Bayshore Beautification MSTU Agenda 04/04/2018 Offices: 3570 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102, Naples, Florida 34112 Phone: 239-643-1115 Online: www.bayshorecra.com Bayshore Beautification MSTU AGENDA Advisory Committee Meeting April 4, 2018 5:00 PM Chairman Steven Jaron Sandra Arafet, George Douglas, Sheila Dimarco, Maurice Gutierrez, Robert Messmer 1. Call to Order Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Approval of Minutes a. March 7, 2018 (attachment) 5. Community / Business Presentations a. Update on Landscaping – Aaron Gross, Ground Zero Landscaping 6. Old Business a. Relocation of Irrigation pump Becca and Bayshore – b. Thomasson Drive – Staff update, Next steps (attachment) c. Irrigation Repair 7. New Business 8. Staff Report a. Project list update by Staff b. Financials 9. Correspondence and Communications a. Keep Collier Beautiful, April 14, 2018 (attachment) 10. Public Comments 11. Staff Comments 12. Advisory Committee Comments 13. Next Meeting Date: May 2, 2018 14. Adjournment 1 Agenda item 4a– March 7, 2018 meeting minutes BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU MINUTES OF THE MARCH 7, 2018 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00 p.m. at the CRA Office, 3750 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102, Naples, FL 34112 I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Stephen Jaron, Maurice Gutierrez, George Douglas, Sheila DiMarco, Robert Messmer, and Sandra Arafet. MSTU Staff Present: Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator, CRA; Tami Scott, Senior Project Mgr.; Debrah Forester, CRA Director; Naomi Hutcheson, Administrative Assistant. II. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sandra Arafet III. Adoption of Agenda: Tami Scott made an Amendment to the Agenda to Strike out Sheila Dugan’s name from the list of Committee Members. Motion to pass agenda as modified by Maurice Gutierrez. Second by Sheila DiMarco. Passed Unanimously. IV. Adoption of Minutes: Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to adopt the minutes as presented. George Douglas Second. Passed Unanimously. V. Community/ Business Presentations: A. Update on Landscaping—Aaron Gross, Ground Zero Landscaping—Aaron gave an update on where his staff is in regard to landscaping: they are still bringing in mulch. Fertilizer has been ordered and will arrive in approximately 10 days. It will last 90 days. Two large Royal Palms are scheduled to be staked on Friday. The tree at the fire station needs to be straightened. Southern Signal dug up the irrigation system during the County project upgrading the lift stations. The project manager informed the CRA staff that should there be any issues to charge it directly to the vendor. Stephen Jarod inquired about mulch coloring. Mr. Gross responded that the county has 3 approved colors. If the MSTU would like a different color it is possible, but the CRA staff would need to go out and get 3 separate quotes and pricing prior to selection. The Committee is happy with the red color, they were just curious. 2 VI. Old Business: A. Thomasson Drive—Staff Update: Tami Scott presented an update on Thomasson project. There have been multiple meetings in regards to the project: with RWA and Andy Miller in procurement who have been helping to facilitate preparing the bid package. There is a meeting Friday with the stormwater department. A meeting has also been scheduled with the principal at Avalon School to keep them in the loop. She provided an update on the meeting with representatives from Windstar on March 1st and 7th and they have agreed to hold off on their landscaping outside their new wall until after the Thomasson Drive construction has been completed. Windstar will purchase, plant, and maintain the landscaping on the wall exterior saving the MSTU significant funds. A formal agreement about the Right of Way (ROW) and plant maintenance still needs to be drawn up. Windstar has already installed vegetation inside the wall and has the irrigation outside already installed. A “Coming Soon” sign or project board was requested. The issue with the MSTU boundary expansion is waiting to be put on the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Agenda. This expansion is not holding up the project, and it will be handled simultaneously with the procurement process. Staff will apply next week for a Right of Way Permit. There is a $1000 fee but it should speed up the process significantly. B. 2017 Annual Report: Debrah Forester let the Committee know that a copy of the Annual Report is in their packets and that she will be accepting comments until Friday at 3:00 p.m. It is on the March 27th, 2018 BCC Agenda. Once it has been approved by the BCC it will be sent out for printing and then copies will be mailed and made available at the CRA office. Sandra Arafet was encouraged by a show of what had been accomplished, and Maurice Gutierrez commented on Tony Pierce and his role in the Regatta Landing issues. C. 2018 Work Plan: Ms. Forester presented the draft 2018 workplan, stating it overlapped with the CRA work plan as the MSTU and CRA overlap. Items on the work plan include Thomasson Drive, Marketing and branding of the community and replacing the pagoda entry signage. The CRA is interested in developing a comprehensive Public Art plan and they may request assistance from the MSTU for maintenance and upkeep of public art. George Douglas mentioned there is a sculpture on Bayfront that has a plaque dedicating