Agenda 11/18/2014 Item # 11G11 /18/2014 11.G.
Recommendation to select a method of collecting the $10,500 utilized for emergency repairs on
Platt Road and authorize the advertisement of an Ordinance for the December 9, 2014 BCC
meeting for final consideration.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain reimbursement of County funds expended on a private road.
CONSIDERATIONS: On September 10, 2013 during Staff and Commission General Communications,
Commissioner Nance requested the Board authorize staff to establish a program to address the emergency
repair of roads that become impassible due to heavy rains. On September 11, 2013, the Fire Chief of Big
Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District sent an email to Dan Summers and others to express
concern with the poor condition of Platt Road and other streets in the flood prone area and to note that it
was in accessible. The condition of the road prevented timely response by fire and emergency vehicles
and caused damage to one fire vehicle.
Platt Road is a private road and the County is not responsible for the repair or maintenance. Article VII,
Section 10 of the Florida Constitution requires that the expenditure of county funds must be for public
purpose, and includes a general prohibition of the use of taxpayer dollars to repair or maintain private
roads. On September 24, 2013, the Board passed Resolution No. 2013 -221 establishing a procedure
under which public funds could be used for emergency repairs of private roads to allow the passage of
emergency vehicles. Immediately following that Resolution they put it into effect by passing Resolution
No. 2013 -222 specifically addressing needed repairs on Platt Road.
Platt Road emergency repairs were completed on September 25, 2013 at a cost of $10,500.
Subsequently, on October 22, 2013, a letter was sent to all property owners in the area notifying them of
the process and the requirement to form a voluntary Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) or the Board
would establish one for them, to at minimum recover any funds expended to repair the road. Although no
action has been taken to form a voluntary MSTU, the community has organized themselves and devised a
plan for the continued maintenance of Platt Road and other roads in the area to avoid the need for the
County to expended future funds in the area. Thus far, the community has spent $2,560 to maintain Platt
Road. With this plan in place the community felt there was no need for a voluntary MSTU for the
ongoing maintenance of the road.
In keeping with the established procedure, staff placed an item Board agenda for September 23, 2014 to
advertise the establishment of an MSTU solely for the repayment of $10,500 to the County. After
discussion, the Board directed staff to initiate connnunications with the 51 property owners abutting Platt
Road to ensure their understanding of the situation and solicit their input on an alternative method to
collect the outstanding funds. Staff sent out letters to all property owners with information about
potential methods to recover the funds and inviting them to a public meeting on October 30, 2014. Four
property owners contacted staff via telephone and were given additional information and in turn provided
their feedback on a possible method to recover the funds. During the public meeting only one property
owner attended to provide her input and recommendation. The consensus of these five property owners
was some type of uniform distribution of the charges would be the recommended best method.
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Three methods to repay the total cost of $10,500 were investigated.
1. A uniform payment by each of the 51 properties resulting in an equal assessment of $205.88 per
property. This method was discarded on advice of the County Attorney.
2. The Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) or a non -ad valorem tax assessment of $0.5873 per
linear footage of roadway frontage on Platt Road. Property frontage along the road range in size
from 1,320 LF, 660 LF, 330 LF, I 10 LF, and 30 LF with the majority of the properties being 330
linear feet. Utilizing this method the following is the estimated cost based on the frontage:
Linear Footage
The Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) or an ad valorem charge of .005463 per assessed
taxable value. The total valuation for the area is $1,922,043.
Method 42 is recommended as it better weighs the benefit of the improvements with the usage of the
roadway to detennine the assessment. If the Board agrees to assess based on this method, an ordinance
will be brought back to the Board on December 9, 2014 to adopt the MSBU and the assessment will be
applied to the November 2015 tax bill.
FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this item would refund Collier County $10,500.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: Board direction was for the County Attorney to advertise an ordinance
to create an MSTU for Board review in December, while staff reviewed alternative methods of payment.
Florida Statutes Sec. 125.01(1)(q) authorizes the Board to "Establish... municipal service taxing or benefit
units for any part or all of the unincorporated area of the county, within which may be provided...
essential facilities and municipal services from funds derived from service charges, special assessments,
or taxes within such unit only." Accordingly, approach 2 (establishing an MSBU) or approach 3
(establishing an MSTU) is equally permissible. Approach l (uniforin payment) is not recommended as
an assessment is not a tax; to be a valid special assessment under Florida case law, the property assessed
must derive a special benefit from the improvement provided, with the assessment fairly or reasonably
apportioned among the parties consistent with the special benefit provided each property. Apportioning
the assessment based on road frontage in a methodology that has been accepted by the Courts. Having
everyone pay equally would arguably violate the special benefit requirement and is not recommended.
