BCC Minutes 11/16/1987 W ... - - Naples, Florida, November 16, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and ~s the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been cr.ated according to la~ and having conducted business herein, met ~n this date at 9:00 A.M. in woaxsøop 8Z88IOØ in Building ·F" of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRKAN: Max A. Has.e, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnol~ Lee Glass John A. Plator Burt L. øaundeu Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Kueter, Deputy Clerk; Ron McLemore, As.istant County Manager: Jane Fitzpatrick, Growth Management Coordinator: Robert Wiley, Growth Management Engineer; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; John Boldt, Water Management Director; T~ Donegan, S91id Waste Projects Coordinator; Xevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator and Clifford Crawford, Park. , Recreation Director. IDOl 109 'A&£ 500 Page 1 NOVEMBER l6, 1987 an%n O. DnIDGB CAPI'l'AL IJIP1IOVDUUII'f BLBXBJIT 01' TBB COKPRJIKD8rvB . !'LA. Water Management Director Boldt stated that over the years Collier County and the Big Cypress Basin Board have conducted a number of stu- dies on drainage basins and watersheds, and while each had a specific purpose, they were never coordinated and compiled. He stated they have compiled the available information to identify what work is needed within Collier County. He stated they have also identified a complete inventory on basins and water level control structure.. He noted there are 310 mi les of pr imary and secondary cl.nals and approxi- mately 62 control structures within Collier County. Mr. Boldt advised that a number of these system. are under the operation and maintenance control of the Big Cypress Basin Board, however, their role does not allow them to undertake capital programs on the canal systems. He then described in detail how the Level of Service Standards were computed for the DraInage Element. Mr. Boldt noted that no one has attempted to establish a Level of Service Standard for dra~nage and from what they have been able to learn, Collier County is at the"forefront in this area. He stated they have divided the County into three sections identified as: ~reater Metropolitan Coastal Urban Area, The Vested Estates Area, Isolated Urban and all other Rural Areas. He stated the Coastal Area is divided into two areas: 1. Primary - major systems such as Lely Canal, Halderman Creek, Henderson Creek, Cordon River Extension, Cocohatchee Canal, etc. .. 100 net 505 Page 2 ","~-""" ......... MIl 109 r&ç[ 506 NOVEMBER 16, 1987 2. Secondary - smaller systems which serve individual projects and have been divided into pre-1977 and post-1977. Mr. Boldt said that the post-1977 systems were required to be built to tOday's standard of a 2S year/3 day capability, however, the standard for pre-1977 was a 10 year/3 day requirement. Mr. Boldt stated that tha next hurdle is to request proposals to develop an overall master plan for criteria. He said that once that is complete, individual basin studies will have to be c~mpleted for each project. Responding to Commissioner Saunders, .Mr. Boldt stated that the Master Plan will be a six to twelve month endeavor and during this time they will need to begin obtaining easements and securing permits. Commissioner Saunders stated that it does not appear that the entire list of projects could be completed within 5 years and may take longer. He 8tated that, at the present time they are dealing only with a 8Pecific five-year period. In respons. to Commissioner Pistor, Commissioner Saunder8 stated that if it may take longer than 5 years, it could possibly reduce the shortfall of funds for the period. In answer to Commissioner Pi.tor, Mr. Boldt stated that a lot of the engineering work has been completed, however, the environmental issues need to be addres.ed before permitting can be obtained. Answering Chairman Has.e, Mr. Boldt stated that the Master Plan comprises approximately 5300,000 of the cost. Growth Management Coordinator Fitzpatrick stated that the $27 Page 3 - - - - - - NOVEMBER 16, 1987 aillion is a total for the five-year period, however, the County's -portion of that is S21.8 million. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Ms. Fitzpatrick explained that $900,000 has been carried forward and $2.1 million has been budgeted this year through County- wide property taxes and special assessment. She stated that the unfunded portion is actually 518 million over a four year ~eriod, with the County's portion being a little over $11 million. Growth Management Engineer Wiley showed slides of funding reports and an expenditure schedule. He also stated that the environmental issues will be the most difficult to achieve because it is still unclear as to what will be required. He noted the p:ojecta may fluc- tuate depending on the outcome of the Master Plan. Commissioner Saunders stated that he does not want to cram $27 aillion worth of projects into the last three years of this 5 year period and establish the funds when it may turn out that 8 years are needed for completion. Mr. Boldt noted that the Comprehensive Plan will be reviewed on an annual ba.!s and each year it will become a new 5 year plan. Mr. George ~eller, Collier County Civic Federation, stated that the State environmentalists will dictate what can be done on drainage. He pointed out that if they say that Collier County cannot discharge into the estuarine areas, then there is no way of getting rid of ~he water. Mr. John ~eschl, resident of Westwinds Mobile Estates, stated that Page .. 1001 109 'AG[ 507 _ 109 ~Ar1. 