it to the Bayshore Arts District and it was put there for storage until an appropriate place could be found. VII. New Business: A. Office Space: Maurice Gutierrez brought up the office lease ending in July and a discussion about possible solutions ensued. Debrah Forester mentioned that Facilities had visited the building to make assessments about possible sound solutions. Purchasing the building or renting the space next door were provided as possibilities. If the CRA purchased the building, they would most likely 3 share with other county departments. While the current building is a good location, it has many issues with sound and internet connection. The IT department has ordered and will install wireless routers that may assist. The CRA staff is looking for a three year or longer lease. B. Project Updates: Project Manager’s Report: updates are in the agenda packets for informational purposes. A. Fire Suppression Phase II: Tami Scott highlighted the Fire Suppression project and noted staff had applied for another CDBG grant for Phase II of the project which will cover Becca Ave and Pine Street. The CRA is partnering with the City of Naples, who is providing $190k and engineering designs. The City of Naples has determined Becca and Pine to be part of the main arteries of the water suppression system and completing these streets will make other side streets easier to accomplish in the future. The finishing of Phase I brought fire hydrants to streets that previously did not have them and has improved those neighborhoods. B. Mattamay Homes: Mattamay is in the Site Development Plan Process. They came in yesterday and discussed an additional turn lane that is needed. The developer stated they would give compensating ROW for any MSTU ROW they utilize. CRA staff has another meeting with the developer on March 16th, 2018 and they plan on discussing connectivity to the community-possibly benches or sculptures along outside of wall—and hopefully will get confirmation that they will attend the April 3rd, 2018 CRA meeting with current development plans since all the CRA has seen to date are images of other developments. There was discussion on placing benches along this corridor and issues that could arise such as vagrants hanging out in those locations. Any relocation of trees would be paid by the developer. C. Development: Tami Scott noted that several lots on US41 have begun construction: the storage facility, Wood Springs hotel, and Celebration Park - the food truck park. D. Grants: Tami Scott mentioned that 3 C-BIG Grants were recommended for approval by the CRA Advisory Board at their meeting on March 6th, 2018. Two are for a new dentist office relocating to the area and willing to do pro- bono work, and one for the food truck park landscaping. E. Redevelopment Plan Meeting: Debrah Forester mentioned that the kick off meetings to start the Redevelopment Plan update is to being determined. It will be a two day event with a joint meeting with the 3 Advisory Boards- CRA, Bayshore Beautification MSTU, Haldeman Creek MSTU, and a series of topic focus stakeholder meetings including one with local business owners. Small focal groups will feed into a larger overall meeting to discuss the direction of the CRA for the next 20 years. Ms. Forester asked the Committee to look at their calendars and get back to her with any restrictions they may have. 4 F. April 3rd Joint meeting with BCC: At 9am on April 3rd, 2018 on the 3rd floor of the main government building, the MSTU, CRA, and BCC have a joint meeting. Discussion followed and staff will verify time and send an email to the Committee to confirm date and time. VIII. Correspondence and Communications: A. 17 Acres-Naples Daily News: An article was included in the Agenda Packet that highlighted the February 13th, 2018 BCC meeting and their decisions on the 17- acres. B. Keep Collier Beautiful: Shirley Garcia brought up the Keep Collier Beautiful (KCB) work day on Saturday, April 14th, 2018 for Haldeman Creek. Individuals may sign up at the CRA office. Shirt Sizes are needed as well as a Land or Boat designation. On this same day, Amanda Jaron will be distributing treasure maps for her Glitter Foundation’s “Trash to Treasure” event. There will be 5 locations, each with an artist painting a dumpster, a live musician, and a food truck. C. Immokalee Culinary Connection Day: There was also a flyer included about the opening of the Florida Culinary Accelerator. The facility will have commercial kitchen spaces for rent. IX. Public Comments: A. Moorehead Manner: Mike Patch HOA President wanted to give the MSTU a heads up that the Manner will be starting much needed upgrades to their facilities, one of which includes a privacy wall around their perimeters. He understands that the CRA/MSTU are against walls in their vision, however the residents of Moorehead Manner would like a privacy wall to limit the traffic in their mobile home park. Stating it was essential to have one controlled point of entry, as well as a valid safety measure due to the location of their pool area near the street. He is concerned with fitting in to the CRA/MSTU vision and wants to make sure he does everything appropriately in a timely manner as they are currently 3 years behind in their renovation and expansion schedule. He also inquired about grants for improvements. There was some discussion on whether the park would qualify for C-BIG funds. Ms. Garcia offered to review the classification and provide him the information. He was