This matter requires majority vote for direction. -JAK
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this
Executive Summary.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners selects the establishment of an
MSBU for the collection of the $10,500 utilized for emergency repairs on Platt Road and authorize the
advertisement of an Ordinance for the establishment of the assessment for the December 9, 2014 BCC
meeting final consideration.
Prepared By: Harry Sells, Project Manager, Alternative Transportation Modes Department
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 11.11.G.
11 /18/2014 11.G.
Item Summary: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners select a
method of collecting the $10,500 utilized for emergency repairs on Platt Road and authorize the
advertisement of an Ordinance for the December 9, 2014 BCC meeting for final consideration.
(Michelle Arnold, Alternative Transportation Modes Director)
Meeting Date: 11/18/2014
Prepared By
Name: SellsHarry
H /6/2014 5:45:08 PM
Submitted by
Name: SellsHarry
11/6/2014 5:45:09 PM
Approved By
Name: TownsendAmanda
Title: Director - Operations Support, Public Services Division
Date: 11/7/2014 10:35:52 AM
Name: AlonsoHailey
Title: Operations Analyst, Public Services Division
Date: H /7/2014 2:35:14 PM
Name: ArnoldMichelle
Title: Director - Alt Transportation Modes, Alternative Transportation Modes
Date: I I /10/2014 8:36:47 AM
Name: CarnellSteve
Title: Administrator - Public Services, Public Services Division
Date: 11/10/2014 3:54:40 PM
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Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 11/10/20]4 5:00:38 PM
Name: FinnEd
Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior, Transportation Engineering $ Construction Management
Date: 11/12/2014 10:58:10 AM
Name: OchsLeo
Title: County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: l 1/] 2/2014 12 :38:24 PM
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for approval at the first board meeting in October. (Commissioner Hiller)
Motion to approve and the County Manager to consult with PFM to
review the current policy and bring back any recommendations to
updating if needed by the next meeting if possible — Approved 5/0
., seniees .
Hiller) Placement of attached banking services documents into the official
record. (Commissioner Hiller) (Per Agenda Change Sheet)
Motion to approve — Approved 3/0 (Commissioner .Hiller abstaining and
Commissioner Nance absent)
Time Certain 1.00 p.m. (Per Agenda Change Sheet)
A. This item continued from the September 9, 2014 BCC Meeting
Recommendation to authorize advertising an ordinance creating the Platt
Road Improvement Municipal Service Taxing Unit to fund and levy not to
exceed three mills of Ad Valorem Taxes per year to reimburse the County
$10,500 for emergency roadway improvements made to Platt Road.
(Michelle Arnold, Alternative Transportation Modes Director)
Motion to delay advertising and for staff to work with residents to
devise a possible alternative solution and payment plan — Approved 4/1
(Commissioner Hiller opposed)
B. Recommendation to complete the Annual Performance Appraisal for the
County Manager. (Leo E. Ochs, Jr., County Manager)
Report Accepted
C. Recommendation that the Hoard of County Commissioners extend the
County Manager Employment Agreement with Leo E. Ochs, Jr., fixing the
end date of the second extension term as September 30, 2017. (Leo E. Ochs,
Jr., County Manager)
Approved — 510
A. Recommendation to approve a Mediated Settlement Agreement for the
payment of a global settlement of $3,145,000 for the taking of Parcel
120FEE in the case styled Collier County v. New Plan Florida Holdings,
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comment, but my understanding is their comments are related to 12.B,
and I think that's the more appropriate, rather than doing it twice when
they come back for public comment, to simply have what they have to
say on 12.13.
MR. MILLER: I will double check, but the exception, just off
memory, the exception of one name in here, everyone that has
registered for public comment has also registered for Item 12.B.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay. All right, well, when they
come back we'll straighten it out and have a wonderful joyous meeting
after that. We're on break.
(Luncheon recess.)
MR. OCHS: Mr. Chairman, you have a live mic.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: We have a time certain.
MR. OCHS: Yes, we do, sir. That is Item I I.A. And I believe
before the Board broke for recess, the Board also said they were going
to hear Item 13.A immediately after I LA; is that correct?
CHAIRMAN HENNING: That's correct.
MR. OCHS: And then --
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Then we'll go from there.
Item #1 I A
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MR. OCHS: Okay. Item 1 LA is a recommendation to authorize
advertising an ordinance creating the Platt Road improvement
Municipal Service Taxing Unit to fund and levy not to exceed three
mills of ad valorem taxes per year to reimburse the county $10,500 for
emergency roadway improvements made to Platt Road.
Ms. Michelle Arnold, your Alternative Transportation Modes
Director, will begin the presentation.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Mr. Chairman, I'd like -- with the
permission of the Board, I'd like to make a few introductory remarks
on this agenda item, because I think it's going to be a little perhaps
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay. You mean your remarks are
going to be nontraditional?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: No, my remarks are going to be
very traditional, but the item might be a little nontraditional.
