu- tion to be used to pro.ote C01 Uer County through an exhibi t at the St.te rair. She st.aled tha':. the Board has contr ibut.ed to this in the pa.t .nd the BOney is in thl. year's budget. C~eeloD.r GoodAiqbt øoved, s.coDded by coaale.ioDer pi. tor and oarri.. 1Ia&A~17, that. contributioD of f],500 to the ColUer CouAty A9ribuslD.s. WcaeD'. .etwor~ for tbe 8tat. F.ir EXbibit, be &pproY" . It. '12C DI8Ct1UIOII OF OPITAL IXnanKB.r .L&IŒJrr. OF COJlPUHD.In PLAJI - 8C)AaD '1'0 uno IACJI EL&KJDr1' At' 'Ç;OJICU'8IO. OF UGOLAJt nzTIIIG8 C~ia.ioner Saunders st.led that the CCPe and CAe has recommended . list or various projecta ~hJ~h hav~ been tentatively approved. He at.ted that this has been d·,nc with li..it€:d public hearinga and he would like to' receive publ ir: input. on each project.. He euggested that the Board review one ele.ent f~r week during re9ular 80~rd ...tings. C~iesioner s~unders n.,t(·d that the ßoðrd laðY find th.t .Otae pro- jects ah<x.lld be built and o~h('rs lIay need to be prioritized. He atated th.t thi. 1s ln no w~, ð reflection on the work done by the CAe or the OCPC, however, the ultí"ate decision belongs to the Board and they caMOt abdicate that r'!s~)()naibility. Wte lOR 'I'J. 660 Page 30 108 Pro( 001 OCTOBER 20, 1987 eo..i..ioner Pistor stßt~ that aince thcre have been three publIc hearIngs end t~ Coø.ission h~. had the .aterial since April, the &oard .hould be able to schedlJle IIIOre than one elcøent. per week. Ch4Iir..n Ha... sU9geat~ that the 8chedul in9 be leCt to StaCf. Coa.issiooer Saun~ers 8tat.~ that the Board meets every week and by the end of the year, the &'ar~ will h.ve all of the elementa revIewed. ~t..iOD.r a'UDd.r. ~~, ..ooDded by coaai..ioÐ.r G1..., th.t at tb. eD4 of the COD..Dt AqeD4. each w.ek, ODe cepit.l IaprOY".Dt al.-eAt ot tb. eo.prebeD.iye 'laD be pr.Þ.Dted by lb. approprlate atatt .-ber. Count.y tùn.ger Dorr ill stated t.~1.t. hc' would not want t.he wrong .1.9f\al to be sent Lo the CCPe, eN:. ·')r thc! Public. He sald the project list. in t.he bud9cts and schf?dulea ",'Ore cI~vcloped throu9h thousanda of ..n hour. of citizen work and while the for.a. action ~o approve or di.approve all the work or.ly took aboul 20 minutea, it should not be confused with the work dore. He .tat~d he hopes the Soard does not in~ to redo t.he work dc·ne by the eN:, because il th-e Board wiahee to ~t int.o t.hat level of detail, then t,e advisory cO'MIitteee were not needed. Chairaan Haase stated thðt is not the intention. He said it has been ..d., very clear that the! COØIIftittee did a JIOnuJnentd taak and it i. ti.. to have II placed before the Board and the general public. Mr. Doedll otated lh.tt his other concern deals with a potential local option salf1s tax lh·,t .;ould be rescheduled for March 8th. He Page 31 - - - OCTOBER 20, 1987 .aid that one of the initi~l ~ritici... of the Salce Tax Issuo was that the C~ission had not ~~terained the project liat