reminded that no construction should commence before the grant approval if they were going to be applying for funds. XII. Staff Comments: None 5 XIII. Advisory Committee Comments: A. Clean Up: The Committee inquired as to whether or not volunteers would be allowed in the mangroves to help clean up the Styrofoam in Haldeman Creek. Debrah Forester noted that staff is still waiting to hear from Ashbritt in regard to Irma Clean up and the best possible way to address the issue. Maurice Gutierrez mentioned the pepper hedge that is expanding in the preserve and taking over. It is a non-indigenous species and he wondered if it was ok to remove it. Shirley Garcia said that it isn’t killing the other foliage so it cannot be removed in the preserve. Maurice Gutierrez also mentioned that the Abused Women’s Shelter had not been cleaned up in over 6 months and they also have a pepper hedge that is growing out of control. Ms. Garcia will contact Code Enforcement to check out the property. Sandra Arafat mentioned there are lots on Danford with many pepper hedges that are not being maintained and that Code has been contacted multiple times but nothing seems to be happening. Officer Mike Nelson explained that there was a new investigator with Code Enforcement—John Johnson—who previously worked with mosquito control who may be helpful in handling this issue. Bob Messmer asked if he needed to speak with his neighbor about utilizing her property for the KCB day. Shirley Garcia said it was not necessary as arrangements have been made to have the dumpster at the CRA office. B. 17 Acres- Sandra Arafat asked for an update on the 17 Acres. Debrah Forester provided an update including an overview of Arno Inc proposal and the Board’s direction at the Feb. 13 meeting. The notice of intent to sell the property was published on Feb. 16 and all alternate proposals are due March 19. Staff will bring the item back to the CRAB on April 10th, 2018 for them to decide on moving forward with Arno or any other proposal that would be receive by the deadline. Stephen Jaron asked for clarification about Arno and Banroc being separate entities. Shirley Garcia said they were originally in business together, but have since split ways and submitted separate proposals, and now Banroc has dropped out. XIV. Next Meeting Date: April 4th, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. XV. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm by Chairman Stephen Jaron __________________________________________ Chairman Stephen Jaron 1 NaomiHutchesonVEN Subject:FW: Thomasson Drive   Thomasson Drive   From: ScottTami   Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 11:18 AM  To: ScottTami <Tami.Scott@colliercountyfl.gov>  Subject:     •            Stakeholder meetings to coordinate final revised set ‐ RWA (Due 3‐30‐2018)  •            Submit final set to ROW permit  •            Prepare Change order to extend RWA’s Contract for post construction services  •            Prepare Executive Summary for procurement process  •            Coordinate final set with procurement for add alternates   (FPL underground, Hardscape at the bridge, public outreach component)  •            Prepare Executive Summary boundary expansion of right of way   •            Prepare Executive Summary for CEI services  •            Meet with Laurie Bear coordinate development agreements   •            Meet with Windstar – Develop ROW agreement for Landscaping in ROW, Prepare Executive Summary  •            Meet with Mattamy – Develop ROW agreement for Landscaping in ROW, Prepare Executive Summary  •            Coordinate median landscape with Dennis Church PLA, Isle of Collier   •            Meet with Principal from Avalon school  •            Coordinate existing decorative lighting ‐ changeout heads  Redevelopment Plan Workshops Wednesday – April 25 11:30 to 12:00 Room Set up - Botanical Gardens, Conference room BGTCRA staff and Tindal Oliver staff 2:30 to 2:30 Kick off meeting- Botanical Gardens, Conference room working lunch meeting with Advisory Boards – CRA, Bayshore Beautification MSTU, Haldeman Creek 3:00 to 5:00 Stakeholder Meeting – Botanical Gardens, Conference room Commercial property owners, Business owners, real-estate professionals, Developers Thursday – April 26 8:00 to 9:00 County Staff - Transportation Conference room, 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Suite 103 Transportation, Parks and Rec, transit, MPO 9:00 to 10:00 County Staff -Transportation Conference room, 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Suite 103 Storm water, City of Naples- water sewer Capacity -Fire Suppression 10:30 to 12:00 Stakeholder Meeting- CRA office 3570 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102 Gateway Triangle Residents and Business Owner 1:00 to 1:30 Room set up- Botanical Gardens, Conference room BGTCRA Staff 1:30 to 2:30 Stakeholders Meeting- Botanical Gardens, Conference room Public art, tourism, 3:00 to 4:30 Stakeholders Meeting -Botanical Gardens, Conference room Design professionals- Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects, Planners 4:30 to 6:00 Break BGTCRA staff 6:00 to 8:00 Community Outreach Forum - Botanical Gardens, Conference room Public Friday – April 27 8:30 to 10:00 County Staff - Botanical Gardens, Conference room Growth Management, Comp Planning, Zoning 10:00 to 11:00 County Staff - Botanical Gardens, Conference room Parks and Recreation 11:30 to 1:00 Boat Trip – Haldeman Creek - County Staff BGTCRA Staff, Consultant, CAO