This item came forward, and basically as all of you realize by
reading the backup material, as a forced MSTU to repay a little more
than $10,000 for work that was done to maintain private roads.
And during my discussion with the community, actually the
greater community, much larger than the immediate Platt Road area,
because up in the Corkscrew Island neighborhood area, as well as
numerous other regions in the county, we have large communities of
low density that are privately owned properties where people are
responsible for maintaining their roads. And these are -- there's a lot of
areas there where the ownership of the road is various and sundry. The
county typically doesn't own many right -of -ways if any and the county
does no work.
And of course these areas in the rural residential parts of the
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county and the agricultural parts of the county, the condition of those
roads suffered greatly during the recession, because people just did not
have any money to spend towards maintenance of those roads.
With last year's heavy rains, it created some emergency
conditions where first responders, primarily Big Corkscrew Island Fire
and Rescue District, had a difficulty responding to crises, health crises
and calls, and so it's precipitated this agenda item.
I would like to have Michele introduce the items just to remind
you of where we are on this. But what I would like to do is in the
course of discussing this item, I would like to make a motion that this
recommendation be continued for a period of two years to allow the
county to assess a community proposal that's coming forth. And the
community proposal will be to address this Platt Road area and indeed
a larger area.
So if that pleases the Board, I think we're going to have a pretty
interesting discussion.
MS. ARNOLD: For the record, Michelle Arnold.
Commissioner Nance gave you an introduction of why we are
here. And on September 24th the Board passed a resolution which
established a procedure where public funds could be utilized to make
emergency repairs on private roadways; more specifically so that those
roadways could be passable for emergency vehicles.
On that same date the Board also passed a resolution specifically
to address Platt Road, because of the concerns that were raised of that
condition of that particular road.
Within the resolution and the procedure that was established, it
directed the County Manager to take action to make the minimum
repairs to make the road passable. It also directed that the County
Manager send out letters to property owners to advise them of their
responsibility to create a voluntary MSTU for the purposes of
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maintaining a road. It further noted that should the property owners
not voluntarily create the MSTU, that the Board should have that
ability to involuntarily create one for the community.
The MSTU also would be utilized, if one was created, to repay
any funds that were utilized to do repairs on the roadway.
On September 25th the county did do repairs, and those repairs
came out to about $10,500. My department did send letters out to the
property owners advising them of the cost and the process that has
been established for the -- by the Board of County Commissioners.
At this point we have not had an interest from the community.
My staff has been working with them. They are working very hard to
avoid the need for the county to do additional -- expend additional
funding, because they're taking it upon themselves to voluntarily
collect funds amongst themselves and do the repairs.
My staff has gone out and been monitoring the area, Platt Road,
as well as the other roadways, and they have been maintained by the
community, more specifically the Big Cypress neighborhood district.
You are going to hear from representatives from that
neighborhood association today to identify what it is specifically that
they've done and they're going to present to you a proposal.
We are just here today, staff, that is, to follow through with the
policy that has been established by the Board. And if you also choose
to fulfill that policy, establish an MSTU mainly for the purposes of
repaying the monies expended by the Board.
At this point I turn it over to the public speakers, or if you all have
any questions of me, I'd be happy to answer those questions.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Questions by the Board or staff?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Seeing none, let's go to public
MR. MILLER: Mr. Chairman, I have six registered public
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speakers. Four speakers have ceded additional time to Doug Wilson,
who will have a total of 15 minutes.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay. I guess we'll start off with Mr.
Wilson, and then who else after that?
MR. MILLER: And then Mr. Wilson. And after his 15 minutes
will be followed by Chief Rita Greenberg. And that basically is all of
them then.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: All right, thank you.
Mr. Wilson?
MR. WILSON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am the secretary of
the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association, which is our
association that covers the affected area here.
As you have seen in your materials, it's about seven square miles
up around the curve of Immokalee Road as it approaches Sanctuary
Road. And we've got about 200 families or so out there.
And I approach you today feeling that this is really a good news
story. What started out as a problem, Chief Greenberg encountered
some difficulties in accessing a home along Platt Road because it was
in such bad shape that the emergency vehicles couldn't get there. And
that led to a further discussion about what the county wanted to do
long term in terms of the MSTU, and there were various options
discussed which included an MSTU that would cover our whole
neighborhood association service area. And this stimulated a lot of
discussion among our residents.
Now, as you may know, our residents out there are east of 951,
they're sort of independent folks, and they are great believers in the
Jeffersonian ideal that government is best which governs least. And so
they wanted to take the bull by the horns and treat this as an
encouragement to set about fixing the problem ourselves.