Car enou9h in adv.nce to let t~ public <n~ what they intended to do with the .oney. He etated that if onJ'l one eleaent is .eyi~ each week .nd it takes J .ontha to accoøpliøh, it cnly leave~ le.s than. aonth before tbP. speci.l el~tion. He urged the Board to allow th.t cate- goties be coabined where po.sible. C---i.sioD.r Ø.uad.ra ao4ifi.4 bt~ actioD to .llow staff tb. flex1billty iD echeduliaq .or. tb&D ODe el".Dt to be heard OD ODe day, if feasible. C~a.ioD.r Glas. ao4ifie4 bl. secoDd &Ad tbe ~tio. carri84 uaaDiaously. Mr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Pederation, auggeeted that the Board deteraine how th~ projectø are 90ing to be funded before they aay they will go forwnrd. Coa.issioner Saunders stated that ia the point of revle~in9 each Ele.ent. Hr. ~eller 8u9gested that the Board a180 request the .inori~y report fr~ the Committee during their reviev. eo..iaaioner S.sundera nU9CJested that the Committee Chair..n of the CAe (or each coaponent be notlCíed when their component will be discuesed. It.. 'lJA ADVU. amrnAL FILInG FOR JIOXS8'fU.D aXDPTIOK - nInD Property Appraiser Sam COldin9 distributed copies of the florlda Stðtute relatIng to ff~st(~ad EXefJlpt ion t'~neWð 1. Hr. Cold in9 Page 32 tOIl lœ w-! 662 , .:; ,;;o- f; ~. , ff~ t I: "" ~ 108mtm OCTOBER 20, 1987 requested tbat the Ðoard c(>nsider waivIng the requir~nt of .nnual filing to renew hoaestead ~xe.ptions. "Po stated that he will aiMply receipt the people who (ilr~ for the ex~plion this year. He advised that tbia change will save approxiaately 56,000 in .ailing costs and ..ke the proc:es. ea.ier on the average citizcn. Be aaid the eyste.., aa it at.nds, punishea all the people for about 1/10 of the people who try to beat. tbe ay.te.. ~! noted that other countiea are already uSing this proposed ey.te., In anaver to Cha 1 r..n Ua~.e, Hr. Col,:H ng atated that it will be a little ~r. dlfficull for hi~ lo polire. He said that the hoecetead ex..ptiona will be renewed .ut~ticaJly cach year, and if there is . CMnc e it will be up to tM individu..l to notify the Property Appraiser'. Office. Responding to C~~issioner Piat.or, Hr. Colding at.ted tba~ a receipt will not be sent to people who ere no longer eligible. eo..JasloDer pistor 807e4, ..coDd.d by coaai.sioD.r Gl.as and oarrle4 aaaniaously, tbat tbe requir"'Dt for annual .pplic.tlon of ~atea4 exeaption be ..17.d. Hr. Coldlng added that this is for ho-.at~ad exe.pt-ion only and does not apply to any othe~ r.xeaplion. hpe .a ... Tb. followinq it... were .pproyed .nd/or adopt.d under tb. Con..nt A9.nda UpoD DOtioD ..d. by Coaai..ioDer Pi.tor, .econded by coaal.s1oDer Goo4Digbt .nd carri.4 un.Diaou.lyt ... Page 33 OCTOBER 20, 1987 ltea '14M MaI"'4~ n11l noTIJICnOW.