508 NOVEMBER 16, 1987 they have always had a flooding problem. fie said he ia not opposed to raising taxes if it is for the benefit of the residents of the County. A lengthy discussion followed on the principals involved in drainage and how building up the land and digging lakes will insure water retention on site. Public Works Administrator Archibald explained, however, that there is a certain amount of discharge which .ust be provided. un.. O. SOLID WU'1'B CAPI'I'AL IXPJtOV......., BLBXBJrl' 01' 'l'!IB COKPU1lBJC8IVB PLU Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the Citizens Advisory Committee's report on solid waste is based on the con- tinuation of a landfill type operation. He stated that when converted to a per capita basis, a figure of I.SS tons per year per capita was used. He noted that the CAC came up with two very important recommen- dations: 1) there should never be less than two years worth of lined cells in inventory: and 2) there should never be less than 10 years worth of land in inventory. He noted that Collier County currently meets these requirements. He also noted that Staff will be reporting to the Board on the expansion of the landfill operation at either its present site or using another site. Hr. Archibald explained to Commissioner Saunders how the average of 1.55 tons per year per capita was calculated. Mr. Archibald indi- cated that the due to the construction industry in Southwest Florida, . considerable amount of the materials going to the landfill are Page 5 - - .. .. NOVEMBER 16, 1987 construction materials and biomass. He explained that this material . is segregated because that type of material does not have to be covered. He noted that the largest cost of operation is the cover aaterial. He also noted that most of the material is from cleared land when developers do not burn the trees and shrubs on site. In answer to Commissioner Class, Mr. Tom Donegan, Solid Waste Project Coordinator, advised there are permits issued for pit burners with a special design and they are fairly portable, Commissioner Class suggested that maybe private enterprise needs to be encouraged to provide this service to people who are ~learing lots. Responding to Chairman Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that they are aware that technology in solid waste is changing and they are exploring the options, however, for the purposes of the Growth Management Plan, only existing permitted operations which will fulfill Collier County's need for the next five-year period was reviewed. Mr. DonØ9an added that source separation, recycling and landfill mining are all being explored and are incorporated into the goals and objectives of the Solid Waste Element. Me. Fitzpatrick added that the standards which were adopted in Septeøber will be implemented in August, 1988. She said the Committee is reviewing long range goals to reduce the standards. Commissioner Glass stated that these programs are not new and have been tested. He stated it is merely a matter of implementing what ie already in existence. 100« 109 raGt 509 pac;,e 6 ... 1U9rs«510 NOVEMBER 16, 1987 Mr. George Keller, Collier CoUnty Civic Federation, stated that he has spoken with the management of Yahl Brothers and they ~~uld like to begin to recycle paper and cardboard, however, they are tied to a contract which specifies certain things. Chairman Hasse stated that contracts can be amended, if the need arises. Mr. Archibald stated that Staff will be reportin9 to the Board on the screening project and will report on costs of alternative opera- tions for the landfill. ann 07 PAIWI AIm UCUA~IOII CAPIDL IKP.fQ.rVbour,r .LDJnr.r OF 1'11:11 00IØUDJf11ft P1JUI . Parks & Recreation Director Crawford stated thðt during the various processes for the Growth Management Plan, three iasues have developed which need clarification and require direction from the Board of County Commissioners. He stated that the situation is that the Community Parks Master Plan does not interface with the Growth Management Plan and the i.pact is that the Phase II improvements con- tained in the Master Plan will not be addressed during the five-year period outlined in the Growth Management Plan. He said there are also specific facilities which were not addressed within the Master Plans. In response to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Crawford stated they have begun to keep user statistics for the parks and have one ~nth's sta- tistics available. Mr. Crawford also stated that North Naples has not received a lot of activity bec.use Staff has just beun hired and orga- nized activities are just be~inning. Page 7 . J;~ . - - - NOVEMBER 16, 1987 Answering Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Crawford stated that $13 .illion of the needed 520 .illion is attributable to current popula- tion. In answer to Comaissioner Pistor, Mr. Crawford stated that the current remaining funds frOM the Parks Bond Issue are comøitted to the development and construction of the East Naples Community Park. He also noted that during the budget hearing the Board established a $100,000 reserve for each park and one for the overall Community Park Sy.tem. Responding to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Crawford stated that the county's relationship with the School Board has been very thoroughly discussed. He stated that this relationship in general is very good, however, there is a need beyond what the School Boar1 can provide. He stated the major consideration in things like track and field, foot- ball, and gymnasiums is accessibility as well as sCheduling dif- ficulties. Mr. Crawford stated there is also an issue on pool.. He stated the current Growth Manag...nt Plan does not provide for pools in each park. He explained the Com.ittee has presented three options for pools and have