And we have come a long way with that. We have a map and the
materials which I think you've seen before, but -- this map displays the
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roads involved. The black places on the map are the ones that were the
worst. The Platt Road segment was one of the first ones that was
The county, as reported, went out with its repair effort and spread
some rock. Now, the rock was kind of rough. I have a photo I'm
going to show you in a minute, it's also on your materials. You may
have seen it on the page with the Platt Road photos. The ones with all
the rocks, that's where the county laid its rocks down.
Well, our people came along after that and got some fill dirt, put
it on top of the rocks, made the road even better. And that's pretty
much what happened on all of the bad segments in our area.
As we kept discussing this, we learned, for example, that there are
half a dozen people, three of them are in this room, who have taken
responsibility to go out and without telling anybody use their own
equipment to improve and fix the roads when the erosion set in.
We have now identified most of the people that have done that
voluntarily. And while some of the early repair efforts were geared
through our association to fix particular problem spots, looking ahead
in the future our intention is to coordinate with all of those people who
have volunteered so far and encourage the property owners around
them to help them keep those roads in repair.
In short we are now monitoring all of the roads out there. As of
today they are all passable. Most of them are highly passable. I want
to brag a little bit more and even though they're in your materials show
you just an example or two of what the roads look like.
I won't put all the photos up, but they all look about like this.
They're flat, they're even, they have good fill dirt on them, and they are
excellent -- in excellent condition for unpaved roads.
Our association, which we call CINA, C- I -N -A, CINA has
adopted a formal policy to coordinate among our neighbors out there.
And one of the things that I'm in the process of doing now, though it
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may not bring fruition, but I think there may be some grant funds out
there to supplement our private donations. There have been substantial
private donations from the property owners in addition to the in -kind
contributions of equipment. We also have a neighbor out there who
has some --
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Mr. Wilson, hang on. Somebody --
somebody want to have a conversation on the phone?
MR. BEYRENT: I was president of the amalgamated sign
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Can you silence your phone, sir?
MR. BEYRENT: I did, actually. I don't know what the hell's the
matter with it. I apologize for that, by the way.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.
MR. WILSON: We have a neighbor who has scientific
background and has told us about some materials that are available that
help retard erosion. Now, they're kind of expensive, but compared to
the cost of maintaining the consequences of erosion, it looks
So we're studying all of these things. The neighborhood is
actively involved. And this is a very good outcome from the initial
crisis -- it wasn't a great crisis, but it was a small neighborhood crisis,
that caused the expenditure of county funds.
And in that regard we are hopeful that the county will regard that
expenditure, which is made on an emergency basis, as just another
emergency that it needed to attend to at the time, and regard it as an
investment in what is a very positive program going forward. And not
bothering to go ahead with the MSTU.
There may come a time some day in the long distant future when
if our program doesn't work you may need to revisit the MSTU. We
don't think that's likely in the foreseeable future. Our neighbors are
together on this, we've done a great job, we'd like your support for the
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idea of going ahead.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: I'm sorry, the idea -- Mr. Wilson, the
idea of what?
MR. WILSON: The idea of going ahead on our basis, on a
volunteer basis under the overall supervision of our association and not
imposing the MSTU or asking the Platt Road residents to pay the
money back.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay. So you want a gift of -- you
want us to waive the 10,500?
MR. WILSON: Yes, sir.
CHAIRMAN HENNING- Okay. Understand. Thank you.
MR. WILSON: Any questions?
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Any questions?
Commissioner Fiala?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: You also wanted to -- you didn't
want to create an MSTU, you wanted to do this on your own.
MR. WILSON: That's correct.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Yes. That's what I understood.
There's nothing that unites a community more than everybody working
together for the benefit of each other. Sounds nice.
MR. WILSON: Thank you.
MR. MILLER: Mr. Chairman, your next public speaker is Chief
Rita Greenberg.
CHIEF GREENBERG: Good afternoon, Commissioners. Chief
Rita Greenberg for the record.
I just want to let you know as the fire chief of the Big Corkscrew
Island Fire Control District which serves the CINA neighborhood that
they have complied with the things that Mr. Wilson just spoke to you
about. The roads are passable, they've been passable since this event
occurred. And I just wanted you to be aware that the community has
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done -- created that bonding. I get a monthly report on what roads
they're working on, what they plan to do next. We evaluate the roads
after the heavy storms. We've just had some recently that caused some
minor flooding in the Corkscrew total fire district, and we went out and
evaluated the roads and they were in good shape, they were all
passable. And to that end, I just want you to give consideration to their
CHAIRMAN HENNING- That's a legal question I think that
needs to be answered. Can we expend public monies on private
property? I think that's the issue, you know, waiving this. Maybe the
fire department will pay for it.
MR. KLATZKOW: The process we put together is the
appropriate process, which is that we'll upfront the money and then
we'll be get paid back.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Can we forgive what we did and --
MR. KLATZKOW: I think the more prudent thing would be to
get the money back. Can I tell you you can forgive? No I can't tell
you you can forgive. But the next time this issue comes up where a
community is asking for a payment in advance, we either have a
process or we don't.