-108T011 AIJU.1JrE8, I.e. FOR All UR'LAXB FVlat.AGZ POR VII AI AJrrII'ICIAL UII' JeAn.IAL oa'f 01' QOItDO. ,US I.. p&9H ¿, 7ð - 147;).. It.. .UA2 (Moved to .9AS) Jtea 'leu (JIo'Ye4 to ftA4) J~ 'lCU ...",c......, nn lRA.ftLZY' a GAIAGI FOR nzPAUD aCJIOOL loal8 U1) son DatU '!1tOCU FO. Oil A.I AnIrtCIAL UI7 MAn.tAU See pðges (, 73 - ~ 7? It.. '14AS M'.PIUI'f n11l aInR CO.snOCTIO. '1"RTICJ:8, IJIC., FOR PaBPAU'flO11, ~JIOIrD2'1OJ1, AJI'D .I.XIIN 01' All AJt'...~tI'ICIAL un on.lou 01' WIGGI.8 .... - S1l,000 One hðlf of the cost to be rei.bur.~d by Lee County under Inter-COUnty A9ree.ent. See paqes (,7'1- fø 9'1- Iu. '1411 I aa8OLOTIOJI '7-253 U1) UTIaED 301ft PIIOJIC'T AGUEXBft WIn J"D01' roR DTCJIIJ10 ruJrD8 TO FOtJJt-LANI lJOIODUI·ItOAD noM 0.8. 41 '1'0 1-75 See pðges b9.s- '" IJJf It.. '1412 a&8OLOTIOJ1 '7-255 ALLOW1~ uss 01' "~._~I. FROM CAPITAL IXPaoY&h~ "¥DUI 8OJQ)8, .IIUEa U.~ J'OR IMPROVBKElfT8 TO ftl IJOI..oItAUI 8TOCnDI See page ;_LqS' It.. '141' aøo.øt ~1(1..w...". IJlCUU1'JrG JU't'fOIlIAL COrrJtAC'l' I'oa unJI7ICIPA'I'ID ''''1~ - '1',"0 Page 34 toil 108wol664 " IœPr'.œi Cener.l Fund Ccntinge~y Janitorial Org.nization OCTOBER 20, 1987 <001-999-9010-9910> $16,860 001-113-2220-3999 16,860 It_ '14.. hTAâIC* or coauklCr 'rUII ~ t'O WILLIM.1 . eo.., I)IC. lOa aID 110. .a-l004. 90LDØ GAn PUDAY JœD1U DIJrTBJrAJICB ThrQU9b the end of Octobø.r, 1987. It_ '14.5 am .,. "-11" PaR GOLDa can ~Y MZDIAØ DIW'I'mDJfC1I AWARDm TO snan's DIJrr'ØA.IICa 1'0. '15 ,2fl.OO Legal notice haYinq been publish#~ in the Naples Daily Newa on Sepletlber 22, 1987 a. ev iden-:ed by I\ff iday it of Publication filed wIth the Clerk, bide were receiye1 until ~t30 p... on October 7, 1987. lUll 'UB' n1D.L PLA'f en YO VIJrnAJU)fJ.l UJn'l' 2 '1'0 BE UCOaDZD Iu. '14., aUDGft '-It,.,.,..,. IISTABLIRI.G A ..PAUTB ORGAJlIIA'1'I01I roa ~ ... AlC ~ - '1.400.000 New Courthouse Project <301-113-0478-6220> <1,400,000") New Ale Plant Project 30l-l13-TBE 1,400,000 It.. '14" (S.. It.. ".1) Jtea ,14Cl aaaoLO'r1011 '7-254 AWn APPLICA'1'IO. roa ZKØ Ta08'1' PVWD XO.x&8 .. APPLIID 'J'OWaaD PUaeJlUI UD EQOI~ OJ' on ADDITIO.AL AKBOL.AJICB roa BK8 Se-e pages 70(, - ?/¡ It.. '14Dl ~ OJ' .IVIIIIA GOLF J:.a<I'AnJI UJn'1' 1 WATEa U1) 'BU. FACILITIES 1. That all 189a1 doculMnte are fO',md to be leqally sufficient Page 35 OCTOBER 20, 1987 by the County Attorney. s.. Page. O.R. ~~ 1~03. Page. 1514-1517 It_ '1402 ~ OP U"fILIn I.MElŒJI"l AJI1) CO.SD'! or MOIt'1'GAOJI FOR SOUT1l OOÐ.-x-:r I.&GIODI. lfUTnA'ra. rACILI'rIU PJIOJEC'I' L That.ll If!9al docu.ent.s are found to ~ 1c9ally slJfficient by the County Attorney. See Page. p.". aoo~ 1)03. Pages 1576-1580 Itea '14DJ CJQ.JIGJI oaoa~. , crIJfAL), '.,227.", WITJI AJUt01r U"fILI'fT SY8'l'mU, 1M:. lOa ..... UZA "A" - S'RAr IUICTAfiOll znwmrr 'rUJrIXISSIOJI KAI. - MID ~ or ST8TEM ?/d.. -7/'~ , See pages . It_ '1404 AOCaPD.llC'a OJÞ PBLICAJI RIDen PJIASZ II .nzR rACILITII8 1. That all l~al docu.!ots are found t.o be le9ðlly sufficient by the County Attorney. s.. pag.. O.R. Boo~ 1303. Paqe.~)519-1560 It_ '14D5 Aa::S~ or ax. WOOD8 CLOD Dna un .IOR rACILITIIB CI'ORUJlLT ~. U PIn GJIOTI CLOB) 1. That all lcqal docu*'nla are found to b~ lC9ally auCriclent by the County Altorney. 