chosen Option ·C· allowing for the development of one olympic size pool to serve the Naples area and one community pool to serve the Immokalee area. He said this option raises a question on Marco Island because that Community Park hðs a pool in its Master Plan. Commissioner Pistor advised that he has already reco...nded that the Marco Island reserve be used for the pool since the residents Page 8 &oø 109 'A&£ 511 1M 1D9rK£512 NOVEMBER 16, 1987 of Marco are already in the process of raising money to ....l this need. He stated that the School Board does not have any pools and the only ones available for use are at the YMCA, which are being used to capacity. He stated that so.e thought should be given to community pools in each park with each area contributing to their pool. Mr. Crawford pointed out that the cost of building S or 6 com- .unity pools is prohibitive and the CAC felt that a regional pool of regulation olympic size would draw from a larger population base. In answer to Commissioner Glasa, Hr. Crawford stated the initial recom- ..ndation is to locate the olympic pool at the Colden Gate Community Park because of its central location. Commissioner Glass noted that to someone who does not know the area it is not very accessible to 1-75 and very difficult to find. Mr. Crawford stated another issue is the boat ramps. He said that · portion of this i..ue has already been taken care of and part of the reserve money for each park came from the boa~ ramps. He stated they would like a study on this subject which could be funded through local boat registrations. Commissioner Goodnight stated that County sports fields are needed s1nce the School Board charges the Pop Warner League $500 per football vame to use their field. She also stated that the thoughts on the olympic pool were that they could be used by the school teams and the School Board could help with the maintenance costs through fees. She said it would also provide one pool in the County where they could all Page 9 - - - ·__·~_._·_....u_._.. NOVEMBER 16, 1987 compete and practice. Commissioner Saunders asked if there is any merit to considering another referendum for f~cilities that are major ite.s? Mr. Crawford stated t~at the Growth Hanageøent Act requires the County to have an identified fixed resource for the facility and a bond referendum is not considered a fixed resource. Commissioner Saunders stated that a policy decision for an olympic pool would allow other funding methods. Mr. Crawford noted that if the olympic pool is left out of the Comprehensive Plan, the Board would be saying there is no level of service for that type of facility. Commissioner Goodnight stated that hopefully money will be available from the Save Our Rivers Program and the County will not have to spend $5 million for a regional park. She stated that if the County does not have to pay for the land, the Packs & Recreation por- tion will not be that substantial. Mr. Crawford stated that while fixed fundi~g sources must be identified, it will not prohibit other options. Mr. George Keller, C9l1ier County Civic Federation, stated that the school already have a number of the listed facilities and he feels that the County should becoøe more coordinated with the School Board. Mr. Tom Peek, Chairman of the CAC Subcomnittee on Parks & Recreation, advised that all facilities currently existing in Collier County were identified. He then explained the process and rationale behind the CAC recoaaendation.. He sta~ed that the County currently Page 10 aOIK 109 ,.r,t 513 ~n-_ .. 109WA514 NOVEMBER 16, 1987 has an agreement with the School Board and utilizes their facilities and will continue to do so, however, there are Bome p~oblems in the areas of access and scheduling. He stated it was felt that the County .hould have one ~ym, one t~ack and field facility, and one olympic pool unde~ their control. Mr. Paul Muenzer, Collie~ County resident, stated that the BÓa~d should let bygones be bygones and start sharing resou~ces. He also .aid thðt the use of football fields cannot be compa~ed to the use of pools. He Baid that football fields can handle limited amount3 of use, and a pool can handle unlimited amounts of· use. He noted that the maintenance on a football field is also quite a bit Dare expensive than the maintenance on a pool. Mr. Muenzer stated the~e are Turkey Funds available for the construction of swimming pools and it is a pe~manent source of money that comes from utilities. He said to qualify it must be a joint pro- ject between the Co~nty and School Board or e City and School. Board. He advised there are currently four sites in Collier County where County owned land abuts School Board owned land and thes. sites should be investigated. Mr. Crawford then explained the th~ee different concepts fo~ parks: regional, community, and neighborhood. He noted that in the 1970's the Board promoted neighborhood parks, however, with growing populations they become burdensome and too many are needed. He stated that the recommendation ha~ been that the County focus be on Comøunity Page 11 - - .. NOVEMBER 16, 1987 Parks due to locations, accessibility, identity an~ cost. He said that one of the recommendation i. that PUD developers be responsible . for donating 2 acres per 1,000 residents in their developmer.ts for small parks to be maintained by the homeowner associations. Mr. Dick Braun, Collier County resident, stated that there should be community park. in Colden Gate Estate.. Ms. Fitzpatrick confir..d the workshop meeting time of 10:00 A.M. on Friday, November 20, 1987. . . . There being no further business for the good of Collier County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - TIME: 12:30 P.M. 1001 tOO ,M;{ 515 Page 12