Now, I understand that Commissioner Nance wants to come
forward with a different process. Perhaps that will help with these
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Who's next? Commissioner Fiala,
Commissioner Coyle, Commissioner Nance.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: I already spoke.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Commissioner Coyle?
COMMISSIONER COYLE: I have sort of the same question.
I'm concerned about the precedent it establishes. I don't really feel
strongly about how they do it. If it's -- if they don't want a mandatory
fund collection and they're willing to collect the funds voluntarily, I
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would be happy to enter into an agreement that would specify the
amount that they would pay back each year. But just waiving the
expenditure of the funds creates a precedent that I'm afraid will work
to the disadvantage of the people of Collier County.
As the county attorney has said, we don't normally do this. So I
would like to hear how we're going to get the money back in a way
that has the least impact upon the residents there.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: And I think Commissioner Nance is
going to answer that.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: What I'm -- what -- members of the
Board, what I'm trying to start a discussion on, and what I'd like to do
is I would like to see the county enter into some sort of a
Memorandum of Understanding with this community organization.
And let me tell you why. This is only one circumstance.
Mr. Wilson, could you put that map up of the Corkscrew Island
neighborhood? I'd just like to point out one thing to the
Commissioners here. I'm going to try to use this laser without blinding
our County Attorney over here, but I want to point something out on
this map over here. Shows the whole Corkscrew Island neighborhood.
The MSTU that we're talking about establishing is on this road
only right along here. And it extends from about here to here. The area
that is covered by the proposal of CINA is this entire everything you're
seeing on this map. So if we create an MSTU, we're going to be
creating an MSTU just for this little strip of road down here, and you're
going to have I don't know how many participants in it but it's going to
be a little piddly MSTU.
There are requests like this in neighborhoods all over rural Collier
County. I've had three or four more. Mr. Sells has been approached
numerous times. I'm afraid that what we're going to get into is we're
going to get into a situation where we're creating MSTUs to get paid
back emergency money, which is fine, and it's very equitable and
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meets all the requirements and the questions Commissioner Coyle and
Commissioner Henning have raised, but we're not going to be solving
the problem.
And the fact of the matter is the county is going to have great
liability to continue to have all sorts of little piddly MSTUs and we're
not going to solve the problem, we're going to continue to create these
MSTUs in response to a crisis. In other words, you're not going to be
able to rescue somebody, Chief Greenberg or one of the other fire
districts is going to have damaged equipment, we're going to have
incident, we're going to have some liability or something and we're
going to stumble, fumble and fall forward with this methodology.
I'm reaching out -- I worked very closely with CINA in a couple
of meetings, and there were some very contentious meetings, but I
think we got a proposal that's included in here that is the basis from a
Memorandum of Understanding that can be a model for some of these
other areas to get the county to work with some of these community
areas to not only get the roads fixed but to have information provided
to the county at no cost that assures them that things are being taken
care of and that our first responders can do what they need to do.
So I don't have all the answers to this. I think it's a worthy request.
I think that the county will more than get its monies worth back, if it
gets a Memorandum of Understanding for those seven square miles
right there. That will take a burden off of a lot of people, including,
you know, our first responders first and of course the responsibility of
the county. If our MSTU administrators get that information on a
semi - annual or annual basis brought to the Board to assure them that
this has taken place, this could be a very creative solution to a very
longstanding problem. And I don't have any other possible solutions to
this problem. But I know that throughout my district and I believe in
Commissioner Fiala's district there's a number of areas where we need
to come up with something, because we're simply not getting it done.
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We're not safe. We're not in a safe circumstances. And the only time
we find out is when we get to be a crisis situation.
And I'm reaching to find a solution. And I think -- you know, I
would like to make a motion that the Board consider this information
and rather than forge ahead on this MSTU assessment at this time, to
consider -- have staff evaluate it and consider what sorts of set -ups we
can -- what sort of a public /private partnership we can put together at a
very minimum cost to the county to solve this problem.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay, there's a motion on the floor. Is
there a second to the motion?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: I'll second the motion.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Second by Commissioner Fiala.
Discussion on the motion?
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Yeah, I still don't have an answer to
my question. Will the money be paid back or is it a gift?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Commissioner Coyle, can I address
your concern?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: When I started this discussion what
I asked the Board to consider was to continue this item for two years to
give this a chance to work. And if we can't work out something and
the county doesn't think it's getting its money's worth out of a
public /private partnership, they can turn around and assess the people.