2. DtR c~rti{ication i3 rece~ved, which was applied Cor on 10/6/81. See Pa9ca O.R. Book ;303, Pages 1562-1575 It_ 'l.al .ID ~. 8'7-11" FOR TKB DIßJ~8AL or .0.'1,08 YBBICLa "5010 AWARDaD TO Dr._IAn .AUS FOR '52'.00_ sooc lOR 'YJ. 666 Page 36 !08",.t 667 OCTOBER 20, 1987 IAg4Il notice having been ptJbliehed in the Naple. Dally N.ws on Sept.-ber 24, 1987 as evidence1 by Afllðavit Qr publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 p.m. on October 7, 1987. IUa '1481 DYD DØ YIXI FOR ID1Aft JeO. 417.0 Iu. '1402 nnØ"M."'fIOJI OF LIEJl8 lOa 'EnIas or '11m PVBLIC DInJQ)za See Pðqf'.a lUll ,lt8 X%~J~' COl'a.&8PO.-Ðaa rILBD AJß)/OR UnJUllD There being no objecticn, the following correspondence waa filed and/or referred to the various deparl.enls as indicated below: 1. Letter received lC'/08/87 fro. Douglaa L. Fry, EnvIronmental Henager, [JEA, enc)osing short (onn applications (File Noa, 111402315, 111402:65 and 111403025) which involve dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorri11 (let.ter), David Pettrow, Dr, Prof' i tt and filed. 2. Letter received 10/09/87 fro. Doyglðs L. rry, Environmental Henager, DER, enc}osung ehorl form application (file No. 1114040551 which Jnvolvea dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil l~rrill (letter), David Pet trow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 3. Meaorandu~ dated :0/05/87 to Thomas Crandall, Ut.ilitiea Direclor, CrOll Ronald Cook, CPA, finance Depl., regarding County Wa~er-sewer Dist.ricl Interim financial State~nta for the perioo ending August 31, 1987. Referred to BeC, Lori loa I ka and f i1 cd. 4. MetÞOrandW1l d.'.ed 10/05/87 to Thollla. Crandall, Utilitic8 Director, from R~.ald Cook, CPA, finance Dept., regarding ....rco Water and Sewer DiatrJct Inter im f'lr.ancial 5tatesnenta for the per iod ending August 31, 1987. Referred to acc, Lori Zalka and filed. 5. Letter dated 10/Oa/87 frea W. R. Trefz, Deputy Asaiatant Secretary, Di str i.:t One, f't>OT, regard in9 Loc:al CovernlDl!nt Page 37 OC1'OBER 20, 1987 Cooper.tive Aaaistioce progra. (20/dO) with listing of Project Ranking aa advertieed in th~ florida Ad.iniatrative Weekly on 09/2S/87. Referred to N~il Dorrill, George Archibald and file1. 6. Letter dated 10/09/87 FOOT District One Quarterly Report, outlining status of projects undertaken in the District Thia report reprp.sented the reconfigured District One. Referred to BCC, Np.il Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. 7. "inut,@1I: A. 10;01/87 - Bulldin9 Dept. Board of ^djuatnent , Appeal B. 08/0S/87 - City of Naples Regular MeetIng C. 08/19/87 - Cit.y of Napl~s Regular Meeting D. 09/02/87 - City of Naples Regular Heeting E. 07/1~/87 - City of Naples Workshop Meeting f. 07/21/87 - CI'.'{ of Nðpl(!s Wr,rkshop MI:>(!linq G. 08/11/87 - City of Naples W( r~sht)p ~elinq H. 08/12/87 - City of Naples Workshop Heeling 1. 