That way we don't forgive it but we continue it that allows this process
to go forward, give these citizens a chance to prove their worth and to
show that they are providing information and services of value to the
county as a whole. And then if you don't like it, come back and -- you
know, I don't think you've -- you're not forgiving it, you're just giving
it a chance to work. And I don't think the potential loss to the county is
anything if we adopt that sort of methodology. Maybe that's a copout,
you think, but I don't know how else to get there, sir.
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COMMISSIONER COYLE: Will you let me come back in two
years and vote on that?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: I will have you be the first speaker,
sir. We'll give you -- we'll let you have public petition.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: See, there's a real problem, because
you'll be gone and these three could be gone. So I would be the only
one left to vote on it.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Commissioner Hiller will have to
take the entire responsibility.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: It will be me, myself and I.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Maybe that's not too bad.
But okay, County Manager, what is our legal obligation to
maintaining these roads?
MR. OCHS: I'm going to defer to your County Attorney to give
you that legal advice.
MR. KLATZKOW: You have no legal obligation to maintain
private roads. What we had here was a situation where the -- you
couldn't get emergency vehicles down the roads.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Yeah, I understand that.
MR. KLATZKOW: And honest to God, the reason we're here is
public safety first and foremost. And so the thought process was we'll
do just enough on these roads just to get the EMS vehicles down there
and no more.
This is going to be a recurring problem. We have God knows how
many miles of private roads out there, many of them are 30, 40, 50
years old, deteriorating. It's a problem. We have Rock Road, Sable
Palm Road, you've got this one over here. And I think as people move
out there and the older people go away, as it were, the ones who
moved out there for the privacy, I think the new people will have
higher expectations of what public service should be.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: And those expectations would be
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that --
MR. KLATZKOW: Getting a school bus down there, getting fire
engines down there and the problems that you might have, nine
residents down the road who want that and one resident saying this is
my private property and he puts a gate on it. And we've literally had
that happen.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: I don't have the perfect solution
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Commissioner Coyle, let me give
you a little more information. I'll give you an example. Rock Road,
which is one that you'll remember, there was an MSTU set up under a
similar situation. Now so far those people on that road, it's not even a
mile long, have expended close to a quarter of a million dollars
maintaining that Rock Road. And they've done that under a forced
MSTU. I don't think anybody out there feels like that's been a great
value to them. Almost all of them feel like they could do it cheaper
themselves. And as a matter of fact they're putting a lot of sweat
equity into it right now to do that. But I think they could have done as
good or better a job under an agreement if there would have been some
methodology to do that that, you know, wasn't available at the time.
I'm not saying they had bad results, but it's been exceedingly expensive
to people that really can ill afford to do it. I think they can take care of
their roads and fix the problem spots cheaper and more efficiently
under some guidance together.
But, you know, how do you encourage them to do that? I don't
know. If we don't come up with some offering for our staff to go out
to these people to try to bring them together, I don't know what else we
can do other than just bump forward on a crisis -to -crisis basis. And
what I'm telling you is I predict that we're going to have a lot more of
them. Complaints are coming in, questions about MSTUs are coming
in, and we just really don't have that many options other than just a
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blanket going into huge areas and just tax people.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: You know, there is an option,
Commissioner, and I haven't seen it exercised up here, and it's to say
no. It's okay to say no, all right? There's a lot of public demand what
is reasonable and what is fair. Nobody's going to put fruit trees on my
property. They -- obviously the Board doesn't want to put in shopping
centers either. But it's okay to say no.
Anyways, Commissioner Fiala?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Yes, I was just thinking along the
lines that you just mentioned. And you're right, have I a lot of those
same type of roads, whether they be in the farm rural area or even in
the -- in the areas that are well maintained and yet hidden back in
there. And I'm thinking of like Polly Avenue and Atkins and all those
little roads back there that are still dirt roads.
And maybe there would be some -- we could offer an initiative
where we can get people representing those dirt roads, sit them around
at a table and have them come up with an idea that would be fair to
everybody that doesn't cost the taxpayers any money but something
they can settle with if they want to keep their private roads. Have you
ever thought about something like that?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Well, that's what this -- if you look
at this proposal, that's what Corkscrew Island Neighborhood
Association put together.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Yeah, but I'm talking now about the
whole -- because we're talking now about the whole county.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Well, you need each community to
come together. But I want you to know that I did not write a single
word of what was attached in your executive summary. That was all
put together by the community. It was not edited by me, I didn't
change a period, cross an I or T. This is all generated by citizens.
And what I'm seeking is I'm seeking a methodology to start
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addressing this problem. Because it's just not going to go away.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: The community, and Mr. Wilson
stated, they don't want to pay this back, okay. So that's not a resolution
to this item in my opinion.
You want to restate the motion?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Well, my original motion, Mr.
Chairman, was to continue this item for two years pending
development of a program with public /private arrangement with the
community, and at that time the Board should reconsider this -- would
rule on this item to see if they think they've gotten their $10,500 worth
of benefits and cooperation back out of the community. If not, then I
would not object to them being assessed at that time.