09/02/87 - City cf Naple~ Workshop Meeting J. 09/17/87 - Ccllier County P1anning Commission ~. 09/23/87 - Ccllier County P]annlng Commission Workahop Se ss icn L. 10/01/87 - Ccllier County Planning Co~iesion and Agenda fcr 10/lS/87 County Planning Co.-io.ion Me<?ti09 H. 09/08/87 - GGlden Cate Parkway Beautification' Agenda f~r 10/13/87 Cold(!n Gate Parkway Beaut. N. 09/18/87 - Marco Island Beach Renouriehment R~9ular HE-<?ttn9 , 09/22/87 Special Heeting O. 10/20/87 - I~kðlce Lighting' Beaut. A9~nda 8. Notice to Owner dðt(!d 10/02/87 from Robert L. Johnston, Agent for R. 8. Grove, Inc., 261 SW 6th strctel, Hu.i, n.33130, inConaíng that lht··¡ have Curnish'?d f-:mcrgency Ceneri'Jtor Control/General Acce8sories for lh(! improv~nt oC the real properly identi fic·d as .. I-.aka lep. Stockade, Stockade Road, I-.okal(!e, ~L, undQr an Order giv(!n by Bentley Electric, Naples, Florida. Referred to ^ubr~y Rogers, Neil Dorrill, Sk ip Caaap and f i h!d. 9. Letter dated 10/09/87 fro. San J. Colding, Collier County Property Appraiser, slJbtllÍtt.ing Prop<:rty ^ppraiaer's Annual Reporta for the yr.dr p.nded 09/30/87. Referred to Ji. Gilea, Lori Zalka and filed. 10. ~randuJl dated ~O/Oa/87 CrOCI Jellies ~. lIudeon, Chief fiecal Officer, Stale 80nrd of Ad.inistrðtion of florIda, auþ.itting Page 38 '* 108'1.~ 668 ....._'..'~-".-.'>._". ... 108 w.( 009 OCTOBER 20, 1987 Revised lnvestlftent. Activi t., (Jðnuary-Septet:tt".cr, 1987). Referred to Neil I~rrill, Jim Cilea, Lori 1.alka and filed. 11. Not.ice receiv~ 10/13/87 of Assignment and Order, fro. State of Florida, Civislon of Ad.inistrative Hearing., on Case No. 87-<4183, Department or C~nity ^ffairs, Petitioner, V1!!l. The Woodlands and Colt ior County, Honpondcnt. Referred to Neil Dorrill, D.vid Pet.lrow, Cecrgc ^rchibald and filed. 12. MnIorendwa dated O~/23/87 from Planning and Uudget Ing Section, State or florida, Depart-.nl of Revenue, t.o Count.y Property Appraiser, ~ltachlng Budget ~~~nd~nt .1, adjusting 1987/88 Operalin9 Rudg("l to include thf! (Inal salary for the offi- cial. Ref~rred to Lori Zalka and flIed. 13. Lett.cr dated 10/08/87 from Clalrc Severn, Account., Revenue Accountin9 SecUofl, Stale of f~or Ida, I>cpðrtntenl of Revenue, 1!!Iu~itting Stale Warrant in th" amount of $10,699.48, Collier County's portion or revenucs ::I(~rlv~d from lhQ Oil and Cðe Tax collections for August 1987. Hofcrrod to Neil Dorrill, Joseph Warren (ch~~k), Lori Zalkð and filed. ... There being no further business for the Good of t.he County, the aeet.ing wa. adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:50 A.M. BOARD Of COUNTY CCJ91ISSIONERS/ BOARD Of ZON I NG APPEALS/EX OfFICIO GOVERNING 9OARD(S) or SPECIAL O:sTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ATTEST : JÞ~ C. GILES, CLER~ , . - . . - .- ~~~/ . '~¿¿r, TIM .¡nutr.. approv(od by the 8oðr1 on /;/gz/. /~/'// ...tf>¡~~t~ ~ or as corrected T .. , ;)....Á.. ,- ". I .. I, .. . . ,. Page 39