But I'm just asking to defer that decision as an encouragement to
this group to go forward.
Are you saying you're holding it over their head? Yeah, okay,
you're holding $10,500 over their head. Let's see what comes out of it
and let's see if we can develop this into a methodology and a pattern to
use in other areas.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay, thank you.
Any further discussion on the motion?
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Yeah, I didn't finish my question
last time.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: That's all right, it just got diverted.
I don't want to seem uncharitable, but I have purchased land in
rural areas on private roads and not once during the entire time of
ownership have I ever asked a government to come in and pave my
private road or to make it passable. When you buy property that you
know is remote and private and not on a public road, you have to
expect that it will deteriorate. You must have known this when you
bought the property. And for the government to go in and create better
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roads for you and maintain the roads for you increases your property
So yeah, you're looking for a hand -out from the rest of the
residents of Collier County to increase your property values. And I
guess human nature being what it is, that's sort of natural. But it
creates a problem for all of the other people who are in the same
circumstance. Why would they bother to do anything unless the
government came in first and gave them some money to do it?
I don't understand why any community would be reluctant to pay
their fair share for doing something like this and pay back the $10,000.
Pick a time frame that is convenient for you, that doesn't have a major
financial impact upon the residents. But at least make the gesture and
the attempt to pay the $10,000 back that other taxpayers in Collier
County have given to you. That's the fair thing to do.
And there's no assurance that having invested $10,000 to do your
repairs on your roads at one point in time is going to motivate people
to continue to maintain it forever. And if they believe that they're only
obligated to maintain it if the government gives them a financial
subsidy, then they're ultimately going to do nothing at all.
So I just don't know that it's a solution, but I'd be happy to vote in
favor of what you've proposed if you would say look, we'll pay you
back $1,000 a year over the next 10 years. And oh, at least make the
gesture to pay the other taxpayers back, and that would make it a lot
easier for me to support it.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Any further discussion on the motion?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Seeing none, all in favor of the
motion, signify by saying aye.
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Motion fails 4 -1.
Is there a motion to accept staff s recommendation?
COMMISSIONER COYLE: What is staff s recommendation?
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Staffs recommendation is --
MS. ARNOLD: Staff s recommendation is to follow your policy
and to establish an MSTU for the repayment of the 10,500.
COMMISSIONER COYLE- If you don't mind me chiming in
again on this issue, I would rather not ram something down the throats
of the residents. If the residents would voluntarily say yes, we'll make
an attempt to pay this back over a period of time and suggest a period
of time that is reasonable then, you know, I'd be willing to accept that.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Michele, in your communications did
you do anything like that or similar to what Commissioner Coyle is
MS. ARNOLD: We didn't, you know, request that of the
community. But we can surely do that, if that's the direction of the
board. We can work with them and, you know, try to get some sort of
payment plan established to get the repayment over time.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: How many property owners have
been identified on the proposed MSTU, Mr. Sells?
MR. SELLS: 50.
MR. OCHS: Commissioner, I'm not sure we totally answered
your question.
Michele, what's the time frame in the ordinance in tenns of
voluntary compliance versus the staff being obligated to come
MS. ARNOLD: There's a six -month time period for establishing
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the MSTU, which we've exceeded already.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Well, you can't do any kind of taxing
on this to the following year.
MS. ARNOLD: Correct.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: So it won't even go in effect until the
2015 tax roll.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: Am I correct in understanding this
is about $210 per resident? When you said $10,500 for 50 residents,
we're talking about $210 per resident.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Well, per property.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: Per property, forgive me.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: That's the total.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: I'm going to make an alternative
motion to approve staff s recommendation. And along with that is, you
know, if anything comes up before the implementation of the MSTU,
in other words, go out to put on the tax roll, if there's any other solution
by the residents, for staff to coordinate with the residents and then
come back to the Board of Commissioners with that idea.
MR. KLATZKOW: And this is coming back. This is just a
request to add a tax.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I have a question, if I may.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Well, it's coming back through the
budget process. That would be the last thing.
MR. KLATZKOW: Yes, eventually.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I don't understand what we're
doing. Because I thought, Commissioner Henning, you said that you
cannot create an MSTU to make improvements to private property.
That was the whole issue with the seawall down in, what was the name
of your --
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COMMISSIONER HILLER: Isles of Capri. So how can we be
creating an MSTU for the improvement of private property here when
we couldn't do it for the improvement of the seawall?
CHAIRMAN HENNING: You can't expend public dollars --
COMMISSIONER HILLER: But we have expended public
dollars. I mean, recapturing those public dollars is the same thing.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I don't see the difference.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: That one was public safety too, I
mean, the seawall was.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: And if you recall, Commissioner, and
I'll be glad to provide the minutes, you asked that certain question.
And on the seawall there was no imminent danger to private --
COMMISSIONER HILLER: Well, there's no imminent danger
CHAIRMAN HENNING: I know that you wasn't here at the
time, but the chief of the fire district came in and says we can't get
down there, you know, these roads. So that's the reason for it. But --
COMMISSIONER HILLER: So it's okay if there's --
COMMISSIONER FIALA: May I suggest something?
CHAIRMAN HENNING: No, I put a motion out there and I
want to see if there's a second to the motion, okay.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Would you refresh my memory on
the motion?
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Yeah, it's been a while.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: I'm getting old.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: No, I don't know if you're getting old,
but there's a domination on the Board here.
The motion was to accept staff s recommendations and also work
with the residents to come up with any alternative, bring those
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alternatives to the Board in the meantime.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: I'll second that.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay, there's a motion and a second.
So we're going to discuss the motion. Is there a discussion on the
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Yes, go ahead.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: I would like to suggest that we bring
this motion back to the next meeting and allow the members of the
community to come up with a payment plan themselves and -- for say
a two -year time frame where they don't have to enter into an MSTU.
Being that it's only $210 a home, maybe they can figure that out and
pay that all back in a couple years and then they don't even have to go
into the MSTU process.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Right. And that is --
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Bring that back at next meeting.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: That's a part of the motion. However
it's not going to be at the next meeting. I wanted to give it a longer
timeframe if there's other solutions.
MR. KLATZKOW: It will be coming back next meeting,
because I've got to advertise this.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: That doesn't need to be taken place
until --
MR. KLATZKOW: My drop -dead date is the last -- your
meeting in December. That's when it has to be enacted.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay. Is that acceptable to you?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: As long as you can add the provision
that they can come back with their own plan instead of an MSTU.
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CHAIRMAN HENNING: And also staff is going to be working
with them up 'til the time of putting the MSTU assessment on the tax
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Yes. And Commissioner Nance,
would that meet with your approval?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Yeah, you can do whatever you
want. I mean, this proposal was an alternative proposal. You know, if
you're just talking about how they're going to pay it, you know, the
decision has already been made to tax them to recover it in two years.
That's what this calls for. So after two years, you know, you're going
to have gotten the $10,500 back, and then you're going to accumulate
$5,000 in taxes every year and be fooling around with one little road.
So then the county's going to be fooling around with $5,000 a year
maintaining one little road.
MS. ARNOLD: And we wouldn't -- our recommendation is only
to create the MSTU for the purpose of repayment, not for the
COMMISSIONER NANCE: All right. So in two years, you
know, you get your money back and then you're right back where you
CHAIRMAN HENNING: I'd just say no. That's my point, you
could say no to any of this. And it's okay to say no.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: No, that's fine. Then you have --
well, then the fire district and the Board can deal with it on an ongoing
basis as crises arise. That's what we've done so far. So, I mean, I can't
really say that, you know, anything's going to be any different.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: In my opinion, this should be the
experience of reason to say no. Again, it's private property. And like
Mr. Wilson said, doesn't necessarily mean that government knows best
or can do the best. Whatever. Whatever it was, something like that.
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Anyways, any further discussion on the motion?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: So let me just clarify that motion,
okay? Just to make sure I understand what the motion is.
The motion is to either -- to' come back at the next meeting to
either create an MSTU or to allow the people to come up with their
own plan to repay the $10,500, right?
MR. KLATZKOW: My understanding is that I'm going to delay
advertising this so that it will be advertised for your December hearing,
which gives them almost three months to come up with a different
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Gives them more time.
MR. KLATZKOW: So I'll hold off on the advertising, I'll bring it
forward for your meeting in December and hopefully staff will have
time to get with the residents and work something else out.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Any further discussion?
MR. KLATZKOW: That's my understanding.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: So I'll still be here in December
then to vote on this?
CHAIRMAN HENNING: You can send your opinion.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Just hang onto your chair, don't let it
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Okay, all in favor of the motion,
signify by saying aye.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Motion carries 4 -1, Commissioner
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Hiller dissenting.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I don't think these people should be
subjected to this MSTU and there needs to be some alternative means
to collect the payment back from them. But --
COMMISSIONER FIALA: That's what I'm hoping they'll come
up with their own plan about.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I don't even see why you're
directing the County Attorney to go forward with this.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: What's the next item?
Item #13A
MR. OCHS: 13.A, sir. That is a -- recommend that the Board of
County Commissioners approve the attached newly proposed
three -party agreement for banking services between the Clerk, the
Board and First Florida Integrity Bank and acknowledge any waivers
of the Board's purchasing policy as the solicitation was made in
accordance with the --
COMMISSIONER HILLER: Are we not doing 12.B?
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